HomeMy WebLinkAboutTilford, Walter ATKINSON-LOVELESS & ATKINSON, LLP Attorneys At Law Linn Atkinson-Loveless Matthew R. Atkinson Marc Helman Acting Chief- Eastern Perm/ts Section Department of the Army New York District, Corps of Engineers Jacob K. Javits Federal Building New York, NY 10278-0090 September 18, 2002 Re: Application No. 2002-01148-L2 by Walter Tilford Dear Mr. Helman: We represent Gordon and Leueen Miller, owners of property adjacent to the Tilford property. The purpose of this letter is to urge the Army Corps of Engineers to refuse the application for the construction of a pier from the applicant's property into Greenport Harbor. The applicant's drawings are insufficient in that they do not show the full extent of the existing docks in the vicinity. The addition of this large pier assembly amidst the other docks already in place, including the Village's municipal dock to the north, would create a hazard to navigation. Also, the typical cross-section provided does not show the actual height of the bulkhead to which the pier would attach. This bulkhead is in fact quite high and construction offit would create a large intrusion on the beach. The Corps should also consider the suitability of the proposed pier to the location. This is an area of rough water. There is a risk that the floating dock could break free and cause property damage or pose a hazard to navigation. This project raises a number of other environmental concerns, such as habitat destruction, erosion, interference with access and aesthetic blight. The applicant's certification that the activity complies with the Coastal Zone Management Act does not sufficiendy dispose of the environmental concerns raised. This project will have adverse impacts that fall under the Town of Southold's Wetlands Ordinance and the State Environmental Conservation Law. The applicant neither discloses that other permits are required nor that the application may be subject to coordinated review trader the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). Telephone (631) 477-3700 9 Sterlington Commons, Greenport, NY 11944 Facsimile (631) 477-4239 In sum, we request that the Corps of Engineers, before issuing a Letter of Permission, deem the application incomplete and otherwise insufficient to assess the proposed project, since it is lacking information about the actual height and size of the pier, the location, including all existing structures in the vicinity, the yeax-round conditions created by winds, waves and currents, and the adverse envixonmental impacts. Sincerely, IAnn Atldnson-Loveless cc, w/application: Gordon and Leueen Miller Town of Southold, Board of Trustees Village of Greenport NYS Department of Environmental Conservation NYS Department of State VICI ~I-I'Y NAAI~ , I-O~'ATI ON MAP F~.OM AN EXI,~TINO ¢OI,,ICEETE ~ULKHEAI~,~ CO. NS'FRIJC-I"II~G A ~*~O'~AMP LEAI~IN~'roA L~V~L ~'x.~.eO FIXP-D POCKs. ~I~IO~ALL% FOU~ ~- PIL~ ~OLPHIN~ WILL ~ IN~TALL~ A~ MOORIN~ ~OX ~1~+ (~E. IENFOR,.T., NY I1~,~-,+ ,t-77- ilffi~J ~U~Y 15,~002 SHEE-T I OF 4 C05T~..LLO MAP-.INI~ ¢ON'TP..Ac-rlNle, f~O. I~OX ~.t~_~ ,~-E~l'~OR.'-r~ i'-..1¥ i1o~.,~. ('~ ~ I') 4--'/7- WHEN Aiv~ L.W PLAN ~MHW WA LTE IE -ri ,.lUU'f I'~, ~oo~ ~5,5 ,~MHW ANeW I~ 0TTSM / V V V V C05TF_..bLC; M^I~.INE. ¢OhlTR. ACTIN~ COP,.P. WALTER. r~ iR, E E.N F'OR.Ti NY SHEET 4- OF ~- REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Eastern Permits Section DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NE%N YORK DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS JACOB K. JAVITS FEDERAL BUILDING NEW YORK, N.Y. 10278-0090 September 12, 2002 SUBJECT: Application No. 2002-01148-L2 by Walter Tilford To Whomever It May Concern: The New York District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has received a request for Department of the Army authorization for the following activity: APPLICA/NT: Walter Ti!ford 424 Fourth St Greenport, NY 11944 ACTIVITY: Construct a pier assembly consisting of 40' by 6' inclined ramp, a 60' by 6' fixed dock, a 20' by 32" hinged ramp, and a 24' by 8' float, secured by (3) 2-pile dolphins. Install (4) 2-pile dolphins, (2) would be placed 24' apart on either side of the proposed float. The purpose of this project is to provide safe access to the waterway. WATERWAY: LOCATION: Greenport Harbor, Gardiners Bay Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk C~unty, NY As this is minor in nature, authorization may be by Letter of Permission. This is in accordance with current Federal Regulations governing work in navigable waters of the United States. To accomplish the coordination required, prior to the issuance of a Letter of Permission, your review of the enclosed drawings is requested. Pursuant to Section 307 (c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as amended (16 U.S.C. 1465 (c) (3) (A)), the applicant has certified that the activity complies with and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved state coastal zone management program. To allow for the timely processing of the subject application, your comments are requested within 15 days of the date of this letter. Sincerely, ~Marc Helman Acting Chief Eastern Permits Section Enclosures VICINITY MA!= i. i r LOCATI ON MAP ^I~J^C~NT P~OP~KTY ~RE. ENPOP.'T~ NY (~) VI,E~HNO. I~ KA'rHI. EI[N ~I~,ENNAN FF. OM AN EXI,gTII,,IO COI,,IClEETE E, ULKHE^I~ CO, N.,~Tt;[UC-'rlI,4~ CONTINUII-.I,~ WI"rH A ~'~,~ gO' I~.AMP ANO EI'41~INO WITH API~ITIONALL,'"(, FOUI~' ~- FILE I~OLPHIN5 WILL ~,E IN~TALLEg AS I~OORIN~ PILES. COSTEL. LO MAltINE ¢ONTP. AC..TINO COIKP. PO. ~OX al")+ OmEENFOI~T, NY 5HFFT I ~F 4. q-~o O CO~T~..LLO lv~AI~IN~ ¢Ot4T~AC-rlI4~ ~.O. ~OX ~4~ ~4~'O~-r~ b4Y 11~4-4- I I I I h ,, 40' W. AM P / ~o~ DOC:K ,t ~ I (+'4.5') (o.o~ CF~.O~ ~E-CTI 01,4  AMHW -- AMLW APPLI CAN-~: ,JUL"(' ~, ~00~ ~I-II=.I=T ~ OF.4- +5.5 ~HW IO"~ II,~-~IOE PILE{: 0.0 AMLW V V V V [;' 0 C, F-, SEC, TI 0 N 0 I' ~.' ".'.'4 ' WAL-~5 ~ '1'1L.I=OF-[2 61~.EENPOI~T, NY 11944 dULY I:~ Z. OC)~ 5NEET ,4- OF 4