HomeMy WebLinkAboutUrwand, Vincent DECI~kR~T!ON Vincent Urw~nd, residing aC ~vergreen Drive; Cuccko~ue, Town of Scu~hold, CoLu/Cy of Suffolk, ~nd State of New York ("Dec!ar~). W~ TNES S ETE: Declar~lt is the owner i~ fee of Loc No..9 (Suffolk' Coua/:y Tax M-ap ~o. 1000-102'~6~0-01.00-004.009) on the subdivision .... ~ "~"~a Wccds a~ 'Cu~cko~e' fil~ in ~he Office of ~he Clerk of ~he Co~zy of Suffolk on ~rck 23, 1989, as M~p No. 87!7. 2. Dec!a~t ac~ow!edqes ~ ~he said s~divfsion ~p be used by aqe~s ~d/or ~loyees of ~he To~ of Sou~ko!d, for 4. Dec!ar~ ac.~owled~es ~ a~e~s ~d/or ~loyees of ~he To~ of Southold ~y perfo~ ~~ce work ~d other ac~s upon ~he ~aiaaqe ar~a ~o i~ur~ i~s f~ccioni~q for recurve ~d d~i~ge pu~oses. 5.. The To~ of So~kold s~li be rRspo~s~le for ~y ~juries ~o i~s aqe~ts ~d/or ~loyees in ~he perfo~mce of ~heir work ~ ocher on ~ke eas~ area or ~na~e ar~a. 6. ~is Dec!a~icn shall be biad~ upo~ Dec!~, his heir~, successors, a~nis~r~ors, ~ecuZors, ~d assi~s. WITNESS W~_~R~0F, Oec!ars~c has =--~ecuted chis Dec!ar~tion om the date firs~ above written. ST.~TE OF NEW YORK) ) Ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) O~1 the /~ day of~/~C~;~1~7./, 1995, before me perso~lly c~e V~ ~, to me ~o~ ~d ~o~ to me ~o be ~he iadividual descried ia ~d who ~e~ed ~he fore~oiag ~st~t ~d ac~owledged ~hat h~ ~xe~ted ~he s~e. SU~gl J.~gG't