HomeMy WebLinkAboutStreet Sweeper ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Septc~nbcr 15, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Mr Robert Jordan Empire Equipment Sales ofLI, Inc D/b/a Long Island Sanitation Equipment Co. 1670 New Highway Farmingdale, NY 11735 Dear Mr Jordan: The Southold Town Highway Department has advised this office that they have taken possession of the 6 wheel broom Street Sweeper. Returned herewith is the certified check you submitted with this bid. Thank you for submitting you bid. EBC. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Nevxlle Southold Town Clerk s'r^'r= BA.~ OF LON= m~,r~ LONG ISLAND SANITATION EQUIPMENT CO. 740 VE~R~ ~M~AL HI--AY ~U~U~, ~W YO~ 0~3250 50-161 2'14 DATE 3/17/04 ******i00 DOLLARS AND 00 PAY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK TO THE ORDER ,~OUTHOLD TOWN HALL OF 5309,.~ MAIN ROAD BOUTHHOLD, NY "'Oq ~ ?OOq~= · ~.~.~. ~m~,'~' ~' ~,-~*~, :~, ~+,s~. ~L~,-- ~,..-...~. ~.., ~ . .. ~.. ,, ~,~.,.~ . ,.'.~'~,~ .:,. ?.~ 7003 3110 0001 8547 9144 m PETER W. HARRIS Superintendent Highway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane · P.O. Box 178 Peconic, N.Y. 11958-0178 Tel. (631) 765-3140 (631) 734-5211 Fax (631) 765-1750 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Lynda Bohn Peter Harris Bids September 13, 2004 RECEIVED 8EP 1 4 2.004 Soulhold Town Clerk I would like to advise following bid checks. 11/19/02 East Coast sand 11/19/03 Trius Inc 3/25/04 1/16/03 8/19/03 that you may return the Sand ~or Ice Control 2003 Snow Removal Equipment I0' Stainless Steel Spreaders Snow Plow Hitch(s) Central Hydraulic System(s) Long Island sanitation Street Sweeper Advanced Equipment Combo Dump Truck/Spreader Peterbilt of Maine, Inc 10 Wheel Dump Truck ELIZABETH A. NEVTT,LE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork, net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April l3,2004 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Michael D. Barnes Tennant Sales and Service Company 701 N. Lilac Drive Minneapolis, MN 55440 Dear Mr. Barnes: The Southold Town Board, at its regular meeting of April 6, 2004, accepted the bid of Empire Equipment Sales of LI Inc. cl/b/a LI Sanitation Equipment for supplying a 6 wheel broom Street Sweeper to the Highway Department. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Also, returned herewith is the certified check you submitted with this year's bid. Thank you for submitting your bid. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Eric. ,"~. O! 8 '~ b& 05 0," tgi[ :uo!~eoo-I )lOgHO 3VlOl..l:tO OI8 Y,,N 'G"IOH..LEIO~ HO Y,,,.LID :-,o ~,aaao :IN& O.L ,&Vd '1,00~: 't~ H;3'a~I~At :~{-va £0IgI6£0~; 'ON I~le]~: COMPLETE THIS SECTION '~olete items 1, 2, and 3. Also cornplete · ~f Resh=. ~c113elivery is desired. ~o ~f~ ~ return the card to you. · A'~3ch t~d to the back of the mailpi~e, ~ on ~ ~ space permits. COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A~ Sig ture C3 Addressee 3. 8e~ice Type [~Cer~ed M~[I r"l Expre~ Mail [~egisten~ ~] Ret~m Receipt for Merchandise I[~ insured Mail [~ C.O.D. 4. Restricted DellveP/? (Extra Fee) ~-I Yes i 2. A~icle Number PS Form ~11, AUOU~ 2001 Dome~lc Return R~eipt U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mai/Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) (Endo~ementRequir~) ~_ ~ . ~ h,e ELIZABETH A. NEVII,I,E TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 13, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Mr. Robert Jordan Empire Equipment Sales of L. I., Inc. D/b/a Long Island Sanitation Equipment Co. 1670 New Highway Farmingdale, NY 11735 Dear Mr. Jordan: Congratulations. The Southold Town Board, at its regular meeting of April 6, 2004, accepted the bid of Empire Equipment Sales of L. I., Inc. d/b/a Long Island Sanitation Equipment Co. for supplying a 6 wheel broom Street Sweeper to the Highway Department. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Your current bid check will be returned to you at the end of the contract. Eno. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk U.S. Posted Sorv~c(~ CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPt ENDER: CON~PLETE THiS SECTION · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. ArticleAddressed to: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Signetu 3, Service Type [~Cer~ifled Mail [~ Express Mail [~6gistered [] Return Receipt for Merchandise [~] Insured Mail [] C.O,D, 4, Restricted Delivery? (Exba Fe~) n Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, August 2001 7606 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage provided) Fu ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nor thfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID opENING 6 Wheel Broom Street Sweeoer for use at Highway Deot Bid Opening 3/25/04 10:00 A.M. Empire Equipment Sales ofLI Inc d/b/a LI Sanitation Equipment 1670 New Highway Farmingdale, NY 11735 $164,160.00 Tennant Sales & Service Comp 701 N. Lilac Drive Minneapolis, MN 55440 $169,030.15 ii. LEGALNOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (D Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeoer with Belt Conveyor for the Southold Town Highway Department. Specifications for the above are available at the Southold Town Clerk's office Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, March 25, 2004, at which time they will be opened and read a~oud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked" one (D Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeoer with Belt Conveyor," and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, fi:om which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 9, 2004 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MARCH 9, 2004, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: Suffolk Times Town Attorney Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Services Supt. of Highways Harris Town Board Members Data Construction Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or .equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) //l/ff~~ Print name Michael D. Barnes (Corporate Title) (if any) General Manager Company Name Tennant Sales and Service Company Mailing Address: 701 N. Lilac Dr. Minneapolis, b~N 55440 Phone Number 800-553-8033 Bid on the ourchase of one (1} Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeoer with Belt Conveyor HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ...... TECHNICAl5 SPECIFICATIONS ........... FOR SIX WHEEL BROOM STREET SWEEPER WITH BELT CONVEYOR Sect/on A - Chassis Please see exception cover letter 1,0 CHASSIS (STERLING SCS000 SERIES OR EQUAL) 1.1 { Chassis shall be cab-over-engine design with 32,000GVW rating. State ehsssis i make, model: GMC T7500 '~ 1.2 '~ Wh~lbase shall be not more th~a 121 inohc~. 1.3 Cab to axle shall be not more th~o 91 inches. 1.4 ! Chassis Shall include front tow hoota. 1.5 i Yield ~¢ngth of the fimne shall be 110,000PSI minimum. -' __ 1.6 { One- (1) 50-gallon fuel tarflc shall be shaft by both eI~nes and shall be easily ~ _ __ iaocessible without raising or shifting any components. A fuel gauge, in cab, shall be supplied. Sight tube is not acceptable. COMPLY Ye~ No COMPLY 2,0 CItASSIS ENGINE Ye~ NO 2.1 { Truck engine shall be CumminsISB eleetrouic m line i diesel, 200 Hp ~ 2300 RPM, 520 fl-lbs. ~ 1600 RPM. 2.2 ~ Truck engine shall be equipped with a single right-hand vertical 9xhaust system. '" -' i -- 2.3 The cooling system shall be protected to -34' F. ~ _ _ 2.4 I En~ne shall be equipped with dual stye dry-type air cleaner with safety element, i'" spin-on fuel filter, full flow oil filter, and fuel/water sepmator. 2.5 ~ Engine shall be equipped with block heater. 2.6 ~ RodJator fan shall be viscous drive type. __ ................. l ................................................................................................................................................................................................... .~ .............. L._.__...--~... 3,0 TRANSMISSION, AXLES. WHEELS & BRAKES Page I COMPLY Ye~ No ~3..1 i An Allison T2000 (or approved equal) automat/c transmission with oil heav~uty i oil coolcr shall bc provided. An external sp/n on transmission oil filter is to be _ _ [included, with_ ..... ~,e,:Allison transmission. 3.2 i Thc 2-speed rear axle shall have a ratio of 5.g6/g.17:1 for proper sweeping speeds. 3.3 i The 12.000 lb. front axle shall be equipped with 12,000 lb, Springs and shock ~ absorbers. 3.4., The. .21,000 lb. rear axle shall be supported by anairspring system having a ... ..' __ mlmmum capacity of 21,000 lb. System shall allow solid axle performance during sweeping and full suspension during transport. ,, 3.5 Control o£the airspring re, ar suspension shall be by a single transportdsweep switch I on the control console. 3.6 For safety and to allow the emergency interchange of tires at a job site and front andi i rear tires and rims shall all be interchaageable. 3.7 ~ Tires shall be Michclin~ZR tul~less radial tires 14 ply 11R22.5 ~G~ load rated. Thc ~ rear ~d¢ slnll include du~l tires for load capacity;, singles will not be acceptable. ~ Spare tire'and rim to delivered with sweeper. 3.g i Rims shall bc 10 hole steel hub piloted 22.5 x g.25Accuride. 13.9 i Brakes shall be full ~dr brakes with a 15.2CFM c~pacity comprcsser, and with __ i automatic slack adjusters. 3.10 Air system shall includcBendix AD-9 heated air ch3~er/automatic moisture ejector. 3.11 i Parking brake shall bc spring applied rear wheel drum and shoe. __ 4.0 C,AB, 4.1 i Maximum visibility, forward linc of sight from the chassis front bumper to the poin~ i on thc ground visible to the operator shall not exceed 8 feet for asgAE 98th I percentile size operator. 4.2 ,~ Steering shall be full power with dual operator controls. I Each steering eel,mn shall be fully independent and shall include separate steering 4.3 j gear boxes, separate drag links and separate pitman arms. 4.4 I Scats shall be adjustable, covered with cloth for air circulation and include 3 point i seat belts. 4,5 i Sweeper shall include two (2) outside 7 x16 remote control heated mirrors. i4.6 COMPLY Ye~ No To maxtmlze operator vmbfiity of the curb and sweeping gear, outside mirrors shalll ~ be mounted forward of the fxont wheels. Page2 ! Hydraulic functions shall be controlled by rocker switches located in the cai · mounted control panel. ~.8 For safety during night sweeping, s~e~sla~ l~e ~ll~i~d~b th~it they ~ah 1~ ~ · readily identified without the use of the cab dome light. 4.9 ~ Switches shall be clearly identified by name and international symbol. 4.10 i Cab interior environment shall be fully air-conditioned including a fresh air i heater/ventilator/defroster. 4.11 ~ Cab shall have full flow through ventilation for optimal temperature control and i operator comfort. 4.12 i Windshield wiper shall be two speed with washer. 4.13 1 Wipers shall have intermittent featm'e. 4.14 I Interior of cab shall have acoustical insulation for low operating noise, automotive I type trim, and center sweeper console. 4.15 i Dash shall be faced with soR molded plastic. 4.16 1 All glass shal~ be tinted safety glass. 4.17 t Each operator position shall have adjustable sun visor. 4.1 g i Doors shall be key locked. 4.19 ~ Door windows shall be roll down type. 4.20 ! Cab shall have lighter and ashtray. 4.21 i Side windows shall have defogger. 5,0 INSTRUMENTS 5.1 Chassis left side operator instnunent panel shall be chassis OEM, fifll vision illuminated with tachometer, speedometer, odometer, trip odometer, fuel gauge, water temperature gauge, ~ir pressure gauge, and volt gauge. Chassis fight side operator imtmmeut panel shall be chassis OEM, full vision illuminated with tachometer, speedometer, odometer, trip odometer, fuel gauge, water temperature gauge, air pressure gauge, and volt gauge. Chassis gauges shall include speedometer, odometer, coolant temperatur~ourmeter for main broom, tachometer, voltmeter, oil pressure, fuel level and air pressure. 