HomeMy WebLinkAboutPropertyBureauPATRICIA A. FINNEGAN TOWN ATTORNEY patricia.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us KIERAN M. CORCORAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY kieran.corcoran@town.southold.ny.us LORI HULSE MONTEFUSCO ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY lori.montefusco@town.southold.ny.us JOSHUA Y. HORTON Supervisor Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 Facsimile (631) 765-6639 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: From: Date: Subject: MEMORANDUM Ms. Joanne Liguori Lynne Krauza Secretary to the Town Attorney February 14, 2005 Propertyroom.com - Police Auctions Online Contract Between Town of Southold and PropertyBureau, Inc. Please be advised that Lori has reviewed and approved the attached Contract between the Town of Southold Police Department and PropertyBureau, Inc. in coi~nection with the referenced matter. I will prepare a Resolution authorizing Josh to sign this Contract for tomorrow's Town Board meeting. In this regard, kindly have Josh sign the Contract where indicated and return it to Sgt. Santacroce. Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, please call me. /Ik Enclosure cc: Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (w/encl.) ~ Sgt. Santacroce, Southold Town Police Department (w/o encl.) We are the leading Internet Auction Services Company serving law enforcement in the United States We auction seized, found, stolen, recovered and surplus items Online Free Coast-To-Coast Pick:Up We reduce your storage & handling ,." .. costs, increase your proceeds and provide IbT~r~,ost comprehensive SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROPERTY BUREAU: Free c ast4o;coast'l~i~l~up aod~,removal of des,gmted ~roperty from one or more of ~for tidy 6i~p ~ : ' :~, ,~ your m~z? · Electror~ . ,-o~ ~.~ / ~. ~,;,;~ ,.:: '~. '* ~rop~,.. M~LIONS · Our own, ~6~,fll~. "HUNDREDS") ACTUAL SAMPLE AUCTION How IT WORKS: 3 SIMPLE STEPS 0 No charge for ~?: ~. pickups at your convenience · ~ ~ on the intemet [~1~.~.~ auction the items 0 We send you a check each month with each month/y Check · Audit any item's complete histc.T~- · Secure Server access free for, all clients ACTUAL RESULTS! $22,000 · Intemet~b~': "~, ~:!iway,~_yields a higher selling price than a l~.al audlen,, , % ' ~FORE ,7~' ! ~ ,,, ( . s2s,0oo · o,.~y qu~,~e~...~.~e ~owea to SO~E o~ OUR ~w www.propertyroom.com 3551 Camino Mira Costa I Suite C I San Clemente, CA 92672 PH 949.234.0204 I 800.799.2440 { FX 949-234.0047 November4,2004 Sgt. Henry Santacoce Southold Town Police Dept. Main Rd. Peconic, NY 11958 Re: Property Bureau on-line auctioning services Dear Sgt Santaeoce: Thank you for speaking with me today. As discussed, I wanted to update you on some of the Departments that have recently signed on for our services on Long Island, Town of East Hampton, Village of Freeport and Lynbrook. We have added other departments inNew York State as well, bringing our clients to over 400 departments in 27 states. I have enclosed a contract/proposal along with alist of the services we provide at no cost to the department for your review. I understand you are still organizing your property but typically it takes at least 90 days to process through the Town. After you have reviewed the enclosed material, please contact me ~ 631-821-2747 or 516-818-8971 if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your consideration. Best Regards, Scott S. Conner Northeastern Region Client Representative K~. calj~Back Proprietary Services Provided by Property Bureau at No Cost: 1. Timely pick up and removal of designated Property from one or more of your -locations. 2. Items are Bar coded (we provide barcode labels) and checked off against your manifest at pickup, 3. Electronic and or hard copy rnanifest forms provided 4. Regular pick up schedule available. Emergency or special pick ups available. 5. W~ provide all processing at our cost to add value to your items: / a. Grouping and Ungrouping to create higher valoe'sale units" b. Testing of items for functionalibL c. Evaluation of condiben ratings. d. Cleaning of items. e. Reasonable repair of items. f. Research and evaluation of items. g. Appraisal, and or certification of items that are of special interesL h. Multiple digital photographs of items. L Full descriptions and condition of items. 6. Complete proprietary inventory management and tracking system for each step of our process which allows us to drill down to any item and determine where it is at the moment, who handled it, for how long they handled it and where the item was sent next in the processing. 7, Detailed monthly financial reporting showing the sale price of all items, regardless of how they were grouped or ungrouped. 8. Our own proprietary Intemet Auction site (not a shared site) which is available 7 days a week 24 hours a day. 9. An Intemet audience in the millions always yields a higher selling price than a local audience in the hundreds. 