HomeMy WebLinkAboutBarker, Robert AG~gMENT, made this 7th day of April, 1982 between ROBERT BARKER, residing at Lupron Point, Mattituck, New York, and the TOWN OF sourHOLD, a municipal corporation with office and principal place of business at the Town Clerk's Office, (no #) Main Road, Southold, New York. WHEREAS, the TOWN is acquiring premises which adjoins the westerly side of premises owned by BARKER located on the West side of Love Lane, together with a 10 foot right of way along the soutkerly side of BARKER's premises for pedastrian access to Love Lane; and WHEREAS, BARKER claims a right of way along the southerly side of his pr~m~ses to Love lane; and WHEREAS, the TOWN intends to install a public parking lot on the premises being acquired and a pedastrian walkway along the 10 foot right of way; and WHEREAS, BARKER is agreeable to releasing his right of way to Love Lane in exchange for a right of way over the property being acqwired by the TOWN to Sound Avenue. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of ONE and 00/100 ($1.00) DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. The TOWN OF SOUTHOLD hereby grants to BARKER, his successors and assigns, a right of way for ingress and egress to Sound Avenue over the premises described in Schedole A hereto. 2. BARKER hereby releases any claim he may have to the right of way along the southerly side of his premises running to the West side of Love Lane, Matti~uck, New York, as described in Schedule "B" hereto. AT,T, that certaLd' ?lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at I~ttitud~, Ln the TcNn of Southold, Cohm~.; of Suffo]2~ and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEG/5~L-NG at a ~oint cn the westerly side of Love Lane distant the foll~.~ing two (2) courses and distances from the corner formed by the intersecticn of the northerly side of Sound i~enu~ and the westerly side of Love lane: (I) North 17° 57' 20'~ West 64.37 feet; thence (2) North 32° 00' 00" West 131.41 feet to t~e sout/.~.easterly corner of land Of Barker. ~rom sa/d point of beginning, ru%ning South 5~~ 25' 00" West 70.00 feet to a r~Dnu~ent; thence South 32° 00' 00" East 10 feet; thence ~o_.~h 58° 25' 00" East 70 feet to the westerly side of Love Lane; the~nce North 32° 00' 00" West 10 feet to the point or place of ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at ~ttituck, in the Tc~n of Southold, Cotnty of Suffolk and State of N~ York, being more particularly bounded and described as follc~s: B~II~NING at a point cn the northerly side of Sotnd Avenue, distant the following t~o (2) courses and distances from t~he comer formed ~7 the intersection of the northerly side of Sound Avenue and t~ westerly side of Love Lane: (1) South 74° 03' 00" West 87.34 feet; (2) South 79° 44' 10" West 29.65 feet. Prc~u said point of beginning, r~nning thence along the nortl~erly side of Sound Avenue South 79° 44' 10" West 24.07 feet; thence North 14* 41' 40" West 183.02 feet; thence North 56° 39' 50" East 25.03 feet; thence South 32° 00' 00" East 61.37 feet; thence South 58~ 06; 40" West 18.81 feet; thence South 14~ 41' 40" East 128.73 feet to ~due point or place of BEG]/qNING. 3. {%lnis agreen~ent shall be binding u~on the parties, t~heir heirs, successors ana assigns. Pober t Barker %he Tc~rn of Southold S~%TE OF N~ Y0~) COII~bY OF SUFFOLK) SS: Cn the ~ day of kpril, 1982, before n~ perscnally can~ P~ERT B~r~, to me known to be the individual descrJJ~ed in and who exe~ted the foregoing J~nstr~-nent, and ac~ledged that he executed ~he same. ~e,~%~ ~ // 'notary public No. 82-4e42871.8uffo~ Count~,~ Commi.~on Expk~ ~ ~0, 18.~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~ STATE OF Nbq YORK) SS: COLI~ %~f OF Cn the ~ day of April, 1982, before me personally came ~///~z~ · to r~e kn .c..~..., who, being by ~e duly sworn· did d.e~ose ~nd say that he resides at No~ ~ ~ ~,v~/e~r~ ~ ~-~-,;~,$/3 t/nat he is the ~_~z' of ~"ae Tc~n/ of Southold, the cozqporaticn d~scribe~t in and which executed 'the ~oregoing instrL~ent; that he knc~s the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrur~_nt is such corporate seal; t~t it was so affixed by order of the lxpard of directors of said corr3oration, and that he signed h~m name there~Dby lik~ order. notary public ROB[R! W, NOTARY PU~LIC, State of New Y~rk No. 52-3933725, Suffolk County Term Expires March 30, ~,983