5.4 Chassis engine instruments shall include wm'ning light and chime for low coolant ~ level and high coolant temperature to warn the operator of a potential problem befov l any damage to the engine oeeura. Console shall have lef~right primary driver switch 5.5 ~ nts sh I incl de ch COMPLY Ye~ No ,,, -- !-- Page 3 ~ ~ sure the cab is locked in position. i ~.6 Sw~per engine iustrum~nts shall include tachometer, hour meter, oil pressure, fuel,~ __ voltage, and coolant tempemtm~ for c~mpl~t~ infqrmati0n for the operator on the condition of the auxiliary engine. 5.7 Instruments shall include an auxiliary engine air intake restriction indi~atur mounte¢ in the fixed console, for ease of maintenance, and a hopper "full load" indicator to ' notify the operator the hopper is fidly loaded. 5.8 D~sh, all console switches including transmission controls and all gauges shall be illuminated. ..- 6.0 ELECTRICAL COMPLY Y~ l~lO 6.1 {Battencs should be located in .an.enclosed accessible environment for long life and i ease of service. .-- 6.2 Chassis shaH have two (2) maintenance f~e batteries rated at not less than 1300 i CCA, 12 volt. 6.3 ~ Chassis engine shall have a 130 amp. altemalor. .-' 6.4 ! Chassis lighting shall include sealed multi-beam halogen bead-lights, stop lights, tail lights, backup lights, license plate lights, clearance lights, signal lights, illuminated gauges and instrument panel, and directional lights with hnTsrd switch. i 6.5 Sweeper elecl~ical system shall be independent from the electrical system of the ~ chassis. i6.6 Sweeper engine shall have one (1) 925 CCA, 12 volt battery. i6.7 Swecper engine shall have a 120 amp. alternator, i 16.8 Swecper shall have an electronic back-up alarm for additional warnin~ and safety i ~ "when chassis is in reverse. i 6.9 Sweeper lightin~ shall include rear identification lights, side broom and main broon~ i spot lights and rear clearance lights. i 6.10 Sweeper warning lights shall include hydraulic filter r~striction~ air filter restriction,~ low spray water, hopper up, hopper full load and voltage. 16.11 I Sweeper wiring harnesses shall be color-coded and hot stamped with appropriate I word designation labeled every four inches, i.e. "Ignition", "Side Broom" on each ~ 6.12 t For safety and to avoid damage to the mare broom, srde broom and elevator, all ~ sweeping components shall automatically raise when Irausmission is put'into revel'S~ 6 13 ~ For safety, all electncal ctrcmts must be protected by c~rcu~t breakers or fuses. Page 4 OTHER CHASSIS ACCESSORIES COMPLY Ye~ Bio Automatic lubrication system to provide appropriately timed grease application to all __ greasable points shall be provided for the sweeper and chassis. AM/FM/CASSEITE sterco dash mounted A rear mounted "slow moving vehicle" sign shall be supplied for visibility during operation. The standard truck seat sbsll be replaced with lmidback, black vinyls.air suspemion seat (without armrests) for eithe~ the right side or left side. A hydrant wrench for opening and closing the fire hydrant for filling the w~_er tank shall be supplied. ;ec~fon B - Sweeper Module 1.0 INTENT It is the intent of this specification to provide for the purchase or lease purchase of one (I) new and unused strut sweeper having a six wheel configuration, separate e~nes for propulsion and sweeping; 4.5 cubic yard right side high dumping hopper, automatic transmission, dual steering and operator controls~lcated belt conveyor, and left and fight side broom with variable down pressuro controlled from cab. The following specification is based upon an ELGIN EAGLE s~et sweeper mounted on a Sterling 8C8000 chass~ ~ ~ ~ w-c, This specification is not to be interpreted as restrictive, but rather as a measure of the safety,! quality and performance against which all sweepers bid will be compared. In comparing proposals, consideration will not be confined to price only. The successful bidder will be one whose product is judged shall best serve the interests of the Highway Department when price, product, safety, quality and delivery are considered. The Highway Department of Town of 8outhold reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof, and to waive any minor technicalities. A contract will be awarded to the bidder COMPLY Yes No -- Page 5 . ,~fibmi~ the lowest responsible bid meeSthe requirements of this spe,~..?,lcation,O 2.0 EQUIVALI~NT PRODUCT Bids will be accepted for consideration on any make or model that is equal or superior to th~ sweeper specified. Decisions of equivalency will be at the sole interpretation of the Highwa~ Departmem of Town ofSouthold o A blanket statement that equipment proposed will meet all nXlu/remonts will not be sufficient to es/ablish equ/vaien~.: Ori~ai manufacturer's brochures of the proposed un/t are to be submitted with the propo,~ All modifications made to the standard production unit described in the manufacturer's brochures must be certified by the manufacturer and submitted with the bid, or the bid will be deemed "non-responsive" and rejected without further review. Bidder must be prepared demonsm~te a unit similar to the one proposed, if requested. 3.0 INTERPRETATIONS La order to be fair to ail bidders, no oral inteqgetations will be given to any bidder as to the meaning of the specification documents or any part thereof. Every request for such a :onsideration shall be made in writing, ~ upon ~ ~quh'y, the Highway Depu'~eut may choose to i~suc an Addendum. L0 GENERAL Cn¢ specification berein states the minimum requirements of the Highway Department. All )ids must be regular in every realx~ Unauthorized conditions, limitatiOns, or provisions ~hall be cause for rejection. The Highway I)ep~tmeut of Town of Southold will consider as! 'in. ar" or "non-responsive' nny bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with the ! )id document and specification, or any bid lackln§ sufficient technical literature to enable tl~ tighway Department to make a reasonable determ/nation of compliance to the specificatio~ t shall be the bidder's responsibility to carefully examine each item of the specification. :ailure to offer a completed bid or failure to respond to each section oftbe technical ~ pocification (COMPLY: YES NO) will cause the proposal to be rejected without review as ~ non-responsive". All variances, exceptions and/or deviations shall be fully described/n the. tppropriate section. Deceit in responding to the specification will be cause for rejection. ~. ;.0 SWEEPER ENGINE :.1 Diesel engine shall have 4 cylinders. ~.2 Horsepower rating shall be not le. ss ~an 47 HP (~ 2500 RPM, torque 1041b-fl COMPLY Yes N~ COMPLY Ye~ No Ye~ No i COMPLY Yes No P~e6 · ~2000 RPM (Isuzu C24PW27 o~al). i,~3 ~ ~'n~ue sl~ll be equipped with a full flow oil filter, hcavy-duty dry element air : cleaner with safety element, fuel filter, and fuel/water separator. 5.4 i Engine shall be protected by a 50/:50 mixture anti-freeze/water for cold weather i storage and or operation. i5.5 I Engine sh~!! utilize a dedicated alternator with no less than 120 amps. 5.6 i For cold weather starting, engine shall be equipped with glow plug start. 5.7 Engine, radiator and all auxih'ary engine driven devices shall be resilient mounted · tl~'ou~a a dedicated engine fi'amc. :5.8 I Bngine shall be equipped with a cab mounted filter restriction indicator. An auxiliary en~ne shutdown ~h-l! be included which protects ugliest a~magc when __ either low oil pressure or high coolant temperature conditions occur. A Turbo II air pre.cleaner sl~!! be provided to further protect sweeper engine. 6.0 SI~E BROOMS 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Each side broom shall be driven by a hydraulic motor directly mounted to the broo4 __ disc plate. They stroll be th~ vertical digger type, trailing arm design. ~ ~ Side brooms shall be 42-inch diameter mlnlmmn~ protruding not less than 13 in. ~ beyond th~ outside of the lire of thc chassis while sweeping. To hold broom pattern regardless of up and down motion, ann suspension design ! shall be the parallelogram type. Bro~.m down pressure shall be adjustable by the operator from the cab while ! mo ne- ~ Broom shall consist of five (5) plastic s~ments, filled with 26 inch long tempered I To l:I¢olride flexibility roi' ¥~ng ~.a,,eeping condilJons, broom ~xxxl ~aall be I ¥~'iable, 90 RPM to 160 RPM, by the operator f~om the mb while moving. ~ Broom rotation, fomard or re¥0r~o, sh~!l I~ ~lectable w~thout lcavmg the cab. 1F~h broom shall h~w ~ ~potlight f6r night operation. IBroom rotation shall ~top ~t nti~ ~utomalicall¥, when transmission is placed into reverse or when the sweeper is put in tm_.n~port mode. l Tilling of right side broom shall be variable t~om the cab. An electrically controlled COMPLY Ye~ No Pag~ 7 · ~ ilnear actuator shall allow the oI~mt~o tilt the side broom inward and outw~xo~ thc cab, while sweeping. An in-cab COntrol shall be supptk-d that allows the operator to cha~g¢ tl~ outward position of the right-hand side broom, up to 10" beyond its standard sweeping position. COMPLY i 7.0 M~JN BROOM The main broom shall be not less than 60 inches long and not less than 35 inches in 7,1 diameter. 1 7.2 Broom shall be driven by a hydraulic motor directly mounted to tho broom core. ."' 1 7.3 To provide flexibility for varying'sweeping conditions, broom speed shall be variable, 80 R.PM ~ 140 R.PM, by operator from cab while moving. 17.4 Main broom down pressure shall be adjustable bY the operator flora tbe cab while 1 7.5 Main broom shall be prefab disposable type, filled with polypropylene. i 7.6 Main broom shall be double wrapped at both ends. } 7.7 ~ Sweeping path shall be not less than 10 feet wide with right and left side broom i i activated. 1 7.8 i For safety, main broom shall automatically stop and raise when transmission is ~i i placed in reverse. ! 7.9 i Main broom shall be shielded by a steel broom hood. Plastic hoods are not __ t __ ~ { acceptable. i ?.10 i Main broom hood shall be designed to no! only prevent material fi-om being over i i thrown into following traffic, but also be capable of channeling over throw back int~ i { the dirt chamber. i 7.11 Main broom shall have a work light 1 7.12 1 Main broom shall be pneumatically raised and lowered. i { A paddle type strip broom shall be supplied which replaces the standard cable I wrapped main broom. 8.0 CONVEYOR 8.1 { Conveyor shall be able to load hopper to 100% of rated useable capacity. 8.2 ! Conveyor rotation, forward or reverse, shall be selectable wtation without leaving Ye~ No I COMPLY Yes No P~e8 % ~'.the eab. i Conveyor shall be high strength belt type with molded in full width cleats. Elevator i with rubber squc~$g~ type flights is not aec, e, ptable. 8.4 ~ Conveyor speed shall be variable fi'om the cab. 8.5 i Conveyor shall be reversible in direction without stopping or reversing any broom. 8·6 i Conveyor shall be eapeble of effectively sweeping debris of varying sizes (from i large bulky txash 9 inches in height to fine sand) without the need to make any i adjustments to the conveyor system. 8.7 i To provide proper clearance, the lower portion of the conveyor shall be capable of iS.g ! To reduce wear on all conveyance components, a conveyor belt having molded i cleats must carry, not drag, debris to the hopper. 8.9 i For safety, conveyor shall autolfiatically stop and raise when transmission is placed i in reverse or when the sweeper is put in lrausport mode. An audible conveyor stall alarm is to be provided as a warning to the operator. IT he standard lower roller is replaced with a roller that is constructed from hardened __ .-.. __ steel pipe, with a thicker wall, for improved wear resistance and longer life. 9,0 HOPPER 9.1 { For safety, the hopper shall be right side dumping, allowing an operator to observe i the dump target and surrounding area at all times from the cab, without the use of 9.2 : Hopper shall be constructed of 7 gauge abrasion resistant steel floor and 11 gauge ~ st~! door, top and si&s. COMPLY Ye~ No 9.3 Hopper volumetric capacity shall be not less than 4.5 cubic yards. Useable capacity : not less than 3.3 yards. A hopper inspection door shall be supplied. 