HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 REPORT ON THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DURING 2004 For the FISHERS ISLAND SEWER DISTRICT By: MICHAEL A. HORNE, M.S., P.E. DTC No. 04-114-200 NOVEMBER 2004 I RECEIVED I gEC 6 2004 I Southold Town Cle~ dtc DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS NORTH HAVEN, CT NEW LONDON, CT STAMFORD, CT SPRINGFIELD MA I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I INDEX Introduction .................................................................................... Page 1 Background .................................................................................... Page 2 System General Description ............................................................ Page 2 Maintenance and Operation ............................................................ Page 3 ~ General ............................................................................... Page3 ~ Pump Station ....................................................................... Page 3 Community Septic System .............................................................. Page 5 Septic Tanks ................................................................................... Page 5 ~ Community Tanks ............................................................... Page 5 ~' Cinema Tanks ..................................................................... Page 6 1~ Coast Guard Houses Tanks ................................................. Page 6 Leaching System ............................................................................ Page 6 Cinema System ............................................................................... Page 6 Silver Eel Cove System .................................................................. Page 6 Sewage Collection System .............................................................. Page 6 Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................ Page 7 I~ Conclusions ........................................................................ Page 7 1, Recommendations ............................................................... Page8 Enclosure # 1 Maintenance Check List Enclosure # 2 Discharge Monitoring Report - Field Report May 18, 2004 Enclosure # 3 Discharge Monitoring Report DEC - May 21, 2004 Enclosure # 4 Operation and Maintenance Field Report - November 18, 2004 Enclosure # 5 Renewable Application N.Y.D.E.C. SPDES - April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION This report is written to conform with the requirements which were outlined in Item II of our contract with the Town of Southold on behalf of the Fishers Island Sewer District to conduct maintenance evaluations of the Fishers Island sewer district sewers, the pump station and wet well, the community leaching systems, the Cinema septic system and the septic system which serves the three residences which overlook Silver Eel Cove. In addition, the valving, generator, and all other operations were to be reviewed. Tests of pump station flow were conducted to test the pump capacities. The Community, Silver Eel Cove and Cinema Subsurface Disposal Systems were inspected and septage, as well as effluent, were measured. During this year, day- to-day operation and maintenance was provided by Harold's Construction Co. in accordance with the Contract with the Town of Southold. The collection system in the area of Officer's Service Road has been added to the annual review because of sewer clogging in the sanitary manholes during the past several years. The results of the collection system review are enclosed in Enclosure 4 "Operation and Maintenance Field Report November 18, 2004." It was noted that the pipe leading toward Silver Eel Cove is thoroughly plugged, which will prevent unwanted seepage or "pop out" of wastewater there. The purpose of the field evaluations and this report are to assure continued operation and maintenance of the system and control operation costs, especially electrical and replacement costs. Also, the strategy for least cost pumping ofseptage needs to be implemented. In order to assist the operator and fulfill a need, a maintenance checklist has been included in this report. (Reference Enclosure # 1). This checklist is tailored to normal operation and maintenance requirements. Although the collection system has functioned well in the past, it will need some manhole repairs to prevent clogging and backups. Conditions have changed since our smoke testing program about twelve years ago. Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2004 ! I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I BACKGROUND The Fishers Island sewer district includes the area of the South end of Fishers Island, which was established during World War II as Fort Wright. Based upon the 1943 Corps of Engineers map of the system, the sewer system consists of vitrified clay, ranging from 6 inches in diameter to 24 inches. Prior to 1985, a 24-inch diameter outfall sewer extended into Long Island Sound where raw wastewater was discharged. The map was traced by the Suffolk County Planning Department during 1964. Several copies of this map have been reproduced by DTC and sent to Louisa Evans for the District's file and to Harold's Construction Co. for their use. The residents, the highway department, the Fishers Island Water Department and others can obtain utility information from the maps. During the late 1970's and early 1980's F.I.D.C.O. purchased the Fort Wright area from the Government, and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (N.Y.D.E.C.) issued an order to Southold to eliminate the discharge to the Sound. A wastewater facilities plan, which included an activated sludge ~reatment plant system, was initially proposed. It was concluded that a plant would result in excessive operation and maintenance. Therefore, the current pump station and community septic system was developed, designed and constructed in compliance with the order. The flow ofwastewater into Long Island Sound was eliminated. On- going operation and maintenance is in compliance with N.Y.D.E.C. requirements. The system has consistently met N.Y.D.E.C. discharge monitoring requirements. (See the Discharge Monitoring Report [DMR]). (Reference: Enclosures #2 and #3). The wastewater systems included vitrified clay sewers ranging from 6-inch diameter to 24-inch diameter. The manholes are masonry. About two miles of sewers serve the Sewer District areas. A small treatment plant was proposed during the 1970's. After review, a pump station and large septic system were proposed, designed and constructed. SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The alternate scheme was accepted by the N.Y.D.E.C. This plan, which was implemented during 1986, included installing a pump station adjacent to and connecting the 24-inch diameter outfall to it via an 8-inch PVC line, plugging the 24-inch outfall, constructing a large subsurface disposal system near the airport, constructing another large subsurface disposal system to serve the Cinema and finally, construction of a