HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 - 1983 January - JanuaryTOWN BOARD MEETING DATES January 5,1982 --- Organizational Meeting..................................1 January 5,1982 --- Regular Meeting...........................................11 January 19,1982..............................................................................18 February 2,1982 (SPECIAL MEETING).............................................31 February 9,1982..............................................................................37 February 23,1982.............................................................................61 February 23,1982 (SPECIAL MEETING)............................................71 March 9, 1982 .................................................................................72 March 23, 1982 ...............................................................................88 April 6 & 7, 1982 ..............................................................................98 April 19 & 20 1982 ...........................................................................105 May 4. 1982 ....................................................................................124 May 18, 1982 ..................................................................................137 June 8, 1982 ...................................................................................149 June 22,1982....................................................................................165 June 29,1982 (SPECIAL MEETING)...................................................183 July 6,1982 (EXCECUTIVE SESSION).............................................184 July 7,1982........................................................................................185 July 20,1982.........................................................................................198 August 3,1982......................................................................................207 August 18,1982....................................................................................226 August 24,1982....................................................................................243 September 7, 1982 ..............................................................................249 September 21, 1982 ............................................................................261 September 17, 1982 (Special Meeting) ..................................................260 October 5, 1982 ..................................................................................278 October 19, 1982 ................................................................................292 October 25, 1982 ................................................................................310 November 9, 1982 ...............................................................................324 November 16, 1982 .............................................................................335 November 23, 1932 .............................................................................349 December 3, 1982 ..............................................................................374 December 7, 1982 ..............................................................................376 December 21, 1982 ............................................................................390 December 28, 1982 ............................................................................400 January 4,1983 (ORGANIZTIONAL MEETING)........................................406 January 4,1983 (REGULAR MEETING)..................................................414 January 18,1983..................................................................................420 TOWN BOARD MEETING DATES (continued) February 1, 1983 .......................................... 437 February 15, 1983 ......................................... 456 March 1, 1983...(Special Meeting) ......................... 481 March 8, 1983 ............................................. 482 AUDIT DATES January 5, 1982. organizational........... 1 January 5, 1982.Regular .................. 11 January 19, 1982 ......................... 19 February 9, 1982 ......................... 37 March 9, 1982 ............................. 73 April 7, 1982 ............................. 99 May 4, 1982 .............................. 26 June 8, 1982 ............................. 151 July 7, 1982 ............................. 187 August 3, 1982 .......................... 208 August 18, 1982 ......................... 226 September 7, 1983 ....................... 250 October 5, 1983 ......................... 279 November 9, 1982 ........................ 326 December 7, 1982 ........................ 378 December 21, 1982 ....................... 391 December 28, 1982 ....................... 400 January 4, 1983 ......................... 415 January 18, 1983 ........................ 422 February 1, 1983 ....................... 438 February 15, 1983 ....................... 457 March 8, 1983 ........................... 485 Abersmith, Albert A.--91 Academy Printing Services--265 Access., Sec. 180A NY Law--422 Adams, Carolyn--9, 411 Adams, Jody--390 Adelphi University--264 Adler, Fred-- 224,249,272-276,383 Adler, Sophia--198,223,243,383 Adoption of Dogs--154,267,272,282 Advance of Funds--281 Advisory Committee:- Cable Advisory Committee--101 Affirmative Action Plan--67,72.79-81, Agriculture District Program Workshops--252 Agway Petroleum Corp.--76,388 Airport--85-86 Albertson, Barbara--100,179, l86 Albertson, Lynn--243 Albertson Marine--133 Aldrich Lane, resurfacing--30L,324,437.440 Alfano, Felix--253,281,283,296 306 Allen & Kreh --1 Allen, Sam--124 Allowances: -- Association of Towns--5,408 Mileage, 1982--5,408 American Appraisal Company--281,297 Andrews, Allen--82,355 Anderson, James--33,411 Andrade, Jon M.--433 Anniversaries (Special Organizations) Cutchogue Presbyterian Church--157 Annual Audit--5,408,416 Anything Goes Competition--233 APPEALS BOARD: Access Sec. 280A--150 Appointment--7, 112 Chairman--409 Executive Administrator--94 General--39,62,131,235,392 Part-Time Clerk--150,177 Quarterly, Report--279 Salaries: 1982--8 1983--410 Term Expirations--90 Appraisals: Glover, Leander B.--69,288 Archaeological Assn. --137,156,416 Arcuri, Donald--252 Asselta, Ralph M.--295 Assembly Bills: Emergency, Tenent Protection A9579--I00 N.Y.S. Retirement 10216--'41,489 Nuclear Freeze Referendumr--211 Police Officer, permanent appointments A 2388--43 Assessment Review Board: Appointments--20 General--234 Assessor:- ALRM System--149 Appointments--7 Chairman--409 General--235,255,278,393,435,486 Petition of Mattituck Presbyterian Church--1,16 Association of Towns--4,5,25,36,328,40;',408,461,485-486 Attorneys; Specia I--325,330,396,420,427 Town--7,410 Aviation Capital Program (1982)--153 Babylon Electrical Supply Co.--44 Bailie Beach Property Owners--245 Baldwin, Muriel--82, I01,116,1-25,128,141,141 Ballan Bill, Ford-Lincoln-Mercury Inc.--202 Bank of New York--3,81,406 Banks, 1982, designated as depositories--3,406 Bannon, William A.