9.4 Hopper shall dump at varying heights ranging from 38 inches through a height of 10 feet as measured at the lowest point under the open hopper chute· Fixed height dura systems are nbt acceptable. 9 to tilt (dump) to ~ · 5 Hopper shall be able an angle not less than 50 degre~ to ensure I - -- complete removal of all debris. , , · } P~e9 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 Iq;iR mech~aism shall be double stag~issors lift system utilizing two hydraO · ! cylinders with a bore of not less than 3.5 inches and a slroke of not less than 33.5 ' Lift capacity shall be not less than 11,000 lbs. Hopper dump mechanism shall utilize two hydraulic cylinders with a bore of not lesl than 3.5 inches and a stroke of not less than 19.8 inches. t Maximum time for full height lift and dump cycle shall not exceed 70 seconds. 1 Hopper to hydraulically side shift toward hopper v~ptacle not less than 11 inches lfor dumping efficiency. When dumping hopper, the minimum clearance required Hopper load shall be visible at all times from the cab through a front facing hopper t window and an upward facing skylight. To prevent over-loading beyond Manufacturer'sOVW rating, cab shall have a full load wanting indicator light acfi~ti~ted by hopper weight. To extend ~wear life, all scissors lift joints shall be serf lubricating bronze bearings. For safety, apparatus shall have an interlock to prevent dumping hopper without engaging the park brake. For safety, cab shall have an %INLEVEL GRADE" indicator. iSweeper shall not require jack stands and/or outriggers to stabiliT¢ ci~is during dumping cycle. Units requiring this stabilization are not acceptable. 9.17 ~ To extend wear life, all cylinder lift joints and hopper pivots shall b~'easabl~ i ~ !0.0 SPRAY WATER SYSTEM 10.1 Tank capacity shall be not less than 280 U.S. gallons. 10.2 Tank shall be constructed ofnon-rustin~ material. 10.3 Pump shall be centrifugal type capable of running dry indefinitely without damage. _ _ . 10.4 Pump shall be aluminum. Pump shall not contain ferrous parts in contact with water! Page 10 COMPLY Yes No --il I0.5 ' ~/ater system shall be equipped wi.t~fass spray nozzles on each side broon~ · brass spray nozzles on a rear spray ha/. Rear spray bars shall be consm~ted of~v' non-ferrous components to prevent contumination. i 10.6 ~ Water to each ~ side broom left or fight or rear spray bar shall be controlled in th cab by electrical activation switches. Water flow con~'ol valves shall be non-ferrous 10.7 A low water indicator light shall be located within the cab. 10.g Sweeper shall be equipped with an automatic internal hopper/conveyor flush and wash down system, System shall include a manual bypass valve to divert hydrant water into system without necessitating filling of water lank. Bypass valve shall be located on the curb side of the vehicle. 10.9 Water fill hose shall be not less than_ 16 fect 8 inohes in length, equipped with 2.1/2 t · inch NST hydrant coupler. 10.10 A 25 foot. washdown hose shal~..be provided. 10.11 An in-line water filter shall be provided with the fill hose to prevent contaminants from entering the water tank. 10.12 To prevent the cont~mirmtion of the water supply, tank shall be equipped with an anti-siphon device Complaint to American National Standard Air gaps in plumbing ~ systems ASME A112.12-1991. A 25 fL (7620 mm) hose to fill the water tank is in lieu of the standard 16 fl. 8 in. (5080 mm) shall be supplied. A front mounted spray bar shall be provided for increased water supply during extreme sweeping conditions. 1,0 wIrDRAULIC SYSTEM 1.1 Reservoir capacity shall be not less than 20 gallons with outside level indicator. -' __ 1.2 Pump shall be three section, directly driven. 1.3 To prevent colorsin!nation of the n~ervoir during the dump cycle, the reservoir vent ~ __ shall be equipped with 10 micron, spin on filter. ,' 1.4 To prevent the possibility of contamination and the resultin~ damage to the hydrauii, system, return lines for chive shall have a 10-micron full flow filter with bypass, Cat i moun~l restriction indicator shall light before bypass beans, 1.5 To prevent contsmination when addlnE hydraulic fluid, all oil added must.pass ': __ through a l0 micron filter located within the fill spout. COMPLY Yes No Page 11 .6 .~For ease and accmacy of testing, al~cnits shall have quick-disconnect chesl~ports~ ;1.7 To.minimize environme da. mage caused by leaking fittings, all high pressure i lei~tin~ shall l~ fiat-face O nng type. Other systems shall not be acceptable. ....... ~.~ . . ; - , .......... , 12.0 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM 12.1 The pneumatic system shall have DOT fittings. 12.2 There shall be a PR4 type pressure protector for the chassis air system to protect the · chassis air system. 12.3 A separate air lank for all sweeper air components shall be provided. 12,4 All pneumatic cylinders shsl! be interchsngeable. 12,.5 AIl pneumatic cylinders must be rated to 25(PSI and have a separate rod seal and wiper to prevent co~smination entering the cylind~-. 13,0 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 13.1 Sweeper electrical system shall be independent from the chassis electrical system. 13.2 Sweeper shall have an electronic back-up alarm for additional warning and safety when chassis is in reverse, 113.3 !134 i 13.5 14.2 Sw~-~r lighting shall include rear identification lights, side broom and rear clearance lights. Sweeper wiring harnesses shall b~ color-coded and hot ~nmped with appropriate ., __ word designation labeled every four inches, i.e. "Ignition", "Side Broom" on each wire. For safety, aH electrical circuits must be protected by circuit breakers or fuses. An in-cab gauge that records the hours the main broom runs ~1~11 be supplied. Wiring and mounting provisions for two flush mounted LED slrobe lights on the fion __ grill, and strobe lights (one left-hzpd and one right-hand) to the rear engine compartment door panel shall be provided. 14.0 CONTROLS 14.1 All sweeper controls shall be mounted on a fixed central console located between the left and right operators position. The controls shall include aH sweep, hopper, elevator, and lighting functions and shall aH be located on the fixed operator control console. 4.3 The controls for sweep, spray water, and lighting functions shall be conventional rocker switches. ~lembrane' or touch pad switches are not acceptable. COMPLY Yes No COMPLY Yes No COMPLY Yes No Page 12 i IS.O SWEEPER INSTRUMENTS ] sw~p gear by operating one switch. Reactivating the switeh will engage all sweep t to, g t o ra',t{ng di o . , ..... 5.1 { Sweeper en .g~.. e inslmments shall include tachometer, hour meter, oil pressure, ! voltage, auxihary engine l'~nning lamp, coolant temperature, air filter restriction ! indicator for complete information for the operator on the condition of thc auxiliary I engine. 5.2 i Sweeper instruments shall include a hopper full indicator, right and left side broom i down pressu~, main broom down pressure, hydraulic filter res~clion indicator, sweeper out of level indicator, no spray water indicator, a "raised" hopper indicator ~ and a "full" hopper indicator to notify the operator of hopper conditions. co PLV' Yes No Two in~:ab sweeper console mounted gauges that indic, me the air pr~sure being to hold the side brooms in its down position shall be suppli~L There shall be one gauge for each side broom. { COMPLY 16.0 PAINT { Yes N9 16.1 All visible exterior metallic surfaces shall be painted prior to assembly with polyest¢ __ powder coat. Thc paint must be a m|n|mllm of 2 mils thick. The uses of acrylic enamels and/or polyuretham/s are not acceptable. 6.3 Vehicle shall have an accent color of C-~y on the lower portions oftbe unit. Color shall be the Highway Dquadmcnt of Town of Southold's color of "white". 17.0 MANUALS 17.1 An operation manual shall be provided. ' A parts manual shall be provided. A repair, service and trouble shooting manual shall be provided. An Eagle service video shall be provided. A Sterling SC8000 Chassis parts book shall be pwvided. COMPLY A Sterling SCSO00 Chassis service manual shall be provided. -- I -- P~el3 18.0 WARRANTY 18.1 ~ Manufacturers warranty shall be not less than one (t) year on entire sweeper, including all parts and labor. 18.2 · Manufactorefs warranty shall be not less than two (2) years on chassis engine, · inoludi%o all parts and labor. Conveyor full parts and labor warranty not less than~ thr (3) years. 18.3 ~ Bidders submitting literature statir~ warranties which do not fully comply with iwarranty requirements of this specifica.ti, on, must submit a letter fi~om the manufacturer certifying warranty compliance as an integral part of thek proposal. COMPLY Yes No i Failure to comply cause the proposal shall be deemed "non-responsive" and miry t rejected without further review. 19.0 SERVICE. AND TR~INING 19.1 Vendors shall have a full Im~ and se~viee facility within a reasonable distance the Highway Department Garage. State location and distance. 19.2 ~ A qualified technician shall provide complete training to Highway Department ! personnel at the Highway Department Garage. Training shnll include safety, .... ! operation, maintenance and se .n4ee. COMPLY 20.0 DELIVERY COMPLY 20.1 Sweeper shall be delivered F.O.B. Highway Department of Town of Southold in · -" new fully 0perafi~ eelldition.. 20.2 ~ AceelXan~ shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Highway Department. 20.3 Bidder shall state delivery time aRer receipt of order: Zl.0'QU FFY ....... 21.1 i Sweeper shall be manufnctumd by a company with a registered quality standard no I less than I80 9001. .' P~¢14 PROPOSAl. FORM TO: HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The undersigned hereby declares that they have carefully examined the requirements of the specifications contained herein, and propose to furnish and deliver to the Highway Department of Town of Southold the apparatus listed below. ONE (1) New and Unused Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeper with Belt Conveyor BODY DL~diE: Tennant "'MODEL: Centurion CHASSIS MAKE: GMC MODEL: T 7500 PURCHASE PRICE: ~ $169,030.15 Total: $ 169,030.15 On Words) C~e Rmdr~ Sixty nine thamazi, thirty doll~ amd fift~ c~nts ~,~tional dry dust control add $6,369.00 -Bidder. Tennant Sales and Sorvico Company Titie: Michael D. BArnes / General Manager Add.s: 701 N. Lilac Dr. Minneapolis, b~N 55440 Date: 3/22/04 ONE HUNDRED DOLL~a~RS AND 00 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF: CITY OF SOUTHOLD, NY PURPOSE/REMITTER: BID FEE OFFICIAL CHECK Location: 2157 Isaued By Traveler's Express Company, Inc .o. 507912107 DATE: MARCH 23, 2004 IIIO 50 ?q ~12 ]lO ?Ill lIIOq 200 5[I ]i ]Il-lO LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1} Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeper with Belt Conveyor for the Southold Town Highway Department. Specifications for the above are available at the Southold Town Clerk's office Monday tlxru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Sonthold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, March 25, 2004, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked" one (1) Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeper with Belt Conveyor," and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 9, 2004 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MARCH 9, 2004, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: Suffolk Times Town Attorney Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Services Supt. of Highways Harris Town Board Members Data Construction Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or .equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond famished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. Privttnan~)6 Robert: 0. Jordan (Corporate Title) (if any) President Empire Equipment Sales of L.I., Company Name d/b/a Long Island Sanitation Equipment Co. Mailing Address: 1670 blew HSghway Parmingdale, bl¥ 11735 Phone Number (631) 531-9292 Bid on the Imrehase of one (1~ Six Wheel Broom Street Sweel~er with Belt Conveyor HIGHWAY~gPARTMENT OF TOWN OF SOUl,OLD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIX WHEEL BROOM STREET SWEEPER WITH BELT CONVEYOR Section A - Chassis COMPLY i 1.0 CHASSIS (STERLING SCli000 SERIES OR EQUAL) ye~ Na 1.1 t Chassis shall be cab-over-engine design with 32,000GVW rating. State chassis ~ make, model: 1.2 , Wheelba~ shall be not more thha 121 inches. 