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1983 - 1984 March - January
TOWN BOARD MEETING DATES March 22, 1983 ........................................... 1 April 4, 1983 ............................................. 32 April 19, 1983 ........................................... 51 May 10, 1983 ............................................. 71 May 16, 1983 ............................................. 95 May 16, 1983 (Special Meeting) ........................... 99 May 24, 1983 ............................................ 103 June 7, 1983 ........................................... 119 June 21,1983 ........................................... 140 June 24, 1983 (Special Meeting) ......................... 153 July 5, 1983 ............................................ 154 July 15, 1983 (Special Meetingl ........................ 168 July 19, 1983 ........................................... 169 July 26, 1963 ........................................... 187 August 9, 1983 ......................................... 188 August 17, 1983 (Fishers Island Annual Meeting) ....... 203 August 23, 1983 ....................................... 220 September 6, 1983 ..................................... 230 September 20, 1983 .................................... 249 September 27, 1983---(Special Meeting) ................ 267 September 27, 1983 (2nd Special Meeting) ............. 275 October 4, 1984 ....................................... 276 October 18, 1983 ....................................... 299 October 28, 1983 (Special Meeting) ..................... 313 November 1, 1983 ..................................... 326 November 9, 1983 ....................................... 342 November 29, 1983 .................................... 373 December 13, 1983 ..................................... 386 December 20, 1983 ..................................... 399 December 27, 1983 .................................. 407 January 3, 1984 (Organizational Meeting.) .............. 419 January 3, 1984 (Regular Meeting) .................... 429 January 17, 1984 ..................................... 435 TOWN BOARD AUDIT DATES April 5, 1983 ............................................ 32.33.52 May 10, 1983 .................................................. 71 May 16, 1983 .............................................. 95~ 96 May 24, 1983 ................................................. 104 June 7, 1983 ................................................. 120 June 21, 1983 ................................................ 141 July 5, 1983 ................................................. 155 August 9, 1983 .............................................. 189 August 23, 1983 ............................................ 221 September 6, 1983 ........................................... 231 October 4, 1983 ............................................. 277 October 18, 1983 ........................................... 301 November 1, 1983 .......................................... 326 December 13, 1983 .......................................... 387 December 27, 1983 .......................................... 408 January 17, 1984 ........................................... 437 Abandonment of Seventh Street, Greenport---258 Access Request (G. Wade)--l04 ACCounting Dept., Town--140, 162,178, 180,226 ADVISORY COMMITTEES:- Agricultural or Farmland Preservatior Commission--14-16,26,34, Water Advisory Committee-- 4,26,34 Agricultural Developement Rights--284-288 Ahman, Lucy--218 Air Conditioning System, Town Hall--1.0, 149 Airport Site Selection/Master Plan Study)--225,226,227,249,259,264,276.280,289,310 Alarm Line Agreements--43,80 237 Aliano's Beachcomber Restaurant--193 AMERICAN LEGION POSTS:- Griswald Terry Glover Post 803, Southold--129,226,289 Andrade, Barbara--334 Andrade, Jon M,--112 Andrews, Allen--330 APPEALS BOARD:- Appeals Application Fee--305 Appointments--37, 62 General--104,335 Litigation--371 Move--342,345,371 Review Board for N.Y.S. bldg. Contr. Code--104,113,119,364 Aquaculture Planning Act--142 Area and Yard Regulations (Amend. of Zoning Code)-130-132,160-62,200-202,206-207,257 ARLM Assessing System--103,125 Asphalt road materials-- 61 Assembly bills: # 7692 FIFD, Petty Cash & Capital reserve funds--108 # 4887 --Repair of existing farm dikes-- 80 # 6469-- Striped Bass--85 # 6230-- Term of Office of Twon Trustees--42 · Assessing, Countywide Proposal--46 ASSESSMENT REVIEW BOARD:-- Appreal Application fee--254 Appointments--129, 346 Resignations--81 ASSESSORS:- Computerization of Tax Rol--197 General--2,171,188 Kelsey, Melville, Jr.--224 Move--345 Association for Marine Industres--106 ATTORNEY, TOWN:- Special Asst. D. A. Attorney--144,282,299 Special Council--140, 226 Audit 1983--329 Automobile Club of America--205, 274 Aviation Committees--180,220 Axel, John--196 Bady, Jerry--257,306,307,329,340 Baglivi, Amy-- 160 Baglivi, Harry--375 Baglivi, John A.--160,168,225 Bancroft, Roger--234 Barr, James M. and Ruth F.--33,173, 178,198 Barth, Phil--109,116,265-66,368-69 Batjer, George A.--154 Bauer Farms, Inc.--159 BAY CONSTABLES:- Appointments-- 129-30, 258,299,306,377,377 General--107,188,218, 252,255, 278,279 Resignation--240 Baymen's Association, Southolc Town--32,79,252 Bayview Avenue--192 Beach Attendants & Lifeguards--143 Beach & Dump Stickers--242,245-248,265 Beachcomber Restaurant & Motel Resort--193 Bear, Frank--47,129,167,185,230,242,299,342 Bear, Joy--43 Berger, Harold--213,214,233 Bertani, John--197,260,277,294 Bicentennial Quilt-- 188, 202 Bicycle Rack--53 Bicycles--373 BIDS:-- Asphalt road materials--108 Bull dozer & payloader for Landfill--180,235 Diesel Fuel 1984--305,363-64 Fencing at Dog Pound--309 FISHERS ISLAND:- Drydocking a/v OHnda-- 196 Recreation Area, concrete asphalt surface--64 Galvanized mesh fencing, drainage sump--146 Gasoline, 1984-- 306,363 Handicapped Ramp--226 Heating Fuel, 1984 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Asphalt Road Materials---61 Chipping machine--68 Dump truck--7,38,60,61 Front-end loader 4½ cu. yd.