HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 - 1967 October - DecemberAccident patients-E.L.I. Hospital--366 Act to amend Town law-re: Powers of Purchasing --75 Act to divide Suffolk County--364 An Act-Home Rule-Retirement of Police--353 Home Rule-Suffolk Co. division--364 Ackerly Pond Lane, Shd. ligl~ts--15 Advertising Fund--208 Agreement Project Grant--79 Agreement- Town & County-property--435 Albertson, Supervisor Lester-Bond--29,31,198,199,328,332 Amendment-Proposed; hearing; adoption--54,59,71 Amendment to-subdivision of Iand--167 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance--227,247 Andrade, Joseph Jr.--124 Anniversary--325th--141 Anticipation Note-Tax Mach-$14,000--425 Anticipation Note- New Suffolk Recreation Area 43,000 (32,802.56) -- 53,216-217,270 Anticipation Note-S51,000--389 Anticipation Note-S63,000--388 Anticipation Note $165,000--222 Appeal for stay-court--279 Appelt, John--336 Appointments-Economic Committee--204 Appropriations for Holiday Expenses--208 Assessors Calculator; salary--218,257 Assessor's Car 1965; bid--38,47,52,73,82 Attendance Officer-F. Dawson--124,402 Attorneys to represent Town--392 Aurichio, Dominic--391 Azalea Road, Mattituck--380 Bakelaar, Mrs. Curbing--406 Baker & VanBuren--4,74,83,94 Bank Deposit-SUNSET KNOLLS--439 Barzac, George Jr. Zone--184,187 denied--203 New Application--357,362 Baxter Sr., William J., --27,74,83,95 Bay Ave., Cutchogue,Dumping--277 Bay Constable-Januick--42 Radio--76 Constable--80,269 Bay Constable- Jeep--367 Baymen's Association-Clams--391 Baymen's Association (letter)--218 Mtg .--226 Beach Attendant-Orient--288 Employees--399 Beebe Drive Extension--439 Beebe, Theodore O.--raise--43 Bergen, Robert--246 Bianchi v Griffing-stay--279 Bids-Gasoline--299 Bi11-#409 IN CONVENTION--401 Bill-Re: Hunting & Firearms--58 Bingo: Aux.#803--386,413,417 Burton Potter Post 185--26,62,98,142,181,218,301,330,363,398,413 Greenport Fire Department--106,263,392 G.T.G. Post 803 --269,28,62,89,143,182,218,277,299,303,330,335,354,388 Marion Council #3852--22,62,89,138,181,213,256,289,309,347,382,402 Blados, Anthony and Cora Wolf--369,382,385,395 Blossom Blvd., Mattituck--380 BLUEBELL- storage--183 Blue Horizons-Bond--26,90 Boatman's Harbor--287 Boken, Judith-Leave--209,258 Boken, William--Patroman-resignation--309 Bokina, Theodore (patrolman)--316,435 Bomarc Base-Westhampton--43 Bond: --$44,000- Bathing Beach New Suffolk--216 Birch Hills, Cutchogue--335,397 Corey Creek Estates--326,403 Dawn Estates--246 30,000 Deep Hole Creek Est.--44,438 F.I. Boat--190 11,000 Fordham's Acres--51 Harbor Lights--74,82 Karlson & Reed-water--79 Mattituck Estates--82 15.000 Melrose Manor--52 Payloader-- 102,110 7,000 Peconic Homes Sec.11--412,425 Publication--20 Redwood Park--438 Reese, Harold & Fred--82 Resolution-1964--19 Resolution--Disposal Area-63,000--252,254,270 Roads :--26 Bleeker Construction Co.,19,000--254 Birch Hills, Cutchogue--335,397 Cleaves Point Sec. 111--188 Sec. 3&4--301 Eastern Shores 11--304 Eastern Shores--79 Sec. II --99 Sec. 3--104 Eastern Shores, Sec. 3--104 Sec. 111--139 Release, Sec. 3&4--301 Salt Aire, Est.--244,402 $18,000 Smith Bors.--306 Smith property, C of D-18,000 roads--323 Smith property--244 $9,000 Sunset Knolls--434,439 Tax Receiver (Okula)--325 7,000 Town Harbor Terrace--51 Vista Bluff--438 Willow Point--244 Bond Note-43,000 New Suffolk--53 Bonds- North Fork Bank & Trust Co.--61,290 Boughton, Herbertq-3 Bowles, Ernest-Purser F.I.--290 Broadwaters Cove, Dredging of--125,126 Browers Woods--100 Brown, Sam-trailer--78.159 Brushes Creek, dredging of--81,220,301 Brush's Creek, dredging of--385 Bryant, Rev. Arthur C.