HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 - 1997 July - AprilTOWN BOARD MEETING DATES July 23, 1996 ................. 1 August 6, 1996 .............. 21 August 14, 1996, Fishers Island ........... 46 August 20, 1996 .................. 58 September 3, 1996 .............. 82 September 17, 1996 ............. 103 October I, 1996 .................. 119 October 15, 1996 ........... 140 October 22, 1996, Special Meeting ......... 157 October 29, 1996 ............... 171 November 12, 1996 .... November 26, 1996 ......... December 10, 1996 .............. December 23, 1996 ............ January 2, January 7, January 21, January 29, February 4, 1997 1997, Organizational Meeting 1997 1997 ..... 1997, Special Meetin~ . ...... 194 225 251 268 282 295 3O8 ,326 ..... 328 February 6, 1997, February 20, 1997 ........... March 4, 1997 .............. March 18, 1997 ........ April 1, 1997 ......... April 15, 1997 ........ April 28, 1997 ............ Special Meeting ......... 355A · 355 378 4O6 · 433 · 461 · 487 AS/400 Operating System--176 Acampora, Assemblywoman Patricia L.--2u.,197,331 Accident involving Town employee--59 Accounting Department--8 Account Clerk, part-time--230,269,296,30t[ Audit--103 Automatic Data Processing--226 Computer Programming Supervisor--8,33 Computer Upgrade--U~06, ~t71-tt73 Data Processing--9, ~67 Data Processing Equipment Operator--22,u~3,83,103,120,132, 1727.06 General--86, 176 Leave of Absence--328.3u,5 Payroll deduction program--Lt07 Seminars--10,109,128,175,231,233,256,312,31z[ Achievement of Excellence Award--197,tt30 Ackerman, Theresa--tt9t~ Acquisition of Land--1,2,151.20~,230,238,268,311,378,379,3867,38.~65 Adams, Jody--125,135-136,2143-2z~8,2914 Ad Hoc Animal Rescue Committee--187-193,238-239,278 Adult Day Care Program--~65 Advanced EMT Provider of the Year Award--35~ Advanced Equipment, Inc.--ti68 Advance Fee check--315,Lt12 Affordable housing-- 107.171,33u,, 3Lt0 Affordable Housing, FI--21,ttS, 171.172,19t[,20~ Aerial Lift Truck--108 Agendas, Town Board--309 Agricultural Advisory Committee--22,u~2,82.96.119, 1ti0, lU.9,268,308 Aiello, Nancy--57 Albrecht, Viggliano, Zureck & Company--119,Lt06 All American Fuel Co.--202 Amato, Michelle--119 American Diabetes Association--U, gL[ AMERICAN LEGIONS:-- Commander, Suffolk County--195 Raymond Cleaves Post 861--175 American Littoral Society--2,21,298 American Red Cross--Lttt,380,Lt91 American Sail ~98--358 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) WEEK 1997--u,38 Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator--L~88,505 Anders, Fred--22,378 Animal Ad Hoc Rescue League--187-193.238-239,278 Animal Shelter--lq-15,133-135,187-189,278 Angel Shores-- 1,22,23~, L[11 Anshutz. Pamela--231 Antenna--251~ Anti-Bias Task Force --140.1u~4.147,1u~8.155,195,205,251,268,296,303 APPEALS BOARD:-- Appointments--3u.5, [[07, ~17 General--19u.,235,257,287,302,308,309.366.388,397,u~O7,U.37 Refund--70, 71,109 Resignation--413,~37 Resumes--251 Stenographer--291 Appearance Ticket, LL--268 Appel, Henry--34 Apple Court--8 Appointments--58.296 Supervisor's--283,290,302 Appraisals-- 232, 233 , 299 .u.94 · Architectural Review Committee--1 tiS, 153.195,205,226,237,251,296,303 Armed Robbery Conference--128 Arshamomaque Wetlands--225,236 Ashalt Pavement--412, u.81 Assembly, NYS--378 Assessment Review Board--21,82,96,289 ASSESSORS-- 12ti, 1Ltt~, 363, [[32,433 Certiorari proceedlng--481 Chairman--287 Assessors. Suffolk County--Zt32 Association dues--286 Association of Drug-Free Employees, Inc., National--180 Association of Towns--172,182,284-285,309,352,355,376,388,t[36 Association of Towns, US--117 Association of Towns and Villages--281 Atkinson, CSEA President Lois--295 Attendance Officer--289 Attorney General, U.S.--117 Attorney, Town--203,282,283,294,328 Audiocom--378,396 AUDIT:-- 273 General Purpose Financial Statements--103 Telephone bills--378,396 Authorization of Lodge--255 Authorization to buy equipment--286 Award, Governor's for Reduction and Recycling--38~, Axien, Elaine--7 Azko Nobel Salt Inc.--1Lt7 Bacon, Louis--8u, Bags, Garbage--85,138,231,268,277,329,350,358 Baier, Joseph--378 Baiz, Christian F.--~gLt Baker, James E.--103 Banks, Ann--333 Barton and Loguidice--268 Baumann, Edmund J.--tr09 Bay Constable--lO,314,329,360 Bay Constable, FI--290 Baymen's Association--U,07 Bay Watch--59 Beach Attendants--72, ~69 Beach, Parking--3,21,58 Beach Parking Permits--475 Beard, Karl--197 Benefit Fund, CSEA--33u, Benefits of Parks & Recreation--146 Benfleld, Clifford J. --4-5, 61-63,105-106,331 Benson, Carol--Ill Berry, Glynis M.--~15 Bertolinl, Stella--175 Betty, Carol--[tlL~ Beyer, Mr. & Mrs.--12~ BIDS:-- Asphalt--~,12, L~81 Bags, garbage--85,231 Bituminous Surface Treatment--It68 Boats, sale of used--tt9t[ Bulkhead at Klipp Park--65,127 Bulkhead at Skipper's Lane--~68 Bulk Salt--l~7 Construction and Demolition debris removal--u,3~,,u,/~7 Diesel Fuel--85,202 Drain Cleaner--275,333,382 Drydocklng, MY Race Point--Ill,128 Dump body/spreader--~10, q68 Emulsions and Stone--Lt68 Equipment for Highway Department, refurbish--U,68 Food for Nutrition Center--85,231 Fuel Oi1--85.202 Gasoline--85,202 Generator--385, u,66 Hazardous Waste--85,203 Hydraulic Hoist--33 Leaf and Yard Waste Shredder--71~ Liquid Asphalt--u,68 Metal, Scrap--85 Milk for Nutrition Center--85,231 Municipal Solid Waste removal--tt3~,l~7 Oil & Sand--a,68 Oil & Stone--~68 Police Uniforms & cleaning uniforms--85,202 Road treatments--q68 Rock Salt--107 Rocky Point Road stairs--a,75 Salt/Sand Storage Facility--466 Sand Mix--U~68 Scrap Metal--Il2,195,203 Screened Sand--lit6, 201,233 Tennis Courts, Tasker Park--~12 Tire Removal--59,85,231 Tourist Information Booth--[[12,493,~9~[ Trommel Screening Plant--58,75 Truck with plow--315,36L[ Type 6 Top--~68 Yard Waste Shredder--58 Bingo licenses--179 Bitses, Jim-- 15,135,137,189,2~2-2~3 Blossom Lane--8 Blue Ribbon Health Panel, County Executive's--U,31~,~50 Board of Assessment Review--21,82,96 Board of Ethics--2,13,226,291-292,309,~07,416,Lt33,461,482 Boat Ramp--74 Boats, Used--49q Bond Resolution--309,326-327,335-338,370-376,471-473 Booth, Antonia--406 Borgert, Deborah--333 Boufis, John--367 Browning, Helen--Lt95 Boyce, Mildred--239 Boy Scouts-257,296 Eagle Scout Award--266 Man of the Year--250 Boyd, Josephlne--195,205 Bozsnyak, Jr., Richard--19Lt,230 Braatz, Barbara--63 Brackenbuilt Homes, Inc.--Lt93 Brashich, Neboysha--2,22,82,197415 Brecknock Hall--487,510,515 Bridgehampton National Bank--179,283 Bridges--17 Briscotti, Dan--462 Broderick, Dr. Edward--289 Broderick-Pitts, Jane F.--124 Brookhaven National Laboratory--251,257 Brown, Christa--415 Brown Hill Cemetery--436 Brown, Margaret--32,1~15 Brown, Robert--415 Brown Tide Project--251,254,257,482 Brown, Victor--415 Bruer, Jr., Justice Rudolph--22,255,299 Brushes Creek Brldge--17,18,97-100,195,226,239-242,279 BUDGET:-- Annual Budget 1997--195,197-198,205-217 Capital Budget 1997--195,218-219,379,382-383 Preliminary Budget-157-170 Tentative--123 Building Department-- Building Inspector--21,345,366 Clerk-Typist--21,22,65,226,296,360 Clerk-Typist, part-time--2,58,141,175 Coordinator-- 195 Fire Marshall--21 Legislative Secretary--295,317 Maternity Leave of Absence--219,317,397 Seminar- -333,355,367 Senior Building Inspector--3Lt6,379 Temporary Seasonal Employees--108 Building Officials Association Conference--333 Bulk and Parking Schedules, LL--2,12,70,84,100-101 Bulkhead, Klipp Park--65,127 Bulkhead, Skippers Lane--468 Bulk Salt--147 Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator James--I,22,59,111,197,226,251,406 Burke, Detective Michael--128 Burns, Courtney T.