10. Only qualified bidders who have validated credit cards with us are allowed to bid. This ensures that all bids are sincere and eliminates the 'unpaid' winning bidder problem common on other 'shared' sites. 11. All items are listed for auction for a minimum 3 attempts with a length of 3 to 5 days each time. Items that remain unsold after several attempts are donated to a charity or destroyed, and a complete audit trail and receipt is provided. 12. 24x7 email customer support is available to answer questions for auction bidders. We also provide extensive information on our auction site with bidding instructions, helpful hints and suggestions regarding how to avoid being a victim of crime. 13. Bidders~know who they are dealing w'~ and that Prope-rtyBureau stehds behind ' the items we sell. Using our own website eliminates the "unknown seller' fraud problem that exists on shared peer-to-peer websites like eBay. 14. We offer an exclusive, free sewice to the public for the registration of lost or stolen items. We compare this information against the serial numbers of the items we process for the purpose of helping to identify the rightful owner and to facilitate the return, with your permission, of the item to the registrant at no cost. To date, we have ratumed over 25 items to victims of theft. 15. We offer a proprietary, on-line report auditing and reconciliation system to our law enforcoment clients. This information is available 24 hours a day via a secure web server which is updated every day. This provides complete transparency into our process in order to watch the progress of every item consigned to us. Items can be backed by our barcode number or any of the agency reference numbers you provide. 16. Properly Bureau is responsible for collecting from the winning bidders. 17. Property Bureau handles packaging and shipping. 18. Property Bureau collects and pays all appropriate state sales taxes. 19. Over 360 contracts with police and sheriff departments in 26 states. 20. Auction services for Public Administretor/Public Guardian is available. 21. Frequent pickups saves departments on storage and handling requirements. Because we have contracts with many agencies in your area, you don't have to ~wait for a full truck." 22. Saves department labor. Avoids handling and re-handling the same items, which can increase the possibility of errors. 23. Ability to retrieve items still in process that a department needs baCk. Complete accountability as to winning bidders. PROPERTY DISPOSITION SERVICES AGREEMENT Properb, Bureau.com, Inc., an Arizona cerpo~etion ("PrepertyBureau"), entem into this al3'eement (the "Agreement"), with the customer Idenflled below (the "Owne~) for the au~on and (~spceifion of pemonal property (the 'Dispceitlon Sen, ices"), in accordance with the Terms and Condiaona and Addenda, if any, attached hereto and listed below. Beginning 3/1/0 5 . (the 'Start Date') Owner engage~ the Dis~on Sewices of Property~ureau. This Agreement will terminate on 3/1/0 7 . (the 'Termination Date'), or at such other time as ~'ovicled herein. OWNER INFORMATION: Southold Town Police Department ~r Name] 41404 Route 25 P.O. Box 911 SCHEDULES, SUPPLEMENTS AND OTHER ATTACHMENTS: (Mark only If Included) Peconic, NY 11958 (631) 765-2600 [~] THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDING ALL OF THE TERM8 AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED TERM8 AND CONDITIONS, AND ALL OTHER ATTACHMENTS INDICATED IN THE BOX ABOVE, IS THE PARTIES' ENq3RE AGREEMENT AND CANNOT BE MODIFIED EXCEPT IN WRITING BY THE DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES OF BOTH PARTIES. EXECUTED on Ihe date(s) indicated below: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Prope~tyBureau, ln¢. [Legal Name of Ova,er] By: _. Ry' Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor [Name a~ PropertySureau.corn, Inc. 3551 Caminc Mira Costa, Suite C San Clementa California 92672 Phone: 800-799-2440 Federal Tax ID 86-0962102 Rev 6/12/02 Page I of 4 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Property to be Sold. From time to time, Ovmer will designate items of pemonal property (the "Property') that it desires to provide to PropeffyBureau for Disposition Se;vices. PropertyBureau retains the dght to accept or reject certain items in its sole disc~ation. 2. Title. Owner shall retain legal He to the Property until it is purchased by auction or othen~ise disposad of in accordance with this Agreement at which time Owner will be deemed to have trensforred title to the purchaser or other acquirer of the item of Property. Owner appelnle PrepertyBureau as Its attorney-in-fact to sign any and all documents necessary to assign to pumhesers of Property all of Owner's dght, title and interest in end to Property sold or disposed. All cash receipts, accounts receivable, contract dghts, nates, general intangibles, end other dghts to payment of every kind, arising out of the sales and dispositions of Property (collectively the "Pmcoeds") belong to Ovmer, subject to PropeftyBurseu's right to PropertyBureau's Nat Proceeds and funds attributable to Credit Card Costs and other transac~on costs. Owner's Property shall, at ell times before sale or disposition, be subject to the direction and control of Owner. 