HomeMy WebLinkAboutSnow Removal Equipment ELIZABETH A. NEVII,I,F. TOWN CLERK nEGISTHAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 $outhold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 15, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Gary Cervelli President Trois, Inc PO Box 158 Bohemia, NY 11716-0158 Dear Mr Cervelli: The Southold Town Highway Department has advised this office that they have taken possession of the snow removal equipment. Returned herewith is the certified check you submitted with this bid. Thank you for submitting you bid. Eric. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk THE BACK OF THIS DOCI"~ENT CONTAINS A REFLECTIVE SECURITY MARl( ~ ~ ~ , ~.., .,~ ,~,__-~ . . ,, '... .... ~, ...., , ,~,~ , "' ? 0 O t, ~ 2"' 0001 8547 911_= PL'I F_.R W. HARRIS Superintendent Highway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane · RO. Box 178 Peconic, N.Y. 11958~0178 Tel. (631) 765-3140 (631) 734-5211 Fax (631) 765-1750 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Lynda Bohn ~ Peter Harris Bids September 13, 2004 RECEIVED 8EP 1 4 2004 Southold Town Clerk I would like following bid 11/19/02 to advise checks. 11/19/03 3/25/04 1/16/03 8/19/03 that you may return the East Coast sand Sand for Ice Control 2003 Trius Inc Snow Re~oval Equipment 10' Stainless Steel Spreaders Snow Plow Hitch(s) Central Hydraulic System(s) Long Island sanitation Street Sweeper Advanced Equipment Combo Dump Truck/Spreader Peterbilt of Maine, Inc 10 Wheel Dump Truck ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT Bid opening 11/20/03 ~ 10:00 A.M. One (1) bid was received: Thus, Inc. P O Box 158 Bohemia NY 11716-0158 631-244-8600 $27,709.00 $31,709.00 w/option NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTII~IC ATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived al by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signe,d)~~ Print name Gary Cervell± (Corporate Title) (if any) President Company Name Trius, Inc. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 158 Bohemia, NY Phone Number 631-244-8600 11716-0158 Bid on the purchase of snow removal equipment, 0 0 VII, Bid Response Sheet Hi-Way Equipment Company Model E2020xt Steel Material Spreader, Viking Cives Advanced Style Custom Low Mount Hitch, Component Technology AS-2 Central Hydraulic system, OR EQUAL. to be installed on a Southold Town Highway-supplied dump truck. The custom Low Mount Hitch and pintle prate shall be coated with Megaflex rust preventative abrasion-resistant coating. Pre-Unit Price delivered Availability ~ O_ _D_aj_s~A_ft_e~r_ ~eo~e i~ ~ ~ f~ S p.r~e a d e r OPTION: Provide same package described above with a 14' E2020×t, 8.2 cu yd Material Spreader provided in lieu of 10' Spreader body Pre Unit Price delivered Ava i la b ility _3_O__D__aJ_s__A_f_t_er__R_e_c_e~p3: _o_f_$~p_.r ead er I, __6_~__C_e_=~_e_k:l~ .... as a duly authorized representative of __Tr_&__u_s_, Inc. have fully read, understood and recognized the requirements of this bid. I have enclosed complete copies of this specification, having been filled out in gooc: faith and to the best ~~item(s) being bid. Signed: Dated: ' ___N,~.y_em_b_er 19~_ 2003 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of thc General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following Snow removal equipment package(s) for use by the Sonthold Town Highway Department: 10' Stainless Steel Spreader(s) Snow Plow Hitch(s) Central Hydraulic System(s) Specifications for the above can be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's office Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified cheek in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New Ycrk, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, November 20, 2003, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to rQect any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Snow Removal Package. Bid on "Snow Removal Paekaae", and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 11, 2003 ELIZABETH/,. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MARCH 13, 2002, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971, Copies to the following: The Traveler Watchman Town Board Members Town Attomey Data Construction Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Supt. of Highways Harris Town of Southold Bid for: 10' Stainless Steel Spreader, Snow Plow Hitch and Central Hydraulics I. Intent It is the intent of this document to describe a Hi-Way Equipment Company Model E2020xt Steel Material Spreader, Viking Cives Advanced Style Custom Low Mount Hitch, Component Technology AS-2 Central Hydraulic system, OR EQUAL, to be installed on ~ Southold Town Highway-supplied dump truck. The custom Low Mount Hitch and pintle-plate shall be coated with Megaflex rust preventative abrasion- resistant coating. The successful bidder shall deliver to the Town of Southe~d a new and previously unused unit, which meets or exceeds the various technical specifications and requirements as described herein. In addition, the items listed below shall be considered as part and parcel to the bid and the property of the Town of Southol~d. 1. Specifications - for the purpose of evaluation, each vendor who proposes an alternate shall at the time of the bid provide two (2) copies of a technical description of the units he/she proposes to furnish. Said representation should be sufficiently detailed so as to address this bid on an item-by-item basis. Specifications submitted by vendors shall be instrumental in substantiating compliance with this bid. 2. Brochures - for the purpose of evaluation, each vendor who proposes an alternate shall submit two (2) copies of manufacturer's color brochures depicting current production model, by means of photograph. (Xerox, Fax Copy or Artist's Sketch not acceptable). Brochure should be sufficiently detailed so as to clearly illustrate general arrangement and fabrication of the sander body, spinner ~_ assembly, spinner motor location, and conveyor motor location. 3. Coating Specifications and Samples - for the purpose of evaluation, each vendor who proposes an alternate shall, at the time of the bid, provide two (2) copies of a technical description of the c~ating he/she intends to supply. Vendor shall also provide both wet ar;d dry samples at the time of the bid. Wet sample shall be not less than one pint by volume. Dry sample shall be on flexible, nonporous me~.~llicsurface, not less than 3" x5"in size. Dry film mil thickness of the sample shall be consistent with the requirements of this specification. Failure on the part of any vendor to comply with each of ~he mandatory requirements, specifications, and/er qualifications described in this document may result in disqualification of such bids. II. Technical Specifications A. Material Spreader Manufacturer - Highway Equipment Model- E2020XT 10' Stainless Steel General The spreader required under these specifications shall be of a heavy duty self-contained, hopper- type design. Shall have interchangeability with spreaders currently in the fleet. This unit shall consist of a 304-2B bright finish stainless steel body, feed conveyor, spinner disc, power drive, all components and all hardware necessary to make a complete operating unit. It shall be capable of uniformly spreading sand, cinders, salt, calcium chloride, or mixtures of each up to a width of forty feet. Bidders must submit with their bid complete specifications on the unit they propose to furnish. Bids with exceptions to these specifications throughout this specificationwill conform to ASTM standards. The use of any other standards will not be considered. Body The body shall be of all welded 304-2B bright finish stainless steel construction and not less than 4.6 cubic yards struck capacity. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION The inside length is not to be less than 10 feet. The overall height of the body is to be not greater than 55 1/2". The inside width to be not less than 82". The body sides shall have not less than forty-five (45) degree pitch to insure free flow of material to the conveyor. Shall have triple bend radius to transition from vertical to 45 degree slope so as to create better material flow and to reduce stress on stainless. The sides and end gate are to be a minimum of 12 --gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless steel. Both front and rear end gates shall be tapered 23 degrees to relieve pressure to the conveyor. The body shall be rigidly constructed and the entire top of the body is to be 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" channel formed for additional support. In an effort to have the body sides provide maximum support to the conveyor Iongitudinals aft of the body, it shall be required that the lower portions of the side sheets are in contact with the sills for the entire length of the sills. The body sills shall be of at least 10- gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless steel with longitudinal flanges supported on 3" x 1-1/2" x 7 - gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless rectangular tubing cross sills. YES × X X X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION There shall be an adequate number of 12- gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless steel body supports rigidly tying in the tubular cross still with the body sides to give the highest degree of resistance to warping or twisting under heavy loads. The body shall be provided with four lifting hooks, one at each comer of the body. An adjustable, heavy - duty, discharge gate of the screw jack type shall be located at the body rear to properly adjust the flow of material to the spinner. The maximum feed gate opening shall be 12" high x 18' wide heavy - duty, replaceable, "bolt-on" 304-2B bright finish stainless steel feed gate slides will reinforce the gate opening. Shall have formed stainless steel rib welded into the inside of the body just above the feedgate opening for added rigidity of the rear wall. All necessary hardware shall be 304-2B bright finish stainless steel. Side sheet extension at rear shall have a rib rolled in for rigidity. Shall have stainless steel joint from gate jack handle to gate jack for reduced corrosion and increased life. Shall have gate jack bolted to tabs welded to body not directly through body of spreader so as to reduce opportunity for corrosion of mounting bolts. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Conveyor # 4 BELT OVER CHAIN/ROLLER: The conveyor system shall be belt over chain type running longitudinally with the body, feeding material to the distributor disc. The over-all width of the conveyor shall be approximately 24". The conveyor chain shall be all-steel, 2- 5/16" pitch, riveted pin and roller chain, consisting of 7/8" diameter rollers and side bars with a ~,~ x 1"cross section. Chain bar flights shall have a cross section of lA" x 1-1/2 and shall be positioned on approximately 4-5/8" centers. A heavy duty, multiply, rubber covered belt shall be riveted to the bar flights with four zinc plated rivets per attaching bar and with "screw attaching" splicer bar. The conveyor gearbox shall have a 6:1 reduction and be of the spur gear type having aluminum alloy housing with a removable "bolt-on" torque arm mount. Conveyor drive sprockets shall be 8- tooth, drop forged steel, keyed to a 2" diameter (minimum) C-1045 shaft mounted in sealed anti-friction bearings. The drive shaft bearings shall not be bolted to the longitudinal sills, but will be held into position by heavy duty bearing retainers. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION These retainers shall allow for ease in replacement of the bearings without the need to disassemble the conveyor chain. The idler sprockets shall be 8-tooth, drop forged steel, and keyed The idler sprockets shall be mounted on not less than a 1-1/2" C~1045 shaft. The idler bearings shall be of a 1 ~/2' ID size and an actual "take-up" design, capable of being lubricated. The idler bearings shall be mounted into a screw type, positive adjustment, anti- corrosive adjustment fixture. Idler bearings shall have at least 4" of full travel for proper tension at all times. Flange or pillow block bearings used for the purpose of chain adjustment will not be accepted. The idler shaft shall be no less than 1- 1/2" C-1045 steel and shall be keyed, to accept the 8-tooth forged steel idler sprockets. 12-gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless steel "bolt in" replaceable conveyor chain shields, with rubber sealers, shall be provided, properly formed to protect the chain links and of sufficient strength to resist binding. YES × × × Compliance NO EXCEPTION A suitable sized oiler shall be provided to x lubricate the conveyor chain. The conveyor bottom shall be a minimum of 10-gauge 304 stainless steel, flange type construction, and adequately braced, with 3/8" x 1-1/2" stainless bars, on 12" centers, to provide rigidly to the conveyor chain floor. DISTRIBUTOR SPINNER ASSEMBLY REAR MOUNT/TOP DIRECT DRIVE The distributor disc shall be 20" in diameter equipped with six removable fins designed to obtain a controlled spread of four feet to fody feet. The hydraulic motor will directly couple to the distributor disc with the hydraulic motor mounted to the outside of the chute. The spinner position in 3" increments, below the mounting surface. The adjustment of the material spread pattern will be accomplished through two adjustable material flow deflectors within the chute. These deflectors will control the placement of material on the distributor disc. To control the direction and width of the material being spread, the spinner shall come equipped with baffles in the front, rear and on both sides of the spinner. These baffles are to be equipped with flexible rubber shields at each corner. (4 total) YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION The shields will be designed to prevent material from existing the corners of the spinner and striking the underside of the truck or a trailing vehicle. Adjustment of the baffles shall be no less than 12-gauge 304 stainless steel. The spinner chute shall also contain a deflector baffle which, when properly positioned will allow material to be unload with out striking the distributor disc. Shall have two internal baffles for fine adjustment of spread pattern. DumD Body Mount The mounting kit is to include four screw-adjustable hold down clamps, mounting brackets and hardware to attach to a dump body. A tailgate latch device manufactured from 3" x 4.11b channel with 1 ~" diameter pins welded at each end and fastened to the body sills through included brackets. The pins are locked into place by the dump body tailgate latch. Power Drive To be hydraulic and having two hydraulic motors. One powering the spinner and the other the conveyor. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION The conveyor hydraulic motor shall be of the orbital, Iow speed, hi-torque type, integrally mounted to the conveyor gearbox. Operation And Maintenance Manual Manual is to be furnished with each unit covering the operation, maintenance, and parts listings for the unit. Ooeratina And Maintenance Safety Manual Manual is to be fumished with each unit to promote safe operation and maintenance procedures. Paint All 304 stainless steel components shall be left unpainted. All non-304 stainless steel components are then prime painted. Next, the non-304 components are painted with a plural-component urethane finish coat in Hi-Way black. Finally, painted components are to be oven cured prior to complete assembly of the unit. Oiler For lubricating each side of the conveyor chain. 2 quart capacity oil tank. Petcock turns flow of oil off and on. YES X X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION Inverted "V" A height adjustable 12-gauge 304 stainless steel inverted "V" steel shield supported from a minimum of two vertical positions shall be provided to reduce the load pressure on the conveyor. This "~' shall be design to allow a swinging motion to eliminate material bridging while protecting the conveyor from excessive load pressure. Screens Sectional screens with a maximum length per section of six feet shall be' hinged to a 6" x 9.0LB I-beam running longitudinally the full length of the spreader hopper. The screen sections are to have 3/8" diameter rod welded to a ~" x 2" angle frame forming 2-3/8" x 2-1/2" openings. At the outer most edge of the screens, along the side sheets of the body, the screens shall nest into the body. This nesting will lock the screens from movements. Shall have 3/8" rods welded to the edge of the screen to engage lA" bent plate ridgepole brackets. Shall have "ridgepole brackets "M" shaped with one bracket to engage one left and one right screen Shall have a minimum of two hinges per screen section. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Screens shall slide forward and up for removal. Hinges with open tops and or edges of plate steel left in a vertical or exposed position .with the screens engaged, where they are a safety hazard, are unacceptable. Bumper Shall be straight channel bar type and be designed to protect the rear of the spreader from damage. Ughts Clearance lights and reflectors shall be provided as required for spreader to comply with DOT FMVSS 108. Rear Lamp Module Shall be installed as high as permissible on the rear of the spreader and fabricated of 12 gauge steel. Flashing lights to be of Valox material with Lexan lenses of recessed configuration. One indication and two marker lamps having Lexan lenses of less than 1" in profile shall employ four candlepower bulbs. No snap rings or screw retention systems shall be acceptable, All primary wiring to be 14 gauge BSXL cross-link polyethylene. All cable to be jacketed A.T.A. or T.T.M.A. recommended practice quality. YES × Compliance NO EXCEPTION The entire assembly shall be an internally sealed unit. A sixty amp-alternating flasher shall be provided. Light bar shall be 7 prong, compatiblewith trailer plug. Rubber Side Shields Shall be secured to both sides of the spreader. Shall ovedap dump body sides to prevent spillage into the body. Rubber shields shall be attached to the body with stainless steel fasteners. Shall run the entire length of the body Shall be manufactured from minimum material Manuals Each unit shall have a set of parts, maintenance, service and warranty manuals. YES × X X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION B. Low Mount Quick Hitch Face plate Shall have a height of not greater than 28" measured at the face of the hitch. Shall have a width of not more than 42" measured across the face of the hitch. Shall be not less than 1/2 thick with 5" crimped top and bottom edges formed for greater rigidity. Shall serve as the mounting surface for plow lift assembly, hinge ears, drive centers and all vertical reinforcements. Shall have (2) two outboard 5" x 1/2" vertical reinfomements which bolt to cheek plates and to frame extension on chassis. Shall have (2) two inboard 5" x 1/2" vertical reinfomements. These reinfomements shall serve as mounting points for the plow lift cylinder. Shall have two sets of 1/2 ears welded along top edge, and face for the purpose of securing plow lift assembly. Ears shall be drilled for 1/2" bolts grade 5 minimum. Shall have a slot cut into the face so as to allow lift cylinder to be recessed and stored vertically when not in use. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Face plate shall not extend above the chassis frame rails more than thickness of face plate, so as to provide maximum clearance of tilt type hoods. Plow Lift Assembly Shall have a main lift plate of not less than 1/2" thickness, supported by two (2) 3" x 1/2" thick arms. Shall have a center mounted receiving bracket of not less than 3/4" x 8" for the purpose of connecting lift cylinder and plow chain to lift arm assembly. Shall be configured so as to engage the plow lift cylinder by means of 3/4" bolt (Grade 5 minimum). Bolt shall pass through, lift piston yoke and receiving bracket. Shall be configured so as to store in a vertical position parallel to face plate. Shall come complete with dead sheave and cable assembly for lifting plow, shall have minimum 5/8" cable. Lift Cylinder Lift cylinder shall be pinned to the main inboard vertical supports at a point behind the face plate. Shall be double acfing. Shall have 4" tube. Shall have 2" nitrate treated rod. YES X X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION Rod shall have a two (2) year written manufacturers warranty against corrosion. Cylinder shall have 12" of stroke. Cylinder shall have O-ring seals. Cylinders which feature chrome piston are not acceptable. Arrowhead Receiver Receiver shall be an integral component of the Hitch. Shall operate from the standing position. Shall accommodate standard arrow from "Torlok" type hitch assemblies. Shall have two vertical rods to lock arrow into hitch with integral handles. YES X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION C. Central Hydraulic System Manufacturer - Component Technology Model - AS2 General Shall be capable of plowing, sanding, dumping, and other municipal operations Shall withstand severe weather Shall withstand frequent duty cycles Spreader Controls Shall be component Technology Model AS-2. Shall have nine-position control for spinner and auger. Shall have blast push button for an instantaneous 100% auger dump. Shall have adjustable minimum and maximum trims for both valves. Shall have adjustable PWM frequency. Shall have circuit breaker for shod circuit protection. Shall have reverse polarity protection. Shall have independent positive off position for each valve control knob. Shall have power on indicator. Shall have twist lock CPC connector for simple removal and replacement, YES X X X X X X X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION In the interest of maintaining a three- man cab & reducing potential for damage, mounting location for spreader control shall