--254 Budget for 1965--6,7,8 1966--148,158,160 1967--309,317 Preliminary for 1968--419 1968--427 Building CODE--266 Building I nspector-typewriter--246 Salary--258 Byrenes, T.J.-$pec. Bay Constable--92,269 Capital Note- Beach-18,500--393 Capital Note-S8000.00 Recreation Area--204 Capital Note-Tax Machine--404 Capital Note-Town Ha11--293 Capital Note-S59,000 Town Hall Property--356 Cardinal Drive, Mattituck--380 Carlson & Reed--72 Caroleo, Vitalino--77,108 Casbor, Inc.; roads; denied--269,275,325,326,334,252,360,355, Roads--381,391,387,397,408 Denied--417 Cases Lane, Cutchogue-Recreation--98 CAST & VISTA--204 Causeway - Orient-East Marion--347 Cedar Beach Assoc.-dredging; anti-noise-139,145 Cedar Beach Road to County--79 Celebration - 325th Anniversary--141 Cerebral Palsey Week--23 Chain Link Fence--348 Chamber of Commerce--156 Chapman, Mary- Historian--5,155,268 Chapman, Mildred, vacation--209 Chapman & Preston-Robinson Rd.--107 Chew, Della--75,83,94 Civil Service Exercise; car--100,156,182 Clean-Up Week--362 Cleave's Point Sec. 111--246 Clams, Tranplanting of; purchasing--100,255.391 Clark, Henry A.- Bond--30,328 Clarke, Clayton H. & Rose M.--77,131 Cochran, Carlisle--15,81,174 Commerce & Industry Committee--52 Committees-Commerce & Insustry-Economic Opportunities--52,204 Community Action for Southold Town--93 Concession-Jack's Shack--215,245,258 Conservation Dept.-Lease--111 Constittutional Convention, Justice, new County--399,~02 Contingent Fund--83 Conway, Robert J.-patrolrman--394 Corey Creek Estates, Shd.--403 County(Eastern Towns)--350,357 County, New--402 Cox, Ralph P.- Dog Warden--244 Coyle, Frank (Planning Board)--349 Cutchogue Fire Departrment--108,287,401 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Hist. Soc.--276 Cutchogue-Ne~ Suffolk Park District--407 Da~nien, George D. - trailer--262 Davis, Arch (pin oaks)--105 Davis, Arthur--2 Dawson, Frank--124,285,402 Dean, Raymond-Supt. of Highways,1966 Bond--196,277,328 Death Benefit-Police--392 Deep Hole Creek-dredging of farm water--15-16,22,139 Deep Hole Creek Estates-Bond-30,000;bond--26,44,438 Demarest, Harrison-parking area--251 Depot Lane-light--92 Dinizio, Lovis-trailer--59,212 Dirksen Amendment--102 Dittmann, Barbara - trailer;leave--63,123 Dog Enumerators-1965;1966--17,174,183,329 1967;1968--333,415 Dog Warden- Truck; resignation--183,187-188,244 Doroski, Steve J.--354,362,383 Doyen, Raymond-Bond--29,196,332 Drainage-Orient--257 Dredging: Broadwaters Cove--125-126 Brushes Creek--81,220,301 Cedar Beach--139 Deep Hole Creek--139 Reydon Shores--98,284 West Creek--125 Wickham Creek--90,301 Wunneweta Pond--255,284 Dredging, objection to--15 Droskoski, Stanley15,81,174,309,351 Dump:-- Additional land--219 Extra man--216 Fencing--245,248 Fence link--216 Front End loader--106 Payloader- Bond-- 10~, 109-110 Tractor--140 Dumpling Light--58 East-West Fire Protection--322 Eastern Shores-Bond---79 Section 11--99,304,426 Section I11--104,107,136,139,212 Eastern Shores Corp.--roads--38 Eastwood Estates-Bond-12,000--5 Eckart, John, Special Constable--270 Economic Opportunities Committee--52,254 Edwards, Dorothy- Deputy Clerk & Registrar--198 Edwards, E. Perry- Bond--29,196,332 Civil Defense Coordinator--40 Election-- Town Hall--300 England, Southwold - letter--145 Excavation Ordinance--48 Fadrowski, Ignatius - trailer--228 Fanning Road--221 Faucon, Henry B.