HomeMy WebLinkAboutHousehold Hazardous Waste Remov ELIZABETH A. NEV~,I,F, TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMEIqT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 4, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Robert Brown Gianco Environmental Services Inc 37 N Grand Blvd Brentwood, NY 11717 Dear Mr. Brown: Congratulations. The Southold Town Board, at its regular meeting of February 3, 2004, accepted the bid of Gianco Environmental Services Inc. for the removal and disposal of Household Hazardous Waste from the Southold Solid Waste Management District for the 2004 - 2005 calendar years. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Your current bid check will be returned to you at the end of the contract. Eric. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk · Co~nplete items 1, 2, and 3, Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is deelred, · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the ma~Jplece, B, Retired by (~md,~,~ C, Dateof Da~h~V D, Isd~eddmemdlfferentfromltem 17 F'lyes I~"'~_.e~lfied MaiJ r"l F. xp~ Marl ~R~egistef~d I-I Return Receipt for Me~chanda~ r ~ Insured Mall 4. Reetflcted Daiiv~ ~Ex~ra Fee) 2. ~ Number I PS'Form 3811, August 2001 7003 0500 0002 Domestic Return Receipt 8376 2092 Postage Certified Fee ELIZABETH A. NEVII,T,F, TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMEN~ OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town'Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fsx (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 4, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Francis J. McKenna, Jr. Care Environmental Corp 11 Orben Drive Landing, NJ 07850 Dear Mr. McKenna: The Southold Town Board, at its regular meeting of February 3, 2004, accepted the bid of Gainco Environmental Services, Inc. for the removal and disposal of Household Hazardous Waste from the Southold Solid Waste Management District for the 2004 - 2005 calendar years. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Also, returned herewith is the certified check you submitted with this year's bid. Thank you for submitting your bid. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville ~, Southold Town Clerk' Eno. (Endor~ Required) ICI'AL US' Poetm~k 26~87 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork, net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 4, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ronald J. Vignone, Jr. Radaic Research Corp. 261 Kent Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11211 Dear Mr. Vignone: The Southold Town Board, at its regular meeting of February 3, 2004, accepted the bid of Gainco Environmental Services, Inc. for the removal and disposal of Household Hazardous Waste fi.om the Southold Solid Waste Management District for the 2004 - 2005 calendar years. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Also, returned herewith is the certified check you submitted with this year's bid. Thank you for submitting your bid.. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enc. ICIAL U'S ET:.C. I ,2, end 3. Abe complote ~ b deelred. ~our ~ ~d ~lr~ on the mveme g~hat we c~t ~m the card to you. th~ ,~a~l to,the bark =f the mallpiece, Pay to the orde~of -~OL4N CLERK ¥0~.i ~ SOOTHOLO Amount .~ .~.. ~ !~"~r _~ :~. ,~]~ C~, ~'-:~ ~.~ [~ O, ~U~ ~: ~ J',.J ~'- '~ U.S. Dollars ELIZABETH A. TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF V~TAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL & DISPOSAL Bid Opening 1/22/04 ~ 10:00 AM Two (3) bids were received: Gianco Environmental Services [nc 37 N Grand Blvd Brentwood NY 11717 631-952-9900 Radiac Research Corp 261 Kent Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11211 (718)963-2233 Care Environmental Corp 11 Orben Dr Landing NJ 07850 973-361-7373 Bid results are attached BID PROPOSAL CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2004 Bidder's Name Address City State Telephone Zip TO THE TOWN OF SOUTItOLD In compliance with your advertisement for bids to be opened at and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned he. reby.~ .~ - proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies mM/or services itemized in this proposal iq accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices: " C_.H EMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR ]NOTE: DRUM COUNTS ARE ACTUAL DRUMS OF HHW COI.LECTED IN, FIVE (5) 2003 HHW EVENTS FOR EACH CATEGORY SHOWN. THEY ARE GIVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COI,I,ECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR I.ESS DRUMS, AND MAY INCLUDE OTtIER TYPES OF HllW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COIA~ECTION DAYS IS IMPLIED. THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITll REGARD TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COLLECT 1N 2004.] ITEM DESCRIPTION Removal of Drt,ms - price per fifty-five (55) gallon drum of each of the following collected wastes: 2003 I)rum Count a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum &collected flammable liquids: 1. Bulk Flammable liquids ipaints and thinners, pour out of containers) 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids LIIS.oo 55 b) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of tab pack flammable solids: $,, ~ C) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison liquid: ~0, oo d) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison solid: $~0o~0, O0 e) price per fifty, five gallon drum of lab pack acid liquid: J [~0.0 0 0 price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack alkaline liquid: $ [c] O- 0 0 g) price per fiRy-five gallon drum of lab pack corrosive ,solid: h) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab/pack oxidizers: i) price per fifty-five gallon drum o£collected aerosols: price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous solid- Mixed Household batteries: k) I) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk anti-freeze: price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected non-regulated HHW: .o9 ....... Mobilization -Demobilization as specified (price per event) This is a two (2) year contract, January 1,2004 through December 3 I, 2005. This bid proposal, as presented, shall be returned in tac[. 6 10 10 12 27 Signature Print~l N~ae Title Address Gomp~y Phone ! I I I I I I I I I ! t ! ! ! ! ! mD Pt~O~'OS~ · CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEAR 200,1 Bidder's Name --261 Kent Avenue Address Brooklyn NY 11211 City State Zip Telephone TO THE TOWN OF SOUTIlOLD In compliance with your advertisement for bids to be opened at Town of Southold ' ·" ' and subject to all condit ons thereof, the undersisned hereby.: .'' proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized in this proposal jq accordance with the Notice to Bidders, Oeneral Information, Conditions and . Specifications contained herein for the following prices: CllEMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR ' INOTE: DRUM COUNTS ARE ACTUAL DRUMS OF HHW COLLECTED IN FIVE (5) 2003 IIRW EVENTS FOR EACH CATEGORY SHOWN. THEY ARE GIVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COI,I,ECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR LENS DRUMS, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COLLECTION DAYS IS IMPI,IED. TIlE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITH REGARD TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COLLECT IN 2004,] ITEM. DI~SCRIPTION Removal of Drums - price per fib-five (55) gallon drum of each of the following collecled wastes: 2003 Dram Cou. I a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum ofcollecled flammable liquids: I. Bulk Flammable liquids ~oaints and thinners, pour out of containers) 2_ Lab Pack flammable liquids $ .[} . 24 S~ 55 ! ! . b) Price per fi fly-five gallon drum of lab pack flammable solids: c) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison liquid: d) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack p~ison solid: e) price per iq fty-ftve gilllon dram of lab pack acid liquid: O alkaline liquid: price per fi~y-fiw gallon dram of Jab pack g) p~ce ~er fifty five gallon dram of ~ab pack ~os~ve solid: h) price p~ ~y. five g~n drum of lab pack i) p~ce per fifty-five gallon dram ofcoll~ted .~osols: pace- pe~ ~fly-five gallon dram ofeoll~ted envimnmentnUy h~,a~doua solid- Household k) p6ee per ~Ry-~ve gallon drum environmentally h~udous liquid Bulk anti.ooze: I) p~ce per ~Ry-five gallon dram ofcoll~ted non-regulat~ HHW: Mobilization -Demobilization as specified (price per event) This is a two (2) year contract, January I, 2004 through December 3 I, 2005. This bid proposal, ns presented, shall be returned in tact. l0 l0 12 3 27 I I I I ! ! I ! SUBMITTEI~ BY': ~ Ronald J. Vignone, Jr. Printed Name Assistant Operations Manager Title Radiac Research Corp. {~ompany Nam ; ' 261 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, NM, ~12Ll" Address (718)963-2233 - .. Company Phone · 1 'CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2004 Care Environmental Corp. Bidders Name 10 Orben Drive Add~s Landing, Nj 07850 City State (973) 398-5100 Telephone TO THE TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD Zip In compliance wit.hyour advertisement for bids to be opened at - *. -' 1 ~ ~! 0 4 @ 1 0.0~0 a. nhftd subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned h?eby: ' ' proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized in this proposal jq ' ' accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices: CIlEMiCAL WASTE CONTRACFOR [NOTE: DRUM COUNTS ARE ACTUAL DRUMS OF HHW COLLECTED IN, FIVE ($) 2003 HHW EVENTS FOR EACI! CATEGORY SIIOWN. TllEY ARE GIVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDER8 ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COLLECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR I,F~S DRUMS, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COI,LECTION DAYS IS IMPLIED. THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITH REGARD TO TIlE TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COI,LECT IN 2004.1 Removal el'Drums - price per fifty-five (55) gallon drum ofeach of the following collected wastes: 20Q3 Drum Ceunl a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected flammable liquids: I. Bulk Flammable liquids ipaints and thinners, pour out of containers) 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids ~ 200.00 2d $. 2NQ_ NN 55 b) c) d) 0 Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack flammable solids: Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison liquid: Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab p~k poison solid: price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack acid liquid: price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack alkaline liquid: ~2o.oo 280.00 280. O0 225.00 225.00 g) priue per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack corrosive solid: h) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack oxidizers: i) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected J) price per fifty-five gallon dram of collected environmentally hazardous solid- Mixed Household batteries; k) pric~ per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk ant's-freeze: I) price per fifty-five gallon dram of collected non-mgulaled ttHW: Mobilization -Demobilization as specified · . (price per event) 225.00 225.00 225.00 220.00 200.00 ~,,!oo.oo,,, ~ No Charge This is a two (2) year contract, January I, 2004 through December 31, 2005. This bid proposal, ns presented, shall be returned in tact. 6 10 10 12 3 27 ! ii E ! !I l ! l ! l ! ! SUBMITTED BY: Francis ~. Mc~e~na, Printed Nam~ Jr. President Titlc Care Environmental Corp. Company Name 10 Orben Dr., Landing, NJ Address (973) 398-5100 Fax: (973) Company Phon~ 078~0." 361 16, 55§" , an h' 6 PAY One Hundred Pcl-!ars end xx/!O0 OF ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK EXACTLY ~ 1 O0, O0 Pay Amount Above Only VOID IF ALTERED REQUIRED) JAMES BUNCHUCK SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR P.O, Box 962 Cutchogue, New York 11935-0962 Tel: (631) 734-7886 Fax: (631) 734-7976 dsw@town.southold.ny.us SOUTHOIJD TOWN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT FAX TRANSMITTAL Number of pages including this sheet: 9 DATE: 01/15/04 TO; Robert Brown Gianco LTD FROM: Val Meyer Senior Account Clerk FAX#:~I ?5'2, - MESSAGE: Town of Southold Dept of Solid Waste is going out to bid for Household Hazardous Waste Disposal for 2004. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the above telephone number, Thank you. For verification or questions please call 631-734-7685. NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS IIEREB¥ GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Secfion 103 of tho Ganeral Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste fur Calendar Year 2004 from the Southold Town Collection Center, Route 48, Cutehogue, New York, all in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of ' the ]'own Clerk, Town of So~.lthold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified cheek in the amount of S100.00, will be recaived by the Town Clerk o(the/.: '" Town of Southold, at the Southold Town ltall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New Y~rk I 1971. until 10:00 A.M, January 22~ 2004 at which time they will be opened and rea'fi.. aloud in public. Tire Town Board of the Town of $outhold reserves Ihe right to rejec, t any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deefned in th'~ best hlterest to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on llazardous Waste Removal", and submitted to the Office ofthe Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which tire Town of SouthoRI is exempt. Dated: January 12, 2004 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PI.EASE PUBLISll ON JANUARY 1~, 2004, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBI,ICATION TO ELIZABETII A. NEVII,I,E, TOWN CI.ERK~ TOWN HALl,, PO BOX 1179~ SOUTIlOLD, NY ii971. Copies to the following: Thc Suffolk Times Town Attorney Brown's I,etters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Town Board Members Dodge Reports Bt, rrelle's Information Services Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck S_TATEMENT OF IN'I.'.ENT AND SPECiFICAT~[ON_S SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF IIOtJSEHOLD IIAZARDOUS WASTES (IIHW) L.. INTENT The Town of Southold holds several household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-offdays (hereinal%r called "Events") each year for the convenience of its residents. The intent of this bid proposal is to secure one (1) chemical waste contractor to provide HHW collection, removal, and disposal services to the Town of Southold in connection wi4h the. holding of these events. A. Contractor- The chemical waste hauler who is providing the services for the.T0.w~. ' of Southold. : '.' ,.. B. HHW- The acronym for Household Hazardous Waste and is the term which ~hail '; .. include all pesticides and other chemicals or otherwise harmful or potentially harmful waste originating only from residential homes as defitled in 6 NYCR,R part 366. Such HIIW iten~s shall only be accepted from residellfial generators~ nqt from commercial establishments. C. EVENT -The lerm given for one or more specially designated 'HHW Drop-Off' Days,' wherein Town residents may deliver their HHW to a location where it will be collected for proper removal and disposal, such collection point to be at a time and place to be deternlined by the Town. D. RCRA -the acronym for the Resource Conservation and Recover Act of 1976 and subsequent amendments and re-authorizations. III. GENERAL DESCRIPTI.ON OF SERVICES REQUEST Services requested by the Town through this bid include: (a) the krlowledge, management skills, personnel, equipment, vehicles, and any other · - resources necessary to staffand operate periodic HHW Events wherein the contractor will receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor by residents, at a time and place to be determined by the T~wn; and (b) appropriate eight (8) or forty (40) hour OSHA hazardous materials training for Town personnel as may be requested by the Town. Wastes to be accepted by the contractor at Events shall include at a minimum those listed in Section' A ' of the Description of Services, "contained in the Bid Proposal Section of this Statement (attache~O. The Town will provide a suitable location on Town property for all Events. During the 200~calendar year, the Town expects to hold six (6) HHW Events at intervals of approximately 2 months. Specific dates will be coordinated with the contractor, however all Events will be held on Saturdttys. The first Event is expected to be in February. The Town reserves the right to hokl more or less Event days, aa it may deem necessary,.and does not commit herein to holding any specific number of Event days. ',' At the discretion of the Town, the contractor may be required to enter into a written contract with the Town fom~aiizing the tights, roles, and responstbihtles of each pprty pursuant to this bid. IV .SCOPE OF WORK A) Operating Event Days The contractor will guarantee to provide all services, including but not limited to supervision, labor, equipment, materials, and other resources necessary to: '," I. Provide for complete, safe, and efficient mobilization, conduct, and mobilization for HltW Events to be given on Town property at a time aJ~d place to be determined by the Town, 2. Receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of ttltW delivered to the contractor at an Event. 3. With respect to waste flammable liquids consisting of non-latex based paints, fl~inners, and other like items the Town, as per DEC approval, wishes to handle such items as 'bulk' wastes. Accordingly, the contractor agrees to 'bulk' such wastes by pouting offthe contents of such containers into dh,ms to the extent practicable. Determining the feasibility and practice of 'bnlking' specific containers or types of containers/materials will be agreed upon in advance between the Town and the contractor, with emphasis and pre-disposition being in favor of bulking whatever containers possible. Ensure that all containers used to transport HHW collected at an Event are B) fully in accordance with US Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing the transport of hazardous materials. 5, Transport and dispose of said containers of HHW to/at the appropriate hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF) in accordance with all Town, County, State, US DC)T, and US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standards, rules and regulations. 6. Guarantee the presence at each Event of a sufficient number of qua/iff, ed . . employees, including the necessary supervisory personnel, trained in the'~ -" proper handling of HHW materials to be collected at an Event. . 7. Provide proof of all necessary local, state, and federal permits and identification numbers pursuant to the handling, management, transportation, and disposal of HHW not less than two (2) weeks prior'to. the execution ora contract with the Town of Southold. :' .'" 8. Provide and complete ally applications, permits, manifests, certificatiops, ,.. representations, or inventory control logs pursuant to the HHW ~ollect~" or to be collected at an Event. 9. Complete any pre-Event filings or notifications to any local, state, or '. ' . federal agencies that may be required. Training At tile Town's request, the contractor will provide eight (8) hour update training or a full forty (40) hour training course, as outlined under the federal occupational Safety and ttealth Administration guidelines for those involved in handling hazardous materials on tbe job, for any employee(s) designated by the Town. All training will include tile proper procedures for: I ) identifying and segregating ltItW; 2) the proper labeling and preparation of drums of HHW for shipment; 3) responding lo emergency exposure and/or spill incidents, Training for any Town personnel shall be provided pursuant to New York State Department of Labor and Federal OSHA regulations. It shall include procedures for handling hazardous wastes as well as the proper use of safety equipment in a manner thai is protective of the public health and welfare, and the environment, B~DPROPOSAL · CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOI.,D FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2004 Bidder's Name Address City State Zip Telephone TO THE TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD In compliance with your advertisement for bids to be opened at and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned he. reby.~ ,' - proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies and/or s~rviees iteroized in this proposa'l iq ~ccordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices: CHEMICAL W.,ASTE CONTRACTOR, ]NOTE: DRUM COUNTS ARE ACTUAL DRUMS OF HHW COI,LECTED IN , FIVE ($) 2003 ItHW EVENTS FOR EACI! CATEGORY SHOWN. TltEY ARE GIVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COI,I,ECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR I,ESS DRUMS, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HIlW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COI,LECFION DAYS IS IMPLIED, THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITI1 REGARD TO TIlE TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COLLECT IN 2004.] ITEM _DESCRIPTION Removal of Drums - price per fifty-five ($5) gallon drom of each of the following collected wasles: a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of'collected flammable liquids: I. Bulk Flammable liquids ipaints zmd thinners, pour out of coutaincrs) 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids kllS.oo 55 d~ e) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack flammable solids: Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison liquid: Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison solid: price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack acid liquid: price p~' fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack alkaline liquid; $ ~o~,0. oo $1qO.oo $17o. oo g) h) i) J) k) l) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack corrosive solid: price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab/pack oxidizers: price per fifty-five gallon dram nf collected aerosols: price per fifty-five gallon dram of collect~ environmentally hazardous solid- Mixed Household batteries: price per fifty-five gallon drum of coll*cted environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk anti-freeze: price per fi~-five gallon drum of collected non-regulated HItW: $~1o . oo $ gq. o o,,. $ ~0,00 Moblhza ion -Demobfllzatmn as spectficd (price per event) This is a two (2) year contract, January 1,2004 through December 3 I, 2005. This bid proposal, as presented, shall be returned in tact, 10 lO 12 5 3 27 Signature Print~ Name Title Comply Address Company Phone NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been anived at by the bidder independently and ha* been submitted without collusion with any othcr vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of ' the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of.t~e.., (ifany) Id:tk'°4b~ '~ . Printed Name r"vo..~ Bid on DISPOSAL OF tlOUSEtlOLD IIAZARDOUS WASTES 2004 .NOTICE IS GIVEN, in ac~ord~ce with the provisions of SeCtion ! 03 of the Genera[ M~cil~1 Law, that sealed bidsare ~t and requested for 'the and Dl~posal of liazard6us ~ WaSte for c~ar Yea~' 2004 from the SoUthold Town COllection ¢~nter, Route 48. C~tchogUe, New .Y?I~ all !01 a~C0rdance re ~g~..ati~:si;~m~°ns ~Y Town Hkll ~5 ~ Road, Sou~hol~, New York 1 I~971. a Iqon-Colhtsive Bid certified~ --~ ,~l~:ki~lho?mountof To~a: Clcrk~ ~'~ :Towl~ Tow~:*f All ~ m~ ~ ~ W~ ~, ~ ~t- IX 1/t~/04 090) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Lise Marinace, being duly sworn, says that she is the Legal Advertising Coordinator, of the Traveler Watchman, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Traveler Watchman once each week for ........ /...weekU~- s~tccessively, comn~ncing on the ..... /.J... ..... day of C ~c~&. ~i.~.~/ ..... , ~004. .... / ~ of Swam to before me this......~...day Notary Public Emily Hamill NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 01HA5059984 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission expires May 06, 2006 LEGALNOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste for Calendar Year 2004 from the Southold Town Collection Center, Route 48, Cutchogue, New York, all in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until 10:00 A.M., January 22, 2004 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Hazardous Waste Removal", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: January 12, 2004 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JANUARY 15, 2004, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Attorney Brown's Letters . Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Town Board Members Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Services Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck STATEMENT OF INTENT AND SPECIlVlCATIONS SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES (HHW) I. INTENT The Town of Southold holds several household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-off days (hereinafter called "Events") each year for the convenience of its residents. The intent of this bid proposal is to secure one (1) chemical waste contractor to provide HHW collection, removal, and disposal services to the Town of Southold in connection with the holding of these events. II. DEFINITIONS A. Contractor- The chemical waste hauler who is providing the services for the Town of Southold. B. HHW- The acronym for Household Hazardous Waste and is the term which shall include all pesticides and other chemicals or otherwise harmful or potentially harmful waste originating only from residential homes as defined in 6 NYCRR Part 366. Such HHW items shall only be accepted from residential generators, not from commercial establishments. C. EVENT -The term given for one or more specially designated 'HHW Drop-Off Days,' wherein Town residents may deliver their HHW to a location where it will be collected for proper removal and disposal, such collection point to be at a time and place to be determined by the Town. D. RCRA -the acronym for the Resource Conservation and Recover Act of 1976 and subsequent amendments and re-authorizations. III. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES REQUEST Services requested by the Town through this bid include: (a) the knowledge, management skills, personnel, equipment, vehicles, and any other resources necessary to staff and operate periodic HHW Events wherein the contractor will receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor by residents, at a time and place to be determined by the Town; and (b) appropriate eight (8) or forty (40) hour OSHA hazardous materials training for Town personnel as may be requested by the Town. Wastes to be accepted by the contractor at Events shall include at a minimum those listed in Section' A ' of the Description of Services, "contained in the Bid Proposal Section of this Statement (attached). The Town will provide a suitable location on Town property for all Events. During the 2003 calendar year, the Town expects to hold six (6) HHW Events at intervals of approximately 2 months. Specific dates will be coordinated with the contractor, however all Events will be held on Saturdays. The first Event is expected to be in February. The Town reserves the right to hold more or less Event days, as it may deem necessary, and does not commit herein to holding any specific number of Event days. At the discretion of the Town, the contractor may be required to enter into a written contract with the Town formalizing the rights, roles, and responsibilities of each party pursuant to this bid. W .SCOPE OF WORK A) Operating Event Days The contractor will guarantee to provide all services, including but not limited to supervision, labor, equipment, materials, and other resources necessary to: 1. Provide for complete, safe, and efficient mobilization, conduct, and de- mobilization for HHW Events to be given on Town property at a time and place to be determined by the Town. 2. Receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor at an Event. 3. With respect to waste flammable liquids consisting of non-latex based paints, thinners, and other like items the Town, as per DEC approval, wishes to handle such items as "oulk' wastes. Accordingly, the contractor agrees to "oulk' such wastes by pouring off the contents of such containers into drums to the extent practicable. Determining the feasibility and practice of 'bulking' specific containers or types of containers/materials will be agreed upon in advance between the Town and the contractor, with emphasis and pre-disposition being in favor of bulking whatever containers possible. 4.Ensure that all containers used to transport HHW collected at an Event are B) fully in accordance with US Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing the transport of hazardous materials. 5. Transport and dispose of said containers of HHW to/at the appropriate hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF) in accordance with all Town, County, State, US DOT, and US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standards, roles and regulations. 6. Guarantee the presence at each Event of a sufficient number of qualified employees, including the necessary supervisory personnel, trained in the proper handling of HHW materials to be collected at an Event. 7. Provide proof of all necessary local, state, and federal permits and identification numbers pursuant to the handling, management, transportation, and disposal of HHW not less than two (2) weeks prior to the execution of a contract with the Town of Southold. 8. Provide and complete any applications, permits, manifests, certifications, representations, or inventory control logs pursuant to the HHW collected or to be collected at an Event. 