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1978 - 1980 May - February
DATE May 9, 1978 May 23, 1978 · June 6, 1978 June 20, 1978 3uly 11, 1978 3uly 25,1978 August 8 & 9, 1978 August 22, 1978 September 5, 1978 September 19, 1978 September 26, 1978 October 3, 1978 October 10, 1978 October 24, 1978 November 8, 1978 November 20, 1978 November 21, 1978 December 5, 1978 December 26, 1978 January 2, L979 January 9, 1979 January 23, 1979 January 30, 1979 February 6, 1979 February 22, 1979 March 13, 1979 March 27, 1979 April 10, 1979 April 24, 1979 May 8, 1979 May 22, 1979 June 12, 1979 June 18, 1979 July 10, 1979 July 24, 1979 August 7, 1979 August 15, 1979 August 21, 1979 September 7, 1979 September 11, 1979 September 25, 1979 October 5,1979 October 9, 1979 October 23, 1979 November 7, 1979 November 20, 1979 December 4, 1979 December 18, 1979 PAGE NO. 1 16 25 35 52 61 73 (Meeting 89 95 101 106 121 123 129 148 155 166 173 179 190 205 210 218 222 228 233 244 253 259 269 278 285 297 304 312 321 328 333 341 343 354 361 362 367 388 395 410 419 of the 9th, was held at Fishers Island, N. Y. Pages 79 through 88. (Special Meeting) December 27, 1979 January 2, 1980 January 8,1980 January 22, 1980 February 5, 1980 February 26, 1980 424 437 451 460 479 493 E E T I N G D A T E S DATE May 9, 1978 May 23, 1978 June 6, 1978 June 20, 1978 July 11, 1978 July 25, 1978 August 8 & 9th August 22, 1978 September 5, 1978 October 10~ 1978 November 8, 1978 December 5, 1978 December 26, 1978 January 9, 1979 February 6, 1979 March 13, 1979 April 10, 1979 May 8, 1979 June 12, 1979 June 18, 1979 June 26, 1979 July 10, 1979 July ~ 1979 August 7, 1979 September 7, 1979 October 9, 1979 November 7, 1979 December 4, 1979 December 27, 1979 January 22, 1980 PAGE NO. 1, 2, 12,14, 15, ~ 20, 26, 33,34, 43 60, 61, 62, 64 82, ~3 93, 95 123 149 178 180 205 226 233 253 270 285 297 299 304 311 322 340 362 392 418 429 462 February 5, 1980 480 A A.A.A. (Auto Club America) ............. 90 Accardo, Angelo ........................ 239,270 Access to Public Records ............... 178 Accident Report: Diane Murphy,Laurel--- 64 Accountant ............................. 97 Accounting, Fixed Assets ............... 61 Acierno, Robert E. (Walter Industries, Inc.)---101,102 Ackerly Pond Lane ...................... 286 Adams, Antone .......................... 206 Adams, Jody ............................ 46,47,49,72,77,90,110,111,169, 170,171,270,327 Adams, Lawrence ........................ 150 Ad Hoc Assoc. of Matt. Inlet Watch Dogs---255 Adler, Fred (Cedar Beach) .............. 54 Adult Recreation ....................... 57 Advertise for Bids: Spawning Clams ..................... 7 Engines & Motor Blocks ............. 15 Snow Fighters ...................... 21 Advertising, fees ...................... 175 Aging, Suffolk County Offices .......... 3,16,17 Agricultural Districting Adv. Comm.---- 97,230,245,390,412 Agriculture & Markets, NYS ............. 389 Ahman, Gordon, Lucy .................... 82,83,84 Ahman, Richard ......................... 85,86 Airport Committee ...................... 36,179,188,189,190,226,238,2430248, 259,270,490 Airport, Fishers Island ................ 247 Airport Master Plan .................... 2840479,490 Air Quality, public hearing DEC ........ 206,229 Albany, State of ....................... 101 Albertson, Barbara .................... 395,465 Albertson, Lester ...................... 99,100,117 American Legion: Griswold Terry Post #803 ........... 3,20,21 Burton Potter Post 9185 ............ 56 So. GTG, parking field ............. 237 American Lung Assoc.- .................. 169 American Red Cross ..................... 97 American Termite Control Co.- .......... 48 Amtrak ................................. 111 Annabel, Bernard J.- ................... 47,63 Annabel, Vincent ....................... 389~396 Anrig, Otto ............................ 290 Anti-Recession & Compliance Report, 1979---312 Anti-Recession Funds ................... 14,28,57,64,98,150 Anzalone, Anthony E.- .................. 335 Appeals Board Appointments: ........... 197 (See also Zoning Board of Appeals) Tuthill, Terry R.- ................. 53 Gillispie, Robt. W. Jr,Chairman ..... 195,363,503 Grigonis, Charles, Jr.- ............ 264 1980 Salaries ...................... 443,444 Appointments (Departments) ............. 5,6,53,193 Archaeological Assn. funds ............. 181,391,396 Ariosto, Sal ........................... 175' Asphalt road materials ................. 266 Assembly Bills ......................... 24,33,38,55 Assembly Minority NYe .................. 229 Assembly, NYS .......................... 368,464. Assemblyman John L. Behan ......... 369,390,485 Assessment appeal settlement ........... 314 Assessment, 100% full valuation ...... L2190,228,240,295,330,360,362,464,493, Assessment, property tax changes ....... 389 498 Assessment Review Board ................ 176,183,207,223,293,308,309,314, 335,345 Assessors .............................. 104,193,195,196,348,409,425,443 Association of Merchants ............... 5 (over) May 1978 - Feb. 1980 B Babcock, Philip, Country Club Estates--193,200 Bage, Edward ........................... 62 Baglivi, John .......................... 306,324 Baker, Jacqueline ...................... 340 Baldwin, Fletcher A.- .................. 248 Banks: Island Federal Savings ............. 58 Whitestone National Bank ........... 58 Republic National Bank ............. 58 Bank of New York ................... 3,202,440 Chemical Bank ...................... 3,202,440 North Fork Bank & Trust Co.- ....... 202,440 Banks, designations for 1980 ........... 440 Barge Wrecks ........................... 74 Barker's Pharmacy ...................... 64 Barnes, Kerron ......................... 97,104 Barzac, George ......................... 430 Bauman, Carol .......................... 171 Bay Constables ......................... 46,47,196,197,224,415,420,461,476, 484 Baymen's Assoc., Southold Town ......... 21,50,280,313,509 Bayside Terrace Road Improvement District bond---258 Beach Attendants & Lifeguards .......... 47,48 Beach Permits .......................... 53 Bear, Frank ............................ 71,116,243,267,270,318,321,324,449,459,479 Bedell, Thomas D.- ..................... 364 Beebe, Cheryl .......................... 246 Beehan, John L., Assemblyman ........... 229,319,323,324,334,369,464,485 Behlen, Fanny, Community Health Center-174 Bellefountaine, Bruce E.- .............. 4 Bennetts Pond Lane ..................... 127 Bergen, Oil ............................ 488 Bergen, Robert ......................... 70,81,93 Berkoski, Antionette ................... 407 Bertolini, Stella ...................... 127 Bicycle Safety Week .................... 255 Bids: (Also see Police,Highway & Fishers Island Ferry Dist.) Advertise for: Snow Fighters ...... 21 Clam Transplant .... 21 fuel oil..................................................193,422 land equipment.....................................455 town beach concesslon ......................................................7. Police Cars ........................ 212,233 Outboard Engines ................... 234 Bikeway (propeeed) ..................... 345,369 Binding arbitration .................... 287 Bindrim, J., Inc.- ..................... 42 Bingo Licenses: Sacred Heart R. C. Church .......... 13 90,91,111,256,325,372,422 So. American Legion #803........... 20 21,167,281,390 Our Lady of Grace R. C. Church ..... 28 289 Gr. American Legion #185 ........... 56 213,256,315,371,456 K. of C. Marian Council ............ 126 237,314 So. American Legion Auxiliary ...... 167 282,390 Bins, Dorothy R.- ...................... ?, Bitses, James .......................... 3,27,32,35 Blados, Anthony ........................ 174,383 Blass, Gregory ......................... 484 Bleil, Gail ............................ 341,437,500 Blue Bell, police boat ................. 224,265 Board of Assessment Review ............. 58 Boatmen's Harbor Marina ................ 36 Boisseau Ave., appraisal of Property--- 16-- Boisseau Ave., Bid for Escavation, Removal of Material--365,349,372,390,418,433,466,479 Bond Anticipation Notes ................ 414 Bondarchuk, Dan ........................ 455 Bond Estimates ......................... 17 Bond Recommendations ................... 2 Bond Securities ........................ 58 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 B (con' t. ) Bonds - Public Officials ............... 308,312 Bonds - Sub-Division: Elijah's Lane Estates .............. 21,421 Paradise by the Sound .............. 65 Country Club Estates ............... 65,96,193 Briongloiu-By-The-Sea .............. 91 Southold Gardens ................... 142 Shorecrest ......................... 246 Richmond Shore at Peconic .......... 365 Crown Land Lane .................... 421 Orient-by-the-Sea, release ......... 370 Booth, Nathan .......................... 281 Boston Whalers ......................... 2 Bouton Services, Inc.- ................. 65,66,240 Bouys .................................. 150 Boyd, Edw. J. V.- ...................... 319 Boy Scouts: Proclamation .............. 487 Greenport ................. 206,248,306,455 Braatz, Margaret ....................... 414,434,453 Briarcliff Landscape, Inc.- ............ 2,230,358,504 Bridge, general ........................ 364,368,396 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue ................. 479 Bridge Resolution ...................... 359 Brighton Steel Co.- .................... 336 Brookhaven Laboratories ................ 98 Brookhaven Township .................... 92 Jellyfish Netting .................. 92,112 William Gahwiller, Park Supervisor- 92 Brower's Wood Association .............. 35,38 Brown, Robert W.- ...................... 308 Bruer, Rudolph ......................... 319 Brush (Tolman), Muriel ................. 365 Brushes Creek .......................... 271 Budget, 1979 ........................... 105,121 Submission of .................. 127 Notice of hearing .............. 129,141 Discussion of items in ......... 144,147 Adoption of preliminary ........ 155 Budget, 1980: Presentation of ................ 361 Preliminary, notice of hearing-372,383 Adopted ........................ 398,407 Amendment to ................... 393,431,473 Building Dept.- ........................ 2,89,196,289,324,415,498,499,507 Appointments ................... 5,6 Salaries ....................... 446 Burney, Scott .......................... 396 Burning Permits ........................ 18,48 Burns, Margery D.- ..................... 48,49,95 Burroughs billing machine .............. 424 Tax Receiver ................... 430,457 Burts Reliable Fuel Oil ................ 