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FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-31316 Date: 12/02/05 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: 1710 NORTH BAYVIEW RD EXT SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 79 Block 6 Lot 3.2 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JUNE 1, 2004 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 30411-Z dated JUNE 18, 2004 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED TWO CAR GARAGE, COVERED FRONT PORCH & REAR WOOD DECK AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to E R YANKE HOME (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL R10-04-0053 11/16/05 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 2040775 09/29/05 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 12/02/05 CUTCHOGUE EAST PLUMB&HEAT Authorized Signature Rev. 1/81 Form No.6 - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 t I APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA" This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses,or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy-New dwelling$25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building$25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses$50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building- $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy- Residential$15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. New Construction: __� ____Old or Pre-existing Building: (check one) Location of Property: d A /lq IMW House No. Street Hamlet Owner or Owners of Property: 4- R, �S /NG. Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section D!/q Block e7p0l Lot bd3 . 000,E Subdivision Mtr(pr -6-0 _f 1/L X/_ 1 /`�5T Filed Map. Lot: 136mut No. o-_tel ---�ate�fpernut. -1R �- -Applicant: _ f�Dfr9E5 //5(G Health Dept. Approval: g10 —e) L/^QO57?�Underwriters Approval: Planning Board Approval Request for: Temporary Certificate _Final Certificate: (check one) Fee Submitted: $ _ 5 D© 9 3 7 Appli USignature Cdr / 3 / � FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 30411 Z Date JUNE 18 , 2004 Permission is hereby granted to: E R YANKE HOME 1710 NO BAYVIEW ROAD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED TWO CAR GARAGE, COVERED FRONT PORCH AND REAR DECK AS APPLIED FOR at premises located at 1710 NORTH BAYVIEW RD EXT SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 079 Block 0006 Lot No. 003 . 002 pursuant to application dated JUNE 1, 2004 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on DECEMBER 18, 2005 . Fee $ 1, 780 .20 4'"- 1 K� Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 • N NNMINIMMOMMIMM111 1NNNNNNN03O 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 5 BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY S e�5 40 FULTON STREET — NEW YORK, NY 10038 5 CERTIFIES THAT 5 5 Upon the application of upon premises owned by SJIM SAGE ELEC. INC. EDWARD YANKE rj P.O. BOX 38 LOT#1 N. BAYVIEW EXT. 5 5 GREENPORT, NY 11944-0038, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 5 Located at LOT#1 N. BAYVIEW EXT. SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 5 Application Number: 2040775 Certificate Number: 2040775 S 5 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC: ns11 ttt5 Described as a Residential 2400-2999 square ft. occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 SBasement,First Floor,Attached Garage,Outside,Attic, 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard 5 5 promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 29th Day of September,2005. 5 5 Name OTY Rate Rating Circuit Tvoe 5 Alarm and Emergency Equipment 5 5 Sensor 2 0 Carbon Monoxide 5 Sensor 6 0 Smoke Appliances and Accessories 5 Exhaust Fan 4 0 F.H.P. 5 5 fj Future Appliance Feeder 1 0 20 Amps �5 Future Appliance Feeder I 0 40 Amps 5 Furnace 1 0 Oil l Pump Motor 1 0 1 H.P. Air Conditioner 1 0 60.000 BTU Wiring and Devices Outlet 74 0 Fixture Fixture 74 0 IncandescentOutlet 98 0 General PurposeReceptacle 59 0 General PurposeSwitch 51 0 General PurposeReceptacle 1 0 20 amp Laundry seal Receptacle 1 0 30 amp DryerContinued on Next Page 1 of 2 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. ci N�� tr�n s uut nen�rL3o 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 5 BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 5 40 FULTON STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10038 5 7c CERTIFIES THAT 5 5 Upon the application of upon premises owned by 5 JIM SAGE ELEC. INC. EDWARD YANKE �j P.O. BOX 38 LOT#1 N. BAYVIEW EXT. e� GREENPORT, NY 11944-0038, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 c Located at LOT#1 N. BAYVIEW EXT. SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 e�c 5 Application Number: 2040775 Certificate Number: 2040775 c� 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC: ns11 Described as a Residential 2400-2999 square ft. occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 5 Basement,First Floor,Attached Garage,Outside,Attic, A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 29th Day of September,2005. 