--16 letter--189 Federal Housing Act--249 Fence - McCabe's Beach--72 Rocky Point--79 Ferri, Board, Anticipation Note--359 Filla, Martin - trailer--5,78,169 Finkeistein, Howard, Esq., Zoning--364 Fire Advisor, (Boughton)--3 inspector (Reeves)--326 Fire Department Parade--276 Fire Island Wetlands Sea Shore Advisory Committee--60,156 Fire Protection-E-W, Greenport--322 Fire Protection, Village of Greenport--184,201 Fishersman's Beach--206 Fisher Road, New Suffolk to Fanning Road--305 FISHERS ISLAND:-- Accountants--30 Accountants-1967--335 Airport Propert',' to Rod & Gun Club--3,40 Hague--110 Appelt, John--335 Bank Deposits--37 Bareboat Charter--204 Bay Constable, Harian Johns--91 Bill paid--62 Bond for Boat--190 Civil Defense, VanRiper--62 District Boundaries---223, 242 Extension--273 Dockage & ram., F.I. & New London--305,350 Dol.ohins at West Harbor--51 Silver Eel Cove--197,259 Elizabeth Airport Attendant--63,267 Dock Attendant--63,267 Employees--398, 401 Federal owned racks--37 Ferry District:-- Re: Airport Property--3 Bareboat Charter--3 Johnson & Williams--199 Ferry Board--170,175,176,178,17~,207,215,222,220 Fork Lift--226 Lease of dock & Pier--40 Lease of West Harbor--41 Leasing of Airport--388 Life Bo~ts, Mystic Isle--330 Mail Carrier-W. Griffin--335 Mail Haulage--30 Fuel--102 1966--199 Mortgage, Town Board, 1967--411 Mortar Bunkers a hazard--268 Mystic Isle Operator--28 Engine for Mystic Islae--158,200 Purser, Ernest Bowles--290 Purser, Marshall & MacLeod--324 Refuse & Garbage District, Boundaries--223,239 Extension--271 Removal of pilings--329 Repairs to Timber Piles Structure--91 Retirement--228 Speed Limit of 30 ,V, PH--136 Theatre Operators, 1965--91,267 Town Board Meeting--109,136,289,292 Undeground Cable--380 Winthrop Drive--381 Fitzpatrick, James (Bond)--5 Fleet, Estate of (cash in estrow)--5 Fleet's Neck, bulkhead--367 Fordham Acres, Bond--51 Section 11--212 Section I1, Bondr-425 Founders Landing, Survey of--124 Francisco & Jacobus, Town Ha11--249 Frelix, Carl Jr.-trailer--21,99,184 Frohne, Albert & Veronica--382,384,396 Front St., Greenport, Parking'--159 Funds, North Fork Benk & Trust--79 Gada, John & Wr.,Bond, resignation, letter-re:rocks;Bond--21, 27, 29,40,104,156,195,332 Gada, A. John, Zoning--136,144 Gale, Audre;,--368 Garbage & Rubbish Ordiance--83 Gasoline-Bids--51 Geier, John (zone)--415,434 Gendron, Rene (Road)--45 Gillette Drive, Speed limit--285 Gillispie, Robert Jr.--367 Good Humor truck-complaint--277 Gooding, Mrs. L. (concession stand)--258 Good Order Ordinance--131,142 Goodale, A.E.-4th St., New Suffolk--209 Goose Creek Dredging--245,366 Gordon, Gene Barclay--19 Gorman, Pat-parking overnight--345 Granger Road, Southold--45 GrathwohI-Dedication of Fanning Road--221 Grathwohl, Wilfred - guard--206 Grattan, Peter-Special Constable--80,124 Grattan, Thomas - Constable--183 Grebe, Alfred--367 Green, Leonard--124 Greenport Fire Protection--201 Greenport-west zone change--438 Griffio, Walter Jr., Mail Haulage--30 Grilli, Lovis- trailer--215 Gull Pond Ramp--II1,209,360 Hague, Ronald (airport F.I.)--ll0 Hallock, Daniel - trailer--77 Hamilton Avenue, Mattituck--276 Harmilton, Robert--275 Hand, George-Special Constable--270 Hansen, Anna E.--81,90 Harbor Lights-Bond--74,82 Harker, Albert Est.-re: highway--276 Hass, Helmut (zone)--415,433 Health Dept.- re:dumps--71 Henry, Mr. re: fill Goose Creek--407 Highway between E. Marion & Orient--407 Highway-bonds (Fordham Acres]--51 Highway-Cedar Beach Road to Count,--79 Highway- change of name--276 Hichway, Crane to Greenport Village--80 Highway Department- raise--36 Highways-E. Legion Ave., Mat & N. Riley Ave., Matt.--333 Highway-men paid overtirme--345 Highway-monies transferred--20 Highway-payloader Note-17,000--409 Highway4 door sedan--307 Highway-Specifications Amendment--213 Highway Specifications 1967--367 HighwaySupt. Retain H. Price--197 Highway-survey property-Orient--257 Highway-of Village of Greenport--219 Historian,Mary, Chapman--5,155,268 Historian, F. Kramer--resigns--2 Holden, Lewis-purser-F.I.