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1988 - 1988 January - November
TOWN BOARD MEETING DATES January 5, 1988 ........................................ 01 January 19, 1988 .......................................... 10 February 2, 1988 .......................................... 30 February 23, 1988 ........................................ 41 March 8, 1988 ............................................. 63 March 22, 1988 ............................................ 86 April 5, 1988 ............................................. 103 April 6, 1988 (Special Meeting) ........................... 120 April 19, 1988 ............................................ 122 May 3, 1988 ............................................. 142 May 17, 1988 ............................................. 161 May 31, 1988 ............................................. 175 June 14, 1988 ............................................ 192 June 28, 1988 ............................................ 207 July 12, 1988 ............................................. 222 July 14, 1988 (Special Meeting) .......................... 234 July 26, 1988 ............................................. 235 August 3, 1988 ........................................... 247 August 9, 1988 .......................................... 259 August 23, 1988 .......................................... 276 September 6, 1988 ....................................... 291 September 20, 1988 ...................................... 308 October 4, 1988 .......................................... 327 October 18, 1988 ......................................... 340 October 25, 1988 (Special Meeting) ....................... 354 October 27, 1988 (Special Meeting) ........................ 355 November 1, 1988 ......................................... 382 November 15, 1988 ...................................... 463 AUDITS January 5, 1988 ......................................... 02 January 19, 1988 .......................................... 11 February 2, 1988 ......................................... 31 February 23, 1988 ........................................ 43 March 8, 1988 ............................................ 64 March 22, 1988 ............................................ 88 April 5, 1988 ............................................. 104 April 19, 1988 ........................................... 123 May 3, 1988 ............................................ 144 May 17, 1988 ............................................. 162 May 31, 1988 ............................................. 176 June 14, 198& ............................................ 193 June 28, 1988 .......................................... 208 July 12, 1988 ........................................... 223 July 26, 1988 ............................................ 237 August 9, 1988 ......................................... 261 August 23, 1988 ......................................... 277 September 6, 1988 ........................................ 292 September 20, 1988 ....................................... 309 October 4, 1988 .......................................... 328 October 18, 1988 ......................................... 341 November 1, 1988 ........................................ 383 November 15, 1988 ....................................... 464 Acamporat Henrietta--296 Accessory apartments--308 ACCOUNTING DFPARTMENT--7~, 75,76,83 Account Clerk--286,497 Bookkeeper --75,76 (ACC) Section & Housing Voucher Annual Contributions Contract--196 Acquisition of property--74 Ad Hoc Committee--55 Adult Day Care Program--18,34,36,52,216,228,336 Advance of Funds-- 186,267,317 Adult Recreation--71,94,315 Joint Youth--3,49,91,185, 267 Recreation--49,137, 241 Aerobics Instructor--186 Affordable Housing--30,44,46, 8~, 89, 1 ~3,173, 210,237,238,263,284,296,306,311,313,327 · 382,383 Affordable Housing Conference-- 176~ 186,203 Affordable Housing District (AHD)--213 Affordable Housing (Ft)--12,107,127 Affordable Housing Law--88,89,173 Affordable Housing Lottery--86,105, ' 06~;~107 Airport Layout Plan (ALP)--168 Alarm Systems--68,69,98,103,109,463 Aldred, John--46,63 Aliano, Nicholas--230,260,270 Allan Rotto Consultants, Inc.--318 Allen, Scott--Il2 Alligood, Thomas--198 Alzheimers Clinic--340,349 Ambulance Service--276,327 Ameden, Donald--23 AMERICAN LEGION POSTS: Fishers Island--279 Griswold-Terry-Glover--19,20,52-3,185,259,277,291,296 Shelter Island--195 Analytical Services--259,269 Angel Shores I--280 Appearance tickets--229,239,244,245 Appelt, John--319 Appraisals-- 183,236,241,320 Appraising for Assessors--197 Arbeeny, Henry--230,236,244,2~1,300,308 Arbor Day--90,145 Archaeological Association-- 175, ~ 92 Arusta, Philip--146 Asphalt--91,92 · 134 Assembly Bill #5329--24 Assembly B~II #5608C--185 Assembly Bill #8600B- Assessment- -239 Assessment Review Board--192,203,23~ ASSESSORS--23,51,63,70,315,35~,465 Association of Chiefs of Police--213 Association of Large Towns--91 Association of Marine Industries--44 Association of the Bar--179 Association of Towns--20,21,44,45,46, ~7,90,125 Atkinson, Lois--69 Attorney, Assistant Town--20,6~,135,'86,295,389 Attorney, Town--5-8,20,23,25,50,68,9~, 103,161,162,193,217,389 Atwell, Fayleen--216 Audioun, Anna--345 Audit, Telephone Bills--318 Baglivi, John--175 Baldwin, Fred--225 Bares, Mary--34 Barker, Fllen--280 Barnard, Walter--198 Barns, potatoe--63 Barrett, Frederick--198 Batalias, Peter, Inc.--308,309,322 Baton Twirling Instructor--186 Battery, Used Collection Program--66,165 Bauer Farms, Inc.--t97 Bay Avenue, Mattituck--122 Bay Bottoms, Inc.--280 BAY CONSTABLE--63,70,71,13Z-3,139, 183,202,384,459 Baymen' s Association--125,310,313 Bayview Rd., Main--70 Bazaars, Fairs, Circuses and Public Entertainment--50,67,73,81 Beach Attendants--50,109,145,' 95,200-1,210-1,216 Beaches--163-4 Beach Manager--32,41,108-9,203,227 Beach Road--208,218 Bear, Frank--Il, 115 Bear, Joy--63,72 Becker, Bob--66 Beckwith, Nathaniel--52 Bed and Breakfast--382 Bedminster (Eweson)--10 Bednoski, John--41 Beebe, John--John--226 Beebe, William--42 Behan, John--195 Benefit Fund--63 Berg, Eleanor--335 Berger, Harold-- 127, 146, 155-9, 194-5 Berntsson, Robert--20,135,186,295, 389 Berry, George--276 Berryman, Ann--148 Berryman, John H. --212 Bianchi, Bi11--195 Biathlon race--72 Bidding process--239 BIDS: Adult Day Care Program Van--18 Asphalt road material--91,91,134 Bids for 1989--334-5 Fishers Island: Drydock, MV Race Point--50,94 Resurface Town Roads--169 Highway Department: Dump truck--51 Garbage Compacter--133, '67 Payloader--74-5,135 Snow fence--183,227 Truck--35 Landfill: Caps for compacter--241,245,21~2 Forklift attachment--201,227 Lumber for clam racks--Ill,156 Police: Cleaning & purchase of uniforms--334 Automobiles--16-17,68,151,216,217,234 Quarry truck--Il0 Recreation Department: Pick-up--152,184, t 97,227 Tires, removal of--318,340 Town: IBM System--284 Van--50,152,184 Used Law Books--39,40,134-5 Vehicles, abandoned bid for-- 130 BioCycle National Conference--109,143,177,179,180,287,311 Blados, Anthony--276 Blank, Mary Louise--81 Blank Peter Jr.--81 Blass, Gregory--30,32,166,207,296·344 Blower, Bruce--258 Blum, Ray--146 Board of Appeals- Appointment--86,95,271,310,327,336 Clerk-typist--201,240 General--I,44,67,87,125,175,198,246.271,277·279,291,308 Refunds--148,389 Board of Assessors--23,51,63,70,315,35~,465 Board of Elections--35,63,280 Board of Ethics--86,103,111 Board Meetings--142,205 Boating While Impaired Boater Recognition Program--71 Boat Ramps--14,41,46,54,66,126,260-1,343 Boats, Docks & Wharfs--78,98,99 Bocksel, Arnold--285 Bohn, Robert Contracting--31,39 Boisseau Avenue--143 Bolger, Carol A.