HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 - 1994 November - AugustTOWN BOARD MEETING DATES November 19, November 23, 1993 ............... December 7, 1993 ............. December 21, 1993 ................ January 4, January 11, January 25, February 8, 1994 .................. February 24, 1994. March 8, 1994 . March 22, 1994 . . April 5, 1994 . . . April 19, 1994 . . May 3, 1994. May 16, 1994 May 31, 1994 ........ June 14, 1994 ....... June 28, July 12, July 26, August 3, 1993, Special Meeting ............................ 1 ...... :~4 · . . 28 .... 47 1994, Organizational Meeting ........... 63 1994 ....................... 82 1994 ....................... 99 117 ................. 129 ........... 147 ............. 175 210 .............. 248 ...................... 269 ........................ 291 1994 ........ 1994 . . . 1994 ........ 1994, Fishers Island ............ ................ 314 ........... 346 ................ 373 ................ 394 ................ 421 · . .443 AUDITS November 23, 1993 ................ 15 December 7, 1993 .................. 30 December 21, 1993 .................... 48 January 11, 1994 ......... 84 January 25, 1994 ..................... 101 February 8, 1994 ............. 120 February 24, 1994 ................... 132 March 8, 1994 ..................... 150 March 22, 1994 ....................... 178 April 5, 1994 . . April 19, 1994 ......... May 3, 1994 ......... May 16, 1994 ......... May 31, 1994 ......... June 14, 1994 ....... June 28, 1994 ...... July 12, 1994 July 26, 1994 ..... 212 ............... 250 ............... 272 ............... 294 ............... 316 ................. 348 ................. 375 ........................ 396 ................... 423 ADD (Aid to the Developmentally Disabled, Inc.)--119,131,1/49,177,196-197, /411 -/41/4,/416,/4/42 AT&T--237,330 Abuse Hotline-- 1u,7 Accessory Buildings & Structures,LL--211,22/4-225,296-297,317,338,339 Accountant, Senior--177,270 Account Clerk, part-time--398 Account Clerk, Principal--327 Accounting Department-- 131,139,181,200,270,327,398,/422,/435 Seminar-- 181,301,377, Lc26 Acebo, Mike--365 Acquisition of development rights--383-387,399,/421 Advance Fee--89 Advance fee check--10Lt, 13/4,360,/426 Advanced Business Automation--177,196 Advanced Local Emergency Teams (A.L.E.R.T.)--119,126 Advanced Equipment Inc.--256,399 Advance fee check--223 Advancement of funds--65,223 Advancement of Employment--157 Affordable Houslng--1/49 Affordable Housing Program, NYS--37,/426 After School Activity Program--28, 31,3/4, 38,87 Agricultural Advisory Committee--2/48,395 Agricultural Industry--99 AIDS, World Day--16 Aid to the Developmentally Disabled, Inc..ADD--119,131,1/49,177,196-197, 207-209,293,3u~8,366,/411-414./416,/4/42 Albacore Drive-=360-363 Aliano--l~9 Aliano Peconic Subdivlsion--5/4 Allperti, Buovodantona-- 1/49,157 All American Fuel Company--129 American Diabetes Associatlon--133,~25 AMERICAN LEGION :--153 Griswold-Terry-Glover Post No. 803--153 Raymond Cleaves Post 861--295 American Red Cross--89,147 Andrews, Muriel--411 Animal Shelter--367 Andrews, Muriel--/437 Andros Patent--83 Antique Show--377 Appeals Board--70,7/4, 82,93-9/4,100,107, 1/48, 1/49,156,181,211,2/49,260,315, 323,3/47,355,/423 Appointments: -- Town Clerk's--67,68 Supervisor's--6/4, 72,76, 79,125 Appraisal of Archival Records--253 APPRAISALS--390 Aprea, Jr., Thomas--102 Araneo, Willlam--1/48 Archival Records Management Program--121 Archive and Records Administration, NYS--121 Arnoff, Harvey-- 112-113,351-35/4,393 Article 78 Proceeding--10/4 Asphalt Concrete--380,/428 Asphalt Pavement Course--181 Asphalt Road Materials--325-326 Assessment Review Board--71,259,300,301, Lt22 Assessor's--20,5Lt, 69,83,90, 107, 131,1/48, 157,216,295,/422 Assisting the Trial Attorney--106 Association of Towns--66, 12/4,135, 1/45-1/46 Attendance Officers--72 Attorney. Town--6/4, 10/4 Audubon Soclety--2/45 Authorization to purchase equipment and supplies--68,69 Automoblie expenses--67 Avent, Aaron--261 Avey Electric, Inc.--36/4,39/4,/408 Bacon, Louis--31~9 Bagley, Joan--390 Bags, garbage--28. ~t7,58.99,108,127,206, 3~2,421 Bagshaw, Harvey--U,18-419 Bajek, Mary--20 Bank depositories--87-88 Barmache, Roger--449 Barney, James--15t~ Bauer, Gertrude--366,376 Bauser, Bernadlne--411-1~13,~t19 Baxter/Fort Corchaug property--177,200 Bayberry Lane--423,436 Bay Constable--119, 124, 126, 15L[, 155 Bay Constable, F1~-72,73 Bayley, Robert--28,176,211.236,317-319 Beach Attendant--182,223,356,360 Beach Manager--357,360 Beach Parking permits--1~t,360 Beach Recycling--292 Beach, Use of--377 Beck, R.W.--31~,367 Bed & Breakfast LL--211,293,346,373-374,393,394,422,u~37-~42 Benefits, Medical--1u~,87 ,131,1~8,293.315 Benfield, Clifford J.--271,284 Bensln Contractlng--221 Bianchi, Charlotte--147,153 Birch, Carol--164 Bid Contract NYS--153 BIDS:-- Asphalt Concrete--380, L[28 Asphalt Pavement--181 Asphalt Road material--325-326 Bay Constable Truck--124,154 Bulk Salt--181,L~06 Catch Basin Cleaner--55 Construction $ Demolition debris (C&D), removal--270 Copy machine, sale of--L~06 Disposal of solid waste--210 Drydocking, MV Munnatawket--183,223 Dump Truck--357,370,399 Energy Conservation Project--291,303-306,408 Fishers Island channel marker repair~-300 Food for Nutrition Center--255,301,378-379 Garbage, hauling--29 Human Resource Center, heating, air conditioning & Ventilation-408 Latex Modified Pavement--256 Metal Dump, FI--410 Movie Theatre, FI, renovate--35,182-3 Payloader--373 Repair Police Vehicles--418 Road Materials--216 Sand Mix Asphalt--380,326 Sand Spreader--181 Scavenger Waste Plant, Gravel Removal System--307 Screened Sand--106, 13~t Snow Fence and "T" Posts--181,256 Solid Waste Hauling and Disposal Services--21L[ Spreaders--256 Street Sweeper--153,222 Tasker Memorial Park building--20,21,86 Tractor truck--373 Uniforms, PD--29,36 Used vehicle, sale of--379,L[28 Vans, Nutrition Program--20 Bid Specification policy--258 Blais, Jack--411,t[13 Blass, Legislator Gregory--It23 Blue Marlin Drlve--360-363 Blum. Herman--29,39 Blum. Reynold--29,39 Board of Elections, SC--182 Board, Town Policy Decislons--131,140-141,249 Board, Town Procedures--109,115,422 Boat Ramp--425 Bond Anticipation Notes, Policy--279 Bond Resolutlon--136-138,303-306,360-363,383-387 Booth, Antonia--86,253 Boufis, John M.--15,23,131,1~,1 Boyce, Mildred--269 Bowling Program--53 Braatz, Margaret V.--3[[9 Brashlch, Neboysha--28,176,211,236,292 Bredemeyer III, John M.--50 Bressler, Eric--119,131 Brickerhoff, Peter--450,~54 Bridgehampton National Bank--65 Bridge, Kimberly--346, 36[[ Bridge Lane--liS, 130,139 Brooklyn Historical Society--83 Brompton Service Corporation--L[08 Brosnahan, J. Kev|n--36 Brown, Christa--365 Brown, Margaret--28, 33, ~.6, 176, 211,236 Brown, Robert W.--365 Brown, Ruben S.