--37 Home Exchange inc.--245,326,368 Home Rule--209 Home Rule Act-Suffolk Di%dsion---353 Home Rule Request-Suffolk Division--364 Hospital Recommendation-patients--366 House Numbering--105 Housing Code--409-410 Howard, Theodore (Sct.)--18 Hulse, Fred K..Jr.---7.2 Hummel, Clinton re:property,--301 Hunting & Firearms Bill--58 Highway Equipment:-- Aspalt-500,000 gallon--70,226,362 Blue Stone--70,226,362 Building at Orient--315 Bulldozer--104 Carry-all--433 Castincs, pipe, etc.--304 Chip spreader--399 Draninage Equipment., tires, tubes--99 Dump truck -37,61,255,315 Fencing--357,359 Gasoline--63,303 Gasoline bids--70 Grating, castings, etc.--98 Highway striper--70 Obsolete machinery--197 Old Main Road, Mattituck-released--144 Pickup--275 Pipe and bands--37 Rock Salt--147,299,415 Roller & Backhoe--80 School bus--200 Rings, domes, covers--7,174,299,392 Spreader--208,305 Sweeper--219,345 Tilt-type TRailer--354 Tires--47,158 Tractor-Mower--347 Transport Trailer--155 Truck--414 Idea & Dev. Sub-Committee--93 Indian Neck land leased from Day & Rich---276 Island's End Golf & Country Club--3 Jack's Shack Concession--215,245,258,401 Januick, Wm.-Aid to Trustees --436 Januick, Wm.-Bay Constable--5 resignation--42 appointment--1965--145 letter--145 Jeep--379 Jeep-Bay Constable--379 Jefferson, Reverend John--130 Jockey Creek Drive; ciricle discontinued--107,285 Johns, Harlan-Special Bay Constable--91 Jurzenia, Thomas & Florence--75,83,95 Justices of Peace-Opposition to abolishing--399 Karlson & Reed--72,79 Kastner, Mr.-Deep Hole Creek --15 Katz, Mrs.(Re:recreation)--252 Kehl, Janet, School Guard--200 Kimogenor Point, New Suffolk, Speed of boats--91,105 King, Constantine-(Rink)--330 Klein, John J. Sr.-trailer--26,82,186,261 Klipp, Joyce, School Guard--183 Koop, Gertrude, trailer--368 Kramer, Florence, Historian, Room--2,5 Krupski, lsadore--78,261 Kull, Frank - trailer--26,104,204 Kurkoski, Stanley--124 LaColla, trailer--78,261 Land at Indian Neck Lane leased -276 Land at peconic Sub station offered by LILCO--269 Land, Town ha11--293 Landing Mat--268,363,364 Laughing Waters, Southold--360 Laurel Lake Park, hours--140 Lawson, Fred, trailer--73,159,255 Lease, airport property to Rod & Gun Club--3 Lease, Conservation Dept. --111 Lenahan, J. Bernard, trailer--69 Levin, Jack & Irving--70,74,93 Liebeknecht, Wm., pipe--391 Life Guard, Muir--92,396 Life Guard Rules & Regulations--379 Light, 13arkley Rd. Mattituck--286 Cox Neck Rd., Mattituck--286 #7,#3 to Harbor Lane, Cutchogue--286 Survey of Westland & Fleets Neck--284 Light, Signal, Depot Lane--140 Westphalia Rd., Matt.--323 Wickham Ave., Matt.--323 Light, Traffic, Cutchogue--385 Lights, bits for, Depot Lane--92 Signal, Matt. Bids--47 LIGHTS:-- Ackerly Pond Lane--15,46 Albertson Lane--51 Aldrich Lane, L~urel--436 Aldrich Lane, Mattituck--382 Alvah's Lane, Route 27A--207 American Legion, Mattituck--363 Aquaview Ave., E. Marion--289,327 Aquaview Drive, E. Marion--2 Bailey Ave., Greenport--51 Bailey Beach, Mattituck--414 Bay Ave., Cutchogue--6,258 Bayview & Cedar Dr., Sid.--408 Beach Road, Greenport--300 Boisseau Ave., Southold--263 Bulbs, Oregon Road--208 Calves Neck, Southold--368 Capt. Kidd Estates--414 Champlin PI., Greenport--51,402 Chapel Lane, Greenport--51 Colony Road, Southold--323 County Road between Albertson Lane & Soundview Ave.--414 Cox Lane, Cuchogue--22,46,137,221 Cox Neck Lane, Matt.--289 Cox Neck Road, Matt.--228,258, Depot Lane, Cutchogue--156,382 Depot Lane & Oregon Rd.--141 Depot Lane, Route 27A--207 Eastern Shores, survey--329 Eastern Shores, Greenport--351 Eugene Hts.,Cutchogue--411 Factory Ave., Mattituck--411 Factory Ave., (2)--426 Fanning Rd., New Suff.