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Minutes of Regular Meeting held
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Members Present:
Ray Blum, Chairman John Sepenoski
Ray Huntington Fred Lee
Eric Keil (5:32 p.m.)
Members Absent:
Michelle Zaloom, Craig Arm
Also present:
Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary
Bill Edwards, Town Board Liaison (left 5:59 p.m.)
The meeting began at 5:25 p.m. with four LPC members present.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes:
Adoption of minutes from November 15, 2005
made by Ray Huntington, seconded by John Sepenoski, to accept
minutes of the November 15, 2005 meeting.
Motion carried 4/0.
SCTM # 1000-109-6-15
Location: 765 (e/s) Case’s Lane, Cutchogue
Total Acreage: ±6.9 acres
Zoned: R-40
CPF: n/a
SCTM # 1000-109-5-16.1
Location: 450 (s/s) Cedars Road, Cutchogue
Total Acreage: ±6.7 acres
Zoned: A-C
CPF: n/a
Reviewed easement language and inquiry from landowner re: fee title
LPC reviewed draft easement language prepared by Mary C. Wilson, Esq. in
detail. LPC decided that any public recreational use permitted by Town Code in
applicable zone should be allowed after Town purchases development rights.
Various paragraphs of the draft need to be amended and clarified in accordance
with discussions on several subjects held by LPC members. Melissa will review
requested amendments with LPC attorney. Ray Huntington distributed his hand-
out “thoughts on public access to lands preserved by purchase of development
rights“ for Melissa’s review.
The members entered into
PETER HARBES PROPERTY (EWH Limited Liability Co) [executive session]
SCTM # 1000-120-3-11.12
Location: 5645 Aldrich Lane, Laurel
Total Acreage: 39.40 acres
PDR Acreage: ±35.4 acres
Zoned: A-C
FWet: 0
CPF: Yes
Reviewed status of offer [executive session].
made by Ray Huntington to make no amendments to current offer and
leave said offer as it stands. (No second)
made by Eric Keil, seconded by John Sepenoski, to accept landowner’s
counteroffer conditionable upon his signing of acceptance letter within seven (7)
days from date of written offer.
Motion failed 3/2.
made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Fred Lee, that in light of
additional information involving awarded State grant opportunity for purchasing
funds, landowner’s counteroffer acceptable conditionable upon his signed of
acceptance letter within (7) days from date of written offer.
Motion carried 4/1.
SCTM # 1000-53-1-1.2
Location: 68775 Route 25, Greenport
Total Acreage: 10.38 acres (GIS)
Zoned: R-80/LB (3.39 acres)
FWet: 6.65 acres
CPF: yes
SCTM # 1000-53-1-1.3
Location: 650 Albertson La, Greenport
Total Acreage: 19.1 acres (GIS)
Zoned: R-80/LB (0.79 acre)
FWet: 10.66 acres
CPF: Yes
Reviewed status.
Randy Parsons is doing outreach on this property and has been in contact with
one of the landowners who looks favorably on preservation.
made by Ray Blum, seconded by Ray Huntington, to direct Randy
Parsons of The Nature Conservancy, to commission an appraisal on this
property on behalf of the Town of Southold.
Motion carried 5/0.
The members re-entered into
Melissa Spiro’s status report [executive session status of offers]
Confidential status report was handed out but not discussed.
2005-2006 NYS Ag & Markets RFP
Grant proposal is due by January 23, 2006. Significant changes this year are 1)
only three projects can be submitted; 2) 75% State reimbursement with a cap of
$25,000/acre; and 3) two year term on State contract. Melissa has updated Town
Board and spoken to Joe Gergela, LI Farm Bureau, about changes made to
submit grant. Supervisor requested Melissa Spiro to get Peconic Land Trust, Joe
Gergela, etc. to lobby State for changes, but to do this after grant proposal is
submitted. Melissa is working on specific projects to be submitted in this
Update re: Laurel Lake stewardship progress.
Update given on Peconic Land Trust Stewardship Contract and how Melissa, Jim
McMahon (Director of Public Works/Stewardship), Denise and Ashley (both of
Peconic Land Trust), and other PLT’s members have been holding monthly
stewardship meetings. Quarterly stewardship reports are to be given to Town
Board beginning in 2006. Copy of memo, dated 12/7/05, from Jim McMahon to
Melissa Spiro re: Stewardship Program Report was distributed to members
Update re: Community Preservation Plan update.
Melissa and John Sepenoski are working on Plan update. Several parcels have
been added where we have current applications for preservation. Expect to
present to Town Board on December 20 to set public hearing in January 2006.
Next Regular Meeting:
Tuesday, January 3, 20067:00
The next regular meeting will be held on at
in conference room at Town Hall.
made by Ray Blum, seconded by Eric Keil, to adjourn this meeting.
Motion carried 5/0.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m. by five remaining members.
Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Secretary