HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrigonis, Mary JUB R7400 P' ;E THIS INDF-4NTURE, made the / day of Ap~i~ , nineteen hundr,~ and s evon~-thre~, BE~N ~RY J. GRIGONIS, residing at Wells Avenue~. Southold, Suffolk Cowry, New York 119~1, partyofthefirstpart, apd TO~ OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation in Suffolk County having its office and principal place of business at Main Road, S'outhold, Suffolk County, New York 1].971, part)' of the seco~ pa~, WI'I"NES~I~ that the party of the first part, in considerat{on of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pa~y of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the pa~y o£ the second pa~, the heirs or suqqessors and assi~s of the party of the second part forever, ~ose ALL tlr,~certaln ~ot,~iec~orpar~elSofland, withthe~impr~vementsthereonere~ed, sltuat~ lyingandbeingin.a~ in Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Jernick Lane, Harper Road West, Peck Place, Drainage Area and that portion of Grtgonis Path extending from its northerly terminus southerly to its intersection with Jernick Lane, all as shown on Map of Har~est Homes Estates, Section One, Southolff, Suffolk County, New York owned and developed by Mary J. Grigonis, survey completed December 16, 1968 Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 7/18/69 as Map No. 5337. TOG~.THER wlth,all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streots and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premlses; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tbe premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, tbe heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first par{ covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything wbereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 15 of the Lien Law, covenants that the p~rty of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eratlon as a trust fnnd to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will appl.v the same first to tbe payment of the cost of the improvement before using an)' part of the total of the sante for any other purpose. The word "part)'" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN.WITNESS WHEREOF, the part), of the first part has duly ex<uted this deed the day and )'ear first above written. Nary ~J.~ Gr:zgon%s RECEIVED oCT 3 1977 ~.¥ $OUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENI~' ORDER LAYING OUT A HIGHWAY WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TOI/dq BOARD. Written application having been made to me town superintendent of highways 'for the. Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by Kathryn N. Wells ~ld others, persons liable to be hssessed for highway taxes in said Town and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and release from damages having been executed by the owners of the land ithrough w,~nlch the proposed highway is to be laid out, copy of which is hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby ' ORDERED AND DETERMINED that a highway'shall be ~nd the same is hereby out in sald Town aa follows:- Said highway is to be known as ~ELLSAVENUE.-..~.,.~.~"-~'~"=~.:. The Easterly llne is described as follows:- · BEGINNING at a point on the southerly llne.of Main Road on the division llne between land of Charles H. Becktold and land of Estate of George H. Wells and running thence alone said division llne, two courses, as follows:- 1. $. 15~ 45' 10" E. 671.78 feet; thence .- 2. N. 70, 22! 20" E. 149.89 feet to the southeasterly corner of lmnd of' said Charles H. Becktold and to land 6f L. BarPon Hill; thence along .said land o~ L. Barton Hill, two courses, as followa:- 1. S. 20e 86~ O0*! E. 778.08 feet; thence 2~ S. 19~ 09~ 10" E. 169.98 feet; thence along other land of Estate of George H. Wells on a curve to the rlg~t whose radius is 249.5~ feet a distance on said curve of 190.25 feet; thence alone other land of Estate of George H. Wells, S. PA* 30~ 50" W. 84.07 feet; thence along other land of Estate of George H. Wells on a curve to the left whose radium ia 159.~8 feet a distance on said curve Of 198.~0 feet; thence along land of Estate of George H. Wells, three courses, as follows:- 1. $. 57~ O0~ 00" E. 408.00 feet; thence ~. S. 49~ 40~ 40" E. 76.8E feet; thence at ~' S. 66~ ~O~ 00" E. 60.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of lot number 14 as shown on a map entitled, ~Plan of Lots owned by George H. Wells situate . Southold, Suffolk Couhty, New York", dated Nov. 10, 1927 mud filed in iSuffolk County Clerk's Office Nov. 28, 1927 in File Numbe~ 859; thence along ~the westerly llne of Lot No. 14 on said map, S. 23* 25~ E. 55.0 feet; thence alone the westerly line of lot No. I5 on said map, S. 4- 46~ 40" E. 55.0.feet; Ithence the westerly line of Lot No. 12 on--maid S. 24~ 25~ W. along map, 100.0 fleet; thence mlong the westerly llne of Lot No. 11 on said map, S.. 41.