5 5 Name OTY Rate Rating Circuit Type 5 Paddle Fan 2 0 S 5 5 GFCI Circuit Breaker 1 0 20 amp Appliance 5 Disconnect 1 0 60 amp Air Conditioner 5 5 Receptacle 7 0 GFCI 5 Service 5 I Phase 3W Service Rating 200 Amperes 5 Service Disconnect: 1 200 cb 5 S Meters: I 5 5 5 5 5 5 seal 2 of 2 S This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 °� g�Ff01��, Town Hall,53095 Main Road to at Fax (516) 765-1823 P. O. Box 1179 d Telephone(516) 765-1802 Southold, New Yom 11971 `. y'yol � Sao OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD C E R T I F I C A T I O N DATE Building Permit No. 30 Owner: 'Z�-- g • Ygr,t:i-- //oy�5 (plea//se print) Plumber: -� " l�1Srk.�.( _ �u7G�.m�ct L 'P- tf (please print) I certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. lumbers Signature) Sworn to before me this U!i@ 1'k SfEWP.RT �9 - day of N p y NOTARY PUBLIC Sw:4 Now M No.5246633#5 Notary Public — ounty tSmO �Mf*ft trynftv.31t tlDl/ .o�y pF SOUTyO`o 3o � I z 0 `y�rovxn�' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [x] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ��■ r s�s sr r=ui�Yi� REMARKS: 77" aAk- DATE 3 .3a OS INSPECTOR 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE A CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: DATE $ L ° `F INSPECTOR 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] 5OUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: v� foo w k DATE 3 b INSPECTOR n 76S-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION FRAMING [ ] FINAL ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: GtJt.J� �`✓� DATE /0 10 INSPECTOR t:. 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [�ULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: ��- ,� DATE INSPECTORZf24 OF SOOTyo6 36 f I I z #Q TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING % X FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS- DATE EMARK :DATE INSPECTOR 11-Ile 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] F AMING [ ] FINAL [ FIREPLACE A CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: S/c DATEINSPECTOR /L �o�y OF SOOTHo� �o '4 / 1 2 #© TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPINGW FINAL A [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: DATE II ( ' r ds INSPECTOR 'a� page ImAtx dated rom Richard G. Wright, AIA/NGA! l ARGH/TFGT phone (651) 549 1700 fax (651) 549 1914 To: W"49 766s. 9so 18 June X04 Pat Conklin —Plans Examiner !/ Town of Southold P.O. Box 1119, Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: House Design • 70 dated March 2004 Proposed New Residence for E. R. Yanke Homes Inc. Dear Ms Conklin: Pursuant with your request in our phone conversation this afternoon I would like to have Included into the filed plans prepared by me the following: 1. Provide and install smoke detectors on all building levels Including the attic and cellar in conformance with all NEN YORK STATE CODE. Requirements. Please do not hesitate contacting me if you require additional data or have any questions regarding this submission. Very truly of �scl,eo a� a �PpC` �c 4 A Ric and C. Vii t, AIA/NG qAM o�a ar ENCLOSURES �I< BTPT4 JW2 lam RGWabm CC: Ed Yanke L-Trr E. R. Yanke Homes Inc. 75 wampum Way Southold, New York 11971 RICHARD C WRIGHT 71 NEW STREET AIA / N CA R B HUNTINGTON VILLAGE NEW YORK 11743 A R C H I T E C T TEL 831 549 1700 • FAX 631 549 1914 L. 7 June 2004 i Plans Examiner Town of Southold P.O. Sox 11'79, Main Road Southold, New York 11411 RE: House Design # 7C dated March 2004 Proposed New Residence for E. R. Yanke Homes Inc. Dear Me Conklin: Pursuant with your request in our phone conversation this afternoon I would like to have included into the filed plans prepared by me the following enclosed data: 1. Revised (7June 2004)RE5check Compliance Certificate -New York State Energy Gonservatiol Construction Code. (2) Copies signed and sealed by me. 2. On DRAWING # 1 Under CODE COMPLIANCE DE516N CRITERIA the note referring to the protection of openings should read ALL WINDOWS TO BE PROTECTED WITH WOOD 5TRUCTURAL PANELS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TABLE 1609.1.4 OF THE BUILDING GORE OF NEW YORK STATE. We would like to have these revision incorporated as an amendment to the plans currently on file. Please do not hesitate contacting me if you require additional data or have any questions regarding this submission. oVerytr t, AIA/NCARB ENCLOSURES RCW:ibm GG: Ed Yanke E. R. Yanke Homes Inc. 75 Wampum Way Southold, New York 11411 RICHARD C WRIGHT 71 NEW STREET AIA / NCARB HUNTINGTON VILLAGE NEW YORK 1 1 7 4 3 A R C H I T E C T TEL 631 549 1700 • FAX 631 549 1914 i ' Permit Number REScheck Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code REScheck Software Version 3.5 Release le Data filename:C:\Program Files\Check\REScheck\Yanke 7b 2004.rck PROJECT TITLE:New single family Residence COUNTY:Suffolk STATE:New York HDD:5750 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Detached I or 2 Family HEATING TYPE:Non-Electric DATE: 06/07/04 DATE OF PLANS: March 2004 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: HOUSE DESIGN #7C DESIGNER/CONTRACTOR: E R YANKE HOMES, Inc Southold,NY R C Wright,AIA/NCARB-Architect COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA=514 Your Home UA=483 6.0%Better Than Code(UA) Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling I: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1953 19.0 0.0 100 Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling(no attic) 544 19.0 0.0 28 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 2484 13.0 0.0 179 Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 279 0.320 89 Door I: Solid 21 0.230 5 Floor I: All-Wood Joisl/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space 2497 30.0 0.0 82 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications,and other calculations suhn ed with IN Iication. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy C Co lrucliot pan When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they at P of A O��elief,and professionaljudgmjit,such plans or specifications are in to t oil Builder/De!igne 1 a Date o � 0 '~E YTP- REScheck Inspection Checklist New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code RES checkSoftware Version 3.5 Release le DATE:06/07/04 PROJECT TITLE:New single family Residence Bldg. Dept. Use Ceilings: [ ] 1. Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: [ ] 2. Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling(no attic),R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: I Above-Grade Walls: [ ] 1. Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-13.0 cavity insulation Comments: I Windows: [ 1 1. Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E,U-factor:0.320 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes_Frame Type Thermal Break?[ ]Yes[ j No Comments: Doors: [ ] 1. Door 1: Solid,U-factor:0.230 Comments: Floors: [ ] 1. Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space,R-30.0 cavity insulation Comments: I Air Leakage: [ ] Joints,penetrations,and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage must be sealed. [ ] Recessed lights must be 1)Type IC rated,or 2)installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5"clearance from combustible materials.If non-IC rated,the fixture must be installed with a 3"clearance from insulation. I Vapor Retarder: [ ] Required on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings,walls,and floors. I Materials Identification: [ ] Materials and equipment must be installed in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions. [ j Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. [ ] Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment must be provided. [ ] Insulation R-values and glazing U-factors must be clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. Duct Insulation: [ ] Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-8. [ ] Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-4. [ ] Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R-8. [ ] Return ducts in unconditioned spaces(except basements)must be insulated to R-2. Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. I Duct Construction: [ ] I All joints,seams,and connections must be securely fastened with welds,gaskets,mastics (adhesives),mastic-plus-embedded-fabric,or tapes. Duct tape is not permitted. Exception:Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in.w.g.(500 Pa). [ ] Ducts shall be supported every 10 feet or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. [ ] Cooling ducts with exterior insulation must be covered with a vapor retarder. [ ] Air filters are required in the return air system. [ ] The 14VAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems. I Temperature Controls: [ ] Each dwelling unit has at least one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. Electric Systems: [ ] Separate electric meters are required for each dwelling unit. Fireplaces: [ ] Fireplaces must be installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. [ ] Fireplaces must be provided with a source of combustion air,as required by the Fireplace construction provisions of the Building Code of New York State ,the Residential Code oJNew York Slate or the New York City Building Code ,as applicable. I Service Water Heating: ( ] Water heaters with vertical pipe risers must have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. [ ] Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. I Circulating Hot Water Systems: [ ] Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. I Swimming Pools: [ ] All heated swimming pools must have an on/offheater switch and require a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources. Pool pumps require a time clock. I Heating and Cooling Piping Insolation: [ ] HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 °F or chilled fluids below 55 °F must be insulated to the levels in Table 2. Table l: Minhnum Insulation Thickness for Cireulating Not Water Pipes. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Heated Water Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Temperature(F) Up to 1„ Up to 1.25' 1.5"to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-160 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-130 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minhnum Insalatlon 7&ickness for 9VACP4zas. Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range(F) 2"Runouts 1"and Less 1.25'to 2" 2.5"to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate(for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water,Refrigerant, 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 and Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD (Building Department Use Only) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD /Gd0- 3• Z OWNER STREET -710 VILLAGE DIST.1 SUB. LOT N Sod �✓ot, S � o / ✓ r o FORMER OWNERVIDUKI i NE ACR. lVd, 195i9 4J/Eu//f /, y S W TYPE OF BUILDING WE -rr SlA - Gc Gf - f ,ES. SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS /f00 X23/Z Z i a / 30oD - AZ- W2i.V .r Ikuk G ly _ 4-Brn 1 ��, _ ✓ 49 - Max W�-( I lf5 r 000 1<0 vow k(is 9 000 � r419i�-�I (8Uc��g�- kaynu K!