subsurface disposal system to serve the three houses which are on the hill above Silver Eel Cove. The systems were constructed during 1985. Therefore, they are more than 19 years old. Considering the ages of the systems and mechanical/electrical equipment, they have served the residents well. Fishers lsland Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION GENER/IL This section addresses maintenance and operation of the system. The Town of Southold has contracted Harold's Construction Co. to maintain the system with consultation and specifications as needed from DTC. Harold's has operated and maintained the system for years and personnel are familiar with it. During two field reviews of 2004, Harold Cook and his personnel assisted in obtaining access to facilities, testing them obtaining measurements and relating important performance information about the system. In addition during 2004, Harold's has continued to provide services during periods of system failures. As previously mentioned, the leaching of the wastewater into Silver Eel Cove was identified and corrected by plugging the overflow sewer. Note: The Silver Eel Cove sewer manholes were plugged with soil in the past (pre 1985). This method did not work. The maintenance requirements for the system in order of effort required are: 1) The pump station and generator, 2) The community leaching field, 3) The sewer collection system, 4) The Cinema system, and 5) The three Silver Eel Cove residences system. They will be addressed in the following paragraphs based upon three site visits, numerous telephone conversations and faxes, prior knowledge of the system, and examination of plans and specifications. A. Pump Station The major components of the pump station are the submersible pumps, the wet-well, the electrical controls, the valve pit including check valves, isolation plug valves, a by- pass valve, and the generator. The fence, gate, a small spares storage building, grounds and electrical power distribution equipment are part of the station. In order to maintain the pump station and order parts, the plans and specifications are essential. The key maintenance requirements include continuous observation of the pumps and wet-well, checking the valves to assure proper seating of the check valves and operability of the plug valves, monitoring the elapsed time meters on the pumps to assure that the pumps are both working, check of vibration of the pumps, observation of the wet-well for excessive debris and scum, clean the valve pit and wet-well, exercise the generator, replace components in the electrical control system and bubbler control system when they fail or failure is eminent, replace the generator battery as required, and control rusting of the facility by touchup painting with rustoleum and other corrosion inhibitors. Rust control and cabinet sealing are important because of the proximity of this pump station to Long Island Sound. Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2004 3 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I ! i During May 2004, the writer visually inspected the pump station and other parts of the wastewater system. The primary purpose was to obtain flows for the annual Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the N.Y.D.E.C. One pump only was operating satisfactorily; the other one was out of order. The station generator was inspected, but not tested at that time. The one pump only was pumping below capacity. In order to replace a faulty pump, it was lifted using the tripod hoist. It was discovered that the lifting frame is completely rusted, both frames need replacement. During the flow testing for the DMR, two methods were used to determine flow into the wet-well. Based upon these measurements, it was concluded that the check valves were seating reasonably well, but was not perfect. A spare compressor should be kept in the storage facility onsite. The cost is about $200.00. During November 17, 2004, the writer reviewed the wastewater pump station. (Reference Enclosure # 4). The flow into the pump station was relatively high and medium strength. The wastewater had backed up in the sewer system because the controls are faulty. The pumps did not meet specification capacities ~and did not vibrate, however, pump 1 was noisy. Based upon the pump tests, it was concluded that the pumps were in good condition. Pump # l pumped at a rate of 137 gpm and # 2 at 149 gpm, which was unsatisfactory, compared to the specification of 180 gpm. (Note: Due to the lack of controls, the wet-well was pumped down 12-inches each time. The result may be lower than normal flows) i.e., it is possible that if they were pumped the full cycle, then the flow rate would have been higher. The following pump station maintenance items must be addressed: Obtain spare compressor for $200.00 +/- Carry out contract operations and maintenance. Repair spare pump, building door hinge and replace the electrical controls. If replacement of the automatic transfer switch is reasonable in cost, then it should re replaced with the controls. Note: Cost estimates for electrical control and transfer switch replacement are being obtained. Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the IVastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2004 I I I i I I ! I I I I I I I I I I ! i B. Community Septic System The major component of the community septic system are three, 10,000-gallon septic tanks, 1,184 feet of 4-feet. x 4-feet., 4 feet. deep concrete leaching galleries which form 14 rows of a flow distribution system. The wastewater flows from the pump station to the tanks. The grit and septage are removed in the tanks where it settles to the bottoms. The wastewater flows from the tanks into a distribution system and into the 14 sets of leaching galleries. The community leaching system was visited twice during 2004 in order to inspect various system components. The following are recommended: Flag or stake manhole tops prior to moving the grass/brush to prevent damage to them. · Submit cost proposal to replace 3 manhole frames and covers which were broken, presumably during mowing. · A cost proposal should be submitted to fix or replace the split rail fence. · Pump out square distribution boxes during the west tank septage pump out. Distribution to the leaching chambers was noted (See Enclosure # 4). Only one of fourteen rows contained effluent which was 6-inches deep. The distribution chamber near the leach field was observed to have deteriorating concrete one foot above the effluent level. C. Septic Tanks Communitv Tanks The three 10,000 gallon tanks were pumped during 2002 to remove sludge because they were filled to near excessive depths. During November 17, 2004, sludge depths were measured All of the sludge depths are shown in the Field Report of November 17, 2004 (See Enclosure 4). Based upon the measurements, the tank outlets have very little sludge in them, except the west tank which had 20.5-inches. The middle tank inlet had 36- inches of sludge in it. Septage pumping can be postponed until it is checked in May 2005 at least. Pumping is not critical yet. Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater 5)2stem Operation and Maintenance During 2004 I I I I I I ! I I ! I I I I I ! I I i Cinema Tanks This tank is in good condition. It does not need sludge pumping. Coast Guard Houses Tanks The inlet sludge is 18 inches deep which is more than a year ago. If a septic truck is used for manhole cleaning or community system pumping, this should be pumped - it is not critical. D. Leaching System The commurfity leaching system covers about 1.25 acres with 14 galleries or rows of 4-ft. x 4-ft. chambers. In order to evaluate them, manhole covers were removed at each end of the 14 rows and the depth of wastewater was measured on November 17, 2004. (See Enclosure #4). In summary, one row of galleys were accepting flows while the remaining thirteen were dry. It can be concluded that distribution is uneven, but overall the system has a lot of capacity. Based upon the aforementioned reviews, the following are recommended: · DTC recheck distribution during May 2005. E. Cinema System The Cinema System consists of a 1,500-gallon septic tank followed by four by four leaching chambers. Inspection of it reveals it is in excellent condition and does not need improvements. Septage levels are very low. F. Silver Eel Cove System This system serves three residences, which in the past were owned by the Coast Guard. This system consists ora 1,500-gallon septic tank and a large precast concrete leaching system consisting of large leaching chambers. It is in excellent condition. No improvements are required. However, septage increased significantly during the summer of 2004 from 12-inches to 18-inches. This system may require pumping during the next several years. (See Enclosure # 4) G. Sewage Collection System The existing system consists of vitrified clay pipe, which normally cracks at the bells or female fittings. Normally, groundwater flows into the system through these cracks. This does not appear to be the case for the Fishers Island System. However, at least Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2004 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I four stormwater catch basins are connected into the system and contribute substantial amounts of inflow during rainstorms. Elimination of this stormwater from the system was brought to the attention of the Town of Southhold after smoke testing the system 11 years ago. It will be addressed in our long-term improvement report because it costs to pump it and it taxes facilities including the community leaching field. A sewer in Officer's Service Road backed up, overflowed to the 8-inch sewer, which extends to the Silver Eel Cove, and leached out to Silver Eel Cove through a broken pipe or joint despite a filled in manhole and identification on the plans as "abandoned." This pipe has been plugged. H. Observations, Conclusions and Recommendation$ Conclus~ns During periods of non-rainfall and even during periods immediately following rainstorms, the flow drops down. This indicates that the groundwater table is low or it is not leaking into the sewers. The community leaching system distribution seemed to be much better than one year ago. Only one row of galleys is ponding just 6-inches deep. During 2001, the first clogging of the sewer with rags occurred and was resolved. The clogging of manholes with paper, debris and rocks has worsened. Based upon review of the 2004, maintenance information, the following can be concluded: · Clogged manholes in Officer's Service Road must be cleaned, inspected and rebuilt inverts if necessary. The normal operation and maintenance of the system was good. Harold's Construction Co. personnel are familiar with the system. Therefore, they are efficient. The pumps are in good working order. The collection system, especially manholes which have clogged, must be monitored. Backups can cause basement flooding and pollution. The corrosion of equipment has hampered the effort to provide reliable service. The flow distribution into the three tanks was balanced by a relatively low cost cleaning by Harold's Construction Company and remains balanced. It continues to work. The V-notch weirs must be cleaned and leaves removed each time the hatches are opened. · Purchase and install a new control and automatic transfer switch. Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2004 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I · Obtain spare compressor ($200.) · Fix storage shed hinge. · Pump out of septage from the three residential system near the Silver Eel Cove system should be considered in the event that a septic track is used to clean manholes or pump out the community system. · A spare compressor should be purchased and stored on site. Note: If the new system is a transducer, this will not be necessary. · The check valves seat properly. They should continue to be visually monitored, lubricated, if necessary. They shall be lubricated at all times. It is working. · Harold's should coordinate with the writer and Sewer District prior to conducting the above work. Subcontractor bills should be attached to Harold's Construction Company bills. · The broken community system manhole covers and fi.ames should be replaced. · A long-term flow community leaching system equalization system (low cost) should be sketched and presented in the long-term capital improvements report. · If more sewer clogging occurs, the mapping provided should be used to locate and snake clogs immediately so excessive backup does not occur. All clogs should be removed carefully to not carry solids downstream. · The community distribution vault concrete should be examined by Harold and a fix proposed. For example, bypass it, dry it and apply hydraulic cement. · Harold's should retain tracing dye. Recommendations Estimates of the costs for above work should be transmitted to the writer, the Town and the Honorable Louisa Evans prior to proceeding. 8 Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCLOSURE # I MAI'NTENANCE CHECK LZST << I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCLOSURE # 2 DTSCHARGE PlON'rTORTNG REPORT F'rELD REPORT MAY 18~, 2004 I ! I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I FIELD REPORT May 1 $, 2004 DATE Fishar's Island- Weather. Clear, Cool LOCATION Ramon Reyes Mike Home, P.E. Harold Cook (Checking) ATTENDEEB Discharge Monitoring R~ort SUBJECT Michael A. Home, P.E. c//~ REPORT BY Fisher's Island PROJECT NAME / PROJECT NUMBER May 13, 2004 MEETING DATE Harold's Construction Company Harold's Conztruotion Company DTC Harold's Construction Company 04-114-100 1. Upon arriving at the p,m? station, it was noted that pump #1 was shut down due to a seal failure 2. Pump #2 was ~ pumped all right tmtil near low water level, seal ~ilare light came on. 3. The spare pump was connected to the control panel and the pump #2 sta.