HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 - 1993 June - AprilTOWN BOARD MEETING DATES June 16, 1992 .......... 1 June 30, 1992 .............. . . . 26 July 14, 1992 .......... 38 July 28, 1992 ............. 50 August 5, 1992, Fishers Island .... 68 August 11, 1992 ................ 86 August 25, 1992 ........... 99 September 8, 1992 ........ 112 September 22, 1992 ........... 125 October 1, 1992, Special Meeting ........ 140 October 8, 1992, Special Meeting ....... 141 October 6, 1992 ................ 142 October 20, 1992 ............... 155 October 26, 1992, Special Meeting ....... 174 November 10, 1992 .............. 189 November 19, 1992, Special Meeting ...... 216 November 24, 1992 .............. 232 December 8, 1992 ............ 260 December 22, 1992 ............. 272 January 4, 1993, Organizational Meeting. .293 January 5, 1993 ............ 306 January 19, 1993 ............... 320 February 2, 1993 ........... 339 February 23, 1993 .............. 363 March 9, 1993 ................. 381 March 23, 1993 ............... 400 April 6, 1993 ............ 424 AUDITS June 16, 1992 .................. 2 June 30, 1992 .......... 27 July 14, 1992 .................. 40 July 28, 1992 .......... 52 August 11, 1992 ................ 87 August 25, 1992 ............... 100 September 8, 1992 ......... 113 September 22, 1992 .............. 127 October 6, 1992 ............ 144 October 20, 1992 . November 10, 1992. November 24, 1992. December 8, 1992 ............. 156 .............. 190 ......... 234 ......... 262 December 22, 1992 ............... 273 January 5, 1993 ........ 307 January 19, 1993 ........... 322 February 2, 1993 .............. 341 February 23, 1993 .............. 365 March 9, 1993 .............. 383 March 23, 1993 ................ 402 April 6, 1993 ........... 426 A & P Shopping Center--233,243.306 Accessory Buildings. LL-- Accountant. Senlor--344.396 Account Clerk--51.63 Accounting Department--,372.400,408 Acquisition of land--26,28.35,36.86.101. 134. 137. 145. 154.156,159-163.170. 272 286.320,321.323.329 Adams Associates--165 Advance Fee Check--24.42,59.91.92. 147,385 Advertisement in paper--Il8 Aerographics Corportation--328 Aerial Photographs--306.320.328.346 Affordable Housing--112.189,311. 364.381,396 Affordable Housing Corporation--8 Affordable Housing-LL--112. 189.210-212.239-241. 263.275-278.370-371. 386-387 413-414 Adult Adult Care Center--119.300 Agricultural Advisory Committee-- Agricultural Development Rights Bond--25,59,254.287 Agricultural property tax exemption-o339 Agricultural Rights Program--350 Agway Energy Products--205,357 Airport funding--424 Alarms, LL--272. 284-287. 323. 331-334 Albertson William G.--364 Aldri Associates--86 Alford. Diana--118.287.320.349 Alvah's Lane--lO2 Alzheimer Foundation, LI--9 Amateur Radio Emergency Serv. (ARES)--50.61 American Armoured Foundation. Inc.--59.60,142. 143,152-153.192,233 American Legion Hall:-- Greenport American Legion Hall--59 Griswold-Terry-Glover-- American Lung Association--103 American Red Cross Month--381 Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) coordlnator--91 Anderson. Bruce--51.93,381.396 Andresen, Kyle--33 Andros Patent--364 Angel. Stepen R.--364 Appeals Board--26,88, 101,103,107, 113.116, 119.126, 133.138,142. 143,153. 260,298 298,302 Appointments. Supervisor's--294 Appraisals-- 1.21.30,63.118. 153.154 Arnoff. Harvey A.--117.264.355 Arshamomaque Dairy Farm. Inc.--205 Asphalt Road Material--21.31 Assembly Bill 3390--425.432 Assembly. NYS--145 Assessment Assistant, Senior--344 Assessment Review Board-1.29,51.112. 125,126. 135,136-138,207.260,300.306 321,328.429 Assessor' s--1.58, 267,298. 298, 311,344.372.427 Association of Towns--I,189,233.243.260,267.295.296 Atkinson, Lois--143 Attendance Officers--300 Attorney. Assistant Town--Il7 Attorney. Town--117.355.402.413 Aurre. Greg--22 Authorize payment--93 Audit--143. 391.396 Bar Association, NYS--355 Barrett, Frederick--385 Barszczewski, Jane--129,397 Barszczewski, Jr.. Joseph--129.397 Baxter Sound Estates--130 Bay Constable--236.327.370.402,405 Bay Constable, FI--301 Bayley, Robert T.--363,397 Beach Attendants--21,22.30,31,92, 103 Beach Managers--22.31 Beach Parking Permits--31.237 Beatlemania concert--42 Beckwith Avenue--388 Beebe. Gina--21 Belsten, Robert--300 Benfield. Clifford--86 Benson Contracting. Inc.--134 Berkman, Barry --3,25 Berks. Todd--443 Berms. LL--166.247 Betts. Gait--382 Betty. Carol--309 Betz. Ethel H.--41 BIDS: Asphalt --21 Bay Constable vehicle--327.370.402,405 Diesel Fuel--115.205 Drydocking MV Race Point--131.148 Drydocking MV Munnatawket--327.371 Dump Truck--367.407 Emergency generator system--45. 131.281 Ferry Slip Repairs, FI--406 Gasoline-- 115. 205 Heating Oil--115.205 Household Hazardous Wastes--145.207 Landfill Cover--116. 132. 164 Milk--Il5 Police vehicles--429 Scrap Tires--145. 206 Screened Sand--147. 205 Snow fence--59.104 Tennis Courts. FI--70.142.207 Tractor Loader. Used--241.281 Uniforms. PD--115,206,207 Used Police vehlcles--192.279 Big Apple Bike Trek(BABT)--59 Blados, David A.--116 Blum. Herman--348.349. 425. 433-434 Blum. Reynold--348,349, 425. 433-434 Board of Assessment Review--1.29,51,112.125,126 Board, Town--232.233 Boat ramp-- 130. 283. 308,323 Boats. Docks & Wharves. LL--402,~10-412.427.437-4~0 Bolsseau AVe.--41 Bolter, Gene--263 BOND RESOLUTION--42-45,159-163 Bookkeeper--294 Boom guns--94-97 Booth. Antonia--86.93. 116.267 Bopp. Robert S.--115 Boucher, Thomas--132 Boursiquot. Ange--280 Boursiquot. Barbara--280 Bredemeyer I I I. John--M. 27. 364.424.425 Brick Cove Marina--308.366 Bridgehampton National Bank--294 Brief Respite Program--300 Brinckerhoff, Peter--70 Brisotti. Dan--142 Brown, Karen--125 Browning. Helen--9 Bubb, Peter--309 BUDGET. 1993--217--229 Preliminary--175-188 Tentative-- 140 Building Department--26.27,35.53.,321.355,3§3.364,372 Building Inspector-- Building Officials Association--372.389 Bunchuck. James--91. 