HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 - 1976 September - MayMEETING DATES September 11, 1973 September 25, 1973 October 5, 1973 October 9, 1973 October 30, 1973 November 8, 1973 November 13, 1973 December 11, 1973 December 27, 1973 January 2, 1974 January 8, 1974 January 22, 1974 February 8, 1974 February 26, 1974 March 12, 1974 March 20, 1974 April 9, 1974 April 23, 1974 May 7, 1974 May 21, 1974 June 4, 1974 June 7, 1974 June 18, 1974 July 9, 1974 July 30, 1974 August 5, 1974 August 8, 1974 August 13, 1974 (F.I.) August 27, 1974 September 10, 1974 September 24, 1974 October 4, 1974 October 8, 1974 October 15, 1974 October 29, 1974 November 7, 1974 November 26, 1974 · December 10, 1974 December 27, 1974 January 2, 1975 January 7, 1975 January 28, 1975 February 6, 1975 February 25, 1975 March 4, 1975 March 11, 1975 March 25, 1975 April 8, 1975 APRil 22, 1975 May 6, 1975 May 27, 1975 June 10, 1975 June 24, 1975 July 8, 1975 July 29, 1975 August 12, 1975 August 20, 1975 (F.I.) August 26, 1975 September 8, 1975 September 11,1975 September 23, 1975 October 7, 1975 October 28, 1975 November 6, 1975 November 18, 1975 December 9, 1975 1 15 19 2O 33 36 38 52 58 62 74 76 85 91 94 98 101 105 110 114 120 123 125 128 132 137 140 143 145 148 157 161 162 166 178 188 200 204 208 212 223 226 231 233 238 240 243 247 253 257 266 276 282 292 297 504 510 516 519 519 542 ~49 555 567 December 23, 1975 January 2, 1976 January 6, 1976 January 20, 1976 February 10, 1976 February 20, 1976 March 9, 1976 March 23, 1976 April 6, 1976 April 27, 1976 May 11~; 1976 376 581 390 394 399 4O9 412 422 429 458 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 MAY 11, 1976 Accountant, E.F. Caldor ............................... 33 Act - Highway Transfer ................................ 93 Act - Orient Mosquito District ........................ 101 AN ACT - Assembly Bill A.8189 ......................... 277 Adams, Jody, animal shelter ........................... 56 Adel, Werner L., Jr.- ................................. 102,127,132 Advisory Council of the Housing & Community Development Program Senate Bill S.5814 ........................... 267 Aerial Maps ........................................... 410 Aerlift Corp.- ........................................ 420 Agenda, Town Board .................................... 427,435 Ahman, Gordon ......................................... 60,228,395 Airport, Fishers Island ............................... 406 Airport, Mattituck .................................... 76 Akscin, Raymond, J.,trailer ........................... 443 ALARM PANELS: Wheelers ............................................ 212 W.T. Grant, Skwara Liquor ........................... 50 M.T. Twin Theatre ................................... 50 Walt Whitman ........................................ 133 Walter Ross ......................................... 164 Albertson, Albert W.- ................................. 102,134 Albertson Lane, detour ................................ 158 Ales, Victor, trailer ................................. 150,157 Allen, Mr.- ........................................... 131 Allen, William ........................................ 330 Allied Assoc. Council ................................. 414 Anchor Lane ........................................... 88 Andrade, Barbara ...................................... 91 Angell, Edna,payroll mtg.- ............................ 150 Animal League, N.F.- .................................. 432 Aimal Shelter ......................................... 56 Annable, Bernard J.- .................................. 278 Appeals Board, 1974 salaries .......................... 68 Appeal Printing Co.- .................................. 247 Archaeological Assn., Southold ........................ 210.4~ Archer, Mr. Orient Community Activities ............... 411 Army Corps of Engineers ............................... 292,447 Arshamomaque Bridge ................................... 275 ASSEMBLY BILLS: #8558 .............................................. 283 #8418 .............................................. 290 #157 ............................................... 416 #9764 .............................................. 417 Assessment Review Board, Heuser ....................... 236 Assessors, Erroneous Assessments ...................... 85 Assessors, 1974 salaries, & 1975 ...................... 68, 217 Association of Towns, 1974 ............................ 36,73 " " " 1975 ............................ 221,224 Attendance Officer ................................... 159,163 Audit, annualE. Caldor ................................ 200,345,400.413 "August Acres", sub. bond ............................. 278 Automobile mileage, 1974 .............................. 73 Auxiliary, police boat ................................ 278,294 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 --- May 11, 1976 Bage, Edward, beach concession ............ ' .......... 114,128 Bage, Edward, engineer services ...................... 56 Bahr, James .......................................... 17 Baker, Richard S.- ................................... 86 Baldwin, Lawrence .................................... 61 Banks, 1974 .......................................... 72 1975-220 Bank of New York ..................................... 448 Bannon, Dennis R. - police ........................... 239,413 Barth, Philip ........................................ 121 Bauer, Dorothy ....................................... 246 Bay Ave.- Skunk Lane ................................. 207 Bay Constable, jeep bids ............................. 34,38,53 Bay Constables, part-TIME ............................ 115,278 Baymens Assoc.- ...................................... 325 Beach Attendants ..................................... 289 Beach Parking Permits,Local Law#l,1975 ............... 243,240 " " " , $2.50 ......................... 256 Beach, variance request .............................. 276 Becker, Stanley ...................................... 451 Beebe, William Jr.- .................................. 266,451 Bergen, Evert S.- .................................... 98,114,122 Bergen, Robert, Board of Appeals ..................... 439 Berry, Frank, dog enumerator ......................... 149 Bible Stories on Beach ............................... 253 Bicentennial ......................................... 207 ", auth. for parade ....................... 400,432 " , agreement w/ Hgwy. Dept.- .............. 442 Bids, 4 wheel drive vehicle .......................... 34-38 ", 2 engines, police boat ......................... 34-38 Bids, Highway ........................................ 410 Bids, M/V Olinda ..................................... 38,178 Bids, Police Cars .................................... 406 Big Green Acres ...................................... 122 Bikeway ~ogram, Suffolk County ....................... 400 BINGO:- Gr. Am. Legion .............. 255,300,301,346,450,17,95,126,158,227,44~ Cu. K of C .................. 54,129,235,321 So. Am. Legion Aux.