HomeMy WebLinkAboutFI Ferry Term Exp-Conn DOTSTATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2800 BERLIN TURNPIKE, P.O. BOX 317546 NEWINGTON, CONNECTICUT 06131-7546 Phone: (860) 594-3272 Januaw 17,2006 Mr. Joshua Y. Herren Town Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Dear Mr. Herren: JAN 2 3 2006 SU?ERVISOR'S 0~:~:ICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLO Subject: Project No. 094-212 F.A.P. No. FBD-1094 (103) Fishers Island Ferry District Terminal Expansion - New London Enclosed is an original copy of Agreement No. 05.27-01 (04) for your information and files. Should you have any questions, please contact the Project Manager, Mr. John Waleszczyk, at (860) 594-3300. Very truly ,yo~s, i~mo/t~y~M. Wilson, P.E. Acting Manager of State Design Bureau of Engineering and Highway Operations Enclosure An Equal Opportunity Employer Agreement No. 5.27-01 (04) FiRST SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 19, 2003 BETWEEN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK AND THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NEW LONDON FERRY TERMINAL EXPANSION FOR THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT UTILIZING FEDERAL FUNDS FROM TH[! FERRY BOAT DISCRETIONARY PROGRAM State Project No. 94-212 Federal Aid Project No. FBD- 1094(103) THIS AGREEMENT, concluded at Newington, Connecticut, this ~:~c,~ day of ~) ~ 2005, by and between the State of Connecticut, Departtnent of Transportation, Stephen E. Korta, II, Commissioner, acting herein by Arthur W. Gruhn., P.E., Chief Engineer, Bureau of Engineering and Highway Operations, duly authorized, hereinafter referred to as the State; the Town of Southold, New York, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold, New York 119571-0959, acting herein by Joshua Y. Horton, Town Supervisor, duly authorized, hereinafter referred to as the Town; and the Fishers Island Ferry District, P.O. Box Drawer H, Fishers Island, New York t)6390, acting herein by Reynolds duPont, Jr., Chairman, hereunto duly authorized, hereinafter referred to as the Ferry District. WITNESSETH, THAT, WHEREAS, the State, the Town and the Ferry District executed an Agreement, No. 4.04- 01(01), entitled "Agreement Between the State of Connecticut, the Town of Southold, New York and the Fishers Island Ferry District for the Construction, Inspection and Maintenance required in conjunction with the New London Ferry Terminal Expansion for the Fishers Island Ferry District utilizing Federal Funds from the Ferry Boat Discretionary Program" dated August 19, 2003, hereinafter referred to as the Original Agreement, and WHEREAS, the total cost for the construction phase of the Project, Six Million Three Hundred FitSy-three Thousand One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($6,353,125), and the maximum amount of reimbursement to the Ferry District, Five Million Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($5,002,500), provided for in Article (45) of the Original Agreement have been found to be insufficient to complete all constmction activities required for this Project as originally anticipated, and WHEREAS, Article 22 of the Original Agreement states that the Ferry District shall pursue additional funding for this Project from State and Federal sources including the Department of Housing and Urban Development, State of New York and the Ferry Boat Discretionary Program (under TEA 21), and WHEREAS, an additional Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000) has been made available for this Project due to the transfer of unobligated balances of Federal-aid Highway funds to Section 115 projects pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004, Public Law 108-199, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation is authorized to enter into this Agreement pursuant to Sections 13a-165 and 13b-4(8) of the General Statutes of Connecticut, as revised. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE THAT: THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: That Article (28) of the Original Agreement is hereby deleted and the following is substituted in lieu thereof: (28) Use apportionments made available to the State under the provisions of the Federal Highway Administration Ferry Boat Discretionary Program and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004, Public Law 108-199, to reimburse the Ferry District for participating Project costs. Eighty percent (80%) of the certified amount expended by the ]Ferry District, not to exceed the limits set forth in this Agreement under Article (45), and approved by the State as participating Project costs under the terms of this Agreement will be reimbursed