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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 - 1973 July - AugustSOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MEETING DATES DATE PAGE July 6, 1971 1 July 27, 1971 10 August 10, 1971 11 August 17, 1971 (F.I.) 18 September 7, 1971 19 September 21, 1971 23 October 5, 1971 26 October 12, 1971 30 October 26, 1971 44 November 4, 1971 47 November 9, 1971 59 November 23, 1971 64 December 7, 1971 111 December 21, 1971 115 January 4, 1972-Special 122 January 4, 1972-Organiz. 122 January 11, 1972 133 January 25, 1972 145 February 10, 1972 150 February 22, 1972 153 March 7, 1972 156 March 10, 1972 163 March 28, 1972 164 April 11, 1972 170 April 25, 1972 178 May 9, 1972 182 ~ay 23, 1972 186 June 6, 1972 190 June 20, 1972 198 July 6, 1972 202 July 11, 1972 205 July 25, 1972 213 August 8, 1972 220 August 24, 1972 (F.I.) 226 September 12, 1972 230 September 28, 1972 234 October 10, 1972 241 October 24, 1972 256 November 9, 1972 259 November 21, 1972 273 December 5, 1972 275 December 19, 1972 281 December 27, 1972 (Spec.) 287 January 2, 1973 (0rganiz.) 290 January 9, 1973 (Jan.2-reconv.) 301 January 23, t9731%~ 305 February 13, 1973 312 February 27, 1973 318 Maroh 6, 1973 322 March 13, 1973 326 March 27, 1973 330 April 10, 1973 334 April 24, 1973 342 May 8, 1973 348 May 29, 1973 354 June 5, 1973 363-366 June 19, 1973 367 July 10, 1973 396 July 31, 1973 401 August 7, 1973 426 August 16, 1973 (F.I.) 429 August 28, 1973 431 JULY 6, 1971 AUGUST 28, 1973 A Abatelli, Philip W.- .................... 152,187,208 Abitz, Edward ........................... 117,142,159 Accountant, I. Miller ................... 112 Ackerly Pond Lane, "A" - "B-i"- ......... 166 Ahlers, George .......................... 160,173,222 Ahman, W. Gordon ........................ 307 Ahman, W. Gordon & Lucy J.- ............. 123,165,172,196 Alarm System ............................ 222 Albertson, Albert W., c-o-z ............. 332,370,430,444 Allen, William .......................... 8,14 Annexation to Gpt. Village .............. 155,202,206,279,339,352,368 Aquaseum ................................ 119,171,200 Archaeological Association .............. 365 Asphalt road material, bid .............. 120 Assembly bill, park district ............ 164 Assessment Review Board ................. 154,200,318,352,369,431 Assessors, tax proceedings .............. 26,165,197 Assessors, 65 & over ord.- .............. 335 Association of Towns .................... 110,131,273,299 Auditor, Kaldor ......................... 281,320 Audit: July 13, 1971 ..... 9 August 10, 1971---16 September 7, 1971-21 October 5, 1971---28 October 12~ 1971--30 November 9, 1971--63 December 7, 1971--114 December 21, 1971-119 January 11, 1972--144 February 10, 1972-152 March 7, 1972 ..... 161 April 11, 1972 .... 175 May 9, 1972 ....... 184 May 23, 1972 ...... 186 June 6, 1972 ....... 196 July 11, 1972 ...... 212 August 8, 1972 ..... 224 September 12, 1972-232 October 10, 1972---254 November 9, 1972---262 December 5, 1972---280 January 9, 1973 .... 303 February 13, 1973--317 March 13, 1973 ..... 326 April 10, 1973 ..... 341 May 8, 1973 ........ 352 June 5, 1973 ....... 366 July 10, 1973 ...... 398 August 7, 1973 ..... 428 JULY 6, 1971 AUGUST 28, 1973 B Bage, Edw.-Environ. Mtg.- ............. 276 Bailey, Mrs. Juhn ..................... 255 Baker, Rev. Charles ................... 330 Ballfield-Moores La.- ......... r ....... 360 Bank Note-N.F. Bank & Tr.-notes ....... 178 Banks-Designation of .................. 130,227,298 Bauer, Mr. & Mrs. William ............. 255 Bay Avenue to Skunk Lane .............. 220,231,311 Bay Constables-temporary .............. 345 Bay Haven Roads ....................... 1-2 Baymen's Assoc.-Town o~ SO.- .......... 275 Bayvlew Development Corp.- ............ 188,199,222 Beach Parking Ord. Amend.- ............ 177,184 BeeDe, Theodore-Sergeant .............. £24 Bennett Pond-Don~ release .............. 65,119 Berry, FranK--Dog Enumerator .......... 23 Bicknell, Alfred S.- .................... 256 Bicycle & Motorcycle Ord.- ............. 371 Bids-Asphalt Road Material ............ 120 Bids-Front End Loader ................. 118 Bids-gasoline ......................... 26 Bids-gasoline ......................... 64 Bids-Highway .......................... 21,63,371,369 Bids-Highway-tires, etc.- ............. 143-144 Bids-Highway-drains, brooms, road signs ............................ 147 Bids-Payloader ........................ 120 Bids-Police Cars ...................... 145 Bids-Police, Rugs ..................... 133 Bids-S~nitary units ................... 