9. Complete any pre-Event filings or notifications to any local, state, or federal agencies that may be required. Training At the Town's request, the contractor will provide eight (8) hour update training or a full forty (40) hour training course, as outlined under the federal occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines for those involved in handling hazardous materials on the job, for any employee(s) designated by the Town. All training will include the proper procedures for: 1) identifying and segregating HHW; 2) the proper labeling and preparation of drams of HHW for shipment; 3) responding to emergency exposure and/or spill incidents. Training for any Town personnel shall be provided pursuant to New York State Department of Labor and Federal OSHA regulations. It shall include procedures for handling hazardous wastes as well as the proper use of safety equipment in a manner that is protective of the public health and welfare, and the environment. BID PROPOSAL CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2004 Bidder's Name Address City State Zip Telephone TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In compliance with your advertisement for bids to be opened at and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices: CHEMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR [NOTE: DRUM COUNTS ARE ACTUAL DRUMS OF HHW COLLECTED IN FIVE (5) 2003 HHW EVENTS FOR EACH CATEGORY SHOWN. THEY ARE GIVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COLLECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR LESS DRUMS, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COLLECTION DAYS IS IMPLIED. THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITH REGARD TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COLLECT IN 2004.] ITEM DESCRIPTION Removal of Drums - price per fifty-five (55) gallon drum of each of the following collected wastes: 2003 Drum Count a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected flammable liquids: 1. Bulk Flammable liquids (paints and thinners, pour out of comainers) 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids $ 24 $ 55 b) c) d) e) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack flammable solids: $. Price per fifiy-five gallon drum of lab pack poison liquid: $ Price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack poison solid: $ price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack acid liquid: $ price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack alkaline liquid: $ 10 10 12 g) h) i) J) 1) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack corrosive solid: price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack oxidizers: price per fifty-five gallon dram of collected aerosols: price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous solid- Mixed Household batteries: price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk anti-freeze: price per fifty-five gallon dram of collected non-regulated HHW: $ $ $ $ 5 12 3 27 Mobilization -Demobilization as specified (price per event) This is a two (2) year contract, January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2005. This bid proposal, as presented, shall be returned in tact. SUBMITTED BY: Signature Printed Name Title Company Name Address Company Phone NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Printed Name Company Name Bid on DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES 2004 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the day of ,2004, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a hue copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Legal Notice -Notice to Bidders -Year 2004 Bid for "Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste", bid opening 10:00 a.m., Thursday, 1/22/04. ~/Elizabeth A. N~-vf[le Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this day of ,2004. Notary Public ELIZABETH A. NEV~,T,E TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION' OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: RE: DATE: James Bunchuck Lynda M Bohn Solid Waste District Bids November 3, 2003 Attached find the following Bid Specifications: Expires 1. Scrap Tires 2. Scrap Metal 3. Household Hazardous Waste 4. Yellow Bags December 31, 2003 December 31, 2003 December 31, 2003 December 31, 2004 Please review and let me know at your earliest convenience if any changes need to be made or if it does not need to be bid at this time. -L~ ......... ,~,~ ................ v .......... ~ ........ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste for Calendar Year 2004 from the Southold Town Collection Center, Route 48, Cutchogue, New York, all in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until 10:00 A.M., ,2003 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the fight to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Hazardous Waste Removal", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: PLEASE PUBLISH ON ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK ., AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOV/N HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Attorney Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Construction Data Town Board Members Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Services Solid Waste Coordinator Bunehuck STATEMENT OF lNTENT AND SPECIFICATIONS SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES (HHW) I. INTENT The Town of Southold holds several household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-off days (hereinafter called "Events") each year for the convenience of its residents. The intent of this bid proposal is to secure one (1) chemical waste contractor to provide HHW collection, removal, and disposal services to the Town of Southold in connection with the holding of these events. 11. DEFINITIONS A. Contractor- The chemical waste hauler who is providing the services for the Town of Southold. B. HHW- The acronym for Household Hazardous Waste and is the term which shall include all pesticides and other chemicals or otherwise harmful or potentially harmful waste originating only from residential homes as defined in 6 NYCRR Part 366. Such HHW items shall only be accepted from residential generators, not from commemial establishments. C. EVENT -The term given for one or more specially designated 'HHW Drop-Off Days,' wherein Town residents may deliver their HHW to a location where it will be collected for proper removal and disposal, such collection point to be at a time and place to be determined by the Town. D. RCRA -the acronym for the Resource Conservation and Recover Act of 1976 and subsequent amendments and re-authorizations. IlI. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES REQUEST Services requested by the Town through this bid include: (a) the knowledge, management skills, personnel, equipment, vehicles, and any other resources necessary to staff and operate periodic HHW Events wherein the contractor will receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor by residents, at a time and place to be determined by the Town; and (b) appropriate eight (8) or forty (40) hour OSHA hazardous materials training for Town personnel as may be requested by the Town. Wastes to be accepted by the contractor at Events shah include at a minimum those listed in Section' A ' of the Description of Services, "contained in the Bid Proposal Section of this Statement (attached). The Town will provide a suitable location on Town property for all Events. During the 2003 calendar year, the Town expects to hold six (6) HHW Events at intervals of approximately 2 months. Specific dates will be coordinated with the contractor, however all Events will be held on Saturdays. The first Event is expected to be in February. The Town reserves the right to hold more or less Event days, as it may deem necessary, and does not commit herein to holding any specific number of Event days. At the discretion of the Town, the contractor may be required to enter into a written contract with the Town formalizing the rights, roles, and responsibilities of each party pursuant to this bid. IV .SCOPE OF WORK A) Operating Event Days The contractor will guarantee to provide all services, including but not limited to supervision, labor, equipment, materials, and other resources necessary to: 1. Provide for complete, safe, and efficient mobilization, conduct, and de- mobilization for HHW Events to be given on Town property at a time and place to be determined by the Town. 2. Receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor at an Event. 3. With respect to waste flammable liquids consisting of non-latex based paints, thinners, and other like items the Town, as per DEC approval, wishes to handle such items as ~bulk' wastes. Accordingly, the contractor agrees to "oulk' such wastes by pouting off the contents of such containers into drums to the extent practicable. Determining the feasibility and practice of"oulking' specific containers or types of containers/materials will be agreed upon in advance between the Town and the contractor, with emphasis and pre-disposition being in favor of bulking whatever containers possible. Ensure that all containers used to transport HHW collected at an Event are fully in accordance with US Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing the transport of hazardous materials. Transport and dispose of said containers of HHW to/at the appropriate hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF) in accordance with all Town, County, State, US DOT, and US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standards, roles and regulations. Guarantee the presence at each Event of a sufficient number of qualified employees, including the necessary supervisory personnel, trained in the proper handling of HHW materials to be collected at an Event. Provide proof of all necessary local, state, and federal permits and identification numbers pursuant to the handling, management, transportation, and disposal of HHW not less than two (2) weeks prior to the execution of a contract with the Town of Southold. Provide and complete any applications, permits, manifests, certifications, representations, or inventory control logs pursuant to the HHW collected or to be collected at an Event. Complete any pre-Event filings or notifications to any local, state, or federal agencies that may be required. B) Training At the Town's request, the contractor will provide eight (8) hour update training or a full forty (40) hour training course, as outlined under the federal occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines for those involved in handling hazardous materials on the job, for any employee(s) designated by the Town. All training will include the proper procedures for: 1) identifying and segregating HHW; 2) the proper labeling and preparation of drams of HHW for shipment; 3) responding to emergency exposure and/or spill incidents. Training for any Town personnel shall be provided pursuant to New York State Department of Labor and Federal OSHA regulations. It shall include procedures for handling hazardous wastes as well as the proper use of safety equipment in a manner that is protective of the public health and welfare, and the environment. BID PROPOSAL CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2004 Bidder's Name Address City State Zip Telephone TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In compliance with your advertisement for bids to be opened at and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to fumish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices: [NOTE: DRUM COUNTS ARE ACTUAL DRUMS OF HHW COLLECTED IN SIX (6) 2002 HHW EVENTS FOR EACH CATEGORY SHOWN. THEY ARE GIVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COLLECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR LESS DRUMS, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COLLECTION DAYS IS IMPLIED. THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITH REGARD TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COLLECT IN 2004.] CHEMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR ITEM DESCRIPTION Removal of Drams - price per fifty-five (55) gallon dram of each of the following collected wastes: 2002 Dram a) Count Price per fifty-five gallon dram of flammable liquids collected as indicated below: 1. Bulk flammable liquids (paints and thinners, poured out of containers) $ 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids $ 28 121 b) Price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack flammable solids: $ 10 c) Price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack poison liquid: $ 24 d) e) f) g) h) i) J) 1) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison solid: puce per fifty-five price per fifty-five price per fifty-five price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack oxidizers: price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack aerosols: price per fifty-five gallon dram of collected environmentally hazardous solid- Mixed Household Batteries: price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk Anti-Freeze: price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack non-regulated HHW: $ gallon drum of lab pack acid liquid: $ gallon drum of lab pack alkaline liquid: $. gallon dram of lab pack corrosive solid: $. $ $. B. Mobilization -Demobilization as specified (price per event) $. 33 6 9 0 2 19 $. 13 $. 8 This is a one (1) year contract, January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. This bid proposal, presented, shall he returned in tact. SUBMITTED BY: Signature Printed Name Title Company Name Company Address Company Phone STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the day of ,2003, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a tree copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Legal Notice -Notice to Bidders -Year 2004 Bid for "Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste", bid opening 10:00 a.m., Thursday, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this day of ,2003. Notary Public NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Printed Name Company Name Bid on DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES 2004 NOTICE IS HEREB 103 of the General Municipal Removal and Disposal of Hi the Southold Town Collectio~ the Town Clerk, Town of Sot11971. (.& "/'~ O/id5 dd, NewYork The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collumve Bttl Uertttmate, and bank draft or certified check in the mount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until 10:00 A.M., , :Z00~ at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Hazardous Waste Removal", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON , AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrellc's Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck Construction Data-. ~ of Section ~sted for the 'ear 2004 from 1 in accordance : L~--~ Of~ce of STATEMENT OF INTENT AND SPECIFICATIONS SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES (HHW) I. INTENT The Town of Southold holds several household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-off days (hereinafter called "Events") each year for the convenience of its residents. The intent of this bid proposal is to secure one (1) chemical waste contractor to provide HHW collection, removal, and disposal services to the Town of Southold in connection with the holding of these events. II. DEFINITIONS A. Contractor- The chemical waste hauler who is providing the services for the Town of Southold. B. I-H-IW- The acronym for Household Hazardous Waste and is the term which shall include all pesticides and other chemicals or otherwise harmful or potentially harmful waste originating only from residential homes as defined in 6 NYCRR Part 366. Such HHW items shall only be accepted from residential generators, not from commercial establishments. C. EVENT -The term given for one or more specially designated 'HHW Drop-Off Days,' wherein Town residents may deliver their HHW to a location where it will be collected for proper removal and disposal, such collection point to be at a time and place to be determined by the Town. D. RCRA -the acronym for the Resource Conservation and Recover Act of 1976 and subsequent amendments and re-authorizations. III. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES REQUEST Services requested by the Town through this bid include: (a) the knowledge, management skills, personnel, equipment, vehicles, and any other resources necessary to staff and operate periodic HHW Events wherein the contractor will receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor by residents, at a time and place to be determined by the Town; and (b) appropriate eight (8) or forty (40) hour OSHA hazardous materials training for Town personnel as may be requested by the Town. Wastes to be accepted by the contractor at Events shall include at a minimum those listed in Section' A ' of the Description of Services, "contained in the Bid Proposal Section of this Statement (attached). The Town will provide a suitable location on Town property for ail Events. During the 2003 calendar year, the Town expects to hold six (6) I-IHW Events at intervals of approximately 2 months. Specific dates will be coordinated with the contractor, however all Events will be held on Saturdays. The first Event is expected to be in February. The does not commit herein to holding any specific number of Event days. At the discretion of the Town, the contractor may be required to enter into a written contract with the Town formalizing the rights, roles, and responsibilities of each party pursuant to this bid. 1V .SCOPE OF WORK A) Operating Event Days The contractor will guarantee to provide all services, including but not limited to supervision, labor, equipment, materials, and other resources necessary to: 1. Provide for complete, safe, and efficient mobilization, conduct, and de- mobilization for HHW Events to be given on Town property at a time and place to be determined by the Town. 2. Receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor at an Event. 3. With respect to waste flammable liquids consisting of non-latex based paints, thinners, and other like items the Town, as per DEC approval, wishes to handle such items as "oulk' wastes. Accordingly, the contractor agrees to "oulk' such wastes by pouring off the contents of such containers into drums to the extent practicable. Determining the feasibility and practice of"oulking' specific containers or types of containers/materials will be agreed upon in advance between the Town and the contractor, with emphasis and pre-disposition being in favor of bulking whatever containers possible. B) Ensure that all containers used to transport HHW collected at an Event are fully in accordance with US Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing the transport of hazardous materials. Transport and dispose of said containers of HHW to/at the appropriate hazardous waste trea~nent, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF) in accordance with all Town, County, State, US DOT, and US Ev. vke_,,~m_~..tz! Protection Agency ~JSEPA) st~__nd~ds, _,-_,!es -__nd regulations. Guarantee the presence at each Event of a sufficient number ofquaiified employees, including the necessary supervisory personnel, trained in the proper handling of HHW materials to be collected at an Event. Provide proof of all necessary local, state, and federal permits and identification numbers pursuant to the handling, management, transportation, and disposal of HHW not less than two (2) weeks prior to the execution of a contract with the Town of Southold. Provide and complete any applications, permits, manifests, certifications, representations, or inventory control logs pursuant to the HHW collected or to be collected at an Event. Complete any pre-Event filings or notifications to any local, state, or federal agencies that may be required. Training At the Town's request, the contractor will provide eight (8) hour update training or a full forty (40) hour training course, as outlined under the federal occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines for those involved in handling hazardous materials on the job, for any employee(s) designated by the Town. All training will include the proper procedures for: 1) identifying and segregating HHW; 2) the proper labeling and preparation of drums of HHW for shipment; 3) responding to emergency exposure and/or spill incidents. Training for any Town personnel shall be provided pursuant to New York State Department of Labor and Federal OSHA regulations. It shall include procedures for handling hazardous wastes as well as the proper use of safety equipment in a manner that is protective of the public health and welfare, and the environment. BID PROPOSAL CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2004 Bidder's Name Address City State Zip Telephone TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In compliance with your advertisement for bids to be opened at and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to ftunish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices: '/ I/8 [N_O~TE: DRUM COUNTS ARE ACTUAL DRUMS OF HHW COLLECTED I~~ ..... C'3et'20aln Hw EVENTS VOR EACH CATEGORY SHOWN. THEY ARE IVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COLLECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR LESS DRUMS, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COLLECTION DAYS IS IMPLIED. THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITH REGARD TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COLLECT IN 2004.] CHEMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR ITEM DESCRIPTION Removal of Drums - price per fifty-five (55) gallon dram of each of the following collected wastes: Price per fifty-five gallon drum of flammable liquids collected as indicated below: 1. Bulk flammable liquids (paints and thinners, poured out of containers) $ 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids $ b) c) Price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack flammable solids: Count Price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack poison liquid: d) g) h) Price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack poison solid: price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab price per price per pack acid liquid: $. pack alkaline liquid: $ fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack corrosive solid: $. fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack oxidizers: $ i) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack aerosols: t~ J) k) 1) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous solid- Mixed Household Batteries: price per fifty-five gallon dram of collected environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk Anti-Freeze: price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack non-regulated HHW: Mobilization -Demobilization as specified (price per event) $. This is a one (1) year contract, January 1, 2004 through December 31,209Afl. This bid proposal, presented, shall be returned in tact. SUBMITTED BY: Signature Printed Name Title Company Name Company Address Company Phone STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the day of ,2003, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to ...:,..~ ..... r,,~.~,~ Bulletin B~d 53095 M~n P.e~d Southo!d New York Legal Notice -Notice to Bidders -Year 2004 Bid for "Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste", bid opening 10:00 a.m., Thursday, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this day of · 2003. Notary Public NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Printed Name Company Name Bid on DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES 2004 Care Environmental Corp.sm I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I January 16,2004 Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: Care Environmental Corp. is pleased to submit this proposal for the Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste for Calendar Year 2004. Care Environmental Corp. is a contractor who since 1992 has been engaged in the business of collection, identification, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous waste materials. We hold all the necessary licenses and possess the technical expertise and experience to provide these services safely, efficiently and economically. Care has complete mobile capability and is fully computerized. We are therefore able to accept and perform contracts outside of our immediate location. We have familiarized ourselves with this proposal and completely understand the requirements of the contract and our responsibilities as contractor, should we be awarded the contract. Those requirements include, but are not limited to characterization, packaging, storage, transportation and final treatment and disposal services listed throughout the Proposal. Care will assume generator status of all household hazardous waste collected during the collection event. Upon award a Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as additionally insured will be issued. The waste will be shipped directly to the disposal facility where the material will be processed according to hazard class. Enclosed please find a certified check in the amount of $100.00 as bid security. Care Environmental Corp. fully complies with all OSHA regulations, applicable federal, state, local laws and regulations in both services and contract items. We will secure and maintain any necessary additional license and permits required by the terms of the contract. We have read the Proposal, understand the requirements and are prepared to fully comply with all provisions. Corpora~ Office 10 Orben Drive Landing, New Jersey 07850 973-398-5100 · Fax-973-361-5550 Florida Office 1970 East Osceola Parkway #301 Kissimrnee, Florida 34743 407-348-7878 · Fax-407-348-3462 Maryland Office 3400-A Brown Station Road Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774 301-574-2277 · Fax-301-574-2552 www, careenv, com ~rginla Office 14811 Dumfries Roan Manassas, VA 20112 703-794-9221 · Fax-703-794-8522 I I I i The Care Environmental representative responsible for this project will be Francis J. McKenna, Jr., President of Care Environmental Corp. He will be your contact individual I and project supervisor from conception to completion of each event and of all contract requirements. He will be the individual responsible for reviewing the sites and preparing site specific health and safety plans. I Care Environmental's turn-key approach to household hazardous waste programs takes out the guess work and provides a smooth transition to your collection event. I Care looks forward to your review of these documents and to servicing the Town of Southold. Care Environmental Corp. appreciates the opportunity to present this Proposal. If any clarification of additional information is required, please contact Mr. I McKenna at 1-800-494(CARE)2273. Very truly yours, I ~etter environment! I i-ran~s J. ~c~nna, Jr. I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS COST PROPOSAL REFERENCES BID PROPOSAL PACKAGE PERSONNEL RESUMES TRAINING PROGRAM RECORD KEEPING LICENSES & PERMITS H.H.W. SITE PLAN DESIGN CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JAMES BUNCt/UCK SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR P.O, Box 96~, Cutchogue, New York 11935-096~ Tel: (631) 734-76~ Fax: (631) 734-7976 dsw~ow-n.souttxold.ny.us SOUTHOLD TOWN WASTE DISTRICT FAX TRANSMI*rrAL DATE: TO: Number of pages including this sheet: 9 01/15/04 James M. McKenna Care Environmental Corp. FROM: Val Meyer Senior Account Clerk FAX#: 1-973-361-5550 MESSAGE: Town of Southold Dept of Solid Waste is going out to bid for Household Hazardous Waste Disposal for 2004. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the above telephone number. Thank you. For verification or questions please call 631-734-7685. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~gG,~L NOT~CE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of thc Gcneral Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the Removal and Disposal of Household llazardous Waste for Calendar Year 2004 from the Southold Town Collection Center, Route 48, Cutchogue, New York, all in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Specifications may be obtained at the Off, ce of ' thc Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New Yo~'k. · 11971 . The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collnsive Bid Ce~ificate, and bank draft certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk oftl~ .' Town of Southuld, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New Y~rk 11971, until 10:00 A.M., January 22, 2004 at which time they will be opened and rea// aloud ir~ public. The Town Board ofthe Town of Southold reserves the right to rejec, t any,' and ail bids and to waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deethed in'th'i best interest to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on ...' . itaznrdous Waste Removal", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk· The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southolil is exempt. Dated: January 12, 2004 ELIZABETH A, NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISll ON JANUARY I~, 2004, AND FORWARD ONE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBIACATION TO ELIZABETlt A. NEVILI.E, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX !179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies lo thc following: The Suffolk Times Town Attorney Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Town Board Members Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Services Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck I I I I I I I I I I I I STAT.EMi~NT OF INTENT AND SPECIFICATIONS SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF IIOUSEHOLD IIAZARDOUS WASTES (HHW) I_. INTENT The Town of Southold holds several household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-off days (hereinaRer called "Events") each year for tile convenience of its residents. The intent of this bid proposal is to ascnre one (I) chemical waste contractor to provide HHW collection, removal, and disposal services to the Town of Sonthold in comlection with the. holding of these events. II, DEFINITIQNS A. Contractor- The chemical waste hauler who is providing the services for ,the.To~wn.. of Southold. B. HHW- The acronym for Household Hazardous Waste and is the term which ~hall ' '... include ali pesticides and other ohemieals or otherwise harmful or potentially. ' ," ' harmful waste originatillg only from residential homes ag defined in 6 NYCR,R Part 366. Such ttHW items shall only be accepted from residential generators; from commercial establishments. C. EVENT -The term given for one or more specially designated 'HIIW Drop-Off" ' ' Days,' wherein Town residents may deliver their HHW to a location where it will be collected for proper removal and disposal, such collection point 1o be at a time and pla~e to be determined by the Town. D. RCRA -the acronym for the Resource Conservation and Recover Act of 1976 and subsequent am ndments and re-authorizations. IlL GENERAL DESCRIPTIO.N....OF SERV1CES REOUEST Services requested by the Town through this bid include: (a) the knowledge, management skills, personnel, equipment, vehicles, and any other "resources necessary lo staff and operate periodic HHW Events wherein the contractor will receive, prepare, log, pack. load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor by residents, at a time and place to bc determined by flie Town; and appropriate eight (8) or forty (40) hour OSHA hazardous materials training for Town personnel as may be requested by the Town. Wastes to be accepted by Ihe contractor at Events shall include at u minimum those It~ted I I I I I I I ! I I I I I in Section' A ' of the Description of Services. "contained in the Bid Proposal Section of this Statement (attached). The Town will provide a suitable location on Town property for all Events. During the 2003 calendar year, the Town expects to hold six (6) HHW Events at intervals of approximately 2 months. Specific dates will be coordinated with the contractor, however all Events will be held ou Saturdays. The first Event is expected to be in February. The Town reserves the fight to hold more or less Event days, as it may deem necessary~.and. does not commit herein to holding any specific number of Event days. ' · ' '-' At the discretion of the Town, the contractor may be required to enter into a written contract with the Town formalizing the rights, roles, and responsibilities of eacl~ .p~',.. pnrsuant to this bid. .IV .SC~OPE OF WORK A) Operating Event Days The contractor will guarantee to provide all services, including but not limited i~ supervision, labor, equipment, materials, and other resources necessary to: '. '- 1. Provide for complete, safe, and efficient mobilization, conduct, and de- mobilization for HttW Events to be given on Town property at a time aJ~d place to be determined by the Town. 2. Receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor at an Event. 