HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoad Materials - Asphalt - F.I. ELIZABETH A. i~VTLT.E TOWN CLERK ]REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 12, 1999 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Warren Corazzini Northeast Surfacing, Inc. 3120 Albertson Lane Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Corazzlni: Enclosed please find your certified check no. 10975 for last year's bid on Type II Micro-Surfacing. Also, please find Notice to Bidders for this year's bid. Specifications will be available next week. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Nevi~ Southold Town Clerk Enclosure LI' I~/I I' i I:U 31~ ALBERTSON LANE ...... ' ~RT NY 11944 ...... GI~I ; DO NOT DESTROY THIS CHECK If not used for the purpose intended, please return for m-deposit to your If it is lost, stolen, or destroyed, an THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED Indemnity Bond may be required with the request for a replacement. --or1/l~;s L~L Wke~ UNT 05-1100-0190 (10/92) ~NO~ FORK BANK '"' '""~ SENDER: · Comptete itenm 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I 81SO wish to receive the · Complate itarrm 3, 4a, and 4b. following services (for an =P~nt your name and address on the reveme of this form so that we can retum th~s extra fee): card to you. =Attach this form to the front of the maJifxece, or on the ba~k if space does not 1. [] Addressee's Address permit. · Write'RetumReceiptReque~ted'onthema]lpiecebelowFneaniclenumber. 2. [] Restdcteq Delivery · The Rotum Receipt will show to whom the edicle wa~ delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. · o 3. Article Addressed to: Warren Corazzini Northeast Surfacing, Inc. 3120 Albertson Lane t ~ Greenport, NY 11 5. Received By: (Pdnt Nam~ I [ 6. Signature:~~') PS Form 3811, December 1994 4a. Article Number P 226 182 827 4b. Service Type [] Registered [;~ Certified [] Express Mail [] Insured .-~ [] RetumReceiptforMerchart~be [] COD  8. A(~dressee's Address (Only ff requested ahd fee is paid) 10259S-97-B-0179 Domestic Return Receipt P ~1= ~.SP TOWN CLERK US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No rnsurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sentto Warren Corazzini Nnrthe~t Surfacing, Inc. Street & Number =ll)a Alhert~on I ~ne Post Office, State, & ZIP Code 1 .a,0 W~bm&oateDelivemd ~ \ I~25 ~ ~ __ ! First-Class .l~il UNITED ~I'ATE$ POSTAL SE,I~'. £ ' ?', ~ .......... ~ .... "] P~ge ~e~s P~d · Pdnt ~dr ~a~, ~re~, and Z~ ~de~ ~ ~x ~. - Elizabeth ^. l~iae Southold Town Clerk PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southo]d, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ADOPTED BY SOUTHOLD TOWN ON APRIL 14. 1998: THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Northeast Surfacing, Inc., in the amount of $.676 per square yard, for the application of Polymer Modified Emulsified Asphalt Pavement Course (Type II Micro-Surfacing) and Sa~0:00 per ton, Truing & Leveling (Type S - Shim), all in accordance with the bid specifications. ~A. Neville Southold Town Clerk April 14, 1998 THE PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE COMPANY SUBMITTIALS AS PER BID SPECIFICATION BID DATE: 4-9-98 BID TIME: 10:00 AM Northeast Surfacing, inc. · 3120AIbertson Lane · Greenport, NY 11944 (516)765-9410 · FAX (516)765-5510 THE PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE COMPANY Proiect List: Customer 1. Town of East Hampton 2.Town of Southold 3. Town of Southold Parks 4. Greenport High School 5. St. Patrick's RC Church Location Various Streets Various Streets Various Parking Lots Greenport, NY Southold NY Size 225,000 sq.yds. 120,000 sq.yds. 15,000 3,000 sq.yds. 6,500 sq.yds. Contact Person Chris Russo, Supt. Raymond Jacobs, Supt. Raymond Jacobs, Supt. Craig Richter Tom Regan Northeast Surfacing, Inc. · 3120 Albertson Lane · Greenport, NY 11944 (516)765-9410 · FAX (516)765-5510 [ IKOCH KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY ASPHALT DIVISION Here is the mix design and test results for the TIIcon New York Inc., Haverstraw, NY,, stone sand, Type II aggregate, A range from 7.0% to 8,0% residual asphalt (approx. 10.7% to 12.2% emulsion) is indicated for this aggregate. A level of t% cement was used for this design along with a small amount of control additive as required for proper mixing, The design gradation was as follows: Sieve % Passing Type III Spec. 3/8 100.0 1 O0 4 99,7 90-100 8 82.0 65-90 16 54,9 45-70 30 38.3 30-50 50 23,8 18-30 100 12,3 10-21 200 5,5 5-15 Test Wet Cohesion, 30 minutes 60 minutes Wet Track Abrasion Loss, 1 hour soak Results 16,0 kg-em 22.0 kg-cra 17,9g/sq ft Mix Time Passed 120 sec + Laboratory compatibility tests using Ralumac emulsion and the above tested aggregate were satisfactory. Test data reported herein has been secured by reliable testing procedures, As we have no knowledge of, or control over the conditions that may affect the use of the matedal from which the samples were taken, we assume rlo responsibility in furnishing this date other than to warrant they represent reliable measurements of the properties of the sample received and tested. Sincerely, Ron Kohler Technical Service 1194 Zinn's Quarry ~oad · York, Pennsylvania 17404 · 717/B43-0975 0~/88/1998 10:19 S109211477 KOCH MATERIALS OO PAGE 02 [,gKOCH KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY ASPHALT DIVISION AphiS, 1998 ScoRHards Northeast Surfacing, Inc. 3120Albe~son Lane Ore~npo~,NY 119~ Dea~ This letter is to state that bituminotm material meeting microsurfacing (Ralumac) specifications will be man~ by Koch Materials Company for Nmfaeast Surfacing, Inc., for the work to be cornplet~l in 1998 for the Town of Southold. It is understood and agreed that Koch shall not be liable for any damages for any default or delay, either in delivery or performance due to any shortages caused by Federal, State or supplier rationing. Sincerely, KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY Konn Wilson Sales Representative Eastern Region 3847 Pottsville Pike · Reading, Pennsylvania 19605-1723 · 215/921.0271 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for supplying the Southold Town Highway Department with 150,000 square yards (more or less as may be needed) of POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT COURSE (TYPE II MICRO-SURFACING). (The Town will also require 30,000 square yards, more or less as may be needed, of pavement to be applied on Fishers Island.) Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 upon payment of a $5.00 non-refundable fee. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check in the amount of 2% of the amount of the bid, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until , -' ., ~ at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Micro-Surfacing", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 17, 1998. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MARCH 26, 1998, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Copies to the following: The Traveler Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorney Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board RAYMOND L. JACOBS Superintendent Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane P.O.Box 178 Peconic, New York 11958 Tel. (516) 765-3140 (516) 734-5211 Fax. (516) 765-1750 SPECIFICATIONS POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT TYPE II MICRO - SURFACING NOTE: THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WILL ALSO REQUIRE +/- 30,000 SQUARE YARDS (more or less as may be needed ) OF PAVEMENT TO BE APPLIED ON FISHERS ISLAND. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQURIED TO NOTIFY EACH RESIDENT AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK ON TOWN ROADS. RESIDENTS MUST BE RE-NOTIFIED AFTER DELAYS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER OR JOB OPERATIONS. Calendar Year 1998 PROPOSAL FORM DATE: 4/9/98 NAME OF BIDDER: Northeast Surfacing, Inc. TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEWYORK 11971 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: The undersigned as bidder, declares that the only persons, company, or parties interested in this proposal as principals are named below; that this proposal is made without any connection, directly or indirectly with any other bidder for the same work; that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or freud, and that no person acting for or employed by the aforementioned owner is or will be interested directly or indirectly, in the performance of the contract, or the supplies relating to it, or in any portion of the profit thereof; that he has carefully examined all project requirements, including bidding requirements, contract, general and special conditions, specifications, and addenda, if any (Note: acknowledgment of addenda and their dates must be included as indicated on bottom page); that he has satisfied himself by personal examination of the proposed work, and by such other means as he may have chosen, as to the conditions and requirements of the work; and he proposed and agrees that if his proposal be accepted he will contract to furnish all materials not provided by the Town (See Specifications) and to perform all the work required to construct, perform and complete the specified work; and that he will start the work as directed by the Town, he will accept, in full payment thereof as listed below: BID ON TYPE "11" MICRO-SURFACING OF TOWN ROADS WITH POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS, THE ABOVE REFERENCED ACTIVITIES WILL BE COMPLETED FOR THE STIPULATED "UNIT PRICE" OF: TYPE "11" MICRO-SURFACING sixty seven & 6/10 cents per sq.yd. (written in words) Per Sq. Yd. $0. 