--397 Fifth St., New Surf.--144 Fred St., New Suff. -246 Gardiner's Bay Estates--287 Georges Road, New Suff.--51,246,426 Gillette Drive, E.Marion--330 Goose Bay Estates, Survey--316 Goose Neck, Southold--368 Grathwohl Rd., New Surf.--14,207 Gull Pone Lane, Gpt.--200 Gull Pond Rd.,Gpt.--7 Hallock Lane, Ornt.--218 Hamilton Ave., Matt.--426 Harbor Lane, Ctg.--228,263,414 Horton Ave., Matt.--332 Horton Lane, Sid--92 Inlet Lane, Gpt.--22 Island View Lane, Gpt.--286 Jennings Road, Southold--92 Jockey Creek Dr. Sid.--1400183,218 Kenneys Road, Sid--351,397 Kouros Road, New Surf.--436 Laurel School (2)--410 Legion Ave. ,Matt.--327 Leslie Rd., Cutchogue--258 Little Neck Rd,,Ctg--288 Luther Lane, Matt.--277 Madison Ave., Gpt--206 Main Road: Cutchogue--386 East Cutchogue--263 East of Greenport--357 East Marion--212 Mattituck--258 Mattituck Library--418 Peconic--330 Southold--198 Southold, Church--139 Southold, Hortons Lane--418 Southold, Vail's--363 Manhanset Ave. ,Gpt.--22,51,286 Manhassett Ave.,Gpt.--345 Manor Hill, Ctg--92, 186 Maple St., Greeenport--286 Middle Road, Cutchogue--287 Middle Road, Mattituck--307 Middleton Road, Greenport--218 Mill Creek Bridge--206 Mill Lane, Matt.--348 Naugles Drive, Mattituck--277 New County Road,East--207 North Cross Road, Cutchogue--335 Oak Street, Greenport--245 Oaklawn Ave., Southold--22,426 Old North Road, Southold--362 Oregon Road--154 Oregon Road, Cutchouge--23,60,221, Oregon Road, Mattituck--7,270 Orient School--316 Pacific Street, Mattituck--327 Parking Area, Southold--83 Pipes Neck Rd., Greenport--51 Route 25: E -W District--289 w/Greenport--411 Laurel--183 Mattituck--2$8,300 Lights (cont.) Sage Blvd--101 Saltaire Estates (4)--367 Saltaire Way, Matt., Survey--414 Saltaire Way & Wavecrest Lane, Mattituck, survey--437 Signal Light, Depot Lane--140 Silvermere Rd.,Greenport--51 Soundview Ave., Greenport--51,221 Soundview Ave., Southold--144 Soundview Ave.,(4), Sid--397 South Harbor Rd., Sid--218 Tasker Lane, Greenport--414 Town Beach, Southold--397 Tucker's Lane--75,218,327 West Street--286 Westphalia Road, Mattituck--323,436 Westpahlia Road, Matt. Survey--414 Wickham Ave., Mattituck--124,418 Wilmarth Ave., Greeport--287 Little Creek--283 Lizza Asphalt Construction Co.--277 Local Govt., Nat'l. Sub. League--363 Local Law #1, 1967--410 Long Creek, Dredging of--387 Machine, copying (Supr.)--104 Mallet, Arthur J. Jr.--98 Maps of Creeks-Trustees--91 March of Dimes Month--345 Marshall, Christin, purser--324 Martocchia, Albert; salary--18,258 Master Plan Project--79 Mattituck Chamber of Commerce--209 Mattituck Creek - bulkhead--330 Mattituck Estates-Bond, Certifi. #2167; roads--82,137,334,380 Mattituck Fire Dept.--227 Mattituck Presbyterian Church--283 Mattituck Yacht Club-pictures--276 Mayor of SouthwoJd, England--105 Mazzaferro, Jas., trailer--98 Meadow Lane, Mattituck--380 Mellas, George, Tax Receiver--437 Melrose Manor, Bond--52 Mickle, Allen & Hazel--131,138,146 Miles, Mabel, trailer--59,143 Miller, Irving, Accountant--17,61,63 -bill paid--63 -reports-1965; 1967--228,329 Moisa, Henry--72 Monies disbursed & received--329 Monies - Holiday expense--208 Monies - North Fork Bank--289 Monies - transfer of--23,36,71,83,105,124,182,185,189,246,327 Monies transferred--439 Montgomery, Paul - letter--189 Morrison, Mr. - re: Mattituck Creek--288 Mosquito Extermination Bill to Senate--208 Muir, George: School Constable--124,299 Muir, Robert--lifeguard--92,396 Mullen, Cathryn (road)--107 Murphy, Thomas - F.I.--91 Mystice Isle, engine for--200 McCabe's Beach - Fence--72 McCann Lane, Greenport--38,107 McCarthy, George - trailer--59 McCloskey, Elizabeth- Bond--29,196,332 McLean, Mrs. (secretarial work)--123 McTeague, R.P.