--261 1½ Cum yd.--261 Police Car--1984 Sedan--378 Snow fence 7 "T" posts--280-281 Snow fencing--240 Track type dozer, one new--261 Traffic Line marking machine--280-28 LANDFILL:- Gargage compactor--272 Metal building--225,251,271-72 NUTRITION PROGRAM:- Dodge Van, 1983--10 PARKING FIELD IN MATTITUCK:- 1. Resurfacing 2. Landscaper--253 3. Timber Fence- Police cars--351-352 Sidewalks, Southold village 2, 31,128 Stairs at Horton's Point--84 Binding Arbitration --6 Bingham, Donald L. --1 Bitses, James--61,86,107,109,115 Black, Louis--43 Blados, Anthony--1 Blados, David--226 Blass, Greg--5, 106,142 Block Party, Annual SFD--39 Bluskal, Leonard & Theresa- 279 BOND RESOLUTIONS:- Boat launching ramp, town-Farrow River Road, Orient--176-77 Fishers Island Ferry District, New Ferry Boat--335--339 Landfill Improvement Equipment--208-211, 267-270 Southold Wastewater Disposal District,-64-68 Boisseau Avenue-- 61,76,·06,222,281,327,329,375 Boos, Norman C.--335 Bouffard, Alfred E. & Claire--194,281,329,33,350-51 Bourcet, Mary--180,226 Boursiquot, Ange & Barbara--61,329 Bowling Alleys, Fishers Island --3 Bowne, Sidney A., Inc.--160,342 Boy Scouts--221,227 Boyd, Josephine-- 125 Briarcliff Sprinkler Systens, Inc.--281 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue--192 Bridges, Reconstruction--4, 234 Bridle Court, Cutchogue--106 Bridle Lane, Cutchogue--106 Brecknock Associates--132,133,308,376 Brooks, Lori--113 Brown Boiler & Tank Works, Ltd.--252 Bruno, Lawrence--176,182,195,304,311 Brushes Creek-- 11,124 Bubany, John--6,24-25 BUDGET:- Adopt Amended Preliminary Budget--325-363 Budget Note Resolution--146-149 Highway Budget Amendment (1983)==238-239 Preliminary Budget-- 313-325 Burns, Ford, Inc.--60-61 BUILDING DEPARTMENT:- Clerical--134 Conferences-- 196 Fisher, George--226 Forms & Permits--Il9,134 General--85,169,187,220 228,229,132,276,347 Hindermann, Ed--229 I-essard · Victor--32,70, 85,232,334 Litigation--169 Move-- 342,345,373 Personnel--169 Senior Inspector Position--63,69,85 Building & Grounds Position--II2,134 CABLIVISION :--378,390 Complaints--34,273-274 Franchise--34,328,347,375,376 Public Hearings--45,273-74,300 Service Call Reports--374 Canadian hydor-electric power--471 Survey Cards--193 Update Report--328,346 Capital Highway Materials, Inc--33 Cappa, Armando--238,296,329,340 Captain Kidd Water Company--224,279,371 Captain Kidd Water District--6,105-106,123, 140,142,154,160,165,184,183,190,371 Caputo, Joseph--215 Carcick, Fred J. 157,175,178, 98 Carey Resources, Inc--180,252 Carlin, Frank--72,117,118,123-124,135- 39,150-152,163-165,243,245 Carlson, Lt. (F.I. State Police)--214 Carlucci, Michael--331 Carmichael, Joseph--234 Carnes, Nicholas & Golden, Annette--8 ,144,154,162 Carney, Congressman William--37,212 Carnival, special permit--196 Carrig, Patrick--58,71,92 Case, Russel B.--377 Cedar Beach area--192 Certiorari Proceedings, Tax--230,242 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE:- Cutchogue-New Suffolk--250 Greenport-Southold--5,73,79 Mattituck--5,79,129,252 Southold Town Promotional Committee -192 Charters, Beth--252 Chipping Machine--68 CHIPS, Rural Highway System Aid--15; Chowder Clam Program--2,86 Clam Transplant--79,346 Clavin, John--129,255 Clayton, John--216 Cluster Subdivisions--193 Cochran, Jean--185,220 Code, of the Town of Southold--35,240 241 Collection Center--341,342 COMPLAINTS:- Stankevich, George--373 Community Developement Agency--2,32~51,64,70,90,103,119,188,230,241,249,255 Computerization of Town Records--78,110,188 ( 299,375,480-1, CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNClL:-306 Appointments--37,62,109,347 General--306,370 Copies--25¢--120 CORPS OF ENGINEERS:- Bertani, John--234 Bubany, John--191 Byron, Lawrence & Mary--l06 Carcich, Fred--223 Farr, Katherine--347 Farrell, John J.--310 Forosich, Anthony--251 Gardner, W. S.--215 Harbor Lights Property Owrers Assoc.--301 Hiltz, Richard--251 Honig, Claus, Cosimano & Stampfli--142 J'Eso, Maurice--375 Jones, Virginia--36 Koch, George--251 Koloski, Chester--191 Kowalchuck, Benjamin--36 Lang, Leonard--278 Lawrence, Edward A. 251 Markapodi, Joseph--142 Parkside Heights Company--36 Perricone, Stephen--142 Peterson Towing Corp.--191 CORPS OF ENGINEERS:- Port of Egypt Marina--l42 Ricereto, David--251 Rider, Robert B., Jr.--192 Silverman, Daniel--191 Sonneborn, Monroe R.--36 Stabile, Howard--192 Stoutenburgh, Peter--l91 Stratakis, Christ--301 Town of Southold, Clam Rafts--223 Windsway Bldg. Corp.--191 Yankee, £dward--301 Cranberry Acres--193 Creative & Performing Arts, Inc.--103 Creek Inventory--Il3 Cron, Richard J.--6,47,70,181,184 230,242 Cross Sound Ferry Services--5,86, 119,188 Crown Land Lane, Cutchogue--106 Csajko, Gladys--154,220 CSEA-- 90,187,373 Curven, Edward--7 Custer Institute--53,70 Custodians--172 Cutchogue Fire Departmert--83,196 Cutchogue Lioness Club--279 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce--250 Cutchogue Presbyterian Church--251,263 Cutchogue Shopping Center--279 Cybulski, Andre--84,230,373 Czelatka, Alan E.