- .......... 54,107,202,274,373 So. Am. Legion .............. 2,54,95,121,201,268,372 St. Agnes Church ............ 164,206,235 Sacred Heart RC Church ...... 53,96,121,146,179,227,251,274,301,406,433 Bird, George ......................................... 77 Blados, Tony ......................................... 265 Blankley, Thos.- ..................................... 409 Board of Appeals, salaries, 1975 ..................... 217 Bogan, lexander ..................................... 294 Boissea~ Avenue, detour .............................. 158 Boken, Judith T., Deputy Town Clerk .................. " " ", longevity .......................... 85 " " ", Deputy Registrar ................... 273 " " " leave of absence ................... 277 " " " withdrawal of leave ................ 410 Bokina, Edmund ....................................... 92,142,226,306,410 Bokina, Theodore, Sgt.- .............................. 209 Bond REsolution, Town Hall ........................... 151 BONDS, SUBDIVISIONS: August Acres ....................................... 278 Elijah's Lane Est.,Sec. I ........................... 77 Fairway Farms ...................................... 83,201 Greenfields at Orient .............................. 278 Oregon View Estates ................................ 181 Orient-by-the-Sea,Sec. III .......................... 149,163 Peconic Knolls ..................................... 324 Sleepy Hollow ...................................... 146 Soundview Acres at Orient .......................... 324 Syloret Estates .................................... 443 Willow Point ....................................... 202 Bonner, Mrs., dogs ................................... 135 Bookkeeping, Town inq.- .............................. 325 Bopp, John Narc. Director ............................ 147,206 Boughton, Herbert .................................... 33,208,265 Sept. 1973 -May 1976 B (con' t. ) Bouton Services .......................... 401 Boy Scouts ............................... 254 Boy Scouts, Butterfield, W. K.- .......... 56 Boy Scouts, Dinner ....................... 424,440 Boy Scouts, Jamboree ..................... 441 Boy Scouts, Troop ~39 .................... 241 Brandenbury, Carl ........................ 406 Bredemeyer, John ......................... 410 Brandi, Custodia ......................... 106,114,122~ Brickley, Rev. Donald P.- ................ 141,158,254,277,283 Brigantine Drive ......................... 88 Brookhaven Nat. Lab., Nuclear Waste ...... 414,416 Brown, Sam, Trailer ...................... 34,103,180,244,443 Brush, Muriel ............................ 39 Brushes Creek ............................ 305 Buchs, Walter ............................ 163 Buckely, Sen. Jas.- ...................... 444 Budd's Pond Road ......................... 202 Budget, 1974, Tentative .................. 19 Preliminary ................ 20 Adoption hearing--36,37 .................. 39 1975, Tentative .................. 161 Preliminary ................ 166 Hearing .................... 188 Adopted .................... 190 1976, Tentative .................. 327 Preliminary ................ 329 Approved ................... 356 Building Code ............................ 242,293 Building Inspectors, salaries ............ 69,218 Building Inspectors, schools ............. 224,225 Bujnowski vs. Bd. of Appeals ............. 235 Burning .................................. 432 Burns, Margery D.,lease of her property--300 Burrell, Geo.,NYS DEC ap. pending ........ 277 Bus, Mini ................................ 121,130 Bush, Mrs. Margaret, ski trip ............ 57 Butterfield, Walter K, Boy Scouts ........ 56 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 CABLEVISION CORP.- .................................. 36,56,99,142,207,236, 231-44,394,410,416,424,432,449 Cacciola, F.J.- ..................................... 353 Cantrell, Mrs. Fred ................................. 127-31 Cantrell, Fred A.,DEC notice ........................ 298 Canvass Covers for Trucks Law ....................... 411 Carlin, Frank, trailer ap.- ......................... 202-04 Carnival ............................................ 94 Casola, Hugo T.- .................................... 1 Cassidy, Herbert O., sand pit ....................... 86,307 CAST ................................................ 178 Cataldo, Chief Carl ................................. 130,134,277,439 Cedar Beach Harbor Inlet, dredging .................. 431 Central Registry .................................... 252 CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATIONS:- Finkle, Myron & Philip ............................ 434 Silleck, Walter ................................... 406 Charkow, Edith .................. 84, Harry ........... 147 Charters, Philip, Jr.- .............................. 266 Chemical Bank ....................................... 231,412 Childrens Bible Stories ............................. 253 Christensen, Lee .................................... 163 Chudiak, William .................................... 242 Cichanowica, Frank .................................. 88,121,123,127 Citizens Town Hall Committee ........................ 126 Civil Defense Coord.- ............................... 73,221 Civil SErvice Dept.- ................................ 409,438 Civil Service Employees Assoc.- ..................... 320,427 Clams, contract ..................................... 274 Clam Transplants .................................... 123,206,258,39~7~ Clanton, John J. (ELI Campgrounds) ................... 401 Clark, John E. - police ............................. 239,413 Clarke, Evelyn ...................................... 162 Clarks Beach Underground Facilities ................. 242 Claudio, Gary ....................................... 451 Clempner, Raymond ................................... 178,200,205 Clerical Salaries, 1974 ............................. 70,219 Clipper Drive ....................................... 88 Cluster Concept Subdivisions ........................ 277 Coast Guard for Matt. Marina ........................ 433 Colavito, Michael F. (wetland ap) ................... 346 Concession, Southold Tonw Beach ..................... 107,114 Condit, Ralph C.- ................................... 122,146,163 Comfort Station, Town Beaches ....................... 224 Comprehensive Employee Training Act, Title VI ....... 231 Committees, Town Board,1974 ......................... 73,222.37~ Conservation Advisory Council ....................... 267,274 Conservation Dept.- ................................. 399 Conservation Easement (Young & Young) ............... 103 Construction Code ................................... 407 Copy Machines ....................................... 203 Copying Records, Regulations ........................ 179 Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, groin at Em .......... t05, 121 Cortese, Michael .................................... 99,252,283 Council of Allied Assoc. of the N.F. Taxpayers Assoc.--14 Councilman ........................................ 