--357 Burr, Peter--56 Burt's Reliable Inc.--202 Business Records Corporation--233 Business tax incentive--58,103,433 Bus Stop--143,147 Butternut Valley Environmental Resources, Lts.--316 C&D (Construction and Demolition Debris)--300,365 C. A. S. T. (Community Action Southold Town)--230,260-261,268 CD ROM--203 Cabievision--21~, 253 Franchise--251,268,328,328,355 Cadman, Bruce--295 Cannuscio, Vince--57 Cans for Kids--22tt,250 Cantwell, Larry--31-32 Capital Project-- 11,33,6kt, 88,108,112,126,129,275,299,333,382-383, u,93,u,95 Caporusso, Vito--225 Caprise, Michael--U,13 Caracclolo, County Legislator Michael--103,172 Carlln, Frank--15t~-156,190-191,197,222-223,25~, 257,258,368, u,26-t~27, u,52-u, Skt, u,55,511,512,513-51u, Carlson, Lynn--360 Carpenter, Angie M.--107 Cash Management Services--31Lt Cash Management User's Training Seminar--31q Casinos--222-223 Cassela, Victor--251 Cassiday property--82, L~0U,, U,67 Castelli, Joseph--qg0 Castro, Commissioner of Parks Bernadette--liT, 237,311,358,381 Caulfield, Tim--82 Cedar Beach--267 Cellular service--309 Cellular towers--~07 Central Data Processing--9,kt67 Central Poly Corporatlon--358 Certiorari proceedings--~3u,, Lt81 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE:-- Greenport-Southold--22, u,11 Mattituck Chamber --6kt Chapel Lane--311 Chardonay Woods--1~39 Charters, Gary M.--229 Chemical Pollution Control, Inc.--203 Cherouski, Eugenia--1Lt5 Chesterfield Assoclates--71~ Chief of Police--2,12,360 Chiefs Council, Southold Town--119,121~ Cichanowicz Ill, Frank--23~,,251~ Citizens for Safe Roads--6u, Civil Service, SC--2L~ Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)--3,295 Benefit Fund--33[~ Contract--103, 1[~0, 178,269 Clavin, Peggy--Sa, Clean Water Bond Act--381 Cleanup--2,21 Clerks--u,87 Clerk-Typist--2,21,58,226 Clerk-Typist, Part-time--U,82, t~87, u,88 Clerk-Typist, Seasonal--21,38,73 Club Wave--59 Coastal Cleanup--2,21,298 Coastal Management Program, NYS--268 Coastal Waters Management--388 Cochran, Carlisle E.--59,77,132,179,36tt CODEBOOK--295,356 Code Committee--2,19,58, 58, 82,119,195,226, Lc07, L~3U,,/tS7-u,68, ktSLt Cohen, Barbara--298 Cohen, Rita Costello--2 Collection Center--33-3~ Columbia Pictures--10 ColuccJ, Raymond--97-98 Combs, Alvin--21,58,L~62 Combs, Patricia--21,58,462 Commander, American Leglon--195 Commissioner of Parks--Il7 Commissioner of Public Works--35 Committee on Local Taxes~-16,19 Committee, Standlng--293 Commodity Credit Corporation--129 Communication Tower--251,257 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT:--21,63, 86, 23~, 379 Community Development Block Grant--11,87, 125,255, 273 COMMUNITY PRIDE--32~, 36u~, 369, ~0u~-u~05, ~07, ~15, rtl6, ~36,~58, ~91 Community Services for the Elderly (CSE)--73,126 Community Service Sentencing Program, SC--~88 Competiello, Vito A.--103 Composting-- 7,12u~, 1[~2 Computer Upgrade--U,06, ~71-Lt73 Computer Programming Supervisor--8,33 Computer System--83, 172 Upgrade--176 Confidential Secretary~-283 Conklin, Patricia--302,366 Connell, Allan 5.--7,175,176,303 Connelly, Kevin--127 Connelly, Susan--127 Conservation Advisory Council--175, 176,195,201,205,251,268,276,291,303, 309,317 Conservation Easement--Il9 Conservation licensing--U~91 Consuamano, Laurie--236 Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D)--300,355,u,3u,,o, Lt7 Contract Civil Service Employee Association--103,1L[0,178,269,379 PBA-- 72,328,355,398 Conway, Chief of Police Joseph --1,12,13,3u~,171,36u~,t~TU~,360 Cook, Harold--21,82 Cooper, Linda J.--111,291,t[91 Copies, charging for--Il9,132 COPS Program--U,97 Copy machine--~31t COPS Universal Grant--u,87 Corchaug, Fort--3t[, 82,229,306,311 Cornell Cooperative Extension--7,121,12~,, 1Lt2,331,381 CORP OF ARMY ENGINEERS:--7.2t[ Application of:-- Community Development, 5T--63 Crescent Beach Condo Association--7 Fisher, Bernard--197 Glendalough Properties, Inc.--8~ Kramer, John--~90 Mariculture Technologies-~197 New Suffolk Shipyard--330 Reydon Shores Property Owners-~357 Slade, Michael--63 Corazzini Asphalt Inc.--~68 Corwin Jr., Richmond S.--71 Cosimano, Anna--lU,, 133-13[t, 238,278 Council on Veterans Affairs--27q Countryside Institute--19u, Cove Beach Estates--38~ Cove. The--2 CoWan, Ray--50,51 Cox Neck Road--182 Craft Fair--358 Creato, Dave--~96 Cremmers, Willlam--268 Crescent Beach Condo Assoclatlon--7 Criminal Cases--299 Cronin, Cerald V.--7 Cronin Jr., John C.--257 CROP Walk for the Hungry--95 Cross Sound Ferry--28,ttq,6U,,llS, lU~2,19~,t~07 Cruz, Roxana L.~-21,38,73,~11 Cuddy, Charles-~21 Cundiff, Lauren-- 195,205,333, ~13 Cushman, Senior Accountant John--109,175,231,282,31u,,328,338,345,~,06,~87 Custodial Agreement--296 Custodial Worker--251,268,293,367,469, ~97 Customer Servlce--89 Cutchco Corp. --lU,7 Cutchogue Fire Department--l~6,~07 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Society--3~ Czark, Richard--2~ D.A.R.E. Program--352 Dart, Edward--379 Data Processlng--9 Data Processing, Automatic--226 Data Processing Equipment Operator--22,43,83,103,120,132,406 Davidson, Don--436 Davitian, Harry--171 Dedication of Roads--8 Deferred Compensation Plan--65-70 Dehumidifier--58 Delmar Drive--124 Department of Aging--200,201 Department of Agriculture, NYS --254,436 Department of Agriculture and Markets, U.S.--7,103,112,124,129,252,~,24 Department of Economic Development--S8 Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS--1,275,491 Notice of Complete Application of:-- Bacon, Louis--84 Braatz, Barbara--63 Castelli, Joseph--~,90 Mattituck Laundromat--409 Mooney, Daniel--24 U.S. Department of Agriculture--124 Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services, SC--331 Department of Health, NYS--254,254 Department of Health, SC--119,328,34~,353,378,467 Department of Law, SC--75,328 Department of Public Works, SC--7,107,142 Department of Real Estate, SC--48 Department of Social Services--24 Department of State, NYS--22,33,84,378,462 Department of Transportation, NYS--7,24,84,124,142,296,304,357,383 Depositories--283,313 Deputy Supervisor--283 DesGaines, Michael--7, 12Lt, 1Lt2,381 Desmarais, George--103 Development Rights --89-95,112,172,225,252,254,266,268,397 Cassidy property--467 Fiore, Anna and others--194,204,230,238 Gatz, Walter--387,~24 McDowell, George--387,42/4 Woodhill, Lois--Lt38,465,483 Young, Cecil & Marion--387,424 Dicandia, Peter J.--13 Dickerson Family property--252,268,308,355,378,397 Dickerson, Howard p.--1Lt0,1Lt9 Dickinson, Wes--105 Diehl, Richard L.--274 Diesel Fuel--85,202 Dinizio, James Jr.--3z~5,351,388,515-518 Director of Human Services--251 Disciplinary action--201 DISPOSAL AREA--1 Award, Achievement of Excellence--306,430 Award, Governor's for Reduction and Recycllng--384 Bags, garbage--85,138,231,268,277,329,350,358 Construction and Demolition Debris--300,355 Cate Attendants--22,42 General--33, 119,131,195,226,266 Landfill Closure--58,124,140,195,251,265 Methane gas monitoring--22,251,406,433 Recycling Area--126 Redesign disposal area--140-141 Scale Operators--89 Scale, servicing--388 Scrap Tire removal--Il2 Seminar--385 Tipping fee, waiving of--76,83,172,182,407,415 Tire Removal--59,83,97 Transfer Station--83, 195,266,268, 275,299,328,406,/~33 Vending Machine--355,482 Water contamination--328, 3L~4 Division of Real Estate--311 Division for Youth--86 Dog Pound--19~ Doherty, Jill--~81 Doherty, Jr., Thomas F.