HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-1944 FINANOIAL ~ORT OF THE SUPERVISOR OF THE TOWN OF ~OUI~OLD, N.¥o From December el, 19AS to December SO. 1944. Dee. ~1~4~ Bal~-ee on hand ~c'd ~Frc~ l~eeiver of Taxes General Fund Receipts Paid S.Io ~rton, ~aper~laor, ~alary u ~pe~a~'~ O~lao ~n~ ~ Supplies t ~t for ~pe~sor's Office 'Olerk for ~iaor. ~ " ~ ~le~ti ~ee ~ense & ~liea For Vi~l Statistic· * " ~nt for T~ ~ficee u ~enses & Supplies, To~ Offlce~ ' Yustiees cf the Pea·e, ~alariea " · B:Cpenooa & Supplie· · For ~ax 8beet· · · Wor~ on Tax Ma~ beeiver ~f Cle~ for ~eeiver Co. Sables' Special ~ee~ lot ~oto~ Semi·es A~e O~eert ~la~ For ~ntl~ ~ Adve~is~ ~ ~8~, ~ppliea 221.98 laSO0.O~ 14336. ?1 1~10.~ 2~.~ 2~ · ~ 90.00 4000°00 430.~ 420,,00 1200. O0 1200. O0 543..50 177. ?? 59~0. ~4 92.21 158.~0 ~00.00 102o50 1191.0~ i0~o O0 500000 I0~4.S0 4163.30 244~.00 288.25 ?50.00 1568o34 470.~ 5.00 PaiA for Memorial 9~y Obaorvanoe Ce~ta~y Tax $outhold Light ~striet ~ecoipta Dee. ~_/43; Balanoe on Maud Dee'd 'fT~a Reee:Ter of Taxea Dee° 30/44 B~lance _on Hand Dee. 31/4~ Balanee on hand Ree'd from ~roeel~ver of 'laze. Paid $outhold Fl~ Distx, iat Dee. 30/44 Balance o~ hand Dee. $1/4~ Balanee on hand Dee. 30/44'~alanee on hand Dee. 31/43 Bulanoe o~ hand lJso'd fram Reoeive~ of Tuiea Paid Long Island Lighting Coo Dee. S0/44 Balemee on hand Dee. 31/43 Balance 'on hand he'd fro~ l~oeeiver of Taxes l~aid ~rie~t Fi~e Diatriet Dee. 30/44 Bala'nee on hand Dee. 31/g3 Balance on hand Baetd from RueetTer of Taxoo Paid ~r~ent Mos:quite Diatriet Dee. ~0/44 Balance on hn-d Dee. 31/43 BalKnee on hand ~'d fr~a ~iver of Tans Paid Long Isla~ Lighting Co. Dec. 30/44.~al~nee on hand Dec, 31/43 ~al~ee on hand Roo'd fr~a lteee~iver of ~xe8 Paid ~ Isl .and Lighting Co. Dee. 30/A4 ~alanee ~n ~-d l~ab~raene~ta Southold Fire D~triot Southold Park Dist~et hce~pts ~ent ~t ~eeipts ~sburo~nts Orient ~ ~st~ct ~eeipt8 ~ant M~quito ~eeipts ~e~nie ~ht ~ceipte ~8bura~t8 hat h~on ~t beeipts 4~.00 $5104~o09 · S4 1o1.ss 19~1o01 ~1.54 -'.O0 1119.25 ~:)00.00 ?084 15.44 1491.95 150~.39 ~451.~1 1668.78 1454.46 M14.~ .4fl6.74 1031,63 1438,37 ]~aat Marion ~ire Diatrie~ Roe'd *rcm Roeeiver of Texea Paid 3hst ifarign Fl~ Diatriai Dee..SO/44 h~-~-ce on ha~d Dee. Sl/43 Balanee on h--4 Boc'~ frou ~eoeivex~ of Taxes Paid Lon~ Island Lighting ~o. Dee. 30/44 Belaaee ca hand Dee. 31/43 Be!