HomeMy WebLinkAboutKopf, Rudolph CSMITH, TASHER, ~INHELSTEIN AND LUNDBERG May 25, 1966 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Southold, New York Re: Application of Rudolph C. Kopf for Grant of Easement under Waters of Great Peconlc Bay at Mattituck, New York Dear Sir: Mr. Rudolph C. Kopf is applying to the Office of General Services of the State of New York for permission to construct a wood jetty out into the waters of Great Peconic Bay at Mattituck. It is necessary that notice of such application be served upon the Town of Southold and we are therefore enclosing an original and copy of the notice to the Town of Southold. Will you please admit service of the notice by signing the original at the bottom of the page where indicated and returning the same to us. The copy with the sketch attached is for your files. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosures FORM OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION PURSUANT TO TIlE PltOVISIONS OF SECTION 3, SUBDMSION 3 OF THE PUBLIC LANDS L`AW. STATE OF NEW YORK EXECUTI~VE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF GENERAL, SvqtVlCES In the Matter of : the Appltcatimi of : RUDOLPH C. KOPF : NOTICE for · grant of easement in land under water at, MATTITUCK, IN : THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, ~W YORK. : TO: TOWN OF $OUTHOLD you are hereby not,fied that tt is the intention of the tmderst~ned to apply on'the 2Vth dry of~ ~Fune, 196S, tO.the O~fl~e of G~eral ~ervtcee, 143 Weshtngton Avenue, Albany, New York, for a grant of ~msemmnt, pursmmt to the provisions of Section 3, Subdivision 3, of the P~mblic Lands Law, to land under water of the State of Ne w York, bric,fly described is follows: Land umder waters of Steal Peaonte Bay, at Mattiteek, tn the Tow~ of Southold, SuffOlk County, New York, being 8 feet wide and extmiding 15S feat into Great Peemntc Bay, for the purpose of constructing I wood Jetty extending 150 feet offshore from the mean high water mmrk. If ym~,t believe yourself to be liable to blJury by reason of ouch grant of emeomemt to the u~lmret~ted, you should, on or before much date, file w~th the Office 'of General Bmr,vim, 14~ Washington Avemle, Albany, New York, a remonstrance etuting your objections end your reasons for opposing the granting of such easement, The upland of the undersigned ts briefly described us follows: All that certain parcel of land situate st Mattituek, in the Town of So~thold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded ce follows: North by Park Avsnue~ Fast by land of Marratookm Club, Inc.; South by Great Peconie Buy; end West by land of Anthony L`oCest rs. Dated: RUDOL~ C. KOPF ~pplicent Post Offtme Address 34 Vista Drive, Great Neck, New YOrk Due and Timely Service of a Copy of the Above Notice is Hereby Admitted. Dated: Town of 9outhold ]By Town Clerk (Form A) - Muntctpmlity