219,473 Bus, Hire for Senior Citizens .......... 4 Byrnes, Thos.- ......................... 261 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 C Cahill, Gregory, Mrs.- ................. 321 Cain, Walter (Dist. Supt. of Schools)--306 Caldor, Elaine F., Acc't.- ............. 193 California, University of .............. 108 Call boxes at beaches .................. 268 Callis, Jerry, Dr.- .................... 106,107,108.109,110,111,118 Canoe Races ............................ 64 Capitol Highway Co.- ................... 336 Capt. Kidd Estates (LICC) .............. 321 Capt. Kidd Water Co., Inc.- ............ 41,42,354,355 Caputo, Joseph R., Sr.- ................ 111 Carey, Eileen .......................... 314,415 Carey Resource, Inc.- .................. 493,495,498 Carnivals .............................. 64,75 Case, John ............................. 461 C.A.S.T.- .............................. 37,255,356,357,365,390 Cataldo, Carl (Chief Police) ........... 75,275,282,410,418,419,447 Catholic Charities ..................... 36,96,97 CATV ................................... See L.I. CATV Catholic War Veterans .................. 271 Cavaliere Contracting Ltd.- ............ 225,230,293,297,383,455.506 Cedar Beach ............................ 62,75,212,236,258,260 Request for dredging ............. 170 County Agreement ................. 153 Cedar Beach Park, agreement for Town Supervision ..... 150 Certified Public Accountant ............ 116 Certiorari proceeding .................. 345 CETA ................................... 64,280 CETA II Program ................... 186,212,265 CETA IV ........................... 220 CETA, general ..................... 368,420,426,475 CETA, incentive bonus ............. 300 CETA, regulations ................. 313 CETA, terminations ................ 286 Chamber of Commerce, 1979 funds ........ 272 Cutchogue~New Suffolk ............. 255 Mattituck ......................... 12 Southold-Greenport ................ 39,52,363 Change Order on Senior/Youth Center .... 348 Change of Zone: Aliano & Krupski .................. 5~14,19,20 Ciacia, Raymond & Anna ............ 349,370,408,418 Kirk, Lawrence .................... 63,115,150,151 North Fork Manor .................. 5,14,19 Schriever,.William ................. 63,71,175 Wayne Associates ................... 417 Charters, Gary ......................... 237 Chester, John D., Commissioner, Dept. Parks, Recreation & Conservation-- 62 Children's Bible Fellowship ............ 16 Chile .................................. 258,276 Chugln, Zena ........................... 465 Ciacia, Raymond & Anna ................. 349,408 Cichanowicz, Frank III ................. 459 Cielatka, Steven ....................... 54 Cirillo, Ellen ......................... 170 Citations: A.A.A.(Auto Club America) ......... 90 (Pedestrian Safety) Civil Service Lists: Clerk-typist ...................... 214 Radio operator .............. 213 Civil Service, N.Y.S.- ................. 12,261 Claims, Notice of: Cirillo, Ellen .................... 170 Clarry ............................ 429 Gabbert, Paul W., Jr.- ............ May 1978 - Feb. 1980 C (con' t. ) Claims, Notice of, con't.: Minnesota Construction ............ 174 Pytelewieski, John ................ 412 Siemerling, Arthur ................ 313 Clam Transplant........................ 228,268,270,299,335,466 seed purchase ................. 150 Clark, Douglas ......... 448 Clark, Evelyn ........ 293 Clarry vs. Town of Southold ............ 429 Cleaves Point Property Owners Assoc.---235,344 Clerical Salaries ...................... 198,446 Clifford Motors, Inc.- ................. 233 Closing Notification System ............ 170 Coastal Energy Impact Program .......... 240 Coastal Management Program ............. 274,368 Coastal Management Program, N.Y.S.- .... 426,449 Code, Southold ,Town,...................................... 90,92 C.O.D. Truck Body Mfg. Co.............................. 65 Cohalan, Peter......................................... 458,484,494,498 Commerce Dept.- ........................ 97 Committees, Town Board, 1979 ........... 203,204 1980 ........... 448,459 Communications system, P.D.- ........... 317 Community Development Block Grants .... 499,505 Community Development Director ......... 97 Community Development Funds, Year III-- 96,153 Small cities monies ........... 229 Compactor .............................. 190 Complaints, Dust Storms, Wells Rd.- .... Complaints & Petitions ................. 3,28,29,53,54,56,92,396 Comprehensive Annual Social Services Program Plan---363 Comprehensive Youth Plan Meeting ....... 18 Computerization of Tax Rolls ........... 348,371 Comstock (street Lghtg. maint.) ........ 327 Confidential Secretary to Supervisor---439 Congressman Carney ..................... 299,323,345 Conroy, Babbette ....................... 6,115,345,350 Conservation Advisory Council .......... 235,281,283,112,183,207,208,258,262, Consent Order, Landfill (DEC) ........ 272 283,292,323,420,450,488 Consortium ............................. 66 Consortium High Risk Loan .............. 425,433 Constitution Week-Proclav4nation ........ 347 Contracts: General Appraisal Co.- ..... 76 J. Fellinger-Ihar .......... 63 Village of Greenport ....... 66 Conway, Margaret L.- ................... 223,340 Cook, Peter ............................ 455 COpy Machines .......................... 90 Cornell University ..................... 108 Corps of Engineers .................... see page 3 Council of AlliedAssoc.- ............... 280 Councilman Appointment ................. 438 Country Club Estates ................... 65,96,193,280,281,291,308 County Executive ....................... 62 County Introductory Resolution Police Service ..... 246,247 County Legislature ..................... 97 County of Suffolk ...................... 4,48,54,78,96 Creighton, Douglas F ....... 407 Cron, Richard J., Esq. 481 Crown Land Lane, Subdivision ........... 421,493 Csajko, Gladys, Frank ..... ....... 14,22.26,32,50,54,55,58,59,60,93,188,231,243,275,448 CSEA.Benefit-- Fund ...................... 454 Contract .......................... 194,257,266,479 General ........................... 263 Proposal .......................... 90,234,245 Cultural Affairs, Office of, .333,335 Curtis, William ........................ 6 Custer Institute, funds ................ 181 (con't. on back) Custodian .............................. 47 Cutchogue Fire Department ............. 255,279,300,368,504 Cutchogue Fire District ................ 241,249,504 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council .... 229 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Society .... 313 Cutchogue Free Library ............................ 92 Cutchogue Village Parking Field ............ 479 Czelatka, Thomas .......... 461,476 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 CORPS OF ENGINEERS: ................ 17,38 Boos, Norman C. .................... 213 Bornschein, George .................. 464 Braatz, Margaret .................... 288 Cedar Beach ......................... 280 Cibulski, Gerald J. ................ 4 (Laurel Country Estates) Cosimano, Bernard ................... 124,304,344 Cross Sound Ferry ................... 5 Cutchogue Harbor jetties ............ 305 David, Arthur & Mildred ............. 464 Dawn Lagoon ......................... 13 DiLalla, Donald ..................... 281 Gaimbar, Stephen .................... 236 Gardner William.......................... 91 General permit for bulkhead-replacement.................... 305,313 Germansky, Violet R................ 141 Goldsmith's Boat Shop ............... 213,261 Goose Bay Civic Association ......... 271 Graseck, C. J. ..................... 141 Greene, Richard ..................... 222 Groin survey ........................ 355 Guarriello, Frank ................... 229 Hammer, Charles ..................... 305 Harbor Lights Association ........... 12 Haywaters Cove, maintenance dredging--- 368 Hilbrand, Jaap W. .................. 272 Hilton, William & Rita .............. 261 Idler, Doris C. .................... 180,254 Isele, Thomas A.................... 272 Kontokosta, K. M. .................. 323,464 League of Woman Voters .............. 17 Less, Grace R. ..................... 344 Levien, Charles ..................... 181,419 Little Creek ........................ 65 Lockman, John & Virginia ............ 260 Martens, Robert W. ................. 149 Matt-A-Mar Marina ................... 37,38 Mattituck Harbor .................... 167 Mattituck Harbor, dredging .......... 334 Mattituck Inlet ..................... 26,270,286 McCarroll, Neal ..................... 213 Mitchell's Restaurant ............... 213 Moyse, Albert J. ................... 229 Nicol, William L. .................. 355 Ocean dumping ....................... 229 Orient Wharf Co. ................... 245,260 Pancaldi, Guy ....................... 124 Paradise Point ...................... 21 Paradise Point, Elfers, Henry, Scalia, Robt. Beech, Arthur, Hallenbeck, Gilbert............ 368 Pell, Marian ........................ 149 Petroleum Int., Inc. ............... 245 Plum Island ......................... 260 Plum Island Harbor .................. 21 Pluschau, R. W.................... 181 Prato, Salvatore .................... 239 Preston, Ruth F. ................... 344 Rauch, Mrs. Sarah ................... 334 Reese, Harold ....................... 419 Relyga, Richard ..................... 181 Rettig, Charles ..................... 425 Ricereot, David & Della ............. 213 Salt Lgke Village Homeowners Assoc.-141 Shelter Island Oyster Co.- .......... 141,229,305 Sinking barges ...................... 74 Smith, Henry J. .................... 229 Smith, Henry P. .................... 167 Sound Shore Erosion ................. 298,302 Staples, Dorothy F. ................ 239 (con't. on back) Sterling Harbor Shipyard ............ 125,,181 Stirling Creek ...................... 13 Sueiro, Michael M.- ................. 425 Suff. Cts. Dept. Pub. Wks.- ......... 73,76 Thogersen, George ................... 344 Wenk, Joseph C.- .................... 181 Zeisler, Richard M.- ................ 180 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 D Dam Pond Causeway ...................... 494 DAR, Southold Chapter .................. 95 David, Mr. & Mrs.- ..................... 371,414,438,451,466,467 Dean, Raymond C.- ...................... 440 DEC - General: Air Quality, public hearing ........ 206,229 Disposal Area, monitoring .......... 426 Environemntal Quality Review ....... 484 F. I. Sewage Plant, letter ......... 174,426 Landfill Equipment Procurement ..... 393 Landfill Inspection ................ 260,272 L.I.Groundwater Coord. Comm.- ...... 420 Mattituck Inlet Terminal ........... 