--203,233 BONDS: See "S" Subdivision Bond Anticipation Notes--63 Bond Counsel fees--161,175 Bonds, Serial--74-5 Bonds, Surety & Maintenance--70 Boos, Norman--327,336 Boursiquot, Ange--110,386 Boursiquot, Barbara--Il0,386 Bowne, Sidney & Son--10,24,41,55.143 Bowes, Sistern Geraldine--41 Boyar, Charles--201 Boys State--211 Bredemeyer, John--63,103,503-6 Breese, Sidney--151 Brennan, Stephen--198 Bressler, Eric--86,87,236,260 Brief Respite--335-6,499-500 Brookhaven Town Board--260 Brooks, Eddie--124 Brown, Henry --52 Brown, Robert--30,42, 123,1 26, 143,22,2E4 Brown, Samuel G.--21,240 Brown, Sheryl C.--167 Brown Tide--30,32,43,106,127,173,262,253-4,311 Brown Tide Comprehensive Assessment Management Program--32 Brown Tide Task Force--45,66,125,194 Brown Water Protection Area Advisory Committee--67,105 Brown, William--198 Bruce, Ted--41 Bruer, Rudolph--259,277,463 BTI Mosquito Control Program--161,170,~48 BUDGET: Adopted 1989 Budget--467-497 Community Development (1988)--5,103 Fishers Island Ferry District--147,24~,335 Modification (1987) to General Fund--3,38,71,148 Boss, F. H.--67 Bowne, Sidney--163 Brodsky, Richard--148 Modification (1988) to General Fund--72,149,197,228,229,241,242,248,267,298 314,335,345,347,348,349 Modification to Federal Revenue Sharing Fund--497 Nutrition Program--34 Preliminary (1989)--355-381,463 Proposed (1989)--343,384,385,465 BUILDING DEPARTMENT: Building Inspector--245,321,33~ Clerk-typist--98, 498 General--122,260,271,277,498 Refund--86,87 Seminars--II1,183,184 Building Maintenace Crew Leader--302 Bujnowski, Arthur--386 Burden, Henry W.--81 Bureau of Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs--33 Bureau of Vector Control--466 Burke, Stephen G.--54 Business Records--498 Burnham, Brad--250-258 Business Records Corp.--214,354 Burr, Peter--254,255 Business/Education Partnership Day--48,65 Cablevision--61,62 Calocerinos & Spina Engineers, Caltuna, Lisa--335,336 Cancreo, Dave-216 Captain Kidd Estates--222,280 Caputo, Michelle--201 Cardona, Valerie--41,122 Carey Resources, Inc.--321 Carey tank property--260-1,308,343 Carlin, Frank--6-8,27-28,59-60 Carlisle, Laura--186 Carroll, Berit--122,123, 139 Carroll, John--122,139 Carr, Richard T.-- 48, 103 Cart/Wanet--47,86,103, 124, 18~ Cashin Associates--236 Cassidy, Douglas--64 C.A.S.T.--51,145,330 Castelli, Marlo--168-9,215 Catholic War Veterans--349 Cavalieri, Robert--327 Cedar Beach Harbor Inlet--90 Cedar Beach Park--34 Cedar Beach Park Association--295 Census (1990)--295 P. C.--168 k-5,32!?,340,349,500 Center for the Biology of Natural Systems--459,467 Certificate of Occupancy (CO)--225,237,262 Chadd, Colonel G.V.N., Sout~wold--47 Chairs, Conference Room-- 213 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE--21~,239,~78,340 Greenport-Southold--63,66,126, 1 L0-1,157 Tourist Booth--63,66,146,179 Laurel Booth--66,146 Mattituck-- 132,280 Promotion Committee--157 Chandler, Palmer & King--46 Change Order--298 Chapel Lane-- 32 Chardonnay Woods--338,383,4~9 Chemical Bank-- 348 Chemung Supply Corp.--227 Chief of Police 112 Chilas, Vicki--201 Chur, Elizabeth-- 201 Ciacia Estate--161 Ciacia, Margaret--175,190-1 Cichanowicz, Brenda L.-- 386 Citizens Advisory Committee- q3,44 Civil Service-- 52,137,167,286,316,331,351,354,459,460 Clam/Scallop Seed Program--16 Clam racks--Il1,166 Clarke, Evelyn--198 Clavin, John--87,142 Clavin, Peggy--252,253,257 Clean-Up Week--108,385,386 Cleaves Point Village Condo--94 Coastal Erosion Conference--l?9 Coastal Erosion Maps--309 Coastal Management Corp.--14 Coastal "V" Zone--122,138 Cochran, Carlisle-- 128 Code Administration & Enforceenent -raining Session--389 CODE COMMITTEE-- 43, 44,66,67,1~5,163,175,194,220,225,237,262,288,343,344,~66 Code, Town--41,137 Cole, Dennis--128 COMMERCE & INDUSTRY COMMIITTEE--32,66,88,146,172,179,195,209,212,294,331,340 Commissioner of Public Works--16,§~,72 Commissioner on Cable Television--332 Commoner, Barry--467 Community College Marine Science & Technology Technology Center--145 Community Development Block Grant Funds-- 387,467,500 Composting, of solid waste--10,24,9~l,143,165,279,291,299,311 Computerization--86 Computer printer--150 Computer services--51 Computer System --280,299,305 Condlt, Ralph 11--68 Conklin, Bradley C.--34 Conkling Point-- 276 Conklin, Mike-- 201 Connecticut Tire Recycling--500 Connors, Christopher--142,467 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNClL--~5,30,68,122,145,146,152,229,302 Constitution Amendment--148 Consumer Affairs Program--332 Conway, Margaret L.--141,212 Cooperative Extension--32,125 Cooper, Linda J.--25 I Coraazzini, Richard W.--37,53,70,111,1114,134 Corcoran, James--345 , Core Watershed--11,24,25,43,46,60~62,83-4,115,170,262,278,342,382,503,506 Cornell University for Enviromental Applications of Remote Sensing(CLEARS)-387 CORPS. OF ARMY ENGINEERS, Public Notices:-- Bay Bottoms, Inc.--280 Bujnowski, Arthur-- 386 Cedar Beach Harbor Inlet--90 Cedar Beach Park Association~- 295, Corwin, William--265 Creighton, Douglas--90 Dier, Robert--466 Federal Supplemental Environmental Improvement--265 Franken, Wilhem--344 Gardiners Bay Estate Association-- 332 Goldsmith's Boat Shop--226 Health Department, Suffolk County--466 Henderson, Joseph--212 Holman, Dolores--386 Keating, Dr. Stanley--90 Kenny, Monica M.--344 Lamour, Roger Mr. & Mrs.--313 Laughing Waters Property Owners-- 333 L. I. Green Seal Committee--332 Matt-A-Mar Marina--107 Mattituck Inlet Marina--386 Nassau Wholesalers--47,386 Notaro, Frank & Antoinette--344 Nunnakoma Water's Association, Inc.--466 N.Y. Power Authority--47, 226 Orient by the Sea Marina--466 Pafundi, Victor--280 Rock, Kenneth--386 Royer, R. James--196 Shelter Island Town--226 Sound Cable Project--127,226 Southold Shores Boat Basin--332 Stirling Cove Condominiums--14 Suffolk County Department of Public Works--30,226 Therharides, Nicholas--386 West Lake Association-- 166,1B0 Yaro, Elizabeth--265 Zehner, Harold--47,332 Corwin, David S.--239,265 Cosel, Walter J.--20 Costello, John A.--213 Costello Marine Contracting Company-- 284 Costello property--382 Country Time Shops--266 Court Reporter--30,39 Coveleski, Mildred--52 CPR and Multimedia First Aid Course--241 Craig, Lindsay Associates, Inc.--327 Creeks--63 Creighton, Douglas F.--90 Crime/Alchohol/Drug Prevention Program-16,87 Crimi, Salvatore--91 Crop Walk--226 Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc.--221~ Cruise to Nowhere--195 CSEA--1,17,64,86,161,194,196,207,340,354 Cullen, Jeanne--17,133,196,200,334,347,498 Cultana, Lisa--52 Cuomo, Governor Mario--4,333 Currie, Lawrence W., Jr.--344 Cushman, John--63,75-76,192,200,283,316,498 Custer Institute, Inc.--226 Custodial Contractor--335 Cutchogue Fire Department-- 297 Cutchogue Library--181 Cybulski, Andre--31,39,152 Cyphers, Clarnece--198 Corchaug, Fort ..... 207, 225, 226, 295 Dart, Edward-- 177,269,382 Datalease Captital Corp.-- 317,345 Davis, Robert--198 DBM Co.--172,213,214,238 Deep Hole Creek--73 Deer Hunting--276 DEIS--301,327 Democratic convention--231,239 DeNiro, John--225 Department of Commerce--295 Denmark--177,179 Denmark (Natural Gas Company)--175 Department of Consumer Affairs--332 Department of Environmental Conservation--13,32,45,66,67,73,74,80,81,1~7,109 127,128,t92,194,222,239,284,295,296~7,309,311,338 Notice of Application:-- ~ Arusta, Philip--146 Beebe, John--226 Captain Kidd Water Company--108 Cross Sound Ferry--22~ Curry, Lawrence W., Jr.--3~4 Finora, Joseph--13 Hanauer, Sanford--212 Hilbrand, Joan--166 Kelland, Horace--295 Lindsay, William A., Jr.--18C Mahood, Willard & Millicent--'46 Matthiessen, Mr. G.C,--107 Nataro, Frank--313 Planitzer, Russell--146 Raymes, Frederick--33 Rieger, Yan H.--127 Schick Ralty International--2 Schultheis, Gerald--226 Suffolk County Water Authority--108 Village of Greenport--2'2,295 Wolf Pit Associates c/o David J. Saland--108 Xikis, John--90 Yaro, Elizabeth--89 Zehner, Howard d/b/a Youngs Marina--90 Department of Health--13,31,32,41,~5,63,67,86,87,97,106,163-4,165,262 Department of Health Services--313 Department of Housing and Urban Development--196 Department of Motor Vehicles--46, t ~0,164 Department of Public Works--7~-5,166 Department of Transportation (DOT~--2,42,108,110,166,180,212,223,466 DePetris, Wayne--175 deOuitlfeldt, Charles--143 deReeder, John F.--67,382 Desenvano, Mr.--331 Designation of Restricted Highway--212 Desmarias, George--161,175,383 Development Disability Services--122,105 Development rights--14, 17,25,26 Diciplinary Action--137 Dickinson, Wesley--467 Dieffenbach, P. Edwin--334 Diet, Robert-- 466 Diesel Fuel--335 Dimension Cable--61,62,67,81,107,212 Dinizio, James, Jr.--327,336 Disabled--105,122 District Attorney--20,345 Divello, John--278 Division of Equalization and Assessment--51,333 Division of Solid Waste--311 Division for Youth Project Application--389 Dog Pound--41,54,104,218,222,223·286,343,497 Donnelly, Vincenl--259 Dooley, Eugene T. Sheriff--l~)7 Doroski, ,Robert--276 Dougherty, Tom--87,142,202 Douglas, Robert--19~,203,246~27~ Doyen, Serge, Jr.--86,95 Draft Environmental Impact Slatement (DEIS)--327,349 Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Composting--301,320 Draft Request for Proposals--175,196 Drape, Marge--30 Dredging--46,72 f 73,74, 91 Drinking Water Protection Program--128,346 Driscoll, Justin--198 Droskoski, Katherine--81 Droskoski, Mark S.--81 Droskoski, PO Lt. Stanley--207 Drozd, Mike--184 Drug Abuse Clinic--463 Drum, Ben--276 Drum, Henry W.--34 Duguid, Walter E.--54 DWI-STOP--167 Dzenkoski, Donald--71,384,388 E & A Environmental Consultants--10,24,175 Eagle Scouts--89 East End Community Service Program--16 East End Health Care, Inc.--47 East End Livestock and Horsemen's Association--194 East End Lots--86 East End Mobile Crisis Intervention Team--313 East End Supervisor's Association 183 East End Task Force--463 Eastern Long Island Hospital--196 Eastern Long Island Quilters Guild--226 East Hampton Town--222 East Marion Fire Department--297 East MarionWoods--230 East, Mark--54 East-West Greenport Fire Protection District--186,196,200,204 Ecker, Edward V., Sr.--280 Eckert, Alice P.--37,161 Econ Health, Inc.--314 Edson, Lewis--236,243 Edwards, Ken--87 Edwards, Marion L.--81 Edwards, Raymond W.--333 Ehrbar, Edward, Inc.--135 Elderly Day Care Program--16, 129 Elderly Home Aide Program--110-1,~28 Election, polling place--35 Election, Special--I,4,5,11,14-16,33.63 Electrical Safety Week--213 Elizabeth Field Airport Planning--168,216,266,267 Emilita, Dave--I,18,19,36,51,103,139,163,168-9,235,237,329,346,497 Empire Plan-- 500 Employment Opportunity Day--65 Energy Conservation Products, !nc.--143,192,202 Energy Reduction Report--309 Engineer, Town--276 Environmental Assessment--53,168-9,240 Environmental Conference--302 Environmental East, Inc.--181 Environmental Impact Statement-- 40,54,184,185,214,215,291,308,499,500 Environmental Law Update--166 Environmental Protection Agency (E~A)--13,44 Environmental Quality Bond Act (ECBA) 13,44 Environmental Quality Review Act --51,259,268,280,285,288,332 Epstein, Dr. Eliot--lO,66,67,145,17=. Erosion Control Ordinance--t25 Estuarine Status, National--11~6,125 Everitt, Margo--184 Ewing, Christopher--198 Executive Committee of the 350th Anniversary Celebration--35 Executive, County--176 Executive STOP-DWI Department-- '67 Expanded IN-Home Services for the Elderly Program--52,129,135,228,286 335 Fairfield--10 Fairweather- Brown, Architects--30,38-9, 57,123, 126,284 Fallon, Mary--253 Family Service League, Inc.--17 Faraldi, James A., & Associates--183 Farmland Preservation/Open Space Committee--21,31,32,39,42,44,46,55,1~ 192,220,283,291,293,294,305,308,327,336,343 Faszczewski, Alan-- 39, 63 FAX machine--316 Feather Hill--176,203 Feeney, Katee--201 I Feeney, Tom--201,215,315 Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)-- 266 Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds--387,467,500 Federal Supplemental Envionmental Impact Statement--265,467 Fees, Application--239,291,308 Fees, Planning Board--308,33E-7 Fienberg, Randall J.--346,49§ Fences, chain link--133 Ferguson, Charles--258 Ferguson, Henry L. Museum--258 Fernandez, Gerald--208 Ferran Concrete Co., Inc.--298 Finnerty, John P.--142 Finno, Patrick--130 Finora, Joseph--13 Fire Alarms--63,76 Fire Chiefs Counsel--161 FIRE DEPARTMENTS:--186 Cutchogue-- 132,276,349 East Marion --~297 ' East-West Greenport Fire Protection District--186,196,200,204 Greenport--44 Mattituck--228 Shelter Island--63 Shelter Island Heights--63 Southold--198,276 Fire Hydrants-- 186,196,200,204 Fire Police Committee--386 Fi rst Baptist Church of Cutchogue--132,347 Fiste Baptist Church of Greenport-- 98 First Indemnity of America Insurane Co.--35 First Universalist Church, Southold--151 Fiscal Advisors, Inc.--63 Fischetti, Joseph--382 FISHERS ISLAND :--107,140,147,24~-258,263,264,273,385,460 American Legion-- 278 Affordable Housing Program--~2,107,157,342 Bay Constable--202,291 BIDS:-- Drydocking,MV Race Poin~--50,94,100 Resurfacing Town Roads--169 BTI Mosquito Control--161,17Cr248 Budget--147,149 Building Department--143 Civic Association--26,107,126,147,224,238,342 Conservancy--140, 157,165,238 East End Lots--86 Elizabeth Field Airport--168,216,266 Environmental Consultants--46 Ferry District:--152-3,171,214.242,281,318,350,501 Increments-- 54,198 Rates--147 FIDCO--239 Garbage District--66, 114,177, ~ 78 Highway Department--256 Incinerators--46 Landfill--122,140,238 Motor Vehicle Department--46, IOt,107 Office--122 Police Committee--126 Sewer District--149,276,287,315 State Police--164 STOP Program--220 Telephone--165 Test Wells-- 187,207,217.224,239 5,179,183, FISHERS ISLAND- Cont.-- Town Board meeting--161,247-258 Town Hall--46 Walsh Park, Affordable Housing--46,87,107,142,157,177,192,211,224 239,342 West Harbor-- 107,138 Fishers Island Development Corp.--86,264 Fisher, Thomas--II1,183 Fish, Gary--111 Five East End Town Recycling Project-~337 Flatley, Martin--68 Fleischman, Mary Ann--87,98 Floyd Memorial Library--36 Fohrkolb, Andrew T.--137 Folk Dancing Instructor-- 315 Ford, Kevin--90 Forgarty, James-- 69 Fort Corchaug--207,225,226,295 Franken, Wilhem--344 Franklyn Born--243,338 Freedom of Information Law--86 Freeman, Frankie Lee-- 228,335 Fuchs, Steven--382 Funding, State--44-5 Gaffga, George E.--226 Gambino, Anthony-- 86,87,97 Garbage compacter truck--133 Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse (LL)--136-7,152,154,463,501,502 Gardiners Bay Estate Association--332 Gaskell, David--333 Gasoline--335 Gate keepers--130 Gatz property-- 183 Geier & Kontokosta property--235,260 Geier, Craig--260 , Geier, John--260 Gelman, Michael M. --170 Gendron, Rene--10 Generic Environmental Impact Statement--1,33,53, 63,76, 77, 122,145, 163,2 dS, 291 320,499 Gerrer, Charles T.-- t30 Ghosio, R.-- 176 Gifford, Royal--41,64,104 Gilbert, Mary Elizabeth--335 Gillispie, Hope T.--81 Gillispie, Mrs.--Il9 Ginas, James A.--137 Girards, Richard T.--112,333 Glew, Claire--248 Glover, Tracy--70 GNS Water Conditioning--340,351,354 Goehringer, Gerald--I,175,308 Golfview--230,241 Gollooly, Willlam--208, 219 Gralton, Thomas P.--137,215 Grand Avenue--291,302 Grandview Estates--133 Grattan, Pete--276 Gray, Jim--176 Gray, Jim/Pudge Corp.--36,53,69,1 1,113 Graves, Charles--64,161,194,207,348 Greco, Judy--506 Green Committee--see "Village Green" Greenfield, Richard--103, 112, ~16 Greenfield, Sophia--103,104,1'2,316 Greenport Fire Department--4-~ Greenport Local Waterfront Revitalization Program--332 Green )oft School--207,209,218 Greenoort-Southold Chamber of Commerce-- 63, 66,126,140-1,157 Greenport Superintendent of IJtitities--86,87 Greenport Utility Committee--' 3,44,' 46,194,238,294,311,466 Greenport Village-- 66,151,185,200,208,212,225,278,280,295,317,497 Greenport Village Trustees--65 Gremler, William M., Sr.--112,213 Griffin & Southwick--1 Grigonis, Frank Mr. & Mrs.--128 Grigonis, William--31,39,152,283 Grippe, Florence--383 Griswold-Terry-Glover Post No. 803--19,20,52-3,185,259,277,291,296 Grohoski, Lydia--215 Grosser, Ron--208 Ground Water Inc.--187,207,2'7 Groundwater Protection Area--209,3~,4 Ground Water Resources--43 Guitar lessons--282,315 Gull Pond--72,90 Guns, compression--232 Hall, Michael--q67 : Hallock's Bay--42,74,80,81,100-I02,115-118,125,127,146,187-189,192,194,2133,313 Halpin, Patrick--89,90,107,296,q67 Halsey, John--276,333 Hanauer, Sanford--212 Hancock, Jim--lq3 Handicapped Committee--345 Handicapped Recreation--138 Handicapped Special Olympics--67 Hands, Sandra--314 Hansen, Christian--18 Hanus, Ortrud--497 Harbor Lights--338 Harborview--52,238 Harborview Reality Co.--51 Harrington, Robert--41 Harris, John A.--34 Harris, Scott--26,200,314,465 Harroun, Joyce--260 Hart, John--103 Haugland, Harold C.F.--170,198 Hawkins, Delafield & Wood--175,208,236,243 Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites (Inactive)--107 Hazardous Waste Management Project--18,128,284 Hazardous Waste Storage Building--3,46,71,165 Head Start, Greenport-- 467 Health Department, Suffolk County--466 Health Insurance--500 Heaney, Bernard A.--34 Heath, Russell--318 Heath's Restoration Shop--318 Heating Fuel Oil--335 Heinisch, Bernard--207 Heinz, Donna--201 Heinz, Donna L.--198 Henderson, Daniel--281 Henderson, Joseph--212 Henderson, William F.--152,198 Henry, Patrick, DA--20 Henry Thomas Joseph--203 Henson, Eugene--198 Hidden Lake Farms--t22 HIGHWAY COMMITTEE:--88,89,125,' 26,145,163,179,192,237 ,238 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Clean-up Week--108,386 Dump Truck--35,51,167 Garbage compactor--167 General--39,64,74-5, tO6, 120, 163,217-218,302,386 Garbage compactor--167 Snow fence--183,227 Highway Excavation Law--70,151 Highway Specs.--41,42,57,58,64,82..88,106,117,125,126,163,238,322 Hilbrand, Joan--166 Hillary, Richard--89 Hillcrest Estates--21,134 Historian, Town--30,90,176,314 Hobart Avenue--305 Hobart, Peter--198 Hochbrueckner, George--107,285 Hoch, Richard J.--54 Hodell, Donald--297 Hoey, Howard J.--81 Hogan, Christina J.--94-5 Holcombe, Melissa--170 Holman, Dolores--396 Home Improvement Program--16 Home Rule Message of Support--77,225,234,238 Home Services Division--69 Hoober, C.B. & Son--227 Hoppys Cleaners--70 Horne, Helene D.--94,347 Horton, Curtis--37,111,207,276 Horton, David S.--498 Horton, Gail--329-30 Horton's Point Lighthouse--176 Housing Alliance--207 HOUSING COMMITTEE-- 44,88,89,'25,126,194,195,224,225,262,263,264 Housing Lottery-- 47,105,126,207 Housing Ordinance--263 Hubbard, Mayor George, Greenport--330 Huenke & Rodriguez, Esq--296 Human Services Division--Ill,129 Hunting, Deer--276 Huntington Town Supervisor--207 Hursell, Jennifer--333 Hussie, Alice--47 Hydrogeologic Field Investigation-- 73,259,260,284 IBM AS/400 Application Generation & Developrment--334 IBM computer--207,235,317,338 IBM Long Island Customer Center Data Processing Management Seminar--133,16~ IBM Quietwriter--150, 198 IBM seminar--200,283 IBM System, sale of--284,345 Impaired Boater Recognition Program--388 Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites--107 Incinerators--46 t 460 Increments :-- Booth, Antonia--215 Fishers Island Ferry District ~ersonnel--54 INLAND WATERWAYS COMMI~'TE£-- 12,43,46,126,291,385 Inland Waterways Permits--32 Inlet Lane, Greeport--222 Insurance, Health--500 Insurance, Town--I,30,103,308,327 Refund--4, 196 Israel, Richard--143,383 Jacobs, Raymond L.--16,269,319 Jantzen, Leona--216 Jens, Fred--61 Johnson, Carl--52 Jordan, Robert--198 Jorling, Commissioner--90,125,145,297 Junkyards--9 Justice Court--22 Clerk-typist--167,241 Court Clerk--33-4,167,2L0 Justice Department--22, 33-4, 167,24 J Justice Training Courses--33 Kaldor, E.F., C.P.A.P.C.--387 Kavanaugh, Jim--341 Keating, Dr. Stanley--90 Kelland, Horace--295 Kelly, Kendal--228 Kelly vs. Town--296 Kenny, Monica M.--344 Kennys Beach Shoreline Erosion Control Committee--260,319,321 Kibbe, Pat--256,257 Kiefer, Myrtle--30,39 Kimogenor Point Building #1--260 King, Jim marina--235,260 Kingsbury, Brian--198 Kinney Motors, Inc.--68,216 Kleinfeld, Carol t.--389 Klipp, Joyce--316 Klos, Sheita--137 Knauff, Robert P.--54198,318 Knobloch, Kevin -- 31,39,142 Kodper, Dr.--262 Koke, Helen--199 Kokkinos, George-- 339,498-9 Kontokosta property--235,260 Kopij, Henry--350 Kowalski, Linda--1 Kudlinski, Ann--S2 Kuhn, Evelyn--226 Kujawski, Barbara--345 Kujawski, Frank A., Jr.--1,302 Kwasna, Mike--276,340 Lack, James--148 Lake, Jack--109 Lamour, Roger--313 Land Bank Bi11--35,193,222,238-9 Land, Bruce--201 Land Clearing --269,272-4,289 LANDFILL:-- Gate Keepers--130 General-- 47,66, 72,114, t~3, t45~ t46,159,161, t64,165,201,211,227,241,~282,334 354,385,386,463,499,500,74-5 Hazardous Waste StorageI Bldg .i--3,46,71,165 Hydrogeologic Field Investigation--30,66,73,259,260,284,383 Sand, sale of 120,122,127,145 Scale Operators--129-30 ' Solid Waste/Sludge Composting--72,236,240,243 STOP Program--3,32,46,66,67,71,122,145,180,192,195-6,200,201,204,220, 239.284 Tipping Fees--340,386 Topo map--22,120 LANDFILL COMMITTEE--466,500 LANDMARK PR£SERVATION COMMITEE--63,72,87,98,146,151 Land Preservation Bank--77-8 Land Transfer Tax--195,225,~79 Lark, Richard F.--91 Larsen, Ellen-- 12,33,86,122 Latham, Diana--Il6 Latham, Edward W.--81 Latham, Irving--223,319 Lauer, Charles--327,336 Launching ramp--14,41,46,54~66,125,260-1,343 Laughing Waters Property Association--333 Laurel Greenhouses, Inc.--103,11,498 Laurel Lake--66,76,276,311,318,464~465,466 LaValle, Kenneth P.--35,195 Lawbooks, used--39, 40 Lazare, Leon--308 League of Woman Voters-- 163,179,207,353,466 Lease Agreement-- 297,319 Leave of Absence Faszcaewski, Alan--39,63 Wilson, Arnold--36.63 Lee, Richard--161,162,171 Legend Office Furniture--213 Lemerlin, James D.--54 Lennon, Lisa--227 Lessard, Michael A.--130 Lessard, Victor--87,175,183,207,27~,321,335 Letteriello, Daniel E.--269 Letter of Credit--21,52,133,134,135.338,498 Letter of Understanding-~338 Liber "D"--192,202 Licata, Janet--388 Lieblein, Peter--292 Lifeguards--145,201,203,210-1,215, ~16,242 Light, street--72 LILCO bills--20 Lindsay, William, Jr.--180 Lioness Club, Mattituck--227 Lions Club, Mattituck--48 Litigation :--162,193,207,222 Crimi, Salvatore M. vs. Town of Southold--91 Kelly vs. Town--296 Morrizzo, Ronald Builders, In~.--175,326 Old Mill Inn--217 Stack, Lo Interiors, Inc.--175,326 Strongs Mattituck Marin~--123,139 Little, Gladys--216,286 LOCAL LAWS:-- Affordable Housing fees--327 Alarm Systems--68,69,98,103,'09 Amend Southold Town Zoning Code & Map--77 Appearance Tickets--229,239, ~44,245 Architectural Features-- 172 Bazaars, Fairs, Circuses and Public Entertainment--50,67,73,80 Boats, Docks & Wharfs--78,98,99,186-7,197 LOCAL LAWS, Cont.-- Envionmental Quality Review--259,1267-8-, 280,285 Four year term for Superentendent of Highways--259,272,280,285 Four year term for Supervisor-- 259,272,280,285 Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse--136-7,152,154,463,501,502 Open Space Preservation--42,55-6,73, 95, 96-7 Peddling & Soliciting--199,212,219 Scavenger Wastes--79, 98, 99 Sewers, F. I.--388,467,500,502 Street Excavations--148,169,171 Taxation--93, 111,113 Vehicles & Traffic--128,152,1!53,28~,387,467,500,502 Wetlands-- 130-1,152 Zoning--77,131,132,136,149,150,169,171-2,180-1,243,259,260,266,268-9 271.280.282-3.285.287,308,303-4,320,327,336,350,459 Local Resource Reuse & Recovery Program (LRRRP)--337 Local Waterfront Revitalization Committee--13,40, 145, 150, 176,219,238 Local Waterfront Revitalization Program--40,145,150,176,219.238,248,294, 3O8,332 Loesch, Gary--10,159,260 LoGrande, Michael A.--31,59 Lombardi, A. R. Associates--248 Londregan, Chrisopher-- 198 Londregan, Jeffrey--198 Long Long Long Island Long Island Long Island Long Island Long Island Long Island Long Island Environmental Assessment Form--~8,19,36,37,51,168-9,346,497 Island Agricultural Forum-32 i i Forum--63 , i Grape Growers Assoclation--146 Green Seal Committee~--332 Railroad--14 ~ Regional Planning Board--'2,105,146,179,209,308 Sanitation Equipment Co. Inc.--167 Tourism & Convention Commission--196 Long Island Watchman-Traveler--~8 Loucka, Bruce--152 Low Income Senior Citizen's Cabl~ TV Lutz, Carl--143,176 Lyme Disease--175,222,225,229,269,314 Lyme Disease Task Force--211 Lynche, Keven--68 Discount--107 Magagnin, Joseph--326 Mahar, Richard K.--318 Mahood, Millicent--146 Mahood, Willard--146 Maiette, Frank Co.--51 Maintenance, Town Ha11--319 Maiorana, Christine--201 Malinowski, Steve--256,291 Mandell, Herbert--143,238 Map, Topographical--22,120 Marasel, Alfonse--232 Marineland, Mattituck--309 Marine Law Enforcement Training--~0 Marine Resources Specialist 11~--143 Marlett, Aldo--236 i Marston, Vilma--237 Martin, Fred--156 Martin Luther King Memorial Service--12,13 Marquardt, Joe--201 Mason, George--38 MASTER PI_AN--1,32,66,76,77r86,89,119,145,163,320,331,391-458 Maston, Bill--61,62 Mat-A-Marr Marina--107 Matassa, V.--280 Matthiessen, G.C.--I07 Mattituck Chamber of Commerce--132,280 Mattituck Creek--138 Mattituck Fire Department--228 Mattituck Inlet--14,260-1 Mattituck Inlet Marina--386 Mattituck Iibrary--42,54, 108 Mattituck Lioness Club-- 227 Mattituck Lions Club--48 Mattituck Little League--276 Mattituck Marina--123,139 Matt|tuck Park District--222 Mattituck Presbyrerian Church--226 Mattituck Sanitation--278 Mattituck School--110,209 Mattituck Senior Citizens Club--t61 Mediation Center--122,127 Meehan, Eleanor--41 Menay, Vito--45 Merkel, Joe--57-59,82,101,102,116-'18,205 Meyland, Sarah J.--128 Mikolajczyk, Zdzislaw--49,282 Miles, Maddie--200 Milk Bid--334 Miller, Douglas J.--237,241 Miller, Mel--128,185 Minority Enterprise Development Week--316 Moeller, Jacqueline--122,138,142,334 Monsanto Agricultural Co.-- 107 Monsell, Jim--86,87 Moore, Clementine--335 Moore, Edward D.--54 Moore, Ken--216 Moore, Patricia--27 Moore, William-- 212,213 Morizzo, Ronald, Inc.--175, 326 Moroney, Kevin J.--350 Mosely, Pharoah--35 Motor Vehicle Department--lO~ Moynihan, Danile Patrick--44 Mt. Beulah Acres--192,214 Mud Creek--126,265 Mudd, David--506 Muir, Robert--32,41,103,109 Multen Motors--50, 197,227 Mullen William F., Jr.--1,4,167,196.222,276,327 Milligan, Jean--228 Municipal Utilities Association--13,4~, 146, 194 Murphy, Loraine--228,286 Murphy, Peggy--269 M/V Race Point--50,94,100 McBride, Frank J.--49,267 McCabe, Sean--276,340 McCaffrey, Charles T.--333 McCarthy, George--110,347 McCarthy, Kent--70 McCavera, Jeremy--216 McCavera, Maura--216 McCormick, Charles L.--319 McDonald, Mark S.--112,262 McGlichey, Eileen--215 McKeighan, Venetia--lO5, t07,340 McKnight, Danny--228 McLaughlin, Karen--135 McLaughlin, Kevin--10 McLendon, Sam--103,327 McMahon, James C.--203,295,296,3'7,319 McNeil, Webster--21,37, 167 McNichols, Mary Ellen--43 McNulty, Chris--201 McNulty, Elizabeth--201 McNulty, Joanne--201 Nataro, National National National National National National 911 Service--42 Nassau County Archaeological Association--175 Nassau Wholesalers--47,386 Frank--313 Adult Day Care Week--300 Estuarine Sanctuary--106,' 25,297-8,342 4H Week--328 Free Paper Week--68 Historical Site--207 Symposium on Protection of Wetlands from Agricultural Impacts-~-86,120-1 National Tourism Week--145 Natural Gas Company (Denmark)--175 Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Dept.--341 Neese, Bob--216 Nelson & Pope Consulting Engineers--259 Neted of America, Ltd.--497 Neville, Elizabeth--133 Newbridge--142 New York Bight Restoration Plan--~86 New York Harbor--265 New York Islanders--267 NEW YORK STATE:--- Archaeolocal Association--352 Association of Attorneys--68 Association of Chiefs of Police--213 Bureau of Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs--333 Commission on Cable Television--332 Department of Environmental Conservation 108,115-118,127,128,140, Marine Resources Specialist 11--143 Shellfish Management Grant--103,109 Workshops--146 Department of Health--13.44,125,164,165,262 Department of Motor Vehicles--46,100,164 Department of State--294 Department of Transportation DOT--2,42,108,110,166,180,212,223,466 Division for Youth Project Application--389 Division of Equalization & Assessment--51,333 Environmental Facilities Corp.--18,71 Environmental Quality Review Act--51 Local Resource Reuse & Recovery Program (RRRP)--337 Office for the Aging--22,56,69,90,111,129 Power Authority-- 47 Retirement, NYS-- 384,385 Water Revitalization Program--3B4 New York Telephone--165 No-discharge zone--296 No Parking/No Standing area--42 Norman E. Klipp Marine Park--98 Norris property--47,86,103,124,184-5,327,340,349,500 Norstar Bank--348 Northeast Nurseries--34,230 Northeast Solid Waste Conference--4~33,500 North Fork Animal Welfare League--' 3,41,54,64,104,218,223,286,344,497 North Fork Captain's Association--313 North Fork Duplicate Bridge Cub--280 North Fork Early Learning Center--16 North Fork Environmental Council--63,280,314 North Fork Girl Scout--195 North Fork Housing Alliance~-16,30047,125,207,284,327,347,389 North Road Association--501 Norton, lone D.--54 North Shore Unitarian Universalist Church--459 Nosenchuck, Norman--311 Notaro, Frank & Antoinette--344 Novit, Charles--52 Nunnakoma Waters Association, Inc.--466 Nutrition Program--17,34-5,37,38,52,90,93,105,107,167,228,335,463 (DEC) 2,13,32,45,66,67,73,74,107, O'Connor, Marion--216 Odom, Ernie--122,126 Off-Bottom Culture of Shellfish (FI)--107 Office for the Aging--22,56,69,90,1'1,129 Office Hours, Wednesday--32, ~06, 16.~ Office of County Executive--8.~, 90,107, 467 Office of Ecology--44 Office Products seminar--248 Old Coast Guard Station--501 Old Mill Inn--217,232 Oliver, Chris--242 Omni Technical Services--299 One hundred-fifty (150) Anniversary, Greenport--278,317 Open Space Bond Issue (1987)--22 Open Space Committee--86,97,'22,1~5,146,159,168,179,192,200,220,237,238,283,2~1, 293,308,327,336,344,466 Open Space or Open Area Preservation--55-6,73,86,95,96-7,192,321 Open Space Preservation Funds--234 Open Space Preservation Program--241 Open Space Program--13,351 Oregon Heights--135 Orient Association--128,342 Orient by the Sea Marina--466 Orient Meadow Land Owners--80,81,128,146,155-9,194,195 Orient Point--10,12,26,27,44 Orient Point Estates Water Treatment Plant--2 Orient property--42,74,100-10~,115-~18,142,222 Orlowski, Bennett--41,86,95,192,382 Our Land of Ostrabrama Church--IL Oyster Farm Associates--497 Pafundi, Victor--280 Parades--44,132,137-8,179,198,266,3 5m349 Parcelluzzi, Holly C.--227 Parents of the Developmentally Disabled--105 Park & Playground--10,230,2z~3,270,Z76,291,300,302,459 Park & Recreation--464,465 Parking,village-~209,220 PARKS & BEACHES COMMITTEE:--32,41,106,145,163-4,277,311 Park Trustees, Suffolk County--142 Parrish, Anna--336 Parrish Art Museum--176 Pavenkopf, James--262 Pay fringe benefits--87 Peck, Noel E.--240 Peconic Ambulance Service--276,340 Peconic Bay Day--173 Peconic Bay Task Force--45,66,125,126,173,224,145 Peconic Bay Yacht Racing Association--67 Peconic County-- 55,57 Peconic Land Trust--222,276,291,301,333 Peddling & Soliciting--199,212,214,2'9,239,294 Penn, H. O. Machinery Co.,Inc.--281-2 Penny, George--319 Penny, Larry--26,46,63,341 Permit fees--308, 319,320 Perricone, Steve--60-2 Perry, Robert--327 Peterson, Eric--208 Peters, William--63,72,87 Petty cash--71 Pfifferling, Ilene--16,348 Photo, Aerial--22,41,55 Piacenza, John--198 Pine Barrens, 128,195 Planitzer, Russell--146 PLANNING BOARD:-- Aerial Photo--22,41,55 Change of zone--36,37,5' ,86,185 Clerk-typist--21 Fees--308,336 General--106,117,124,142,163,1B4,185,192,198,209,210,220,238,339,276, 327,338,382,497 Highway Specs--41,59,238 Intern--308 Planning Board, County--36,37,51 Planning Service, regional--31 Playground Instructor--150,201 Plock property--235 Policano, Joseph--317 Police Benevolent Association--126,161,175,466 Police Committee--89, 194,331,384 POLICE DEPARTMENT :-- Bids:-- Cleaning & purchase of uniforms--334 Vehicles--16,68, 151,216-7, ,~34 Energy Reduction Reporl--309 General--52,112,122,125,137,151,167,176,203,215,228,386,459 Seminars--68, 128 Storage building--30,32,39 Poliwoda, Kelli--334 Pollak, Harvey--236 Pollak, Henry A.--161,175,189-190 Posess, Stanley--319 Price, Betty--330 Prince, Mrs. Frederick--33 PROCLAMATIONS:-- Business/Education Partnership Day--48,65 Electrical Safety Week--213 Employment Opportunity Day--65 Minority Enterprise Development--316 National 4 H week- ~32 8 National Tourism Week--' 44 Southwold Day--202 Student Councils--209 Substance Abuse Awareness Week--329 Youth Week--168 Property, Acquisition of--74 Proposition Two--195 Proud, Helen--345 Public Recreation Moorage Facility--208,218 Public Safety Dispatcher--18, 69, 137, 166 · 227,460 Public Safety Telecommunication Training Course--69 Public Water Main Extension Matching Fund Program--86,97 Pudge Corporation/Hames L. Gray, Sr.--36,53,69,111,113 Puglise property--183 Pump-out facilities--384,385,465,291 Pupecki, Emil J.--388 Puraq Company--308 Provisional Employees .... 389 Race Point, M/V--50,94,100 Radford, Ernest G., 203 Ramp, Boat--14, 41,46,54, 66,126,260~1 Raynor, Henry--103 RDF plant--294 Reale, Attorney--327 Records Management Officer .... 266 RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE:--44,145,210 Recreation Center--41-2,67,87 ~ 143, 145, 150,335 Recreation Department--10,22,41,50~t10,137,145,t50,157,184,185,194-5,197,201,2~)3, 210,22i5,227,~236,282,330,389 Recreation ( Handicapped)--138 Recreation Program Coordinator--22 Recreation Program for the Elderly-~56,225 Recreation Safety Institute--lq2 Recreation Supervisor--48,49, i 10, 13~, 145 Reese, Christine--133 Reese, Harold, Jr.--133,139,181-2, 6,230-1 Reese, Harold, Sr.--134 Reese, Ronald--133 Reeves, Ken--32,48,49,87,110,137, 1~5,194,236,241,283 REFUNDS:--19,71,86,87,97,148,284,299,317,334,389 Regan, Edward--44 Reich, Paul--52 Reidel (DANO)--10 Reilly, Theresa Jo--240 REPORTS :-- Accounting--144 Accounting & Finance--105 Affordable Housing Program--105 Building Department--12r32,6~,103,144,177,224,261,293,330,342,464 Cablevision-~32,43,88,144, 163, 177,209,261,293,330,384,464 Councilman--2,12, 32,43, 65,88, ' 05,125,163,177,194,209,224,,237,,262,278,293,310, 330,342,384, ~,64 Dog Pound--65,105,163,224,261,293 Historian--32 Justices:-- Justice Edwards--12,43,88,163,194,224,261,310,464 Justice Price--12,43,65,125,163, 19u,,237,310,384,464 Justice Tedeschi--12,43,8S,125,163,194,237,278,310,342,464 Juvenile Aid--43 Lyme Task Force--261 North Fork Animal League--43 NYS Department of Health Beach Inspection--237 Planning Board--43 Police--12,43,65,125,163,194,2 ~.7,278,310,342 Recreation Advisory Board--65 Recreation Department--1,32,~3,105,144,177,224,261,293,330 Scavenger Waste Treatment Plant--- 2,43, 88, 194,224,262,293,342,464 Southold Hospice--43 Suffolk County Department of Labor Economic Indicator Report--293 Supervisor--144,209,237,278,310 Supported Work Program--32,330 Town Audit--261 Town Clerk--2,32,65,105,144,194,224,261,293,330,464 Town Ordinance Inspectors--4$4 Trustees--12,43,65,125,163,19'~,224,262,310,384,464 Research, Triangle Institute--' 07 RESIGNATIONS:-- Brown, Sheryl C.--167 Condit, Ralph 11--68 Eckert, Alice--37 Glover, Tracy--70 Grigonis, William--283 Hogan, Christina J.--94 Larsen, Ellen--33 McNeil, Webster--37 Otiva, Ruth D.--17 Rudder, Lynda M.--298 Scopaz, Vaterie--17 Walkden, Kimberly--298 Restricted Highway--212 RESUMES:-- Bay Constable, Spec.--138 Clerk-typist--42,147,201 Conservation Advisory Council--68 Open Space Committee--86,97 Water Advisory Committee--4,41,54 Retirement (NYS)--384,385 Retirement, Police & Fire--175, 185, Rettaliata, Toni--207 Reuter, Inc. (Buhler-MIAG)--10 RFP--161,165,295 Rianhart, John C.--350 Riba, David--235,308 Rice, Aaron--198 Richards, Lynne--105,122,138 Richardson, Katie--295-6 Richmond Shores at Peconic--35 Richter, Thelma R.--280 Rieger, Yan H.--127 Riverhead Health Center--148,296 Riverhead Planner--67 Riverhead Town Board--27,31 Riverhead Water System--327 Road run-off--305 Robohm, Dorothy--8,9 Rock, Kenneth--386 Rosenberg, David--232 Ross, Frederick--152 Rotary Club--165,211 Roth, Paul--383 Rouse, Sylvia--133 Rotto, Allan Consultants, Inc.--318 Route 25--108,466 Royer, R. James-- 196 Rudder, Barbara--17,63,103,111,196,316 Rudder, Lynda M.--298,498 Rumph, Tim, RLA--76,318 Rutter, Barbara--91,333 Rutter, Gary--91,333 Saetta, Robert--236,244 Safety Storage, Inc.--3 Sailor, Wayne--90 Saland, David--309 Sales tax, ¼%--161,170 Salmon, William--276 Sand Tickets, sale of--120,122,127,1~,$ Sang Lee Farms--161,162,171 Saunders, Sophie T.--108,334 Sawicki, Frank--63,73,287 Sawicki, Joseph--194, 195 Sawicki, Walter--63,73,287 Scale Operator--129-30 Scallop Seeding Program--125 I Scanlan, John--185 SCAVENGER WASTE--66,79,13:~, Schaedel, Edna--52 [ Scheuerman, Tom--201 Schick Realty International--2 Schlachter, Christine M.--93 Schmidtchen, Ann--228 Schneider, Joan Ann--92,248,389 Schondebare, James A.--20,25,40 School crossing guard--110,215,31L,334 Schultheis, Gerald--226 Schwartz, Benjamin--503 Scopaz, Valerie--63,126,135,186,308.387 Scott, Rev.--51 Scrap metal--334 Scrap Paper--334 Sea Grant--45,385 Searl, Parnell--345 298,340,349 Section 8 Housing Voucher Annual Contributions Contract--196 Seed Clam Program--103,111 Self-Evaluation (Handicapped) Committee--345 Semimerio, Anthony S.--185 SEMINARS:-- Affordable Housing Conference--176, 186,202 Annual Building Officials Educational Conference--49 Appraising for Assessors--19~ Assessment Administration--314 Association of Large Towns--91 Association of Towns--20,21 BioCycle National Conference--109,143,177,179,180,287 Boating While Impaired--71 Building Inspectors--184 Business Records Corp.--49~ Chief of Police--213 Civil Service--316 Coastal "V" Zone--122,138 Code Administration & Enforcement Code Enforcement--37 Training Session--389 CSEA-- 17, 196 DWI Seminar--128 Eastern Resources Management--299 Environmental Conference--302 Environmental Law Update--165 Household Hazardous Waste--L2 I BM--200,334 IBM AS/400 Application Generation & Development--334,347 IBM LI Customer Center--133.169,283 Impact Fees Conference--135 Impaired Boater Recognition Program--388 Justice Training Courses--333 Introduction to Airphoto Interpretation--387 Law Enforcement Awareress--G8 Marine Law Enforcement--70 National Synposium on Protect on of Wetlands--86,120-21 Northeast Solid Waste Conference--463,500 NYS Building Officials--183 Office Products--248 Public Safety Tele-communicator Training Course--69 Recreation & Park Society Conference--49 Senior Citizens Conference--l?7 Tidal Wetlands Permit Application Process-: Shoreline Survey of Shellfish--296 Town's Attorney Association--50 Solid Waste Crisis--139-t0 US Environmental Recovery--299 Solid Waste Management--24 Workers' Compensation--316 State of the Bays--229,262,26~-4,274 Senate Bills--77-78,161,170,185,234 Sewer Rents, FI--388,467,500,502 Senior Action Mobile--107 SENIOR CITIZENS:--94,164 Mattituck--161 i Southold--47 Sports Tournament--145 Senior Citizen's Cable TV Discount--107 Senior Citizen Nutrition Program--17,22,34,35,37,38,52,93,105,107,167,228, 334~335,463 Sensitivity Training Workshop--t43 Sensor Savers--143 SEQR--192,213,224,225,237 Shalvey property--183 Shellfish Management Grant--103,189,291 Shellfish, sampling--63,140-1 Shelter Island Association Sewage Treatment--262 Shelter Island Baymen's Association--106 Shelter Island Fire Alarm District--63,75 Shelter Island Fire Department--42,63 Shelter Island Heights Fire Department--63 Shelter Island Town--226 Sherwood, Jack--23 Shields, Lawrence--34 Shillo, Thomas--276,287,315 Ship, John--128 Shipman, Joseph P.--269 Shoreline Survey of Shellfish--296 Sidor Martin--63,73,83-4,112,213,3 4,46( Siegmann, Edward--30,115-6,161 Signs--8,157 Silversmith's Corner (Southold Green)--33 Sinclair, David--90,177 Site Plan Ordinance--163 Sledjeski, Henry--81 Slogan--196 Smith, Carolyn--228 Smith, Christopher--45,140 Smith, Finkelstein, Lundberg, Islet & Yakaboski--175 Smith, Florence--167 Smith, Harry--63,66,179 Smith, Henry--41,61 Smith, Mary Anna--302 Smith, Walter L.--112,192,207,352 Smith, Warren L.--203 Snow Fence--183,227 Software/Hardware Contract--214 SOLID WASTE--24,90,91,143,145,146 Solid Waste Crisis: Environmental perspectives--139 Solid Waste Management Program--10,90,284 Solid Waste/Sludge Composting Facility program--175,196,236,240,243,259,269, 301,308,309,320 Sonnenborn, Monroe--319 Sound Cable Project--127 South Fork Asphalt Corporation--134 South Harbor Road--31,38 Southold Fire Department--198,276 Southold Indian Museum--352 Southold Lumber Company--166 Southold Merchants Committee--212 Southold Park District--177,319 Southold PTA--315 Southold School--463 Southold Senior Citizens--47 SOUTHOLD TOWN:--- Accounting Department--70, ~ 5,83,286,497 Adult Day Care Program--18,36,52,216,228,336,388 Assessment Review Board--192,203,233 Assessors--23,51,63,70,198,:08,315,354,465 Attorney, Assistant--20,68 Attorney, Town--20,23,50,66,92,1i)3,161,162,193,217,389 Board of Appeals--I,44,67,86,87,95,125,148,175,198,201,240,246,271, 277,279,291,308,310,327,336,389 Board of Ethics--86,103,111 Board Meetings--142 Building Department--86,87,98,122,183,184,245,260,271,277,302,321,335,498 Code--41,137 Commissioner of Public Works--16,54,72 Community Development Office--150 Crime/Alcohol/Drug Program--16,87,98 Department of Public Works--74,75 Developmental Disability Services--122 Dog Pound--54,64,104,218,222,223,286,497 Elderly Day Care Program--16,129 Elderly Home Aide Program--Il0-1,228 Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program--52,129,135,228,286,335 Family Service League, Inc.--17 Fire Chiefs Council--161 Hall, Town--10, 12,176,184,192,202,207,319,340,351,354 Addition--10, 12,30, 42,57,123,126,222 Computerization--86,280-1 Historian--30,90, 176 Justice--22,33-4,167,198,240,241 LANDFILL--22,30,47,66,67,72,73,114,120,122,127,129-30,133,145,146,159,161, 164,165,200,201,211,227,236,240,241,243,259,260,282,284, 334,340,354,383,385,386,463,498,500 MASTER PI-AN--1,32,66,76,77,86,89,145 North Fork Animal Welfare League--13,44,54,64 Nutrition Program--17,22,34,37,38,52,93,105,107,167,228,334,335,463 PBA--126,161,175,466 PLANNING BOARD--21,22,36,37,41,42,43,51,58,63, 86,95,106,117,124,142,163 176,184,192,195,198,209,210,220,238,239,276,308,327,336-7, 338,340,382,497 Police--16,32,39,52,68,112,122,125,137, 151,167,176,203,216,217,228,234,309,334-5 Records Management Officer--266 Recreation Center--41-2,67,87,143,145,335 Recreation Department--10,22,41,50,110,137,145,150,157,184,185,194-5,197,201 225,227,282,389 Recreation, Handicapped--138 Recreation Program for the Elderly--56,225 Recreation Supervisor--48,137,145,194 SCAVENGER WASTE--66,79,133,298,340,349 Senior Adult Day Care Program--388 SOLID WASTE--24,90,91,143,145,146,337 Solid Waste Management Program--10,337 Solid Waste/Sludge Composting--175,196,236,240,243,259,269,301,308,309,320 Superintendent of Highways--259,272,291 Supervisor's Office-- 92,259,272,334,498 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--21,23,52,69,151,167,216,228 Town Clerk's--23,49-50,94,286 TRUSTEES--I,4, 11,12,13, 14-16,30,31,32,39,41,42,63,66,103,125,146,150,195 199,284,291,328,340,341,348,351,389 Wastewater Capital Fund--299 Wastewater Disposal District--387 Youth Services Program--17 SOUTHOLD TOWN COMMITTEES: Affordable Housing--44,46,105,210,310,311 Building & Grounds Committee--32 Citizens Advisory Committee--43,44 Code Committee-q43,44,66,67,125,126,163,175,194,220,225,237,278-9,288,293 343,344,466 Commerce & Industry--32, 66,88,146,172,179,195,209,212,294,331,340 Conservation Advisory Council--25,30,68,122,145,152,229,302 Core Watershed Protection Area Study--24,115 Dog Pound Committee--343 Drug Abuse Committee--145 Farmland Preservation/Open Space--21,31,32,39,42,44,46,55-6,86,145-6,175,179 183,192,220,283,291,293,294,305,308,327,336,342 Green Committee--see "Village Green" Groundwater Protection Area Advisory Committee--344 Highway Committee--88,89,125,126,145,163,179,237,238 Housing Committee--44, 88,89,125,126,194,195,209,210,224,262,263,293,294 Inland Waterways Committee--12,43,46,126,291,385 Kennys Beach Shoreline Erosion Control Committee--260,319,321 Landfill Committee--466 Landmark Preservation Committee--63,72,87,98,146,151 Local Waterfront Revitalizatlon Committee--13,40,145,150,176,238,248,294,308,332 North Fork Environmental Council--63 Open Space--86,97,122,145-6,152,159,168,179,192,200,209,220,237,238,308,241, 283,291,293,327,336,344,464,466 Parks & Beach Committee±~ 3~1,106, 145,163-4,277,291,310,311 Parks & Recreation --464,465 Police Committee--89, 194t 331,384 Promotion Committee--331 Recreation Advisory Committee--44,145,210 Self-Evaluation (Handicapped) Committee--345 Tercentenary Committee--73 350th Anniversary Celebration--35,73,111 Tree Committee--37-8,90,161,170,177,192,227,259-60,269-70,279,293, 306,382,466 Village Green--12,32,33,88,89,125,145,178,179,222,276,291,301 Water Advisory Committee--4,13,17,25,41,43,44,45,54,60,61,83-4,86 103,106,112,115,224,225,262,264,267,278,298,342, 382,466,503 Waterfront Revitalization Committee--13,219,237 Water Resources Management Program--Il,24 Waterways Committee--44 Southold Town Fire Police--386 Southold Town Promotion Committee--331 SOUTHOLD--47,63, 155-6, 176, 192,333 Southold Day--202,309 Spates, Donald--212,280 Special Groundwater Protection Area Advisory Committee--146 Speed Limits--2,166,180,212 Speed Limit, Water--176,186,205 Spiro, Melissa--22,327,387 Sports Program--Il0 Stack, Aurelie D.--226 Stack, John--87 Stack, Lo, Interiors, Inco--175,326 St. Agnes Church--463 Stanford, John S.--54 Stan, Harold--17 Stankiewicz, Donald--198 Stanton, Donald J.--319 State Environmental Quality Review Act--36,37,55,168,172,240,467 State of the Bays--229,262,263-4,274 State Police--164 Stat Equipment Corp.--327 Stearns, Pamela J.--386 Stepnoski, Alex--319 Sterling Cove Condominiums--14 Steward, Jeddie--122 Stewart, Jaddie--463 STOP Program--3,32,65,66,67,116,122,145,180,192,195-6,200,201,204,220,239 Stop Work Order--86 Stop Work Order Form--95-6 Strachan, Margaret L.--81 Strang, Garrett--64,104 Strawberry Festival--48 Street Excavations -148,169,171 Street Fair--132 Street lights--72 Strong, David--309 Strong's Mattituck Marina--123,139 Student Council-- 209 Student Internship Program--207,218 Stueber, Kristine--201 Stulsky, Christine-- 86,248 Stulsky, Irene--354 Stype, Andrew--183,236,241,244 SUBDIVISIONS:-- Aliano, Nicholas--230,260,270 Angel Shores I--280 Arbeeny, Henry-- 230,244,291,300,308,345,463 Chardonnay Woods--338,383,459 East Marion Woods--230 Franklyn Born--243,338,498 Grandview Estates--134 Golfview--230 Harbor lights--338 Harbor View~--52 Hillcrest Estates-- 134 North Road Associates--501 Oregon Heights--135 Richmond Shores--35 Sunbeau Associates--243 The Woods at Cutchogue-382 Wolf Pit Pond Estates- 243,276 291,302,309 Subdivisions Regulations-- 239 SUFFOLK COUNTY:-- Archaeological Association--175 Association of Attorneys--68 Board of Elections--35,63,280 Capital Budget (1988)--207,217 Community College-Cedar Beach--145 Department of Civil Service--52,137,167,286,316,331,351,354,459,460 Department of Consumers Affairs--332 Department of Health--13,31,32,,41,45,63,67,86,87,97,106,126,148 Department of Health Services--313 Department of Parks, Recreation & Conservsation--34 Department of Planning--497 Department of Public Works--46,90,226,291 District Attorney--20,345 Division of Patient Care Services--148 Drinking Water Protection Program-- 128,346 Executive's Office--176 Executive's STOP-DWI Department--167 Health Department--466 Home Services Division--69 Human Services Division--Ill,129,151 Office for the Aging--22,56t69t90.111.129o151 Office of the County Executive--89 Park Trustees--142 Police Academy Recruit School--137 United East End Seniors Council--173 Water Authority--108,128,209 Youth Bureau--17 Suffolk Lighting--326 Suffolk Times--98 Sullivan, Reverand John P.--463 Sunbeau Associates--243 Superintendent of Highways (4 year term)--259,272,280,285,289-90 Super Star Contest--266 Supervisor (4 year term)--259,272,280,285,289-90 Supervisors--92,259,272,334,498 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--21,23,52,69,151,167,216,228 Support Bills--161,170,185 Supported Work Program--41,105,122,145 Support of State Constitution Amendment--148 Swan, Bessie--30,125 Swimming Instructor--184 Szalkowski, Wilfred--198 Szepatowski Associates, 1nc.--1,31,33,40,176,248,308 Talbott, Jo Ann--345 Talluto, Chris--269 Tanski, Jay--319,385 Tarpey, Martin J., Jr.--499 Tasker, Robert W.--25,40,339 Tasker, Susan--134-5 TaYano, J.--280 Taxation--93,111,113 Tax exemptions--30,63,93,113,114-1' 6 Tax Law (Real Propoerty)--173 Technical Task Force--262 Telephone Co.--165 Tennis Instructor--150,184 Tercentenary Committee--73 Tercentenary material--303 Terkowski, JoAnn--315 Terp, Ambrose--340,341,351 Terry, Constance--42,81,117-8 Terry, Joyce P.-- 14,17,25,26 Terry, Judith T.--266 Terry, Howard--386 Terry, Lloyd--18,42,81,188-9 Terry, Raymond W., Jr.--111 Thames Shipyard & Repair Co.--94 Thatcher, John--122,251-55 Therharides, Nicholas--386 Thilberg, Jack H., Jr.--90 350th Anniversary Celebration--35,73,106 Thorp, Jill M.--21,248 Tick Talk--222,229 Tidemark Resort Motel--239 Tiedke, Jean--159-160,305 Tipping fees--340,463,501,502 Tire, removal of--318,340,463fS00 Toivonen, Arnold W.--54 Toivonent William--198 Tombari, Paul--138 Tortora, Lydia A.--280 Town Board meeting--161 TOWN CLERK'S--23,49-50,94 TOWN HALL;--10,12,176,184,192,202.207,238,319 Computerization--51,86,150,280,299,308 Renovations--10, 12,30,42,57,123. 126,222 Tozar, Alycia--184 Tozar, Kristen--184 Traffic Control Officers--90, 1 t~, 334 Traffic Survey--54,110,236,259 Traffic Warden--388 Trailer, Agricultural--41 TRAILERS: Bauer Farms, Inc.--197 Boursizuot, Ange & Barbara--1'0,386 Brown, Samuel C.-21,240 Carroll, John & Berit--12~,123, 39 Douglas, Robert-- 192,203 First Baptist Church--132,347 Girards, Richard T.--112~333 Greenfield, Richard & Sophia~--103,112 Horton, David S.--498 Knobloch, Kevin--31,39 Laurel Greenhouse--103,1'1 McBride, Frank J.--49,282 McCarthyf George A.--11~,347 Miles, Maddie--200 Milolazczyk, Zdzislaw--49,282 Moeller, Jacqueline--122,139,334 Northeast Nurseries--34,230 Pollak, Harvey--236 Rutter, Barbara & Gary--91,333 Saetta, Robert--236,244 Sang Lee Farms--t61,162,171 Saunder, Sophie--108 Sawicki, Walter & Frank--~3,73 287 Sidor, Martin--63,73,314 Terp, Ambrose--340,341,351 Tuthill, John C.--216 Wolf Pit Nurseries, Inc.--103,112 Transfer of Employee .... 389 TRANSFER OF FUNDS:-- Accounting--38 Assessors--3, 181,348 Bay Constable -- 38 Beaches--228,267 Bond Anticipation Notes--3 Building Inspector--93 Buildings--3, 38, 92,335,348 Cablevision--38 Cemeteries--335 Community Development--76 Community Environment--181 CSEA---22, 38, 349 Data Processing--22 Elizabeth Airport--242 Federal Aid--241 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund--497 FI BTI Mosquito Control--248 Fire & Police Retirement--229 Fire Fighting--22 Fishers Island Ferry--242,335 General--4,71,72,148,149,181,228,2~2,248,335,347 GHI Dental--38 Highway--3,20,345 Hospitalization--3, 22,38 Insurance, unallocated--38,34& JAB Program--22,93 Joint Recreation--347 Justices--22,348 Nutrition Program--34 NYS Retirement--3,228,347,348,349 Off Street Parking--3 Parks--22,38 Planning--22,38,197 Planning Board Fees--38 Police--3, 38 Program, Aging--348 Public Health--3, 38 Public Works--3 Recreation Administration--242,347 Refuse & Garbage--3,22,72,223,242~348 Safety Inspection--22,38,229 Social Security--22,38 Sport Program--347 Stop Program--3,228,242 Supervisor--348 Tax Receiver--3,38 Town Attorney--71 Town Board--38,71,92,335,348 Town Clerk--3,38 Traffic Control--3 Unemployment--38 Water advisory Committee--267,298 Workmen's Compensation--38,228,229,241,348,349 Zoning--38,181 Trash disposal system--383,459 Travel authorization--319 Travell, Scott--327 Tree Committee--37-8, 90,161,170,~177,192,227,269-70,293,382 Tree Ordinance--306 Tryac Truck & Equipment Co., In¢.--11C Tsokanos, Steven--339,498-9 Tumulty, Mike--259,260,383 Turchin, Lawrence--236 Tuthill, John--42,81, I00,101,159, 1~7,188,223 Tuthill, John C.--216 Tuthill, Lorna--28,29 Tuverson, Robert T.--214 Trustee Office ---389 Trunzo, Caesar--185 United East End Seniors Council--l~3 Urban, Bonnie--161 U. S. Environmental Recovery Systems--299 U, S. Government Corps. of Army Engineers--14,47,90,107,226,265,342,343,344 Department of Commerce--295 Department of Housing ard Urban Development--196,217 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)--106,107,133,179·297 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)--266 Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds--387,467 Van Stype Insurance Agency--I,4 Van Brunt, Dawn C.--135 Vantage Petroleum Corp.-- 463 Veatch Program--459 Vehicles, Abandoned, bid for--130 Vehicles and Traffic (LI-)--130.152,153,286,387,467,500 Vehicle permits--203 Verme, Bill--220 Verni, Ralph M.--222 Video display terminals (VDT)--260, 270,296 Village Commons Health & Racquet Club--72 Village Green--12,32,33,125,145,178,222,226,276,291,301 Village Lane, Orient--235 Villa, Robert A.--152,262 Vindigni, Sal--345 Vista Bluff--10 Volinski, Pat--228 Wachsberger, Fredrica--128 1 Wacker, Ronnie--161,227,269,280,314~ Walden, Suzanne--87,98 Walkabout Program--186 Walkden, Kimberly--298,498 Walker, Amy--201 Waloski, Frances--Il0 Walsh Park (FI)--46,87,107,142,157,177,192,211,224,342 Walter, Harold--334 Walters Junkyard--122 Wanat, Joseph A.--48 Wanet property--47,86,103,124,184-5,327·340,349,500 Warnock Fleet & Leasing--217,234 Warwick, James F.--132 Wassmer, Patricia--216 Waste Management Conference-~179 Waste Processing Corp. (DANO)--I~! Wastewater Capital Fund--299 ~ Wastewater Disposal (FI)--248 i ii, Wastewater Disposal District--387 WATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE:--4,11,13,17,25,41,44,45,54,60-1,83-4,86·'03,106,112,115 125,161,163,164,170,194,213,220,222,225,262,264,~67,278, 298,342,382,460,466,503 Water Authority--108 Waterfront Revitalization Committee--13,219,237 Water machines--87,351,354 Water Main Extension Program--86,97,151 Water Management Program--25 Water Overlay District--13 Water Recharge Corridor Area--13 Water Resources Management Program--Il,24 Water Revitalization Program (NYS)--384 Water Samples--107 Water Shed Protection Area Advisory Committee--179 Watershed Protection Program--129 Watershed Protection Study--11,24,2~ 43,4~, ~0-62~66,83-84, 105 Water Quality treatment--166 Waterways Committee--44 Wells, Betty--302 Wells· George--276 Wells, private--31 Wells, test--187 Wells, Timothy--276 Wenczel, Peter--313 Wermelinger, Vernon G.--133 Westbury Music Fair--91 West Creek Estates--463 West Creek Estates Property Owners Association--10 West Creek Estates Road Improvement Districts--10,24,143 Westhampton Nursing Home--4~ West Harbor--138 West Lake Association--166,180 West Mattituck Beach Associaiton--2~ Wetlands--9,79,98,99,100,130,131,15~ ~153-4 Wetmore, Bobra--40,144 Wetmore, George--306 Whelan, Sharon~-124 Wickham Creek--74 Wickham, John-~74 Wickham-Searl, Parnel--35 Wickham, Thomas Dr.--163 Wieczorek, Vincent--37,175 Wiggins, Merlon--383 Wilcox, EIIsworth H.--54 Wilinski, Maureen--295-6 Wilkins, Joyce M.--21,200 Williams, Ralph--63,72 Wilson· Arnold--36,63 Wilton, Richards-40 Wines, Roger--276,311 Winters, Dan--103 Witschieben, Don--222,319 Wolfenden, Elizabeth--143 Wolf Pit Nurseries, Inc.--103,112 Wolf Pit Pond Estates--243,276,291,302,3~9 Woman Worker's Service and Job Opportunities Fair--89 Woodhull, Ruthanne--92 Woods, The at 'Cutchogue---382 Workman's Compensation Seminar--316 Work/Study Clerk--334 Wunneweta Pond--91 Wysocki, Joseph S.--166 Yaro, Elizabeth--89,265 Zahra, Charles--236,260,262,264,271,277 Zanghetti, David--211 Zebroski, Roberta--52 Zehner, Howard--47,332,343 Zielenski, Patrica--115 Zimmer, Joseph--34,277 Zimnoski, Theresa--241