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Last Meeting Indexed: 12/22/98 page 314 Abandonment, Certificate of---261 Abele, John J.---209 AC District---85 Acampora, Nicholas---10 Acampora, Patricia---10,17,145,308 Accessory Buildings, Permits for---215 Account Clerk, Senior--291 ACCOUNTING DEPT:--- Comptroller, Town---62,92,184-185,217,291,292 General---1,4,11,14,310 Acquisition of Land---97,123,129,217,221,263,274-275 Addamo, John---171 Adler, Herb---156 Administration and Enforcement Officers---225-226,263 Administration, Community Development Block Grant---270 Aerial Photographs---226 Ag-Bag Compost System---96,124,128 Agricultural Advisory Committee---11,70,210 Agricultural Zoning---181 Airport, FI---1,5,35,206 Airport, Mattituck---291 Airport Improvement Program Grants---206 Airport Improvement Program Master Agreement---206 Alarm, Burglar---260 Albro, Bill---204 Alcohol and Drug Testing Policy---32 All American Fuel Co.---259 Allen, Rosie---91 Amateur Radio Operations---217,254,263,302-303 American Legion:--- Griswold, Terry, Glover Post---13,159,257 Raymond Cleaves Post # 861---220, America Recycles Day---88 Amrhein, Ann----22 Anders, Fred---251 Animal Shelter---88-89,261 Animal Welfare League, North Fork---88-89,92,204,261 Annual Hands Across the Bays Beach Clean Up---93 Anti-Bias Task Force Committee---13,159,216,251,255,257,287-288,294-295 Application Handling, Commercial---24 Appraisals, Real Estate---261 Appraiser, Real Estate---29 Arbourne, Richard---18 Archaeological Site, Fort Corchaug---127 Architect, Forensic---291,309 Architectural Review Committee---116-117,216,228,285,286,288 Arshamomaque Dairy Farms, Inc---266 Arshamomaque Pond---92 Arshamomaque Wetland Project---217 Asip, Mr. &Mrs.---156 Assemblywomen, NYS---10,227 Assessment Review Board---11,161 Assessments, Erroneous---260,272 ASSESSORS:--- Budget---128 Chairman of the Boazd---87 General---11,12,29,68,297,301 Assistant Town Attorney, Full time---269,286,292,301 Association of Towns---16,148,215,270,275,287,288,301,308,312,313 Atkinson, Phyllis---11 ATTORNEY, Town:--- Assistant Town Attorney---269,286,292,301 General---I,3,5,11,23,29,34,60,61,62,70,88,89,113,114,115,117,145-147,255,270,287,288 Staff Attorney--- 184 Stenographer---207 AUDIT:--- Bills---25,63,90,121,155,203,218,262,291 Auto Mechanic II---261,272 Azalea Road & Meadow Lane Stop Signs---172 BBBBBB Babylon Town---311 Bacterial Contamination---261 Baglivi, Lisa---27,267 Bag Vending Machine---89 Bags, Yellow---23,314 Baig, Mahammad---64 Baker, Lou--- 179 Ball Fields---217 Bank, Bridgehampton National---257,294 Bankrun Sand---88,96,122,150-151 Bartilucci & Dvirka---23 Basketball Game---289 Bay Constable, FI--- 18,297 Baykeeper, Peconic---12 Bayway Refining Company Tank Car Consumer Rack Price---271 Beach Clean-up, Hands Around the Bays---204 Beach Volleyball, North Fork---158 Bear, Frank---114 Beck, I.W.---143 Bell Atlantic Scholars---204 Bender, Fred---22 Benefit Plan Administration---259 Bennett, David---268 Bethic Community Sampling & Analysis---66 Bias Crime---294 Bias Free Year, 1998---13 Bids, Rejected---299,300 Biodegradable Leaf Bags---62 Birdex---261 Blados, Frank---269 Blair, Arnold & Izzo, Peter---123 Block Grant Budget, 1999 Community Development Administration---270 Family Self-Sufficiency Program---270 HOME Down Payment Assistance Program---270 Housing Counseling Program---270 Housing Rehabilitation Program---270 Robert Perry Day Care Center---270 Block Island---33 Board Meeting, FI---1-21 Board of Assessment Review---- 11 Board of Commissioners, FI Ferry District---225 Board of Elections, SC---24 Board of Ethics---215 Board of the Ferry District, FI---1 Bodis, Jessica---91 Bohn, Lynda---219 Bond Resolutions---74-82, 261 Bonds, Land Preservation---62 Borell, Jane--- 177 Borgert, Deborah---291,301 Boroleum---21 Boucher, Thomas---27,267 Bowen, Sean---64 Boyd, Edward---11,87-88,111-112,113 Boylhart, William J.---209 Breast Cancer Series---204 Bridgehampton National Bank---257,294 Broadwaters Cove---272 Brown, Dayton T. Inc---314 Bruno, Senator Majority Leader Joseph---308 Brush's Creek--- 180,272 Bryant, Todd---170 Budd's Pond---272 Budget, General---34-35 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:--- Aerial Photographs---226 Assessors Accountants---297 Appraisals---297 Board of Assessment Review Stenographer---29 Consultant---297 Overtime---29 Supplies---29 Typewriter Maintenance--297 Beaches Miscellaneous---268 Seasonal Employees---268 Building & Grounds Capital Outlay---67,271 Contracted Services---267 Furniture & Furnishings---266 Land Acquisitions---266 Building Department Miscellaneous---235 Office Equipment---235 Part-time Employees---235,299 Temporary/Seasonal Employees---299 Central Data Processing Police System Maintenance---296 Tax Collection Maintenance---296 Contingent Unallocated Contingents---267,269,298 Contractor Equipment-~-220 East-West Fire Protection District Hydrant Rental--- 161 Retirement Benefits--- 161 Fishers Island Ferry District Insurance---225 Insurance Claims---225 Terminal Project---225 Town Attorney---225 Gifts & Donations Other Donations--- 127,159,220,300 Tree Committee Donations--- 160 Highway Department Brush & Weeds, CE---298 Machinery, Equipment---298 Landmark Preservation Commission Contracted Services---93 Miscellaneous---93 Justices Contractual Expenses---295 Contractual Services---295 Meetings & Seminars---299 Misc. State Aide New York State Star Program Aide---298 Office Equipment, Typewriters---299 Parks Contracted Services---269 Supplies & Materials---127 Planning Contractual Expense, Miscellaneous Erosion Mitigation Study---300-301 Miscellaneous, Dues & Subscriptions---301 Other Equipment, Aerial Photographs---301 Police Department Appropriations---28 Emergency Preparedness, Equipment---67 Full-time Employees---267 Miscellaneous---267 Motor Vehicles---67 Office Equipment---66 Other Donations---28 Other Equipment---67 Supplies & Materials---66 Program for the Aging Supplies & Materials---66 Public Safety Communications---220 Recreation Supplies & Materials---268 Refuse & Garbage Fee for Services, Non-Employee---298 Research Materials---226 Retirement, Employee Benefit NYS Employees Retirement System---298 Snow Equipment---220 Solid Waste Management District Employee Work Gear--- 160 Encapsulator Maintenance--- 128 Equipment Rental--- 160 Glass Removal --- 160 Mack Quarry Truck Repair---128,160 Maint/CAT IT12B---161 Maint/Facilities & Grounds--- 160 Maint/Mack Tractor--- 160 Maint/Supplies Trailer Fleet--- 160,161 Maint/Supplies Trommet Screen--- 161 Misc. Equipment Maint/Supplies---161 Misc. Sanitation Equipment--- 128 Misc. Supplies---160 Mixed Paper Removal--- 160 Newspaper Removal--- 160 Plastic Recycling--- 160 Repairs CAT 816 Compactor--- 160 Repairs CAT IT 12B--- 160 Special Recreation Facilities General---271 Parks & Playground Funds---67 State Aide Harbor & Erosion Management---300 Supplies---226 Tax Receiver Office Furniture---298 Office Supplies & Materials---270,298 Temporary Employees---269 Town Attorney Fee for Service---270 Supplies & Materials---270 Town Board Anti-bias Task Force--- 159 Contractual Expenses---300 Miscellaneous---268 Supplies & Materials---268 Town Clerk Office Equipment---299 Travel Reimbursements---299 Tree Committee Trees & Maintenance---160 Wastewater Disposal District Accounting & Auditing---298 Light & Power---298 Part time Regular Earnings---298 Unallocated---298 Zoning Fee for Services, Non-Employee---225 Part Time Employees---225 Budget, Capital:-- Assessors Filing System--- 128 BUDGETS, 1999:-- Supervisors Capital Budget---122,172 Supervisors Preliminary Capital Budget--- 184-200,216,249-251 Supervisors Preliminary Town Budget---184-200,216,236-249 Supervisors Town Budget--- 122,172 Budget, Monthly Report---158,263 Budget Review Office, SC---221 Building Code, New York State Uniform---139,140,215 BUILDING DEPT.:--- Building Code, Town--- 139 Building Inspector---225-226,276-277,291 Building Permit Criteria---89,274-275,306-308,312 Code Enforcement Officer---11,114,136 Director of Code Enforcement---225-226 Engineer---210 Engineering Inspector---225-226 Fence Permits---83-84,286 Fire Marshall---87-88,111-112 General---5,34,36,62,85,122,149,181,184,299 Reports, Monthly---26,158,263 Two-Way Radios---216 Building Inspector---225-226,276-277 Building Permits---89,274-275,306-308,312 Bulk Salt for Ice Control---206 Bulldozer, D7---23 Bulldozer Rental---88,96,150-151 Bunchuck, Jim---11,23,62,70,88,207,261 Bunker, FI---5 Burden, Heather---91 Burden, Kaitlin---91 Burger, Kate---91 Burglar Alarm---260 Burly, James---157 Burnham, David--- 1 Burr, Frank--- 15,17,20 Burt, Nancy C.