--418 Barker, Lois--169 Barth, Phil--499 Barzac, George Jr.--9,411 Bauer, William--15,177, 396 Bay Bottom Mapping & Surveying--41 Bay Constables:-- Edwards, Kenneth L.--155 Ga rcelon, Lou--155 General--278 Baymens Association--39 Bayview Farms--247,433 Beach Attendants--159 Beach Manager--159 Beach parking fees--256 Beachcomber Motel--21 Bear, Franklin--15,16,56,96,225,278,28, 423,441,452-453,479,499 Bear, Joy--456 Beckwith Avenue, Southold--28l Bednosky, John L., Jr.--409 Behan, John--128,201 Bendel, Henry--328 Bennett, Barkley--106 Berger, Henry A.--34 Berkowski, Antoinette--434 Bianchete, John--105 Bicycle Race--175 BIO:-- Fishers island Ferry District:-- Bid for drydocking & repair of M/V Munnatawket--332 Bids for Repairs and construction, of new ramps in F.I. Terminal--146 Deisel Fuel Bid- 1982--76 1983--304,366,388 Gasoline Bid 1982--76 1983-304,366,388 Heating Fuel Bid--1983-- 304 HIGHWAY:-- Asphalt Road Materials--84,102 Brown Bear Cub Compost Tractor--286,367-368 Dodge Ram Trucks, Two (2)--286,367-368 Dodge Van ½ton 1982--84,102 Drainage Rings, domes and pipes--48,83 Fencing for drainage sumps--286,331-332,387-388,395-396 Ford LTD 1982 Victoria--162,190t202 Front End Payloader--122 International H-60E Articulated Payloader--144 Kubota Model M4050 Tractor (1982)--155 Steel Roller--49,83 T-Posts, snow fence and rock salt--190,219 Tires for Payloader--48,83 Landfill Scrap Metal and Paper--303,387 Police: Cleaning of Uniforms--117,132 Generator--156,188 Outboard Motors, two (2) 1982, 115HP--43,82 Police Cars, six (6) 1982--80 five (5) 1983--433,481 Sound Avenue, Resurfacing at western town limit--255,304,302 Street lighting: Discussion of bid--72 GE Street lighting fixtures--45 Rejection of Bids--45 Uncertified chowder clams--117,146 Bike-A-Thon--203,332 Binding Arbitration--487 BINGO:-- Burton Potter Post #185, Amer. Leg., Greenport--44,131,203 Delegation of Authority to issue to Police Chief & Town Clerk-202 Griswold-Terry-Glover, Post #803, Southold Amer. Leg--160 Griswold-Terry-Glover, Post #803, Auxiliary--160-161 Knight of Columbus, Marian Council #3852--191 Our Lady of Grace Church, Fishers Island--132,158 Birman, Paul--76,219,246,183,305 Black History Museum--417 Blank, Peter--247 Blass, Gregory--76, B6,109,139,140,198,229,296,441,487 Blood Pressure Machine--41,436,443 Blood Program, Soulhold Town--85,187,282,242,442 Boatman's Harbor Marina--396,426,446,462,488 Boechmann, M.--281 Boget, Mr.--238 Boisseau Avenue--91,209,280.327,334,377,382 BOND RESOLUTION -- Acquisition of property adjacent to Landfill--268-271 Authorization for Master Plan Study--211-213 Authorization to Purchase one (1) Front End Loader--Il9-213 Borko, Alan--293 Bottle Bi11--12,417,426 Boursequot, Ange & Barbara--Il6,129,366 Bowling Alley, FI--L20,437 Bowling, National Week--254 Boy Scouts--108 Briarcliff Landscape, Inc.--92,286,491 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue--266 Bridges, Repair--252,354 Brighton Steel Co., Inc.--213 Broadwaters Cove--177 Brooks, Lori--174 Brown Street, Greenport--483 Bruno, Lawrence D. Jr.--402,427,446,462,488 Bubany, John--463,492,493 BUDGET:-- 1982 - Amendment--84,19l 1983 - Amendment of--335-347 General--307,339 Landfill--262 Preliminary --310,323,335-347 Tentative--280 BUILDING :-- Carey, Eileen--85 Executive Administator--94,198,414,420 Fishers, George--Il 9 General--73,181,182,420 H indermann, Edward --125,189 Horton, Curt-- 68,446 Request for Part-time Inspector on Fishers island--149 Seminars--Il9,125,139,446 Burroughs Accounting Machines--399 Byron, Lawrence D , Jr.--412,427,446,462,488 C. P. Chemical Co.--293 CABLEVISION: Advisory Committee on Cable Television--101, 111,442 Complaints--12,13,140,185,186,245,424,442,459,486 Francise--175, !85,186,435,456,486 Update Reports--167,185,186,459 Cahill, Greg--163, 164 Callahan, James--420 Cancer Control Proclamation--183 C.A.S.T.--105,331,420,423,457-8 Captain Kidd Estates & Water Co.--293,352,354,367,377,388,390,414,416,420 424,425,456,458 Cardinale, Alan A.--119 Cardone, Eleanor--245 Carey, Eileen--6,69,85,253,489 Carley, Nancy--428 Carney, William--65,128 CarnivaIs--218 Carr, Harold--34 Carrig, Patrick--491 Cass, Bart--442 Cavalier, Joseph--44,81,169 Cedar Beach lnlet--76,108,351,366-67,438,487 Certiorari Cases--119,249 Cervone, David--482 CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE:-- Cutchogue-New Suffolk--354,442 Greenport-Southold--65, I40,169,487 L.I. Tourism Commission---127 Southold Town Promotiona Committee--175,191,295 Transient Room Tax (1%)---21,168 Channel Markers--Il8 Charters, Beth--260 Chemical Bank--3,406 CHIPS Highway Program--489-490 Christy, Jim- 62,165,181 Ciacia House--169 Cichanowicz, Frank--15,398,418 Clamming--109,383 Clam Seed Raft Culture Program--26,64,66-67,127,209,327,353,416,420,437,456,439 Clam Transplant Program--66,57,184,49) Clams, Uncertified Chowder--117,144 (Transplant) --456 Clark, Douglas---9,188,411 Clark, Evenlyn--103,497 Clark, Henry A.--135 Claven, Mr.--238 Cleaves Point--185,424-425 C lerk-Typist Position--247,384,432 Closing of Creeks--144,177,397 Coast Guard - see "F" Federal Coastal Barrier--39,61,65,271 Coastal Barrier Resources Act--229,261 Ceastal Erosion Hazard Areas Act--252 Coastal Offshore Services--122 Coastal Warden--100,101 Coastal Zone Management--458 Code, Town:-- Fees--308 Revisions--76,88 Coleman, Peter--482 Coleman, William Reverand--98 393 Collins, Marion F.--168 Communications Officers--14 Community Development Agency---234,247,249,255,261,278,292,296,329,332,351, 367,376,384,390,397,436, 437,438,447,456 Comp-Pressure--41,443 Computerization of Tax Rolls--124,184 Computerization of Town Facilities--229,437,456,483,486 Condominiums--100 Conservation Advisory Council--234,,281,332,398,418,443 Conway, Joseph--Il9 Conway, Margaret L--247,249,258 Cooperative Extension--See "S" Suffolk County Departments-- Copy Machines--255,432 Corey Creek--177 Cornell University--487 CORPS OF ARMY ENGINEERS:-- Application of Boatman's Harbor Marina--486 Cavalier, Joseph--108 Cowan, Fred--153 DeLuca, Charles--20 Farr, Katherine--100 Fishers island Ferry District--90 Goose Bay Civic Association--!83 Kaplan, Dr. Robert I.--90 Krug, Frederich--383 LaMorte, William--38 Munch, Robert--264 Raymes, Frederich--383 Reeve, Thomas, Sr.--75 Request to remove sunken vessel from Schoolhous Creek--70 Ryan, Thomas and H Ilman R.-- S.C.,D.P.W., Greenport Railroad Dock--153 Silbernagel, Walter--38 Simon, Neil--38 Spitzenberger, Helmut--64 Staples, Halsey A.-- 88 Steigerwald, Eugene & Ellen-- 88 Strong's Marine Center--38,263 Suffolk County Dept. Of Public Works--264 Wallace, Anthony--100 Wissman, Robert--75 Wunneweta Lagoon Association--38 Corrado, Philip V.--188 Costello Marine Contractcrs Corp. --220,246,283,296 Coulter, Margaret F.--411 Country Time Cycle--175 Courts--264,393 Courts, Centralization--109,140 Court Clerk Position--16~l,200 Court Stenographer--200, 331,438 Cox's Lane--267,354 Creek Survey--143,150,173,377 Cron, Richard J.