--112,237 Czeltka, Thomas--188,240 Dalchet Corp--127 D'Amato, Senator AIfonse--37 Damianos, Herodotus--84 Dance Classes--103 Davis, Jack--215 Davis, John--341 Dawson, Albert--330 Dead End Roads--142 DEC:- Landfill--54, 106,190,213-214,233,234, 279,347 Scavenger Waste Pretreatment Facility--331 Shell fish contract 1983--86 SPEDES Permit--landfill-279 DEC NOTICES:- Burr, Frank--35 Cappa, Armando--78 Deutsch, Edward--124 Diefendorf, Elizabeth--156 Donnelly, Joseph--106 Duggan, Joseph--375 Farr, Katherine--251 Forosich, Anthony--223 Gerhold, Corrine--35 Glasser, Walter E.--191 Grasso, Joseph--346 Harris, Joan--375 Hiltz, Richard--223 Johnson, Robert--79 Koch, George--223 Lenzer, Robert & Jean--78 Long Island Oyster Farm--261 Marine Associates, Inc,--4 Mattituck Holding Co,, Inc,--328 Merrill, Ralph--301 Micciche, Peter--328 New Suffolk Shipyard, Albert Roke- 4 Oliver, Harry S,--124 Pirates Cove Marine--375 Saland, David--192 Sammartino, Arthur & MuriEI--328 Schick, Nicholas (Draft Envir. Impact Statement)36 Schlussel, Murray and Sadich, Marich--156 Shelley, Daniel--124 Silverman, Daniel--124 Southold Bay Haven Property Owners Assoc.,Inc.---346 Stratakis, Christ--192 Tamburrioro, Anthony--251 Town of Soutold (Cutchogue Harbor)--78 Tuthill, Katherine--301 Vartanian, Paul--278 Weiser,George-- 191 DeLeeuw, Anne & Howard--329 Demarst, Louis M.--119,156,176-77,265 DeNigris, Peter--214 Department Moves--342,345,371 Depot Lane, Cutchogue--106,146,179 Desi Jewelers--43 Devoe Lighting Corp--41 DeYoung, Kathrine--373 Dickinson, Marge--302 Diesel Fuel Bids--363-364 Dobert, Ron--283,332,333,247 267 Dog Control Contract--237 Dog Licensing Fees-149 Dog Pound--154, 188,220,230,264,309 Dombeck, Harold--51 Dorman, John--43 Double Entry Accounting Course--226 Douglas Moore Memorial Concert-143 Douglass, Robert--119,282 Doyen, Serge--37,62 DRAFT ENVIONMENTAL IMIPACT STATEMENT:- Dalchet Corp--127 Marine Associates--282, 329,333,352 Schick, Nicholas--Il3,157-58,187,195 DRAINAGE LIST:- Depot Lane, Cutchogue--179 Soundview Ext., Southold--106 DREDGING:- Brushes Creek--Il,105,124 Boatman's Harbor--105 Cedar Creek--105 County Dredge--29-30 Gull Pond--40,105 James Creek--40,79 Jockey Creek--37,79 Little Creek--105,224 New Suffolk Area--252 New Suffolk Ramp--40,105 Richmond Creek--105 Droskoski, Lt. Stanley--Il9 Duell, Rachael--37,109 Dump & Beach Permits--242,245-248,265 duPont, Reynolds, Jr.,--231 DWI Program--179 Dzenkowski, Donald a.--306,377 Eagle Scouts--221 East End Arts & Humanities Council--141 ,145,329 East End Horsemen's Association--37 East End Project--37 East End Supervisor & Mayors Assoc.--33 East Marion Fire District--83,107,206 East Marion Woods,--302,331 East Road, Cuthchogue--26,70 Eastern Horizon--249 Eastern Long Island Hospital---255 Eastern Wholesale Fence Co., Inc.--280 Eastward Court, Mattituck--237,238 Edwards, Kenneth--lO8 Eel Grass transplanting--32 Eindensheim, Susan- 215 Election, General--193,230 ENGINEERS, TOWN:- Davis, Jack--215 Tuthill, Lawrence M.--215,215 ERM Northeast--I,2,52,68,167,185,232 Erosion--48-51,374 Eugene's Road, Cutchogue--192 Ewer, Agneta H.--224 Executive Administrator--70,85 Falconer, Frederick--289,350 Falkowski, Alfred C. 112,153 Fallon, Mary--215 Farm Dikes, repair of existing--80 Farmland Agricultural Development Rights --284-288,329,368 Farmland Preservation Committee--14-16 26,84,105,141,230,373 Farr, Katherine--226,235,295, 329 Farrel, John J. --11,86,87,107,114 FEDERAL DEPARTMENT & AGENCIES:- Coast Guard--37,51,54,86 Coastal Zone Management--4 Communications Commission (FCC)--37 Congress--212 Corps of Army Engineers--See "C" Environmental Protection Agency--78,331 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds--252 Flood Insurance Program--70,81,119,125,215-16,224,343-44 Geological Survey, Water Resources OMvision--1 Historic Federal Register--34 Justice (FBI)--51 Local Government Conference--37 Register, Federal--53 Senate (also see "S" Senate Bills)--37 FEES:- Copies, 25¢--120 Increases--240-41,253-55,304-05,347,365-66 Landfill-339-40 Fellinger-lhar, John Olivia--339 Fencing, drainage sump--146,179 Ferry Boat, New London--5,86 Festival Week--220 Fingerle, Michael F.--112,258 Fink, Augustus--335 Finora, Grace A.--351 Fire Alarm Service Agreement--144 Fire Coodinator Deputies--351 FIRE DEPARTMENTS: Cutchogue--1,83, 196 East Marion--107,206 Mattituck--193 Southold--39 Fire Hydrant--127 FIRE PREVENTION CODE:- Amendments-- 145-46 Assistant Inspectors--69, 330 Fisher, Goerge--226 Fisher, Herbert W., Jr.--330 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT:- Acquisition of New Ferry Boat--290-9 Annual Election Inspectors--159 Assembly bill increasing petty cash & creating capital reserve funds--108 Bid for Drydocking the M/V Olinda-- 196,258 Bond Resolution for new ferry boat--335-339 Budget Amendment--241 Improvement of Facilities--290-291 Legislative Act Amendment--7-10,89 New London Terminal, emergency repairs--61 Operation of Movie Theatre--132 Property Acquision Account, Authorization for 241 Purchase of Property--Il9,231,240 Transfer of Funds--334 FISHERS ISLAND-GENERAL:- Annual Town Board Meeting--190,203 Bay Constables--129-130,218-219,255 Civic Association--251 Emergency Preparedness DrilI--300 Island Peoples Project--258 Recreation Area, Asphalt Concrete Surface--64,108, 156,191 Softball League--241 Tennis Courts--41,156 Town Property--54 Trooper Gentile--108 FISHERS ISLAND SEWER DISTRICT: General--78 Grant--184,279 Priority Rating--205 Fishers Island Wastewater Facility Plan--128,171,206,216-18,303 First Baptist Church of Cutchogue--42,308 Flagg, Paul--346 Flanagan, John--215 Fleets Neck Property Owners Assoc --26-28,32,51,70 Flood Damage Prevention Law--304 Flood Plain Appeal Fee Increase--25- Fogarty, Dan-- 140,149 FORMS:-- Building Department--115, 134 Forosich, Anthony--143,174,178,198 Four (4) year term-Trustees--89,131,193,293 Franken, Wilhelm--283,332,333,347,357 Frankenville Road, Laurel--4,17 Frein, James 0.