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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958 - 1961 March - NovemberMar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 A Acquisition of Land, Parking ......... 303 Addressograph Machine ................ 57,60,134 Advertisement ........................ 9 Advertisement, Journal ............... 133 Advertisement, New London Day ........ 21 Advertising, Vacation Lane ........... 1 Brochure ................ 124 Ahman, W. Gordon ..................... 456 Air Conditioner, Supervisor .......... 282 Airport .............................. 452 Airport, Fishers Island .............. 279 Suffolk County .............. 422 Albertson, Lester M., Bond ........... 90,221,373,372 Office ......... 374 School ......... 438 Supervisor ..... 371 Alec, George ......................... 320,325,336,333,349,414,421,440 Alert ................................ 435 Alpine Avenue, F. I.- ................ 470 Amendment Article 1, Sec 100 ......... 85,92 Amendment, Cemeteries ................ 470 Amendment No. 14 ..................... 15 Amendment No. 15 ..................... 19 Amendment No. 16 ..................... ? Amendment No. 17 ..................... 29 Amendment No. 18 ..................... 34 Amendment No. 19 ..................... 35 Amendment No. 20 ..................... 45 Amendment No. 21 ..................... 53 Amendment No. 22 ..................... 75 Amendment NO. 24 ..................... 93 Amendment No. 25 ..................... 94 Amendment No. 27 ..................... 163 Amendment No. 28 ..................... 171 Amendment No. 29 ..................... 193 Amendment No. 30 ..................... 193 Amendment No. 31 ..................... 225 Amendment No. 32 ..................... 265 Amendment No. 40 ..................... 409 Amendments ........................... 51,85,293,294,333,335 Amendment to Ordinance, 1000A ........ 75,85,398 Amendment to zoning, Tourist Camp .... 362 American Air Serv., Photos ........... 444 Andrade, Barbara ..................... 397 Angell, Edna R.- ..................... 1,406 Bond .................. 62,122 Annual Budget, 1962 .................. 497 Annual Reports, 1958 ................. 101 Anrig, Otto L., Bond ................. 9,145,320 Conference ........... 474 Police School ........ 305,453 Antler Lane, Cutchogue ............... 317 Appeals, Bd. of, Salaries ............ 254,390,396 Appropriations ....................... 457 Contingent Fund ........ 492 Highway ................ 492 Arnold, Marion A.- ................... 156 Asch, Rhoda .......................... 398 Assessors, Automobile ................ 124,133 Assessors ................. 395a397,401 Assessors School .......... 426 Four year term ............ 443 Association of Towns, 1959 ........... 124,224,398,400 Attendance Officer ................... 472 Auxiliary Police ..................... 168 Avenue B, F. I.- ..................... 470 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 B Bailey, George ....................... 263,270,272 Baker, Fred, Erosion ................. 483 Baldwin Place, Peconic ............... 361 Bank Depositories, Bonds to Notes .... 504 Banks ................................ 396 Banks for Town Money ................. 254,327 Barry, Congressman (Islands) ......... 461,466 Bartley Assoc.- ...................... 31 Bathing Beach, New Suffolk ........... 178 Bathing Beach, Note .................. 406 Bathing Beach, Property, Greenport and Southold---137 Baxter, Wm.- ......................... 364,421,427 Bay Ave., Cutchogue, speed limit ..... 463 Beach & Parking Field, New Suffolk---445 Property ....................... 474 Beach, Stephenson Inc.- .............. 198 Beaster, Milton, Enumerator .......... 89 Becktold, Adeline, zone change ....... 474,478,494 Beebe Drive, Cutchogue (2) ........... 317 Beebe, Grathwohl, etc.- .............. 31 Bendicksen, Perry E.- ................ 21,24,31,32 Bergen, Robert ....................... 431 Betz, Philip & W. Pollert ............ 319 Bicknell, Contract ................... 125 Bids, Concession ..................... 285 Bids, Painting Bldgs.- ............... 42 Billard Road, Cutchogue .............. 440 Bingle, Wm. & Anna, Tourist Court .... 37,42 Bingo: American Legion Aux.- ........ 319 East Marion Fire Dept.- ...... 308 Greenport Fire Dept.- ........ 446 GTG Post ..................... 176,266,300,304,312 Mattituck Fire Dept.- ........ 308,452 #185 ......................... 482,457,469 #803 ......................... 330,368,442,470,506 Ordinance .................... 47,149 Southold Fire Dept.- ......... 319,450 Birch Drive, Laurel .................. 348 Bird, George ......................... 274 Bishop, Gordon ....................... 442,447 Bittner, Warren, Change of zone ...... 91,100,137 Blanket Bond, Town Employees ......... 402 Bloom, Alexander ..................... 315,325,333 Boardinghouse Road, F. I. - .......... 