339 Big Green Acres Subdivision ........... 198,277 Bingo-Griswold, Terry, Glover Aux ..... 20,160,278,365 Bingo Lic.-K of C, Cutchogue .......... 112,211,315,397 Bingo Lic.- So. Amer. Legion .......... 66,227,323,365 Bingo Lic.-So. Amer. Legion Aux.- ..... 111,228 Blakemen, Joyce A.- ................... 301 Bd. of Housing Appeals-Stanley Sledjeski ...... 131 Boat Ord. Amend.-Adoption ............. 16 Boating Ord. Amend.-Hearing ........... 11,372 Booting Ord.-prop. Amend.- ............ 8 Boatman's Harbor, Inc.- ............... 170 Bogan, Alexander-Assess. Review Bd.---155,318 Boken, Judith T., Dep. Tn. Clerk, Dep. Registrar ...... 132 Bokina Edmund-trailer ................ 316-318,323 Bokina, Theodore ...................... 175 Bond Anticipation Note-1970 ........... 47 Bond Anticipation Note-Grand Ave. Br.-1972 ....... 148 Bond Anticipation Note ................ 344 Bond-Elizabeth McCloskey .............. 144 Bond-Mattituck Pk. Dist.- ............. 305 Bond-George Mellas-Rec. of Taxes ...... 111 Bond-Petty's Bight Estates ............ 146 Bond Release-Downsview ................ 20 Bond Release-Eastwood M~nor ........... 142 Bond Release-H.R. Reeves & Sons ....... 65 Bond Release-D. Tuthill, Yennecott .... 27 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 B CONT. Bond Resol.-Front End Loader .......... 117 Bond-Sunset Knolls, Sec. I, release ........... 24 Bonds-Town Officials .................. 122,123 Bondarchuk, Walter .................... 175 Boughton, Herbert ..................... 115,301 Bredemeyer, John ...................... 187 Brown, Robert W.-Assess. Review Bd.---155 Brown, Sam-Trailer renewal ............ 42,168,236 -Redemption-Road Improv.----339 Brush, Edward-retirement .............. 181 Brushes Creek ......................... 171 Budget, 1972-Tentative ................ 28 -Preliminary .............. 31 -Adopted .................. 49 Budget, 1973-Tentative ................ 240 -Preliminary .............. 244 -Adopted .................. 262 -Budget Hearing ........... 259-261 Building Dept.-car .................... 197 -Stenographer ........... 173 Building Inspector School ............. 66,432 Building Zone Ord.-Amendments ......... 68,109 Building Zone Ord.-Maps ............... 7 -Ord.& Maps-Hearing ...... 19,68 Burglar Alarm System .................. 176 Burke, Michael T.-patrolman ........... 163,330 Burns, Roger-Narcotic Council ......... 23 Burton Potter Post-Bingo .............. 27,116,165,210,236,288,331,370 JULY 6, 1971 AUGUST 28, 1973 C Capital Note ........................... 66 Caracombs - Narc. Guid. Counc.- ........ 116 Carey, Frederick S.- ................... 345 Cars - Town ............................ 197 CAST ................................... 119,133,317,320 Cataldo, Chief Carl .................... 2,162,163,167,185,228,352 CATV ................................... 355 Cedar Beach Park ....................... 369 Chapman, A. Nelson ..................... 194,230 Charnews, Edward ....................... 335 Charters, John J. III .................. 163,330 Cichanowicz, Frank Jr.- ................ 187 Civil Defense Coord. & Deputy .......... 299 Clams .................................. 343 Clark, Donald .......................... 221 Cleaves Point, Sec. 3 .................. 256,362,426 Clerk-Typist position .................. 364 Code of Ethics Ordinance ............... 411,374 Codification ........................... 66,67 Comfort stations ....................... 354,365 Committees - Town Board ................ 131 Communications Console ................. 278 Computer Service ....................... 311 Concert Association .................... 235 Conservation Advisory Council .......... 2,147,396 Conservation Dept.-blue crabs .......... 14 Conservation Zone ...................... 214 Conway, William B ..................... 165,308,335,398 Conway, Wm. B. & Wilfred J.- ........... 210 Copies - fees .......................... 334 Copy Machines .......................... 25,113,279 Corey Creek ............................ 162 Corey Creek Estates .................... 320 Cornell, Clifford C.- .................. 189,199 Cover Crops ............................ 303 Crimi, Salvadore ....................... 343 Csajko, Gladys ......................... 182,220,231,320,333,368,445 CSEA-1972-73-74 ........................ 113,303 Cuddy, Charles ......................... 275 Curran, Edward ......................... 19 Cutchogue Fire Dept.- .................. 115,158,312 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Civic Assoc.- .... 14 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historic Soc.