---209 CCCCCC C & D---23 Cable Television Franchise---22,89,97,150-151 Cablevision---34,213-214,219 Calibration of Scale---137~138 Campanella, Martha---158 Candlelight Vigil---287 Capital Budget:-- Assessors Filing System---128 Capobianco, Edward---88,96 Caracciolo, Mike---11 Cargill Salt, Inc.---224 Carlin, Frank---65,82-84,124,136-141,263-264,285-286,289 Carrera, Mark---10 Carriage House---310 CAST---27,313 Castro, Barbara---26 Catapano Nursery---35 Caterall, Dave---64 CATV---22 Caufield, Tim---14,34,260,261 Cava, Tony---10 Cedar Beach Facility---257 Cedar Beach Harbor Inlet---272 Cellular Phones---216 Census, 10 year---87 Centennial Committee, Fort Wright---19 Center for Family Activities---217 CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING:-- General---23,296,310 Central Poly---314 Certificate of Abandonment---260 Certificates of Liability---28,65,66,127,!61,205,220,253 Chamber of Commerce, SC Coalition---158 Chamber of Commerce: Greenport/Southold---260,312-313 Change of Zone---23,85 Channel 12~--10 Channel 27--- 11,34 Charge Accounts for Yellow Bags---62,88 Cherepowicz, Joseph property---261 Cherouski, Eugenia---27,267 Chiarella, Lou---251 Circuit Breaker Law---92 Citizen Views on Local Housing & Community Development---219 City of New London---4,7 Civic Association, FI---1 Civil Service, SC---87,265,266 Civil Service Employee Association---94,97,110 Clancy, Maureen---27 Clerk, SC--- 11 Clerk-Typist, Part-Time---207 Closure, Landfill---23,35,122,126,129,136,150-151 Closures, Street---28 Coalition for Mandate Reform---62,69 Coalition of Chambers of Commerce, SC--- 158 Coast Guard, U.S.---35 Cochran, Lieutenant---295,303 Cocora, Eugene--- 10 Code Change, Town---32,62,88,89,97,98-101,101-104,104-107,107-110,129-132,138-139,221-224,225 Code Change, Zoning---24,98-101,101-104,104-107,107-110,129-132 Code Committee---87,215 Code Enforcement--- 180,181,182,225 Code Enfomement Director---225-226 Code of Ethics---215,216 Cold Spring Harbor---61 Cold Stunned Sea Turtle Beach Patrol---204 Collins, Laura---11 Comando, Michael---303 Commemial & Industrial Incentive Plan---22,62,68 Commercial Application Handling---24 Commercial Contract Disposal Permits---84-85 Communications---26 Community Action of Southold Town---123 Commtmity College, Suffolk County---290 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT--- Block Grant Budget, 1999 Administration---270 Family Self-Sufficiency Program---270 HOME Down Payment Assistance Program---270 Housing Counseling Program---270 Housing Rehabilitation Program---270 Robert Perry Day Care Center---270 Fnnds---62,161,184 General--- 1,8,11,310 Community Greenways, SC---204 Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board---32,33,45-46,260 Community Preservation Fund---24,32,33,34,38,39-45,122,160,260,292 Community Preservation Project Plan---13,15,27,32,33,46-47 Compliance Officer for The Policy on Sexual Harassment---169 Comptroller, Town---62,92,184-185,217,257,291,292 Computer Upgrade---23 Congressman Michael Forbes--- 11 Connecticut State:--- Department of Environmental Protection---5 General---4 Conover, John---10 Conservancy, Fishers Island---19,65 Conservation Advisory Committee--- 128,129 Conservation Program on Long Island---33 Construction & Demolition (C&D)---23 Construction Consultants of LI---260,271 Contract Negotiations---260,292 Contractor Disposal Sticker---136 Contractors Local---215 Conway, George--- 138 Conway, Joseph--- 11,19 Cook, Harold---212 Cookbook, Melting Pot---257 Cookbook, Town Hall---172 Cooper, Linda---94 Comoran, Eugene--- 18 Corey Creek Dredging---26,272 Corey Creek, Partial Closure---207 Comell Extension---257 CORP. OF ARMY ENGINEERS:--- Application of.'-- Blair, Arnold & Izzo, Peter---123 Izzo, Peter & Blair, Arnold---123 Pappas, William---92 General--- 144,259 Corporate Structure, Not-For-Profit---87 Cosden Estates Historic District---157 Cosimano, Anna---261 Coudert Brothers--- 152 Coulter, William---22 County Road 48 Corridor, Temporary Moratorium~--24,26,27,30-32,60,65,69,71-74,84, 86,87,89,98-101,101-104,104-107,107-110,123,129,132-133,148-149,159,171,176,180-181 182,200,255-256 Cowan, Ray---5,10,11,19 Cramer Consulting Group---200 Crime, Bias---294,308,312 Cronin, John C---301 Crook, Emily---9l Crop Walk---65,303 Cross Sound Ferry---4,16,19,24,217 CSEA---94,97,110,122, CSEA Negotiations---292,293 Cub Scouts---172 Cundiff, Lauren---30 Cutchogue Fire Department--- 113,123,205 Cutchogue Library--- 141 Cushman, John--~ 1,4,11,19,62,94,217,259,291,292 Custodial Worker 111---69-70 DDDDDD Daffodil Program--- 172 Daley, William---251 Daniels, Fred---11 DARE Program--- 17,216 Darling, Shirley---27 Dart, Edward---11,157,210,228 Dayton T. Brown, Inc---314 Deckhand, FI Part-Time---225 Deep Hole Creek---272 Deferred Compensation Board, NYS---93-94 Deferred Compensation Committee---92-94 Deferred Compensation Plan---93-95 Defibrillator--- 123,303 Department of Aging, SC---11 Department of Agriculture, SC---11 Department of Civil Service, SC--- 18,126 Department of Defense, US---7 Department of Economic Development, SC---22 Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS:--- General---8,10,11,12,17,22,23,35,85,126,235,259,260,261,271,312-313 Notice of Complete Application:--- JMC Capital Corp.---92,158 Laughing Waters Property Owners Association---26 Marketplace Generation LDC---26 Sibemagel, Walter & Mildred---123 Southold Union Free School District---26 SEQR---62,142,253 SEQRA:--- Decisions----38-39,69,134,135,171,272,302,304,305 General---34,124,216,256 Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)---5 Department of Health, NC--- 115 Department of Health, SC---11,14,61,115 Department of Health Services, SC---11 Department of Planning, SC---l,11,304,305,306,307 Department of Public Safety, SC---11 Department of Public Works, SC---61 Department of Social Services, SC--- 11 Department of State, NYS---259,296 Department of Transportation, NYS---29,64,65,92,93,267,297 Department of Transportation, US---206 Department of Weights and Measurements---82,138 Depository Agreement---297 DeReeder, Elena--- 114 Development Corporation, FI---18 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS :--- Fitzgerald, Janet---97,123,129,134,135,264 General---34,74-82,86,182,264 Reinhardt, Richard---221,263,272,274-275 Devon, Diane---11 DFY Program Application--- 126 Dickerson, Rob---64 Diesel Fuel Oil---125,259,271 DiGiovanni, Robert---204 DiLullo Associates---217,291,292 Diversity Day---257 Dinizio, Jim---11 Director of Government Relations on Conservation Programs on Long Island---33 Disabled &Elderly Transportation---29 Disabled Person Employment---89 DISABLED PROGRAM:--- Reports, Monthly---26 Disposal Sticker, Contractor---136 District Attorney, SC---11 Districts, Zoning---216 Diversity Day--- 159 Docks---180 Doherty, Ji11---28 Doherty, Tom---I,9,19,297 Domini, Michael---210 Dorell, Jane--- 141 Doroski, Melanie--- 11,208 Doucette, Monica---291 Douglas Moore Memorial Concert---65,92 Downstate Recreation Conference---206 Doyen, Serge---1 Dozier, Reverend Marvin- - - 13,257,294 Dredging, Corey Creek---26 Dredging, Goldsmith's Inlet---259 Dredging, Town---61 Dredging, Town Creeks by Suffolk County---260,271,298-299 Drug Policy Revision---24 Duck Walk Vineyard---289 Ducks Unlimited---8,126 Duffy, Darlene---301 Dump Track, Off-Road---261 duPont Jr, Reynolds---I-6,8,9,228 Dvirka & Bartilucci---23,129 Dzenkowski, Beth---27,224,313 Dzugas-Smith, Donna--- 116-117,180-183,255 -256 EEEEEE Early Retirement Plan---62,89,300 East End Insurance Services---27,267 East End Leadership Summit---204 East End Roundtable's Executives---257 East End Soccer Tournament---91 East Hampton--- 151 East Marion Fire District---265 East Marion Fire House---265 East-West Fire District---260 Easter, Mark---7 Eastern Long Island Emergency Physicians---93 Eastern Long Island Hospital---35,303 Eastern Long Island Scenic Byways---219 Eastern Outboard Racing Club---60-61 Economic Committee---260 Economic Development---22 Economic Development, SC Dept of---22 Economics of Business Task Force---290 Edstrom, Jane---226 Egan, Lauren---267 Eid, A1---292 EISEP Aides---68,212 Elderly & Disabled Transportation---29 Elected Officials Salaries---249 Election, Special--79-82 Electric & Gas Utility Company, Southold--- 19-20,34,62,117,141 - 142,145,176-179,213 -214 Electric Generating Facility---26 Electric Substations---179 Electric Transformers--- 178-179 Elgut, Craig---11 Elizabeth Field Airport---1,5,206 Ellis, Ann---13 Emergency Management Coordinator---11 Emergency Preparedness Plan, FI---11,255 Empire State Building---286 Employee Handbook---62,89,97 Employee Health Benefit Plan---271,300 Employees Deferred Compensation Plan Committee---29,93-94,94-95 Enfomement, Code--- 180,181,182 Enforcement and Administration Officers---225~226,263 Engineer, Town--- 11,184-185,210,220 Engineering Inspector---225-226 Englis, William Jr.---161 Environmental Assessment---34 Environmental Council, North Fork---290,308 Environmental Protection Agency, US---4,12 Environmental Protection, Dept of---5 Environmental Protection Fund---296 ERD Waste Corp---299 Ernest, Herbert---286 Ernest, Mr. & Mrs.---156 Erosion---123,271 Erroneous Assessments---260,272 Esser, Chip---7 Esser, George--- 1,6,8,19 Establishing an Advisory Board for the Community Preservation Plan---27 Ethics Board---215 Ethics Code---216 Executive Session---23,62,88,89,216,217,260,292 General--- 145 - 147,286,291 Executives Office, SC---11 Expansion, Fire Districts---227 Expansion, School Districts---227 Evans, Louisa---11 Evans, Olive---286,288 FFFFFF 50th Anniversary--- 159 Fair-Weather Brown---14l Fall Clean up, 1998---204 Family Activities Center---217,310-311 Family Self-Sufficiency Program---270 Fanning, Phillips, & Molnar---295 Farell, Dr. Joseph---27 Fargas, Stanley---11 Farmland Preservation/Development Rights---122,183,264 Feather Hill Complex---310 Federal Aviation Association (FAA)---4 Federal Communications Commission---22 Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA)--- 15,16 Federal Express---285 Federal Rules of Evidence--- 147 Fee Waiver---93 Feger, Robert---65 FEMA---15,16 Fence Permits---83-84,286 Ferguson, Henry L. Museum---216,253 Ferry Boat, FI---7 Ferry Captain, Part-Time---168 Ferry Commissioner, FI--- 1 Ferry District, FI--- 1,8,67, 168,225,265,268 FIDCO---6 Firehouse Magazine--- 112 Fire, Mattituck Airbase---291 Fire Chiefs Council---11,87,111 Fire Departments---6,35,87,111-112,113,291 Fire Districts--- East-West---260 East Marion---265 Fire Districts Expansion---227 Fire House, East Marion---265 Fire Inspection---64 Fire Marshall---87-88,111 Fire Marshall, SC---291 Fire Prevention & Building Code---225,263 Fire Safety Codes---111 First English Settlement--- 170 First Presbyterian Church---65 Fisher, Bob---27,88 Fisher, Don---255 FISHERS ISLAND:--- Bay Constable--- 18,297 Bennett, David---268 Boroleum---21 Bunker---5 Deckhand, Part-Time---225 Elizabeth Field---2,5,35,206 Emergency Preparedness Plan-- - 11,15,62,255 Ferry Boat---7,19 Ferry Captain, P/T---168 Ferry District--- 1,8,67,168,265,268 Board of Commissioners---225,226 Foley, Paul J---268-269 Fort Wright---6,35 Freight Agent/Purser---268 Garbage District---6,10 Henry L. Ferguson Museum---216,253 Junk Car Removal--- 17,22 Landmark Preservation Commission---292 Metal Dump---3 Mosquito Control Program---127 North Ferry Landing Ramp---168,226 Parkland---264 School Crossing Guard---291,301 Sewer District---212 Silver Eel Cove---168,226 Technician--- 127 Fishers Island BTI Mosquito Control Program---127 Fishers Island Board Meeting---1-21,33 Fishers Island Civic Association---1 Fishers Island Conservancy---19,65 Fishers Island Development Corporation--- 18 Fishers Island Growth Plan---14 Fishers Island Henry L. Ferguson Museum---216 Fishers Island Lobster Conservation Area---12 Fishers Island Safe BTI Mosquito Program---13 Fishers Island Sewer District---212 Fishers Island Watershed Study---14 Fitzgerald, Janet Property---97,123,129,134,135,264 Five East End Towns--- 151 Flanders Bay---61 Flatley, Martin---313 Fleet Bank---257 Flyer, Bill---10 Foley, Paul---264-265,268-269 Folk Dancing/Substitute Instructor---160 Food Basket distribution---303 Food Items---125,266 Forbes, Congressman Michael--- 11,29,219 Forensic Architect---291,309 Formula Food Restaurants---285 Forrester, Ed---11,36,62,83,114,136,149 Fort Corchaug:--- Archaeological Site---127 Management Committee---284-285 Fort Wright:--- Centennial Committee---19 General---6,35 Light Committee--- 19 Officers Row---19 Fouchet, Michael--- 126 Fox, Tom---27,267 Franchises, Cable Television--~22,89,97,150-151 Franza's Universal Scrap Metal, Inc---266 Fredericks, Don--- 11 Freeman, Bob--- 146,147 Freight Agent/Purser---268 Freleng, Andrew--- 11 Freshwater Wetlands~--62 Friends of Fort Corchaug----11 Friends of the Whitaker House---309 FTA Certification and Assurance Form---29 Fuel Oil, Heating---125,292,300 Fuences, Rose---11 Fun Run---127 GGGGGG Gaffney, Robert--- 137,204 Garbage District, FI---6,10 Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse---24,62,88,216,228-235,263,277-284 Garvy, Theirry--- 11 Gas & Electric Utility Company, Southold--- 19-20,62,117,141 - 142,145 Gas Turbine--- 179 Gas Venting System---23,36 Gasoline---125,259,271 Gate Attendants, Part-time---269 Gebbia, Dan---27 Gehl 7210 Mixer Wagon---124,128 General Elections, 1998---62 General Municipal Law, State---216 General Wayne Inn---261,273 Gift of Life---303 Ginas, James---303 Giordano, Carol---27,64,267 Girl Scout Troop--- 172,219 Given Associates---261,272 Given, Patrick---261 Glass Sand Mixture---23 Glew, Claire---11 Globetrotters, Harlem---289 Geohringer, Gerry---11 Gold, Joseph--- 145-147,255,264-265,286-288,310-311 Goldsmith's Inlet---66,88,123,259 Goldsmith's Inlet/Kenny's Beach Working Group Committee---216,251 Golf Courses---87,216,251-252,263,304-305 Goose Creek---60,298-299 Gorman, Dalia---27,267 Goubeaud, Jeff---308-309 Graffiti---294-295 Grand Avenue, Mattituck---273 Grants, Program 1998---253 Grants Requested of the Town:--- CAST---27 Loaves and Fishes---27 Opera of the Hampton---158 The old House Society---26 Grants the Town Received:--- GIES Program---313 New York State Department of Transportation Section 5310---297 Recycling Program---313 Road Ends Public Access and Stormwater Control Improvements---296,313 State---67 Grants The Town Requested:-- New York Counsel of the Arts---309 New York State Department of Transportation Section 5310---29 Grathwohl, Jim---11,65,284-285 Grattan, Peter---300 Greenblatt Inc, Charles---297 Greene, John--- 156-157,228,297 Greenport Fire Department--- 112 Greenport School---289 Greenport/Southold Chamber of Commerce---260 Greenport Tourist Information Booth---67,260 Greenport Village Board---60 Music Festival---289 Trustee---84,260 YMCA---311 Griffith, Mary--- 128 Griswold, Terry, Glover American Legion--- 159 Growth Plan, FI---14 Guard Help Program--- 17 Gull Pond---272 HHHHHH Haile, Richard---160 Hallocks Bay---61 Halloween Haunting--- 170 Halloween Parade--- 161,205 Hanauer, Sanford---228 Handbook, Employee---62,89,97 Hands Around the Bays Beach Clean-up---204 Harbor Lights Association---26 Harlem Globetrotters---289 Harlem Hellfighters, 369th--- 17 Harlem Wizards---289 Harper, Bob & Katherine---157 Harrison, John---64 Hartranf House---309 Harvest Fair---127 Hasselmann, Brian---11 Hate Crime Legislation---287,288,308 Haunted House--- 170,172,257 Haupt, Harold--- 177-179 Haurus, David---27 Hayes, Wi11---64 Hazardous Household