--1,16,249,287,288,330,395,396,442,461 Cryan, John--57 Csajko, Gladys--293,400,404-405,476-7 CSEA:-- Contract--72,103,149,252,414 GeneraI--125,399 Welfare Benefit Fund--46 Cushman, Mr.--237 Custer Institute--158 Custodians--47 Cutchogue Free Library--109 Czartosieski, Joseph--131 Czelatka, Alan--26,144,411 Dalchet Corp.--491 Dalrymple, Robert A.--389 Damianos, Herodotus--Il3,331 DAR Daughter of American Revolution--49 Davis, Geraldine--171,428 Dawson, Albert--45,355 Dean, Raymond--6,133,409 Deaths (of former Town Officals)-- Clark, Henry A.--135 Gillispie, Robert W., Jr.--480 McNulty, John--135 DeBlasio, Peter--98,103 DEC: Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Act--252 Deer Season, Southold Town--198,204 General--13,235,245 ice Damage Permits--64 Laurel Lake--129,199,329, 293,424,444 Sanitary Construction, DEC, Constr. Grants Prog. Activities--374 Scavenger Waste Project (201)--295-96 Shellfish Transplant Program (1982)--66 SPEDES Permit--377,487,499 Trisodium nitrilotriacetate hearing--168 Wastewater treatments grants program--253 DEC NOTICES:-- Andrews, Walter--401 Annabel, Vincent--108 Avegnon, Joseph and Pope, John--64 Bakki, Karen--416 Boos, Norman C.--20 Boylhant, William--64 Chase, Stanley/Buckham, Rodney---108 Cleaves Point Property Owners Assoc.--12 DeMarco, Antonio & Eleanora-~16 DeMartino, Mary---487 Dier, Robert--107 Flore, Long, Christake, Evangelista--210 Galiano Gereard/Robedee, Kathryn--20 Garsik, Ronald A.----168 Goose Bay Civic Assoc.--20 Hataier, Joseph & Edwina--486 Heffernan, Paul--441 Helies, Brenda K.--354 Honig, Cosiamano & Stampfli--401 Italiano, Jack--153 Jazwa, John--327 Kleinman, Bennet--188 LaMorte, William--12 Lee, Olga--245 Mailinowski, Steve--108 Mattituck Inlet, Petersen, Howard & Cavalier, Joseph--153 Murray, Norman J.--100 Nelson, Robert C.--91 Occhiogrossio, Thomas--153 Parkside Heights, Emanuel Kontokosta--354 Penn, George IV----264 Peterson Towing Corp.--l68 Pasittico, J.E., Sr.--108 Raymes, Frederick--401 Rider, Robert V.--486 Robedee, Kathryn & Galian, Gerald--168 Saland, David--228,441 Sciotto, Fea norio--423 Shilowitz, Stephen--20 Stapes, Halsey, Arthur--127 Suffolk County Dept. of Public Wok, Greenport RR Dock--12 Troxel, Robert and Patricia----423 Victoria, Regina & William/Dawson, James W.--137 Wade, Hus--264 Wallace, Anthony E.--107 Wunneweta Lagoon Assoc.--327 Wyden, Ann/Heller, Margaret----264 Xefos, Emanuel--392 Zanghett, Anna--39 Ziegler, Charles P.--108 Deer Season Ten (10) Day, Southold--189,198,204 Deerkoski, Donald--23,437,456 DeNisco, Mary--252 Depot Lane--332,354,437,440 Deputy Highway Superintendent--7 Diesel fuel bid--26,36,75,304,356 Dinizio, Doug--65 Disposal Area--36,100,156,168,178,181,182,184,207,261,262,266-7,280, 288,292,303,376,383,424,461 -62,499 Devello, John--143,409 DOGS:-- Adoption of Unredeemed--254,267,272,282 Complaints--143,149,169,487 Contract--183,200,203 Control of--486 Jurisdiction in Greenport Village--278 North Fork Animal Welfare League--476-79 Pound--283 Dombeck, Harold--98,137,324,352,374,390 Donopria, Corrinne--169 Doroski, Steve, Nurservy--454 Doroski, Theodore--9,411 Douglas Moore Memorial Concert Funds----158 Douglass, Robert J.--410 Downs Creek--252 Doyen, Francis J.--2 Doyen, Raymond--385,66 Drainage Problems--162-64,185,332 Cleaves Point--188 Drape, Marge--420 DREDGING:-- Cedar Beach Inlet--108 General--88 Goldsmith's Inlet--152,252 James Creek--281 Jocky Creek--442 Little Creek--178 Richmond Creek--145,447 West Creek--102 Wunneweta Pond--229 Droskoski, Stanley--Il9,122-23 Drug/Alcohol Program--62 Drug Abuse Prevention Council Grant--165,181,182 Drum, Henry W.--2,137 Drumm, James B.--82,490 DWI Plan - STOP, Suffolk County--418 Dzenkowski, Daniel--82,482,488 Eagle Scout--65,218,220,483 East End Arts & Humanities--Il8,382 East End Supervisor's Association--392,411,423 East End Women's Network---428 East Hampton--249 East Marion Fire District--21 East-West Fire Hydrant Contract----327 East-West Fire Protection District--366,395,401 Eastern Long Island Hospital--255,325 Economic Opportunity Council---133 Edwards, E. Perry--17 Edwards Ehrbar, 1nc.--144 Edwards, Kenneth L.--66,82,155,385-86,387,490 EelGrass--289 Eissler, Frank--249 Elections, Board of, Suffolk county-- See "S" Suffolk County Departments Elizabeth Airport--153 Emercency Preparedness Coordinator--4,263,353 Enconsultant, Inc.--159 Energy Development Corp.--64,124,134 Engineers, Town--235 Epidy, John ERM Northeast--390,393 EROSION PROBLEMS:-- Eastern Long Island--423 Hanauer, Sanford--169 Esser, Ms.--242 Everett, W.B.--289 Executive Administrator--94,125,137, IL 5,149,181,207,261,279,483 Fairley, Robert K. and Jean-- 403,427,446,462,488 Fallon, Mary--249 Farm Bureau--393 Farmland Program--198,369,393,398 Farr, Katherine--69,92,100,101,112,343 147 FEDERAL:-- Bottle Bill--12,417,426 Coast Guard--90,289-90 Community Development BIock Grant Funds--255,332 Congress--128 Consumer Product Safety Commission--307 Envrionmental Protection Agency--423 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds--26,101,203,256,267,404,462,499 Flood Insurance Program--76,122,123,143,153,158,188,229,246,261, 263,281,328,377,389,494 GSA General Service Administration--146 Interior, Dept. of--39,458 U.S. Aircraft Carrier--231 Youth Conservation Corps.--91 Federal Aid Rural Secondary Road Systems Program--304 Federal Conservation Group--293,490 Federal Safer Off-System Road Program--385 Feeder Bus Route---459 FEES:-- Beach Parking, increased--256,402 Code Supplement--308 Dog Adoption enacted--282 Fisher Island Ferry District, bicycle----417 Special Attorneys, increase--330 Ficurilli, Andrew--62,69,411 Fingerle, Michael--144-45,398 Fink, Paul--105,338 Finnican, Michael--144 Fire Chiefs Council, Southold Town--102,105,11,383 Fire Departments:-- Cutchogue--94,245,356 Mattituck--144-45,398 Southold--218,491 Fire District Officers Associaticn--482 Southold Town--128 Fire Hydrant Contract--298,353 Fire Prevention Code:-- Assistant Inspectors--45,207,355,383,482 General--261,294,414,482 Review Board--82,482,490 Fire Prevention Seminar--Il9 Fire Safety Standards for Areas of Pubic Assembly--108 Fire Wardens for Robins Island--356 First Baptist Church of Cutchouge--117 283 Fisher, Donald--9 Fisher, George--Il9 Fisher, Herb--483 Fisher, Robert--355 FISHERS ISLAND: Annual Town Board Meeting--208,209,226-42 Listing of Officials present--234-35 Basketball Court--351 Bowling Alley--420,437,440,441 Channel Markers---387 CHIPS Program--354 Civic Association--107,307 Coastal Barrier Resources Act--229 Disaster Dri11--89-90 Elizabeth Airport--153 Fishers Island Lobsterman's Assoc.--328 Four (4) family brick bldg., purchase by Town--146,280 Gada, A.J., Jr.