369 Shellfish Management Program ....... 223 Solid Waste Management ............. 238,389 Tidal Wetlands Maps, final ......... 28~. 201 Wastewater Facilities Report---369 Waste Water Presentation ........... 235,249,250 DEC Notices: Boos, Norman C.- ................... 181 Bornschein, George W.- ............. 411 Brionngloid-by-the-Sea ............. 65 Brochard, John ..................... 280 Case, Russell ...................... 305 Clements, Robert A.- ............... 323 Coastal Dock Bldg. Co.- ............ 419,484 Cosimano, Alice .................... 305,355 Cosimano, Bernard .................. 334 Costello Marine, Inc.- ............. 333 DeHaan, Rudolph .................... 288 DeMaula, Anthony J.- ............... 212 Eastman, David ..................... 334 Fishers Island Ferry District ...... 53 Gazza, Diane ....................... 499 Gerry, Otto ........................ 425 Gold, Joseph M.- ................... 389 Goose Bay Civic Assoc.- ............ 344 Honig, Llaas P.- ................... 334 Kaplan, Robert I.- ................. 368 Kontokosta, Emanuel M.- ............ 292 Levien, Charles .................... 181 Lockman, John & Virginia ........... 280,283 Manocelli, G.- ..................... 334 Mattituck Fire District ............ 245 McNulty, Edna ...................... 272 Mitacchione, Steve & Jos ........... 235 Morris, Lillian S.- ................ 396 Moyse, Albert J.- .................. 212 NYS,DOT,Causeway, Or.- ............. 464 Occhiogrosso, Thos.- ............... 191 Orient Wharf Co.- .................. 287 Pafenyk, Sylvia .................... 287 Pancaldi, Guy ...................... 411 Paradise Point (Elfers,Henry,Scalia, Hallenbeck,Gilbert)-368,464 Pell, Marian ....................... 222 Pluschau, Raymond .................. 174 Praetorius, Richard ................ 483 Prato, Salvatore ................... 212 Purnell, Richard I.- ............... 12 Rambo, James H.- ................... 261 Randazzo, Vito ..................... 181 Reese, Harold ...................... 149 Relyea, Richard .................... 181 Renganeschi, Fred .................. 411 Rettig, Charles .................... 412 Ricereto, David & Della ............ 212 Roman, Francis ..................... 245 D (con' t DEC Notices (con't.): Rubasem, Kay ....................... 344 Sea Breeze Village ................. 4 Stetler, Harold .................... 412 Suf. Cty. Dept. Public Works (work at Cedar Beach .... 305 Suiero, Michael M................. 411 Thogersen, Geo. ................... 261 U.S.Dept. of Agriculture ........... 312 Wells, Geo., Estate of ............. 363 Wells.Road,.Peconic, subdivision---272 Zebroski, Julius ................... 363 DEC Notices of Lead Agency Declaration: Boisseau Avenue excavation&removal- 418,433 Braatz, Margaret ................... 414,434 Kurt Koehler a/c Mr. & Mrs. David-- 397 Ma idstone Deve., Inc.- ............. 420,488 Strong, David ...................... 422,486 Dedication of Roads: Oregon View Estates ................ 44 Bennetts Pond Lane ................. 92 Dellano, Margaret ...................... 210 Demarest property at Narrow River Rd.-- 484,509 DeMott, Linda .......................... 125 Dept. Envir. Conservation, NYS ......... 4,7,12,18,26,37,48,58,65 Dept. Envir. Control, Suffolk County--- 4,18 Dept. Parks, Recreation & Conservation- 62 DeptsLof Transportation, Suff. Cnty .... 27 Deputy County Executive ................ 497 Deputy Supervisor, appt.- .............. 308,341,439,452 DeSantis, Frank A.- .................... 3 Determinations of Significance: Braatz, Margaret ................... 453 Hindermann, Edw., Joan & Frank ..... 499 Wanzor, Audrey ..................... 484 Development Plan ....................... 127 Development Rights Program ............. 465 Dewberry, Nealson & Davis (Technical Contractor for Fed. Ins. Adm-ll2 Directional Sign for Southold .......... 236,258 Disaster Facilities .................... 97 Disposal Area, Town .................... 147,175,213,228,242,249,260 266,267,290,344,348,355,413,420,426 District Attorney's Office ............. 169,257 DiVello, John .......................... 174 Dodge, Marshall ........................ 84 Dogs: ............... ........... 2,91,92,93 Contract w/ Village of Greenport- 124------- Enumeration---389 Excess Dog Fees, County Treas.--- 246,271 License Fees ..................... 100,114,177 Pound ............................ 275,437,448,481 Problems ......................... 370 Shelter .......................... 188 Warden ........................... 243~235,341,391 Warden Report .................... 498 Doherty & Co., CPA ..................... 16 Donovan Plan ........................... 64 Douglas, Robert ........................ 73,81 Dowd, Col. Ted: "Sea-Aire Est",subdiv-- 17,182 Doyen, Raymond ......................... 82,83,84,86,211,454 Doyen, Serge ........................... 88 Drainage: General ..................... 413 Ackerly Pond Lane .................. 223,235,260,286 Boisseau Ave.So.-................. 191,215,218,219,229 Bridge Lane, Cu. .................. 368,464,479 Cleaves Point ...................... 235 Depot Lane ......................... ? Duck Point Rd., Cu. ............. 191 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 D (con't.) Drainage (con't.): Fellinger-Ihars .................... 26,45,77 Indian Neck Lane ................... 94,98,168,169 North Rd. w/ Van Duzer's ........... 360 Old North Road, Southold ........... 321 Southold Gardens ................... 249 Dredging: Brushes Creek ...................... 125 Budds Pond ......................... 125 Cedar Beach ........................ 28,97,112,125,356 Corey Creek ........................ 27,125 Deep Hole Creek .................... 125,258 General ............................ 412,508 Goldsmith Inlet .................... 125 Goose Creek ........................ 125 Gull Pond .......................... 28,97,125 Halls Creek ........................ 28,97,125 Harbor Lights Assoc.- .............. 12 Haywaters Cove ..................... 368 James Creek ........................ 125,258,260 Listing of Critical & Non-Critical Areas .... 481 Little Creek ....................... 26,125 Matt. Harbor Inlet ................ 167,270,359 Mill Creek ........ 125 Mud Creek .......................... 125 Nassau Point Inlet ................. 281,291 Nassau Point, Lagoon Assoc.- ....... 123 New Suffolk, Schoolhouse Creek ..... 125 Paradise Point ..................... 21 Plum Island Harbor ................. 21 Port of Egypt ...................... 271,368 Projects for 1979 .................. 190 Richmond Creek ..................... 206,246 Rosenberg, Frank & Margaret ........ 5 Stirling Creek ..................... 13,125 Thames River ....................... 376 Town Creek ......................... 125 West Creek ......................... 125 Wickham Creek ...................... 28,97,125,271,356 Wunneweta Pond Assoc.- ............. 112 Driscoll, David ........................ 21,22,32,47,49,58,72,93,146,171 Driscoll, Jack ......................... 77 Droskoski, John, Police Officer ........ 234 Drum, Henry W.- ........................ 441 Duell, John ............................ 479 Duell, Rachel .......................... 489 Dumas, Judy G. (Jellyfish) ............. 92 Dumping of wastes ...................... 280 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 E Eagle Scouts ........................... 455 Easement-Southold Gardens .............. 433 Easement to Village of Greenport ....... 127 East End Exposition .................... 465 East End Solid Waste Energy & Resource Recovery Study-396 East End Supervisors Meeting ........... 254,318,462,475,492 Eastern L. I, Kampgrounds .............. 151 Eastern Suffolk Nursing Home ........... 53,66 East Marion Sea Wall ................... 75 Repair of .................. 408 East-West Greenport Fire Protection District, Town of Southold--- 36,66,358 Economic Opportunity Council ........... 255 EDA Funds .............................. 325 EDA Project requirements ............... 174 Edgerton Sales, Inc. .................. 263 Edwards, Kenneth ....................... 46,47,211,293,454 Edwards, Raymond E., Jr. .............. 335 Elijah's Lane Estates .................. 421 Elizabeth Airport, F. I.- .............. 247,366,410 Emergency Oil Spill Control Network .... 57 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator ..... 203,441 Emergency Preparedness, Dept. of Suffolk County---206,305,451 Emergency Program, Town Hall ........... 273 Energy Office, NYS ..................... 313 Energy transportation bond, NYS referendum---345 England, Southwold ..................... 426 Environmental Assessment Forms: Occhiogrosso, Thos. & Jacqueline--- 300 Environmental Control, Suffolk County, Dept. of ...... 124 Environmental Quality Review Act ....... 484 Environmental Review of Actions Local Law providing for--183 EPA Meeting ............................ 245 Erosion ................................ 229,334,477,499,508 Esseks, William, Esq.- ................. 460 Estuarine Sanctuary .................... 424,426,448,452,453,458,459,460,461, 464,479,484,485,490,497,500 Ethics, Board of ....................... 319 Executive Insurance Co.- ............... 194 Expressway, directional signs .......... 258 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 F Facsmile signature for Deputy Suprvsr-- 307 Supervisor ...... 441 Fanny Behlan Health Center ............. 179 Farmland Acquisition Program ........... 412,466 Farm Meeting ........................... 368 Farm Preservation Program .............. 104,254,262 Farm Program ........................... 97 Federal Aid applications notice ........ 181 Federal Community Development Block Grants--- 78,345 Federal Dept. of Interior Heritage Cons. & Rec..................... 483,485 Federal Drug Administration ............ 106 Federal Emergency Management Agency .... 426 Federal Housing & Urban Development .... 499 Federal Insurance Administration ....... 112 Federal Revenue Sharing ................ 45,55,61 Budget Hearing 1979 .... 153 Fiscal Year 1979 ....... 101,103,110 Funds, General ......... 368 Federal Water Pollution Control Study-- 92 Fellinger-Ihar, J. .................... 63,77,192,241 Ferguson, Edward J. ................... 73 Ferguson, Sally ........................ 85,86 Finance Committee ...................... 105 Finnegan & Associates .................. 228,240 Fire Code, Southold Town ............... 73,190,351,354,363,366,420,426,506 Fire District Officers Assn., Southold Town ..... 426,461 Fire Hydrant Contract, Adjustment of Dates .... 78 Fire Hydrant, Request for .............. 175 Authorization for ........ 358 Fireman's Tour and Drill ............... 