325 Court, Town- ........................................ 147 Court Clerks, salaries ............................. 61,219 Cox Neck Lane, complaint on flooding ................ 394 Coyle, Frank ........................................ 128,134,277,439 C.P.F. Land Corp .................................... 56 Crimi, Salvatore .................................... 115 Crisis, Seminar ..................................... 126 Cron, Richard J.- ................................... 122 Cross Sound Ferry ................................... 415,435,438 Crown Land Lane Sub.- ............................... 278,306 Csajko, Gladys ....................... 3~, 90,117,127,135,147,156,165,187, 189,203-07,246,281,290,294,397,407,414,451 C.S.E.A. Contract ................................... 34,209 Curran Edward, dog enum.- ........................... 149 Cutchogue Fire Dept.- ............................... 39,77,506,235,266,96. 108, 112 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce ........... 443 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park Dist.- ................... 308 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 ---May 11, 1976 Dam Pond Bridge ......................... 141 Danari, Eugene ............................. 127 D.A.R.,tree planting ....................... 413 Dean, Raymond .............................. 59,68,119,217.~. Deep Hole Creek Property Owners Assoc.- .... 298 Demarest, Louis M.- ........................ 73,140 DeMaula, Anthony ........................... 439 Deputy Highway Superintendent .............. 130 Deputy Supervisor .......................... 73,221 Detour, Mill Creek Birdge .................. 158 Development Plan, Southold Town ............ 294 Dictating Machine .......................... 256 Dier, Robert(Town Harbor area) ............. 248 Discontinue,a portion of Main Rd.,Mat.- .... 128 District Attorney, Spec. Assts.- ........... 204 Dittman, Barbara ........................... 91 Dog Cages .................................. 445 Dog Enumerators ............................ 149,308 Dog Pound .................................. 127,131,135,147,165,252, 380,294,202,209,225,323,347,342 Dog Ordinance .............................. 207 Dog Warden ................................. 407,440,442 Donovan Plan, highways ..................... 442 Doyen, Francis, bond ....................... 63 Doyen, Marie, dog. enum.- .................. 32 Doyen, Raymond, bond ....................... 60,227 DREDGING: Cedar Beach Inlet ........................ 300,431 Deep Hole Creek .......................... 305,298,422,423,427 Downs Creek .............................. 300,324 Goldsmith Inlet .......................... 305,298,422,423,427 Goose Creek .............................. 324 Little Creek ............................. 121,167,298,305,423,427 Mill Creek ............................... 344,423 Mud Creek ................................ 423 Peter's Neck Point ....................... 299,320,338 Sterling Basin ........................... 299,423 Thames River ............................. 144-5 Town Creek ............................... 423 Wickham Creek ............................ 416,422 Driscoll, David ............................ 142, 187,203,207,211,265, 218,290,300-01,322,325, 397,407 Dry Cleaning, police ...................... 246,441 Duryea, Perry, hunting law ................ 297, 414 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY E Easement, Bay Ave., Matt.- ................. 228 East End Slo-Pitch ......................... 441 East-West Gr. Fire Prot. Dist.,contract ..... 371,377,380 E.L.I. Gymnastic Assoc.- ................... 113-115,131,136 E.L.I. Hospital ........................... 232,295 E.L.I. Kampgrounds, Inc.- .................. 401 Eastern Shores, proposed launching ramp .... 294 , roads, Sec. 5 .............. 297 Edwards, Kenneth, bay constable ............ 115,301 Elderly-State Aid Program .................. 110-116 Election, Special Town Hall ................ 153 Elijah's Lane Estates ...................... 56,77,87 Elijah's Lane Estates, Sec.2 ............... 354 Elizabeth Airport, F.I.- ................... 406 Emergency Preparedness, Dept. of ........... 400 Energy Crisis, letter from Rockefeller ...... 51 Engine, police boat bids ................... 38 Environmental Conservation Law,committee---122 N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act .... 406 Erroneous Assessments ...................... 85,224 Escrow Account, Security Natnl. Bank ....... 55 Escrow Funds, Chemical Bank ................ 412 Evans, John C. Fishers Island Ferry Dist.-205 Exemption-Assessment 6,500.- ............... 439,447 Expenses-F.I. people_LL 3-''75 .............. 240,253 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 Fairway Farms, bond ....................... 83,87,201 Farm Bureau(re:Jamesport Nuclear Plant) .... 424,435 78 Farm Committee, Suffolk County ............. 132 ~ Faulkner, WM. J.- .......................... 351 Fed. Aviation Adm.- ........................ 406 Federal Communications Comm.- .............. 314-~D Federal Revenue Sharing Funds .............. 354,430,440 ) Ferry Commission ........................... 400 Ferry, Cross-Sound ......................... 415 Finkle, Myron & Philip ..................... 434 Fire Advisory Board- Boughton .............. 208 Blados ................ 265,369 Firearms ................................... 409 Fire Chiefs Council ........................ 93 Fire Coordinators .......................... 120,150,369 Fire Dept., Burning permits ................ 134,257 Fire Dist. Officers Assoc.- ................ 305 Fireman, volunteer ......................... 255 Fire Prevention Code ....................... 237 Fire Safety, S.C. Dept. of ................. 409 Fireworks, complaints ...................... 294 Fischer, Leonard ........................... 75 Fisher, Bertram ............................ 16 Fisher, Donald ............................. 130,208-09 Fisher, George ............................. 1tl Fishers Island Airport, lease .............. 96,102 Fishers Island Annual Town Board meeting---143,310 Fishers Island Electric Co.- ............... 305 Fishers Island Ferry Dist,, misc.- ......... 16,17,59,60,61,102,110,111 125,178,189,200,248,267,353,370,401,406,447-8,433,424~7~ Bids, M/V Olinda ...................... 38,52,178,240,247,257 M/V Mystic Isle ....................... 52,77,178 Drydocking,Mystic Isle & Olinda ....... 149,321 Mystic Isle, extra trips .............. 298 Extended reservations time ............ 39 Ferry Boats, contract ................. 213 Toiven, purser ........................ 105,110 Ione Norton ........................... 105,235,282,401 Pursers ............................... 111 sell fill ............................. 105 summer help ........................... 111,283 transfer funds ........................ 111,163 R.M. Mallove .......................... 132 Martha Thibodeau ...................... 162 Evelyn Clarke ......................... 162 John C. Evans ......................... 