HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-11/15/2005 LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Regular Meeting held Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Members Present: John Sepenoski Craig Arm Eric Keil Fred Lee (left 9:15 p.m.) Ray Huntington Members Absent: Ray Blum, Michelle Zaloom Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Tim Caufield, Peconic Land Trust Vice President Commencement: ?? The meeting began at 7:10 p.m. with five LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: ?? Adoption of minutes from November 1, 2005 MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by Craig Arm, to accept minutes of the November 1, 2005 meeting. Motion carried 5/0. Applications: ?? SHUR PROPERTY [executive session]: SCTM #: 1000-94-3-1.6 Location: 4050 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck Total Acreage: 16.71 acres (GIS 17.11 acres) Zoned: A-C & R-80 FWet: 0 MWet: 0 CPF: Yes Peconic Land Trust gave update on status. Reviewed amended appraisal and offer. [executive session] Tim Caufield gave update on status. New information surfaced that covenants & restrictions exist limiting further subdivision of property to three lots. Adjacent property owner (Arrieta) may be interested in purchasing restricted land. New information surfaced that appraiser was not aware of in making his report and an amended appraisal became necessary. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The members entered into Amended appraisal reviewed by LPC members and previously made offer discussed. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Offer amount to remain the same as previously determined by LPC members. LPC discussed structure restrictions and decided not to restrict either landowner, or adjacent landowner, if project plan as discussed is acceptable to all parties. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The members re- entered into ?? ARRIETA PROPERTY [executive session]: SCTM #: 1000-94-3-1.3 Location: n/s Oregon Rd, Mattituck Total Acreage: ±12.5 acres (GIS 12.45 acres) Zoned: A-C FWet: 0 acres MWet: 0 CPF: Yes Retroactive Motion re: appraisal process [executive session] Reviewed offer if appraisal has been submitted. [executive session] MOTION made by Craig Arm, seconded by John Sepenoski, to direct Melissa Spiro to commission an appraisal on the subject property. Motion carried 5/0. ?? SHALVEY PROPERTY [executive session]: SCTM #: 1000-84-2-2.1 Location: 5200 Bridge La, Cutchogue (n/e corner of Bridge & CR48) Total Acreage: ±19.945 acres PDR Acreage: ±16.13 acres Zoned: A-C CPF: Yes Reviewed updated appraisal letter. [executive session] Update to appraisal and subsequent offer increase was done at request of committee rather than the landowner due to known increases in appraisal values, and prior to contract execution. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Craig Arm, to present an increase in offer per buildable acre to the landowners, leaving all other details of previous motion made “as is”. Motion carried 4/0. (Fred Lee absented and recused himself from all discussions on this project.) END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION ?? JOHNSON PROPERTY (Johnson/PLT easement): SCTM #: 1000-184-1.3 Location: 27153 Route 25, Orient Total Acreage: ±16.89 acres PDR Acreage: ±14 easement gifted to PLT; ±2 acres remain to preserve Zoned: R-80 FWet: 0 MWet: 0 CPF: - Peconic Land Trust gave update on status. Tim Caufield reported that community fund raising going slow for this project and his hope that project will be realized through financial assistance from grants and the Peconic Land Trust revolving fund. LPC reiterated its intention to participate in this project that would result in Peconic Land Trust owning fee title and the Town of Southold owning the development rights easement on the building area in addition to the area with current PLT easement. There is a possibility that if this project closes, the farmland could be leased as affordable farmland in an apprenticeship program. Inquiries: ?? GILLISPIE PROPERTY (towards Orient Point): SCTM #: 1000-20-3-4.1 Location: Route 25, Orient Total Acreage: ±15.6 acres Peconic Land Trust discussed property. Tim Caufield explained that Peconic Land Trust has an easement on the wetlands area of the Gillispie property including an adjacent easement now or formerly of Joyce Terry. Landowners thought that entire parcel was protected, but only wetlands area protected. LPC members responded favorably to preserving additional acreage if landowner is interested in selling