----7,210,369 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 D Davids, Winston .......................... 320 Dawn Estates ............................. 256 Dean, Raymond C.- ........................ 16,123,168,352 Death benefits ........................... 308 Deephole Creek Estates ................... 445 Delmar Drive & Delmar Drive West ......... 397 Demarest, Harrison - lease ............... 17,184 Demarest, Louis M.- ...................... 9,131,199,352 DeMaria, Ellen ........................... 273 Demaula, Anthony J. Jr.- ................. 352 Democratic Committee ..................... 286 Depository - Bank of N.Y.- ............... 226 Deputy Supervisor ........................ 299 Design Controls .......................... 278 Disaster-Federal Act ..................... 24 Disposal Area ............................ 229,231 Dog Enumerators .......................... 19 Dog Warden truck ......................... 311,314,343,349 Donna Drive .............................. 445 Dornauer, George ......................... 189,199 Douglas Street ........................... 444 Dove, Aline .............................. 369 Downsview ................................ 20 Doyen, Francis T.- ....................... 291,332,352,432,307 Doyen, Raymond ........................... 123,307 Doyen, Robert ............................ 368 Doyen, Serge Jr.- ........................ 335 Dredging ................................. 63,161,162,170 Dredging & Filling Ordinance ............. 374 Driscoll, Jack ........................... 42 Droskoski, John .......................... 62 Droskoski, Stanley ....................... 175 Duck Raising Ordinance ................... 372,375,411 Dump Truck - bid ......................... 21,369 Duryea, Perry B.,Peconic County .......... 307 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 E East Coast Mines, Inc.- ................. 367 East End Associates ..................... 202,339,352 Eastern Long Island Hospital Week ....... 261 Eastern Suffolk Community Concert Assoc.-235 Eastwood Manor .......................... 142 Edson, Lefferts P.- ..................... 198 Edwards, Dorothy ........................ 132,288,429 Edward~, E. Perry ....................... 123,288,290,429 Elak, Terri ............................. 179,401 Elizabeth Airport ....................... 276 Emma Drive .............................. 397 Emma Enterprises, Inc.- ................. 397 Enumerators ............................. 19,23 Environmental Council ................... 28 Environmental meeting ................... 276 Escrow Account .......................... 154,431 Evans, John ............................. 190 Excavation Ordinance .................... 372,377,414 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 F Faulkner, Wm. J.-rental, F.I.- ........ 190 (Ferry Dist.) Feasibility W~ter Study-Funds ......... 64 Federal Aviation Admin.-bldg.- Elizabeth Airport ................ 276 Fees-copies Town Records .............. 334 Fence-bids ............................ 219,231 Fickeissen, Edwin ..................... 333 Fiedler, patrolman .................... 183 Filla, Martin-change of zone .......... 152 Finkelstein, Howard M. Esq.- .......... ll5 Fire Advis. Bd.-Herbert Boughton ...... 115 Fire Chief's Council .................. 230 Fire Codes ............................ 258 Fire Coord. vehicles-radio band ....... 360 Fire Is. Wetlands Sea Shore- Adv. Committee- Wm. Sterling ..... 156 Firemen's Recognition Week ............ 397 Fisher, George-road maps .............. 158 161 F.I. Airport-no hunting ............... 288 F.I.-annual meeting ................... 226 F.I. Civic Assoc.- .................... 18,226,429 F.I. Garbage & Refuse Dist.-fee ....... 307 F.I.-private road ..................... 345 F.I.-purchase govt. prop.- ............ 287 F.I. State Police-gas ................. 354 F.I.-bid-Tennis Courts ................ 401 F.I. Ferry Dist.- ..................... 1,205 F.I. Ferry Dist.-Amend Act ............ 291 -auditor .............. 307 -bids ................. 334,339 -bids,bldg, ferry ...... 132,373 -bids,M/V Mystic Isle, ,166,195 234,342 286 M/V Olinda ...... 256,261,,301,306,307,315,352 -clerk-I. Norton ...... 315 -Eliz. Airport repairs-187 -employees, summer .... 368 -Ferry contract ....... 145 -Sweet, D.- ........... 26 Fishing limit - 200 miles ............. 214 Flag Pole ............................. 179 Fleet, Clarence C.- ................... 198 Flood Insurance ....................... 218,231 Founders Landing Park-land ............ 236 4-H Program ........................... 235 4-H Week, Oct. 3-9, 1971, G.L. Thompson .............. 23,235 Frais, Mr.