--373 Brown, Victor--28,211,236 Browning, Helen--327 BUDGET:-- Community Development--85 Adopted - 199~--1-13 Building Department:-- Building Inspector--1~,,15,23,82,100,119 Building Inspector, Senior--131,139 Certificate of Compliance--22 Certificate of Determlnation--22, Cerficate of Occupancy fees, LL--14,22,57 Clerk-Typist--131,260,273 Computer Upgrade--129 General--55,82,215 Seminar-- 131,1 Building at Tasker Memorial Park--20,86 Building Officials Association--131,1[~1 Bulk Salt--181,~06 Bunchuck, James--99,107,117,124,1u,8,176,270,271,284,292,31~,,~,21 Bundy, Walter--It22 Burden, Richard--213 Burger King- 1 u,2,161-17~, 2L[6 Burning garbage--2[[9,37[~, 391 Burning, LL--37L~, 395, [[22,434 Business Corem|tree--79 Business Study--3LtT, 380,394 Business Records Corporation--19,422,~35 CSE Day Care Program (Community Services for the Elderly)--296,354 CSEA--74,100 CSEA Contract--100,314,328 CSEA Employee's Beneflts--315,326 CSEA collective bargaining unit--329 CSEA Contract--lO0,314,345 Cameron Engineering--118,292 Cappa, Kelly--166 Captain Kidd Estates--18,86 Career Workshop--426 Carlin, Frank--17,23-26, 102, 110-111,133,142-143,146, 151-152,159-160,166, 179, 180,207-208, 214,243-245,252-253,265-266,322,342-344,350-351, 367-369,398,414-~t16 Car Show Swap Meet--248 Casavant, Donald Cash, petty funds--66 Cash, stolen--107 Cashin Associates, P.C.--38 Cassidy, Bernard--380 Cassidy, John--398 Cassldy, Thomas--364 Catch and Lease law--422 Catch Basin Cleaner--55 Catterson, James M.--64 Certificate of Determlnatlon:--14,22 Certificate of Compliance--14,22 Certificate of Occupancy fees, LL--14,34,53,57 Certiorari proceedings--54 Ciamarlcone, Joseph--207 Civil Service--Il9 Chamber of Commerce:-- Greenport-Southold--293 Mattituck--354 Chambers Auto Sales--428 Chance, Walter T.--435 Chardonnay Woods--184 Chemical Bank--88 Chemung Supply Corporatlon--256 Chicago Trust Company of New York--88 Circle Line Statue of Liberty Ferry--360 Circus/Magic Show--134 Clark, Roger--93-94 Clean-Up Week--176,188,213 Cleaves Point Village--349 Clerk-Stenographer, Part time--88,122,149 Clerk, Tax Recelver's--23,53,54,254 Clerk, Town--355 Clerk-Typist--14, 19,36,100, 119,131,278 Clerk-Typist, part time--20,28,38,75,88,148,156,181,260,273,276,293,357,358, 395,423,1~35 Clerk-Typist, Senior--55 Clerk-Typist, Temporary-full-time--3~7 ,35u~,365,395, 423, 435 Coastal Zoning Management--251,256-7 Coastline Trucking, Inc.--428 Cochran, Jean W.--118,409 CODE BOOK--213,215,270 Code Enforcement--394 Code Enforcement Officer--422 Code Review Committee--76, 118,249,270,394,422 Code, Town--121 Commerce & Industry Committee--77 Commercial Carters--270 Commercial Contractors' Permits--19 Commission on Taxes--83 Commissioner of Public Works--68,69 Committee meetlngs--149 Committee structure--211 Committees, Standing--75, 1L[9 Community Development--28, 83,422 Community Community Community Community Community Development Block Grant Program--20,256,328 Development Budget--85 Development Competitive Grant Program--86 Services for the Elderly (CSE DAY Care Program)--296,354 Theatre, FI--21,35,123,135,182 Compensation for attending meetings--279 Competiello, Vito--314 Computer equipment--~7,176,188 Confidential Secretary--64 Conflict of interest--266-267 Conklln, Pat--l~9,155 Connecticut Stage S Movie Company--21 Connell, Allan S.--108 Connelly Contracting, Kevin--123 Conners, Christopher--200 Conners litigation--177,200 Conners, William--200 Conoscentl, Thomas--347,380,39t~ Conservation Advisory Council--28, 73,88, 100,108, 109,293, 311 Construction & Demolition Debris (C&D)--270,280,314,346,365 Conte, Lena--311 Contract Beneflts--329 Contract, CSEA-- 100,31tt, 328,345 Cook-- 155, 211,260,275,327 Cooper, Linda J.--67,68,73,274 Cooperative Extension Service, SC--268 Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System(CLASS)--377 Copy Machine--327,35~,~06 Corazzlnl Asphalt, Inc.-325,~26 Corazzlne Brothers, Inc.--tt28 Corchaug, Fort--Il9 Cornell Cooperative Extension--355 CORP OF ARMY ENCINEERS, application of:-- Aprea, Thomas Jr.--102 Bacon, Louls--3~t9 Burden, Richard--213 Cleaves Point Village--349 Department of Transportation, NYS--397 Gicale, Sarah--31 Hindermann, Edward--~2~ Kelly, Dan--376 King, James F.--376 Moiler, William T.--151,179 Murphy, Francis C.--151,179 Old Cove Yacht Club--251 Parrino, Robert--102 Shamrock Oyster Company--213 Sparacino, Steven--102 Suffolk County Department of Public Works--376 Wlckham Creek--53 Corso, Louis--273 Corso, Luba--273 Corwin, David--109,115,263-264 Costello Marine Contracting Corp.--278 Coster IV, William F.--391 Cotlgnola, Lewis--58 Council of Veterans Affairs--33 Council on Environmental Quallty--[t23 Country Time Bicycle--278 Court Reporter--73 Coutts, Ben--165 Cramer, Voorhis S Associates--89,131,149,158,176,292,324 Cremers, William--2[~8,269 Cromer's Market Cron, Richard J Croteau, Michael--80,260,366 Cub Scouts--296 Cubed Company, E--373 Cushman, John--19,117,177,270,301,377,422 Custodian--356,377, [~23, u~35 Cutchogue Fire Department--355 Cutchogue Fire District--107-108 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council--377 Cybulski Jr.,Andre "Bud"--3~7,356,366 D.A.R.E. Program--53,83,131,134,255,275,277,280,293,310,327,373 Dalchet Corporation--122 Darling, Shirley--154 Dart, Edward--175 Data Control Supervisor--129 Day Care Aides--347,366 Day Training Services--18 Deckhand--324,328,380,427 Deferred Compensation--L~07 Delalio Coal & Stone, Inc.--428 Delegate of Association of Towns--66 Department of Environmental Conservation--28,104,291,425 Application of:-- Braatz, Margaret V.--349 Corso, Luba & Louis--273 Laoudis, Theodore--102 Mattituck Inlet Park Improvement Project--122 Tasker, Susan--375 Department of Planning, SC--211 Department of Public Works--261 Department of Public Works, 5C--410 Department of Transportation, NYS--18,86,216,371 Depositories--65, 87 Deputy Emergency Preparedness Coordlnator--72 Deputy Registrar of Vital Statlstlcs--68 Deputy Superlntendent--67 Deputy Supervisor--64 Deputy Tax Recelver--68 Deputy Town Clerk--67 Designation of Parking Areas, FI--297,317 Development Rights--383-387,399 Dickinson, Agnes--311-312 Dickinson, Wesley--312-313 Diehl, Richard L.--33 Diesel products--129 Dinizio Jr., James--100,107,113-114,440 Directional Signs--99, 118,130, 139 Director of Human Services--147 Director of Program Evaluation--83,118,270 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)--102 DISPOSAL AREA: 19,23,29,82,99,107,117,121,129,148,154,156,176,270,330,373 Capping of landfill--358-359,421,429 Computer Equipment--176,188 Debris without charge, accepting--395,410 Mulch, leaf--394,408,409 Solid Waste Disposal--210,346,365 Transfer Station--29,82,129, 152,156, 210,248,292,314 Yard Waste Compostlng --29,3L~6,373,378,381 Disposal Area Committee--77 Disposal Permit--377 District Attorney, Special Assistant--64 Divison of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitilization, NYS--26 Dog Shelter--47, 77, 79,87,269 Doherty, Ji11--347. 354,365,423 Doherty, Jr. ,Thomas F.--72 Dolce, James--14 Dolphin Drive--360-363 Donahue, Frank--269 Donnesson, George L.--379 Doucette, Sr., Wilfred J.--324 Dougherty, Frazer--269 Dowd, Laury L.--64,104 Dredging Project, policy on--279 Drinking Water Protection Program, SC--270,358-359 Droskoski, Chief of Police Stanley--29,38,59-60,347,366,373 Drum, Henry W.