470 Boatmen's Harbor, Inc.- .............. 26,162,292 Boat Ordinance ....................... 164 Boats, Mooring of .................... 148,153,164 Speed of ...................... 452,461,466,457 Boats, speeding & skiing ............. 319,461 Amendments .................... 424 Hearing ....................... 328,466 Ordinance ..................... 332,336,413 Boken, Judith ........................ 291,305 Boken, William ....................... 277 Bond ................... 36,166,287,443 Raise .................. 57 Bolling, Wallie ...................... 95 Booth, Ralph, Bond ................... 121 Bork, John .......................... 144,196 Bowles, Ernest J.- ................... 269,275 Boy Scouts .......................... 1,226 Bridge, Bridge Lane .................. 13 Bridge, Mill Creek, RR ............... 474 Brown, A. Halsey ..................... 290,274 Brown, Edna A., Zoning ............... 37,49,56 Assessor ............. 290 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 B (con't.) Brown, LeRoy & Lorraine .............. 26,37,41 Brown, K. G. Mfg. Co.- ............... 481,493 Browns Hills Estates, Inc.- .......... 505 Browns Hills, Inc.- .................. 197 Brush, Edward, Bond .................. 57,197,323,465 Brush, Lillian M.- ................... 222,249,264,262 Brushes Creek Assoc., Inc.- .......... 13,177,441 Brushes Creek Prop. Owners ........... 462 Bubb, Robert, Trailer ................ 172 Buck, Arthur C.- ..................... 176,182 Buckingham, Florence, trailer ........ 140,145 Buckmeyer, Walter H.- ................ 31 Budget: 1960 ........................ 203,216 Hearing ........ 216 1961 ........................ 353 Transfer of monie, State Retirement--464 Justice of Peace--464 1961, Preliminary ........... 340 Annual, 1962 ................ 497 Note ........................ 416 Rescinded ......... 419 Note #2 ..................... 5 Note #3 ..................... 3 Note #4 ..................... 27 Note #5 ..................... 28,29 Note, Home Relief ........... 154 Parks & Beaches ............. 482 Preliminary 1959 ............ 65,77 Preliminary 1962 ............ 483 Building Inspector ............... ---253,394 Burnhardt, Frederick C.- ............. 432,439 Burton-Potter Post ................... 281,282,300,298,309,338,403, 430,444 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 C Cain, Anna ........................... 160 Calves Neck Road ..................... 459 Cancellation of Checks,Twn. of Sthld-425,426 Capital Note, Parking lot ............ 312 Tractor ................ 467 Captain Kidd Est.- ................... 462 Cedar Beach, dredging ................ 452 Cemetery Amendment ................... 470 Cemetery purposes, Ordinance ......... 445 Central Cemetery, Orient ............. 491 Chairman, Bd. of Assessors ........... 254 Chapman, LaGrant - Preston ........... 167,173,177,180 Chapman, Mildred ..................... 278,423 Children's Bible Fellowship of N.Y.--435 Christensen, Carl .................... 256,269,275 Christopher St., Southold ............ 9 Ciacia, Guido ........................ 453,460,470 Cindy Lane, Mattituck ................ 332 Civil Defense Commission ............. 50 Civil Defense Pole ................... 20 Civil Defense, truck, Mattituck ...... 50 Use of Police Car ...... 435 Civil Service Commission ............. 298,361 Clark, Henry A., Bond ................ 122,248,374 Report .............. 375 Clark, Winifred B.- .................. 55,74 Clerk to Assessors & Tax Receiver .... 422 Coast Guard, F. I.- .................. 418 Collins, William ..................... 435 Letter to highway .... 449 Committees of Town Board ............. 257 Concession, Town Beach ............... 278,285,300 Construction & Permanent Improve- ments Fund .... 436 Convention, Zoning Board ............. 215,348 Cook, Roswell, trailer ............... 26 ' Corrazzini, Paul ..................... 293 Coutts, Margaret, trailer ............ 156,161 Cowen, Wm., trailer .................. 249 Cox Neck Lane-Middle Road, Matt.- .... 369,398,405,409 Cox Neck Road, Bad corner ............ 309 Cox, Ralph P., Enumerator ............ 89 Dog Warden ............ 144,397 Salary ................ 285 Truck ................. 153 Critten, Andrew Esq. ................167 Cronk, Wm., Junk License ............. 295 Cunningham, Jos. M., accountant ...... 371,392 Cutchogue Chamber of Commerce ........ 184 Cutchogue Fire Dept., Field Day ...... 423 Cutchogue Fire Dist., Parking ........ 176 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park Dist.- .... 87,314,412,495, 33 -34 Currie-Bell, Ann ..................... 226 March. 1958 - Nov. 1961 D Dam Pond, East Marion ................ 474 David, Janet ......................... 214,255 Davidson, Carl, trailer .............. 192 Davis, William A.- ................... 326,366,352,363 Dawson, Frank S.................... 43,175,321,472 Dayton, Mary, Land ................... 