--290 Dorman, George--99 Doroskl Nursery Inc.--109 Doucette, Monica--333 Dougherty, Fraizer--58 Douglas, James--ti13 Douglas Moore Memorial Concert--3tr Dowd, Town Attorney Laury--Lrl0 Dozier, Marvin-- lU,0 Drainage Easement--65,309,317 Drain Cleaner--275,333,335-338,382 Dredging Project--21,38 Drinking Water Protection Program, SC--103,151,378,386-387 Drive-through--368 Droskoski, Former Chief of Police--l~,0 Druck, Peter--266 Drum, Henry W.--27~ Drydocklng MV Racepoint--111,128 Ducks Unlimited--U,0u, Dues, association--286 Dully, Darlene--U,32 Dumas, Jeanette V.--6t[ Dvirka & Bartilucci--172,117,268,299,328,~,06,t~33 Dzenkoski, Detective Beth--233 Dzenkoski, Senior Bay Constable Donald--329 Dzugas-Smith, Donna--232 E911 --u,33 EISEP Aide--~7~ Early, Dwayne--U, 15 Easement, Drainage--65,309,317 Easement, Revocable--Lt3u, Easement, Scenic-- 119,256 East Coast Mines, LTD.--201 East End Companion Care--323,u,09 East End Seaport E. Marine Foundation--l~,2 East End Supervisors--183 Eastern Long Island Realty Croup Education Committee--ti65 Eastern Long Island Quilter's Cuild, Inc.--357 Eastern Outboard Racing Club--308 East Ramp Reconstruction--7~ Eck, Ron--~01-~02, u,25-~26, u,29, ~52 EDITH Program--123 Edwards, Ray--251 Edwards, Judy--55 Elder Forum--7, 11,t[95 Electric -- 171 Elijah's Lane--180 Elijah's Lane Estates--107,171,33tt,3t[0 Elizabeth Field--129 Emergency Medical Technical Refresher Course--315 Emergency Preparedness--51-52,102 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator--290 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Deputy--290 Employee Handbook--2,120 Employee Health Plan--199,339 Engineer, Town--195,226 English, Ginger--~,65 Enhanced 911--t~33 Entek Power Services--171 Enterprise Packaging Corporation--231,329,350,358 Environmental Facilities Corp., NYS--6u, Environmental Protection Fund, NYS--107,179 Equipment Storage--255 Ernest, Herbert--226,236 Ethics Board--2, 13,226,291-292,309,~07,~16,~33,~61 European American Bank Authorization of Lodge--255 Evans, Davld--28-29 Excel Training--128 Expanded In-Home Services of the Elderly Program (EISEP)--2,13,33,87,96,175 ~7~ Expenditures--195 F.B.I. Training Conference--474 4-H--121-122 Facsimile signature--284,313 Family Service League--298 Farmers Bill of Rights--226,43Lt,4a,8-LtS0,478-~80 Farmland Preservation Program-- 115, 129,192 Farm Law--324 Farm Stands, LL--82,434,41t7-4/t8,/t75-476 Farm Stand Permits, LL--476-478 Farmveu Associates--300 Fee, disposing of scavenger waste--304 FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)funding--22,262 Felnberg, Randall J.--255 Fence, chain link--108 Fiedler, Frederick--384 Field, Frank A.--415 Figliozzi, John--355 Fiore property , Anna --82,194,204,230,238 Fire Chiefs Council, S.T.--119 Fire Coordinator--290 Fire Department:-- Cutchogue Fire Department--146 Fire Marshall--21 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK--122 Fiscal offlcer--283 Fischler, David H.--331 Fishbein, David P.--311 Fisher, Bernard--197 Fisher, Tom--21 Fishers Island:-- Bay Constable--290 Civic Association--~62 Commissioners, Carbage & Refuse District --~07,417 Conservancy, Inc.--172,183,271 Drydocking, MV Race Polnt--111,128,315 Ferry District--74,180,363 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District--378 Elizabeth Field--129 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator--290 Harbor Management Plan--378,389-396,Lt01~ Garbage and Refuse District--497 Hazardous Waste Dumping--172.182 Henry Ferguson Museum--194,20~ Metal Dump--l, 11,53,59,64, 73,76,85, 95, 96,129,194,203,204, 27~,,316 School Crossing Guard--333 Senior Citizen Aide--203,20u,,271 Sewer Distrlct--21,82,96,256,361 Sewer Rent--127 Tennis Courts--462,482 Town Board meeting--~6-57 Walsh Park Benevolent Corporation--21,Lt8,171,172,194,20Lt Water Supply, Sanitary Code Article 4--355,Lt62 Yacht Club--82 Fish, Gary--355,367 Fish Pens--43~, Flag, Town--358 Flately, Martin--128 Fleet Bank--283,296,313,314 Fleet Neck--7, 18 Flower Hill Building Corporatlon--10,21,180-181 Folk Dancing--145 Food for Nutrition Center--85,231 Forbes, Congressman Michael P.--331,Lt65 Forrester, Edward--2,59 Fort Corchaug--3Lt, 156,487 Foster, Peter--406,415 Franke, James D.--201 Franke, Jill M.--438 Franza's Universal Scrap Metal, Inc.--195 Frein, James 0.--24 Freshwater Wetlands--434 Frey, Noreen--302,397,437 Funding Appllcations--116 Fuel Oil--85,202 G.T. Power Systems--~66 Gaffney, Robert J.--358 Gaipa, Walter--360 Gannon & Sons, Thomas Garbage and Refuse District, FI--U,97 Garbage bags--85, 138, 231,268,277,329,350,358, u,62 Gargani, Jay--262-263,265,266,LtOO-~O1,tt28-1429,tt5u~ Gargani, Julis--20 Garganl, Sal--223 Garsik, Patricia--283 Gas Compression station, LILCO--63, 2Lt8,305 Gas, Methane at Disposal Area--~3 Gasoline--85,202 Gatz, Peter--8 Gatz, Walter--232, Lt2tt General Code Publishers Corp.--251,295,355 Generator for Human Resource--385 Gilbert, Mary Elizabeth--256 Gillan, Frank--203 Glendalough Properties, Inc.--8[[ Glew, Claire--291,300 Goehringer, Gerald-- 19u,, 308, 35Lt Gold, Joseph--1,82,103,112,225,378,~2~,~62 Goldsmith, Cynthia L.--236 Goldsmith Inlet--19,29,30-31,33,352 Goldsmith Inlet/Kenny's Beach Working Group--tt2,L[3,191~,201-202,268,276,378 Goldsmith Inlet Workshop Summary--22 Goldsmith, Linda--185,197 Goldsmith's Inlet Parking,LL--1LtS, 185 Golf--128 Goose Creek Beach Improvements --Lt07,q07 Goose Creek Beach--171 Gordon, Captain Joseph--ti07 Governor's First Waste Reduction Recycling Award--306,/t01~ Graeb, Pam--191~ Graffiti and Vandalism Committee--116,266,306,32~,352,361~ Grant Program, Southold Town--116,19tt,20[t,268,271,276,355,379,~t06,~,15,~88, 507-508 Grathwohl, Kristen L.--1L~0 Greenblatt Inc., Charles--202 Greenport Health Care Center'--It51 Greenport Library--155 Greenport Maritime Festival--107,1tt2 Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce--22,1t11 Greenport Village--83, 107,137,21t9, 265,269, 510 Litigation--119, 171,252,269,296,309,32u, Stipulation of Settlement--355 Green, Richard--28 Greg, Andrew--257 Griffin, Mary--303 Grlgonis, Ethel S.--u~10 Grodski, Lisa--U,6u, Grosser, Sharon C.--2Lt Grumman--222 Gull Pond Bulkhead Reconstruction--126,127 Gurvitz, Andrea--230 Haber, G. Jeffrey--o`36 Haesche, Erich--60`, 1 o,1,172, 182, Hagerty, Bert Hagerty III, John J.--175,303 Hair of the Dog, Inc.--226 Hale, Paul--171 Hale, Richard F.--290 Hallock's Bay, Orient--30828 Hall, Town--119 Space Study--o`06 Hamlet meetings--360` Hanauer, Sanford--303 Hansen, Brian--60` Hansen, Charlotte--o`36 Hansen, Thor--60, Harbor Management, Fishers Island--378,389-396,0`00` Harold's--256 Harris, John Hartvlk, Hashamomuch Pond Stormwater Remediation Project--65,299 Hauris, David--128 Hayduk, Stephen C.