~nee on han~ Ree'd frou beetJtr of ~axea ~oe' d freu ~ount7 From 1943 ~ax levy Disbursements Paid ~u~ehogue Fire ~8triet Dee, 'S0/44 Be!en~e on hand Dee. 31/45 ~alanc~ on hand ~8c!d from ~aceive~ of Taxes Paid Long Island Lighting Co. De~. '30/44 aalanoe on h~-d Dee, ~1/43 hla~ee on hand Baaed fro~ RBoeiver of hid Long ~daland Lighting ~o. Dee. '80/44 hlanee on ~,-d he'd from Booeive~ of Taxes Paid Mattituek Flr~ DSetriet lbe,t fron Receiver of Taxea Mattitu~k Light District No. 1 eceipte Diaburaenenta Jfattitu~k ~ght ~striet No. 2 ~eei~ta ~eb~e~ts hooip bo~d F ~r~a.Mattituck National Bank & Trust Co. Certifieate of Indebtedness Dloburaenent a Dee. ioeount overdrawn Paid Bond~ Paid Ia~ereat on Bonds Dee. 30/44 Balanee on hand 99~.8L 4~.29 649 O, O~ 4393*2/ 414.07 2978.09 493.99 ~?09o95 600.00 2000. O0 1020o81 20,8l 2359,41 Z?i.60 10~0.63 6~00o00 4R~0.65 2957,40 4~Ao75 498.1/0 72.90 5509.95 2699.61 610.24 Fiahere _~sland Light D~striet Doc. ~1/43 Bs~-~.~e on hand Boe'& from ~o~eiFer o£ ~axea Di aburaeme~te Pali Fishers Islan~ Kleetric ~ka-p., Dee. ~0/44 ~alaaee on ba~d Dee. 3l/,4~ Balane~ oa hand hid F;J. ehe's Island Fire Bibtx~et l~l,~er, lstan~ ~ire Distriet ~ abu_-*o,m__enta STATK SCHOOL l~eeipta leeb. 10/44 l~e'd from County ~s~e~nta LIBRARY Receipts l~oe'd from l~eeiver of Taxes suaeLf~ ACCG~AT Reeetl~a IMo. 3;:1/4~ Be, lance en hand Dee. S0~,44 mlanee.on han~ 12259.91 10000. O0 2~81.~8 1599.96 ~01. ?1 16541. 1'~87.?0 17~0.44 Supervisor's ~nnual Repo~t of Highway Honeys, 1944 R~celpts Bi~la~ea frc~revioua year, all other moneys Total balanae from previous year Highway tax eollsated pursuant to Sacs. 141 and 267 boeived from State as State aid, Sec. 279 /~eeeived from other souroee In lieu of Taxes ~baelTe~ f~om other courses Grading, Rolling ets. Total reeeipte, £naluding balanee previous year ~xpendituras General re,airs, including aluiaes an~ culve~e Total expenditures for repair and improvement of highways Total balance unexpended, Deeember 31, 1944 Bridge Fuud Balanee from previous ~ear, all other moneys Total balance from previoms year Total reeeipts, including balance from previous year T~tal e~turee far bridges Total balances umexpendl~, Deea,~her 51, 1944 Balanae on han~ from previous 7tar Tax received from aolleetor, Sees. 1&1,266 amd 267 ~eive~ for re~tal of maahinery, Commt7 Road Fumd ~tal reowipte ~pendit urea For payment of certificates of indebtedness and interest For pur~haaa of machinery, tools and implements asr repair of ~achinery, tools and i~l~le~ta Total expenditures Balance unaxpended, Balance on ha~d f~ pr~ioua ~r Tax oolleete~l, Sees. 141 an~ 26? ~saeiv~d fr~a otb~r aoureea Total receipts asr re~oving obatruet~ons eaused hy ~n~ ~or surfing an~ removing noxious wead~ and brush For other ml~allaneous purposes For salary town superintendent For expenses town superintendent ~or salary of deputy town superintendent Total expenditures ~lanee unexpended, Deee~bar 31, 1944 25,5~8.50 53,000.00 &,655.25 152.55 ~0.00 ?