1.3 ~ Cab to axle shall be not mom than 91 inches. 1.4 ~ Cha~is Shall include fi-ont tow hooks. ~ Yield sh~ng~h of the frame shall be 110,000PSI minimum. X 1.6 i One- (1) 50-gallon fuel tank shall be shared by both entries and shall be easily ..- .-: '~ ac~2,sible without raising or shilling any components. A fuel gauge, in cab, shall be! supplied. Sight tube is not acceptable. COMPLY 2.0 CHASSIS ENGINE Yes No 2.1 I Truck engine shall be CumminsISB electrohic in line six cylinder turbocharged x ~ diesel, 200 Hp I~ 2300 RPM, 520 fMbs. I~ 1600 RPM. : i -- 2 2 ~ Truck engine shall be equipped with a single right-hand vertical exhaust system, x 2.3 The cooling system shall be protected to -34' F. x 2.4 I E .ngine shall be equipped wi~ dual stage dry-type air cleo~ner with safety element, x_ I spin-on fuel filter, full flow off filter, and fuel/water separator. 2.5 / Engine shall be equipped with block heater. ~x 2.6 .~ Radiator fan shall be viscous drive type. x ................. t ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2....~ ................... TRANSMISSION, AXLES, WltEELS & BRAKES i Yes No P~el i 3.. 1j An Allison T2000 (or approved ~1~1) automatic transmission with oil hea,~ dnty I oil cooler shall be prowded. An~ll~ernal spm on transmrsslon off filter ts ~e · i included with the Allison transmission. i 3.2 i The 2-speed rear axle shall have a ratio of 5.86/8.17:1 for proper sweeping speeds. ! 3.3 i The 12,000 lb. front axle shall be equipped with 12,000 lb. Springs and shock absorbers. 3.4 i The 21,000 lb. rear axle shall be supported by anairspring system having a ~ minimum capacity of 21,000 lb. System shall allow solid axle performance during i sweeping and full suspension during lransport. 3.5 i Control of the airspring rear suspension shall be by a single transport/sweep switch .i on the control console. 3.6 i For safety and to allow the emergency interchange of tires at a job site and front and i rear fires and rims shall all be interchangeable. 3.7 ~ Tires shall be MichelJnX7.1~. tu6eless radial tires ! 4 ply 11R22.5 'G' load rated. Th~ ~ rear axle shall include dual tires for load capacity; singles will not be acceptable. ~ Spare lire'and rim to delivered with sweeper. 3.8 Rims shall be 10 hole steel hub piloted 22.5 x 8.2SAccuride. 3.9 Brakes shall be full air brakes with a 15.2CFM capacity compressor, and with . automatic slack adjusters. i3.10 i Air system shall includeBendix AD-9 heated air dryer/automatic moisture ejector. 3.11 ! Parking brake shall be spring applied rear wheel drum and shoe. i 4,0 ~ 4.1 i Maximum visibility, fotwarcl line of sight from the chassis front bumper to the poin~ x i on the ground visible to the operator shall not exceed 8 feet for asgAE 98 i percentile size operator. i 4.2 I Steering shall be full power with dual operator controls, x ,! 4.3 i Each steering column shall be fully independent and shall include separate steering x i~ ~ gear ..~.~xe, s~, ~p~,arat e drag links and separate pitman arms. 1 4.4 i Seats shall be adjustable, covered with cloth for air circulation and include 3 point x ~ ~ seat belts. 14.5 i4.6 Sweeper shall include two (2) outside 7 x16 remote control heated mirrors. To maximize operator visibility of the curb and sweeping gear, outside mirrors shall x be mounted forward of the front wheels. Page 2 4~. 7 ydraulic fun be con d by rocker switches located in the o i mounted control panel. 4.8 f For safety during night sweeping, switches shall be illuminated so that they can be readily identified without the use of the cab dome light. 4.9 i Switches shall be clearly identified by name and international symbol. 4.10 i Cab interior environment shall be fully air-conditioned including a flesh air i heater/ventilator/defroster. 4.11 ~ Cab shall have full flow through ventilation for optimal temperature eontxol and i operator comfort. i Windshield wiper shall be two speed with washer. 4.13 i Wipers shall have intermittent feature. 4.14 ~ Interior of cab shall have acoustacal msulaUon for low operating noise, automotive 4.12 ~4.15 i4.16 4.20 4.21 itype trim, and center sweeper console. Dash shall be faced with sol~ molded plastic. All glass shall be tinted safety glass. Each operator position shall have ~ljustable sun visor. Doors shall be key locked. Door windows shall be roll down type. Cab shall have lighter and ashtray. Side windows shall have defogger. 5.0 INSTRUMENTS Chassis left side operator instrument panel shall be chassis OEM, full vision .~ illuminated with tachometer, speedometer, odometer, trip odometer, fuel gauge, .' water temperature gauge, air pressure gauge, and volt gauge.~'~ Chassis fight side operator instrument panel shall be chassis OEM, full vision illuminated with tachometer, speedometer, odometer, trip odometer, fuel gauge, water temperature gauge, air pressure gauge, and volt gauge. Chassis gauges shall include speedometer, odometer, coolant temperaturel;~ourmeter ~ __ for main broom, tachometer, voltmeter, oil pressure, fuel level and air pressure. Chassis engine instruments shall include warning light and chime for low coolant level and high coolant temperature to warn the operator of a potential problem befo~ any damage to the engine occurs. Console shall have left/right primary .driver switel~ Track instruments shall include warning lights for battery, and cab latch to make X X X COMPLY No X Page 3 ,' sure the cab~ is locked in positio~ 5.6 Sweeper engine instruments shall include tachometer, hour meter, oil pressure, fuel, voltage, and coolant temperature for complete information for the operator on the :ondition of the auxiliary engine. 5.7 nstruments shall include an auxiliary engine air intake restriction indicator mounted in the fixed console, for ease of maintenance, and a hopper "full load" indicator to notify the operator the hopper is fully loaded. 5.8 i Dash, all console switches including transmission controls and all ganges shall be [illuminated. ! COMPLY 16.0 ELECTRICAL Y~ No i 6.1 Batteries should be located in .anenclosed accessible environment for long life and X i ease of service. 6.2 1 Chassis shall have two (2) maintenance free batteries rated at not less than 1300 1 6.3 i Chassis engine shall have a 130 amp. alternator. i 6.4 i Chassis lighting shall include sealed multi-beam halogen head-lights, stop lights, tai! x i lights, backup lights, license plate lights, clearance lights, signal lights, illuminated i ganges and instrument panel, and directional lights with ha?ard switch. ~ X ~ 6.5 i Sweeper electrical system shall be independent from the electrical system of the .,, __ i chassis. 1 6.6 i Sweeper engine shall have one (1) 925 CCA, 12 volt battery, x i 6.7 ~ Sweeper engine shall have a 120 amp. alternator. _x 1 6.8 i Sweeper shall have an electronic back-up alarm for additional warning and safety X i when chassis is in reverse. 16.9 Sweeper lighting shall include rear identification lights, side broom and main broom~ ~x i spot lights and rear clearance lights. i6.10 i sw ,per wum g lights sh l lude hy uli, filter re ¢fio ,l · ~ I low spray water, hopper up, hopper full load and voltage. : 16.11 ! Sweeper wiring harnesses shall be color-coded and hot stamped with appropriate x i word designation labeled every four inches, i.e. "Ignition", "Side Broom" on each i6.12 I For safety and to avoid damage to the maln broom, side broom and elevator, all i ~x i ~ sweeping components shall automatically raise when transmission is put into reversq.' i 6.13 i For safety, all electrical circuits must be protected by circuit breakers or fuses. Page 4 COMPLY OTHER CHASSIS ACCESSORIES Yes NO Automatic lubrication system to provide appropriately timed grease application to all X i -- greasable points shall be provided for the sweeper and chassis. AM/FM/CASSETTE stereo dash mounted x i -- · A rear mounted "slow moving vehicle" sign shall be supplied for visibility during operation. The standard t~uck seat shall be replaced with lmidbacL black vinyl, air suspension seat (without armrests) for eithe.r the right side or left side. A hydrant wrench for opening and closing the fire hydrant for filling the water tank shall be supplied. ~ect/on B - Sweeper Module 1,0 INTENT It is the intent of this specification to provide for the purchase or lease purchase of one (1) new and unused street sweeper having a six wheel configuration, separate e~nes for propulsion and sweeping; 4.5 cubic yard right side high dumping hopper, automatic transmission, dual steering and operator eontrols~leated belt conveyor, and left and fight side broom with variable down pressure controlled from cab. The following specification is based upon an ELGIN EAGLE street sweeper mounted on a Sterling SC8000 chassis~ This specification is not to be interpreted as restrictive, but rather as a measure of the safety, quality and performance against which all sweepers bid will be compared. In comparing proposals, consideration will not be confined to price only. The successful bidder will be one whose product is judged shall best serve the interests of the Highway Department when price, product, safety, quality and delivery are considered. The Highway Department of Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof, and to waive any minor technicalities. A contract will be awarded to the bidder COMPLY Yes No Page 5 $/~bmitti~ the lowest responsible bid me~..th_~ ,,~,.~q~,m_en~s of this specificatio~ ~ .:' COMPLY i Yes 2.0 EQUIVALENT PRODUCT i x i -- Bids will be accepted for consideration on any make or model that is equal or superior to th~ sweeper specified. Decisions of equivaiency will be at the sole interpretation of thc Highwa~ Department of Town of Southold · A blanket statement that equipment proposed will meet ail reqmrements will not be sufficient to establish equivalen~ Original manufacturers brochures of the proposed unit are to be submitted with the propnsa~ All modifications made to the standard production unit described in the manufacturer's .~ brochures must be certified by the manufacturer and submitted with the bid, or the bid will ~ be deemed "non-responsive" and rejected without further review. Bidder must be prepared t~ demonstrate a unit similar to the one proposed, if requested. 3.0 INTERPRETATIONS ' ha order to be fair to all bidders, no oral interpretations will be given to any bidder as to the meaning of the specification documents or any part thereof. Every request for such a :onsiderafion shall be made in writing, Based upon snob ~nquiry, the Highway Department may choose to issue an Addendum. L0 GENERAL Fhe specification herein states the mjnimRm requirements of the Highway Department. All ~ids must be regular in every respect. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions ;hall be cause for rejection. The Highway Depmlment of Town of Southold will consider as 'irregular~ or ~non-responsive' any bid not pv~wed and submitted in accordance with the fid document and specification, or any bid lacking sttfficient technical literature to enable th. -Iighway Department to make a reasonable determination of compliance to the specificationi COMPLY Yes No COMPLY Yes NO t shall be the bidder's responsibility to carefully examine each item of the specification. :ailure to offer a completed bid or failure to r~spond to each section of the technical peeification (COMPLY: YES NO) will cause the proposal to be rejected without review as non-responsive". Ail variances, exceptions and/or deviations shall be fully described in the ~ppropriate section. Deceit in responding to the specification will be cause for rejection. ;.0 SWEEPER ENGINE :. 