--262,269 National Surburban League--363 Nelson, Martin--156 New Suffolk, wharfage-town boat--365 N.Y.S. Suburban Conference--386 Nickols, Mr.-Re: Good Humor truck--277 Nidds, Edward--382-384,396 North Dumpling Light--58 N.F.13.T.Co.-Funds; certif. #2167--79,334 North Rd. to Wickham Ave.--276 Note, Anticipation-43,000-New Suffolk--53 Note,Anticipation-51,000--389 Note, Anticipation-63,000--388 Okula, Bertha, TAx Rec.-Bond--181,325 Old Cove Yacht Club--209 Old Main Road, Mattituck-released--144 Oliver, Ronald F.--trailer--73,159 Olsen, Elizabeth-prop. in New Suffolk building--36,201 Olsen, James (zone)--102,131,143 O'Neil, John-Fisherman's Beach --206 Open Development Area-Frederick Rich--208 Ordina nce-Anti-noise-- 145 Ordinance- Excavation--48-49 Ordinance-Garbage & Rubbish--83,96-97 Ordinance-Good Order Ordiannce--131,142 Ordinance-Licensing and Regulating Secondhand Junk & Auto Parts Activities & Business--85,99,126 Ordinance-taking of shellfish--132,136,263,279 Ordinance-providing partial tax exemption over 65 years old--349 Ordinance-traffic, signs, etc.--255,277 Ordinance- zone change--71 Organizational Meeting-1965;1966;1967--31,190,338 Orient Bulkhead-- 81 Orient Mosquito District--268 Osmer, Richard--396 Painting Town Clerk Bldg.-1965--62 Parade-Fire Department--276 Park-Laurel Lake--140 Park Property-Peconic--184 Parking-Front St., Greenport--159 Parking Area-Dema rest-O rient--251 Parking Lot-Mattituck--329 Pay, Longevity for Town Employees--209 Peconic Homes-Sec. II-Bond-S7000--412,425 Peconic Inlet-Park--184 Pemberton, Richard--358 Pensions for increased take home pay--186 Petition-dredging Hallock Bay--299 Pickett, Jas. B--Bond--29,195,332 Pickett, John (F.I. Clerk)--283 Planning Bds.-Shd & Rvd. re:roads--211 Police Benevolent Assoc. Inc.--413 Police Boat-storage of--183 Police-Bokina, Stepnoki, Sidor--435 Police Chief, Recommendation 407 Police-Death Benefits--392 Police-increment-6% after 25 years--206 Police-Patrolman Henry Stepnoski, Jr.--276 Police-Recommendation by hospital for patients--366 Police-request in change in law to Gov. Rockefeller--417 Police Retirement after 20 years--221,361,353 Police Rifle Range--226 Police Rules & Regulations--Ill Police-,Special Constables--124 Police- use own cars for transportation--197 Police-Uniform Justice Court Act--433 Pollert, Wm. J.--77,90,104 Postage meter--392 Presbyterian Church, Mattituck--107 Preston & Chapman (road)--107 Preston, R~lph T.-bulkhead-Fleets Neck--367 Price, Harold-Bond--37 Price, Harold-retained by Dean--197 retirement--189 Price, Irving for Rarus Inc.--108 Project Grant Agreement--79,249 Property adjacent to manhanset Ave.--301 Property in East Marion-B to A--27 Property in New Suffolk--19 Property-New Suffolk-Olsen--36 Property ownership-Senate Bi11--347 Property in Southold-C to A --27 Property Tax Law--335 Property -Wickham Park--347 Przepieora, Victor - Orient--288 Public Accountant Miller--63 Public Works, Dept of--360 Pumillo, Skuro, Wilsberg--144 POLICE:-- Bid for cars-rejected--2 Bids for reefers--2 Cars--1966--174,187-188 Gasoline--51,63 Police Cars--349,351 Radios--206,208,210 Radios & Walkie-Talkie--289,307-308 Reefers--3 Tires--63 Tires & Uniforms--70 Uniforms, summer--61 Rabita, Edward-Airport Attendant--63 Race Point Corporation--243-244,259 Radio, Bay Station; Bay Constable--47,76 Radio-Supervisor's Car;police--201,206 Radio Tower & Antenna--48 Racial Crisis Forum--7 Railroad Safety--363 Ramps & Beaches; Ramp-Gull Pond--92,111 Rapp, John F. (sidewalk & lights)--436 Rarus, Incorporated--108,138,146 Ray, Lloyd-Dog Enum. 1967--333 Real Property Tax Law--335 Records, Copy of by Univ.