-fence violation ............ 402 Frank, Arthur, change of zone ......... 184,198,222 Frelix, Carl J.-trailer-renewal ....... 42,168,258,351 Frohnhofer, Joseph .................... 360 Funds - Escrow Account ................ 342 Funds - Transfer ...................... 343,402 Furniture-Justice Bldg.- .............. 161 360 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 G Gada, A. John ......................... 123,361,429 Gaddis, Frances ....................... 112 Gaines, Carolyn ....................... 368 Garbage & Rubbish Ordinance ........... 372,376,413 Gasoline - Bids ....................... 26,115 Gilles, Edward ........................ 316,430 Gillispie, Robert W. Jr.- ............. 173 Gina Street ........................... 397 Girards, Valentine .................... 353 Glover, Leander Jr.- .................. 45,224 Goldin, Oscar ......................... 65,187,261,344 Good Order Ordinance .................. 371 Goose Neck area - water study ......... 19 Gordon, Frederick E.- ................. 311 Grand Avenue Bridge ................... 20,148,308,360 Grants ................................ 257 Great Pond ............................ 274 .Grebe, Alfred ........................ 173,28,235,402 Green Acres ........................... 178 Green, Edward ......................... 350 Greenport Aquaseum .................... 119,200 Greenport Homes ....................... 368 Greenport Lumber ...................... 21 Greenport Village-annexation .......... 155,352,368 Greenport Village - waste water ....... 360 Greenport Village-land for Town Hall--308 Greenwood Road ........................ 345 Grigonis, Mary J.- .................... 346 Grigonis Path ......................... 346 Griswold-Terry-Glover - bingo ......... 277,365 Griswold-Terry-Glover - bingo Aux.----20,227,228,278,365 Griswold-Terry-Glover - parking lot---2 Guiffreda, Leon E.- ................... 307 Gull Pond ............................. 355 Gypsy Moth ............................ 157 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 H Haley, Margaret ....................... 175,282 Halikias, Robert D.- .................. 260,302,322 Halliday, Robert ...................... 400 Hamilton, Steve ....................... 146,260 Harbor Crafts, Inc.- .................. 219,348 Harnan, Terry ......................... 151 Harper Road West ...................... 346 Hartford National Bank & Tr. Co.- ..... 256,334 Hartsfield, J.B.- ..................... 368 Harvest Homes Estates, Sec. I ......... 331 Hass, Helmut A.- ...................... 259,302,398 Hellman, Dr. Barry H.- ................ 290 Henry's Road .......................... 14 Heuser, Theodore J.- .................. 191 Highway Bids .......................... 21,143,144,147,160,227,232,233, 309,310,316,331,332,344,369,371 Highway Safety Act, Police ............ 6,344 Highway Supt.- ........................ 130 Hindermann, Edward .................... 66 Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell ........ 30,64 Horn, Otis ............................ 291 Horning, Edwin ........................ 368 Horton, Byron ......................... 184 Hotel-Motel Assoc.- ................... 144 Howard, Theodore B.- .................. 45 Hurley, John .......................... 167 Hydrant Agreement w/Village ........... 282 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 I Insurance, Insurance, Insurance, death benefits ................. 60-b-308 flood .......................... 218,231 State Fund ..................... 182 JULY 6, 1971 AUGUST 28, 1973 J Jackson's Landing, bond release .......... 167,235 Januick, William, bond ................... 123,301 Jennsen, Richard, bond ................... 123 Jernick Lane ............................. 346 Jernick, Thomas .......................... 44 Johnson, Pres. Lyndon B.- ................ 305 Joseph Street ............................ 397 Justice Conference ....................... 352 Justice Court ........................... 21,22,284 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 K Kaldor, Elaine F.- ....................... 281 Katz, Sherley- CAST ...................... 119,308,315,317,320 K of C, Cutchogue, Bingo ................. 112,211,315,397 Kelsey, Melvin A.- ....................... 428 Kenny's Beach Civic Assoc.- .............. 14 Klein, John J., trailer .................. 8,151,221 Krupski, Isadore, trailer ................ 8,151,232,319,432 Kujawski, Frank Jr.- ..................... 2,194,362 Kumjian, Claude .......................... 273,364 Klipp, Norman E. Marine Park ............. 178 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28,1973 L Lademann, Edward-radio ................ 