--74,77 Fusco, Frank--215 Gada, A. John, Jr.--351 Game Rooms--38,54-57,71 Gammon, Robert L.--330 Garrell, Martin H.--347 Gasoline Bids--363 Gentile, Gregory--108 Geohringer, Gerald--104, 119 Georgeopoulos, Constantine P.--42,80,107 Glover, Leander--70 Glover, Leander Jr. ,--351 Godfrey, Kenneth--43 Golden, Annette & Carnes, Nicholas--81,144,154,162 Goldin, Oscar--157 Goldsmith's Inlet--234 Goodrich, Magdaline--188 Graeb, Bob--279 Grandview Estates--331 Graseck, Kathleen--368,68 Grassklaus, Alfred--62,86,89,107,125 Grasso, Joseph--346 Grattan, Sheryl--103 Graves, Charles--133,187 Greek Orthodox Church--196 Greenport Dock Project--29 Greenport Housing Alliance--32,37,51,64,230,299,480-1, Greenport Oyster Factory Associates --224 Greenport Public Schoos--124,327 Greenport Southold Chamber of Commerce--5,73,79 Greenport Summer Players (Theatre)--145 GREENPORT VILLAGE:- Fire Hydrants--127 Lease for Southold Scavenger Waste Plant site--39,224 Lighting district--252,279 Sewage treatment plant--278 Greenport Village Cleaners--63 Greenport Women's Softball--63 Grievnaces: Hutton, John--90 Gril~fing Street, Cutchogue--l06 Grigonis, Charles--Il9 Grigonis, William--84,230,373 Griswold-Terry-Glover Post 803--52,61,79,129,284 Grodski, Peter--252 Gronau, Joan--154 Groundwater-See "S" Studies Guest, Taking of Shellfish--91-92 Gull Pond--40,252 Guidelines & Operation Manual .... 480-1 Haggerty, Patrick--226 Halloween Costume Contest--327 Hanauer, Sanford--252 Handicap ramps--52,226,263-64. 289 Handicapped Children Olympics--40 Harbor Lights Estates, Sec IV--303 Hargrave, Alexander, 84 Harris, Dr. David--213 Harris, Scott--28-30 Hartranft, Joseph--34, 53,77 Hartsfield--132 Harvey, Stuart--69,118,149, 165 ,67,184,228,243 Haskins, Bob--217 Hawkins, Webb & Jawger--133 Head Start--249,309,311 Health Insurance Plan--79 Heating Oil Bids--363 Hell, James P. E.--234 Heins, Erick R.--112 Heneghan, Dr. William--26-27. 51 Heuser, Theodore J.--81 Highland Road, Cutchogue--106 Highpoint at East Marion, Sec. I--194,376 HIGHWAY DEDICATIONS:- Eastward Ct., Mattituck--237-38 Franklinville road (Discontinued by NYS)--4,17 Ryder Farm Lane & Plum Island Lane, Orient--42 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:- Asphalt road materials--100 Bid:- Asphalt road materials--100 Dump Truck--7,38,60-61 Snow fence--240,281 Budget amendment 1983--238-39 Bulldozer & payloader bid--180,235 Chipping machine--68,128 Clerk typist--172 Commendations--302 Front end loader 4½CU--261 1½ CU-261 Heavy duty mower deck--82 Hutter, John--79,90 Hydro Hustler tractor--82 Laborer appointments--226 Payloader, emergency repairs--195 Public work positions, creation of--138 Sand Spreader--240 Sanitation helper position--46 Sidewalks, Southold village--2,31,128 Track type dozer--261 Traffic line marking machine--273,333 Transfer of funds--258,261,283 20 yd. leach Samicruiser--333 HIGHWAY -NOTICE OF DEFECTS REPORTS:- Southold Village--2 Hiltz, Richard--143, 174,178,198 Historian-4, 125 H. O. Penn Machinery Co., Inc.--261 Hobart Road--61 Hodor, Louis & Staller, Max--331 Holzmacher, McLendon & MurreI P.C. (-12M) 51,57,109,160,184,188,193,279,283,371,33 Home Aid Program (nutrition)--32,327 Hood, Robert--37,109 Horning, Edwin--132 Horse Association, East End--37 Horton, Curtis--1 Horton, James B.--54 Horton's Point--84,143,252,279.302,329 HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS:- Appointment--346 Housing Rehabilitation Program (Years VIII & IX)-90 Hubbard, James--172 Hurricanes--215, 216,239 Hyatt, Robert L.--220,225,228,229 I BM Corporation--239 IGA Supermarket--230,242 Increase in Ordinace Fees--240-41 I NCREMENTS-SALARI ES: - Andrade, Barbara--334 Hubbard, James--172 McCaffery, Pamela--172 Moffat, Elizabeth Jane--108 Pfifferling, Ileane Indian Neck Lane, Peconic--192 Insurance--171,192,193,252 Island People's Project--258 Island View Lane, Greenport-- 27 James Creek--40,79 Jem Realty--38,54 JEnsen, Emily--84,178,198 Jockey Creek--37,79,106,142,194,259,279 Jockey Creek Bridge Reconstruction--30 Job Bill Funds, Suffolk County--90 Johnson, Adrienne--340,376 Johnson, Arthur--33 Jones, Virginia--58,71,92 Justice Offices--334,422 Juvenile Aid Bureau, Southold Town-- 7,11,376 Kaldor, Elaine--329 Kaminski, Alexander--194 Kapell, David--32 Karvelis, Rev.--106 Katos, Mr. (Matt)--79 Kelsey, Melville, Jr.--224 Kendall, George--373 Kenny's Beach--48,50,78,374 Kerosene Heaters--145-46, 172, 181,182-84, Kerwin Blvd.--234,302 King, Ronald--90 Klipp, Kerry--63 Knauff, Robert P.231 Koch, George--143,175,178,198 Kohn, Fritz C.--6,24,38 Korean Air Lines--310 Kosloski, Chester--6,25 Kowatchu k, Benjamin--39,86,87, 107, 114 Kreiger Well & Pump Corp.--364 Lademann, John--215 Land Use Co.--41,252 Landfill--See "S" Landfill Bond Resolution--208,211,268-70 Landfill fees--339-340 LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMITTEE: Appointments--43 General--34,53,141,157 Lang, Leonard--197,259,260,277,293 Lang, Martin--3,103,224 Lansdell asphalt & Bituminous .Corp--lO0 Lark, Richard F.--140,169,187,226 Laughing Waters Property Owners Assoc.