�-s. �,'f, �"u ilGiyfJulCli'S— �v/� 'illabie FRONTAGE ON WATER ✓oodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD ' 1eadowlend DEPTH louse Plot BULKHEAD otal V F#ELD INSPECTION REPORT DATE COMMENTS i 2 K o VL -ro A w. 0 FOUNDATION(1ST) y x ------------------------------------- DA roti . 8 0 FOUNDATION(2ND) 'Y�A vin C T T\ t21 O 1 J i ROUGH FRAMING& 7- PLUMBING 0 y Cil INSULATION PER N.Y. STATE ENERGY CODE t UA IT r FINAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS o m 5 4/ O � z Zi ho o � Wb y TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DIPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN MLL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 Survey www.northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined 7 20_g,40( Contact: Approved �a -,20 Mail to:F./?, Disapproved a/c I ty,4MPil/�! m0 SnJT�06l�rn�l/yr�� Phone:,4,3/-74 5 Expiration,20� /� /Bing InsplS6 = t ector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date �o �/ 20S4 INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in pat'for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings,additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections, 171dm& (Signature of applicant or name,if a corporation) 'JS GIANPL'N Wd 127/11,(0 /// //97/ (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or buil Name of owner of premises /. [LY44/ e aat PvG, (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is aco ati , signature ofd authorized officer 1z 41 �� �Z (Name and title of corp rate officer) Builders License No. 1 ;3 0 Y /d 1 d- Plumbers License No. A 7!7'— P Electricians License No. �U 5r7 F Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land ork which proposed work will be done: Irl la ��/T d4fiIF42 WD&2 171.4o House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 2C7 Block di"'? ' ` Lot, . , Subdivision MIgI4 5yig, — Jllc,"4L ul�lN.57�i Filed Map No. Lot (Name) 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construt'tion: a. Existing use and occupancy l/NDEVh? 0 fQ2 ! b. Intended use and occupancy 5-/./GSE f M I 3. Nature of work(check which applicable): New Building--- _Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Description) 4. Estimated Costs®r ppO Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units / Number of dwelling units on each floor / If garage, number of cars 4 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front " Rear Depth Height Number of Stories -- Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front - - Rear - Depth Height Number of Stoties — - 8. Dimensions of entii/e new construction: Front 7 Rear 6 Depth Height a3 Number of Stories 9. Size of lot: Front—L5::5 / .g Rear /-'F0 Depth !�30-7- 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner /(qj/ 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated O 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES_NO-)�- 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES_NO� 14. Names of Owner of remises oC `f�g� �jriY/Address1`'S"rVf4,-y/�Phone No.63/-�f�5=/ Name of Architect /= tJRiG T Address?/,/Em Phone No631-5"19-jPoo Name of ContractorE&.XsAj&,- /,i/m ir/c. Address 5 Phone No.6-11-2 soul .tv 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO X_ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES &D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO_)( * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) /"le Z_&&0Pn R. ) r 42aa, Bf,,- g YAN G><�✓/a21^emg duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name offmdividual signing contract)above named (S)He is the 6VI/�VZ — C ew-/0,9 4Qtl— — OFFic /? (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this da of 200 otary Public Signature of App tt LYNDA M. BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No.01B06020932 Qualified in Suffolk CounIV Terre, Expires March 8,20 B7� TTTT ZT1 Applicant/ Date Owners Naive: Reviewed: 47 Architect/ Date Engineer: it. L� Submitoed: L / SCTM 4: District: 1.000 Section: Block: 1,01: Project Subdivision Location: V-WA Name: Sin&Ie& separate Required certification: (Yes/No) AA,_41ig Req. Req Zoning Uistricc (Lot size; 1(--=Actual: O�— Req. - _,' I (Lot coverage protxse¢ I / Req. /J Req. (('rant Pard Proposed: (Side Yard Proposed: [Rear/Lf (Rear Yard rI Proposed- Project Description: r �6 AGENCIWERMTTS f Ate,--, REQUIRED FOR REVIri W N.A. ES Perm><t Number /�Jfl o`f-vu'3� Suffolk County Health Dept. New York State D. E. C. Town Trustees Town Zoning Board approval: Town Planning Board approval: . . 1, Flood Plane Elevation??? Flood Zone: X _ �' u Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 06/01/04 Receipt#: 1012 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Septic Permit-Construct- Resid. $10.00 Check#: 1012 Total Paid: $10.00 Name: E.r., Yanke Homes Inc 75 Wampum Way Southold, NY 11971 Clerk ID: LBOHN Intemal ID:95106 N SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT BA YVIEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, MY 1000-79-06-3.2 SCALE' 1'=50' MARCH 29, 2004 EL. lO J. lip l C.e O,j3ae, �\ If �0f @14v siTF;ZLi4 :'.OUf^['""' ''.i. '+�.