205 Phyllis Griffin ....................... 248 summary of income ..................... 282 petty cash fund ....................... 401 Fishers Island Garbage & Refuse Dist.- ..... 37,395 F.I. Utility Co. rate increase ............. 310 F.I. Firehouse, voter registration ......... 114,256 Fleets Neck-Kennedy Assoc.- ................. 57 Fox, Edward W.- ............................ 64 Frelix, Carl, Jr.- ......................... 50,115,189,265,293,395 Friemann, Sanford .......................... 209 Friis, Margaret,trailer denied ............. 133 Frohnhofer, Joseph ......................... 115, 407 Frumkin, Eli ............................... 31,51 Funds, transfer of ......................... 49-50,142,149,151,164,178, 189,206,263 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 Gada, A.J., Jr. & Sr.- ..................... 34,120,353,409 Gaillard, John P. (F.I.) ................... 310 Gardiners Bay Est.,dredging ................ 344 Gasoline, McCollum ......................... 76 General Electric Seminar ................... 338 General Electric Supply .......... 420 bid for lumlnalres for streeting lighting Gerdes, Dr. William ........................ 225 German Festival ............................ 267,448 Gibbons & Hyland Assoc.- ................... 439 Gibbs, Wm................................. 246,411 Gilles, Edward ............................. 39,98 Gleason, Mr.- .............................. 252 Glover, Leander, Jr.- ...................... 1,120,159,369,373,409 Goebel, Walter ............................. 305 Goldin, Oscar,trailer ...................... 31,99,159,244, 418 Goldsmiths' Inlet .......................... 276,283,422 Goose Creek Beach .......................... 276,283 Goose Creek Bridge ......................... 133,400 Goose Creek Civic Assoc.- ................. 422 Goodrich Magdaline ................................ 324 Gordon, Frederick E........................... 378 Gordon, Joseph C., police .................. 239,413 Gorowitz & Barnett (Sub.) .................. 278 Gozelski, Lillian, Peconic ................. 451 Grand Avenue, Mattituck .................... 318 Grant, W.T., alarm panel ................... 2 ~'~Z~ Grebe, Alfred R.- .......................... 15,141,162,213,227,5 ,~3 Grebe, Richard ............................. 96,102 Greek Orthodox Church ...................... 137 Green, Willie Mae .......................... 64,215 Greenfields at Southold .................... 236,278 Greenman-Pederson Assoc.- .................. 443 Greenport Fire Dept.- ...................... 226,400 Greenport Ford-Mercury ..................... 86 Greenport Legion, bingo .................... 54 Greenport Railroad Dock .................... 441 Greenport School Art Project (sign) ....... 416 Greenport School Crossing .................. 320 Greenport Village, land offer .............. 96 Greton Estates subdivision ................. 434 Griffin, Walter ............................ 102 Grigonis, Charles Jr.- ..................... 107 Griswold-Terry-Glover, Bingo ............... 96,102,121,150,268 Griswold-Terry-Glover Auxiliary, Bingo ..... 95, 107 Griffin, Phyllis (F.I.) .................... 350 Grossenbacher, Carolyn,attend. Officer ...... 163,308 Gull Pond .................................. 342,323,320,327 Gymnasts, E.L.I.- ......................... 254 Gymnastics, Mary Tannenbaum ............... 409 Gull Pond ................................. 342,323,320,237 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 Hamilton, Steve, Trailer ................... 34,180 Hansen, Marshall ........................... 128 Harbor Lights Drive, roads ................. 88 Harnan, Terry .............................. 88 Harris, Keith .............................. 103,111,117,125,129 Harris, Steve .............................. 283 Hartofelis, Gus X.- ........................ 352,395 Health Care Center ......................... 31,344 Health Clinic, N.F.- ....................... 444 Health Dept. - ............................. 424 Health Science Center ...................... 432 Helf, John, Dog warden ..................... 440 Helfrich, Thomas, Narc. Aide ............... 147,239 Heuser, Theodore ........................... 236 High, Geoffrey ............................. 400 "Highland Estates Sub. bond ................ 354 Highway Dept. - bids blue stone .............. 89,228-30,410 drainage rings .......... 89,419 broom refills ........... 89 car ..................... 236 culvert pipe ............ 90 cable ................... 450 asphalt ................. 92,306,395 diesel fuel ............. 93,396 gratings ................ 89 tires & tubes ........... 89,396 Highway Dept., Donovan Plan funding ........ 442 Highway, repair & improvements ............. 212,370 Highway Dept., salaries .................... 63,213,227 High Supt.-authoriation to enter lease agreement .......... 268 Highway Transfer - An Act .................. 93 Hindermann, Edward ......................... 95,102 Historian-Senate Assembly Bill ............. 106 Historian, Town- .......................... 293,320,324 Historic Places, Natnl. Register ........... 400 Historical records, indexing ............... 292 Homan, James, street lighting study ........ 373 Home Improve. License Law .................. 230 Homestead Way .............................. 371 Horn, Otis ................................. 63,213,2270~77, Hornwood, Carl & Gloria .................... 426 Horton 's Point ............................ 122,316 Horton, S. Wentworth Park .................. 316,413,416 Hospitalization ............................ 400 Housing Appeals Bd.-J. Talbot .............. 236 Housing & Community Development ............ 267 H.U.D.- .................................... 238,246,276,306,310,444 Hulse, Fred E., Jr.- ....................... 255 Hummells Pond ............................. 97-98 Hunting Law - proposed ..................... 397 snow fence .......... 129,179 rock salt ........... 129,179 trucks............... 279,450,72 tractor............... 410 sweeper ............. 93 lawn tractor ........ 442 mobile comm. units--442 4 door sedan ........ 93 2 boat engines ...... 103 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 ---MAY 11, 1976 I Inlet East Estates ........................ 236,245 Inlet Pond Lane ............................ 371 Insurance, sidewalk, streets ............... 245 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 J Jablonski, Joseph .......................... 115 Jacobs, Raymond, Dep. Highway Supt.- ...... ~34,222 James Creek (dredging) ..................... 291,321,427 Jamesport Nuclear Power Plant .............. 416,424,429 Januick, Wm., ............................. 59,67,212,216~.37 Jeep, bay constable ........................ 38 Jockey Creek Bridge ........................ 278,282 Jockey Creek ............................... 409 Johnson, Adam .............................. 67,216,397 Johnson, Marion ............................ 149 Johnson, Rduolph ........................... 62 July 1975 reports .......................... 304 June 1975 reports .......................... 