~ed z~;n. 4. It ~eas decided to install the spare pump. 5. During the day, several methods were used to determine flow rates, 1) timing bucket to fall; 2) timbag wet-welL lSt: 8:10:38 8:11:07 29 see. 8:12:56 8:13:24 28 sec. 8:14:19 8:14:45 26 see. Average 28 see. 3 gal. + .467 = 6.424 gpm I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I ! Wet-well volume/ff. 9:00 a.m. 10:00:02 10:00:39 10:03:24 10:03:59 11:05 a.m. 11:16 a.m. 11:59 a.m. 1:20:05 1:38:30 2:00 2:27:05 2:40:08 3:36:27 3:37:14 3:38:43 3:39:34 3:40:17 3:41:07 FIELD REPORT Page 2 TTD3 x l~ft..x7.48gal./i~ = 211gallons/foot 4 Low water level 34" at 8:27:09 High water level 56" at 8:56:19 A = 29 211 gal.+ .29 'rain. 7_2s ~m · A = 37see. A --- 35 soc. 3 gal. + .6 min. 5.00 gpm. · A = 146" - 140" = .5 i~ A = 11 mln 965 gpm A=43min.(A=140"-128"= Q)= 4.9epm 168 ½" 163" Rate = .458x211 = 5.298pm · 18.25 mia 135 1.107= 17.96 122 ½ 13.03 Note: Leaking back through check valve No Good. AVE. =5 29+3 7 2 4.50 gpm ~ 47 51 sec. AVE. 49 sec. 3 gal. + .82 rain -- 3.7 gpm. I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIELD REPORT Page 3 Ave. Flow- (Inc. infiltration) Total: 6.42 x I hr.= 7.28 x 1 hr. = 7.28 gpm 5:00 x I hr. = 5.0 gpm 7.2 xlhr.= 7.2gpm 5.29 x 1 hr. = 5.29 gpm 4.50 x I hr. = 4.50 gpm 3.7 x2hr.= 3.7gpm 8hr. 355 ~. 436 gal. 3oo~. 432 gal. 317 gal. 270 gal 2,584 gal. Estimated evening flow 5 hours x 7 gpm Night Flow (domestic)* 11 hours x I gpm Total Estimut~ Flow: -13 hours x 2 gpm infiltration Total Flow: 3,500 1.100 eal. 4,600 gal. 1.350 ~1. 3,250 gal. *NOTE: Based upon clear wa~r extraneous flow was estimated at 2 gpm Thc above information likely inehdes a little impact flora summer visitors starting to arrive. 6. A pump test of thc new (rebuilt) pump was conducted. Pump start (~ 53" 3:30:54 Pump start (~ 34" 3:33:54 Volume 1.58 ~ x 211 gal/~ = 334 gpm 334 gal. + 3 min. = lllgpm + 7 gpm 118 gpm = below specification 7. Thc septic tank, were checked. Thc results are as foBows: West ~anlt inlet compartment W~ i'nnk Ollllet compartment Thin scum 16" sh, dge Thin scum 7 3/4' sludge Middle tank inlet compartment Middle mnle outlet compartment 2" scum 42" sludg~ Thin scum 1" sludge East tank inlet comp~ East mnlr outlet compartment Thin scum 11" sludge Tlxin scum No sludge Cinema System inlet compartment Cinema System outlet compartment Some scum 3" sludge Little scum No sludge Coast Guard Cottages inlet compartment 1" scum 14" solid sludge (Silver F~I Cove) outlet compartment 1" scum 15 ½" sludge Conclusion: Center Community and Coast Guard Cottages need to be pumpetL I FIELD REPORT Page 4 8. Pump Station ! I Two pumps and motors would not run because of seal failures. The control panel is set up to shut down a p, mp if one seal fails. Usually there are double seals. The seals do need replacement or the electrical connection inspected and repaired. The pump seemed to be all right prior to the seal failure light problem. I The pumps were pulled and were left ~mtll it is determined weather they should be repaired. At least one should be done for the summer. I I I Th~ pump station is about 20 years old. It should be considered whether the pump station should be upgraded ~ new pumps, controls and perhaps a small building to keep personnel and electrical equipment ch3r, or if the pump supports should be repaired and pump seals repaired. Costs must be identified for both options. Meanwhile, we do have a backup system for pumping. Photos of the pumps and supports are 8ttached showing the corrosion of the pump supports. 1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCLOSURE # 3 D'rSCHARGE MONTTORTNG REPORT 2004 MAY 21f 2004 ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS May 21, 2004 Mr. Joshua Y. Horn Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Discharge Monitoring Report Fishers Island New York Wastewater Systems NYS-SPDES DMR N.Y. 0.199214 DTC Project No. 04-114-100 Dear Mr. Horton: In conformance with our contract, we are pleased to submit the Discharge Monitoring Report for the Fishers Island Wastewater Disposal Systems. The sludge depths for the septic systems 001,002 and 003 as shown in Table l, and the estimated waste~vater flow rates ~or systems 001, 002, and 003 based on flow monitoring are shown in Table 2. We arc sending copies to Justice Louisa Evans, as well as the listed State and County officials for their records. Sincerely, DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS Murali Atlum, Ph.D., P.E. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Home, M.S., P.E. Associate Enclosures: Table 1 and Table 2 ec with enclosures: Justice Louisa Evans, Esquire Mr. Dilip Banerjee, Depar~nent of Conservation, Region 1 N. G. Kaul, Director, DEC Mr. l~dnr Doroski, Suffolk County Department of Health Services. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I System Descriotion FISHER'S ISLAND WASTEWTER SYSTEM FACILITY ID NUMBER - NEW YORK 0.199214 TABLE 1 SHOWING SEPTIC TANK CONDITIONS FOR SYSTEMS 001, 002 AND 003 MAY 13, 2004 (001) Community Septic System 3 10,000 Gallon Concrete Septic Tanks 12 Feet High. 10 Feet Liquid Level Depth, 20 Feet 6 Inches Long Seota~e Conditions West Tank Inlet Compartment Outlet Compartment Middle Tank Inlet Compartment Outlet Compartment East Tank Inlet Compatlment Outlet Compartment Thin Scum Layer Neglig~le Scum Thin Scum Layer Thin Scum Layer Thin Scum Layer No Scum 16" Deep Septage 7 3/4" Deep Septage 42" Deep Septage 1" Septage 11" Deep Septage No Sept,age (002) Cinema Septic System 1 1,500 Gallon Concrete Septic Tank 7 Feet High l0 Feet 6 Inches Long, 5 Feet 4 Inches Liquid Depth Septage Conditions Inlet Compartment Outlet Compartment No Flow in System Thin Scum Layer No Scum 11" ± Deep Septage 1" ± Deep Septage (003) Three Cottages Septic System 1 2,000 Gallon Concrete Septic Tank 7 Feet High, 11 Feet Long, 5 Feet 4 Inches Liquid Depth Inlet Compartment Outlet Compartment 2" Scum/Debris 1" Scum/Debris 14" Deep Septage 15 1/2" Septage I I i I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I SEPTIC SYSTEM 001 002 003 001 002 003 TABLE2 ESTIMATED WASTEWATER FLOWS (SEWAGE ONLY) SEASON Summer Winter Winter Sulxllner Winter ESTIMATED TOTAL FLOWS (INCLUDING EXTRANEOUS FLOWS) Sumll~¢r Winter Winter Slmlrner Winter FLOW (AVERAGE GALLONS/DAY) 8,800 gpd 3,250 gpd 700 gpd 7 gpd 550gpd 250gpd 15,600gpd 6,280gpd 700gpd 7gpd 550gpd 250gpd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I ENCLOSURE # 4 OPERATI'ON AND MAI'NTENANCE FTELD REPORT NOVEMBER 18~ 2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LAND ENGINEERED STRUCTURES SOLUTIONS dtc November 18, 2004 The Honorable Louisa Evans Fishers Island Sewer District Fishers Island, New York 06390 RE: Ma/mtenance Review - Field Report - Wastewater System DTC Project No. 04-114-200 Dear Lonisa: The community system, cinema system and Coast Guard system am in relatively good condition based upon field inspection. The Coast Guard system and two of the 10,000-gallon tank compartments are nearing the point that they will need pumping, but are not critical. The collection system in Officer's Service Road looks good with the exception of manhole # 6 (Police Station connection) is full of sludge. The repair looks good in terms of preventing a re-occurrence of the Silver Eel Cove overflow. The pumping station needs replacement of the controls. Due to the urgency, both Harold and I will get quotes. Twenty years is a normal life for these items. The salt-water environment probably shortens the lives of equipment. The details of the field work are in the enclosed report. If you have any questions, please call. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and the District. Respectfully, DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS Michael A. Home, P.E. Associate Enclosure: Field Report cc with Enclosure: Harold Construction Co. I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIELD REPORT November 17, 2004 DATE Fisher's Island LOCATION Bob Coumeyer Craig Pilkus Harold Cook Mike Home, P.E. ATTENDEES To Review the Wastewater System PURPOSE Michael A. Horne, P.E. REPORT BY Fisher's Island - Operation/Maintenance Review PROJECT'NAME / PROJECT NUMBER November 16, 2004 MEETING DATE Harold's Construction Company Harold's Construction Company Harold's Construction Company DTC 04-114-200 This review had been postponed due to early freezing and other emergencies, as well as inclimate weather. . PUMP STATION REVIEW Bob indicated that two pumps are in working condition, but did not know if the spare is operational and will be discussed in the following paragraphs. During Bob's troubleshooting, he discovered that the pumps will activate despite showing seal failures on the panels. It was concluded that the controls are faulty, not the pumps. In order to redly this, both pumps were operated by bypassing the seal failure circuit. Pump tests were conducted to check the capacities of the pumps. Pump # 1 - Capacity was computed to be 137 gpm. Pump # 2 - Capacity was computed to be 149 gpm. Both results are below specifications. However, due to the circumstances, only 1 foot was pumped down for each pump. The start-up could have lowered the results. Based upon observations, the capacities were about 170 gpm, which is satisfactory. The wet-well needs cleaning of the chunks of hardened detergents. This should be done when a septic truck is available. The automatic s~[arting time for the generator exercising no longer is functional. Bob starts it when he visits the pump station at least once a week. One section of fueling needs reset, and the spare pump door hinges should be reinstalled. I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STRUOTURGS SOLUTIONS FIELD REPORT Page 2 Since the pump station is about 20 years old and the penels are exposed to the elements, Bob must hand operate the pumps. It was concluded that quotes should be obtained for replacement of the controls and automatic transfer switch, and a small shed should be built to protect the new controls. They should be in a NEMA 4X panels, which will be weather-tight. Harold should contect the Wise Co. of Franklin, Mass. Phone 508-520-7835, who ere familiar with this pump station and another supplier. The writer will contact other suppliers. THE VALVE PiT The valve pit has a layer of gooey material at the bottom which was caused by back-up. The material and the entire valve pit should be cleaned after the controls are replaced. Bob has exercised the check valves. They appear to be seating satisfactorily. Generator:. The only complaint was the lack of an automatic exerciser. Site Light: Does not work, bulb should be replaced. Community Leachina Field First distribution box was entirely clogged in the western outlet. Bob used an implement to pull debris away from the pipe inlet successfully. West distribution manhole - invert is clear, but 6" sludge on shelf. Conclusion: When tanks are pumped, clean out the distribution box and distribution manholes. The following measurements were obtained for sludge depths in the (3) 10,000 gallon tanks. West Tank Inlet Outlet 1" scum No scum 14.5" sludge 20.5" sludge Middle Tank Inlet Outlet No scum No scum 36" sludge 12" sludge East Tank Inlet Outlet Some scum No scum 14" sludge 2" sludge It can be concluded that the west tank outlet compartment and the middle tank outlet compartment will need sludge removal in the future. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIELD REPORT Page 3 Distribution box after tanks: Good distribution Concrete aggregate showing. hydraulic cement. This will have to be corrected in the future with Galley System: (6) 64 foot (4 x 4's) and (8) 100 foot (4 x 4's) All entrance manholes were removed to observe flows. 13 of 14 were relatively dry. Row 3 west had I foot of effluent in it. Conclusion: The system was under loaded during this inspection. In fact, this is the best it has looked in the last 10 years. Off-season, dry weather or other things may have affected the results. CINEMA SYSTEM Inlet Outlet With scum No scum 5" sludge No sludge good condition COAST GUARD SYSTEM Inlet Outlet 4" scum No scum 18" solid sludge 2" sludge Conclusion: This system continues to fill pump when other items are pumped. COLLECTION SYSTEM See Appendix sketch for M.H, numbers. #1 Clean #2 Toilet paper, debris #3 Sluggish, need site to be cleaned fl-4 Clean I ! I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 FIELD REPORT Page 4 Clean Could not find Full of sludge, Police Station connects to it. Must be cleaned. Small rock pile in invert Needs cleaning Clean and dearly, the Silver Eel Cove overflow is plugged with concrete. Looks good. Harold's plugged it. $:\04114 Fishers Island~Field Rspor~11-16-04.doc I I I m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCLOSURE # 5 RENEWAL APPLZCATTON N.Y.D.E.C. SPDES APRTL 8~ 2004 I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I Apr~g, 2002 haw pr~par~t thc ~ Applicatieu for th~ N.Y.D.E.C.' (SPD~) ~ ~ F~ ~ Th~ dia~.h~,rgo monitoring r~port is du~ ~ May. We have cc~uctext th~ work for it in tl~ past. Wowfll bo r~tuostlng a oouU-,~ct mmm~l f~r that work in the near futu.m. Sinocroly, .. '. Dr~m<S~ TECHNOLO~ CONSULTANTS lVficha~ A. Horn~, M.S., P.E. ccM~Enclosum: Honorab~I. ouizaEva~ I I I I I I I i I NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDE$) NOTICE I RENEWAL APPLICATION I PERMIT Please read ALL instructions on the back before comblefing this application form. Please TYPE or PRINT clearly in init Permlttee Conta=~ Name, Ti'da, Address. Facll/ty and SPDES P~mit lnf;,~;~on S OUT~OLD (T) Name: _~zj.~' W C~.:[_,~.~ JOSHUA Y. HORTON .Ind. Code: _4952 County:. STjTFOL~- TO~T~' [-I~T,L,53095 Yd~TN ~ DECNo.: 1-4738-00,326/0000~ SOTJ-'Z~EO~ ~ 1197/. SPDESNo.: NY 0/.9 92/.4 Expire§on Data: 11/0~/2002 · Applica§on Due By: 05/05/2002 Are these name(s) & addrass(es) correct? if'not, please writs correctious above. The State Pollutant Discharge Elimina§on System Permit for the facility referenced above expires on the date indicated. You are requYed by law to tile a co replete renewal application at-least 1 ~0 days prior to expiration of your current pe .nnit. Note the ,ApplicaUoa Due Bye' date above. CAUTION: This short application form and attached questionnaire are the only forms acceptable for permit renewal. Sign Part 2 below and rna~ only this form and the completed questionnaire using the enclosed envelope.