143.~60 Burgess. Charles--385 Burke. Stephen--385 Burns, Stephen T.--38.46 Buses. mini--386 CSEA--24, 50,143. 261,401 Calender of Events--339 Calocerinos & Spina--32,125,143 Calverton Jetport--384 CAPPS Booking and Alarm Billing--104 Caracciolo. Emerson-- 145 Cardinale, Alan A.--306 Carlin, Frank--267-259,343-344,358-360,361-362,376,378,403-404.415-418 Carlson, Arthur--232 Cash box, beach attendant's--103 Cashin Associates, P.C.--382 Cassidy, Andrew--30.39.112 Catholic School Week--342 Catterson, James--?4 Certificate of Determination--382 Certiorarl--143 Certiorari proceedlngs--50,63.153.261,267,357 Chardonnay Woods--407 Chemical Pollution Control. Inc.--207 Cherepowich, Jennifer--92 CHIPS-Cons. Local Street and Highway Improve. Prog.-90,148 Church of the Open Door--Il5 Cichanowicz, lll, Frank A.--151 Ciupryk, Mary H.--264 Civil Service--91,118 Civil Service Employees (CSEA) I--24,50,143.261,401 CLAM telephone line--236 Clams, LL--34, 35 Claudio Inc., Willlam--63.153 Clavin. John--81,172.301 Clean Up Week--192.427 Clean Water/Jobs Platform --100.106,107 Clerk. Town--102,104,132,326 Clerk-Typist--425,433 Clerk-Typist, part-time--424.425,431 Clerk Typist, seasonal--267 Clinton Memorial Day Care Center--3?0 Coastal Erosion Appeal--321 Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Law--233 Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review--233 Coastal Erosion Management Permit--405 Cochran, Jean W.--158 CODE BOOK--189,272 Code Zoning, Book--156. 189.209 Collection Center--260 Commerce F, Industry Committee--382,402 Commissioner of Public Works--142,236 Committees. Town Board's Standing--304 Communications Officer--385 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-- 10,94, 119,232. 242-243.300,308.346.396,430 Budget--242-243.347-348.367 Community Development Block Grant Program--10.30.119,170.210 Community Development Funds--142,145,430 Community Service Sentencing Program--156 Community Services for the Elderly Day Care Prog.(CSE)--IO Computer Center, NF Bank--107,113,120,126,134 Confidential Secretary--294 Conklin Street--321 Connecticut National Bank--294 Connell, Allan S.--88 Conservation Advisory Council--129,130,156,189,209,302,345,381,400,401 408 Consultant, wetland--381,396 Conte, Denise--69 Conte. Lena--279 Contract. Employee--24 Conway, George T.--381.401 Conway, John L.--112 Conway, Senior, Police Lieutenant Joseph--104,261 Cook, Stephen A.--389 Cooper, Linda J.--302 Copy Machine--346 Corazzini Asphalts, Inc.--~07 Corazzini & Son. Paul--21 Corazzini Brothers, Inc.--31 Cornell Cooperative Extension--145,326 CORP OF ARMY ENGINEER, Application: Bolton, Gene--263 Brick Cove Marina--308 Department of Public Works,SC--366 Eriksen, Eustace--53 Forman,Errol & Beverly--41 Fudjinskl, Joseph--2?4 Johnson. William--53 Mantione, Joseph--192 Quinn, Alice E.--403 Scott, John G.--101 Scripps. Robert--53 Southold Town--308 Weild, David--28 Costanzo. Robert-~50 Coster, Helen--149,263 Coulter, Margeret F--69,205 Council on Veterans Affairs--263 Country Time Cycle--132 Courtney, Adrian H.--3,25 Court Reporter--301 Cove, The--267 Cramer, Voorhis & Associates--325,348 Crawford, Kevin--1 Creative Retirement Planning. Inc.--99 Credit--[~6 Crenshaw. Calvin W.--28 Cron, Richard J.--63,267,357 Cross, Jim--93 Cross Sound Ferry--155,166,339 Cub Scouts--366 Cushman, Eileen--208 Cushman II, John--294,372,396 Cutchogue Development Corp.--158 Cutchogue Fire Department--10,152 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Society--401 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District--156 Cybulski, Andre Jr.--1.23 D.A.R.E.--51,71,272.287.386,428 D.A.R.E. Day--100,106,114 DArling, Shlrley--21,132 Darrow, Klm--21 Dart, Edward D . --116, 363 Data Entry Operator--70,324,335,364.400.401,408 Day Care --146,325 Deckhands--31.204 Deed of Easement~-233.244 Deferred Compensation Plan--363.382.401.408 Deil, lisa--22,32 Delegates to Association of Towns--;-~95 DeLuna, Evelyn--134 Dennehy. Gerald--38.39 Department of Aging--9,133.2~18 Department of Environmental Conservation--3, 107, 143, 158,274,308,324,339,356 Notice of Complete Application: Betz,Ethel H.--41 Brick Cove Marina--366 Greenport Village--263 McConlogue, Daniel J.--128 Petrilli. Anthony--192 Rumpler, Virginia L.--342 Sebastians Cove--366 Southold Town--323 Swing. John T.--41 Weild III. David--128 Water Authority. SC--~03 Department of Housing and Urban Development--430 Department of Human Resources--164,325 Department of Labor, SC--25,164 Department of Iaw,SC--26 Department of Motor Vehicle--46.47 Department of Public Works, SC--119,366 Department of Transportation N YS--3,28.32,101,102.117. 233,243,263,289-291 402 Depositories--294 Deputy Emergency Preparedness Coordinator--300 Deputy Supervisor--294 Developmentally Disabled--321,328. 385 Development R ights--3.8.59, 101,110. 323,349-350 Dickerson, Betsey--3,25 Dickerson, Chester--3,25 Dickerson, Parker--3.25 Diehl. Richard L.--263 Diesel Fuel, bid for--liS,205 Diffley, Karen--263 Director of Human Services--104, 118,119,164.386 Director of Program Evalution--91,94, 103,107, 112, 113. 125,156,308 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)--325 Disaster Relief Act--308 Disposal Fees. LL~-237-238,263,270 Disposal fee, Scavenger Waste--241 District Attorney, SC--22 Division of Youth NYS--31,401 DOCKO, Inc.--131,208 Dog Shelter--55,155.189,260,266 Doherty, J r., Thomas--300,301 Donald, James C.--116 Doucette, Shirley--309 Doucette. Wilfred--309 Driver's license--349 Droskoski. Chief of Police--261,364 Drum, Henry W.--263 Drydocking MV Munnatawket--327 Drydocking MV Race Polnt--131.148 Dues, association--355,35§ Dues of elected officials--297 Duffy, Darline J.--133 Dump Truck--367,407 Dvirka & Bartilucci--143.401 DWI grant--345 Dzenkowski. Donald--407 Earth Summit--39.51.62 Easement, deed of--233,244 East Coast Mines Ltd.