292 Jurzenia, Thomas ........................... 397,400 Justice Clerks ............................. 70,219 Justice Court,rental of parking area ....... 226,373 Justices-petty cash ........................ 426 Justice Training wchool .................... 127,290 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 Kaldor, Elaine F.- ......................... 33,91,200 Kaloski, Paul (scenic easement) ............ 443 Kappenberg, Alice W.- ...................... 295,292 Katz, Sherley .............................. 302,325,397,407,415 Kennedy Assoc.~Fleets Neck ................. 57 Kenney's Beach - refuse prob.- ............. 325 Kenter, Philip-CATV consultant ............. 1,36,56,231 Keogh, John ................................ 324 Kerwin Blvd.- .............................. 345 Kittenback, Mrs. E.- ....................... 422 Klipp, Joyce ............................... 112 Knowles, Walter ............................ 242 Knowles, James ............................. 127 K.O.A. (change of Zone) .................... 280,407,427,435 K of C Cutchogue, Bingo .................... 54,129,235,426 Krupski, Isidore(change of zone A to B-1)--31,53,120,133 trailer ................... 86,235,307,418 Krisman, Terrance .......................... 56,91,140 Kujawski, Frank ............................ 274 Kumjian, Claude ............................ 209,290 Kwasneski , Leo ........................... 346 SEPTEMBER 11,1973 --- May 11, 1976 L Labor, Dept. of ............................ 400,426,440 Lademann, Edward ........................... 120,269,409 Lagoon Assoc. of Nassau Pt.- ............... 284,293 Latham, Dan ................................ 411,413 Latham, Roy ................................ 394 Laurel Lake ................................ 241 Laurelwood Estates ......................... 56,99 Lawrence, Willard- ........................ 62,93,113,156,207,219,277,302 Lawson, Fred ............................... 37,75,116 Leash Law .................................. 230,237,242,342,424,373,400, 435 Leeward Acres .............................. 77,87 Leisure Greens, change of zone ............. 59,95 Leslie, Dick ............................... 414 Lekich, Frank .............................. 396,439 Legislative Bill #130 ...................... 406 Legislative Bill # 8190 .................... 409,414 Lehmann,Craig .............................. 432,449 Lessard, George ............................ 93,120,369,409 LSability Insurance,streets, sidewalks ..... 245 Lighthouse Road ............................ 122 Lights:- Wickham Ave.&Mill Lane---35 Wickham Ave.& Grand Ave.-35 Reydon Drive,SO.- ........ 51 Azalea Rd.,Mattituck ..... 159 Blossom Bend, Matt.- ..... 159 Cardinal Drive, Matt.- ..... 159 Southold Village ........... 202 Rt. 27 A, Cutchogue ........ 223 Peconic Lane,Pe.- .......... 237 Jackson St., New Suffolk---237 Lieblein, William - stakes ................. 252 L.I Cablevision ........................... 411.349, 416 L.I'. Farm Bureau ........................... 416' LILCO nuclear plant hearings ............... 256,268,278,282,298,305,326, 344,400 LILCO-protest demand charge ................ 342,400,433 LILCO-separation of service ................ 448 LILCO, street lighting bills-r ............. ,, ,, ,, agreement ............. 3~/,406 L.I.R.R.- .................................. 85,441 Link, Wm. H.- .............................. 277 Little Creek, dredging ..................... 121,267 Little League Assoc.- ...................... 298,349,433 Little League, So.- ........................ 413 Lizewski, Joseph J. (change of zone) ........ 146,205-6 LOCAL LAWS:- #4, 1973 ................................. 1,2 #5, 1973 ................................. 15,33,35 #6, 1973 ................................. 16,35 #1, 1974 ................................. 119 #1, 1975parking at beaches .............. 233,240,243 #2, 1975expenses, F.I. people ............ 240,251,253 #3, 1975zoning ........................... 234,248,268 #4, 1975home improv.- .................... 258,277,284-9 #5,. t975dog leash law .................... 397 Lobsters ................................... 447 Lockport, Town of .......................... 252 Lockwood, Kessler, Bartlett, Inc.(aerial maps)--410 Logerwell, Roger (Matt. Gun Club) ........... 406,413 Lucar Assoc. Ltd.- .......................... 410 Lundberg, Pierre M.- ........................ 398 Lytle, Mabel ................................ 84,88,117,127,280 SEPTEMBER 11,1973 --- May 11, 1976 M MacMillan, Stewart ........................... 123 Mahoney, Edward .............................. 130 Main Road, Matt.,discontinuance of ........... 128 Mallove, Richard FIFD ........................ 132 Mallows, Howard of Mass.- .................... 274 Manfredi, Richard ............................ 301 Manhasett Motors, bid ........................ 420 Marcus, Leon ................................. 413 Marian Council, K of C, Bingo ................ 426 Marine Science Lab., Suffolk County .......... 443 Markel, Samuel ............................... 57,281 Martocchia, Albert, bonds .................... 60, 376, 377 Master Plan .................................. 347 Mastrosiome, Elsie ........................... 179,200,205 Mattituck Airport ............................ 76,112 Mattituck Creek, sunken hull ................. 245 Mattituck Fire Dept.- ........................ 324,422,443,447 Mattituck Fire District ...................... 111 Mattituck Gun Club ........................... 406 Mattituck Inlet .............................. 434 Mattituck Marina (Coast Guard) ............... 433 Mattituck Park Commission .................... 284 Mattituck Park District ...................... 145,298 Mattituck Senior Citizens .................... 115,123,181,254,323,449 Mattituck Slo-Pitch .......................... 433 Mazzaferro, Stephen .......................... 417 Mekolojczyk, Zdzislaw ........................ 92,146,241,418 Mellas, George ............................... 53,354,370,448 Mellas, James P.- ............................ 417,427,433 Mellas, Lois ................................. 417,440 Melot, Chester P.- ........................... 163 Messinger, .A.I. Assoc.- ..................... 56 Methodist Church, So. Youth .................. 201 Meyer, Marjorie .............................. 203 Microfilming ............................. 289,400 Mileage ...................................... 222 Miles, Mabel, trailer ........................ 53,121,205,279 Mill Creek Bridge ............................ 158,440 Miller & Summit, Att.- ....................... 267 Mini-Bus ..................................... 130,132 Minutes, recording of Town Board ............. 295 Mobil Oil Co.- ............................... 277 Moisa, Henry~ ................................ 132,255,373,413 Molle, Altha S.- ............................. 245 Mollineaux, Leroy ............................ 164 Monies, transfer of ....... 14-49-50-58-59-111-113-125-142-149-151-157- 164-178-181-(rescind of)157-189,206-263 M.T. Twin Theatres ........................... 