--33 Drydocking, MV Munnatawket--183 Duell, Linton--206 Dues for elected offlclals--69 Dumping--159,160 Dump Truck, used--357,370 Dvirka & Bartilucci--129,130,139,148,156,210,421,429 Dzenkowski, Senior Bay Constable Donald--II9,126 E Cubed Company--373 E911--271,374,390 East Area General Contractors, Inc.--86 East Coast Mines & Materials Corp.--134 East End Arts Council--Il7 East End Disabled Benevolent Fund, Inc.--269 East End Economic and Environmental Institute (EEEEI)--274,275 East End Economic Institute Advisory Board--Il9,126 East End Economic Task Force--99 East End Harvest--274 East End Insurance--154 East End Seaport and Marine Foundation--175 East End Supervisors and Mayor Association--271 East End Supervisor's Association--270 East Hampton Town--213,215 Eastman Kodak Company--327 East-West Fire Protection Distrlct--31,43 Economic Study--347,394 Edwards, Kenneth--454 Edwards, Raymond W.--49,95,117,131,140 Efficiency Contractor--364,394,408 Electricity, Town--314,367-369,373,395 Elizabeth Field Airport, FI--102,135,222,27u~,356,426 Emergency Management Agency--422 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SQUAD WEEK--313 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator--72 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Deputy--72 Employee Assistance Program--220-221 Employee Health Benefit Plan--131,140,276 Employees, hiring of--315 Employees' Retirement System--254,255 Employment Advancement policy--157 Energy Conservation Program--346,364,408 Energy Efficiency in Town buildings-- 149,248,259,269,291,303-306,346,364,374 394 Energy Office Energy Conservation Grant, NYS--1u~9,248,259,269,374,408 Engineering Inspector--323 Enhanced 911--271,374,390 Environmental Impact Statement, loan of--259 Epple, Andrew--155 Evans, Louisa P.~-72,79 Evans, William J.--275 Evening Respite Program--107 Expanded In-Home Services For the Elderly(EISEP)--20,107,148,156,257,275,278, 296, 315,347,354,366,376 S-Town Survey--Il8 Facsimile slgnature-65 Fagan Englneers--99,108,148,156,210,248,258,314, 31~6,373,394,406, ~10 Fagan,Jr., Harry P.--175,182,188 Family Service League, Inc.--257,355 Farmland Development R|ghts--211 Farmland Select Committee, SC--293 Farmland Preservation Committee--356,370,41L[ Farrell, lucia--260 Fast Food Restau rants--24-26, 99, 102,110-111,118, 128,130. 142, 1L[9, 161 - 17L~, 176 179-180,188-195,307-310,311-312 Fax machine--158,177,196 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)--102 Federal Financial Assistance--295 Fees, removal in Code--28 Fees, permlt--3~7 Fees, policy on waiving--292.307 Finance Commlttee--76, 37t[ Finance Committee, Supervlsor~s--176,188 Finno, Patrick--325 Fire Coordinator for Disaster Preparedness--72 Fire Departments-- Cutchogue Fire District--107-108,355 Firemen's Service Award Program--L[3 Fishers Island--277 Greenport Fire Department--ti3 Orient Fire Department--277 Southold Fire Department--80-81 Firemen's Service Award Program--Lt3 Fish, Gary--100,119,131,1~1 Fisher, Thomas--l~, 82,100,119,129,131,139 Fishers District Annex--324 FISHERS ISLAND:-- Bay Constable--72 Community Theatre-21,35.37,123,135.182-183 Deferred Compensation Plan--~07 Designation of Parking Areas, LL--297-299.317,3~0-3Lt1 Elizabeth Field Airport--102,135,222.27Lt,356.q07,t[26 Ferry Distrlct--21,57. 106,123. 125,135,183.223,32u., 328,380. Lt27 Fire Department--277 General--79,300 Harbor Committee--271,280-281 Harbormaster--72 Harbors, LL--299-300,317,3Lt1-3Lt2 Hurricane Preparedness Conference--380-381 Metal Dump-- 1[~, 99. 108,210,2L~8,258,270. 276,31Lt, 3L~[[, 3t[6,373,39~, t~06, ti10, U,29 Mosquito Control--322,326 911 Emergency--29,85.87,106,237. 330 Parking at Whistler Avenue--q27 Parking Permits, LL--270,3u~0-3[[1 Parking permit--363,36L[ Spring Recreatlon--27t[ Theatre, movie--21.35,37,123,135,182-83,328 Town Board meeting--3q7,tt~3-Lt56 Walsh Park Affordable Housing--109 Wastewater Disposal System--28 Fishers Island Ferry District office/freight building--32~ Fish, Taking of in Town Waters, LL--37u, Fleet Bank--65 Flelschman, Mary Ann--37 Fletcher, Linda--200,286-288 Flood Insurance--1~22 Flynn, Ingaborg--392 Flynn, F.M.--251-252,369-370,397,z[17 Flynn, Keith--103 Food for Nutrition Center--255,301,378-379 Food Service Worker--32~ Formula Food Restaurants--118,130,1L~2-1t[3,1~9,161-174.176,179-180,188-195,200-202, 271,273,283.285-289,292. 307-310,311-312,3Lt3-3UJ[ Fort Corchaug--119,177,200 Fox, Tom--15[t Freedom of Information--142 Freidberg Partnership--135 Freshwater flshing--~22 Friemann, Sandy--21~8 Fulz, Earl--147 Funds, advancement of--65,223 Funke, Hazel--166,173 Gada General Contracting, Inc., A. John--21,135 Gagen, Sheila--391 Gagen's Landing Road--425 Gallo Used Auto Parts, Inc.--~28 Gannon and Sons, Inc., Thos. H.--256 Garbage Bags--28,L[7,58,99,108,127,206,342,421 Garbage, commercial carters--270 Garbage Definitions, LL--47,127 Garbage, long term hauling--29,117 Garbage, Rubbish S Refuse Law--270 Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse Permits, LL--19,31,42-43 Gas --129 Gate Attendant--154,254,325 Gaydosik, Michael--380 Geler Estate--149,211,292,302,325,332,337,376,401 Geier, John & Ano.--149,211,229,230-240,325,332,337,376,401,431 General Election--182 Gergela, Joe--99 Ginas, Debora L.--56,88,100,109,125 Given Associates--177,200 Given, Patrick A.--200 Gladstone, Daniel--154 Glew, Claire--18, 74 Glover Jr., Leander--72 Goehrlnger, Gerald P. --70,82,100,107, 1L~8 Gohrel, Jane--32 Gold, Joseph M.--260,377 Goldsmith, Charles--275-276 Goldsmith's Inlet--215 Goodman, Lucille Field--33 Goss, Leslie--34~r. 450,451,455 Government Finance Officer's Association, NYS--301 Governor's East End Economic and Environmental Task Force--liS-II6 Grant Application Review Session--86 Grant, Lauren Krug--64, 177,293,3~8 Graseck, Stephanle--20, 216,278 Grass clippings, LL--248,259,268,273,274,285,295-296 Gravel Removal, Scavenger Waste Plant--307,373 Greenberger, Francis--35 Greenblatt Inc., Charles--29,36 Greene, Rebecca--391,423,427 Greenport Softball League--395 Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce--293 Greenport Village--L~3,63, 109,211. 293 Greton Court, Mattituck--119,131 Grim, Donald--248,291,314,329 Gristina, Carol--99,116 Gristina Vineyards--116 Groundwater Resources Committee--83 Grubman, David--391 HD Zones--100 HVAC System--394 Hagerty, John J.--311 Hallock's Bay--83 Hallock. Susan--258,273,300 Halsey, Cynthia--163,391 Hamlet centers, encouraging development--279 Hamlet Density Zoning--Il8,149,176,292,315,322,324 Hamlet meetings--118,130,149, 176, 195-6, 215,249,257,261 Hanauer, Sue--390 Handicapped Recreation--269 Hansen, Pastor Ed--409 Harbor Committee, FI--271 Harbormaster, FI--72 Harbor Park Homes--122 Harper, Catherine B.--161 Harris, John A.--33 Harris, Scott L.--52 Harrison, Barbara--292 Harroun, Joyce Ceier--292,322 Harroun, Mark--165 Hawkins, Mark A.--377 Health Care Benefit Plan--87,315 Health Insurance Committee--74 Health Insurance, Fishers Island--123 Health Insurance, Town--87,131 Heaney, Bernard A.--33 Heggy, Danla M.