90 Fire Prevention Code, NYS .............. 170,363,420,506 First Baptist Church, Cutchogue ........ 56 Fisher, George ......................... 5,49,50,196,416,493 Fisherman's Association ................ 460 Fishers Island ......................... see page 2 Fiah traps ............................. 277 Five East End Town Supervisors ......... 475 Five Town Recycling Study .............. 317 Fixed Assets Law ....................... 55 Fixed Assets Accounting ................ 57 Flanagan, Patrick (Gen'l Appraisal Co.) 61 Fleet Hardware Service, Inc.- .......... 42 Fleet's Neck Prop. Owners Assoc. ...... 453 Flood areas ............................ 271 Flooding ............................... seen "D" drainage Flood Insurance Program ................ 260,299,323,426,453,467-473,493,501 Flood Insurance Study .................. 39,273,344 Florida University ..................... 108 Floyd Memorial Library ................. 121 4-H Week ............................... 358 Fox, Thomas E. ........................ 274,288,308,324 Franchise Amendment (CATV) ............. 62 Freeport Floors ........................ 192 Frelix, Carl, trailer .................. 256 Frohnhoefer, Joseph, Jr............... 273 Fuel Oil ............................... 219,366,367,473 Fuel Storage Tanks ..................... 323 Furnace, Highway Dept................. 474 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 2 F (con't.) FISHERS ISLAND: Civic Association ...................... 259,329 Electric ............................... 229 Ferry District: Acquisition of Bldg. #209 .......... 266,280 Advertise for Bids ................. 70 Ahman, Gordon & Lucy ............... 82,83,84 Ahman, Richard ..................... 85,86 Annual Town Board Meeting .......... 79 thru 88,262,270,355 Appointment ........................ 290 Assessments ........................ 81,87 Bay Constables ..................... 46,293 Bids: Dock repairs at F. I....... 432 Dock repairs at New London......... 384,477,474,432,410 Paving of parking area at Elizabeth Airport.......... 366 Board of Commissioners ............. 99,460 Budget 1979, addendum to ........... 230 Change of zone .... 4 dock, repair of 292 Dodge, Marshall .................... 84 Doyen, Ray ......................... 82,83,84,86 Elizabeth Airport .................. 410 Encumbrances of F. I. Funds ........ 433 Ferguson, Sally .................... 85,86 Ferry terminal landings at F. I. .................. 307,308 Fire Dept.- ........................ 81 Fire Dist. Commissioners Meeting.............. 74,84,85 Gada, John ......................... 85,86,87 GSA properties ..................... 389,410 Haas, Mr. .......................... 86,87 Highway Dept...................... 81 Job advertisement for FIFD ......... 266,272 Knauff, Robert P. ................. 421 M/V Munnatawket .................... 42,43,81,82 M/V Olinda ......................... 4,184,240,325,326,398 New cars ........................... 70,81 NYS Retirement ..................... 26 1977 Audit Report (CPA) ............ 16 Pagnotta, A1 ....................... 83,86 Passenger & commodity tariffs ...... 429 Pendleton, John .................... 81,86,87,88,329 Problem Roads ...................... 81 Property at New London ............. 149 Refrigerated Truck ................. 78~80,81,84 Ryan, Thomas, Suffolk County Real Property Dept.---- 87,330 Sewage, Collection & Disposal System--- 37,174,175 Sinclair, Wilfred .................. 337 Tasker, Robert W.................. 83,84,85,86 Tennis Court ....................... 7,8,14042,53,65,66,81,286 Theatre ............................ 421 Theatre Employees .................. 316 Transfer of Funds .................. 26,66,78,81,98,435 Transfers .......................... 56,570170,365,391~432 Urban Renewal ...................... 111 Wall, Joanne ....................... 85 Wall, Robert ....................... 82 Yale Fork Lift ..................... 224~273 Zanghetti, Mario ................... 83 Fire Department ........................ 315 Lobsterman's Association ............... 291 Markers, request for ................... 330 Request from resident for van or bus--- 125 School ................................. 149,286 Sewer District ......................... 328,370,465,485,490 Street Lights .......................... 420 Trip, Senior Citizens .................. 464,476 Utility Company ........................ 268 Visit by SuDervisor Pell ............... 462 Water District ......................... 331 G Gaddis, Fran ........................... 356 Gadomski, Charlotte .................... 17 Gaffga, George F. (Diamond Anniversary) ........... 181 Gallitelli, Rev. Rocco ................. 97 Game of Chance Licenses: Our Lady of Ostrabrama ............. 307 Gardner, W. S. ........................ 240, Gasoline Allocations ................... 475 Gasoline Crisis ........................ 275,302,323,324,333.334,363,475,482,453 Gasoline Tax Increase .................. 507 Gas Terminal (Matt. Creek) ............. 344 Gazza, Diane ........................... 484,487,502,503 General Appraisal ...................... 48,98 General Appraisal Co.- ................. 61,76 General Electric Lamp Marketing Dept................. 116 Gerdts, Rob't. & Kathleen .............. 396 Gabbert, Paul W., Jr. ................. 170,183 Gada, John ............................. 85,86,87,42 Greenman,Pedersen Engineers.......................... 28,254,413,426,453 Greenport Boy Scouts Troop #51.............................. 55, 248 Greenport Fire Dept. .......................... 4,73,271 Greenport Harbor................................. 76,79,274 Greenport Men's Softball......................... 292 Greenport Public Schools........................ 150 Gillispie, Robert W., Jr.- ............. 115,195,363,503 Glover, Leander, sand pit renewal permit--- 182 Glover, Mary Lou(Notice of Claim) ...... 54 Goehringer, Gerard ..................... 426,503 Goldin, Oscar .......................... 247,347 Goldsmith's Inlet ...................... 62,73,76,229,246,250,309,313,314, 499,509 Goodale, Andrew ........................ 499 Goodale, Edgar F.- ..................... 53 Goodrich, Magdaline .................... 93,197,444 Goose Bay Civic Assoc.- ................ 347,357,392,397,412,420,430 Goose Creek Beach ...................... 62 GooseNeck Property Owners Assoc.- ...... 48 Governor Carey Telegram ................ 302 Lieutenant Governor ................ 313 Gozelski, Lillian A.- .................. 236 Graham, Mr.- ........................... 57 Grange Road ............................ 494 Grantsmanship Seminar .................. 305,334 Grebe, Alfred R., Jr.- ................. 197,211 Grebe, Richard ......................... 247 Greek Orthodox Church .................. 32 Greenfields Sub. Bond .................. 271,279 Pedersen Engineers ........... 28,254,413,426,453 Boy Scouts Troop ~51 ......... 55,248 Fire Dept.- .................. 4,73,271 Harbor ....................... 76,79,274 Men's Softball ............... 292 Public Schools ............... 150 Greenport School: Summer Recreation Program .......... 14 Fall & Winter Recreation Program--- 27,280,290 Audio Visual Equipment ............. 11 Greenport Presbyterian Church .......... 463 Greenport-Southold Scavenger Waste Study-- -335,338 Greenport, Village of: Comm. Dev. Office, Weatherization Grant--- 465,476 Consortium Loan .................... 425,433 Dog Contract ....................... 124 Natural Land Experimental Sewage Treatment-- 461 Installation--- 465 Power Plant ........................ 286 Grievance Day .......................... 327 Grievance Hearing, Wm. Januick ......... 424Griffing Street ........................ 255,461 Grigonis, Charles, Jr.- ................ 263 Griswold-Terry-Glover Post ............. 281 Groin Field, L. I. Sound ............... 73,76 Grossenbacher, Carolyn, School Attendance Officer--- 48,292,295 Grumman Corp.- ......................... 17,33,48 Gull Pond .............................. 262,311,313,319~323,344,355.479 Gustavson, Troy ........................ 493 Gymnastics,funds--- 234 H Haas, Mr. ............................. 86,87 Handicap Advisory Board ................ 453 Harris, Barney P. ..................... 231 Hart, J. J. ........................... 61 Hartford Insurance Co................. 305 Hartge, Nancy ........................... 426 Hartsfield, J. B. ..................... 316 Hatfield, Miss ......................... 110,111,271 Haywaters Cove, silt prob............. 238,272 Heacock, Eugene, Cedar Beach ........... 54 Health Screening Week .................. 234 Heather Drive .......................... 325 Hetf, John, dog warden ................. 196,384 Hellman, Ahlers, property zoned M-1 .... 89 Henderson, James C., resume ............ 222 Henkelman, William, Liberty, N. Y.- .... 286 Henry Souther Engineering .............. 485,490 Heritage Cons. & Rec. Service .......... 466,483 Heuser, Theodore ....................... 486 Hicksville Dodge ....................... 347 Hickey, James .......................... 318 Highway Dept., Southold Town: Advertisement for Bids: Asphalt road materials ......... 266 Diesel fuel .................... 456 Drainage rings ................. 456,488 Drain pipe & bands ............. 456,488 Dump Body & Hoist .............. 42 D-C 6 Catepillar ............... 272 Excavation & removal of material at Boisseau Ave.-- 349,365 New Engines .................... 15 Rebuilt Motor Blocks ........... 15 Rock Salt ...................... 293,335, Sanitary landfill equipment .... 420,455 Snow Fences, T-Posts ........... 293,112,336 Snow Fighters .................. 22 Annual Report, 1979 ................ 480 Authorization to purchase AMC Concord---257 Bids: Catepillar, repair of .......... 249,281 Diesel Fuel .................... 239,488 Drainage Rings ................. 239,263 Tractor Mower .................. 239 Bid Awards: Asphalt Materials .............. 281,284 Boiler, purchase of ............ 422,474 Culvert pipe ................... 263 Drainage rings ................. 263,488 Dump Body & Hoist .............. 65 Dump truck ..................... 507 Engines ........................ 42 Front end loader ............... 393 Intl. Tractor .................. 263 Intl. Truck w/ dump body ....... 263 Sand spreader .................. 365,391 Short Block Assemblies ......... 42 Snow Fighters .................. 42 Landfill, bid for scrap ........ 474 Bridges ............................ 27 Dedications: Bennetts Pond Lane---127 West Hill Road ....... 422 Defects ............................ 26 Defects, Notice of: Anzalone, Joan ................. 335 Corbeletta, Helen .............. 142 DeMott, Linda .................. 