--432 Gada, John (death of)--I04.117 Hiring of Movie Theater Employees-- 60 Mooring Permits--280,354 FISHERS ISLANID---cont, Pirate's Cove Marina--420 Radio Equipment--263 School--39 Shellfish Racks (opposition to)-----128 Sidewalks--383,416 West Harbor--234.280,324,381 FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION: Street Lighting--l09 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT: Amendment of Rate Structure, Bicycles--417,418-419 Appelt, John, Hiring of--132 Appointment of Election Insoectors--219 BIDS:-- Dock repairs & ramp construction--49,146 Drydocking of MV Munnalawket--260 Drydocking of MV's Munnatawket & Olinda--68,332 Removal of decking, deck strings hoisting apparatus and existing ramp at the south east limit of Fishers Island Capital Proect area- --233 Removal & rebuilding of ramp support system--219 Clark, Evelyn, hiring of reservation clerk--103,497 Emergency Repair of MV OIinad--159 Resignation of Raymond W. Edwards, Jr.--45 Tranfer of Funds--159,219,332 FISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT: --229 FISHERS ISLAND SEWER DISTRICT:-- Approval process--233 Authorization for payments--84 Bank account authorization--66 Report by Justice Edwards-- 139 Fishing access agreement--444 Fitzpatrick, James--393 Flagg, Paul--26,127,263,416,420, 437,462 Flatley, Thomas--220 Fleets Neck Property Owners Assoc.--442 Fleming Gannett, Engineers--324 Flint Street---332 Flooding problems--152,'87 Flore, DEC, AP--210 Fogarty, James--14 Formaldehyde, vapor testing--29L,307 Foster, Richard--198 4-H National Week--267 Francia, Frank---351 Franklinville Road, Laurel---295 Freeman, Sandy--454 Friendly Feud--436 Frohnhoeffer, Joseph J.--8,411 Fuacon, Dorothy--424 Fuel Oil Bid - 1982 --I5 Gada, John--104,117,432 Galvin, Mary Ann--9 Game Centers and Game Rooms--437,484 Games of Chance, Delegation of Authority to Issue--202 Ganneth, Fleming--324 Garcelon, Lou--155 Gas francise--103,125,128,140 Gasoline bid--26,36,76,304,366 Gazza, Bob--351 General--184 Georgeopoulos, Constantine P.--433,43 Getoff, Mary Mooney--21,235 Giese, Ferdinand J. --416 Gilbride, Richard--143 Gillooly, William--184,246 Gillispie, Robert W.,Jr.--480 Girards, C. & R.--354 Girl Scouts Proclamation--65,133,271 Glew, George--245 Glover, Leander B.--69,133,271 Goehringer, Gerard--7,62,112,409,410 Golden View Estates--396 Goldin, Oscar--22,189,434 Goldsmith & Tuthill Inc.--15,65,356 Goldsmith's Inlet--252 Goodrich, Magdaline--2,200,207,265,295,410 Gordon, Frederick--2,200,207,265,295,410 Gordon, Lynne M.--124 Goubeaud, Marian-- 156 Grandview Estates--95 Grants--109,255,261,278,332-38,376,416.432 See also Gomunity Development Agency Grattan, Virginia--264 Graves, Charles--72, I03,149,249,252,324,414 Graybar Electric--432 Grebe, Alfred R., Jr.--8, 411 Green, David--456 Green, Leonard--62,69,411 Greenberg, Paul--420 Greenbriar Homes, Inc.--233,!83 Greenport Little League--144,156 Greenport Railroad Dock--264 Greenport School Recreation Fund--153 Greenport Softball League--144 Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce--65,140,169,487 Greenport-Southold Wastewater Managenent Plan--161,436 Greenport Village Dog Control--293,296,400,404-405 Greenport Village East-West Fire Protection District --366 Greenlport Village Fire Hydrant contract--295,353 Greton Estates--25 Grigonis, Charles, Jr.--410 Grissom Lane--329,355 Groneaua, Joan--293,400,404-L05 Gross, Mary Jane--189,283,296 214,306 Grumman's Aerospace Corporation--442 Groundwater, LI Protection--256,278,218,487 Guest Beach Parking Permit--362,395,481-402 Guildi, John--351 Gull Pond--177 Hass, Dr.--241 Hallock's Bay--177 Halliwell, Ken--169 Hamilton, William--393 Hampton Jitney--20,64,77,91 Hanauer, Sanford--169 Hand, George W., Jr.--9,411 Hansen, Jack--483 Harrington, Rev. Don--223 Harris, David, M.D.--442 Harrison, John C.--355 Hartfield, J.B.--160 Harvey, Mrs. Stuart--65 Hassler, Mr.--293 Hataier, Anna--3 Heating Fuel Bid--304,356 Heins, Erick R.--433 Heins, G.--354 Helinski, Maria D.--355 Henry, Joseph--143 Highland Estates--261 HIGHWAY DEDICATION: - - Country Club Drive--21-23 General--329 Grossom Lane--355 Sleepy Hollow Lane--355 Willow Pond Lane--355 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:-- Agreement to extend Highways Funds--407 Articulated Payloades Intl H-60E--144 Authorization to Purchase Equipment--4,119-122 Bluestone--134 Brown Bear Cub Compost Tractor--286,367-68 Budget Amendment of Item I (1982) --191 CHIPS Prosram--160,489-90 Commendation of Employee--65 Department of Public Worlds, create position of Clerk-Typist--133 Deputy Supervisor--409 Dodge Ram Trucks, two (2)--131,147 Drainage rings, domes and pipes--48 Emergency repair of D-6 Bulldozer--397-98 Fencing for drainage sumps-- 286 Ford LTD Victoria (1982)--162,190.202 Ford 2610 Tractor w/mott interstater--132,156,190 General--487 International Truck (1983)--461 Reinhart, Agnes, lease for Storage Building---329 Savin Copy Machine--131 Snow fence & T posts--219 Snowstorm--137 Steel roller--49 Tires for Payloader--48 HIGHWAY REPORTS, NOTICE OF DEFECT:-- Beckwith Avenue --281 Love Lane, Mattituck--169 Main Road, Cutchogue--295 Sidewalks, Southold Village--200 Hill Crest Estates, Section I--396 Hinderman, Edward--189 Historian--8,126,200,207,232,234,265,295,410,456 Historic Preservation--100 Hobart Road--328 Hogan, Christine--Il7' Holzmacher, McMurrel & Mcledon--20,72,82,98,118,129,137,152,246,258,292,293, 304,324,328,352,356,374,386,390,395,424,432,433,483 Home Aid Procram--133 Hood, Robert--9 Hope, Charles--325 Horn, Lawrence--S,411 Hornlng, Edwin--160 Hornwood, Gloria--432-33 Horton, Curtis--168,445,482 Horton, Gerry--106 Horton, S. Wentworth--328 Horton's Lane, Southold--132 Horton's Point Lighhouse Property--9 ,169,247 249,252,258,332 HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS:-- Appt.--22,460 General--435 Hubbard, James--22,460 Hubbard, Mayor Georce--400 Hnter, J.P.--18,24 Hurley, Ann--425 IBM Corp.---432 Income Tax prep. assistance--423-24 Indian Neck Lane--245,267 Industrial development --355 Insurance, General--354 Invest Town moneys-- Authorization for---5,408 General--414 Island Ford Tractor--155 Island People Project--441 Island Squire--267 Islip Town--128,168 Jacinto--293 Jacobs, Rose--9,411 Jacobs, Raymond--7,409 Jacquilard, Harry--454 James Creek--281 James, Theodore, Jr.--245 Jem Realty Co.--91,98,112-23,141,445,450-461,487,492 Jenkins, Bob--454 Jenssen, Mrs. Katherine--239 Jewish Exhibit 100 years of small Town Jewish Life--153 Jockey Creek Bridge--327,368,421,424,441,442 Joil Enterprises Inc.--490 Johnson, Arthur--243 Johnson, Irving--281 Johnson, Patricia --9 Jones, W. & W.--354 Jones, Virginia G.--427,459 Juvenile Aid Bureau--385 Juvenile Officer--253 Edward Sidor--315 JUSTICES:-- Edwards, Raymond W., Jr.--287 Tedeschi, Frederick J.--168,200 Training Schoo1--287 Kaldor, Elaine--5,408,416 Kaminsky, Alexander --204, 23D,231,257 Kammerer, Rudy--376 Kapell, David --58 Katzenberg, Margaret--179 Kelly, Robert A.--168 Kelsey, Melville--435 Kenney's Beach--352,353,376, Kerosene Heaters, portable--48,69,77,128,383,420,423 Kings Point Academy--268 Klipp, Kerry--9,26,144,411 Klos, Sheila--444 Knizek, Robert C. -374 Knoch, Harry (NYS DEC)--198 Kohn, Fritz C.--444 Kolaski, Chester--463,492,494 Kontokosta, E.M.