3. With respect to waste flammable liquids consisting of non-latex based paints, thinners, and other like items the Town, as per DEC approval, wishes to handle such items as 'bulk' wastes. Accordingly, the contractor agrees to 'bulk' such w~tes by pouring off the contents of such containers into drums to the extent practicable. Determining the feasibility and practice of'bulking' specific containers or types of containers/materials will be agreed upon in advance between the Town and the contractor, with emphasis and pre-disposition being in favor of bulking whatever containers possible. 4. Ensure that all containers used to transport HHW collected at an Event are I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B) fully in accordance with US Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing thc transport of hazardous materials. !5. Transport and dispose of said containers of HHW to/at the appropriate hazardous waste treatment, storage, et disposal facility (TSDF) in accordance with all Town, County, State, US DOT, and US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standards, rules and regulations. 6. Guarantee the presence at each Event o£ a sufficient number of qualii~ed. employees, including the necessary supervisory personnel, trained i~ the'. , ' ': proper handling of HHW materials to be collected at an Event. : .. ;.' ,', 7, Provide proof of all necessary local, state, and federal permits and identification numbers pursuant to the handling, management, .: > ,... transportation, and disposal of HHW not less than two (2) weeks prior'to. ' · the execution of a contract with the Town of Southold. ~', .' 8, Provide and complete any applications, permits, manifests, certiflcatio0a, ,.. · representations, or inventory control logs pursuant to the HHW ~ollected". or to be collected at an Event. 9. Complete any pm-Event filin~s or notifications to any local, state, or '.". federal agencies that may be required. Training At the Town's request, the contractor will provide eight (8) hour update training or a full forty (40) hour training course, as outlined under the federal occupational Safety and tieslth Administration guidelines for those involved in handling hazardous materials on the job, for any employee(s) designated by the Town. All training will include the proper procedures for: I) identifying and segregating HHW; 2) the proper labeling and preparation of drums of HHW for shipment; 3) responding to emergency exposure and/or spill incidents. Training for any Town personnel shall be provided pursuant to New York State Deparlment of Labor and Federal OSHA regulations. It shall include procedures for handling hazardous wastes as well as the proper use of safety equipment in a manner that is protective of the public health and welfare, and the environment. I I I COST PROPOSAL I I I I I I I I I I I I CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORR MONTV~LLE OF~CE '~, NJ MONTVILLE, NJ 070~5 26387 PAY ~ ~o~ ~, ~o~ ~ ~o., - - ~ - - = - -// "'0 ~ t~ ?~' "ilO ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BID PROPOSAL ,CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEAR Z004 Care Environmental Corp. Bidder's Name 10 Orben Drive AddreSs Landing, NJ 07850 City State Zip (973) 398-5100 Telephone ',';." TO THE TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD .- In compliance wit.hyour advertisement for bids to be opened at , . ,' 1 / 2 2 / 0 4 @ ! 9' O0 a. mand subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned h .ereby.~ .' ' proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized in this proposal iq accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Speci fications contained herein for the following prices: CtlEMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR [NOTE: DRUM COUNTS ARE ACTUAL DRUMS OF HItW COLLECTED IN, FIVE ($) Z003 IIHW EVENTS FOR EACI! CATEGORY SIlOWN. TliEY ARE GIVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COI,LECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR I,ESS DRUMS, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COI,LECTION DAYS IS 1MPI,1ED. THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITIt REGARD TO TIlE TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COI,LECT iN ITEM D_ESCRIPTiON Removal of Drum,~ - price per fifty-five (5S) gallon drum of each of the following collected wastes: Drum Ceunl a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected flammable liquids: 1. Bulk Flammable liquids ipaints and thinners, pour out of containers) 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids 200.00 24 ;'no..J/Q_ 55 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack flammable solids: $ 220.00 c) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison liquid: $ 280. O0 d) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison solid: $ 280.00 e) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack acid liquid: $ 225.00 0 price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack alkaline liquid: $ 225.00., g) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack corrosive solid: $ 225.00 h) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack oxidizers: $ 225.00 i) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected aerosols: $ 225. O0 j) price p~ fifty-five gallon dram of collected environmentally hazardous solid- Mixed Household batteries: k) I) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk aflti-fr~ze: price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected non-regulated ttHW: Mobilization -Demobilization as specified (price per event) 220.0? $ 200.00 $300.00 $ No.Charge This is a two (2) year contract, January I, 2004 through December 3 l, 2005. This bid proposal, as presented, shall be returned in tact. 6 10 10 12 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBMITT/~D BY: Francis ~'1 ..~.~ a, Printed Name~' ~%r~a, Jr. President Title' Care Environmental Corp. co~y ~m~ .......... 10 Orben Dr., Landing, NJ Addre$~ (973) 398-5100 Con4'pany'Pho~e Fax: (973) 36126,55~- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid bas been arrived at by the bidder independently and has b~n submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not be~n communicat~l by thc bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of ils employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of ' thc bidder or ils surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of.~o._ bid. (Signed) (Corporate Tit~ (if any) /~resident ' Francis J. McKenna, Ur. Printed Name CompanyName Care Environmental Corp. Bid on DISPOSAL OF IIOUSEIIOLD ilAZAltOI)US WASTES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Litchfield Hills / Northwestern Connecticut Recycling Advisory Committee Barkbam nt~d-C~na~n-Colebrook-Comwall-Gosh~n-Har tlandoHarwinton-Kent-Litehfi¢Id Mort/s-New Harfford-Nc~folk-North Canaaa-Sathbur~;$haron-T~-Winchester 42 North Street, P.O. Box 187, Goshen, CT 06756 * 860-491-9884 * FAX: 860-491-3729 Robert Moeller, Co-Chairman Michael D. Fox, Co-Chairman July 17,2003 Mx. Frank McKenna. Jr. President, Care Environmental Corp. 10 Orben Drive Landing, NJ 07850 Dear Frank: On behalf of the Regional Rea3y¢ling Comnfittee, I wish to thank Care Environmemo! Inc. for the excellent job that was done at the May 31 ~ Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day in Falls Village. Ollr Recycling Committee members appreciated the cooperation and professionalism exhibited by Care's project manager, waste estimator, and support Sari'at the event. The exlra personnel provided by Care helped to minimize the tillle thai our customers needed to wait in line at our Collection Day, which encourages their continued participation. Thank~ again for the cooperation exhibited by Care at the recent HItW Collemion Day. A check in the mount requested by your recent invoice has been forwarded to Care's Chicago address as requested. I look forward to our continual work together at the October 25~ Collection Day in Torrington. Best regards. Sincerely, Rick Lynn LHCEO Planning DirectOr COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING · 197 MAIN STREET · COOPERSTOWN, NEW YORK 13326 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPT. PHONE: (607) 547-4303 FAX: (607) 547-7549 Terry Bliss, Solid Waste Coordinator E-mail: biisst@co.otsego.ny.us September 12, 2001 Mr. FrankMeKenna Care Env~onmental 10OrbenDfive Lending, NJ 07850 Dear Mr. McKenna, Please accept by sincere thanks and appreciation for a job well done at Otsego County's Household ~4--~vdous Waste Collection Day event held this past Saturday, September 8t~ at the County Fairgrounds in ~ Morris, New York. Your enmpany's performance was superb. Your set-up for our event was completed in the early morning hours at least one hour before our first customer arrived. Your staffwas efficient, well trained as to their respective duties, and personable to our residents as they mxived in the collection station. Your workers lent guidance to our volunteers who helped with traffic flow end latex paint collection. At the end of the day, the site was returned to its original condition. You carefully explained to me the collection results of the day and outlined the trarmpox~ation end disposal procedures that would follow. As 'this was my fn~ hazardous waste collection event that I was responsible to coordinate, I owe much to the performance of your company in making my job that much easier. As a result, operations were very smooth and I have already received numerous positive comments about the event. Sincerely, Terry Bliss, Solid Waste Coordinator TAB cc. Carl Higgins, Ch - Otsego Co. Board of Representatives Roberta Purity_, Ch - Otsego Co. Solid Waste Committee Allison Elliott, Env. Engineer, NYS DEC Region 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5kaneatelee Lake Waterehed Agriculture! Program 2571 Rte 11, Suite 3, LaFayette, NY 13084-049~, Ph. (315) 677-4030, FAX, (315) 077-402~ February l7,2000 To Whom It May Concern: I m writing to recommend Care Environmental Corp. as a contractor for household ha?~rdous waste and agricultural pesticide collection events. Care worked with the Town of Skaneateles and the Skaneateles Lake Watershed Agricultural Program to administer and implement a very successful household hazardous waste collection in the morning and an agricultural pesticide collection event in the afternoon. Many of the residents that participated commented on how efficient, professional and friendly the staff of Care was. Care was also ex~emely helpful in making sure all of the derails were taken care of such as safety plans, DEC plans, etc. I would highly recommend Care for your collection events as they have the experience, knowledge and personnel necessary for these events. If you have any questions please contact me. Sincerely, Program Manager Waterehed ProJect Team Cornell Cooperative ExteneioM ,,'o U~PA-Natural Reeourcee Coneervation Service o;. Soil & Water ¢oneervation Pietrict Tho E~slern Rl~ns,~eiae r C,)unly S~)lld Waste M~nagement Authority 38t. Mai(, Stt pheniown, Fi v 12' 6a-0; 67 Te ,(5111 733,~2,~ t Fa ~: (51ti) 766-9 Mi rlll'e[I.l~ E. Mc,Il is Oct~]ber 12, 1994 Care Environmenial 100 Route 46, Building A Mountain I. akes, New Jersey 07046 Att' Mark Kodrowski Dear Mark: On behalf of tt~e Eastern Rensselaer County Solid Waste Management Autl~ority, I would liku to expr(~s,~ their satisfaction and thanks for two very good coll(~ction (.lays during 1994. The Care Envirer.'nental si~,ft c,')nducted themselves very professionally and acceded to every reasonable whim on the actual days. They were also very courteous and friendly to both citizens and volunteers. The price came in where expected, and the discount on the bill for prompt payment was appreciated. As you know, we are a small, rural community. We value a job well done at a reasonable cosl: Care EnvirOnmental satisfied our household hazardous waste co~leclion r~ueds in 1994. We sincerely hope to do business with your company again and have placed you on our bidder's list for 1995. Sincerely, Margretta E, Morris .., MEM:s -, CC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING * 197 MAIN STREET* COOPERSTOWN, NEWYORK 13:326-1129 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PHONE'. (607) 547-4225 FAX: (607) 547-6492 Diane V~ Carlton. AICP Planning Director May 27, 1999 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Care Environmental administered Otsego County's Household Hazardous Waste Day last year ( 1998). Wc ran both a residential household hazardous waste pickup in the morning and an agricultural waste pick up in the afternoon. It was our first waste collection day and we wcre pleased to have Care managing the program because they ,,~re so professional and knowledgeable. We were worried about having lines of cars backed up onto the road, but Care was extremely efficient in getting people through the process. We never had a back up of cars. They w~rc on site ~ariy in the morning, worked together effectively as a team, alerted us to potential persons who didn't fit the program guidelines and left thc site cleaner than when we opened in the morning. Their bill was lower than we anticipated because they made good use of fitting material into drums. I would recommend Care for your clean up day. Il'you have questions, feel free to contact me. DELAWARE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC W~ORKS PO BOX 311 DELHi, NY 15753 WAYNE REYNOLDS, P.E. .COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS .SOPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS .COUNTY ENGINEER August12,1998 Main Off'~e and Ya~;d Page Aven~e, Delhi 607/746-212~8 FAX 607/74672112 To Whom It May Conem, This letter is a testimonial to the professional work performed by Ca~e Environmental Inc. of Denville, New Jer~.ey. Delbware County has had the privilege of ~ with Care Environmental Inc ~luring our annual H .o~,sehold Hazar~3us Waste ! Agricultural Peaticide Collection Day.. Cam Envi~'onn~ntal Inc was the malting, and final.di~l:X~al of'a~ste collected during this event. ) and meml~ers of my organizing t~am to~ ~r~l the representatives from'Care Environme~tal:lnc to be highly pmfe~ionaJ, knowledgeable' cot~rteous, and a pleasure to work with. Ca.~. Environmental th~ ~:initially:sMe~a~ from;e 1on9 list.of:vendors that res~;m~dad to a Joint 13i~ for agan selected as the contractor for the handling and disposal of household an¢;= farm hazan:lou$ wastes for the Counts 1998 collection (lay. De ,l~wam County has been very satisfied by the work performed by Care Envirohmen[al Inc. Suian Mclntyre ~ $olI~1 Waste Coordinator PATRICK A, ZAGARINO JOSEPH J. KEARNEY CURTIS E, FISHER ANTHONY J. SANTINO BRUCE A. BLAKEMAN JOSEPH J. RA DAN[EL M. FISHER, JR. ANGLE M. CULLIN RICHARD T. RONAN, P.E. TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD DEPARTMENT Of SANITATION GREGORY P. PETERSON RZCHARD V. GUARDINO, JR. March 6, 1995 To Whom it May Concern= I am writing on behalf of our current household hazardous waste contractor, Care Environmental Corporation. Care, under the leadership of its President, Francis J. McKenna, Jr., has been employed as the Town of Hempstead Department of Sanitation Stop Throwing Out Pollutants contractor since May of 1994. I have found Care Environmental Corporation to be honest, reliable and most professional. They perform their work in an exemplary manner. Their paperwork (i.e., manifests, disposal records, etc.), as well as their on-site operations are without reproach. During our first year of operation (May 1993 - April 1994) the company who won the contract for that term had their own Treatmeht, Storage and Disposal Facility, even though it was not a requirement. In comparison, this TSDF made no difference to us either in cost or performance of contract. I am pleased wi~h the professional manner in which Care Environmental CorpOration handles their business and would recommend them to you without reservation. March 6, 1995 Page 2 If there is any further information you might require pertaining to Care Environmental Corporation and their contract with the Town of Hempstead Department of Sanitation, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, RICHAR~ T. RONAN, P.E. COM)~ISSIONER By: Lois M. Beedenbender Assistant to First Deputy Commissioner/ S.T.O.P. Program Coordinator RTR: LMB: kc I I BOARD OF HEALTH David 1L Black, D/rector rowlq HALL I 10 MUDGE WAY BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 01730 Tel. 617-275-6507 FAX 617-2754509 September 6, 1995 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mfr. Francis J. McKenna. Jr. President Care Environmental Corp. 100 Route 46, Building A Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 Dear Mr. McKennn: As you know, on Saturday, May 13, 1995, the Town of Bedford and Care Environmemal Corp. combined resource~ and conducted the best organiT~d Household l-la ~ardons Waste Collection in our history, now totaling eleven (11) such events. In four hours Care Environmental Corp. staffreeeived 420 "household- participants" in a most efficient and pleasant manner! I was very satisfied with your services and would be happy to work with you and your staff in the future. Very truly yours, David R. Black, Director I TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 026644451 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 241 -- Fax (508) 398-2365 BOARD OF HEALTH February 16, 2000 To Whom it May Concern: Care Environmen~l has repeatedly been awarded the conlraet to conduct Yarmouth's Household HaT~'ardous Waste collections for the past several years. The professionalism displayed by Care Environmental staff on site and off site has m~do. ex)ordinating the colle~dons effortless. The knowledge and mcperiwnee offered by Care has allowed the collections to operate in an effective and ettieient rammer. I will be looking forward to working with Care Environmental Corporation in the fi_,ture and would re~mmend them as a contractor for Household HaZardous Waste Collection Programs. Sincerely, i/ilI ] I4~z~lous Waste Inspector Printed on Recycled Pa~er I County of Fauquier 'Department of Solid Waste Management l~.h,~ '78 W. Le~ stre6f{S, uite 100) ~. W~enton, Vir~ni~- 22186 (703) 347-6810 ~~ F~: (703) 341-7129 ~7~~ ~ l~e 22, 1995 C~ ~~ Co~. 1~ Koute ~, Bld~ A Mom~ L~e~ NJ 07~6 whom it ~y ~: Und~ the provisions of P~n~e %'~am County's Con,act, Cme En~o~ ~s ~ ~r pro~ssm~sm ~ been out~ndi~ and ~ ~11 ~ o~fio~ to h~luda ~ ~ r~dents, t~$. paeka~ ~d a thor~u~ paper tr~l r~o~ ~e ~el~. C~e ~o~ent~ has prodded a badly n~ed a~ee for ~e CounW to ~h~ ~ our ~n~o~t. I ~y ~,~end ~ ~ a pr~der ofb~-n~s wa~e dls~ ~s. I I~DB/j$ I THE. PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES Waste Management Division, Suite 520 Telephone: (301) 883-5848 March 25, 1997 Departm~t ofCoumy Admff~i~trator Oi~ice of~zeha~g Coua..~y O~ce Bu~ldin~ Complex 3450 Court House Drive Bllicott City, Maryland 21043 Dear Chief of Purchasing: It is without reservation that I recor~nd Care ]~nv~nmental Corpomion. (CAR.E) tO you. h ha~ been my pleasure to work with Frmk'McK~... President, CA.K,E, and his 'a~sociates many times throughout the past aev~-val yeah. CAKE's commkment to ~xcetlence, au=~on to customer satisfacfior¥'exr.~ptional work ethic end comurnmete professional/sm hes earne~ both my professional respe= end personal endorsement. CARE's aggre~s/v~meas:a~d efficiency have been demonsl~ated ciu~ Bev~r~l household hazardou~ waste collection events where hamEul waste was collected from over one thousand participants, in seven hours. CARE has provided exceptional end reliable se~ce to Prince C~orge's County.end it is my opinion that CAKE would be en asset to eny Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program. HoUsehold I-hzardou~ Waste Collection Program cc: Francis .r. McKern~t, Jr., President, Car~ Environmental Corporation Ing[ewood Centre 3 -- 9400 Peppercorn Place -- L~r~o, H~land 20774 TDD: 925~5167 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ALLEGANY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ALLEGANY HEALTH CENTER R O. Box 1745 12500 Willowbrook Road SE Cumberlend, Marc/land 21501-174-5 EDWARD E DRESSMAN Health Officer AJlegan¥ Coun[y An Equal Opportunity Employer Phone 301-777-5600 Maryland Relay Service 'FrY Only: 1-800-735-2258 /anuary21,1999 Marc Kodrowski Operations Manager Care Environmental Corp. 315 Palmer Road Dcnvill¢, NJ 07834 Dear Mr. K_.godrow~$~.i: ~ffi~ I should like to take this opportunity to tell you and your field staffhow much we've enjoyed working with your company during the Allegany County Household Hazardous Waste Collections of 1995, 1996, and 1998. Considering the limited population - and budget- of this rural county, we cannot have represented a large share of your business, but you and your operators have always made us feel an important and valued part of your custom. I have especially appreciated CAPE's attention to detail and the high levels of professionalism shown by all the crew members. I commend your ~villingnes3 to work with us in designing a program that would serve the needs of county residents while taking our economic constraints into consideration. The past HHW collections have been very successful and well-favored by Allegany County taxpayers. I would be glad to recommend your services to anyjufisdlction considering a household hazardous waste program. Should your prospective clients have any questions about our experience in this program, please have them give me a call at (301) 777-5647. Sincerely, D. Elayne Warren, R.S. Environmental Health Division DEW/ms CHARLOTTE COUNTY MOSQUITO CONTROL P,O. BOX 1054 PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33951-1054 MOSQUITO CONTROL: 813-639-1349 SOLID WASTE SECTION: 813-639-1802 April 7, 1995 To: Whom it may concern Re: Household Hazardous Waste Services Charlotte County's Solid Waste Section has a contract with Care Environmental Corp under contract number 94-42. Care Environmental provides scheduled shed clean out services; lab packing, manifesting, shipping and disposal. In addition Care also provides training classes for Solid Waste Section personnel and workshops for Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity C-enerators. Since April 1994, Care Environmental has meet all contract conditions and provided satisfactory services for Charlotte County's Household Hazardous Waste Program. Should you have any additional questions, please call me at (813) 639-1802. cc: Robert V. Ward, Director I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Solid g(ra~te Division 1654 State Road 419 Long,rood, Florida ~2750-3769 Telephone (407) 322-7605 £xtenslon 2256 F.~C ~24o5751 March 15, 19991 ' To Whom It May Concern: Care Environmental Corporation had the Seminole County 'usehold Hazardous Waste Contract from July 8, 1995 through Jqly 10, 1998 Dudng special events particular attention was made to detail and high levels of professionalism and teamwork was shown by your organization. Our Amnesty Day Event was a success due to your profeSSionalism and the high standards of your organization. The Solid Waste Division, HousehOld Hazardous Waste Section, would highly recommend Care Environmental receiving Our Household Hazardous Waste contract in the~ futura. ' Cam was also call when Seminole County was struck with tornadoes in 1998. They brought in two crews and we went house to hOUse assisting the residents with the clean up. They performed the difficult task of searching through mountains of debris with complete professionalism. Dudng this difficult time Care crew members assisted our residents with compassion and understanding. In closing I would like to state that we would highly recommend Care to you without reservation. Sincerely, Household Hazardous Waste YrH/pa C: File copy - disc CareEnvironmental,doc 97-01~ Charlotte County Department of Environmental Services 27221 Beechcra/t Boulevard Punta Gorda, FL 33982-2441 Phone: 941/639-1349 Fa.~ 941/639-4821 February7, 1997 Care Environmental Cb~oration 315 Palmer Road Denville, New Jersey 07834 A~t:Francis J. McKenna, Jr. President De~r Frank: " I wanted to take this oppommit), to thank you ~md the staff of C~'e Envh'onmental Corporation for the qualiLy services provided the Charlotm;Coum3.'Depanment of Env~onmental Services, Municipal Solid Waste Division, over the past two (2) year~:: Many. "e,xtr~?' sera, ieee'were provided that was beyond the con~'act a~eement of wb. ich we are very appre:iative. :- = Speaking for the Department, we xvish you continuing success in all your future endeavors. Sincerely, Director · Deparlment of Environmental SOrvices " TR.K:dct CC: Jim Thomson, Assistant Director, Municipal Solid Waste Management Division' Telephone (407) 273-3730 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I March 7, 1995 To Whom It May Concern De~r Sir: Care Environmental Corporation/s presently our Household Hazardous waste disposal contractor and have served Orange County in that capacity for the last one and one h*!fyears. Care Environmental have also conducted two amnesty day collection events at the County's request. Care Environmental have excelled in both the clean up of our Household H~Ta_rdous Waste Permanent Collection Center and on the ~mnosty days. The professionalism and courtesy in handling our clients have Won them high marks from the citizens of Orange County. If you have any questions ooncerning Care Environmental performance in our County, please do not hesitate to Contact me at (407) 249-6266. / orberto Queris Environmental Supervisor Orange County Resource Recovery cc: Care Environmental File COLORADO March 10, 1995 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1517-18AVENUECOURT GREELEY, COLORADO 80631 ADMINISTRATION (303) 353-0586 HEAL TH PROTECTION (303) 353-0635 COMMUNITY HEALTH (303) 353-0639 FAX (303) 356-4968 To Whom it May Concern: The Weld County Household Hazardous Waste Permanent Collection Facility opened its doors on 3une 25, 1994, with the expertise and support of our Hazardous Waste Contractor: CARE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Our first collection day was a Saturday and we were not certain what the participation rate would be; however, because of considerable advertising, it was expected to be high. Frank McKenna volunteered CAKE's services to ensure that everything would run as smooth as possible and that customers would not have to wait in long lines to dispose of their wastes. His extensive experience with HHW was invaluable in planning traffic patterns, emergency response issues, documentation and processing of material received, and overall organization during the day. CARE's personalized service has continued to be excellent since that first collection. Because our facility is permanent and operated on an ongoing basis, I continually run into storage, handling, and/or disposal issues for various substances. CARE is always quick to provide me with clear, concise options to solve any problem. In short, I know that reliable assistance is just a phone call away. CARE was also able to provide technical training to our staff in the form of an OSHA 8-hour update certification. This training seminar was extremely informative and included such topics as: Safety/Maintenance, Segregation and Packaging, Labeling, and Site Health and Safety Plan. Again, CARE's considerable experience with H}tWwas evident. CARE has not only provided excellent service for the technical aspects of'ourHHW program, but has also offered consultative and financial support for educational materials to increase awareness of HHW issues in Weld County. In closing, the past nine months have seen the development of a productive and beneficial working relationship between CARE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. and Weld County Health Department. I am very appreciative of the support CARE has provided to ensure that our ~ program is as effective as possible. Environmental Protection Specialist I ~ THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ll' !~ ~'.o. Box2207 I ~ Mississippi State, Mississippi39762-5207 I I I I I I COMMISSIONER DIRECTOR AND STATE ENTOMOLOGIST July 8, 1998 To Whom it May Concern: The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Bureau of Plant Indusa~ has beef~ conducting a Waste Pesticide Disposal Program since November of 1994. During this time the Mississippi Waste Pesticide Disposal Program has helped farmers, private landowners, and commercial dealers dispose of 816,044 pounds of banned, canceled, or otherwise unusable pesticides. Care Environmental Corporation was awarded the collection and disposal contract for eight of our disposal events. Mr. Frank McKenna~ President, Care Environmental Corporation was our main contact and took responsibility for all aspects of the contract. He was extremely professional in his conduct and provided exemplary service to our agency. He and his associates went above and beyond the boundaries of the contract to provide excellent, personalized service to program participants. I I I I I I During the collection phase of each event, Care Environmental's field staff were professional in their duties and constantly worked to ensure that each participant was handled in a very professional, courteous, and timely manner. I have worked with a number of environmental contractors during the four years that our Waste Pesticide Disposal Program has been operational and would attribute a large portion of our success to outstanding service provided by environmental professionals such as Care Environmental Corporation. They are an extreme pleasure to work with and I would recommend them to anyone. I look forward to working with them in the future. Sincerely, Christopher R. Crowe Environmental Scientist III I I I DEDICATED TO SERVING ~ PEOPLE OF MISSISS][PPI COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Departmant of Agriculture antl Consumer Services Division of Consumer Protection - Offtce of Pesticide Services PO Box I 163. Rlchmo~ Virginia 2321 $ Phone: 800,'$52-9963 or 8t~4/~71-6558 · Fax: 804/371-8598 · Hca~s Impah'~ 800/828-1120 h t tp:l/www.