HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorth Fork Bank & Trust CoAGREE~T made the 9th day of April, 1982 between ~IE NC~/q FO~ BANK & TRUST COP~/~Y, a NE~ York Banking Corporation with principal place of business ~ ~ ~ !at 245 Love Iane, Mattituck, New York 11952 and ~ ~N ~F SOU~{©LD, a ! ~l '~1~/!¥''~icipal Corporaticn ¥~t]~ office and principal place of business at (no ~) /~/ ~.~in ~Dad, Southold, New York 11971; // · THE TC[~'N is ac~]iring from Bruce ~ Norris, premises which adjoins the sout/~erly side of premises cwned by ~ BANK, located cn the southwest co~ of ~ ~ne a~ Pike S~eet, ~;st~tu~, N~ Yor~ ~d ~,r~P~RF3~, ..mile BAN=K o~ns a rights of way o%~_r the premises being ac~]~red by *{FHER.EAS, rL~E _'!E[,~N intends to install a public parking facility on the pre_~ises being acquired; and ~/HER~AS, THE BANK is agreeable to releasing its rights of wa_v in exchange for rights of way to Sound Avenue as described herein over the premises being N~, ~IER_~agRE, in ccnsideration of the ~.~tual ~rants and ~leases contained belc~ and other gocd and ~al,~mble ccnsideration, the parties agree as follows: 1) Bank Release: T~;~. NOR~/q FORK BAN/{ & TRUST CD?~.%NY hereby releases any and all eaBem~nts and rights of way over said prem&ses. 2) To~n Grant: ~ TCNN OF SOUl, OLD hereby grants to 5%.~E NOi~'M FOPJ< BANK & ~_~5~3ST CON~DNY, its successors and assigns, rights of way for ingress and egress to Sound Avenue over the pr ~operty being acquired: a) Avenue as described in Schedule A; and 24' c~ the East side from the Bank's properO3 to So~qd REC~/-c~ , Z4431 ~ ESTATIF__ APR ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at ~'i~ttituck, in the T~n of Southo!d, County of Suffolk and State of Nc~; York, being more partic~]arly botmded and described as foll~;s: BEGINN]/~G at a point cn the northerly side of So~nd Avenue, distant t-he following two (2) courses and distances from ~t%e corner fromed by the inter- section of the northerly side of Sound ~3~nue and the westerlv side of love lane: (1) Sout~h 74° 02' 00" West 87.34 feet; (2) South 79° 44' 10" %lest 29.65 feet. From said point of beginning, zmmnmng thence along the northerly side of Sotmd Avenue South 79° 44' I0" W~st 24.07 feet; thence North 14° 41' 40'~ ?'~st 183.02 feet; thence North 56° 39' 50" East 25.03 feet; thence South 14° 41' 40" Fast 193 feet, rare or less, to the point or place of BL~=INT~]iNG. S~DULE B ~ALL that certain plots piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at ~ttituck, in t]~.e Tc~n of Sout~hold, County_ of Suffolk and State of ~w York being rare particularly be%reded and described as foll~s: BEGINNING at a point ~ the northerly side of Sound Avenue at the southeast corner of land of Mattituck Episcopal Church, from said point of _beginning runn~]g thence North 14° 09' 30" West 149.50 feet to land of ~e North Pork Bank & Trust Company; running thence aicng said land North 61~ 22' 10" East 25.00 feet, more or less; r/arming thence South 14° 09' 30" East, 150.00 feet, more or less to the nort~herly side of SoLmd Avenue; rL~zning thence South 75~ 26' 10" West 24.00 feet to the point or place of BEG!~]ING. BEING _A/,~D INq]ENDED to describe a right of w~y 24 feet in width. S ~iEDLrLE C ALL ~hat certain plot, piece or parcel of ]and, situate, lyJ=ng and being at Mattituck, in the T~vn of Southold, Cotnty of Suffolk and State of New York, being n~re particularly bon%nded and described as follows: BEG]iWNING at a point distant the following five (5) courses and distances f_rom a corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of So~nd Avenue and the westerly side of Love Lane: 1) South 74° 03' 00" West 87.3~ feet; 2) South 79° 44' 10" West 100.00 feet; 3) South 75° 26' 10" West 93.96 feet; 4) North 12° 55' 50" West 135.60 feet; 5) North 32° 00' 00" West 30.00 feet. From said point of beginning, r~%ning t-hence along the divisien line between the ls_nds of the Nort~h Fork Bank & Trust Company and the Yo~n of Southold Sout~h 6!