--205 East End Community Services--9.235 East End Insurance Services--21.132 Easter. Mark--385 East West Fire Protection District--260.321,400 Edson. Lewsi--154 Edwards. Raymond W.--145.300 Elizabeth Field. FI--9.10,23, 28,31.117. 125. 143. 146.194.264,282.308.309.324 325. 355.367. 368. 369.385.402,405.424.430-431.434 Emergency Operations Generator--45.131.281 Emergency Preparedness--61 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator--300 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Deputy--300 Employee. policy for--118 Employee recognition--321 Energy Efficiency Month in the Town of Southold--129 Energy Research & DevelopmentoNYS--26 Enforcement of ordinances--125 Engineering Inspector--149.386 Englis. Jr..William--135 Enhanced Public Transportation Network--400 Environmental Consultant--381. 396 Environmental Education Grant--310 Environmental Protection Agency--310.346 Environmantal Trust--1 Eriksen. Eustace--53 Evans, John C.--389 Examination, orthopedic--153 Excavation Permit-- Executive Session--421.422 Exemption. tax- Expanded in-Home Services for the Elderly Prog.(EISEP)-- 300,397.425. 429.432 Facsimile slgnature--295 Falvey Construction Corp.--125 Family Service League. Inc.--22 Farm Appraisals--427 Farmland Preservation ProcJram--118 Farmveu Associates--36B Fast Track Advisory Committee-- 143. 153.189., 232 Fast Track Program--Il2. 143 Faszczeski. Lynelle--22.30 Federal Aviation Ad. FAA--28.117,266 Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds--Il9 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)--308 Fee increment--214,232. 241 Fees waived--107,339.363, Ferguson, Charles--84 Feffer, Christopher--104 Ferreri. Maryann--64-66 Ferry District, FI--29.31 Ferry sllp repairs--406 Fidelity Bond Coverage--189 Finnerty. Colleen--22 Fioravantes. Angela--22,30,61 Fire Coordinator for Disaster Preparedness--301 FIRE DEPARTMENT:- Cutchogue--10. 152 Fishers Island--428 Greenport--400 Southold--24 Fire District Officer's Association, S.T.-- 356 First Baptist Church of Cutchogue--118 First Indemnity of America Insurance Co.--282 First Presbyterian Church--58.88-90 Fiscal Officer--295 Fish and Wildlife Service--126,134 Fish farm--427 Fish, Gary--27,50,53.54,389 FISHERS ISLAND: 99.23.172,232 Bay Constable--301 Boat Ramp--283,308. 323 Elizabeth Field--B. 10.23,28,31.117. 125.,309 324.325.355. 367. 368.369.385.402.405.424,430 -431.434 Emergency Preparedness Coordinators--300 Ferry District--29.31,131,148.204,208.242,266,284,309.327,369.385 389.389-390.406,427.430 Fire Department--428 Garbage & Refuse Dist.--26.126.189,213-214 Harbormaster--301 Metal dump--26.33.143. Mooring Fees LL--200,250-251 New London ferry terminal--430 Sewer District--146 Sewer District Rent LL--199.250 Tennis courts---1.51,70.71. 142. 207. 337 Walsh Park Affordable Housing Program--363,372 Wastewater Disposal System--32.105 Yacht Club--1.23.29 Fisher, Thomas--389 Flader. Thomas--366 Fleischman. Mary Ann--126.143.272,300.321,328,363.381 Fleet Bank--294 Flood Insurance--51.62 FI ynn, Ingeborg--3.4 Forgarty Electric & Refrgeration Co.--143.189,209 Forman. Beverly--41 Forman. Errol--41 Fort Corchaug--232. 253-254.401 Fox. Tom--22,132 Franck, Vicki--22 Freeman. Frank--207 Frey. Noreen--132 Friemann, Sanford--9311 Fudjinskl, Joseph--274 Funds, reimbursted--90 G.T. Power Systems--281 Gada, John--337 Gagen, Mark--90,263 Gallagher, Kira--22 Galvin, Jason--92 Garbage & Refuse Dist.,FI--26,126 Gasoline, Bid for--Il5,205 Gasser. William F. --59,60,142,143.152-153,192,233 Gate Attendant--147 Gate Guard--28.405 General Code Publlshers--272 General Municipal Law--294 General System--42-45 Generator, Emergency--45, 131 Gergela, Joseph--1 Gilles. Nancy--48 Gillisple, Hope T.--118.272.287,287,320,349 Ginsberg, Dan--261 Girards, Richard T.--147 Gladstone, Dan--132 Glew, Claire--302,372 Glock, Inc.--368 Glover, Jr., Leander--93. 301 Goehringer, Gerard--298 Goggins, William C.--232 Gohorel, Jane--~:~!~: Goldsmith, Christine--149,263 Goodale, Richard--233,260 Goodale. William--26 Gorman & Associates--21 Gorman, Michael [:.--21 Governor's Task Force on Coastal Erosion--1 Graseck. Peter--22 Graseck, Stephanie--267 Grathwohl. Edward PO--368 Great Adventure--92 Greenberger, Francis--407.432 Greenport Fire District--400 Greenport Village--38.42,46, 58,260,263,321 Greenport Water Company--425 Grievance hearing--363,401 Grigonis, Jr., Charles--88,101 Groundwater Protection Area--Il2 Groundwater regulations--382. 397 Groundwater Resources Comm.--38.425 Group Study Exchange--381 Gural, Matthew S.--31 Gurriere, Ray--29 Gymnastics --45 HMA Associates--339 Hagerty III. John J.--189.209 Hagny. Jim--50,142 Halsey, John--39 Hansen, Allie M.--147 Harbor Management Plan--1 Harbormaster, FI--301 Harbour Excavation--116 Harris, John S.--263 Harris, Peter--289-291 Harris, Scott L.--295.295,300 Hasbrouck, Emerson--145 Hazardous Waste--145,207 Healey, William, MD--153 Health Care Benefit Plan--309.325 Health Fair--118 Health Insurance Committee--171,303 Heaney, Bernard A.--263 Heaney, Victoria--69,309 Heating/Cooling System--99,105. 142,143,209 Heating Oil, bid for--liS,205 Height Requirements, LL--166-167,196,247-248 Helgesen, John--Il5 Henderson, Joe--73 Henry, Thomas J.--207 Herr & James Associates--424 Herr, Philip--424 Hidden Lake Farms--21,132 Highway Department--31.59.90. 133.192. 205. 241. 264.281. 283.367.403.407.415.416 427.430 Highway Law--264.430 Hilary. Richard C.--,364.400,424.425 Hillman, Russell--158 Hinchey. Assemblyman Maurice--1 Hines. James--22 Hiring of Town Employees--liS.321,328 Historian--86.260'267 Hoch. Richard--385 Holzapfel. John--302 Home Aide Program--207,236,264.300,425 Home Care Week--235 HOME Investment Partnership Program--430 Home Occupation Law--3-8.11-21,41,51,54-58.64-66.93.99 Hoppy's Cleaners. Inc.--206 Horton. Curtis Willlam--384 Horton. David--93.112.164 Horton, Gail--149. 264 Horton. Gerry S.--164 Horton Point Lighthouse--86,93 Hortons Lane--Il2,119 Hotel-Motel Parking Permits. LL-189.192.244-245 Household Hazardous Waste--145 Howe, Elin M.