$talg.vL ust~vdacat vdac&b t~ November 5, 1997 To Whom it May Concern: The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) has been conducting a Pesticide Disposal Program since 1990 for agricultural producers, pesticide deaIers and pest control firms: Since the program's inception almost 600,000 pounds of banned, canceled or unwanted pesticides have been collected from more than 1,400 participants. Virginia empioys a "milk run" type' of program requiring the disposal contractor to visit' each identified pesticide storage facility to package and manifest the waste for transport. In addition, the disposal contractor is required to visit at least 90% of the identified pesticide storage facilities prior to the collection of the waste to determine the requirements of each. Care Environmental Corp. was a~vai'ded the collection and disposal contract for the 1997 and 1998 Pesticide Disposal Programs, D"B ~ 97-027. Frank McKerma, President, Care Environmental Corp. vnts our main eontae~ and took responsibility for all aspects of the contract He was extremely professional in his conduct and provided exemplary service to VDACS. He iSsisted our local Cooperative Extension personnel in advertising the program to generate additional participation to achieve our objective of disposing all the pesticide waste in the hands of participants. He provided all assistance requested by VI)ACS, going above contract requirements on some occasions. During ',he collection phase of the program, Care Environmental's field personnel were professional in their duties and always asked our approval once a "nasal' site (spilled pesticides, etc.) was packaged before leaving. Their field per~ormel were courteous to our participants during the packaging of the pesticide waste. I have worked with a number of disposal con~ractors in our Pesticide Disposal Program and would rate Care Environmental as one of the best. I would recommend them to anyone. They are a pleasure to work with and ! t~ok forward to working vfith them in the future. Sincerely, . . , Daniel Y. Schweitzer / Environmental Program Planner I ! ~ Georgia Department of Agriculture I Capitol Square · .~tlsnta, Georgia 30334-4201 Tommy Irvin i Commmmer February 10, 1999 I I I I I I I I I I I To Whom it May Concern: Since 1995, the Georgia Departmem of.Agriculture has conducted the "Georgia Clean Day" waste pesticide collection to provide a safe and cost effective means of disposal for farmers, homeowners, and commercial dealers. Often waste pesticides occur when products are stored over several years. As a result products settle out of suspension, agricultural practices change, and/or the product is cancelled from use. Care Environmental Corp. was awarded the 1999 fiscal year disposal contract from an extensive list of bidders in September of 1998. Since that time over 241,000 pounds have been collected from over seventeen Georgia counties. Frank McKenna, President of Care Environmental, oi~en assisted farmers unable to transport materials to the collection site by conducting on farm cleanups, going above contract requirements on several occasions. I and several collection organizers have found Frank Mc~enna and his personnel to be extremely professional, knowledgeable, and overall a pleasure to work with. Sudging by past experience, I would recommend Care Environmental Corp. to anyone needing hazardous waste disposal services. I look forward to working with them in the future. Sincerely, Jarrell R. Jarrett III Special Projects Coordinator Pesticides Division I EQUAL OI~OR~UNI~Y ~ STATE OF MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMlvlERCE - BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY LESTER SPELL, JR., D.V.M., COMivIISSIONER ROBERT McCARTY, DIRECTOR AND'STATE ENTOMOLOGIST November 28, 2000 Mr. Francis J. McKerma, Jr. Care Environmental Corp. 10 Orben Drive Landing, New Jersey 07850 Dear Mr. McKerma: I wish to convey my sincere gratitude to you and your company for the outstanding professional service provided to the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Bureau of Plant Industry during our most recent waste pesticide collection and disposal event. The November 14, 2000 event collected and properly disposed of 150,159 pounds of waste pesticide. This one-day event received 86 tmcldoads from 22 counties, and was by far the largest the state has ever experienced from the 39 previous collections. This effort significantly reduced the possible threat of environmental contamination posed by such hazardous materials and saved Mississippi's fam'fi~g community more than $165,175 in disposal fees. I would like to again thank you for your commitment in making this event such a success. Your dedication to duty and flexibility during this project reflects greatly upon yourself mad your company. It was my pleasure to again work with Care Environmental Corp. and I look very forward to working with you in future endeavors. If you have any questions or ifI can be of any.~urther assistance to you or your company please do not hesitate to contact me at (662) 325-1269 or by e-mail to RustyC~mdac.state.ms.us. Environmental Scientist III PO. BOX 5207 · MISSISSIPPI STATE, MISSISSIPPI 39762-5207 · TELEPHONE (662) 325-3390 o F,~X (662) 325~8397 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS . TELEPHONE (662) 325-I269 · FAX (662) 325-0397 I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection, Paekinl~, Transportation and Disposal. COLORADO WELD COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Department of Health Dan Joseph Permanent Facility 1517-16 Avenue Court (970) 304-6415 x2702 Greeley, CO 80631 Dates: March 1994 - 1996 March 1999 - Present CONNECTICUT LITCHFIELD HILLS Contact: Site Location: Council of Elected Officials Rick Lynn Housatonie Valley H.S. 42 North Goshen Street (860) 491-9884 246 Warren Turnpike Goshen, CT 06756 Falls Village, CT 06031 Torrington Water Pollution Plant ! Bogue Road Harwington, CT 06756 Dates: March 1999 - Present CENTRAL NAUGATUCK Contact: Site Location: VALLEY Cliff Brammer Central Ave. Elementary School Council of Governments (203) 757-0535 28 Central Avenue 20 East Main Street Naugamck, CT 06770 Waterbury, CT 06770 Mitchell School 14 School Street Waterbury, CT 06670 Dates: June 2000 - Present DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Contact: Site Location: Office of Recycling Bill Easley Carter Baron Amphitheatre 2750 South CapitoI Street (202) 645-8245 16th & Kennedy Street Washington, DC 20032 Washington, DC 20001 Dates: September 1998 - Present I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection, Packing, Transportation and Disposal. FLORIDA ORANGE COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Orange County Administration Center Oscar Ramos Resource Recovery Dept. Purchasing & Contracts Department 12100 Young Pine Road 201 Rosalind Avenue - 3~ Floor Orlando, FL 32831 Orlando, FL 32801 Permanent Facility & Amnesty Days Dates: Sept. 1993- Feb. 1997 SEMINOLE COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Seminole County Government John Hauserman Seminole County Central Purchasing Division (407) 665-8200 x2250 Transfer Station Shed 1101 East First Street 1634 East Highway 419 Sanford, FL 32771-1468 Longwood, FL 32750 (Permanent Facility) Seminole County Landfill Shed 1634 Osceola Road Geneva, FL 32732 Dates: June 1995 -July 1998 ItENDRY COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Hendry County Board of County Terry Cross Hendry County HHW Facility Commissioners (863) 675-5252 1300 South Olympia Avenue P.O. Box 1760 Clewiston, FL 33440 LaBelle, FL 33935 Hendry County HHW Facility 420 Forestry Division Road LaBelle, FL 33935 Dates: March 1995 - Present CHARLOTTE COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Administration Center Jim Thomson Charlotte Co. Sanitary Landfill 18500 Murdock Circle (945) 764-4370 29751 Zemel Road Port Charlotte, FL 33948-1094 Puma Gorda, FL 33955 Dates: Feb. 1994 - Jan. 1997 October 1998 - 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection, Packing, Transportation and Disposal. FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA I Contact: Site Location: Department of Agriculture David Bevis Florida Dept. of Agriculture Lab 407 South Calhoun Street (850) 921-1249 3125 Conner Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399 Tallahassee, FL 32399 Dates: November 1998 - Present Florida Dept. of Agriculture Lab 500 3~d Street Winter Haven, FL 33881 Dates: November 1998 - 2002 St. LUCIE COUNTY ! Contact: Site Location: St. Lucie County Solid Waste Jason Bessey St. Lucie Landfill Division Landfill : (561) 462-1768 6120 Glades Cut-offRoad 6120 Glades Cnt-offRoad Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Dates: February 2001 - Present OKALOOSA COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Recycling Department Jim Reece HHW Collection Center 1759 South Ferdon Blvd. (850) 689-5774 84 Ready Avenue Crestview, FL 32536 Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 Dates: July 2000 POLK COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Environmental Management Matthew Dial Polk County Envir. Mgmt. 3 Environmental Loop (941) 284-4319 3 Environmental Loop Winter Haven, FL 33880 Winter Haven, FL 33880 Dates: January 2000 MADISON COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Solid Waste Department Ron Mandziara Aucilla Solid Waste Facility P.O. Box 237 (904) 973-2611 Highway 221 Madison, FL 32340 Greenville, FL 32331 Dates: June 1994 - Dec. 1994 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection, Packing, Transportation and Disposal. GEORGIA GEORGIA DEPARTMENT Contact: Site Location: Various OF AGRICULTURE Tom Grey Collections throughout the State Capitol Square (404) 656-4958 Atlanta, GA 30334-4201 Dates: October 1998 o Present STATE OF MAINE Contact: Site Location: Department of Agriculture, Robert I Batteese, Jr. DEP Portland, ME Food & Rural Resoumes Board (207) 287-2731 DEP Augusta, ME of Pesticides Control DEP Bangor, ME 28 State House Station DEP Presque Isle, ME Augusta, ME 04333-0028 Dates: October 2000 MARYLAND ALLEGANY COUNTY Contact: Site Location: HEALTH DEPARTMENT D. Elayne Warren, R.S. Allegany County Cumberland P.O. Box 1745 (301) 777-5647 Farm 12500 Willowbrook Road SE Cumberland, MD 21501-1745 Dates: October 2000 - Present PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Department of Environmental Marcelino Cole -Prince George's Community Resoumes, Division of (301) 883-7424 College, Largo, MD Environmental Management -Eleanor Roosevelt High School Inglewood Center Three Greenbelt, MD 9400 Peppercorn Place -Surrattsville High School, Landover, MD 20785 Clinton, MD -Inglewood Center Three, Landover, MD Dates: June 1994 - Present CITY OF BALTIMORE Contact: Site Location: Office of Recycling S. Dale Thompson Memorial Stadium Lot 200 North Holiday Street (410) 396-5027 East 33e Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Baltimore, MD 2 I202 Dates: October 2000 - Present I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection, Packing, Transportation and Disposal. MARYLAND STATE OF MARYLAND Contact: Site Locations: Various Department of Agriculture Rob Hofstetter Collections throughout the State Pesticide Regulation Section (410) 841-5710 The Wayne A. Cawley, Jr. Bldg. 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway Annapolis, MD 21401 Dates: August 2001 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Various Department of Public Works Carol Taylor Collections throughout the State 2662 Riva Road (410) 222-7954 Annapolis, MD 21404 Dates: April 2002 - Present MASSACHUSETTS DENNIS WATER DISTRICT Contact: Site Location: Office of Superintendent David Larkowski Tony Kent Arena 80 Old Bass River Road (508) 398-3351 South Dennis, MA South Dennis, MA 02664 Dates: May 1997 TOWN OF YARMOUTH Contact: Site Location: Department of Health Corey Kittila Town Hall 1146 Route 28 (508) 398-2231 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 South Yarmouth, MA Dates: June 2001 - Present CITY OF CAMBRIDGE Contact: Site Location: Department of Public Works Annentt Rodibaugh Concord Avenue Armory 795 Massachusetts Avenue (617) 3494800 450 Concord Aveune Cambridge, MA 02139 Cambridge, MA 02139 Dates: March 2003 - Present CITY OF HAVERHILL Contact: Site Location: Board of Health-City Hall Jim Mitchitson Waste Water Treatment Plant Four Summer Street (978) 265-7038 40 South Porter Street Haverhill, MA 01830 Bradford, MA Dates: May 2001 - Present I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection, Packing, Transportation and Disposal. MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF WRENTHAM Contact: Site Location: Town of Wrentham Dept. of Bob Reardon Town of Wren~ham Dept. Of Public Works Yard (508) 384-5477 Public Works Yard 360 Taunton Street 360 Taunton Street Wrentham, MA 02093 Wrentham, MA 02093 Dates: March 2003 - Present MISSISSIPPI CITY OF JACKSON Contact: Site Location: City Council Sonya Boharmon City of Jackson 219 South President Street (601) 960-1193 Jackson, MS 39201 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Contact: Site Location: Various 101 West Capitol Street David Peacock Collections throughout the State Jackson, MS 39204 (601) 961-5220 Dates: October-December 1998, February 1999-November 1999, April 2001 - Present MISSISSIPPI DEPT. OF Contact: Site Location: Various AGRICULTURE Rusty Crowe Collections throughout the State P.O. Box 5207 (601325-1269 Stone Boulevard Dates: February 1998-June 1998 Mississippi State, MS 39762 October 1999 KESSLER AIR FORCE BASE Contact: Site Location: 81 Street 5th Street, Room 104 Michelle A. Brown Kessler AFB Kessler AFB, MS 39534-2102 (228) 377-1811 Date: April 1999 - October 200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection, Packing, Transportation and Disposal. NEW JERSEY HUDSON COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Improvement Authority Nicholas Staniewicz -357 Bergen Avenue 2 Journal Square Plaza, 7th Floor (201) 795-4555 West New York, NJ Jersey City, NJ 07306 -2000 Knolle Boulevard Secaucus, NJ -East 5t~ Street Bayonne, NJ -501 Route 440 Jersey City, NJ -6100 Tonnelle Avenue North Bergen, NJ Date: Oct. 1992 - Oct. 1993 CAMDEN COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Pollution Control Financing Jack Sworaski -Collingwood Authority (609) 795-7275 Atlantic Avenue 608 Morgan Boulevard Camden, NJ Camden, NJ 08104 -Camden County Highway Complex Egg Harbor Road Lindenwold, NJ Date: November 1992-October 1993 BERGEN COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Public Utilities Authority Dominic Russo Bergen County Community College Foot of MehrhofRoad (201) 807-5820 400 Paramus Road P.O. Box 122 Paramus, NJ Little Ferry, NJ 07643 Date: April 1993 - October 1993 SOMERSET COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Office of Solid Waste Management Diane Vigilante 410 Roycefield Road County Administration Building (908) 231-7031 Hillsborough, NJ P.O. Box 3000 Somerville, NJ 08876 Date: April 1993 - October 1993 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection~ Packing~ Transportation and Disposal NEW JERSEY CAPE MAY COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Municipal Utilities Authority Tony Moncman Cape May County MUA Transfer Cape May Court House (609) 465-8388 Station P.O. Box 610 South Shunpike Road Cape May, NJ 08210 Burleigh, NJ Date: May 1993 - September 1993 NEW HAMPSHIRE SOUTHEAST REGIONAL Contact: Site Location: REFUSE DISPOSAL Carol Serta Old Town Hall Parking Lot DISTRICT (53-B) (603) 964-7116 Winnacunnet Road 86 Lafayette Road Hampton, NH 03842 P.O. Box 830 North Hampton, NH 03842 Date: May 2000 - Present CITY OF DOVER Contact: Site Location: 288 Central Avenue Michael Moore Community Services Garage Dover, NH 03820 (603) 516-6450 Mast Road . Dover, NH 03820 Date: May 2002 - Present TOWN OF SALEM Contact: Site Location: 33 Geremonty Street Robert Dennis Dept. of Public Works Salem, NH 03070 (603) 890-2150 21 Cross Street Salem, NH 03070 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection~ Packing~ Transportation and Disposal. NEW YORK FULTON COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Department of Solid Waste Cindy G. Livingston Recycling Facility 847 Mud Road (518) 736-5501 847 Mud Road Johnstown, NY 12095 Johnston, NY 12095 Date: August 2001 WESTERN FINGERLAKES Contact: Site Location: Solid Waste Management Marjorie Torelli Wayne County Highway Dept. Authority ! (315) 946-7650 Court House Road 9 Pearl Street Lyons, NY 14489 Lyons, NY 14489 CHEMUNG COUNTY Contact: Site Location: John Hazlett Building Lee Younge Chemung County Fairgrounds 203 Lake Street (607) 7344453 Fairview Road Elmira, NY 14901 Horseheads, NY COHOES CITY HALL Contact: Site Location: 97 Mohawk Street John Scavo City of Cohoes Cohoes, NY 12047 (518) 522-6976 Lansing Park Cohoes, NY 12047 Date: June 2001 - Present TOWN OF HUNTINGTON Contact: Site Location: Environmental Control Josephine Jahier HHW Storage Facility 100 Main Street (516) 351-3186 641 New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Huntington, NY (Permanent Facility) Date: May 1994 - 2002 TOWN OF NORTH Contact: Site Location: HEMPSTEAD Karen Pollock -Firematics Field Solid Waste Management (516) 767-4603 New Hyde Park, NY Authority -Recycling Building 220 Plandome Road Port Washington, NY Manhasset, NY 11030 Date: May 1995 - April 1997 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection~ Packing, Transportation and Disposal. NEW YORK TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Contact: Site Location: Various Collection Town Hall Andrea Garone throughout the State / Monthly 74 Audrey Avenue (516) 921-7347 Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Date: March 1993 - Dec. 1994 March 1997 - December 1998 CITY OF ALBANY Contact: Site Location: City Hall Department of Public Joe Gibelhaus Albany Landfill Works (518) 869-3651 25 Rapp Road 1 Conners Boulevard Albany, NY 12204 Albany, NY 12204 Date: May 1994 - Sept. 1995 May 1997 - December 1998 May 2001 - Present TOWN OF BETHLEHEM Contact: Site Location: Recycling Department Sharon Fisher Town Highway Complex 74 Elm Avenue East (518) 767-9618 74 Elm Avenue East Selkrick, NY 12158 Selkirk, NY 12158 Date: May 1997-September 1998 May 2001 - Present TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD Contact: Site Location: Various Collection Department of Sanitation Lois Beedenbender throughout the State / Monthly 1600 Merrick Road (516) 378-2200 Merrick, NY 12095 Date: May 1994 - March 1999 March 2003 - Present TOWN OF COLONIE Contact: Site Location: Department of Solid Waste Mark Behuniak Municipal Training Facility 1319 New Loudoun Road (518) 783-2827 108 Wade Road Cohoes, NY 12047 Latham, NY Date: May t997 - September 1998 June 2001 - Present SCHUYLER COUNTY RURAL Contact: Site Location: URBAN CENTER Michelle Benjamin Schuyler County Highway Dept. 208 Broadway (607) 535-7162 910 South Decatur Street I Montour Falls, NY 14865 Watkins Glen, NY Date: June 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection, Packing~ Transportation and Disposal. NEW YORK OTSEGO COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Solid Waste Management Dept. Terry Bliss Otsego County Fairgrounds 197 Main Street (607) 547-4303 Morris, NY Cooperstown, NY 13326 Date: September 2001 SCHOHARIE COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Planning & Development Agency Alicia Terry Schoharie County Solid Waste 6 Mineral Springs Road Management Facility Cobleskill, NY 12043 Route 7 Howes Cave, NY Date: September 2001 - Present DUTCHESS COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Resource Recovery Agency Louis Rhea -Material Recovery Agency 96 Sand Dock Road (845) 463-6020 51 Fulton Street Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Poughkeepsie, NY -Dutchess Co. Farm & Home Center 2751 Route 44 Millbrook, NY 12543 Date: June 1997 - October 1998 April 2001 - Present SULLIVAN COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Division of Solid Waste Bill Cutler, II Sullivan County Landfill 91 Landfill Drive (845) 794-4466 91 Landfill Drive Monticello, NY 12701 Monticello, NY 12701 Date: June 2001 - Present TOWN OF EAST HAMPTON Contact: Site Location: Department of Sanitation David Paolelli Recycling Facility 159 Pantigo Road (631) 329-7642 260 Springs Fireplace Road Monticello, NY 12701 East Hampton, NY 11937 TOWN OF SKANEATLES Contact: Site Location: Town Board David Laxton Transfer Station 24 Jordan Street (315) 685-3473 1846 Seneca Turnpike Skaneatles, NY 13152 Skaneatles, NY Date: September 1999 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection~ Packing~ Transportation and Disposal. NEW YORK PUTNAM COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Health Department Larry Werper Health Department 1 Geneva Road (914) 278-6130 1 Geneva Road Brewster, NY 10509 Brewster, NY Date: May 2000 COUNTY OF SCHENECTADY Contact: Site Location: Planning Department Jeff Edwards Schenectady County Airport Schaffer Heights, Suite 303 (518) 386-2225 24 Hetcheltown Road 107 Nott Terrace Glenville, NY 12302 Schenectady, NY 12308 Date: May 1998 TOWN OF SOUTHHOLD Contact: Site Location: Department of Recycling Jim Bunchuck Southold Town Collection Ctr. 53095 Main Road (631) 734-7685 Route 48 Southold, NY 11971 Cutchogue, NY Date: December 2000 - Present WASTE MANAGEMENT OF Contact: Site Location: LONG ISLAND Ken Shiarella Waste Mgmt. Transfer Station 1839 Gilford Avenue (516) 352-7466 100 Morris Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Glen Cove, NY 11542 Date: September 2001 - Present TOWN OF MILTON Contact: Site Location: 503 Geyser Road Joe Miranda Saratoga County Fair Grounds Ballston Spa, NY 1202 (518) 745-0813 Prospect Street Milton, NY Date: March 2002 - Present CHEMUNG COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Chemung County Fairgrounds Lee Young Chemung County Fairgrounds Fairview Road (607) 734-4453 Fairview Road Horsehead, NY Horsehead, NY Date: March 2002 - Present I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collecfion~ Packing, Transportation and Disposal. NEW YORK TOWN OF CLIFTON PARK Contact: Site Location: Household Haz. Waste Dept. Michael o"Brian Town of Clifton Park One Town Hall Plaza (518) 371-6651 x229 Transfer Station Clifton Park, NY 12065 Vischer Ferry Road Clifton Park, NY 12065 Date: March 2002 -Present CAYUGA COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Dept. of Planning & Development Bruce Natile Farm to Farm I10 Genese Street (315) 253 1276 Auburn, NY 13021 Date: November 2002 - Present GLOW REGION SOLID WASTE Contact: Site Location: MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Margaret C. Grayson Rock Glen - May 2003 3837 W. Main Street (585) 344-2580 Batavia - May 2003 Batavia, NY 14020 Date: March 2002 - Present TOWN OF EAST GREENBUSH i Contact: Site Location: Town Hall Rich Reilly East Greenbush Transfer Station & 225 Columbia Turnpike (518) 477-4775 Recycling Center Renssetaer, NY 12144 Rensselaer, NY 12144 Date: May 2002 - Present CITY OF SARATOGA SPRINGS Contact: Site Location: Department of Public Works Bill McTygue Weibel Avenue Skating Facility 5 Lake Street (518) 587-3550 Saratoga Spring, NY 12866 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Date: May 2003 - Present EASTERN RENSSELAER Contact: Site Location: Solid Waste Management Authority Dee Dee Cirico ERCSWMA Route 43 (518) 733-6224 Village of Hoosick Falls P.O. Box 267 Waterworks Road Stephentown, NY 12168 Hoosick, NY Date: May 2001 - Present I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection, Packing, Transportation and Disposal. NEW YORK TOWN OF GUILDERLAND Contact: Site Location: 6363 French Mills Road Tim Spawn Highway Department Guilderland Center, NY 12085 (518) 861-6776 6363 French Mills Road Guilefland Center, NY 12085 Date: May 2002 - Present TOWN OF MONTGOMERY Contact: Site Location: Montgomery Solid Waste Bob Crouse MOSA Authority Western Management Authority (518) 673-3262 Transfer Station P.O. Box 160 Route 7 4583 NYS 5-S Howes Cave, NY 12092 Randall, NY Date: May 2002 - Present SENECA COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Dept. of Health Division of Sara Brown Ryan Seneca County Highway Dept. Environmental Health Services (315) 539-1945 2017 Prospect Street 31 Thurber Drive Romulus, NY 14541 Waterloo, NY 13165 Date: October 2003 ALLEGANY COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Department of Public Works Gretchen Szues Allegany County Landfill 7 Court Street (716) 268-9230 6006 Route 48 Belmont, NY 14813 Belmont, NY Date: September 2000 - CORTLAND COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Soil/Water Conservation District Stacey Russell Cortland County Landfill 100 Grange Place (607) 753-0851 Town Line Road Cortland, NY 13045 Solon, NY Date: May 2000 TOWN OF ISLIP Contact: Site Location: Department of Environmental Corp. Peter Daley Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility 401 Main Street, Room 408 (516) 224-5650 1155 Lincoln Avenue Islip, NY 11751 Holbrook, NY 11741 Date: October 1994 - October 1995 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection~ Packing, Transportation and Disposal. NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON Contact: Site Location: Office of Recycling ! Judy Baker North Sea Landfill 116 Hampton Road (631) 283-5210 116 Hampton Road Southampton, NY 11968 Southampton, NY 11968 Date: March 1997 - Feb. 1999 DELAWARE COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Solid Waste Department Susan Mclntyre Delaware County ARC Bldg. P.O. Box 311 (607) 746-2128 RD 1 NYS Route 10 Delhi, NY 13753 Hamden, NY Date: May 1997 - Sept. 1998 September 2001 NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA Contact: Site Location: Various Collections DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE William McClelland throughout the State Constable Laboratory (919) 715-9023 4000 Reddy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Date: January 2000 - 2002 VIRGINIA CITY OF ALEXANDRIA Contact: Site Location: Solid Waste Division Jennifer DeLong City of Alexandria School 133 S. Quaker Lane (703) 751-9023 Maintenance Facility Alexandria, VA 3540 Wheeler Avenue Alexandria, VA Date: 1994 - Present CULPEPER COUNTY Contact: Site Location: 14017 Laurel Valley Place Paul Howard 14017 Laurel Valley Place Culpeper, VA 22701 (540) 727-3409 Culpeper, VA 22701 Date: September 2001 - Present CITY OF ROANOKE Contact: Site Location: Dept. of Environmental Management Paul Tuntich Roanoke Civic Center 215 Church Street, Room 364 (540) 853-2425 710 Williamson Road Roanoke, VA 24011 Roanoke, VA 24011 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection~ Packing, Transportation and Disposal. VIRGINIA SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY Contact: Site Location: 8800 Courthouse Road Jim Brooks Chancellor Public Use Area Spotsylvania, VA 22553 (540) 786-8377 5914 Harrison Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407 FREDERICK COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Public Works Department Ron Kimble Frederick County Landfill 107 N. Kent Street (540) 665-5658 Landfill Road Winchester, VA 22601 Winchester, VA Date: July t995 - December 1998 ORANGE COUNTY Contact: Site Location: 146 Madison Road Jeri Lemay Orange County Landfill Orange, VA 22960 (540) 854-6485 11530 Porter Road Orange, VA 22960 Date: October 2001 - Present PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Public Works Dept. Solid Waste Div. Hafez Alihj Prince William County Landfill 4379 Ridgewood Center Drive (703) 791-3660 14811 Dumfries Road Prince William, VA 22192-9201 Manassas, VA 20112 (Permanent Facility) Date: May 1994 - Present LOUNDOUN COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Office of Solid Waste Management Kate Glass Loudoun County Sanitary Landfill 906 Trailview Boulevard, SE, Suite B (703) 777-0187 Leesburg, VA Leesburg, VA 20175 (Permanent Facility) Date: June 1994 - Present FAUQUIER COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Department of Solid Waste Ellis Bingham Fauquier County Landfill 6438 College Street (540) 347-6810 Route 674 Warrenton, VA 20187 Warrenton, VA (Permanent Facility) Date: May 1995 - Present I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collecflon~ Packin§~ Transportation and Disposal. VIRGINIA COMMON WEALTH OF Contact: Site Location: Various Collections VIRGINIA Dan Schweitzer throughout the State Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer (804) 371-0152 Services Office of Pesticide Services 1100 Bank Street Richmond, VA 23218 Date: April 1997 - Present TOWN OF LEESBURG Contact: Site Location: Department of Public Works O.J. Jackson 1393 East Market Street 1393 East Market Street (703) 737-7070 Leesburg, VA 20176 Leesburg, VA 20176 Date: February 2001 - Present RIVANNA Contact: Site Location: Rivanna Solid Waste Authority Bruce Edmonds Ivy Landfill 200 Franklin Street (804) 977-2976 4576 Dickwoods Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Date: February 1997 - Present SHENANDOAH COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Department of Solid Waste Mgmt. Henry J. Mikus Department of Solid Waste Mgmt. 349 Landfill Road (540) 984-8573 349 Landfill Road Edinburg, VA 22824 Edinburg, VA 22824 Date: June 1998 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF Contact: Site Location: NORTHERN VIRGINIA Christian Garrett Manassas Transfer Station 8305 Quarry Road (703) 331-0800 8305 Quarry Road Manassas, VA 22110 Manassas, VA 22110 Date: March 2001 - Present WISE COUNTY BOARD OF Contact: Site Location: SUPERVISORS Carol Green Zion Cathedral of Praise 206 East Main Street (540) 328-1000 Parking Lot Wise, VA 24293 Wise, VA 24293 Date: October 1998 - Present I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection~ Packin§~ Transportation and Disposal. VIRGINIA RUSSELL COUNTY Contact: Site Location: ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL Greg Mulling Highlands Shopping Center 318 Clinch Road (540) 889-0968 Parking Lot LeBanon, VA 24266 LeBanon, VA 24266 Date: October 1998 - Present APPOMATTOX RIVER SOIL & Contact: Site Location: WATER CONSERVATION Mike Parrish Dinwiddie County Fama Credit Mall DISTRICT (840) 469-4514 14016 Boydton, Plank Road P.O. Box 277 Dinwiddie, VA 23841 Dinwiddie, VA 23841 Date: October 1997 - Present COUNTY OF WARREN Contact: Site Location: County Administrators Office Dick Magnifico Front Royal Fire Department 221 North Commerce Ave., Suite 100 (540) 636-4600 221 North Commeme Ave., Suite 100 Front Royal, VA 22630 Front Royal, VA 22630 Date: November 2001 - Present STAFFORD COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Office of Recycling Dianne Jones -R-Board Landfill 489 Eskimohill Road (540) 658-8680 489 Eskimohill Road Stafford, VA 22554 Stafford, VA 22554 -Recycling Center Belman Road Frederickburg, VA Date: September 1999 - Present PIEDMONT SOIL & WATER Contact: Site Location: DISTRICT Helen Clevenger Wal-Mart Parking Lot 105 Carson Mills Drive (804) 223-3317 1800 Perry Road Farmville, VA 23901 Farmville, VA 23901 Date: March 2000 - Present I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I REFERENCES Care Environmental Corp. has successfully serviced the following Counties/States for Household Hazardous Waste & Pesticide Collection~ Packing~ Transportation and Disposal. VIRGINIA LOUISA COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Department of Public Works Pat McWilliams Louisa County Landfill 1 Wolfolk Avenue (540) 967-3422 Moorefeld Road, Route 689 Louisa, VA 23093 Louisa, VA 23093 Date: October 2000 - Present PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY Contact: Site Location: Extension Office Glen Chapel County Court House 6450 Court House Road (804) 733-2686 6600 Court House Road Prince George, VA 23875 Prince George, VA (Permanent Facility) Date: May 2000 - Present SCOTT COUNTY BOARD OF Contact: Site Location: SUPERVISORS Jefff Stalpheton Moccasin Gap 372-1 West Jackson Street (540) 386-2323 US 23 Southside Gate City, VA 24251 Weber City, VA 24290 Date: October 1998 - Present BID PROPOSAL PACKAGE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TECHNICAL APPR OA CH Project Understanding Throughout the United States products are purchased on a dally basis. Some of these products contain hazardous substances. Due to the nature of these hazardous substances, limited disposal options are available to homeowners. Due to the cost associated with disposal options, homeowners cannot afford to hire environmental fa'ms to dispose of the material. This problem leads the homeowners to either stockpile the material until a better method becomes available or abandoning and dumping the material illegally. This environmental dilemma can become a health and safety concern to family members. Improper storage of chemicals or chemical composition may present potential exposure to individuals, children, animals and the environment. Local fire departments have expressed their concerns when responding to fires. The fear of a chemical fire awaits each firemen as they put their life on the line for you. To address this problem, the Town of Southold is soliciting proposals from qualified Companies to collect, handle and dispose of Household Hazardous Waste. The anticipated program will be conducted every two months and will start in February of 2004. The primary goal of this program is to provide a safe and convenient disposal method whereby citizens can drop-offtheir stored hazardous waste. Participants are provided an environmentally sound disposal option which at the same time offers relief from long term liability. Care Environmental shall provide the basic material components necessary for safely and efficiently sorting, weighing, packaging, responding to fires, spills and/or other such releases of Household HaTardous Waste, herein referred to as HHW, and providing effective safety barriers to protect our personnel as well as the community fi'om exposure to hazardous material as listed in, but not limited to, the contract. The hazardous material is to be transported to pre-approved disposal facilities. All services are to be provided in accordance with all applicable regulations. The services required include providing a sufficient, competent, trained staff to handle, weigh, package, store and transport all HI-BV, presenting a friendly and professional demeanor to the public at all times. It is understood that the Contractor will be responsible for professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion and coordination of all services as outlined in the contract and will correct errors, omissions or deficiencies. On-site supervision of the events is required and will be provided, as is a Spill Contingency Plan and a Health and Safety Plan, which are separately included in this proposal. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRANSPORTING Once the collected material has been properly prepared, weighed and labeled, Care will transport and dispose of it to a hazardous waste facility previously approved by the County. Only State and Federally approved containers and packaging material will be utilized. It will be our responsibility to ensure that all facilities and transporters have the correct federal and state permits and licenses and comply with all regulations. All vehicles that will be utilized during the program are DOT, State, Federally licensed to haul hazardous waste. All drivers will have a current commercial operators license with all applicable endorsements. CLEANUP Care Environmental will remm each facility to their original condition and assume responsibility for repair of any damages caused by the activities of the pickup. REPORTING Care will supply a full summary report within 7 days of the completed event. The summary report will include a customer receipt, invoice, summary page, original manifest, signed off manifest from the disposal facility and container content sheets for each dram generated. A certificate of destruction or disposal will be issued within six to eight weeks. COMMITMENT Care Environmental Corp and its entire staff are committed to the preservation and protection of our precious environment. We will dedicate all of our efforts to fulfilling our obligations in the performance of the Contract within the project schedule established by the Town of Southold. PROJECT MANAGEMENT FROM CONCEPTION TO COMPLETION From the time Care Environmental receives your go ahead, Francis J. McKenna, Jr., President of Care Environmental, will be responsible for managing your project. He will be your direct contact at Care. Mr. McKenna will participate in advance meetings, review the health and safety plans with the Department and coordinate all activities' ! I I Care Environmental Corp. completely understands and applauds the efforts of the Town of Southold to address and remedy this environmentally hazardous situation and will execute the terms of the contract completely and professionally. I Upon completion of each collection event Care Environmental Corp. will supply all pertinent documentation within the required time frame as per the Department request. I PROJECT APPROACH I Care Environmental; will provide and complete the services specified in the contract in the following manner: I PREPARATION: I Care Environmental will dispatch a mobile HHW collection unit to the location. The number of personnel dispatched to a site will be discussed prior to the event and determined by forecasted estimates. The hazardous material will be packaged according to disposal facility guidelines. I We have all the necessary safety equipment required to handle virtually any situation that may arise at a collection site. I , STAFFING Care Environmental s competent, professional, OSHA trained staff will ,_h~__~e, weigh, I consolidate, package and transport all HHW collected at each facility. Care s staff'has been working together since 1992, and has had no accidents or violations, completing more than 600 I collection programs. ORGANIZATION I All materials wilt be categorized as specific in the contract. A manifest will be prepared and supplied to you upon conclusion oftbe event. In addition to providing you with copies of the I manifest, we will provide a cross-reference sheet indicating category, manifest numbers and container content sheet numbers for each dram of HHW collected during each collection event. I SECURING Care will properly secure and render inaccessible to the public all collected HHW during each I pickup. I , ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Prior to the start of the program, every aspect will be overseen by Mr. McKenna. Assisted by his staff, he will insure that waste is handled properly, that the sites are protected and that the pickups are proceeding as scheduled. Mr. McKenna has overseen hundreds of collection programs and is prepared to deal with any emergency, contingency or unexpected occurrence that may arise. He will review all documentation, reports, manifests and summaries to insure that they are submitted correctly and on time and in accordance with the Departments specifications. By taking complete, responsibility for your project from start to finish, Mr. McKeuna is offering his years of expertise, in-depth knowledge of procedure, that you will be more than satisfied with the manner in which Care Environmental fulfills its obligations within your time frame. EXPERIENCE Care Environmental Corp. is an environmental services company experienced in providing professional workmanship and successfully accomplishing contractual obligations in the agricultural waste collection and disposal programs, household hazardous waste collection and disposal programs, soil and ground water remediation programs and environmental audit and assessment projects. Care Environmental's proposed project team will consist of professionals trained and experienced in household hazardous waste collection day services. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Care Environmental Corp. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey. Our permanent facility and corporate headquarters address is: 10 Orben Drive Landing, New Jersey 07850 (973)398-5100 Phone (973)361-5550 Fax (800)494-(CARE)2273 Phone Contact regarding this proposal: Francis J. McKenna, Jr. Our organizational chart is included in our bid package for your review. We operate primarily out of our corporate headquarters at 10 Orben Drive, in Landing, New Jersey, where we occupy a 15,000 sq. Ft. facility in which we warehouse our equipment and supplies. The New Jersey facility is staffed by 30 full time employees and over 100 part time employees. We also maintain a secondary facility in Kissimmee, Florida, manned by a staff of 10 people. That facility is responsible for our contracts in Florida and assists in other contracts as needed. We are also maintain a satellite facility in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. This facility opened on July 2000 and is currently staffed with crew of five. Care Environmental was incorporated in New Jersey in 1992. At that time, our operations were confined to New Jersey. Since then, our client base has steadily expanded. Today we are proud to serve more than 1000 clients throughout the United States, including municipalities, counties, private industries, school districts and state agencies. More than 1000 collection events have been successfully managed by the team that will be responsible for your. Their track record is such that they never had an accident or violation. These individuals are your public representatives at a collection event and will at ail times present a professional, responsible, organized image that will reflect well on the County. Care will accept all bid requirements as presented in the specifications. There are no lawsuits, legal actions or notices of violation issued currently pending by Federal/State or Local Agencies. Care Environmental Corp. is not part to any bankruptcy proceedings. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Examples of our client base includes these on-going, long standing contractual relationships: New York: * Town of Huntington * * Town of Southold * * Town of Southampton * * Town of Bethlehem * * Putnam County * * Sullivan County * * Eastern Rennslear County * * Otsego County * * Fulton County * * Town of Clifton Park * * Allegany County * * Chemung County * * Town of Hempstead * Town of East Hampton Cortland County City of Albany Town of Colonie Delaware County Schyluer County City of Cohoes Schohade County Town of Milton Town of Guilderland Cayuga County GLOW Schnectady County Mississippi: Mississippi Department of Agriculture Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Kessler Airforce Base Virginia: * Virginia Department of Agriculture* * Loudoun County * * Fauquier County * * Rivanna Solid Waste Dist. * * Stafford County * * Orange County * * Louisa County * * Scott County * * Wise County * City of Alexandria Prince William County Frederick County Tennessee Valley Auth. City of Mannasas Prince George County Culpeper County Russel County Virginia Prision System Florida: * Florida Department of Agriculture * Charlotte County * Seminole County * St Lucie County Hendry County Orange County Florida D.O.T. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Georgia: * Georgia Department of Agriculture Maryland: * Prince George's County * * Allegany County Dept. of Health * * Anne Arundel County North Carolina: * North Carolina Department of Agriculture Massachusetts: * Town of Yarmouth * * City of Cambridge * New Hampshire: * City of Dover * * Town of Salem North Dakota: * North Dakota Department of Agriculture Colorado: * Weld County Department of Health Connecticut: Litchfield Hills Council Of Elected Officials Naugatuck Valley Council Of Elected Officials New Jersey: * AIG International Insurance Company * Zurich International Insurance Company City of Baltimore MD Dept. of Agriculture City of Haverhill Town of Wrentham SERTA, N Hampton TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. CORPORATE EXPERIENCE ....................................................................... 1 OPERATIONAL PLAN, PROCEDURES AND POLICIES ...................... 1 - 2 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................... 2 - 4 Waste Determination List of Unacceptable Material Waste Identification Waste Segregation Waste Packaging HEALTIt AND SAFETY PLAN ..................................................................... 5 - 8 On-Site Health and Safety Procedures Emergency Management Plan Spill and Leak Contingency Plan EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ........................................... 8-10 Containers Absorbent Packaging Material Equipment Safety Equipment Supplies Paperwork WASTE DISPOSAL ........................................................................................ 11 ULTIMATE DISPOSAL FACILITY LIST ................................................... 12 - 14 KEY PERSONNEL AND EMERGENCY CONTACTS ............................ 15 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. BID PROPOSAL PACKAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION EVENTS Care Environmental Corp.'s experience is based on that of it's highly trained and qualified staff, whose combined knowledge and experience totals sixty years in the Household Hazardous Waste field. Over seven hundred collection events in total have been handled, and without a single incident, by the Care Environmental staff. This exceptional service record underscores Care Environmental's proven ability to provide successful mm-key collection events. Care Environmental Corp. has three objectives in Household Hazardous Waste Collection events: To safely collect, package and transport household waste to approved facilities. To provide for safety and protection of all persons and for environmental protection. To comply with all Federal, State, City and D.O.T. Rules and Regulations. OPERATIONAL PLAN, PROCEDURES AND POLICIES Successful completion of a Household Hazardous Waste Collection event depends on a working guideline that incorporates an overall operational plan with standard procedures resulting in an expeditious and safe event. Care Environmental's Household Hazardous Waste Collection event guidelines are flexible enough to meet the demands of a massive, dynamic public event, yet specific enough to detail highly technical operations. A. Procedures Care Environmental's procedural overview is as follows: Resident vehicles will approach the designated "reception area" in two lines, side by side, with trunk open. Evaluation/approval chemists and/or technicians will be positioned at the "reception area" to unload four vehicles at one time. Household hazardous waste will be unloaded and placed on chemical-resistant carts for examination. 1 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Residents will be asked to remain in their vehicles while the evaluation/approval chemists and/or technicians examine the household hazardous wastes. If resident assistance is required to properly identify the waste, the chemist and/or technician may interview the resident at the driver's window. The Care Environmental staff is well-schooled in the psychology of household hazardous waste collection events. Residents, while curious and eager to become involved in the day's activities, will be respectfully encouraged to remain in their vehicles. Professional etiquette will be utilized to eliminate resident wandering. Upon identification, household hazardous waste will be carted to the respective consolidation "packaging area". Care Environmental personnel will sort substances into further hazardous waste categories, i.e., latex paint, oil based paint, corrosives, oxidizers, etc. Chemist and technicians will then package/consolidate the hazardous waste in accordance with all Federal, State, City, D.O.T., Care Environmental Corp., and Disposal Site guidelines, as well as the contractual agreements between Care Environmental and the county. Assistant technicians will secure all hazardous waste containers using mandated lids, rings and bolts. The necessary identification labels will be affixed and the containers will be removed to the "staging area", where shipment technicians will load hazardous waste containers onto trailers for transport to approved disposal facilities. WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN The execution and ultimate completion of a Household Hazardous Waste Collection event requires a Waste Management Plan. The plan begins with the acceptance by Care Environmental of household hazardous waste transported to a select site by residents. The plan ends with the recycling, processing and/or disposal of hazardous waste in compliance with all Federal, State, City, D.O.T. and Care Environmental roles and regulations. There are four aspects of Care Environmental's Waste Management Plan: i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I A. Waste Determination Care Environmental's chemist and/or environmental scientist will inspect household waste and waste container labeling to determine the hazard classification of the material. If a particular material is acceptable (that is, if the material is confirmed to be household waste or waste excluded from regulations under 40CFR Part 260), the material will be accepted from the resident for disposal by Care Environmental Corp. If a particular material is unacceptable, (that is, if the material is listed as "Unacceptable" pursuant to 40CFR Part 260 or by the county), the resident will be advised of safety precautions to follow for disposal of the material. Material which Care Environmental deems as unacceptable will not be collected. The following is the list of wastes that will not be accepted: 1. Explosives and munitions 2. Infectious waste 3. Radioactive Materials Should any of the above materials be brought to the site for collection, the resident will be informed immediately of the hazardous characteristics associated with the waste, the reasons why the waste will not be accepted, and what safety precautions should be taken and/or disposal options within the county (i.e. Health Department, Bomb Squad etc.) B. Waste Identification Care Environmental will perform HAZ-CAT testing on unlabeled material from residents, which includes but not limited to pH, odor, flash, viscosity, color and physical characteristics. However, in some cases, selective judgement calls can be utilized by Care Environmental personnel, without analytical testing methods, to properly identify, classify and segregate household waste. Care Environmental's field chemists and technicians draw from a wealth of knowledge and years of experience in the process of hazardous waste identification and classification. Their experience, plus interviewing techniques directed toward residents, enable chemists and technicians to determine whether the waste meets disposal criteria as presented by Federal and State regulations and the contractual agreements formulated for the hazardous waste collection event. C. Waste Segregation Hazardous waste will be segregated according to the Department of Transportation waste hazard classifications. Additional segregation may be required, depending on the ultimate site criteria, if applicable. I All hazardous waste segregation begins on-site with receipt from the resident and ends with the sorting process. Segregated hazardous waste is classified, packaged, labeled and removed in accordance with Care Enviromnental's "Waste Packaging" procedures (see following). The segregation process meets the requirements of 40CFR Part 260 and 261. All hazardous waste will be transported pursuant to 49CFR, State rules and regulations. D. Waste Packaging The following packaging methods will be used for all material received from residents during the Household Hazardous Waste Collection event: 1. Consolidation For the following materials: a. Oil Paints b. Latex paints c. Motor Oil . . d. Antifreeze Non-halogenated Solvents (including thinner, kerosene) e. gas, 2. Loose-pack Containerization For following: the a. Aerosols b. Asbestos c. Adhesives/Resins/Solid Paints d. Button/Nickel/CadmiumJHousehold Batteries 3. Lab-pack Containerization For the following: a. Reactives b. Acids/Bases c. Oxidizers d. Solid/Liquid Pesticides and Poisons e. Halogenated Solvents f. Non-halogenated Solvents (including Toluene, Xylene) HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN Even though the hazardous wastes collected at Household Hazardous Waste events are mostly consumer products, the potential of having substantial quantities of hazardous waste in the presence of the general public justifies the implementation of a comprehensive and efficient Health and Safety Plan. The best Health and Safety Plan starts with an extensive evaluation of the most remote possibilities of a hazardous incident. Once the possibilities have been identified, procedures are instituted which provide the safest operational steps to follow. Care Environmental's Health and Safety Plan provides for the security of personnel, residents and others, assuring the safety of all as the hazardous waste collection process is undertaken and completed. Care Environmental's primary objective is to maintain the minimum number of resident on-site at all times to eliminate the remote possibility of additional exposures during the collection event. The ground will be protected by a 6-mil impervious liner to safeguard against contamination. A 3-inch chemical absorbent beIm will be constructed to contain any hazardous spill runoff. Finally, Emergency Response carts will be maintained on-site if required. The Health and Safety Plan coincides with Care Environmental's Operational Plan, Procedures and Policies. This careful and detailed planning has resulted in the effective and safe servicing thousands residents, without a single incident, over the years Care Environmental has of of worked in Household Waste Collection. A. On-Site Health and Safety Procedures Given the fact that residents will have already transported hazardous material to the site, the following procedures will be implemented by Care Environmental in the collection, removal and disposal process: 1. Traffic cones and stanchions will be placed on-site to direct traffic flow. Care Environmental personnel will instruct and direct the flow of traffic to minimize additional exposure to residents and others. 2. The number of residents on-site will be kept to a minimum at all times until all hazardous wastes have been safely packaged and transported from the site by Care Environmental. 3. No residents will be permitted beyond the designated "reception area". Drive-through residents will not be permitted to leave the immediate vicinity of their automobiles. 4. All hazardous wastes will be removed from automobiles and placed on a four-wheeled, chemical-resistant cart having a gross capacity of 400 pounds and a containment capacity of 4.5 gallons for spillage I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A team consisting of a graduate chemist OR environmental technologist AND a chemical technician will interview, evaluate, receive, and arrange transport of all hazardous materials to an approved waste facility. A designated Emergency Response Cart will be assigned to the "reception area". This Emergency Response Cart will contain the following supplies: a. Absorbent Material b. Acid Spill Kit c. Caustic Spill Kit d. Chemical Respirators e. Fire Extinguisher f. First Aid Kit g. Mercury Vapor Absorbent Kit h. Plastic Bags i. Protective Clothing j. Rubber Gloves k. Small Shovel and Broom No smoking will be permitted in the designated "reception area", "packaging area", or in the area designated as "temporary waste storage". In the unlikely event of an on-site spill, (which is usually limited to small containers) and depending on its severity, Care Environmental will implement the following procedures: a. If an evacuation is requested by the on-site coordinator, evacuation directions will be issued by the coordinator to all persons in the area. If downwind of the incident, evacuation will be perpendicular to the wind direction, over the most accessible route. If upwind of the incident, evacuation will be in the upwind direction. b. If evacuation is not required, all non-emergency response personnel will be requested to leave the immediate spill area. Care Environmental personnel will commence soil containment and decontamination procedures immediately. c. Wearing full personal protective clothing and, if required, appropriate respiratory equipment, Care Environmental personnel will remove residual hazardous material from the spill area in a procedural manner suitable to the chemical and physical characteristics of the spilled material. 6 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. d. After the waste has been removed and repackaged, the area will be decontaminated. All decontamination agents and/or spill cleanup supplies will be packaged, transported and disposed of as hazardous waste in an approved waste facility. All devices for opening paint cans will be non-sparking to reduce the chances of potential ignition of the material. All consolidation funnels and paint spinner devices will be tightly secured on each drum to decrease the potential of accidental spillage. The entire hazardous waste "packaging area" will be covered with a 6-mil, impervious liner to guard against found contamination in the unlikely event of an accidental spill. A 3~inch chemical absorbent berm will be constructed with respect to ground slope to protect the surrounding area from any spill runoff. To assure that non-compatible hazardous wastes are stored apart from one another, there will be a separate sorting table for each hazard classification in the packaging area. All employees involved with the collection event will wear safety glasses, steel-tip safety shoes and chemical-resistant gloves. Any employee involved with consolidation will wear Hepa filter-equipped respirators, if necessary, full body suit tyveks, and full- face safety shields. As an added precaution, portable and/or mobile phone will be available on-site to contact outside emergency support personnel, such as police, fire, medical and emergency response teams, if required. The management of all material on-site will be performed in compliance with current Federal, State, City. D.O.T., and Care Environmental Service Rules and Regulations. Emergency Management Plan An on-site coordinator will be ultimately responsible for the Emergency Management Plan. The coordinator will direct all phases of emergency management, based on previously established procedures and methods. This assures thorough and efficient emergency management. A designated Emergency Response Cart will be assigned to the "reception area". The emergency Response Cart will contain the following: 1. Absorbent Material 2. Absorbent Pads 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Acid Spill Kit 4. Caustic Spill Kit 5. Chemical Respirators 6. Drum Booms 7. Emergency Eye Wash 8. Fire Extinguisher 9. First Aid Kit 10. Full Face Mask Respirators with air-purifying canisters (NIOSH approved) 11. Mobile Telephone 12. Plastic Bags 13. Protective Clothing 14. Rubber Gloves 15. Safety Goggles 16. Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) 17. Small Shovel and Broom 18. Spill Neutralization Kits The following safety equipment will be utilized by Care Environmental personnel, as required: 1. Full-face Mask Respirators, with air purifying canisters (NIOSH approved) 2. Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) 3. Chemical-resistant clothing/tyvek and/or Acid Suits (full body) This material is in addition to standard 'safety equipment used by Care Environmental personnel, detailed later in this proposal. C. Spill and Leak Contingency Plan As stated earlier in the Health and Safety Plan, the entire hazardous waste packaging area will be covered with a 6-mil impervious liner to safeguard against ground contamination in the unlikely event of an accidental spill. A 3-in chemical absorbent berm will be constructed with respect to the ground slope to protect the surrounding area from any spill runoff. In the unlikely event of an on-site spill (which is usually limited to small containers) and depending on its severity, Care Environmental will implement the following procedures: Evacuation of all persons from the site, if necessary. The on-site coordinator will determine whether evacuation is required. If downwind of the incident, evacuation will be perpendicular to the wind direction over the most accessible route. If upwind of the incident, evacuation will be in the upwind direction. If evacuation is not required, all non emergency response personnel will be requested to leave the immediate spill area. Care Environmental personnel will commence spill containment and decontamination procedures. I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wearing full personal protective clothing and appropriate respiratory equipment, Care Environmental personnel will remove residual hazardous material from the spill area in a procedural manner suitable to the chemical and physical characteristics of the spilled material. After removal and re-packaging of the waste, the containment area will be decontaminated. All decontamination agents and/or spill-cleanup supplies will be packaged and disposed of as hazardous waste. A copy of the site specific Emergency Contact List, which will be posted at each collection event is enclosed on page 15. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES The following equipment, materials and supplies will be on-site for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection: A. Containers 1. New 55 gallon DOT approved Specs. 17H open head drums 2. Recon 55 gallon DOT approved Spec. 17H open head chums B. Absorbent-Packaging Material 1. Vermiculite--Packaging Material 2. Speedi-Dri -- Absorbent Material C. Equipment 1. Extension Cords 2. Tool Kit 3. Brooms 4. Shovels 5. Lab Carts 6. 