50 Mud Creek, dredging .......................... 423 Murray Anna W., quit claim ................... 50 Mystic Isle .................................. 208 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 Mc MC Cabes Beach ............................. 276,283,446 Mc Callum, gasoline ........................ 76 Mc Carthy, George A., trailer .............. 2,95,133,251,450 McCloskey, Elizabeth, resign.- ............. 37,283 McDermott, Marjorie ........................ 55 McCann-Price, insurance .................... 61 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 Narcotics Guidance Council .................. 38-121-134-140-163-188- 206-208-239-252-254-298 Nassau Farms Assoc.- ........................ 121,188,305 Nassau Point Prop. Owners Assoc.- ........... 323 Nassau Point Road ........................... 308,418 National Register of Historic Places ........ 400 Nature Conservancy .......................... 400,447 Navigation Law .............................. 416,441 New Suffolk Avenue .......................... 265 New Suffolk ramp ............................ 33,431,438,450 Neville, Elizabeth A.- ...................... 274,290,308,425 NEW YORK STATE D E C: applications Link, Wm. & Burrell Geo .................. 277 Corwin, Richard--376 Pell, Wm. R.- ............................ 416 Cross Sound Ferry--376 Pierce Yacht Basin ....................... 416Mulvaney, Mary L--376 Sterling Basin ........................... 416 Wickham Creek, dredging .................. 416 New York State, Environmental Quality Review Act---406 New York Telephone Co.- ..................... 394,397,413 Noise Ordinance, Town of Riverhead .......... 422 Norkelun, Agnes ............................. 251 Norris, Bruce A.- ........................... 39,108,116,123,137,380,347,398 North Fork Animal League .................... 412 North Fork Environmental Council ............ 14,412,446 North Fork Health Clinic .................... 444 North Fork Little League .................... 290 North Fork Taxpayers Assoc.- ................ 14,90 Norton, Mrs. Ione FIFD ...................... 105,235,282,317 Nuclear Power Plant, Jamesport ............. 416,424,446 Nuclear Waste, Trans. of .................... 412,414,415,416,424 Nutrition Project ........................... 96,98,181,186 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 --May 11, 1976 O Offshore drilling ............................. 189 Ofrias, Philip J. Jr.- ........................ 188 Olsen, Gary F. (Laurelwood Sub.) ............... 56 O'Neill, Thos. clamming ....................... 441 Ordinance fees ................................ 17 Oregon View Estates, bond ..................... 181,236 Orient-By-The-Sea,Sec. III, bond ............... 149,163 Orient Comm. Activities ....................... 411 Orient Fire Dept.- ............................ 425 Orient Mosquito Dist.- ........................ 95,101 Orient Point Ferry ............................ 295,415,424,425 Orient Point Inn (demolition) ................. 425,427 Orient road - proposed only ................... 411,413,425 Orient School Crossing ........................ 320,323 Orlowski, Theresa ............................. 209 Oyster Festival ............................... 320 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 Packard Hose Fire Dept.(re:bingo wheel) ........ 426 Pallen Industries, Inc ......................... 421,436 Parade, bicentennial ........................... 400 Parity Systems, Inc.- .......................... 86 Parking at beaches(Local Lawgl-1975) ........... 233,240,243 Paul, Martha J., trailer denied ................ 133 Payroll ........................................ 231 P.B.A. claim ................................... 112 P.B.A. contract 1975-6 ......................... 244 Pebble Beach Farms ............................. 241,252,263,~ Peconic Homes, Inc.- ........................... 434 "Peconic Knolls",sub. bond ..................... 324 Peconic Lane property .......................... 245 Pell, William .................................. 352, 416 Perrin, Catherine .............................. 239,254,283 Peter's Neck Point, dredging ................... 338,349 Petty cash justices ............................ 426 Pfeffer, Wm. P.- ............................... 237 Pickett, Ruth .................................. 367 Pierce Yacht Basin, Inc.- ...................... 298,320 Pim, Constance ................................. 414 Pinson,Donald .................................. 147 Plackis, Gus ................................... 131 Planning Board ................................. 69,218,278,325,439 Plock, John Sr.- ............................... 267 POLICE: Police Alarm panel connections ............... 2,50 Police Boat .................................. 38,52,242,278,301,368 Police Cars: bids ..................................... 75,86,203,209,406,420 extra car ................................ 126,181 plexi-separators ......................... 301 replace engine ........................... 354 Police, Crisis Seminar ....................... 126 Police, Drycleaning .......................... 246 Police, Jackets .............................. 251 Police hiring-civil service ruling ........... 438 Police, salaries ............................. 72 Police-special, salaries ..................... 65,266 Police, Hdq., steel shelves .................. 255 Polish Dem. Club, change of zone ............... 451 Port of Egypt .................................. 432 Posillico Const. Co., Inc.- .................... 278 Pospisil, Frank ................................ 203,252 Postage meter .................................. 181,324 Post Office, Southold .......................... 349 Public Service Law ............................. 427 Public Transportation .......................... 77 Quit Claim to Anna W. Murray 50 Quit Claim to Nassau Pt. Rd. 419 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 -- May 11, 1973 "R" Radio Equip.-Fire Coord. Car ........................ 150 Radio (FM) Station .................................. 50,~ Radio Operators, salaries ........................... 66,125 Ramps, launching .................................... 432,438 Ramsauer, Kenneth C.- ............................... 299 Rath, John .......................................... 304,419,420 Raynor, Henry ....................................... 107 Re, Lawrence ........................................ 99,121 Recreation Program w/ schools ....................... 126,132 Reeves, Robert Jr.- ................................. 93 Registration (dual voters & school) ................. 343 Reilly, Norman Jr.- ................................. 266 Reunis, Richard E.- ................................. 31,50 Revenue Sharing Funds ............................... 112,208 Reydon Shores Prop. Owners Assoc.- .................. 297 Reyer, Robert ....................................... 451 Richmond, Albert .................................... 60-64-213-2~289 Riverhead Town, noise ordinance ..................... 422 Robb, Wm.