Waste, Removal & Disposal---125 Health Benefit Plan, Employee--271,300 Health Department, SC---11,14 Health Insurance for Retirees~--260 Health Insurance Provider---259,271 Heating Fuel Oil--- 125,292,300 Heinsch, Bernard---36,116,136 Held Resolutions--- 161,220,226,292,297 Held Local Laws---254 Heller, Lisa---267 Henry L. Ferguson Museum---216 Henry's Lane---126,296 Henson, Eugene--- 168 Herbert, Michael---260 HHS Administrators:--- General---259 Medical Bills Paid---93,269,300 PBA Claim Lag Analysis---26,91,158,219,294 Town Claim Lag Study---26,91,158,2 l 9,294 Hidden Lake Farm---27,267 High Schools:--- Southold---65 High Speed Train---7 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:--- Bulk Ice Control Rock Salt---206,224 Custodial Workers, Town Hall---310 Custodial Worker III---62 Diesel Fuel Oil---125,259 Fall Clean-up 1998---204 Gasoline---125,259 General---26,65,69-70,122,291,298 Heating Fuel Oil---125 Maintenance Dept--- 11 Secretary to the Superintendent of Highways---267 Town Engineer--- 11,184-185,210 Workers Compensation---89,110 Hilary, Scott---128,129 HISTORIAN:-- General---311 Historic District Committee, Southold---65 Historic Homes Listing--- 16,124 Historic Landmark, National--- 127 Historical Preservation---297,309 Hodess Building Company---291,292 Holbrook, Katherine--- 13 Holman, Jimmy---145 HOME Down Payment Assistance Program---270 Home Rule Message--- 10 Homecoming Parade---28 Hopper, Deborah M---269 Hoppy's Cleaners, Inc.---297 Horton, Debbie---91 Horton, Patricia---91 Horton's Point to Mattituck Inlet Shoreline Erosion Study---259 Household Hazardous Waste, Disposal & Removal---125,299 Housing Counseling Program---270 Housing Rehabilitation Program---270 HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER:--- Assistant Cook---28 Clerk-Typist---226,266 EISEP Aides---68,212 Food---125 General--- 11,29,65,66,122 Image Projector---292 MetLife Building--- 122,257 Milk---125 Mini-Van Driver, Full-Time---30 Mini-Van Driver, Part-Time---30 Senior Citizen Program Supervisor---67 Vehicles---29 Human Rights, Universal Declaration of--- 159 Hunt, Nancy--- 18 Huntington Town---311 Hurd, Jennie---35 HVAC System Upgrade---295-296 Hydell, Carol---30 Iil1II I.C.E.---214 IGA Southold---288,294 Image Projector---292 Implementing the Community Preservation Plan Project---27 Imposing the 2% Real Estate Transfer Tax---27 Improvements, Town Facility---122 Incentive Plan, Industrial & Commercial---22,62 Industrial & Commercial Incentive Board---68 Industrial & Commercial Incentive Plan---22,62 Information Meeting--- 160 Initiative for Competitive Energy---216 Insurance:--- Stype--- 11 Insurance, Health for Retirees---260 Insurance Provider, Health---259 Interact Club, Southold High School---303 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA)---4 Irrigation, S & L---136 Irwin, Joseph---261 Island Group Administrations, Inc---259,271 Island Peoples Project---135 Iwanejko, Tom---11 Izzo, Peter & Blair, Arnold---123 JJJJJJ Jacobs, Raymond---26,65,259,291 James, Ted---156-157 James, Theodore House--- 156 James Creek---272 JBH Tire Recycling Inc---266 Jefferson, Thomas--- 156 Jensen, Laura---91 Jerome, John---11 Jetty, Mattituck---259 JMC Capital Corp.---92,158 Jockey Creek---272 Johnson, Ralph---213 Jones, Florida---11 Jones, Steve---11,85,87 Jordan, Brendon---64 Junk Car Removal, FI---17,22 JUSTICE COURT:--- Bruer---26,92,158,219,294 Evans---26,91,204,263 Price---26,91,204,263 Senior Clerk-Typist---314 Juvenile Aid Bureau---126 Juvenile Officers Association, State of New York Police---313 Kalin, Carol--- 149,207 Kapell, David---311 Kassner, Robert--- 11,16,156,210 Keating, Timothy---67 Kelles, Richard---294 Kelly, Reverend---294 Kelly, Sean---64 Kenny's Beach--- 123 Keuhhas, Steve---11 Kibbe, Pat---19 Kilowatts--- 177 King, Jim---11,12,61 Knight, Marvin---30 Knights Of Columbus, Marion Council #3852---66 Kopek, Eleanor---27,267 Koppelman, Lee~--87 Krupski, Albert---60 Krupski Jr., Walter---65,92 Kuhn, Frank---143-144 Kuhn, Hank---177,180,212,213,255,289,311 Kuhn, Harold---177-179 Kuhn, Henry--- 1 ! 7 Kuhn Jr., Walter---27 Kulka, Jack---216 LLLLLL Labor Council---97 Laborer, Part-time---291 Lambada Associates---261,273 Land Acquisition---60,97 Land Bank Bill, 2%---13,14-15,20,24,32,33,34,47-59,62,160,260,275 Land Development Modifications, Potential--85 Land Preservation--20,24,34,122,134,135,290 Land Preservation Bond---62 Land Preservation Committee--- 12,13,14,15,34,60,217,260,272,275 Land Preservation Signs--34 Land, Surplus---24 Landfill Closure/Capping---23,35,122,126,129,136,l 50-151,182 Landfill Scale---82-83,136,137 Landfill, Topographical Map-~-70 Landing Ramp, North Ferry, FI---168 Landmark Preservation Commission--16,93,124,129,141,156-157,170,285,291,292,297,301 Larson, Christine---261,273 Lasota, Anna---91 Lasota, Christina---91 Latham Property---36 LaValle, Richard---251 LaValle, Senator Kermeth---183,215,308 Laughing Waters Property Owners Association---26,113-116 Law Books, Surplus---62,70 Leaf Bags, Biodegradable---62 LEASES:--- East Marion Fire District---265 North Fork Animal Welfare League--88-89 Leave Time Taken--91,204,294 Legislation, Hate Crime---287,308 Legislature, SC---11,22,34,68 Leonard, Robert---148-149 Liability Certificates--28,65,66 Lifeguard---28 Light Committee, Fort Wright--- 19 Lights, Street---140 Like, Irving Mr.---214,312 Lillis, Nancy---212 LI Zoning District---216 LIO Zoning District-216 LILCO Ratepayers---312 LIPA---34,143-144,214,216,289,294,311 LIPA Rebate Program---294 Litchult, Kevin---64 Litigation~--24,62,286,292 Loaves and Fishes---27 Lobster Conservation Area, Fishers Island---12 Local Contractors---2 ! 5 LOCAL LAWS:--- Administration and Enforcing Officer--225-226,263 Amateur Radio Operations---217,254,263,302-303 Building Permits---274-275,306-307,312 Code Enforcement---225 Creating and Establishing A Southold Town Community Preservation Fund--39-45 Creating and Establishing a Project Plan for the Preservation Fund-~-46-47 Establishing an Advisory Board for the Community Preservation Fund-45-46 Fire Prevention and Building Code~--263,276-277 Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse---228-235,263,277-284 General---32,33,308 Golf Courses---216,251-252,263 No Parking Signs at Henry's Lane and Route 48---296 No Parking Signs on Main Street, New Suffolk---33,36 Non-Commercial Scallop S eason---97,135 - 136,149 Senior Citizen Tax Exemption---95-96,133-134 Stop Signs At Meadow Lane & Azalea Road---125,159,171,172 Temporary Moratorium on State Road 25---123,129,129-132,159,171,172-176 Temporary Moratorium on County Route 48 Corridor---30-32,71-74,98-101,101-104, 104-107,107-110,159,171 Wetlands of the Town Code of the Town of Southold--- 162-164,165-167,211-212,212,221-224 Wireless Telecommunications Facilities---208-209,216,217,254 Zoning Code Definitions---273-274,305-306 LoGrande, Michael---24,158,215 Long Creek Bridge Road---273 Long Island Association, Inc.---62,69 Long Island Junior Soccer Leagne----64,91 Long Island Landmark Controls & Your Community Workshop---297 Long Island League Division Championship Spring 1998---91 Long Island Power Authority (LIPA)---34,143-144,214,216,289 Long Island Sound---16 Love Lane--- 161 Lowry, Stuart---33 Lutheran Chumh---312 Lynch, Allison---91 Lynch, Jim--- 114 MMMMMM Maher, Tom--23 Maida, Kevin--64 Main Street, New Suffolk, No Parking Signs---27,33,36 Maione, Valerie---28 Manwafing, Wayne---112 Mariculture---216 Mariculture Technologies, Inc---253 Marketspan Generation LLC--26 Marren & Newman Architects---217 Marshall Machinery--- 128 Martha's Vineyard---33,34 Martin, Silvia---91 Martin, Thomas--11 Martocchia, Albert--3 Master Plan---22,74 Marble, Ray---115-116 Matrons, Part-Time---29 Mattituck Airbase----291 Mattituck Estates---93,267 Mattituek Fire Department---291 Mattituck Fire District--- 112-113 Mattituck High S¢hool---28 Mattituck Inlet- - - 123,259,271 Mattituck Inlet to Horton's Point Shoreline Erosion Study---259 Matfituck Jetty---259 Mattituck Lanes---27,267 Mattituck Lions Club--- 161 Mattituck Lioness Club---127 Mattituck Park District--259 Mattituck PTA--289 Mattituck Rockets--63-64 Mattituck Soccer Club---64,91 Mattituck Storm---91 Meadow Lane & Azalea Road Stop Signs---172 Medical Bill Payments---93,269,300 Medical Insurance Premium Payment--62 Medical Review Officer---32 Meinke, Howard---228,308 Melting Pot Cookbook--257 Memorial Concert, Douglas Moore---65,92 Memorial Day--5 Memorial Park:--- Oysterponds--62 S. Wentworth Horton---67,312-313 Metal Dump---3 MetLife Building--- 122,257 Methane Gas Monitoring Wells---23,36 Meyer, Valerie---11,207,291 Michaels, Joseph---11 Michelson, Barbara--- 128 Microbial Cleanup---261 Milk---125,266 Miller, Edward R.