--122 Hensley, Phyllls--72 Hickey, Jim--162-163,246-247 Hidden Lake Farms--154 Highpoint at East Marion, Section 111--399 Highway Dedication--157-8 Highway Department-- 35,55,106,129,t34,136-138,153,155,157,176,181,213,216 222,277,357,398,399,406,410 Highway Law--35 Hindermann, Edward--424 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES:-- Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Society--377 Oysterponds Historical Society, Inc.--427 Southold--320-321 Historic Sites Map--249 Hitchcock, Chuck--100 Hofer, Barbara--285 Hofer, Theresa--107 Holzapfel, John--88,108 Homayuni, Ali--410-411 Horton, Gall F.--374,389 Hubbard, Darlene M.--53 Human Resource Center--122,135,253,285,347,356,364,366,377,408,423 Huntington, Town of--394,408 Hunter, Claire M.--260 Hunter, Paul--15L~ Hurricane Preparedness Conference--380 Hussie, Alice J.--79 IBM Copy Machine--327,35~ Indian Neck Lane--357,391 Informational mailing--210,21~8 Inlet Pond Park--395,L[10 Isaacs, Bruce--165 ISTEA Transportation Enhancement Program, NYS--28,37,292 Informational material, policy on--279 Insurance Consultant--1[t ,87 ,177 ,350-351,355,378 Insurance, Medical--l~8 Insurance, policies--19 Insurance, Town--lU., 19,177 Insurance, Town medical--11~,87,131,1~8 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991--295 Intern, Economic--107,122 Intern, Summer--315,329-330,371~,391,1~23,L[27 Introduction to Mass Appraisal--295 Investments, Town--65,216-220 Isaksen, Patricia--311 Islet, Frank--28,82 Jackson, Mary Mulcahy--99,1~8,210,2~8,292.395 Jackson, Michael--399 Jacobs, Raymond L.--68,129,176.398 Jeffcoat, Hazel--392 Jem Commons--29,31 .E0-~1,63.79-80 Jem Realty Co.-~29,~0-~1,1~9,211,229,236-236,303,325,336,338,376,~05-~06, ~33-~3~. Jens, Fred--16~, 172.285 Jimenez, Lor|~-32~ Jones, Martha--390 Jones, Stephen--211 ,~,51 ,~53 Jordon's Partners--5~, Junkyard Permlt--~7 Justice Court--19,73,260,276 Kace Realty-- 149,211,229,230,302,325,331,337,376, ~00, L~29 Kapell, Greenport Mayor David--~t09 Kaplan Grant--55, 126, 276,425 Karpen, Daniel--1~9 , 248, 259 , 269 ,291,346 ,37L[ ,39q Kassner, Robert--Il9,126,175,188 Keating, John--25~t Kelling, Barbara--207,269 Kelly, Dan--376 Kenny's Road--~07 Kerr, Ruth E.--376 Kiefer, Myrtle--73 King, Denise--203 King James F.--376 King Kullen Shopping Center--372 Klos, Sheila M.--56,88,119,126,13~ Knoernschild, Linda A.--1~35 Kolb Mechanical Corp.--1~08 Komoski, Ken--147 Kontokosta, Emanuel--29,L[2,83,89 Koop, Gertrude--267 Kopek, Eleanora--15~ Koplj, David H.--32u, Kovac, Ivan--129 Krause, Charles Martin--151~ Kreiling, Sue--293 Kruszeskl, Edward--33 LBV Properties--211,229,231-232,302,325,333,337,376,402-403, 0`31-432 LINCT (Long Island Network for Community Telecomputing--147,20`4 Labor Management Committee--74-75 Labor Relations Consultants--177,31q Laborer--261 Landfill (Disposal Area)-- Closure of Landfill--358-359,421,420 Computer Equipment--176 Debris without charge, accepting--395,410 Enforcement procedures--148 Gate Attendant--154 General -- 19,23,29,82,99, 107, 117, 121,270,330,346,365,395 Mulch, leaf--390`, 408,409 Transfer Statlon--29,82,129,148,156,292,314 Whistler Avenue, FI--427 Yard Waste Composting--29~30`6,373,378,381 Landfill Law--82,270,291,421 Landfill Litigation--215,307 Landfill permits--23 Landmark Food--379 Landmark Preservation Commission--175,182,188,211,249,271,284,317-321 Landmark Preservation Designations..-317-321,326 Landmark Preservation Law--175,184-187,213,240-242 Land Preservation Commlttee--74,105~ 106,121,128,141-142,145,260,346,347 356,366,374,377,390,395,409,414..415 Land Use Maps--88 Laoudis, Theodore--102 Laser Printer--355 "Latch-key" Child Care Program--87,105,130` Lateness policy--157 Latex Modified Pavement--256 Latham, George Ritchie--100,107 Latney, Douglas--324 Lauber, Joel--291,303 Laurel Common School--72 Laurel Lake--o`22 Lawrence Healthcare Administrative Services, Inc. --53,54, 87,211,249,271, 275-275,278,30`7,380 Leaf mulch--390`,408 Lease agreement--53,107-108,181,182, 184, 32~. Lease-purchase agreement--327 Legislative Commlttee--77 Lessard, Victor--215 Letter of Credlt--184,222,399 Levy, Linda--32,97,162 Liaisons--79 Liber D--315 Liccione, Maureen--291 Lifeguard s--89, 182,223,356,360,379.380,398,426 Lights, street--240`-245 Litigatlon--47,54, 82,83, 150, 177,200,211,215,249 Lizewskl, Joseph J.--79,373,409 Lizewskl, Judith--278 Loan of Environmental Impact Statement--259 LOCAL LAW-- Accessory Buildings or Structures--211,220`-225,296-297,317,338-339 Bed & Breakfast--293,30`6,373-374,393,394,422,437-442 Burnlng--370,, 395,422,434 Certificates of Occupancy fees--14,22,34,53,57 Designation of Parking Areas, FI--297-299,317 Fast Food Restaurants--99,176 Fishers Island Harbors--299-300,317,30`1-342 Formula Food Restaurants--176,188-195,271,273,283,285-289,292,307-310 Garbage bags--28, 99,108,127 Garbage Definltions--0`7,108.127 Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse Permits--19,31,42-43,47 Grass Clipplngs--248,259,268,273,274,285,295--296 Landmark Preservatlon--184-187.213,20`0-242 Mooring Permits-- 177,198-199,213,238-239 Parking at Beaches--357 Parking Areas--301,317,342 Parking at Indian Neck Lane--376,391 Parking by Permit--407,437 Parking Permit, Fisher Island--271,340-30`1 Pubic Entertainment & Special Events--346,374,383,392 Recyclables--211,228,251,261,271,281 Salvaging Centers--211,226-227,251,261,271,282-283 Sidewalks-- 123-124, 127,211,223,224.251,263.267 Sign Ordinance--Il8 Site Plan Approval--22,34,53,58 Special Exception--14 Taking of Fish in Town waters--374 Wetland Applications--177,197-198.213,238 Wineries- -346,374,381-382 Local Tax Committee--315,330,374,377,395,409-410 Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan--28,38,154,252 Locust Avenue--425 Long Island Landfill Law--82,270,291,307 Long Island Leisure Services Association--223 Long Island Network for Community Telecomputing (LINCT)--I~7 Long Island Sound Coastal Management Task Force Committee--251 Long Island Watchman-Traveler--66 Loucka, Bruce--100,109 Lowry, Ann--32,180 Lueckoff, Dorothy--414 Luhrs, Jason--346.364 MVMunnatawket, drydocking-- 183,223 Macomber, Laurel Lee--1~35 Madlgan, Thomas F.--395 Main Street Managers Training Institute--310 Maher, Thomas--ti21 Malek, Frank--377 Malinowski, Steve--~51, u,52 Malvese, George S Co.--222 Management Consultant--109 Map Info Mapping Software--390 Maps. land use--88 Marine Law Enforcement Tralnlng--155 Markowski, Lorraine A.--301 Marriage Officer--68 Martinet-Smith, Gall-- lU,8 Marshall, jesse A.--L[27 Marvin, Valerle--175 Mason Drive--1~25 Massena Electric Co.--31~t Mattituck Chamber of Commerce--35~ Mattituck-Cutchogue Cub Scouts--296 Mattituck High School--107,122 Mattltuck Holding Company--51~ Mattituck Inlet Park Improvement Project--122 Mattituck Presbyterian Church--398 Medical Beneflts--1~,87,131,1u~8,211,2~9,271,293,380 Medical Claim--53,St[,275,278 Medical Coverage--1~8,211,2~9,271,315,3u,7,u~23 Medical Insurance, Town--l~, Medical Program, Southold Town--22 Meetings, notification of--ltl9 Mellender, Joe--202-203 Mellender, Yvette--161 Memorial Tree Program--175 Metal Dump, FI--1~,99,108,210,2~8,258,270,276,31~,3~,3u~6,373,39~,~06,~10 429 Metpath New England--5~t Metropolitan Transportation Authorlty--295 Meyer, Patricia--20 Michelson, Barbara--365 Milford, Bi11--319 Milford, Pat--319 Miller, Amy--253 Miller Associates, Jennifer R.