- Effects April. f, fgg4 the Deparbnent no Ionger asse$=es SPDE$ applicaEon fees. If there ara changes to your discharge, or to operations affecting the discharge, then in addition to this renewal appl'=alion, you must also submit a .separate permit moditication applica§on to the Regional Permit Administrator for the DEC region in which the facility is located, as required by your current permit. See the reverse side of this page for instructions on filing a modification request. ,I I[ ..... P.~ART._~2 .- R.~E,'~._F.~,.~?L A.P. PI .!CATION~ ................ ~.--. ,j CERTIFICAT]ON: I hereby idl'lrm IbM under penalty of penury that the information pro,dad on t/ds form and all attachtaents submitted herewllh b true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FaLse statements made herein are punishable as a.Class A ~sclemeanor pursuant to se~don 210.45 of t~ Penal Law. [~uralt A~luru~ Ph.D., P.E. Chairman and CEO I ' Name °f~T~" sig~ing applicati°n (see instrqcU°~' °n back)' Title I $ignatu . . Date !L-- . PART 3- =-=Rt,'~T ('3;;iow L~:s ime .- Cf;~ci:,[ L~o O.-.ly) ,,i' I Effecth, e Date: I / E~rpiratEo~ Date: I I I NYSDEC - Division of Environmental P~rmiis AddreSS: 1,3ureau of Environmental Analysis I PenT~t Admi~L~rdtor 1625 Broadway, Albany, NY 1.22.33-1750 This permit together ~ the previous valid permit for this faciEty issued ./__ / . and subsequent modtiications constitute authorizalion to discharge wastewater in accordance with all terms, cond~ons and limitations specified in the I previously issued vaikJ permit, moditications thereof or issued as part of this permit, including any special .or general conditions attached hereto. Nothing in this permit shall be deemed to wak, e the Department's authority to initiate a modilicafian of this permit on the grounds specitied in 6NYCRR §,321.14, 6NYCRR §754.4 or 6NYCRR §757.1 existing at the time this permit is issued or which a~se tharealter. I Attachments: General Condifii)6s dated / · * I I I I INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT RENEVVAL State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permits Before completing Part 2 of the one page NOTICE/RENEVVAL APPMCATION/PERMIT .form and the attached QUESTIONNAIRE read the BACKGROUND discussion and SPDES PERMIT SELF EVALUATION LIST found on the following p~ges, I 1. QUESTIONNAIRE.' Read the instructions and enclosed "Self Evaluation list~ carefully. Answer the questions that require a specific answer as indicated and enclose the questionnaire wi~ this application.. 2. OTHER FO PUS: You may receive additional forms that are not mentioned in the discussion accompanying this notice. These additional forms must be completed and returned with your application or your applicaton will be considered incomplete. For example: .Any facility located in Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau or Suffolk counties will receive an application supplement entitled Discharoes Within Sole Source Aouifers which must be submitted. 3. PART 1 - NOTICE: "Check the information in this section carefully. Make any appropriate corrections on the page. I Orclanization ' 4. PART 2 - APPLICATION: Read the ce~ficafion carefully and fill in the blanks. Pdnt or type the name and title of the person.who will sign the appli .cation in the blanks. Acceptable signatures are as follows: · Corporaton I - Parthership · Sole proprietorship I · Municipality. state, federal, or public facility Fill in the date of sianinq. Re(luired Sit, nature Principal executive officer of at least vice-president level or a duly authorized representative who is responsible for the overall operation of the facility. General partoer. Propdefor. Principal ex~cutve officer, other mnldng elected official, or other duly authorized employee. (See federal regulations 40CFR Part 12Z2~ available ab www.acce.ss.gpo.govlnara/cfr/cfrhtmL00/Titie_40/4Ocfr122_00.html for a full description of acceptable signatures) . I 5. FILING THE PERMIT APPUCATION: Use the envelope provided with this notice to mall the one page NOTICE/RENEWAL APPLICATION/PERMIT form, completed QUESTIONNAIRE, and any other forms requiring a response that you received with this no§ce to: NYSDEC -. Environmental Permits, Bureau of Environmental ! · . Analysis, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-1750. For questions, phone: (518) 402-9170 Keep a copy for your records. CAUTION: This *Albany address 'must only be used for perr~it renewal activities. Other questions I concerning permit, including all modification requests, should be directed to the Reqional Permit your · Adminisb-atur for the DEC region that issued your initial pan'nit (er refer to the enclosed list of Regional Filing Locations). ! . ; ~. PUBM¢ NOTIFICATION: The Department must do · public notification of our bfanl~on to ren.~w your ~arm t w~hout change. Comment~ submitted tu the Departmentwill ba usad fo]udge whether ypur I:~'mit may need to be medified in tha future. i I 7. PERMIT: Following public notice, you will receive a copy of the NOTICE/RENEWAL APPLICATION/PERMIT with PART 3 - PERMIT, tilled in and sig. ned. Then, attach this Dacze to t/our old ~errni~. The new effective and expiration dates will be indicated. i- 8. FEES: THE DEPARTMENT NO LONGER ASSESSES SPDES PERMIT APPMCATION FEES. This change in legislation does not affect the yearly Regulatory Fee which you must still pay. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Department has embarked on a program to streamline the administrative process of permit renewal and to improve environmental protection by redirecting our limited resources toward potentially deficient SPDES permits. This program is referred to as the Environmental Benefit'Permit Stratoav. To' achieve the benefits of this strategy, all SPDES permits will be renewed upon race!pt of the attached simplified application form, properly completed and signed. This is the only form acceptable for renewal of yo~.r permit. RENEWAL PROCESS It is imperative that you Understand that the attached Questionnaire and the signed SPDES Renewal form must be returned to the DEC central office in Albany regardless of any deCiSions you make on the need to modify your permit. This centralized processing of SPDES permit renewals is a change in procedures effective with all notices mailed after January t, 1995. The forms ask questions concerning your .facility and discharge. All changes to your permit, except for those changes listed below, will be a .ccommodated onlY within a separate permit modification process through the Department's Reqional Permit Adminisb-ator for the DEC region that issued your initial permit (or refer to the enclosed list of Regional Filing Locations). The following administrative types of changes DO NOT affect, the dsoherge and may be made during the renewal process: Correction of typographical eh'ors. Transfer of ownershLo (Obtain a transfer form and submit it with y?ur rer~ewal application. 