--192 Human Resource Center--107.113.119,120. 126. 145.155. 159-163.170.208 Huntington Town--382 Hurricane Bob--24 Hussie, Alice J.--295 Hydrogeologlcal Study--401 Insurance Broker--388 Insurance Consultant--261. 364 Insurance. Health--93.261. 364 Insurance. Town--99,189.364 Interviews--364,381 Introduction to Income Approach--133 Introduction to Mass Appraisal--58 Investments--295 Isaksen Patricia Ann--408 Island's End Golf Club--22.132 Isler, Frank--382 J & K Trucking & Major Materiels--Il6 Jackowski, Jr., William--428 Jackson, Frances R.--388 Jackson. Jesse H.--388 Jackson, Mary Mulcahy--206,372 Jacobs, Raymond L.--116,142.143,236 J em Commons-- 112.125,321,401 · 424 Jessup, Betty--366 Jetport, Calverton--384 Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS)--164 Jobs Bond Act--125 Johnson, Carl--264 Johnson, Ed--132 Johnson, Robert--22 Johnson, Senator Owen--1 Johnson, William--53 Jones, Martha A.--425,433 Jorling, Commissioner--425 Justice Department--46,145. 301 Justice Training School--145 Juvenile Aide Bureau--243 Kaldor, Elaine, CPA--143,155,391,396 KaIogeras, P. E., E. S. - -99, 105,142. 143 Kapell Real Estate--42 Kaplan. Isaac--263 Kaset, Valerie--22 Kassner, Robert G.--265,320,363 Kassner, Russell R.--102 Kehl, Andrew--124 Kelly, Kathleen--22,30 Kennedy, Mary E.--39 Ketcham, Robert--103 Kettenbeil. Sr., Fred--403 Kibler. Julia L.--35 Kiefer, Myrtle--301 Kiernan, Matt--132 Klos. Sheila--~25,433 Knauff, Robert--385 Kokkinos, Geroge--388 Kontokosta. Emanuel--112. 125.321.401 Kopek, Eleonora-- 132 Kostalas. Tony--321 Kostoulas. Tony--233 Krupski. Jr.. Albert--261.364 Kruszeski. Edward--263 Kuhl. Jr..Senator John--39 Kumelos, Cynthia--158 Kumjian. Claude--371 Labor Management Committee--143,151.303.390 Land Acquisition Bond Anticipation--348 Land Preservation Committee--,303.320 404 Landfill-- 24, 26,28,47.61.91,125,132,145.147, 155,164, 165.206,260,356,382,401 405 Landfill litigatlon--382 Tipping fees-- 156.158, Landfill cover--116.132. 164 Landfill permits--237 Landmark Designation--58.88-90 Landmark Preservation Committee-~363.382.397 Lanier. Ken--71 Latham, Kathleen--435.444 Latham. Steve--74 Laurel Common School--300 Laurel Greenhouses. Inc.--164 Laurel Lake--I,26.86,112.334 · Laurel Lake Property Owners--129 Lawrence Healthcare--,406 Lauer, Charles I.--1 Lease Agreement--22.304.309,388 Leave of absence--402.413 Legal Secretary--302.402.413 Legislative Committee--26.143,382 Legislator, 5C--145 Lemerlin, James--385 Lessard. Victor--26. 142.320.364 Letter of Credit--8.151,156. 165. 170.767 Lettierello. Daniel E.--116 Lewis, Barbara--258 Lewis Tree Service. Inc.--24 Levy. Linda--99.135-136 Life Guards--,61.92 Light. street--31 LILCO 31,145,403 LIONS CLUBS Mattltuck Lions--164 Mattituck Lioness-- 117 Litlgation--26,39.50,142.320.382,418-419.420 Little League--88 Lizewski. Councilman Joseph J,--264 Local Government Officials--Il7 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund--326 LOCAL LAWS: 143,156 Accessory Buildings--149.150, Affordable Housing--189.210-212,239- 413-414 A larms--272. 284-287,323.331-334 Berms--166. 195,235.247 Boats. Docks and Wharves--402.410-412.427,437-440 Clams--34.35 Disposal Fees (LL~--237-238.263.270 Fishers Island Mooring Fees--200.235.250-251 Fishers Island Sewer District Rent--199,235,250 Height Requirements--166-167,196,235.247-248 Hotel-Motel Parking Permits--189,192-193.235.244-245 Landfill tipping fees-- One-Way Streets--265,274,288 Open Storage-- 167-168, 196-197. 235,279-280 Parking--102.115,120 Parking by Permit Only--195.235.247 Peddling & Soliclting--1.23,28,36-37 Permit Fees--201-204.235. 251-253 Prohibited Parking--147. 158.171 Prohibited Uses-- 168-170, 197-199,235. 248-250 Retirment Incentive--,141.158,171.244.263,271 Senior Citizen Exemption-- Setback Requirements--150,193.235.245 Shellfish--401 Tipping Fee--200,251 Signs--150,192.235,246.382 Site Plan Approval--26.51 Special Exception Uses--151.194.235,246 Zoning. Home Occupation-- Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs--1.382.427 LoGrande. Michael--86,321 Lombardi Associates,AR--32,105 Long Island Alzheimer Foundation--9.10~, Long Island Development Center-~192 Long Island Farm Bureau--1.339 Long Island Jewish Medical Center--324 Long Island landfill Law--~25 Long Island Sound Labor/Environment Coalition--106 Long Island Sound Watershed Alliance--100 Long Island Traveler-Watchman--293 Long Pond Estates--156. 170 Lovell Safety Managment Co..Inc.o-261.267 Lowry. Ann--414.441 Lowry. Tom--~42 Lucas Ford--32?,402 Lyburt II, Frank--32 M & M Carting--23.29 Macari, Joseph T.--86,92 MacMurray, Richard--155,339 MacNish, Elizabeth--158 Madison Square Garden--385 Maher. Tom--401 Major Materials-- 164 Malinowski, Steve--83.232 Malvese Equipment Company Inc.--281 Mammography Program--33, 3LI4 Mann, William~-63 Mantione, Joseph--192 Map of Southold Town--310 Maps. aerial--306 Marchese, Len--382 Marine Envrionmental Learning Center--326 Marine Law Enforcement Training School--364,407 Marine Program--326 Maritime Hall of Fame--339 Marissael, Alfonse, 94-97 Markel. Samuel--29,135,136-138 Martin, Alphenic--34,266 Marvin. Valerie--397 Mather Memorial Hospital--93 Martinson, James--263 Matron PD 35 Mattituck Auto Center--233,260 Mattituck Boat Ramp--130 Mattituck Bowling--132 Mattltuck Holding Corp.--28,35.36 Mattituck Lions Club--164 Mattituck Lioness Club--Il7 Mattituck Presbyterian Church--32,116 Mattituck Shopping Center--243 Mazzaferro. Bonnie--263 Medical bills--93.115,208,324.326,406 Meehan, Maureen S.--165 Melchione. David--22 Mellas, PO James--126,135,143,153.174-174 Metal dump FI--26,33,143.189,213.233,337 Meyer, Kimberly--22,61 Michalowski, Phillip W.--339 Mikolajczyk. Zdzislaw--101,368 Milazzo. Angelo--22. 103 Miles, Maddie--24,281 Milk. bid for--liS.205 Miller. Douglas--92 Miller, Lorraine A.--116 Mirabelli, Anthony P.