HomeMy WebLinkAboutBond Anticiption notes 1973-78BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES FILE NO. 1 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 - Land acquisition (at New Suffolk) - Pay Loader $36,000. - Acquisition of Land $63,000. - Tax Accounting Machine $18,000. - Land Acquisition $17,500. $44,000. FILE NO. 2 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 - Land Acquisition $16,000. - Land Aeuqisition $14,000. - Land ~cquisition $27,000. - Purchase of Tax Accounting Machine $3,700. - Land Acquisition $10,500. '- Acquisition of Additional Ferry Boat $115,000. - Bond Anticipation Note $7,400. - Land Acquisition $13,000. - Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District $19,500. - Road Improvements $6,000. - Road Improvements $4,800. - Statutory Installment Bond -Ferry Boat - $95,000. - Road Improvements $8,400. - Machinery Serial Bond $34,800. - Road Improvements $10,500. FILE NO. 3 1973 1973 1974 1975 1975 1976 1976~ 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 Land Acquisition $24,000. Road Improvements $2,400 Road ~mprovements $1,200. Road Improvements $2,100. Construction of Police Headquarters $24,700. Land Acquisition,Mattit~ck Park District $6,000. Purchase & InstallatiOn of Street Lights $50,000. Purchase & Installation of Street Lights $40,000. Beach Acquisition(Catherine Herbert) $9,000. Acquisition of Land (Mattituck Park District) Renewal -$6,000. Imp~ovem~nts~forFishers Island Ferry Dist.(new ferry)S589,000. Mattituck Park District - $6,000. HOME OFFICE LOVE LANE, ' Ot(TH CFOt tQ BANK ~ TRUST Co March 3, 1983 Mr. William R. Pell, III, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall, Main Road Southold, New York 11971 NEW YORK 11952 ~516) 298-8366 TO'~',,, ..,,' ~..,.., r~uLD Dear Mr. ?ell: The following pledged securities have matured, or will mature shortly: $ 42,000 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, B.A.N., 8.50%, DUE 3/3/83; and $200,000 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, 7.75%, DUE 3/10/83. In substitution, we are pledging the following securities, held at Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company: $250,000 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 10.00%, DUE 5/1/85. Kindly adjust your records accordingly. Thank you. Ve~y~uly yours, //7' Charles W. Wright Senior Vice President and Comptroller ARBITRAGE CERTIFICATE BOND ANTICIPATION RE?~FWAL . . D~uty . I, the unaerslgnea/supervlsor of the To~.~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. On the basis of ~he facts, estimates and circumstances ' herein set forth it is expected that the $6,000 Bond Anticipation Note, 1977 (Renewal) of said Town, dated March 4, 1977 and maturina March 3, 1978 ("Note") (as more fully ~escEibed in a Bond Anticipation Renewal Note Certificate of the underslgne~rvlsor dated March 4, 1977 authorizing the issuance of said Note) will not constitute an "arbitrage ~ond" within the meaning of Section of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and the applicable Regulations promulgated thereunder. ~. The Note is sold at a price of par without premium and is issued to refund in part a prior $10,000 bond anticipation note ("Prior Note"). Said Prior Note will be retired on the date of issue of the Note, all of the proceeds of the Note ~elng expended therefor. 3. Since all of the proceeds of the Prior Note have been expended for the governmental purposes for which said Prior Note was issu~dand all of the proceeds of the }~ote will be expended on the date of issue of the Note, none of the proceeds of the'Note will be available to hold or to acguire obligations after said date. To the best of my knowledge and belief, there are no facts, estimates or circumstances which ~ould materially chanqe the ex- pectations set forth herein. IN WITNESS ¥~EREOF~ of said Town of Southold, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal }~ew York, this 4th day of }:arch, 1977. Deputy Supe. rvisor (SEAL) ~5819-G BOND ANTICIPATION RENEWAL NOTE CERTIFICATE DATED MARCH 4, 1977. DEPUTY CERTIFICATE OF THE/SUPERVISOR OF THE TOWI~ OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A $6,000 BOND ANTICIPATION RENEWAL NOTE OF SAID TOWN TO PAY PART OF THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN AN FOR THE MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT IN SAID TOWN. · ut I, the underslgne~up~rvlsor of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. Pursuant to a bond resolution dated January 23, 1973, duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on said date, authorizing the issuance of $24,000 serial bonds of said Town to pay the cost of the acquisition of certain real property in and for the Mattituck Park District, including incidental expenses, which is an assessable improvement, and delegating to me, as chief fiscal officer, power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes, including renewals thereof, in anticipation of the issuance and sale of said bonds, which power is in full force and effect, and has not been modified, amended or revoked, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE the issuance of a bond anticipation renewal note of said Town in the principal amount of $6,000 in anticipation of the sale of said bonds. Said note shall be dated March shall be of the denomination of $6,000, the rate of three and nine-hundredths 4, 1977, shall be numbered 4-R, shall bear interest at per centum -(-~3.