--176,195,2L[9,261 Miller, Lorraine A.--398 Mobile Welding Service, Inc.--373,381 Mohring Enterprises--1~9,211,232-233,302,325,331~,337-338,376,t~03,~32 Moiler, William T.--151,179 Mooney, Maureen--5~ Mooney-Getoff, Mary--154 Moore, Jennifer--15u, Mooresland--216,222 Moores Lane Development Corp.--222 Mooring Permits, LL--177,198-199,204,213,238-239 Mosquito Control, FI--322,326 Movie Theatre, FI--21,35,123 Mulcahy, Mary--2L~5 Mulch, leaf--394, 408,409 Mullen, Jr., William F.--87,177,350-351,355,378 Municipal electricity--31~,367-369,373 Munnatawket, MV--183 Murphy, Alice--163 Murphy, Francis C.--151,179 McCabe's Beach--377 McCaffery, Robert--121 McCarthy, Kent--155 McDonald, Kevin--99 McDonald, Mark--82,119,409,421 McDonald's--161-174 McGahan, Douglas--366 McGreevy, Doris-439 McGunnlgle, Thomas--53 McHugh Inc., J.S.--21,35 Mclntosh, Frank--317-318,326 McKeighan, Venetla-- 1~7,3t[7 McKnight, Warren--Il7 McLaughlin, Karen--55 McMann, James--83, 118,270,271,28t[, 422 NYN EX--257,271,37~, 390 911 Emergency--29,85, 87,237,257,330 National Circus Project--134 National Small Business Tree Planting Program--104 Nations Bank of Virginia--53 Neighborhood Commercial Revitalization--293 Neville, Elizabeth--67,68, 86,253 New England Theater Service, Inc.,--182 Newspaper, Official Town--66 New Suffolk Common School--72 New York Mets--104 NEW YORK STATE:-- Affordable Housing Program--37,426 Archives and Records Administration--121 Bid Contract--153 Comptroller--397 Council on Environmental Quality--423 Department of Environmental Conservation--28,102,104,291,425 Department of Transportation--18,19,86,216,371,397 Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront REvitalization--26 Employees' Retirement System--25Lt,255 Energy Office Energy Grant--149,259,269,364,374,408 ISTEA Transportation Enhancement Program--28,37 Legislature--256-57 Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities--18 Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation--14 Recreation and Park Society--133 Retirement System--117,131,140,255 Secretary of State--176 Senate Committee on Local Government--121 Storm water Runoff Mitigation Program--28 New York Zoological Society--426 Nintzel, Charles--208-209 Nocro Ltd.--149 Noncarrow, Richard--68 Norkelun, Beverly--424 Norman Klipp Marine Park--14,347 Northeast Utilities--29,271,284 North Fork Animal Welfare League--47,87,124,269 North Fork Audubon --395~4~ North Fork Bank--54,65 North Fork Environmental Council--180,200 North Fork Planning Conference--176,211 Transportation Committee--211 North Fork Sanitation--254,270,374 North Fork Women's Resource --134 North Fork Youth Community--377 North White Auto Sales--428 Not for profit Energy Incentive Program--259,269 Nutrition Program--20,47,53,55,56,122,155,211,255,260,275,296,301,322,324 327,354,366,378-379 Office Space Committee--177 Office of Aging, SC--53,122,184,222,35L~ Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities--18 Office of Parks, Recreation F, Historic Preservation, NYS--I~ Old Cove Yacht Club--251 Oliva, Ruth--32,44-Lt5, 6ti, 79,105,249,260 Oliver, Irene--20 Oregon Road Recycling Inc.--291,31u~,329 Orient Fire Department--277 Organizational Meetlng--63-81,279 Orlowskl, Bennett, Jr.--32-33,38-39,59,83,93 Oysterponds Historical Society--427 PBA--36 PEBSCO --407 Page, John E.--271,284 Palast, Greg--82 Pavetec Industrles--325 Parking Areas, LL--301,317 Parking by Permit LL--407 Parking field, public--107,181 Parking permit fees, FI--363,364 Parks & Recreation Committee--270,280 Parks Department-- 176, 211 Parrino, Robert--102 Pasqualina, Russell--253 Payloader-- 129, 136-138, 421 Pay Schedule for Lifeguards and Beach Attendants--182 PECONIC COUNTY--177,196,371 Peconlc Land Trust--80,267 Peconic Properties Management Corp.--37 Pellegrino, Peter P.--328 Penny IV, George L.--49 Permits, Beach--347 Permits, Landfill--23 Permits, Disposal--23 Personnel Assistant, Accounting Department--131,139,200,326 Personnel Commlttee--79,315 Personnel Standing Committee--125 Peters, Willlam--175,182,188 Petty Cash funds--66,104,360 Pirates Cove Marlne--300 Pizzarelli, Peter--414 Planning and Zoning--145,149,373,394 Planning and Zoning Committee--76,130,149,249,373 Planning Board--14, 28, 29,32-33,38-39,59, 69,73,82,83,88, 90,91,92,93,100, 107,109,118,119,130,149,249,293,315,329-330,347,391,423,427 Playground Instructor--223,357 Police Commlttee--76,271,284 Police Departnmnt-- 17,21,29,36, 38, 59-60,205-206,243,247,351-354,364,414 D.A.R.E. Program--53,83,134,222,255,275,277,293,310,327,373 911 Emergency--257 Public Safety Dispatcher--47,56,95.100,109,119,122,125,134,155,271,284 Semlnar--131,141,347 STOP-DWI Program--154 Traffic Control Officers--293,36L[,374,389 Uniforms--29,36 Vehicles--414,418 Policy, Procurement--374,388-389 Policy, Town--216-220,279 Policy, Town Board--131,140-141,149,157,249,258-259,270,279,315,329,395 Porter, Elliot--450 Powerphone Emergency Dispatch--155 PRELIMINARY BUDGET:--I-13 Preservation or Open Space Funds, SC--421 Price, Gordon--323 Prince Henry W.--320 Procurement Policy--374 PROCLAMATION--16,49-52,147,153,313 Promotion Committee, Southold--148 Property, purchase of--118,130,139 Prucell, Mary Jane--38 Public Entertainment & Special Events, LL--346,374,383,392 Public Safety Dispatcher--47,56,88,95,100,109,119,122,125,126,134,155 Public Safety Dispatcher I I I--29,72,271,284 Public Water Supply availability Policy--259 Purdy, Gail--274 Purchase Equipment authorlzatlon--68 Purchase order pollcy--258 Quillan, Michael--Il9,126 R.C.S. Airduct Cleaning, Inc.~-364 RPS Users--18 Rachael's Road. Mattituck--l[[9. 157 Radigan. Diane--[[09 Raico, Irene--107,257 Rambo, James H.--182 Raymond Cleaves Post 861--295 Raymond, Jennifer R.--327 Raynor, John--29,[[7,72.271,284 Reale, Edward--291Records Management Improvement Fund--103-10[[ Records Management--355 Records Management Workshop--253 Recreation Department--28, 38,83, 10[[, 118-119.123, 177,325,357,358,360,395, [[23,L[35 Petty Cash--104 Recreation Center, use of--279 Recreation Instructors--89,154,325 Seminars--133 Summer Employees--223,360,399.426 Recreation Programs--35, 53,89, 100, 118-119, 13[[, 15[[, 177,325 Recreational/Second Home Industry--99 Recycling--99, 115, 148, 159, 176,210,292,37[[ Recycling Coordlnator--2[[8 Recycling Investment Program--271,28[[ Recycling, LL--211,228,261,271,281 Recycling and Salvage Facility--[[7 RED CROSS MONTH--147,153 Reeves, Kenneth--21,83,118,123,133,177 Refund--122, 182,215.323,377 Regional Policy Studies--347,380 Registrar of Vital Statistics--68 Reimbursement--[[26 Reiter, Barbara & others--215 REPORTS: -- Building Department--30,8[[,121,151,213,273,349,397 Community Development--8~,85,133,179,213,273,3[[9,397 Comptroller, NYS--397 Councilmen--85 Disabled Program--121,213.273,349,397 Dog Shelter--52,101,121,151,251,295,3[[9,397 Engineer, Town--3[[9,397 JUSTICES:-- Edwards--84 Evans--213,397 Price--84, 121,151,251 Tedeschi--30.8[[, 121,151,213,273,3[[9,397 Juvenile Aid Bureau Annual Report--151 Lawrence Healthcare CSEA--30, 85.133, 179,251,295,349,397 Lawrence Healthcare PBA--30,85,133, 179,250,295, 3[[9,397 Planning Board--52,8[[, 179.251,295,375 Police Department--52,101,133, 151,251,295.3[[9, [[2[[ Program for Disabled--30,8[[,151 Recreation Deparment--52,84, 121,151,213,295, 3[[9, [[24 Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility--30,8[[, 121,151,251,295,349,397 Summer Showcase Concert Serles--251 Supervisor--85, 213, [[24 Supervisor's Budget--213,251,295.375 Town Clerk's--30,84,121,151,213,3[[9,397 Town Clerk's Annual Report--8[[ Trustees--30,52.84, 85, 133, 179,251. 