19 Lagoon, dredging-Nassau Pt.- .......... 197 Lalane, Renee & Antonia-Wetlands ...... 116,142,159 Lands End-bond ........................ 279,308 Laurel Country Estates-roads .......... 257 -release bond---351 Laurel Lake ........................... 231 Lawson, Fred-Trailer renewal .......... 65 League of Women Voters ................ 323 Leeward Acres-bond release ............ 331 Leisure Greens, Inc.-"A"-"B"- ......... 165,364,427 Lekich, Frank ......................... 292 Lieblein, Wm.-navigation stakes ....... 164,330 Lite, Jos. Esq.-Proceedings ........... 26,187,260,351' Litter-Local Law No.2-1973 ............ 388,405 Little Creek-dredging ................. 363 Little Leagues-S100 aid ............... 10 -$1,000 aid ............. 320 -$100-Cutchogue ......... 206 Local Law No.l-1967-Housing Code ...... 372 Local Law No.l-1973-Penalties ......... 371,402 Local Law No.2-1973-Litter ............ 388,405 Local Law No.3-1973-Peddling .......... 391,408 Local Law No.4-1973 ................... 432 Long Island Lighting Co. - Lights Alvah's La.,Oregon Rd.,Elijahs La.,Rt. 25, Village La.- ......... 181 Booth Rd. & Sound Ave.,So. (cor)--444 CaDt. Kidd Est., Zena Rd. & n/s Central Dr., Mattituck ........... 10 Colony Rd.&Bayview Ave., So.- .... 312 Deer Park, Mattituck ............. 42 Duck Pond Rd., Cutchogue ......... 210 Glen Court & Vista Pl., Cu.- ..... 397 Grathwohl Rd., New Suff.- ........ 24 Griffin Ave., Cutchogue .......... 292 Griswold St. & Terry Ct., So.----188 Harbor Lane, Cutchogue ........... 221 Hill Rd., Southold ............... 10 Horton Ave.& Shirley Rd., Matt.--232 Main Rd. & Champlin Pl., Gpt.----323 Main Rd., Peconic-Police bldg.---167 Main Rd. Wells Ave., Peconic---355 Moores Lane Extension ............ 65, 132 Narrow River Rd.& Rt. 25, 0r.----189 Navy Street, Orient .............. 45 North Rd. traffic cir., Gpt.---355 Oaklawn & Clearview Ave., So. (cor)-349~ No. BayView Rd., Southold ........ 209~--' Oregon Rd. & Mill Rd., Matt.- .... 332 Peconic Bay Blvd., Mattituck ..... 365 Pequash Ave., Cutchogue .......... 45,310 Rt. 25, E. Cutchogue School ...... 310 Rt. 27, new highway .............. 45 Rt. 27, Peconic .................. 142 Rt. 27 & Shirley Rd., Matt.- ..... 232 Sound Ave., Mattituck ............ 209 Stars Road, East Marion .......... 444 Summit Dr., Capt. Kidd, Matt.----28 Tuthill Rd., Cutchogue ........... 28 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 L CONT. Long Island Railroad - rent ........... 230 Long Island Traveler-official newsp.--130 Longview Lane ......................... 401 Loomis, Dr. Earl ...................... 396 Lowell, Jeanne-So. Sch. Driver Ed.- ..... 368 Luce, Walter .......................... 254 Lumber Bids-Justice Court ............. 21 Lusk, John - wetlands ................. 224,242 Lynch, Semus (Swamp Rd.) .............. 445 Lytle, Mabel-Assess. Review Bd.- ...... 155 * Lite, Jos. Esq.-Assessors Tax ....... 190 -Proceedings ......... 26,187,260,351 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 M Mann, Russell E.- ........................ 369 Marian Council K of C Bingo .............. 397 Marine Fisheries Pollution Comm.- ........ 146 Martocchia, Albert M.-bond ............... 122 Martocchia, Albert M. - CAST ............. 133 Marvin, Edgar & Arlene ................... 351,364,427 Master Plan .............................. 183 Mattituck-Cutchogue water study .......... 30,227 Mattituck Estates Prop. Owners ........... 320 Mattituck Fire Department ................ 14 Mattituck Inlet - E. Coast Mines ......... 367 Mattituck Park District, bond ............ 275,277,281,286,305 Mattituck Slo Pitch Leage ................ 45,194 Mayer, Chester M.- ....................... 274 McDermott, Marjorie ...................... 66 Meeting Date - Town Board ................ 131 Mekalojczyk, Zdzislaw .................... 9,151,231,319,432 Mellas, George - bond .................... 111 Mellas, James ............................ 443 Mellas, Paul ............................. 66 Melot, Chester ........................... 211 Methodist Church, Southold ............... 205 Meyer, Charles ........................... 2,362 Midgley, William ......................... 255 Milden, Leon ............................. 66 Mileage expenses ......................... 131,299 Miles, Mabel ............................. 116,198,278,364 Miller, Irving, accountant ............... 112 Milowski, Frank .......................... 66 Monies, transfer of ...................... 20,27,30,44,113,120,194, 196,210,219,231,232,244,261,284,288,319,343,342,351,353,361, Moore, Raymond ........................... 