by the State. That Article (45) of the Original Agreement is hereby deleted and the following is substituted in lieu thereof: (45) That the total estimated cost for the construction phase of the project is Seven Million Two Hundred Ninety Thousand Six Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($7,290,625), which includes anticipated expenditures of Seven Million One Hundred Ninety Thousand Six Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($7,190,625) for services to be provided by the Felyy District and One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for services to be provided by the State. The maximum amount of reimbursement to the Ferry District under the terms of this Agreement is Five Million Seven Hundred Fifty-two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($5,752,500). ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS State Project No. 94-212 Federal Aid Project No. FBD-1094(103) A. Construction (Contract Items) $7,190,625 B. Incidentals to Construction (State Oversight ) $70,000 C. Incidentals to Construction (State Material Testing) $30,000 D. Total Construction Cost (A + B + C) $ 7,290,625 E. Federal Share of Total Construction Cost (80% of D) $5,832,500 2 Estimated Ferry District Proportionate Share of Total Construction Cost (20% of D) $1,458,125 Maximum Amount of Reimbursement to the Ferry District $5,752,500 Amount to be Deposited by the Ferry District to the State in accordance with this Agreement $20,000 If an officer, employee or appointing authority of the Town or Ferry District takes or threatens to take any personnel action against any employee of the Town or Ferry District in retaliation for such employee's disclosure of information to the Auditors of Public Accounts or the Attorney General under the provisions of this Article, the Town and/or Ferry District shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for each offense up to a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of the value of the contract. Each violation shall be a separate and distinct offense and in the case of a continuing violation each calendar day's continuance of the violation shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct offense. The executive head of the Connecticut Department of Transportation may request the Attorney General to bring a civil action in the superior court for the judicial district of Hartford to seek imposition and recovery of such civil penalty. The Town and Ferry District shall post a notice of the provisions of this Article in a conspicuous place which is readily available for viewing by the employees of the Town and Ferry District. The State is entitled to receive a copy of records and files related to the performance of the Ferry District under this Agreement, and such records and files shall be subject to the Freedom of Information Act and may be disclosed by the State pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. No request to inspect or copy such records or files shall be valid unless the request is made to the State in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Any complaint by a person who is denied the right to inspect or copy such records or files shall be brought to the Freedom of Information Commission in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1-205 and 1-206 of the Connecticut General Statutes. That all terms and conditions of the Original Agreement not specifically amended or deleted herein, shall remain in full force and effect: Executive Order 7A This provision and its subsections are included in this Agreement in accordance with sections 6 and l of Governor M. Jodi Rell's Executive Order #7A: (a) The State Contracting Standards Board (the "Board") may, for cause, review this Agreement and recommend to the contracting agency~ for itsoF consideration and final determination as required or permitted by and in accordance with this and applicable law, termination of this Agreement after providing fifteen days' prior Agreement written notice to the contracting agency and the applicable contractor that it will review the Agreement. The results of the Board's review, together with its recommendations, shall be provided to the contracting agency and any other affected party in a timely manner, provided that nothing shall be construed to limit the power of the commissioner or department head of the contracting agency to consider the recommendations of the Board, as required or permitted in accordance with applicable law. For the purpose of this provision, "for cause" means: (1) A violation of Sections 1-84, 1-86e or 4a-100 of the Connecticut General Statutes or (2) wanton or reckless disregard of