- .......................................... 439 Robohm, Dr. Claus ................................... 225 Rockefeller,letter re: energy crisis ................ 51 Ross, Walter alarm system ........................... 164 Ruch, Valentine ..................................... 203 Ruland, Wm. P.- ..................................... 300 Ruland, William trailer ............................ 210 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 Sacred Heart Church, bingo ...................... 53-96-121-146,179,227, 251-274-317-406-433 Sacred Heart School ............................. 349 Saint Agnes Church, Bingo ....................... 164-206-235 Saint Peters Lutheran Church .................... 159-225-279-267-448 Sardelli, Armando & Zaino ....................... 127-141,158 Sauer, Claire ................................... 449 Saunders, Sophie, trailer ....................... 2,92,150,241,395 Scenic Easements: Young & Young .............................. 103 Orville Terry .............................. 106 Hope Whitsit ............................... 106 Paul Kaloski ............................... 443 School Crossing Guards .......................... 67,216 Schooner,Drive .................................. 88 Schriever, Wm.- ................................. 73,221,277,355 Scalloping ...................................... 325'~ Scaramucci, Karen ............................... 413 Schoolhouse Creek ............................... 423 Scott, Deborah .................................. 178 Seasonal Patrolmen .............................. 451 Security National Bank .......................... 231 Seelig, Dr. Chas.- .............................. 225 Senate Assembly Bill ............................ 106,418 SENIOR CITIZENS: Mattituck .................................... 115,123,141,254,323,441, 449 Southold ...................................... 115,141,203,252,254,290, 297,344,394,429,441,430 Senority List, S.C. Civil Service ............... 409 Sentry Electric Corp.- .......................... 420 Sewer Dist.,county .............................. 74 Shanan, Dr. Maurice ............................. 411 Shelter Island Town ............................. 338 Sherrard, Arthur ................................ 187 Ship, John H.- .................................. 239,413 Shorecrest ...................................... 56,297 Sidorowicz, Chas. trailer ....................... 146-148 Silleck, Walter ................................. 406 Silver Eel Pond ................................. 324,439 Skunk Lane ...................................... 156,207 Skwara Liquor alarm panel ....................... 50 Slacke Test Boring .............................. 410 "Sleepy Hollow",sub. bond ....................... 146,346 Sto-Pitch, East End ............................. 441 Slo-Pitch, Matt.- ............................... 433 Smith, Finkelstein, etc.,bill ................... 200,234,235 Smith, Wm. B.- .................................. 267 Social Services Officer ......................... 73,221 Solar Research Inst.- ................ 368 Soundview Acres at Orient, sub. bond ............ 324,426 Southold Fire Dept., parade ..................... 53,223,345 Southold Legion, Bingo .......................... 2,54,121,201,268 Southold Legion Aux., Bingo ..................... 54,,202,274 Southold Legion, parade ......................... 254 ~- Southold Little League .......................... 433 Southold-Peconic Civic Assoc.- ................. 409 Southold Patrol ................................ 290 Southold Town Council .......................... 324 Southold Town Development Plan ................. 294 Southold Town Hall ............................. 434 Southold Town Safety Award ..................... 277 Southold Union Free School Dist ................ 343 Southold Yacht Club ............................ 77 Space Rentals, office trailer .................. 293 Special Police ................................. 214 Speed Limit -50MPH ............................. 55 Speed Zone changes ............................. 433 State Police ................................... 16 Steinbrucker, Henry ............................ 281 Steiner, Florence, trailer .... 17,94,150,241,418 Stenographer ................................... 441 Sterling Basin, dredging ....................... 299,423 Sterling Harbor Shipyard-Marina ................ 416 Strawberry Festival ............................ 422 Street Lighting ................................ 344,323,292,407,420,421, 404 427,436 Street Lighting Trucks, bids ................... 398 Striped Bass ................................... 256 Sturdy, Robert dredging ........................ 56 Subdivision Regulations ........................ 372 Suffolk County Comm. of Health ................... 276,283 Suffolk County Dept. of Civil Service .......... 438 Suffolk County Dept. of Labor .................. 345 Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works ........... 276 Suffolk County Police, Explorers Program ....... 147 Suffolk Times, official newspaper .............. 72,221 Sullivan, Dorothy .............................. 237,250 Sullivan, Jos. ................................ 314,50 Summer Jobs ................................. 427,440 Summers,Lynn ......................... 283, 239. 254 Summer Recreation Program ...................... 284 Summit, Miller, attorneys ...................... 267 Sunken Hull,Matt. Creek ........................ 245 Sunset Knolls .................................. 137 Supervisor's Car, bids ......................... 203,209 Suter, Justice,.................. 131,377 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11,1976 T Tabor, Kenneth ..................................... 107 Talbot, John ....................................... 236 Tannebaum, Mary .................................... 409 Taperecorder ....................................... 256 Tasker, Robert ..................................... 64,213 Taubin, Harold ..................................... 121 Tax Bill computation bids .......................... 131 Tax Collection ..................................... 448 Tax Receiver- Clerks ............................... 70, 220 Techet, Steven ..................................... 92,94 Tejo, Maria ........................................ 407 Telsey, Benson ..................................... 280 Terry, Howard ...................................... 74,111,133 Terry, Joyce ....................................... 415 Terry, Lloyd ....................................... 409 -~ Terry, Lorraine .................................... 51,90,113,11~,207,211, Terry, Orville,scenic easement ..................... 106,114,118 252 Terry Waters Civic Assoc.- ......................... 443 Their, Burton ...................................... 400 Thibodeau, Martha, F.I.F.D.- ....................... 162 Tideke, Jean ....................................... 51,57,90,93,117,136,256 268,278,282,305,181,400,427 Title VI, Training Act ............................. 231 Toivan, Arnold ..................................... 