180 362,402,430 Moore's Lane ............................. 360 Morritti vs. Town of Southold ............ 149 Mortgage Tax Money ....................... 354 Mosquito Control Comm.-agreement ......... 168 Mystic Isle .............................. 112,256,277,301,306,307, 315 JULY 6, 1971~--~-AUGUST 28, 1973 Mc I McCallum, gasoline bid ........................ 115 McCarthy, George A., trailer .................. 14,153,228,319 McCloskey, Elizabeth .......................... 141,307,368 McCormick, Cyrus .............................. 222 McDermott, Marjorie ........................... 66,444 McGonegal, William ............................ 154,308 JULY 6, 1971 -~'-A~UST 28, 1973 N Narcotic Guidance Council ................ 23,44,116, 164, 198,348,396,402 Nassau Point Lagoon Association .......... 197,318 Nassau Point Road ........................ 214,369 Natherson, Peter ......................... 360 Navigation Stakes, Lieblein .............. 164 Nelson, C. Edward ........................ 14 Neville, Betty Ann ....................... 175,179 Newspaper, official ...................... 299 New Suffolk "A" to "C"- .................. 166 New Suffolk Lane ......................... 186 Nierodzik, John .......................... 66,112 Norkelun, Mrs. Tony ...................... 320 Norman E. Ktipp, Marine Park ............. 178 Norris, Bruce A., "A" to "M"- ............ 444 North Fork Bank .......................... 130,178 North Fork Environmental Council ......... 366 North Fork Taxpayers Assoc.,Inc.- ........ 189 North Woods Sub.- ........................ 154 Norton, Ione ............................. 315,368 Nursing Home-Proclamation---L ............ 349 JULY 6, 1971- - AUGUST 28, 1973 Obstructions in Town waters - Ord.- ......... 372 Offshore drilling ........................... 147 Olinda, M/V, bids ........................... 256,261 Olsen, Gary ................................. 198 Open Space Survey ........................... 304 Ordinance, Zoning, Amendment ................ 336 Ordinances - prices ......................... 427 Orient Harbor, dredging ..................... 355 Orient Point property ....................... 365 Oyster Ponds Rod & Gun Club ................. 365 Orient Point, change of zone ................ 259 JULY 6, 1971 AUGUST 28, 1973 P Paper Salvage check ...................... 189 Papas - change of zone ................... 259,312 Paris, John .............................. 155,183,191 Parking at Beaches Ordinance ............. 371 PBA contract ............................. 303,426 Peck Place ............................... 346 Peconic County - Assembly Bill ........... 158,307 Peddling - Local Law No.3-1973 ........... 371,391,408 Pell, Lillian ............................ 214,228,234 Penalties - Local Law No. 1-1973 ......... 371,402 Performance Bond - Bennett's Pond ........ 119 Petrucci, Angelo G.- ..................... 11,221,320 Petty's Bight Est. - bond ................. 146,258,292 Pleasant Place ........................... 401 Plock, John Sr.- ......................... 362 Police Boat .............................. 65 Police Building -completed ............... 257 4-wheel drive vehicle ....... 425 Generator ................... 114 Plaque ...................... 62 Rugs and furniture .......... 45,113,133 Sod ......................... 64 Police Cars - auction .................... 222 Police Cars - bids ....................... 145,150,158,303,314 Police - charges - reports, etc.- ........ 143 Police - civil service list .............. 343 Police - communications console .......... 278 Police - copy machine .................... 279 Police - 4 wheel drive car ............... 444 Police Grant - highway safety act ........ 6 Police radio ............................. 119,427 Police - railroad crossings .............. 142 Praus, Henry F.- ......................... 161,183,200,291,317 Prices - ordinances ...................... 427 Principi, Richard ........................ 236,242 Public Docks Ordinance ................... 372 JULY 6, 1971 --- AUGUST 28, 1973 Q JULY 6, 1971 -- AUGUST 28, 1973 R Railroad Crossings, signs ................... 142 201 Rambler Road ................................ 401 Raymond, Lewis .............................. 214 Red Cross ................................... 319 Reeve, H. R. & Sons.- ....................... 65 Reeve, Thomas ............................... 151,396 Reiter, Joseph T.- .......................... 163,330 Renzulli, Rev. Pasquale M.- ................. 330 Retirement & Soc. Sec. Law .................. t53,186 Revenue Sharing Funds ....................... 343,350 Rich, James ................................. 