125 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 H (con't.) Highway Dept., Southold Town (con't.): Defects, Notice of: (con't.) Main Street, Southold .......... 305 Robb, Edna ..................... 334 Rushmore, Florence K. ......... 260 Siemerling, Arthur F ......... 271 Equipment Grant .................... 282 Equipment purchase authorization for 1980---441 Expenditure Limitations ............ 23,24,203 Expenditure of State funds%1979 .... 182 Furnace ............................ 474 Incinerator & Compactor ............ 101,102,103 Landfill Operations ................ 101,102 Law-expenditures, annual expenditures--- 177,432 Lease of storage bldg.,Main Rd.,Pec.--- 416 Leeton Dr. Beach Assoc.- ........... 73 NYS Retirement ..................... 28 Road Reconstruction & Realignment-- 45,46,55 Salaries, 1979 ..................... 201 1980 ..................... 446 Superintendent ..................... 52,61,64,93,101,102 Superintendent, Deputy ............. 443 Traffic Signs ...................... 5 Transfer 6f Funds .................. 28 Hill Road, drainage problem ............ 295,412 Hindermann, Edward ..................... 49,50,196 Historian, Town ........................ 198,287,444 Historic District ...................... 236 Historical Council ..................... 229 Hitchcock Services, Inc. .............. 407 Hodor, Louis ........................... 271 Hoey, Lorraine ......................... 260 Hogan, Christina ....................... 439 Holzmacher-McLendon-Murrell ............ 3,98,124,142,181,214,226,229,230, 235,255,271,334,344,360,363,365,368, 389,407,462,464,500 Homan, James ........................... 369,435 Appointment as Supervisor ....... 311 Deputy Supervisor ............... 26,112,308 Public official bonds ........... 312 Resignation as Councilman ....... 311 Home Appliance repairmen; licensing of- 334 Home Fuel Tax, resolution for abolishment of ..... 366,367,390 Home Improvement Contractors Licensing Review Board .......... 473 Home Improvement Program ............... 97,255 Home Heating Emergencies ............... 420 Home Rules Request ..................... 485 Hood, Robert ........................... 276,292,341 Hoof & Mouth Disease ................... 106,109,110 Hope, Judith ........................... 260 Horn, Lawrence R.- ..................... 212 Horning, Edwin ......................... 316,337 Hornwood, Gloria ....................... 168 Horton, Curtis ......................... 196, 5 appointment Horton~ Duane .......................... 206 Horton Pond Estates .................... 211 Horton's Point ......................... 64 House Numbering System ................. 211,224 Housing Assistance Plan ................ 78 Housing Board of Appeals ............. 207,454 Housing & Community Development Act #9-383---78 Housingrlow income ioans ........... 246 Howard, Theodore B.- ................... 297 HUD, (U.S.Dept.) ........................ 3,39,48,54,77,79,89,96,103,104, 207,214,218,223,260,261,273,275, (over) 308,397,426 Hulse, Richard ........................ 455 Huntley, James M. - R.L.A. ............ 32 Hunter, James A. ...................... 420 Hurley, Dennis R. ..................... 97,104,230,246,389,460,479,484,490 Hyatt, Robert L. ............ 319 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 I I B M ................................. 398 Incinerator & Compactor ................ 101,102,103 Indian Neck Lane: request for garbage cans .... 171 speed limit ......... 324 Insurance Program ...................... 191 Inter-Agency Council of Southold ....... 265,272 International Salt Co. ................ 335 Investment Authorization ............... 442 Island View Lane, Greenport, proposed dedication of ..... 148 Islip, Town of ......................... 505 Islip Township, Jellyfish Netting ...... 92,112 May 1978- Feb. 1980 J Jackson, Robert A. .................... 47 Jamesport Nuclear Plant ................ 54,150 see LILCO Januick, Wm., Bay Constable ............ 196,211,415,424,476 Jaworecki, Joseph M................... 423 Jellyfish Problem ...................... 92,112,246,275 Johnson, Marie ......................... 38,57,145,147,148,237 Johnson, Marie Bauer ................... 439,452 Jones, Corbett, Net Maker .............. 112 Jones, Peter, CATV ..................... 72 Judicial Conference Training Program--- 46 Jurzenia, Thomas ....................... 171 Justice Chambers lease ................. 249,407,416 Justice Court .......................... 77,416 Justice Reports ........................ 498 Justice resignation .................... 320 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 K Kaldor, Elaine, CPA .................... 97,116,312,326,442 Kaminsky, Cynthia ...................... 326 Kelly, Timothy & Ruth .................. 3 Kelsey, Mellville, Jr................ 193,195,443 Kenney's Beach ......................... 54,62,92,283,477 King, Jerry ............................ 246,265,346,363,366,420,426 Kirk, Lawrence ......................... 63,150,151 Kiwanis Club, Southold ................. 64 Klatsky, William ....................... 89 Klein, John, County Exec. ............. 62,75 Klipp, Norman E., Marine Park .......... 62,64 Knauff, Robert P. ..................... 290,421 Knights of Columbus, Bingo ............. 126,237 Knobloch, Timothy ...................... 348 K.O.A. ................................ 76,77,120,151 Koehler, Kurt A., a/c Mr. & Mrs. David 371 Koke, Jean ............................. 95 Kontokosta, Emanuel M. ................ 292,478 Koppleman, Lee (208 Waste Water Study) 62,71,74,79,369 Kowalski, Ben .......................... 499 Kowalski, Linda ........................ 6 Krelger, Well & Pump Co.............. 236 Krupskl, John P. ...................... 396 Kujawskl, Frank, Jr. .................. 283,292 Kul£, Frank ............................ 94 Kull-Pontlno property at Indian Neck Lane, Pec., purchase for drainage purposes ..... 168,169 Kumjian, Claude ......................... 266 L Lagoon Assoc. of Nassau Point .......... 123,281,291 Lake, Jack ............................ 286 Landfill order on Consent .................... 272 Landfill Equipment ..................... 344,348,363,393,413,420,491 Landfill Operations .................... 101,102,245 Lang, Albert ........................... 46,47,345,389 Lark, Richard .......................... 73,416 Latham, Daniel ......................... 96 Latham, Edward W...................... 55 Latham, George Ritchie, Jr. ........... 347 Latham, Raymond E., retirement ......... 194 Latham, Roy (Scenic Easement) .......... 5,44,45,55,66,67,68,69,70 Latham Sand & Gravel, Inc. ............ 371,390,479 Laughing Waters Property Owners ........ 27 Laurel Business District ............... 484,492 Laurel,Country Estates ................. 396 Laurel, Hamlet of ...................... 64 Laurel, Route 25-Main Road ............. 235 Laurelwood Drive ....................... 325 Laurelwood Estates, roads .............. 53,325 LaValle, Kenneth, Senator .............. 174,369,485 Lavinia, Mrs. Ann ...................... 71 League of Women Voters ................. 17,38,71,74,206,237,346 Leases ................................. 17,39 Leaf pick-up problem ................... 153,243 Leeton Drive ........................... 28,29,43,50,53,54,73,76 Leeton Drive Assoc. ................... 334 Leeton Drive Beach Assoc. ............. 182 Legislative Forum ...................... 229 Legislature, NYS ....................... 286,505 Libraries .............................. 90,121,123,144,223,250 Licensing Review Board ................. 319,416,487 Lieutenant Governor Meeting ............ 323 Lifeguards ............................. 348 Lightfoot, Margaret .................... 275 Lillie, Mr. & Mrs. Gary ............... 321 Litter Problem ......................... 276 Little League, funds ................... 234,485 Livestock Industry ..................... 108 Lizewski, Dr. Joseph ................... 225 Local Government Studies ............... 2,20 Local Law: Est. & Oper. Recreational .......... 6,7,29,40,41 Vehicle Parks- .................... ? Environmental Quality Review .... 8,9,10,11,12 Dog Fee Increases .................. 91,92,93,114 Environmental Review of Actions .... 183 Appearance Tickets ................. 301 Town Refuse Disposal Area .......... 317 Flood Insurance Management Standards--- 467,473,501 Lockman, John vs. Bd. of Assessors ..... 409 Lockman, Virginia ...................... 53,458 Lockwood, Kessler, Bartlett ............ 25 Logging recorder ....................... 493,507 Logo ................................... 117 Long Island: Cablevision Corp. (CATV) ........... 18,30,32,33,39,40,56,58,59,62,72, 92,93,104,114,118,119,120,147,192, 193,208,229,238,239,241,242,245,259, 271,282,314,321,324,334,337,346,351, 356,365,370,389,391,453,465,479,485, 492,498,499,509 Chapter Archaeological Assn....... 391,396 Groundwater Coordinating Committee- 420,429 Lighting Co.- ...................... 26,32,36,54,116,241,255,286,300,348 Lighting Co., Jamesport Nuclear Plant--- 150,206,236,257,260,276,298,316, 345,395,411,458,475,479,480 Nautical Heritage Foundation ....... 395 May 19'7~ - Feb. 1980 L (con't.) Long Island (con't.): Railroad .......................... 12,76,111,279,167,305 Regional Planning Board ........... 291,397 Traveler Watchman ................. 4,14,440 Long Pond Estates ..................... 210,271 Lytle, Henry B.- ...................... 99,100,111,117,118,492 Lytle, Mabel .......................... 207,223,293 M Machnick, Constr. Co., Inc............ 366,384 Maidstone Deve., Inc. ................. 420,423,488 Maimone, James ......................... 23 Main Bayview Road (Improvements) ....... 97 Malone, Mr. (Comm. of Parks N.Hempstead--- 92 Manarel, Samuel A. .................... 207,335 Mandel, Herbert ........................ 344 Maraillon, Andre ....................... 286 Marine Fisheries Management ............ 207 Marine Education Program .............. 465 Markel, Sam ............................ 283,294,302,347,418 Markers (request for) .................. 330 Martocchia, Albert M. ................. 310 Mascony Transport & Ferry Service,Inc.................... 90,149 Matt-A-Mar Marina ...................... 35,37 Mattituck: Air Base ........................... 14,30,245 Airport ............................ 248 Chamber of Commerce ................ 12,260,261,487 Creek .............................. 274 Cutchogue School District .......... 306,365,389 Fire Department .................... 75,317 Fire District ...................... 223,306,344 Inlet .............................. 30,31,42,59,63,74,190,204,224, 228,270,293,345,346,350,492 Inlet Civic Assoc.- ................ 346 Inlet Watchdogs .................... 245 Oil storage tanks .................. 