--107 Hazardous Waste--85,131,172,182,203 Health Care Center, Greenport--0`30`,0`50 Health Care Reform Act--250` Health Department, SC--119,328,30`0` Health Plan, Employee--339 Health Insurance Committee--292 Health Insurance Program, NYS--256 Health Insurance Program, Southold Town--271,270` Heaney, Bernard Heating Oil--85,202 Henderson, Joe--o,9,50,55 Hennessey, Superintendent Patricia Henry Ferguson Museum--190` Herbert, Diane--302 Hickey, Jim--110,,115,20`8,261-262,305 Hidden Lake Farms--109 Highpoint Highway Department-- Authorization to buy equipment--286 Bids--33,107, 10`6, 10`7,275,315,360`,385,0`10,0`11,0`66,0`68,0`68,0`81 Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS)--70 Drain Cleaner--333 General --8, 33,60`, 108, 119, 171,296 Salt/Sand Storage Buildlng--385 Storage of equipment--255 Hilary, Richard--308,316,381 Historian, Historic Maritime Committee--117,120`, 156,381 Hoffman, Jack--18 Home Buyer Workshop--o`06 Home Improvement Program--255 Home Investment Partnership--87,180,230, Hoppy's Cleaners--202 Home, Helene D.--120,133,312 Horn, Susan--333 Horton's Lane--233,239 Hourly Increase--o,13 Howescale (Silver Plan)--388 Hubbard, Darlene Hudson, James Christopher--13 Human Resource Center-- EISEP Aide--o`70, General--2,7, 10, 11,12,33,35, 73,87,96, 112, 117, 125, 126,129,200,308, 316, 323,333,0,13,0,10`, 0`70`, 0`87 Generator- -385, 0`66, 0`93 Home Health Aide/EISEP Aide--108,175 Nutrition Program--200 Resignation- -0`95, 0`97 Senior Day Care--107,253 SNAP Program--195,205 Support Croup Enhancement Aide Program--I~lU. Wellness Center--U~87 Human Resources Administration Series--312 Hummel's Pond--296 Humpty Dumpty Farm--26t[ Hunter, Andrew S.--108 Hussle, Councilwoman Alice--195?.10 Hydraulic Lift--33, 6~ Hydrogeological Investigatlon--385 IBM AS/400--10 Incentive Plan, Tax 5C--58 Indian Shores (Fort Corchaug)--82 Industrial & Commercial Incentives, SC--103 Information booth, Tourlst--Lt11,~12,q27,L~67 Insurance Broker--338 Insurance, Hazard--Lt97-Lt98, 511 Insurance. Town--271,27~,338,L[67 Intern, Summer--437 Investigator, Town--2,59 JBH Tire Recycling Inc.--112 JLJ Recycling Contractors Corp.--83,97 Jackson, Francis--385 Jackson, Jesse--385 Jackson, Mary Mulcahy--22,58,7u~ Jacobson, J. Bernard--Ltl5 Jacobs, Raymond L.--35 Jahelka, Joe--123 Jasmine Lane--8 Jerome, John H.--L~97 Jet Ski--19,6u, Jones, Martha--335 Jones, Steve--Lt8-u,9, 5L[ Johnson, J. Stewart--Il9,130-131 Jordan, Annette--128,175,231 Junor, Thomas--58 Justice Department-- Court Reporter--291 Intern, summer--U,37 General--302,363, ~3L~, u~61 Parking Pleas by Mail--ti61 Seminar--255 Senior Court Clerk--U~61 Juvenile Aide Bureau--85,86 Kalin, Lyoyd--272 Kapell, Mayor David--83,107 Kassner. Robert--U, lLt Katz, Harry--296 Kayakers/bikers--~61 Kelling, Barbara--323 Kenny's Beach homeowners--U,62 Kenny's Beach Civic Association-o7 Kennys Road--30 Kent Robert J.--12~,331 Ketcham, Robert d/b/a Ketcham Signs--Il0 Keys to Successful Funding Strong Applications--II6 Kibbe, Pat--S3 Kiefer, Myrtle--291 King, Jim--298 Klein, William A.--l19,Lt06 Klipp Park--65,126,127,~06,Lt62 Knight, Marvin--35,~97 Knoernschild, Linda A.--272 Kokomos-o83 Kormendi, Nancy N.--226,236 Kowalski, Linda--107,295 Kraebel, Richard--106 Kramer, John--U,90 Krupski, Jr., Albert J.--1a, 1,256,~62 Kruszeski, Edward--27Lt Kuhn, Hank--17, 18, 99,100,239-2~2,279,309 Kumelos-Smith, Cynthla--303 Kumjiam, Claude L.--12u, Labor Management Associates--103 Labor Management Committee--293,0`34 Labor Relations--226 LaDuca, Rosarlo--233 Lake Drive. LL--127,10`3.153 Land Acquisition--1,2 Landfill--22,59, 119,131,226 Landfill:-- Closure--58,120`, 140,195,265,385 Investigation Report--251 Scale servicing--388 Water Contamination--328,344 Land Conservation Financing--338 landmark Preservation Committee--4-5, 61-63, 64, 100`- 106, 110, 172, 182, 195,233, 251,257,292,328,359,0`15,0`66 Landmark Designation Register--331,320`,355,367 Land Preservation Committee-- 1,82,89-95,103, 112, 172,225,232,252,260`, 292, 378,387,0`20`, 428-429.462,490`, 512 Lands End Road Improvement District--382 Laoudis, Mr. & Mrs.--I,22 Latham Farms--308 Lathm, George Ritchie--325 Latham, Scott--13 Laughing Waters--120` Laurel Lake Park--3,110` Laurel School--154 LaValle, Senator--352 Lawrence Healthcare--10,107,132,176, 179,231,271,272,270`,300,360`,410,0`37,487 Leaf and Yard Waste Shredder--70` Lease Agreement---10`7,255,334,385,467 Leave of Absence--8,195,219,317,328,30`5,397,481 Letter of Credit--230`,250`,q96 Liaison--358 License Agreement--147 Lifeguard s--72,0,69,0`75 Light Industry (LI) and Light Industry Office Light, Street--35,296,308 Line Dancing--Ill Link, Robert J.--225,381,0`06,0`34 LIONS: Mattituck Lions--126 Mattituck Lioness---70` Liquor Authority, NYS--59,82,226 Litigation--119,120,121,195,269,296,309,324,328,407 Liquor Authority, NYS--461 Lizewski, Joseph J.--236 Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry--268,358 Local Farmland Preservation Program--Il5 LOCAL LAW: Appearance Ticket--268 Bulk and Parking Schedules--2,12,70,80`,100-101 Farmers Bill of Farm Farm Stand Permits--476-478 Goldsmith's Inlet Parking--10`5,185 Lake Drive--127,143,153 Light Industry (LI) and Light Industry Office 439-0`45, 0`54,0`88,498-505 Lot Creation and Merger--21,38, 195,407,0`88 Lot Creation with structures--505-506 Merger--30`8-349,360`-365,381,398-399 Montauk Avenue & Pine Neck Road. FI--86-87,107.110` New Residential Uses--140, 10`6,149-151,176-178,197,220-222 Nonconforming Lots--349-350,365-366,381,399-400 Parking Pleas by Mail--0`92-0`93 Retirement Incentive Program--2,21,64, 77-78, 82 Scallop Size Regulations--301-302,311,322-323 Senior Citizen Exemptlon--296,313-314.350-351 Shellfish Restrictions--269,295,300-301,311,320-321 Site Plans--o`88,506-507 Speed Limlts-Boats--2,59, 75-76, 84 Telecommunication towers~-0,Lt6-Lt0,7 Telecommunication towers moratorium--o,69-0,71 Local Tax Committee--16,19 Local Waterfront Revitalization Project--33,97,179,183,0,11-12 LoCascio, Tony--2tt, 253 LoGrande, Michael A.--120,,378,381 Long Island Association, Inc.--331 Long Island Leisure Services Association.~-0,12 Long Island Lighting Company- LILCO--63,20,8,261-262,305,~85 Long Island Postal Employees Food Drive Day--o,89 Long Island Power Authority--o,85 Long Island Railroad--2,22,116,223,0,09,~36 Long Island Wine Council--7 Loss Control Program Executive Committee--312 Lot Creation and Merger, LL--21,38,195,Lt07,0,88 Lot Creation with Structures--505-506 Love Lane--296,300,,357 Lowry, Ann--295 Lowry, Stuart Lutkowski, Andrew K.--367 Lyburt III, Frank--Il3 LYME DISEASE AWARENESS WEEK--6,19 MV Race Polnt--111,128,315 Maher, Thomas--1~0,328 Malcolmson, Dr. Karen--1~62 Mammography Program--125 Management and Protection of Estuaries and Coastal Waters--~10 Mantione, Jon--107 Mariculture Technologies, Inc.--268,298,329,381,ttO7,t[62 Martin, Alphenic--225, 23u~ Martin, Eugene--225, 23t[ Martin Luther King--268 Marcacci, Joseph--31,32 Maternity Leave of Absence--195,219,317,328,3u,5,397 Marriner-Smith, Gall--2 Mariculture Technologies, Inc.--225 Maritime Festival--116,137, lt[2 Martin, Alphenic-- 19t[ Marvin, Valerie--110 Massoud, Charles I.--7 Maternity Leave of Absence--219,317,397,t[81 Mathie, Joan--101 Matt-A-Mar Marina--I, 11 Mattituck Chamber of Commerce--61~ Mattituck-Cutchogue Clergy Association--95 Mattituck-Cutchogue High School--331 Mattituck-Cutchogue Union Free School-- 16-17, 128 Mattituck Fire Department--35~ Mattituck Inlet Park--9,21,38,108,109,110 Mattltuck Laundromat--~09 Mattltuck Library--151~ Mattituck Lioness Club--74 Mattituck Lions Club--126 Mattltuck Park District--156,334 McDonald's--368, u~26-~27 Medical bills--10,107,132,176,179,231,272,300,36[t,u~10,u,37 Meinke, Howard-295,l~24 Mele, Frank J.