295,349, [[2[[ Resignatlons--20.86,107,175,181,182,275,296,32[[,356,357,398,427 Restaurants, fast food--23-26, 99, 102, 110-111,118,128,142,1[[9,161 -17[[, 200-202 Resumes--38.75, 88, 106, 122.155.156, 175, 188.211,236, 25[[, 278.327,329-330,356, 358.365,366.398 Retirement System, NYS--117,131,1[[0,25[[.255 Rianhard, Stephen K.--380 Richards, Lynne--269 Richter, James Ridgeway, Rieb, Donald L.--131 Riley, Thomas--155 Ritter, Jane D.--181 Ristuccia, Joe--32,44-[[5, 59-60,99, 11[[ Riverhead Recreation Department--177 Road closure--277,354,377,398,[[27 Road improvements--360-363,423, ~36 Road materials, blds--216 Roads, use of Town~-133,277,278,295,296,35L[,355,~25 Robert TAsker Memorial Park--17-18 Robbery at Collection Center--107 Robins Island--95-96 Rob's Food Service--378 Rogan, Peter--453 Romanelli, John--293 Romeril, Jack--2~8 Roschen, Gall--73 Rosen, Aileen--15~ Rouse, Sylvia--327 Rousseau, Elizabeth Jane--19,73,260,276,277 Rudder, Barbara--19,181,200,301,326,L~26 Rudder, Georgia F.--55,7~ Ruland, Jeanne--18,19,88,129,377,390 Runoff, storm--371 Ruroede, West-- 143- l~t~ Russell, Scott A.--18,83,90,131,1~8 Ryan, Richard C.--121 Sacher, Steven F.--260,275 Safe BTI Mosquito Control Program--322,326 Sakowitz, Klm--253 Salaries--59,182,356 Appointed offlcial--70 Elected officlals--67, 70 Part-time employees--71 Summer Employees--356-357 Salary Increment--131,157,181,183 Salary Guidelines, policy of--157,181,315,329 Sales tax, 1/4%--270,351,358-358-359,[[21 Salt, Bulk--181,u~06 Salvaging, LL--211,226-227,261,271,282-283 Sam Allents Modern Machinery, Inc.--55 Sambach, Warren--[[7, 82 Samuels & Steelman Architects--215 Samuels,Thomas C.--31,82,90-92,99,118,1[[9,213-21[[,2[[5 Samuels, Thomas C., Jr.,--176,2[[9 Sand Mix Asphalt--380,[[26 Sand Spreaders--181 Sand tickets--182,278 Sandy Beach Road--425 Sanitary Code, San Simeon Retirement Community, Inc.--211,229,232-233,302,,33[[,337-338,376, 403,432 Santacroce, Mary L.--7[[,106 Sayre, Catherine McGrath--412 Sayville Ford-- 20, 151,1 Scale Operator--107,121 Scalia, Scavenger Waste Committee--77,79 Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility--Il8,292,307,373 Schelin, Joanne K.--131 Schelln, Roy A.--[[7,82,89,131,254,270,280,37[[ Schelin, Todd--37L~ School Crossing Guards--327,425 Schortemeier, Flaine--156,296 Schriefer, Christine--86 Scoggin, Shelly--165,293 School Crossing Guard--37~ Scopaz, Valerie--118,293,310,315 Scott, Martin--451 Screened Sand-- 106, 13[[ Scroxton, Edward--33 SEA-TOW/SEA-SPI LL--381 Secretary, Confldentlal--6[[ Seidman, Nathan B.--319,326 SEMINARS:- Advanced Local Emergency Teams CA.L.E.R.T.)--119,126 Appraisal of Archival Records--253 Article 78 Proceedlng--10[[ Assisting the Trial Attorney--106 Association of Police Chiefs--3[[7,366 Building Offlcials--131,141 Business Records--19 Career Workshop--426 Cooperative Liquid Asset Securities System--377 D.A.R.E. Officers --131,141,293 Government Finance Officer's--301 Grant Application Review Sesslon--86 Introduction to Mass Appraisal--295 Land Use Maps--88 Main Street Managers Training Instltute--310 Map Info Mapping Software--390 Marine Law Enforcement Tralnlng--155 Neighborhood Commercial Revital~zatlon--293 Northeast Utility dri11--271,28[[ Powerphone Emergency Dispatch--155 RPS Users --18 Records Management Workshop--253 Recreation and Park Society, NYS--133 Recycling Investment Program--271,28[[ Sporting License Issuance--27[[ Worker's Compensation Update--181 Senate Committee on Local Government, NYS--121 Senate Insurance Company--87 Senior Adult Day Care--347 Senior Aide 11--55 Shaffer, Gall--176 Senior Services Program--55 Shahbazlan, Fran--38,357 Shamrock Oyster Company--213 Shamut Bank--65 Shelby, Jonathan D.--366 Shelby, Julie M.--20 Shellfish Advisory Committee--83,102,249 Shellfish Committee, Trustees--260 Shelter Island--121,210 Sherwood, John-- 131,1L~8,157 Shopping Center Development Handbook--130 Shorecrest Acres--423,436 Sidewalks, LL--123-124,127,211,223,224,263,267 Siegmann, Edward--31,33,0,3,0,5-46,158, 171,269 Signature facsimile--65 Signs, illuminated--315,394,422 Signs, Directional--99, 119,130,139 Silawsklas, Debble--171,172 Simchick, Renee D.--366 Simmons, Michelle--20,275 Siolas, John G.--149,211,229,234,302,325,338,376,404-u,05,433 Siolas Tsounis, Catherine--264-265,312-313,325,338,376,404-405,433 Site Evaluation Committee--373 Site Plan Approval, LL--22,34,53,58 Site Selection Commlttee-- 131,141,149, 177, 196, 197,293,348,366, 411-413 Smith, Carolyn--20 Smith, Diane--437 Smith Drive South--425 Smith, Finkelstein, Lundberg, Isler & Yakaboski--54,215 Smith, Henry P.--29,32-33,38-39,50,83,90,91,92 Smithtown, Town of--47 Snow Fence & "T" Posts--181,256 Removal--277 Waste Coordinator --99,107, 117,148, 176,248,271,270,292,314, 421 Waste Hauling & Disposal Services--214,248,254 Waste Disposal Contract--148,210,314,365 Waste District--276,323 Waste Management--29,148,210,270 Waste Management Plan--129,419 Waste Management Plan Update--139 Solid Waste Management Task Force--74,210,346 Sosnowski, Jeanette--107 Sound Beach Drive--18,86 Soundvlew Avenue--410 Southampton Hospital--53 Southampton Town--395 South Harbor Road--342 Southold Commons--29,~2,83,89 Southold Drlve--407 Southold Electric Company--314,367-369,373 Southold Historical Soclety--320-321 Southold Methodist Church--181 Southold Savings Bank--54 SOUTHOLD TOWN COMMITTEES : Indexed on next page. SOUTHOLD TOWN DEPARTMENTS: Indexed on next page. Southold Town Promotion Commlttee--1Lt8 Southold Villas--37,426 Sound Beach Drlve--18 Southampton College Institute for Regional Research--100 Space Management Committee--83 Sparacino, Steven--102 Special Exception, LL--14 Spiro, Melissa--88,390 Sporting License Issuance Seminar--274 Spreaders--256 Springer, Ryan--3Lt6, 351-353,37Lt, 389 St. Agnes Church--47,56 Stack, John--175 Standard Law Enforcement Supply Co.--29 Snow Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Stanley, Ed--L~28 Star Recycling--148 Statewide Recycling, Inc.--270 Steiner, Sally--285 Stenographer, Part-time--1L~9, 155,258,300,301 Stewardship Task Force--28,55, 63, 79-80,82,99, 118, 126,130,149, 176, 195-196, 211,215,249,257,261,315,370.39u~.409,~22,~25 Stony Shore Drlve--423,436 STOP-DWI Program--15L~ Stop Sign--410 Stormwater runoff--371,425 Stove & Stone Ltd.