~1~40. W. 72.6~ feet; thence along the westerly line of Lot No. 10 on said map, S. 47- 50~ W. ?0.0 feet; thence alone the westerly line of Lot No. 9 on said 'map, S. 66~30~ W. 70.0 feet; thence along the northerly line of Lots Nos. 8,7,8 and $ on said map, $. 81~ 40~ W. 40~.21 feet; thence along the northerly llne of Lots Nos. 4, ~, 2 and 1 on said map, S. ?So 20~ W. ZOO feet to the easterly line of Oak Lawn Avenue st a polnt about 220 feet northerly from the shore of Jockey Creek. Said proposed high,~y is to be 50 feet wide excepting opposite said south- easterly corner of land of Charles H. Becktold st which point said highway ia .widened by a curve to the right whose radius is 80 feet, beginning on said {'southerly llne 50 feet southerly from said land of C. H. Becktold and running on said curve a distance of 12~.85 feet to a line 50 feet westerly from said land of L. Barton Hill, which proposed laying out will pass through lands of the Estate of George H. , Dated thl~ .~' day of A~.'.~(~ 1944. / '£~n ~uperYntendent oi' Highways,, TO THE TO;~/! SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGH~A~ OF THE TO',',~ OF SO~TH.OLD, IN THE - - COUNTY OF SuFFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, The und~rsigned~ liable to be a~ seased for highway taxes in the Tows of Southold, hereby apply to ~ou to lay out a new highway at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be kno~m as WELLS AVENUE, and described as follows:~ T"ne Easterly line is described ~s follows:- BEGINNING 'at a point on the southerly line of ~ialn Road on the division line between land of Charles H. Becktold and land of Estate of G. eorge H. Wella,.'and running thence along said division line, two courses, as 'follows:- 1. S. 15o 45~ 10~ E. 671.78 feet; thence ~. 2. N, 700 2~~ 20~ E. 149'.89 feet to the southeasterly corner of land or'said Charles H. Becktold and to land of L, Barren Hill; thence along said. land L. Barren Hill, two courses, as follows:- -.- 1. S2 20~ 56! CO'! E. 778.08 feet; thence ~. S. 19~ 09~ IO~E. 169.98 feet; thence along other land of Estate 'of George H. Wells on a curve to the right whose radius is 249.59 feet a distance on said curve of 190.23 feet; thence alone other land of Estate of George H. Wells, S. 24~ 30~ 50~ W. 84.07 feet; thence along other land of Estate of George H. Wells on a curve to the left whose radius is 139.38 feet a distance on said curve of 198.30 feet; thence along land of Estate of George H. Wells, ~hree courses, as follows:- 1. S. 5?0 O0~ O0~' E. 408.00 feet; thence 2. S. 49o 40' 40~ E. 76.82 feet; thencs ' 3. S. 36m 30~ 00~! E. 60.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of lot ~umber 14 as shown on a map entitled, ~Plan of Lots owned by C-serge H. ?~ells situate at Southold, Suffolk County, New York", dated Nov. 10, 1927 and filed in Suffolk County Clerk's Office Nov. 28, 1927 in File Number 859; thence ~long t, he westerly line of Lot No. 14 on said map, S. 23~ 25~ E. 55.0 feet; thence along the westerly line of lot No. 13 on said map, S.4o 46~. 40~ E. 55.0 feet; the'nee along the westerly llne of Lot No. 12 on said map, S. 24~ 25' %~. 100.0 feet; thence along the westerly line of Lot No. 11 on said map, S. 41o31~40" W. 72.63 feet; thence along the westerly line of Lot No. 10 on said map, S. 470 50~ ;%'. 70.0 feet; thence along the weste~iy llne of Lot No. 9 on said map, .,os. 8, 7, 6 and S. 66~ 30! W. 70.0 feet; thence along the northerly line of Lots ~' 5 on said map, S. 81~ 40~ W. 403.21 feet; thence along the ngrtherly llne of Lots Nos. 4, 3, 2 and 1 on said map, S. 730 20~ W. 380 feet to the easterly line of Oak LawD Avenue at a point about 220 feet northerly from the shore of Jockey Creek. Said proposed highway is to be 50 feet wide excepting opposite said south~ easterly corner of land of Charles H. BeGktold at which point said highway is widened by a cur~e to the right whose radius is 80 feet, beginning on said southerly line 50 feet southerl:~ from said land of C. H. Becktold and running on said curve a distance of 123.85 feet to a line 50 feet westerly from said land of L. Barren Hill, which proposed laying out will pass through the land of the Estate of Georg. e H. Wells.. Dated this day of April, 1944. WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the To~. of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town, on the /~/~ day of ~1944, and