23 Dayton Road, Southold ................ 89 Deep Hole Creek, speed ............... 461 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck ........... 168 Deer Drive, Mattituck ................ 332 Deer Foot Path, Cutchogue ............ 317 Deer Park, Map of Mattituck .......... 332 Defense Plants ....................... 136 Deferred Payment Note, Parking Lot---267 DeFriest, David ...................... 77,91 DeGuimaraes, Arlin ................... 198,214,223 Demarest, Harrison, Sr.- ............. 161,437 Demarest, Louis, Bond ................ 125,248 Demolition of Buildings .............. 472 Department of Public Works ........... 297 Department of Navy, F. I.- ........... 169,179 DePuy, Richard, trailer .............. 442 DeVries, James & Alice ............... 168 DeWulf, Thomas H.- ................... 493 Dickerson, Chester, Bond ............. 90,221,365 Dickerson, Philemon .................. 224 Dog Enumerators, 1959 ................ 89 1960 ................ 224 Dog Pound, Heater .................... 497 Dog Warden ........................... 144 Truck ...................... 153,397 Donahue Bros, Zone change ............ 473,478,482 Doroski, Theo. & Mary ................ 305,308,311 Douglas, Robert, sign ................ 426 Doyen, Raymond, Bond ................. 373 Doyen, Serge, Jr.- ................... 13 Dredging: Dam Pond, E. Marion ....... 423 Goose Creek ............... 210 Gull Pond ................. 213,228 Sterling Basin ............ 147 Town Harbor ............... 210 Town Waters ............... 146 Drossos, John & Alexandra ............ 152,157,161,168 Dump: Bulldozer ..................... 457 Equipment ..................... 278 Purchase of land from McBride-422,449 Tractor ....................... 460,463 Use of Village Dump ........... 417 Dump truck ........................... 134 Dunn, Nora,Go Slow sign .............. 310 Dutch Elm Disease .................... 423 Mar. 19'58 - Nov. 1961 E Easter, Lula, trailer ................ 222 East-West Fire District .............. 402,425 Edson, Lefferts ...................... 443 Edwards, E. Perry, Bond .............. 126,248,373,374 Elizabeth Field ...................... 95,153,158 Emerson property, lease of ........... 456 Emory Road, Cutchogue ................ 317 Employees, Blanket Bond .............. 402 Equestrian Avenue, F. I.- ............ 471 Erosion, letter re: .................. 430,435 Explosives ........................... 17 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 F Faucon, Brewster, Bond ............... 126,261,403 Fawn Lane, Cutchogue ................. 317 Fenmore, Jean ........................ 214,258,266 Field Strength Station, marker ....... 293 Filla, Martin ........................ 421,427 Fire Dept., Stop Light, Southold ..... 473 Fire District, East, West ............ 361 Fire Extinguishers, Clerk Off.- ...... 261,332 Fire Inspector, 1961 ................. 422 Fire Wardens, 1959 ................... 196 Fire Wardens, Robins Island .......... 436 Fishers Island: Airport ...................... 279 Airport Watchman ............. 177 Bareboat Charter, 1961 ....... 504 Change of Zone, Gada ......... 369,400 Charter of Quonset ........... 74,169,352 Yankee ............ 209,297,446 Elizabeth Field .............. 95 Estates, Inc.,Re:Assessments-332 Estates, Open Dev. Area ...... 6 Ferry District, Contract ..... 10,43,320 Accounting ......... 256 Johnson & Williams-101,403 Fire District ................ 185,187,189,190,210 Fire Inspector ............... 251 Fox Avenue ................... 470 Lease ........................ 71 Lease, Airfield .............. 90,179 Lease of Theatre Bldg.- ...... 188 Light Contract ............... 415 Mail Contract ................ 101 Maintenance men .............. 324 (Hartsfield&Middleton,Jr) Mtg., 1958, Town Board ....... 55,187 1959 ................... 184 Pier Attendant ............... 177 Porter & Parking Attendant---452 Maintenance man ..... 456 Push Frame ................... 327 Railroad Co.- ................ 31,256 Roads taken by User .......... 470 Speed Limit, 30 MPH .......... 367 Theatre Building, School ..... 309 School Crossing ...... 419 Trip, Town Board ............. 50,319,461,463,467 West Harbor .................. 437 Zoning, Fort HGW ............. 273,281,283 Fishers Road, New Suffolk ............ 349 Fitzpatrick, Jas., Bond .............. 77,209 Police ............ 192 Fleming, John J.- .................... 183,185,189 Folkes, William E., Jr.- ............. 215 Fox, Deane K.- ....................... 140,146 Fox, Edward W., Assessor ............. 23 Francisco, Arthur .................... 210 Franchise, Greenport Village ......... 348,359 Franchise, RR ........................ 412 Fred St., New Suffolk ................ 349 Frelex, Minnie & Carl, trailer ....... 483,493 Fund, Construction & Permanent Improvements--436 Fund, Contingent ..................... 