338,345,351,353,356,359,363,364,369,387,426,493,495,496,498,499,500 369, Presbyterian Church ................ 323 "Sale Day" ......................... 261,487 Mazzaferro, Eugene ..................... 319 Mears, Marion W. ...................... 254 Meehan, Mrs. (Bay Haven) ............... 56 Mellas, George ......................... 414,424,457,477 Mellas, Lois, dog warden ............... 196,235 Melrose, Robert G. .................... 499 Memorial Day Parade .................... 271 Mengeweit, Walter & Judy ............... 32 Mental Retardation, home sites ......... 53,74,79 NYS ................ 26,254 Merrill, Joseph ........................ 47,286 Meskouris, James (wetland permit app.)...................... 53,77 Metro Plumbing East .................... 225,230,336,341,408 Meyer property, Boisseau Ave. (for drainage purposes) .... 229 Michel, Suzanne ........................ 254 Michele, Helga (Cedar Beach) ........... 54 Middle Atlantic Natural Science Council, Inc.--- -291 Mileage compensation allowance, 1979--- 204 1980-------441 Mill Creek Bridge ...................... 484 Mill Creek, Channel markers ............ 124 Mill Creek "mini clam transplant" ...... 306 Miller, Irving & Associates ............ 493,506 Miller, Richie ......................... 460 Mill Road (end of bulkhead) Mattituck................... 481 Minnesota Construction Corp. .......... 26,192,254,426 Moisa, Henry F. ....................... 75,96,195 Moore, Virginia B. .................... 236 Moraillon, Andre ....................... 223 Morchel Heating & Air Conditioning ..... 293,297 Motorcycle-Moped Safety Course ......... 306 Motor Vehicle Repair Shop Act .......... 174 Mould, A1 .............................. 236 Muir, John A. ......................... 473 Muir, Robert ........................... 47 Mulhall, John .......................... 214,235 Mullen Motors .......................... 57,479,489 Mullins, John .......................... 451 Municipal Historians Assoc. Meeting .... 93 Municipal Law, amendment to ............. 255 Mutual Steel Co................... 336 McCabes Beach 62 Mc Carthy. Geo. trailer renewal 191 ,291, 421, McMann Price Agency 231, 484, McDermott, William 235 McLean, Janet G. 396, May 1978 - Feb. 1980 N Narrow River Road, Orient .............. ? Nassau Point Prop. Owners Assoc.- ...... 306 NSDAR, Southold Chapter Presentation--- 90 Nassau-Suffolk-Preservation of Underground Water Supply-- 98 Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board- 74,92,142 National Crime Information Center ...... 31 National 4-H Week ...................... 115,116 Natural Land Experimental Sewage Treatment Installation-- -461,465 Navigation Law, Section 177 ............ 57,58 NEC Telephone, Inc.- ................... 54 Neville, Elizabeth A.- ................. 440 New Suffolk Beach ...................... 62 Newspapers, Publications ............... 4,14 New York State: Bd. of Equalization & Assessment--- 280,299 Coastal Management Program ......... 245,426 Commission on Cable Television ..... 39,264 Dept. Of Audit & Control ........... 498 Dept. of Civil Service ............. 12,261 Dept. of Transportation ............ 64,76,223,396,408,494 Division of State Police ........... 31 Division for Youth ................. 370,452,474 Energy Office ...................... 313,454 Fire Prevention Code ............... 73,174 Historical Office .................. 13 Job Development Authority .......... 454 Medical Society .................... 106 Office of Mental Retardation ....... 200,254 Planning & Develop, Clearinghouse-- 229,390 Workmen's Compensation ............. 295 New York Telephone Co.- ................ 40,275 Nezin, Leonard ......................... 345 Nicholson & Recksiek, CPA's ............ 454 Nickles, John J. ...................... 317 Nierdozik, John ........................ 199 North Bayview Road ..................... 461,463 North Fork: Animal League ...................... 1,14,21,26,114 Audubon Society .................... 71,74,355 Bank & Trust Co. .................. 3,64,371,431,457,477 Communications Cable ..... 78,79,111,113 Environmental Council .............. 71,74,177,324,369,485,267,345,420 Promotional Comm. ................. 52,64,354,356 Rural Arts Assoc. ................. 270 Sanitation Co. .................... 503 Shipyard ........................... 500 Taxpayers Assoc. .................. 242,254,280,420 Volunteers Assoc. ................. 306 North Shore Baymen's Assoc............ 466 Northville Industries Corp. ........... 32 Norwich, Conn. Bulletin ...... 111 Notifications of Highway Defects: DeMott, Linda ...................... 135 Corbeletta, Helen .................. 142 Dellano, Margaret .................. 210 Nuclear Power Plants ................... 458,474 Nutrition Center ....................... 97,235,246,250,265,273,280,346,364, Nutrition Program ...................... 476 366 Nutrition Van .......................... 55,57,315,336,347,480,490 May I978- Feb. 1980 O Observation Wells ...................... 499 Occhiogrosso, Thomas ................... 314,326,338,346 Ocean Dumping .......................... 229 Official Newspaper, 1979 .............. 203 1980 .............. 440 Oil Storage tank problem at Mattituck--338 Open Meeting Law ....................... 364 Oregonview Estates, roads .............. 53,274,281,257 Orient-by-the Sea, roads ............... 142,182,37 Orient Fire Dept.: Ladies Auxiliary ................... 65 Annual Barbecue .................... 78 Orient Fire District ................... 183,194 Orient Historical District ............. 5 Orient State Park ...................... 485 Orient Wharf Co. ...................... 28 Oysterponds Union Free School District----- 55,465 Orlowski, Benjamin, Jr.- ............... 73,284 Order on Consent, Landfill ................... 272 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 P Pagnatta, A1 ........................... 83,86 Pankiewicz, Mary ....................... 125 Parades ................................ 3,18,75,116,315,390,504 Park Districts, Southold ............... 3 Parking Fields ......................... 17,153,237,249,479 Pebble Beach Lot Owners Assoc.- ........ 126 Pebble Beach Realty Inc.- .............. 54,206,234,489 Peconic Soccer League .................. 36,278 Pell, William III, Councilman .......... 26,31,90 Pendleton, John ........................ 259,329 Peret, Frank ........................... 118 Permits, Bathing Beaches ............... 62 Pivko, Susan & Fred .................... 148 Planning Board, Southold Town .......... 17,63,65,89,91,195,197,263,264,284, 1980 Salaries .......... 444 308,313,347,443 Plum Island Animal Disease Center ...... 38,39,106,223,396,495 Plum Island (Rift Valley Fever) ........ 127 Police Dept.: Academy ..................... 417 Burglar alarm panel ................ 465,476 Cedar Beach Complaints ............ 54 Chief Cataldo ...................... 74,75,410,418 Clerk-typist ....................... 356,407 Commendations ...................... 3,53,142,206,299,306,411 Committee .......................... 2 Communications gear, addnt........ 461,501 Damaged Police Cars ................ 70,71,126,177,422 Differential Pay ................... 453 Impounded "junk" cars .............. 3~3 Liability insurance ................ 509 Logging recorder ................... 493,507 Monthly reports .................... 479 New Cars ........................... 2,48,61,79,2106233,456,479,489 NYSPIN System ...................... 479,489,501 Paging equip., rental of ........... 461 PBA ................................ 408,419,451,175,194 PBA negotiations ................... 206,395 Radio operators .................... 270 Residency law ...................... 415,451,457,477,485,500 Residency requirement .............. 174 Rules & Regulations ................ 75,76,224,231,234 Salaries, 1980 ..................... 447 Salaries, binding arbitration ...... 177,202,287 Shooting ........................... 411 "67" Steps Patrol .................. 60 So. Harbor Rd, signs ............... 71 Summer Employment .................. 2,13,42,297,306,420,437,494 Telephone communication system ..... 259,268,275,317 Tourist season ..................... 34 Tours, NYS reg. ................... 273 Uniforms, cleaning of .............. 12,13,273 Pontino, John .......................... 94 Population, Southold Town .............. 18 Port of Egypt Marine, Inc. ............ 14,234,124,271,368 Pospisil, Frank ........................ 99,100 Postage meter .......................... 383 Postmaster, Southold Town .............. 20,40,383 Post Office, Southold relocation ....... 396,408,420 Proclamations .......................... 4,115,347,358,475,476,506 Progressive Phone Systems .............. 54 Public Service Commission .............. 27 Public Works, Dept. of, Southold Town-- 440 Quinn, Thomas, Anita 29,43,50,334 (Leeton Drive) Quogue Wildlife Sanctuary 464 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 R Rackett, Frederick ..................... 348 Radio leases (for Supv. car & dog warden truck)-- 383 Radio Operators, salaries .............. 199,237 Rambo, James H., Inc. ................. 307 Rand, Charles .......................... 91 Raynor, Henry, Jr. .................... 263,429,443 Raynor, John ........................... 237 Receiver of Taxes, Gen. ............... 457 Clerks salaries 1979 ............... 199 Recreation Center, Peconic, proposed--- 191,253,254 Recreation Funds, schools .............. 290 Recycling project aid .................. 182,316 Red Cross Week Proclamation ............ 240 Reeney, John R.- ....................... 53 Reeves, Robert C.,extension radio op................ 212,270 Registrar, Vital Statistics ............ 440 Reichman, Henry ........................ 477 Reilly, Norman, Sr. ................... 319 Reinhart, Agnes ........................ 256,416 Rempe, Fred ............................ 73 Reports, Department .................... 2,25,52,74,95,96,123,141,149,419, 452,479,480,482,498 Justice Rich, July '78 ............. 89,166,173,180,222,233,254,270 Town Trustees ...................... 107,286,333,343,362,396,411,425,462 Monthly '79 ........................ 191,205,210,244,299,304,312 Annual ............................. 463,480 Requests for resumes ................... 254 Residency law, police .................. 415,451,457,477,486,500 Resignations: Robert W. Brown ......... 308 Resource recovery plant aid ............ 316 Resumes: Goehringer, Gerard ................. 426 Hartge, Nancy ...................... 426 Henderson, James C. ............... 222 Hunter, Paul A. ................... 420 Penny, Geor. L. IV ................. 420 Robinson, Donald ................... 254 Rushmore, Florence K. ............. 