-13 Mellas, Mark--229 Mellender, Joseph--303 Memorandum of Agreement--ll~0 Meredith, Karen D.--268 Merger, LL--21,38,195,3~8-3~9,36~-365,381,398-399 Merkel, Joe--318-319 Meskill, Kenneth--309,317 Metal Dump, FI--1,11,53,59,64,73,76,81~,95,96,129,194,203,204,27t~,316 Metal, Scrap--85 Meteorology Department, Brookhaven--257 Methane gas monitoring--22,251,1~33 Met Life--ti87 Michelson, Barbara--~15,~61 Micro-Surfacing--412 Middleton, Mrs. Ernest--21,~8,20u~ Mid Island Salvage Corp.--195 Milazzo, Marie--107 Mill Creek Inn--U~61 Milk for Nutrition Center--85,231 Miller, Herman--378 Milusich, William--~,33 Minei, Vito--465 Mondial Distrlbutlng--U~82 Montauk Avenue & Pine Neck, FI, LL--86-87,107,114 Mooney, Daniel--21~ Moore, Patricla--6[[ Moore, Councilman William D.--283,358 Moores Lane, Pheasant Run--~96 Morris, Ann--58, lU~1,175 Morris, Melvyn--303 Mosher, Ella--65 Mosher, William R.--65 Mosquito District, Orient--2tt,[tlU, Mulligan, Thomas--360 Mullen Jr., William F.--236,27~ Mullen Motors, Inc.--364 Municipal Investors Servlce--231 Municipal Solid Waste, removal of--itu,7 Murphy, Lorraine--13 McCarthy, Nancy--176 McDonald s--368, a,26-~.27 ?,31 McDowell, George--232, a,2u, McKieghan, Venetia--7, 11,251,3087,88 McLaughlin, Karen--308 McMahon. Executive Assistant James--21,388,505 NYNEX Usage Agreement--226,236 Narrow River Road, Orient--Lt62 Nassau Point Causeway--296,308 National Association of Drug-Free Employees, Inc. National National National Natural Natural U,-H Week--121 Park Servlce--197 Resource Safety Center 1nc.--31/~ Resources and Protection Plan, ST--97,179 Resources Conservation Service--103,129 (NADE)--180 Natural Resources Restoration--183 Nature Conservancy-- 1~0,225,236 Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Programs--ti65 Neighborhood Aide--257 Neville, Mike--99 New Residential Uses, LL--lt[0, lU.6, 1Lt9-151,176-178.197,220-221 Newsday--2~, Newspaper, Official--28Lt New Suffolk Shipyard--330 New York Fishing Tackle Trade Association--107 New York Property Insurance Underwriting Association--u,97 NEW YORK STATE:-- Commissioner of Parks--Il7 Department of Agriculture and Markets--25~.,~36 Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)--1,275 Department of Health--25t[ Department of State--22,33,378,~62 Department of Transportation--7,2~, 12u,, 1u,2,296,30u,,357,383 Environmental Facilities Corp.--6t[ Environmental Protection Fund--107,179 Health Care Reform Act--25q Health Insurance Program--256 Historic Maritime Committee--Il7 Liquor Authority--59.82,226 Nonpoint Implementation Grant Program--65 Office of General Services--237 Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities--180 Office of Parks,Recreation and Historic Preservation--9,3u,,237,258 Public Service Commission--63,355 Secretary of State--Il7 Nielsen, Thomas--Z~13 Nonconforming Lots, LL--3Lt9-350,365-366,381,399-tt00 Nonpoint Implementation Grant Program, NYS--65 Norklun, Richard E.--293 Norman Klipp Park--U,3u, North Fork Animal Welfare League--191~,238-239,309,u~O7,t[30 North Fork Bank--179,283,~81 North Fork Beach Volleyball League--6t[ North Fork Early Learning Center--138,u,62 North Fork Environmental Council--21,295,296,u~2u~ North Fork Housing Alliance--86,180,255 North Fork Promotion Council--till Northrop Grumman Corporation--2t[ Nutrition Program--200 Oak Tree Farm Diary, Inc.--231 Oelerich, Thomas F.--357 Office of Aging, SC--33,73,126,u,38,Lt65,u,67 Office of General Services, NYS--237 Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, NYS--180 Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, NYS--9,3~,237,358, 381 Okeanos-- 1:38 Old Burying Ground--U,36 Ollva, Councilwoman Ruth--232,u,10 Olsen, Erlc--257 Olsen, Jim--263 On-Farm Composting Program--l~2 Open Space Bond Act--115 Open Space Preservation--130-131 Orient Mosquito District--2~,Ltlt[ Orient State Park--7,237 Organizational Meeting--282-29~ Organized Files & Records--335 Orlowski, Jr., Bennett--287 Osterman, L.C.--236 Osterman, Maureen C.--106,u~07,Lt17 Our Lady of Grace Church--179 Oxford Tire of Connecticut--97,112 Oysterponds Historical Society--357,u,36 Oyster limit LL--119,295 Oysterponds Board of Education--197 Oysterponds Union Free School--lO,6 PBA Contract--72,328,355 PC/Codebook for Wlndows--295,355,367 Pally, Mitchell H.--311 Parades--113,126, 128, lt[6, 1L[6,153, 175,256 Paradise Shores-o352 Park and Playground Fund--8,21 Parking Pleas by Mail,LL--tt92-u,93 Parking restrictions--58 Parks, Recreation and Conservation, SC--281,381 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee--312 Parks, Town owned--3 Pataki, Governor George--107,12u,,a,65 Payloader, Solid Waste District--309,326-327,358,370-376 Payroll Deduction program--Lt07 PC/Codebook for Windows--251 PECONIC COUNTY--7,22,25-32,38-1~1,u~3,u,u,,6u~,78-80,155,193,296,308,317,u,O~ Peconic Estuary Program--232,t[65 Peconic Landlng--~87,515-519 Peconic Land Trust--82,119,130-131,19u,,309,317 Peconic Panthers Football team--228-229,237 PERMA Long Island Regional Loss Control --u,13,u,31 Permits: -- Beach--3, 21,475 Disposal--195 Non-Resident beach parking--tt3t[ Visitor Parking--3,21,58 Yard Sale-233 Personal Communications Service--309 Pesticides--318-319 Petrou, Edward J.--~91 Pettit, Robert--237,q96 Petty cash funds--28q,~7L[ Pheasant Run Estates--Lt96 Phillips, Mary Bess--121 Pick Up Truck Picnic tables and benches--108 Planning and Zoning Committee--U~3,26u,,323 PLANNING BOARD:-- Appointment--3~5 Chairman--287 General --82,83, 103, 137, 19L[, 251,257,287,292,308,309,379,1~33 Promotlon--296 Seminars--335, U,l~ Playground Instructors--L[69 Ploth, Richard--U,61 Plum Island Animal Disease Center--12/4,271 Police Academy, SC--113 Police Advisory Committee--59, 76,103,120,132,1[[1,22t[ POLICE DEPARTMENT:-- Chief of Police--2,12,31~,171,360,36q.q7q Clerk-Typist--21,38, 73,302,3977,11 Contract-- 72,328,355,398, u,88 Crime Control Officers--Lt87 D.A.R.E. Program--352 Disciplinary Action--201 E911 --Lt33 Former Chief of Pollce--lU,0 General--171,190,202,376,u,09 Lieutenant--59, 77,183 Police Officers, hiring of--1,3,13,77,109,L[87 Public Safety Dispatcher--82,103,119,130,398 School Crossing Guard--87,1u~9 Seasonal Police Officers--1-2, 12,83,103,113, Lt67 Sergeant- -355,382 Seminar--128,233,315,36u~,U,7Lt STOP-DWI Program--358 Training/Accreditation Officer--U,87 Juvenile Aide Bureau--85,86 POLICIES Procurement--ltH Trailers--276,277 Pond Lane--58, 75 Pool Feasibility Committee--192 Pope, Hank--268 Poulos, Gregory--tt3L~ Power Systems, G.T.--Lt66 Practical Evidence and Sentencing--255 Prendergast, Thomas F.--~,09,o,36 Price, Justice William--t[3/~ Private Road #8--1~38 PROCLAMATION--6,121,122, 122,1[[7, 173-17~, 227,332,380, ~38,1~6z~, 1~90 Procurement Policy, Town--1Ltl Program for the Aging--363,u, 1~,u.7~ Program for the Disabled--323 Promotion Council, Southold Town--2,~67 Promotions--296 Property, Purchase of--21,u,8,58,75,101,182,q3L~,~,87 Property Swap--21,58 Property, Town owned--L~61 Public Goods Surcharge/Covered Lives Election Form--25u, Public Safety Communication--3u~6 Public Safety Dispatcher--S2,82,103, 119,130,230.251,290,358,a,33,u,38, ~.6a, Public Service Commission, NYS--63,355 Public Work--286 Pugliese, Ralph--~2 Purchase Orders--195 Quogue Wildlife Assoclation--U,03 Quintana, Marilyn--282,296 R.E.C. Realty Company--256 RFC Associates--194 Rabinovitch, Paul--225 Radio City Music Ha11--315 Rakaukas, Mary--230,239 Rambo Inc., James H.