--367 Recreation Area - Capital Note--204 Recreation Program-1967--397 Redwood Park-Bond--438 Reese, Harold-zone change--299,326,337 Reese, Harold & Frederick-Harbor Lights--82 Reeve, H.R. & Sons, Inc.--75,226 Reeve, Thomas-Special Bay Constable--92,269 Reeves, Robert S.-Fire Inspector--326 Refuse Disposal Land-Bond Resolution--252 Regent, Marion-Deputy Clerk & Reg.--198 Reiter, Mrs. (Town Hall)--360 Reports for year 1964; 1965; 1966--64,228,368 Retirement & Soc. Sec. Law; F.1.--186,228 Reybine, Lawrence H.--307 Reydon Shore, dredging--98,284 Rich, Frederick (Open Dev. Area)--208,220 Richmond, Albert W.--Boncl--29,196,277,329 Roads-Mattituck & Riverhead--211 Robertson, Douglas (house #s)--105 Robinson Road, Greenport--107 Rockefeller, Gov. call to session Re: penal laws--417 Rocky Point Road-Fence--79 Rod & Gun Club, Fishers Island--40 Rodden, John M.--16,27 Rules & Regulations-Police--Ill Rules & Reg-Subdiv. fee 1.00--439 Safety Council--185 Safety Devices - Railroad--363 Salary Increase after 25 years--343 Salaries 1966---258 6% increase--343 Salt Aire Est.--244,284 Saltaire Way, Mattituck--381 Bond--402 Saunders, Franklin, trailer--73,159,261 Sawicki, Joseph, Chief--18,309,351 Schaefer, Mrs. Otto (Katherine)--96,104 Schafer, Dr. (water pipes)--103 Schelin, Ray A., trailer--73,187 Schluensen, Martin D.--20 Hearing--38,48 Schriever, Wm., car--156,182 Sealshipt Corp., zone--415,434 Secretary's Week--228,365 Senate Bill 563, opposing elim. of Prop. Ownership--347 Senate Bill Re" appointments and promotions--350 Senior Citizen Organization --391 Sey, Robert, Deep Hole Creek--63 Shellfish Ordinance--132,136 Shelter Island, radio, etc.--16 Sidor, Edward, patrolman--316,435 Signal Lights, bids, Mattituck--47,52 Sign,"No fishing", Town Beach--92 Signs, Finkelstein, Esq.--364 Signs, Village Lane, Orient--18 Stop, etc.--140 Silver Eel Cove, F.I.--197 Sinclair, Wilfred--221 Skating Rink, Gpt.--330 Skuro, Pumillo, Wilsberg--144 Smith, H., money in escrow returned--23 Smith Property, Bond--244 Sound Drive, Greenport--107 Southold Celebration--197 Southold Fishing Station--82 Speed limits: Factory Ave., Mattituck--396 Fishers Island--136 Fleets Neck, Cuchogue--304 Gillette Drive--285 Orient--324 Pequash Ave. & Fleets Neck--379 Truman's Beach--299 Speed limit: Jack's Shack--409 Westphalia Rd., Matt.--414 Speed of boats: East Creek, Cutch--406 Kimogenor--91 School House Creek, NS--110 Wickham Creek--402 Starks, Wm. & Irene--383,384,394 State & Federal Aid--249 State Traffic Commission: Fleets Neck, Cutchogue and Front St., Gpt--304 Orient and Greenport--367 Stay, Appeal for--279 Steiner, Wm. A., trailer--78,184,285 Stepnoski, Henry Jr., Patrolman--276,315,435 Sterling, Wm., Fire Is. Wetlands--60,156 STOP, YEILD signs--187,188 Strickland, Adelaide, trailer--26 Stoutenburgh, Paul--15 Subdivision--Amendment to -- 167 of land, rules & regs--412 Subdivision Rules & Reg., fee $1.00 --439 Suffolk County Division--364,357 Suffolk County Landmarks Reservation Committee--108 Suffolk Scrap Corporation--54 Sullivan, Joseph--396 Summer of History, 325th Anniv.--141,145 Sump, Tuckers Land, Southold--396 Sunset Knolls, Bond 9,000--434,,439 Supervisor's Car--l74 ,1B1 Office curtains--329 office furniture--351 Suter, Martin--36 Civil Defense--196,343 Justice 1968, school--439 Sutton Place, Gpt.