1 i Diesel engine shall have 4 cylinders. . .2 i Horsepower rating shail be not less than 47 HP ~ 2500 RPM, torque 1041b-fl C!OMPLY Yes No x Page 6 ~i 1~2000 RPM (Isuzu C24PW27 o.r~qual). ~.5.3 I E~glne shall be eqmpped with a flow oil filter, heavy4uty ch-y eleme ' i cleaner with safety element, fuel filter, and fuel/water separator. 5.4 i Engine shall be protected by a 50/50 mixture anti-freeze/water for cold weather ~ storage and or operation. 5 5 i Engine shall utilize a dedicated alternator with no less than 120 ~aps. 5.6 i For cold weather starting, engine shall ix: equipped with glow plug start. 5.7 i Engine, radiator and all auxiliary engine driven devices shall be resilient mounted i through a dedicated engine flame. X X 4 Engine shall be equipped with a cab mounted filter restriction indicator. ! x. t ~--~"' ' ' 'hall be ' ' h protects ag ' .qt damag An auxiliary engine shutdown s included whic am c when either low oil pressure or high coolant temperature conditions occur. A Turbo II air pre-cleaner shall be provided to further protect sweeper engine. 6,0 SlI)E BROOMS 6.1 ! Each side broom shall be driven by a hydraulic motor directly mourned to the broon i disc plate. They shall be the vertical digger type, trailing arm design. 6.2 i Side brooms shall be 42-1neh diameter minimum, protruding not less than 13 in. ~ beyond the outside of the tire of the chassis while sweeping. 6.3 i To hold broom pattern regardless of up and down motion, arm suspension design i shall be the parallelogram type. 6.4 ~ Broom down pressure shall be adjustable by the operator from the mb while 6.5 i Broom shall consist of five (5) plastic segments, filled with 26 inch long tempered i steel wive. 6.6 ~ To provide flexibility for varying sweeping conditions, broom speed shall be ~ variable, 90 RPM to 160 RPM, bythe operator from the cab while moving. 6.7 i Broom rotation, forward or reverse, shall be seleetable without leaving the cab. 6.8 I Each broom shall have a spotlight for night operation. 6.9 i Broom rotation shall stop and raise automatically, when transmission is placed into i reverse or when the swooper is put in transport mode. '" '--'-7 Tilting of right side broom shall be variable from the cab. An electrically controlled COMPLY Ye~ No × X X X X X X Page 7 ! ltaear actuator shall allow the ol~r to tilt the side broom inward and ot~trd fi'oni the cab, while sweeping. '~' '~'An in'cab co'~ro-~'~h~ii'~;'~'lied that allows the operator to change file Outward x ........... position of the right-hand side broom, up to 10" beyond its standard sweeping I position. COMPLY i 7.0 MAIN BROOM i The main broom shall be not less than 60 inches long and not less than 35 inches in ! x 1 i7. i diameter. 1 7.2 i Broom shall be driven by a hydraulic motor directly mounted to the broom core. x i 7,3 i To provide flexibility for varying'sweeping conditions, broom speed shall be × variable, 80 RPM to 140 RPM, by operator from cab while moving. 1 7 4 Main broom down pressure shall be adjustable by the operator f~om the cab while × moving. 7.5 Main broom shall be prefab disposable type, filled with polypropylene, i x 7.6 Main broom shall be double wrapped at both ends. ! x i7.7 Sweeping path shall be not less than 10 feet wide with right and left side broom x "activated. 7.8 For safety, main broom shall automatically stop and raise when transmission is ;i x placed in reverse. 7.9 i Main broom shall be shielded by a steel broom hood. Plastic hoods are not .. x i acceptable. i7.10 i Main broom hood shall be designed to not ouly prevent material from being over ~ x i thrown into following traffic, but also be capable of channeling over throw back intel ~ the dirt chamber. 7.11 { Main broom shall have a work light, i ~x 7.12 1 Main broom shall be pneumatically raised and lowered, i x A paddle type strip broom shall be supplied which replaces the standard cable t wrapped main broom. ..' COMPLY 8.0 CONVEYOR i Yes NQ ~ Conveyor shall be able to load hopper to 100% of rated useable capacity. X 8.2 i Conveyor rotation, forward or reverse, shall be selectable rotation without leaving x ! __ P~e8 i the cab. g.3 i Conveyor shall be high slmngth belt type with molded in full width cleats. Elevator i with robber squeegee type flights is not aceeptable. 8.4 i Conveyor speed shall be variable from the cab. 8.5 ! Conveyor shall be reversible in direction without stopping or reversing any broom. 8.6 i Conveyor shall be capable of effectively sweeping debris of varying sizes (from i large bulky ~sh 9 inches in height to fine sand) without the need to make any i adjusUnents to the conveyor system. ~ To provide proper clearance, the lower portion of the conveyor shall be capable of 8.7 raising 9 inches while sweeping. 8.g To reduce wear on all conveyance components, a conveyor belt having molded cleats must carry, not drag, debris to the hopper. g.9 For safety, conveyor shall auto,iiatieally stop and raise when transmission is placed i m reverse or when the sweeper is put in transport mode. An audible conveyor stall alarm is to be provided as a warning to the operator. The standard lower roller is replaced with a rorer that is constructed from hardened steel p~pe, w~th a thicker wall, for improved wear resistance and longer life. 9.0 HOPPER i9.1 i92 Y~ No For safety, the hopper shall be fight side dumping, allowing an operator to observe the dump target and surrounding area at all times from the cab, without the use of mirrors. Hopper shall be coustructed of 7 gauge abrasion resistant steel floor and 11 gauge steel door, top and sides. Hopper volume~c capacity shall be not less than 4.5 cubic yards. Useable capacity not less than 3.3 yards. A hopper inspection door shall be supplied. Hopper shall dump at varying heights ranging from 38 inches through a height of 1 feet as measured at the lowest point under the open hopper chute. Fixed height dum~ systems are not acceptable. Hopper shall be able to tilt (dump) to an angle not less than 50 degrees to ensure complete removal of all debris. Page 9 9:6 fJ~ift mechanism shall be double st~f~, scissors lift system utilizing two hy~ic ! cylinders with a bore of not less tltl~.5 inches and a stroke of not less tha~.5 I inches. 9.7 i Lift capacity shall be not less than 11,000 lbs. 9.8 ! Hopper dump mechanism shall utilize two hydraulic cylinders with a bore of not lesi ~ than 3.5 inches and a stroke of not less than 19.8 inches. 9.9 I Maximum time for full height lift and dump cycle shall not exceed 70 seconds. 9. t 0 i Hopper to hydraulically side shit~ toward hopper receptacle not less than 11 inches i for dumping efficiency. When dumping hopper, the minimum clearance required i between sweeper and debris receptacle shall not be less than 28 inches. .............. ,~ ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9.11 f Hopper load shall be visible at all times from the cab through a fi-ont facing hopper window and an upward facing skylight. 9.12 To prevent over-loading beyond Manufacturer'sGVW ratinE~ cab shall have a full load warning indicator light acti~/ated by hopper weight. 9.13 To extend .wear life, all scissors lift joints shall be self lubricating bronze bearings. 9.14 For safety, apparatus shall have an interlock to prevent dumping hopper without engagm4~ the park brake. 9.15 For safety, cab shall have an 'UNLEVEL GRADE" indicator. 9.16 ' Sweeper shall not require jack stands and/or outriggers to stabilize chassis during ,,,'~ dumping cycle. Units requiting this stabilization are not acceptable. 9.17 To extend wear life, all cylinder lift joints and hopper pivots shall b~reasable. 10.0 SPRAY WATER SYSTEM 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Tank capacity shall be not less than 280 U.S. gallons. Tank shall be constructed of non-rusting material. Pump shall be centrifugal type capable of running dry indefinitely without damage. Pump shall be aluminum. Pump shall not contain ferrous parts in contact with water COMPLY Y~ No x ~ Page 10 i10.5 1106 Water system shall be equipped ~ 3 brass spray nozzles on each side bro~ta, threi brass spray nozzles on a rear spry. Rear spray bars shall be constmcte~ i non-ferrous components to prevent con~amlnation. Water to each area, side broom left or right or rear spray bar shall be controlled in th cab by electrical activation switches. Water flow control valves shall be non-ferrous heavy-duty "agricultural" type. X ':i 10.7 A low water indicator light shall be located within the cab. 10.8 Sweeper shall be equipped with an automatic internal hopper/conveyor tlush and x wash down system. System shall include a manual bypass valve to divert hydrant water into system without necessitating filling of water tank. Bypass valve shall be located on the curb side of the vehicle. 10.9 x I Water fill hose shall be not less than 16 feet 8 inches in length, equipped with 2-1/2 i inch NST hydrant coupler. ,,, 10.10. A 25 foot. washdown hose shall..be provided, x 10.11 1 An in-line water filter shall be provided with the fill hose to prevent contaminants X ' from entering the water tank. 10.12 To prevent the contamination of the water supply, tank shall be equipped with an X ..- anti-siphon device Compliant to American National Standmd Air gaps in plumbing systems ASME Al 12.12-1991. " A 25 fl. (7620 mm) hose to fill the water tank is in lieu of the standard 16 ft. 8 in. (5080 mm) shall be supplied. A front mounted spray bar shall be provided for increased water supply during extreme sweeping conditions. X COMPLY Ye~ X × X IL0 FIYDRAULIC SYSTEM 11.1 Reservoir capacity shall be not less than 20 gallons with outside level indicator. ... __ 11.2 ~ .. i Pump shall be three section, directly ddvem 11.3 .~ To prevent contamination of the reservoir during the dump cycle, the reservoir vent' __ shall be eqmpped w~th 10 micron, spin on filter. 11.4 t To prevent the posslbihty of contamination and the resulting damage to the hydmuli{ ~x i system, return lines .for .chive shall have a 10-m,cro full flow filter w~th bypass. Ca~ · i mounted restriction indicator shall light before bypass begins. ~... ! To prevent contamination when adding hydraulic fluid, all oil added must pass i through a 10 micron filter located within the fill spout. Page 11 · 11.6 ,~ For ease and accuracy of testing,~circuits shall have quick-disconnect check portsi x t 1.7' ! To minimize environmental caused by leaking fittings, all high p e -- x ~ fittings shall be flat-face "O~ ting type. Other systems shall not be acceptable. COMPLY 12.0 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM Yes 12.1 I The pneumatic system shall have DO.T fittings. _. x 12.2 I There shall be a PR4 type pressure protector for the chassis air system to protect the x I chassis ak system. 12.3 A separate air tank for all sweeper air components shall be provided, i x i __ 12.4 All pneumatic cylinders shall be interchangeable, i x .-' __ 12.5 All pneumatic cylinders must be rated to 2512PSI and have a separate rod seal and .. x wiper to prevent contamination entering the cylinder. 13.0 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM COMI'LY 13.1 Sweq~r electrical system shall be independent fxom the chassis electrical system. _. x 13.2 Sweeper shall have an electronic back-up alarm for additional warning and safety _. x when chassis is in reverse. 13.3 SWeel~r lighting shall include rear identification lights, side broom and rear X_ : clearance lights. 13 4 Sweeper wiring harnesses shall be color-coded and hot stamped with appropriate .