179 Richard Street .............................. 445 Richmond, Albert W.- ........................ 122 351 Richmond Creek .............................. 161 Richter, Joan ............................... 230 273 Rifle Range ................................. 342 Riverhead Fence Co.- ........................ 231 Road Improv. Dist., Terry Waters ............ 191,401 Road Maps, G. Fisher ........................ 158,161 Robins Island, Wardens ...................... 179,430 Rock Salt ................................... 21 Rogers & Taylor, Grand Ave. Bridge .......... 20 Rolquin, Edward ............................. 154,166,194 Rosewood Estates ............................ 30 Rothman, David .............................. 209 Rouse, Sylvia ............................... 112 Rubbish Burning Ord.- ....................... 371 374,412 Ruland, W. B.- .............................. 22 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 Sacamano, Antoinette ................. 14 Salaries-Employees-Organ. Mtg. (1973)--128-129,292-300 Salter, Robert--trailer, denied ...... 180 Sand & Gravel Ord.- .................. 372 Sand, Gravel Ord. Amend.- ............ 15,61 Sand Pit, Leander Glover Jr.- ........ 45 Sand Spreader-Highway Bid ............ 21 Sand-Town Disposal Area Regulstions--2 Sanitary Units-bids .................. 339 Sauer, Arthur W.-wetlands ............ 224,242 Saunders, Sophie-Trailer ............. 27,183,236,332 Sawicki, Det. Joseph ................. 183 Sawicki, Walter-Trailer .............. 116 Scenic Easement-Gus Schad ............ 113 Scenic Easement-John B. Tuthill ...... 346 Schad, Gus-Scenic Easement ........... 113 School House Creek ................... 355 School House Lane-Mattituck School---44 Schreiver, Wm.-Coordin.,Dep. Civ. Def.-131 Schriefer, Wm.-C.D. car .............. 275 -Deputy C.D. Coordin.--299 Schwindt, W~lter-alarm ............... 222 Sea Food Barge, Inc.-alarm ........... 370 Secondhand Auto & Junk Ord.- ......... 373 Security National Bank-funds ......... 44,130 Seh, Robert .......................... 14 Senior Citizen's Month-May 1973 ...... 349~350 Senior Citizens - Transp.- ........... 27,31,158,182,194,210,314,350,426 Shellfish Ord.- ...................... 373,377,414 Ship's Drive - new road .............. 331 Sidor, Barney-Assess. Review Bd.- .... 155 Sidor, Frank & Martin ................ 152, -change of zone-194 Signs-bids ........................... 361 Simpson, George ...................... 274 Sixty-five & Over Amendment .......... 335, Ski Trip-Authorization ............... 146 Skunk La. from Bay Ave., Cutchogue---220, Sledjeski, Stanley ................... 257 Sledjeski, Stanley-Bd. of Housing 166 346,350,359 231,254,255,286,300,311,316 Appeals ........... 131,186,191 -Ded. Roads, Sunset Knolls ..... 67 Ess.- ................ 115 - Henry's Rd.- ....... 14 Smith, Allen M. Smith, Henry J. Smith, Joan R.- ...................... 369 Snow Fence-Highway Bid ............... 21 Snow Plow-Highway bid ................ 21 Social Service Law ................... 368 Social Services Officer-Supv.- ....... 131,299 Social Welfare Law ................... 6,199,352 Sod-Police Bldg.- .................... 64 Soil Mechanics, Corp.- ............... 398 Southold Amer. Legion-Bingo Lico- .... 66,160,188,323 Southold Amer. Leg.-AUXo Bingo Lico--111,160,188 Southold Fire Department ............. 11,307 Southold Fire Dept.-Parade ........... 150 Southold Fire District-Agreement- raze house .... 324 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 S CONT. Southold Park District ............... 179 Speed Limits-Lipco & Marys Rds.- ..... 180 Stankevich, George C.- ............... 149 Staples, Halsey-change of zone ....... 151,195 Staples, Halsey A.- .................. 172 Staples, Stuart-Trailer denial ....... 150 Staron, Stanley & Helen-trailer ...... 316 Stassen, Russell-wetlands ............ 224, State Traffic Commission ............. 20 Steiner, Wm. A. & Florence-Trailer---27, Stenographer fee-annexation hearing--183 Stepnoski, Ptl. Henry ................ 183 Sterling, William, appt.- ............ 156 Stype, Val, parking lot lease ........ 214 Subdivision Reg.- .................... 343,350 Suffolk County Labor Dept.- .......... 14 Suffolk County Park Proposals ........ 182,188 Suffolk Times-newspaper design ....... 130 Summer employees-F.I.F. Dist.- ....... 368 Sunset Knolls Sec. I-bond release ..... 24 -turn around ...... 62 Sunset Knolls Sec. II-bond release .... 31 -dedication ...... 67 Suter, Justice-file cabinet .......... 113 Suter, Martin-Bond-Jan. 4, 1972 ...... 122,125,126,127 -Justice Conference ..... 9 Swamp Road-~ to Semus Lynch .......... 