676/sq.yd. (written in numbers) Per Sq, Yd. TRUING & LEVELING (Type 5 - Shim) Forty Dollars Der Ton (written in words) Per Ton $40.00/ton (written in numbers) Per Ton And he further agrees that if this proposal shall be accepted by the Town and that if he shall refuse, fail or neglect to enter into a Contract pursuant to such proposal and to the requirements of the Town, shall have been deposited in the mail addressed to him at the address given in the proposal, that he shall be considered to have abandoned the contract. We the undersigned, further agree that this proposal shall be reviewed by the Town to correct any deficiencies in the proposed scope of work and, if no corrections are necessary, further agree that this proposal is a formal bid and shall remain in effect for a pedod of forty-five (45) days, the Town will accept or reject this proposal or by mutual agreement may extend this~.time period. Signature of Bidder: ~:~~~/....~,~z~ ~ Business Address: Northeast Surfacing, Tnc. 3120 Albertson Lane GreenDort, NY 11944 TelephoneNumber: 516-765-9410 Date: 4/9/98 Page I of 7 POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT "TYPE I1" MICRO-SURFACING 1. DESCRIPTION: Bids are requested for the purchase and application of a Polymer Modified Asphalt Pavement Course to fill ruts or provide a wearing course for the existing pavement. The paving material shall be "Macroseal" or approved equal. The surface shall provide a dense smooth topping free of ravels and blemishes. It shall fill minor depressions, cracks and voids, and be non-bleeding. The mixture shall consist of a polymer modified cationic asphalt emulsion, mineral aggregate, mineral and field control additives and water. The mixture shall be properly proportioned, mixed and spread on the paved surface in accordance with this specification and as directed by the engineer. The contractor shall also be required to provide & place quantities of Schim Mix Asphalt ("Type 5") as needed and directed by the Superintendent of Highways. The attention of the bidder is specifically called to the fact that the quantities specified herein are considered an estimate only and may not be the quantity of material that will actually be required by the Town for the 1998 calendar year. 2. MATERIALS: Emulsified Asphalt. The emulsified Asphalt shall be a quick-set polymer modified CSS-1H emulsion and shall conform to the requirements specified in AASHTO M208 and ASTM D2397. The polymer material shall be milled or blended into the asphalt or blended into the emulsifier solution prior to the emulsification process. The Emulsified Asphalt shall be produced by an approved materials manufacturing company capable of manufacturing a Micro-Surfacing Emulsion (MSE) meeting the following requirements. When tested, the Micro-Surfacing Emulsion (MSE) shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M208 and ASTM D2397 for CSS-1H plus the following: Test AASHTO T59 SDTM F244 * The temperature for this Quality Specification Residue after 62% Min. Distillation test should be held below 280 F (138 C). Tests on Residue AASJTP T59 ASTM D36 AASHTO T49 ASTM D36 ASTM 2170 Softening Point Penetration at 77°F (25°C) Kenematic Vis @ 275°F (135°C) 135°F (57°C) min. 40 - 90 650 cSt/sec, min. Each load of emulsified asphalt shall be accompanied with a certificate of analysis/compliance to assure that it is the same as that used in the mix design. Page 2 of 7 Aggregate. The Type II mineral aggregate shall be manufactured crushed stone, sand, slag, crusher fines, or combination thereof. Smooth textured sand of less than 1.25% water absorption, as tested by ASTM C128, shall not exceed 50% of the total combined aggregate. The aggregate shall be clean and free from organic matter, dirt, dust, and other deleterious substances. When tested, the Type II aggregate shall meet the following Test Quality AASHTO T176 ASTM D2419 Sand Equivalent AASHTO T104 ASTM C88 Soundness Specification 60 min. requirements. 15% max. using NA2SO4 or 25%max. using MgSO4 AASHTO T96 Abrasion 30% max. ASTM C131 Resistance Abrasion tests shall be run on the aggregate before it is crushed. All aggregate shall meet New York State approved polishing values. Grading. When tested in accordance to AASHTO T27 - (ASTM C136) and AASHTO T11 - (ASTM C117), the target mix design or aggregate gradation shall meet the following: Type II Aggregate Sieve Size Percent Passing Sieve Size Percent Passing 3/8" 100 # 30 # 4 90 - 100 (+/- 5%) # 50 # 8 65- 90 (+/- 5%) #100 # 16 45 - 70 (+/- 5%) #200 Water. 30-50 (+fi 5%) 18-30 (+~ 4%) 10-21 (+~ 3%) 5-15 (+~ 2%) The water shall be potable and shall be free of harmful soluble salts. Polymer Modifier. The Polymer Modifier shall be milled into the asphalt emulsion. The emulsified asphalt shall be so formulated that when the paving mixture is applied at a thickness of one (1) inch with the relative humidity at not more than 50 % and the ambient air temperature of at least 75 degrees F., the material will cure sufficiently so that roiling traffic can be allowed in one (1) hour with no damage to the surface, as verified by the engineer. Page 3 of 7 Mineral Filler. The mineral filler shall be any recognized brand of nonairentrained portland cement or hydrated lime that is free from lumps. The type and amount of mineral filler needed shall be determined by laboratory mix design and will be considered as part of the mineral gradation requirement. An increase or decrease of less than one percent may be permitted when the Micro-Surfacing is being placed if it is found to be necessary for better consistency or set times. 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Truing & Leveling with Bituminous Asphalt Concrete. The pavement shall be equal to NYSDOT-Type 5 Shim and shall be applied at the discretion of the Highway Superintendent. Bituminous pavers shall be self-powered units, provided with an activated screed or strike-off assembly. The machine shall be capable of spreading and finishing courses of bituminous plant mix matedal in lane widths up to twelve (12') feet or thickness up to four (4") inches as may be specified by the Highway Superintendent. All existing pavement surfaces where Schim Mix Asphalt Concrete work is required shall be fog sealed with RC 250 at 0.10 gallons per Square Yard prior to placement of pavement. After placement, the Asphalt Concrete Material shall be thoroughly and uniformly compacted with an approved vibrator type or static steel wheel roller conforming to section 401-3.12 of the NYSDOT construction manual to obtain a thoroughly compacted pavement. Mix Design. Before the work commences, the contractor shall submit a signed mix design report covering the specific materials to be used on the project. This design shall be performed by the emulsion producer. Once the materials are approved, no substitutions will be permitted unless first tested and approved by the emulsion producer and the engineer. The materials manufacturer shall develop the job mix design and present certified test results for the engineer's approval. Compatibility of the aggregate and the emulsion shall be verified by the mix design. The job mix formula shall provide a minimum Marshall stability of 1,800 pounds and a flow of 6 to 18 units when tested according to the ASTM 1559 or AASHTO 2450 procedure. All component materials used in the mix design shall be representative of the materials proposed by the contractor for use on the project. Specifications. The engineer shall approve the design mix and all Micro-Surfacing materials and methods prior to use. The component materials shall be within the following limits. Residual Asphalt Mineral Additive Polymer Based Modifier Field Control Additive Water - 5% to 9% by dry weight of aggregate - 0.5% to 3% by dry weight of aggregate - minimum 3% solids based on bitumen weight content - As needed to provide specified properties - As needed to provide proper consistency Rate of Application. The Micro-Surfacing mixture shall be of proper consistency at all times so as to provide an application rate of 22 - 27 # Per Square Yard. Page 4 of 7 Equipment. All equipment, tools and machines used in the performance of this work shall be maintained in satisfactory working order at all times. Descriptive information of the mixing and application equipment to be used shall be submitted for approval not less than 10 days before work starts. (a.) Mixing Equipment - The matedal shall be mixed