436 Funds, Transfer, Golden Nematode ..... 449,457 Funds, Transfer, Justice of Peace .... 448 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 G Gada, A. John, Bond .................. 126, Change of zone ........ 369, Gagen's Landing, Southold ............ 36 Garde, B. S.- ........................ 2, Gardiners Bay Est, boats ............. 452 Gasoline, Police & Highway ........... 70, Gasoline Tanks & Pumps ............... 305, Giovanelli & Shultze ................. 443 Glover, Ralph & Wilson ............... 439, Golden Nematode ...................... 257, Goose Creek Channel, fishing ......... 464 Gorman, Patrick ...................... 372, Government property, zoming .......... 405 Grabie, Walter G.- ................... 95, Grathwohl, Beebe, etc.- .............. 31 Grathwohl, Corwin C., Councilman ..... 407 Resignation .... 407 Supt. of Fires-436 Grathwohl, Ellsworth & Winif.- ....... 2,10,17 Grathwohl, George .................... 160 Grattan, Christopher,J.- ............. 224 Grebe, Alfred ........................ 222 Greenport Fire Dept., Twn of Shld .... 367 Greenport Public School, stop lines--473 Greenport-Southold Chamber of Comm.--224 Greenport Village Streets ............ 195 Griffin, Walter, Mail F. I.- ......... 256,402 Griffing Street, Cutchogue ........... 32,310 Parking ............. 310 Grigonis, Antone, drainage ........... 415 Grigonis, Charles .................... 153 Gruschkin, Merwin .................... 285 Guest, Harry L.- ..................... 177 Gull Pond, Dredging .................. 228,213 Bulkhead .................. 449,450 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport ............ 505 Gunther, William and Son ............. 183 248,373 414 18 146,150,279,423 307,308 442,447 263,269,449 401 274 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 H Haas, Hulmet ......................... 198 Haggerty, Henry, Watchman ............ 435,446 Hamilton, Lloyd ...................... 281 Hammel, Richard ...................... 256 Harris, Barney, Bond ................. 443,287,36,165 Hay Harbor, F. I.- ................... 444 Hearing, Budget ...................... 216 Henderson, Frank ..................... 210 Herzog, Albert Jr.- .................. 433 Higgins, John ........................ 442 High School work, new school ......... 479 Highway: Asphalt ...................... 267,427 Asphalt Truck Distributor .... 181 Bids: Gasoline & tires ...... 62 Bituminus Maintenance Unit--- 145 Blades ....................... 260 Blades & Equip.- ............. 405 Blue Stone ................... 276 Bucket?Peel .................. 267 Bucket loader ................ 11 Capital Note, Tractor ........ 468 Chains ....................... 406 Compliments to ............... 449 Cox Neck Road ................ 309 Crane ........................ 316 Distributor .................. 222 Drainage, Cutchogue .......... 422 Drainage, Railroad Ave.- ..... 415 Dump truck ................... 134,263 Employee Raise ............... 126,263 Equipment .................... 2,397 $500. limit .................. 255 Gasoline ..................... 275,426,443 Gasoline tanks ............... 307,443 Greenport Sts.- .............. 195 Hydra Kit, etc.- ............. 260 Lends crane to Greenport ..... 327 Machinery, inventory of ...... 210 Monies ....................... 122,228,289 North Cross Road, Cutchogue--172 Note ......................... 290 Oil Distrib.- ................ 181 Oldsmobile ................... 215 Open Ditch, Sledzieski ....... 285 Pay increase ................. 397 Pickup ....................... 9,14 Pipe---------------------------------- -298,358 Pumps-------------305,307,308 Rings--------------------------------------299 Rock salt .................... 215,327 Roller ....................... 292,340 Sewer pipe, Maple St.- ....... 364 Sidewalk, DeFriest & Fisher-- 9 Signs ........................ 315 Snowblade .................... 403 Snow fence & posts ........... 57,91,227,326,368,504 Snow fighter ................. 3,7,405 Bond ............. 12 Snow removal ................. 426 Sterling Rock Salt ........... 215 Stone ........................ 327 Tires ........................ 227,255,313,404 Tractor ...................... 163,404 Travelall car ................ 91 Truck ........................ 504 Truck Crane .................. 270,289,302 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 H (con' t. ) Highways, F. I.- ..................... 471 Hill, L. Barron, property ............ 210,454,459 Hills, Edgar & Wm. Wm. Wickham ....... 168 Historian, Town ...................... 394 Historical Council, Cutchogue ........ 444 Historical monies .................... 275 Historical Society, Orient ........... 327 Hodges, Bessie ....................... 100,147 Hodgins, Beatrice, Speed ............. 473 Home Preparedness Award Program ...... 305 Hornick, Stephen ..................... 298,315,398 Horton, Curtis W.