---209 Miller, Leslie---91 Mills, Robert---62 Mills, William---84-85 Millstone Nuclear Power Plant--- 15,16,62 Milner, Jermifer---91 Mini-Van Driver, Full-Time---30 Mini-Van Driver, Part-Time---30 Minnehaha Blvd----26 Montgomery County, Maryland---33 Mooney, Daniel---260 Moore, Gordon W---291,301 Moore, Patricia---257 Moratorium, State Road 25---123,129,129-132,159,171,173-176 Moratorium, Temporary on County Road 48---24,26,27,30-23,60,65,69,71-74,84,86, 87,89,98-101,101-104,104-107,10%110,123,129,132-133,148-149,171,176,180-181 182,200,255-256 Moratorium, Water---215 Morris, Lauren---91 Mosquito Hollow---2 Motown Dance---13 Mount Cutchogue---35 Mulhall, Harry--- 11 Mullen Jr, William F.---259 Munar, Hector---64 Municipal Construction Project---227 Municipal Law, State General---216 Murphy, Brian---251 Murphy, Douglas---128 Murphy, Katherine--- 11 MCMCMCMC McBride, Frank---86 McCabe, Douglas---11 McDonald, Lynn---214,219 McDonald, Rolf---219 McDonald's Restaurant---285 McGinty, Gerard---92 McGowan, Timothy--- 112-113 McHeffey, Joe---64 McKeighan, Venetia--- 11 McLaughlin, Karen--- 11,65,67 McLaughlin, Kevin---62 McMahon, Jim--- 1,8,11,180,259,260 N-Discharge Zone (NDZ)--- 12 NAASCO---314 Nantucket---33,275 Nassau County Department of Health--- 115 National Air Guard, U.S.---17,22 National Historic Landmark--- 127 National Historical District, Southold---65 National Land Trust 1998---28 Nature Conservancy---33 Navigation Channel---272,298-299 Navy, U.S.---5-7 NDZ (N-Discharge Zone)--- 12 Nelson, Pope and Voorhis---117 Network Media Resource---27,267 New London, City of---4,7,16 New York Counsel of the Arts---309 New York Law Journal---301 New York Open Government Law, Your Right To Know---145-147 New York State:--- Assembly Speaker---308 Assemblywoman--- 10,308 Comptroller---122 Deferred Compensation Board---93-94 Department of Environmental Conservation:--- General---9,10,12,17,22,23,35,85,126,235,259,260,261,271,312-313 Notice of Complete Application:-- JMC Capital Corp.---92,158 Laughing Waters Property Owners Association---26 Marketspan Generation LLC---26 Sibernagel, Walter & Mildred---123 Southold Union Free School District---26 SEQR---62,142 SEQRA---34,38-39,69,124,134,135,171,272,302,304,305 Department of State---259,296 Department of Transportation---29,64,65,92,93,267,297 Governor---308 Office of Children & Family Services Program Application---205 Police--- 10,18 Secretary of State--- 123 Senator---308 Senator Majority Leader---308 New York State Towns & Villages Convention---227 New York State Uniform Building Code--- 139,140,215 Newcomer, Kathleen---11 Newsday--- 10 NEXTEA---4 Nicholson, Ed---60 No Parking Signs at Henry's Lane And Route 48---296 No Parking Signs on Main Street, New Suffolk---27,33,36 No Stopping at Any Time Signs---126 Noise Ordinance--- 114-115,260 Non-Commercial Scallop Season--97,123,129,135-136,14930 North Ferry Landing Ramp, FI---168,226 North Fork Animal Welfare League---88-89,92,204,261,263 North Fork Bank---257 North Fork Beach Volleyball---158 North Fork Building--- 141 North Fork Environmental Council---290,308 North Sea Harbor---61 Northeast Utilities--- 15,16 Not-For-Profit Corporate Structure---87 Nuclear Regulations Commission--- 15,16 Nunnakoma Waters Association--- 113-116 Nutrition Program---28 Nylias, Alexander R.---209 000000 O'Meara, Sean---168 Ocean & Coastal Consultants, Inc.---66 Oceans of Fun Ceramic Workshop---267 Oelerich, Thomas---65,92 Off-Road Dump Truck---261 Office of Children & Family Services Program Application, NYS---205 Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, SC---26 Office Trailer-o-261 Officers Row, Fort Wright---19 Oil Spi11---261,286 Oil Spill, FI---5 Old House Society---26,285 Open Government Law, NY---145 Open Meeting Law--- 145-147 Open Space Preservation---20,34,74-82,97,122,134,135,264 Open Space Preservation Signs---34 Opera of the Hampton--- 158 Ordinance, Zoning---23,83-84 Organizational Meeting, Town Board---291 Orient Harbor---60 Orient Point--- 16 Orient Point Grassland Restoration Project---126 Orlowski, Bennett---61 Ostermann, Larry---217 Ostermann, Maureen---65,209 Oysterponds Union Free School District---62,205 PPPPPP Pagano' s Pizza---294 Pappas, William---92 Parades---28,161,220 Park & Playgronnd Funds---259 Park Commissioner, SC--- 17 Park Districts: Mattituck---259 Parkland, Fishers Island---264 Parking Stickers---88 Parks, Erik---11 Part-Time Employees---29 Pataki, Governor George---308 Payloader---88 PBA--- 122 PBA President---94 Peconic Baykeeper--- 12 Peconic Land Trust---14,34,260,261,275,285 Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc.---220 Pelleghni Vineyards---290 Permits for Accessory Buildings Personnel---23,62,88,89 Personnel Committee---314 Petro Heating Services & Fuels Inc---259,271 Petrone, Mr.---214 Petty Cash Increases---301 Pheasant Rnn---215 Pike Street---161 Pine Barrens--- 17 Pitfalls of Environmental Laws and Zoning Laws---314 PLANNING BOARD:--- College Intern---216 General---I 1,13,14,22,24,28,34,60,61,85,116-117,136,145,148-149,162,216,255-256,260, 273-274,285-286,288,304,305,306,307 Meetings--- 180,181 Recommendations---220,251,254 Reports, Monthly---64,91,158 Planning Department, SC--- 1,11,85,87,162,251,254,273-274,304,305,306,307 Poem, Southold---35 Police Academy, SC---27,170 Police Advisory Committee--- 18 Police Arson Squad, SC---88 POLICE DEPT:--- Bias Crime---294-295 General--- 11,18,28,66-67,114,115,122,267,303 Juvenile Aid Bureau--- 126,224 Matrons, Part-Time---29 Police Training---27 Public Safety Dispatcher H (PDS)---292 Reports, Monthly---26,91,204,263 Sale of Used Vehicles---227 Sensitivity Training Seminar---291,292,294 Uniform Cleaning--- 125,297 Uniform Supplier-~-297 Police, NYS--- 10 Police, Suffolk County General---312 Police Juvenile Officers Association, State of New York---313 Policies:--- Alcohol And Drag Testing---32 Drag Revision---24 Sexual Harassment--- 168-169 Compliance Officer--- 169 Polistena, Caitlin---91 Polywoda, Ken---11 Ponturo, Paul--- 11 Pool, Public Swimming--- 137,291,310-311 Porky's Restaurant---60 Porta, Maureen---11 Potential Land Development Modifications---85 Power Alternative--- 177 Preliminary Capital Budget, 1999---184-200,216,249-251 Preliminary Town Budget, 1999---184-200,216,236-249 Presbyterian Church, Southold---294 Preservation:--- Land---20,24,34,134,135,290 Open Space---20,34 Preservation Advisory Board, Community---32,33,38,45-46 Preservation Fund, Community---24,32,33,34,38,39-45,260 Preservation Project Plan, Community---13,15,27,32,33,38,46-47 Pressler, Theresa---27,267 Prince, Martha---27,267 Probation Department, SC---11 Program for the Disabled---26,92,204,263 Projector, Image---292 ProLife March---66 Property Acquisition---23,62,89,123,!29 Property Tax Exemption, Senior Citizen---62,87,95-96,123,129 Property Tax Rate--- 122 Property, Surplus---24 Proposed Sales Tax Distribution, Town Revenue Sharing---208,221 Prospect Road---2 PTA, Mattituck---289 PUBLIC HEARINGS:--- Acquisition of Fitzgerald Property---123,129 Acquisition of Reinhardt Property---221,275-276 Administration and Enforcing Officer---263 Amateur Radio Operations---263 Building Permit, LL--~274-275,294 Establishing an Advisory Board of the Community Preservation Plan---27 Fire Prevention and Building Code---263,276-277 Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse---216,263,277-284 General---61,97, ! 