by a mixing machine which shall be a continuous-flow mixing unit able to accurately deliver and proportion the aggregate, emulsified asphalt, mineral filler, field control additive and water to a revolving multi-blade mixer and discharge the thoroughly mixed product on a continuous basis. The machine shall have sufficient storage capacity for aggregate, emulsified asphalt, mineral filler, field control additive and water, to maintain an adequate supply to the proportioning controls. (b.) Proportioning Devices - Individual volume or weight controls for proportioning each material to be added to the mix shall be provided. Each material control device shall be so calibrated and properly marked. They shall be accessible for ready calibration and to be equipped with a revolution counter or similar device so that the engineer may determine the amount of each material used at any time. (c.) Emulsion Pump - The emulsion pump shall be a heated positive displacement type. (d.) Spreading Equipment - The paving mixture shall be spread uniformly by means of a mechanical type squeegee box, equipped with paddles to agitate and spread the materials throughout the box. The equipment shall provide sufficient turbulence to prevent the mix from setting in the box or causing excessive side build-up or lumps. Flexible seals shall be in contact with the road surface to prevent loss of mixture from the box. The rear seal shall act as a final stdke off and shall be adjustable. The contractor shall operate the spreading equipment in such a manner to prevent the loss of the mixture on super-elevated curves. The mixture shall be spread to fill cracks and minor surface irregularities and leave a uniform skid-resistant surface without causing skips, lumps or tears in the finished surface. (e.) Auxiliary Equipment'- Other tools or equipment such as brushes, hand squeegees, hose equipment, tank truck water distributors and flushers, power blowers, barricades, etc., shall be provided as required.. Machine Calibration. Each mixing unit to be used in the performance of the work shall be calibrated in the presence of the engineer prior to construction, or previous calibration documentation coveting the exact materials to be used may be acceptable provided they were made during the current calendar year. Weather Limitations, The material shall be spread only when: 1. The road surface and atmospheric temperatures are at least 45 degrees F. and rising. 2. The weather is not foggy or rainy. 3. There is no forecast of temperatures below 32 degrees F. within 48 hours from the time of placement of the mixture. Page 5 of 7 Surface Preparations. The area to be surfaced shall be thoroughly cleaned of vegetation, loose aggregate, dirt, grease, oil or any type of objectionable surface film. Manholes, valve boxes and other service entrances shall be protected from the surfacing material. Stockpiles, Precautions shall be taken to insure that stockpiles do not become contaminated. Stockpiles shall be kept in areas that drain readily. Application. The surface shall be pre-wetted by fogging ahead of the spreader box. The entire surface should be damp with no apparent flowing water in front of the box. The surfacing mixture shall be of the desired consistency upon leaving the mixer and no additional materials should be added. A sufficient amount of material shall be carried in all parts of the spreader at all times so that a complete coverage is obtained. Overloading of the spreader box should be avoided. No lumping, bailing, or unmixed aggregate shall be permitted. No streaks, such as those caused by oversized aggregate, will be left in the finished surface. If excess oversize develops, the job will be stopped until the contractor proves to the engineer that the situation has been corrected. No excess build-up, uncovered areas or unsightly appearances shall be permitted on longitudinal or transverse joints. The contractor shall provide suitable width spreading equipment to produce a minimum number of joints. The finished surface shall present a uniform and skid resistant texture satisfactory to the engineer. Areas which cannot be reached with the mixing machine shall be surfaced using hand squeegees to provide complete and uniform coverage. The area to be hand-worked shall be lightly dampened prior to the mix placement. Care shall be exercised to leave no unsightly appearance from hand-work. Quality Control. T~e contractor shall be responsible for any and all fees relating to materials testing. The contractor will permit the engineer to take samples of the aggregate and asphalt emulsion to be used in the project at the engineers discretion. Gradation and sand equivalent tests may be run on the aggregate and residual asphalt tests on the emulsion. Test results will be compared to the specifications. Samples of the mixture could be taken as often as two (2) times each day. Consistency and residual asphalt content tests may be made on the samples and compared to the specifications. The contractor will be notified immediately if any tests fails to meet the specifications. If any two successive tests on the material fail, the job shall be stopped. If any two successive tests on the mix from the same machine fail, the use of that machine will be suspended. Traffic Maintenance, The contractor shall be responsible for providing maintenance and protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic associated with this work. Opening to traffic does not constitute acceptance of the work. Method of Payment. The quantity to be paid for under this item shall be the number of square yards of pavement covered in accordance with the specification. Page 6 of 7 Qualifications. The contractor shall have or be associated with a company that has a minimum of three years experience in the application of micro-surfacing material. In order to insure the efficient application of the product, the contractor must own or show the ability to rent and maintain a minimum of two mixing units capable of meeting the minimum requirements set forth in these specifications. Submittals. The contractor shall be required to submit the following information with his bid: 2. 3. 4. A letter of availability from the intended MSE supplier. A certified mix design from the materials manufacturer. A typical analysis of Macroseal Emulsion or approved equal. A list of at least (5) micro-surfacing projects which used the same emulsion and design mix indicated in the bid documents. These projects must have been completed within the last three years and the list must include the locations, amount of square yards applied and a reference name and telephone number. * Note: Any and all exceptions or substitutions to the specifications contained herein must be listed seperatly and included within the contractors formal bid proposal. END OF SPECIFICATION: Page 7 of 7 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTP,,AR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORD8 MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 12, 1999 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Thomas H. Gannon, President Thomas H. Cannon ~ Sons, Inc. Post Office Box 5 Middle Island, New York 11953 Dear Mr. Cannon: Enclosed please find your certified check no. 10975 which I overlooked in returning on last year's bid. My apologies for any inconvenience. Please find Notice to Bidders for this year's bid. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosure CERTIFIE1FI i I q n NSONS. INC. WHEN PROPERLY ENDORSED vo lbo 10975 ~000. O0 DOLLARS SENDER: I also wish to receive the 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number P 226 182 828 = ~.- Thomas H. Gannon, Blee=K~lent 4b. Sen~ice Type Thomas H. Gannon ~- Sons, Inc.n Registered PO Box 5 0~- ~:' Middle Island, NY 11953 5. ~lec~e'~e~d .By: (print Nar~e) -- PS Form 3811, December 1994 [] Express Mail [] Retum Reseiptfor Merchandise [] COD 7. Date of Delivery 8. Addressso's Address (Only if requested and ~ee is paid) ~ CerUfled [] Insured 102595 97 B 0179 Domestic Return Receipt P 226 1~2 828 TO~N US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverag~ Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to - Thos. T~ .°n~,l n{~onG~ n~o°~ .Plrne.Sc Street & Number PO Box 5 P0st Office, State, & ZiP Code Middle Island. NY 11953 Postage $ Certified ~ 1. ~10 Whom & Date Delivered 1.25 N/TED ~STATES P'OSTAL ~ERVICE Postage & Fees Paid Elizabeth A. Neville ~ Southold Town Clerk PO Box 1179 Southold. NY 11971 h,,i ,,,[Ih~,,h,,l,,,~ilh,,~,h,,hl,hi,,h,,Ihh,,,hh RAYMOND L. JACOBS Superintendent Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane P.O.Box 178 Peconic, New York 11958 Tel. (516) 765-3140 (516) 734-5211 Fax. (516) 765-1750 SPECIFICATIONS POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT TYPE II MICRO - SURFACING NOTE: THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WILL ALSO REQUIRE +t- 30,000 SQUARE YARDS (more or less as may be needed ) OF PAVEMENT TO BE APPLIED ON FISHERS ISLAND. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQURIED TO NOTIFY EACH RESIDENT AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK ON TOWN ROADS. RESIDENTS MUST BE RE-NOTIFIED AFTER DELAYS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER OR JOB OPERATIONS. Calendar Year 1998 PROPOSAL FORM DATE: NAME OF BIDDER: TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEWYORK 11971 MEMBERS OFTHEBOARD: The undersigned as bidder, declares that the only persons, company, or parties interested in this proposal as principals are named below; that this proposal is made without any connection, directly or indirectly with any other bidder for the same work; that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no person acting for or employed by the aforementioned owner is or will be interested directly or indirectly, in the performance of the contract, or the supplies relating to it, or in any portion of the profit thereof; that he has carefully examined all project requirements, including bidding requirements, contract, general and special conditions, specifications, and addenda, if any (Note: acknowledgment of addenda and their dates must be included as indicated on bottom page); that he has satisfied himself by personal examination of the proposed work, and by such other means as he may have chosen, as to the conditions and requirements of the work; and he proposed and agrees that if his proposal be accepted he will contract to furnish all materials not provided by the Town (See Specifications) and to perform all the work required to construct, perform and complete the specified work; and that he will start the work as directed by the Town, he will accept, in full payment thereof as listed below: BID ON TYPE "Il" MICRO-SURFACING OF TOWN ROADS WITH POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. THE ABOVE REFERENCED ACTIVITIES WILL BE COMPLETED FOR THE STIPULATED "UNIT PRICE" OF: TYPE "11" MICRO-SURFACING (written in word,~ Per Sq. Yd. ,70 (written in numbers) Per Sq Yd TRUING & LEVELING (Type 5 - Shim) (written in numbers) Per Ton And he further agrees that if this proposal shall be accepted by the Town and that if he shall refuse, fail or neglect to enter into a Contract pursuant to such proposal and to the requirements of the Town, shall have been deposited in the mail addressed to him at the address given in the proposal, that he shall be considered to have abandoned the contract. We the undersigned, further agree that this proposal shall be reviewed by the Town to correct any deficiencies in the proposed scope of work and, if no corrections are necessary, further agree that this proposal is a formal bid and shall remain in effect for a pedod of forty-five (45) days, the Town will accept or reject this proposal Signature of Bidder: Business Address: or by mutual agreement may extend this time p~dod. ,,0' _? Telephone Number: Date: /~/--~, -~' Page 1 of 7 POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT "TYPE I1" MICRO-SURFACING 1. DESCRIPTION: Bids are requested for the purchase and application of a Polymer Modified Asphalt Pavement Course to fill ruts or provide a wearing course for the existing pavement. The paving material shall be "Macroseal" or approved equal. The surface shall provide a dense smooth topping free of ravels and blemishes. It shall fill minor depressions, cracks and voids, and be non-bleeding. The mixture shall consist of a polymer modified cationic asphalt emulsion, mineral aggregate, mineral and field control additives and water. The mixture shall be properly proportioned, mixed and spread on the paved surface in accordance with this specification and as directed by the engineer. The contractor shall also be required to provide & place quantities of Schim Mix Asphalt ("Type 5") as needed and directed by the Superintendent of Highways. The attention of the bidder is specifically called to the fact that the quantities specified herein are considered an estimate only and may not be the quantity of matedal that will actually be required by the Town for the 1998 calendar year. 2. MATERIALS: Emulsified Asphalt. The emulsified Asphalt shall be a quick-set polymer modified CSS-1H emulsion and shall conform to the requirements specified in AASHTO M208 and ASTM D2397. The polymer material shall be milled or blended into the asphalt or blended into the emulsifier solution pdor to the emulsification process. The Emulsified Asphalt shall be produced by an approved materials manufacturing company capable of manufacturing a Micro-Surfacing Emulsion (MSE) meeting the following requirements. When tested, the Micro-Surfacing Emulsion (MSE) Shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M208 and ASTM D2397 for CSS-1H plus the following: Test Quality Specification AASHTO T59 Residue after 62% Min. SDTM F244 Distillation * The temperature for this test should be held below 280 F (138 C). Tests on Residue AASJTP T59 ASTM D36 AASHTO T49 ASTM D36 ASTM 2170 Softening Point Penetration at 77°F (25°C) Kenematic Vis @ 275°F (135°C) 135°F (57°C) min. 40 - 90 650 cStJsec, min. Each Icad of emulsified asphalt shall be accompanied with a certificate of analysis/compliance to assure that it is the same as that used in the mix design. Page 2 of 7 Aggregate. The Type II mineral aggregate shall be manufactured crushed stone, sand, slag, crusher fines, or combination thereof. Smooth textured sand of less than 1.25% water absorption, as tested by ^STM C128, shall not exceed 50% of the total combined aggregate. The aggregate shall be clean and free from organic matter, dirt, dust, and other deleterious substances. When tested, the Type II aggregate shall meet the following requirements. Test Quality Specification AASHTO T176 ASTM D2419 Sand Equivalent 60 min. AASHTO T104 ASTM C88 Soundness 15% max. using NA~ SO4 or 25% max. using MgSO4 AASHTO T96 Abrasion 30% max. ASTM C131 Resistance Abrasion tests shall be run on the aggregate before it is crushed. All aggregate shall meet New York State approved polishing values. Grading. When tested in accordance to AASHTO T27 - (ASTM C136) and AASHTO T11 - (ASTM Cl 17), the target mix design or aggregate gradation shall meet the following: Type II Aggregate Sieve Size Percent Passing Sieve Size Percent Passing 3/8" 100 # 30 30 - 50 (+/- 5%) # 4 90 - 100 (+/- 5%) # 50 18 - 30 (+/- 4%) # 8 65-90 (+/-5%) #100 10 - 21 (+/- 3%) # 16 45 - 70 (+/- 5%) #200 5 - 15 (+/- 2%) Water. The water shall be potable and shall be free of harmful soluble salts. Polymer Modifier. The Polymer Modifier shall be milled into the asphalt emulsion. The emulsified asphalt shall be so formulated that when the paving mixture is applied at a thickness of one (1) inch with the relative humidity at not more than 50 % and the ambient air temperature of at least 75 degrees F., the material will cure sufficiently so that rolling traffic can be allowed in one (1) hour with no damage to the surface, as verified by the engineer. Page 3 of 7 Mineral Filler. The mineral filler shall be any recognized brand of nonairentrained portland cement or hydrated lime that is free from lumps. The type and amount of mineral filler needed shall be determined by laboratory mix design and will be considered as part of the mineral gradation requirement. An increase or decrease of less than one percent may be permitted when the Micro-Surfacing is being placed if it is found to be necessary for better consistency or set times. 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Truing & Leveling with Bituminous Asphalt Concrete. The pavement shall be equal to NYSDOT-Type 5 Shim and shall be applied at the discretion of the Highway Superintendent. Bituminous pavers shall be self-powered units, provided with an activated screed or strike-off assembly. The machine shall be capable of spreading and finishing courses of bituminous plant mix material in lane widths up to twelve (12') feet or thickness up to four (4") inches as may be specified by the Highway Superintendent. All existing pavement surfaces where Schim Mix Asphalt Concrete work is required shall be fog sealed with RC 250 at 0.10 gallons per Square Yard prior to placement of pavement. After placement, the Asphalt Concrete Matedal shall be thoroughly and uniformly compacted with an approved vibrator type or static steel wheel roller conforming to section 401-3.12 of the NYSDOT construction manual to obtain a thoroughly compacted pavement. Mix Design. Before the work commences, the contractor shall submit a signed mix design report covering the specific materials to be used on the project. This design shall be performed by the emulsion producer. Once the materials are approved, no substitutions will be permitted unless first tested and approved by the emulsion producer and the engineer. The materials manufacturer shall develop the job mix design and present certified test results for the engineer's approval. Compatibility of the aggregate and the emulsion shall be verified by the mix design. The job mix formula shall provide a minimum Marshall stability of 1,800 pounds and a flow of 8 to 18 units when tested according to the ASTM 1559 or AASHTO 2450 