- ................... 308 Fire Warden ......... 436 Horton, S. Wentworth, death .......... 338 Howard, Theodore, Bond ............... 51,277,298,314,464 Hulse, Robert, Bond .................. 444,37,166,287 Raise ................. 57 Huntington Coach Corp.- .............. 495 Hydrant agreement .................... 462 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 I Insurance, Employees & Officials ..... 261,287 Insunance, Health Program ............ 453 Insuranceffor Town ................... 323 Islands formed offshore .............. 461 Islands, Zoning ...................... 405 'Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 J Jacobsen, Ben and Millicent .......... 432 Jefferson, Wayland ................... 252 Jockey Creek, Dredging ............... 167 Johnson, Anna B.- .................... 479 Jurzenia, Thomas ..................... 281 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 · K Kaelin & Miner ....................... 297,325,334,333 Kalin, Herbert & Lloyd ............... 431,433,439 Kalintgis, Angelos & Evelyn .......... 191,214,292 Kapp, Walter ......................... 274 Kawalczyk, Stanley ................... 419 Kelly, James P., bond ................ 9,145,321 Kendrick, Mercator, Esq.- ............ 222 Ketchum, Frederick R.- ............... 222,249,262,264 Ketchum, Roger ....................... 160 Kierstein, Kenneth ................... 177 Kierstein, Kenneth ................... 452 King, Chas. M., zoning ............... 37 King, Edwin H.- ...................... 72,73,83,85 King, Henry Y., Bond ................. 9,320 Klein, John J.- ...................... 168,172,305,454 Klipp, Annual report, 1958 ............ 101,249 Klipp, Joyce, Dog Enumerator ......... 224 Klipp, Norman E., Pond ............... 121 Knapp, Norman H.- .................... 162 Knollwood Lane, Mattituck ............ 444 Koke Bros.- .......................... 2,10,25 Kreh, James J., trailer .............. 454 Kreh, Peter, change of zone .......... 144 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 L LaColla, Latham, Latham, Latham, Latham, Latham, trailer ..................... 261 Edward W.- ................... 140,146 George & Dwight .............. 210,333 Ida Belle .................... 476 Irving ....................... 51,71,83,86 Raymond, Town Dump ........... 450 Launching Ramps ...................... 228,304,477,307 Lawson, Freddie, trailer ............. 285,455 Lease of Demarest land, Orient ....... 328 Lease of Emerson property ............ 456 Lease of Sound Beach, Shd.- .......... 317 Legion, Burton-Potter Post ........... 292 Lehner, John, roads .................. 466 Life Guards .......................... 173,315,449 Lights: Cutchoque .................... 277 Blinker, Depot La. & 27A ..... 62 Depot Lane, Cutchogue ........ 435,492 Lupen Drive, Cutchogue ....... 440 Main Road, Cutchogue ......... 464 Parochial School, Cutchogue--163 East Marion, Rocky Point ..... 88,100~197,310,400 Greenport, Bailey Ave. Survey-483 Ninth & Brown Sts,Greenport--445,476 Mattituck .................... 423 Mattituck ~1 ................. 58,152,213,359 Bray Ave., Mattituck---Survey483 Deer Park Rd., Mattituck ..... 416 Howard Ave., Mattituck ....... 322 Legion Ave., Mattituck. 90 Love Lane, Mattituck ......... 295 Mary's Road, Mattituck ....... 482 Riley Ave., Mattituck ........ 223 Sigsbee Road, Mattituck ...... 46 Theatre, Mattituck ........... 183 War Memorial, Mattituck ...... 44 Westphalia Road, Mattituck---428 Wickham St., Mattituck ....... 450 New Suffolk .................. 14 Beacon, New Suffolk .......... 20 Caution, New Suffolk ......... 2 Orient ....................... 122,280,288,310,423~ King Street, Orient .......... 427 Skippers Lane, Orient ........ 473 Peconic, Police .............. 476 Southold ..................... 152,270,416 Boisseau Ave., Southold ...... 308 L'Hommedieu, Southold ........ 276,263 Library, Southold ............ 46 Locust Lane, Southold ........ 44 Main Road, E., Southold ...... 308 Oaklawn Ave.,Southold ........ 308 Oaklawn Ave.&Main Road,Sthld- 8 Old Shipyard Lane, Southold--215 Route 25, Southold ........... 215 Traffic Light, Young Av,Shd--477,505 Lindermayer, Otto .................... 70 Lindsay, Therese A.- ................. 26 Lister, W. Harry, Boatmen's Harbor--- 26,162 Wickham Creek ...... 286,292,427 Zone ............... 27,32,43 Lorti, Dante A.- ..................... 173,179,185,189 Correction ......... 199 Luce, Flora S.- ...................... 440 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 M Mackey, John ......................... 479,483 Madeline Avenue, F. I.- .............. 470 Mail Haulage ......................... 402 Mamola, Paul, clamming, etc.- ........ 474 Mansion House Drive, F. I.- .......... 470 Marcell, Frederick (Constable) ....... 321,416,477 Marchean, Michael .................... 462 Mark Road, Mattituck ................. 