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1989 - 1989 November - August
TOWN BOARD MEETING DATES November 29, 1989 ......... December 13, 1988 .... December 27, 1988 ....... January 3, 1989 (Organizational Meeting) January 10, 1989. . . January 23, 1989 . February 7, 1989 February 28, 1989 March 14, 1989 . March 28, 1989 . March 28, 1989 (Special Meeting) April 11, 1989 (Special Meeting) April 11, 1989 .... April 25, 1989 . . . April 25, 1989 (Special Meeting) May 9, 1989 May 23, 1989 ..... May 24, 1989 (Special Meeting) June 6, 1989 · · . June 20, 1989 .... July 5, 1989. July 19, 1989 ...... August 1,1989 . . 1 · 18 · 37 .47 .60 · 185 · 197 222 249 267 281 282 283 314 344 · 345 366 · 388 392 · .414 431 ........... 449 ................... 462 AUDITS November 29. 1989 ...................... December 13, 1989 ...................... December 27, 1989 ............... January 10, 1989 ............... January 23, 1989 ......... February 7, 1989 ......... February 28, 1989 ........ .2 19 ..... 38 ....... 62 ............. 186 ............. 198 ............. 223 March 14, 1989 ........................ 250 March 28, 1989 ..................... 268 April 11, 1989 ....................... 284 April 25, 1989 ...................... 315 May 9, 1989 ......................... 346 May 23, 1989 ............ 368 June 6, 1989 ............ 393 June 20, 1989 ............ 415 July 5, 1989 ......................... 433 July 18, 1989 ........................ 450 August 1, 1989 ....................... 464 Acebo, Michael--37 Accessory Apartments--264 Accessory Uses (LL) 295-6,3~.3-4,354-5 Accounting Department-- 33,357,258,263,268,293,314,339,414,421,439,449 Administered Parents Supporl Program--73 Advanced Marine Law Enforcement Training--259 Advanced Underwater Search & Recovery Training--273 Advance fee payment--74,206.230,262,323,399,475 Affordable Housing--185,188,249,2~2,271,286,297,314,337-339,436,438,446 459,467,468 Affordable Housing Corporation--326 Affordable Housing Grant--432,446 Affordable Housing Law--3 Agarabi, Ali--39 Agent Orange Payment Program--227,228 Agricultural Operations (LL)--356,~72,377 Agway--7 Airport Layout Plan, Elizabeth Field, FI--231 Alarm Law--249 Allen, Scott P.--289 Ambulance District--61,185,1~9,197,271,438,439 AMERICAN LEGION:- Griswold-Terry-Glover--283 Angell, Stephen--239,376 Angel Shores--l,64,185,194-5,197,241-4 Animal League-- 37,60,222,449,466~467 Anson Environmental--37 APPEALS BOARD:-- Clerk-typist--307,320 General--18,33,52,185,2£3,274,275,283,314,409 Stenographer--341,354,392,41 ~, 425,457 AppraisaI--45-6,423,439,460 Arbeeny, Henry--212,323 Armenian Relief Fund--39 Arndt, Irene--418 Arshamomaque Dairy Farms, Inc.--~ Arthur Industries, Inc.--366 Assembly Bill #A.6712--361 Assembly Bill #3136--261,355 Assessment Administration processing--274 ASSESSORS:-- Clerk-typist--28,34,328-9 General--51 Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Training Conference--443-4 Association of Marine Industries--~0 Association of Realtors--439 Association of Towns--49-50,227 Association of Towns, attendance--206-7 Atkins, Phyllis--327 A to Z Equipment Corp.--237-8,36~,392 Attorney, Assistant--262 Attorney, Town -- 72,207 Audit, annual--50 Audit, Southold Wastewater District--355 Audit, Tax Department--289 Aziz, Ihsan A.--18 ,452,453 Babcock, Ms.--367 Baglivi, John--185 Bailey, James N.--287 Bakowski, John--223 Bambrick, Brian--475 Bank of New York--48 Barlow Pond, FI--185 Barth, Bi11--280 Bauer Farms, Inc.--44,420 Baxter Property--366,388-391 395,431,434-436,443 Baxter, William Jr.-- 255 Baxter, William J.--366,443 Bay Constable--43,222,235,259,273,274 Beach Attendants--230,259,32~,375,423 Beach Manager--432,451,456 Bear, Frank--18,68 Bed & Breakfast--265 Bedminster--222,260-461 Beechwood Acres--322 Bell, Priscilla--472 Berg, Eleanor--275 Berger, Harold--393 Berntsson, Robert--262 Berry, Sandy--314,339 BIDS:-- FISHERS ISLAND: Ferry District--8,206,25 ~, 260 Highway Department--259 Gasoline--7 Heating oil--7 Highway Department :- Asphalt Road Material--~91,327,360,373,422 Jeeps-- 191 Mowing tractor--231 Payloader--234,327~ 454, L 70 Sand mix--374 Sand Spreader--69 Slurry Seal--292,360 Snow fence & "T" Posts--373,424 Sweeper--234,297 Vehicles--41 Wheel Loader--397-8 Landfill:-- Generator--31 Remove hazardous waste--261,290 Laurel Lake Project--275 423 Milk--7 Nutrition Program Van--474 Police Department: Automobile--72,230 Uniforms--7 Removal of buildings, etc.--27 Scavenger Waste Office--44 Scrap Paper--26 Vehicles--41 Bielawski, Joseph--255 Big Apple B~ke Trek--401 Bill #H.R. 1864--458 Billing at I-andfill--267 Binnewiess, Bob--432 Bioclycle Conference--267,277 Bioclycle Northeast Conf. '89--457 Bird, George C.--413 Bissett Nursery Corp.--271 Blados, Tony--223 Blass, Gregory--432 Bloom, Oscar J.--460 Blum, Reynold F.--283 Board of Assessment Review-- 53,398,432,465,466,470 Board of Census--249 Board of Trustees (self-insurance)--393 Boater Pollution Workshop--377,436-7 Boat Ramp--466,476 Boat, unnavigable--474 Boisseau Avenue--25 Bokina, Theresa--288 Bond Resolution--232,469,480-481 BONDS: see "S" for subdivision Booth, Antonia--53 Bopp, Robert-- 289 Bosch, Eugene Vanaden--454 Boursiquot, Ange--320 Boursiquot, Barbara--320 Boyle, Thomas E.--202 B.P Wreckers--26 Brady, Warren--69 Braircliff landscape--314 Breakers at Lands End--37,45,61 Brecknock Hall--37,399,432 Brehm, Donald--353 Brewer Yacht Yard--37,45 Brief Respite--8,73,191,258,275,472 Brochard, Ed--214 Brookhaven Town--249,251 Brownlie, lan G.M.--469 Brown, Robert--249 Brown, Samuel G.--75,424 Browns Hi115--203,255 Brown Water Protection Area--287 BUDGET MODIFICATION :--61,75,131,192,205,207-8,210,212,229,231,262,278 289,290,356,374,399,402,439,4~5,457,458,460,471 Budget Reinstatement of funds--240 Budget surplus--316 Budget (1887)--461 Building and Grounds Committee--63 BUILDING DEPARTMENT :--41,45,74,185.267,277,314,366,367,414,422,449 Building Permits--264-5,446-7 Inspectors--45,197, 314,329,36 ~ Permit fees--474 Refunds--70,74 Seminar--211,354 Building Officials Conference--354 Building Officials Educational Conference--354 Bzbzroski, John--27 Cable television (tax on)--263 Cablevision Systems Corp.~-431 Calocerinos & Spina--473 Calverton National Cemetery--418 Cancro, Dave--375 Capital Highway Materials, Inc.--424 Cappa, Armando--371 Caprice, Michael--433 Captian Kidd Civic Association--25 Cardinale parcel--61 Cardinale, Philip--18, 19 Cardona, Valerie--267 Carey Tank Farm--4,21,25,225,315,344,367,432,433 Carlin, Frank--215,244-45,309-12 Carlisle, Laura--61,197,422 Carr/Wanat--l,18,37,44,75,209-10,255,267,283,296-7,308,312,313,392,444,445 Cars, Police auction--7,8 CAST--18,61,225,373 CAST Substance Abuse Board of Directors--225 CAST Substance Abuse Committee--285,287,349,467 Cedar Beach Marine Biology Center--226 Celic, Robert A.