=:T�' ;v"7'OFEiEAL7HSERVICES i ° 07 A2 nl 7CM 1,PPi Or CONSTRUCTION FOR A QOM ( tilNGLr FAMILY RESIDZNCE ONLY ._/Laf�oY fisREP,Pd0, lo. a�'. OD�j { 1Sp 4 ?'e, eG i:fir+ .t tl Cl .,-BEDROOMS f« EXPIRES THREE YEARS F OM DATE OF APPROVAL 40, , YES HOLE DATA FA FROM MW0R SUO&W-ION FOR CJ MICHAEL MONSTE/N' SEPTIC SYSTEM: (1) 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK (2) 6' DEEP B' DIAMETER LEACHING POOLS Law 1 am familiar with the STANDARDS FQQ APPROVAL 4' AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAM1L Y RESIDENCES and will abide by the conditions set forth therein and on the Permit to construct. swo a � The location of wells and cesspools shown hereon are OF NEW yo from field observations and or from data obtained from others. ` t. METZ,,, �y Elevations referenced to on assumed datum. i Flp ANY ALTERATION OR ADN17ON TD AWS SURLY IS A WaATION ��sa Of SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE- EDUCAnON LAW EXCEPT AS PER SEC TION 7209- SLM9IDID CZ 2. ALL L1E1 f- OAAI Ar yo HEREOW ARE VAUO FOR TN1S KAP AND COAlIES THEREOr•• O'IK Y pr •/ - f_�_ ' N,. 4969 QJ� SAID MAP OR COWESSEK Of-BEAR THE IMPRESSED OF IH£ 4;GpWYOR — % S ""05TSICNAMWE APPEARS HEREON. NO, 49618 LOT NUMBERS FROM MINOR SUBOlV1SIQN FOR MICHAEL NE/NSTE1N (S :01 1CANIC ■=MONUMENT 9' �d�MtieG (631) 765-5020 FAX (631) 755-1797 AREA-63,902 SO. FT. P.0. 80X 909 tii(1 a 1 r 1030 7RAPn FR c 7 "T 3vyl r � s ^�,r��) SURVEY OF PROPERTY I - AT BA YVIEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I SUFFOLK COUNTY, MY 1000-79-08-32 SCALE. 1'-60' MARCH 29, 2004 SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 (FNDTN. LOC.) (VgC.4,VT) fC. la" 8AY�h cb AV Jp3,}aB. Q �! 4 0. h eO 1S0� Ei ago. TEST HOLE DATA FROM MINOR SUBDI NSION FOR C AES MICHAEL WINSTEIN' J ? SEPTIC SYSTEM: (1) 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK Low (2) 6' DEEP 8' DIAMETER LEACHING POOLS I am familiar with the STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL AND CONSTRUCT70N OF SUBSURFACE" SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES and will abide by the conditions set forth therein and on the SANS : GRAw< permit to construct. OF Nf The location of wells and cesspools shown hereon are �P�f t mert oy0'p�f from field observations and or from data obtained from others. Elevations referenced to an assumed datum. 4. , ANY AL 1ERA7KlN OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY ISA KOLA D "�ON .��4�.a✓.r� � OF SEC17ON 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE FDUCAn0N LAW. EXCEPT AS PER SEC770V 7209-SUB WNCN Z ALL CER77F7CA77ONS '►., �t6% HEREON ARE VALID FOR 7HIS MAP AND COPIES 7HEREOF ONLY IF N. 78 SAID MAP OR COWAES BEAR THE AWRESSED SEAL OF 7NE SURV£YOW WHOSE SOVAIURE APPEARS HEREON. CONIC S RVEYORS, P. LOT NUMBERS FROM "MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR MICHAEL WE.INSTEIN" 31) 765-5020 FAX (631) 765-1797 P.0. BOX 909 ■=MONUMENT „w X19 ,.,n �T 1230 TRAVELER STREETF11 r n HEALTH DEPT. REF. NUMBER RIO-04-0053 SURVEY OF PROPERTY N AT .BA YVIEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000-79-06-3.2 SCALE 1'=50' MARCH 29, 2004 SEP'E4/BER 9, 2004 (FNDTN. LOC.) RO E[. � ,4D FC1 2 s A 22 17 B 23' 29' 9 37 34 °3�oe• of m P v m O Ju sr G Q ?*O 'dry Q O l60 JfO� Q. . K! N Al CN SUFFOLK CL UNITY Cr <,kr'E.v j APPRO``ffA.t.'- ':1C1CD6 ORKSFOR .�"F�L'� A„i:GLE RESIDC :CE \�" ! Date NOV 16 2005 H S Re?.No '(yt o 0'1 12053 C' \ The Sewage disposal and 4rl_r supply faililie,5 at this location have been �tic� N>34 p ZO A Inspected andlor certified by This Department cr other agencies and found to U. jy be satisfactory FOR A MAXIMOF, BEDROOMS. X50 00 ez z�9. Walter J.Hilbert. e � 0 Office of Wastewater Management eO`P--f �i�JAF'f'FI TEST HOLE DATA SEPTIC SYSTEM: FROM 'M/NOR SUBDIVISION FOR (1) 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK MICHAEL wEINSTEIN" (2) 6' DEEP 8' DIAMETER LEACHING POOLS LOAM l am familiar with the STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES and will abide by the conditions set forth therein and on the permit to construct. The location of wells and cesspools shown hereon are SAND & GRAVEL from field observations and or from data obtained from others. 4 CF NEi,v yo Elevations referenced to on assumed datum. ANY ALTERATION OR ADDIT70N TO THIS SURVEY /S A NOLAT70N l - OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCA77ON LAW. EXCEPT AS PER SECAON 7209—SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CER77F7CAT70NS u' HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF i ``- lC NO. 49618 SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR ECONI P. WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON. LOT NUMBERS FROM 'MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR MICHAEL WEINSTEIN" (631) 7 ) 765-1797 P.O. BOX '�U LAtsO s ■=MONUMENT 1230 TPA VELE ET ARFA=R3, Qn2 2`30. FT. :�oUTHol n N Y 11Q71 04-134 �NEReL BDA N j T" 11 I. DO N> 6cALE THE DRAwNSS, 3. ALL fgNSTRULTON WORK 5IV.LL 0011 I4 TO . .F of 1 w YORK STALE .. . .., B, wLL cOxGTTs>Gn i - ----- --' -. ..