'Refer to the enclosed Reauest For SPDES A.l~olicetion Forms.) ' Change in a facility name which does not involve a transfer of ownership. Attachment of revised General Conditions PEP, Mi I i EE INITIATED MODIFICATIONS Your current permit requires you to promptly notify the Department of all proposed changes which might affect your wastawater discharge. This includes production changes, use and discharge of chemicals, and changes to westewater treabnent/discharge' facilities. You,r responsbility lo maintain an up-to-date application on film with the Department is not diminished by this new renewal slretagy. Requests for permit.medifice§ons must be filed as soon as a change that might affect your permit has been identified or is anticipated, by filing an antira new detailed application (EPA Form '1., Form 2B, Form 2C, Form 2E or State developed forms) or by ~ing specific portions thereof;, either on a form or by letter, or both. Refer to the enclosed Rerluest For SPDES A~olication Forms to obtain blank forms. ' DEPARTMENT INITIATED MODIFICATIONS - Information on the renewal application questionnaire together with input from other sources from within and outside the Depadrnent mil be used to determine a priority for the Department to initiate modification of your permiL In this regard, yc~u may be required to submit a detailed, application (EPA Form 1, Form 2B, Form 2C, Form 2E or State developed form). You will be notified to file this additional information at least 90 days before it will be due at the DepartmenL Any futura Department initiated modification to your permit requirements will conform to full regulatory due process, including draR permit, public notice and opportunities for public hearing. -3- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The following list focuses on some of[he more frequent re~sons for requesting a SPDES permit modification. The list is presented to aid you in deciding whether to file an applloation for a SPDES permit modification, but it does not replace the need for you to be thoroughly familiar with all your current penni[ concretions, including the Part II General'Conditions. As part of the renewal process, we are asking each permittee to review this list and decide whether or not it will be necessary to separately modify your facility's pan'nE Individual responses to the statements in the "Self Evaluation List' are not required. A questionnaire, w~ich must be completed and submitted with your application form, is attached. At the and of rite questionnaire we have provided a space for you to indicate whether or not yot~ think your permit needs to be modified and what unresolved concerns you may have about the permit. The Department will use your response to the questionnaire to help determine whether your permit needs to be modified. Whan the Depadmant initiates the process of modifying your permE, you will lAely be contacted to 'file a long form application or to provide additional information needed to modify your permit. You will be given at least 90 days to provide the requested information. SELF EVALUATION CONSIDERATIONS_ FOR ALL SPDES RENEVVALS During the last five year cycle of your present SPDES permit, any of the following changes at your facility should have bean reported to the Department. Significant increases in discharge flow rate through any outfall point or increases to a level that exceeds the ~ow rate authorized in your permit requir~ a modification application be submitted to the DepartmenL (process, sewage and sanitary facility wastewater,or cooling westewaters) Facility expansions or other modifications, increased production, changed products, product process changes, or wastewater collection, treatment and disposal changes which wlil result in new or increased discharges of. pollutants requires application to the DepartmanL Iniroducfion of any new chemical substances into your manufacturing process or operation that could potentially appear in measurable amounts in your wastewater effluent and which are not covered in your SPDES permit must be reported to the Department, Facility modifications, process modifications, or produ~on decreases which will result in decreased discharge ef poitutants must be reported to the DepartmanL Use of new or differant water ~*eatment or water conditioning chemicals require application to the DeparlrnanL If you aware of any effluent moni[ofing on your facifity's wastswater effluent, conducted by anyone or any agency that indicates the presence of toxics (priority pollutants) which are not authcrized in your present SPDES permit and have not been previously reported to the Department, you are required to file an application for modification. SPDES permit violations, petroleum or chemical spills and leaks, or wastewater fl'eatment plant upsets which resulted in unauthorized pollutants being released to the surface or ground waters of the State are reportable to the Department as defined by the Part II General conditions. You must keep the Department informed of any changes in the Permlttee Name and Address, Facility Name and Address and Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Mailing Address found on the first page!of your permit. Forms are available to transfer ownership (ia: change permittee name) and authorb'~e a person to sign and submit DMR Reports (See order form on the back side of Questionnaire). You may report changes in FaciEty information and any changes to mailing addresses in the space provided on the bottom of[he Questionnaire and/or by correcting the labels on your application. -4- ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS' FOR INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES Industrial facilities that are specifically regulated under the USEPA Categorical Indusbial Guidelines 40CFR Parts 400 to 499 and have had significant long term increases c~r decreases in induslHal production rate compared to the rate reported in their most recent SPDES permit application or modification request must submit these changes to the · Depar'a'nanL Before implementing any plans to increase production, change product lines, modify wa.~tewater lmabnent systems, or begin .use of new chemicals in any way not presanfly authorized by your SPDES permit or potanflaliy generating a vioistion of the permit is cause far making application to the DepartmenL If your facility is planning for Zebra Mussel control activities using chlorine or other chemical conth31 methods not authorized in your SPDES permit or its modificalJons, a permit modification must be obtained prior to use of any chemicals. If your SPDES permit does not presanliy identify all point source storm water conveyances, including ditch or pipe ouffalis, which.ere defined in federal regulafinns (40CFR Parts 122, 123 & 124) es discharges associated with "industrial activity" and thereby subject to federal storm water permit regulations, a modification application must be filed with the DepertmenL The present due date for these storm water applicalions is October 1, 1992. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS (Po'rw) Any new infl'°duclion of pollutants or any substantial change in.the volume or character of poliutents from any discharger into your POTW should be reported to the DepartmenL The i~treduc~on any new chemical substances to your trealznant process that could be detected in your effluent and which are not covered by your SPDES permit should be reported to the DepartmenL Your SPDES permit should identify all bypasses, outfalls, overflows or combined sewer overflow points in your system. Be~re you approve of, accept or plan to accept indus'a'isl waste, h~:,~rdous waste, landf~ isachate, or septage, containing pollutants not covered by your SPDES permit, appr~:~atJon for a permit modification is required and any necessary permit mocr~cations must be issued prior to commencing such ac0vity. · The design of signF]cant changes or expansions tO your lmatmant facility, including plans to substentialty alter the method of sludge treatment, conditioning or disposal, must be submitted to the Department for approval and poes~le SPDES permit modification.~ Any proposals for extensions or connections before the local planning authority which would cause your treatment fam'lifies to violate permit conditions, such as flow, must be approved by the DepartmenL [ Any effluent monitoring that has detected pollutants not specified in your permit or that has exh~ited effluent toxicity must be reported to the DeperlmanL -5- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEW' YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PI~aSeanterlfle' DECNumber. 1- 4738 '.00526 /,00001. numbem tom your :.~m.t psrm~: SPDES Number.' NY 019 9214 SPDES RENEWAL APPLICATION QUESTIONNAIRE THIS PAGE MUST BE CoMpLETED AND RETURNED WITH YOUR COMPLETED APPUCA TION Please TYPE or PEIN'r nearly using adequate pressure to make ALL copies legible. Keep the GOLD copy for your records. 1. Has the SPDES permit for your faci]~ been modified in the past 5 y~ars [] YES [] NO Discha~gem ~ use, manufacture, store, handle or discharge toxic or hazardous pollutants am subject to Industrial Best Management Practices (BMP) plan requirements for toxic or h=~'~rdous substances. A BMP plan prevents or minimizes the potential for release of pol]utanis to receiving v/aters from such ancillary indusl~ial activitias, including materiel storage areas; plant site runoff;, in-plant transfer, process and material st=rage areas; loading and unloading operations, and sludge and waste disposal areas. Does your facility conduct ancillary activities as descn'bed above, which are not covered by BMP requirements in your current permit? [] YES [] NO Please indicate which of the foliowing best dascn'bes the situation at your facil'~: [] None of the concerns on the "Self Evalualion List" seem to apply to my facility at this time and I will not be applying for a mocr~oation of the SPDES permit in the foreseeable futam. []. Yes, some of the items on the "Self Evaluation List" have led me to believe my permit needs to be modified. I already have a complete medifioation application pending ~ the Department. [] Yes, ~ome of the items on the "Self Evaluation Esl' have led me to' believe that the SPDES permit for this facility may need to be Modified. I have requested the appropriate forms by phone OR I have completed and attached the "Request For SPDES Appl'ma§on Forms" (included in this renewal package) to allow me to submit a permittee- initiated Modification application. [] The items oD the "Self Evaluation l.is~ have left me unable to conclude whether my permit needs to be modified at this time. I am reporting the following general concerns about my permli: DISTRIBUTION: Regional Water Engineer- WHITE Central Office (BWP) - YELLOW Regional Permit Administmto~ - PINK Applicant- GOLD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BWP. S. PDES Foes (3/00),- supplement B: AQUIFERs State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Application Supplement B ' DISCHARGES WITHIN SOLE SOURCE AQUIFERS Page '~ o~ 1 IFacility Name: . I SPDES Number:. Fishers Island Wastewater Facility NY 019 9214 Your fac. llity may ,~e located in a sole source aquifer area, which is an area designated by Federal or State statutes. Maps showing lhe des!gnated sole source ames can be found on the intemet at: www.eoa.oovlre~ionO21waterlaauifer! 'Chapter 663 ~f the Laws of 1983 added Section 17-0828 to the Environmental Conservation Law which requires that any person seeking a SPDES permit or a renewal hereunder, within an area designated pursuant to any federal or state statute as a sole source aquifer, shall include as a part of the required information, the name and address of all public water purveyors with a service area or poriion thereof located within a three m~le radius of the applicant's tam'lib/. For purposes of this santioh "public water purveyor' shall mean any person, pa-lnership, public or private corporation, municipality, or public authority which sees water derived from a sole source aquifer to at least five sen~ice connections or at least twenty-five individuals. 1. Water Purveyors within a three m~e radius of your facaity: Please complete the following information to the best of your knowledae and attach it to your appticatio~t. Attach additional copies of this sheet as necessary. Name · Address None based upon U.S.G.S. Mapping..The Island water System is more than 3 m/les ' , from the wastewater facility. 10. 11. I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I Name anoint 11~ ~ pers~ ~b ~ ~n~ and ~uh~ Murali Atluru~ ?h.D., P.E. Chairman and CEO Diversified Technology Consultants 556 Washington Avenue [ North Haven Chairman (203) 239-/,200 I zlm064c°~3 and CEO Failui~ ~o patmalt ~ complet~i pag~ wkh your applic~uiou ~ rusuk iu yom' appli~oa b~ug doclaz~ k~omplete. Th/a' v,u'll d~.hy ~ of yuur p~it a. ucl au~hoxLu~iou to ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS dfc November 30, 2004 Supervisor Joshua Horton Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road, P. O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 RE: Report on the Sewer System Maintenance For the Fishers Island Sewer District DTC Project No. 04-114-200 RECEIYED DEC 6 2004 Southold 1'own ClerE Dear Supervisor Horton: We are pleased to submit four (4) copies of our report on the Fishers Island Sewer System Maintenance for the Fishers Island Sewer District during the year 2004 in compliance with our Contract. We have enjoyed working with the Honorable Louisa Evans and Harold's Construction Company during the year and have sent copies of the report to them for their use. Day to day maintenance was conducted by Harold' s Construction Company. The report presents the current status of the system and a program for continued maintenance in compliance with N.Y.D.E.C. requirements. We are prepared to answer any questions which the recipients of the report may ask, and we are prepared to coordinate and assist Harold's Co. in can-ying out continued maintenance. We are committed to keeping the electrical power and replacement costs minimized. Sincerely, DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS Michael A. Home, M.S., P.E. Manager, Special Projects Enclosures: Four (4) copies of the Report cc with Enclosure: The Honorable Louisa Evans Mr. Harold Cook, Harold's Construction Co. S:\04114 Fishers Island\O&MReport\l 1-30-04HortonLtrc.doc