4' x 8' Plywood Sheets for Tables 7. Plastic Funnels 8. Drum Dolly 9. Impact Wrench 10. Portable Generator 11. 30 x 30 Tent (As Required 12. Paint can spinners 13. Scale 14. Tents 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Safety Equipment 1. Gloves -- disposable chemical resistant rubber gloves, and leather work gloves 2. Boots -- chemical resistant booties (disposal); steel'toe and shank boots 3. Face Shields/Safety Glasses 4. Emergency Eye Wash 5. Safety Goggles 6. Fire Extinguishers 7. First Aid Kit 8. Mobile Telephone 9. Spill Neutralization Kits 10. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 11. Absorbent Pads and Drum Booms 12. Saranex Suits 13. Hard Hats E. Supplies 1. Cases 55 gallon liners 2. Cases 5 gallon liners 3. Cases Zip Lock Bags 4. Plastic Sheeting to cover work area 5. Rolls Duct Tape 6. Sample Jars 7. Sample Tubes 8. Rain Gear F. Paperwork 1. Hazardous Waste Manifest 2. Department of Transportation Drum Labels 3. E.P.A. Hazardous Waste Labels 4. Chemical Waste Disposal Record Receipt 5. Packing Lists 6. Packing List Drum Envelopes 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WASTE DISPOSAL Care Environmental Corp, assures that all household hazardous waste collected is treated in the most safe and professional manner. Our disposal hierarchy of wastes is as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reduce and minimize the amount of waste generated through public education efforts. Reuse waste when possible. Reclaim and recycle to further reduce waste streams and protect our natural resources. Treat waste streams to neutralize, stabilize or detoxify hazardous characteristics. Incinerate waste streams when applicable. Dispose of only those wastes that are not applicable to the above mentioned methods of treatment in a secure hazardous waste landfill. Methods of Disposal Pursuant to Care Environmental's sequence of disposal methods, the ultimate process of each accepted waste is listed below. 1. Oil Paints Fuels Blending 2. Latex Paints Fuels Blending 3. Automotive Batteries Recycling 4. Household Batteries Recycling 5. Motor Oil Recycling 6. Antifreeze Recycling 7. Halogenated-Non Halogenated Solvents Fuels Blending 8. Solid/Liquid Pesticides and Poisons Incineration 9. Aerosol Cans Incineration 10. Acids/Bases Treatment 11. Reactives Treatment 12. Asbestos Secure Landfill 13. Adhesives Fuels Blending 14. Oxidizers Treatment 15. End Life Electronics Recycling ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ULTIMATE DISPOSAL FACILITY LIST The following are the names and addresses of all Recycling, Treatment, Fuels Blending, Incinerators, Secure Landfills and Interim Storage Facilities that will be the recipients of all material collected on the Household Hazardous Waste Day. Name Type of Processing American Lamp Recycling 22 Stage Door Road Fishkill, NY 12524 Mr. Russell Jaccino - Phone: (914)896-0057 EPA# NY0000343889 Flourescent Bulbs Chemical Waste Management Adams Center Landfill 4636 Adams Center Rd. Fort Wayne, Indiana Mr. Wayne Smith - Phone: (215) 822-3307 EPA# 1ND078911146 Secure Landfill (Asbestos Only) Cycle Chem Inc. 550 Industrial Drive Lewisberry, PA 17339 Mr. Terry Earnest - Phone: (717)938-4700 EPA#PAD067098822 Stabilization Doe Run Highway KK & Highway 32 Boss, MO 65440 Ms. Elaine Bailey-Phone: (573) 626~4813 EPA# MOD059200089 Other Batteries For Reclaim Terris/Ensco Inc. American Oil Rd. ElDorado, Arkansas Mr. John Irby - Phone: (501) 864-3690 EPA# ARD069748192 Incineration Environmental Enterprises Inc. 46-50 Spring Grove Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio Mr. Dan McCabe - Phone: (513) 541-1823 EPA# OHD083377010 Treatment/Fuels Blending (Interim Storage) 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ESSROC Materials, Inc. Route 25 South, P.O. Box 659 Logansport, 1N 46947 Mr. Brian Graf- Phone: (219) 753-5121 EPA# IND005081542 Inmetco Industrial Park Batteries 245 Porterstill Road Rte. 488, P.O. Box 720 Ellwood City, PA 16117 Ms. Marlana Boots - Phone: (412) 758-5515 EPA# PAD087561015 LWD Inc. 2475 Industrial Parkway Calvert City, KY 42029 Mr. John Denton - Phone: (270)395-5002 Mercury Refining 26 Railroad Ave. Albany, New York Ms. Vicki Hart - Phone: (518) 785-1703 EPA# NYD048148175 Michigan Disposal Inc. 49350 N. 194 Service Drive Bellville, MI 48111 Mr. Robert Koss- Phone: (313) 697-7830 EPA# MID000724831 MXI Environmental Services 26319 Old Trail Road Abingdon, VA 24210 Mr. Ronald Potter - Phone (732)424-8441 Ross Incineration Services 36790 Giles Road Grafton, Ohio 44044 Ms. Melisa Thil - Phone: (440)748-2171 EPA# OHD048415665 Cement Kiln Metal Reclaim/Chrome Compounds/NI-CAD Fuels Blending Battery Recycling Secure Landfill Materials Recovery Facility HHW/Universal Incineration 13 I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I Southeast Chemical/Omni 755 Industrial Road Sumter, SC 29151 Mr. Jamie Plemons - Phone: (803)773-1400 EPA#scd036275626 Fuels Blending Spirit Services Inc. 16232 Elliott Parkway Williamsport, MD 27195 Mr. Percy Glenn - Phone:(301)223-4324 EPA#MD0000795401 Oil/Water Recycling US Liquids/City Environmental 1923 Frederick Street Detroit, MI 48211 Ms. Donna Sommer - Phone: (800)-495-6059 EPA#MI0980991566 Stabilization Waste Technology Industries (W:TI) 1250 Saint George Street East Liverpool, Ohio Mr. Joe Calderoni - Phone (330)385~7336 EPA ID# OHD980613541 Incineration Care Environmental may utilize any or all of the above listed facilities, those facilities utilized for this contract will be supplied upon contract award. 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXAMPLE FORM* KEY PERSONNEL & EMERGENCY CONTACTS CITY/COUNTY/TOWN OF: H.H.W.C.D. PROGRAM: DATE OF PROGRAM: APPLICATION: To be utilized in the unlikely event of any sudden release or spill of any waste, fire or explosion during the course of work on site. In the unlikely event of an emergency, listed below are phone numbers to be contacted. County/City Contact: Phone Number: Facility Contact: Phone Number: Care Environmental Program Contact: FRANK J. McKENNA, JR. Phone Number: (973) 398-5100 County/City Emergency Hofline: County/City Fire Department(Hazmat): County/City Police Department: Local Hospital: Phone Number: CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION ON-SITE COORDINATORS: SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER * This form shall be completed for each program and shall be made available on-site at all times. I I I ! I I I PERSONNEL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I i I ! ! I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ! ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL I I I I I I I I I I I I FRANCIS J. McKENNA, Jr. PRESIDENT Care Environmental Corporation Landing, New Jersey FIELDS OF COMPETENCE Hazardous Waste Management, Household Hazardous Waste Management, Emergency Response Coordinator, TSD Facility Management, Environmental Audits, Facility Compliance Auditing, Regulatory Liaison, Waste Management/Safety Training. EXPERIENCE Francis J. McKenna, Jr. began working in the hazardous waste field in 1984. In this time period, his duties and responsibilities have varied from Field Technician, Sales, Operation Manager to Compliance Officer, and Household Hazardous Waste Director. Mr. McKenna has a broad knowledge of the permitting and day-m-day operating procedures of a licensed hazardous waste facility. Areas of specialization include: Compliance with all Federal, State and Local Regulation, involving but not limited to all safety features, daily inspections, facility maintenance, and transportation of hazardous material. Mr. McKenna is responsible for all training. His training covers all aspects of operating and maintaining a hazardous waste facility. He conducts both classroom and hands-on training in emergency response procedures, first aid, hazardous material documentation and employee right-to-know. His train'mg also reaches out to local firefighters, policemen and emergency service personnel. By having the individual entities come through the facility, he teaches them the hands-on emergency procedures for their facility. Mr. McKenna is also the liaison with all regulatory agencies. He is responsible for all site inspections performed by Federal, State and Local Agencies, and insuring all documents are provided to them on an annual basis. Mr. McKenna has also managed a twenty-four hour per day emergency response team, which provided the manpower and equipment needed for any type of incident for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. His background in firefighting commands allows him to be able to control emergency situations and prevent any further environmental hazard. FRANCIS J. McKENNA, Jr. PAGE TWO Mr. McKerma has also directed many remediation, laboratory decontamination, and Household Hazardous Waste Projects. His responsibilities include detailed project descriptions, site specific contingency plans, on-site coordination between State and Local Agencies. He also ensures all appropriate documentation is complete and submitted for the tracking and ultimate disposal of waste material. In the duration of Mr. McKenna's career, he has successfully completed over one thousand Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days, in which, Mr. McKenna's range of responsibilities were fi.om initial meefmgs with county representatives and bid openings, to arranging all on-site logistics and personnel management and upon job completion, Mr. McKenna was responsible for all contract completion, not limited to invoicing, all proper documentation, and follow up meetings with county representatives. EDUCATION Firefighting Techniques, Morris County Firefighters Academy 40 Hour OSHA Training (29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refreshers Permit Required Confined Spaces (29 CFR 1910.146) 1993 and refi'eshers DOT HM 181 - Hazardous Substance Transportation (1994) and refreshers PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION National Fire Protection Association State of New Jersey Firemen Association New York State Motor Truck Association Notary Public State of New Jersey I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARC D. KODROWSICI OPERATIONS MANAGER Care Environmental Corp. FIELDS OF COMPETENCE Responsibilities include managing HHW/Agficulmral/Hazardous waste disposal programs conducted throughout the United States, prospecting new clients, profiling new waste streams, coordinating disposal facility schedules and assisting in managerial day to day operations. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Mr. Kodrowski has ten years experience in the Hazardous Waste Field. During this period, his duties and responsibilities have varied from Field Technician, Field Supervisor, Household Hazardous Waste Coordinator and Operations Manager. DETAILED EXPERIENCE -- Operations Manager for environmental services lmm. Responsibilities include sales consultation, scheduling projects, writing proposals, drafting operational plans, implementing and facilitating health/safety procedures. Experienced in developing, promoting and scheduling projects through direct contact with clientele. Works closely with company president in the execution and successful completion of projects. Assists in training clientele on numerous safety training programs. -- Household Hazardous Waste and Agricultural Pesticide Coordinator for environmental services fmu. Responsibilities include prospecting potential jobs, attend bid openings, liaison with county/state representatives, site visitations, preparation of site operational plans, correlate project day itinerary, coordinate collection day, prepare manifests and provide post collection data to clients. Mr. Kodrowski successfully completed over 400 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events. -- UST Field Technician for environmental services fu'm. Responsibilities include preparation of equipment, documentation of site logistics, analyzation of data collected from field instruments, collection of soil/water samples and preparation of data for future reports. Experiences in all fields procedures for UST projects in accordance with regulatory guidelines. MARC D. KODROWSKI PAGE TWO -- Field Supervisor for chemical/radioactive waste disposal firm. Responsibilities include overseeing duties performed by field technicians. Administered and coordinated chemical removal and demolition projects in hazardous waste environments. -- Field Technician for chemical/radioactive waste disposal fu'm. Responsibilities include chemical lab packing, field sampling, emergency response, hazardous material demolition and certified hazardous materials driver. Expefianced in chemical identification, segregation, packaging and chemical compatibility. Performed waste characterization sampling procedures for laboratory analysis and waste disposal criteria. Knowledge of emergency response procedures for hazardous substance releases. EDUCATION Rutgers The State University, Newark, NJ. Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, Conn. County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ. HazMat International 1990 to present 40 Hour OSHA Training (29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher Confined Space Entry UST Regulatory Guidelines DOT Hazardous Materials 181 EMPLOYMENT Care Environmental Corporation -Landing, New Jersey Operations Manager 9/92 to present Radiac Research Inc. Brooklyn, New York Field Supervisor 10/89 to 9/92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Care Environmental Corp. John P. Doeffmger CHEMIST FIELDS OF COMPETENCE: Chemical Profile Characterization, Chemical Classification for Household Hazardous Waste Programs, Small Quantity Generator Programs, Hazardous Waste Management, Waste Agricultural Programs, Emergency Response, Site Remediation, and Site Assessments. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE: Mr. Doeffinger has four years experience in the Hazardous Waste Field. During this period his duties and responsibilities included Chemical Profile Characterization, Sorting and Segregating Hazardous Wastes, Health and Safety Plans, Organizing, Planning, and Executing Household Hazardous Waste / Agriculture Events with Project Managers. Mr. Doeff'mger has a total of eleven years in the Environmental Field. DETAILED EXPERIENCE: Household Hazardous Waste and Agriculture Pesticide Lead Chemist. Responsibilities include assisting Project Managers in site visitations, preparation of site operational plans, coordinate collection day, and manifest preparation. Direct responsibilities include segregating and packaging hazardous wastes, preparing container sheets, conta'mer labeling and chemical profiling. Experience includes executing Health and Safety Plans, Contingency Plans, and Emergency Response. Environmental Lead Chemist. Responsible for chemical identification, segregation, packaging and chemical compatibility. Performed waste characterization sampling procedures for laboratory analysis and waste disposal criteria. Knowledge of emergency response procedures for hazardous substance releases. Environmental Field Technician. Responsibilities include preparation of equipment, documentation of site logistics, analyzation of data collected from field instruments, collection of soil/water samples and preparation of data for future reports. Experienced in all field procedures for remediation projects in accordance with regulatory guidelines. JOHN DOEFFINGER PAGE TWO Supervisor responsibilities included, supervise sample control technicians, bottle prep technicians, and drivers. He supervises and schedules sample pickups and bottle preparations and performs percent solids and pH determinations. He is directly responsible for the timeliness of the sample log-in procedure as well as the generation of laboratory work lists and is responsible for the notification of the lab staff of all rush work and short holding time tests. Mr. Doeffinger also is responsible for the storage of samples while project is in progress through the disposition of samples with hazardous waste disposal companies. As Organics Extractions Group Leader, Mr. Doeffinger supervised up to seven technicians on two shifts. Over his five years in the department, Mr Doeffmger has experience in extracting semivolatiles, PCBs, pesticides and herbicides in a variety of matrices. He was also Assistant Health and Safety Officer as STL/NJ. EDUC~I TION: Bloomfield College, Bloomfield, NJ B.S. Biology, 1989 40 hour OSHA Training (29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1996 - Present 1990- 1999 Position Position 1989-1990 Position Position Care Environmental Corp. Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc., Whippany, NJ Sample Control Group Leader Organic Extraction Group Leader York Laboratories, Whippany, NJ Organic Extraction Team Leader Organic Extraction Analyst RICK TREIBLE PROJECT MANAGER Care Environmental Corp. FIELDS OF COMPETENCE Household Hazardous Waste Management, Health and Safety Awareness, Transportation Safety, Regulatory Liason SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Mr. Treible has 11 years experience in the Hazardous Waste Field. During this period, his duties and responsibilities have varied from Commercial Driver, Field Specialist, Chemist and Project Manager. DETAILED EXPERIENCE Program Manager for environmental services firm, Responsibilities include implementing and facilitating health/safety procedures, scheduling projects, coordinating Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days and preparing post collection data. Mr. Trieble successfully completed over 600 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events. During this period he has learned and excelled in all aspects of the collection event. Field Specialist for environmental services firm. Responsibilities include preparing waste profile characterization, coordinating emergency response activities and preparing site assessments. Environmental Technician for environmental services firm. Responsibilities include preparation of field equipment, collection, segregation, consolidation and documentation of Household Hazardous Waste Activities. TRAINING EXPERIENCE 40 Hour OSHA Training (29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher DOT Hazardous Materials 181 49 CFR Annual Function Specific Training CPR Certified FRANK CILENTI PROJECT MANAGER Care Environmental Corp. FIELDS OF COMPETENCE Household Hazardous Waste Management Techniques, Health and Safety Awareness, Hazardous Waste Characterization and Emergency Response. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Mr. Cilenti has 14 years experience in the Hazardous Waste Field. During this period, his duties and responsibilities have varied from Environmental Technician, Field Specialist, Chemist and Project Manager. DETAILED EXPERIENCE Program Manager for environmental services firm, Responsibilities include implementing and facilitating health/safety procedures, scheduling projects, coordinating Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days and preparing post collection data. Mr. Cilenti successfully completed over 600 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events. During this period he has learned and excelled in all aspects of the collection event. Field Specialist for environmental services firm. Responsibilities include preparing waste profile characterization, coordinating emergency response activities and preparing site assessments. Enviromnental Technician for environmental services firm. Responsibilities include preparation of field equipment, collection, segregation, consolidation and documentation of Household Hazardous Waste Activities. TRAINING EXPERIENCE 40 Hour OSHA Training (29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher DOT Hazardous Materials 181 49 CFR Annual Function Specific Training CPR Certified I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANTHONY DURHAM PROJECT MANAGER Care Environmental Corp. FIELDS OF COMPETENCE Household Hazardous Waste Management Techniques, Health and Safety Awareness, Hazardous Waste Characterization, Emergency Response and Regulatory Liaison. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Mr. Durham has 9 years experience in the Hazardous Waste Field. During this period, his duties and responsibilities have varied fi.om Environmental Technician, Field Specialist and Project Manager. DETAILED EXPERIENCE Program Manager for environmental services finn, Responsibilities include implemenfmg and facilitating health/safety procedures, scheduling projects, coordinating Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days and preparing post collection data. Mr. Durham successfully completed over 400 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events. During this period he has learned and excelled in all aspects of the collection event. Field Specialist for environmental services finn. Responsibilities include preparing waste profile characterization, coordinating emergency response activities and preparing site assessments. Environmental Technician for environmental services finn. Responsibilities include preparation of field equipment, collection, segregation, consolidation and documentation of Household Hazardous Waste Activities. TRAINING EXPERIENCE 40 Hour OSHA Training (29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher DOT Hazardous Materials 181 49 CFR Annual Function Specific Training CPR Certified EMT-D TRAINING PROGRAM ~~.!~ INTRODUCTION, Care Environmental s 40 hour review OSHA approved safety, health and emergency response training program. This section provides a brief description of the following topics which will be discussed during the training seminar: Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Hazardous Substances/Waste Occupational Toxicology Respiratory Protection Levels of Protection Site Monitoring and Instruments Site Safety Plan Standard Operating Safety Guidelines CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES/WASTE Personnel conducting hazardous waste operations may be exposed to a variety of substances or wastes that are dangerous because of biological, chemical and physical, and radiological characteristics. Biological hazards are living organisms that may cause illness, sickness, or death to exposed site personnel. Radiological substances are hazardous due to their ability to emit various types of radiation at intensities harmful to inadequately protected personnel. Chemical dangers are defined by four characteristics: flammability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity. The physical state of these hazardous substances and wastes will directly affect the potential danger posed to site personnel. OCCUPATIONAL TOXICOLOGY Toxicology is the study of how hazardous substances interact with people to produce harmful responses, appreciate occupational toxicology, necessary to To better it is understand certain fundamental concepts in order to achieve rational decisions regarding personal protection. These concepts are (1) dose-response relationship, (2) routes of exposure, (3) factors influencing toxicity, (4) resulting exposure, dose-response a quantitive and health hazards from The is relationship between the dose of hazardous substance an individual is exposed to and the resulting effect or response. There are four routes by which a substance can enter the body: inhalation, skin (or eye) absorption, ingestion, and injection. Many factors effect the reaction of an organism to a toxic chemical. Some factors are duration and frequency of exposure, route of entry, interspecies variation, intraspecies variations. Toxicology differentiates between the toxicity of a hazardous substance and risk. The substance's toxicity is its capability to cause harmful response. The toxicity of substance can be classified as low, medium or high. Risk is the likelihood or probability that a substance will cause a harmful response under specific conditions. A highly toxic substance may present minimal risk when handled or managed correctly by personnel. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Respiratory protection is needed to filter out unwanted contaminants in the air. The respirator assembly must be approved for protection against the contaminant at the concentration which is present in the work area. The concentration must not exceed the levels designated for that type and size cartridge or canister. The wearer must pass a qualitative fit-test for the make, model, and size of air-purifying device used. To assure proper protection, the facepiece fit shall be checked by the wearer each time he puts on the respirator. The normal atmosphere contains approximately 21% oxygen. Based on oxygen content only, the atmosphere must contain a minimum of 19.5% oxygen to permit use of an air-purifying respirator. The different types of respirators are: air purifying, disposable dust, mouthbit, quarter mask, half mask, full face, powered air purifying, and face piece. One would distinguish which respirator to use by concentration ratio and concentration contaminants. Respiratory apparatus must frequently be used during response to hazardous material incidents. If the contaminants is unknown or the requirements for using air purifying respirators cannot be met, then an atmosphere supplying respirators is required. Several types of atmosphere supplying devices are available: oxygen generating, hose mask, airline, self contained breathing apparatus. LEVELS OF PROTECTION Site personnel must wear protective equipment when there is a probability of contact with hazardous substances that could affect their health. Chemical resistant clothing protects the skin from contact with skin destructive and absorbable chemicals. Equipment to protect the body against contact with known or anticipated toxic chemicals has been divided into four categories according to the degree of protection afforded: Level A: Should be worn when the highest level of respiratory, skin, and eye protection is needed. Level B: Should be worn when the highest level of respiratory protection is needed, but a lesser degree of skin protection is needed. Level C: Should be worn when a lesser level of respiratory protection is needed than Level B. Skin protection criteria are similar to Level B. Level D: Should be worn only as a work uniform and not on any site with respiratory or skin hazards. It provides no protection against chemical hazards. The Level of Protection selected should be based on the hazard and risk of exposure. Hazard: Type and measured concentration of the chemical substance in the ambient atmosphere and its toxicity. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Risk: Potential for exposure to substance in air, splashes of liquid, or other direct contact with material due to work being done. In situations where the type of chemical, concentration, and possibilities of contact are not known, the appropriate Level of Protection must be selected based on professional experiences and judgement until the hazards can be better characterized. SITE MONITORING AND INSTRUMENTS Airborne contaminants can present a significant threat to human health. Identifying and quantifying these contaminants by using direct-reading instnnnents are essential parts of a health and safety program at hazardous materials incidents: Assess the potential health risks to the public and response workers. Delineate areas where personnel protective equipment is needed. Select personnel protective equipment. Determine actual or potential health risks or effects on the environment. Direct-reading instruments were developed as early warning devices for use in industrial settings. Today, some direct-reading instruments have been developed to detect contaminants in the parts per billion range. Direct-reading instnnuents provide real-time data and do not require sending samples to a laboratory. This character of direct-reading instmments enables rapid decision-making. SITE SAFETY PLAN The purpose of the site safety plan is to establish requirements for protecting the health and safety of responders during all activities conducted at an incident. It contains safety information, instructions and procedures. A site safety plan must be prepared and reviewed by qualified personnel for each hazardous substance response. The plan must contain safety requirements for routine (but hazardous) response activities and also for unexpected site emergencies. General Requirements the site safety plan must: Describe the known hazards and evaluate the risk associated with incident and with each activity. List key personnel and alternates responsible for site safety, response operations, and for protection of public. Describe Levels of Protection to be worn by personnel. Delineate work areas. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I Establish procedures to control site access. Describe decontamination procedures for personnel and equipment. Establish site emergency procedures. Address emergency medical care for injuries and toxicological problems. Describe requirements for an environmental surveillance program. Specify any routine and special training for responders. Establish procedures for protecting workers from weather-related problems. STANDARD OPERATION SAFETY GUIDELINES The quality of a response to an emergency situation is directly related to the knowledge, ability, and availability of emergency response personnel. These individuals may be site employees or local emergency support personnel. Regardless of their affiliation, it is crucial that their deployment be well organized and that a chain of command be clearly established before an emergency occurs. The key to the successful implementation of an emergency contingency plan is an informed and instinctive response to emergency situations. I I I RECORD KEEPING I I I I I I I I I I I I RECORD KEEPING Care Environmental Corp. will provide to the County records to account for the costs incurred during each collection. The forms that will be utilized on this project will be easily cross- referenced by waste category and manifest number. The form entitled "Summary Report" will be used to summarize the "Waste Categories" for each collection event. The "Summary Report" includes information such as County, Site Location, Date of Service, Manifest Number, Waste Category, Dram Total, Unit Price, and Total Cost. The final report will be submitted to the County upon completion of each event. The final report will include the "Summary Report", packing lists and the signed off copy of the ultimate disposal site's manifest(s). An example of the records to be maintained can be found on the following pages. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUMMARY REPORT CATEGORIES AND AMOUNTS OF WASTE DATE: COUNTY PROJECT MANAGER: CARE PROJECT MANAGER: MANIFEST NUMBER: WASTE CATEGORY DRUM # UNIT PRICE OF DRUM SITE LOCATION: TOTAL COST 1 I I I I LICENSE AND PERMITS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTIFICATION OF REGULATED WASTE ACTMTY 11/03/2000 This is to acknowledge that you have filed a Notification of.