-09%) per annum, payable at maturity, shall mature on March 3, 1978, and both principal of and interest on said note shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at The'Bank of'New York , in Greenport ........ , New York. Such note is a renewal note. 2. The specific object or purpose for which said note is hereby authorized to be issued is to renew, in part, the outstanding $10,000 Bond Anticipation Note, 1976 (Renewal), dated March 5, 1976, numbered 3-R, and maturing March 4, 1977. The balance of said outstanding note, in the amount of $4,000 will be paid from a source - 2 - other than the proceedings-: of the bonds or bond anticipation notes, and such amount shall constitute the fourth installment of the principal amount of such indebtedness. The amount of serial bonds now to be issued therefor is $6~000. 3. No other bond anticipation notes are presently outstanding in anticipation of the ~ale of said bonds. The date of the first bond anticipation note issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds was March 8, 1973. 4. Such renewal note shall be executed in the name of said .. D~puty . Town of Southold, New York, by l=s/Supervlsor, sealed with its corporate ..Deputy seal, attested by l=s£1'own Clerk, and the same the form attached hereto. Such note is hereby to The Bank of New York .... ~ in' shall be in substantially sold at private sale Gr~enport ............ New York, at a price of not less than par and accrued interest~ if any. To the best of my knowledge and belief, no officer or employee of said Town has an interest in the sale of said note prohibited by Article 18 of the General ~4unidip&l Law~ as amended. Dated: Southold, New York, March 4, 1977. Deputy Supervisor An executed counterpart of the foregoing certificate~ with form of note attached, was filed with the Town Board of said Town of Southold, New Yorkf this 4th day of March, 1977. Depu~ Town Clerk / (S E A L) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK CO~TY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE· 1977 ( P~ N EWAL ) No~-R $ 6,000 The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipality of tbeStateofNew Yom (bereinca~d ~e"Obl~or'9, bereby a&nowledgesit~debtedand~r va~erece~edprom~estopaytotbebeareroftb~no~,or~ber~tered, totber~ter~ bomb, ~esumofSIX TffODSh~D DOLLAR~ ($6~000) on the 3:(:1 day o~e~h.a n£ne_haflfl7raec%Epwthe;: with interest thereon from tbS d4¢e hereof at the rate of .......... .~ per centum fob u. %_ ) per annum, payable at maturity. Botb ~i~ci~no~aTjifi~d ~iS~s note will be paid in lawful mone~ of the United States o[~4merica at' ~ ~-' · This note may be redeemed prior to plicable provisions stated on the Tb~note~oneofatotalautbor~ed~s~ proceedings and pursuant to: DATED ~ARCH 4, 1977 OF SOUTHOLD, OF A $6,000 PART OF THE AND FOR o00 ~ccordance with the ap- a part of this note. issued ~ursuant to 23, 1973~ CERTIFICATE OF THE TOWN ., AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE iNEWAL NOTE OF SAID TOWN TO PAY OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN TRICT IN SAID TOWN." The faith and credit of the Obligor are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this note according to its terms. It is certified and recited that all conditfl~ns, acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York to exist, to bare happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this note, exist, bare happened and bare been performed, and that this note, together with all other indebtedness of the Obligor is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of such State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Obligor, in accordance with the proceedings authorizing this note, bas caused this note to be signed and its corporate seal to be hereunto affbced and attested as appears below, and this note to be dated as of the 4 th day of ~.]arch , 1977 . TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTYe NEW YORK e~u~Supervisor ATTEST: De~ Clerk · osmg We, the undersigned do hereby eea't~: Thatwearetheofl~eersof the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York (hereinafter called the ~Obligor"} indicated by the offcial ~tle set opposite our respective signatures to this That we did 0ffe/a~y execute $ 6,000 Bond Anticipation Note, 1977 of said Obligor, denomination of $ 6,000 em/ag dated March 4 /nterest 3.0 9 % per annum, and being numbered and payable as follows: (Renewal) ,19 77 Numbered 4-R and maturing March 3, 1978. That no litigation of any nature is now pending or, to our knowledge, threatened (a) in restrain or enjoin .the issuance or delivery of said obligations or the levy and collection of taxes or assessments to pay the same, (b) m any manner questioning or