--36,44,61,72;91,98 Kotzsky, William--324 Kouros, Nicholas--9,251 Kowalczyk, Stanley--9 Kreh & Allen--1 Krepp, Mrs. Dilly--239 Krug, Frederick--48,81,93,98,111,230,231,257 Kuebler, Charles--325 Kujawski, Frank--45,143,409 Kumjiam, Claude--144 Kwinanis--437 Lagoon Association--297,329,356,377,383,389 Lake, Jack--9,411 Lamination Machine--254 LaMorte, William--14,47,69,78 Landfill---See "D" Disposal Area "S" Studies "T" Town Board Committees Landmark Preservation--See Local Laws Lansdell Asphalt & Bituminous Corp.--102 Lantz America--125 Lark, Richard--325,330 Laspia, Michael--35 Latham, George Ritchie, Jr.--410 Latson, Edwin M.--266,296,297,325,333.384 Laughing Waters Property Owners Asscc.--200,264 Laurel Elementary School--76 Laurel Lake --128,199,293,329,424 League of Women Voters--13,35,137,278,419 Le Bar--207,220 Le Compte, Olin Harper--222-23,225,243 Lessard, George Sr.,--82,490 Lessard, Victor--145,149,198,207,220,2~0-241,261,278,414,430, Levison, M.S.--14 Liber D, Town Records--207,232,265 Libraries: Cutchogue--109 Handicapped Renovations-- 13,264 Lifeguards--159,204 Lightfoot, Frederick--139 Lighthouse Road Stairs--247 Lillis, Gary--162-63 Lillis, Nancy--91 Linnet Street, Greenport--483 Lioness Organization--261 Little Creek--178 Little Gull Reef--64 Little league :---- Greenport--144 Mattituck-Cutchogue--492 Lizewski, Joseph--49,76,92 LNX Transmix Corp.--168,178,181,182 LOCAL LAWS:-- Adoption of unredeemed dogs (1982)--254,267,401-402 Game Rooms--484 Guest Beach Parking permils (1983)--362,395,401-402 Landmark Preservation Commission (982)--106.113-116.140.143,174,202,326, 353,362-366,428-432, 456,458 Moratorium--495-497 Portable kerosene heaters (1982)--43,69,77,128,294,383,420,482 Removal & Storage of Vehices (1982) --254,265,267,271-72 Taking of Shellfish in Town Waters(1982)171-173,186,194-96 Traffic Regulations(1982)--94,112,128, 174,186,192-194 Vehicle & Traffic (1983)--198-99 Zoning Amendments (1983)--297-302,356-62,395,447-452 LaGrande, Michael--128 LONG ISLAND: Long Island Affirmative Act on Programs Inc.--245 Long Island Area Dvelopment Agency Inc.--442 Long Island Associatiion Commerce and Industry--231 Long Expressway --487 Long Island Lighting Company--100,103,125,128,140,169-70,198,281,308,354, 367,383,388,390,420,425. 441 Long Island Railroad Dock at Greenport---198 Long Island Regional Food Bank--487 Long Island Tourism Commission --127 Long Island Traveler-Watchman--3,407 Long, Susan--32,49,253,267,425 Loper, Edward--82,490 Loper, John H.--9,286 Losech, Gary--137,258,324,374 Love Lane, Mattituck--169,170 Luce, Elbert E.--355 Lyons, Patrick E.--253 Lundberg, Pierre--366 Magaw, Arlene--424 Magill, David--333,411 Mailing Machine--15 Malvese Equipment Co., Inc.--190 Marco, Patricia Phillips--102,1C6,111,334,445,446,462,488 Marine Associates Inc.--190 Markel, Sam--369-73 Mashomack Preserve--35 Master Plan--36,39,130,185,211-13,214,2 41-42,352,383,437,456 Matt-A-Marr Marine--13,41-42,36,130,154,204,207,220 Mattituck Chamber of Commerce--170 Mattituck Creek Survey--173 Mattituck-Cutchogue Little League--492 Mattituck-Cutchogue School District--39.100,378-79 Mattituck Fire Department --144 Mattituck Fire District--399 Mattituck Garden Shop--454 Mattituck Inlet--Il0,289-90.401,456 Matttituck Parking Field--483 Mattituck Presbyterian Church--I,16 Mattituck Sale Days, Annual---170 Mattituck Shopping Center & Movie Theater--279 Mattitufk SIo Pitch--Il8 Mattituck Softball--118 Matthews Lane, Cutchogue--376,38 Mayday Communications--246 Meeker, Roger--442 Mellas, George--124,165,391,4~9 Mental Health Services--253 Mental Retardation Residences--100 Meredith, Lyle--18,221,243,379-80,441 Methodist Church, Southold--397 MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority)--128 Mikolajczk, Zdaislaw--44 Mileage, 1982--5 1983--408 Miles, Maddie--170,395 Mill Creek--Il8 Mill Lane--267 Millstone Nuclear Plant--263,456,441 Mizzi, Sybil--105,138,243 Moffat, Jane--8,117,131,411 Moisa, Henry F.--7,409 Monsell, James--152 Monteclave, J.T. Inc.--329 Moratorium on Subdivisions--169,180-81 185,205-6,207,208,248,278,391,421,434, 435,437,438,439,442,452-54,456-75,479,480,484,485,495-97,499 Moritz, Wayne A.--188 Morton National Widlil~e Refuge--35 Mud Creek--252 Muir, Robert--159,243 Mulhaney, Dorothy--478 Mullen Motors, Inc.--50,102,481 Mullen, William F., Jr.--410 Munch, Robert--230,266,283,296,306 Munnatowket, M/V Bid--332 Murdock, Lawrence, Jr.--408 Murphy, Francis J.--3,15,133,331,409,L12 Muscular Dystrophy Associatio~--203,232,233 Mysliborski, Dorothy--9 McBride, Frank--45,219,444 McCaffery, Pamela--158,171,417 McCall, Adrian--295 McCarthy, George A.--129,332 McCarthy, Sal--40 McCaso, Allison--241 McDonald's Fast Food Restaurant--485 McGinty, Gerald P.--13,129,141,150,154,162 McGuire, Mary--441 McKeighan, Venetia--105,133,355,482 McKiernan, Matt--140 McMahon, James--70,72,165,181,248,249,261,278,292,325,329,351,367,369-73,376, 390,397,438 McMann, Price Agency--293,354 McNulty, John--135 McQueen, Bruce--206 NAACP--67,72 Nassau Electric East Corp.--131 Nature Conservancy--35,76 Navigational Aids--404,432 Neilson, Douglas--390 Neville, Elizabeth--6 Neville, Ellan--47,325 New Suffolk Avenue, Reconstruction--72,82,354 New Suffolk Lane--327,377,382 385 New Suffolk School District--34,39 NEW YORK STATE:-- Access. Sec. 180A--422 Agriculture & Market--252 Assemtbly--108,128,201 (Assembly Bills -- See "A") CHIPS (Consolidate Highway Improvement Program)--160 Coastal Zone Mangement--458 Disaster Preparedness Commission-- 106,125 Division of Substance Abuse Services(Drug Abuse Prevention Council Grant)--93 Envrionmental Conservation--See "D" - DEC Equalization & Assessment--486 Home Rule-- See "H" Juvenile Officers Association--253 Magistrates Association--411 Mental Retardation--100 Parks & Recreation--100,404.432 Parks v Recreation & Historic Preservation, Bureau of Marine & Recreational Vehicles--432 Police Conference, Annual--170 Public Service--100,388,456,458 Retirement--25,117,170,434,435,489 Senate--117 Senate bills--See "S" Special Municpal Aid--128 State Police--236 Transportation--20,235,252, 266,304, 377,382,386,437,440 Troopers--328 Youth, Division of--385 New York State Archaeological Assn.--137,156,416 New York Testing Laboratories Inc.--307 Nickles, John--408 Nierodzik, Pauline--9 No Number Naugles Drive, Inc.--63,71,124,148 No Parking signs--91,132 Noise Ordinance--236 Nolan's Market--327 Normal, Illinois--461-462 Norris, Bruce--107 North Fork Animal Welfare League--149,183,187,200,203,283,293,400,476-479 North Fork Bank & Trust Co.--3,23,95 124,184,229,327,382,399,406,437,456 North Fork Community Theatre--I,436 North Fork Environmental Council--36,278,288,352 North Fork Little League--156 North Fork Oil Heat--65 North Fork Peace Group--201,222-225,243-244,249,272-274 North Fork Sanitation--388 North Fork Soccer--220 North Fork Waterstudy--15 Northville Industries--169 Novey, John--169 Nuclear Power Plant--103,128,198,263,281,383,425,436,441 Nuclear Weapons Freeze--201,211, 243-2,4,272-276 Nurseries--454 NUTRITION PROGRAMS:-- Center--487 Funding--26,446,456 Home Aid Program--133 Update Report--482 Oaklawn Avenue Bridge--327,368,421,424, 441,442 Obenauer, Philip--286,328,356,377,383, 388 Occhiogrosso, Thomas & Jacqualine--200,229,231,257 Official Newspaper (1982)--3,231 (1983)--406,438 Oliva, Ruth--152,181,205-06,2?8,288-89 352,376,499 Olivetti Typewriter--414 One Hundred Years of Small Town Jewish Life Exhibit--153 One Percent Room Tax--169 Open Space Preservation--208 Oregon Road, Cutchogue--266,354 Orient Mosquito District--20 Oreint Point Inn--165-166,170 Orlowski, Bennett, Jr.