--302 Laurel, discontinuance of portion of state road-4 Laurel Railroad bridge--106,15~-152, 161-165,213,243-45 Laurel Railroad overpass--72,77,123, 135-39 LaValle, Kenneth, Senator--212 League of Women Voters--234 LeCompte--276,310 Legion Post, Southold--56,61 Leslie Road, Cutchogue--192 Lessard, George--351,373 Lessard, Victor--32,70,119,169,232,276,334 Liability Insurance--193 Liber "D"--l, 3, Licensing Review Boeard--197,225 Lifeguards & Beach Attendants--143,232 Litigation--220,226 Local Government Conference--37,45 Local Government Forum--279 LOCAL LAWS:- 1983 area & Yard requirement on subdivision maps approved prior to 5/20/93 206-7,257 1983 bulk & parking schedule amendment (2 acre zoning) 12,13,62 1983 fee increases-- 253-255,304-05,347,365-66 1983 flood insurance--70,81-82,119,343 1983 game rooms--38,54-57,7 5-1983 Mooring and anchoring of boats--44-45,71,90,91 1983 Moratorium, Em & Or--61,62,95 8-1983 Moratorium, Town Wide--62,95, 99,102 1983 Portable Kerosene Heaters--145,146,172,181 1983 Relief from Bulk & Parking requirements--207-08,256-57,297-298 6-1983 Shellfish, taking by guests--45,71,91-92 1983 Two(2) acre zoning--95-96,96-98 1983 Unlicensed motor driven vehicles-294-95,329,348-49,368-369 3-1983 Vehicle & traffic--I,5.17-18,46,68-69 1983-Zoning code, Yard and are requ rements (amendment of)--130-32,160-62, Locust Avenue--4 ( 195,200-02 Loesch, Gary--51 Long Island Lighting Co.-- 7,'09,110,1 6,157,251,252,279 Long Island Railroad--192 Low Income Limit (HUD)--90 Luce, Elbert E., Jr--330 Lynch, Kevin J.--153,168,202 Lyons, Patrick E.--252 Machnick Construction Co., Inc.--108 Main Street Market--301 Malinauskast Steve--63 Malinowski, Stephen--129-130 Manaret, Samuel--346 Mandell, Herbert--32 Marine Associates, I nc.--176,282,329,333,352, Markel, Samuel--48 Marrapodi, Joseph--7,58,59,71, 93 Mason, James--38 Master Plan Up-date--5,12-14, 69,225 Mattituck Airport--290 Mattituck Chamber of Commerce--5,79,252 Mattituck Fire Department--193 MATTITUCK INLET:- Advisory Committee--185-86 Anchoring In--91 Coast Guard Aux.--37,54,86 Land Acquisition--179 Mattituck Movie Theatre--33 Mattituck Park District--279 Mattituck Parking Field--196,249,283 Mattituck SIo-Pitch--85 Mattituck Women's Softball League--39 Max Plank Institutes Retrench System--77 Mayday Communications--225 Mazzaferro, Eugene N.--225 Mellas, George--103 Memorial Day Parade--79 Mercier, Thomas & Barbara D.--376 Meredith, Lyle--32-33,184 Merrill, Ralph--124 Methane gas--31,34 Metropolitan Statistical area--25 Micciche, Peter--253,249-50 Mikolajcyk, Zdzislaw--194 Miles, Maddie--68 Mill Road, Peconic--192 Mills, Sarah M.-129 Millstone Nuclear Power Plant--277 Milne, Ralph and Gladys--279 Moffat, Elizabeth Jane--108 Monsell, James I.--129,342 Monticaboo, John F. Inc.--279 Moores Lane Cutchogue--4 Moorings & Anchoring of Boats--44,71,90-91 MORATORIUM:- 5, 18-24,71,95, 99-102 Orient-East Marion --18-21,61-62,71,72,95 Town Wide--21-24,62,71,95,99-102 Morbank Industries, Inc.--128 Motor Driven Vehicles, Unlicensed--294,295,348-49,368-69 Motschenbacher, S.--302 Moves within Departments, Town Ha11--342,345,371 Mud Creek--234 Muir, John A.--225,232 Muirfield Contr., Inc.--128 Mullen Motors, Inc.--61 Murdock, Lawrence-- 113,212 McBride, Frank--225 McCaffery, Pamela--172,391 McCarthy, George A.--38,73,3Z9 McDonald, Kevin--464 McKeighan, Venetia--326 McMahon, James--2,32,37,51,70, 103,119,154,212,241,299,393,464 McNabb, Everett--214 Nakomis Road--302 Narrow River, Orient Boat Ramp--176- 77,156 Nature Conservancy--278 NEmicas, Bruce--1 Netusit, Louis & Sons, Inc.--80 New Suffolk Avenue--4,5,234 New Suffolk Boat Ramp--40 New Suffolk Civic Association--252 New Suffolk Shipyard--11,58,59,71,94 New York Sea Grant Inst.--l42 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENTS:- Assembly--7-10,213, 375 Assembly Bills--See "A" Audit and Control--226 Building Const. Code Review Bd.-- 04,113,119,364 Coastal Zone Management--4 Cable Television Commission--45,273-74 Envionmental Conservation--See "D" DEC Equalization & Assessment--188,197` Executive (Governor)--5 Home Rule Messages--See "H" Labor--279 Legislative Comm on Water Resources Needs of Long Island--234 Public Service--37-38,140,142,154,165 Retirement--224 Senate --7-10 Senate Bills--See "S" State--4,5,233,251 Transportation--4,17,72,74, 06,123,142,157,192,205-06,213,234,259,228,279, 274.278,279,280,301,302,327.329-347,372 Regulatory & Warning Sign Project-- 238-239 Troopers--108.214,224 N.Y.S. Rebuild NY. Bond Issue, Proposition #1--283,329 Norkus, Robert C. & Aldona--377 North East Utilities--300 North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc.--154,220,237,264,278 North Fork Aviation Association--220,249,264 North Fork Bank & Trust Co.--283 North Fork Environmental Council--102 167,184 North Fork Opponents of Nuclear Exposure--107 North Fork Peace Group--251,264,265-66,310 North Fork Water Study--1,2,52,68,167,185,192 North Street, Cutchogue--106 Northampton--71 Nowacheck, Anthony G.--27-28,70 Nuclear Weapons Freeze--264,-276,251,255,280,302-03,310 NUTRITION PROGRAM:- Bid for 1983 Dodge Van--10 Bus Driver--340,376 Fund Raising 346 General--326 Oaklawn Avenue Bridge--37,79,106,142 Oaklawn Avenue, Southold--158,192,259 Occhiogrosso, Thomas-- 113, 119, 140, 154, 158,441 Official Newspaper 1984--422 Officials, Salaries, Elected & Appointed-1984--423-6 Old Grand Avenue Bridge--142 OlindaM/V--258 Oliva, Ruth--102,129,184,230,310,342,370,461-62 Olympics, Special Week--40 Order on Consent--416 Orient, By The Sea, road dedication--42 Orient Oysterponds School District--279 Orient Point Inn--299,310 Orient Town Ramp--Il9 Orlowski, Bennett--37,62,84 Pace, Addie--112 Pace, Terrence--112 Pafenyk, Sylvia--72 Palmer, Brendon--48 Pan Tech Management--334 Pappas Realty Company--37 Parades--3,61,79,83,125,129,158,171,193,309 PARK DISTRICTS:- Mattituck--279 PARKING FIELDS:- Cutchogue Presbyterian Church--261 East Marion Fire District--83,107,206 General--83, 196 Mattituck-- 196,249,253 Southold--302 Parking Problems--193,234 Parking