-- - --- '------'--- .. _ oN I•IIORK sxnu rEw ' • - - DE YORe 5 TF To LINE OF CANTILEVERED Rw, 1 pp yy 1 C1,� FLOOR JOISTS ABOVE 4. ALL CONSMR Tj N WORK SHALL COHFORI,To W f1dI'�1 Gd TIQLaH fw 'Q l71SL. THE HAMONAL E�w-TRIc LODE. '•' 5. THE BwLDM SHALL OBTAINANO PAY FOR All RB [D PI33M ARRIT5:LB2TIFIGATES AND 1C�T5. b. rIR BUILDER SHALL Vlslt THE PRO.ELT SRE PRIOR I-- Y - To THE STARr of LO STTwenoN FxunxE r E PLus• PLUMBER CERTIFICATION ANO VdNFY ALL E%ISTIN&COHDInONS AND PH IS IONS. -. I THE BWLOHt SHFLL RI3SIXtT ANY DISCRHSANLIES IN ON LEAD CONTEfJ 1 ! r RE MMM&TO THE ARCHITECT FRIOR TO TIE CON 146 r -I - cas RucnoN. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY T. LIE BBLDER AND HIS SUBLONfRAOTOR5511/J1 BE n, I ,•Ln„�r. o �5 ED A5 n IRED Tcpa=nE WORK of aL E SOLDER USED IN'WATER SUPPLYSYSTEM CANNOT ' ISLi IR�IRms PaeFORMT MDRLOF� TESTING BEFORE COVERING THIS PRO"T EXCEED 2110 OF 1% LEAD. ' RESPONSIBLE FOR `�� �.�. ` I DOUBLE JOIST(BELOW BEARING FARTN I I All SAFM TA DARDS AND R AID ADIERE io • � 1` I ALL SAFETY 04EDARDS AM Rf�IiAnONS A5 DICTATED BY OSHA. CERTIFICATION N • . '11(•B O .I I 10.ALL.cowC BLOM SHALL BE LOAD NAILING A CONNEC COMPLY �'I-H 41_L CODES OF BEARIN&AE, E iNmBYAS.TJA. D. -. NEW YOR'' "4TE & TOWN CODES _ O I' n 8 I I I I n.ALL coNLREre Fo0nx55 AHD SLABS r0 0 F1EflU1RED. M 5�+ 4.i•••TV� 1, IroRcml IL o R IRm AHD AS REOUIFiEL AND CONDITIONS OF 38 GAYS. ALL CONCRETE FOR CIIRE•i PA7105 n' y 2 10 FJ ® 1 " 0. 0 . I I AND MTTIS ae STEPS 51uLL Iu A AN i. IlLnnnre SOU 10LD TOWN ZBA 1 I I + STRBYaTH CP 3500 P5.1.m O6 DAYS. 1TMlafi.VAUI'�tD ® I I 5*LOW $ATH DOM, I Q a CDNCRETE WAY BE TESTED As DEEMED SOU-LOUD TOWN PLANNING BOARD nt0 ' I I VOLa I c AttR To® i�i CODESOFE TS� SOlSDECTOWNTAUSTEES .kTHE RISSIMR I I I FODIINSS_ ALL�o►rgtauG � . _ T......_ ... _ - Ck I i 501E HAVIItS A MIWMIM BEMIN6 MEET THE OF H N.YS.DEC i-. ..... . .. . .. .. -ylll- I YORK S T U I TE: Q - - - - - I �InONS TO PRO RENTING MATERIAL 14.PROVDE BINMINOIIJ DMFROOFINS ON N1 RETAIN STORM WATER R i SUANT TO INDU3W sFASOHBo A OF HE TOWN CODE.ON 45 I UC F i _._._. .. A5 PER SPrL1I5 AID SPADE AND r _ M1 - - _ -, I DBL I - WBLB FIBHi STRESS OP _ - - - 900 P91.BEI FRAMINS LUMBER SHALL BE OCCUPANCY OR (917x8 eui S Oke ee.R - T- - - R �D z , - oen - _ USE IS UNLAWFUL /���1•��.y��� �Iy�� 'I� Il.FRO,IDE HEAOH+S NOT INOICAT ON RAMS iT�4 � l M91'1 l'!*f•IIt� I - _ _ ...• -$Y - �I (1)2rb IP TO 5'-0' t' X 1 r ° )SFOLLOYG'IZ3 TO 6WITHOUT CERTIFICATE K , ; i I 02.12 LF TO LO' OF OCCUPANCY G. o ,+ -..- ® _, .. BRI I14S �. it �I I F�� I6. A.L.HAW TONS LONlZmoxs AID OETAILs SHALL �n O _- I --- - --- - -'--- N - -� -'1'" 16t11H•4�' ^ O Ji coeFO TATE M RIP1_•a4,eiwlsna 110H WRE n�AL Ar APPROVfiD AS NOTED V T.ALL FLITLH RATE LTS STS SHALL BE BOLTED e O I I I Y I I TO rION A WITH K'� END 5JRE6ERED TOP AND -� o 0 BBAIuw PO•T5. DATE:' BOTTOM AND AT EAGII END,DIRELTLY OVH2 I - X 1 V` V INE OF IL i T 30.AEI.FLUSH CON,,, WN5 SHALL BE MADE NTH FEE: 1��0.• BY: y lIMP5di'6,LVA,,,, ,gTAL.xHST HANSBtS ,..- I l_ _ 2 - 2 X 10 2 X I 2 - 2 X 10 2 2 X. 10 AND STEEL COI&TIE AG MANPAcnR®Br NOT BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT _ --� - - I I 51MPSON 5IROIY TIE 766-1802 SAM TO 4 P FOR THE I 31.ALL LEDSLTiS SHALL eE BOLTED To WOOD N H FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: _ 1. FOUNDATION - TWO REQUIRED G. - - - I ° 1L'16:1Ot . I, 1 Q , EJ�AN5DN BOLTD9 5'LONb. BOLn"SHALL S5 � POUCONCRETE .. , : .. I I , • • ._ •_� I ��t110'WW Y 1 ° - _ ,� _ _ _ _ I - ml a ai. ANO BOTroM oP tmSBR AT 2. ROUGH .POURED & MBING Ap I I X I I I 33,paLBI.E•LP FLOOR ,1515 DIRELTLY ANDER ALL 3 INSULATION OR nTG� I ruxb PARnTDHE FARALLLi NTH FLOOR 4, FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST 1 . .-- ----- - ={LL _ . _ O _ - - ' - ' - C4 ._, BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. _ AI--... I I L. .± I D I ' i V. "' -- - •-" - - _ 1 b I O3.ALL II.MINATLD WOOD 61ROSPS 51tNU-BE ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE I IB'-O' 21-OM ++1cRD-LAM'.4AMALAM'OR,6u+5-LAn REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW . .,,T� r I iE� • MAtLFAOn.RED ReOI,DOW+LAS FIR LAMINATED YORK STATE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR i I V13E62 LB•EER STRESS w BEIDIN6(FB/ •3800 P51 MIWMlL HOOI1LIr 0F'BISnGItt • 5T NOp00 /� -+� y I ( I II• HI m,rMDRtIoR 6Ho>m �A5 DESIGN OR CQNSTRUOTION ERRORS. .. C 7) 1 z Xa • (9J 2 -I \ 1- 2 X IV• •�,r I , ,I �3 `•1f1 '1. r s_ N I SPBLIFIEDwwLmlS Br,nE WAILFAOTLaETS HD , _ ,', - 2 X 12 I I _ * . I Ar 1N mnNb Br'ne ARc uTr�T. r I g I e0enw,eroR MST 1'gLfJY1 MANJFACnSE9L5 - -- -. yRl nONS FOUR ALL IHsru.LArwN yIp{}�pp i{ - X 10 ' I I 3,.ALL STRUGTLIN 51 SHALL BE FABRILATBD UN�EAT,lN11GRJCEATIFICAIL INS'A IN At`'YI°RDce s'HOP NDRnwlNwss REQUIRED �comm TIOHSABWcnnOlL9.ANCHORS 6 I . . I Q :'� ,- •,� f O I I 35.ROLLED C= mw Arae sTw�Tuw`°L STEM. DO NOT PROCEED WITH FIFSHALL TH °CSGOi`"ow,To A .TM.A-SOI. FRAMING UNTIL SURVEY nRE O BY AMBiIIGAN STAIDARD OF AS BEEN A N LOCATION r01LBr AND BATW FI%ILRES swul eE As OF FO H BEEN APPROVED. - I - - - --Cr - I _SBL 1 V tL I I I V -- HOICK ON 1 E PLANS(SHALL Be A5 �}' I 3T.ALL NIDOYB ANO SLI' GLASS DOORS L I I Vi I - I MAN.FA Tlm Br TIE A.wOB'cSEN NNOOW *4'0 SHALL 59 JL�:.7�4i� +Y HA EIa THE 1A � ril'�Bs�ApL� /6 X 1 i •' I # I I Ty SET IN MORtARLALl GERN9G TILILE E FOR W/J15 r I -yy•��III' ti fz I n 2 X 10 FJ ® Ib" �G D.F 1 I ° SET( BE THIN SET• bE 16TlBOAOoBALLS CODE COMOLIPINCE O D v T TWO LINES SOLID BRID�INb A ALL 511 MEN STALLS. AL. NWA SHALL AN SET I •� �:-I sTwm � 12N = _ _ _ AT POINTS In °;� D AL""�`A� DESIGN GRITERI>flk L - - - Y! A L 1 L7/ `I� •I u 3'L A.L.FINISHED 5 AID CEILING TO BE U2' } v I ' i SANDED AND FAINTED.' ,�I ARRANGE FOR ALL THE RE5117ENTlAX GOlJP i Z� . �- - 5 6YPSIIM BOARD SPACKLED W.T - y s� I RBdNRm WSPECnONS AS Rt>olnREo BY nE W.THE 91ILOHZ 511ALL TP1LE GIA I I LINE OF G!4 I EVERED FJ I �I 'O I - - - - I - _ i Diuln � FIw1 of NEIN YORK 5T.4TE E I• ,R J-D J- SHALL OBTA FOR I ~ ` FIGATE FOR .