any State contracting and procurement process by any person substantially involved in this Agreement or the contracting agency. (b) The contractor shall disclose to the head of the contracting agency prior to its execution of this Agreement any items of value provided to any State employees for which full payment has not been made. 3A Agreement No. 5.27-01(04) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day and year indicated. WITNESSES: By: STATE OF CONNECTICUT Department of Transportation Stephen E. Korta, II Comm~~ ~- ~"~'~ Seal Arthur W. Gruhn, P.E. Chief Engineer Bureau of Engineering and Highway Operations Name: ~ [ ~ Name Thomas F Doherty Name: atric~ ~gan Name: ~vnne M. Krauza 4 Date: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT By: ~duPon~,~r. ~,(Seal) TOWN~ SOUND By:///~~'''~ / JoShua Y. Ho on Town Supervisor Date: August 3, 2005 (Seal) Agreement No. 5.2%01(04) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Attorney General State of Connecticut Date: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISl~ERS ISLAND, NY 06390 631-788-7463 RESOLUTION September 1, 2004 At the September 1, 2004 meeting of the Fishers Island Ferry District Board of Commissioners, the following resolution was brought by the Board. On a MOTION by Chairman duPont, SECONDED by Commissioner Burnham, The Resolution dated January 29, 2003, authorizing Reynolds duPont Jr. to sign the agreement among the Town of Southold, State of Connecticut and the Fishers Island Ferry District with regards to the New London Ferry Terminal Expansion, State Project No. 094-0212, is still in full force and effect Vote of the Commissioners: ~_ Commissione~r~Ahman, Burnham, duPont, and Giles. : None Thomas F. Doherty U Manager/~ecretary Fishers,I'~land Ferry/District T~0)IA~ ~. D0~T~' Janun~y 29, 2003 At a special polled meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Feo'y District, held on.fanuary 29, 2003 the following resolution wns passed: On a motion by Commissioner duPont, nnd seconded by Commissioner Esser it was; RESOLVED: lhat Mr. Reynolds duPont, ~r., Chairman, be and hereby is authorized to si~n the Agreement emit[ed, "Al~nm~nt Between the State of Connecticut, the Town of Southold, NY nnd the Fishers Island Ferry District for the C~.strucfion, Inspection and Mn;m ~,~n,',ce requested in con?nc~ion with the New Lo.on Ferry Terminal F.~n for ~ Fishers Island Fray District mili~n6 Federal Ftmds fi'om the Ferry Bost Di~c~etionary Program~, State Project No. 0940212. ADOPTED BY ~ FISHERS T~.AIqD FIERY DISTRICT COI~dlSSION, THIS 29T~ DAY OF JANUARY, 2003 Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioners duPont, Aiunan, F_~er, Burnham and Giles. Nays: None. I 'on ' in full: force and effect. to the D~str~ ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone ~631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTttOLD November 18, 2004 James H. Norman, P.E. Manager of State Design Bureau of Engineering Operations State of Connecticut Department of Transportation 2800 Berlin Turnpike P OBox 317546 Newington, CT 0617546 Dear Mr. Norman: Please accept this letter as confirmation that Southold Town Board Resolution No. 71 of 2003 authorizing Southold Town Supei~isor Joshua Y. Horton to sign the Agreement entitled, "Agreement Between the State of Connecticut, the To~vn of Southold, NY and the Fishers Island Ferry Disl;rict for the Construction, Inspection and Maintenance requested in conjunction with the New London Ferry Terminal Expansion for the Fishers Island Ferry District utilizing Federal Funds from the Ferry Boat Discretionary Program", State Project No. 094-0212, is valid and remains in effect. Very truly yours, Linda J. Cooper Deputy Town Clerk SEP-81-2E~]~ I~:~lP~ 860 59~1 ]~19 860 594 ]218 ToWI~ CLERK I~OISTP~R OF VITAL STATIST]CS RF~OPUDS lVlANAGF_J~N? OFFICER FREEDOM OF IN"FO!mJ~ATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Sou/hold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (681) 765-1800 southol drown,north fork.n et OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 71 OF 2003 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 4, 2003: RESOLVED that thc Town Board of thc Town of Southold anthorize$ and directs Supervisor Joshua Y, Horton to sign the Agreement entitled, "Agreement Between the State of Connecticut, the Town of Sonthold, iVY and the IrLshers Islnnd Ferry District for thc Construction, Inspection and Malntenancc requested in conjunction with the New London Ferry Terminal Expansion for the Fishers Island Ferry District utilizing Federal Fnnds from the Ferry Boat Discretionary Program", State Project No, 094-0212. Elizabeth A. Neville $outhold Town Clerk TOTAL