Signs--375 Patchell, Robert--157,235,252,262 Payloader, emergency repairs--195 Peconic Bay Property Owners Association--234,302 Peconic Knolls at Peconic, Subdivision--280 Peconic, Lane, Peconic--192 Peddling & Soliciting Fee Increased--254 Peddling & Soliciting Ordinance-- 304 Performance Bonds--see "S" Subdivisions Perricone, Stephen--82,172,173,197 Peterson Towning Corp--58,59,92-93 PETITIONS: For dredging of Jockey Creek--79 Reducing speed limit on Rt. 25, Orient--252 Pfeffer, William--234 Pfifferling, Ilene--179 Photocopies 25¢--120 Pine Barrens Watershed Preserve--157 Pine Neck Road, Southold--158 PLANNING BOARD:- Appointments--37,62,84 Farm land Preservation Committee--l5 Fee Increases--254 General --68,226,230 Master Plan Study--52 Resumes--64 Plock, John--37,62,306,347 Plum Island Lane--42 POLICE:- Alarm agreements--43,80 Appointments--153, 160,163,168,202,225,252,299 Auto Club Award--205 Cars--351-52 Chief Winters--5,51,158,238,326,373 Cleaning Service, Uniforms--7,63 Clerk, part-time--Il3 Commendations--79,252,279 Communication Equipment--225 Create Position of Police Ofticer--ll2 154 Droskoski, Lt. Stanley--Il9 Juvenile Aid Bureau--see "J" Leave of Absence Requests--Il2 Part-Time Officer--63 P.B.A. Contract--133,187 Police Conferences--158 Promotions--306 Radio Operations--63,237 Ralco-Milgo Information system--146 Resignations--152 Seasonal Police Officers-- 103,112 STOP- DWI Program--179 Traffic Wardens--89 PRC Speas--225,227,280 Preston, James--276 Price, Irving L., Jr. Atty.--171,302 Price, Wm. H., Jr., Atty.--142 Priority Score--206,210 PROCLAMAT IONS :- Emergency Medice Week--255 Minority Enterprise Developement Week--280 Salvation Army--63 Small business Week--82 Propositions of ballots--193,230,283,288,292-293,329,368 Protests to USSR on shooting down of unarmed South Korea Airliner--310 Pruitt, Beverly--225 Przeporia, Victor--89 PUBliC WORKS:- Appointments--226 Creation of 2 positions--133 Quilt, Bicentennial-- 188,202 Radford, Ernest G.--129 Ralgo-Milgo Information System--146 Ramp, Town of Orient--I56,177 Raymond, Parish, Pinte & We ner (RPPW)--169 Raynor, Henry--2,68,230 Rebuild New York Intrastruclure Bond Issue--205-206,274 RECEIVER OF TAXES:- General--103 Move--342,345 Recreation Program-- 125,258 Reese, Harold--303,331 Reeves, Edwin--290 Reilly, Norman, Sr.--225 Relief from Bulk & Parking Requirements--207-08,257,297-98 RELIEF PETITIONS:- Fellinger-lhar, John & Olivia--339 Hodor, Louis & Staller, Max--331 Norkus, Robert C. & Aldora--337 REPORT, DEPARTMENTS , MONTHLY:- Assessors--53,105, 141,170, 190,250,300,346 Building Department--34,77,121,170,190,231,300,346 Cablevision--3,53,105,141,190,22,250, 327,374 Dog Pound--141,170,190,222,250,278 346 Fishers Island Ferry District--34,77 121,170,190,231,277,327 Highway Department--34,77,121,170,190,231,277,327 Historian--3 Home Aid Program Grant Program--190 Juvenile Aid Program--34 JUSTICES:- Edwards--3,53, 121,190,250,299,346 Price--53,77,141,170,222,250,299,346 POLICE :--53,77,121,141,170,222,250 300,346 Seed Clam Program:--328 Supervisor :--34,77,121,155 190,231,346 Town Clerk--34,77,121,155~190,231, 300,346 Trustees--53,77,121,155,190,231,277, 346 Youth Projections--327 West Harbor, FI Moorings--121,141 RESIGNATIONS:- Czelatka, Thomas E.--240 Falkowski, Alfred C.--153 Heuser, Theodore J.--81 Klipp, Kerry--63 Smith, Henry B.--197 RESUMES :-- Farmland Preservation Committee--l5 Water Advisory Committee--14 Revenue Sharing Funds--198L--239 Reynolds, James T., Spec. D.A.--144.282,299 Richardson, Ronald A., Rev--302 Richter, Joan--140 Rider, Robert V., Jr.--41,79 Robinson, Genvieve--58,59,71 ,93 Robinson, Janet--188,202 Roberts, R.--53 Rocky Point Road--329 Roke, Albert--94 Roller Skating Program--125 Roof, Senior Citizen-Youth Building-- 33,184 Rosenberg, Frank & Margaret--289,33 ,333,347,367 Ruland, William P. 80,331 Rumph, Tim--249 Ryder Farms Lane--42 Rental Rehabilitation Program & Guidelies---480-1, Sage Property at Greenport--171 Saint Patricks Day Parade--3 Sales Tax--206 Salvation Army--63 Sam Allen's Modern Machinery--272 Sand Spreader--40 Sanders, Sophie T.--280 Sanitation Helper position--46 Santinon, Desu--43 Sanzone, Joseph--7,280 Sawastynowicz, Nancy--47 Sawicki, Howard .W- 163,168,202 Sawicki, Joseph--II9 Sawicki, Joseph- Assemblymen--213,375 Sawicki, Walter & Frank--235 SCENIC EASEMENTS: Brecknock Associates--376 Schick· Nicholas--2,36,41,113·157-58,137,195·261-62,299,310,364 Schownstein, Fred--195,236,252,263 Schoenstein, Otto--194,236,252,262 School Crossing Guards-- see "T" Traffic Warden SCHOOL:- Greenport-- 124-25,327 Southold, PTA--309 Schoolhouse Lane, Cutchogue--106 Schussel, Murray & Sadich, Mlarion--1 6,163 Sebastion Cove--189 Seed Clam Program--190,346 Seed Scallop Program--2,32,68 SENATE BILLS:- #5906 Amendment to Fishers Island Ferry District--89 Bill to amend the Communications Act of 1939 to provide national poicy regarding Cable television--376 S3741 Repair of existing farm dikes--80 Standing Committee on Agriculture--328 #4662 Term of Office of Town Trustees--42 5567 Zoning & Planning powers of towns & villages--83 SENIOR CITIZENS:-- Bus trips--39,41,84,108,127,179,234,272 Funding--255 Senior Citizen/Youth Center--32-33, 8,103,119·133,184,255·279 Southold--84,108 Southold- Peconic Seniors Club., Inc.--39,179,272 Sewer District--234 Sheldon· Mr.--71 Shellfish Contract· N.Y.S. DEC--86 Shellfish Ordinance Amendment--45,71 91-92,234,304-5 Shellfish Permit Fees Increases--254,304-05 Sherwood· Jack--171 Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant--109,110,116 Sidewalks, Southold Village---2,31,128 Sidor, Edward--Il,306 Sidor, Marion--Il,256 Silverman & Associates--252,3,49 Silverman, Daniel--89,173,178 Simicich, Catherine--72,123 Simms, Mr. & Mrs.