105,110 Topsail Drive ...................................... 77,87 Town Beach concession .............................. 107,122 Town Beaches ....................................... 417,446 Town Board, salaries ............................... 65,214 Town Board Committee ............................... 222 Town Clerk & Registrar ............................. 273 Town Court Bldg.- .................................. 147 Town Creek, dredging ............................... 323,423 TOWN HALL: Architect ........................................ 99 Bids ............................................. 410,434 Bond Resolution .................................. 78,139,151 Committee ................ 126,323 Land ............................................ 56,83,90,136 Referendum ....................................... 83-84 Special Election ................................. 80,153 Town Historian ..................................... 293 Traffic Signal Request ............................. 422 TRAILERS: Akscin, Raymond T.- .............................. 443 Bokina, Edmund ................................... 92,226,142,306,410 Brown, Sam ....................................... 34,103,118,244,443 Cichanowicz, FrankIII ............................ 123 Frelix, Carl, Jr.- ............................... 50,115,118 Goldin, Oscar .................................... 31,99,159,244,318,418 Hamilton, Steve .................................. 34 Krupski, tsidore P.- ............................. 86,133,235,307,418 Lawson, Fred ..................................... 37,116 Miles, Mable ..................................... 53,121,205 Mekolojczyk, Zdzidlaw ............................ 92, 146,418,241 Saunters, Sophie ................................. ~,9~,15~,241,321,395 Steiner, Florence ................................ 17,94,150,241,321,418 Sidorowicz, Charles .............................. 148 Ruland, William .................................. 210,300 Tuthill, John C.- ................................ 17,92,150~35.321,476 · 17 116 180 255, 450 Wilson, Minne ................................. Worthington W---dgar ........................... 92,]46,227,306,410 "T" Continued Trailer, Office .................................... 278,293,323 Transcriber, Lanier ................................ 278 Transfer Funds, Trustees ........................... 164 Transfer of Monies ................................. 14-34-49-50-58-59-111 113-125-142-149-151-157-163-164-206-210-263-293-301-318. 320-321-350-369-451-452 Transient Trailers, complaint ...................... 295 Transportation, N.Y.S. Dept. of .................... 141-406-413-438 Transportation, Public ............................. 77 Traveler- Watchman ................................. 72 Triangle Mem. Park ................................. 451 Trucks Canvass Cover Law ........................... 411 Trustees, Board of Town ............................ 69,218 Tuthill, Don ....................................... 414 Tuthill, John ...................................... 409,424 Tuthill, Lawrence .................................. 57 Tuthill, Mary ...................................... 186 Twin Fork Fence-bill ............................... 32 Tyler, Cliff ....................................... 434,447 SEPTEMBER 11,1973 ---May 11,1976 "U" Underground Facilities, Registry ........................ 252 Uniform Navigation Law .................................. 441 Unsafe Buildings&Structures Ordinance ................... 97 Urban Development, Suffolk County Legistature ........... 298 Urban, Gerard L. - leash law ............................ 448 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - MAY 11, 1976 "V" Value Management Consultants ............................. 449 Vandalism ................................................ 316 Viegra, Paul ............................................. 122 Village Dry Cleaners - police ............................ 441 Village Lane, Orient ..................................... 347 Village of Greenport ..................................... 430,444 Volunteer, Firemen ....................................... 255, 443 Voting Machines .......................................... 160 Voter Regis.-F.I. Fire House ............................. 114,256 SEPTEMBER 11,1973 ---- May 11, 1976 "W" Wacker, Ronnie ................................... 117 Wagner, George Hist. Soc.- ....................... 305 Wall, James &Joanne M.- .......................... 130,141 Wall, James(dep. fire coord.) .................... 353,409 Walsh, Arthur J.- ................................ 37,60,228,395 Walt Whitman Bank ................................ 113,133 Ward, Mr.-leash law .............................. 237,246 Warrant #3, Bills ................................ 420 Watchmen, salaries .............................. 66,215 waterways, Town of Southold ...................... 409 Weismann, Henry C. (wetland ap.) .................. 346,443,447 Wells, monitoring in Town Roads .................. 151 Wetlands ......................................... 18,163,178,205,277 Wetlands Moratorium .............................. 449 Wheelers Jewelers ................................ 212 Whitsit, Hope .................................... 106,114,118 Wickham Avenue ................................... 347,443,447 Wickham Creek, dredging .......................... 416 Wickham Park Prop. Owners Assoc.- ................ 14,18 Wickham, William ................................. 55,88,111 Wiedersum Assoc~ ................................. 413 Wiedersum, Frederick P. architect ................ 56,99 Wildlife Sanctuary-Goose Creek ................... 232 Willow Point,bond release& road dedication ...... 202 Wilson, Minnie ................................... 17,116,180,255,351,450 Wilton & Clanton - coz ........................... 56,111,254 Wilton, Richard C. (Kampgrounds) ................. 401 Windjammer Drive ................................. 88 Witherspoon, David, Nar. Council ................. 239,254 Worthington, Edgar (trailer) ..................... 306,92,146,227,410 Workmens Compensation ............................ 310 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 --- May 11, 1976 "Y" Yakaboski, Francis J.- ............................... 234 Young, Howard L. & Geo. L. Jr.- ...................... 103,110,118 Youth Activities Center, Methodist Church ............ 201 Youth Bureau, Suffolk County ......................... 441 Youth Program of Southold Town ....................... 283 SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 --- May 11, 1976 "Z" Zahra, Charles, trailer park ap.- ...................... 434,440,447 Zaino, Louis & Sardelli ................................ 127,141,158 Zerox Machine .......................................... 224,243 Zoning-Local Law No. 2 - 1975 .......................... 234 Ztulo, Mrs. Martin ..................................... 297 Zuleski, Mrs.-E.L.I. Gymn. Assoc.- ...................... 113,136 Zwanziger, George, groin at Em ......................... 105