--410 Our Lady of Grace Church, Fishers Island--132,158 Outboard Motor Purchase--133 Pace, Addie--411 Pace, Terrence--26,433 Pachman, Howard--106 Pafenyk, Sylvia--281 Pagnozzi, Cheryl--22,46,93,98 PanTech Mangement--24,35-36,73,81,138 184,243·293 Parades--94, 118,302,491 Parent Teachers Association (FTA)--302,436,486 Park Districts - Southold--328 Parking Fields:-- Mattituck--72,107,351,483 Southold--397 Part-Time Employees--411 Paul, Martha J.--35,57-58,96-97 Pebble Beach Property Owners Association--21,188 Pebble Beach Subdivision--185 Peconic Associates--383,390 Peconic County--107,188 Peconic Dunes Camp--70,76·86-87,198,368-69,370 Peconic Lane--267 Pell, William R. 111--407,408 Pendleton, John--241 Permissive Referendum--425 Pesci, O.B.--295 Peterson Towing Corp.--118,159,494 Petition: -- Traffic Light at Boisseau Avenue--327 Petroleum Storage Facilities--95,157,175- 76 Petty Cash Funds--4,24,427 Pfifferling, Ilene--432 Pierce Drive, Cutchogue--221 Pike, Robert--34,52 Pine Barrens--280,425 Pinewood Nurseries--420 Pitney Bowes (Postage Machine)--15,61,79,165,281 PLANNING BOARD:-- Appointments--7,112 Chairman--409 GeneraI--39,76,135,185,235,267,283,328,356,391,410,425,484 Master Plan Study--213,352,436,456 Moratorium of Subdivisions--466-75,479-80 Salaries (1982)--8 Term Expirations--9 Plum Island Animal Reseach Lab--390 POLICE:-- Appointments, Permanent--43 Bingo Findings & Determinations--202 Cars 1982 Bid for five (5)--481 Cars 1982 Bid for six (6)--50 Cars 1983 Bid for five (5)--481 Chief Winters--9,102,104,185,235,243,324,351,376,407,412,482 Cleaning of Uniforms--Il7,132 Clerk Typist--434 Commendations--65 Communication Equipment--246,250 Communications Officers--14,202 Conferences--170 Contract for Police Chief--412 Copy Machine--231 Disaster Plan & Operation Guide--376 FBI National Academy--490 Games of Chance & Determination--202 General--198,235 Generator--156,188 Hiring of New Officers--243,252,260,437 Juvenile Officer--253,351 Motorola Police Radios--250,268 Neighborhood Watch Program--418 Outboard Motor Bids--43,82 Part-Time Officers--26,433 POLICE- Cont. PBA--72,149,249,252,324,366,414 Personnel--393 Police Radio Central Dispatch--245 Promotions--106,119,122-123 Radio Operators--62,69,1' 9 Removal & Storage of Vehicles--25 ,265,267,271-72 Seasonal Officers--144 Traffic Wardens--62 Poloni, Joseph--106 Port of Egypt Marine Inc.--108,118,427-428,459-460,484,498 Portable Kerosene Heaters--43,69,77,128,294,482 Post Office--393 Pre-Rental Housing Inspection Local law--264 Presbyterian Church, Cutchogue--157 Price, William H. Jr.--407,409 Prisco, Anthony--283,305 PROCLAMATIONS :-- Cancer Control Month - April--83 Daughters of the American Revolulion--49 Emergency Medicine Week--254 Girl Scouts--65,475-76 National Bowling Week--254 National 4-H Week--267 Small Business Week--130 Vietnam Vets Welcome Home--368 Woman of the Year 1983--428 Women's History Week--385 Przeperia, Victor J.--202,411 Public Works Commission--6 Public Works Department--133,158,171 Punch, Barbara Rader--113,141,142,150,154,161 Quarticelli, Isabella--287,411 Race Point Ledge--64 Rackett, Frederick E.--9,411 Radiological Emergency Response Plan--425 Railroad - see "L" Long Island Railroad Ramps, Town--188 Randall, Charles--67,72 Raymes, Frederick--287,328,355,377,383.425-426 Raymond, Parrish, Pine & Weiner, Inc.--185,214,352,422,456 Raynor, Henry--7,391,409,410,436 RECEIVER OF TAXES:-- Burroughs Accounting Machine--399 Clerk, Salaries--23 GeneraI--165,182,235,391,393-394 Revision of Payment System--124,149,153 Records, Town--232 Recreation Funds Distribution- -118,144,153,156,158,220 Reeve Lumber & Woodworking--393 Referendums, Public, state ballot--211,286,425 Reese, Harold--95,185,229 Registrar Appointments--6 Reid, Linda--169 Reinhart, Agnes--329 Removal & Storage of Vehicles--254,265 267,271-72 Rent Stabilization--91,261,416 REPORTS: Departments, Monthly:-- Appeals Board--279 Assessors--19,38,74,107,138,151,199,254,251,294,326,280,422,457,488 Building Department--19,37,38,74,110,126,151,208,251,279,326,380,392,415, 422,457,485 Cablevision--11,19,63,99,126,138,16 ,199,245,262,294,353,392,485,422 CAST--457 Computerization of Town Facilities--439 Dog Pound--74,89,107,151,187,294, Fishers Island Ferry District--38,74,99,126,151,187,210,251,279,326.392,439, 457,485 Grant Program--251,326 Highway Department--38,74,99,126,151,187,210,251,279,392,457,485 Historian--74 Justices :-- Edwards--89,107,138,1 51,199,246,262,294,353,392,439,485 Price--63,74,100,138,151,199,251,262,353,392,353,392,457,485 Rich--19 Tedeschi--19,63,74,107,138,166,199,245,262,294,353,392,422,457 Juvenile Aid Program--439 North Fork Animal Welfare League--19,138,210,251,294,326,380,422 Police--19,38,74,99,138,151,199,245, 262,294,353,392,422,457,485 Seed Clam Mariculture Program 1982 Report--422 Supervisor--37,74,99,126,151,187,210,251,279,326,380,439,485 Town Clerk--Il, 37,74,99,126,151, 187, 208,251,279,326,380,415,457,485 Trustees--19,38,74,107,138,151,208,251,262,294,353,380,422,485 Youth Projections, SS/Y Center--457,458 Resignations-- Derkoski, Antionette--434 Resource Recovery Report--39 Resource Technology Corp.--76 Resumes: - Executive Administrator--94 Retirements--251,489 Rich, James Jr.--2 Richmond Creek--145,447 Richmond, Jori--390 Richter, Craig--490 Rider, Robert V., Jr.--402,426 Riehlman, Dave (NYS-DEC)-198 Rippanti, Mrs. J.--229 Riverhead Town--264,393 Road Use Authorization--203,232 ROBINS ISLAND:-- Discussion of--26,34-35,39,76,96-97,139,198,229 Resolutions--18,50-59,93 Robins Island Fire Wardens--356 Robinson, Geneive-- 494 Rogers, Jean--9,411 Rosenberg, Dr.--225,243 Ross, Denise--9,131,411 Rowehl, B & R.--354 Ruland, William P.--131,332,428 Russell, Mr.--240 Salaries, Elected Officials - 1932 --6,405-409 Salaries, Employee Increments--131 Salmon, Lori E.--264 San Simeon by the Sound--98 Sand - Disposal Area--168,178,181,156.178,182,393 Sand Pit--21,36,44,61,72,91 Sanford, Theodore M.--374 Saunders,Sophie T.--102,268 Savin Corp.--142,231,255,444,498 Sawicki, Howard W.--9,411 Sawicki, Joseph H.--410 Sawicki, Walter & Frank--93,266,489 Scalloping--278 Scavenger Waste - see "Studies" Scheureman, Kenneth--393 Schick, Nicolas--165-166,170,192,302-03,330,331,383,398 Schider, Stanley--264 Schilke, Stuart A.--383 Schmitz, John L.