procedure. All component materials used in the mix design shall be representative of the materials proposed by the contractor for use on the project. Specifications. The engineer shall approve the design mix and all Micro-Surfacing materials and methods prior to use. The component materials shall be within the following limits. Residual Asphalt Mineral Additive Polymer Based Modifier Field Control Additive Water - 5% to 9% by dry weight of aggregate - 0.5% to 3% by dry weight of aggregate - minimum 3% solids based on bitumen weight content - As needed to provide specified properties - As needed to provide proper consistency Rate of Application, The Micro-Surfacing mixture shall be of proper consistency at all times so as to provide an application rate of 22 - 27 # Per Square Yard. Page 4 of 7 Equipment. All equipment, tools and machines used in the performance of this work shall be maintained in satisfactory working order at all times. Descriptive information of the mixing and application equipment to be used shall be submitted for approval not less than 10 days before work starts. (a.) Mixing Equipment - The matedal shall be mixed by a mixing machine which shall be a continuous-flow mixing unit able to accurately deliver and proportion the aggregate, emulsified asphalt, mineral filler, field control additive and water to a revolving multi-blade mixer and discharge the thoroughly mixed product on a continuous basis. The machine shall have sufficient storage capacity for aggregate, emulsified asphalt, mineral filler, field control additive and water, to maintain an adequate supply to the proportioning controls. (b.) Proportioning Devices - Individual volume or weight controls for proportioning each material to be added to the mix shall be provided. Each material control device shall be so calibrated and propedy marked. They shall be accessible for ready calibration and to be equipped with a revolution counter or similar device so that the engineer may determine the amount of each material used at any time. (c.) Emulsion Pump - The emulsion pump shall be a heated positive displacement type. (d.) Spreading Equipment - The paving mixture shall be spread uniformly by means of a mechanical type squeegee box, equipped with paddles to agitate and spread the materials throughout the box. The equipment shall provide sufficient turbulence to prevent the mix from setting in the box or causing excessive side build-up or lumps. Flexible seals shall be in contact with the road surface to prevent loss of mixture from the box. The rear seal shall act as a final strike off and shall be adjustable. The contractor shall operate the spreading equipment in such a manner to prevent the loss of the mixture on super-elevated curves. The mixture shall be spread to fill cracks and minor surface irregularities and leave a uniform skid-resistant surface without causing skips, lumps or tears in the finished surface. (e.) Auxiliary Equipment - Other tools or equipment such as brushes, hand squeegees, hose equipment, tank truck water distributors and flushers, power blowers, barricades, etc., shall be provided as required.. Machine Calibration. Each mixing unit to be used in the performance of the work shall be calibrated in the presence of the engineer prior to construction, or previous calibration documentation covedng the exact materials to be used may be acceptable provided they were made dudng the current calendar year. Weather Limitations. The material shall be spread only when: 1. The road surface and atmospheric temperatures are at least 45 degrees F. and rising. 2. The weather is not foggy or rainy. 3. There is no forecast of temperatures below 32 degrees F. within 48 hours from the time of placement of the mixture. Page 5 of 7 Surface Preparations. The area to be surfaced shall be thoroughly cleaned of vegetation, loose aggregate, dirt, grease, oil or any type of objectionable surface film. Manholes, valve boxes and other service entrances shall be protected from the surfacing material. Stockpiles. Precautions shall be taken to insure that stockpiles do not become contaminated. Stockpiles shall be kept in areas that drain readily. Application. The surface shall be pre-wetted by fogging ahead of the spreader box. The entire surface should be damp with no apparent flowing water in front of the box. The surfacing mixture shall be of the desired consistency upon leaving the mixer and no additional materials should be added. ^ sufficient amount of material shall be carried in all parts of the spreader at all times so that a complete coverage is obtained. Overloading of the spreader box should be avoided. No lumping, bailing, or unmixed aggregate shall be permitted. No streaks, such as those caused by oversized aggregate, will be left in the finished surface. If excess oversize develops, the job will be stopped until the contractor proves to the engineer that the situation has been corrected. No excess build-up, uncovered areas or unsightly appearances shall be permitted on longitudinal or transverse joints. The contractor shall provide suitable width spreading equipment to produce a minimum number of joints. The finished surface shall present a uniform and skid resistant texture satisfactory to the engineer. Areas which cannot be reached with the mixing machine shall be surfaced using hand squeegees to provide complete and uniform coverage. The area to be hand-worked shall be lightly dampened prior to the mix placement. Care shall be exercised to leave no unsightly appearance from hand-work. Quality Control. Tl~e contractor shall be responsible for any and all fees relating to materials testing. The contractor will permit the engineer to take samples of the aggregate and asphalt emulsion to be used in the project at the engineers discretion. Gradation and sand equivalent tests may be run on the aggregate and residual asphalt tests on the emulsion. Test results will be compared to the specifications. Samples of the mixture could be taken as often as two (2) times each day. Consistency and residual asphalt content tests may be made on the samples and compared to the specifications. The contractor will be notified immediately if any tests fails to meet the specifications. If any two successive tests on the material fail, the job shall be stopped. If any two successive tests on the mix from the same machine fail, the use of that machine will be suspended. Traffic Maintenance. The contractor shall be responsible for providing maintenance and protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic associated with this work. Opening to traffic does not constitute acceptance of the work. Method of Payment. The quantity to be paid for under this item shall be the number of square yards of pavement covered in accordance with the specification. Page 6 of 7 Qualifications. The contractor shall have or be associated with a company that has a minimum of three years experience in the application of micro-surfacing material. In order to insure the efficient application of the product, the contractor must own or show the ability to rent and maintain a minimum of two mixing units capable of meeting the minimum requirements set forth in these specifications. Submittals. The contractor shall be required to submit the following information with his bid: 2. 3. 4. A letter of availability from the intended MSE supplier. A certified mix design from the materials manufacturer. A typical analysis of Macroseal Emulsion or approved equal. A list of at least (5) micro-surfacing projects which used the same emulsion and design mix indicated in the bid documents. These projects must have been completed within the last three years and the list must include the locations, amount of square yards applied and a reference name and telephone number. * Note: Any and alt exceptions or substitutions to the specifications contained herein must be listed seperatly and included within the contractors formal bid proposal. END OF SPECIFICATION: Page 7 of 7 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, -and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Corporate Title) ~ . (if any) ~_,.f' / je/~ ¥- i KOCH KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY ASPHALT DIVISION January 20, 1998 Tom Gannon Thomas H. Gannon & Sons 75 Cedarhurst Avenue Medford, NY 11763 Dear Tom: This letter is to state that bituminous material meeting microsurfacing (Ralumac) specifications will be manufactured by Koch Materials Company for Thomas H. Gaunon & Sons during 1998. It is understood and agreed that Koch shall not be liable for any damages for any default or delay, either in delivery or performance due to any shortages caused by Federal, State or supplier rationing. Sincerely, Konn Wilson Sales RepreSentative Eastern:Region 3847 Pottsville Pike · Reading, Pennsylvania 19605-1723 · 215/921-0271 [IKOCH KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY ASPHALT DIVISION APRIL 5, 1995 MR. THOMAS GANNON P.O. BOX 505 MIDDLE ISLAND, NY. 11953 TYPICAL ANALYSIS ON RALUMAC MICRO-SURFACING EMULSION IS AS