61,254,256,275,303 -304,308 Golf Courses---263,304-305 Implementing the Community Preservation Plan Project---27 Imposing the 2% Real Estate Transfer Tax---27 No Parking Signs on Main Street, New Suffolk---27,36 Non-Commercial Scallop Season--- 123,129 Preliminary Capital Budget Hearing--- 184-200,216,249-251 Preliminary Town Budget Hearing--- 184-200,216,236-249 Senior Citizen Exemption--- 123,129 Signs for---256 Site Plan for Addition to Existing Structure---23 Temporary Moratorium on State Road 25 Corridor--- 123,129 Temporary Moratorium on County Road 48 Corridor---65,123,129 Wetlands of the Town Code---205 Zoning Code Definitions, LL---273-274,294 Public Notices---26,204 Public Notice of Intent---29 Public Parking Areas--- East Marion Fire House---265 Public Service Commission---20,22 Public Swimming Pool---137,291 Public Water---86 Public Works--- 185 QQQQQQ Quane, Marybeth---28 Quintana, Marilyn---11 Quit Claim Deed---260, 261,273 Race Point---5 Radio Tower---89 Rafferty, Cherry--- 15 Rate Hikes, Cablevision---34 Ray's Service Station---261,286 Raynor, John---11,15,292 Raynor, Mary---27 Real Estate Appraisals---261,272 Real Estate Appraiser---29,272 Real Estate Transfer Tax, 2%---13,14-15,20,24,27,32-33,34,38,47-59,257,260 Real Property Tax Law---68 Realtor Meeting--27 Rebate Program, LIPA---294 RECEIVER OF TAXES:--- Bank Depositories---291 General--- 11,270,298,310 Part-Time Clerk Typist---301 Petty Cash---291,301 Seasonal Clerk, Part-time---291 Supplies---291 RECREATION DEPT:--- Folk Dancing/Substitute Instructor--- 160 General--- 11,268 Lifeguards---28 Reports, Monthly---26,92,158,294 Recreation Programs, 1998 Fall:---27 Aerobics Arts & Crafts Ballroom Dancing Baton Bowling Bridge Cake Decorating Cartoon Drawing Computers Cruise the lntemet Defensive Driving Dog Obedience Folk Dancing Golf Guitar Halloween Party Horseback Riding Teen Writing Tennis Watercolor Yoga Recreation Program, Winter 1999---267 Adult CPR Aerobics Arts & Crafts Ballroom Dancing/CW Ballroom Baton Boating Bowling Cartoon Drawing Ceramics Computers Crafts Classes Cruise the Internet Defensive Driving Financial Management Folk Dancing Guitar Horseback Riding Pediatric CPR Re-certification CPR Resume Writing Watercolor Yoga Youth Crafts Program Recycling Coordinator, Solid Waste--- 161,215 Red Bridge Road---273 Red Cross---11 Reeves, Ken---11,206 Reflector System---261 Regatta---60 Reinhardt, Richard Property---29,217,221,263,272,275-276 Rejected Bids---299,300 Removal & Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste---125,299 Removal of Scrap Metal---125,226,266 Removal of Scrap Tires---125,226,266 Removed Resolutions---292 Renovation, Town Hall---227 Reports:--- Budget Report--- 158,263 Building Department---26,158,263 Fire Inspection---64 HHS Administrators Town Claim Lag Study---26,91,158,219,294 PBA Claim Lag Analysis---26,91,158,219,294 Justice Court Judge Bruer-- -26,92,158,219,294 Judge Evans---26,91,204,263 Judge Price---26,91,204,263 Leave Time Taken---91,204,294 North Fork Animal Welfare League---92,204,263 Planning Board---64,91,158 Police Department---26,91,204,263 Program for the Disabled---26,92,204,263 Recreation Department---26,92,158,294 Scavenger Waste---26,91,158,219,294 Town Clerk---26,91,158,219,294 Trustees---64,123,204,263 Rescinded Resolutions---221,266,300 Residential Disposal Permits---84-85 Resignations---28,30,266,268,297 Resolution Committee---313 Resolutions, Held--- 161,220,226,292,297 Resolutions, Rescinded---221,266,300 Resource Center, Dept of Fire, Rescue & Emergency Services, SC---11 Resoumeful Bag & Tag Company---314 Restaurants, Formula Food---285 Retirement Incentive, Early---62,89,300 Rhodes-Teague, Holly--- 11 Rich, Jim & Adele---35 Richmond Creek---272 Richter, Jamie--- 11,180,210,220,259 Rieger, Yan---228 Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation---204 Riverhead Town--- 151 Rizzo, Joseph---22,208,221 Road Closures--- 127 Road Ends Public Access and Stormwater Control Improvements---296 Rob's Food Service Inc---266 Robert Perry Day Care Center---270 Rogers, Martha---26 Roosevelt Award---35 Ross, Art---59 Ross, Denise---269 Rossi, Vince---261 Rotary, Southold---303 Roundtable Discussion---24 Route 48---296 Rudder, Barbara--- 11 Rusch, John---59 Russell, Scott---12 Ryan, Dick--- 12,13,14,34,60,217,260,261 Ryan, Michael--- 158 SSSSSS S & L Irrigation---136,148 S. Wentworth Horton Memorial Park---67 Sabat, Kristen---91 Safe BTI Mosquito Program, FI---13 Salaries:--- Auto Mechanic 11---272 Clerk-Typist---207,208,219,226 Custodial Worker 11I---69-70 EISEP Aides---68,212 Elected Officials---249 Ferry Captain---67 Freight Agent/Purser---269 Gate Attendant, Part-time---269 Lifeguards---28 Mini-Van Driver, Full-Time---30 Mini-Van Driver, Part-Time---30 Provisional Clerk-Typist---66 Safe BTI Mosquito Technician---13 Scale Operator---126 Secretary---220 Secretary to the Superintendent of Highways---267 Senior Citizen Program Supervisor---67 Stenographer---207 Salary Structures---62,69-70 Sale of Used Vehicles, Police---227 Sales Tax Distribution, Town Revenue Sharing Proposed---208,221 Samuels, Thomas---85-86,144,285 Sand for Landfill Closing---88,96,122 Sand Glass Mixture---23 Sandy Beach---216,253 Sauer, Ernest---113-114 Save The Bays, Inc---93,204 Scale, Additional for Landfill---89 Scale Calibration--- 137-138,144 Scale Operator---126 Scallop Season, Non-Commercial---61,89,92,97,123,129,135-136,149 SCAVENGER WASTE:--- Laborer, full-time---23,32,89,171 Reports, Monthly---26,91,158,219,294 Scenic Byways Advisory Committee---209 Scenic Byways, Eastern long Island---219 Schoenstein, Liane---91 Scholars, Bell Atlantic---204 Schlosberg, Michael--- 11 School Board Recognition Week---206 School Crossing Guards, FI---291,30I School District Expansions---227 Schools:-- Greenport---289 School Zone Speed Limits & Lights---64 Schwenk, Edwin---33 Scopaz, Valerie---11,13,22,216,260 Scrap Metal, Removal---125,226,266 Scrap Tires, Removal---125,226,266 Sea Turtle Beach Patrol---204 Seasonal Clerk, Part-time---291 Secretary---220 Seidman, Edward---251 Seminar on Sexual Harassment---23 Seminars:--- 911 Critical Issues Forum---292 Association of Towns---270,301 Fourth Annual Downstate Recreation Conference---206 How to Organize and Maintain Files and Records---207 Interviewing & Interrogation Seminar---27 Long Island Landmark Controls and Your Community Workshop---297 National Land Trust Rally 1998---28 NYS Juvenile Aid Officers Association Board Meeting---224 Pitfalls of Environmental Laws and Zoning Laws---314 Sensitivity Training Seminar---291,292 Senator Kenneth LaValle---183,227 Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemption---62,87,95 -96,123,124,129,133 - 134 Sensitivity Training Session---291,292,294 Sepenoski, John---22 SEQR (See Department of Environmental Conservation) SEQRA (See Department of Enviromnental Conservation) Sexual Harassment Compliance Officer---169 Sexual Harassment Policy--- 168-169 Sexual Harassment Seminar---23 Shalvey, Thomas--- 113 Shannon, Michael---210 Shellfish Advisory Committee---11 Shellfishing---207 Shelter Island Town--- 151 Shepard, Matthew---287-288 Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant--- 177 Shots for Tots---303 Shur, Angela---267 Shybunko, Dan---113-114 Sibernagel, Walter & Mildred---123 Sidor, Marty---86 Siegmann, Ed---92 Signs for Notice of Public Hearing---256 Signs, Open Space/Land Preservation---34 Signs, Variance--- 116,204 Silversmith's Comer/Park---35,255,287 Silver Eel Cove---168,226 Silver, Assembly Speaker Sheldon---308 Sinclair, Scudder---21 Sinranmq, Joan E---267 Siracusa, Craig---11,92 Site Plan for Addition to Existing Business Structure---23,61 SMART Report---122 Smith, Henry---60,251 Smith, Richard---128 SNYPJOA---313 Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities---297 Solid Waste Recycling Coordinator---215 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT:--- Ag-Bag Compost System---96,124,128 Auto Mechanic 1I---261,272 Bacterial Contamination---261 Bag Vending Machine---89 Blados, Frank---269 Brochure---88 