--127 Ramp, Boat--74 RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS WEEK--332,333 Raskauskas, Mary--7,42 Raymond Cleaves Post 861--175 Raynor, Public Safety Dispatcher III John--52,82,230,251,290,358,433 Realtor Croup Programs--465 Receiver of Taxes-- Bank depositorieso-179 Clerk--145,226,236 General--296 Salaries--288,309 Recreation Committee--267,404 RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Budget--254 Clerk-Typist--272,302 Fall Program--71-72,86, 109, 111,128,145 General--124,147,315 Salaries--82 Seminar-- 146,200,355,367,412 Spring Program--359,388 Summer Camp--462 Summer Program--469 Winter Programs--231-232 Recusal - Transactional Disclosure Form--407,416,433 Recycling--306 Recycling Area Improvements--126 Recycling Coordinator--22,58, 74 Reeves, Kenneth--82, 124,146,200,355,367, ir12 Refunds--70,71,109,179,230,233,308,496 Regan, Margaret--24 Regional Planning Association--403 Rehn & Fore Certifies Public Accountants--103,273 Rehn, George--103 Reilly, Norman A.--290,354 Rieve, Patrlck--437 Removal of solid waste and construction debris--434 REPORTS: Animal Shelter --63,106,174,357,436 Board of Ethics--330 Building Department--24,106,142,197,253,298, 311,330,381,465 Community Development--6,106,142,253,357,436,490 Disabled Program--63,465 Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse District--357 Historian--409 Investigator--24, 63,142,229,298,409 Justices: -- Justice Bruer-- 106,124,142,229,253,311,357,409,465 Justice Evans--6,63,106,142,229,270,357.409,490 Justice Price--6, 63,106,142,311,409,490 Lawrence Healthcare PBA Claim--63,106,142,229,253,311,357,409,/465 Lawrence Healthcare Town Claim--63,106,142,229,253,311,357,409,465 Planning--6,24,124,174,229,298,298,381,409,465 Police--6,63,106,142,229,270,311,357,409,465 Recreation Department--24, 106,142, 197,253,298,298,330,465 Scavenger Waste Plant--24, 106,142, 197,253,311,381,465 Town Clerk--6,106,197,253,298,311,330,409,465 Trustees--6, 63, 106, 142.253,298,257,409,465 Residential Fences Corp.--108 Residential Uses, New LL--140,146-151,176-178,197.220-221,222 Resignations-- 108, 110, 175,272,413,437,438.466,495 Resourceful Bag and Tag--329,350 Resumes--12, 110, 113, 175.230,251,257, 315,466,467,482 Retirement Incentive Program, LL--2.21,64,77-78,82 Retirement Pay--140,410 Reyburn, James S.--180 Reydon Shores Property Owners--357 Rich, Jim--101 Richert, Kenneth D.--13 Richter, Craig--510 Richmond Shores--256 Richards, Lynn--323,t[09 Rich's Quality Auto Body--19u, Richter, Arline--7 Richter, James--195,226 Rickert Construction-- 19t~, 20~, ~82 Riding lessons--109 Riddler, Steve--22,378 Ridgeway, Bill--U,9 Ridgeway, Carol--53 Rickert Construction-- 19[t Riverhead Building Supply Corp. --71,11tl, 152,197,219-220 Road Closure--3u,, Road Dedications--8 Road Ends--97 Road Improvement--382 Road name change--U~38 Road Surface treatments--~68 Road, Use of Town--95,/~gu, Robert Perry Day Care Center--183 Robins Island--~07 Robes Food Servlce--231 Rockcove Estates--U.95 Rocky Point stairs--~75 Romeril. Jack--268 Roschen, Gail--291 Rosner, Special Counsel Jonathan--119,171,269 Ross, Bette--26 Rudder, Georgia--292 Rudder, Personnel Assistant Barbara--lO9,175,231,233,256,312 Ruland, Jeanne--296 Rusch, John---26 Russell, Carson--120 Russell, Scott-- 12~, 287, ~32, ~33 Ryan, Mike--6~ S. O.A.R. Program--250,308,316,339 Safe Drinking Water Act--197 Safety Evaluation--296, 30[[ Safety Video Loan Agreement--31[[ Saladino, Thomas--Il3 Salaries--[[3, 82,109,257,282,289 Appointed officials--287,288 Elected Officials--285 Beach attendant--/~91 Lifeguard--[[91 Part-time employees--288-289 Salt/Sand Storage Facillty--[[66 Sam Allen's Modern Machinery, Inc.--382 Sanchez, Patricla--96 Sanitary Code, Suffolk County--355,[[62 Santora, Joseph--251,257 Saunders, Chris--250 Save Our Seashore, Inc.--251 Save the Sound--[[06 Sawicki, Thomas J.--271 Scale Operators--89 Scale, Servicing--388 Scallop Season--12/4 Scallop Size Requirements, LL--301-302,322-323 Scavenger Waste Treatment Plant--lO,22,103,30[[,[[07,[[16 Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan--382-383,q68 Scheffer, C.P.--8[[ Schmid, Nina--333 Schoenhaar, Phyllis--[[61 School Board Recognition Week--173-17Lt School Crossing Guards--87, 119, 1Lt0, 1[[9,333 SCHOOLS:-- Mattituck-Cutchogue--16-17 School Tax Circuit Breaker Program--225 School Taxes--295 School Tax Relief--378 Schultz, Jamie--257 Scopaz, Senior Planner Valarie--103, 19[[,232,292,296,338,z~10,~33 Scott, Arden--58 Scott, Robert--u,33 Scrap Metal--Il2,195,203 Scrap tire removal--Il2,195 Screened Sand--III6, 201,233 Scroxton, Edward--27Lt Seasonal Police Officers--I,2,12,83,103,113,[[67 Seaview Trails of the North Fork--82,88-89,110,126 Secretary of State Treadwell--117,18[[ Seminars: -- Armed Robbery Conference--128 Benefits of Parks & Recreation--l[[6 Building Officials Association--333,355,367 Business Records Corp.--233 Cash Management User--31[[ Computer--175 Conservation Licencing--Lt91 Criminal Cases--299 Customer Service--89 Disability Claims--36a, Emergency Medical Technical Refresher Course--315 Excell training--128 F.B.I. Training Conference--[[7[[ Health Insurance Program--256 Human Resources Administration--312 IBM AS/400 Workshop--10,33 Land Conservation Financing--338 Liberty Data Systems--109 Long Island Leisure Services Association--[[12 Management & Protection of Estuaries & Coastal Waters--388,[[10 Marina Best Management Practices Demonstration--[[1[[ Municipal Investors Service--231 Organized Files & Records--335 Peconlc Estuary Program--232 PERMA Long Island Regional Loss Control--[~13 Police Juvenile Officers--233 Practical Evidence and Sentencing--255 Recreation Conference--200,367 Recycling Conference--Ill Solid Waste--385 Verbal Judo--388,u, 13 Senate Insurance Company--271 Senior Building Inspector--3u,6 Senior Citizen Aide, FI--203,20~,271 Senior Citizen Aide Senior Citlzens--225,295 Senior Citizens' Exemption, LL--296,313-31u,,350-351 Senior Clerk--120,133 Senior Clerk Typlst--111 Senior Day Care Program--107,201,253,t[67 Sepenoski, John--120,132, 172 Serafino, Mary--10,33 Serkin, Elizabeth--303 Settlement, Stipulation with Greenport--1,355 Sewer District, FI--21,82 Sewer Rent, FI--127 Shawmut Bank--283,313 Shellfish Restrictions, LL--269,295,300-301,320-321 Shelter Island--25 Sherman, Supervisor Huson--2~-26 Shillo, Thomas--127 Shorecrest --35 Sidor, Martin--22, u~2,96 Siegmann, Edward--16,185-187,189,225,295,353,35~,378 Silver, Assembly Speaker--2L[9 Silversmith Corner--Lt37 Simlone & Associates, Bill--108 Singleton, Ethel--303 Sinning, John--381,382 Site plan--~t31~ Site Plans, LL--U,88,506-507 Sixty-seven Steps, Cpt.--58 Ski, John--11 Skwara, Chester--300 Slade, Michael--63 Small Business Administration, U.S.--6~ Smither, Janice L.--30~, Smith, Barbara--l~37 Smith, June M.--253 Smith, Thornton--130,317, ~81 SNAP Program--2,10, 12,13,195,201,205, ~95 Snider, Greg--1 Solecki, Ralph S.