FOLLOWS. VISCOSITY, SAYBOLT FUROL @ 77 F, SEC 49 STORAGE STABILITY TEST, 1 DAY < 1 PARTICLE CHARGE POSITIVE SIEVE~ % .015 R~SIDUE BY DISTILLATION, % 64.0 MIXING TESTS PASS % POLYMER > 3 TEST ON RESIDUE FROM DISTILLATION @ 350 F PENETRATION, 77 F, 100g, 5 SEC 60 DUCTILITY, 77 F, 5 cm/min, CM 60+ ABSOLUTE VISCOSITY @ 140 F-POISE 18,259 SOLUBILITY IN TRICHLORETHYLENE 99.0 SOFTENING POINT, RING & BALL, F 143 I HOPE THIS INFORMATION IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOUR NEEDS. SINCERELY DAVID E. NEGRO LAB TECHNICIAN 1194 Zinn's Quarry Road · York, Pennsylvania 17404 · 717/843-0975 B6KOCH KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY ASPHALT DIVISION June 23, 1997 Mr. Thomas Gannon P.O, Box 505 M~dlelsland NY 11953 Dear Mr. Gannon: Hem are the test results for the Tilcon New York Inc., Havefstraw, NY.stone Sand, Type II aggregate. A range from 7.0% to 8.0% residual asphalt (approx, 10.7% to 12.2% emulsion) is recommended for this aggregate. A level of 1% cement was used for this design along with a small amount of control additive as required for proper mixing. The design gradation was as follows: Sieve %Passing Type ll Spec. 3/8 100.0 100 4 99.9 90-100 8 79.9 65-90 16 54.5 45-70 30 38.6 30-50 50 25.4 18-30 100 15.4 10-21 200 9.2 5-15 Test Wet Cohesion, 30 minutes 60 minutes Wet Track Abrasion Loss, I hour soak 6 hour soak Mix Time Results 17.0 kg-cra 2i .0 kg*cm 30.2g/sq ff 20.6g/sq It Passad120 sec + Classification Compatibility Wet Stripping Excess Asphalt by LWT Sand Adhesion Later,al Displacement Specific Oraviiy after 1000 cycles of 125 lbs. 12 Points 90% + 25.Sg/sq It 2.18% 1.59 1194 Zinn's Quarry Road · York, Pennsylvania 17404 · 717/843-0975 Laboratory compatibility tests using Ralumac emulsion and the above lested aggregate were satisfactory. Test data reported herein has been secured by reliable testing procodums. As we have no knowledge of, or control over the conditions that may affect the use of the matedal from which the samples were taken, we assume no responsibility In furnishing this data other than to warrant they represent reliable measurements of the properties of the sample received and tested. Sincerely, Ron Kohler Technical Sewlce P,O. BOX 505 MIDDLE ISLAND, N.Y. 11953 696-8798 · Fax 696-0892 April 8, 1998 Mr. Raymond Jacobs, Superintendent Town of Southold Highway Dept. Peconic Lane Peconic N.Y_ Gent lemen: The following represents microsurfacing projects completed within the last three years, as per the bid specifications. 1.Town of Southampton 88,000 2.Town of Riverhead 56,850 3.Town of Southold 187,000 4.Town of East Hampton 125,000 5.Town of Oyster Bay 400,000 s.y. Bill Masterson 728-.3600 s.y. Charles Bloss 727-5670 s.y. Ray Jacobs 734-5211 s.y. Chris Russo 324-0925 s.y. Ken Bishop 677-5851 Thos. H. Gannon and Sons, Inc. owns and maintains four (4) Bergkamp Micro-surfacing machines for the purpose of this work. Very truly yours, Thomas H. President $5.00 non-refundable fee to obtaln specifications (includes postage) BID - POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT BID OPENING: April 9. 1998, Thursday, 10:00 A.M. 3/27/98 4/06/98 Northeast Surfacing, Inc., Warren Corazzini, 3120 Albertson Lane, Greenport 765-0069 Thos. H. Gannon & Sons Inc., 75 Cedarhurst Ave., Medford Rick Gannon 696-8798 LECAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for supplying the Southold Town Highway Department with 150,000 square yards (more or less as may be needed) of POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT COURSE (TYPE II MICRO-SURFACING). (The Town will also require 30,000 square yards, more or less as may be needed, of pavement to be applied on Fishers Island.) Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 upon payment of a $5.00 non-refundable fee. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check in the amount of 2% of the amount of the bid, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, April 9, 1998, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Micro-Surfacing", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 17, 1998. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MARCH 26, 1998, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 The Traveler Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorney Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Copies to the following: RAYMOND L. JACOBS Superintendent Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane P.O.Box 178 Peconic, New York 11958 Tel. (516) 765-3140 (516) 734-5211 Fax. (516) 765-1750 SPECIFICATIONS POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT TYPE II MICRO - SURFACING NOTE: THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WILL ALSO REQUIRE +t- 30,000 SQUARE YARDS (more or less as may be needed ) OF PAVEMENT TO BE APPLIED ON FISHERS ISLAND. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQURIED TO NOTIFY EACH RESIDENT AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK ON TOWN ROADS. RESIDENTS MUST BE RE-NOTIFIED AFTER DELAYS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER OR JOB OPERATIONS. Calendar Year 1998 PROPOSAL FORM DATE: NAME OF BIDDER: TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEWYORK 11971 MEMBERS Of THE BOARD: The undersigned as bidder, declares that the only persons, company, or parties interested in this proposal as principals are named below; that this proposal is made without any connection, directly or indirectly with any other bidder for the same work; that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no person acting for or employed by the aforementioned owner is or will be interested directly or indirectly, in the performance of the contract, or the supplies relating to it, or in any portion of the profit thereof; that he has carefully examined all project requirements, including bidding requirements, contract, general and special conditions, specifications, and addenda, if any (Note: acknowledgment of addenda and their dates must be included as indicated on bottom page); that he has satisfied himself by personal examination of the proposed work, and by such other means as he may have chosen, as to the conditions and requirements of the work; and he proposed and agrees that if his proposal be accepted he will contract to furnish all materials not provided by the Town (See Specifications) and to perform all the work required to construct, perform and complete the specified work; and that he will start the work as directed by the Town, he will accept, in full payment thereof as listed below: BID ON TYPE "Il" MICRO-SURFACING OF TOWN ROADS WITH POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. THE ABOVE REFERENCED ACTIVITIES WILL BE COMPLETED FOR THE STIPULATED "UNIT PRICE" OF: TYPE "11" MICRO-SURFACING TRUING & LEVELING (Type $ - Shim) (wdtten in words) Per Sq. Yd. (written in words) Per Ton (written in numbers) Per Sq. Yd. (written in numbers) Per Ton And he further agrees that if this proposal shall be accepted by the Town and that if he shall refuse, fail or neglect to enter into a Contract pursuant to such proposal and to the requirements of the Town, shall have been deposited in the mail addressed to him at the address given in the proposal, that he shall be considered to have abandoned the contract. We the undersigned, further agree that this proposal shall be reviewed by the Town to correct any deficiencies in the proposed scope of work and, if no corrections are necessary, further agree that this proposal is a formal bid and shall remain in effect for a pedod of forty-five (45) days, the Town will accept or reject this proposal or by mutual agreement may extend this time pedod. Signature of Bidder: Business Address: Telephone Number: Date: Page 1 of 7 POLYMER MODIFIED EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT "TYPE I1" MICRO-SURFACING 1. DESCRIPTION: Bids are requested for the purchase and application of a Polymer Modified Asphalt Pavement Course to fill ruts or provide a wearing course for the existing pavement. The paving material shall be "Macroseal" or approved equal. The surface shall provide a dense smooth topping free of ravels and blemishes. It shall fill minor depressions, cracks and voids, and be non-bleeding. The mixture shall consist of a polymer modified cationic asphalt emulsion, mineral aggregate, mineral and field control additives and water. The mixture shall be properly proportioned, mixed and spread on the paved surface in accordance with this specification and as directed by the engineer, The contractor shall also be required to provide & place quantities of Schim Mix Asphalt ("Type 5") as needed and directed by the Superintendent of Highways. The attention of the bidder is specifically called to the fact that the quantities specified herein are considered an estimate only and may not be the quantity of matedal that will actually be required by the Town for the 1998 calendar year. 2. MATERIALS: Emulsified Asphalt. The emulsified Asphalt shall be a quick-set polymer modified CSS-1H emulsion and shall conform to the requirements specified in AASHTO