HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Info Presentation 12/05Public Information Meeting December I5th, 2005 Southold Town Hall: The long road we've traveled and the journey that still lies ahead x64o Southold Town is the oldest English speaking settlement in the State of New York 40 years of ideas, research, proposals ~ public referenda A Town Hall houses the heart o£ Town Government, serves as a meeting place for the pubhc, is the place where decisions that shape, preserve and protect the quality o£ life for all town residents are made. Currently the heart of Town Government operates in two facilities. While this alleviates to a small degree, the overcrowding in Town Hall, it is a highly dysfunctional way to operate a government. It is a known fact that productivity is enhanced when employees are housed in healthy, efficiently laid out workspaces. A well thought out, constructed and respectable facility is essential to providing public services, meeting the ever changing needs and rapidly increasing governmental expectations of constituents. A chronological review of steps taken and not taken to provide a functional Town Hall campus · This review dates back only to ~966 1966 New Town Hall Idea Honorable Supervisor Lester Albertson · Proposal to purchase 28.7~ acres on the north side of Lower Road and west side of Ackerly Pond Lane, Southold. · It was proposed to build a new. Town Hall which would allow for future relocatton of other town departments such as the police, highway, recreation, senior citizens, etc. to create one central town compound. * Plans for the town hall construction were drawn up by the architectural firm of Francisco and Jacobus . · The cost of the property was $57,ooo. Agreements were drafted for property acquisition. · The cost of the building and land all inclusive of construction costs, professional fees, landscaping, furnishings and irrigation was estimated at $x,3oo,ooo. tmnnities in America. ~}n. t,/~¢n ,,[ St,u~i,oM has oat~rown ~ts facilities. As ~[n athlition ~o its central location overh~oklng a park, a~d i~ ac the rec(,mmended propert}' has thc adYantaae of being ,nffieic~tl Maybe next time The proposal was put up for a public referendum 2,684 ballots were cast Proposition lost by ~,o62 votes. Onward and Upward 1967 Another referendum for a new town hall proposal. Proposal Voted Down x973&x974 Honorable Supervisor Albert Martocchia · ~973 ' Supervisor Martocchia was authorized to enter into an agreement to purchase aa acres at Route aT(now Rt.48), Southold owned by the Donohue family at a cost of $92,000. · The estimated cost of the town hall construction was $834,5oo. · The total cost was $926,500. A bond was authorized and set for public referendum · A Special Election was held on March 5, ~974. · A total of 2989 ballots were cast · Proposition lost by 369 votes. 1974 · ~974' The Town Hall Citizens Committee recommended that the Town Board acquire the site offered by the Village of Greenport located on the west side of Moore's Lane, Greenport. A bond was authorized. September 974 Special Election was held on the Greenport, M oores Lane site · A total of 4,303 ballots were cast Proposition lost by ~,o92 votes. Strike 4 New Idea.......Old School · x975 ' The Town of Southold entered into an agreement to purchase the Peconic Lane School from the Southold School District. · However, it was not ratified and approved by the qualified voters of the school district. x2/9/75 minutes of Town Board meeting show that due to the unfavorable vote for a new town hall at Peconic, an attempt to provide additional temporary space was made. The town attorney and building inspector drafted specifications for a large office trailer to be located at the town hall site in Southold. This was done. 1976 · In January I976 the Town Board authorized Supervisor Martocchia to enter into a contract with Wiedersum Associates Architects. · April 6, I976 advertised for bids to build a new Town Hall (Western Portion) 1977 East Wing November ~977 -Town Board entered into a contract with Greenman Pedersen to construct the east wing of Town Hall. This involved removing the old Town Hall building which is now located on Traveler Street, constructing the addition and connecting it with a walkway. 1978 Town Hall as it exists today was occupied and dedicated. 1987 Honorable Supervisor Frank Murphy · After ~o years of rest, Town Hall space needs are an issue again. · Town Board authorizes appraisal of Sisu Development's property (North and Adjacent to Town Hall Property) · Held a public hearing under the Eminent Domain Procedure Law. Hearing closed, proceeding did not move forward. 