considered the application of KathrYn N. Wells and others for the laying out of a new highway at Southold, Town of Soutlm~l.d~ Suffolk County, New York, to be known as WELLS AVENUE, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance wlth the pPayer of the within petition. ) Peace. ) Superintendent of Hlghwaym. ELL5 WE, KATNRYN N. WELLS; CAROL E. WELLS; GLaDYS W. ~ERWIN; HERBERT W. ALICE B. WELLS and ELIZABETH H. ?FELLS, all of Southold, Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, NeW York, being all of the devlse~s named in the last Will and Testament of GEORGE H. WELLS, late of the Torm of Southold, deceased, in con- slderation of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us In hand paid by HAROLD PRICE, TO%%~ SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS, of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration · 1 Of the laying out of a new *highway at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County New york, to be kno.mu as wELLS AVENUE, and described as follows:- ,' The Easterly line is described as follows:- ~GINNING st a point on the southerly llne of Uain Road on the divlsionl lin'e~ between land of Charles H. Becktold and land of Estate of George Ho Wells ~nd~ running thence alone said division llne, two courses, es follows:- 1. S. 15~ 451 10:r E. 671.78 feet; thence' - ~. N. 700 ~2~ SO" E. 149.89 feet to the southeasterly corner of land of s81d Charles H. Becktold and to land of L. Barton Hlll; thence along said land of L. Barton El11, two courses, aa follows:- .. 1. S. ZOo 56t O0~ E. 778.08 feet; thence ~. S. 19o 09110"E. 169.98 feet; thence along other land of Estate of George H. ~ells on a curve to the rlEht whose radlus ls ~49.~g feet a dlstence on sold curve of lgO.ZS feet; thence along other land of Estate of George H. ~ells, S. 2~o SO~ 50" W. 84.07 feet; thence along other land of Estate of George H. ~ells on a curve to the left whose radius ls lS9.58 feet a dlstence on sold curve of lg8.~O feet; thence alone land of Estate of George H. ~ells, three courses, as follows:- 1. S. 570 O0~ O0~ E. 408.00 feet; thence ~. S. 490 40t 40" E. 76.8~ feet~ thence ~. S. ~6o SO~ 00" E. 60.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of lot nuJnber 14 as shown on a map entitled, "Plan of Lots owned by George H. Wells sltgate at Southold, Suffolk County, New York", dated Nov. 10, 1927 and flled in ~uffolk County Clerk's Offlce Nov. ~8, 1927, In File Number 859; thence a~ong :he westerly llne of Lot No. I4 on said map, S. ~o ~5' E. 55.0 feet; thence alone the westerly llne of lot No. 1~ on sold map, S. 40 46~ 40" E. 55.0 feet; :hence alon~ the westerly llne of Lot No. 1~ on sold map, S. Z4o ~5~ ~. 100.0 ,Deer; thence alone the westerly llne of Lot No. I1 on said map, $. 41o ;2.6~ feet; thence alone the westerly llne of Lot No. 10 on sold ~p, 50~ W. 70.0 feet; thence alonE the ~esterly llne of Lot No,. 9 on sold ~ap, 5. 660 SO~ ~. 70.0 feet; thence alone the northerly llne of Lots Nos. 8, 7, 6 and on sold map, S. 81o 40' ~. 405.~1 feet; thence along the northerly llne of ~ots ~los. ~, S,~ and 1 on sold map, 5. 73o ~0~ ~o S80 feet to the easterly llne ~f O~k Lawn Avenue at a polnt about ~0 feet northerly from the shore of Jockey ~reek. Said proposed highway ls to be fO feet wide exceptlng opposite said south- ~asterly corner of land of Charles H. Becktold at which point said hlghwsy is ~ldened by a curve to the right ~;nose radius is 80 feet, beginning on said ~ouUherly line 50 feet southerly from said land of C. H. Becktold ~nd running ~n said curve a distance of 125.85 feet ~o a line 50 feet westerly from said land of L. Barton Hill, I whlch proposed new hlgh~ay will be known as Z~ELLS AVENUE and will pass t.hrouEh the lands of the George H. Wells Estate only, do hereby dedicate ~nd release to ithe To~ of Sou~hold, all land heretofore o~ed by us and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release s~ld Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the new highway. STATE OF NEW yORK, SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK; '~n the /7 -~ day o£ April, Being all of the devisees named in the last ~ %~ill and Testament of GEORGE H. WELLS ;~'~ - deceased. .,,~,'.-: +' !944, before me personally came KATHRYN N. %'fELLS; CAROL E. WELLS; GLADY5 W. },~RWIN; HERBER~ W. WELLS; ALICE B. ;'fEL/~ ~nd ELIZABETH H. ?iELL~, being all of the devisees named In the last Will ~nd Testa- ment of GEORGE H. WELLS, deceased, all' of Southold, New 'York, personally known to me ~nd known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they severally Jcknowledged to me that they executed the ssme. ~ot ary Publl!,