332 Marshut, John, trailer ............... 38 Mattituck Council 934 Jr. Order Mechanics-326,339,348,349 Mattituck Harbor ..................... 449 Mattituck Shopping Center ............ 267 McBride, property of ................. 449 Mellas, James P.- .................... 301,361,404,451,465 Midgley & Horton, Rogers, zone ....... 43,49,50,51 Miner & Kaelin ....................... 297,325,333,334 Moffat, Florence ..................... 295 Moisa, Henry ......................... 285 Molin, Thos & Oscar .................. 150,156,163 Momeweta, Camp ....................... 451,458 Moose Trail, Cutchogue ............... 317 Motorola Company ..................... 392 Muir, John & Geo.- ................... 10 Muir, Robert L.- ..................... 477 Muirhead, Donald, trailer ............ 26 Mulligan, Aleda, accident ............ 466 Mullvihill, Jas.- .................... 451,458 Munnatawket Road, F. I.- ............. 470 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 Mc MacArthur Airport .................... 90 McBride, Fran~, Land for dump ........ 422,449 McCloskey, Elizabeth, Bond ........... 373 McDonnell, Francis ................... 282 McMann PriceAgency ................... 323 McNeill, Donald, Bathing Beach ....... 44 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 N Nardo, Robert & Carol ................ 198 Nassau Farms Assoc., Little Creek .... 462 Naugles, Genevieve ................... 150,161,168 Nematode ............................. 257,263,269,321,449 Newbold, Max W.- ..................... 1 New Suffolk Beach Property ........... 505 New Suffolk Landing Ramp ............. 455 NYS History Contribution ............. 162 Nidds, Edward ........................ 160,169 Nickles, Grace ....................... 277,279,281,284 North Cross Road, Cutchogue .......... 172 North Fork Advertisement Promotion Committee---281,288 North Fork Volunteer Firemen ......... 177 North Parish Drive, Southold ......... 89 Note, deferred payment ............... 406 M~r. 1958 - Nov. 1961 Oaklawn Ave., widening of ............ 426 Oakwood Drive, Southold .............. 9 Officers, appointed 1961 ............. 395,394 Officers, Elected 1961 ............... 393 Officers, Town, Four year terms ...... 408 Official Newspaper ................... 255,397 Old Town Road, Orient, E. M.- ........ 198 Olsen, Elizabeth ..................... 296,445 Ordinance, Bingo ..................... 47,148 Ordinance, Boats, hearing ............ 328 Ordinance, Cemeteries ................ 445,459 Ordinance Fee ........................ 21 Ordinance, Mooring Boats, etc.- ...... 48,51,148,153,164 Ordinance, Sand pits, etc.- .......... 167 Ordinance, Trailer, etc.- ............ 58 Ordinance, Violation of Zoning ....... 38 Ordinance, Zoning .................... 202 Amendment ................. 410 Organization Mtg., 1959 .............. 127 1960 .............. 229 1961 .............. 393 Orient Causeway ...................... 441 Orient Historical Soc.- .............. 327 Overton, Constance K.- ............... 17,21 Overton, Jonathon .................... 31,40,161,192 · ; Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 P Papish, Kenneth ...................... 83,84,99 Papson, Leander ...................... 462 Paradise Shores Assoc.- .............. 10 Park District, Cutchogue, N. Suffolk- 33,308 Park District Meeting ................ 142,271 Park on roadside ....... 474 Parking, Cutchogue ................... 176 Parking, Legion Property, Southold---180 Parking Area, Orient ................. 437 Parking Lot, Southold ................ 259,267,303,312,462 Park, South Harbor ................... 456,457 Pat Lane,Mattituck ................... 332 Peconic, Baldwin Plane ............... 361 Peconic Bay Blvd., Speed Limit ....... 504 Penalties ............................ 52 Penny, Geor. L. 3rd .................. 9,440 Petrucci, Angelo & Georgette ......... 24,49,59,72,83,86 Phillips, Morton J.- ................. 123 Pickett, James B., Bond .............. 374 Pietrewicz, Albin .................... 412 Plan, Comprehensive .................. 331 Planning Bd., Salaries ............... 254 Report ................. 390,396 Plaques .............................. 74 Police: Bids: Cars ................. 221,,407,412,419 Gasoline tanks ....... 305 Gasoline & tires ..... 62 Radios ............... 327 Building painted ............ 473 Cars ........................ 8,21,224,340,351,412 Car resuscitators ........... 492 Civil Service, Re: Residents---361 Gasoline .................... 70 Letters of thanks ........... 319 Radio .... r .................. 332,419,455 Tires------------71,72,89,445,452,451 Uniforms .................... 340~48,359,363,367,492 Uniforms, Auxiliary ......... 168,316,331 Youngs Ave. (at) ............ 451 Pollert, Wm. & P. Betts .............. 319 Polywoda, Jos., trailer .............. 20 Porter & Parking attendant, F. I.----452 Preston, Bob - Chapman ............... 