HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-10/19/1965MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1965. I55 The S0~thold T6wn Board met at the office of the S~pe~visor, -Lester M.~ Al~r~son, at Greehport, New York, oh October 19, i965 wi~h the f~I19wi,n~ present: 'Sdpervi~or Albertson; coUncilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices' Tuthill and' Clark; Town Attorney Tasker; s~perin- tendent, of Highways Price and TOWn Clerk Richmond. Mo~a',?y.''~ouncilman Demarest; seCOnde~ by Councilman Valentine; .~at ~he minutes of the meeting of. October 5] 1965, be-and are approved Town BOard: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine~ Justices Tu~hili and Clkrk'~ Moved by JUstice Clark; "seconded by J~stice TuthilI; RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Town' ~oard will be ?held at the office of SuperviSor Le~ter'M, Albertson, 16 'S6uth 's~ee%, Green- port~ New ~ork, on Wedh~sday, NoVember 3, 1965, November 3, 1965; .at 3:00 P.M. 'Vote~01f~ Town Board: Ayes-suPervisor Albertson; Councilm~n Demarest and Valentine; Justices Tuthili ahd Clark. Moved by Justice Clark; seconded, by Justice Tuthill: RESOLVED: ' That th&- report of William J~nuiCk, Bay C0hStable, 'for the month 0'f _September, 1965~ -b~ accepted by the Town Board and Placed ' oh file, Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor ~Albert~on; CoUncilm~n"Demarest and Valentine; Justices Tuthill and Clark. Moved by Councilmah~'Valentine; seceded-by Justice Tuthill~. RESOLVED: That the Police Report for the month of September 1965 be accept~ by the Town~'Bdard and .placed o~ .fi~'. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albeftson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Tuthill and Clark. MO~ed by Justice Tuthill; seconded by J~s'tice clark~ 'R~'~OLVED:~ That the report of Thomas Byrnes, Bay COnstable, be' accept- ed by.th~ TOWn Board and placed on file. V0t~ of-Town ~oard: Ayes-Supervisor Al~ertson; Councilmen Demares~ and Valentine; Justices Tuthill and Clark. Moved .by .Justice Tuthill; seconded by Justice Clark; RESOLVED: That the r'eport of Ralph-P. Cox, D~g Warden, -rom the-month Of September, 1965, be accepted 'bY the'Town B0~Md and placed on file. Vote of 'Town BOard: Ayes-Supervisor Albe~tson; councilmen D~marest and-Valentine; Justices" TuthilI~ ahd Clark. Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Cduncilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That Mrs. Mary H. Chapman, Town Historian, Town of Southold, be and Bhe hereby is authorized to attend fhe Americana .Forum at Pennsbury Manor, Morrisvill, Pa., and it is further RESOLVED: That ail actual-and necessary expenses to travel, meals and lodging incurred While attending said convention be a legal charge against the Town. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine: Justices Tuthill and Clark. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilmen Demarest; RESOLVED: That the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold be auth- orized to purchase the following from Municipal Machinery Company: One (1) new MB Model TM-10-16 Tilt type transport trailer, for a cost of not more than $980.00. Vote of TOwn Board: Ayes-Supervisor'Albertson; ~ouncilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Tuthill and Clark. ~ 156 Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice clark; WHW. REAS, 'a petition was received from Martin C.' Nelson re~ae~ing a change~of zone~of certain Property in G~eenpOrt,' New ~ork~ in Said petition from' "A" ReSidential amd AgrlculuraI Di~tri~ t~- "B~2"' Business DistriCt, ' Nm, T~RREF(~E, BE' IT RESOLvED: ' That the 'Town 'Clerk 'of -the ToWn- Of Southotd be and he hereby is directed to transmit this application to the Planning B0a~d in accordance with section '901,"-SubdivisioR/~C of Artidle IX~of~'the Building Zone Ordihance o~' the Town of SouthOid. Vote of Town Board: AyesmSupervisor AlbertsOn; C~,~ncilmen and Valentine, JuStices uthi!l and Moved by Justice Tuthill; seconded by Councilman Demarest; W~RREAS,. W. Edgar'W~rthingt~n.has-applied to the' 'Town ~oard f6r-a single trailer permit.dated September 30, NC~,' THEREFORE,-BE IT"RESOlVED:-T~&t the application of'W.'Edgar Worthington to locate '.a single'trailer ~n his property, 'sound A~ei, Mattituck, N.Y. be and the same hereby is granted for a six .period. Vote 6f Town BOard: Ayes-SuPerVisor ~lbertson; -Councilmen and Valentine; Justices Tu~hilI and Cl~rk. ' WHEREAS, M~. William schriever of3Orient, NewYork, haS' ar to'the T6Wn of Southold'for use bY"the Civil Def&nse~ the sUPervisor to accept the offer with tha~ks~f~it seems advisable after .acquiring more particulars. ~ .... A letter was received from-Mr-.'VanTuyl"thanking the Highw~Y~b~art- merit for their fine work. on the street where he li~es. A letter was received from' A.' john oad'a concer'ning the removal of rocks from the channel~-Fishers I~land, New York. Moved by Justice Tuthill; ~eCo~ded by'JustiCe Cl~rk; -' P~ESOLVED-- That the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and he here- by is dir.ected to reqUest'~the Long Island Lighting Company to~ ins~ali two 100 cp's~reet lights On DePot Lane, Cutchogue',. New'York,' on ' ' poles' LILCO %67 and NYTCO.%7I, 'both in the Cutchog~e Light Vote Of Town' Board: AyeS- Uper~iSor Albertson, ouncilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices ~hi'lI and CI~k4 William Sterling, Southold T'0Wh's"~epr-~Se~tative of-the Fire National Seashore Advisory~C~ssion 6utlin~g Some of and the prog=ess to date. Adjo~urnment was ~t 3:40 P.M. AlBert' W. Rich~0nd Town C'lerk