--221 Schneider, Jean--9,24,131,411 School Attendance Officer--282 School Crossing Guards--9,33,62,69,251,286-287,444 Schools: Southold--302 Speed Limit--386 School Districts :-- Cutchogue-Mattituck--100 Laurel--76 Southold--436,486 Schoolhouse Creek--70 Schriefer, Eleanor--154 Schreiner, Terry--35 Scopaz, Valerie--281 SCOPE--368-70 Scott, Don--200 Scudder, Latty--185,186 Seafare Co. --184 Securities, Town General--81 Seed Clam Raft Culture Program--26,64,66,67,127,209,227,240,263,440,462 Sellars, Josephine--295 SENATE BILLS:-- Nuclear Freeze Referendum, Bill #10239A--211 Police Officers, Permanent appointments--43 Retirements--25,117,170,434-435, SENIOR CITIZENS:-- Bus Trips--68,118,156,267 268,384,-89,491 General--355 Income Tax Assistance--428-424 Mattituck--91,118,156 Nutrition Site Manager--355 Senior Citizen - Youth Center--18,85,98,103,108,125,139,165,221,243, 245,261,278,293,294,295·307,308,327,279-380,399,441,447,490 Southold--68,147,267,461,439,491 Southold-Peconic Senior Citizens, Inc.--133,188,268,384,462 Weatherization of Center--24 Seven-Eleven (7-11) Stores--100,179,186,209,415 Sewage Treatment Plant, homeowners--262 Shaw, Douglas--34 Shearin, Dr. Mary--243 Shellfish, general--393 Shellfish Ordinance Amernts--194-196 Shellfish Program--26,66 Shelter Island Town--308,487 Sherrard, Arthur--9,411 Shilowitz, Stephen--13,15,21,40,146,147,155,157,177 Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant--103,198,383,420,425 Sidewalks - Southold Village, defective--200 Sidor, Edward--253,351 Sidor, Martin--92,268 Sidor, S.--354 Siegel, Gus--456 Silbernagel, Walter--14,42,47,69,78 Simon, Neil--47,69,78 Sixty-Seven Steps--169 Sleepy Hollow Lane--329,355 Small, Bertrice--200 Small Business Week--130 Smith, Henry P.--409 Smith, William B.--56,137,452 Snover, Gerard--396 Snowstorm--137 Soccer Championship--378-379 Soil Removal Permits-- Jem Realty (Kontokasta)--91,98 Solwin Industries--244,245,264,293,325 351 Sound Avenue Resurfacing Bid--302,304,324,329,352 Sound Avenue Road Project--292 Souther, Henry Engineering--84 Soundview Acres at Orient--432-433 Southampton Town--487 Southold Baymen's Association--39,88, 28 Southold Fire Department--491 Southold Fitness Club--85 Southold Methodist Church--397 Southold Parent-Teachers Association- 302,436,486 Southold Park District--328 Southold Peconic Civic Association--16 ,383,442,393 Southold Soccer Club--220,245 Southold Town Fire District Officers ,asoc.--128,328 Southold Town Promotional Committee--175,191,295,447,487 Southold Wastewater Disposal District- 98,112,161,387,399,44,463-466 Spangel, Arthur A.--129,154,159,175,'76 Specific Heat Company, The--24 Speed Limits--253,386 Speed Survey--266 Stabile, H.--424-425,495 Staley Corporation--254 Stanley Corporation--254 Steigerwald, Ellen & Eugene--Il9,141, 42,150,154,161 Steiner, Florence--82,266,489 Stenographic Services for Courts--200 231 Stepanek, Charles--160 Sterling Creek Moorings--134 Sterling Environmental Committee--438 452,454 Sterling, Peter--254,297,282,325,333 Stone, Albert--179,186 Stoutenburgh, Paul--45,143,409 St. Peter's Lutheran Church --98,393 Strachan, Kenneth, Jr.--129,133,143,147 Street Dance, Southold Fire Department--492 Bids--44,72 Fixtures--Ill,131 Requests for :--91,109,139,154,221,264,295,354 Town Project--292,356,386,432 Strong's Marine (bid for outboard motors)--82 Strong's Marine Center--14,23,39-40 42,47,69,78,386,396,402,417,418 STUDIES:-- Airport--85-86 Greenport - Southold Waterwaste Management Plan--161,423 Groundwater Study--328 Landfill--64,72,88,89,96,187,244,280,292,295,332,351,374-75, 456,416-2 499 Park,Recreation & Open Space Survey----61 Scavenger Waste--72,324-25,328,333,368,405,433,438,446,480,483 Solid Waste Management Study--I,124,125,129,133,207, 292 Southold Solid Waste Improvement District--118,324,433 Waste Management Study (201)--217,258,295-96,328,349-51,352,367,368 374,375,382,387 Waste Managment Study 208)--296 Wastewater Disposal District--98,112,161,387,399,444,463-466 Water Study--13,15,280,295,354,422 Stulsky, Christine--200 SUBDIVISIONS:-- Bayview Farms--247,433 SUBDIVISIONS:-- Greenbriar Homes, Inc.--233,283 Greton Estates (Bond Release)--25 Golden View Estates--396 Highland Estates--261 Hill Crest Estates, Section I--396 Moratorium--466-75,479-80 Reese, Harold (Bond Release)--229 Soundview Acres at Orient Abandonment--432,433 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMITTEES: STOP DWI - Plan, Suffolk County--418 Suffolk County Advisory County Trustees Park & Recreation--423 Suffolk County Alcoholism Advisory Board--127 Suffolk County Assessors Association--411 Suffolk County Community Development Consortuim Citizen Advisory Committee--189 Suffolk County Magistrate's Assoc.--411 Suffolk CountyRadiological Emergercy Response Plan--425 Suffolk County North Fork Water Study--393 Suffolk County Superintendants of Highway Assoc.--411 Suffolk County Supervisors Association--411 Suffolk County Tax Act--124,153,420,423,425,441,456 Suffolk County Tax Receivers Association --411 Suffolk County Town Clerk's Association--411 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT:-- Aging, Office of--105,235 Civil Service--200,234,267,420 Community Development Block Grant Program-- HUD Funds--24,35-36,65,73,81, 101,105,109. 138,189,218,246,249,261, 264,278,351,447,456,483 Comptroller--200,234 Consumer Affairs--236 Cooperative Extention--235,281,254,456,487 Cornell University--328,487 Courts, Centralization--22,23,109,140,308 CR#48--132,221,425 CSEA Welfare Benefit Fund--46 District Attorney--200,234,331,437 East End Supervisor's Meetings--423 Elections, Board of--102,235,487 Emergency Preparedness--4, 139,234, 424 Executive--393,420,442,487 Farmlands Preservation Program--398 Feeder Bus Route--459 Health, Department of--13,169,235,245,253,278,437,422 Human Rights Commission--417 Legislature--12,41,91,103,139,198,229,296,308,329,351-352,355,367, 487,418 Motor Vehicles--13 Parks & Recreation--34,76,368-369,441 Planning Commission--356-357 Public Works--102,132,221,235,264,327,351,354,376,421,424,441, 442 Real Property Assessment--330 Real Property Tax Service Agency--234 Sheriff's Office--235 Social Services--261 Solar Energy Commission--324 Supervisor's Associaiton Ten (10) Town Assoc.--90,167 Tercentenary Celebration--88,126,416,417,456 Treasurer--139,234 Vector Bureau--235,441 Veternas Service Agency--442 Suffolk Lighting Supply Co., Inc.--44 Suffolk Times, newspaper--4,406 Sump--221 Sunrise Coach Lines--20,64,77,91 Supervisor, William R. Pell III----5 Sutcliffe, Scott--35 Swann, Bessie--105,417 Swimming Pool--437,439 Sypher, Patricia--9,411 Tabor, Janet--9,411 Tabor, Kenneth--435,460 Tasker, Robert W.--7,410 Tax and Assessment Roll & Warrant--393,394 Tax Exemption, 65 and over--100 Taxes, four payment plan--153,167 Tax Rate Information--391 Taylor, Harry P.--188 Tedeschi, Frederick--407,409 Telephone Equipment in Town Hall--246,f253 Temik--139 Tennis Courts--239 Tercentenary - See "S" Suffolk County Dept. Terry, Judith T.--6,24,407,409 Terry, Kevin--139 Terry, William Y. --109 Thames Shipyard & Repair Co.