} ,��y!�� ., I I I I 1 n K • I I 31.RILHARD G YRISITY A ARLWT T.15 NOT ww?R.L/.. yh I r h s I ,�1� ' I II N TI�NWOFSTR/'n115 W15,R11LnDN pT w 1 I BASIC WIND SPEED � a° I IJT �� ` a) 2rw uA _ _ I F a I I o Q ' � a- WrTHIN 1 mile from COAST O _ -�tl��_ .. I I --••Fl� ---I W 8D I I I I I �_ --FC4 _-�tyrxe.•�M I . D BORNE DEBRIS ZONE per RBO1.O(4),I20 ml/hr O � O to i ALL WINDOWS TO BE PROVIDED WITH WOOD i I I I 5TRUCTURAL PROTECTION PANELS IN S UI o I ( iI GF EA E@ • I ' a SBL - - _ i I CONFORMANCE WIT�o u�i O I - _ �, I 6 I _ ti I I �cuC�xTnnifr�fcK Y,tc t- - - 1 � /bROUND SNOW LOAD per R901.2(5) 45 Lbs/bf va I CJ I L_ I I t SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA per RSOL2(2) UUUIII n I I = 51�y3g1'WE>t. RKdtD I I _ - - = I I �. -. • . , ,• I I- _ CATEGORY G NO 9PCGIAL PREVISIONS F.& MAW •N: I LINE OF GANTI L Q ' I I jr, V- I I FLOOR JOISTS PBL Inoo ll - nvr QQ.. DESIGN FLOOR LOADS I �G F' I .. LIN! OF CANTILEVERED R FLOOR JOISTS ABOVE AT R.WITHOUT CC: 5TORAGE LL 10 IbsASF FI .)f' ,IAhf �� _ . N O / .• 9-7 � SLEEPING ROOMS LL 90 Ibs/5F V BODE. L- _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - _J I �J '1 ROOMS OTHER THAN L - - - - - - J d StESPMb ROOM15' Lb 40-b6,SF _ exERGYGOA fW'1AVlWCCWST"TlONWOE - . . . - or New*eORK srATE. 'FOUNDATION PLAN LINE OF CANTILEVERED \� .I ( pOr MEGfisek GOmPllSWO Repoli I I : FLOOR JOISTS A�BONE all-a'' 4'-11/2^ 4'-11/2" . LINE'OF ROOF r pyERHANb TYPICAL _------L- ___ i I � I 77 I mal IFtGC7R:,.': .o �,y1 p11 _ • 1 ... v 1 1 I 4 � i WLG• � I p ' . . ._..._....._...._....... _..... ._. ry 1 tI F1 1•i .L'IN i y HOOP DEg�K FA& 00611 R I - 3660 PKT. I i ! I m m - —" �10 s r 1r pr; r iMASTER EDROOM ' r '"a r 7 d I in I � 57�7URAL NI7EG711r2AL Y I -0 1Ns-o1a DW:'+d�g Qr�cdr,CCl� - V I ? -1-- ' 42' j \ _._I,�- "._...�... FW6 60611 L 1 1'IC ST0 - I3EG 45d g6• . PREF a. _ ' ,Y r ' �� . I Lt O m w ♦ \ V +� �" i 4• ,•� �, I inn o c I . . I '•{g y 1 B I I t v 1� P�j••• \'� ,t I l■�� �" ,y� �9 Paa IRd� I '� It - I w w � �� :,�I o o Qn� . :#�' I �(p`-l1". ' Nd �, I I �� �Q •. i � y,s�..�i I J } At B LO -Ak 111 13 MN1LN' I 2046 OH Cq R '� 0' � _ � � •T FII}7� �- ���- II`+ � - - 1 ` I 2046 DH , �. ., :n '►� o BEDROOM +r ca ` I TG E b M , � ' -- u =--- — --. It C5ir 1 p 1. 4 F 4' I S'-O• 4' I 4^ I _ 4 1 r- 14% 4 \ 1 _ i m L II 4H I Ar ' k t ¢ b 41 s' Z Z p1 m t _ 4r TL ift / I / i all N v I, Q JU'E. Il.11 1 I 7 �. 4NFIS �s' FOIA p+ 15' SW -4' 'V" 1 - ■� 7 O f T-p" 2046 DH m i 4' BEDROOM 3046 DH I TWO OAR o m ry GAR?ICE / 'II MIT, II' I� MAW I PIRStAIrtlD i'G" I ------ - -- - ------� FLOOR PLAN � � _ _.,.. 5 .1N :W�,1`4,'SFICILB..,��i1�, ', _ , - IN Q .um,• ;.. -- - -- 6r0 2 I I i 3 GR 24 IO'-0" 7'-W _0'-0"_ 3'-0" _— - 1610" I I i — 1 i •,. J/ .. R. .. A.... . .. ..� ,I,.�. �1� /� SIMPSON L-50 IWS�CTl-rFtLe.r��P-�+�Q° "Fig I'uU�+-1'1Rr.Al . OF EACH EACH E I 76T RAFTER.pL��i�-l.! -1"C�.1'-.d.�'_1.�'P4Plu� SIMPSON�1 4r�:•1.L.Iuaet7"1/b�•✓rI W H2 HURRICANE i .. __ :-.-., CLIP m Ib" S • � G' fes, r ��'I Y' w �' EAVE FRAMING. RIDGE FRAMING • � ,�� I __. __ Q � I i DETAIL DETAIL I !I1 Ili SIMPSON LSTA56 DOUBLE STRAP m 161' O.G SUPPORT FOR WRAPPED AROUND SKYLI6HT5 DOUBLE 2x6 SILL PLATES AND DOUBLE FASTENED TO STUD SUPPORT FOR SKYL16HT5 (4) IOd DIA ROOF RAFTERS I LT N Sim -IM to pceµ�. 2Y.9 RR IG"OE i12>c,f 04 1401: PLA7FJ5 m ANCHOR 6' 0DIA.C,. (ONE STORY) HANHOR BOLT EERS HA 210- FOUNDATION SKYLIGHT ¢. , WALL/FLOOR FRAMING FRAMING wo _ 1�-��11 ; , `' '•_ -I' DETAI DETAIL STEEL COLUMN y ' '. .. . . _ _ �. I -...._ ___.._. -___ _ _ _ _ •• ' PLATE LAB STEEL .CJ�..Z�.ICl.' .,. .. .. - '- ;_ I . .. . . _ H-SIPHSURRIGANE - ._,. .. _._ . . _. .. _ . .. _ . .. .. . . . . . ... . _ 1 _ CLIP m Ib /�1 a K ' 1 BASE GONG. Lt .tl 1�1 lam! I.111IC I?,� 7rX10 IHNCY. ( • Ids 5 sm � r �J/ m I b I I V I _�' , d ' M \ (4) %° DIA ®016Y2" VIA 7 WE -V, II� �� s _� _ L I yq R, ANGHORN6FOOTIN6 (TYP) 51MPSON I " 3 43 —J IL r �_��.. Q` BOLTS SIDE EA. U210 " Q /'� H&R. m 16" a QO COLUMN FOOTING PORCH/RAFTER/GIRDER . r :+ Q, APs "� N DETAIL CONNECTION DETAIL, �' 1 .�968:1utw6 � flddG.Rla'�'+ I�SEIZIRXi _ ,�, II ba I i b Sd NAILS I� 2 d ix - NAlLjN's 1 x aF11e=RI KE._ L .1. ...... :, .. Bd NAILSAR: I�" o—. . = s1i .b 'r f2) 7112 2410 mac '1a paeoNLOAD PATH/FLOOFRAMING DETAIL iN1I � � s9 . �� - k I no iI `' TYPIG,4L FR?�MING DET�4ILS u Ub ej '��rQ I jjl Q :•� 6 xNO SCALE/pC ePAOINe� 14im'�.)(6X1 I/ '2%b Z -y^,yy/��13mm . ,IM1t.OMIWThRiWLIW 2-10 ]_IW IMM QO C ^4RKIiMYID1nG :. ?.xBRp] .IG".GG 2.Im2-Wr e res turn AT unmarlpu .-w a-w slN..n �e w a�PAy i( , FK � Gl� r 1VN 011. , •. rl rMM� ].Wu ]_IWu rR NW!.�ILoR�:s' W, .f�•Tr2]�]'.�.Tn� {v , LL .1 yy2-W2-wJ •� ROOF FRAMINGPLAN "' � QQ IG" 16.L• �'� piQ. 