--171 Simon, Elizabeth--227-28 Simplex Time Recorder Co.--144 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue--192 Slater, John--51 "Small Business Week" Proclamation--82 Small, Beatrice--2 Smalley, Joe--48 Smith, Beverly--37,51 Smith, Broscoe--203 Smith, Carolyn--376 Smith, William B.--197 SOCCER CLUBS:- North Fork--179 Southold-- 179,375 Softball Leagues--39 SOFTBALL TEAMS:- Fishers Island--241 Greenport Womens--63 Sound Avenue Resurfacing--279,330 Soundview Avenue Extention Southold--106 South Korean Air Liner--310 Souther, Henry Engineering, Inc.--206 Southold Bay Haven Property Owners Assoc.--346 Southold Scavenger Waste Plant--39,57 Southold Town Baymens Asso:iation--107,252 Southold Town Promotion Corrmittee--l92 Southold Town Wastewater Disposal District--Il0,112,158-59 Southwold, England--375 Southwood Property Owners Assoc.------279 Special Town Atty.--140,169 Speed Limits--106,142,157,151], 192,2780279,329,375 Spohn, David C.--180,220,227,249,264,276,289 Spur Road--106 Stabile, Howard--58,59,71,93 Stairs at Horton's Point-----84 Staller, Max and Horod, Louis--331 Stankevich, George--373 Stark, Mort--214-215 Street Lighting--Requests for--224,227-28 Steiner, Florence--235 Stepanek, Charles--132 Stepnoski, Alexander F.--134 Stewart, Robert--259,260,277,293 Stony Brook Construction Co'p--271-72,275 STOP-DWI Program--179 Stoutenburgh, Paul--32,212 Stoutenburgh, Roger--80,86,87,107,125-26,127 Strang, Garrett--188 Striped Bass--85 STUDIES: Greenport/Southold Wastewater Management Plan--57 Groundwater-- I Landfill--31,34-35,78,90,12'-23,160, 93,224,225,279,302,327,341,342,247,364,375 Landfill Budget Note Resolution--146-149 Scavenger Waste--51,57,109,224,283,329 Solid Waste Management Study--106 Southold Scavenger Waste Improvement Dist.--57 201 Waste Management Study--57 Wastewater Disposal Dist.--57,122 201 Wastewater Facility for FI--171 Water District Study (Capt. Kidd)--1 Water Study--I,2,52,68 SUBDIVISIONS:- Cluster--193,364-65 Exemptions-- 198,302 Letters of Credit--376 Performance Bonds--194,280,331 Regulations, Amendments--64 Relief Petitions--331 Suffolk County American Legion Convention--1983--129 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMITTEES Assessing, Countywide Proposal--46 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENTS:-- Aging, Office of --32 Civil Service--63,85, 103, 112,278 College Marine Science Center, S.C.--77 Community Development Block Grant. Program HUD Funds--32,37,51,70,90,105,119.127,160 179,188,196,,215,255.299,309,334,376 Comptroller--215 Consumers Affairs--215 District Attorney--215 Elections, board of--214 Emergency preparedness--215 Executive--5,25,157 General Services Data Proaessing Unit--103 Health Department--I,14,192,206 Legislature--5,28-30,106,142,194,206 Planning Commission--5,301 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENTS:- (Cont.) Public Works--4,37,158,234,259,306,307,329,431 Real Estate--180 Real Property Tax Service Agency--214,215 Sales Tax--206 Social Services--54,302 Supervisor Association, Ten Town--3,37,54,233,251 Tax Act Revisions, Proposec--5 Tercentenary Celebration--5 Vector Control--214 Suffolk County National Bank--237,308 Suffolk Times Newspaper--3 Sullivan, Maureen--282,331,33:, 347,366-'367 Sullivan, George--276 Summers, Edward--1 Summer Employment--134 Sunrise Coach Lines--347 Supervisor's Office--108, 178,1 Suspension-TownEmployee--226 Swann, Bessie--230 Talbot, Helen--33 Talbot, John--346 Talbot, Mary K.--162 Tax Ro11--188 TDR's 252 Tedschi, Fred J.--212 Telecom Plus of Long Island--239 Telephone, Dial-it number complaint--3 Telephone maintenance Agreement--239 Temik--156,193 Tercentenary Celebration--125.158,171, 85,220,232.250,261 Tennis courts--41 Terms of Office--42,43,89,132 Terrell, Donald--215 Thames Shipyard & Repair Co --258 Theft of Town Pick-up--373 Tiedke, Jean--310,370 Tips and Tails--289 Tooker, Lieutenant William--51 TOWN BOARD COMMITTEES:- Cablevision Advisory Committee--121,328,340 Code Committee--3,105,121,123 Dog Pound--190,222,250 Farmland Preservation Committee--14,26,84,105,121,141,142,171,190,232-33 Fishers Island (Justice Edwards)--3, 33 Highways--135 Inland Waterways--105 Insurance--171 Landfill (Disposal Area)--3,31,34-35, 3,105,106,121,122,135,142,155-56,171,189 190,204,22; ,223,232,233,250,327,375 Landmark Preservation Committee--77,141,171 Parks & Beaches--121 Police--222 Seed Clam Program--170,190,204,223 Seed Scallop Program--3,156,204 Street Lights--170 Water Advisory Committee--14,26,84, 42,156,222,232-233 West Harbor Moorings (FI)--156,233 Youth Projections--327 TOWN CLERKS OFFICE:-- Move--342,345 Town Forum Meeting--5 TOWN HALL:- Sprinkler System--281 Telephone Maintenance Agreement--239-240 TOWN, OTHERS:- Huntington--5 Islip--279 Riverhead--347 Shelter Island--53,157 Southampton--103,224 Townsend, Joseph L., Jr.--113 Traffic Light--222,302,328 Traffic Line Marking Machine--273 Traffic Wardens--89,225 TRAILERS:- Bauer Farms, Inc.--159 Boursiquot, Ange & Barbara--61,329 Damianos, Herodotus--84 First Baptist Church of Cutchogue-- 2,308 Goldin, Oscar--157 Mason, James--38 McBride, Frank--225 McCarthy, George A.