167,173,177,180 Preston, R. T. Inc., Gull Pond ....... 450 Gull Pond Lane ........ 505 Preston, Ruth ........................ 477 Price, Harold, Bond .................. 248,374 Report ................ 379 School ................ 453 Procan, Inc.- ........................ 364,413,421,427 Property Purchase, Kenny Rd.- ........ 92 Property,Sound ....................... 319 Public Hearing, change of zone ....... 39 Pumillo, Frank ....................... 298,331,339,348,363 Puskarz, Eugene, zoning .............. 55,72,83,86,133 Pyle, Wm. N.- ........................ 251 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 R Rackett, Frederick ................... 446 Radford, Ernest, property ............ 319 Railroad Franchise ................... 412,430 Railroads .......... 505 Station ............ 453 Ramp, New Suffolk .................... 455,462,466 Raynor, George ....................... 44 Recreational Project ................. 165,300,438 Reed, James .......................... 477 Reed, Ralph G., Jr.- ................. 175 Reeve, Harold R., Sr.- ............... 173 Reeve, Selma ......................... 477 Rent Control ......................... 438,445,448,455 Reydon Shores, Dredging .............. 321 Richmond, Albert W., Bond ............ 248,299,373 Report .......... 391 Richmond Creek, Dredging ............. 165 Robertson, Douglass .................. 505 Robins Island, Fire Warden ........... 436 Robinson, Frank ...................... 295 Robinson, N. S., Open Dev ............ 44,147 Rogers, Midgley, Horton .............. 43,49,51,50 Rosenberg, A. B.- .................... 10 Rosenberg, Herbert ................... 285 Rotteveel, Charles, school officer---463 Ruch, Valentine IV ................... 51,134,140,151 Rules & Regulations, Subdiv.- ........ 191 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 South St., Southwold, Speed Limit: Sacks, Arnold S.- .................... 17,72,83,84,99 Sage, Chas. S.- ...................... 2,18 St. Amand, Florence .................. 257,406 Salaries, 1960 ....................... 251,253,275,396 Sand & Gravel ........................ 167 Sand Pit, Laurel ..................... 315,320 Santacroce, Henry, Bond .............. 36,166,287,444 Accident .......... 38 Sappho Road, F. I. - ................. 470 Sargeant Exams, Civil Service ........ 298 Saunders, Franklin, Trailer .......... 432,479 Sawicki, Joseph, Bond ................ 36,166,287,333,444 Schmidt, Helene J.- .................. 292 Schneider, Jos.- ..................... 477 Scholtz, Mary & Marguerite ........... 315,320,325,333,334 School House Road, Extension ......... 317 Sewer Line, Moores Lane .............. 454 Sewer Pipe, Maple St.- ............... 364 Sholl, Joseph, gas pumps ............. 443 Signs: Cutchogue .................... 412 Depot Lane .......... 418,419 Greenport .................... 62 Orient ....................... 426 Southold ..................... 437 Witherspoon .................. 267 Signs, fee, permits .................. 22 Cutchogue ......... 412 Silvermere area ...................... 458 Sinclair, Wilfred C.- ................ 196,269 Sledzieski, Stanley .................. 279,280,281,284,288 Smith, Daniel ........................ 10 Smith, Geo. W. & Sons ................ 51,71,83,85,436,459,470 Smith, Harry ......................... 21,24,31,32,50,182,321,465 Smith, Henry, Zoning ................. 40 Snellenburg II, Joseph ............... 398 Snow fence on private property ....... 361 Snow & Ice Fund ...................... 420 Sorenson, Wm., Zoning ................ 60,74 South Harbor Park .................... 456,457 Southold: Dev. Corp.- ............... 436,459,470 Drainage .................. 297 High School, poles ........ 455 High School, road work .... 479 Park District ............. 317 Peconic Civic Assoc.- ..... 226 Realty Corp.- ............. 183 Town, proceedings against-210 Southold .................. 36 England, letter ........... 505 Bay Ave., Cutchogue .... 463 Creeks, etc.- .......... 472 Peconic Bay Blvd.- ..... 504 27A .................... 456,473 Spinthowiakis, A., Zoning ............ 37,49,52 Spring Pond, Speed of boats .......... 457 Stars, Costas ........................ 156,179 Stephenson Beach, Inc.- .............. 198,278 Signs .......... 278 Stensen, Henry & Evy ................. 29 Sterling Creek, Dredging ............. 75,148 Launching ramp ....... 293 Stop Light, Fire House, Southold ..... 473 Subdivisions, Rules & Regulations .... 191 Suffolk Ave., Mattituck .............. 462 Sunrise Coach Lines, Inc.- ........... 74,85,92,402 Supervisor, Mtg., Rochester .......... 257---Report--418---School--438 Supervisor's Office, Air Conditioner-282 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 T Tax Machine .......................... 70 Terp, Joseph ......................... 274 Terry, Howard M., Bond ............... 126,248,350 Attend mtg.- ....... 125,395 Report ............. 