Bulldozer, D7---23 Bulldozer Rental---88,96,125,150-151 C & D---23 Commercial Contractor Disposal Fees---84-85 Contractors Disposal Sticker--- 136 Disabled Person---89 Disposal Stickers, Contractors---136 Dump Truck, Off-Road---261 Fee Waiver---93 Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse---24,62,88,216,228-235,277-284 Gas Venting System---23 Gate Attendant, Part-time---269 Gehl 7210 Mixer Wagon--- 124,128 General--- 11,62,261 Glass Sand Mixture---23 Household Hazardous Waste Removal & Disposal---125,299 Laborer, Part-time---291 Landfill Closure---35,96,126,129,136,150-151 Leave Time---62,70 Methane Gas Monitoring Wells---23,36 Microbial Clean-up---261 Office Trailer---261 Payloader---88 Recycling Coordinator--- 161 Reflector System---261 Residential Disposal Fees---84-85 Sand---88,96,122,150-151 Senior Account Clerk---291,314 Scale---82-83,89,136,137 Scale Calibration--- 137-138,144 Scale Operator--- 126 Scrap Metal Removal--- 125,226,266 Scrap Tire Removal---125,226,266 Topographical Map of Landfill---62,70 Truck---88 Volunteer Recycling Coordinator---88 Wall, Michael---269 Wilson, Michael---269 Yellow Bag Charge Accounts---36,88 Yellow Garbage Bags--- 125,138 Solid Waste Management Task Force Committee---269 Sound Avenue, Matt.---161 Sound Shore Excavation---36 Southampton Press--301 Southampton Town---26,151,261 Southold Community Preservation Advisory Board---32,33 Southold Community Preservation Fund---24,32,33 Southold Community Preservation Project Plan---13,15,27,32,33 Southold Fire Department---I 11-112 Southold Gas & Electric Utility Company--- 19-20,34,62,141 - 142,145,176-179,213 -214 Southold High School---65,303 Southold Historic District Committee---65 Southold IGA---288,294 Southold National Historical District---65 Southold Presbyterian Church---294 Southold Poem---35 Southold PTA--- 127,205 Southold Rotary---303 Southold Town Records---308 Southold Union Free School District---26 Southold Yacht Club---60,93 Southold Youth Services Program---205 Southwold, England---204,284 Sparza, Paul---11 Special Election---79-82 Special Olympics---303 Speed Limits---84,93,267 Speed Limit & Lights, School Zones---64 Speiser, Christina---27 Spill, Oil---5,261 Spiro, Melissa---28,87,255,260 Splish Splash---217 Spofford, John---1 Stack, John--- 156 Standish, Lauren---66,207 Stankevicz, Mr.---141 Stanonis, Robert--- 11 Stanton, Donald---251 STAR Program---87 State Department of, NYS---259 State General Municipal Law---216 State of New York State Road 25, Temporary Moratorium---123,129,129-132,159,171,173-176 State Trooper, NYS---2 Steadman, Catherine---30,227,266 Stenographer---207 Stickney, Twig--- 14,15 Stiener, Sally---210 Stonington, Connecticut--- 16 Stony Brook, SUNY---204 Stop Signs, LL---125,158,171,172 Street Closures---28 Street Lights--- 140 Strum-Kenny, Shirley---204 Studies:--- Fishers Island Watershed---14 Mattituck Inlet Erosion Study---259 Mattituck Inlet to Horton's Point Erosion Study---259 Southold Town Erosion Study---66 Stype, Andrew---29 Stype, John---11 Stype Insurance Company---11 Substance Abuse Committee---216,251 Substations, Electric--- 179 Substitute Instructor/Folk Dancing--- 160 Suffolk County:--- Board of Elections--24 Budget Review Office---221 Civil Service---87,126,265 Clerk--- 11 Coalition of Chambers of Commerce--- 158 Department of Aging--- 11 Department of Agriculture--- 11 Department of Civil Service---- 18 Department of Economic Development---22 Department of Health--- 11,14,61,115 Department of Health Services--- 11 Department of Planning--- 1,11,85,87,162,251,254,273-274 Department of Public Safety---11 Department of Public Works---61,126 Department of Social Services--- 11 Department of Weights & Measurements---82,138 District Attorney--- 11 Executive---204 Executives Office--- 11,137 Fire Marshall---291 General--- 126,311 Legislature--- 11,22,34,68 Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation---26 Park Commissioner--- 17 Police Academy---27,170 Police Arson Squad---88 Probation Department--- 11 Resource Center Department of Fire, Rescue & Emergency Services---11 Suffolk County Community College-~-290 Suffolk County Community Greenways---204 Suffolk County Dredging of Town Creeks---260,271,298-299 Suffolk County Lawyer---301 Suffolk County National Bank---257 Suffolk County Water Authority---24,158,215 Suffolk Life Newspaper 5 East End Towns---301,308 Suffolk Times--- 137,160 Sullivan, John---11 Sunrise Bus Company---114 SUNY at Stony Brook---204 SUPERVISOR:--- Capital Budget 1999--- 122 Clerk-Typist---207 General--- 11 Town Budget 1999---122 Supervisors Association, Ten Town---61 Surplus Law Books---62,70 Surplus Property---24 Survey of Town Hall Property--- 170 Swenkowski, Dennis---30 Swimming Pool, Public--- 137 SSSSSS SOUTHOLD TOWN DEPARTMENTS:-- Accounting---i,4,11,62,217,291,292 Assessment Review Board---11,161 Assessors---11,12,29,68,87,128,297,301 Attorney---,3,5,11,14,23,29,34,60,61,62,70,88,89,113,114,115,117,145,184,207,269,270,287,288, 292 Building Dept.---5,11,26,34,36,62,83-84,85,87-88,89,93,111-112,114,122,136,149,158 181,184,210,225-226,263,286,299,306-308 Central Data Processing---23,296 Community Development--- 1,8,11,62,184 Ferry District, FI--- 1,8,67,225 Highway Department---11,26,65,69-70,89,110,122,125,184-185,204,205,210,224,259,267,298 Human Resource Center---11,28,29,30,65,66,67,68,122,125,212,226,257,266,292 Justice Court---26,91,92,158,204,263,294,314 Planning Board--- 11,13,14,24,28,34,60,61,64,85,91,116-117,136,145,148-149,158,162, 180,181,216,220,260,285-286,288,304,305,306,307 Police Department--- 11,18,26,27,28,66-67,91,114,115,122,125,126,204,224,226,263,267,292,303 294-295,302 Program For the Disabled---26,92,204,263 Receiver of Taxes--- 11,270,29 ! ,298,301 Recreation Department--- 11,26,27,28,92,158,160,268,294 Scavenger Waste---23,26,32,89,91,158,171,294 Solid Waste Management District---11,23,24,35-36,62,70,82-83,84-85,88,89,93,96,122, 124,125,126,136-138,150-151,161,216,228 -235,261,266,269,272,277-284,291 Supervisor--- 11,122,208 Town Clerk---3,23,26,36,83,84,85,88,91,158,219,294,299 Town Engineer--- 11,184-185,210,220 Trustees--11,28,60-61,64,66,92,123,204,207,263 Wastewater Disposal District--298 Zoning Board of Appeals--- 11,12,34,136,180,181,182,207 SSSSSS SOUTHOLD TOWN COMMITTEES:--- Agricultural Advisory Committee--- 11,70,210 Anti-Bias Task Force Committee---13,159,216,251,255,257,287-288,294-295 Architectural Review Committee--- 116-117,216,228,285,286,289 Code Committee---87,215 Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board---32,33,45-46,260 Conservation Advisory Cornmittee---128,129 Deferred Compensation Advisory Committee---93-94 Economic Committee---260 Employees Deferred Compensation Plan Committee--29 Ethics Board---215,216 Fort Corchaug Management Committee---284-285 Goldsmith's Inlet/Kenny' s B each Working Group Committee---216,251 Land Preservation Committee--- 12,13,14,15,34,60,217,260,272,275 Landmark Preservation Commission---16,93,124,129,141,156-157,170,285,291,292,297,301 Personnel Committee---314 Police Advisory Committee--18 Scenic Byways Advisory Committee---209 Shellfish Advisory Committee--- 11 Solid Waste Management Task Force Committee---269 Substance Abuse Committee---216,251 Transportation Committee--- 128 Tree Committee--- 11, ! 57,160,210 TTTTTT 369th Harlem Hellfighters---17 2% Land Bank Bi11---13,14-15,20,24,27,32-33,34,38,47-59,62,122,160,257,260,275 Talgat, Ural---210 Tate, Mr. & Mrs.---156 Tax, 2% Real Estate Transfer--- 13,14-15,20,24,27,32-33,34,38,47-59,62,122,160,257,260,275 Taylor, Teresa---65 Television Franchises, Cable---22 Temporary Moratorium on State Road 25--- 123,129,129-132,159,171,173 - 176 Temporary Moratorium on County Road 48 Corridor---24,26,27,30-32,60,65,69,71-74, 84,86,87,89,98-101,101-104,104-107,107-110,123,129,148-149,159,171,176,180-181 182,200,255-256 Ten Town Supervisors Association---61 Ten Year Census---87 Teralondoff, Harry--- 156 Terminated Employees---266,291 Terry Contracting & Materials Inc.