development rights to the Town. Tim to discuss with landowner and will report back to committee. ?? JOHN SCOTT III PROPERTY: SCTM #: 1000-75-6-3 Location: 43540 Route 25 (corner of Wells Ave), Peconic Total Acreage: ±7 acres (GIS 6.72 acres) Zoned: R-80 FWet: 0 MWet: 1.34 CPF: Yes Discussed property and outreach. Ray Blum, after having met with landowner, requested that Melissa review development potential of this property and suggest to LPC members that outreach be made to landowner for the purchase of fee title by presenting a reasonable purchase offer subject to said consideration being supported by an appraisal, clear title, survey, etc. Melissa’s review was inconclusive as it is unknown if parcel is 7 or <7 acres, which factor would determine if clustering would be required. Determining yield is also inconclusive without having information that is obtained from an actual survey. LPC members present were favorable to purchasing property as open space. Protection of this parcel may also have stormwater run-off benefit as well as scenic vista to Richmond Creek. A “ball park” purchase price was agreed upon to suggest to landowner for purchase of fee title, provided same is supported by an appraisal, survey and clear title. Bargain sale aspect should also be discussed with landowner if landowner feels that suggested purchase price is too low. ?? CABERON PROPERTY (Cedars Golf): SCTM # 1000-109-6-15 Location: 765 (e/s) Case’s Lane, Cutchogue Total Acreage: ±6.9 acres Zoned: R-40 CPF: n/a SCTM # 1000-109-5-16.1 Location: 450 (s/s) Cedars Road, Cutchogue Total Acreage: ±6.7 acres Zoned: A-C CPF: n/a Discussed inquiry made by landowner. Information for contract preparation for sale of development rights went to LPC’s attorney this date with notice that documents to be held until contract language concerning future use of property is reviewed and approved by LPC and Town Board. In the meantime, an inquiry was made by landowner for possibility of Town purchasing fee title to property rather than a development rights easement This inquiry will be further discussed with both LPC and Town Board when reviewing contract documents. ADDITION TO AGENDA: Application: ?? CARROLL PROPERTY (Pipes Cove area): SCTM #: 1000- 53-3-2 Location: Pipes Neck Road, Greenport Total Acreage: ±10.8 acres (GIS = 10.89 acres) Zoned: R-80 Subdividable: NZ FWet: 0 MWet: 8.0 CPF: Yes Status Report. Melissa relayed information received from Randy Parsons via telephone. Landowners signed letter of interest to preserve their property. As previously instructed by LPC members, Randy obtained cost estimates for two appraisals on subject property. Town will pay for one, The Nature Conservancy will pick up cost for other as two appraisals are needed if County participation in this project is acceptable. RETURN TO AGENDA General: EXECUTIVE SESSION. The members re-entered into ?? Melissa Spiro’s status report [executive session status of offers] Confidential status report was handed out but not discussed. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION ?? Appraisal/Bargain Sale discussion. Due to time, Tim Caufield will hold discussion at a future meeting when all LPC members have possession of their “package” that was distributed by Tim at a previous LPC meeting. rd ?? Land Tracking Report for 3 Quarter of 2005 rd 3 Quarter Land Tracking Report of 2005 that was presented to Town Board was distributed to LPC members. John Sepenoski gave a summarized report and explanation of tracking information contained in report. Ray Huntington applauded John’s detailed tracking system and provided members with a NFEC graphic made from some information obtained from the Town’s tracking report. Ray also discussed NFEC’s “2.1 goal”. Informational: ?? Flower Hill Town Board Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. ?? Ag Forum to be held in Riverhead, January 19 & 20, 2006. Melissa is unable to attend as planned and Fred Lee will filling in for Melissa’s 5-minute presentation with assistance from John Sepenoski. Ray Huntington was asked to man the Town’s Land Preservation booth. Next Regular Meeting: ?? Tuesday, December 13, 2005,5:00 The next regular meeting will be held on at p.m. (dinner meeting). If necessary, additional meetings will be scheduled for Tuesday, November 29, 2005 and/or Tuesday, December 6, 2005. Adjournment: MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by Craig Arm, to adjourn this meeting. ?? The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m. by four remaining members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Secretary