--229 Solid Waste Coordinator--22,251, ~,06 Solid Waste Management District-- Bids--58, 59, 7u,, 75 Budget Modification--35, 339,110, 111,339-3L[0,361 General--59,132,235,275,328, u.62 Payloader--309,326-327,358,370-376 Removal of C&D and Municipal solid waste--~3u,,Ltu,7 Semlnar--385 Solid Waste Management Plan--~61,u.69,u,82 Solid Waste Recovery and Management Project--275 Solid Waste Task Force--22,195,268 Solomon, Principal Account Clerk Connie--109,175,231,233,31Lt Sound Road, (67 Steps)--58 Sound View Road, Orient--u.61 Southold Citizens for Safe Roads--6q Southold PTA--113 Southold Railroad Statlon--22 SOUTHOLD TOWN COMMITTEES: Agricultural Advisory Committee--22,u,2,82,96,119, lU,0, lU,9,251,268,308 Anti-Bias Task Force--lU~0, 1Ltu~, 1~7, lU.8,155,195,205,251,256,303 Architectural Review Commlttee-- 1 u,5, 153, 195,205,226,237,268,303 Board of Ethics--2,13.226,291-292.309,u. OT.U, 16.u~61,u,82 Building & Grounds--293 Code Committee--2.19,58,58,82,119,195.226,293.L[O7,L[3~,u,57,u,8~ Committee on Local Taxes--16,19 Conservation Advisory Council--175, 176,195.201,205,251,268,276, 291,296, 303,309,317 Council on Veterans Affairs--27~ Dog Shelter--293 Finance--293 Goldsmith Inlet/Kenny's Beach Working Group--t[2,43.19~,201-202,268,276, 352 Graffiti and Vandalism--116,266,306,352,36~ Health Insurance Committee--292 Highway F. Street Lights--293 Labor Management Committee--293 Landmark Preservation Committee--4-5, 61-63,6~, 104-106, 110,172,182,195, 205,251,257,292,328,331,345,355,359,367,tU5,466 Land Preservation Committee--1,82,89-95,103, 112,172,225,232,233,254,292, 378,387, u,24,424,428-t[29,462,494 Loss Control Program Executive Committee--312 Parks, Beaches & Recreation --312 Personnel Committee--295 Planning and Zoning Committee--~3,26~,323 Police Advisory Committee--59, 76, 103,120,132, lt[1,224,293 Policy Commlttee--293 Pool Feasibility Committee--192 Recreation Committee--267, ti04 Scavenger Waste Committee--293 Solid Waste Task Force--22,172,195,268 Substance Abuse Committee--144, 195,205,251,257,360 Swimming Pool Feasibility Committee--103, 113,147,195,226,236,265 Transportation Committee--22,82,143, 407 ,t[15, 461, 468 Tree Committee--200,292,379,397 , 459, q66 Waterfront Revitalization Citizens' Advisory Committee--292 Zoning & Planning--293 SOUTHOLD TOWN DEPARTMENTS: Accounting Department--8, 9, 10,22,33,[t3,83,86,103,103,109,120,128,132,175,226, 230, 231,233,256,269,282,296,301~, 312,328, 31~5,467,471-473 Animal Shelter--1u,-15,133-135 Appeals Board--70,71,109,191~,235,251,257,291,302,308,309,345,366,388,407,413, 417.437 Assessment Review Board--21,82,96,289 Assessors-- 124,144,287,432,481 Attorney, Town--203,282,283,29~,328 Bay Constable--10,31~,329,360 Building Department--2,21,22,58.65, 108,141,175,195.226,295,296, 317.333,345 355.360.366,367,379,397 Commissioner of Public Works--35 Community Development-- 11,21,63,86, 87, 125,234,255,273,379 Disposal Area--1,22,33,42,59.76.83,97,112,119,126,131,1~O-141,172,182,226,251 266,268,275,299,328,344,350,355,358,384,385,388,406,~07,~15,433 Dog Pound--19~ Engineer. Town--195,226 Grant Program--116,194,20~,268.271,276,355,379.488 Highway Department--8, 33,64, 70, 107,108, 119, 1~6,147, 171,255,275.296,315,333, 364.1~10,411,468.468,481 Historian--406 Human Resource Center--2,7.10,11,12,33,35,73,96,107,108.112,117,125,126,129 175,200,205,253,308,316,323,333.385,1~13,41~,~38,~66,487.493,1~95,~97 Insurance, Healt. h--271 Insurance, Town--338 Investlgator--2,59 Justice Department-- 255 , 291, ~34 , ~3 7 , 461 Landfill--22,58.59, 119.12~r, 131,1~r0,226.251,328,344,385,388 Planning Board--82,83,103,137,194,194,251,257.292,296,309,335,345,379,414, 413 Police Department--1-2,3,12,13,21,3~,38,72,73,77.83,86,87,103,109,113,119,128 132. 140, 1Lrg, 171. 183,190,201,258-260,302,315.328.355,376,382,398.~rl 1, 467, ~,74, ~,87, u,88, ~.97 Receiver of Taxes-- 1~5,179,195,226,236,27~,282.296.309 Recreation Department-- 71-72,82,86,109, 111,124, 128,145, 1~,6,147,200. 254,272, 302,315,355.359,367,388.~12.~62 Scavenger Waste Treatment Plant--10,22,103,30~,~07,~16 Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan--382 Solid Waste Management District-- 1,22,35, 58, 59, 7~,, 75, 110, 111,132,235.275,309, 328,358.361. 370-376.385.43~r. 462, ~r69,482 Supervlsor--73 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)--2.10,13 Town Clerk--B8,132 Town Clerk's Office--Ill,120,133,312 Town Hall--119 Trustees--22,119,12~,1~1,295,298,299,302,309,315,322-323,328,344,345,406,434 Wastewater Disposal District--361 Youth Services Program--143,298 Southold Town Farmers Bill of Rights--226 Southold Town Promotion Council--2,226,u,67 Southold Union Free School--1~36 Southold Village Merchants--153,256,358 Southold Yacht Club--171 SPECIAL PERMIT:-- Matt-A-Mar Marina--I, 12 Speed Limit-Boats, LL--2,19,59,75-76,84 Speed Limit, Road--7, 18, Spiro, Planner Melissa--410 Stack, John--~,15 Standish, Jeff--u,37 Stanton, Donald--27,30 Starwood, Jane Taylor--31 Statewide Installations--33 Stewardship Task Force--26~,295,u,31 Stipulation of Settlement--1,355A Stony Brook Ophthalmology--36Lt STOP-DWI Program--358 Stop Loss Insurance--271 Storage building--385 Strawberry Fields--309 Street Light--35,296,308 Street Sign--119 Sturniolo, Gayle--303 Stype, Andrew D.--232,299,~,9u, Stype and Sons Inc., Val--338,Lt07,1~62 Stype, John--Lt07, Lt62 Subdivisions: 7 Angel Shores--I, 22,23Lt, u,11 Appel, Henry--3~ Chardonay Woods--a,39 Cove Beach Estates--38~ Elijah's Lane Estates--107,33~ Farmveu Associates--300 Highpoint Wood s--3u,0,38~, Lands End --382 Moore's Lane--1~96 Pheasant Run Estates--1~96 Richmond Shores--256 Rockcove Estates--q95 Shorecrest--35 Smith, Thornton-- 130, a,81 Thornton Smlth--U,38 Wild Oats--23~, 25~ Subdivision Regulations--82 Substance Abuse Committee-- 1~, 195,205,251,257,360 SUFFOLK COUNTY--2 Assessors--Lt32 Civil Service--2q Community Service Sentencing Program--U,88 Department of Aging--200-201,u,67 Department of Economic Development--58 Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency--331 Department of Heaith--119,328,3Lt~,353.355,378,~67 Department of Law--75 Department of Planning--35R Department of Public Works--7,107,1~2 Department of Real Estate--U.8 Dredging Project--21,38 Drinking Water Protection Program--103,151,386-387 Executive--U,3u,, Heath Care Center--U,3L[,u,50 Industrial & Commercial Incentives Board--103 Legislative Commission--107 Office of Aging--33,73,123,Lt38,~65 Parks, Recreation and Conservation--281,381 Police Academy--113 Police Academy--113 Sanitary Code--355,~62 Tax Incentive Program--58,103,Lt33 Tax Sale property--172,182 Water Authority-- 12u., 378,386-387 Youth Services--298 Suffolk County National Bank--283,~06 Suffolk Times, The--28Lt Sullivan, John--21,82,96 Summer Showcase Concert Series--1~06,z~16 Sunrise Coach Lines--22 Superintendent of Highways Jacobs--Il9 Supervisor, Deputy--283 Supervisor Jean w. Cochran-73,283,290 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)--2,10,12.13,195.201,205 Swann, Bessie--230 Swimming Pool Feasibility Committee-- 103, 113.1~7, 195.226,236,265 Swiss Bank--296 Sylvestri, Anthony--235 Tank Museum--194 Tasker Park, Robert--21,58,176,236,300,357,360,412,445,1~62 Tax, Committee on Local--16 Taxes-- 185,295, 510, 515 Tax Incentive Plan, SC--58,103,[[33 Tax Pac-- 16, 185,295 Tax Receiver-- Bank depositories--179 Clerk--195,226 General-- 145,274 Tax Sale, Suffolk County--182 Tax Breaker Program, School--225 Telecommunication towers--~O7 ,1~31~, 41~6-41~7 ,L[65 Telecommunlcaton towners moratorium--Lt69-1~71 Telephone bills, audit--378,396 Tennis courts--U, 12, u,62, u,82 Ten Towns Supervisor Meeting--U,85 Terry, Town Clerk Judith--364, u,12 Thames Shipyard & Repair Co.