~ x word designation labeled every four inches, i.e. ~Ignition~, "Side Broom" on each whe. 13.5 Forsafety, all electfical cimuits must be protected by circuit breakem or fuses. '_ x An in-cab gauge that records the hours the main broom mn~ shall be supplied. - x Wiring and mounting provisions for two flush mounted LED strobe lights on the fron~ . grill, and strobe lights (one left-hand *md one right-hand) to the rear en~ne compartment door panel shall be provided. COMI'LY 14.0 CONTROLS 14.1 I Ail sweeper controls shall be mounted on a fixed central console located between t x ~ the left and fight operators position. ~. ~. 14.2 ~ The controls shall include all sw~p, hopper, elevator, and lighting functions and / X shall all be located on the fixed operator control console. 14.3The conlmls for sweep, spray w~tor, and lighting functions shall be convJ~nfional rocker switches. ~Vlembrane' or touch pad switches are not acceptable. Page 12 ~ The unit shall include sweep res~ option. Sweep resume will pick up al/~stow all{ ~x I -- i', ' | sweep gear by opem.ting one s.w/tL~. Rcacfivating the switch will engage~wcep [ . [ gear to preset operating conditions. ~ .~ COMPLY 15.0 SWEEPER INSTRUMENTS ~Ye~ ]No 15.1 x Sweeper engine inslxuments shall include tachometer, hour meter, oil pressure, voltage, auxiliary engine running lamp. coolant temperatme, air filter restriction indicator for complete information for the operator on the condition of the auxiliary engine. Sweeper insmtments shall include a hopper full indicator, fight and left side broom down pressure, main broom down pre. ute, hydraulic filter restriction indicator, sweeper out of level indicator, no spray water indicator, a "raised" hopper indicator and a "full" hopper indicator to notify the operator of hopper conditions. t to hold the side brooms m its down position shall be supplied. There shall be oriel ~ { gauge for each side broom. Yes No 16,0 I'AINT 16.1 All visible exterior metallic surfaces shall be painted prior to assembly with polyest~ powder coat. The paint must be a minimum of 2 mils thick. The uses of acrylic enamels and/or polyurethanes are not acceptable. 16.2 Color shall be the Highway Department of Town of Southold's color of"White". 16.3 i Vehicle shall have an accent color of G-fey on the lower portions of the unit. 17.0 MANUALS Yes No i 17.1 f An operation manual shall be provided. t7.2 ~ A parts manual shall be provided. A repair, service and trouble shooting manual shall be provided. An Eagle service video shall be provided. A Sterling SC8000 Chassis parts book shall be provided. A Sterling SC8000 Chassis service manual shall be provided. Page 13 18.1 ~ Manufacturers warranty shall be not less than one ( 1 ) year on entire sweeper, i inelucting all parts and labor. 18.2 ~ Manufacturer's warranty shall be not less than two (2) years on chassis engine, ~ including all parts and labor. Conveyor full parts and labor warranty not less than i thr (3) years. i Bidders submitting literature' stating warranties which do not fully comply with i warranty requirements of this specification, must submit a letter fi'om the { manufacturer certifying warranty compliance as an integral part of their proposal. ~ Failure to comply may cause the proposal shall be deemed "non-responsive" and ! rejected without further review. 18.3 COMPLY Yes No 19.0 SERVICE AND TRAINING Yes No il 9.1 1 Vendors shall have full parts and service facility within reasonable from i the Highway Department Garage. State location and dislance. ! Farmingdale, NY - 52 miles 19.2 ^ qualified technician shall provide complete training to Highway Department i x i personnel at the Highway Department Garage. Training shall include safety, '" -- ~ operation, maintenance and service. ~ COMPLY i 20.0 DELIVERY Yes i 20. t Sweeper shall be delivered F.O.B. Highway Department of Town of Southold in ~ X new fully operating condition...~'" 20.2 Acceptance shall be subject to the inspe~on and approval of the Highway x Depar~nent i 20,3 Bidder shall state delivery lime m~ter receipt of order: .-- x ~ 3 - 4 WEEKS A/R/O 121.0 Quarry 121,1 I Sweeper shail be manufactured by a company w~th a registered quaiity standard no X i I less than ISO 9001. - Page 14 PROPOSAI. FORM TO: HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The undersigned hereby declares that they have carefully examined the requirements of the specifications contained herein, and propose to furnish and.deliver ~ the .Highway Department of Town of. Southold the apparatus listed b~low. ONE (1) New and Unused Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeper with Belt Conveyor BODY MAKE: ELGIN "'MODEL: EAGLE CHASSIS MAKE: STERLING MODEL: F PURCHASE PRICE: ~ $ 164,160.00 Total: $ 164,160._00 0~Words) One Hundred Sixt¥.-~r,~sand One Hundred Sixty Dollars and No Cents Bidder: Emp~e Equipment Sales of L.I., Inc. d/b/a ~- ~6ng Island' Sanitation Equipment Co. Title: Pdesident Address: Date: 1670 New Highway Farmingdale, NY March 17, 2004 11735 Robert O. Jordan, President Signature .~/, ~ ,: .......................................................... ~..~_~ ............................................................................................................................................ STATE BANK OF LONG iSLAND 740 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK ] 1788 LONG ISLAND SANITATION EQUIPMENT CO. 013250 DATE 3/17/04 PAY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK TO THE ORDER SOUTHOLD TOWN HAL[. OF 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHHOLD, NY "'0~ ~, ?OO~6 #2965 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Joan Ann Weber of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks successively, commencing on the 11th day of March ,2004. Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this 2004 CHRISTINA VOLINSKI NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01-V06105050 QuollfleCl In Suffolk County Commllslon Ex~alres February 28, 2008 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal 4:00 p.m. Sealed bids, together with a Non- Collusive Bid Certificate and bank · draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall. 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 a.m., Thursday, March 25, 200~, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public· The Town Board of the Town of Southoid reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best inter- est of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "one il) Six Wheel BroOm Street Sweeper with Bait Conveyor" and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any lax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 9, 2004 Ei3.~d~I~ A. NEVILLE sOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK ~965- IT Mil LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeoer with Belt Conveyor for the Southold Town Highway Department. Specifications for the above are available at the Southold Town Clerk's office Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, March 25, 2004, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked" one (1) Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeper with Belt Conveyor," and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 9, 2004 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MARCH 9, 2004, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: Suffolk Times Town Attorney Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Services Supt. of Highways Hanis Town Board Members Data Construction Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the I I day of ~q/)rro.~_l,. 2004 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a tree copy, in, a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Legal Notice: Notice to Bidders one (1) Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeper with Belt Conveyor, bid opening at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, March 9, 2004 lizabeth A. 'Neville Southold Town Clerk Swom to before me this ~ x day of B/I ~ 2004 y Public ..- ~¥NDA M. BOHN NOTARy PUBLIc, State of New York No. 01 B06020932 Qualified ir~ Suffolk County Term Expires NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or .equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) Print name (Corporate Title) (if any) Company Name Mailing Address: Phone Number Bid on the ourchase of one (1) Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeper with Belt Conveyor TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SlX WHEEL BROOM STREET SWEEPER WITH BELT CONVEYOR Section A - Chassis COMPLY 1.0 CHASSIS (STERLING SC8000 SERIES OR EQUAL) 1.1 ? 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 Chassis shall be cab-over-~ngine design with 32,000GVW rating. State chassis make, model: Wheelbase shall be not mor~ than 121 in~h~s. Cab to axle shall Ix: not mor~ than 91 inches. Chassis Shall include from tow hooks. ~ __ Yield slrcngth of the frame shall be 110,000PSI minimum. ~ __ One- (1) 50-gallon fuel tank shall be shared by both en~m:s and shall be easily ..- __ accessible wifl~out raising or shifting any components. A fuel gauge, in cab, shall be' supplied. Sight tube is not acceptable. .~ yes No ~ COMPLY 1 2,0 CHASSIS ENGINE Yes No i2.1 i Truck engine slmll bc Cmnmin~ISB eloctronic in linc six cylinder turbocharged diesel, 200 Hp (~ 2300 RPM, 520 fi-lbs. ~ 1600 RPM. " i -- i 2 2 Truck engine shall be equipped with a s~ngl¢ right-hand veaical exhaust system. 2.3 The cooling system shall be protoctod to -34~ F. 2.4 Engine shall be equipped with dual stage dry-type air cleaner with safety element, spin-on fuel filter, full flow oil filter, and fuel/water separator. 2.5 ~ Engine shall be equipped with block heater. 2.6 [ Radiator fan shall be viscous drive typ~. · -" COMPLY 3.0 TRANSMISSION, AXLES, WHEELS & BRAKES { ~ Yes No P~el i 3.. 1i An Allison T2000 (or approved ~d) automatic tnmsmission with oil hee~lduty ! oil cooler shall be provided. An eEffemal spin on transmission oil filter is i included with the Allison transmission. ~.! 3.2 i-" The 2~speed rear axle shall have a ratio of 5.86/8.17:1 for proper sweeping speeds. 3.3 i The 12,000 lb. front axle shall be equipped with 12,000 lb. Springs and shock .. i absorbers. 3.4 ~ The 21,000 lb. rear axle shall be supported by anairspring system having a -- i -- i minimum capacity of 21,000 lb. System shall allow solid axle performance during ! sweeping and full suspension during transport. 3.5i Control of the akspring rear suspension shall be by a single tnmsport/sweep switch ..- i on the conlrol console. 3.6i For safety and to allow the emergency intemhange of tires at a job site and front andi i rear tires and rims shall all be interchangeable. 3.7 Tires shall be MichelinXTg. tubeless radial tiros 14 ply 11R22.5 "G" load rated. The ~ rear axle shall include dual tires for load capacity; singles will not be acceptable. i Spare__~tire~_~_~d rim to'delivered with sweeper. 3.8 Rims shall be 10 hole steel hub piloted 22.5 x 8.25Accuride. i3.9 Brakes shall be full air brakes with a 15.2CFM capacity compressor, and with automatic slack adjnsters. 3.10 Air system shall includeBendix AD-9 heated air dryer/automatic moisture ejector. -- 3.11 i Paflcing brake shall be spring applied rear wheel dram and shoe. -- COMPLY 4.0 CAB Yes i4.1 i Maximum visibility, forward line ofsight from the chassis front bomper to the poing __ i- i on the ground visible to the operator shall not exceed 8 feet for adlAE 98th ~ percentile size operator. ~ 4.2 ~ Stee~ng shall be full power w~th dual operator controls. .~ __ 4 3 i Each steering column shall be fully independent and shall include separate steering .-' __ i gear boxes, separate drag links and separate pitman arms..~"' i4.4 Seats shall be adjnstable, covered with cloth for ak circulation and include 3 point ..' __ i seat belts. ... 4.5 ] Sweeper shall include two (2) outside 7 xl 6 remote control heated mirrors. .' __ 4.6 i To maximize operator visibility of the curb and sweeping gear, outside mirrors shall i be mounted forward of the front wheels. Page 2 4'.7 i Hydraulic functions shall rocker switches located in the c; { mounted control panel. 4.8 i For safety during night sweeping, switches shall be illuminated so that they can be i readily identified without the use of the cab dome light. 