'I I�'Ap ��y /�MIL .rILL'n111�NdlW WGmNp IFlW�n A. O�NpTells MEW I. NA""e[taIIPEFEN1e Me eAeep ox V4119HEATIIro NAaeo b•ox GENRa Ar m R,11eL Dobe. R Y All ' . I PEEAIHIP 111'Raa srWKl�N�FPJSEATR9�5H4�LM�ONIB EO ORT N.NIIEW�NR G�ObL�Lro�z9n,gEIGNVA91� � •• 5NEAR PLATE,EHALL ne U5eo TO:7 IN n!LOAp PAnI, ]. WGI YV.LL SHEAT111N51s OONfWMN5 P/93(AIbCOTED.E10Hi.5•TC T/@LtATFD NREER OF NAILi sIVLL • rl : eCPEPMIT®To eE RryycEp ro l-Ibe r4R FOOr. e. lx]iROe10H ReeIBTAM II OI.e!ROq•xl6 xAIU ANtl 16 GAM bTAALEe hAE PEWiITnJ)1 GFOK IBC POR �— ,` •' AOOmq+u.ReawRCENre. ' bIIATWNe WMINVI 4FE mBP/.LRK PqY RVTFlL',bler5 MN bnpe. I B. rOR BOOP N 4 rP1T Or TI!ppu1SRR lWB or n'B pppr.INGWo1Nb 11SB(ql eACH eloG .. OP rIE ROOP PGK.nE.POOT PERIF2BER EDCe IOHE ATTILIPGIT REIiJIREIEMe SHALL BE VseO. ' � r b. 1'OR YNLL yEArIyIH HM1HIN 1 F6'T Or n1E LORIERe,nE a FOOT EOM 101E5 hTT/LIPEM1T pELr11RrHNib ' ' . . GRACE Be used. .• I 1�64 vim FIBERGLASS ROOF SHINGLES FIBERGLASS ROOF SHINGLES 6" EXPOSURE 6" EXPOSURE PERFECTION SHINGLE . . . .. _ .. _. . .. _ . ._ ...,.. ,_ . .(.- PERFECTION SHINGLE SIDING IZ SIDING _.._.__ .. .. ..... . .. . 12 GO NTINUOUS 4" WINDOW CASING CORNICE BOARD 12 _ LL - `r .. . . - 4" CORNER TRIM -'- 3 12 __ 4" WINDOW CASING - ---- - - -- 4" CORNER TRIM P Or PLATE — — = -- - — r S IL -, - . TOP OF PLAT (GARAGE) ,� � _ J —.--_— — .' _. . . . _..; _..______ •.>__. _ _ � f .. . I .__ . __ . _ ir - - rI —� F — INISH FLOOR 'C I 4 I (- , � 51iXtD.fi1•t5H- ifkaJ m � N TOP bF6,AR.SLAB __ FINISH GRADE in MIN. { . 4I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '1'I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- f — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 11L — — — — - - - - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �— — I = t FRONT ELEVATION j FIBERGLA55 ROOF SHINGLES FIBERGLASS ROOF 'SHINGL _. 6" EXPOSURE / _..._.___...__....—•-r....,... .. ........, .._. ..._..-_..,_____.__._. i 12" CONTINUOUS I PERFECTION SHINGLE CORNICE BOARD SIDING 6" EXPOSURE, PERFECTION SHINGLE 12" CONTINUOUS SIDING CORNICE BOARD 12 4" WINDOW•CASING I 12 \ y I r v 4" CORNER TRIM I / G \ J PL4" CORNER TRIM V Z #Z TOP dF ATE N WINDOW HEAD Q I TOP OF PLATE (OARA&W I Emil O A - I I S aJ v P o � z 4 I I UI 0 � tl m I FINISH FLOOR d- FINISH FLOOR 4 I d I N TOP OF GAR SLAB FINISH GRADE I I a7i MIN. „ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RIGHT, SIDE ELEVATION j , v I l`3M '7651 i} L DGRI•I •• L1� QININ6 �'R dR. • r a I FIBERGLA55, ROOF SHINGLES FIBERGLASS ROOF SHINGLES . 6" EXPOSURE 6" EXPOSURE `r PERFECTION SHINGLE PERFECTION SHINGLE . I — 12 'SIDING SIDING B I 12 - _ � '12" CONTINUOUS I e CORNICE BOARD ` 4" WINDOW 'GASING / \ STRUCTURAL ARCHITECTURAL ' 4 CORNER TRIM ` COLUMNS I I I TOP OF PLATE 4" CORNER TRIM WINDOW HEAD ♦MOOD DECK AND RAILS „ p 4 � s 1 • • i •r L ill MIS r m � FINISH FLOORTtTl=1 11 FINISH &RADE e W h � V : o� I I I I I I in MIN. . I Li Li I LJ U I I �� ti ' ��? Q i I .REAR ELEVATION FIBERGLASS ROOF SHINGLES 12" CONTINUOUS CORNICE BOARD 4" WINDOW CASING 6" EXPOSURE — x PERFECTION SHINGLE 12 } p SIDING e� 12 m z # 4" CORNER TRIM TPLLATE (,� °°T �D z v V Tor or PLATE — FIBERGLASS ROOF SHINGLES N * ja WINDOW HEADIn — 1 6" EXPOSURE J , 4 — S PERFECTION SHINGLE IDING 0. W 4 4 r - I U! r � s O ir Q FINISH FLOOR FINISH 4" CORNER TRIM FINISH &RADE — I i WOOD DECK AND RAILS I — — — — — % — — m MIN. STRUCTURAL ARCHITECTURAL I I I �i 7 ' No COLUMNS — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L — = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I LEFT SIDE ELEVATION j I , DONT. RIDGE VENT ' • I ,« •• •• NPII ASF -ONSTRNGTION 'l795 FIBERGLASS ROOFING SHINGLES d5!BUILDING PAPER IIJ AII�WN _i. - r ( Rr141NSUL.746'YHOOOGA SHEATHING INS nQJ: Agnow ry��y! ,.���� ��rr��I/,.�.�{IL,{{����..�yyI��IL�.,,PF1I�.wlb..[IMFV,-,-_ � �' 07d =WSZd4:1"-ISG 51�1 _RLh: 3_t ': bYS_ KQ (CONT. VENTED SOFFIT(TYPICAL) ! i AAGL3 �' 12 D ,AI.IM. LEADERS ! GUTTERS .&'C fie+Wu. id. I r - A BOLT � -y7ry-� �y,� � � ` ';I'- • -ID/6D .ANCHOR S Q`� `7• I TERMITE SHEILD) D TION 4 % 4 N Q i TYPICAL M. . SALL BALL FINIAL L _ F- RS . IJ BALLUSTE UCTURE 7_DIA. % 47' DEEB PA. FTSS t`�j •� _ v n- .'_ FIN. GRADE p Ir D' PL. FON. InL/ ON 16' X D' FT6S = c TYPICAL WALL CONSTRUCTION G _CEDAR SHINGLES i — 7 X 4 4 STUDS 0 IG' JI 4•CONC. SLAB � . . I/TGYPSUMBOARD SECTION AA 11••� COM. RIDGE VENT �y O II , � Pr 1 - � � � _ I I � I TYPICAL RMMF�/JNSTRY.TION - -7+„i7 ._ � �N{� - 1]95 UAS5 ROOFING SHINGLE5 I . 150 BUILDING CAPER —'--'--•` ' , ' .. THING IVff _ .. ._-:_..YA.M[.. . .V-� .__. ...--...__._,.... _ .. — - _Q 42 R-IFINSUL. OL65. • , � �� � � 2 % I0RRoi6' OG -- i Y { ` ' 17 CONT.VENTED SOFFIT (TYPICAU X16 F r • I -"� ^"ti I' D ALUM. LEADI:CO 4 GUTTERS - 0 gLp�t i _ _T _ _ .L Ram MAR SHINGLES •Q .�,� I 17df� �y O EeLIQ.p ._..._... .. 5 • BUILDING PAPER W Q B amu► ,� _ R-15 INSUL. N 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD N p TYPI A D Y N T wT10N L. 'u O r - - — SECT�ON . � .. . . 4 % ' V . FINIAL ". / .I -.. i '... 2 X Y P. BALUSTERS 1 t 1�- ,. .. ' .. = A WPPER5TTRUa N O s � � _ GG VBMNS TORE S - 7 X 10 4 . ', GIRDER 12" DIA:X DEEP PD. FT" 1d FIN. GRADE '. 1✓ U 7-7Wi C -- PL PLATE W/ ._ 1 - 4 — till • �, (CONT. TERMITE SHEILD) I/7' 6 C BOLTS D' Rc. FON. WALL ON ID' % D' Fi65 N o 7+/,r 4• WK. SLAB I SECTION BB I