--128 Thatcher, John--50, 51,55,271 Thibodeau, Alan--290 Thiele, Jr., Assemblyman Fred--296 Thompson, Nancy--13,87 Thompson property--299 Thomson, Peter A.--113 Thornton Smlth--~38 Thorp Jr., Frank S.--236 Tifereth Israel Synagogue--Il7 Tipping fee for C6D--300 Tipping Fee, Waiving--76, 83,172,1827,07,0,15 Tire Removal--59,83,85,231 Tour de Cure--49~ Tourist Information Booth--U, 11,u,12, 427 ,u,67 , 493,u~94 Towers, telecommunications--~O7 , 434 ,u~46-4u~7 ,u~65 Town Clerk--58,111,132 Town Clerk's Office--Ill,133,312 Town Hall--Il9 Town Hall Space Study--~,06 Toy, Clalre--195,219,317,360,397 Traffic Light--22,233 Traffic Study--180,296,304,357 TRAILERS: --268,276,277 Bozsnyak, Jr., Richard--19u,,230 Foster, Peter--1~06,1~15 Martin, Alphenic--19u,, 225,234 Rich's Auto Body--19~, Transactional Disclosure Form (Recusal)--407,~16,433 TRANSFER OF FUNDS:-- Accounting & Finance--33q Administration-- 199,339 Appraisais-- 11~/4,363 Appropriations- -34, 96 Automobiles/Light Trucks--314 B.A.N. Principal--382 Basketball Program--254 Bay Constable--10, 3u,8,360 Beaches--250,, 302 Bond Anticipation Notes--3~4 Brochure Prlnting--l~7 Brush 6 Weeds--3u,3,3u,~ Building and Grounds--11,64,112,127,316,3u, 1,342,362 Building Department--360, u~10 C&D Removal--236 Central Data Processing--8, 86, 176,203,255,255,367 Central Garage--73 Community Development--234,340 Computer Software--9,35 Consolidated Highway--70 Contingent--317,360,362,367,38~ CSEA Benefit Fund--34~ Elizabeth Airport--363 Employee Health Plan--33t[ Ferry Operatlons--363 FI Metal Dump--95,96 Fishers Island Travel--85 Full-time Regular Earnings--Il0 Furniture & Furnishings--108 Gasoline & Oil--31[[ Gifts & Donations--176,200,236,300,339,360,[[[[5,[[66 Glass Removal--Il0 Gull Pond Bulkhead--126,127 Hazardous Waste Removal--236 Heavy Duty Vehicles--3[[3 Informational Brochures--111 Insurance-- 199,338,339 Interest & Earnings--199,339,382 Interfund Transfers--199,339 Justices--363 Juvenile Aide Bureau--3[[7,3[[8 Landmark Preservation Committee--359 Leaf Shredder--35 Legal Counsel--144,363 Lifeguard supplles--25[[ MSW Removal--35 Machinery--3[[[[ Maintenance truck--35 Medical Benefits--339 Medicare Reimbursement-- 199,339 Meetings and Seminars--9,108 Miscellaneous--201 Misc. Sanitation Equipment--132 Motor Vehicles--108 NYS Retlrement--73,3[[1,3[[u, Newsletter Publication--235236 Odor Control--35,132 Office Equipment-- 108,132,1[[4 Off Street Parking--200,343 Other Public Safety Income--10 Overtime Earnings--108 Parks--9, 38,176,236,300, 3[[3,360, [[16, [[[[5, [[95 Part-Time Employees--9, 110,201 Petty Cash--Ill Pickup Truck--34 Plastic Recycling--110 Pollce--340, 3[[1,3[[7,384 Police & Fire Retirement--176,203 Postage--110,41[[ Pre-printed Forms--35,110 Programs for Aging--316,363 Promotional Handouts--85 Public Information--235 Public Safety Communications--3[[6 Public Works-3[[2 Recreation Administration--109, 1[[6, 1[[7,302 Refuse F. Garbage--73,95,96,203,275,316 Retiree, COBRA--199,339 Revenues--3[[, 126 Salaries--27[[ Sewage Treatment--96 Snow Removal--343,344 Social Security--343 Solid Waste Transfer Station--275 Special Recreation Facilities--9,38,126,a,16,[[95,[[95 State Aid--70 Street Lighting--108,3[[2 Superintendent of Highways--3[[2 Supervisor--271 Supplies--274 Telephone-- 199,339, [[1 Temporary/Seasonal Employees--108 Theatre--363 Tire Repair--132 Town Attorney--382 Town Board--95, 96,272,317,334,339 Trade-in Allowance--108 Traffic Training--85 Transfers from other Funds--9,11,64,73,95,96,112,126,200,234,274,316, 3[[[[, [[95 Transfer from Solid Waste Management--3[[ Transfer of Capital Fund--236,362 Tree and Tree Maintenance--200,[[66 Trucks-- 108 Vehicle Maintenance--25[[, 41[[ Welding Supplies--132 Workman's Youth Program--147, 25[[ Transfers of personnel--302 Transfer Station, Disposal area--83,275,299,328,[[06,[[33 Transportation Committee--22,82, 1 [[3, 197,406, [[15, [[3[[, [[68 Transportation Enhancement Federal Aid Project--82 Travel Authorization--28[[, 284-285,292 Travel Expenses--[[75 Traveler Street--l[[7 Traveler-Watchman-- 19[[ Treadwell, Secretary of State--Il7 Tree Committee--200,292,379,397,[[59,[[66 Tri-State Recycling Co.--231 Trommel Screening Plant--58,75 Truck, pick-up with plow--315,36[[ TRUSTEES:-- Clerk-typist. part-time--315,328,3[[[[,3[[5 General--22,1 [[1,309,315, [[06, [[3[[, [[62 Hashamomuck Drainage Project--299 Local Law--119,295,320-321,322-323 Mariculture Technologies project--298 Scallop Season--12[[ Tuthill, Larry-197-198 Tuthill, Lisa--260-261 Turtle, Joseph Tyler, Charles H.--119,130 Umbrella Policy--338 Uniforms, PD, and cleaning--85 UNITED NATIONS DAY--10'7 Universal COPS Hiring Grant Award--U~97 U.S. Government Association of Towns--Il7 Attorney General --117 Community Developement Block Grant Funds--125 Department of Agriculture--7,103,112. 124,129, 252,0,24 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)--22,0'60' Small Business Administration--60' Transportation Enhancement Federal Aid Project--82 Usage Agreement, NYEX--226,237 Vac-Con Drain Cleaner--275,333,338 VanBourgondlen, Phil--8~-85,1u~3,260 VanBourgondien, Robert--Lt2,308 Vandalism and Graffiti Committee --116,266,306,32Lt,352,36~ Van Driver--35, Ltl3 Van Duesen, Mary--Ill Van Etten, Raymond--183 Van, Human Resource-~Z[95 Varellas, Helen--65 Varnum, Ridderling, Schmidt & Howlett LLP--309 Vending Machine for bags--355,~62,1~82 Verbal Judo--388, Ltl3, Lt31 Verity, Michael--3a,5,355,366 Veteran exemtion--U,33 Video, Safety--31Lt Villa, Robert A.--Lt13 Visitor Parking--3,21,58 Voorhis & Associates, Charles J.--71 Wacker, Ronnie--26 Wagner, Esq., John M.--71 Wall, Jim--271 Walsh Park Benevolent Corporation--21,u,8,171,172,19u,,20u, Wankel, Ed--237 Waste Recycling Solutions. Inc.--u,07,u, 16 Wastewater Disposal District--361 Water Authority, Suffolk County--12u,,378,381,386 Water Contamination at Landfill--328,3u,/~ Waterfront Revitalization Citizens Advisory Committee--292 Water Safety Instructors--~69 Water Supply, FI--355 Wellness Center--Lr87 Wells, Randall--10 Well System Maintenance Agreement--256 Wenczel, Peter--298,321-322 Westerbeke, Joyce--109 Wickham, Abigail A.--7 Wickham, Tom--32 Wicks Law--~,36 Wiggin, Merlon--225,~,O6,U,3u,,u,62 Wild Oats--23u,, 25~ Wiles, Toby--U,65 Wilkins, Joyce M.--111,292,292 Wilson, George--195 Wimpelberg, Davld--233, ~9L[ Windward Road--U.38 Wine Services, Inc.--233 Winsor, Deborah-- 195, u,15 Winter Storage for Equipment--255 Wolf, Dorothy--1Lt0 Women's Outreach Network, Inc,--125 Woodhull, Lois--233,u,38,u,65,u,83 Woodhull, Ruthanne--291 Wurtz, Bill--187-188 Wysocki, Joseph S.--13,77,103 YMCA--512 Yacht Club, FI--82 Yacht Club, Southold--171 Yard Sale Permit--233,Lt55 Yard Waste Shredder--58 Youth Bureau, Suffolk County--298 Youth Services, Southold Town-- lU,3,298 Young, Barbara--Lt9~ Young, Cecil--232, ~2u, Young Jr., George--49z~ Young, Marion--232,42~ Young, Peter--171 Zone Change, Application of Flower Hill Building Corp.--10,21,180-181 Riverhead Building Supply Corp.--71,1~1,152,197,219-220 Zoning Ordinance--309 Zuhoski, Steven--13