445 Sweet, Donald - F.I. Ferry Dist.- .... 26 243,322,370 167,236,332 JULY 6, 1971 AUGUST 28, 1973 T Tabor, Virginia ......................... 319 Tabor, Wendell .......................... 8,301,397,431 Talbot, John ............................ 191 Tax Exemption - 65 & over ............... 335,346,350,359 Tax Extension Computer - bids ........... 277,311 Taxpayers Assoc.-Council of Allied Assoc.--220 Techet, Steven F.- ...................... 198 Tennis Court - F. Isl.- ................. 369,401 Terry, Howard ........................... 142,303,320,350,351,398 Terry Waters - roads .................... 180,191,211 Teves Realty - land offer ............... 320,363 Theresa Drive ........................... 445 Thompson, Gary Lee, F.I.F.D.- ........... 26 Thompson Signal Dev.-Sea Food Barge ..... 370 Tiedke, Mrs. Kenneth (Jean) ............. 43,231,304,320,323,333, Tire - Public Works Dept.- .............. 175 341,368,445 Tourist Camp - Ord. Amend.- ............. 12,59,372 Town Board committees, meeting day ...... 300,303 Town Board Motion, zone change Orient Pt.--259,276,289,312,336, Town Disposal Area, sand regulations .... 2,115 345,326,399 Town Hall Building Committee ............ 156,361 Town Hall Architects .................... 315 Town Harbor Terrace ..................... 317 Tractor - front end loader - bond ....... 63,117,118 Traffic Ordinance - hearing ............. 209,213,378,416 Traffic Safety Proclamation ............. 276 Transfer of money ....................... 20,27,30,210,219,231,232, 244,261,277,286,288,319,351,353,402,430,431 Tsontos, Steve .......................... 367 Tuthill, Donald & Lorna, roads .......... 20,27 Tuthill, John, trailer .................. 65,187,257,332 Tuthill, John B.- ....................... 346,355 Typewriter - new I~M .................... 62 -286 Trailers Bokina, Edmund - temp.- ............ 323 Brown, Sam ......................... 42,168,236,339 Clark, Donald - temp. camper ....... 221 Frelix, Carl Jr.- .................. 42,168,258,351 Goldin, Oscar ...................... 65,187,261,344 Hamilton, Steve .................... 146,260 Klein, John J.- .................... 8,151,221,232,319,432 Krupski, Isadore ................... 151 Lawson, Fred ....................... 65,187,260,351 McCarthy, George A.- ............... 14,153,228,319, Mekalojczyk, Zdzislaw .............. 9,151,231,319,432 Miles, Mabel ....................... 116,198,278,364 Saunders, Sophie ................... 27,183,236,332 Sawicki, Walter .................... 116 Staron, Stanley & Helen ............ 316 Steiner, Florence & William A.- .... 27,167,236,332 Tuthill, John ...................... 65,187,257,332 Wilson, Minnie ..................... 116,214,283 Worthington, W. Edgar .............. 24,153,228,316,432 JULY 6, 1971 AUGUST 28, 1973 U Uhl, Otto Jr., Cove Beach Est.- ............. 155 Union Free School Dist.~9, Ma ttituck ........ 44 Urban Development Corp. - State ............. 241 JULY 6, 1971 -- AUGUST 28, 1973 V Vacant Land Report .......................... 368 Valentine, Howard C.- ....................... 120 Valley National Bank ........................ 130 JULY 6, 1971.. - AUGUST 28, 1973 W Waitz, Lawrence T.- ...................... 313 Walker, David ............................ 431 Warren, Peter ............................ 303 Watersedge Way ........................... 401 Water Studies ............................ 19,24,30 Watson, Kenneth .......................... 27 Weidersum, Frederick P. Assoc.- .......... 315 Westphalia Civic Assoc.- ................. 14 Wetland Applications: Abitz, Edward ............... 117,142,159 LaLane, R & A.- .............. 116,142,159 Praus, Henry ................. 161 Stassen, Lusk, Sauer ......... 224 Wetmore, George .......................... 43 Wickham Creek ............................ 162 Wickham, John ............................ 335 Wilsberg, Harold W. "A" to "M-i"- ........ 364 Wilson, Minnie ........................... 116,214,283 Witherspoon, Robert ...................... 317 Witherspoon, Stephen ..................... 164 Wolpert, Krumholz, et al, Annex.- ........ 206 Woodhollow Properties ................ L---179 Workmen's Compensation ................... 182 Worthington, W. Edgar .................... 24,153,228,316,432 Wunneweta Pond Assoc.- ................... 190,348 ~LY 6, 1971 AUGUST 28, 1973 Y Yakaboski, Francis J. Esq.- ............... 115 Yennicott, roads .......................... 20 Young, John D., enumerator ................ 19 JULY 6, 1971 - AUGUST 28, 1973 Z Zoning Change .................... 195,196,240,281,289,312,345,399 Zoning Ordinance Amendment ....... 326,336,356,387,415