---150-151 Terry Waters Property Owners Association---26 Thatcher, Jolm---8,19 Thibodeau, Alan--- 16 Thompson Property--- 170 Thorp, Frank---217 Tomaszewski, Jeremy---64 Topographical Map of Landfill---62,70 Torrey, Peter---267 Totora, Lydia--- 12 Tourist Information Booth---67,259,260 Tower, Radio---89 Town Beach--- 158 Town Board Organizational Meeting---291 Town Building Code---139 TOWN CLERK:--- Clerk Typist---219 Commercial Contract Disposal Permit---84-85 Computer System---23 General---3,62,83,299 Reports, Monthly---26,91,158,219,292 Residential Disposal Permits---84-85 Yard Sale Permits---84,93 Yellow Bag Charge Accounts---36,88 Town Code Changes---32,62,88,89,97,98,101,101 - 104,104-107,107-1 t 0,138-139,225 -226 Town Creek Dredging by Suffolk County---260,272 Town Dredging Projects---61 Town Facility Improvements--- 122 Town Hall Cookbook---172,257 Town Hall Property Survey---170 Town Hall Renovation---227 Town Insurance Agency---61 Town Revenue Sharing Using Proposed Sales Tax Distribution---208,221 Town Records, Southold---308 Towns & Villages Convention, New York State---227 Traffic Signal---92 Traffic Study---93,126 Trailer, Office---261 Trailer Permit---261,273 Train, High Speed---7 Transfer of Funds:--- Aerial Photographs---226 Assessors Accountants---297 Appraisals---297 Board of Assessment Review Stenographer---29 Consultant---297 Overtime---29 Supplies---29 Typewriter Maintenance---297 Beaches Miscellaneous---268 Seasonal Employees---268 Building & Grounds Capital Outlay---67 Contracted Services---267 Furniture & Furnishings---266 Land Acquisitions---266 Building Department Miscellaneous---235 Office Equipment---235 Part-time Employees---235,299 Temporary/Seasonal Employees--299 Central Data Processing Police System Maintenance---296 Tax Collection Maintenance---296 Contingent Unallocated Contingencies---267,298 Contractor Equipment---220 East-West Fire Protection District Hydrant Rental--- 161 Retirement Benefits--- 161 Fishers Island Ferry District Insurance---225 Insurance Claims---225 Terminal Project---225 Town Attorney---225 Gifts & Donations Other Donations--- 127,159,220,300 Tree Committee Donations--- 160 Highway Department Brush & Weeds, CE---298 Machinery, Equipment ---298 Landmark Preservation Commission Contracted Services---93 Miscellaneous---93 Justices Contractual Expenses---295 Contractual Services---295 Meetings & Seminars---299 Misc. State Aide Harbor & Erosion Management---300-301 New York State Star Program Aide---298 Office Equipment, Typewriters---299 Parks Supplies & Materials---127 Planning Contractual Expense, Miscellaneous, Erosion Mitigation Study---300-301 Miscellaneous, Dues & Subscriptions---301 Other Equipment, Aerial Photographs---301 Police Department Appropriations---28 Emergency Preparedness, Equipment---67 Full-time Employees---267 Miscellaneous---267 Motor Vehicles---67 Office Equipment---66 Other Donations---28 Other Equipment---67 Supplies & Materials---66 Program for the Aging Supplies & Materials---66 Public Safety Communications---220 Recreation Supplies & Materials---268 Refuse & Garbage Fee for Services, Non-Employee---298 Research Materials---226 Retirement, Employee Benefits NYS Employee Retirement System---298 Snow Equipment---220 Solid Waste Management District Employee Work Gear---160 Encapsulator Maintenance--- 128 Equipment Rental--- 160 Glass Removal --- 160 Mack Quarry Truck Repair--- 128,160 Maint/CAT IT12B---161 Maint/Facilities & Grounds--- 160 Maint/Mack Tractor--- 160 Maint/Supplies Trailer Fleet--- 160,161 Maint/Supplies Trommet Screen---161 Misc. Equipment Maint/Supplies---161 Misc. Sanitation Equipment--- 128 Misc. Supplies---160 Mixed Paper Removal--- 160 Newspaper Removal--- 160 Plastic Recycling---160 Repairs CAT 816 Compactor--- 160 Repairs CAT IT12B---160 Special Recreation Facilities Parks & Playground Funds---67 Supplies---226 Tax Receiver Office Furniture---298 Office Supplies & Materials---270,298 Temporary Employees---269 Travel Reimbursements---299 Tree Committee Trees & Maintenance--- 160 Town Attorney Fee for Service---270 Supplies---270 Town Board Anti-bias Task Fome--- 159 Contractual Expenses---300 Miscellaneous---268 Supplies & Materials---268 Town Clerk Office Equipment---299 Wastewater Disposal District Accounting & Auditing---298 Light & Power---298 Part Time Regular Earnings---298 Unallocated---298 Zoning Fee for Services, Non-Employee---225 Part Time Employees---225 Transformers, Electric--- 178-179 Transportation Committee--- 128 Transportation for the Elderly & Disabled---29 Travel Expenses:--- Juvenile Aid Bureau---224 Landmark Preservation Commission---297 Planning Board---28 Police Training---27 Recreation Department---206 Solid Waste Management District---96,207 Traveler-Watchman--- 138, ! 60,301 Treadwell, Alexander---123 Tree Committee--- 11,157,160,210 Chairperson---210 Trustee, Greenport Village---84,260 TRUSTEES:--- Clerk Typist---28,66,207 General--- 11,60,61,310 Notice of Scalloping Dates---92 Reports, Monthly---64,123,204,263 Turbine, Gas--- 179 Tuthill, Lisa---27 Tuthill, Ralph---140 Two Way Radio System---216 USSL---88 Unified, Kristen---127 Uniform Cleaning--- 125 Uniform Supplier---297 U.S. Army Corp of Engineers---92,123 U.S. Army National Air Guard---17,22 U.S. Coast Guard---35 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Fortilla 18-8---267 U.S. Department of Transportation---206 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency---4,12 U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service---126 U.S. Navy---5-7 United Nations Day--- 159 Unity Baptist Chumh---257 Universal Declaration of Human Rights--- 159 Upgrade, Computers---23 Upgrade, HVAC System---295-296 Use Less StuffDay (USSL)---88 VVVVVV VanBourgordien, Robert---11 Van Huele, Yola---27,267 Variance, Signs---116,204 Vatale, Nicole---91 Vedder, Chris---27 Vending Machine, Bags---89 Veteran's Day Parade---220 Village of Greenport Board---60 Music Festival---289 Trustee---84 YMCA---311 Vineyard Caterers--- 115 Vineyard, Duck Walk---289 Vineyard, Pellegrini---290 Volleyball, North Fork B each--- 158 Volunteer Recycling Coordinator---88 WWWWWW Wacker, Ronnie---27 Waldbaum's Long Island Cup Championship---64 Waldbaum's Long Island Youth Soccer Challenge Championship---91 Wall, Michael---269 Walsh Park Corporation--- 17 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT General ---298 Water Authority, SC---24,158,215 Water Moratorium---215 Water Quality Testing---66 Waterfront Revitalization Proj ect---216 Weidersum Associates---217 Wellin, Nancy Lee---261,273 Wells, Randall---93 Wentworth Horton Memorial Park---271,312-313 Westphalia Road--- 161 Wetlands of the Town Code of the Town of Southold--- 162-164,165-167,211-212,221-224 Wetlands Project, Arshamomaque---217 Whaling City Dredge & Dock Corp.---226 Whitaker House---285,291,309 Whitaker, Epher---308,309 Wickham, PameI---65 Wickham's Creek---272 Wicks Law---215,227-228,275 Wilcenski, Donald---210 Williams, Jack--- 176 Williams, Ralph---156,295 Williamson Jr., Harold---65 Wilson, Michael---265,269 Windsor, Deborah--- 156 Winery--- 181 Wines, Keith---64 Winter, Mayor John R.---204 Winter 1999 Recreation Program---267 Wireless Telecommunications---253,254 Wireless Telecommunications Facilities---208-209,216,217,253,254 Wireless Telecommunications Law---254 Wizards, Harlem---289 Wolf, Dorothy---27 Wolter, Claus---225 Woman of the Year---289 Woodhull, Ruthanne--- 11 Workers Compensation---89,110 Wowak, Mary Ann--- 11 Woznick, Charles---62 Wryrm, Dennis---26 XXXXXX YYYYYY Yacht Club, Southold---60 Yakaboski, Frank---217 Yakaboski, Greg---1,5,11,14,89,145-147,255 Yard Sale Permits---84,93 Yellow Bags---23,62,82-83,125,138,314 Yellow Bags Charge Accounts---62,88 YMCA---310-311 Youth Services Program, 1999---205 ZZZZZZ Zay, Chris---64 Zimnoski, Theresa---314 Zone Change---23,85 ZONiNG BOARD OF APPEALS:--- Clerk-Typist, Part-Time---207 General---11,34,136,182 Meetings--- 180,181 Zoning Code Change---24,98-101,101-104,104-107,107-110,129-132,285 Zoning Code Definitions, LL---273-274,305-306 Zoning Districts---216 Zoning Ordinance---23,83-84