be in the overhead console. NO EXCEPTIONS Shall have one power switch that removes all power from both valves. Pump Shall be crankshaft driven Shall be Rexroth series 30 model A10V071 Shall be pressure compensated variable axial Shall have cast iron housing Shall be piston type Shall be capable of 35 GPM @ 2500RPM Shall have internally bled pressure compensation line at the pump Shall have pump case drain line directly to the reservoir Shall be cast iron, load sensing axial piston pump. Shall be U shape drive-shaft loop to protect radiator if shaft snaps. Shall offer variable displacement and be of at least 4.33 cu. in./revolution. Shall have variable speeds to 3000 RPM & pressure up to 4570 psi. YES × X X X X X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION Pump Drive Shaft Shall be a 1310 series Shall have splined slip yoke Shall have yokes mounted in phase Shall have no more than 4 degree operating angle Low Oil Shut Down Shall have normally open two way valve Shall prevent fluid loss upon component failure Shall be wired to a Iow oil level sender in the hydraulic tank Shall be driven by two position poppet type solenoid valve Shall be wired to a dash mounted Iow oil light Shall have dash mounted override switch for maintenance purposes Valve Shall be Rexroth Model MP 18. Shall be sectional type spool valve w/color coded weather tight connections on valve and sensors. Shall be of cast iron body type construction. Shall be made by the same manufacturer as the pump to insure compatibility. YES X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION Shall be pressure compensated. Shall have individual section flow compensators, allow adjustability of function speed, flow restrictors are unacceptable. Shall have 400-psi internal relief of the downside of the dump hoist. Shall be arranged to operate the following functions: Spinner, conveyor (electric solenoid activated), dump body hoist up/down, plow up/down and plow left/right shall be cable operated. Shall be mounted in combination valve enclosure/hydraulic reservoir. Valve enclosure shall be designed to keep road spray off the valve and to also allow easy access for servicing the valves Valve Enclosure/Reservoir Shall be 30 gal. min. frame mounted and manufactured of 10 ga. steel and contain the following: 165 micron washable suction strainer w/relief, 12 volt oil level sending unit, sight gauge, magnetic drain plug and in tank 10 Micron return filter w/condition gauge (filter will mount on top of reservoir to facilitate easy element changes). All hydraulic lines inside valve enclosure shall be steel line with bulkhead fittings. Hoses not acceptable. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Terminal Box Shall be mounted in the vented enclosed cabinet and feature indicating lights that check continuity through the cable harness. Reservoir Shall be 7 gauge steel construction. Shall be pressure tested for leaks. Shall have "L" shape design with weather-tight compartment for control valve (not immersed in oil). Shall have internal baffle. Shall have 33-gallon capacity (with 3" air space). Shall have large 2" NPT 100 mesh suction strainer with bypass relief. Shall have in tank return line filter. Shall have screened filler breather with chained cap. Shall have magnetic drain plug Shall have pressurized breather cap Shall have suction line shut off valve Shall have minimum 2 inch outlet Shall have a sight glass Shall be mounted to the left or right frame Shall be mounted behind the cab YES × X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION Filtration Shall have a 10 micron filter Shall have a 60 GPM filter Shall be installed in the reservoir return line Shall have a 25 PSI bypass Shall have an element condition indicator Hydraulic Lines and PlumbinQ Shall be made of "power match" approved equal or Shall have a minimum 2500 PSI working pressure Shall have a minimum 10,000 PSI burst pressure Shall have swivel fittings on both ends of ali hoses Shall have 2" minimum suction lines Shall have JIC 37 degree fittings on all high pressure connections Shall have steel lines for Spreader and spinner mounted inside the truck frame Shall have quick disconnects for the spinner hoses Shall be routed to avoid interference with chassis components and vehicle servicing YES X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Compliance NO EXCEPTION Shall be protected from abrasion and chaffing Shall be routed away from exhaust and areas of extreme heat Shall not use pipe fittings for high pressure connections Shall have "Aeroquip" type quick connect fittings (No Substitutes Accepted) Shall have quick connects for plow hoses All quick disconnects shall be bulkhead mounted Shall have dust covers provided for all male and female quick disconnects Switches Dash shall contain switch for plow lights. All switches shall be permanently etched, backlit and color-coded. Console shall also contain Iow oil light and body up light. Wirinq All electrical connections are to be protected by circuit breakers and exit the control box in two wiring looms. YES × × × × Compliance NO EXCEPTION IV. Vender Qualifications Vender must be representative for offered. a factory-authorized components being Vender must state best delivery available; delivery may be a prime factor in the award of this bid. In order to qualify for warranty, coating must be applied by a certified applicator. Vender must be available at time of delivery and placement to provide technical expertise. Vendor bidding an alternate must submit a customer list containing not less than twenty (20) references, using current production models of the unit being supplied. List should include agency, contact named and phone numbers. ¥. Manufacturer's Requirements The manufacturer shall provide standardized factory maintenance and repair manuals for the unit supplied. The manufacturer's Statement of Warranty shall be supplied. VI. Warranty Manufacturer Warranty standard warranty shall be submitted at the time of the bid. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION TRIUS, INC. 458 Johnson Avenue P.O. Box 158 Bohemia, NY 11716-0158 631-244-8600 November 18, 2003 Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY RECEIVED NOV 1 9 2003 BID#: Snow Removal Equipment DUE: November20,2003 at 10:00 AM Southold Town Clerk We are submitting a NO BID at this time. Please keep us on your bid list for future bids. Thank you. Very truly yours, G~y~elli, President GC:mn NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal l,aw~ that sealed bids are sougtlt and requested for ~ .Snow rem~oval equi_nm~ll oaekagels} for use by the Southold Town Hiehway I 0' Stainless Steel Spreader(s) Snow Plow Hitch(s) Central Hydraulic System(s) Specifications for the above can be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's office M,~-,~ thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. Sealed bids, together with a Non*Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check In the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Soathold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until ! 