° 22' 10" East, 35.00 feet, n~re or less, to +~ne easterl~v line of the right of way described in Sc~hedule B herein; r~nning thence southerly along tJ]e easterly line of said ri_c~t of way to a point which is 24 feet distant from said divisien line, when measured at right angle thereto; running thence North 61° 22' 10" F~st 45 feet, more or less, to land of tJ~e NortJ~ Fork Bank & Trust Coa~any; r~%ning t~he~nce Nort~h 32~ 00' 00" West 2~. feet, more or less, to the point or place of BEG]~NT~G. BEING AND INTSNDED to be a right of way 24 feet in width. b) 2~' ~n the West side from t~he B~nk's property to Sound A%~nue las ~scr~ ~ Sched~e B; ~d c) 2~' ~ ~e No~ side from ~e W~t side e~t ~ ~%e ~'s pr~tf, sudn ~s~t ~ be exci~i~ to ~ B~qX ~ descr~ ~ S~e C. Said easements are also indicated cn the sketch attached as Schedule D. 5HE ~I,~ OF S0U~OID covenants that the aisles of the parlctng facility to be constructed on the premises to be acquired will co-~re _spond to tine rights of %~y granted to 5HE BANK. 3) ~ I_mprov~w~nts: ~ 532~ OF SOU~3iOLD covenant~ that the prop- err3' to be acquired will be improved witb/n one (1) year from the dat~ of this agreen~nt in substantially the n~nner indicated on "Prelim/na~z Sketch - ~.~tt- ituck Parking ~iea", prepared by Young & Young, Iz~nd Surveyors, dated J~uuary 5, 1982, Rev. 1, February 8, 1982 new size sketch, attached as Schedule D, except that traffic shall be one way cnl~v from t_he westerly easemsnt to Love Lane. ~he improv~r~nts shall progress to afford uninterrupted and unobst~acted acCeSs to the B~nk's drive-in facilities from Pike Street, THE ~KX~N will install a ranp and steps from the par]ting area to the property of ~ B~/qK at the nort~heast corner of the property to be acquired by THE _~gN. D~equate pa%~g and drainage shall be i~stalled by TME T~N. ~HE TC~%~ shall maintain the property witch inp_rove~nts as a public parking facility~ during its use for such purposes. 4) Lease Agreemant: ~le parties are e~ecuting a lease agreement simultaneously herc~.ith. ~he obligations of ~HE T~,4N QF SOU~HOLD c~nt~ned bl~er~in are incorporated by reference herein. ~he entire agreement between the oarties is contained herein, and shall bind the parties, their ,su~ccessor~and ~ssigns. ~HE NOk~iH FO~ BkNK/& TRUST~,~kNY 5HE T~ OF SOL, OLD STA~ 05' N~,'; YOP~<) CO%~TY OF SgFEOLK) SS: Cn t/le 9th cL3y of A~ri!, 1982, before r~ perscnally ca~e U~Wm AO/%~ K~n/~$ , ~ ~ ~, w~, ~g d~y ~o~, ~d d~se ~d say ~at he resides at NO. ~o~ ~ ~ ~/~, .~. ~. ~t he ~ the ~~ of ~ NO~ FO~{ B$~ & ~T ~, ~e co~ra~ d~cr~ ~ ~d wl~ch e~cu~ ~ foreleg ~s~nt; ~t he ~s ~e s~l of ~id ~m~ra~ ~t ~e s~l affix~ ~ s~d ~s~t is such ~ra~ s~!; ~at it w~ so affixed b}z or~er of ~e b~d of ~ec~ of said ~ra~, ~nd. ~t he si~. h~s n~ ~%ere~ ~ ~ke ord,. STATE OF N~.~ YOPJQ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS: ~ ~ nc~a~y public ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM Not, fy Publlo. S:~:-- of New No. 52-4842871 - 8uffo~ County~ Commi.slon F..xplm. Mar.h 30, 19~j-~ Ca the 9~h day of April, 1982, before ~e perscnally camm , to n~ knc~.~, who, being duly s~.;orn, did depose and -say tbmt he resides at No. _~ that he is the ~w~m~ of 5HE TC~N OF SOUT/{OLD, the co .rporaticn described in and whic~h e~ecuted the foregoing instr~Tm_nt; that he knc~s the seal of said corporaticn; that the seal affi~d to said inset is such corporate sea; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed h nar~ tl~er~ by~o~der. No. 52-3933725. Suffo;~ C':un~y .Term Expire~ Ma,,cl] 30. 1953