--204 Mitrey, Robert--143 Moody, Jr., Hiram F. --38 Moelius. Madeline L.--8,25 Moelius, Vernon F.--8,25 Moeller, Glen--142 Moeller, Jacqueline B.--158 Mohring Enterprises, Inc.--170 Monsell. Captain George--339 Moore, Edward--385 Moore, Virginia--442 Morano, Joe--401 Morton, Thelma--429 Muir, Robert--274 Mullen. Jr., Wiliam F.--261,309.364 Municipal Outlook--396 Munnatawket. MV--327.371 Murphy. Margaret D.--116 McBride, Frank J.--46,93,366 McCaffery, Thomas--22,132 McCarthy. George A.--163 McCarthy, Thomas--232 McCavara, Jeremy--22 McConlocjue, Daniel J. --128 McCormick, John--129.209 McDonald. Mark--26, 38 McGahan, Douglas M.--1,23 McKeighan-Simpson. Kathleen-158 McKeighan, Venetia--104.118.119,164,308,386 McKiernan, Matthew G.--117 McKnlght, Warren--50 McLaughlin. Karen--309,321,328 McLaughlin, J. Kevin--26.233,260 McMann, James C.--91,94,103,107,112,113,119.125,156,232,264.308,363.364 401 National Environmental Law Center--39,51,62 National Fire Prevention Week--128 National Flood Insurance--51.62 Negative Delaratlon--425 National Small Business Tree Planting Program--324 Nethercott. Joanne--35 New London Ferry Terminal--430 Newspaper, official--293,295 New Suffolk Civic Association--400 New Suffolk Common School--300 New Suffolk Post Office--400 New York City--39 New York Lung Assoc.--59 New York Ranger--91 NEW YORK STATE:-- Affordable Housing Corporation--8 Assembly--384 Assembly Republican Steering Committee--384 Bar Association--355 Department of Envrionmental Conservation--3,41,107. 145. 158. 263.308.324 339,403.427 Department of Motor Vehicles--46.47 Department of Transportation-- 233. 243.263.289-291 402 Disaster Relief Act--308 Division of Youth--31,401 Elderly and Disabled Transportation Program--386 Energy Research & Development --26 Insurance Fund's Safety Group--267 Jobs Bond Act--125 Office of Mental Retardation--164,192.325 Public Service Commission--403 Solid Wastement Management--308 Ways and Means--145 New York Yankees--24 Nickles, John J.--364.369 Nofo Associates--92 Noncarrow, Richard--296 Norkelun, Beverly J.--266,432 Norman E, Klipp Marine Park--45 Northam, Johanna--~,35 Northeast Nurseries--42. 325 Northeast Utilities--385 North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc.--51.63.260,266 North Fork Bank &, Trust Co.-- North Fork Bank Computer Center--,159-163.170 North Fork Bank Development Corp. --92,113 North Fork Catholic School--342 North Fork Early Learning Center--91.142 North Fork Environmental Council--99.135.321 North Fork Housing Alliance--30.155,165.210.370 North Fork Planning Conference--400,424 North Fork Sanitation--46,58.165 North Fork Siding & Window--382 Norton. Ione--385 Notice of Order--101 Nutrition Program--,300.304,308.309.382.386.397.404,432 Office for Women--33,344 Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities--164,192,325 Official newspaper--293,295 O'Donnell, Matthew J.--31 Oliva, Ruth--63,311,323,334-335 One-Way Streets ( LL)--265,274,288 Ongioni, Esq.. Marie--233 Open Space--1 Open Space Funds--35 Open Space Program--Il2 Open Storage, LL--167-168,196-197.279-280 Opportunity and Basic Skills Prog.(JOBS),SC--26 Opposition to leglslation--51.62 Ordinance, enforcement--125 Organizational Meeting--293-305 Orient Point Ferry--155,166 Orlowski, Jr., Bennett-267,401,408.441 Orlowski. Jacy--45 Orthopedic Surgeon--153 Oxford Tire Supply, Inc.--206 Oyster Point Condominiums--267 Pachman. Howard E.--112,125 Parades-- Parking by Permit (LLI--247 Parking. LL--102.11§. 120 Parking permits--31.237 Parkin, J. Stanley--§1.60.364 Parkland--1 Parks & Recreation land--26 Parrott, William--99 Parson. Harris--?6 Pearlstein. Jon--22 Peconic Bay Boulevard--189.321.366 Peconic Bay Estuary--103, 112.119 Peconic Bay Estuary Conference--145 Peconic Properties Management Corp--8 Peconic Homes Corp--92 Peconic Land Trust--39 Peconic Lane Park--154.265.321.329.388.429 Peddling & Soliciting. LL--1,23.28.36-37 Penny IV. George L.--294.300 Perez. Joenne--233. 244 Permit fees L1_--201-204.251.253 Permits--99,237.428 Permits, trailer--213-214,401.407 Perricone. Steve--5.-7. 352 Perrone. Holly--324 Personnnel Committee--364 Personnel Poilicy-- 118.321,328 Peters, William--363,401 Petrauskas. Joseph Wo--116.388 Petrilli, Anthony M.--192 Petrol Stations Ltd.--381.425 Petty Cash--21,295. 386 Pfalzer, Dorothy--69.309 Phillips. Dorothy--4.5,49 Photographs. aerlal--320 Pillis. Amy--30 Pike Street, Mattituck--120 Planning & Zoning Committee--232,260.321,424 Planning Board--,232. 265,267. 298,302.314-320.364,401.408 425.433,434-436.440-446 Playground Instructor--22 Plum Island Ferry Terminal--158 Pocono 500--147 Police Department--35,45.50.51,104, 115. 126,131. 135. 153. 174,192.207,236.261 349.385.38? Emergency Generator System--45. 131.281 Police vehicles--429 Police vehicles, used--192.279 Seminar--51,71. 104. 287,364,368 Policy Decisions--391-396 Policy of Town--liS.353-354.381.401 Policy. Personnel--321 Position created--118 Presbyterian Church--58,88-90 Pressler, Theresa--22 Price. Dr. Helen C.--158 Probe. Luann--397 PROCLAMATION--40,88.106. 128. 129,164.191.235,342.381.384 Prohibited Parking. LL--147. 171 Prohibited Uses. LL--168-170.197~199.248-250 Property acquistion--1,35.59.113. 120,126 Property. Town--364 Proud of our Town--402 Public Employees Benefit Services Corporation (PEBSCOI--363 Public Information meetlng--134 Public Safety Dispatcher--lO4, 115.371,455.433 Public Water Supply--353-354 Pufahl. Lee--22 Pugliese. Ralph-- Pulaski. Lori Co--408 Pulz. John--22 Quaranta Enterprises--427 Qulnn. Alice E.--403 Qu|ntana. Arthur--22 Quintana. Marilyn 8,--69,309 Rabbitt. Thomas--158,272. 284 Race Point. MV--131. 148 Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES)--50.61 Rafferty. Cherry--84 Raynor. Henry E.--189 Raynor. John--50.104.371.385 Reale. Edward--26 Reassurance Program ( RSVP)-- 119 Receiver of Taxes. Deputy--296 Record Management Program-- 102. 104.117. 132, 165.326 Recreation Department--,99, 132. 304,364.385,401.424.425.431, 434-435 Recreation Instructors--59,132 Recreation Programs--21,22,31,42.45,59.91.92, 117. 147 Recycling-38.39.47. 206. 372 Red Cross Month--381 Reeves. Kenneth--1.21.92. 229-230.254-257. 363,401 Refund-- 155, 158, 165. 236.310,428 Regan. Brian--22 Rehabilitation Guidelines--189 Reports Audit Report--88 Building Department- 41,88.115,145. 191.262,307.342.384.426 Community Development-- Councilmen--,235. 262. 274.307,323.366 384.403.427 Developmentally Disabled Rec. Prog.--41.52.101,128.157,262,274,323.366 385.403 Dog Shelter--3.41,88, 115.,427 East End Community Services, Inc.--384 East End Recycling Association--366 Justice Edwards--28.41,101. 128.157.307.323.426 Justice Tedeschi--3,41.88, 115.145,191. 262. 323. 366.384,427 Lawrence Healthcare CSEA--,145,192,262.323.366,384.427 Lawrence Healthcare PBA--3.41,128.,366.384,427 Lighthouse Counseling Center--384 Office of the Engineer--192 Planning Board--88. 128. 145. 192,262.307.342 Police Department--3.88, 128. 157. 235,262,366. 384 Recreation Department--28,52. 101,115. 157.262,307.307 Scavenger Waste Treatment Plant--3., 41,88, 115.157.191. 262. 323. 366,384 426 Supervisor' s--, 101,115, 128. 145.157.192,235. 262,274.307,323 366. 384.403.427 Supervisor's Budget--88.145,235.274.403 Tax Department--41 Town Clerk's--41.88, 115. 145. 191.262.307.323.342.384,426 Trustees--28.52.88. 145. 157.235,274,342,366.403 Wastewater Disposal System, FI--115 Youth Services Community Service Sentencing Prog.--384 Resignation--29,60,102,129.165.205,207,264.309.345.369.389.404 Resumes-- 1,23.26, 29,,207.208.324.345,401.402.404.408.413 424.429.431 Retirement Incentive. LL--99. 105. 115. 122. 141. 171. 244,263. 271 Reynolds. J ames--50.142 Rich, Franklin Overton--154.265.321.329 Richrnond. Albert W. --40.115 Richmond Creek--366 Richmond Shores--282 Richter. James A.--149.386 Ricker. Kenneth--385 Ridgeway. Carol--70 Ridgway. WJllJam C.--99 Risk. G.C.G.--261 Ristuccia. Joe--54.314,376-377.440 Ritter. Jane D.--119 Riverhead Building Supply Corp.--104 Road closure--32.117,428 Roads. use of--24.59,103.116, Robbins. Joan--400 Robin, Scott--382 Robins Island--lO8-110,126,134.443-444 Rogan. Peter--82 Rollinson. Shirley--9 Roschen, Gall--301 Rosen. Don-- 129 Ross. Betty--53 Ross, Denise--406 Ross, Frederick A.--38,39,232,272,320 Rotary Clubs: Greenport--381 Southold--381 Roth, Carl G.--31 Rothman's Department Store--388 Rousseau. Jane--302 Rudder. Barbara--346 Rudder, Georgia--303.325 Rufrano. Carmine--126.165 Rumpler. Virginia L.--342 Russell, Carlton--142 Russell. Joel--424 Russell. Scott A.--1.50.133,261,298,320 Rustuccia, Joseph--314-318 Rysko. Allison--22 Salaries. appointed officials or employees--297.298 Salaries. Beach Attendants. Lifeguards, Managers--22,425,432 Salaries, elected officials--296,298 Salary guidelines--70 Salary increments--69,306,309.385 Salaries, part-time officers & employees--299 Salaries, Recreation--21-22 Salaries. summer employees--22.425,432 Sand Mix Asphalt--31 Santacroce. Jr., Henry--149,158,264 Santacroce. Mary /.--302,402,413 Santagato, Victor--45 Saunders, Sophie T.--146 Sawicki, Frank--94,386 Sawicki. Jr.. Joseph--425 Sayville Ford--402,405.407.429 Scallop, seeds--232 Scavenger Waste Treatment Plant-- 126, 134, 143, 189,232,241,266 Scenic Road Program--424 Schelin, Todd--379 Schmidtchen, Ann--146 Schneider, Myles--158 Schneider, Ralph--22 Schriefer, Christine--102,303 Scopaz-Shaw, Valerie--217 .232.310,320, 442 Scott. John G.--101 Scott Jr., Robert I.--50.58.261,427 Scrap Tires--145 Screened Sand--147. 205 Scripps, Robert K.--53 Scroxton, Edwards--263 Schwindt, Ed--444-445 Sebastians Cove--366 Seed scallops--232 Seminar--51 Americans with dlsabilities--91 Appraisal--58 Armorer Course--368 Building Officials Association--372.389 CAPPS Booking and Alarm Billing--104 DARE--51,71.272,287 Farm Appraisals--427 Fast Track Program--143 Introduction to Income Approach--133 Introduction to Mass Appraisal--58 Justice Training School--145 Local Government Officials--Il7 Marine law Enforcement Training School--364,407 Municipal Outlook--396 Peconic Bay Estuary--103,112,119 Public Safety Dispatcher--371 Tidal Wetlands--103 Workman's Compensation Crlsis--346 Senate Bill 1961--425,432 Senior Accountant--344.372 Senior Adult Care Center--Il9.321 Senior Assessment Assistant--344,372 Senior Citizen Aide II--308,309 Senior Citizen Exemption. LL-- 1,99, 125.320.327,343 Senior Clerk Typist--liS.325 Senior Services--29.104.264 Setback Requirements. LL--150. 193,245 Sewer District, FI--146 Shanks. Jennifer--132 Shellfish. LL--401 Shillo, Thomas--146 Sidlauskas. Debbie--360-361 Sidor. John--93 Sidor, Martin--93.118,339,387 Sidlauskas. Debbie--441 Siegmann. Ed--48.54.99. 124. 125. 216-217,230. 231. 253.254,259,311. 312-318.335 336.375-376,378,434 Sign, LL--150. 193,246. 382 Simicich. Catherine--93. 272. 287. 320. 349-350 Simidor. Vasco--373 Sinclair, Captian William--86.93 Site Plan--126.133 Site Plan Approval, LL--26.51 Site Plan Reviewer--265 Six Flag Great Adventure--92 Smith. Carolyn--69 Smith. Henry P.--261 Smith, Ronald--207 Smith. Samuel--104 Smith. Walter--232 Snow fence--59.104 Soito. Ann Marie--294 Sokel. Robert--300 Solid Waste Coordinator--61,91.206 Solid Waste Management District--1.321.323,325.329-331,351-353.366.374-375 405 -406 Solid Waste Management Facilitles--308 Solid Waste Task Force--125.302.339.357,382 Southold Commons--Il2.125.321,401.424 Soundview Ave.,SId.--120 Southold Fire Department--24 Southold Historical Society--86.93 Southold Little League Assoc.--88 Southold Parent Teachers Association--163 SOUTHOLD TOWN COMMITTEES. on following page SOUTHOLD TOWN DEPARTMENTS, on following page Southold Villas--8.112, 130,386 Spanos Service Station--129 Special Exception Uses. LL--151.194,246 Spectacle Ridge, Inc. --21. 272,287. 320.350 Speed limit--41.263 Spiro, Melissa--112,119 Spitaliere Construction--236 Springer, Ryan--22.263 Stack. John--89,363.403 St. Agnes Church--304 Standard Law Enforcemnt Supply--207 Standley, Doucjlas--116 Stanford. John--385 Stanley. Edwards--279 State Insurance Fund's Safety Group--267 Stepanek. Charles--73 Sterling Cove Condominiums--267 Stewardship Task Force--3,51,60, 10~.. 117, 126.134.232,233. 260.267. 303,306,310 321. 364.369.400,401,424.446 STOP Program--123 Street light--31.236 Striped bass--425.432 Strip store/malls--260 Stulsky. Christine--93 Stulsky. John--93 Sturner. Cynthia C.--345 Stype. Andrew--118 Stype Insurance Acjency--189 Stype. John--99 Stype & Sons. Inc.--99 SUBDIVISIONS:-- Adams Associates-- 165 Baxter Sound Estates--130 Chardonnay Woods--407 Farmveu Associates--369 Greenberger. Francis--407.432 Jem Commons--112. 125,401,424 Long Pond Estates--156.170 Petrol Stations Ltd.--381.425 Richmond Shores--282 Southold Commons-- 112.125,40 !. 424 Southold Villas--8.112. 130.386 Wild Oats--151.267 Woods at Cutchogue. The--134 Substance Abuse Committee--158 SUFFOLK COUNTY:--404.429 Department of Aging--9.10,133,288 Department of Labor--26. 164 Department of Law--26 Department of Public Works--119,366 District Attorney--22 Drinking Water Protection Prog.--92 Fast Track Advisory Committee--143,153,189,232 Fast Track Program--Il2,143 Legislator--145 Office of Women--33.344 STOP-DWI--387 Water Author ity--51.62,86,,403 Youth Bureau--243 Suffolk County National Bank--294 Suffolk Life--50 Sulich, Louis f.--158 Sullivan, George R.--306 Sullivan, John--1 Sumpter. John--207.236 Superintendent of Highways--143 Supervisor--294 Supervisor's Appolntments--294 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP)--9,104.266.300.429 Sweeney, Sister Patricia--342 Swimming Instructors--22.30.31 Swing. John T.--41 Southold Town Committees Agricultural Advisory Committee--,51.93.339,364.424 Board of Assessment Review--1.51 Commerce & Industry Committee--382,402 Conservation Advisory Council--129,,302.345,381.400.401 408 Council on Veterans Affairs--263 Groundwater Resources--38,425 Health Insurance Committee--171.303 Labor Management Committee-- 143.151.303.390 Landmark Preservation Commission--363,382,397 Land Preservation Committee--,232. 272 303.320.404 Legislative Committee--26,143.382 Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan--1.382 Personnel Committee--364 Planning & Zoning Committee--232.260,321.424 Solid Waste Task Force--125.302,357.382 Stewardship Task Force--,,233. 260,267. 303 306.310.321. 364.369.400.401.424 Substance Abuse Committee--168 Town Board's Standing Committees--304 Tree Committee--116. 303 Water Advisory Committee-- Waterfront Revitalization Citizen's Advisory--303 Youth Board--90, 112.126.139. 143.1Ltg. 263-264.272. 282. 284.300.321. 329 363. 398 Youth Bureau--373. 381.409 Youth Conference--373 Southold Town Departments Accounting Department--51.63. ?0.344.400,408 Adult Day Care Center--119. 300. 321. 328 Affordable Housing Program--364,381.396 Appea Is Board--26,88.101,103,107, 113,,138, 142. 143.153 260. 298,302 Assessment Review Board-1 ·29.51.112,125. 126.,429 Assessors--., 133 · 261,267. 298.311,320.344.372.3?2 · 42? Attorney· Assistant Town--Il7 Attorney, Town--liT.402,413 Bay Constable--236.327,370,402.405 Board. Town--232 Brief Respite Program--300 Building Department--26,2?,35.53. 130,233.236.310,321·325.363.364 Clerk. Town--102. 104.132,165 Commissioner of Public Works--142.?36 Community Development-- 10.94, 119,142. 145.170.210, 232. 242-243,300.346 364.367.396,430 Community Services for the Elderly (CSE) Day Care Program--429 Day Care--147.429 Department of Human Resources--164.325 Director of Human Services--104.118,119·164 Director of Program Evaluation--91,94.103.112,113.125.156 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)--325 Dog Shelter--51. 155. 189·260,266 Engineering Inspector--149 Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly IEISEPI-,300 39?.425.429.432 Fire District Officer's Association--356 Health Care Benefit Plan--309·325 Highway Department--,205,241. 264, 281. 283,367.403.407 416.427,430 Historian--86. 260.26? Home Aide Program--207.236,264.300.425 Human Resource Center--107, 113,120. 126.145,155,159-163. 170.208 Insurance Broker--388 Insurance Consultant--261.309,364 Justice Department--46,145,301 Landfill--24,,116.125,132. 145. 147. 155. 164· 165.200.206 237.260.356.381 ·382,401.405,415 Legislative Committee--26,143 Nutrition Program--8,69.266.288,300.304.308.309,382.386.397.404,432 Office for Women--33 Planning Board--I, 112. 126. 129.. 165,232. 265. 267.298.302,314-318. 364,401 408.425,433.434-436.440-446 Police Department--35.45,, 131.135.153, 174.192 236.261.279,281.287,349.364.368.385.387,429 Receiver of Taxes, Deputy--296 Recreation Department-- 147.304 364.385.401.424,425.431,434-435 Rehabilitation Guidelines--189.210 Scavenger Waste Treatment Plant--126,134, 1~,3. 189·232,241.266 Senior Servlces--29,104,264.328 Solid Waste Coordinator--61.91.206,382 Solid Waste Management District--321. 323. 325,329-331,351-353. 366.374-5 405-405 Superintendent of Highways--143 Supplemental Nutrition Prog. ( SNAP ) --9.104,266.300.429.432 Tax Department-- 1,69. 205. 208.279.306. 309 Town Board--153.304 Town Hall--99.105. 142. 143.209 Trustees--27. 261. 346,364.381,382. 396.397,400.404.405,424.425,434-435 Wastewater Disposal District-- Worker's Compensation Insurance--261,267 Youth Services Program--22,300 Talgat, Ural--116 Tarpy. Martin--116 Tax Department-- 1,69.205. 208. 279.306. 309 Tax exemption--1,99,125.320.327.339,343 Tedeschi, Frederick J.--326 Tedeschi, Frederick J.. Jr.--326 Tellez. Thomas--22 Tennis courts, FI--1,51,70,71,142,207,337 Tercentenary items--381 Terkowski, JoAnn--22. 132 Terry, Judith T.--326 Thames Shipyard & Repair Co.--148,371 Thatcher, John--76 Thorp, Francis A.--135 Three hundred Anniversary--381 Tipping fee--38.42,46.58,155. 156,158,165,200,381,382.i251 ~ Tires, scrap--145. 206 Town Attorney--117,355 Town Board meetings--153,233 Town Board's Standing Committees--304 Town Clerk's Office-lO2,104,132,165 Town employees--118 Town Hall--99, 105,142, 143,209 Town emblem--~:~!~;-Ll~5 Tractor Loader, Used--241,281 Traffic Control Officer--32.63 Traffic Light-- 112,119, 123-124,233,243.306 Traffic survey--233. 243,306 Trailer Permits--213-214,401.407 TRAILERS: Barszczewski, Jr.,Jane $ Joseph--129,396 Boursiquot. Ange & Barbara--280 Ciupryk, Mary H.--264 First Baptist Church of Cutchogue--118 Girards, Richard T.--147 Horton, David S.--164 Horton, Gerry S.--164 Laurel Greenhouses. Inc.--164 Martin, Alphenic--34,266 McBride, Frank J.--46,366 McCarthy. George A.--163 Mikolajczyk, Zdzislaw--101,368 Miles, Maddie--24.281 Moeller. Jacqueline--158 Petrauskas, Joseph W.--116,388 Saunders, Sophie T.--146 Sawicki, Frank--94,386 Sidor, Martin--118,387 Tuthill, John C.--9,279 Vanden Bosch. Eugene/Northeast Nurseries--42,325 Vitale. Bruce M.--206 Wolf Pit Nurseries, Inc.--147 Wowak, Thomas--42,310 TRANSFER OF FUNDS:-- Accounting & Finance--282,345 Administration. Contractual Exp.--325 Adult Recreation--147 Appropriated Fund--g0. 148 Assessors--282 Attorneys--284,427 Bay Constable--283,347,372,389 Beaches-- 130,148, 165. 208,242,283 Bond A nticipation--266,348 Brushes & Weeds--209 Capital Grant-Federal Government--242,266.346.347,369.L[20 Central Copying--346 Central Data Processing--9.46 Central Garage--283 Central Mailing & Copying--242 CHIPS Capital Outlay--90,148 Community Development--265. 346 Consolidated Highway Aid--90,148 Data Processing--346 Dock Repairs--29,284,347,427 Drainage--347 Elizabeth Airport-- 148,242.266. 347. 369,430 Engineer--92,283.346 Environmental Control--208. 265. 346.404 Ferry Operations--266,284,347 Ferry Repalrs--29 Funded Deficit--131. 148.165.209 Gifts & Donations--9,206.428 Handicapped Program--283 Historian--242 Hospital & Medical Benefits--325 Insurance--46.92, 148,208,266,284,325 Interest & Earnings--29.90.325 Interfund Loans--29 Interfund Transfers--91,325 Joint Youth Projects--130 Youth Board--282 Justices--282 Juvenile Aide Bureau--206.428 Machinery--283 Medicare Relmbursement--325 Miscellaneous DWI Grant--345 Narcotics Guidance Control--346 New York State Retirement-- Parks & Rec.--45.130 Parks, Contractual Expenses--346 Parks, Equip.--23.33 , Plannlng-- 131,165.283 Police--345,347 Programs for the Aging--9.283 Property Tax--148 Public Health--283 Public Safety--209.283. 347. 369 Public Works--283 Recreation Administration--117,208.283 Retiree & COBRA Contri.--325 Retirement Benefits--209 Safety Inspectlon--209.283 Serial Bonds--91. 242,348 Sewage Treatment--266 Social Security--266 Special Recreation Facilities-- 283.429 Sport Program--147 Superintendent of Highways--283 Supervisor--388 Tax Collection--9. 282. 345.351 Town Attorney--42.131. 148. 282.345. 369 Town Board--liT. 351,404.427 Traffic Control--242. 265,283 Transfers to other funds--345.427 Weeds & Brush--133.149 Unallocated Insurance--42. 131 Travel authorization--295 Travel expenses--296 Traveler Street--388 Traveler-Watchman, LI--293 Tree Cornmittee--116.303 Tri-State Radio Planning Cornmittee--427 Trustees - -27.261. 346. 364.381. 382,396. 397.400.401.404,405.424,425.434-435 Tuthill. John B.--261 Tuthill, John C.--9.279 Tyrer. Eric--442 Umbrella, Senior Home Service--50 Uniforms, PD--115,206,207 United Nations Day--164 Unsafe building--381,401 U. S. Government:-- Community Development Block Grant Funds--Il9 Department of Housing and Urban Development--430 Department of Transportation--10.28 Disaster Relief Act--308 Environmental Protection Agency--310.346 Federal Aviation Ad. FAA--28,117,266 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)--308 Fish & Wildlife Service--126.134 Used Police vehicles--192,279 US/UK Stewardship Task Force--,117,126,134.232,233,260,267,303, 306,310.321.36~,, 369.400,401,424. ~6 VanBourgondien, Philip--418-419 Van Bourgondien. Robert--93 Vanden Bosch, Gene--93,325 Van driver--69,309,397.425 Van Stype & Sons--388 Vending machines--29 Vitale, Bruce M.--206 Volinski, Sarah--45 Wacker. Ronnie-- 107-110.436.443-444 Waive tipping fees--156 Walsh Park Affordable Housing Park. FI--363,372 Ward. Richard G.--298.321 Wards Procjram--321 Wastewater Disposal District--42,143.155.266 Wastewater Disposal System FI--31.105 Wastewater Disposal System,Greenport-- Water Advisory Committee--,261. 382,397 Water Authority. SC--,135. 189,321.353-54.366,400.403 Waterfront Revitalization Citizen's Advisory Committee--303 Ways and Means NYS--145 Weatherization Workshops--145 Weild, David--28. 128 Weinheimer, William--Il2. 135 Wentworth. Lynne--22. 132 Whaling City Dredge & Dock Corp.--430 Whelan. Robert H.--328 Whelan. Robert--321 Wlckham. Thomas H.--356 Wickham Avenue--321 Wieczorek. Vincent--363,401 Wiggin. Merlon--339 Wilcenski. Donald--Il6 Wild Oats--151,267 Wilkins. Joyce M.--303 Wilson. Der. Beth-- Wilson. Jesse--405 Wilton. Richard C.--153 Wineries--424 Winters. Richard A.--30 Wolf Pit Nurseries. Inc.--147 Women's Outreach Network. Inc,--33,344 Woodlea Associates--424 Woods at Cutchogue. The--134 Woodward Day, Fran--191 Workman's Compensation--261. 267 Workman's Compensation Crisi--346 Wowak. Thomas--42. 310 Wunderlich, Terese--22 Wysocki, Rosemary--146 Yacht Club. Fishers Island--1,23,29 Yakaboski, Frank--26.401 Young, James T.--189 Youth Board--90, 149,263- 264.272,282,284,300, 321.328.363,381 398 Youth Bureau. Southold Town--373.381,401.u~09 Youth Bureau, SC--243 Youth Conference--373 Youth Services Program--22.300 Zahra. Charles--148.320.401,418-419.420 Zoning--260 ZONING. change of zone- Blum. Reynold & Herman--348-349,425.433-434 Carlson. Arthur--232 Gasser W.F.. American Armoured Foundation. Inc.--59.60. 142. 143,152-153, 192. 233 Goodale. R ichard--233,260 Jern Commons--Il2.321 Southold Commons-- 112,321 Zoning Code--156. 189,209.321 Zoning, LL Home Occupation-3.4-8.11-