--329 Mikolajczyk, Zdzislaw--194 Miles, Maddie--68,158 Ruland, William--80,331 Saunders, Sophie--7,280 Sawicki, Walter & Frank--235 Sidor, Martin--Il,256 Steiner, Florence--235 Tuthill, John Co--172 TRANSFERS:- TRANSFERS:- Aging Program--83,256 Beaches--282,334 Beaches to off street parking--260 Building Department--335 Buildings--351 Civil Defense--146 Community Developement Block Grant Funds Year IX--179,309 Year VII--255 Disposal Area--282 Drainage--282 Envionmental Conservation-- 197,238 Fishers Island Ferry District--89 Highway--258 Highway Department--283,333 Historian--83 Insurance--351 Justice-- 351 Mattituck Inlet Land Acquisition--179 Parks--334 Retirement Fund-- 163 School Attendance Officer--146 Senior Youth Center--255 Shellfish--163,282 Street Lighting--351 Traffic Control--282 Transplanting clams--79 Travel, Authorizations for --45 Trent, Martin--129,230,299,342 Troxel, Robert & Patricia--6,24 TRUSTEES:-- 32,42,43,89,113,132,179.193,29,292-293,370 Tsontakis, Steve-- 140, 154 Tsounis, Cleo--l, 6,140 Turner, Stuart--169 Tuthill, Harry--224 Tuthill, John--37,109,172 Tuthill, Lawrence M.--119,125,215-216 Twin Fork Fence--179 Two Acre Zoning-- 71,72,95-96,96-98, 71 Typewriters--239 Uniform, cleaning (police)--7 Union Carbide--156,193 Utica Mutual Insurance-- 192,252 User Fees for Beach & Dump -- 242,245-8,265 Unlicensed Motor-Driven Vehic es--294-5, 329. 348-9,368-9 U.S.S.R. protest to,on shootimg down of South Korean Air Liner--310 Uniform Fire Prevention & Building Code--347 U.S. Government Property at F.I.--401,412,415 Utility District--435 Unallocated Funds--465-6 United Celebral Palsy Assoc. cf Greater Sufffolk, Inc.--471 Vacancy--419,451-3 Van Cook, Stephen--154 Van Bourgondien, Philip--38,86,87,107,114 Vandernoth, John--330 Van Etten, Raymond--12 Van, 1983 Dodge--61 Vehicle Permit Fees--242,245-8 Vehicle & Traffic--I,17-18,68-69 Vehicle & Traffic Law--447 Verity, Jarvis--32 Victorian Village--242 Villages, Proposed Legislation re:Zoning Powers--71,103 Villa, D'Oro--387 Villa, Robert--218,230 Viola, Edward & Christine--126,174,178,198 VIOlATIONS:- Wetlands--113,119,140, 154 Vreeland, Joella--79 Wade, Gustave--26-28,32,51,52,70,104 Wagoner, George D.--43 Walden, Suzanne--134 Wall, James--351 Wlaton, Mel--103 Washington DC--45 Waste Disposal Meeting--106, 113 Wastewater Disposal District, Southold--57,64-68,110-112 Water Advisory Committee--14, 26,84, 129,142,156,185,230, 234,242,276,299,342 Water monitoring at Landfill--302 Water Purifying Machine--78,279 Water Resource Management Plan--329,342,351 Water Study--See "S"studies Waterfront Revitalization--205 Waterfront Revitalization Conf.--241 Watts, Charles C.--424 Weber, Frederocl--330 Wehran Energy-- 34-35 Weismann, Harold--1 Wells, Betty--140,178 Wendell, Robert--41,86,88,107,115 Wendy Drive--373 West Creek Bridge--234 Westerlund, Adolph--125 WETLAND APPLICATIONS:- Axel, John--195,236-237,263 Bady, Jerry--257,306-307,329,340 Barr, James M. & Ruth F.--83,173,178,198 Bertani, John--197,260,294 Bitses, James--61,86,107,109,115 Bubany, John--6,24-25 Cappa, Armando--238,296,329,340 Carcich, Fred J.--157,175,178,198 Carlucci, Michael--331 Carrig, Patrick--58,59,71,92 Case, Russel B.--377 Costello Marine Constructions--58 Dobert--283,332,333,367 Falconer, Frederick--289,350 Fart, Katherine--235,295,329 Farrell, John J.--11,86,87,1117,114 Fink, Augustus--335 Finora, Grace A.--351 Forosick, Anthony--143,178,198,174 Fraken, Wilhilm--283,332,333,267 Georgeopoulos, Constantine ~.-- 42,80,107 Golden, Annette & Carnes, Nicholas--81,144,162 Hiltz, Richard--143,174, 178 198 Jensen, Emily--84,178,198 Jones, Virginia--58,71,92 Kaminski, Alexander--194 Koch, George--143,175,198,178 Kohn, Fritz C.--6,24,38 Koloski, Chester-- 6,25 Kowalchuk, Benjamin-- 39,86,87,107,114 Lang, Leonard--197,259-60,293 Marrapodi, Joseph--58,60,71 93 Micciche, Peter--253,349-350 New Suffolk Shipyard--Il,94,58,60,71 Occhiogrosso, Thomas & Jacctueline--' 58 Patchell, Robert--157,235,237,253,262 Perricone, Stephen--82,172,197 Peterson Towing Corp. --58,59,71,92-13 Rider, Robert V. Jr.--41,80 Robinson, Genieve-- 58,59,71,93 Roke, Albert(New Suffolk Shipyard)--94 Rosenberg, Frank & Margaret--289,332,333,367 Schoenstein, Fred--195,236,237,262-263 Schoenstein, Otto--194 Silverman, Daniel--89,173,349 Stabile, Howard--58,59-60,95 WETLANDS APPLICATIONS :- cont.. Stewart, Robert--195,259,293 Stoutenburgh, Roger--80,86,87,107,125,127 Suffolk Couty Department of Public Works: (Jockey Creek Bridge) --259,306,307,329,341 Sullivan, Maureen--282,331 Troxel, Robert & Patricia--6,24 VanBourgondien, Philip--35,86,107, 14 Viola, Edward & Christine--126,174,178,198 Wendel, Robert--41,86, I07,115 Wilsberg, Ernest--195,306,307,329,347-48 Windsway Building Corp--41,86,107,115 Yanke, Edward R.--80,86, 07,126 Zahra, Charles & Grasoklaus, Alfred--62-63,86,107,125 Wetland Permit Fees--305 Wetland Permits General--370 Wetland Violations--113,119,140 Whaling City Dock & Dredge Corp--61 Wickham, Abigail--2,299 Wickham, Jay P.--180,290 Wickham, John--2,189 Wiggin, Merle--188 Wilhelm, Bill- 70 Willow Terrace Farms, Inc.--282 Wilsberg, Ernest--195,306,307,329,347-48 Winters, Harold--5,51,103, 154,158,205. 211, Wood Chipper--127,68 Xerox Stock--415 Yankee Airways--290 Yankee, EDward R.--80,86,107,126 Youth Funds--63,188 Youth Projections, Southold Town--327 Young's Avenue--301 Young's Boat Yard--234 Zahra, Charles-- 62,86,89,107,125 Zehner, Howard--234,391 ZONE CHANGE APPLICATIONS -- Schick, Nicholas--2,36,41,113,157-8,187,261-2,299,310,411-12 Cron, Richard J.--6,47,181,'84 Jem Realty--38,54 Dalchet Corp.--127,396,400-1 Brecknock Associates-- 132-133,308,376,401-4 Bruno, Lawrence--176,182,196, 311 Marine Associates, Inc.--176,282,333,397-8,433 Bouffard, Alfred E. & Claire--194,281 329,333,350-1 Mercier, Thos. R. & Barbara D.--376 Zoning Code Amendments--see local Laws Zoning, Two (2) Acre--12-14,25,32,43-44,62,71 Zoning Violations--430,435 Zurawski, Julian P. & Felicia O.--416