--68 Thompson, Margaret--9,411 Tiedke, Jean--188 Times Mirror Cable Television--175,456 Timm, William--293,392 Torrey Pines Technology--383 TOWN BOARD COMMITTEES:-- Building, Zoning & Plannirg--19,73,75,420 Cablevision Advisory Committee--111,167 Code Committee--127,166,227,263,422,439 Committee Appointment - 1982 --413 Dog Pound--166,200,203,282,476-69 Fishers Island--437 Highways--38,420 Inland Waterways--20,64,437 Landfill (Disposal Area)--19,20,63,72,76,96,98,99,107,118,125,126,137,139, 151-152,209,227,288,439,456,461-462,487 Mattituck Inlet Advisory--110 Parks & Beaches--127,152,167,227,245,251,437,440 Seed Clam Program--440 Street Lights--20 Taxation & Finance--19 Two-Family dwellings--62,50,100 Youth Projection--439 TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE:-- Bingo, Delegation of Authority to issue--202 Games of Chance, Delegation of Authority to Issue--202 Goubeaud, Marian--156 Town Hall Landscape Contract--491 Town Records--232,265 Townsend, Joseph L., Jr.--408 Traffic Control Devices--162,209,280,327,334,377,382,425,442 Traffic Ordinance Amendment V&T)--192,194 Traffic Regulations--128,204,206 Traffic Wardens--287,333,444 TRAILERS:-- Bauer Farms, Inc.--15,177.396 Boursiquot, Ange & Barbara-116,129,366 Daminanos, Herodotus--113,331 Davis, Geraldine--171,428 First Baptist Church of Cutchogue--117,283 Goldin, Oscar---22,189,434 Marco, Patricia Phillips--102,106,111 McBride, Frank--45,219,444 McCarthy, George A. --129,332 Mikolajczyk, Zdzislaw--- 44,460 Miles, Maddie--170,395 Ruland, William P.--131,332,428 Saunders, Sophie--102,268 Sawicki, Walter & Frank--96,266,489 Sidor, Martin--92,268 Steiner, Florence--82,266,489 Tuthill, John C.--22,202-203,433 TRANSFERS:-- Adult Recreation--386,397 Assessors--287,286,397 Bay Constable--161,232,385 Beaches--397 Budget Modification w/Suffolk Coulty for transfer of $10,000.00 from Housing Rehabilitation project o Street Improvement Proj.--189 Building Inspector--397 Buildings--386,397,403 Councilmen--397 CSEA Welfare Fund--268 Dental CSEA--387 GHI--387 Disposal Area--287,386,397 Division of Youth, Juvenile Aide--385 Drainage Cont. to Environment Control Cont.--158 Feasibility Study for Captain Kids--425 Federal Revenue Sharing--192,203 Fishers Island Ferry District--132.159,192,219,255,332,386 General--333,404 Highway--130,191,220,393, 397,417 447 Historian--265 Hospitalization--386 Insurance--232,385,386,387 Justice Account--283,356.385 Muncipal Dues Account--247 New York State Retirement--220,387 Off-Street Parking--257,287 Parks--287 Planning Board--387,397 Police--84,147,385,387,397 Programs for the Aging to Home hid Program--189,397 Recreation--397 Rescinding of Transfers--330,331 Safety Inspection--232 School Attendance Office---282 School Crossing Guards--397,404 Social Security--268 Street Lighting--297 Supervisor--386,397,403 Tax Receiver--386,397 Town Clerk--403 Unemployment Insurance--387 Workmen's Compensation--386,387 Traugott, Robert--124 Troxel, Robert & Patricia--460,492,493 TRUSTEES:-- Association of Towns--36,45 Clerk Typist--384,432 Creek Survey,--143,150,158,377,380-82 Four (4) Year Term of Office--451,463 General--64, 247,380-382,393,397, 401,436,459,484 Sterling Creek Mooring--134 Tsounis, Cleo--377,390,420 Tuthill, John C.--22,202-203,433 Tuthill, Lawrence--61,122,143,158,2;1,271,377,384 Tuthill, M&A--354 Twin Fork Fence Inc.--395 Twin Forks Fire Extinguisher Co. Inc.--441 Tyler, Frank D.--9,411 Tyler, Henry, Chas., & Gregg--145 Ulrich, Joseph--421,424 United States Aircraft Carrier after LI--231 Unitel Communications--246,253 Unsafe Building Hearings:--26 No Number Naugles Road--62,71,124,148 Resse, Harald, Ronald, Christine--185 Schick, Nicholas--165-166,170 Vallace, Anthony E.--92,100,112,159,175,176 Van Etten, Raymond--144,411 Vandernoth, Joseph--355 Vector Real Estate Corp.--252,327 Vehicle Permits--362 Verity, Jarvis--88 Vietnam Veterans Memorial--336 Village Dry Cleaners--132 Vita-STat--41 Vreeland, Joella--487 Wacker, Ronnie--478 Wade, Gustave--484 Wall, James--Il2,410 Ward Associates--61,130 Ward, Mrs.--164 Wastewater Disposal District--112,98,113,152,161,214-217,256,284-286,399 Wastewater Treatment grants program--253 Water District--425 Water Pollution on Long Island Conference--264 Water Problems--424 Water Study--393,422 Water Task Force--369,376 Waterfront Programs- -296,325 Watershed Preserve--425 Watson, William--100,101 Watts, Charles--409 Wave Height Study--153 Weber, Frederick E.--355 Wehran Engineering Corp.--390,424 Weinheimer, William--20,66,139 Wells, Betty--332,443 West Creek--252 West Harbor--234,307,354,387 West Mountain Sales, Inc.--367 Westbury Music Fair--267 WETLAND APPLICATIONS:-- Alfano, Felix--253,281,283,306 Baldwin, Muriel--82,101,116,125,128.140 Birman, Paul--219,246,283,305 Boatman's Harbor Marina--396,426,446,488 Bubany, John--463,492,493 Buron, Lawrence D., Jr.--402,247,446,488 Carrig, Patrick--491 Cavalier, Joseph--44 Costello Marine Contractor Corp.--220,246,283 Fairlie, Robert K. & Jean--403,427,446,488-489 Farr, Katherine--69,92,101,112,143,147 Georgiopoulos, Constantine P.--433-434 Gross, Mary Jane--189,283,306 Jones, Virginia--427,459 Kaminsky, Alexander--204,230,231 ,257 Kohn, Fritz C.--444,492-493 Koloski, Chester--463,492,494 Krug, Frederick--48,81,93.98,111,230,231,257 Lagoon Association--297,329, 356,377, 389 LaMorte, William--14,47,69,78 Latson, Edwin M.--266,296,297,333,384 Levison, M.S.--14 Marco, Phillip--330,445,446,488 Matt-A-Marr Marina--13,41 -42,96,130,154,204,207,220 McCarthy, Sal--23,40 McGinty, Gerard P.--129,141,154,162 Munch, Robert J.--230,266,282,304 Obenauer, Philip--286,328,356,377,383,388 Occhiogrosso, Thomas & Jacqueline--200,231,257 Pagnozzi, Cheryl--22,46,93,98 Peterson Towing Corp.--118,159,494 Port of Egypt Marine, lnc --427-42 ,459-460,484,498 Prisco, Anthony--283,305 Punch, Barbara Radar--113,141,142,154,161 Raymis, Frederick--287,325,356,377 425-26 Rider, Robert V., Jr.--402,426 Robinson, Genevieve--494 Silbernagel, Walter--14,42,47,69,78 Simon, Neil--69,78 Spangel, Arthur A.--129,154,159,175,176 Steigerwald, Ellen & Euge~e--119,141,142,154,161-62 Sterling, Peter--254,282,297,333 Strachan, Kenneth Jr.--129,133,143,147 Strong's Marine Center--l4,23,39-40,42,47,69,79,386,396,402,417,418 Traxel, Robert & Pat--460 492,493 Vallace, Anthony E.--92,11 2,159,175 ,176 Zito, Ronald L.--130,154,159,175,176 Wetmore, George--454 Whaling City Dredge & Dock Corp.--146,233 White, John--134 Wieczorek, Vincent--82,105,432,490 Wiggin, Merle--207,292-293,324 Wilhelm, Roger--324 Williams, Ralph & Ellen--188 Williams, John--88 Willow Pond Lane--329,355 Wilton, Richard--149 Winn, Michigan--461-462 Winters, Harold D.--9,102,104,170,185 235,243,407,437,482,488 Women's History Week--385 Wunneweta Pond--229 Yakaboski, Frank--330,427 Young, George R.--245 Young, George S.--9,62 Young, Richard--185,186 Young and Young Land Surveyors--133 Youth Coordinator--248,325,329 Youth Juvenile Aid Program--72,84 Youth Projections, Southold Town--415 Youth Recreation--385 Zaleski, Mark--Il9,411 Zito, Ronald L.--130,154,159,175,176 Zoning Amendments to Town Code--297,302,357-363,447-52 Zoning Change Ap.:-- Bruno, Lawrence--443,461 Cron, Richard J.--287,288,395,442,461 Dalchet Corporation--491 Jem Realty--Il2, 113,141,4L5,460-61,487,492 Lizewski, Joseph J.--49,77,92 Marine Associates--498 Schick, Nicholas--192,302-303,330-331,383,397 Shilowitz, Stephan--13,15,21,40,146, 147,155,157,177 Zoning Violations--261,414,454