1988 Town Board held discussions regarding adding a two story addition on the back of town hall. This was not done. I989 Town Board authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for a new Justice Court Building on the Southold Town Hall site 99o Honorable Supervisor Scott Harris Town Board authorized architectural services to plan a modular addition of Justice Court Offices on the back of Town Hall. This was completed with an office trailer on blocks 1992 · Infrastructure in Town Hall begins to deteriorate. · An engineer's report deemed the HVAC system and pipes in very bad condition and recommended replacing them as soon as possible. · Estimated cost at $3oo,ooo 1994 Honorable Supervisor Tom Wickham · Supervisor Wickham expresses need for new Town Hall · Assigns Councilwoman Alice Hussie to initiate discussions with North Fork Bank for purchase/swap of current Town Hall facility for NFB Youngs Ave Mortgage Center 1996 Honorable Supervisor Jean Cochran · A "Town Hall Space Study" was performed in by Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Company. · Study determined need for i8,ooo Sq Ft · Did not include Space for Land Preservation, Trustees and Justice Court operations 1996 · Town Board was offered I4ooYoungs Avenue, Southold aka/North Fork Bank Mortgage Center. · Offered to Town for $9oo,ooo · Majority of the Town Board was against the purchase of this building. 1997 · May ~997 the Town Board accepted the proposal of Fairweather-Brown Design Associates, Inc. to prepare a feasibility study for the use of 52875 Main Road, Southold (Whitaker House) for use as an Annex for Southold Town Hall offices. (2ooo usable sq ft...in need of major renovation) · Whittaker House Purchased for $2o5,ooo. Estimated $5oo-7oo,ooo for renovations. 1997 Mr. George Stankevich Esq. sent a letter to Supervisor Cochran asking for a discussion of the Town's possible utilization of his adjoining one acre of property and building. 1999 · Accounting Department and other offices were moved out of the basement in Town Hall to Feather Hill due to health concerns of mold and mildew. · Plans to tear down Whittaker House draw overwhelming outcry and protest · Purchase of Peconic Lane School was again considered. Agreement for purchase not reached. 2000 A "Space Needs Analysis for the Town Hall Facility" by Bartlett, Amoruso, and Recce, Architects was performed 24,ooo Sq Ft determined necessary Preliminary plans drawn to include Whittaker House site. Plans cost $45,ooo approx. 200I · Town Board considered purchase of the Suffolk County Water Authority Building located at 7oo Boisseau Avenue, Southold. The initial thought was for a Justice Court. However, it was not configured properly and the ceilings were too low. Subsequent use for office space was considered. This purchase was not approved. 2003 · October 2003 - Environmental Microbial Testing of Town Hall for mold and mildew. · November Cleaning of Duct work and radiators was done at Town Hall in the amount of f$5,28o. · Proposal by Serve-Pro in the amount of $~99,ooo.oo for environmental clean-up of mold and mildew in Town Hall. To date, this project has not been undertaken. 2oo4 · Appraisal performed in anticipation of purchase of Peconic Lane School. Offer of approximately $5oo,ooo made. Offer rejected. · Engineering report shows current Town Hall facility in need of new roof, foundation and all internal systems, (heating, cooling, piping etc.) Renovations estimated at $75o ' &9oo,ooo.) 2004 · Office Space leased at North Fork Bank, Southold. This was initiated by the Town Board only with the understanding that the Town Board would pursue a one campus Town Hall in the near future. This was agreed to be a temporary solution. · Many town departments vacated the leased premises at Feather Hill and moved to the North Fork Bank. 2o04 · Committee formed to research one campus Town Hall possibilities. · Committee recommends to Town Board use of new high-grade modular construction. · Committee requests arch/engineering proposals from several firms with experience in this field. · Committee interviews firms. 2004 · Committee recommends V.Baras Architects as firm of record to develop preliminary plans. · September V. Baras Architects submitted proposal for design scheme for new town hall of 24,ooos.f. based on modular units on a new site from the ground up. · Construction costs for commercial grade pre- fabricated, concrete and steel module construction estimated to be $5,ooo,ooo · Plan worked through with Southold Town ARC several times to insure appropriate asthetics 2oo5 Town attempts to negotiate fair price for 1/2 acre adjacent to and North of Town Hall · Eminent Domain proceedings commenced. Public hearings held, findings issued, awaiting determination from State Appellate Division on price settlement. LI U U 11111