--182 Straussner, Marjorie F.--210,237 Street lights--244-245 Street Sweeper--129,136-138,153 Strip malls--130 Student Intern--86,122 Stype, Andrew D.--390 Stype, John--177 Stype, Valentine--15u, Subdivisions-- 1 Lc9 Aliano Peconic--54 Chardonnay Woods--184 Greenberger, Francls--35 Harbor Park Homes--122 Highpoint at East Marion, Section 111--399 Jem Commons--29, 31,40-41,63, 79-80,100 Jem Realty--29,31,L[O-41,63, 79-80,100 Kontokosta, Emanuel--29,42,83,89 Mooresland--216,222 Shorecrest --423,436 Southold Commons--29,42.83,89 Southold Villas--37,426 Too-Bee Realty--54 West Mill--135 Willow Terrace Farms--399 Wolf Pit Estates--273 Substance Abuse Committee-- 118 SUFFOLK COUNTY:--19,118,130,139,154 Board of Elections--182 Cornell Cooperative Extension Services--268 Department of Planning--211 Department of Public Works--376 District Attorney--64 Drinking Water Protection Program--270,358-359 Executive--154 Farmland Select Committee--293 Office of the Aging--53,122,184,222,354 Park-395 Preservation or Open Space Funds--421 Sanitary Code--2L~9 Water Quality Protection Program--421 Youth Bureau--54,257 Youth Development Delinquency Prevention Program--54 Suffolk County National Bank--65,68,148 Suffolk Life Newspaper--Il7 Suffolk Marine Environmental Learning Center--355 Suffolk Times--66 Suglia, Rosina--54 Sullivan, Reverend John--L[7 Summer employees--223 Summer Fair--398 Summer Intern--315,329-330,374,391,u~27 Superintendent of Highways--67,68,176 Superintendent of Highways, Deputy--67 Supervisor, Deputy--61~ Supervisor's Appointments--64, 76,125,284 Supervisor's Committee--280 Supervisor's Office--75, 86, 88, 122, 148,149, 155, 156 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)--20,222,327,424,427 Survey, 5 Town--Il8 Suskevich, Karen--412, U~L[2 Suter, Justice Martin--279 Swann, Bessie--26 Sweeney, Terry--203 Sweeper, street--129.136-138,153 Szparza Paul--288 SOUTHOLD TOWN DEPARTMENTS:-- Accounting Department--131,139,181,200,270,301.326,377,398, q22,0,26,435 Affordable Housing Program--37 After School Activity Program--28,31,34,38 Animal Shelter--367 Appeals Board--70.70,.82.93-94,100,107, 10,8,149,156,181,211,249,260.315,323, 347,355,0,23 Assessor' s--20.54.69,83.90.107, 131,148, 157,216,295,422 Assessment Review Board--71.259,300.301.422 Attorney, Town--14,64,104 Bay Constable-- 119, 12u~, 150,, 155 Building Department--14, 15, 23,55, 82,100,119,129. 131. 139,141,260,273 Commissioner of Public Works--68,69 Community Development--28, 83,85, 86,422 Community Development Block Grant--20,256,328 Community Services for the Elderly (CSE Day Care Program)--296,350, Department of Public Works--261 Director of Human Services--147 Director of Program Evaluation--83.118,270 Disposal Area--19,23,29,82,99,107,117.121.129,148,154.156,176,188.248.270,314 330.30,6.358-359,373,378,381,394,395.408,409, Ltl0.421. 429 Dog Shelter--o,7,87,269 Employee Assistance Program--220-221 Employee Health Benefit Plan--131.276 Engineer, Town--323 Evening Respite Program--107 Expanded In-Home Services (EISEP)--20,107,10,8,156,257.315.3qT,350,,366,376 Handicapped Recreation--269 Highway Department--35, 55. 106.129,134,136-138,153,155.157,176,181,213,216 222,277,357,398,399,406,410 Human Resource Center--122. 135, 147, 184, 20,8,253,285.347.356,364,366,377.408 0,23,435 Insurance Consultant-- 14,177,355,378 Insurance. Health--87,141,148, 177,211 Insurance policies--19,177 Justice Court--19.73. 260,276-277 Landfill (Disposal Area)--19,23,29,82,99,107,117,121,129,148,154.156,188,310, 330,30,6,358-359,378,381,394,395,408,409,410,429 Latch-Key child care--87,105, 13q Medical Program--22 Nutrition Program--20,47,53,55,56,122,155,211,255,260.275,296,301,322,324 327,30,7,354,366,378-379 Parks Department-- 176,211 Planning Board--14, 28,29,32,32-33,38-39,59-60,69, 73,82,83,88, 90,91,92,93,100 107, 109, 118, 119,130,149,20,9,293,315,315,329-330,347,391,423,427 Police Department-- 17,21,29,36,38,53,59,83,100, 109, 119, 122,125,134,141,155 205-206, 20,3,20,7,20,8,257.271,275,277,293,310,327,347,351-350,, 364,366, 373,374,389,414 Records Management --100,,355 Recreation Department--28, 35, 38, 53,83,89,100, 104, 118-119,123,133. 130,. 150, 325,355,357,358,360,395, 0,23,426,435 Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility--Il8,292,381 Senior Adult Day Care--347 Senior Services Program--55 Solid Waste Coordlnator--99,117,176,210,270,270 Solid Waste Distrlct--276 Superintendent of Highways--68,176 Supervisor's Office--75,86,88,122,148,149,155,156 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)--20,222,327,424,427 Tax Receiver's Office--, 53,54, 68.83.254, 278,284,293,311 Town Board--109,115,117,131 Town Clerk--355 Trustees--83,149,249,315, 30,7,354,365,374,395,422,423,435 Wastewater Disposal Distrlct--221 Youth Services Program--355 SOUTHOLD TOWN COMMITTEES: Agricultural Advisory Committee--248,395 Assessment Review Board--71 Business--79 Code Review Committee--76, 118,270,394,422 Commission on Taxes--83 Commerce & Industry Committee--77 Conservation Advisory Council--28,73.88,100,108,109,293,311 Council of Veterans Affairs--33 Disposal Area--77 Dog Shelter--77,79 East End Economic Institute Advisory Board--119.126 Farmland Preservation--370 Finance Committee--76,374 Finance Committee, Supervisor's--176,188 Fishers Island Harbor Committee--280 Croundwater Resources Committee--83 Harbor Committee, FI--271 Health Insurance Committee--74 Labor Management Committee--74-75 Landmark Preservation Commission--175, 182,188,249, 271,284, 317-321 Land Preservation Committee--74, 105, 106, 121,128.211,260,346,347,356,366,374, 370, 377,390.395.409,414 Legislative Committee--77 Local Tax Committee--315,330,374.377,395,409 Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan--28,38,252 Parks & Recreation Committee--270,280 Personnel Committee--79,125.211,315 Planning & Zoning Committee--76,130.149 Police Commlttee--76,271,284 Site Selection Committee--131,141,149 Solid Waste Management Task Force--74,129 Scavenger Waste Committee--77,79,373 Shellfish Advisory Commlttee--83,102,249 Shellfish Committee, Trustee's--261 Site Evaluation Committee--373 Site Selection Committee-- 131.177, 196- 7,348,366, 411-413 Solid Waste Task Force--210,346 Space Management Committee--83,177 Stewardship Task Force--28,31,55,63,79-80,82,99,118,126,130,149,176,195,211 215,249,257,261,315,370,394,409,422,425 Substance Abuse Committee--Il8 Tax Committee--315,330,374,409-410 Town Hall Office Space Committee--177 Transportation Committee--176,211,236,278,292,315,347,365,374,389 Tree Committee--175,322,324,328 YMCA Site Assistance Commlttee--394.409 Youth Board--28,37,38,75,79,83,112-113,114,115.156 Youth Support Committee--374,390,423 Waterfront Revitalization Citizen's Advisory Committee--74 Table of Use Regulations--127-128 Taking of Fish in Town Waters, LL--37t[ Talgat, Ural--175 Tasker Memorial Park, Robert W.--20,21,35,83,86 Tasker, Susan--375 Taxes, Committee on Local--315,330,37~,377,395,u~og-u~10 Tax Receiver, Deputy--68 Tax Receiver's Office-- 1Lt, 15, 23,36, 53,54, 83, 25L[, 278, 28L[, 293, 311 Telephone installatlon-- 1L[8,156, 28q Terchunian, Aram--/~22 Terkowskl, JoAnn--15u. Terminex pest control--56 Terry, Judith T.