~egulated Waste Activity for the installation located at the address shoTM in'the:box beioTM to 66~ii~ly with Section 3010.of the Resource Conservation and RecoverY Act (RCRA). Your EPA Identification Number for that installation appears in the box below. The EPA Identification NUmber must be included on all shipping manifests for transpprting regulated wastes; on all Annual Reports that generators of regulated waste, and owners and operators of regulated waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities must file with EPA; On all applieafious for a Federal Regulated Waste Permit; and other regulated v~aste management reports and documents required under Subtitle C of RCRA. EPA I.D. NUMBER .4 INSTXLLATION N'AM]E INSTALL~'~ION ADDRESS.. MA.ILIP/G ADDRESS NJR000032391 CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP 10 ORBEN DR -. ROXBURY TOWNSHIP, NJ 07850 10 ORBEN DR ROXBURY TOWNSHIP, NJ 07850 ! I I I I I I USEPA - REGION 2 RCRA Programs Branch 290 Broadway, 22n~ Floor New York, NY 1000%1866 ATTN: JACK HOYT Tel: (212) 637-4106 'Fax: (212) 637-4949 TO: CARE ENVIRON'MENTAL-CORP or Current Occupant ATTN: FR.A.NCIS MCKENNA - PRESIDENT 10 OR.BEN DR ROXBURY TOWNSHIP, NJ 07850 I I I I I I ! I I i I I I I I I I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS ADMINISTRATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION FOR REGISTRATION YEAR 2003-2006 Registrant: CARE ENVIROMENTAL CORP. Attn: Rick Treible 10 Orben Drive Landing, NJ 07850 This certifies that the regisWant is registered with the U.S. Deparlrnent of Transportation as required by 49 CFR Part 107, Subpart G. This certificate is issued under the authority of 49 U.S.C. 5108. It is unlawful to alter or falsify this document. Reg. No: 051403 016 020LN Issued: 05/15/03 Expires: 06/30/06 I I I I I I I Record keeping Requirements for the Registration Program The folbwing must be maintained at the principal place of business for a period of three years from the date of issuance of this Certificate of Registration: (1) A copy of the registration statement filed with RSPA; and (2) This Certificate of Registration Each person suUject to the registration requirement must furnish that person's Certificate of Registratfun (or a copy) and all other records and information pertaining to the information contained in the registration statement to an authorized representative or special agent of the U. S. Department of Transportation upon request. Each motor carrier (private or for-hire) end each vessel operator subject to the registration requirement must keep a copy of the current Certificate of Registration or another document bearing the registration number ident'rr~d as the 'U.S. DOT Hazrnat Reg. No.' in each truck and truck tractor or vessel (trailers and semi-trailers not included) used to transport hazardous mstedaJs subject to the registration requirement. The Certificate of Registration or document bearing the registration number must be made available, upon request, to enforcement personnel. For information, contact the Hazardous Materials Registration Manager, DHM-60 Research and Special Programs Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590, telephone (202) 3664109. I I I I ! I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I STATE ALABAMA ALLIANCE PROGRAM IL-MI-NV-OH-OK-WV ARIZONA COLORADO DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA INDIANA IOWA KANSAS LOUISIANA MARYLAND MISSISSIPPI NEBRASKA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH .VIRGINIA WYOMING CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. HAZARDOUS WASTE TRANSPORTATION PERMITS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION # 05'i403 016 020LN ~D~PIRES 6/30/06 US DOT# 746147 EPA ID # N JR 000 032 391 PERMIT / REGISTRATION # NJR 000 032 391 UPW-0746147-WV N JR 000 032 391 HMP-03631 DE~-HW-511 N JR 000 032 391 N JR 000 032 391 N JR 000 032 391 N JR 000 032 391 N JR 000 032 391 N JR 000 032 391 HWH-602 N JR 000 032 391 N JR 000 032 391 TNH-0287 DEP,-50214 NJ 459 N JR 000 032 391 NDWH-617 N JR 000 032 391 N JR 000 032 391 N JR 000 032 391 86669 N JR 000 032 391 N JR 000 032 3919 N JR 000 032 391 EXPIRES 1/22/05 6~30~04 8/10~04 6/30/05 6/26/04 12/31/03 6/30~04 6/30/04 6/30~05 6/30/04 1 2/17/07 1/31/04 3/1/04 2/5/07 HHW SITE PLAN DESIGN HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION I I I ! I I I ! I i I I I I I I ! I I I ! I I CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE I I I I I I I I I I i I I m 12/19/o315:58 To:Marc From:Lourdes Mathers FirstUnion Insurance Page 2/3 I I I I ACORD,. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 12/19/2003 P~DUC~ (973)890-1818 FAX (973)890-49~1 FIRST UNION IN.~URANCE ~ERVICES AGENCY, INC. PO BOX 927 WAYNE, N3 07474-0927 INsUeEOCare Environmental Corp. Attn: Frank McKenna 10 Orben Drive Landing, N3 07850 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTiFiCATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE ,"SURER^: Zurich / Maryland INSLRER B: Zurich ~rican ~NSU~mC: Liberty Mutual (TS) ~.$~ D: St, Paul INSURER COVERAGES I I I I I I OSNea~L~r~' .;LO361857gO1 01/11/2003 01/11/2004 ~OC~E $ 5,000~00( i ~S~ & ~V I~Y 510001 ~c~ L~ lAP3563426 06/26/2003 06/26/2004 ~ ~Y ~o IIR~ A~O ~I~L D~AG (Ee aoci~) 5,000, OOC ~OS ;40,000 LIN~ N~-90 FORM ;lO00 C~P. D~. ;1000 COLL. D~, EL ~H~CI~ * lm~O~ E.L DIS~-mLICYLIM~ S lm00Om~( ~tion Li~ PEC361858002 01/11/2003 O1/11/2~4 Occ/Ag $5,000,0~ Motor Truck Cargo [~02900433 12/19/2003 12/19/2~4 $150,000/~y on vehicle $300,000/~y ~e loss I I I I I I i CERTIFICATE HOLDER I I AoDmoNAL ~SURE~; INSURER L=~ ;=~: ~ CANCELLATION Care Environmental Corp. ACORD 25-S (7/97) 3udith Webster AAI CISR/LPt4 ~ ~ACORD CORPORATION lg88 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RADIAC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, 261 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211 · (718) 963-2233 Fax (718) 388-5107 January 20, 24 Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: "Bid on Hazardous Waste Removal" Dear Ms. Neville: Radiac Research Corp. is pleased to submit the following bid proposal for hazardous waste removal for the Town of Southold. Radiac looks forward to extending its services to the Town of Southold for calendar year 2004. Sincerely, . ,, .~... ~~NMENTAL SERVICES RJVJR/bp Attachments I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RADIAC ENVIRONMENTAL SgRVICES, 261 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211 · (718) 963-2233 Fax (718) 388-5107 January 20, 2004 Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk TOWN OF SOUTItOLD 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: "Bid on Hazardous Waste Removal" Dear Ms. Neville: I, Arthur F. Green, Secretary/Treasurer of Radiac Research Corp., duly authorized Mr. Ronald J. Vignone, Jr. to sign and execute all documents pertaining to the above reference bid project on beh~alf of Radiac Research Corp. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ;C~bT/TreasurArthl~'F. Green er ENTAL SERVICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Corporate Experience Equipment, Materials & Supplies Emergency Management Plan Facility Lisffrransporter List Health & Safety Plan Licanses/Permits 6 Method For Packaging Method Of Disposal Operation Plan/Procedures/Policies Spill & Leak Contingency Plan Contractor Enforc*ment I~Jstory Waste Management Plan Unacceptable Material BID lO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CORPORATE EXPERIENCE Since 1984 Radiac Research Corp. has been a common name in Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days in the tri-state area. Providing both chemical and radioactive waste disposal services to hospitals, universities, research institutions, municipalities, federal, state and local government agencies has inevitably produced projects of similar purpose but qmater scope. Household Hazardous Waste Collections completely coincides with Radiac's comprehensive hazardous waste management services. Radiac's experience and knowledge of Household Hazardous Waste collections has been indicated on several occasions in the ability to conduct four (4) collection events, simultaneously. The inherent disciplines of a small company has manifested Radiac as a true leader in Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days, as substantiated in Radiac's enclosed list of successfully completed events for 2000/2001/2002. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MIDDLESEX COUNTY Woodbridge, NJ March 16, 2002 September 21, 2002 MIDDLESEX COUNTY N. Brunswick, NJ April 20, 2002 October 19, 2002 MIDDLESEX COUNTY Edison, NJ May 19, 2002 November 17, 2002 MIDDLESEX COUNTY Old Bridge, NJ July 21, 2002 T.O. HEMPSTEAD East Meadows, NY March 9, 2002 December 14, 2002 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Long Beach, NY April 14, 2002 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Bellmore, NY May 4, 2002 September 15, 2002 T.O. HEMPSTEAD E. Rockaway, NY June 6, 2002 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Levittown, NY July 20, 2002 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Roosevelt, NY August 18, 2002 FRED STANGER New Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER New Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER New Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER New Brunswick, NJ LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY 908-745-4170 908-745-4170 908-745-4170 g08-745-4170 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T.O. HEMPSTEAD Franklin Square, NY October 5, 2002 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Baldwin, NY November 17, 2002 T.O.N.HEMPSTEAD New Hyde Park, NY April 27, 2002 September 14, 2002 T.O.N. HEMPSTEAD Port Washington, NY May 18, 2002 October 20, 2002 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Massapequa, NY March 10, 2002 April 20, 2002 June 15, 2002 October 19, 2002 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Syosset, NY May 19, 2002 November 17, 2002 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Sea Cliff, NY July 13, 2002 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Hicksville, NY August 10, 2002 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Old Bethpage, NY September 14, 2002 LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY MATI'HEW MINER Port Washington, NY MATTHEW MINER Port Washington, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE S¥osset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-767-4610 516-767-4610 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HUNTERDON COUNTY Flemington, NJ March 9, 2002 June 8, 2002 HUNTERDON COUNTY Annandale, NJ December 8, 2002 ESSEX COUNTY Cedar Grove, NJ May 4, 2002 SOMERSET COUNTY Warren, NJ April 13, 2002 SOMERSET COUNTY Somerville, NJ June 22, 2002 SOMERSET COUNTY Somerset, NJ August 3, 2002 SOMERSET COUNTY Hillsborough, NJ October 26, 2002 WARREN COUNTY White Township, NJ May 11, 2002 October 26, 2002 MERCER COUNTY Trenton, NJ April 27, 2002 MERCER COUNTY Lawrence Township, NJ September 28, 2002 UNION COUNTY Cranford, NJ April 13, 2002 ALLEN JOHNSON Flemington, NJ ALLEN JOHNSON Flemington, NJ MICHAEL ONYSKO Cedar Grove, NJ DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ DIANE VIGIl_ANTI Somerset, NJ DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ BILL CARNER Oxford, NJ LOU CALISTI Trenton, NJ LOU CALISTI Trenton, NJ JOANN GEMENDEN Westfield, NJ 908-236-7111 908-236-7111 973-239-0342 908-231-7681 908-231-7681 908-231-7681 908-231-7681 g08-453-4241 609-989-6863 609-989-6863 908-654-9890 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNION COUNTY Kenilworth, NJ June 8, 2002 UNION COUNTY Linden, NJ September 21, 2002 UNION COUNTY Scotch Plains, NJ October 20, 2002 JOANN GEMENDEN Westfield, NJ JOANN GEMENDEN Westfield, NJ JOANN GEMENDEN Westfield, NJ 908-654-9890 908-654-9890 908-654-9890 I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I i BERGEN COUNTY Paramus, NJ June 16,2001 BERGEN COUNTY Paramus, NJ August, Il 2001 MIDDLESEX COUNTY Woodbridge, NJ March 17, 2001 September 15, 2001 MIDDLESEX COUNTY N. Brunswick, NJ April 21, 2001 October 20, 2001 MIDDLESEX COUNTY Edison, NJ May 20, 2001 November18,2001 MIDDLESEX COUNTY Old Bridge, NJ July 15, 2001 T.O. HEMPSTEAD East Meadows, NY March 10, 2001 December 2, 2001 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Long Beach, NY April 22, 2001 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Bellmore, NY May 20, 2001 September 15, 2001 T.O. HEMPSTEAD E. Rockaway, NY June 9, 2001 RICH BAROCH Little Ferry, NJ RICH BAROCH Little Ferry, NJ FRED STANGER New Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER New Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER New Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER New Brunswick, NJ LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY 201-807-8696 201-807-8696 908-745-4170 908-745-4170 908-745-4170 908-745-4170 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 I I I ! I i I I I I i I I ! I ! I ! I T.O. HEMPSTEAD Levittown, NY July 14, 2001 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Roosevelt, NY August 12, 2001 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Franklin Square, NY October 13, 2001 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Baldwin, NY November 18, 2001 T.O.N.HEMPSTEAD New Hyde Park, NY April 28, 2001 September 8, 2001 T.O.N. HEMPSTEAD Port Washington, NY May 19, 2001 October 21, 2001 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Massapequa, NY April 21, 2001 June 16, 2001 October 13, 2001 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Syosset, NY May 20, 2001 November 18, 2001 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Sea Cliff, NY July 14, 2001 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Hicksville, NY August 11, 2001 LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY MATTHEW MINER Port Washington, NY MATTHEW MINER Port Washington, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-767-4610 516-767-4610 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Old Bethpage, NY September 8, 2001 MONMOUTH COUNTY Hazlet, NJ May 19, 2001 MONMOUTH COUNTY Freehold, NJ September 22, 2001 HUNTERDON COUNTY Flemington, NJ March 3, 2001 June 9, 2001 HUNTERDON COUNTY Annandale, NJ December 8, 2001 ESSEX COUNTY Cedar Grove, NJ May 5, 2001 SUSSEX COUNTY Lafayette, NJ June 2, 2001 November 2, 001 SOMERSET COUNTY Basking Ridge, NJ March 24, 2001 SOMERSET COUNTY Warren, NJ April 28, 2001 SOMERSET COUNTY Somerville, NJ June 30, 2001 SOMERSET COUNTY Somerset, NJ August 4, 2001 ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY GREG HULSE Freehold, NJ GREG HULSE Freehold, NJ ALLEN JOHNSON Flemington, NJ ALLEN JOHNSON Flemington, NJ MICHAEL ONYSKO Cedar Grove, NJ JOHN CANNATA Hamburg, NJ DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ DIANE VIGIl. ANTI Somerset, NJ DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ 516-677-5748 732-922-4815 732-922-4815 908-236-7111 908-236-7111 973-239-0342 201-579-6998 908-231-7681 908-231-7681 908-231-7681 908-231-7681 I I I ! I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I i SOMERSET COUNTY Hillsborough, NJ October 20, 2001 WARREN COUNTY White Township, NJ May 5, 2001 October 27, 2001 MERCER COUNTY Trenton, NJ April 14, 2001 MERCER COUNTY Lawrence Township, NJ September 22, 2001 UNION COUNTY Cranford, NJ April 21, 2001 UNION COUNTY Kenilworth, NJ June 2, 2001 UNION COUNTY Linden, NJ September 22, 2001 UNION COUNTY Scotch Plains, NJ October 27, 2001 DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ BILL CARNER Oxford, NJ LOU CALISTI Trenton, NJ LOU CALISTI Trenton, NJ JOANN GEMENDEN Westfield, NJ JOANN GEMENDEN Westfield, NJ JOANN GEMENDEN Westfield, NJ JOANN GEMENDEN Westfield, NJ 908-231-7681 908-453-4241 609-989-6863 609-989-6863 908-654-9890 908-654-9890 908-654-9890 908-654-9890 i I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I i I I MIDDLESEX COUNTY Old Bridge, NJ July 16, 2000 MIDDLESEX COUNTY N.Brucswick, NJ April 15, 2000 October 21, 2000 MIDDLESEX COUNTY Edison, NJ May 21, 2000 MIDDLESEX COUNTY Keasbey, NJ March 18, 2000 MIDDLESEX COUNTY Woodbridge, NJ September 16, 2000 T.O. HEMPSTEAD East Meadows, NY March 11, 2000 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Long Beach, NY April 9, 2000 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Bellmore, NY May 7, 2000 September 9, 2000 T.O. HEMPSTEAD E. Rockaway, NY June 4, 2000 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Levittown, NY July 8, 2000 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Franklin Square, NY October 29, 2000 FRED STANGER N.Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER N.Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER N. Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER N. Brunswick, NJ FRED STANGER N.Brunswick, NJ LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY 908-745-4170 908-745-4170 908-745-4170 908-745-4170 908-745-4170 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T.O. HEMPSTEAD Baldwin, NY August 6, 2000 November 18, 2000 T.O. HEMPSTEAD Uniondale, NY December 2, 2000 T.O.N.HEMPSTEAD New Hyde Park, NY April 8, 2000 September 16, 2000 T.O.N. HEMPSTEAD Por~ Washington, NY May 20, 2000 October 22, 2000 HUDSON COUNTY Bayonne NJ May 7, 2000 October 22, 2000 HUDSON COUNTY Union, NJ May 7, 2000 June 18, 2000 HUDSON COUNTY Kearny, NJ October 14, 2000 April 29, 2000 HUDSON COUNTY Jersey City, NJ October 14, 2000 April 29, 2000 May 7, 2000 SOMERSET COUNTY Basking Ridge, NJ April 8, 2000 LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY LOIS BEENDENDER Merrick, NY MATTHEW MINER Port Washington, NY MATTHEW MINER Port Washington, NY NICK STANIEWlCZ Jersey City, NJ NICK STANIEWICZ Jersey City, NJ NICK STANIEWICZ Jersey City NICK STANIEWICZ Jersey City, NJ DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ 516-378-2200 516-378-2200 516-767-4600 516-767-4600 201-795-4555 201-795-4555 201-795-4555 201-795-4555 908-231-7681 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOMERSET COUNTY Somerset, NJ August 5, 2000 SOMERSET COUNTY Somerville, NJ June 3, 2000 SOMERSET COUNTY Hillsborough, NJ October 14, 2000 SUSSEX COUNTY La~ye~e, NJ June 3,2000 November4,2000 WARREN COUNTY White Township April 29, 2000 October 28, 2000 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Massapequa, NY June 17,2000 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Syosset, NY May 21, 2000 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Sea Cliff, NY July 15,2000 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Hicksville, NY August 12, 2000 TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Old Bethpage, NY November 18, 2000 MONMOUTH COUNTY Freehold, NJ May 13, 2000 DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ DIANE VIGILANTI Somerset, NJ JOHN CANNATA Hamburg, NJ BILL CARNER Oxford, NJ ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY ANDREA GARONE Syosset, NY GREG HULSE Freehold, NJ 908-231-7681 908-231-7681 908-231-7681 201-579-6998 908-453-4241 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 516-677-5748 732-922-4815 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i MONMOUTH COUNTY Hazlet, NJ November 4, 2000 HUNTERDON COUNTY Flemington, NJ September 9, 2000 HUNTERDON COUNTY Annandale, NJ December 9, 2000 GREG HULSE Freehold, NJ ALLEN JOHNSON Flemington, NJ ALLEN JOHNSON Flemington, NJ 732-922-4815 908-236-7111 908-236-7111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES The following equipment materials and supplies will be on-site for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection: Containers New 55 gallon DOT approved Spec. 17H open head drums Recon 55 gal. DOT approved Spec. 17H open head drums Absorbent-Packaging Material Vermiculite - Packaging Material Speedi-Dri - Absorbent Material Equipment 30 x 30 Tent Paint Can Spinners Brooms Shovels Lab Carts 4'x 8' Plywood Sheets for tables PlastiC Funnels Drum Dolly Impact Wrench Extension Cords Portable Generator Tool Kit Safety Equipment Full Face Mask Respirators with air purifying canister (NIOSH Approved) Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Chemical-Resistant Clothing - Tyvek and/or Acid suit (full body) Gloves - Boots - Hard Hats disposable chemical resistant rubber gloves, and leather work gloves chemical resistant booties (disposal); steel toe and shank boots I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Face Shields/Safety Glasses SAFETY EQUIPMENT CONT. Emergency Eye Wash Safety Goggles Fire Extinguishers First Aid Kit Mobile Telephone Spill Neutralization Kits Emergency Oxygen Absorbent Pads a Drum Booms Supplies Cases 55 gallon liners Cases 5 gallon liners Cases Zip Lock Bags Plastic Sheeting to cover work area Rolls Duct Tape Sample Jars Sample Tubes Rain Gear Paperwork Hazardous Waste Manifest Department of Transportation Drum Labels E.P.A. Hazardous Waste Labels Chemical Waste Disposal Record Receipt Packing Lists Packing List Drum Envelopes I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN The overall safety of the general public and the environment begins with sound systems and procedures that have been tested and proven, with additional support from an efficient Health and Safety Plan. Having more than five years experience in collection events, thousands of residents have been serviced, without one single incident. As stated in Radiac's Health and Safety Plan, and Spill and Leak Contingency Plan, the on-site coordinator will be ultimately responsible for the Emergency Management Plan and will have the following supplies available. A designated Emergency Response Cart and Supplies will be assigned to the reception area and will contain the following: B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. N. O. P. Q. R. S. Absorbent Material Fire Extinguisher Small Shovel and Broom Mercury Vapor Absorbent Kit Acid Spill Kit Caustic Spill Kit Chemical Respirators Rubber Gloves Protective Clothing Plastic Bags First Aid Kit Full Face Mask Respirators with air purifying canister (NIOSH Approved) Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Emergency Eye Wash Safety Goggles Mobile Telephone Spill Neutralization Kits Emergency Oxygen Absorbent Pads ~t Drum Booms I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I FACILITY LIST The following are the names and addresses of all Recycling, Treatment, Fuels Blending, Incinerators, Secure Landfills and Interim Storage Facilities that are intended as recipients of all Hazardous Waste. Name Type of Processing Mercury Refining 26 Railroad Avenue Albany, New York EPA # NYD048148175 Phone # (518)549-0820 Agency # Ba~eryRecycling Perma-Fix, Inc. 1940 N.W. 67th Place Gainesville, Florida EPA # FLD9807611071 Phone # (800)365-6066 Agency # Fuel Blending/Recycling Environmental Enterprises Inc. 46-50 Spring Grove Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio EPA # OHD083377010 Phone # (513)541-1823 Agency # Treatment/Deactivation Fuel Blending Ensco Inc. American Oil Road Eldorado, Arkansas EPA # ARD069748192 Phone # (501)863-7173 Agency # Incineration Chemical Waste Management Adams Center Landfill 4636 Adams Center Road Fort Wayne, Indiana EPA # IND078911146 Agency # Secure Landfill (Asbestos Only) Southern AIleghenies Landfill 843 Miller Picking Road Davidsville, PA 15928 Secure Landfill (Asbestos Only) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Rollins Environmental Services 2027 Battleground Road Deer Park, TX EPA I.D. # TXD055141378 Phone # (713)930-2300 Agency # Chem Met-Services, Inc. 18550 Allan Road Wyandotts, MO 48192 EPA # MID096963194 Phone # (800)282-9251 Agency # Chem Conservation Corp. 10100 Rocket Blvd. Orlando, FL 32824 EPA # FLD980559728 Phone # (800)345-6393 Agency # CR Warner Inc. 61st ~t West Passyunk Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19153 Operating Permit # 301285 Phone # (215)726-4300 Agency # Ultimate Disposal Facility Yankee Point Terminal EPA # PA0000538827 Phone # (215)726-4300 Agency # Ogden Martin Systems, Inc. Haverhill, MA Phone # (508)372-6288 Agency # Ogden Martin Systems, Inc. 125 Gleam Street West Babylon, NY Phone # Agency # American Ref-Fuel 600 Avenue C Westbury, NY Phone # Agency # Incineration Treatment/Fuel Blending Fuel Blending Recycling Recycling/Thermal Recovery (Non-Hazardous) Recycling/Thermal Recovery (Non-Hazardous) Recycling/Thermal Recovery Non-Hazardous) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Statewide Battery Denville,NJ Phone # (201)627-3196 Agency # Lead Acid Batteries Recycling (Non-Hazardous) GROWS Landfill 513 Bordentown Road Morrisville, PA Permit # 100148 Phone # Agency # Empty Steel Containers (Paint Cans, Fuel Cans, Drums, etc.) H Et H Propane P.O. Box 208 Hightstown, NJ Phone # (609)448-3232 Agency # Recycling Propane Cylinders CRI Environment Inc. Processing/Incineration 75 rue du Progres Coteau-du-Lac (Quebec) Operaft ng Permit # 7610-16-01-0453057-1087364 Phone # (800)571-5541 Agency # Essex Waste Management S.W. 58 Highway Kingsville, MO EPA # MOD980962849 Phone # (816)732-5561 Agency # Fuel Blending/Incineration Landfill/Stabilization Laidlaw 1294 Ste-Marguerite Mercier, Quebec Phone # Agency # Incineration Petrochem Processing Group Fuels Blending Services 421 Lycaste Detroit, MI 48214 EPA # MID980615298 Phone # Agency # Recycling/Fuel Blending Laidlaw 221 Sutton Street North Andover, MA EPA # MAD00060~.~.~.7 Phone # Recycling/Fuel Blending I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Solvent Distillers Group Solvent Reclamation 421 Lycaste Detroit, MU 48214 EPA # MID980684088 Phone # Agency # Inmetco 245 Portersville Road EIIwood City, PA EPA # PAD087561015 Phone # (724)758-5515 Agency # Deka Lyon Station, PA 19536 EPA # PAD002330165 Phone # Agency # Grand Central Sanitation 1963 Pen Argyl Road Pen Argyl, PA Operating Permit # 100265 Phone # Agency # North East Chemical 3301 Monroe Avenue Cleveland, OH EPA ID# OHD980681571 Phone # Agency # P-3 Inc. 4515 Oak Fair Blvd. Suite 103 Tampa, FL 33610 Phone # (800)777-4635 Agency # IESI Pa Blue Ridge Landfill Corp. P.O. Box 399 Scotland, PA 17254 Permit # 100934 Phone # (718)522-2263 Agency # Recycling/Fuel Blending Battery Recycling Lead Acid Batteries/ Recycling Landfill Fuel Blending Recycling Landfill (Asbestos Only) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Les services env. de 1'est 37 chemin de la scierie CP 2275 Baie-Comeau, Quebec, G5C 2S9 EPA ID # 1141130630 Phone # (418)295-3130 Agency # Safety Kleen 4105 Whitaker Avenue Philadelphia, PA EPA ID # PAD981113749 Phone # (800)220-2188 American Lamp Recycling, LLC 22 Stage Door Road Fishkill, NY 12524 NY0000343889 Phone # (800) 315-6262 Full Circle, Inc. 509 Manida Street Bronx, NY 10474 NYD986980233 Phone # (718) 328-4667 Battery Solutions, Inc. 38680 Michigan Avenue Wayne, MI 48184 Phone # (734) 467-9110 BFI Waste Systems 8100 South State Line Road Lowelleville, OH 44436 Phone # (330)536-8013 Chem-Tech Environment 1223 Montee DeLa Pomme D'OR Contrecourer, Quebec, (450)538-7038 Material Resource Recovery 2425 Industrial Blvd. Cornwall, ON K6H 5R5 (613)938-7575 G ~t G Scrap Metal 51 South 4th Street Brooklyn, NY 11211 Processing/Treatment Fuel Blending/Incineration Recycling Recycling/Incineration Recycling Landfill Treatment Incineration Recycling I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I 38. 39. 40. RLF 4 rue du Transport Coteau-du-Lac Quebec JOP 1BO (450) 763-0066 Propane Power 441 Hackensack Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 (201) 525-0900 AWMS 9716 Chapel Street South East Waynesbur9, OH (330)866-3265 Recycling Recycling Recycling/Landfill I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRANSPORTER LIST The following are the names and addresses of transporters that may be used to transport materials collected on the Household Hazardous Waste Day. Name Radiac Research Corp. 261 Kent Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11211 EPA # NYD049178296 Freehold Cartage P.O. Box 4629 Freehold, NJ 07728 EPA # NJD054126164 Price Trucking 67 Beacon Street Buffalo, NY 14220 EPA # NYD046765574 Franklin Environmental Services 185 Industrial Road Wrentham, MA 62093 EPA # MAD084814136 Eldredge Inc. 898 Fernhill Road Westchester, PA 19380 EPA # PAD014146179 J.B. Hunt Special Commodities 615 J.B. Hunt Corporate Drive Lowell, AR 72745 EPA If ARD981908551 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HEALTH AND SAFETY Although the hazardous materials collected at Household Hazardous Waste events are mostly consumer products, the potential of having substantial quantities in the actual presence ofthe general public justifies the implementation of a Health and Safety Plan. However, Radiac~ primary objective will be to maintain the minim um num bet of residents on-site at all times which will be accomplished by our efficient and experienced work force. Radiac's Health and Safety Plan coincides with our Technical Approach/Work Plan procedures that has been utilized in the many Household Hazardous Waste Collection events serviced by Radiac. Having more than five years experience in collection events, thousands of residents have been serviced, without one single incident. The overall safety ofthe general public and the environment begins wibh sound systems and procedures that have been tested and proven, with additional support from an efficient Health and Safety Plan. The best Health and Safety Plan starts with an extensive evaluation of the most remote possibility of an incident. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Given the fact that residents will transport their household hazardous wastes to the designated collection site, upon arrival, Radiac's Health and Safety Plan will be implemented as follows: Traffic cones and stanchions will be placed on-site to direct traffic flow. Radiac personnel will instruct and direct the flow of automobiles. The number of residents on-site will be maintained at a minimum at all times. No residents will be permitted beyond the designated reception area nor will drive-through residents be permitted to leave the immediate vicinity of their automobile. All hazardous waste will be removed from the automobile with four-wheel, chemical resistant carts having a gross capacity of 400 pounds and a containment capacity of 4.5 gallons for spillage. A team consisting of a graduate chemist and/or environmental specialist and a chemical technician will receive and inspect all wastes at the resident's vehicle. Upon completing their inspection and approval, the waste will be transferred to segregation area. A designated Emergency Response Cart will be assigned to the reception area and will contain the following supplies. A. Absorbent Material B. Fire Extinguisher C. Small Shovel and Broom D. Mercury Vapor Absorbent Kit E. Acid Spill Kit F. Caustic Spill Kit G. Chemical Respirators H. Rubber Gloves I. Protective Gloves J. Plastic Bags K. First Aid Kit No smoking will be permitted in the designated receiving or waste storage area. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10. 11. 12. 