0:00 A.M., Tht~rsday, November 20, 200J, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Sunthold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informali- ties in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Snow Removal Package. ~Bid on YSnow Removal _a__f~[~[~,~, and submitted to Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March I 1, 2003 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1X 11/13/03 (049) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Lisc Marinace. being duly sworn, says that she is thc Lcgal Advertising Coordinator, of the D'm,eler }~'tllc'hman, a public newspaper printed at Southold. in Suffolk County: and that the nolice of which the annexed is a primed copy, has bccn published in said D'm'eler ~12tlc'hm~m once each week tbr .....~. ..... week~ ,,~ successively, com~ncing on the....~ ......... day ~f Swo/~ to before me this/...~....da? of Nolary Pub] Emily llamill LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following Snow removal equioment oackage(s) for use by the Southold Town Highway Department: 10' Stainless Steel Spreader(s) Snow Plow Hitch(s) Central Hydraulic System(s) Specifications for the above can be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's office Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, November 20, 2003, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. Thc Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves thc right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it bc deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Snow Removal Package. Bid on "Snow Removal Package", and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 11, 2003 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MARCH 13, 2002, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Traveler Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorney Data Construction Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Supt. of Highways Harris NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) Print name (Corporate Title) (if any) Company Name Mailing Address: Phone Number Bid on the I~urchase of snow removal equil~ment, STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the l0 day of /~~ 2003 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in, a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Legal Notice: Notice to Bidders for Snow Removal Equioment, bid opening at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, November 20, 2003 Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this t6 .dayof ]x~00 2003 L'YNDA M. BOHN ~ PUBLIC, State of Ne~ YoHi No. 01B06020932 ~ualified In Suffolk ~u~ Te~ ~ptr~ Mamh 8, 20~ PETER W. HARRIS Superintendent Highway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane · P.O. Box 178 Peconic, N.Y. 11958-0178 Tel. (631) 765-3140 (631) 734-5211 Fax (631) 765-1750 Town of Southold Bid for: 10' Stainless Steel Spreader, Snow Plow Hitch and Central Hydraulics I. Intent It is the intent of this document to describe a Hi-Way Equipment Company Model E2020xt Steel Material Spreader, Viking Cives Advanced Style Custom Low Mount Hitch, Component Technology AS-2 Central Hydraulic system, OR EQUAL, to be installed on a Southold Town Highway-supplied dump truck. The custom Low Mount Hitch and pintle-plate shall be coated with Megaflex rust preventative abrasion- resistant coating. The successful bidder shall deliver to the Town of Southold a new and previously unused unit, which meets or exceeds the various technical specifications and requirements as described herein. In addition, the items listed below shall be considered as part and parcel to the bid and the property of the Town of Southold. 1. Specifications - for the purpose' Of evaluation, each vendor who proposes an alternate shall at the time of the bid provide two (2) copies ora technical description of the units he/she proposes to furnish. Said representation should be sufficiently detailed so as to address this bid on an item-by-item basis. Specifications submitted by vendors shall be instrumental in substantiating compliance with this bid. 2. Brochures - for the purpose of evaluation, each vendor who proposes an alternate shall submit two (2) copies of manufacturer's color brochures depicting current production model, by means of photograph. (Xerox, Fax Copy or Artist's Sketch not acceptable). Brochure should be sufficiently detailed so as to clearly illustrate general arrangement and fabrication of the sander body, spinner .. assembly, spinner motor location, and conveyor motor location. 3. Coating Specifications and Samples - for the purpose of evaluation, each vendor who proposes an alternate shall, at the time of the bid, provide two (2) copies of a technical description of the coating he/she intends to supply. Vendor shall also provide both wet and dry samples at the time of the bid. Wet sample shall be not less than one pint by volume. Dry sample shall be on flexible, nonporous metallic surface, not less than 3" x 5" in size. Dry film mil thickness of the sample shall be consistent with the requirements of this specification. Failure on the part of any vendor to comply with each of the mandatory requirements, specifications, and/or qualifications described in this document may result in disqualification of such bids. II. Technical Specifications A. Material Spreader Manufacturer- Highway Equipment Model- E2020XT 10' Stainless Steel General The spreader required under these specifications shall be of a heavy duty self-contained, hopper - type design. Shall have interchangeability with spreaders currently in lhe fleet. This unit shall consist of a 304-2B bdght finish stainless steel body, feed conveyor, spinner disc, power ddve, all components and all hardware necessary to make a complete operating unit. It shall be capable of uniformly spreading sand, cinders, salt, calcium chloride, or mixtures of each up to a width of forty feet. Bidders must submit with their bid complete specifications on the unit they propose to fumish. Bids with exceptions to these specifications throughout this specificationwill conform to ASTM standards. The use of any other standards will not be considered. Body The body shall be of all welded 304-2B bright finish stainless steel construction and not less than 4.6 cubic yards struck capacity. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION The inside length is not to be less than 10 feet. The overall height of the body is to be not greater than 55 1/2". The inside width to be not less than 82". The body sides shall have not less than forty-five (45) degree pitch to insure free flow of material to the conveyor. Shall have triple bond radius to transition from vertical to 45 degree slope so as to create better material flow and to reduce stress on stainless. The sides and end gate are to be a minimum of 12 -gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless steel. Both front and rear end gates shall be tapered 23 degrees to relieve pressure to the conveyor. The body shall be rigidly constructed and the entire top of the body is to be 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" channel formed for additional support. In an effort to have the body sides provide maximum support to the conveyor Iongitudinals aft of the body, it shall be required that the lower portions of the side sheets ara in contact with the sills for the entire length of the sills. The body sills shall be of at least lO- gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless steel with longitudinal flanges supported on 3" x 1-1/2" x 7 - gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless rectangular tubing cross sills. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION There shall be an adequate number of 12- gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless steel body supports rigidly tying in the tubular cross still with the body sides to give the highest degree of resistance to warping or twisting under heavy loads. The body shall be provided with four lifting hooks, one at each comer of the body. An adjustable, heavy - duty, discharge gate of the screw jack type shall be located at the body rear to properly adjust the flow of material to the spinner. The maximum feed gate opening shall be 12" high x 18' wide heavy - duty, replaceable, "bolt-on' 304-2B bdght finish stainless steel feed gate slides will reinfome the gate opening. Shall have formed stainless steel rib welded into the inside of the body just above the feedgate opening for added rigidity of the rear wall. All necessary hardware shall be 304-2B bright finish stainless steel. Side sheet extension at rear shall have a rib rolled in for rigidity. Shall have stainless steel joint from gate jack handle to gate jack for reduced corrosion and increased life. Shall have gate jack bolted to tabs welded to body not directly through body of spreader so as to reduce opportunity for corrosion of mounting bolts. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Conveyor # 4 BELT OVER CHAIN/ROLLER: The conveyor system shall be belt over chain type running longitudinally with the body, feeding material to the distributor disc. The over-all width of the conveyor shall be approximately 24". The conveyor chain shall be all-steel, 2- 5/16" pitch, riveted pin and roller chain, consisting of 7/8" diameter rollers and side bars with a IA x 1"cross section. Chain bar flights shall have a cross section of 1/4" x 1-1/2 and shall be positioned on approximately 4-5/8" centers. A heavy duty, multiply, rubber covered belt shall be riveted to the bar flights with four zinc plated rivets per attaching bar and with "screw attaching" splicer bar. The conveyor gearbox shall have a 6:1 reduction and be of the spur gear type having aluminum alloy housing with a removable 'bolt-on" torque arm mount. Conveyor drive sprockets shall be 8- tooth, drop forged steel, keyed to a 2" diameter (minimum) C-1045 shaft mounted in sealed anti-friction bearings. The drive shaft bearings shall not be bolted to the longitudinal sills, but will be held into position by heavy duty bearing retainers. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION These retainers shall allow for ease in replacement of the beadngs without the need to disassemble the conveyor chain. The idler sprockets shall be 8-tooth, drop forged steel, and keyed The idler sprockets shall be mounted on not less than a 1-1/2" C-1045 shaft. The idler bearings shall be of a 1 Y=" ID size and an actual ~take-up" design, capable of being lubricated. The idler bearings shall be mounted into a screw type, positive adjustment, anti- corrosive adjustment fixture. Idler bearings shall have at least 4" of full travel for proper tension at all times. Flange or pillow block bearings used for the purpose of chain adjustment will not be accepted. The idler shaft shall be no less than 1- 1/2" C-1045 steel and shall be keyed, to accept the 8-tooth forged steel idler sprockets. 12-gauge 304-2B bright finish stainless steel "bolt in" replaceable conveyor chain shields, with rubber sealers, shall be provided, properly formed to protect the chain links and of sufficient strength to resist binding. A suitable sized oiler shall be provided to lubricate the conveyor chain. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION The conveyor bottom shall be a minimum of 10-gauge 304 stainless steel, flange type construction, and adequately braced, with 3/8" x 1-1/2" stainless bars, on 12" centers, to provide rigidly to the conveyor chain floor. DISTRIBUTOR SPINNER ASSEMBLY REAR MOUNT/TOP DIRECT DRIVE The distributor disc shall be 20" in diameter equipped with six removable fins designed to obtain a controlled spread of four feet to forty feet. The hydraulic motor will directly couple to the distributor disc with the hydraulic motor mounted to the outside of the chute. The spinner position in 3" increments, below the mounting surface. The adjustment of the matedal spread pattern will be accomplished through two adjustable material flow deflectors within the chute. These deflectors will control the placement of material on the distributor disc. To control the direction and width of the material being spread, the spinner shall come equipped with baffles in the front, rear and on both sides of the spinner. These baffles ara to be equipped with flexible rubber shields at each corner. (4 total) YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION The shields will be designed to prevent material from existing the corners of the spinner and striking the underside of the truck or a trailing vehicle. Adjustment of the baffles shall be no less than 12-gauge 304 stainless steel. The spinner chute shall also contain a deflector baffle which, when properly positioned will allow matedal to be unload with out striking the distributor disc. Shall have two internal baffles for fine adjustment of spread pattern. Dump Bodv Mount The mounting kit is to include four screw-adjustable hold down clamps, mounting brackets and hardware to attach to a dump body. A tailgate latch device manufactured from 3" x 4.11b channel with I ~" diameter pins welded at each end and fastened to the body sills through included brackets. The pins are locked into place by the dump body tailgate latch. Power Drive To be hydraulic and having two hydraulic motors. One powering the spinner and the other the conveyor. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION The conveyor hydraulic motor shall be of the orbital, Iow speed, hi-torque type, integrally mounted to the conveyor gearbox. Operation And Maintenance Manual Manual is to be furnished with each unit covering the operation, maintenance, and parts listings for the unit. ODeratin(~ And Maintenance Safety Manual Manual is to be furnished with each unit to promote safe operation and maintenance procedures. Paint All 304 stainless steel components shall be left unpainted. All non-304 stainless steel components are then prime painted. Next, the non-304 components are painted with a plural-component urethane finish coat in Hi-Way black. Finally, painted components are to be oven cured prior to complete assembly of the unit. Oiler For lubricating each side of the conveyor chain. 2 quart capacity oil tank. Petcock tums flow of oil off and on. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Inverted "V" A height adjustable 12-gauge 304 stainless steel inverted "V" steel shield supported from a minimum of two vertical positions shall be provided to reduce the load pressure on the conveyor. This "? shall be design to allow a swinging motion to eliminate material bridging while protecting the conveyor from excessive load pressure. Screens Sectional screens with a maximum length per section of six feet shall be hinged to a 6" x g.0LB I-beam running longitudinally the full length of the spreader hopper. The screen sections are to have 3/8" diameter rod welded to a ~,~" x 2" angle frame forming 2-3/8" x 2-1/2" openings. At the outer most edge of the screens, along the side sheets of the body, the screens shall nest into the body. This nesting will lock the screens from movements. Shall have 3/8" reds welded to the edge of the screen to engage ¼" bent plate ridgepole brackets. Shall have ridgepole brackets "M" shaped with one bracket to engage one left and one right screen Shall have a minimum of two hinges per screen section. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Screens shall slide forward and up for removal. Hinges with open tops and or edges of plate steel left in a vertical or exposed position with the screens engaged, where they are a safety hazard, are unacceptable. Bumeer Shall be straight channel bar type and be designed to protect the rear of the spreader from damage. Uahts Clearance lights and reflectors shall be provided as required for spreader to comply with DOT FMVSS 108. Rear Lamp Module Shall be installed as high as permissible on the rear of the spreader and fabricated of 12 gauge steel. Flashing lights to be of Valox material with Lexan lenses of recessed configuration. One indication and two marker lamps having Lexan lenses of less than 1" in profile shall employ four candlepower bulbs. No snap rings or screw retention systems shall be acceptable. All primary wiring to be 14 gauge BSXL cross-link polyethylene. All cable to be jacketed A.T.A. or T.T.M.A. recommended practice quality. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION The entire assembly shall be an intemally sealed unit. A sixty amp-alternating flasher shall be provided. Light bar shall be 7 prong, compatible.with trailer plug. Rubber Side Shields Shall be secured to both sides of the spreader. Shall overlap dump body sides to prevent spillage into the body. Rubber shields shall be attached to the body with stainless steel fasteners. Shall mn the entire length of the body Shall be manufactured from minimum material Manuals Each unit shall have a set of parts, maintenance, service and warranty manuals. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION B. Low Mount Quick Hitch Face [31ate Shall have a height of not greater than 28" measured at the face of the hitch. Shall have a width of not more than 42" measured across the face of the hitch. Shall be not less than 1/2 thick with 5" cdmped top and bottom edges formed for greater rigidity. Shall serve as the mounting surface for plow lift assembly, hinge ears, drive centers and all vertical reinforcements. Shall have (2) two outboard 5" x 1/2" vertical reinforcements which bolt to cheek plates and to frame extension on chassis. Shall have (2) two inboard 5" x 1/2" vertical reinforcements. These reinforcements shall serve as mounting points for the plow lift cylinder. Shall have two sets of 1/2 ears welded along top edge, and face for the purpose YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Face plate shall not extend above the chassis frame rails mora than thickness of face plate, so as to provide maximum clearance of tilt type hoods. Plow Lift ASsembly Shall have a main lift plate of not less than 1/2" thickness, supported by two (2) 3' x 1/2' thick arms. Shall have a center mounted receiving bracket of not less than 3/4' x 8" for the purpose of connecting lift cylinder and plow chain to lift arm assembly. Shall be configured so as to engage the plow lift cylinder by means of 3/4" bolt (Grade 5 minimum). Bolt shall pass through, lift piston yoke and receiving bracket. Shall be configured so as to store in a vertical position parallel to face plate. Shall come complete with dead sheave and cable assembly for lifting plow, shall have minimum 5/8' cable. Lift Cvtinder Lift cylinder shall be pinned to the main inboard vertical supports at a point behind the face plate. Shall be double acting. Shall have 4" tube. Shall have 2" nitrate treated rod. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Rod shall have a two (2) year written manufacturers warranty against corrosion. Cylinder shall have 12" of stroke. Cylinder shall have O-ring seals. Cylinders which feature chrome piston are not acceptable, Arrowhead Receiver Receiver shall be an integral component of lhe Hitch. Shall operate from the standing position. Shall accommodate standard arrow from q'orlok" type hitch assemblies. Shall have two vertical rods to lock arrow into hitch with integral handles. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION C. Central Hydraulic System Manufacturer - Component Technology Model - AS2 General Shall be capable of plowing, sanding, dumping, and other municipal operations Shall withstand severe weather Shall withstand frequent duty cycles Spreader Controls Shall be component Technology Model AS-2. Shall have nine-position control for spinner and auger. Shall have blast push button for an instantaneous 100% auger dump. Shall have adjustable minimum and maximum trims for beth valves. Shall have adjustable PWM frequency. Shall have cimuit breaker for short circuit protection. Shall have reverse polarity protection. Shall have independent positive off position for each valve control knob. Shall have power on indicator. Shall have twist lock CPC connector for simple removal and replacement. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION In the interest of maintaining a three- man cab & reducing potential for damage, mounting location for spreader control shall be in the overhead console. NO EXCEPTIONS Shall have one power switch that removes all power from both valves. Pump Shall be crankshaft driven Shall be Rexroth series 30 model A10V071 Shall be pressure compensated variable axial Shall have cast iron housing Shall be piston type Shall be capable of 35 GPM @ 2500RPM Shall have intemally bled pressure compensation tine at the pump Shall have pump case drain line directly to the reservoir Shall be cast iron, load sensing axial piston pump. Shall be U shape drive-shaft loop to protect radiator if shaft snaps. Shall offer vadable displacement and be of at least 4.33 cu. inJrevolution. Shall have variable speeds to 3000 RPM & pressure up to 4570 psi. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Pump Drive Shaft Shall be a 1310 series Shall have splined slip yoke Shall have yokes mounted in phase Shall have no more than 4 degree operating angle Low Oil Shut Down Shall have normally open two way valve Shall prevent fluid loss upon component failure Shall be wired to a Iow oil level sender in the hydraulic tank Shall be driven by two position poppet type solenoid valve Shall be wired to a dash mounted Iow oil light Shall have dash mounted override switch for maintenance purposes Valve Shall be Rexroth Model MP 18, Shall be sectional type spool valve w/color coded weather tight connections on valve and sensors. Shall be of cast iron body type construction. Shall be made by the same manufacturer as the pump to insure compatibility. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Shall be pressure compensated. Shall have individual section flow compensators, allow adjustability of function speed, flow restrictors are unacceptable. Shall have 400-psi internal relief of the downside of the dump hoist. Shall be arranged to operate the following functions: Spinner, conveyor (electric solenoid activated), dump body hoist up/down, plow up/down and plow left/right shall be cable operated. Shall be mounted in combination valve enclosure/hydraulic reservoir. Valve enclosure shall be designed to keep road spray off the valve and to also allow easy access for servicing the valves Valve Enclosure/Reservoir Shall be 30 gal. min. frame mounted and manufactured of 10 ga. steel and contain the following: 165 micron washable suction strainer w/relief, 12 volt oil level sending unit, sight gauge, magnetic drain plug and in tank 10 Micron return filter w/condition gauge (filter will mount on top of reservoir to facilitate easy element changes). All hydraulic lines inside valve enclosure shall be steel line with bulkhead fittings. Hoses not acceptable. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Terminal Box Shall be mounted in the vented enclosed cabinet and feature indicating lights that check continuity through the cable harness. Resen/oir Shall be 7 gauge steel construction. Shall be pressure tested for leaks. Shall have "L" shape design with weather-tight compartment for control valve (not immersed in oil). Shall have internal baffle. Shall have 33-gallon capacity (with 3" air space). Shall have large 2" NPT 100 mesh suction strainer with bypass relief. Shall have in tank return line filter. Shall have screened filler breather with chained cap. Shall have magnetic drain plug Shall have pressurized breather cap Shall have suction line shut off valve Shall have minimum 2 inch outlet Shall have a sight glass Shall be mounted to the left or right frame Shall be mounted behind the cab YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Filtration Shall have a 10 micron filter Shall have a 60 GPM filter Shall be installed in the reservoir return line Shall have a 25 PSI bypass Shall have an element condition indicator Hvdraulic Lines and Plumbincl Shall be made of "power match" or approved equal Shall have a minimum 2500 PSI working pressure Shall have a minimum 10,000 PSI burst pressure Shall have swivel fittings on both ends of all hoses Shall have 2" minimum suction lines Shall have JIC 37 degree fittings on all high pressure connections Shall have steel lines for Spreader and spinner mounted inside the truck frame Shall have quick disconnects for the spinner hoses Shall be reuted to avoid interference with chassis components and vehicle servicing YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION Shall be protected from abrasion and chaffing Shall be routed away from exhaust and areas of extreme heat Shall not use pipe fittings for high pressure connections Shall have "Aeroquip" type quick connect fittings (No Substitutes Accepted) Shall have quick connects for plow hoses All quick disconnects shall be bulkhead mounted Shall have dust covers provided for all male and female quick disconnects Switches Dash shall contain switch for plow lights. All switches shall be permanently etched, backlit and color-coded. Console shall also contain Iow oil light and body up light. Wiring All electrical connections arc to be protected by circuit breakers and exit the control box in two widng looms. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION IV. Vender Qualifications Vender must be a factory-authorized representative for components being offered. Vender must state best delivery available; delivery may be a prime factor in the award of this bid. In order to qualify for warranty, coating must be applied by a certified applicator. Vender must be available at time of delivery and placement to provide technical expertise. Vendor bidding an alternate must submit a customer list containing not less than twenty (20) references, using current production models of the unit being supplied. List should include agency, contact named and phone numbers. ¥. Manufacturer's Requirements The manufacturer shall provide standardized factory maintenance and repair manuals for the unit supplied. The manufacturer's Statement of Warranty shall be supplied. VI. Warranty Manufacturer Warranty standard warranty shall be submitted at the time of the bid. YES Compliance NO EXCEPTION VII. Bid Response Sheet Hi-Way Equipment Company Model E2020xt Steel Material Spreader, Viking Cives Advanced Style Custom Low Mount Hitch, Component Technology AS-2 Central Hydraulic system, OR EQUAL, to be installed on a Southold Town Highway-supplied dump truck. The custom Low Mount Hitch and pintle plate shall be coated with Megaflex rust preventative abrasion-resistant coating. Pre-Unit Price delivered Availability OPTION: Provide same package described above with a 14' E2020xt, 8.2 cu yd Material Spreader provided in lieu of 10' Spreader body. Pre Unit Price delivered Availability I, as a duly authorized representative of have fully read, understood and recognized the requirements of this bid. I have enclosed complete copies of this specification, having been filled out in good faith and to the best of my knowledge for the item(s) being bid. Signed: Dated: Features: · VIKING-ClVES (USA) custom designed hitches are available for chassis with or without factory installed frame extensions. · No cutting of holes through fenders or grills is required on plow only or plow/wing applications. · A pump/PTO bracket may be specified for various front mounted crankshaft driven pump applications. · A choice of single or double acting plow lift cylinders is offered. · A choice of 21 ", 30-1/2" or dual push centers are available. · A choice of "QUICK-HITCH" options are also available. Consult your nearest VIKING-ClVES (USA) dealer or the factory for availability, Custom Type Hitch VIKING-ClVES (USA) custom designed hitches ara specifically designed for your particular truck. Heavy-duty 1/2" or optional 5/8" cheekplates bolted driectly to the frame and an A36 structural steel A-frame provide for years of trouble free service, VIKING-ClVES (USA) leads the industry in availability of options and features to meet your specific requirements. Viking. Cives ( SA) Has Just Th Right Answer F0rY0ur Special Requirements. TILT-OVER POWER-TILT MANUAL-TILT The VIKING ClVES (USA) tilt-over hitch is available for certain trucks equipped with a stationary grill option. It is designed to permit ease of engine access for routine engine maintenance on chassis with limited butterfly access or those without a butterfly provision. Fabricated from the same structural components as the standard VIKING ClVES (USA) custom hitches the tilt-over hitch may be just the answer for your special requirements. The VIKING CIVES (USA) power-tilt hitch is available in configurations for plow only and plow/wing installation applications. A 4" bore by 10" stroke double acting lift cylinder provides the power to articulate the top sector of the cheekplates and the A-frame forward. During the summer months the entire tilt portion of the hitch may be removed to reduce weight on the front axle of the chassis. The VIKING CIVES (USA) manual-tilt hitch is available in configurations for plow only and plow/wing installation applications. By simply removing two (2) pins the top sector of the cheekplates and the A-frame is easily articulated forward for ease of engine access. During summer months the entire tilt portion of the hitch may be removed to reduce weight on the front axle of the chassis. Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Use only Viking authorized replacement parts and accessories to assure optimum performance and reliability.