260 Tsontakis, 1Steve .................. 369 Weinheimer, William ................ 194 Retirement System NYS, benefits ........ 279 Rich, Justice James H., Jr. ........... 410 Richard-Bruce Memorial ................. 271 Richmond Creek Farms ................... 288,302 Richmond, Mrs. Mabel ................... 53,66,74 Richmond Shores at Peconic,subdivision................... 300,365 Rift Valley Fever ...................... 106,107,108,110,111,127 Riverhead Bay Conservation Assoc...... 270 Riverhead-Southold Town Line ........... 64 Riverhead Supreme Courts ............... 287,313 Riverhead Township ..................... 103 Road Inspector ......................... 77 Roadway Lighting ....................... 116 Robb, Edna A.- ......................... 334 Robb, William, Bd. Assessment Review--- 176 Robedee, Kathryn ....................... 26,65 Robertson, Douglas ..................... 60 Robins Island .......................... 460,461,497 Rodan Equipment Co. ................... 455,491 Rok-Temp Maintenance Corp. ............ 341,389 Roland Electric ........................ 325 Rotary International Week .............. 475,476 Rothman, David ......................... 17 RSVP ................................... 27,32,57~363,369 Ruland, William ........................ 291 Ryan, Thomas, Suffolk Co. Real Property Dept.-- 87 Ryder Farm Lane ........................ 142 Rynd, Helen ............................ 271 Rvsko, Kerri ........................... 370 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 S Sacco, Ahlers, Brown, Architests ......... 96,364,412,420 Sacred Heart R.C. Church ................. 13,90,91,111,186,256,422 Safe Energy of Suffolk .................... 451 St. Agnes Church ......................... 364 Saland, Shirley .......................... 21 Salaries ................................. 5,6,442 Salmon, Darline .......................... 391,444,447 Salvation Army ........................... 4 Sand, gravel & stone applic., Fellinger-Ihar---192 Sand, gravel & stone permit, Leander Glover---182,502 Sand spreader bid ........................ 365 Sanitary landfill ........................ 212,228,316 San Simione .............................. 60 Saunders, Sophie, trailer ................ 291 Save Our Farms Committee ................. 345 Scallop relocation project ............... 397 Scavenger Waste Disposal ................. 124,229,230 Scavenger Waste Dispdsal Site ............ 426 Scavenger Waste Permit Extension ......... 237 Scavenger Waste Study .................... 255,364 Scenic Easements - Latham, Roy ........... 5,44,45,55,66,67,68,69,70 Scheinberg, Shepard M. .................. 26 Schineller, Pamela ....................... 286 Schneider, Jean, resignation ............. 235,247,447 School Attendance Officer ................ 292,295 School Crossing Guards ................... 200,242,335,340,341,430 School Crossing Guards Salaries .......... 445 School Districts ......................... 27 Schriever, Wm., exchange of property ..... 264,265 Schriever, William W., change of zone .... 125 Schriever, William, Barbara .............. 26,46,49,51,56,63,71,79,175,268 Schwindt, Edward, Jr. ................... 106,107,108,314 Scott, Deborah ........................... 255,356 Scuba diving ............................. 313 Sea-Aire Estates Subdivision ............. 182 Sea Grant Meeting ........................ 2 Seawall, Orient-East Marion .............. 223 Senate Legislation - 1979 ................ 174 Senior Citizens .......................... 293,297,299,306,310,325,336,341~f~348 Bus ............................... 14,66,91,98,116,224,363 ~58 Center ............................ 348,369,383,397,412,420,455,456,458 ID Cards .......................... 368 ~/459,485,491,493,496,498 Mattituck ......................... 4,14,27,53,238,292,302,369 ~ RSVP .............................. 369 Southold .......................... 3,14,27,56,57,98,224,261,270,307, Southold-Greenport ................ 391 358 Southold-Peconic Seniors Club ..... 97,99,117,124,238,262,281,335,371, Van ............................... 465,480,484,490 /464,476 Senior Citizens, proposed legis.- ........ 286 Senior Citizens/Youth Center ............. 96,117,191,214,218,220,225,230,286 291,324 SEQR ..................................... 190,206,214 1774 House Associates .................... 407,416 Seventh Squad, Suffolk County ............ 32 Sewage District, F. I.- .................. 329,330 Sewage System Draft, H2M ................. 286 Shane, Mr.- .............................. 60 Shellfish Advisory Committee, N.Y.S.- .... 369 Shellfish Harvesting ..................... 466,479,480 Shellfish Seeding ........................ 7,150 Shellfish Transplanting .................. 42,50,228,247,466,487,488 Shelter Island Town, PBA negot.- ......... 170 Shelter Island Township .................. 102,103 Sheriff's Office, Suffolk County ......... 290 Shorecrest ............................... 453 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 S (con' t. ) Siemerling, Arthur F. ................. 271,313 Sign complaint ......................... 128 Signs .................................. 484 Sigsbee Road Civic Assoc. ............. 300 Silver Eel Cove ........................ 330 Sinclair, Wilfred ...................... 337 Siting Board ........................... 479,480 67 Steps, Sound Road, Greenport ........ 287,300 Skill Training Improvement Program (STEP II)--- 64 Slater, Dr. Myron ...................... 270,311,333 Slo Pitch League ....................... 17,234 Small Cities Grant ..................... 207,219,239,260,335,337,343,358,364,390,397,412,426,453,483,505 Smith, Allen .......................... 262 Smith, Bernard, Senator ................ 55 Smith, George .......................... 499 Smith, William B.- ..................... 65,309,319,325,487,493,498 Smithtown Township ..................... 104 Soil removal permit .................... 241 Solar Energy Commission, Suffolk Co.--- 167,454,99,116,122 Solid Waste Study ...................... 3,17,25,214,226,235,238,271,316 Soroptimist International .............. 466 Sound Equipment ........................ 270 Sound Productions, Southold ............ 16 Sound Road (67 Steps) Greenport ........ 195 Soundview Acres at Orient .............. 58 easement ----127 Southampton College .................... 2,20 Southampton Township ................... 103Souther, Henry Engineering, Inc. ...... 328 South Harbor Road Residents ..... 71 Southold: Bay Haven Prop. Owners Assoc. ..... 345 Chess Club ......................... 306 Commons ............................ 261 Development Corp. ................. 460 Equities, Inc .................... 18,26 Fire Dept......................... 64,73,116,153,315,390 Fire District ...................... 237 Gardens ............................ 321,433 Peconic Civic Assoc., Inc. ........ 54,280,426 Postmaster ......................... 383 Post Office ........................ 42,396,408 Resins, Inc., change of zone, rehearing--186,215,284,288 Town Beach ......................... 62,92 Town Development Plan .............. 116 Town Fire Chiefs Council ........... 73,90,179,211,305 Town Fire District, agreement for parking lot--153 Town Fire District Officers Assoc.- 73,76,426 Town Justices & Justice Court clerks ..... 46 Town Promotional Committee ......... 52,64,354,356 Town Residents ..................... 97 Village Parking Lot ................ 5 Southwold, England ..................... 426 Speed limit requests ................... 324 Special Police Officers ................ 200,266 Spohn, David ........................... 479 Sprinkler System ....................... 482 Stankevich, George ..................... 425 Stanton, Donald ........................ 309 Staples, Halsey ........................ 318 State aid (protest of cuts) ............ 306 State of Albany ........................ 101 State Department .... 108 States Environmental Quality Review ........... 18,19 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 S (con't.) (SPDES) State Pollution Discharge Elimination System ........ 98,124 Steam Locomotive #39 Fund Committee .... 96 Steering Committee, Estuarine Sanctuary-- 461,491 Stepanek, Charles ...................... 316 Stepnoski, Henry (PBA) ................. 451 Stirling Creek ......................... 479,480 Stoutenburgh, Paul ..................... 177,214,258,262 Strathmore Const. Corp. ............... 220,293,297,310,341~383,458 Street Dances .......................... 65 Street Lighting Committee .............. 40 Street Lights .......................... 2,4,112,174,175,191,211,246,255, 268,327,330,355,369,396,420,465 Street Numbering System ................ 211 Strong, David S....................... 486,501 Studies: East End Solid Waste Energy & Resource Recovery Study .... 396 Greenport-Southold Scavenger Waste Study .... 338,500 Sewage Draft, H2M ............ 286 Solid Waste Management ....... 301,321,324,389,407 201 Wastewater Study ......... 360,507 Sub-Divisions: Brionngloid-by-the-Sea ....... 65,91 Centennial Manor ............. 2 Col. Ted Dowd(Sea-Aire)Est.-- 17,182 Country Club Estates ......... 65,96,291,308 Crown Land Lane................... 493 Greenfields...... 271,279 Henry P. Smith ............... 37 Horton Farm Estates .......... 211 Long Pond Estates ............ 210 Oregon View Est.- ............ 257,274 Orient-By-The-Sea,Sec.2&3 .... 182,370 (release) Paradise by the Sound ........ 65 Pebble Beach Farms ........... 489 Richmond Creek Farms ......... 289 Richmond Shores at Peconic---300,365 Shorecrest ................... 246 Soundview at Orient re: passbooks--168 Southold Gardens ............. 97,142,249,321 Subdivision Inspection Fees ............ 291,301 Suburbia Federal Savings ............... 314 Suffolk Cement Precast, Inc. .......... 263 Suffolk County: Airport ......................... 26 Community College ............... 54,271,453,465 Consortium High Risk Loan ....... 425 Consumer Affairs ................ 334 Dept. of Environmental Control--175 Dept. of Health ................. 70,286,345,364,426 Dept. of Labor .................. 64,186,261,313~363,420,426,485,500 Dept. of Land Management ........ 396,412 Dept. of Public Works ........... 97,236,356,412 Dept. of Real Estate ............ 465 Dept. of Social Services ........ 363 Dept. of Transportation ......... 306 Development Corp.- .............. 246,287,504 Development Funds ............... 456 Executive's Office .............. 255,458,497 Federal Savings Bank ............ 99 Fire Advisory Board ............. 174,383 Handicap Advisory Board ......... 453 Legislature ..................... 96,104,121,122,174,245,313,390,484 Medical Society ................. 