13. In the unlikely event of an on-site spill, most spills will be limited to small containers. Depending upon the severity of the incident, Radiac will implement the following procedures: Depending on the severity of the incident and upon consultation with the designated County representative, Radiac's on-site coordinator may request evacuation. If downwind of incident, evacuation will be perpendicular to the wind direction over the most accessible route. If upwind of incident, evacuation will be in the upwind direction. If evacuation is not required, all non-emergency response personnel will be requested to leave the immediate spill area, whereupon Radiac personnel will commence spill containment and decontamination procedures. Upon donning full personal protective clothing and appropriate respiratory equipment (if required) the residual hazardous material will be removed from the spill area in a procedural manner suitable to the chemical and physical characteristics of the spilled material. After removal and re-packaging of the waste, the containment area will be decontaminated. All decontamination agents and/or spill-cleanup supplies will be packaged and disposed as hazardous waste. At the chemistry table, three (3) inch absorbent booms will be placed and secured around the entire perimeter of the table, providing containment and immediate absorption in the event of a spill. In addition, at the paint segregation and consolidation table all devices for opening the paint can will be non-sparking, therefore reducing the changes of potential ignition of the material. (See Paint Bulking Procedures) All consolidation funnels and paint spinner devices will be secured on each drum to decrease the potential of accidental spillage. The management of all material brought on site will be performed in compliance with Federal, State, City, D.O.T. and Radiac Rules and Regulations. The entire packaging area will be covered with a 5 mil impervious liner to safeguard against ground contamination in the unlikely event of a spill. Depending upon the contour of the site, additional absorbent berms will be constructed with respect to ground slope to protect the surrounding area from any spill runoff, if applicable. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14. 15. 16. To assure that non-compatible wastes are stored apart from one another, there will be a separate sorting table for each hazard classification in the packaging area. All employees involved with the collection event will be wearing safety glasses, steel-tip safety shoes and chemical resistant gloves. Any employee involved with consolidating will wear Hepa-filter equipped respirators, full body-suit tyveks along with a full-face safety shield. A portable and/or mobile phone will be available on-site to contact outside emergency support personnel such as police, fire, medical and emergency response teams, if required. I LIST OF LICENSES/PERMITS FOR RADIAC RESEARCH CORP. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ISSUING AGENCY Federal E.P.A. NYS D.E.C. NYS D.E.C. N.J.D.E.P.E. Connecticut D.E.C. Pennsylvania D.E.R. Massachusetts D.E.P. New York State Dept of Labor Federal N.R.C. Public Utility Commission of Ohio State of Tennessee D.E.C. State of Tennessee D.E.C. State of Florida D.E.P. State of Alabama D.E.M. State of Michigan D.N.R. State of Kansas D.H.E. State of Kentucky D.E.P. ACTIVITY EPA Activity Permit TSD Facility Lic. Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Radioactive Materials Lic. Radioactive Materials Lic. Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Radioactive Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter LIC. NUMBER NYD049178296 20-86-0035 2A-004 0-1102 CT-HW-171 PA-AH-S007 240 1944-1979 31-1728-01 Letter Authorization dated 10/16/95 NYD04-917-8296 T-NYO1 l-L00 NYD049-178-296 NYD049-178-296 Letter Authorization dated 10/16/95 NYD049178296 NYD049178296 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I State of Texas N.R.C. State of New Hampshire D.E.S. State of Delaware DNR Government of Quebec Ministry of Environment State of Maryland D.E.P. State of Illinois E.P.A. State of Missouri D.N.R State of Minnesota State of Nevada State of West Virginia State of South Carolina RSPA P.A. Turnpike State of Virginia North Dakota ICC Permit US DOT Quebec Authority State of California State of Wisconsin Ontario Authority Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Hazmat Transporter Haz-Waste Transporter Haz-Waste Transporter Haz-Waste Transporter UPW00167580H Haz-Waste Transporter Haz-Mat Transporter Haz-Waste Transporter Haz-Waste Transporter Haz-Waste Transporter Haz-Waste Transporter Haz-Waste Transporter Authorization letter THN-0226 DE-HW-476 7610-06-01-026 53101117288 HWH075 4133 H-2207 Uniform Program UPW00167580H Uniform Program UPW00167580H Uniform Program NYD049178296 070198851037G NYD049178296 WH-632 MC295562 016758 9-M-325346 3759 16258 125557 I I I I I I I. I. I I I I I I I I I J~ahn p, Cahll! hb'. Jolul Toki~t, Sr., Prcaldcnl ~Radia~ Research Co~oration 261 Ken~ Avenue Dear Mr. Teldn' Thlt lener ~x411 eordlrm thai ll. adiac h~ timely mbmi.I ed a renewal all Information requegts put ro~'ard by the Oepa~men{ and tl~t Radiae P, Gallay Thomas Weal, /~l~i~lanl Regianal Atlorney I I I I I I I I E~A I.D. No: IqYD049178296 Marc]] 30, 1994 I I I I I I -"---J AIllcla 15, Tills 5: ~-'~1 A,flcla 15, Tills . Waist j-i-'---J ^dlcla 15, Tiffs 15: Water Transpml Long )sla~d Wells ~ AHIcJ~ J5 Tills 27: · · . Wild, Scenic and flecrealJonal J33 Arllcle ]7. TIIles 7, SPDE$ ~---J ArlJcle Air ?ellullm] Control gMIcI. ~3. Tllle 27: Mined ~nd Reclamation Freshwale( Wallanda ~ Arllcle 25: Tidal Wellaflds ~ Arllcle 27, Tills 7: 6~YCflfl 360: J261 ]Cent Avenue, ~rooklyn, NY 11211 ~18 1963-2233 corrosive, reac~ivs, i ' ' ." l up-G- "~.0..,, . %~ ,' . , d I I I I I I I I NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZ. A~D(~US MATERI~AJ.S PART 364 WASTE TRANSPORTER PERMIT NO. ~04 PERMIT ISSUED TO: PERMIT TYPE: RADIAC RESEARCH CORP 251 KENT AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11241 [] NEW · RENEWAL [] MODIFICATION I I I I I I I I I I CONTACT NAME: COUNTY: TELEPHONE NUMBER: ART GREEN UNKNOWN 718,963.2233 .... -AUTHOR[ZED WASTE TYPES: The Permlttae ia Authorized to Transport the Following Waste Type(s): Non-He~ardc~ua Indu~al/CommercJal Petroleum Contaminated Sail Oreaae Trap Waste Hazaldou~ In d u~rlal~ornrnen:~al Waste Oil Medical EFFECTIVE DATE: EXPIRATION DATE: US EPA ID NUMBER: 05/01/2002 04~3Q/2003 NYD049178296 AUTHORIZED VEHICLES: The Permittee is Authorized to Operate the Following Vehiolea to Transport Waste: (VehJc~$ encJcaad In o'a am authorized to haul aeptaga onJy) TWENTY (20) PERMll ll=~ VEHICLE(S) NY '14127PA NY 50001H NY 272088A NY 5e3~R NY 284717A NY 68699AN NY 284718A NY ESOOSR NY 284719A NY 9~859K NY 284720A NY AA89397 NY 2B4721A NY PC,4339 NY 54914N NY pC4340 NY 54915N NY PDS070 NY 54916N NY RP22.13 End of List NOTE: By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the Environmental Conservation Law, all applicable regulations, and the General Conditions printed on the back of this page. PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR: Peter M. Pettit ADDRESS: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Solid & H~ardous Materials - Waste Transporter Program 525 Broadway, 9th Floor Albany, NY 12233-7253 AUTHORIZED 6IGNATU~F=; ~--'-'~ Date: ~,./ / /'~ ACOR CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ~ 01106/04 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MAT'FER OF INFORMATION bRogal & Hamilton Co of NY ONLY AND CONFER'= NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE I1 Avenue of The Americas HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. :h Floor (HRH) New York, NY 10036 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # IORED INSURER^: Greenwich Insurance Co. 22322 Radiac Research Cor~.o dlbla INSURER E: State Insurance Fund 36102 Radlac Environmental Services INSURER C: i 261 Kent Avenue INSURER D; Brooklyn, NY 11211 INSURER E: COVERAGES ~THE POLICIES OF tNSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTAN~)ING NY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CON'I~ACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT W1TH RESPECT TO V~HICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR ~(~L C ES. AGGREGATE L M TS EHOW/~ MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CL~IMS, AY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDIT ONE OF SUCH GE.~NBRAL LIABILITY GEC000007803 01101/04 01101105 EACHCCCURRENCE $1 000~000 -- GENERAL AGGREGATE s2~O00~O00 AU~TOMOBILE LIABILITY AEC000007904 01/01104 01101/05 EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIAB&LI?Y UEC000008303 01101104 01/01105 E~CH CCCURRENCE $4~000~000 X I OCCUR [] CL^IMS MADE AGGREGATE s4,000,000 X RETENTION $10t000 S WORKERS COMPENSATION ^NB WEC000016003 01/01104 01101105 ;X wC STATU- I ER ~MRLOYERS' U^ErLIT¥ 4825352 11/13103 11113/04 E.L. EACH ^CCIDENT $1001000 OTHER * Pollution PEC000008003 01101/04 01101/05 Each Loss: $1,000,000 j Liability Aggregate: $2,000,000 CERTIFICATE HOLDER FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY CANCELLATION {2001108) I of 2 #S770301M76366 MAH ~ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I METHOD FOR PACKAGING The following packaging methods will be used for all material received on the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day. CONSOLIDATION Oil Paints Motor Oil Antifreeze Non-Halogenated Solvents (Gas, Thinner, Kerosene) LOOSE-PACK CONTAINERIZATION Aerosols Latex Paints Asbestos Adhesives/Resins Button, Nickel, Cadmium, Household Batteries LAB-PACK CONTAINERIZATION Reactives Acids/Bases Oxidizers Solid/Liquid Pesticides and Poisons Halogenated Solvents Non-Halogenated Solvents (Toluene, Xylene) PALLETIZATION Automotive/Acid Batteries I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I METHODS OF DISPOSAL Pursuant to Radiac~ sequence of disposal methodsl~e ultimate process of each accepted waste is listed below. Oil Paints Automobile Batteries Button, Nickel Cadmium, Dry Cell Batteries Motor Oil Antifreeze Halogenated-Non Halogenated Solvent Solid/Liquid Pesticides and Poisons Aerosol Cans Acids/Bases Reactives Asbestos Adhesives and Resins Oxidizers Recycling/Fuel Blending Recycling Recycling Secure Landfill Recycling Recycling/Treatment Recycling/Fuel Blending Treatment/Incineration Deactivation/Fuel Blending Treatment Incineration Secure Landfill Fuel Blending Treatment I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OPERATIONAL PLAN/PROCEDURES/POLICIES The successful comple'don of a HHWCD is dependant upon a working guideline which will incorporate an overall operation plan with a standard procedure that will meet the demands ofthe event. The working guidelines for a HHWCD must be flex',ble enough to meet the demands of such a mass',ve dynamic public event yet specific enough to be used as a guidance document for such highly technical operations that which emcompass, public interviewing with chemical identification, segregation, packaging and transportation. The overall procedures for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day will be conducted as follows: one area in two lines, side by side with trunks ajar. a. Resident vehicles will approach the collect Evaluation/approval chemists and/or technicians will be positioned in the receiving area to unload four vehicles at one time. Although it is often unsuccessful, residents will be asked to remain in their cars while the approval chemist and technicians examine the wastes on a chemical laboratory cart. If resident assistance is required to properly identify the waste, the chemist may interview the resident at the driver's window. In either case, Radiac employees are well rehearsed on the day's activities and will utilize professional etiquette to minimize the wandering of residents from their vehicles. Receiving personnel will then cart the identified waste to its respective consolidation packaging area. Consolidation and packing personnel will then distribute the waste within its specific areas; i.e., latex, oil, base paint; corrosive, oxidizer, etc. Packaging chemist and technicians will then package/consolidate the waste in accordance with all state, federal, and disposal site guidelines, as well as, the contractual agreements between Radiac and the county. Assistant technicians will then secure all waste containers with their respective lids, rings and bolts, apply the necessary waste identification labels and remove the containers to the staging area where the shipment technicians will load the waste trailers. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPILL AND LEAK CONTINGENCY PLAN As stated in Radiac's Health and Safety Plan, the entire packaging area will be covered with a 5 mil impervious liner to safeguard against ground contamination in the unlikely event of a spill, and a 3" chemical absorbent berm will be constructed with respect to ground slope to protect the surrounding area from any spill runoff. In the unlikely event of an on-site spill, most spills will be limited to small containers. Depending upon the severity of the incident, Radiac will implement the following procedures: The on-site coordinator may request evacuation. If downwind of incident evacuation will be perpendicular to the wind direction over the most accessible route. If uowind of incident, evacuation will be in the upwind direction. If evacuation is not required, all non-emergency response personnel will be requested to leave the immediate spill area, whereupon Radiac personnel will commence spill containment and decontamination procedures. Upon donning full personal protective clothing and appropriate respiratory equipment (if required) the residual hazardous material will be moved from the spill area in a procedural manner suitable to the chemical and physical characteristics of the spilled material. After removal and re-packaging of the waste, the containment area will be decontaminated. All decontamination agents and/or spill-cleanup supplies will be packaged and disposed as hazardous waste. In the event that resident arrives on-site with an item such as Picric Acid which is potentially explosive, Radiac would implement the following procedures: Radiac Project Manager and Project Chemist would determine the safest and quickest way to isolate the material in a place away from the collection area. If determined to be necessary the local Haz-Mat Emergency response personnel would be called in to handle the material as they determine to be necessary, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If determined that the material Picric Acid is in a acceptable form for the disposal site i.e. not explosive, the material will be properly categorized, labeled and packaged for disposal by Radiac. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR ENFORCEMENT HISTORY New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Docket # WP-065-85 The above Department alleged that Radiac Research Corp. released certain materialto Horwith Trucks, Inc. for disposal at a facility operated by BDT Corporation. Radiac was licensed to dispose of the material at the BDTfacility. Horwith was licensed to transport the material released to it, but was not authorized to transport it to BDT facility. Because Horwith was transporting the material for Radiac, which was licensed to dispose of such material at the BDT facility, a serious question existed as to whether in fact there was a violation of New York State Law. In order to avoid prolonged proceedings, the matter was disposed of by a consent order, in August 1985, which provided in part: "Respondent [Radiac] having neither admitted nor denied the violation as set forth in this order ***." Radiac paid a $250.00 fine. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, Docket Cf 88-152 On or about June 11, 1987 Radiac Research Corp. filed an application to renew its license to transport hazardous waste in Massachusetts. In said application it inadvertently failed to list the above described Consent Order issued by New York State. Solely as result of said failure, and not by reason of any act in connection with the transportation of hazardous waste, Massachusetts issued an order dated April 11, 1988 suspending the said license for one month. Radiac filed a claim for Adjudicatory Hearing to appeal form said order, which filing stayed suspens'~on. In order to avo'.d the expense and time involved in litigation, a consent order dated June 1, 1990 was issued which provide in part: "** this Consent Order shall not constitute, be construed as, or operate as an ad mission that Radiac has violated any law or regulation or otherwise committed a broach of duty at any time, and shall not constitute, in this proceeding or any other proceeding or litigation or otherwise, any evidence or implication of any such violation or breach of duty." Radiac paid a civil administrative penalty of $1000, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN The execution and ultimate completion of Household Hazard Waste Collection Day requires a Waste Management Plan that begins with the acceptance of the waste and concludes with the ultimate recycling, processing or disposal. An outline of Radiac's proposed Waste Management Plan is indicated in the following discussion. Waste Determination, Segregation, Packaging Plan 1. Waste Determination The chemist or environmental scientist will inspect the containers label and determine the hazard classification of the waste. If the waste is not listed on Radiac's enclosed Unacceptable Material List and confirmed to be household waste or waste excluded from regulations under 6NYCRR Part 364, said waste will be accepted from the resident. 2. Segregation The segregation of waste will be primarily according to Department of Transportation waste hazard classifications. Additional segregation may be required pursuant to ultimate site criteria, if applicable. All segregation commences upon receipt from the resident and ultimately finalized atthe sorting area. The segregated waste will be classified, packaged, labeled and removed in accordance with the enclosed Methods of Packaging and the requirements of 6NYCRR Part 372.2 and 372.3. All waste will be transported pursuant to Radiac's NYSDEC and New York City Fire Department Permits for transportation of flammable liquids. All Radiac drivers are NYCFD certified. 3. Procedures for Handling Paints I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All wastes will be distributed to the respective processing facilities on the Facility List, for final disposition as indicated in the Methods of Manaqing. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNACCEPTABLE MATERIAL The following is the list of wastes which will not be accepted, and the instructions that will be given to people who come to the collection with unacceptable wastes. A. 2,4,5, T and derivatives B. Dioxin and derivatives C. Pentachlorophenol and derivatives D. Kepone and derivatives E. Explosives a munitions F. Infectious waste G. Unknowns Instructions to Residents for Handlin(~ Unacceptable Material Should any of the above materials be brought to the collection, participants will be informed of the hazard characteristics associated with the waste; why the waste is unacceptable; and what recommended safety precautions should be taken. Exceptional Waste Listed below are materials that Radiac can accept under certain conditions. A. PCBs Light ballasts and small capacitors from white good products. B. Radioactive - Radiac is a fully licensed transporter and storage facility for radioactives as well as chemicals. It has been our experience on collection days for people to arrive with smoke detectors which Radiac will accept. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JAMES 9UNCHUCK SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR P.O. Box 96~ Cutchogue, Hew York 1193&-0962 Tel: (631) 734-7685 Fnx: (631) 734-7976 d~town, ~outhold.ny.us SOUTHOLD TOWN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT FAX TRANSMITTAL Number of pages including this sheet: 9 DATE: 01/15/04 TO: Ronald J. Vignone, Jr. Radiac Environmental Service FROM: Val Meyer Senior Account Clerk FAX#: 1.718.9~I-3~, MESSAGE: Town of Southold Oept of Solid Waste is going out to bid for Household Hazardous Waste Disposal for 2004. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the above telephone number. Thank you. For verification or questions please call 631-734-7685. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTICE IS IIEREB¥ GIVEN, in ;Iccor(hu~¢e with the provisilms of geclion 103 of Iht (jcncr~l Mur,icipld t.aw. ti*al scaled bids are sought and reqllesled for Iht Removal and Disposal of Ilousehold Ilazar0ous Waste for Calendar Yezr 2004 from Ibc Southold Town CollcctJm~ Center, [route dS, Cutchoguc, New York, all in accorda~tce with gcdcral, state, and local rcgulalions Specifications may bt obtained al tl~e Office of ' iht fown Clerk, Town of Southokl, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, 5outhold, New York · '. Thc s~al~d bids, Ioselbcr with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and ba~ dra~ or ccrlificd check in thc amount ol'$100.00, will bc received by thc Town Clerk o~tl~ q'ox~ n ol'Sot~thohl, al. lhc Southokl Town Ilall, 53005 Main Rowel. Sm~thol(I, New Y~),'k I Ig71, unlil 10:00 A.M., ,Jnnunry 2~, 200d ~t which fim~ they will be opened aod rttitl ~doud in ptd~lic. Thc 'lown Botu-d of thc I'own (ff ~oulbold reserves Ibc righl lo rejc~l an~ .' a,d all bids anti lO waive any ~md all infi,'malilice m any bid shooed il be deemed in'lh~ bcsl i,flc]'csl to do All bios must be signed and scaJed iii envelopes plailfly marked "Bid on ..' II~znrtlous Waste gomovnl", ami submiltcd to thc Office of the Town Clerk. Thc bi0 price shall nol include any tax, Ibdcral, 3111lc, Or local, I¥om which thc Town of ~oulbolU s exempt. I)atcd: ,Ijl~ltiJlry 12, 2004 SOU'II.IOLI) TOWN ( I,I,RK PI,EASE I'UIII,ISII ON .IANUAII¥ 15, 20(14. AND FORWAIID ()NE (I) AFI;I I)AVIT OF PUBI .ICATION TO EI,IZABF.'I'II A. NEVI I,I.E, TOWN CIA~,P,K~ TOWN IIAI,I,~ I'O BOX 1179, SOI/TI'IOI,D, NY 11971. ('opics lo (he Ibllmving: Thc Sul'lblk Times Town Allomey Brown's I,eller$ 'l'ow~ Clerk's gullctm [)oard 'l'owet Board Membcr,g [)()<Igc Reports Burrelle's Information Services Solid Waste Coordioator I:hu'~cht~ck I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STATEMENT OF INTENT AND SPECIFICATIONS SERVICES TO TIlE TOWN OF SOUTHOI,D FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSA [, elF It IOUS EHOLD IIAZARDOUS WASTES (I-! H W) L_. INTENT The Town of Southold holds several household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-offdays (hereinafter called "Events") each year for Ibc convenience of its residents. Thc intent of this bid proposal is to secure one (I) chemical waste contractor to provide HHW collection, remora), and disposal services to the Town of Southold in connection wilh thc. holding of these events. A. Contractor- Thc chemical waste hauler who is providing the services for the.T0wn,, of Southold. ." ' ,* ' B. HHW- Thc acronym for Household Hazardous Waste and is the term which ~hall ' ' include ali pesticides and other chemicals or otherwise harmful or potentially . ' harmful waste originating only from residential homes as defined in 6 NYcR,R *' · Part 366. Such ltlll W items shall only bo accepted from residential generalors; not from commercial establishments. C. EVENT -The Icrm given for one or more specially d~ignated 'HHW Drop-Off' ' Days,' wherein Town residents may deliver their HHW to a location where it will be collected tbr proper removal and disposal, such collection point to bc at a time and place to be determincd by thc Town. D. RCRA -the acronym for the Resource Conservation and Recover Act of 1976 and subsequent amendments and re-authorizations. !1!. GENERAL D£SCRIPTIO_N OF sERV.ICES REOUEST Services requested by the Town through this bid include: (al the knowledge, management skills, personnel equipment, vehicles, and any other · · resources necessary to staff sod operate periodic HHW Events wherein the contractor will receive, prepare, log, pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contraclor by residents, at a time and place to be determined by tl~'e T~own; and (b) appropriate eight (8) or forty (4t)) hour OSHA hazardous materials training for Town personnel as may be requested by the Town. Wastes to be accepted by the contractor at Events shall include at a minimum those listed I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J'l~c 'l'~Wn will pmvi,.Ic' J~ smlnblc Ioc,atJon Jm Town properly fbr nil Ere'his, Ihu'h~g the 2U03 c.lemh~r year. the I'mvn cxpecls U~ hr)Id six (6? HIIW Ifvcnls ~1 JHIcJ~ills ~q)proxim~Hely 2 fl~o~lhs Specific dines ~ill he coordinated wilh die t'olllraclOl', all EvunL~' .'ill h~. held tm ,$ohu'd~(t'y 'Iht firs~ I%'cm is expccled Io he ft~ February 'l'l~e ]'own reserves Ihe l'igJl(h) hohJ m(~rc or less ](veto days. as it may (Icom ncccssary;m)d 'lhe COllll'~lClOy will ~llill'[llll/~.' to j)lc'widc i)ail~ls, IJllllllC't'S. illld olhcr tike iIRIII5 illlP drkllllS Io IHL' cxl~;llt pr;Idic;Ihlt', J)L'lUrlllillill~ IJ)C J~';l~ihiJily COIIIJlIIICl S p~ssihlc 4. J~llSHte Ih;il all cni~l~HnCl'$ H~C~I ~o Ir;ll~Sl~orl IllIW collcclcd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B ) fidly m accordance with US Departmcnl of'rransporlation (DOT) regul~tion~ goverm,]~ the rrm)sport of ha~rdotls 5. Tr;msp~rt hud di~l~OSc or said conlail~ers of t]}tW lo/hi thc appropriale hagardous waste trealmcnt, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF) in ~ordanc~ wid~ all 'FOWl~, (7otlnly, Slain, tis I OT, aud US ~nvironmenh~l Prutection Agency ~USEPA) slanda~s, rules r~guJalions. 6. ~uanm~ee Ih~ prosence at each J:wnt ora sufficient number ofquali~ed employees, including ~he necessary supervi~o~ p~rsomlel, Irained i p.ropur ha~dlmg t~JIHW materials to be collected al an Evenl. . :' 7. Provide proo~of ~11 necessary local, sla~, and ~ederal pennils and iden(ificatio, numbers pursuant lo (h~ handling, managemer~t, ., ,. Irarlspo~'tatiot~. and disposal ot'1111W flor less IJIRI1 two (2) weeks prmr't thc exccttt,oll (}fil Ct)lllTilct with thc 'J'o~n ot'Southold, . . 8 Provide iu~l complele any applicnlions, pel'tl)its, mmtil~sls, cel'lific~tio0s, ,, represc~d;dions, o' i wcnl ~ry c( ~trOI logs pursuanl lo the IltlW Collected" or to be collected at att Event. 9, Complete ajay I*rc-Evc,~l filings or notilicalions to any local slate, or '. I~deral agencies thai miry bc required. '1 raining A thc low ~ s cq cs, ff~e c~}nlrltcD~r will providc eight (8) hoLIr uptlale trail)Jug or a I~tll [bfly (40) hour 0' fining course as ot[lline(t troller Ibc I~(leral occtlpalional SaFety a~ld Ileallh Admmistralion guidelines Ibr those involved m h;mdlin~ hazardous materials on the lob, (bt any empJoyce(s) desig~saled by thc Town. Ail training will iuclude the proper procedures I) idea)lifting and segrcgzuing IIIIW; 2) Ihe IWOper hll)cling and preparation of{lrun)s orl II IW Ibr shipn~cul; 3) respondin~ Io cmcrgcncy expo,sure pf~d/or si)ill 'rraining fi~r a,~y ']'ow]! persom~el shall be provided pursuant to New York Stale I)ep~rh'nent of Labor a.t~d Fed,.:ral OSHA regulalions. Jt sllalt i))cJude procedures for handlin8 I~azardous wastes as well as thc proper use of sal'¢ty equipment in a ~11}111~1~1' thai is i*,'olectivc' of Ihe r~.hlic ht:;illh lll]d well','~rc, al~d tim ell¥il'OIItl](~llt. o?dekof TOWN CLERK'. TOWN OF ~SOUTHOLD Amount ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~- ~ ,1~ ~ ~l ~ 0 ~ 0 C ~ N -~' ~ 0.8. Dollars I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BIDPROPOS~L .CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEAR Z004 Bidder's Nmne 261 Kent Avenue Address Brooklyn NY 11211 City State Zip (718)963-223 Telephone TO THE TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD In compliance with your advertisement for bids to be opened at Town of Southold ' ·" and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned her. eby,~ .' * proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized in this proposal jq accordance with the Notice to Bidders. General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices: CIlEMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR INOTE: DRUM COUNTS ARE ACTUAL DRUMS OF HHW COLLECTED IN, FIVE (5) 2003 IIHW EVENTS FOR EACH CATEGORY SHOWN. THEY ARE (;IVEN AS A REFt:RENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAl, MATERIALS COI,I,ECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR LESS DRUMS, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COLLECTION DAYS IS IMPI,IED. TIlE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITH REGARD TO THE TOTAl, AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO cor, I, ECT IN 2004,] ITEM. DESCRIPTION Removal of Drums - price per fifty-five (55) gallon drum of each of the following collected wastes: CoulI| a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected flammable liquids: 1. Bulk Flammable liquids ipaints and thinners, pour out of containers) 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids $ L_) ,, 24 $.ff~l 55 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack flammable solids: c) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison liquid: d) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison solid: e) price per fiRy-five gallon drum o£ lab pack acid liquid: 0 price per fifty-five gallon dram of lab pack alkaline liquid; g) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack corrosive solid: h) oxidizers:Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack i) price per fifty-five gallon drum ofcollected aerosols: price per fifty.five gallon d~m of collated envi~nmentally hazardous solid- Mixed Household batteries: k) I) price per filly-five gallon drum ofcoUectcd environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk anti-freeze: price per fifty-five gallon drum of collcctcd non-regulated HHW: Mobilization -Dcmobilization as specified (price per event) $ ~1~5.OO This is a two (2) year contract, January I, 2004 through December 31,2005. This bid proposal, as presented, shall be returned in tact. I0 I0 12 3 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Printed Name Assistant Operations Manager Title Radiac Research Corp. Company Name 261 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. !12.1/" Address ....... '" '~ " ' (718)963-2233 :. '' Company Phone -' ', 'i ~' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIirlCATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted withoul collusion with any other ve,dor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids. and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor. to its best knowledge and belief, by any of ils employees ot agents, to any person not an employee or agent of ' the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of.!hp. ,.~ (Signed) .: .. ,.. (Corporate Title) ~. . (ifm~y) Assistant Operations Manager. ,'.. - Printed Name Ronald J. ~g.~.o_~.e.~_.Jr. Company Name Radiac Research Corp. Bid on DISPOSAL OF E~OUS~:I.IOLD tlIA~ARDOUS WASTES 2004