4.9 i Switches shall be clearly identified by name and international symbol. .... __ 4.10 i Cab interior environment shall be fully ak-conditioned including a fresh air i heater/ventilator/defroster. 4.11 i Cab shall have full flow through ventilation for optimal temperature control and { operator comfort. 4.12 { Windshield wiper shall be two speed with washer. 4.13 { Wipers shall have intermittent feature. 4.14 i Interior of cab shall have acoustical msulatton for low operating no,se, automotive 4.15 ~4.16 14.17 14.1g 14.19 4.20 4.21 type trim, and center sweeper console. Dash shall be faced with soft molded plastic. All glass shall be tinted safety glass. Each operator position shall have adjustable sun visor. Doors shall be key locked. Door windows shall be roll down type. Cab shall have lighter and ashtray. Side windows shall have defogger. 5.0 INSTRIJMEHT8 5.1 { Chassis left side operator instrument panel shall be chassis OEM, full vision f illuminated with tachometer, ~xlometer, odometer, trip odometer, fuel gauge, ~ water temperature gauge, air pressure gauge, and volt gauge. 5.2 Chassis right side operator imtrument panel shall be chassis OEM, full vision : illuminated with tachometer, speedometer, odometer, trip odometer, fuel gauge, i..---J water tempe.mture, gauge, air pressure gauge, and volt gauge. 5.3 Chassis gauges shall include apeadometer, odometer, coolant temperatur~ourmeter for main broom, tachometer, voltmeter, oil pressure, fuel level and air pressure. i5.4 I Chassis engine instruments shall include warning light and chime for low coolant } level and high coolant temperature to warn the operator of a potential pr.o.blem ~fol ........... [~y ~age to the engine occurs. Console shall have left/right primary driver sw~tcl~ COMPLY Y~ NO Page 3 5.6 .~ Sweeper engine instruments shall include tachometer, hour meter, oil press'~e, fuel, voltage, and coolant t,emperature for complete information for the operator on the condition of the auxiliary engine. 5.7 f Instruments shall include an auxiliary engine air intake restriction indicator mountec[ __ ~ in the fixed console, for ease of maintenance, and a hopper "full load" indicator to i notify the operator the hopper is fully loaded. ~ Dash, all console switches including transmission controls and all gauges shall be 5.8 i - '" -- ~ illuminated. i6,0 ELECTRICAL 1 6.1 , Batteries should bc located in anenclosed accessible environment for long life and i ease of service. i 6.2 ~ Chassis shall have two (2) maintenance free batteries rated at not less than 1300 i i CCA, 12 volt. i 6.3 i Chassis engine shall have a 130 amp. alternator. 1 6.4 Chassis lighting shall include sealed multi-beam halogen head-lights, stop lights, tai i lights, backup lights, lieeuse plate lights, clearance lights, signal lights, illuminated gauges and instrument panel, and directional lights with l~?ard switck i 6.5 Sweeper electrical system shall be independent from the electrical system of the chassis. 6.6 Sweeper engine shall have one (1) 925 CCA, 12 volt battery. 6.7 Sweeper engine shall have a 120 amp. alternator. 6.8 Sweeper shall have an electronic back-up alarm for additional warning and safety when chassis is in reverse. 6.9 I Sweeper lighting shall include rear identification lights, side broom and main broon~ i spot lights and rear clearance lights, i 6.10 Sweeper warning lights shall include hydraulic filter restriction, air filter restriction,: low spray water, hopper up, hopper full load and voltage. 6.11 Sweeper wiring harnesses shall be color-coded and hot stamped with appwpfiate i word designation labeled every four inches, i.e, "Ignition", "Side Broom" on each 6.12 For safety and to avoid damage to the main broom, side broom and elevator, all . sweeping components shall automatically raise when Wammission is put-into revers( i6.13 For safety, all electrical circuits must be protected by circuit breakers or fuses. COMPLY Yes No Page 4 COMPLY OTHER CHASSIS ACCESSORIES Yes No l Automatic lubrication system to provide appropriately timed grease application to all __ ~ reasable points shall be provided for the sweeper and chassis. '~ AM/FM/CASSETI'E stereo dash mounted A rear mounted "slow moving vehicle" sign shall be supplied for visibility during __ -' __ operation. .,' The standard truck seat shall be replaced with lmidhack, black vinyl, air suspension '~__ .~ __ seat (without armrests) for either tbe fight side or left side.,,. A hydrant wrench for opening and closing the fire hydrant for filling the water tank __ shall be supplied. '" ~ec'Yfon B - Sweeper M~duh~ It is thc intent of this specification to provide for the purchase or lease purchase of one (1) new a~l unused ah~-,~t sweq~r having a SiX wheel configuration, separate engines for propulsion and SW~"ping; 4.5 cubic yard right side high dumping hopper, automatic transmission, dual steering and operator controls~leated belt conveyor, and left and right side broom with variable down pressure controlled from cab. The following specification is based upon an ELGIN EAGLE street sweeper mounted on a Sterling SCS000 chasais~ O~ ~ea~ ~.~,o~C, COMPLY Yes No This specification is not to be interpreted as restrictive, but rather as a measure of the safety, quality and performance against which all sweepers bid will be compared. In comparing proposals, consideration will not be confined to price only. The successful bidder will be one whose product is judged shall best serve the interests of the Highway Department when price, product, safety, quality and delivery are considered. The Highway Department of Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof, and to waive any minor technicalities. A contract will be awarded to the bidder Page 5 sabmittihg the lowest responsible bid mee/ the requirements of this specificatio~ COMPLY Yes No 2.0 EQUIVALENT PRODUCT Bids will be accepted for consideration on any make or model that is equal or superior to th~ sweeper specified. Decisions of equivalency will be at the sole interpretation of the Highwa~ Department of Town of Southold · A blanket statement that equipment proposed will meet all requtrements will not be sufficient to establish equivalanc~ Original manufacturer's brochures of the proposed unit are to be submitted with the proposa~ All modifications made to the standard production unit described in the manufacturer's brochures must be certified by the manufacturer and submitted with the bid, or the bid will be deemed "non-responsive" and rejected without further review. Bidder must be prepared t~ demonsWate a unit similar to the one proposed, if requested. 5.0 INTERPRETATIONS [n order to be fair to all bidders, no oral interpretations will be given to any bidder as to the meaning of the specification documents or any part thereof. Every request for such a :onsidcrafion shall be made in Wl~tln~, ~ upon such inquiry, thc Highway Department may choose to issue an Addcndum. L0 GENERAL Fhe specification herein states the minimum requirements of the Highway Department. All fids must be regular in every respect. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions ;hall be cause for rejection. Thc Highway Department of Town of Southold will consider as ..-' 'ir~,ul~ or "non-responsive" any bid not ptvTnuxxl and submitted in accordance with the fid document and specification, or any bid lacking sufficient technical literature to enable th{." ~Iighway Dcp~tment to make a reasonable determination of compliance to the specificafion] COMPLY Yea No Yea No ~ t shall be the bidder's responsibility to carefully cxamine each item of the specification. :allure to offer a completed bid or failure to ~spond to each section of the technical peeification (COMPLY: YES NO) will cause the proposal to he rejected without review as non-responsive". All variances, exceptions and/or deviations shall he fully described in the ~ppropriate section. Deceit in responding to the specification will be cause for rejection. ;.0 SWEEPER ENGINE .: .. 1 ~ Diesel engine shall have 4 cylinders. "__ .2 ~ Horsepower rating shall be not less than 47 HP ~ 2500 RPM, torque 1041b-fl " COMPLY Yea No Page 6 ], . i ~2.000 RPM (Isuzu C24PW27 or__equal). 5.3 i Engine shall be eq w oil filter, hcavy-duty dry eleme i cleaner with safety element, fuel filter, mad fuel/water separator. 5.4 i Engine shall be protected by a 50/50 mixture anti-freeze/water for cold weather ~ storage and or operation. 5.5 i Engine shall utilize a dedicated alternator with no less than 120 amps. 5.6 For cold weather starting, engine shall be equipped with glow ping start. 5.7 i Engine, radiator and all auxiliary en~ne driven devices shall be resilient mounted ~ through a dedicated engine frame. 5.8 Engine shall be equipped with a cab mounted filter restriction indicator. An auxiliary engine shutdown sl~!! be included which protects 8gainer damage when either low oil pressure or high coolant temperature conditions occur. A Turbo II air pre-cleaner shall be provided to further protect sweeper engine. 6.0 SIDE BROOMS 16.1 i Each side broom shall be driven by a hydraulic motor directly mounted to the broo~r' i i disc plate. They shall be the vertical digger type, trailing arm design~ i 6.2 ~ Side brooms shall be 42-inch diameter minimum, protruding not less than 13 im ~ beyond the outside of the fire of the chassis while sweeping. 6.3 i To hold broom pattern regardless of up and down motion, ann suspension design i ~ shall be the parallelogram type. 6.4 f Broom down pressure shall be ndjustable by the operator from the cab while ! moving. 6.5 ~ Broom shall consist of five (5) plastic segments, filled with 26 inch long tempered i steel wire. 6.6 ! To provide flexibility for varying sweeping conditions, broom speed shall be i variable, 90 RPM to 160 RPM, bythe operator from the cab while movlng. 6.7 I Broom rotation, forward or reverse, shall be selectable without leaving the cab. 6.8 i Each broom shall have a spotlight for night operation. 6.9 I Broom rotation shall stop and rinse automatically, when transmission is placed into ~ reverse or when the swooper is put in transport mode. Tilting of right side broom shall be variable from the cab. An elootrieally controlled COMPLY Yes No ! Page 7 linear actuator shall allow the ope~r to tilt the side broom inward and OU~l~rd fro~ i the cab, while sweeping. An in-cab control shall be supphed that allows the operator to change the outward position of the right-hand side broom, up to 10" beyond its standard sweeping position. i 7.0 MAIN BROOM i 7.1 i The main broom shall be not less than 60 inches long and not less than 35 inches in i diameter. 1 7.2 i Broom shall be driven by a hydraulic motor directly mounted to the broom core. 1 7.3 i To provide flexibility for varying sweeping conditions, broom speed shall be variable, 80 RPM to 140 RPM, by operator from cab while moving. i 7.4 Main broom down preSsure shall be adjustable by the operator from the cab while ~ moving. 7.5 Main broom shall be prefab disposable type, filled with polypropylene. 7.6 Main broom shall be double wrapped at both ends. 7.7 i Sweeping path shall be not less than 10 feet wide with right and left side broom activated. 7.8 i For safety, main broom shall automatically stop and raise when transmission is i placed in reverse~ 7.9 i Main broom shall be shielded by a steel broom hood. Plastic hoods are not i acceptable. 7.10 i Main broom hood shall be designed to not only prevent material from being over i thrown into following traffic, but also be capable of channeling over throw back in~ ~ the dirt chamber. ~ ' 'ghL 7.11 i Main broom shall have a work h 7.12 i Main broom shall be pneumatically raised and lowered. A paddle type strip broom shall be supplied which replaces the standard cable t wrapped mare broom. is c ¥OR 8.1 ! Conveyor shall be able to load hopper to 100% of rated useable capacity. 