M208 and ASTM D2397. The polymer material shall be milled or blended into the asphalt or blended into the emulsifier solution prior to the emulsification process. The Emulsified Asphalt shall be produced by an approved materials manufacturing company capable of manufacturing a Micro-Surfacing Emulsion (MSE) meeting the following requirements. When tested, the Micro-Surfacing Emulsion (MSE) shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M208 and ASTM D2397 for CSS-1H plus the following: Test AASHTO T59 SDTM F244 * The temperature for this Quality Specification Residue after 62% Min, Distillation test should be held below 280 F (138 C). Tests on Residue AASJTP T59 ASTM D36 AASHTO T49 ASTM D36 ASTM 2170 Softening Point Penetration at 77°F (25°C) Kenematic Vis @ 275°F (135°C) 135°F (57°C) min. 40 - 90 650 cSt/sec, min. Each load of emulsified asphalt shall be accompanied with a certificate of analysis/compliance to assure that it is the same as that used in the mix design. Page 2 of 7 Aggregate. The Type II mineral aggregate shall be manufactured crushed stone, sand, slag, crusher fines, or combination thereof. Smooth textured sand of less than 1.25% water absorption, as tested by ASTM C128, shall not exceed 50% of the total combined aggregate. The aggregate shall be clean and free from organic matter, dirt, dust, and other deleterious substances. When tested, the Type II aggregate shall meet the following Test Quality AASHTO T176 ASTM D2419 Sand Equivalent AASHTO T104 ASTM C88 Soundness Specification 60 min. requirements. 15% max. using NA~ SO4 or 25% max. using MgSO4 AASHTO T96 Abrasion 30% max. ASTM C131 Resistance Abrasion tests shall be run on the aggregate before it is crushed· All aggregate shall meet New York State approved polishing values. (~radina. When tested in accordance to AASHTO T27 - (ASTM C136) and AASHTO T11 - (ASTM Cl 17), the target mix design or aggregate gradation shall meet the following: Type II Aggregate Sieve Size Percent Passing Sieve Size Percent Passing 3/8" 100 # 30 30 - 50 (+/- 5%) # 4 90 - 100 (+/- 5%) # 50 18 - 30 (+/- 4%) # 8 65-90 (+/-5%) #100 10-21 (+/-3%) # 16 45 - 70 (+/- 5%) #200 5 - 15 (+/- 2%) Water. The water shall be potable and shall be free of harmful soluble salts. Polymer Modifier. The Polymer Modifier shall be milled into the asphalt emulsion. The emulsified asphalt shall be so formulated that when the paving mixture is applied at a thickness of one (1) inch with the relative humidity at not more than 50 % and the ambient air temperature of at least 75 degrees F., the material will cure sufficiently so that rolling traffic can be allowed in one (1) hour with no damage to the surface, as verified by the engineer. Page 3 of 7 Mineral Filler. The mineral filler shall be any recognized brand of nonairentrained portland cement or hydrated lime that is free from lumps. The type and amount of mineral filler needed shall be determined by laboratory mix design and will be considered as part of the mineral gradation requirement. An increase or decrease of less than one pement may be permitted when the Micro-Surfacing is being placed if it is found to be necessary for better consistency or set times. 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Truing & Leveling with Bituminous Asphalt Concrete, The pavement shall be equal to NYSDOT-Type 5 Shim and shall be applied at the discretion of the Highway Superintendent. Bituminous pavers shall be self-powered units, provided with an activated screed or strike-off assembly. The machine shall be capable of spreading and finishing courses of bituminous plant mix material in lane widths up to twelve (12') feet or thickness up to four (4") inches as may be specified by the Highway Superintendent. All existing pavement surfaces where Schim Mix Asphalt Concrete work is required shall be fog sealed with RC 250 at 0.10 gallons per Square Yard pdor to placement of pavement. After placement, the Asphalt Concrete Matedal shall be thoroughly and uniformly compacted with an approved vibrator type or static steel wheel roller conforming to section 401-3.12 of the NYSDOT construction manual to obtain a thoroughly compacted pavement. Mix Design, Before the work commences, the contractor shall submit a signed mix design report covering the specific materials to be used on the project· This design shall be performed by the emulsion producer. Once the materials are approved, no substitutions will be permitted unless first tested and approved by the emulsion producer and the engineer. The materials manufacturer shall develop the job mix design and present certified test results for the engineer's approval. Compatibility of the aggregate and the emulsion shall be verified by the mix design. The job mix formula shall provide a minimum Marshall stability of 1,800 pounds and a flow of 6 to 18 units when tested according to the ASTM 1559 or AASHTO 2450 procedure. All component materials used in the mix design shall be representative of the materials proposed by the contractor for use on the project. Specifications. The engineer shall approve the design mix and all Micro-Surfacing materials and methods prior to use. The component materials shall be within the following limits. Residual Asphalt Mineral Additive Polymer Based Modifier Field Control Additive Water - 5% to 9% by dry weight of aggregate - 0.5% to 3% by dry weight of aggregate - minimum 3% solids based on bitumen weight centent - As needed to provide specified properties - As needed to provide proper consistency Rate of Application. The Micro-Surfacing mixture shall be of proper consistency at all times so as to provide an application rate of 22 - 27 # Per Square Yard, Page 4 of 7 Equipment. All equipment, tools and machines used in the performance of.this work shall be maintained in satisfactory working order at all times. Descriptive information of the mixing and application equipment to be used shall be submitted for approval not less than 10 days before work starts. (a.) Mixing Equipment - The matedal shall be mixed by a mixing machine which shall be a continuous-flow mixing unit able to accurately deliver and proportion the aggregate, emulsified asphalt, mineral filler, field control additive and water to a revolving multi-blade mixer and discharge the thoroughly mixed product on a continuous basis. The machine shall have sufficient storage capacity for aggregate, emulsified asphalt, mineral filler, field control additive and water, to maintain an adequate supply to the proportioning controls. (b.) Proportioning Devices - Individual volume or weight controls for proportioning each material to be added to the mix shall be provided. Each material control device shall be so calibrated and properly marked. They shall be accessible for ready calibration and to be equipped with a revolution counter or similar device so that the engineer may determine the amount of each material used at any time. (c.) Emulsion Pump - The emulsion pump shall be a heated positive displacement type. (d.) Spreading Equipment - The paving mixture shall be spread uniformly by means of a mechanical type squeegee box, equipped with paddles to agitate and spread the materials throughout the box. The equipment shall provide sufficient turbulence to prevent the mix from setting in the box or causing excessive side build-up or lumps. Flexible seals shall be in contact with the road surface to prevent loss of mixture from the box. The rear seal shall act as a final stdke off and shall be adjustable. The contractor shall operate the spreading equipment in such a manner to prevent the loss of the mixture on super-elevated curves. The mixture shall be spread tofill cracks and minor surface irregularities and leave a uniform skid-resistant surface without causing skips, lumps or tears in the finished surface. (e.) Auxiliary Equipment - Other tools or equipment such as brushes, hand squeegees, hose equipment, tank truck water distributors and fiushers, power blowers, barricades, etc., shall be provided as required.. Machine Calibration. Each mixing unit to be used in the performance of the work shall be calibrated in the presence of the engineer prior to construction, or previous calibration documentation covering the exact materials to be used may be acceptable provided they were made dudng the current calendar year. Weather Limitations. The material shall be spread only when: 1. The road surface and atmospheric temperatures are at least 45 degrees F. and rising. 2. The weather is not foggy or rainy. 