--68,75 Terry Lane--3L[2 Thames Shipyard & Repair Co.--223 Thatcher, John--qu~9-q50. L~53, L[53, q55 Theater, movie FI--328 Thlbodeau, Alan-- 72 350th Memorabilia--2Lt9,315 350th Anniversary Journal--2Lt9 Tipping fee charges--103 Toner, Mary Kate--379 Too-Bee Realty--5u, Tour de Cure bicycle ride--133 Tourist Information buildlng--293 Tohill, David--398 Town Board Policies-- 131,157 Town Board Procedures--109,115 Town Clerk--67 Town Hall recycling--1~8,176 Town Hall Office Space Committee--177 Town Clerk--355 Town Clerk, Deputy--67 Town Road, closlng--277,L~27 Town Roads. use of--133,277,278,295,296,35~,355,~26 Townsend,Jr., Joseph L.--79,Lt09 Tractor Trailer Truck--~21 Traffic Control Officer--293,327,3~6,36~,37~ Traffic Survey--18,216 Trailer:-- Grim, Donald--291,31L[,329 Lauber, Joel--291,303 North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc.--12~ TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Accounting & Finance--21 Administration--276 Aging Program--21 Appropriated Fund Balance--57,277 Assessors--56, 105 Bands & Concerts--105 Bay Constable--36,56 Beaches--21,215 Bond Anticipation--106 Building & Grounds--105,125,135,155 Capital Grant--L~07 Capital Reserve--221 Central Copying--105 Central Data--105 Central Garage--135,155,323 Central Data Processing--355 Commissioner Fees--57 Community Development--56 Contingencies-- 1 CSEA Benefits--36 Day Care--87,105, 13~ Direct Payment Contributions--276 Drainage--105, 150, Elizabeth Airport--~07 Engineer--56,105,323 Environmental Control--105 Examining Boards--105 Ferry Repairs--106,125 Ferry Operations-- 106,125 Fire & Police Retirement--21,36,37,5q,56 Garbage Removal & Disposal Charges--105 General Repairs--57 Gifts & Donatlons--53,134,183.222,255,257,275,276,277,280.324,327,328 425 Historian--56 Hospital & Medical Benefits-~36,57,276 Insurance--105,125,276 Interest & Earnings--276 Interfund Transfers Justices--21,56, 105, 125 Juvenile Aide Bureau--21,53,105,13a,,222,255,275,277,280,327 Machinery--57,106 Medical Insurance--135 Medicare Reimburse.--36,276 NYS Retirement--21,36,135 Narcotics Guidance--125 Parks--35,215 Payroll--57 Pollce--56 Programs for the Aging-~56 Public Health--134 Public Safety Communications--21,56,105 Public Works Adm.--56 Recreation Administration--21,105 Refuse & Garbage--lO5,125,276,323,406 Repairs Ferry-57 Safety Inspection--21,36,56,105.216 Serial Bonds--21,36 Sewage Treatment--221 Snow Removal--106,277 Social Securlty--56, 57, t06 Special Recreation Facilities--35 Sport Program--105 Superintendent of Highways--S6 Tax Collectlon--56, 105 Theatre, FI--57,183,328 Traffic Control--105 Transfers to Other Funds--56,57,221 Tree Commlttee--324,328 Town Attorney--36,37,54,125,215,323 Town Board--125,154,257,276,407,407,425 Unemployment Insurance--105.276 Workers Compensation--106 Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs)--79 Transfer Station, Disposal Area--29,82,129,152,156,210,248,292,314 Transfer Station Permit--47,89,131 Transportation Committee--176,211,236,278,292,313,315,3L[7.365,374,389 Transportation Symposium--374,389 Travel authorization--66,106 Travel Expenses--67,426 Tree Committee--175,322,324,328 Trommel screen--394,408 Trustees--83,149,249,315,347, 35Lt, 365,374,395,422,423,435 Trustee's Shellfish Committee--260 Tsounis, Catherine--211,229,234,264-265,302,325,338,376,404-405,433 Tully construction Co.--365 Tuthill, John B.--51 "Twigs for Trash"--378 Twin Forks Office Products--158,177.196 Twomey, Latham, Shea & Kelley--270,291,292,307 Twomey, Thomas--99, 115,291,292,307 Unemployment reimbursement--276 United S Uniforms, PD--29,36 United States Trust Company of New York--88 UNSAFE BUILDINGS:-- Straussner, Estate of Marjorie F.--210,237 Urban, Leona--21 U. S. GOVERNMENT:-- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)--102,356 Emergency Management Agency--a,22 Used vehicles, sale of--379,428 Use Regulations, table--127,128 VanBourgondien, PhJllp--204--206, 2u~3,268,289, L[16 VanBourgondien, Robert--395 Van, Human Resource Center--18L[ Vecchlo, Supervisor Patrick--~7 Vehicles, sale of used--379,~,28 Vending Machine, Disposal Area--2u~8 Vindigni, Salvatore--72 Wachsburger, Freddie--16u,-5,172 Wacker, Ronnie--33,46 Wagner, Mark--118,292Wall, William P.--73 Waiving fees--292,307 Walsh Park Affordable Housing--109 Ward, Richard G.--1~,69,100,107,119 Wasley, Paula--326 Waste Management Institute--148 Waste Watch--210,2~,8,292 Wastewater Disposal District--221 Wastewater Disposal System, FI--28 Waterfront Revitalization Citizen's Advisory Committee--7~ Water Safety Instructors--223,357,360 Water Supply, availability of policy--259 Water Quality Protection Program, SC--1~21 Waterview Drive--425 Webb, Lynne--253 Weiner, Judith--Il7 Wells, Betty--311 Wenczel, Peter--1~09 West Mill--135 Wetland Applications, LL--177,197-8,213,238 Wheel Loader, 3-yard--153 Wickham Creek--53 Wlckham, John--128 Wickham, Thomas H.--72 Wlggin, Merlon E.--175,374,389 Wild Cherry Lane--Lr23,~36 Wilkins, Joyce M.--74 Williams, Ralph--175,188 Willmott, David--Il7 Willow Terrace Farms--399 Wilson, Detective Beth--83, 131,141,293,310,373 Wilson, Bill--100 Wine Industry--99 Wineries LL--211,31~6,371,37L[,381-382 Wolf Pit Assoclates--273 Wolowitz-- 149 Wood, Patricia W.--15,23,36 Workday for elected and appointed officials--251~,255 Worker's Compensation Update Seminar--181 Work Experience Participation--257 Work/Study Student, Policy on--157 World AIDS Day--16 YMCA- -373,391~ YMCA Site Assistance Commlttee--394,409 Yaccarino, Robert-~100,177,314 Yakaboski, Frank--U,7,200,215 Yard Waste Composting--29,3~6,373,378,381 Yard Waste Composting Operation--373 Yehuda Yanay--428 Youth Board--28,37,38, 75, 79,83,112-113,114,115,118-119,130.156,158,159 Youth Bureau, SC--5~,257 Youth Development Delinquency Prevention Program--St[ Youth Exposition--130,148,156,158-159,177,293,311,315,345,347,370 Youth in Town--83,100,112-113,11t[.115,118-119,130,149,158,159 Youth Programs--100, 118-119,130,158 Youth Services Program--355 Youth Support Committee--37u,,390,~23 Yutzler Inc., E. Parker--21 Zabohonski, Annette--109 Zahra, Charles--54,177 Zimonski, Theresa--260 Zink, Paul Lawrence--107,121 Zones-- 100, 158, 176,373 ZONE, Change of: --158,176,245,397,417-418,422,430 Blum, Herman--29,39 Blum, Reynold--29,39 Geier, John & Ano.--211,229,230-231,302,322,325,332,337,376,401,u~O4- Lt05, 431 Jem Commons (Jem Realty)--29,31,40-41 Jem Realty--211,325,336,338,376,405-406,433-434 Kace Realty Co.--211,229,302,325,331,337,376,400,429 Kontokosta, Emanuel--89 LBV Properties--211,231-232,302,325,333,337,376,402,422,431-432 Mohring Enterprises--211,232-233,302,325,334,337-338.376,403,422,432 San Simeon Retirement Community, Inc.--211,232-233,302,325,33u,,337-338 376,403,422,432 Siolas, John C. & Catherine Tsounis--211,302,325,335,338,376,433 Southold Commons--29,42,83,89 Zoning Code--lq,28 Zoning Districts--130,158 Zoning, Hamlet Density--Il8 Zweig, Michael--82