389,415 Conf.- ............. 253,261,305,326,474 School ............. 439 Terry, Wm. Y.,Beaeh .................. 44 Timpson, John E., Park District ...... 412 Tires, Police ........................ 71 Tourist: Camp Amendment ............. 362 Camps~e~e .................. 11,18,20 Court, Bessie Hodges ....... 100 Court, Bingle .............. 37 Court, Brown ............... 37 Town Beach Bldg.- .................... 436 Town Beach, water pump ............... 296 Town Bd. Committees .................. 412 Town Bd. Mtg.- ....................... 61,397,453 Town Clerk Bldg., painted ............ 20 Town Clerk Office closed ............. 453 Town Clerk Office, painting .......... 42 Town Dump, Rate of pay ............... 450 Traffic Light, Youngs Ave.,Sthld ..... 477 Trailer Court, Overton ............... 24,40 Trailer Ordinance, amended ........... 58,63 Trailers: Billman (2) ............... 314 Bishop .................... 442 Bolling, Waddie ........... 95 Bowers, Dorothy ........... 143 Brown ..................... 307,312 Bubb, Robert .............. 172 Buckingham ................ 125,145 Burke ..................... 307,311 Caley, Wm.- ............... 63 Coutts, Margaret .......... 156 Cowan, Wm.- ............... 249 Crowell, Harold ........... 176 Davison, Carl ............. 192 DePuy ..................... 442 DeVries, Jas. & Alice ..... 133,147 Easter, Lula .............. 222 Frelex .................... 483,493 Garland, Frank ............ 143 Goldsmith, Chas.- ......... 143 Guittard .................. 44,73 Higgins ................... 442 Howell, C. Fordham ........ 73 Johnson ................... 479 Kessler ................... 307 Klein, John J.- ........... 168,172,453 Kreh,Peter ................ 144,453 LaColla ................... 261 Lawson, F.- ............... 285 Listing ................... 311,314 Marshut, J.- .............. 38 Munson, Jean .............. 65 Nardo ..................... 198 Newell, John .............. 63 Peterson .................. 307 Price ..................... 23 Prins, Philip L.- ......... 91 Saunders .................. 429,432,479 Spicer, Bertha ............ 56 Stoutenburgh, Paul ........ 143 Taborsky .................. 23 Tuthill, John C.- ......... 331 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 19 1 T (con't.) Trailers (con't.): Wilson, Minnie ............ 491 Winter, Elliott ........... 427 Woodhull, Richard ......... 185 Young, Barbara ............ 279 Young, Fred ............... 327 Travelall, Assessors ................. 133 Trustees, Town, report, 1960 ......... 391 Tuthill, Henry, Bond ................. 247 Death ................ 371 Tuthill, Ralph W., bond .............. 90 report ............ 379 Two-payment tax system ............... 426 Typewriter, Bd. of Appeals ........... 261 Typewriter, Service .................. 269 Typewriter, Supervisor ............... 278 Unkelbach, William 184-222 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 V Victoria, William & Regina ........... 339,352,363,366,477,478,494 Village Dump, Use of ................. 417 Village of Greenportw Franchise ...... 348,359 Village Highway, Crane ............... 327 Voorhis, Edwin & Son, Inc.- .......... 331 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 ' ' W Waiver of Notice ...................... 87,259,323,361,368,371,419,432, Waiver of Notice ...................... 209,300,317 450,506 Walden, Robert, raise ................. 57,277,286,288 Water Supply .......................... 122 Mains ........................... 462 Welfare Officer ....................... 252,393 Wells, William ........................ 11 Wenzel, Henry G., Jr.- ................ 182,214,223 West Harbor, F. I.- ................... 437 White, Anita, Dog Enumerator .......... 221 Wickham Creek ......................... 286 Wickham, John ......................... 22,167,315 Wickham, William ...................... 175 Williams Property ..................... 32 Wilson Landing, Cutchogue ............. 317 Wilson, Minnie, trailer ............... 491 Wilson Road, Cutchogue ................ 317 Winters, H. Daniel, Bond .............. 36,166,287,444 Raise ............. 57 Witherspoon, signs .................... 267 Woodhollow Prop., Inc.- ............... 18,25,446,465,475 Woodhull, Richard L., trailer ......... 185 Worth, Dorothy ........................ 282 Wunneweta Pond Assoc.- ................ 26,162 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 Y Yankee, Charter of ................... 209,297 Young, Archibald ..................... 9,74,431 Young, Barbara, Trailer .............. 279 Youth Program ........................ 43 Mar. 1958 - Nov. 1961 Z Ziegler, Chas. & Florence .............. 1,20,46,62,75 Zito, Mary Ann ......................... 89 Zone change, Peconic, Cutchogue ........ 24 Zone Ordinance change .................. 6 Southold ................ 40 Cutchogue ............... 39 Section 1012 ............ 48