$,768.62 ?66*65 766.65 109.96 17,000.00 441.60 2,502,50 8,596.85 ll,4~7.62 18,10Oo0~ 942°97 4.50 9,~07o~4 3,500.00 40.00 600.00 85,166.10 73,768.6~ 9,397.A~ 766.65 ?66 ° 65 1'1,099.5[ 24,452o21 17,1~.51 Annual salary, parable A~unt allowed for exl~ea Deputy T~n ~uperintendant 5.500.00 40. QO 600. O0 ~Oo 31/45 be"4 fram B~e'd fram bo. 31/4S Boe'd from lBo'd frcu T0iINTAXM01111Y ~i~a l~aburaome~ ta *" school Tax Aooout, 1944 Warrtnt BLlanoo on hand 'Bela]mo on hand 1944 Wa~mlt 8~OL TAX ACCOUNT Reooipta ~ishmemen ts · u · fo u ~944 u bo. 30/44 hla~oe o!~ hand beeipta Doc. 31/43 Romance on hand Bee 'd from baeiver of 'Taxes # w Oounty ~f~er, 3$a~e Aid for Oruding eta. - vw lieu of l~xea Paid for ROlXmira & ! ....a~oTements of ][Ighway8 Doe. 30/44 Balanoe on Band Dee. 51/4~ Belanoe on hand Doe. 50/44 Balance on hand Dee. 31/43 Balance on hand betd frc~ Dooeiver of Taxes ' l~utal for mehi~ery Bi~ID~K Reoeipta Diaburaements MACHXHEI~ FUHD boeipts Diabu~ognent~ hid for Maohiaer~, Tools & I~l~l~ae~ts s ' bpa~ of ~n~, Tools & ~lMb ~. ~/~ hlan~ on ~d boei ~8 ~o. ~0/4~ ~hnee on ~nd ~o'd f~ ~ooiver of ~xe8 ~e'd for 4 ~reea ~e'd ~f~d on ~11 ~e'd Re~a~ on Compensation Insurance ~ o~rse~nt s ~id For re.ring ~st~etions soused by sn~ ' eutti~ b~ & B~ah To~ ~perintendent, ~la~ For ~ensea, ~ ~perintendent ~ty ~porintondent, ~a~ ~/44 ~lance on hand 600;4043 ~90767.67 90140016 1298Y.94 ~09.95 14glog5 53000. O0 19000. O0 i0000. O0 1159.56 90140.16 830000. O0 92506.86 ~20.~8 ~000. O0 50.00 152.~ 181O9.96 1900~;00 441.60 lB100.00 3~4o97 3685.49 4.50 5500.00 40.00 GO0oO0 WS.0~ Y~. 38 60~69.69 83166.10 9~J9.48 966.65 0o00 ?66.65 2445~.~L1 50500. ~9 General Fun~ Southold Light DiariSt Southold Fire Diatriet 5outheld Park Diatri,~t Orient Light Distrie.t Orient Firs Bistr~e~ Orient Hosluito Diatrlot l~eomte Light District ~st uaTioo. Light ~trie$ ·ast l~sriea Fix~ Diatriet Cutehogus. Light IHetrie$ CUtchogue Fire Bistxiet Mattituek Light Jilt.tier ~f0. I Mattituek Light Dis~riet No. ~ Fishers Lslan~ Llgh~ District 4g101.25 ~o85 46.?4 21.54 $62.87 20o81 Z?l.60 &lO. ~ Publie Welfare Aeoount Surplus Account Town Tax Aeoount 5ehool Tax Account Highway Fund Bridge Fund Ma ehinox~ Fun~ Mlseollaneoua Fund Obliga~io~f of tho Town Bonds - Mattitue~ P~rk ~striet Certifleate of lndobtednoss - Mattituek Park Distrie% ~otal g~g?.48 ?66.6,5 600.00 S. ~entworth Hortoa Supervisor 16~1.17 8Z~6.78 &O?6Y.67 4T981.F~ lg3T4~.~5