--38,107 Tasker Lane, Greenport--107 Tax Exemption over 69 years--349 Tax Law, Real property--335 Tax Machine, Capital Note--404,408,412,425 Tax Receiver, Typewriter--304 Taxes, Village of Greenport--108 Telephone Company re: sidewalks--327 Telphones, Emergency--80 Telsey, Benson (zone)--415,434 Tenzer Bi11--283 Terry, Howard M. school--38,131,197,292,403 Terry, Orville & Spencer, re: housing code--427 Test Wells, Ackerly Pond Lane--345 Alvah's lane--345 Tillinghast, Clarence--124 Tower, Radio--bids--71,73 Town Beach, No Fishing--92 Town Clerk Office closed--206 Town Dump, Extra Man--216 Link Fence--216 Town Hall (new)--249 option of property--299 Capital note--293 brochures--299 election--300 Town Harbor Terraces, Bond--26,51 Town Property Vote--356 Towns of Rvd. & Shd, re: roads--211 Tractor for Dump--140 Traffic Commission, Front St., Gpt.--159,304 Traffic Lt., Cutchogue Village--385 Traffic Ordinance--277,178 Traffic Rules, REgulation & Signs Ordinance--255 Traffic Survey, Main Road., Shd.--351 Traffic, Truman's Beach area--299 Front Street, Gpt.--304 Trailer, Foster, denied--306 Trailer Park, Orient--308 Trailers: Brown, S.--78,159,288,357,417 Crane, Robert, denied--416 Damien--262 Dinizio, Louis--59,212 Dittmann, Barbara--63 Fabrowski, Ignatius--228 Filla, Martin--5,78,169,285,335,416 Frelix, Carl Jr.--99,184,275,398 Gordon, Gene--19 Grilli, Lovis, denied--215 Hallock, D.--77 Jefferson, John--130 Klein--26,186,261,396 Klein, John Sr.--82 Koop, Gertrude--368 Krupski, I.--78,169,329,397 Kull--26,104,204,288,349 LaColla, T.--78,199,261,362 Lawson--73,159,255,325,403 Lenahan, Jr. Bernard--69 Masback, Chas. & Lucille, denied--325 Mazzaferro, Jas.--98 Miles, Mabel--59,143,219,368,437 McCarthy, Geo--59 McTeague--262,269 Oliver--73,159 Saunders--73,159,261,398 Schelin--73,187,219,315,386 Steiner, W.--78,184,285,335,407 Strickland--26 Tuthill, John C.--63,143,216,303,365,434 Wilson--73,159,261,391 Woodhull, Richard--69 Worthington--74,156,324,365,416 Worthington, W.E.--245,365 Training School, Commercial Fishing--254 Transfer of monies--71 Truck, Pick-up for town use--71,72 Trustees, J~nuick, Aid--436 Tuckers Lane, Sump to County--386 Tuthill, Harold, zoning--184,188,203 Tuthill Tuthill Tuthill John C. ,trailer--63,143 Lawrence--5 Ralph W., bond--29,198,328 Unkelbach, William-Mtg--306,331 Urban Planning Assistance--79 Utility Buildings-Fee--277 Vacations-length of--343 Vail Bros.-zone change--187,206,210 Valentine, Howard C., report--52 Valentini, Galileo--433,437 Van Buren & Baker--4,83,94 VanRiper, George (Civil Del~ense)--62 Van Tuyl, Mr. (letter of thanks)--156 Village of Greenport, Annexation of land--256 Village of Greenport:-- Fire Protection--184 Highways, roads, streets--219 town crane--80 Village Lane, Mattituck--381 Vista Bluff- Bond--438 Vista & Cast--204 Waddington, Robert Jr.-zone--58,90 Water Mains-Gpt & S1~d.--72 Water pipes--Dr. Schafer--103 Wavecrest Road, Mattituck--381 Welfare Law--25 Wells, Irving, painter--62 Well Point, Hamilton--275 West Creek, dredging of 125 Wickham Ave. from North Rd.--276 Wickham, John, Mtg.--306 Wickham, Wm.-zone change--74 Wickham's Creek, dredging of--90,301 Willow Point--244 Wilsberg, Ernest & Harold--326,334,355 Wilsberg, Skuro, Pumillo--144 Wilson, Minnie- trailer--73,159,261 Wilson, Paul & Lois--4 Winters, Harold D.-letter--18 Winthrop Drive, Fishers Island--381 Witt, William, Dog Enumerator--1967--333 Wolf, Cora & Antony Blados--367,382,385,395 Woodhollows Prop. 1nc.--43,75,83,100,123 Woodhull, Richard--16,69 Worth, Dorothy (water)--63 Worthington, W. Edgar-trailer--74,156,245 Wunneweta Pond-dredging of--255,285,437 Young, Archibald- Planning Board--247 Suffolk County Landmark Preservation Committee--108 Zone change-C to A-Bayview--41 Zone change-East of Kenny's Road., Shd.--438 Zone change-East Marion--41,337 Zong change-Greenport (Sealshipt Corp.)--435 Zone change-West Greenport--438 Zone change denied--368 Zoning Ordinance amended; yardage, etc.--59,227,262