--409 Census-w249 Central Data Processing--32,458 Central Park Zoo--399 Certificate of Compliance--277 Cesspool Permit Fees--309-12 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE:-- Greenport Information Booth--' 87,226 Greenport-Southold--6,392 · 397 Laurel Information Booth--450,~60,465 Mattituck--328,397 Riverhead--317 Chanin, Lynne S.--319 Chardonnay Woods-- 181,202,328,457 Chase Manhattan Bank--258 Chemical Pollution Control, Inc.--29~ Chemung Supply Corp.--424 Chen Ke--432,439,455 Cherepowich, Heather--423 Child Care--5 Chobor, John--18,33t 34,74 Chobor, Mary--74 Ciacia, Margaret--27, 72-3 Cierach, Stanley--6-7 Circle Line Statue of Liberty Ferry--320 Citibank--190 Citrangola, Thomas--70 Civic Association, Fishers Island--3$6 Civil Service--1,41,60,182,185,222,377,431 Clams, Seed--32,188,409 Clark, John E.~-18,34 Clark, Officer Jack--199t260,398 Clavin, John--56 Clean-up Week--287 Cleary, Patrick--197 Clemente, Joseph A.--228 Clerk, Town--262,439,446 Clift, Kelly--472 Cluster Development--264 Coastal and Ocen Resources--2~8,34~ Coastal Conference--368 Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Management--37 Coastal Erosion Law--267 Cochran, Carlisle--273,274 Cochran, Helen--461 Cochran, Jean--314 CODE COMMITTEE--24,64,200,201,202,249,251,271,348,368,369,417,435,465 Code Requirements for Accessible Design--354 Code, Town Book--I,10 Coffey, Timothy P.--255 Cole, Kenneth--418 Combs-Quarty, Jennifer--289 COMMERCE & INDUSTRY COMMITTEE--3,4,187,270,316,349,434 Commissioner of Public Works--49,205,261,290,327 Committees--447 Communication Officer--322 Communication Seminar--190,322 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT:-- Budget--10,27,31,205 General--45,61,185,190,256,273,326,408,476 Compensation Plan--414, 421 Composting--39,45,200,211,225,227,253,315,316,318,417,428-430,432,438,446-7, 235,249,308 340,342,375,376, 451,452,453,469 474-5,477-482,484-490 Comptroller, S.C.--326 Computer--I, 32,392,405,414,426,449,450 458,460 Conference Attendees--322 Conklin, Bradley--27 Conklin, Mike--375 Connecticut Marine Trades Association--476 Connolly, Suzanne--419 Connors, Christopher--255 Connors, William--255 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL--I,53,72,74,188,197,239,326,329,366,376 431,475 Consortium Home Improvement--19(: Conte, Denise--375 Conway, Joseph--260 Cooperative Extension Marine Program--375 Cooper, Linda J.-53 Copy Machine--33,197 Corazzini, Paul & Son--360,422 Corchaug, Fort--366,388-391,395,431,434-436,443 Core watershed area--5,18,217-20, ~,34,438 Cornacchia, Joseph--469 Cornell, Joseph--57-9 CORP OF ARMY ENGINEERS:--6,2O3 Notice of Application :-- Agarabi, Ali--39 Bielawski, Joseph--255 Brehm, Donald--353 Brownlie, lan G. M.--459 Cappa, Armando--371 Chanin, Lynne S.--319 Coles, Kenneth--418 Cornacchia, Joseph--469 Crescent Beach Condo--287,L18 Dept. of Public Works Suffo k County)--371 Easthampton Town--287 Fakiris, Peter--454 Hancock, Howard--25 Kenealy, John--25 Klein, James--319 Klein, Katherine--319 Kretschmer, Arthur--25 Kruse, Martin--271 Marine Beach Club--319 Mueller, Charles--25 Panzarino, Anthony--371 Penny, Geofroy--6 Quintin, Henry--319 Richmond Shores Assocation--319 Rock, Kenneth--319 Scott, John G.--371 Southold Town--202 Suffolk County Departirent of Public Works--319,418 Wetzel, John 371 Withers, Mike--39 Woodhull, Barbara & George--469 Costello Property--436 Coulter, Margaret--268,282,449 Council on Environmental Qualtiy--467 Council on Veterans Affairs--27 Country Time Cycle--419 Court Reporter--210 CPR courses--432.446.471 Craig, Lindsay Associates--60 Cramer, Thomas W.--222 Cramer, Voorhis & Assoc.-- Crescent Beach Condo--287,418, Crime/Drug/Alchohol Program--57,73 Critical Environmental Areas (C~EA)--25 Cross, June A.--307,322 C.S.E.A.--60,63, 73,185, 249,345~, 392,414,421,449,466,475 CSEA Contract--425 CSEA Employee Benefit Fund--2104 CSE Home Aid Program--326 Cuddy, Charles--450 Cullen, Jeanne--73,257,320-1,421 Cushman, John--249,257,293,345,392,~49 Custer Institute, Inc.--61 Custodial Worker--182,197,274-5,279 Cuthchogue Fire District--197,271,355~, Cuthchogue Free Library--228 Cuthchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council--189 Czelatka, Alan--260 Czyzyk & Eno Aquacultural Consultants--432 Dam Pond--6 Daneco--222,235-37,316,451 Darling, Shirley--258,422 Davids, Michael G.--44 Davis Engineering Corp.--9 Day Care Aide--424 DBM Company--20~,206,212-3,255,283,297,314,337-39,436 Dean, Raymond--392 Deferred Compensation Plan--4~4 Dempsey, Bernie--414 Dempsey, John--353 Denmark--416 Dennehy, Gerald--340,455 Department of Aging--229,419-20,44~ Department of Agriculture & Markets--449 Department of Consumer Affairs--6 Department of Economic Development--414,432 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC)--6,25,74,189,211,222,228,341, 366,393,432,449,453 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: Bailey, James N.--287 Baxter, William--255 Bissett Nursery Corp.--271 Boyle, Thomas E.--202 Coffey, Timothy P.--255 Connors, Christopher--2~5 Connors, William--~55 Dubner, Steven--202 Duesenbury, Adele--454 Fakiris, Peter--468 Fink, Walter--353 , Fishers Island Country Club--353 Fishers Island Water Works Corp.--469 Franken, Wilhelm--64 Gardiners Bay Estates--255 Garrity, Elizabeth--454 Gerguson, Henry L. Museum--371 Goeller, Jane Baxter--25~ Gray, Timothy S.--25 Lettunich, Mateo-- 189 Manos, James--64 Paradise Point Associaiton--319 Penny, Geofroy--4 ~4 Rafferty, Mrs. W.G.--371 Rathgeber, Christine--2 ~ Rathgeber, Kenneth--25 Rego, Neil d/b/a Chardcnnay Woods--202 Spitaliere, Joseph--189,~7 Theoharides, Nicholas--2 ~7 Turner, Mr. & Mrs. Robert--271 Tuthill, L.M.--271,287 Village Marina--202,396 Village of Greenport--27! Wolf Pit Nurseries--371 Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)--325,364 Department of Planning (Suffolk County)--228,267 Department of Public Works (Suffolk County)--319,371,418 Department of Social Services--287 Department of Transportation (DOT)--25,445,454,468,476 Desmarais, George--222,315,432 Determination of non-significance--3~2,209,230,295,298,322,325,338,400,403,418,420,440,441 Deutsch, Edward--204 444,470 Deutsch, Eileen--204 Developing School Drug Education Program--274 Dickerson, Chester--392,409 Dickerson, Parker--392,409 Dickerson, Shirley--347 Dickinson, Wesley--66 Dimension Cable--431 Dinizio, James--314 Director of Human Services--197,210 Director of Senior Services--190,210 Disciplinery Action--18,34 DiVello, John--345 Division of Equalization & Assessment--274 Division of Youth--240 Dixon, Clarence 1-.--191 Dobesi, William--313 Dobriner, Scott--267,278,29?, 377,455 Dog Enumeration--37 Dog license fees--37 Dog Pound--4,60,222,237,466 Doherty, Thomas Jr.--56 Doht, John A.--366 Dolphins, Silver Eel Cove--234 Doors, Automatic ELIH--185,193,267,277,289 Dorman, John--185 Dorobkowski, Joan--472 Doyan, Raymond F.--431 Drainage--198, 468 Drape, Marge--431 Dredging-- 197,198,211 Droskoski, Chad--289 Droskoski, Stanley--223 Drug/Alcohol Program--61 Drum, Henry W.--27 Dubner, Steven--202,473 Dues, Annual--55 Dusenbury, Adele--454 Dzendowski, Donald--273 Drydocking (FI)--206 E & A Environmental Consutants--267,277,366,375-6,449 Easement, scenic--366,442-3 East End Arts Council--319 East End Recycling Committee--465 Eastern Long Island Hospital --185,193,267,277,289,345,353 Eastern Long Island Hospital Auxiliary--418 Eastern Suffolk School of Music--283,314 Eastern Town's Recycling Educational Program--436 East Hampton Town Board--431 East Hampton, Town of--287 East Marion Woods--9,289 Eberhardt, John--222,237 Economic Feasibility Study--268 Edson, Lewis--45-6 Ehrbar, Edwards, Inc.--454 EISEP (Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly)-8,73,192,257,258,275,326,327,472, Elderly Day Care Program--204,363,423,445 423 Elijah's Lane Estates--46,181,345,363,426 Elizabeth Airport--231,293,294 Elliot, Wesley--289 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator--55 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Deputy--55 Emilita, Dave--1,193,194,232,373 Empire Plan--18,33,249,264,281,339-40 Empire Plan training session--258 Employees Health Benefit Plan--432,449 Employees, provisiona I--33,4C, 45,2 ~ 5,207,256,278,291 Engineering Services--397 Engineer, Town--182,284,393,432,439,455 Environmental Assessment--291,294 Environmental Consultant--376 EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) --20,70,319 E. Parker Yutzler, Inc.--323 Epple, Andrew C., Jr.--259,274 Escrow agreement--258 European American Bank--190 European trip--45,61,200,202,203 Expanded In-Home Services--see above.. Fagan, Harry P., Jr.--420 Fakiris, Peter--454,468 Family Service League--74 Farmland Committee (S.C.)--257,396,414,417,431,443 FARMLAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE--53,197,274,284,314t316,340,368,414t 418,423,452,455 Federal Tax Credit Program--228 Fedynak, Stephanie--401 Feeney, Margaret--326,376 Feeney, Tom--423 Fees, permit--446,474 Fees, tipping--I, 4,6,15-16,400 Fink, Walter--353 Fire Commissioners--200,349,466 Fire Coordinator for Disaster Preparedness--55 FIRE DEPARTMENTS:-- Cutchogue--197, 355, 271 Fishers Island--240 Mattituck--466 Orient--449,474 Southold--197 Fire Prevention & Building (LL)--374-5,397,409-10 Fire, Rescue & Emergency Service--44 FISHERS ISLAND:-- Bay Constable--56 Civic Association--366 Conservancy--468 Elizabeth Field--231,293,;~94,473 Ferry District--8,206,234,259,~60,293-4,402,403,424,457,470,472-3 Fire Department--240 Garbage District--198,277,393,431 General-~191,192,202,268,276,,~77,279,352,371,373,374,376,438,468 Harbormaster--56 Highway Department--259 Justice Office--364 Mosquito Control--366,40 ~) STOP Program--449 Walsh Park--10,370,438, ~153,46 ~ Wastewater Facility--11,354 Water Works Corp.--469 Fishers Island Country Club--353 Fishers Island Water Works Corp.--469 Fitzpatrick, John--414 Five Town East End Recycling Committee--466 Flag, Town--314,339 Fleischman, Mary Ann--3,57,73,7~ Fletcher, Linda--422 Floatable Wastes--249,263 Floyd Memorial Library--39,272 Flynn, Frank--487 Forever Green--423 Foronjy, Bi11--456 Fort Corchaug--189,366 Fossett, Sue--427 Foster, Arthur--218 Franken, Wilhelm--64 Frank, Peter J.--6 Frank, Richard--373 Frank, Richard--373 Frank, Sheryl T.--65 Fraternal Organization (LL)--470-471 Freshwater Wetlands Mapping --434 Fuller-Perrine, Larry--340 Funds, advancement of--55,70,74,206,230,262,293,320,323,399 Funds, encombered--69,74 Funds, proposed--70 Funds, revenue sharing--70 Gada, A.J.--366 Game Time, Inc.--328 Gannon, Thomas H.--290 Gannon, Thomas H. & Sons. Inc.--259,360 Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse (LL)--6,15-16,18,180-1,203,204,213-14,427 Gardiners Bay Estates--255 Garrity, Elizabeth--454 Garsik, Ron--314 Gerguson, Henry L. Museum--37' Gilbride, Richard--6 Gillan, Frank T.--470 Ginas, James--189 Girards, Richard T.--267,277 Girl Scouts--318 Glenn Road--32,238-9 Glew, Claire--28,288 Glover, Alan--223 GLT/Berntsen--366 Goehringer, Gerard P.--52,314,427 Goeller, Jane Baxter--255 Golder, Bill--4 Goldsmith's--188 Golfview Associates--43,409 Gonzonles, Thomas--402 Gormely, David--474 Gossner, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur--425,434 Grand Old Southold, song--365 Grattan-Arnoff, Colleen--397 Grattan, Paul--433 Graves, Charles--63,185,414,425 Gray, James, Construction Corp.--422 Gray, Jim L., Sr.--194,230 Gray, Timothy--25 Great North Fork Foot Race--393 Grebe, Richard--294 Greenfield, Richard K.--228,276 Greenfield, Sophia--276 Greenport Information Booth--187 Greenport/Southold Chamber of Commerce--397 Greenport Utility--39,60,200,434 Greenport, Village--37,45,6L, 271 Green, Rebecca--375 Green, Village--201,268,272,278,285,314 Gremler, William--18,217 Grigonis, Charles, Jr.--276 314 Griswold-Terry-Glover American Legion--283 Groundwater Protection Area--267 Group for the South Fork--~26 Group Home Living Program, Inc.--255 Groton Utilities--352 Gruman F-14 project--392,4(;5-6 Haggerty, Patrick D.--182 Hallocks Bay--198,203,208,378,434 Hall, Town--225,314,339,366,392,398 Halpin, Patrick G.--39,228,449 Halsey, John--270,272 Hancock, Howard--25,198 Handicapped Parking Enforcement Program--249 Hanover Insurance Co.--9 Hanus, Ostrud--439 Harborview--197,212,426 Hargrave, Alex--197,274 Harnan, Edna Terry--66 Harrington, Robert--60,222,449 Harris, John A.--27 Harrison, John--55,257 Harris, Scott--449 Hart, John--I,431 Haurus, Barbara--57 Hauser, Justin E.--470 Hawkins, Delefield & Wood--222 Hazardous waste--261,290 Health Department--63,185 Health Insurance Committee--393,408,432,446 Heaney, Bernard A.--27 Heins, Bi11--217 Helinski, Marle--190 Hess, Bi11--313 Hickey, John E.--423 Hlghpoint subdivision--42 Highway Committee--3,4,39,63,187,252,269 Highway Dedication--42,238-9 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:-- Clean Up Week--287 Computer--297-8,356,450 General--28,32,40,41,49,61,69,1~1,182,261,291-2,287,340,355,36'0,369,373,422·424 Jeeps--191 Mowing Tractor--231,276,288 Sweeper & Payloader--232,234,29?,454,470 Wheel Loader--397-8 Highway Law--355 Highway Specs--404-5 Hihlas, Vicki--423 Hillary, Scott--404 Hockbrueckner, George--255 Hogge, Joan--423 Holzapfel, John--1,326,366,376,~31 Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrel (H21-)--33,222,283,308,314,315,340,342,375 Home Aide Program--207 Home Improvement Program--398 Home Rule Message--256-7 Hopkins, Rupert--414 Hoppy's Cleaners--6 Horton, Curtis--223,354 Horton, Dave--215 Horton, David S.--323 Horton, Gall--18 Horton, Gerry S.--323 Hospital, ELI--185,193,267 Hostage Negotiations--260,372,398 Hotel guest unit (LL)--355-6,372,392-3,397,406,410-413,435,446 Houses of Southold, the First 350 Years--362,367 Howell, Gladys--367 Hoyne, Douglas--425 Hukill, Perry--39,272 Human Services--5 Human Service Center--197 Hussie, Alice--67,428 IBM--458 IBM Conference--249,257,263,293 Increments, pay--257, 26,472 Indemnification Agreement--400 Independent Group Home Living Program, Inc.--255 Indian Museum--3,4 Inland Waterways Committee--186,226,251,269,436-7 Instructors--26 Insurance consultant--399 Insurance, Liability--419 Insurance, major organ transplant--3?6 Insurance, Self--l, 18,33,37,60,185,194,198,200,201,249,250,281,283,292,314,339-3~10,345. 365,376,392,393,408,432,446,467 Integrated Respite Care System--420 ~ Internal Revenue Code Section 49--449,458 International Association of Chiefs of Police--443-4 Investment policy for Town--357-359 Jackson, Jesse--278 Jahir, AI--203 Jem Realty--360,441 Jenkins, Cynthia--444 Jenkins, Daniel--458 Jessup, Betty--314 Jones, Mary--67 Jones, W.J., Company--60 Justice--256,261 Building--284,308,314,339,366,392,398 Clerk-Typist-289 Kaldor, E.F., CPA--50,268,289,~55 Kaplan, Alan D.--60,250,314,393 Kassner, Robert G.--278,326 Keenan, Cindy--268 Keil, Linda--428-429 Kelley, Ruth--9 Kelley, Timothy--9 Kenealy, John--25 Kenny's Beach--448,452 Kenny's Beach Civic Association--452 Keogh, Connie--288 Kiefer, Myrtle--210 King, Jim--1 Kinsella, Juliette--349,365 Klein, James-~319 Klein, Katherine--319 Knights of Lithunia--249 Koetzner, Ken--222 Koke, Helen B.--41 Kontokostas, Emanuel--360-61,441 Kopek, Elenaor--26 Kopinski, Rev. Richard P.--397 Kowalski, Linda--314, 392 Krehling, Melissa--439 Kramer, John--228 Kretschmer, Arthur--25 Krieger Well 6 Pump Corp.--450~460 Kruse, Martin--271 Kujawski, Daniel--329,376,432 Kujawski, Frank A.--47-8,55 Kull, Robert--197 Kumjian, Claude--190 Kurkoski, Stanley--428 Kurkoski, Zigmund--423 Kwasna, Mark--223 Labor Management Committee--5t~, 349,435 Labor Management Policy--377,392 LaFond, Elizabeth Ballenger--31~ Lake, Jack--323 Lamb, Lewis 0.--424 Land, Bruce--375 LANDFILL:-- Bids--26,31,261,421 Billing--267 Closing (1990)--28-31 Composting--39,428,429,432 Gate attendant--6 GeneraI--26,314,316,371,39~,402, ~28,429,432 Generator--402 Payloader--321 Scale--18, 32-33,37,44, 71-2 Scale Operator--290-1,364 Solid Waste/Sludge--197,222,249,283,308,237,432,314,315,340,341,342,366,375-6, 237,393 Tipping fees--I,4,6,400 Landfill Committee--225,226,252,316,317,345,435 Land Institute Winter 1989 Program--~11-2 Landmark Designation--425 LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION--69,249,262,276,314,367,425,434,454 Land Transfer Tax--438, Laser Industries, Inc.--423 Latham, Daniel--257 Latham, Diana--366,442-3 Latham, Roy--442-3 Latson, Steve--61 Launching Ramp--466,476 Laurel Information Booth--450,450,466 Laurel Lake--350,393,394,395,43~, 436 Laurel Lake Project--10,27,198,212,215,222,270,275,319,328,341,369,423 League of Woman Voters--3,5,1§7,314,428 Lease Agreement--278,320 Leave of Absence--28,182 Lennon, Lisa--401 Lessard, Victor--354,366,432,433 Letter of Credit--9,212,328 Lettunich, Mateo--189 Lewis, Butch--444 Liability Insurance--419 Libraries: Floyd Memorial, Greenport--39 1989 allocation--267,283 Licata, Janet--8 Lieblein, William--366 Lifeguard--230,258,375,432,444, ~46,451,456,467, 471,475 Lighting--61,181 Light, Street--205,261,327 Lindsay, Craig--1 Lioness Club of Mattituck--354 Lipman, Lore--459 Litigation--9 Lizewski, Joseph--66 LOCAL LAW:-- Accessory Uses--295-6,353. 364-5 Agricultural operations--356,372 · 377-8 Conference Attendees--356 · 372,377 Density & Lot Size--456,46~,483-~84 Fire Prevention & Buildings--37~l.397,409-10 Fraternal Organizations--470-1 Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse--6,10,15-16,18,180-1,203t204,213-4,400,418,427 Hotel Guest units--355-6,3?2,392-3,406,410-413,446 Site Plan--329-337,353,379-387 Tractor-t railers--400-1,418 Vehicles & Traffic--291,31§,403,~18,427 Wetlands--256,273,278 Wineries--440-1,418 Zoning--240-1,257,264,294-6,2'98-307,314,322,329-337,341,406,419,420-1,456,459 Zoning Code & Map--1,11-15,4,6~18,19,60,61,75-180 Local Waterfront Revitization Program- -278,267,297,318,432,455 Lockwood, Harold Cleaning Co.--275 Loduca Associates--366,392,398 Lombardi Associates, A.R.--354 Long Beach Bay--432 Long Island Alzheimer's Foundation--25 Long Island Business Products--3 Long Island Gasoline Retailers--61 Long Island Green Seal Committee--203 Long Island lighting Company--372 Long Island Pine Barrens Society--326 Long Island Rail Road--25 Long Island Traveler-Watchman--49 Long Island Water Resources--225 Lot Size--421,469 Loucka, Bruce--376,432 Love Lane--328 Lowry, Tom--66 Lucka, Cecelia--244 Luhrs, Richard--271 Lyme Disease--249,265,345 Lynch, Kevin--273,274 Machinery, purchase of--261,355 Machnik Construction Co.--373 Mackiewicz, Stanley--8 MacLean, Peter D.--353 Maiorana, Christine--375 Malvese, George & Co.--297,470 Managing & Protecting Long Island Freshwater Wetlands--326 Manno Uniform & Security Equipment Corp.--7 Manos, James--G4 Marakais, Andreas--220 March of Dimes--286 Mariculture--432 Marina Parking Survey--449 Ma rinas--1,316,426,436-7,459 Marine Activiities Coordinating Committee (S.C.)--471 Marine Bay Club--319 Marine Law Enforcement Training--274 Marriage Officer--262 Martin, Colin H.--470 Martin Luther King--61 Marriner, Jeanne--68 Marquardt, Joe--423 MASTER PLAN (Zoning Code & Map)--l,4,6,11-15,18,19,60,61,65-69,75-180,'83,185,450 Matron, Police Department--471 Matt-A-Mar Marina--345,367 Mattituck A & P Shopping Center--291.341 Mattituck Chamber of Commerce--328,3~7 Mattituck Creek--1 Mattituck Inlet--5,222,225 Mattituck Lioness Club--354 Mattituck Lions--407 Mattituck Park District--435,447,466,476 Mattituck Presbyterian Church--~72 Mattituck Sanitation--345 Mattituck Senior Citizens-- 431 Mayer, Frederick M.--439 Meehan, Maureen--446 Mellas, George--268,347 Merkel, Joe--218 Metropolitan Transportation Authority--6 Mets, New York--74 MicroSystem Integration, Inc.--4£4 Mikolajczyk, Zdzislaw--229 Mill Creek--319,467 Mills, Maddie--27,422 Mills Maddie--27,422 Millstone--2 Miracle & Jamison--328 Moeller, Jacqueline B.--292,422 Mohring Enterprises--19 Money, Invest Town--48 Moore, Clementine--191 Moore, Virginia--66 Moore, William--203,449 Morris, John C., Associates--397 Morrissey, James--456 Mosquito Control Program, Fishers Island--366,409 Mott, Patricia--471 Mudd, David--60,193,457 Mudd, Stephen--61,185 Mueller, Charles--25 Muir, Robert--464-5 Mullen Motors--191 Mullen, William, Jr.--1,1837,392,399 Murphy, Francis J.--55 Murphy, Margaret--40 McBride, Frank J.--204,472 McCabe, Sean--223 McCarthy, George A.--319 McCarthy, Kent--259 McCavera, Jeremy--375 McCleery, Grace--327 McClintock, Fletcher--414 McDonald, Mark--18 McGtinchey, Eileen--375 McGunnigle, Dan--456 McKeighan, Venetia--190,197,210,21~,449 McMahon, James C.--40,61,185,263,273,476 McNulty, Joanne--375 Mcnulty, Tom--423 Napolitano, Richard--60 Nassau-Suffolk Coalition for the Homeless--189 Nassau/Suffolk Regional Emergency Medical Services Council--271,439 National Estuary Program--43' National Planning Conference--264 Nature Conservancy--326 Near Coastal Waters Program--70 Neese, Bob--375 Neijaclo, Richard V.--470 Nestor Associates, Inc.--402 Newman, Gerald--267 Newspaper, Official--49 New York Lung Association--L01 NEW YORK STATE:-- Affordable Housing Grant--432 Archaeological Association Association of Chiefs of Police Board of Governors--190 Association of Realtors--439 Chiropractic College--65 Department of Agriculture & Markets--449 Department of Codes Division--~5 Department of Conservaticn (DEC)--6,25,74,189,222,211,228,341,366,1 Department of Economic Development--414,432 Department of Social Services--287 Department of Transportation (DOT)--25,293,445,454,468,476 Division of Equalization & Assessment--274 Office of the Aging--231 Police Identification Network (NYSPIN)--322 Public Service Commission--263,372 University of Stony Brook--6 Zoological Society--475 Nicol, Yvonne--375 Norris/Carr/Wanet--1,18,37,392 Norris Estates Development--3? Norstar Bank--48,258 Northam, Basil--3~0 Northeast Nurseries--190,267,454,47 ~ Northeast Solid Waste Conference--~ ~ Northeast Utility--2 North Fork Animal League--37r60,2~2,449,466r467 North Fork Bank & Trust Co.--48 North Fork Environmental Council--25,318 North Fork Foot Race--393,407-8 North Fork Housing Alliance, Inc.--398,432,446-7 North Fork Run & Ride Biathlon--259 Nostrom, Stephen--249 Noto, Tony--345 Nutrition Program--74,191,232~275,327,345,363,402,423,439 ~93,44~,468-9 Obenauer, Laura--34,328-9 O'Connor, Marion--232 Office of the Aging--74,231,326,449 Office of Handicapped Services--438 Old Bayview Schoolhouse--392,409 Old Wood Path--314 Oliva, Ruth D.--264,314 Oliver, Chris--456 OMNI COMPOSTING CORP.--211 Olmsted, Sidney--474 Open Space Committee--24,227~314,329,348,435,439,460 Open Space space preservation funds--361 Ordinance Inspector--314,329 Organ, Major Transplant Insurance--376 Orient Fire District--449,474 Orient Mosquito Control District--255-7 Orient Point Ferry--432 Orient Point Meadow Land-owners--270,286,452 Orient Property Owners--198,203,208,214-5,222,266,349,378·434,435 Orient Property, Town owned--235 Orlowski, Albert--9 Orlowski, Bennett--52,197,274 Orr, John--73,232 Our Lady of Ostrabrama R.C. Church--397 Outdoor education instructor--320 Outpost Automobile, Inc.--403 Oyster Bay Councilman--392 Oyster Farm Associates--73 Oyster Point Condominiums--21~3 Paine Weber--414 Panzarino, Anthony--371 Parades--355,440 Paradise Point Association--319 Parent's Support Program--3 Paresi, Anthony--I,60 Park & Playground Products, Inc.-~28 PARK COMMITTEE--201 Parker, Yetzler, E., Inc.--328 Parkin, Stanley--392 PARKS & BEACHES--352-3 PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE--210,436,467 Pathenick, Sylvia--67 Patterson, George--243,246 Pay Increments--26,257,472 Pay Period--293 PBA --60,185,248,249,339,346,393,450 Pebble Beach--61 Peconic Ambulance Service--t89,223 Peconic Associates, Inc.--431 Peconic Bay System--431 Peconic Bay Task Force--436-7 Peconic County--201,207,452,466 Peconic Land Trust--226,268,270,272,285,314,435,452 Pelletreau & Pelletreau--1 Penny, Geoffroy--6,454 Penny, Larry--376 Permit fees--446,449,469 Perricone, Steve--195,216 Perry, Kim--423 Peterson, Charles P.--402 Peterson, Eric--222 Peters, William--228,367,454 Petty Cash Fund--49 Pisano, Chris--423,456 Planning Association Conference--348 PLANNING BOARD:-- Clerk-typist--27,41 Computer--1 General--4, 18,34, 37 v52,198,262 Planner Aide & Trainee--60,182,197,211,278 Site Plan--298-307,308 Playground Instructor--362,401-2 Plock Property--432 POLlCE COMMITTEE--286,316r394,3 POLICE DEPARTMENT: Academy--189 Automobile--72,230 Cleaning, uniforms--6 Computer, equipment --2~7-8,356,450 Disciplinary Action--18,34 Energy Audit--182,392,393 General--51,190,199,225,~49,403,420,414,431,449,459-60 Heating System--345,363 Matrons--471 PBA--60,248,346,393,450 Police cars, auction--7,8 Seminars--273,274,372,377,398 Sergeant, hiring of--1,1~ Storage Building--61 Uniform, bid for--7 Poppy Month--347 Port of Egypt--366 Prescription Drug Plan--431 Preservation, Sixteenth Annual Statewide Congress--276,367 Price, Irving L., Jr.--469 Proclamations--347 Programs for the Aging--204 Promotion Committee--320 Provisional Employees--33 Public Safety Dispatcher--40~ 190,205,373 Public Service Commission--263,37~ Pudge Corp.--420 Pugliese & Calabrese--449 Puppet Show--262,320 Purchase, authorization--49,258 Quarry-Combs, Jennifer--289 Quintana, Arthur--456 Quin~ana, Marilyn--268 Quitin, Lynne S.--319 Race Against Drug Abuse--273,317 Rachel Road--34 Radiology Services--400,414 Rafferty, Mrs. W. G.--371 Ramp, Boat--466,476 Rathgeber, Christine--25 Rathgeber, Kenneth--25 Raynor, John--190,322 Receiver of Taxes--57,282,375 Records Retention & Disposition Schedule--231,234,401-2 Recreation Center--249 RECREATION COMMITTEE--201,436, 41~ 7 Recreation Department--6,61,70~74,19?, 206,224,230-1,258,262,288,307,322,323,345,362, 363,372,399,408,419,422,432,451 Recreation Program for the Elderly--231 Recycling--350-2,394,395,414,431,432~ ~36,449,466 Recycling Analysis--458 Recycling analysis submittal recuirement--341 Recycling Cooperative--431 Recycling Manager--452 Recycling Program--314,345,349 Recycling Workshop--284,394-5,436 Reeves, Kenneth--70,206,224,258,372 Referendum--469,477-481,486-490 REFUNDS--8,70,74,274,409,460 Rego, Neil--202,328 Reichle, Barbara A.--289 Reidel--460 Remote Control Car Instructor--230-1~258 Rental Rehabilitation Grant--325,326 Rental Rehabilitation Program--398 REPORTS:-- Annual Financial Report--224 Appeals Board--200,269~285,416,~51 Audit Report--434 Board of Equalization & Assessment--62 Building Department--62,200,285 394, 416,434,465 Building Inspector--20,251 r 238 Cablevision--2,62,200,251 CAST Substance Abuse--2$9 Catholic Charities--62 Community Development--348,394,434,465 Councilmen--2,20,38,62,18E,200, ~ 24 Disabled Recreation--285 Dog Shelter--348,434,465 East End Task Force--38,199,251 Fishers Island Ferry Distrct --62,434 Geriatric Network--269 G.S.G. Risk Management--416,4§1 Historian--200 Hospice--416 Justices :-- Edwards--20,224,251,285,394,416,451 Price--62,251,285,416,451 Tedeschi-20,62,224,251,285,348,394,451 Juvenile Aide Bureau--224 NOW Alliance PAC Year--224 Ordinance Inspector--20,348 Planning Board--224,251,3' Police Department--2,20,186,224~251,316,348,416,451 Receiver of Taxes, Audit report--434 Recreation Department--20j38,62~200,251,285,348,394,434,465 Scavenger Waste--20,62,186,200,251,285·348,394·434 Single Parent Residence--224 Special Groundwater Protection Area--434 Substance Abuse Coordinalor--2C,199,200,224,316 Suffolk County Department of Labor Economic Indicator--2,224 Suffolk County Girl Scout Council--434 Suffolk County Inter-Agency Coordinating Council--224,285,451 Supervisors--2,20,224,394,434,465 Supported Work Project--416 Town Clerks--20,62,200,251,285~348,394,434 Town Housing Assitance--394 Trustees--20,62,416,434,451 Resignations--232,274,288,290,491 Resource Recovery Facility--345 Respite Care System--420,439 Resumes--72,182,197,211,257,275,425,~57 Reuter, Inc.--211 Richmond Shores Assoc.--319 Rishe, Amy--423 RISK, G.C.G., MANAGEMENT, INC.-- 60,185,194,198,249,250,314,336,376,392,393. 408,416,421 Ristuccia, Joseph--487 Riverhead Water District--393 Road closing--240,259,328,407-8 ~ 472 Road Dedication--238-9 Road name change--366,414,426,428 Road run-off--467,468 Road, use of--401,440 Robins Island--268,432 Rock, Kenneth--319 Rogers, Jean--268 Romanowski, Joan A.--41,293 Roschan, Gail--210 Rosenberg & Sanders--60 Ross, Frederick--314,329 Rostenkowski, Legislature--449 ROTARY :-- Southold--285 Rousseau, Jane--27 Rudder, Barbara--314,376 Rudder, Georgia--207 Rudder, Lynda--193 Rutter, Barbara .... 314,376 Rutter, Gary--314,366,376 Ryan, Richard--222,314,329,432 Russo & Tanenbaum--9 Sailor, Wayne--289 Saland, David--219 Salaries-- 190, 191,294 Salaries, Annual-50-51,52-54 Salaries, Beach Attendants & Lifeguards--259 Salaries, Part-time employers--70 S & L Irrigation, Cinc.--423 Sales Tax--276 Samen, Dawn--327,402 Samuels & Steelman Architects--274,~14,339 Samuels, Tom--488-490 Sand, Brecknock Ha11--399,432 Santacroce, Henry--260 Santacroce, Mary Louise--207 Santora, Eileen--222,235 Santora, Joseph--22,235 Saunders, Sophie T.--278 Save the Bays Conference--345~.363 Sawicki, Frank--232 Sawicki, Howard P.O.--199 Sawicki, Joseph--203,314,437 Sawicki, William--260 Sayre, Donald--223 SCALE, LANDFI LL--18, 32-33,71-72 Scale Operator--290-1,364 Scallops--203 Scarfield, Irwin--249 Scavenger Waste Committee--317 Scavenger Waste Plant--37,432 Office 44 Schaffer, Alfred P.--43,222 Scheuermann, Tom--375 Schneider, Joan Ann--45,256,4~1 Scott, John G.--371 Sea Grant--4,5 Seed Clams--32,202 SEMINARS:-- Advanced Marine Law Enforcement Training--259 Advanced Underwater Search & Recovery Training--273 Affordable Housing--262 All about Aging--323 BioCycle National--267,277 BioCycle Northeast Conference,'!89--457 Boater Pollution Workshop--377 Building Inspecotr Code Enforcement--45 Building Officials--211,354 Coastal & Ocean Resources--298,345 Code Requirements for Accessible Design--354 Communiciations--190 Connecticut Marine Trades Association--476 C.S.E.A.--73,421 Developing School Drug Ecucation Programs--274 Discover/Education Courses--3211 Empire Plan Training session--2~8 Floatable Wastes--249,263 Hostage Negotiations--260,372,39~ IBM Conference--249,257,263,293,321 Land Institute Winter 1989 Program--211-2 Managing & Protecting Long Island's Freshwater Wetlands--326 Marine Law Enforcement Training--274 National Planning conference--264 Police Chief Training--377,443-4 Police Identification Network (NvSPIN)--322 Preservation Conference--276 Race Against Drug Abuse--273 Recreation & Park Society--70 Recycling Workshop--284, 3)7, 329,394-5 Save the Bays--345.363 Shellfish Biology--185,193 Solid Waste Management--60 Stormwater Runoff Workshop--455 Tactical Operations--260 Waste Expo--340 Waste Management--307 Woman in Law Enforcement--260 Senate Bill No. S.4253--361 Senior Adult Day Care Program--445 Senior Citizens-- Mattituck--431 Senior Citizen Advisory Board (SC)--323 Senior Programs--363,439,445 Sepenoski, Julia--283,321 70 Marion Associates--9 SEQRA review fees--185,193 Shellfish Biology--185,193 Shellfish Culture--432 Shelter Island Ferry--37 Shepard Drive--32,238-9 Sherlock, Robert--60 Sherman, H.B.--60 Shinnecock Oyster Project--409 Ship, John Henry--24,26 Shockley, Alonzo Hilton, Jr.--6 Sidor, Edward--260,372 Sidor, Martin--35-6,216,257 Siegmann, Ed--68,431,469,486,491~, Signature stamp--48 Silver Eel Cove, FI--234 Simicich, John--340 Simicich, Kathy--219,312 Simmons, Charles P.--181 Simpson, Kathleen--423 Sinning, Joan--418 Site Plan Approval--298-307,308,314,329-37,379-387 Sledjeski, Stanley--25 Slotkin, Dr. Jay--197 Slurry Seal, road surface--206,259,292.360 Smith, Chris--375 Smith, Holly--472 Smith, Pat--258 Smith, Sonia--275 Smith, Walter--18 Smith, Walter L.--203 Smith, Warren L.--398 SNAP Program--44~ Snow Fence--373,424 Snow Fence & "T" posts--3?3 Soil Removal Permit--37,44-45,473 Sokel, Robert--55 Solid Waste Management Planning Gran! Program--314 Solid Waste/Sludge Composting Facility--197,222,249,283,314,315,340,341,342 366,375-6,393,237,432,446-7,460-461,474-5 Song, Town--365 South Fork Asphalt--402 South Fork Natural History Society--326 Southold-Cutchogue Ambulance District--185,223 Southold Fire District--197,439,440 Southold Historical Society--366 Southold Indian Museum--3,4 Southold Promotion Committee--320 Southold Rotary Club--285 SOUTHOLD TOWN:-- Accounting --33,257,258,263,265,293,314,339,414,421,439,449 Administrated Parents Support program--73 Affordable Housing Program--2~9 Appeals Board--18,33,52,185,26~,274,275,283,307,314,320,341,354, 392,409,414,~125,457 Assessors--28,34, 51,328-9 Attorney--72,207 Attorney, Assistant--262,~16 Bay Constable--22,43,235,259,273,274 Board of Assessment Review--53,398,432,465,466,470 Brief Respite Program--8,73,19£-l,258,275,472 Building Department--41,43,74,'85,197,264-5,267,277,314,329,354, 366,367,414,~22,449 Commissioner of Public Works--49,205,261,290,326 Community Development--10,27,31,45,61,256,326 Crime/Drug/Alcohol Program--7~ Department of the Aging--326 SOUTHOLD TOWN:-- cont. Director of Human Services--197~210 Director of Senior Services--190,210 Dog Pound--4, 60,222,237,4~66 E ISEP--8,73,192,257,258,275,326~327,472,423,473,482 Elderly Day Care Program-~-204,~63,423,445 Employees Health Benefit Plan (Trustees)--449 Engineer, Town--182,284, 3~93,43;~i, 439,455 Fire Commissioners--200 Hall, Town--225,314,339, 31~6,392 ~ Highway Department--28, 35,40, 4 288,291~2,297 424,450~454,4 Home Aide Program--207 Integrated Respite Care System-~420 Justice--256,261,284,289,3(18,314~ 339,366,392,398 Justice Office (F.I.)--364 Landfill--1,4,6,9,18,26,28, ~1,32- 398 ~ ~ ,49,61,69,181,182,191,231,234,261,276,287, .327,340,355,356,360,369,373,374,397-' 8,422~ ~0 33,37,39,44,71-2,260,261,267,290,290~1,308! ~,402,421,428,429,432 314,316,364,:~71,39 North Fork Housing AllianCe--391~ Nutrition Program--74,191,1232,275,327,345,363,402,423,439,474 Planning Board--l,4,18,27!34,37 41,52,60,182,197,198,211,262,278,267,298, 308,314i366,3~9,414-5,432 Police Department--1,6,7,8~18,24~,26,34,51,60,61,72,182,190,199,225,231,249~, 274,297~8,345~346,356,363,372,377,392,393,398,403,414,420, 431,449i450,459-460,471 Receiver of Taxes--57,282,~375 : RECREATION CENTER--249 Recreation Department--6,151,70,74,197,206,224,230-1,2§8,262,288,307;322,3~3, 345,362~363,3~9,401-2,408,419,422,432,451 Recreation Program for thet Elderly--231 Resource Recovery Facility--345 Scavenger Waste--37,44, 43;~ Senior Programs--363,439 SNAP(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)--449 Tax Department--268,282,2~9,36!.i, 449 Town Clerk--262,439 Trustees--8,37,41,45,198,2!56, 2931, 404, 421,425,466 Wastewater District--355 ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN COMMITTEES:-- Buildings & Grounds--63,2~Z4 Code Committee--24,64,200~201,2b2,249,251,271,348,349,368,369,417,435,465 Commerce & Industry--3,4;187,2~0,316,349,434 Conservation Advisory Council--~,53,72,74,188,197,239,326,329,366,3~6,431,475 Farmland Preservation Committee~--53,197,274,284,314,316,317,340,368 414,423, 452,455 Health Insurance Committee--393,408,446 Highway Committee--3,4,39!,63,1~7,252,269 Housing Committee--3,63,6~,224,436,451,453,466,467 Inland Waterways Committe.~--187,226,251,269,436 Labor Management Committee--56,349,435 Landfill Committee--225,226,252,316,317,345,418,435 Landmark Preservation Commission--69,249,262,276,314,367,425,434,454 Local Waterfront Revitalization P-ogram--278,297,318,432 Open Space Committee--24,227,286,314,329,348,435,439,460 Park Committee--201 Parks & Beaches--252-3 Parks & Recreation Commitee--21~1,436,467 Police Committee--286,316,394,39~ Recreation Committee--436 Scavanger Waste Committee~-317 Substance Abuse Advisory Committee--61 Supported Work Project--267 350th Anniversary Committee--40,224,420,257,392 Town Board Committees--5~ Tree Committee--222,253,269,350 Village Green--201,268,278.285,3' 4,393 Wage & Policy Committee--;53 Water Advisory Committee--4,5,1~,24,39,187,25,63,195-6,220,227,432,~34,445 Water Committee--225 Waterfront Revitilization Cemmittee--4,61,63,64,207,223,277-8,473 Southold Villas--449 Southold Water Supply Resolution--407 Space Requirement Study--249 Spaetz, Don--37 Spates, Gigi--246-7 Special Groundwater Protection Area Advisory Council--267,418 Special Olympics--254 Speed Survey--445,454 Spine Board--345,363 Spiro, Melissa--326 ' Spitaliere, Joseph--189,287 Stack, Aurelie--392 Stack, John A.--249,262,454 Stack, John Jo--8,434 St. Agnes Church, Gpt.--345,363 Stan, Harold--190-1 Stepanek, Charles J.--403 Stepanek, Evelyn S.--403 Stepnoski, Allison--256,261 Stepnoski, Watsie--267 Step System--33 Sterling Historical Society--431 Stevens, Robert J.--470 Stevens, Sandra--472 Stewart, Stan--432 STOP-DWI Department--362 STOP Program--449 Stormwater Runoff Workshop--455 Strang, Garrett A.--182,393,414,431~449,459 Street Design--404-5 Street Light--261,327,205,476 Street name change--366,414,426,428 Stritzler, Ronald, M. D.--372 Stype, Andrew--423 SUBDIVISIONS:-- Arbeeny, Henry--212,323 Beechwood Acres--322 Chardonnay Woods--l~1,328.457 Deutsch, Edward--204 Deutsch, Eileen--204 East Marion Woods--9,289 Elijah's Lane Estates--46,181,345,363,426 Golf View Associates--43,409 Harbor View--212,197,426 Highpoint--42 Pebble Beach--61 Rachel Road--34 RRR Realty Corp.--27 Simmons, Charles P.-- 181 Sunbeau Associates--442 Wolf Pit Pond Estates--212 Woods, The at Cutchogue--,10 Subdivision of land--404-5 Substance Abuse Advisory Committee~-61,285,287,349,467 Substance Abuse Coordinator--270. SUFFOLK COUNTY: Civil Service--I,41,60,182,2 2,377,431 Comptroller--326 Cooperative Extension Marine Program--375 Council on Environmertal Quality--467 Department of Aging--228,3~5,419-20,445 Department of Fire, Rescue & Emergency Services--44 Department of Planning--228,267 Department of Public Works--319,371,418 Executive/STOP-DWI Department--362 Farmland Committee--257,38~,417,443 Handicap Parking Enforcement Program--249 Health Department--63,185 Marine Activities Coordinating Committee--471 Office of Cultural Affairs--233 Office of Handicapped Services--438 Office of The Aging--?4,326 449 Police Academy--189 Senior Citizen Advisory Board--323 Special Groundwater Protection Area Advisory Committee--267 Water Authority--197,-~22,345,393,394,395,407 Youth Bureau-- "SSS" Suffolk County National Bank--48 Suffolk Times--49 Suffolk Waste Distillation System--22i8 Sullivan, John P.--470 Sullivan, Rev. John--345 Summer Intern--426 Sunbeau Associates--442 Superintendent of Highways--49 Supervisor, Deputy--47-8 Supplemental Nutrition Assitance Program Supported Work Project--267 Swann, Bessle--225,269 Szepatowski Associates--185,193,194,223 Szepatowski, Barbara--223 (SNAP)-- 355 Tabor, Gary Landscaping--72-~ Tariff rates--263 Tax, Cable--249,263 Tax Collection System--449 Tax, County--203-4,345 Tax-Pac--345 Tax, school--432 Tennis, Instructor--230-1,258 Terelli, Vincent--260 Terkowski, JoAnn--422 Terp, Ambrose--354 Terry, Constance-- 198 Terry, Fred--378 Terry, Joyce--298 Terry, Martha--298,266 Terry Waters Property owners Tetrault, Heather Cusack--72 Thames Shipyard & Repair Thatcher, John--19,185,366 Theoharides, Nicholas--287 Thiele, Fred W., Jr.--326 Thilberg, Jack, Jr.--40,205 Think Straight Institue--18 Thompson, Jean--67 Thompson, Margaret--268 Thompson, Robert--67 Thompson, Thomas--232,373 AssoCiation--243 --260 Thorp, Jill M.--41 350th Anniversary Committee--140,22~,257,392,420 Three R's of Waste Managemen~--19~ Times Mirror Cable Television-~431 Tipping fees--1,4,6,15,16,366,?27,4~.1 Tire shedding machine--197 Tires, used--61 Tombardi, Paul F.--276 Total Resources, Inct--414 Town Board Committees--57,40~ Town Ha11--225,249,284 Town owned parcels--61 Townsend, Joseph 1_.--249,262' Tractor Trailers (LL)--400-1 Traffic Control Officers--289 Traffic Survey--41,468,476 TRAILERS Bauer Farms, Inc.--44,420 Boursiquot, Ange & Barbara--320 Brown, Samuel G.--75,424 Eberhardt, John--222,237 First Baptist Church--307 Girards, R.T.,Northeast Nursery--267~27~7 Greenfield, Sophia & Richard--320 Horton, David S.--323 Horton, Gerry S.--323 McBride, Frank J.--204,472 McCarthy, George A.--319 Mikolajczyk, Zdzislaw--229 Miles, Maddie--27,422 Moeller, Jacqueline--292 Mudd, David--60,193,457 Mudd, Stephen--61,185,193 Northeast Nursery--190,267,277,454 Rudder, Barbara & Gary--314,376 Santora, Eileen & Jos~ph--~22,235 Saunders, Sophie--27 ~ Sawicki, Frank--232 Sidor, Martin--257 Terp, Ambrose R.-35~ Tuthill, John C.--69,422 Williams, Gary--366,367 Transfer Development Riqhts (TDR)--188,195 TRANSFER OF FUNDS:-- Accounting--42 Adult Day Care Program--229 Adult Recreation--28,320 Aging --42,212 Alarm fees--192 Assessors--42,212 Attorney--8,9,42,212,289,357,374,40~, 457 Bay Constable --43,192,290,362, Beaches--8 Bond Anticipation-8 Buildings--8,42,191,212,458 Capital Grant--457 Central Data Processing--458 Community Development--231 CSEA Benefit--43,192,193 Dock Repairs--457 Dog Control--42 Drug Counsel--181,212 Environmental Control--8,42 Fire fighting--212 General Fund--70,229 GHI Dental Insurance--43,192 Gifts & Donations--460 Handicapped--42 Highway Department--40 Historian--42 Hospital & Medical Ins--43,191,192 Independent Auditing--471 Insurance-- 43,192,471 JAB--9 Joint Youth--28,320,374 Justices--8, 42,191 Juvenile Aide--43,192 Nutrition Fund-- 229 NYS Retirement--43 Office Expense--457 Parks--8,278,290,362,399,455 Planning--9,42,43,192,210,357,402 Police 9,42,43,191,192,210,289, 374,455 Police Retirement--43 Public Health--43,75,289,212 Recreation--28 Refuse & Garbage--8,42,181,204 212t458 Safety Inspection--9,42,43,192 SEQR Reimbursement--192 Serial Bonds--192 Social Security--43,192 Special Recreation Facilities-278, 290,362,399,455 Sports--8 Street Lighting--191 Supervisor--42,191 Tax Collection--42,191,471 Town Board--42,191 Town Clerk's--42,191 Tree Committee--460 Unallocated Insurance--9,192 Unemployment--8,43 Wastewater Disposal--229-30 Water Revitalization--262 Workers Compensation-43 Zoning--9,42,192,357 Trawel Authorization--45,50,70~73,190,193,211,212,257,258,259,260,262,263, 264,273,274,276,277,293~ 298,307,326,321,322,323,329,340,354,363,377 421,443,444,457,455,476 Travel Expenses--50 TREE COMMITTEE--222,253,26~, 350 Tree Pruning--197 Triangle Consulting--449,450,460 Truman's Beach--317 TRUSTEES: Clerk-typist--41,256,421 General--8,37,45,198,279,293,4C,1,425,466 Trux of Suffolk, Inc.--276 Turner Tuthill Tuthill Tuthill Tuthill Tuthill Tuthill Mr. & Mrs. Robert--3~l Harry--291 John B.--366,376,442 John C.--69,422 L.M.--271,287 Ralph W., Jr.--288 Ralph W., St.--261 United Nations Association of tl~e USA--6 United States Tennis Association--372 University of Stony Brook--6 Unsafe building--283,321 Urban, Leone--327 U.S. Government-- Affordable Housing Corporation--326 EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) --20,319 Board of Census--24~ Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)--325,364 Van Brunt, Dawn--192 VDT (Video Display Terminals)--200 Vehicles & Traffic (LI-)--291,319,341,403,427 Vehicle Permits--375,449 Vietnam Veterans Memorial--314. 339 Village Commons Health & Racquet Club--259 Village Green--201,268,272,278,393 Village Marinaw-202,396 Visser, Chris--258,422 Von Damm, Mitza--191 Voorhis, Charles J.--222 Wacker, Ronnie--25,65 Wage & Policy Committee--Z53 Waide, Donna--340 Walden, Ellsworth R.--260 Walden, Suzanne M.--41,433 Walk America--285 Walkden, Kimberly--185,193-4,425 Wall, Patricia--55 Walsh Park--10.370.438.453 Wanat/Carr/Norris--1,18,37,44,75,209-10,267,283,295-7,308,312,313,392,444-5 Ward, Richard--262 Waste Expo--340 Waste Management--307 I Wastewater disposal construction permits--446 Wastewater District (Sid.)--355 WATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE--4,5,24,25,39,63,187,195,219-20,227,432,434r445 Water Authority--197,222,345,394,396,4-7 Waterfront Revitalization Citizen's Advisory Committee--262 Waterfront Revitalization Commitee--4, 61,63,64,207,223,277-8,473 Water Safety Instructor--230,425,444,457,458 Watershed Area--395,407 Water Supply Resolution--407 Water System--185 Water Works Corp., Fishers Island--469 Watts, Charles C.--51 Weingart, Brian--205 Wells, Betty--185,258,376,392 Wells, George--393 Wells, William Mr. & Mrs.--393 Wentworth, Lynne--26,422 West Creek Estates--32,69 West Harbor (FI)--276 West Mattituck Beach Association--4 Wetland Acquisition--235 Wetland Maps (DEC)--453 Wetland Permits--469 Wetlands (LL)--256,273,27~ Wetmore, George--397 Wetzel, John--371 Whaling City Dredging & Dock Corp.--374,473 Wickham Creek--197,211 Wickham Farm--396 Wieczorek, Douglas--373 Wieczorek, Vincent--314,329,354. 397 Wiggin, Merlon--366 Wilkins, Joyce M.--53 Wilk, Robert A.--418 Williams, Gary--366,367 Williams, Ralph 0.--454 Wilson, Arnold--475 Wilson, Beth--260 Wilton, Richard C.--288,414 Wineries--440-1,449,458-9, ~69, 4~ 3-4 Winters, Daniel H.--43,51,190,3~5,372,460 Winters, Richard A.--439 Wise, Dr.--4 Withers, Mike--39 Witschieben, Don--4 WLIG-TV 55--431 Wolf Pit Nurseries--267,277,371 Wolf Pit Pond Estates--212 Woodhull, Barbara--469 Woodhull, George--469 Woods, The at Cutchogue--40 Wooldridge, Linda--185 Woman's Outreach Network--399,~00,414 Workman's Compensation--L75 Work/Study Student--185,'93,205,425,439,446 Zahra, Charles--185 Zaleski, Mark--190 Zelinski, Pat--222 Zimmer, Joseph--27 ZONE, CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION:-- Blum, Reynold F.--285 Carr/Wanat--255,283,444-5 DBM Company--203,206,212-3,255,283,314,337-339 Gray, James L., Sr.--194,230 Griswold-Terry-Glover Amer can Legion--283 Jem Realty--360-61,441 Kontokosta, Emanual--360-6',441 Pugliese & Calabrese--449 Southold Villas--449,4~9 Thompson, Thomas--232,373 Zoning Amendments--208-9 Zone change posting--432 Zoning Code & Map--1,4,6,11-15,~8,19r60,61,75-180 Zoning (LL)--240-1,255,264-5,29~-6,314,322,323,355-6,364,406,419,421,~56,458,469 Zoological Society--475 Zuhoski, John--423 Zurek, Tilli--274-5