3. Method of Selling Property. PropertyBureau will, on Owner's behalf, list Property for sale by auction to the public on the World Wide Web of the Intamat on one or more domain names selected by ProbeltyBureau. To the extent that any Property Is not sold by auction, PrepertyBureau may, in any cemmerdelly reasonable manner selected by PrepertyBureau, dispose of Property. propertyBureau will determine all aspects, terms and conditions of auctions of Property end dispositions of Propen'y not purchased at auction, subject to the ultimate control of Owner. PropertyBureau will be responsible for all phases of submitting the Property for auction, including, but not limited to, determining when Property will be au~onsd, setting the opening end reserve prices of Property, if any; determining the selling price, setting the length of time a Product wtil be auddoned; creating text and graphics to describe and depict Property submitted for auction; collecting ell purchaser information (such as purchaser's name, billing address, shipping address, and ~edit card information); approving purchasers' cradit card purchase transactlens; and collecting auction proceeds for completed sales from purchasers, propertyBuresu shell use its best efforts in auc~oning and selling the Property on the Interact and dispesing of Property that does not sell at suction. PropertyBureau shall sell and dispose of all Property 'as is* without any liability to the Owner. PropertyE~ureau is solely responsible for identifying and reselving sales and u~e tax cellec~on issues arising from Propelly sales, including the necessity of charging and colle~ng such taxes. 4. AJlecaflon of Sales Proceeds. a. The total amount paid by the purchaser shall be called'the 'Sales Price'. The Sales Pl~co shall include the winning bid amount (the 'Winding Bid') and afl costs, shi~,~ing and handling charges, taxes, and insurance costs associated with the transaction and paid by the purchaser. b. For each item of Property, Owner will be credited with 50% of the first $1,000 of the Winning Bid and 75% of the portion, if any, ofthe Winning Bid that exceeds $1,000. From this amount, the owner's pro rata share of transaction fees, if any, assessed by the credit card processor ('Credit Card Costs') will be deducted. d. Credit Card Costs will be borne by Owner and PrepartyBureau in propo~on to the percentage of the revenue credited to the parties for each underlying transaction. d. Amounts received by the Owner will be called 'Owner's Net Proceeds'. The ~lowing example illustrates how proceeds of a sale are to be allocated. Assume an item of Property sells at suction for a Winning Bid of $100; the buyer pays shipping and handling of $10, insurance of $2, and sales tax of SG. The buyer pays the Sales Price of $118.00 by credit card, end the Credit Card Costs are 2% of the Sales Pdce. The Credit Card Cost is therefore $2.36 ($118 x .02). The Owner and PropertyBureau each share 50% of the underlying Winning Bid, therefore Crecit Card Cests are also shared equally ($1.18 each). The Owner's Net Proceeds are $48.82 ($50.00 less $1.18). 5. Payment Terms. Not later than the 15t~ of each month, PropertyBureau will pay to Owner the amount of Owner's Net Proceeds payable for completed sales during the preceding month. Sales are deemed completed v/nan ell items comprising a line item on the original manifest or other list of Properly are sold. With each monthly payment, Proper'c/Bureau will deliver to Owner a detailed report of completed sales activity for the preceding month showing PropertyBuresu's calculation of the amount of Owner's Net Proceeds for the month. With each payment of Ovmer's Net Proceeds, PropertyBureau will deliver to Owner a written report setting forth the following information for the immediately preceding month: (i) the completed sales during the prior month, including the tctel amount of related proceeds cellected, the Ovaler's and PropertyBuresu's share of Crec~rd: Card Costs, the Owner's Nat Proceeds; (ii) other dispositions of Property during the month; (iii) the Property, if any, inventoried by ProperfyBureau at the end of the month. Page 2 of 4 6~12/02 6. PropertyBureau's Obligations Concerning Property in its Possession. With respect to Property in PropartyBureau's possession: (i) PropertyBureau will exercise due care in the handling and storage of any Property; (ii) PrepaflyBuresu shall keep the Property free of liens, security interests, and encumbrances, and shall pay when due all fees and charges with respect to the Property; (iii) PropeftyBureau shall sign and deliver to Owner any UCC-1 financing statements or other documents reeannably requested by Owner; (iv) PropertyBureau shall obtain and maintain insurance in a~ amount (determined by PropaftyBuraau) not less than the replacement value of Property in its possession. The insurance will cover the Property against fire, theft, and extended coverage rlaks ordinarily included in similar policies. PropertyBureau shall give Owner an insurance certificate upon Owner's request; and (v) If PropariyBuraau returns any Property to Owner, PropertyBuresu shall pay all freight charges, insurance and related costs to return the Properly to Owner's nearest warehouse. PrOpaAyBuroau, at PropeAyBureau's expanse, shall insure Property during shipping in an amount not less than the replacement value of any item of PropeAy returned to Owner. 