8.2 ! Conveyor rotation, forward or reveme, shall be selectable rotation without leaving P~e8 i with rubber squeegee type flights is not acceptable. 8.4 i Conveyor speed shall be variable from the cab. 8.5 i Conveyor shall be reversible in direction without stopping or reversing any broom. 8.6 i Conveyor shall be capable of effectively sweeping debris of varying sizes (from i large bulky trash 9 inches in height to fine sand) without the need to make any adjustments to the conveyor system. 8.7 To provide proper clearance, the lower portion of the conveyor shall be capable of raising 9 inches while sweeping. 8.8 To reduce wear on all conveyance components, a conveyor belt having molded cleats must carry, not drag, debris to the hopper. 8.9 i For safety, conveyor shall autothatically stop and raise when transmission is placed in reverse or when the sweeper is put in transport mode. An audible conveyor stall alarm is to be provided as a warning to the operator. The standard lower roller is replaced with a roller that is constructed flora hardened steel pipe, with a thicker wall, for improved wear resistance and longer life. COMPLY i 9.0 HOPPER Yes No 9.1 ~ For safety, the hopper shall be right side dumping, allowing an operator to observe i __ ~ the dump target and surrounding area at all times from the cab, without the use of .,.- - ,~ ...................... , i9.2 ~ Hopper shall be constructed of 7 gauge abrasion resistant steel floor and 11 gauge __ steel door, top and sides. 9.3 Hopper volumetric capacity shall be not less than 4.5 cubic yards. Useable capacity ~ __ not less than 3.3 yards. A hopper inspection door shall be supplied. 9.4 ,: Hopper shall dump at var, frog he ts ranging from 38 roches through a height of 1 i feet as measured at the lowest point under the open hopper chute. Fixed height dura systems are not acceptable. 9.5 Hopper shall be able to tilt (dump) to an angle not less than 50 degrees to ensure complete removal of all debris. P~e9 9:6 'i Lift mechanism shall be double stall, scissors lift system utilizing two hydr~c cylinders with a bore of not less th!liB.5 inches and a stroke of not less than~.5 iinches'''''' 9.7 i Lift capacity shall be not less than 11,000 lbs. 9.8 i Hopper dump mechanism shall utilize two hydraulic cylinders with a bore of not lesi i than 3.5 inches and a stroke of not less than 19.8 inches. 9.9.i Maximum time for full height lift and dump cycle shall not exceed 70 seconds. 9.10 i Hopper to hydraulically side shift toward hopper receptacle not less than 11 inches i for dumping efficiency. When dumping hopper, the minimum clearance required } between sweeper and debris receptacle shall not be less than 28 inches. 9.11 i Hopper load shall be visible at all times from the cab through a front facing hopper i window and an upward facing skylight. 9.12 To prevent over-loading beyond Manufacturer'sGVW mting~ cab shall have a full load warning indicator light actiVated by hopper weight. 9.13 To extend .wear life, all scissors lift joints shall be self lubricating bronze bearings. 9.14 For safety, apparatus shall have an interlock to prevent dumping hopper without ... engaging the park brake. 9.15 .- For safety, cab shall have an 'UNLEVEL GRADE" indicator. 9.16 Sweeper shall not require jack stands and/or outriggers to stabilize chassis during dumping cycle. Units requiting this stabilization are not acceptable. 9.17 To extend wear life, all cylinder lift joints and hopper pivots shall bgreasable. !0.0 SPRAY WATER SYSTEM 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Tank capacity shall be not less than 280 U.S. gallons. Tank shall be constructed of non-rusting material. Pump shall be centrifugal type capable of running dry indefinitely without damage. ~ Pump shall be aluminum. Pump shall not contain ferrous parts in contact with water COMPLY Ye~ No Page 10 10.5 i Water system shall be equipped wi~ 3 brass spray nozzles on each side broom, thre~ i brass spray nozzles on a rear spr~. Rear spray bars shall be constructe~f I non-ferrous components to prevent contamination. 10.6 Water to each area, side broom left or right or rear spray bar shall be controlled in cab by electrical activation switches. Water flow control valves shall be non-ferrous i ~ heavy-duty "agricultural" type. 10.7 ~ A low water indicator light shall be located within the cab. 10.8 ' Sweeper shall be equipped with an automatic internal hopper/conveyor flush and wash down system. System shall include a manual bypass valve to divert hydrant water into system without necessitating filling of water tank. Bypass valve shall be located on the curb side of the vehicle. 10.9 10.10 10.11 !1o.12 Water fill hose shall be not less than 16 feet 8 inches in length, equipped with 2-1/2 inch NST hydrant coupler. " A 25 foot. washdown hose shal!.be provided. "__ An in-line water filter shall be provided with the fill hose to prevent contaminants from entering the water tank. To prevent the contamination of the water supply, tank shall be equipped with an ~ __ anti-siphon device Compliant to American National Standard Air gaps in plumbing systems ASME A112.12-1991. A 25 ft. (7620 mm) hose to fill the water tank is in lieu of the standard 16 ft. 8 in. (5080 mm) shall be supplied. lA fxont mounted spray bar shall be provided for increased water supply during extreme sweeping conditions. ILO HYDRAULIC SYSTEM COMPLY Y~ No 11.1 i Resorvoir capacity shall be not less than 20 gallons with outside level indicator. 1.2 ,,,, Pump shall be three section, directly driven. 1.3 ~ To prevent conaqmination of the re~,xvoir during the dump cycle, the reservoir vent i shall be eqmpped vnth 10 micron, spm on filter. 1.4 ! To prevent the possibility.of contamination and the resulting damage to the hydrauli{ i system, return lines for drive shall have a 1 O-micron full flow filter with bypass. Ca~ i mounted restriction indicator shall light before bypass begins. 1.5 ; To prevent contsmmation when ad&nE hydraulic fluid, all oil added must. pass ] through a 10 micron filter located within the fill spout. Page 11 12.4 12.5 .11.6 'i For ease and accuracy of testing, all~irsuits shall have quick-disconnect check ports[ --'11.7 '"'i' To minimize environmental dama~aused~" by leaking fittings, all high Pre~l~e-am~-- __ i fittings shall be flat-face "O" ring type. Other systems shall not be acceptable. COMPLY 12,0 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM Ye~ No 12.1 The pneumatic system shall have DOT fittings. .... __ 12.2 I There shall be a PR4 type pressure protector for the chassis air system to protect th~ ~f chassis air system, i 12.3 I A separate air tank for all sweeper air components shall be provided, i I Ail pneumatic cylinders shall be interchangeable, i All pneumatic cylinders must be rated to 251~PSI and have a separate rod seal and '~ : wiper to prevent contamination entering the cylinder. -- COMPLY 13.0 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Yes No 13.1 Sweeper electrical system shall be independent from the chassis electrical system. 13.2 } Sweeper shall have an electronic b~ck-up alum for ~lditionai warning and sa_f'ety when chassis is in rcve~e. 13.3 13.4 113.5 Sweeper fighting shall include rear identification lights, side broom and rear clearance lights. Sweeper wiring harnesses shall be eolor~xled and hot stamped with appropriate word designation labeled every four inches, i.e. 'Ignition~, "Side Broom" on each For safety, all electrical circuits must be protected by circuit breakers or fuses. An in-cab gauge that records the hours the main broom r~m~ shall be supplied. Wiring and mounting provisions for two flush mounted LED strobe lights on the fron __ grill, and strobe lights (one left-hand and one right-hand) to the rear engine compartment door panel shall be provided. 14.0 CONTROLS 14.1 All sweeper controls shall be mounted on a fixed central console located between · the left and right operators position. 14.2 The controls shall include all sweep, hopper, elevator, and lighting functions and shall all be located on the fixed operator control console. 14.3 The conltols for sweep, spray water, and lighting functions shall be conventional reeker switches. ~VIembrane' or touch pad switches are not acceptable. COMPLY Yes NO Page 12 I The unit shall include sweep resu~option. Sweep resume will pick up a~tow all! / sweep gear by operatLug one switc~l~. Reactivating the switch will engage ~weep I gear to preset operating .,,,~,,,nditions. i COMPLY i I$,0 SWEEPER INSTRUMENTS i Yes NQ i 15.1 I Sweeper engine instruments shall mclnde tachometer, hour meter, oil pressure, -- _.. - ~ voltage, auxiliary engine running lamp, coolant temperature, ah' filter restriction indicator for complete information for the operator on the condition of the auxiliaxy i engine. 15.2 i Sweeper instruments shall include a hopper full indicator, right and lefi side broom i down pressure, main broom down pressure, hydraulic filter restriction indicator, i sweeper out of level indicator, no spray water indicator, a "raised" hopper indicator ~ and a "full" hopper indicator to notify the operator of hopper oonditions. ,,, Two in-ei~b sweeper console mounted gauges that indicate the air pmssan~ being usec~ __ to hold the s~de brooms in its down position shall be supplied, There shall be one-- " gauge for each side broom. ] ~ 16.0 PAllgr Yes No il 6.1 ~ All visible exterior metallic surfaces shall be painted prior to assembly with polyeste { powder coat. Thc paint must be a minimum of 2 mils thick. The uses of acrylic ~ -- · i enamels and/or polyurethane's are not acceptable. ,,' ~, 16.2 [ Color shall be the Highway Department o£Town of Southold's color of"White", i i 16.3 [VehieleshallhaveanaccenteolorofCneyonthelowerportionsoftheunit, ~ i COMPLY 17,0 MANUALS Yes NO 17.1 17.2 An operation manual shall be provided. parts manual shall be provided. repair, service and trouble shooting manual shall be provided. An Eagle service video ahall be provided. Stcfling SC8000 Chassis parts book shall be provided. A Sterling SC8000 Chassis service manual shall be provided. __ __ Page 13 18.0 WARRANTY 18.1 i Manufacturers warranty shall be not less than one (1) yc~r on entire sweeper, ~ including all parts and labor. lg.2 1 Manufacturer's warranty shall be not less than two (2) years on chassis engine, i including all parts and labor. Conveyor full parts and labor wan'anty not lcss than f (3) 18.3 Bidders submitting literature stating wammties which do not fully comply with i warranty requirements of this specification, must submit a letter fi'om the i manufacturer certifying warranty compliance as an integral part of their proposal. iFailure to comply may cause the proposal shall be deemed "non-responsive" and rejected without further review. COMPLY yes No COMPLY 19.0 SERVICE AND TRAINING Yes No 19.1 ! Vendors shall have a full parts and service facility v~thi~ a reasonable distance ! the Highway Depa~iment Garage. State location and distance. 19.2 ! A qualified technician shall provide complete training to Highway Department ~ __ i personnel at the Highway Department Garage. Training shall include safety, 20.0 DELIVERY 20.1 20.2 i20. i~1.0 QUALITY Sweeper shall be dehvered F.O.B. Highway Department of Town of Southold in new fully operating condition. Acceptance shall be subject to thc iaspeeiion and approval of the Highway Depm'tment. Bidder shall mt* delivery time ~ receipt of order. ..- COMPLY i Yes No i21.1 [ Sweeper shall be maaufaelurod by. company with a registered quality standard no i ! less than ISO 9001. Page 14 PROPOSAl, FORM TO: HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The undersigned hereby declares that they have carefully examined the requirements of the specifications contained herein, and propose to furnish and deliver to the Highway Depa~ment of Town of Southold the apparatus listed below. ONE (1) New and Unused Six Wheel Broom Street Sweeper with Belt Conveyor BODY MAKE: CHASSIS MAKE.' PURCHASE PRICE: Words) i Bidder: Title: Address: '. · MODEL: MODEL: Total: $ Date: