HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 - 1991 July - JuneTOWN BOARD MEETING DATES July 17, 1990 ................... 1 July 31, 1990 ....................... 17 August 8, 1990, Fishers Island ............... 31 August 14, 1990 ..................... 42 August 28, 1990 .................... 55 September 11, 1990 .................... 66 September 25, 1990 ................... 80 October 2, 1990, Tentative Budget ............ 103 October 9, 1990 .................... 107 October 10, 1990, Special Meeting ............ 120 October 23, 1990 ................... 126 October 26, 1990, Preliminary Budget .......... ~47 November 13, 1990 ................... 172 November 14, 1990, Budget for 1991 ............ 194 November 27, 1990 .................... 209 December 11, 1990 .................... 223 December 28, 1990 ................. 256 January 3, 1991, Organizational Meeting ........ 266 January 8, 1991 ..................... 277 January 22, 1991 .................. 287 February 5, 1991 ..................... 302 February 26, 1991 ................... 328 March 12, 1991 ..................... 352 March 26, 1991 ...................... 384 April 9, 1991 ...................... 400 April 23, 1991 ..................... 414 May 7, 1991 ...................... 433 May 21, 1991 ...................... 449 June 4, 1991 ....................... 461 June 18, 1991 ................... 475 AUDIT July 17, 1990 ....................... 2 July 31, 1990 ....................... 18 August 14, 1990 ..................... 44 August 28, 1990 ...................... 57 September 11, 1990 .................... 68 September 25, 1990 ................. 82 October 9, 1990 ................... 108 October 23, 1990 .................... 127 November 13, 1990 .................... 174 November 27, 1990 ................. 210 December 11, 1990 ................... 225 December 28, 1990 .................. 266 January 8, 1991 ..................... 278 January 22, 1991 ..................... 289 February 5, 1991 .................... 304 February 26, 1991 .................... 330 March 12, 1991 ................... 354 March 26, 1991 .................. 386 April 9, 1991 ...................... 401 April 23, 1991 .................... 416 May 7, 1991 ....................... 435 May 21, 1991 ...................... 451 June 4, 1991 ..................... 463 June 18, 1991 ...................... 477 AT&T -- 437 Accessory Buildings .--- 3,210 Accessory Building Setbacks--210,216-~ (LL) -- 256,280,291,305,318-9 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT-- 62,80, 31 ,361,453,467,481 Accurate Industries Model 60 Baler--12~ Adam Associates--214 Adams, Jody--19, 29, 53,449,461 "Adopt a Creek Program"--55 "Adopt a Mile Marker Program=--475 Adult Day Care Program--22,290,294,3E~,419,466 Advance Cash--215,222,238 Advance Fee payment--22,46,47,86,96,1Z9,281,292,308,332,368,388,406,455 Advancement of Funds--274 Advertisement--406 Advocate, Town--I,8 Aerobics Instructor--484 Affordable Housing--55, 64, 81, ~6,172,22'~, 419,467 Affordable Housing District (LL)--171,;.31,258,264 Affordable Housing Program--~34 Affordable Housing Regulations--56 Agway Energy Products--182 _ Airfield Lighting, Elizabeth Eield, FI-- 29 Airport Property Map, Elizabeih Field, FI--129 Alarm Law--~2 Alligood, Thomas--465 Att Island Equipment Corporation--~,55 Ambulance service--44 AMERICAN LEGION: A.R. Grebe, FI--364 ' American Red Cross--384 Angell Stephen--17,111,440 Anglers Road--81,130 APPEALS BOARD ;--I 0,43, 56,6,), 62,72.,1 ~8~210, 218,223,258,270~271,276,287,302,3~. 3, 329,352,375,461 - Appel, Henry--290 Appraisal--43,48,56,62,71,80,95,215,262,308,316 - Archaeological Advisory Committee--83, it0 Architectural Review Board--80,108,173 Arndt, Irene-~478 Arner, Robert--209,412 - Arshamomaque Dairy Farm, lnc,--182 Asphalt Concrete--418,455 Asphalt Road Materials--406,418,438,46~ Asphalt Sand Mix--7 Assembly Bill No, 679--466 AS/400 System Performance Tuning Seminar--467 ASSESSOR'S--1,8,21,63, 133,21 ~,236,270,332,368,436,454,481 Assessor Training Certification--332 Association of Towns--268,276,287,297,;02,344 Association, NYS,SC--273 Attorney, Assistant Town--71,87,95,36c- Attorney, Town--62,71,87,95,~56,470,4~0 Aquaculture--287 Audit--148,181,305 Automobile, use of--268 B.P. Wreckers-- 66,172,173,2{9,210,21~,259 Babcock, Pamela.- 132..260 Babysitting course--455 Bachrack, Shirley--t37 Bagley, Joan--333,454 Bagley, Milton F.~-478 Baglivi, John--450 Ba|ttinger, Anne S.--$8 Bajek, Mary--86 Bald Hi11--456 Baler for Landfill--?3,129,389 Banks, Designated Depositories--267 Barlow Pond-~34,42 Barrett, Frederick C.--238 Barszczewski, Joseph F., Jr.--111,361 Baton Instructor--484 Battery Disposition Services--17,8 Battery, Recycled--420 Bauer' Farms, 1nc.--260,481 Buer, William--260 Bay Constable--352,369,453 Bay Constable, F1--274, 275 Bay Haven Home Owners Asso:iation--L62 Bayley Robert--420 - Bayview Schoolhouse-- 213,22~,I,55, 2 4,230,231 Baxter Prorperty--2 tO Baxter Sound Estates--291 Baxter, William J. Property 2[9,210,215,302 Beach Attendant--21,400,409,[ 19,466-4~7,481 Beach Managers--467 Beach permit-:_17,123., 140 Bear, Joy--43,375,386 Beckwith Avenue--55,455 _ Beebe, Police Sergeant Theodore--485 Beer, Cynthia--80 Bell, Priscilla--87 Benefit Booklet--303,311,329 Bennett, David--465 Benson, Agnor--96 Berryman, Ann--400 Beverage & Diamond--184,187 Bianchi, Charlotte--384 BIDS: Asphalt--406,418,438,455,465 Baler for Landfill--73,129,389 Bay Constable's Boat-~352,q53 Bulkhead Repairs, Klipp Park--390,414,420,466 Bulldozer, repairs--389 Caps for Compactor--45,5~,87 Channel markers, FI--331 Compactor Repairs--309,3~0 Copy Machlne--180 Diesel Fuel--86,183 Drydocking MVRace Point (FI}--33~, Dump truck--46,59,71,180 Gasoline--86, 182 Heating Fuel--t83 IBM copy machine--95 Laboratory Analytical Service--210,236,3t0 Milk--86,182 Outboard motor, sale of--369,400,~ 09,454,480 Pick-up Trucks--281,309 Recyclables, removal of--388,449,457 Sand Asphalt Mix--418 Sand for Landfill--66,73,c~5,182,38~,418 Scrap Metal--86,173,185 Scrap Paper--86,173,210, ~ 16 Scrap Tires--86, 173,185 Screened Sand--131,281,309,438,465 Slurry Seal (FI)--361 Snow Fence--418,454 Steer Skid Loader--406,4," 5 Spreader--183 "T" Posts--418,454,455 Uniforms, PD--86,181,182 Used Police cars--178,388,418 Well drilling--210,236,31 ~ Workboat--369 Bitses, Jim--50,51 Blados, Jane--238,239 BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW:--87,272 Board of Ethics--Il2 Board of Equalization and Assessment--478 Board, Town--71 Board, Town Standing Committees--10?,126 Boat Ramp--331 Boats, Docks & Wharves--1,2724,44,5~,61,124,175,186 BOCES 2 --126,133 Bond Resolutions--87-90,179-'80,233-2!5,242-244,292-294 Booth, Antonia S.--130 Borings, test--421 Bosch, Eugene Vanden--296 Boursiquot, Ange--128,417 Boursiquot, Barbara--128,417 Bouton Services--58,417 Boyce, Mildred--49,55,110,133 Boyd V., Edward J.--112 Bridgehampton National Bank--267,456 Brief Respite Aide--87,112,237 Brief Respite Aide Program--37,112,21~,237,244,260,462 Brookhaven National Laboratory--68 Brookhaven YMCA--59 Brown, Betty--172,403,432,433,441,45(.-469,462 Brown, Margaret--80,423 Brown, Molly--436 Brown, Susan B.--388 Brown Tide Citizen Task Force--68 Browning, Lisa--17 Bruer, Rudolph H.--112,172 Brush, Weeds & Debris (LL)--223, Bubb, Peter--215,311 Budd's Pond Marina--289 BUDGET:--17,117-119,149-17(: Budget 1991--194-208 Budget, Preliminary--149-169 Budget, Tentative--81,103 Budget, Community Development Program--180,214,232-3 Budget, County--210 Budget Modification:-- 6,7,22,45,47,59,71,86,94-5,112,132,133,215-6,2',9,230,23~, 237,244,260,295,3:)8,311,333,364,368,369,418,480,~85 Bug Light--78 BUILDING DEPARTMENT :--1.~, 55,80,2-'3,239,290,291,450,456 Building Officials Conference--21,281 Building Permits--55,80,107,126,173,223,457 Buildings: Design of Exterior Appearance--108 Bulkhead repairs, Klipp Park--390,41q Bulldozer, repair--389 Bunchuck, James--126,223,24D,284,385.440,456 Buoys--352 Burdy, Thomas R.--181 Burke, Francis--17 Burns, Ben--436,452 Burns, Margery--422 Business Work for Southold--449,452 Cablevision--360 Caggiano, Richard~4,84-85, ~23,424, 4Z9-432 Caller ID Service--478 Calocerinos & Spina Engineers--129,45~ Cameron Engineering, P.C.--224,240,~00,441 Cam|nlti, Paul A.--55 Campbell, Brian H.--8,389 Camp Mineola--126 Cappitto, Frank--428 Cardinale, Alan--95 Carlin, Frank--98,176, 189-19', 245,254. 260,321-325,358-9,377,390-392 Carlisle, Laura--389,484 Carnevale, Carmine Mr. & Mrs.--290 Cash, Advance--215,223,238 Cashin Associates--42,63,126,130,147,280,287 Cash Petty--268 Cassidy, Thomas W.--440 CAST (Community Action of Southold Town)--305,464 Catholic Charities--449 Cedar Beach Park Association Waterways Committee--17 Cedarfields Affordable Housing--81,172,184,467 Cellular Telephone Company-~390 Central Data Processing--481 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE:- 329 Greenport- Southold- - 82,450 Mattituck--42,454 Channel Markers (F1)--331 Chemung Supply Corp.--454 Child Protection Services Training--28e Children of the Future --8 Cielatka, Frank--277,283~4,287,303 Cielatka, Sandra--277,283-4,287,303 Cimador, Vosto-=351 Circle Line Statue of Liberty Ferry--2~2 Civiletti, Denise--209 Civil Service--238 Clark, John E.--390 Clark, Shane--465 Clavin, John J.--274 Clean-Up Week-- 175 Clerk, Town--47, 60,80,183,214,239,292 Cterk Typist--47,183,214,238,296 ~- Cleveland-Glover, Frank Gagen Blacksmith Shop--213,229 Coastal Erosion Hazard Act--~i61 Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas--449,484 476 Coastal Erosion Hazard Management Re< ulations--355,384 Cochran, Jean--107,133 Code Enforcement Officials--2~0 Combs-Quarty, PO Jennifer--a~34 Commissioner of Public Works--269 Committee on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse--175 Committee on Coordination & Consolidation of the Bi-County Temporary State Commission--478 Committees, Town Board Standing --27~ Communication System, emergency--352Z,4,277,281,466,438,352,385 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT--47,81,180 209,21q,232,256,258,290,308,35,:,360,406; 414,415,434,469,47S Compactor--45,58,87 Compactor Repairs--309,360 Comptroller's Association--62, ~ 32 Conetta, Anthony--66,223,400 Conference of Solid Waste Man--284 Conklin, Bradley C.--133,262 Connecticut National Bank--26?,456 Connell, Alan--384 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL--17,24,55,95,244,259,271,302·329,352,375, 407,434,440,469 Contract Grievance--133 Construction & Demolition Debris--81 Conte, Denise--8,481 Conway, Joseph Jr.--181 Conway, Sergeant Joseph--111,226 Cooper, Linda J.--271,43~ Cooper, Marion--71 Copy Machine--95,180 Corazzini, Paul & Sons, Inc.--7,4~,455,465 Corby, Dennis K.--43,48~56,62,71 Corchaug, Fort--57,81,82,83,173,210,224,256 Core Watershed--433 Corey Creek Association--3 Cornell Cooperative Extension--288,384,455,484 Cornfields--368 CORP OF ARMY ENGINEERS:--3,1~,58,68,175,417 Corey Creek Association--3 Curran, Sandra & Frank--387 Frisbie, Francis--28~, 331 Galligan, Thomas J.--289 Gordon, Ira--331 Griffo, William--19 Harbor Lights Canal Association--289 New York Telephone Company--387 Plum Island, US Department of Agriculture--19 Rosen, Leonard--478 Sebastian Cove Property Owners Association--3 Tuthill, Lawrence--82 Zeneski, Edmund E.--258 Corwin, Charles M.--290 Corwin, David--418 Corwin, Ray--66 Corwin, Scott Landscaping--338,3~9 Coulter, Margaret--294 Counsel, Special--6,133 Council on Veteran's Affairs--129,~29,262 Country Club Estates--80 County Road 48--419 Court Reporter--275 Coutts, Walter L., Sr.--~l Cove Beach--56, 62,80,96,127,230 Coveleski, Mildred M.--1~9 Cox Lane--172 Cramer & Voorhis--1,172,173,259,~16,329 Create the Right Customer Service Image--95 Creek Closures--452 Cremmers, Bill--55,133,3~5 Cron, Richard J.--133 CROP Committee--211 Cross Sound Ferry--80,1~7,329 CSEA--178 CSEA Employee Benefit F~nd--178 Cuddy, Charles--I, 81,126,329 Cullen(Ruland), Jeanne--71,111,2S ~, 332,417,436,467 Cuomo, Governor Mario--~38 Curran, Frank--387 Curran, Sandra--387 Cushman, John--46,62,80,129,132,417,467 Custodial Contractor--I,9,22 Cutchogue Fire Department--80,13 ,401,412,462 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Society--82,83,406,465 Cutchogue United Methodist Church--83 Damiani, Janice Klipp--478 Danzer, Bob--I 0~ DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)--130,356 Darling, Shirley--389,484 Dart Edward--1, t 5-6, 130, 2:27 -228 Data Entry Operator--361 Data Processing Clerk--296,311,361 Davis, Robert--465 Day Care Program--244,260,3(9 Decentralization Fund Agreement--309 Deep Hole Creek--452 Defeo, Dr. Raymond A.--273 Dennehy, Gerald--22,337 Department of Aging (, SC )- ~ 7, 214, 260, .~ 90,332 Department of Agriculture (US)--19 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CCNSERVATION (DEC):-3;t9,66,175,211,2",6, 305,331,355,369,3~4,452,478,479 Notice of Complete Application:-- Budd's Pond Marine, Inc.--289 Curran, Frank--387 Curran, Sandra--387 'Fishers Island Water Works Corp.--58 Hohn, Harry--403 Hohn, Janet--403 Griffo., William--40: Harbor Lights Canal Association--478 Island's End Gotf--t9 Johnson, Doris--3 LaRosa; Mark--Il0 Lohn, Patrick--387 Mayflower Intern Ltd.--175 Oliveri, Richard--' 10 Patterson, R0bert--279 Pine Neck Rd.--175 Plum Island--58 Savits, Barry--3 Vermalen, Frank Jr.--44 Department of Health, SC--48,256,338 Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)--290 Department of Interior, U.S.--256 Department of Public Works,S,~--42,18~ Department Of Transportation (DOT)--3,44,331,419 Deputy Emergency Preparedness Coorcinator--274 Deputy Receiver of Taxes--273 Devaaka Realty Co., Inc.--31~ Developmental Disabled--388 Dickerson, Chester--231 Dickerson, Parker--231 Diehl, Richard L.--229 Diesel Fuel--86,183,365 Dietrick, Curt--400 Dinizio, James, Jr.--353,375 Director of Senior Services--126,450 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)--215 District Attorney--309 DiVello, John M.--210,449 Division of Equltization and Assessment--364 Dobriner, Scott--126,130,147,173,280 Docko, Inc.--294 Dog, Local Law in Relation to--t12,t40.458,464,473 Dog Obedience--484 Dog Shelter--17,42,49-51,55,99-101, t0~,287,384 Dog Shelter Relocation Committee--lO7,113,126,133,245,287,302,353 Doherty, Thomas Jr.--275 Donnaprea, Corrine--51 Dooley, Francis--21 Doucette, Monica--465 Downs Carriage House--213,2~9 Drainage Easement--364,365 Drama Instructor--484 Dredging--210 Drew Oil Co.--365 Drinking Water Protection Program (SC)--462,469 Driscoll, Justin--465 Driving Instructor--~84 Drive-In Windows, Local Law n Relation to--476 Droskoski, Diane--55,133 Droskoski, Stanley--107,226,228-9,352,375 Drug & Narcotic Investigation~-408 Drum, Henry W.--22~ Duffy, Darlene J.--213,332,368 Duguid, Walter E.--~38 Dump Truck--46,59,71,180 Dvirka & Bartilucci-~66,97,22!,298,352,353,400,433·437 DWI/STOP--480-1 Dzenkowski, Senior Bay Constable Donald--Ill,352,417 Easement, drainage--364,365 Easement, Open Space Conservation-- 31 East End Community Services, Inc.--3~l East End Coordinating Council--450 East End Consortium--388 East End Drug Task Force--q85 East End insurance Service--~84 East End Recycling Association--209,4 2 East End Recycling Cooperative--173,135,223 East End Seaport & Marine Fcundation -329 Eastern Long Island Electronics--466 Eastern Long Island Hospital Auxilliary--478 Eastern Sailing Club, 1nc.--478 Eastern Suffolk School of Music--126 East-West Fire Protection District--173 262,290,299 East Wind Shore Condominium--481 Edson, Lewis--262,316,364,36~ Education, funding--~,lO, 401 Edwards, Justice Raymond--l'l,274 EtSEP (Expanded lnhome Service for the Elderly Program)--22,129,132,215, 260,294,308,332,4(5,418,48 Elizabeth Airfield--21,80,87, ~29,214, 21~ ,238,260,261,262,406,454 Employee's Pay-- 1 Employee, summer--419 Emergency Medical services Communication System--352,438,466 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator-- 74 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Deputy--274 Engineering Inspector--72,131 Environmental Crime Seminars---111 Envrionmental Impact Statement--329,337 Erbst, Les--389, o,84 Ethics in Local Government--8e,95,112 European American Bank--360 Equalization rate--236 Equipment, purchase of--269 Excavation Permit--360 Exemption, Tax--56,62 Exempt Secretary--470 Expenses, Travel--268 Facsimile signature--456 Fagan, Harry--a,75 , Falvey Trucking & Excavating, Inc.--~0,95,291 Family Violence and Orders of Protect on--113 Farmer's Home Administration (FHA)--172,185,209 FARMLAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE :--22,271,329,337,38q, 462,40t. 414, 467,478 Fates, Decia--3 Faucon, Henry B.--210,218 Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds--258 Federal Flood Map Zones--126 Feeney, Margaret--259 Fee, advance payment--22,46,47,86,96 129,281,308,368 FEES:-- Building Permit--80,107 Change of Zone Petition--121 Dog License--112 Permit-T80, 122-124 Trailer--121 Fertig, Barbara C.--420 Ferwerda, Doreen--56,60 Finance Committee-- 276 Fiorvantes, Angela--47 Fire Coordinator for Disaster Prepardness--27q FIRE DEPARTMENT: 303 Cutchogue--80,131, 401, 472, 462 Fishers Island--437 Mattituck--101 Orient---80,438 Southold--5,172 Fire District Officers Association~-80 Fire Lanes (LL)--328,336-7,357,397 Fire Protection District~- 173 First Baptist Church of Cutchogue--1;8,368 Fischer, Robert L.--457 Fischetti, Joseph--107,462,468 Fish, Gary--281 Fisher, Robert L.--450,457 Fisher, Thomas--291 FISHERS ISLAND: American Legion, A.R. Grebe--36'- Bay Constable--274,275 Elizabeth Airfield--21,80, 87,129,2' 4,215,238,260,261,262,291,406,454 Ferry District--60,182,238,260, 29L, 295,296,333,365,407,465 Fire Deparment--437 Garbage & Refuse--t,11,17,66 General--434,439 Generic Environmental lmpact Study, ponds--34,42 Harbormaster--274,275 Mosquito Control--338,462,469 Public Water Supply Study--126 School-- 108,333 School Crossing Guard-- 26 Sewer District--I, 25,60,296,453 Sewer Rents (LL)--t24, t?5,213,23,2- Slurry Seal--361,407 Town Board meeting--31-41 Walsh Park--55,65,180 Waiter Study--210,223 Water Supply--56,126,172 Fishing Program--484 Fleischman, Mary Ann--17,107,274 Fletcher, Linda--389,484 Flint Street, Greenport--240 Flood Map Zone, Federal--126 Floyd Memorial Library--29 Fogarty, John--465 Fohrkolb, Andrew T.--181 Folk Dancing Instructor--484 Food Service Worker--86,279 Fort Corchaug--57,81,82,83,173,210,224,256 Foster, Roderick W.--181 Franklinville Home Properties- 48 Franza's Univeral Scrap Metal, Inc.--173,185 Frisbie, Francis--289,331 Frohnhoefer, Georgia--107 Fuel Oil--86 Fundamentals of Equalization- 368 Funding for Education--40 ,410 Funds, advancement of--274 Furmankiewicz, Sophie--461,475 Gablenz, Monique--2_ _0.9 Gada, A.J.--1,25,60,453 Gaffaga, William Jr.--22 Gajeck, Joanna--126 Galligan, Thomas J.--289 Gannon, Thomas & Sons, Inc.--407 Garbage Information Meeting--1,9,103- ~05, 415,421,434 Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse (LL)--123~124,142-143,172,224 Garbage Tag System--440 Gasoline--86,182 Gasoline, mileage for use of auto--268 Gate Attendant--71 Gate attendant, part time--1~1,260,29~-,310 Gebhardt, Mark--478 GEIS--287 Gelman, Michael--465 Geotexile Engineering Workshop--131 Gergela III, Joseph M.--452 Gilary, Jim--107 Gillooly William--302 Gilvarry, James F.--436 Ginas DelSbie--465 Ginas, James A.--181 Glenn Road--69 Glew, Claire~-258,276,294 _ Glover, Leander Jr.--274 - Goehringer., Gerald--43, 56,27~, 271 Goggins, William C.--287 Golf Instructor--484 Goldsmith Inlet--415 Gotdstein, Warren--t34,138, t~2,328 Goodwin, James--256 Goose Creek-55 Gordon, Frederick E.--41 Gordon, Ira--331 Gould, Jennifer--29 Government Rocords Managerrent Improvement Fund--60,308 Governor's Blue Ribbon Comrnission--L78 Graf, Kermit W.--279 Graseck, Carleen--296,361 Graseck, Peter--80 Graseck, Stephen--t37 Grathwohl, Edward--181 Grathwohl, James F.--82,403 Grathwohl, Richard--20,26 Great Adventure--22 Greene Gregg--287 Greenfield, Richard--107,1131408 Greenfield, Sophie--113,408 Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce--82,450 Greenport Village--1,80, 173,; 62,302,3.~ 9,338,434,467,475 Grey, Jim--172 Grievance, Police Contract-~' 33,41 ~, 4.0,434,439,450 Griffing & Southwick--303 - Griffo, William--19,403 Grigonis, Charles--56 Grim, Donald--81,223,258,273,329,400 Grim, Jeanne M.--223,259,32~,337-8,4)0,408 Guest Landfill Permits--353, ~72-3,388.398-399 Gull Pond Bulkhead-~126,176-177,179-80,242-244,390,414,420 Guns, Boom--12-14,74-6 H.O. Penn Machinecy Co, Inc.--87 Hager-Richter Geoscience, Inc.--437 Hallock Beverly--414 Hallock Currie-Bell House--2'3,229 Halloween parade--Ill HalPs Creek--452 Halsey, John--12?, 463 Hancock, Howard--66 Hannaburry, Joseph--71 Hansen, James Robert--294 Harbor Lights Canal Association--289,~?8 Harbormaster, FI--274 Harper, Robert & Catherine--213,226 .Harrington, Bob--49,52 Harris, John A.--229 Harris, Scott-- 132, 133,230,2~-6,266,274,333 Haugland, Harold--465 Hawkins, Mark A.--4t8 Hazard Communication/Worker Right-to-Know--126,133 Hazardous Waste, Inactive--4'56,478 Heacock, Eric--436 Heagy, bahia--465 Health Insurance Committee--275 Heaney, Bernard A.--229 Heaney, Victoria--294 Heating Fuel--183 Henderson Daniel-~465 Henderson III, William--465 Hendm'son IV, Wittiam--~65 Henry, Thomas Joseph--87 Hensen, Eugene--465 Hidden Lake Farms--484 Highway Abandoned-~ 131 Highway dedication-- 180 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:- AsphaIt--7,438,455 Dump Truck--46,71,180 Fall Clean-Up--175 General--48,81,215,222,223,236,2~8,290,455,466 Highway Specifications--218 Leave of Absence--59 Loader--455 Sand Mix Asphalt--7,455 Screened Sand--131 Slurry Seal--364 Snow Fence--454 Spreader--183 Truck, pick-up--309 Highway .Improvements--236 Highway Law--436,466 Highway, Restricted-3 Highway Specifications--I, 210,218 Hllary, Dick--107 Hills, Edgar--6 Hippie, Susan--464 Hobart, Peter--465 Hohn, Harry C.--403 Hohn, Janet--403 Holzpfel, John--24,55,440 Home Aide--311 Home Improvement--360,406 Homeless Prevention--355 Home Occupation Law--303,32~,365-6,4)1,403-404,421-432,433,436,441-447,459, ~[61-2,476 Hoppe, Charles W.--464 Hoppy's Cleaners & Laundry Inc.--181 Horseback lessons--484 Horton, Curtis--80,281 Horton, David S.--130,409 Horton, Gerry S.--130,409 Horton's Lane--419 Horton's Point Lighthouse--213,226 Hotel & Motel Uses (LL)--434,476 Household Battery Disposal--178 Houses of Southold, The First 350 Years--17,25,43,80,353 Human Resources Center--415,433,~39 Huntington Arts Council--309,389 Hu, Song--294,481 Hussey, Alice--83,227 Hydrologic Investigative Work Plan--210,216-17,223,233-236,310,400,433,437 IBM Copy Machine--95~332 IBM Seminar--71,111,417 Ice Capades--8J~ Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site Remedial Program--456,478 Increment, salary--295 Indemnification Agreement--438 Indian Neck Lane--t31,414,461 Information Meeting--103,105,415,421,~134,462 Insurance--209,303 Insurance Consultant--46,129~303,454 Insurance, Town Health--46,~09,287,2~J7 Intellipath II Digital Centrex--281 Introduction to Income Approach--21 Introduction to Land Appraisal--21 Isaacs, Bruce--135-137 Island End Golf & Country Club--19, ~-84 Isler, Frank A.--224,385,433 Iwascezko, Marta--469 Jackson Frances R.~--455 Jackson, Jesse H.--455 Jackson, Mary--299 Jacobs, Raymond L.--130 Jakevic, Huette--59 Jarosz, William--210,218 Javaheri, John--80 Jems Commons--173,303,316,329,364,4(5 Jessup, Betty--428 Jester, Dorothy--4$2 Jiminez, Lori--86 Johnson, Andrew--127 Johnson, Doris--3 Junk Yard Permit--256 Justice Training School--111 Juvenile, Aid Bureau Grant--~ 84 K & R Marine Construction Inc.--466 Kaldor, E. F.--148,181,305 Kasner, Robert--263,389 Kay Dee Estates--405 Keating, Timothy--465 Keene, Robert--384 Keith, Robert--440 Kelling, Barbara--403 Kenny's Beach--415 Kenny's Beach Shoreline Erosion Control Committee--107,114 Kitchen Aides--86 Kiefer, Myrtle--275 Kiernan, Matthew--62,369 Kieselyak, Sheri--328,329,353 King, Gregory--8 Klipp, Jason E.--59 Klipp Park, bulkheading--126,176-177~179-180,242-244,390,414,420,466 Kontokosta, Emanuel--173,316,353,364,~05 Kopek, Eleanora--389 Kopij, Henry--465 Kowalski, Karen--262,287,296 Kowatski, Linda--tO, 72 Kowalski, Robert--262,287,296 Krause Road, Mattituck--97 Kraus, William--60 Krupski, Albert--353 Krupski, John P., 1nc.--71 Kujawski, Frank Jr.--173 Kumelos, Cynthia--133 Laboratory Analytical Services--210,217,233-6 Labor Management Committee--275 Lakeland Communications--46( LAND FILL: Baler--129 Battery Removal--178,415 Bids--45,58,389 Gate Attendents--71,181,230,294,310,390 General--87,81,173,187-9,; 10,277,3~2,303,337,338,353,389,385,415,421,434 Hydrogeological Study--233-36,310,421,433 Landfill Law--184-5,209,224, 230,245,433,439,452,459 Permits-- 147,353 Property, buying --1,43,58 Sand--66,73,92-93,95,309,388,418 Scale Operator--72 Tire Removal--173 Landfill Closure Grant Regulations Workshop--47 Landfill Committee--276 Landfill Law--184-5,209,224,230,245,4~3,439,452,459 Landfill Permit Fees (LL)--122-123,14'-142,147,312,353,388 Landmark Designation--213,2-~7,229 Landmark Preservation Commission--1;, 25,43,80,229,353,375,387, 401,414,420, 467,478 La Rosa, Mark--t tO Larro, Jim--52 Larsen, Eric-~450 Larsen, Sue--433,449,457,476,482 Latham, G. Ritchie Jr.--375 Latson, Ellen M.--72,133 Latson, Steve--143~144 ~ Laurel Common School, Superintendent--273 Laurel Information Booth--55,60 Laurel Lake--173,223,462,469 Lawrence Healthcare--46,209,287,297, ;29 League of Woman Voters, Riverhead-Southotd--80 Lease Agreement--309,333,39e, 455,462 Leave of Absence--59 Legislative Committee--173 Legislature S.C.--56 Legislature, NYS--410 Lehman, Helen--294,389 Lessardr Victor-~ 19,21 ,.80,223,302,450 Lessee Landfill Permits--312-313,331,332,339-340 Letteriello, Daniel E.--130 Letter of Credit--95,214 Letter of Election--281 Libraries, funding--17,29 License fees, dog--112 Lifeguard--47~ 400,409, 419,465,480 Lifeguard Course--406 Lighting & Obstruction Removal, Elizabeth Airport, FI--238 Light, street--130,81,414,43q,449 LILCO Tower, Jamesport--433 Litagation--6,108,127,209,224,229,245, ~15,434,435,450,461 Local Government Cosolidation--478 Local Government Records Managemenl Improvement Fund--60,308 LOCAL LAWS:-- Accessory Buildings--3,210,217-8,=56,280,291,318-9 Affordable Housing District--171,211,258,264 Alarm Law--42 Boats, Docks & Wharfs--1,22-24,4L,55,60 Brush, Weeds & Debris--~23 Building Department fees--223 Coastal Erosion Hazard Area--476,-84 Dogs, in Relation to--112,140,458 Dog Prossecution--483,473 Drive-In Windows--476 Farmland Preservation Committee--384, 478, 486 Fire Lanes--328,336-7,367,388,397 Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse--123,142,172,224 Guest Landfill Permits--353,37~-373,388,398-399 Home Occupation--303,365-6,4£1,415,421,434,328,433,476 Hotel & Motel Use-434,476 Landfill Permits--141-2,302,31~-3,331 Lessee landfill Permits--302,3'2-3,331,339-340 Mooring Permit fees (FI)--124,175,186 Off Street Parking--328,335,3~-6-7,366-7,388,396 Open Space Committee--384,47~.,486 Open Storage--328,36?,388 Parking at Beaches--140 Parking Regulations--183,211,~19 · Peddling--I, 121,140,303,313-3' 6,331,340-343 Permit Fees--122-124,302 Recyling--209,223,24S-247,258,281-283,290,305-307 Removal of Excess Tap Soil--4~6,482 Sewer Rent (F1)--124,175,213 Shellfish--45,56,141, ~ 23,240,2~8,264,458,464,473 Sign Regulation--483- 484 Subdivision of Land--420 Unsafe Building-~328~352,369-!72,388,393-6 Use Regulations-~9, 1~,27 Vehicles & Traffi¢--8~19,26-27 72,97 Zone Petition Fees--134,175~1~ Zoning Applications--120_121,~8_9,212_3,226 Zoning Use Regulations--434 Local Waterfront Revitalization Program--42,63,126,130,147,173,280.287,462 Lohn, Patrick--387 Lombardi Associates--1,453 Lombardi, Phyllis--294, 30 ~ Londregan, Jeffrey--465 Long Island Farm Bureau--452 Long Island Groundwater--407 Long Island Park Commission--173 Long Island Railroad--211,464 Long Island Recreation, Parks & Leisure--305 Long Island Sound Study--289 Long Island Watchman-Traveler--2~8 Long Meadow Estates--23£ Long Pond Estates--112,1~8 Long, Robert--83 Lorimer, Lynne--224,353,385 Loucka, Bruce--24,440 Lucas Ford Lincoln Mercury, Inc.--71 Luce, Peter--80 Luther's Road, Mattituck--108 Lyme Disease--68 Lynch, Kevin--107. 133.3~ 6 MacMurray, Richard--lO7 MacNish, Elizabeth--133 Magill, Richard--172 Mahar, Richard--465 Mahner, Tom--223,433 Major Materials, Riverhead--'31 Malinauskas, Alice--42,55,245 Mammography Van--438 Managining & Protecting LI Estuaries--469 Manno Uniform & Security Equipment Corp.--181-182 Mann, Russell--I, 81,111,126,329 Marczewski,. Water--172 Marioo Manor Property Owners Association--478 MarissaeL, Alfonse--12-13,74-5 Marletti, Aldo--42 Martinet, Jeanne--68 Marshall, Anthony J.--58,417 ' Marsha It, Robert-- t 26, 173 Mason, James--303,329,337 Massar, Joseph--181 Mattituck Chamber of Commerce--42,4~4 Mattltuck - Cutchogue School--436 Mattituck Fire Department--1 Mattituck High School--438 Mattituck Inlet park--256 Mattituck Park District--331 Mattituck Presbyterian Church--24 Mattituck Sanitation--210,449 Mattituck Youth Activities~-172 Maus, Robert--17 Meehan, Maureen--47,214. 292 Mercury Refining Co. (MERECO)--178 Meuse, Pamela-~22,72 Metal, Scrap--86,173,185 Metro One--224,352-3,385 Metropolitan Suburban Bus Authority--305 Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)--211,305 Middle Farms Pond--34,42 Mikolajczyk, Zdzislaw--46,331 Mileage, gasoline--268 Miles, Maddie--181,464 Milk for Nutrition Center--8G, 182 Mills & Co., William J .--446, 452 Mills III, William J. (Jamie)--449,452 Miner, Frederick--8 Model Subdivision Regulations--421 Moeller, Glenn--209 Moeller, Jacqueline B.--178,389,407 Mohring Enterprises, Inc.--178 Monsell, James I.--479 Montecalvo Inc., John T.--455 Mooney-Getoff, Mary--389 Moore, Thomas House--213,229 Moore, William--66 Mooring Permit Fees--124,186 Moran, Christopher--294 Moroney, Kevin--465 Morris, Douglas--172 Morton, Thelma--294 Mosquito Control { FI )--338,4-~2 Mount Beulah Acres--303,316 Mudd, Stephen--7 Muir, Robert F.--478 Mullen & McCaffery--401,412 Mullen Motors, Inc.--309 Mullen, William F., Jr.--46,129,303,4".'4 Munnatawket, MV--182,365 Murphy, Margaret D.--42,13e,389 McBride, Frank J.--~24,71,31(] McCaffery, Robert--310 McCarthy, George A.--113,407 McCarthy, Thomas--303 McCormick, John--181,440 McDonald, Kevin--68 McDonald, Mark--55,56,440 McDonald's--84-5,134-139,328. 329 McGahan, Douglas M.--485 McGinley, John--465 McGoldrick, Neil--387 Mclver, Lori--45 McKeighan-Simpson, Kathleen--22,133 McKeighan, Venetia--126,450,462 McMahon, James C.--47,107,209,469,479 McMann, Thomas--384 McNeil, Karen--215,244,290 Nassau-Suffolk Regional Emergency Medcal Services Council--44,355 National Estuary Program--224,241,28~,298,299,302,353,374 National Guard--1 National Historic Landmark--~24,256 Netlen, Maxine H.--484 Neted of America, Ltd.--284 Neuman, Todd--21 Neville, Elizabeth A.--368 New Jersey Estuary Program--72 Newspapers Official--268 New Suffolk Common School, Superintendent--273 New York Islanders--46 New York Knicks--96 New York Mets--280,308 New York-New Jersey Estuary Program--55 NEW YORK STATE: Assembly--417 Assembly Task Force--355 Association--273 Board of Equalization and Assessment--478 Committee on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse--175 Council on the Arts--l~-6 Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)--3,19,44,58,1'0,175,21 , 226,305,311,355,384,387,452,478,479 Division of Equalization and Assessment--364 Department of Transportation (DOT)--3,44,331,419 Land Institute--279 Legislature--410 Office of Mental Health--17 - Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation--256,453 Racing and wagering--~17 Shellfish Advisory Cormnittee (EEC)--479 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management--244 New York Telephone--387,478 New York Tire Recycling Co.--173,185 Nickerson, Richard--465 Nickles, John--255 Niedojadlo, Richard--~,65 Noncarrow, Richard--273 Noman E. Ktipp Marine Park--126 Norstar Bank--267,456 Northam, Johanna--250,285,359,389 Northeast Nurseries--6,296 North Fork Animal Welfare League--i7,~2,49-51,55,98-100 North Fork Bank & Trust Company--2~;7,456 North Fork Early Learning Center--20~ North Fork Environmental Council-- !u,5.172,328,433,459,462 North Fork Housing Alliance, Inc.--20<.,223,240,406,414,419 North Fork Planning Conference--107,Z87,475 North Fork Run and Ride Biathion--30~ Novit, Mary--290 NUTRITION PROGRAM :--7,45.72,86,126,132,209,232,244,260,279,290,3(2,368, /118,480 Nytest Environmental Inc.--310 Oaklawn Avenue--219 Oak Street Recycling Corp.--~108 Oak Street Trucking, Inc.--182,408,411~ Obenauer, Laura--450,454 Obstruction Removal & Lighting Project Fishers Island Elizabeth Airport--21,80~ 87,291 Office of Aging (SC)~-7,214,3~8 Office of Cultural Affairs--126 Office of Handicapped Services (SC~1--L78 Office of Mental Health--17 Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation--256,453 Off Street Parking (LL)--328,335·366-7~388,483 Old Bayview School House--1,35,214,23~,213,229, 231 Old Westbury Gardens--47 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck--97 Oliveri, Richard--t t0 Oliveto, Frank--71 O'Neill, Arthur--53,54 Ongioni, Marie--356-7 Open Space/Farmland Funds--17,83,84,~7-93,440 Open Space Committee--21,308.384,414,421,439,440,462,463,476,478,485.486,488 Open Space Conservation Easement--13 Open Storage (LL-)--328,336,337,367,38~ Order of Consent--47 Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force--485 Orient Association--80 Orient Fire Department--80,43~, Orlowski, Bennett, Jr.--270,3~3,384 Orr-Novak, Victoria--~65 Outboard motor, sale of--369,400,409,4~4,480 Oysterponds Historical Society lnc.--3~J Paley, Kathleen--191-2 Pandolfi, Dick--350 Pankiewicz, Susan--465 Parades--5, 111,131 Parish Outreach--449 Parking at Beaches Fee--140 Parking field--455 Parking Regulation (LL)--183,211,219 Parkin, Stardey--461 Parks, Beaches, & Recreation Committee--276 Patterson, Rober t--279 Pavetec Industries--438 Payment, Advance Fee--22,46,47,86,96 -129,368,388 PBA--127,133,229,414,420,434,439,450 Peconic Bay Estuary--68,224,240-1,288 353,374 Peconic Land Trust--56,62,80,96,127,131,463 Peddling--I, 121,140 Peddling, Soliciting [LL)--303.313-16,3_31,340-343 Pell, William--5,48,73,74,99,22D,251-252,414,475 Pellicane, Richard Esq.--328,~53 Penn Machinery Co., Inc. H.O.--87,36~ Penny, George L. IV--267,27a Perkins Richard--480 Permit Beach--17, t40 Permit Building--55,80,107, I; 6,173 Permit Fees--80 - Permit Landfill--141 Permit Landfill Seasonal Lessee--302,339-340 Permit Nationwide--19 Permit Shellfish--141 Permit Special--450 Permit Yard Sale--21 Perrone, Holly--215 Personnel Committee--276 Peters, William--43,83 Peters Way--180 Petrauskas, Joseph W.--71,36e Petrauskas, Mary H. Ciupryk--236,479 Petrol Stations Ltd.--364 Petty Cash Fund--268,481 Pfluger, Eisa--172 Pfluger, Rober t--43,66, 108, 172,209 Phillips, Dorothy--68,253-254,421-422, ~q5,462 Piancenza, John--465 Pick-Up Truck--281 Planner Trainee--237,263 PLANNING & ZONING COMMI'TTEE--172,173,210,288,276,328,353,385 PLANNING BOARD--55,108,12~,215,237.263,270,275,279,316,329,352,375,384, 389,415,420,421 Playground Instructor--419,467 Plum Island--19,58 Pocono 500 NASCAR--292 Police Commissioner--266 Police Committee--276 POLICE DEPARTMENT:-- Appointments--226,390 Communications System--277,281, ~52-4,385,466 Emergency Communication--438,352,466 General--59,80,239,375,412,475,48,:1,485 Grievance, Police contract--133,4'4,420,434,439,450 Intellipath 11--281 PBA--127,133,229,414,420,434,439_450 Radio Transmissions--262 Retirement-- 181,219 Seminars--130,408 Sergeants--390 Uniforms, cleaning--86,181 Uniforms, purchase of--S6,181 Used Cars--178,388,418,441 Politics & Economics of Environmental Control on LI--71 Port of Egypt--453 Postal Service, U.S.--289 Presbyterian Church, Mattituck--24 Preservation or Open Space funds--I,8,440 Price, Dr. Helen C.--133 PRO-ARREST POLlCY--352~361-3,388 Proclamation--41,67,212,22~,241,384~ 387,452 Property, purchase of--22L,287,292-4,296 Proud, Helen--80 Prusnowski, Victor--277 Przyborowski, John--129 Public Safety Dispatcher--465,481 Public Water Supply Study (FI)--12~ Pudge Corp--59 Quartroche, Edna--4 Quarty-Combs, PO Jennifer--4~4 Quintana, Marilyn--294 R & L Well Drilling--310,437 Rabbittt, Thomas-133 Race Point, MV--33, :365, 407 Radio City Music Ha11--332 Radio Transmission--1 t2 Ramp, Boat--331 Rand, Charles--107 Rast, Gall--8 Raynor, John--224 Reale, Edward--209 Reappointments--434 RECEIVER OF TAXES, Deput~--273 Recreational Boating Safety Project Agreement--453 Recreation and Park Society Conference~--310 RECREATION DEPARTMENT:-- 1,9,22,46,47,59,86,95,96,184,256,281,2~2,305,30~, 3t0,332,~:89,406~434,455,481,484 Recreation Grant--184 Recreation, Parks & Leisure Services Association, Lt--3~)5 Recyclables, removal of--388,L49,457 Recycled Household batteries--415,420 Recycled Paper--256 Recycling--19,172,173,185,209~223,290, 2:23,290,303,389,436 Recycling & Salvage Facility--329,337,~100,408-9 RECYCLING (LL)--209,223,245-247,258, ~81-283,305-7 Recycling Manager--401 Red Cross~-384,406 Red Cross K~onth~-384 Reeves, Kenneth--59,129,305,310,332,~06 REFUND :--2t, ~0,9~, t07, ~ 2~, 1 ~2,210.2 t~, 290,329,353,3~4,4t 9, ~$0,45? Regional General Permit--3 Regional Waste Management Authority--329 Remkus, Tisha--478 Removal of Excess Topsoil--47~,482 REPORT :-- Audit--477 Building Department--1'0,17~,22~,279,305,355,403,436,464 Building Inspector--44,68,355 Cablevision--3,18, 66 · 12~1~ 226,258 Clerk's, Town--3,44,68~110,174,~26,279,305,355,403,436,477 Community Development--6$~ 174~,77 Councilman's--3, 18,58,82.110,12~,175,211,226,258,279,305,331,35~,403, 4t6,436,4~2,464,47~ Developmentally Disabled Program--387 Disabled Recreation--451,47~3 Dog Shelter--44,66,110,226,279,:~55,403,436,464 East End Recycling--3 Farmland Preservation--3 Financial Update--355 Fishers Island Annual Financial Report~-3 Fishers Island Civic Association--279 Fishers Island Ferry District--4~4 Fishers Island Wastewater Disposal System--226 Historian--331 Investment Activity--3,110 Justice :-- Edwards--3,44,68, 17~,226,305,330,436,477 Price --68,128,258,330,355,38~,436,355,387,403,477 Tedeschi--3,44,68, 110,174,22~, 279,304,330,355,403,451,477 Juvenile Aid Bureau--355 Lawrence Heatthcare--3 44, 68, t t I~, 128,174,226, 331,355,403,436,477, Lighthouse Counseling--387 Planning Department--279,305,355,403,436,477 Police Department--3,58,82,174,~26,304,331,355,403,451,478 Recreation Department--3,44,68,.10,175,226,279,305,355,403,436 Scavenger Waste Plant--3,44,68,'10,174,226,279,330,355,403,436 Supervisor's--3, 18,58,82,110,128. 175,211,226,258,279,305,331,355,416,436 452,464, ~77 Supervisor's Budget--3 18,68,82 128,304,331,355,387,403,416,45~ Trustee's--3,82,128,211. 258,33 t, 355,416,4~3 t Wastewater Disposal District Aucit--304 Youth Board~-304,355 Reservist's, Policy for--56 Resignations--22,47,129,178,375,389,~ 15,439,453,454 Resumes--47,172,178,259. 375,440 Retired Senior Volunteer Program( RSYP)--211 Retirement Social Security Law--260 Revenue Sharing Funds--338 Rice, Aaron--465 Richards, Lynne--403 Richmond Creek Associates--55,56,66 Richmond Shores/REC Realty Co.--263 Richter, James A.--72,131,2~9,384 Right-To-Know/Hazard Communication Standard Training--133,126 Ristuccia, Joe--76-7,344-350 · 423,428, ~-29,446-447 Riverhead-Southold League of Woman Voters--80 Riverhead Town--277 Road closure--9~ 22,24,237,454,465,47~ Roads, use of Town--5,309 Robins Island--479-480 Rollins, Mark L.--415,433 Rollinson, Shirley--86 Romeril, Jack--385 Roschen, Gail--275 Rosen, Leonard--478 Ross, David--56,66 Ross, Denise--173,294 Ross, Frederick--21,414,421.463 Rothman's Department Store--455 Rousseau, Jane--275 Route 25--3 Rudder, Barbara A.--112 Rudder, Georgia--271 Rudder, Lynda--238,239 Ruland (Cullen), Jeanne--71,111,294,332,417,436,467 Russell, Scott A.--213,332,368,436 Ryan, Richard--414,421 Sabino, George--5 Sataries--t Salaries, appointed Town Officials--26~c,271 Salaries, elected Town Officials--269,2~1 Salaries, Lifeguard & Beach Attendent.~--400,409,466-7 Salaries, Part-time employees--272,273 Salaries, Playground & Swimming lnstructor--466,a67 Salary Increment--295,465 Sales Tax ¼%--469 Salmon, Bill--80 Samuels, Thomas E.--311 Sand Asphalt Mix--418,455 Sand at Landfill--66,73,92-93,95,418,4:~8 Sand Tickets--60,95 Sandy Beach, Greenport--475 Sanok, Bi11--384 Santacroce, Mary Louise--470 Saun. ders, Sophie--129,365 Savits, Barry--3 Sawicki, Frank--47,332 Sawicki, Joseph H.--212 Sawicki, PO Howard W.--1t3,~90 Sayre, Donald--80 Scale Operator--72 Scavenger Waste Plant--1,172,224,240,q00,414,434,441,475 Schneider, Myles-=133 School Crossing Guard--2!,59.108,126,332 Schwindt, Ed.--390 Schriefer, Christine--87 Schelin, Scott--465 Scoggin, Shelly=-137 Scopaz, Valerie--126 Scett, Mary F.--4t9 Scott, Robert 1., Jr.--21,236 270,450 Scrap Metal, removal of--86 Scrap Paper, removal of--86,;16 Scrap Tire, removal of--86 Screened Sand--131,281,308,438,465 Scroxon, Edward-- 129,229 Searl, Parnel Wickham--290 Searl, Sanford J.--290,331 Searl, Stan--450 Sea Spill Services International, Inc.--107 Sebastian Cove Property Owners--3 Secretary, Exempt--62,72 Segovia, Terri--17 SEMI NARS :-- ASI400 System Performance Tunin,c--467 AT & T--437 Assessment Issues--436 Assessor Training Certification--3~2 Bay Constable--417 Building Officials Conference--21,2~1 Child Protection Services Training--280 Civil Practice Update--87 Code Enforcement--291 Comptroller's Association ~SC)--62.132 Create the Right Customer Image--95 DARE Program--130 Drug & Narcotic Investigation--408 Empire Plan--129 Environmental Crime Seminar--111 Ethics in Local Government--80,95,112 Family Violence & Order cf Protection--Il3 Fundamentals of Equalizat on--368 Future of Solid Waste Management--73 Geotextile Engineering Workshop--1;1 Hazard / Right-to-Know--126,133 Highway Drug Interdiction Instructor Program--181 IBM--71,111,332,417 Seminars (cont.)-- Introduction to Income Approach--21 Introduction to Land Appraisal--;1 Justice School--111 Landfill Closure Grant Regulations--47 Lawrence Healthcare--46 Local Government Records--368 Local Government Records Management Improvement--60,368 Long Island Groundwater--407 Managing and Protecting LI Estuaries--469 Model Subdivision Regulations--4;1 New Jersey Estuary Program--72 New York Land lnstitue--279 New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program--55 Politics & Economics of Environmental Control on Long Island--71 Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services Association--305,310,368 Solid Waste Management--284 State of the Bays--9,24,27,68 Youth Services Training--129 Senate Bill No. 4331--436 Senate Insurance Co.--297 Senior Citizens--56,62,406 Sewer Rent, Fishers Island (LL)--124 175,213,232 Shanken, Marvin R.--68 Shelby, Julie--86 Shellfish:--45,53,56,143-4,211,223,226 240,258,264,458,464,473 Shellfish Advisory Committee (DEC)--~79 Shellfish Harvesters--226,452 Shellfish Permit fees:--122,1~1 Shelter Island, Town of--112 415,420 Sheppard Drive--69 Sherwood, Jack--63,302 Shillo, Thomas--60 Ship, Sergeant--Il3 Sidewalks--55 Sidor, Martin--69,332 Sidor, Sergeant--Il3 Sidoski, Debbie--135,137 Siegmann, Edward--317-327,329,359,355,382-3,443-445 Sign Regulations (LL)--483-484 Simicich, John--337 Simpson, Dr. Rory--133 Simpson, Kathy--107,133 Site Plan Reviewer--316,389 Site Selection Committee--I,1 ,17,25 Sixty-seven Steps, Greenport--1,3-~ Skwara, Antone--226 Slurry Seal--361,364,407 Smith, Carol--86 Smith, Ronald--279,405 Smith, Samuel--418 Smith, $onia--86,237 Smith, Terry--229 Smith, Finkelstein, Lundberg, Isler Yakaboski--224,245,434,439-4L0,439 SNAP Program (Supplemertal Nutrition Assistance Program)--368,4~5 Snow Fence--418,454 Soil & Water Conservation District--384 Soil Removal--476,482 Sokel, Robert--273 Solecki, Ralph S.--81,83 Solid Waste Management--;84 Solid Waste Management Pan--56,6~,66,76-77,96,116,172,223,287,35~,355,374 Solid Waste Management Pan/DGEI~--103-105,184,297-8,329,353,374,440 Sound Avenue, Greenport--1,3-4 Sound Shore Excavation--~02,329,3~8,465 Sound View Drive, Orient--l,3-4,5 Southampton Town--384 Southold Benefit Booklet--~03,311 Southold Commons--172,30~,316,329 364,405 Southold Fire Department--5,172 Southold Historical Society--1,55,21~,213,229,230,231 Southold Parent-Teachers Association--111 Southold Park District--22~ "S" (continued) SOUTHOLD TOWN COMMITTEES:-- Architectural Advisory Committee--83,210 Architectural Review Board--80,108,173 Board of Assessment Review--87,272 Board of Ethics--Il2 Commerce & Industry--276 Conservation Advisory Council--17,24,55,95,244,259,271,302,329,352,375,407,434, 440,469 Council on Veterans Affairs--129,229,262 Dog Relocation Committee--107,113,126,133,245,287,302,353 Farmland Preservation Committee--22,271,329,337,384,462,401,414,467,478 Finance Committee--276 Health Insurance Committee--275 Kenny's Beach Shoreline Erosion Control Committee--107,114 Labor Management Committee--275 Landfill Committee--276 Landmark Preservation Commission--17,25,43,80,229,353,375,387,401,414,420,467,478 Legislative Committee--173,276 Local Waterfront Revitalization Program--42,63,126,130,147,173,280,287,462 Parks & Beaches--276 Personnel Committee--276 Police Committee--276 Open Space Committee--21,131,308,384,414,421,439,440,462·463,467,476,478,485,486 Planning & Zoning Committee--172,173,210,288,276,328,353,385 Site Selection Committee--I,11,25 SCAVENGER WASTE--276 Solid Waste Management Plan--56,63,66,76,77,96,116,172,184 Solid Waste Management Task Force--l,9,17,28,56,63,81,97,303,311,353,385,406 434, 440,456,459,462,468 350th Anniversary Committee--9,11,42,55,67,353 Tree Committee--I, 15,16,130,227,271 Water Advisory Committee--56,439,440,462,468,479 Waterfront Revitalization Committee--93,94,271 Youth Board--17,107,113,172,209,219,223,239,274,276,298 Zoning and Planning Committee--172,173,210,276,288,328,353,385 SOUTHOLD TOWN DEPARTMENTS:-- Accounting Department--62,80,296,311,361,453,467,481 Adult Day Care Program--22,290.294,389,419,466 Affordable Housing Program--55,64,81,96 Appeals Board--10,43,56,60,62,72,178,210,218,223,258,270,271,276,287,302,303, 329,352,375,461 Assessors--I,8,21,63,133,213,236,270,332,368,436,454,481 Attorney, Town--62,71,87,95,456,470,480 Attorney, Assistant Town--71,87,95,369 Bay Constable--352,369,453 Brief Respite Program--87,112,214,237,244,260,462 Building Department--!9,55,80,223,239,290,291,450,456 Commissioner of Public Works--268,389 Community Development--47,81,180,209,214,232,256,258,290,308,353,360,414,415, 469,479 Day Care Program--244,260,308 Developmental Disabled Program--388,403 Director of Human Services--126,450 Dog Shelter--17, 42,49-51,55,99-101,108,287,384 EISEP(Expanded In-Home Service for Elderly Program)--22,129,132,215,260,290, 294,308,332,405,4~/8,481 Engineering Inspector-.-72,131 ~ Fire District Officers Association--80 Highway Department-7,46,48,59,71,80,81,131,175,180,183,215,218,222,223,236, 238,269,281,309,390,438,454,455 Home Aid--311 Land fill--1,43,45,56,58,66,71,72,73,81,87,92-3,95. 129,141,147, 173,178,181,154, 187-189,210,216,222,224,233-36,277,294,302,303,309,310,337-8,353,364, 385,388,389,390.415.418,421,433,434,439 Nutrition Program--7,45,86,126,132,209,232,244,260,279,290,302,368,418,480 Planning Department--55,108, 126,215,237,263,270,271,275,279,316,329,352,375, 384,389,415,420,421 Police Department--59,80,130,133,176,178,181,219,226,229,239,262,281,352,375, 385,388,390,408,412,414,418,420,434,438,439,441,450, 466,475,480,457 Recreation Department--I, 9,22,46,47,59,95,96,184,256,281,292,305,308,310,332 389,406,434,455,484,481 Receiver of Taxes, Deputy--273 Scavenger Waste Plant--I,172,224,240,400,414,475 Senior Services--415,433,439 SNAP Program--368,405 Solid Waste Management Plan--56,63,66,76,77,96,172,223,287,329,374 Superintendent of Highways--269 Superintendent of Public Work, Assistant--126,223,240,385,457 Supervisor, Deputy--267 S upervisor's Office--87,333 Tax Department--273,364 Town Board--71 Town Clerk--60,80,183,239 Town Clerk's Office--47,214,292 Town Hall--224,287,292-4,296 Trustees--17,55,210,219,239,449,461,469 Wastewater Disposal District--148,305,441 Southold Villas--I,17,72 Special District Taxation--73 Special Groundwater Protection Area--173,223 Special State Revenue Sharing--280 Spiro, Melissa--237,415,421 Spreader--183 Stack, John--43,80,227,375 Stalzer, Louise--450 Stanilaus, Joe--13 Staron, Donald--95 State of the Bays--9,24,27,68 Stavropoulis, Chris--434 Stavropoulos, Supervisor George--384 Steer Skid Loader--406,455 Stepanek, Charles--465 Stepanek, Evelyn--465 Stewardship Exchange--287,303,353 Stimpson, Catherine R.--433,449,457,476,482 STOP/DWI--480 STOP Program -66 Storm response plans--417 Strang, Garrett A.--17,55,108 Street Improvements--69 Street Light--81,130,449,414,434,467,481 Stueber, Kristine--21 Sturner, Cynthia--95,407,440 Stype, Andrew--215,308 Subdivision of Land (LL)--420 SUBDIVISIONS: Adams Associates--214 Alan Cardinale--95 Appel, Henry--290 Baxter Sound Estates--291 Cedarfield--81,172,184 Cornfields--368 Cove Beach--56,62,80, 96,127,230 Franklinville Homes Property--48 Kay Dee Estates--405 Long Pond Estates--Il2,178 Long Meadow Estates--230 Mount Beulah Acres--303,316 Petrol Stations, Ltd.--364 Richmond Shores/REC Realty Co.--263 Southold Villas--I, 17,72 Sundance Shores--328,353,356-7 Thornton Smith Estates--73 Too-Bee Realty--333,454 Woods at Cutchogue--173,185,479 Substance Abuse Committee -I 07,133 Suburban Securtiy & Investment Agency--418,441 SUFFOLK COUNTY:-- Association--273 Comptroller--62 Department of Aging--214,290 Department of Health--48,256,338 Department of Public Works--42,183 Drinking Water Protection Program--462,469 East End Coordinating Council--450 Legislature--56 Off'ice of Aging--7,214,290,368 Office of Cultural Affairs--126 Office of Handicapped Services--478 Police Department--44 Preservation of open Space Fund,--I,8,440 Soil & Water Conservation District -384 "S" continued Suffolk County (cont.) Transit Bus--42 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission--415,449,456 Water Authority--55,56,66,433,462 Suffolk county National Bank--267,273,456 Sullivan, George R. Jr.--440 Summer Showcase Concert Series--309,389,478 Sundance Shores--328,353,356-7 Superintendent of Highways--269 Superintendent of Public Works, Assistant--126,223,240,385,440,457 Superintendent of Schools, District--273 Survival Skills for Children at Home--332 Swann, Bessie--209,305,414 Swimming Instructor--467,476,484 Szalkowski, Wilfred--465 "T" Posts--455 Tabor Road--219 Tag System--440 Talgat, Urai--130 Tank Farm, Luthers Road, Mattituck-~108 Taxation, District Special--6E,73 Tax Department--364 Taxes--17,470 Taxes, Real Property Tax Law--470 Tax Exemption--56,62 Tax Relief-- 478 Tax, School~-329 Telecommunication Tower and Equipment Building--390,385 Terkowski, JoAnne--389,484 Tennis Instructor--484 Terry Contracting Co.--309 Terry, Joyce P.--131 Terry, Judith T.--60 Terry, Lloyd--13-4 Test borings--421 Texas A & M University--81 Thames S'hipyard & Repair Ce.--162 350th Anniversary C0mmittee--9,11,424 55,67,353,438,461 350th Anniversary Journal--438 350th Anniversary, Southampton--384 Thompson, Thomas--58,172 Thorton Smith Estates--73 Tidal Properties--133 Tipping Fees, waiving--302,3~)3,329, 32?; 338 Tires, Scrap--185 Tolvenen, Arnold W.--407 Toivenen, William--465 Tombari Paul-~31 Tompkins CountyT-440 Too-Bee Realty--333 Town Board--71 Town Clerk--60,80, 183 Town Clerk's Office--47,183,214,292 Town Creek--364,365 Town Green--309 Town Hall--224,287,292-4,296 Town of Southold Hazard Comrnunication Standard Written Program--3~9 Town-owned property--1 Townsend, Joseph L., Jr.--375 Traffic Control Officer--440 Traffic Survey--419 Traffic Warden--21 Trailer Permit Fees--121 TRAILERS :-- Barszczewski, Joseph--Ill,361 Bauer Farms, tnc.--260,481 Bosch, Eugene Vanden--296 Boursiquot, Ange--128,417 Boursiquot, Barbara--128,417 Bouton Servlces--58,417 Ciupryk, Mary H. Petrauskas--;36 Falvay Trucking & Excavating Inc.--80,95 First Baptist Church of Cutchogue--128,368 Greenfield, Richard--11~7,113,40~ Greenfield, Sophia-- t 13,408 Horton, David S.--130,409 Horton, Gerry S.--130, 409 Marshall, Anthony J.--24,310 McBride, Frank J.--24,310 McCarthy, George Ao--113,407 Mikolazczyk, Zdzilaw--46,331 Miles, Madie--181,464 Moeller, Jacqueline B.--178,407 Mudd, Steven D.--7 Neted of America, Ltd--284 - Northeast Nurseries--6.296 Petrauskas, Joseph ~.--71,36~ Saunders, Sophie--129,365 Sawicki, Frank--47,332 Sidor, Martin--69,332 Tuthill, John C.--258,479 Vitale, Bruce M.--18 ,438 Wolf Pit Nurseries--Il3,405 Wowak, Thomas--277,281,480 Transfer of Funds:-- Accounting & Finance--6,261,~95 Adult Recreation--6 Aging--6,132,261,311 Assessors--6,133,260 Auditing, Accounting-6 Bands & Concerts--6.389 Bay Constable--7,216,237,261, Z95,311 Beaches--6,59,237,26 ! Building & Grounds--69,132,2~5,311 Celebrations--7,45,47,71,112,230,260,311,418 Central Copying--296,311 Central Data Processing--6,7,~95 Community Development--180, ~14,232-4,237 Consolidated Highway Aid--20 Contingent--6,8,22,24,86,94,130,132,369,453 Donations--7,45,47,7', 112,230 Drainage--6,132,237 Elizabeth Airfield--260 Engineer --8,238,261 Engineering--178,333 Environmental Control--6, 260 Examining Board--6,132,295 Fire and Police Retirement--23? Highway Improvement--20 Historian--6,69 Hospital & Medical Insurance--129,132,237,311,453 Insurance--7, 94,229, Z37,261 Joint Youth--6,47,59, 132,261 Justices--6,237,260,295 Juvenile Aid--7 Libraries--6,24 Machinery 236 Medicare Reimbursement--237 Municpal Dues--369 NYS Retirement--94, ' 32,133,230,237,260,311 Office of Aging--7 Off Street Parking--6,132 Parks--6,132,260 Planning--6, 7, 311 Police--7,216,229,237.295,311, -85 Public Health--6,7,311 Publicity--6 Public Works--261 Recreation--6, 47, 59, 260 Refuse & Garbage--7.60,86,131,177,237,333,311,238,260,295 Removal & Disposal--60,177 Research--6,132 Revenue Sharing--281) Safety Inspection--7 Shellfish--6,94, 132,3:~3 Snow Removal--236 Social Security--311 Special Recreation--132 STOP Program--69,21~0,295 Street Lighting--6,295,311,333 Superintendent of Highways--Z95 Supervisor--260,295,311 Tax Collection--6,295,311 Town Attorney--22,2~1,295,31' Town Board--132,237,260 Town Clerk--6,261 Town Engineer--295,311 Traffic Control--6 Tree Committee--6 Unemployment--7,132, 295 Veteran Services--364 Water adminstration--6,237 Worker's Compensation--129,132 Zoning--7,69,94, 130,216 Transit Bus--42 Traveler Street--455 Treasure Exchange--229 Treasure Island Pond--34,42 Tree Committee--I,6,15,130,277,271 Trius, Inc.--129 Troise, Marilyn--72 Trucks, pick-up--281 TRUSTEES--17,55,210,219,239·449,461,~59 Try 5--8 Tufano, William--126 Tuthill, John C.--258,479 Tuthill, Lawrence--82,176,462,468 Tuthill, Reginald--385 Tuzill, Jacquelyn--287,305 Tyler, Charles--481 Tyrer, Keith~ R.--8 Uniforms, Police Department-~176,181-1 ~ United Methodist Church, Cutchogue--83 United States Government :-- Department of Agriculture--19 Department of Housing & Urban Development--290 Department of Interior--256 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) --214,291,41)6 Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds--258 Flood Map Zones--126 Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force--485 Postal Service--289 United States/United Kingdom Countrysjde Stewardship Exchange--287,~03,353,4~2, 464,468,475 Unsafe Building--277 · 283-284,2~7,303,4~3,44~, 457,475,476,482 Unsafe Building (LL)--328,352j369-372,388,393-396 Urban, Leona--45 Used Police cars, bid for--178,4~l Use Regualtions, LL--9,27 VanBourgondien, Kay--449 Van Bourgondien, Philip--;;6~3 Vanden Bosch, Eugene--6 Vehicles & Traffic--8,26-27,72,97,400 Vellona, Elaine--138 Velzy Associates--224 Vending Machine--415,433,439 Vermalen, Frank Jr.--44 Victim's Information Bureau of Suffolk--388 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission--~15,449r456 Village Commons Health & Racquet Club--309 Villa, Robert--1,8,9,43,303,3~3,415,~4,439,440 Visser, Lisa--211 Vitale, Bruce M.--181,438 Voices in Praise--479 Wacker, Ronnie-- 130~, 135, 1~.c, 404 Wagner, Mark--400 Walkabout Instructor--484 Walkden, Klm--296,453 Wallerstein-lglesias, Donna--133 Wall, Patricia--273 Walnut Street, Mattituck--2~0 Walsh Park--55,64,180 Walters, Harold Sr.--332 Warren, Barry--6,108,172 Waste Management Plan--56,33,66,76-?,96,116,172,184 Wastewater Disposal District--148,305,441 Water Advisory Committee-- 56,439,4~0,462,468,479 Water Authority (SC)--55,85,66,433,-62 Water, bottled--55,60,256 Waterfront Revitalization--93-4,271 Water Management Plan--56 Water Safety Instructor--419 Water Supply Study, FI--56,126,172 Way Back, The--I,17,25,26 Webb House--353 Weber, Wendy--287 Weiner, Deborah--211 Weintraub, Diana--388 Weal Drilling Service--210,2~6,310 Wells, Betty--239,440 Wentworth, Lynne--389, 48~ Westerlund, Adolph--42,133 Westerlund, Theresa--42,55 133 Westbury Music Fair--388 Wetlands-:58, 68,364 Weymouth, peter--285,325 Wieczorek, Vincent --80,291 Wilcenski, Donald--130 Wilkins, Joyce M.--271 Williams, Ralph--43 Wilton, Richard--82 Witson Beth--t07, t 13,130,133,280 Wine Festival--450 Winters, Harold D.--228,21c~,266 Winters, Richard A.--48,56.62,71, Wisowaty, 'Edward M.--8 Wolf Pit Nurseries--Il3,405 Women's Outreach--438 Woods, at Cutchogue--173,185, 479 Wood at Landfill--224 Workboat-~369,453 Work Study Student--8,87,:81 World Summit for Children Week--67 Worthington, Laura--294,41~ Wosnick, Charlie--107 Wowak, Thomas--277,281,48) Wysocki, Rose--294,466 Yakaboski~ M~--45~ Yoga Instructor--484 Youth Board--17,107,113,17~,209,219,223,239,274,298 Youth Worker--8 Zahra, Charles 224,245,250 ZONE, CHANGE OF Grey, Jim--172 Jem Realty--173,303,316,329,364,4£ ~ Kontokosta, Emanuel--353 Mann, Russell--I, 81,111t 12i~, 329 Southold Commons--173,303,316,329,364,405 Southold Vi I las-- 1,17,72 Thompson, Thomas--58,172 Zoning & Planning Committee--172,276.173,210,276,288,328,353 Zoning Application fees--120,148-149,212-3,226 Zoning, change of petition fees(LL)--121,134,175,186,247-248 Zoning Use Regulation ( LL)- -303,328,334,335,365-7,388,410-I, 415 Zuhoski, Jr., John 71 Zweig, Michael--107,287,475