3. There is no forecast of temperatures below 32 degrees F. within 48 hours from the time of placement of the mixture. Page 5 of 7 Surface Preparations. The area to be surfaced shall be thoroughly cleaned of vegetation, loose aggregate, dirt, grease, oil or any type of objectionable surface film. Manholes, valve boxes and other service entrances shall be protected from the surfacing material. Stockpiles, Precautions shall be taken to insure that stockpiles do not become contaminated. Stockpiles shall be kept in areas that drain readily, Application. The surface shall be pre-wetted by fogging ahead of the spreader box. The entire surface should be damp with no apparent flowing water in front of the box. The surfacing mixture shall be of the desired consistency upon leaving the mixer and no additional materials should be added. A sufficient amount of material shall be carried in all parts of the spreader at all times so that a complete coverage is obtained. Overloading of the spreader box should be avoided. No lumping, bailing, or unmixed aggregate shall be permitted. No streaks, such as those caused by oversized aggregate, will be left in the finished surface. If excess oversize develops, the job will be stopped until the contractor proves to the engineer that the situation has been corrected. No excess build-up, uncovered areas or unsightly appearances shall be permitted on longitudinal or transverse joints. The contractor shall provide suitable width spreading equipment to produce a minimum number of joints. The finished surface shall present a uniform and skid resistant texture satisfactory to the engineer. Areas which cannot be reached with the mixing machine shall be surfaced using hand squeegees to provide complete and uniform coverage. The area to be hand-worked shall be lightly dampened prior to the mix placement. Care shall be exercised to leave no unsightly appearance from hand-work. Quality Control. Tl~e contractor shall be responsible for any and all fees relating to materials testing. The contractor will permit the engineer to take samples of the aggregate and asphalt emulsion to be used in the project at the engineers discretion. Gradation and sand equivalent tests may be run on the aggregate and residual asphalt tests on the emulsion. Test results will be compared to the specifications. Samples of the mixture could be taken as often as two (2) times each day. Consistency and residual asphalt content tests may be made on the samples and compared to the specifications. The contractor will be notified immediately if any tests fails to meet the specifications. If any two successive tests on the material fail, the job shall be stopped. If any two successive tests on the mix from the same machine fail, the use of that machine will be suspended. Traffic Maintenance. The contractor shall be responsible for providing maintenance and protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic associated with this work. Opening to traffic does not constitute acceptance of the work. Method of Payment. The quantity to be paid for under this item shall be the number of square yards of pavement covered in accordance with the specification. Page 6 of 7 Qualifications. The contractor shall have or be associated with a company that has a minimum of three years experience in the application of micro-surfacing material. In order to insure the efficient application of the product, the contractor must own or show the ability to rent and maintain a minimum of two mixing units capable of meeting the minimum requirements set forth in these specifications. Submittals. The contractor shall be required to submit the following information with his bid: 2. 3. 4. A letter of availability from the intended MSE supplier. A certified mix design from the materials manufacturer. A typical analysis of Macroseal Emulsion or approved equal. A list of at least (5) micro-surfacing projects which used the same emulsion and design mix indicated in the bid documents. These projects must have been completed within the last three years and the list must include the locations, amount of square yards applied and a reference name and telephone number. * Note: Any and all exceptions or substitutions to the specifications contained herein must be listed seperatly and included within the contractors formal bid proposal. END OF SPECIFICATION: Page 7 of 7 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, -and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Bid on L~GAL NOTICE N(Y~CE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance.with the provisions of Section 103 of thc G~neral Municipal Law, that sealed,bids are sought and re- quested for supplying the Southold Town Higliwa~ De- p .arta~t~ wRh 1~0,000 square yaros:(more Or [~N m may be needed) of~ POLYMER MOi~FiED ~MULSIFIED ASPIiALT PAVEMENT COURSE (TYPE II MICRO- S. IRFACING.} (The Town · yards, more or I~ss as may be needed, of poye~t to be flea.ohs m~y be obt~n~d at the Oft~ of the Town. Cl~k, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York l 1971 upon payment $5.00 non-refundable fee. The seakni bkls;*tog~er with a Non-C011uaiv~Bid Certificate, and bank draft or ~e~tified check in the amount of 2% of the amount of the hid, will be re- ceived by the Town Glerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hull, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 a.m., Thurs- day; April 9, 1998, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board oftbe Town of Southold r~serves the right to reject any and all. bids and waive any and ail informaii~in any bid should it be deemed tn the best int~re~tgfthe Town of So~thold to do~o. All bids must be signed and seated in e~velop~s plainly marked"lNd oa Mier~nrfoe- lng," and submitted to the Of- flee of the Town Clerk. The bid ~eriC~ shall not include any tax deral, state, or local from which ~he Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 17, 1998 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOL~THOLD TOWN CLERK I X-3~26/98(79) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Patricia C. Lollot, being duly sworn, says that she is the Production Coordinator, of the TRAV- ELER WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the no- tice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Traveler Watchman once each week for / ........ , ............................................................... weeks successively, co~,,.~_en_cing oThe .~......~.. ......... da~ ................ ~~ ............ ,19.~....dc me '~ ~' Sworn to before this ........................... day of Notary Public BARBARA k SCHNEIDER NOTARY PUBUC, State of New York No. 4806846 Qualified in Suffolk C~_n~ / commission F. xp re LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for Two (2) New Pick-Up Trucks for the Superintendent of Highways. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $200.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, April 9, 1998, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Two (2) New 1998 Pick-Ups", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 17, 1998 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: MARCH 26. 1998 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, The Traveler Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorney Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle~s Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board LECAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for supplying the Southold Town Highway Department with 150,000 square yards (more or less as may be needed) of POLYMER MODIFIED i EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT COURSE (TYPE II MICRO-SURFACING). (The Town will also require 30,000 square yards, more or less as may be needed, of pavement to be applied on Fishers Island.) Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 upon payment of a $5.00 non-refundable fee. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check in the amount of 2% of the amount of the bid, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, April 9, 1998, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed Micro-Surfacing", and submitted to the price shall not include any tax, federal, of Southold is exempt. Dated: March 17, 1998. in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Office of the Town Clerk. The bid state, or local from which the Town ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MARCH 26, 1998, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Copies to the following: The Traveler Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorney Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle~s Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 23rd day of March 1998 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice Is a true copy, in a proper and substantlal manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Boardt Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. "Bid for 150,000 sq. yds of POlymer Modified Emulsified Asphalt Pavement Course (Type II Micro-Surfacing)" Eliza'beth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 23rdday of March , 1998. N ota~ry Publ rc- LINDA J. COOPER Notmy Puldic, State of New York term Exp,res December 31, 1 ~ -/~ ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TO~N CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 17, 1998: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the Superintendent of Highways for the purchase 150,000 square yards (more or less as may be needed) of Polymer Modified Asphalt Pavement Type II Micro-Surfacing. Southold Town Clerk March 18, 1998