7. Owner's Obligations. Owner will use its beet efforts to provide to PropertyBureau such Property as becomes available for sale to the public. Owner will complete papenvork reasonably necessary to convey custodial possession of the item of property to PropertyBuraau, including a written manIfest or list that describes the item of Property in suffidant detail fo~ identification. 8. Restrictions on Bidding. PrepartyBureau and its employees and agents may not dfrec~y or indirectly bid for or purchase au~oned Property on the Property Bureau web s~te. g. Representations and Warranties of Owner. Owner hereby represents, warrants and covenants as follows: (i) Property delivered to PropeffyBureau is available for asia to the general pubtic wi~out any restrictions or condYdons whatever, (ii) Owner will not knowingly deliver to Prope~'tyBoraau any Property of a co<Jntsrfeit or illegal nature; and (iii) Owner has taken all required actions under applicable law that are conditions precedent to Owner's right to transfer title to the Property to parchesers (the 'Conditions Precedent"). 10. Books and Records. PrepertyBuresu will keep complete and accurate books of account, records, and other documents with respect to this Agreement (the "Books and Records') for at least three years following expiration or termination of this Agreement Upon reasonable notice, the Books and Records will be available for inspa~on by Owner, at Owner's expense, at the location where the Books and Records are regularly maintained, during normal business hours. 11. Term and Termir';ation. Unless terminated earlier, the term of this Agreement will begin on the Start Date and terminate on the Ter~ninatlon Date. This Agreement may be terminated if there is a breach by either party of any obligation, representation or warranty contained in this Agreement, upon thirty days prior written notice to the other party unless the breach Is cured within the thirty day padod, provided, however, if the breach is not capable of being cured within thirty days, the breaching party will have a reasonable amount of time to cure the breach if it begins to cure during the thiity day period and proceeds diligently thereafter. The written notice will specify the precise nature of the breach. The rights of the parties to terminate this Agreement are not exclusive of any other rights and remedies available at law or in equity, and such rights will be cumulative. The exercise of any such right or remedy will not preclude the exercise of any other rights and remedies. Nctwithetsnding any termination by either party of this Agreement, PropertyBureau will continue to remit amounts due to Ovmer under this Agreement in connecfior~ with any sales made before the effective date of the termination. At the lime of termination, any unsold inventory shall continue to be auctioned by Property Bureau or returned to Owner, at owner's eis~on and cost IZ Indemnification. Subject to the llmitstloes specified in this Section 12, each paA'y will Indemn/fy, hold harmless and defend the other paAy and Its agents and employees fi.om and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, whether joint or several, expenses (including reasonable legal fees end expenses), judgments, fines and other amounts paid in settlement, incurred or suffered by any auch person or entity adsing out of or in connection with (i) the inaccuracy of any representation or warranty made by the party hereunder, (ii) any breach of this Agreement by the party, or (iii) any negligent act or omission by the paff/or its employees or agents In connectien with the pen'ormance by the party er its employees or agents of obligations hereunder, provided the negligent act or omission was not done or omitted at the direction of the other party. 13. Limitations on Uabllity. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES W1LL EITHER PARTY BE UABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES (EVEN IF THAT PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES), ARISING FROM BREACH OF THE AGREEMENT, THE SALE OF PROPERTY, OR ARISING FROM ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF REVENUE OR ANTICIPATED PROFITS OR LOST BUSINESS (COLLECTIVELY, 'DISCLAIMED DAMAGES'); PROVIDED THAT EACH PARTY W1LL REMAIN LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY TO THE EXTENT ANY DISCLAIMED DAMAGES ARE CLAIMED BY A THIRD PARTY AND ARE SUBJECT TO INDEMNIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 12. LIABIUTY ARISING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE EMITED TO DIRECT, OBJECTIVELY MEASURABLE DAMAGES. THE MAXIMUM LIABlE'fY OF ONE Rev 6/12202 Page 3 of 4 PARTY TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR ANY CLAIMS ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THiS AGREEMENT WILL NOT EXCEED THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS OWeD TO THE OTHER PARTY HEREUNDER IN THE YEAR IN ~M"IICH LIABILITY ACCRUES; PROVIDED THAT EACH PARTY W1LL REMAIN LIABLE FOR THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ANY PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS OVVED TO THE OTHER PARTY PURSUANT TO THE AGREEMENT. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING HEREIN TO THE CONTRARY, OWNER'S LIABILITY IS NOT LIMITED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO LIABILITY ARISING FROM OWNER'S FAILURE TO SATISFY TIMELY ALL CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. 14. Notices. Any notice under this Agreement must be in writing. Initially the addresses of the parties will be as follows: (i) tf to PropartyBureau: PropertyBureau, Attn: Tom Lane, President, 3551 Camino Mira Cesta, Suite C, San Clemente California 92~72; and (ii) If to Owner: At the address stated below Owner's Signature block on the first page of this Agreement. The parties may, from time to time and at any time, change their respective addresses and each will have the right to specify as it~ address any other address by at least ten days' written notice to the other party. 15. Severeblllty. Whenever pesaiUe, each provision of this Agreement will be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement is held to be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision will be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of th~s Agreement. 16, Complete Agreement. This Agreement and any related documents delivered concurrently herewith, contain the complete agreement between the parties relating to the subject of this Agreement and supersede any Pdor understandings, agreements or representations by or between the panties, written or oral, which may be related to the subject matter here<~ tn any way. 17. Attorneys' Fees and Legal Expenses. If any proceeding or action is brought to recover any amount under this Agreement, or for er on account of any breach of, or to enforce or interpret any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing perty will be enfi~ed to recover from the other party, as pert of the prevailing party's costs, reasonable attorneys' fees, the amount of wflich will be fixed by the cou~t, and will be made a part of any judgment rendered. 18. Further Assurances. PropertyBureau and Owner wilt each sign such other documents and take such ec~ons as the other may reasonably request in order to effect the relafionshipa, Services and activities contemplated by this Agreement and to account for and document these activities. 19. Governing Law. The internal law, and not the law of conflicts, of the state in which the Owner is located will govern all questions concerning the construc'6on, validity and interpretation of this Agreement and the performance of the obligations imposed by this Agreement. The proper venue for any proceeding at law or in equity will be the state and county in which the Owner is located, and the parties waive any right to object to the venue. 20. Relationship of the Parties. The relationship created hereunder be~veen Owner and ProperfyBuresu will be solely that of independent contrectore entering into an a~'eement. No representations or aseerliona will be made or a~ons taken by either party that could imply or establish any agency, joint venture, partnership, employment or trust relationship between the parties with respect to the subjec~ matter of this Agreement. Excep~ as expressly provided in this Agreement, neither party will have any authority er power whatsoever to enter into any agreement, contrac~ or commibnent on behalf of the other, or to create any liability or obligation whatsoever on behalf ot the other, to any parson or entity. VVhanever PropertyBureau is given discretion in this Agreement, Propertyl3uresu may exercise the[ dies'etlon solely In any manner Prope~yBureau deems appropriata. 21. Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable for any failure of or delay in the pai'fl:)rmance of this Agreement for the period that euch failure o~' delay is due to acts of God, public enemy, war, strikes or labor disputes, or any other cause beyond the parties' reasonable control (each a "Force Majeure"), it being understood that lack of financial resources will not to be deemed a cause beyond a perry's control. Each par[y will notify the other party proml~y of the occurrence of any Force Majeure and cany out this Agreement as promptly as practicable after such Force Majeure is terminated. The existence of any Force Majeure witl no~ extend the term of this Agreement. 22. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts. Rev 6/12/02 Page 4 of 4