106 Office of Aging ................. 3,16,17,280,315,336,368,466,484 Planning Department ............. 369,465 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 S (con' t. ) Suffolk County (con't.): Police Department ............... 248 Real Property Tax Serv. Agency--330 Select Comm. Acquisition of Develop't Rights of Farmland-- 75,92,96 Soil & Water Conservation ....... 355 Solar Energy Commission ......... 99,116,122,167,454 Supervisor's Association ........ 174,482 Tax Act ......................... 75,505 Tax Receivers Association ....... 75 Traffic Safety Board ............ 323 Youth Bureau .................... 36 Suffolk Developmental Center (Mental Retardation)-- 26 Suffolk Times .......................... 14,440,493 Sullivan, George R.................... 438 Summer employees ....................... 314 Summer employment ...................... 246,254,284 Summer Lane) Summer Road) - Street improvement ......... 187,215 Summer Recreation Program .............. 14 Summer Survey Form ..................... 485 Summer Youth Conservation Corps ........ 500 Summer Youth Program ................... 261 Supervisors Confidential Secretary ..... 439 Supervisor's Monthly Report proposed publication-- 170 Supervisor's Secretary, appt. of ....... 340 Suter, Martin .......................... 36,90,320,335,341,435 Sweets Shipyard ........................ 79,314 Swing, Celia, Complaint ................ 3 Sycz, Richard .......................... 4 Sypher, Patricia ....................... 340 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 T Tabor, E. Kenneth ...................... 454 Tasker, Robert W. (Town Atty.) ......... 83,84,85,86,194,257,443 Taurus Homes, Inc. .................... 270 Tas Act, Suffolk County ................ 262 Tax Certiorari proceedings ............. 458 Tax Receiver ........................... 424,431,444,477 TECC Resource Recovery Systems ......... 25 Technical Advisory Group (Suff. Co. Airport)--- 25,26 Tedeschi, Frederick W. ................ 326,327,336,341,408 Tejo, Maria ............................ 275,437,448,450 Telecom Equipment Corp ............... 54,182 Temik .................................. 478 Tennis Courts (bids for) ............... 53 Tennis Courts, F. I.- .................. 286 Terp, Alfred J.- ....................... 214 Terry, Joyce ........................... 121 Terry, Judith .......................... 319,440 Thermal Comfort, Inc.................. 225,230,336,358,458,490 Thogersen, George ...................... 307,337,355,356 Thompson, Robert (So. Harbor Rd.) ...... 71,72 Thompson, Tommy ........................ 369 3-M Business Products Sales ............ 90 Tidal Wetland Maps ..................... 210,280 Tiedke, Jean H.- ....................... 116,122,236,260,276,316,345,395,411, Tillman, Arthur ........................ 508 454,495 Times Mirror Communications ............ 229 Tolman, Muriel ......................... 365,390 Total Environmental Concepts & Capabilities .... 17 Tourism & Cultural Affairs, Office of-- 311 (proposed only) Tourist Camps: K.O.A.- ................ 76,77,79 Tourist Information Center ............. 350,354,355,396 Town Attorney .......................... 295 Town Beach Concession ................ 7~t~460 Lease, Henry Herfurth ....... 39 Town Beaches ........................... 36,62,287 Town Board Committees .................. 448,458 Town Board Committee Reports: Youth Grant ........................ 462,463,481 Parks & Beaches .................... 463,477 Inland Waterways ................... 463,480 Dog Pound .......................... 481 Wage & Policy Committee ............ 498 Police Committee ................... 498 CATV reports ....................... 498 Town Board Night Meetings .............. 246,253 Town Clerk ............................. 63,73,89 Town Clerk's Building, New ............. 28,97 Town Clerk's Building, Old ............. 13,18,26 (Bids - transfer of Title) Town Disposal Area ..................... 35 Town Hall.addition ..................... 192,194,214,226,254,369,408,413,426, Town Hall Heating & Air Cond. system--- 341,389 430,431,453 Town Hall landscape sprinkler system--- 358,482 Town Historian ......................... 93 Town Official salaries 1979 ............ 195 Town of Southold ....................... 3 Town Trustees .......................... 42,107,112,124,198,258,262,484 Traffic Signs & Installation ........... 5,90,461,463 Traffic Warden salaries ................ 445 Trailer complaint ...................... 127 Trailers: Bertolini, Stella .................. 127 Bokina, Edmond ..................... 63,64,212,325,503 Brown, Samuel ...................... 44 Davis, Geraldine ................... 301,429 Frelix, Carl, Jr. ................. 99,256,371 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 T (con't.) Trailers (con't.): Goldin, Oscar ...................... 113 247,347,503 Krupski, Isidore P. ............... 113,357,503 McCarthy, George .................. 56,191,291,421 Mikolajczyzk, Zdzislaw ............. 279,397 Miles, Maddie ...................... 44,180,301,429 Ruland, William P. ................ 43,180,291,416 Saunders, Sophie ................... 44,180,291,4 Sidor, Martin ..................... 113,248,357 Steiner, Florence .................. 113,248,357,506 Tuthill, John C. .................. 91,219,336,502 Worthington, Geraldine ............. 63,206 Trius Co.................................. 391 Transfer of Funds ...................... 26,28,66,78,81,98,126,141,151,152, 170,175,176,185,186~94,208,264,273, 293,308,325,335,340,348,365,391,392, 416,417,430,432,434,435,473 Transportation, N.Y.S. Dept. of ........ 223,235,307,345,359,396,408 Transportation, Southold Town .......... 246 Transportation, Suff. County Dept. of--306 Travel Expense, 1980 ................... 441 Traveler Street ........................ 48 Troyano, Peter JJ ...................... 465,476 Tryac Truck & Equip. Co. .............. 262 Tsontakis, Steve ....................... 369 Tuthill, John .......................... 283 Tuthill, Lawrence M.- .................. 65,91,97,291,493 Tuthill, Terry R. (appt.) .............. 53 Twomey, Tom ............................ 345 Typewriter, electronic (lease) ......... 398 U.S. Coast Guard 74 Uhl, Walter 142 unemployment Insurance option 208 U.S. Postal Service 420 U.S. Dept. of Interior................... 466,483,485 Urban Parks& Recreation Progoram......... 484 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 V Vacancies, 1979, on various Boards ..... 183,193,194,271,308,313,318,325, 384,396,438,439 Vandalism .............................. 191 Varvitsiotes, Evelyn, jellyfish ........ 92 Verni, Ralph M.- ........................ 313 Village Dry Cleaners ................... 12,13,273 Village of greenport: Contract, Dog Control .............. 98 Garbage Disposal ................... 102,103 Mascony Transort & Ferry (Site Development & Wetland Permit.......... 90 Southold Town ......................... 98 Water for Fire Protection ............. 31,36,55,66,78,79 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 W Walker, Jerry .......................... 106,109,110,238 Wall, Joanne ........................... 85 Wall, Robert ........................... 82,211,454 Walter Industries, Inc.- ............... 35,101 Walters, Harold, junkyard .............. 239,270 Waste Water Management, Study .......... 48,53,62,71,74,79,92,142,181,191, 208,2769334,344,346 Waste Water Presentation, C. LaRow ..... 235 Waste Water Study 201 .................. 230,255,365~499 Watchman Salaries ...................... 200,444 Water Table Map, Suffolk County ........ 123 Watts, Chas. C.- ....................... 195 Wayne Associates ....................... 504 WBLI, Patchogue Radio Station .......... 170 Weatherization Grant ................... 465 Webb, Robt., Gr. Village Trustee ....... 425 Weglicki, Martin ....................... 325 Weinheimer, William .................... 50,79,194,210,283,309 Weiner, Leon H ....................... 89 Welch Asphalt, Inc. ................... 284 Wells, Betty ........................... 265 Wells, Gerald .......................... 77 Wells Road, Peconic, dust storms ....... 426 West Harbor, F. I. .................... 330 West Hill Road ......................... 422,433 Wetland Inventory ...................... 281 Wetland Ordinance, James Meskouris ..... 113,114 Wetland Permit process ................. 323 Wetland Permits: Meskouris, James, ap ............. 34,53,77,99 Rosenberg, Frank & Margaret ........ 5 Whitcom Investment Corp. .......... 112,125,175 Pluschau, Raymond, ap. ............ 229,240,256,274 Gardner, W. S. .................... 240,247,256,274 Fox, Thomas E..................... 274,288,308,324 Occhiogrosso, Thos. & Jaqueline.......... 300,314,326,338,346 Thogersen, George .................. 307,337,354,356 Goose Bay Civic Assoc.- ............ 347,357,392,397,420,430 Koehler, Kurt A.- .................. 371,397,414,438,466 a/c Mr. & Mrs. David ............... ? Braatz, Margaret ................... 414,434,453 Gazza, Diane ....................... 484,487,502,503 Strong, David S.- .................. 486 Whaling City Dredge .................... 432 Wickham, John .......................... 12,112,195,254,264,396,397 Wickham. Parker J., Matt. Airbase ...... 245,248 Wiggins Lane, Greenport ................ 358 Wilberg, Ernest, Discussion Re: condominiums at Orient- 148 Wilkins, Harold ........................ 463 Williams, Roger K, Complaing ........... 3 Woodside Lane .......................... 325 Worthington, Geraldine ................. 63 Wortis, Ethel .......................... 272 Wieczorek, Vincent ..................... 73,179 May 1- Feb. 1980 Y Yakabowski, Frank ...................... 255 Yard Sale permits ...................... 323 Year III Resolution .................... 104 Youngs Ave., development proposal ...... 153 Youth Activities ....................... 225,234 Youth Bureau, Suffolk County ........... 169 Youth Community Conservation and Improvement Project, highway dept.--- 180,189 Youth Grant ............................ 452,453,458,462,465,474,481 Youth Recreation Program, NYS .......... 370,389 Youth, Summer Employment Program ....... 261 May 1978 - Feb. 1980 Z Zanghetti, Mario ....................... 83 Zerox .................................. 63,90 Ziel, Ron .............................. 96 Zitek, Dr. ............................ 2 Zone Changes: Ciacia, Raymond & Anna ............. 349,370 Ma idstone Dev., Inc. .............. 420,423,488 Schriever, William W. ............. 125 Southold Resins, Inc. ............. 288 Wayne Associates ................... 504 Zoning Board of Appeals ................ 21,23,31,35,48,70,75,77,81,93,115 Zurl, Barbara .......................... 246