affecting, directly or indirectly, the validity of said obligations or the proceedings or authority for the issuance thereof, or (c) contesting the corporate existence or boundaries of the Obligor or the title of the undersigned officers to their respective offices; that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said obligations has been repealed, revoked or rescinded; that the corporate seal of the Obligor, or a facsimile thereof, has been impressed or imprinted on all of said obligations; and that on the date of the execution of sai.d obligations and on the date set forth below, we were and are the duly chosen, quali~ed and acting officers indi- cated therein and on this eertillcate and duly authorized to execute said obligations. That on the date of this certificate, said obligations were actually delivered to the purchaser thereof against receipt of the purchase price as follows: Principal (par value): Premium: Accrued interest from date of said obligations to date of delivery: TOTAL: WrrN~S our official signatures the 4 th day of March actual delivery of said obligations, as aforesaid. Sign~.ture /.~--. Official Title ,/ -- --~.~.~, ~)~.~ Deputy Town Clerk ,19 $ 6,000.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ 6,000.00 77 .berg the ~ ~ the Term of Office Expires 12/31/77 12/31/77 I hereby certify that the signatures of the offeers above subscribed are true and genuin~ The Bank of New York (NAME OF BAN~) Donald Deale,A~ltc'e Pres. June 28, 1977 The Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York Dear Sirs: We have examined a record of proceedings relating to the issuance of a $9,000 Bond Anticipation Note For Acquisition of Land-1977 of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suf£olk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York. Said Note is dated June 28, 1977, matures June 28, 1978, bears interest at the rate of two and eighty one hundredths per centum (2.81%) per annum, payable at maturity, is numbered 1, is of the denomination of $9,000, is payable to bearer without coupons and registerable as to both principal and interest, and is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Laws of the State of New York, the bond resolution adopted by the Town Board on May 24, 1977, authorizing the issuance of $9,000 serial bonds for the acquisition o£ certain land situate in said Town, for recreational purposes, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on June 28, 1977. Said Bond Anticipation Note is a temporary obligation, issued in anticipation of the issuance of permanent serial bonds. In our opinion, the Note is a valid and legally binding general obligation of the Town for which the Town has batidly pledged its faith and credit and, unless paid from other sources, all the taxable real property within the Town is subject to the levy of ad valorem real estate taxes to pay the Note and interest thereon without limitation of rate of amount. The enforceability of rights or remedies with respect to such Note may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, or other laws affecting creditors' rights or remedies heretofore or hereafter enacted. Further, in our opinion, the interest on said Note is exempt under existing statutes from Federal income taxes, and under existing statutes from New York State and New York City personal income taxes. Other than such record of proceedings, we have not been requested to examine or review and have not examine or reviewed any proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents containing information relative to said Town, which have been or may hereafter be furnished or disclosed to purchasers of said Note, and we express no opinion with respect to any such proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents or the accuracy or sufficiency thereo The form of said Note is prescribed by the Certificate of Determination executed by the Town Supervisor on June 28, 1977, but we have not examined said executed Note. Very truly yours No. I S~ATE OF ~EW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S 9,000 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR ACQUISITION OF LAND-1977 The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation Of the [~ateofN~ Yo~,her~yackno~ed~asit~lf~debted md~rval~receivedp~ses~ p~ ~ the beareroft~ Not. or --Nine Thousand: ...... = ................... Doll~s~ 9,000 ). on ~e 28th d~ of June .1~? 8, ~t~r wi~ ~r~ tbe~on f~m tbe ~fe h~o! ~ ~ ~e ~ Both pHn~ ot ~d h~on ~ N~ ~ ~d in hwhl m~y of ~ U~ S~ oi ~ ~ the Supervisor's Office, Southold, New:York. At the request of the bekler, the Town Clerk shall ~nvert this Note tnto, a registered Note by reghteldng it in the name of the holder in the books of the Town kept in the office o! such Town Clerk md endorsing a .certificate of such registration here~r~ after which beth principal of md inter~t on this Note shall be payable only to the registered holder~ his legal repre~mt~tive% successors or transferee. This Note shall then be transferable only upon presentation to such Town Clerk with a written transfer of title and such Town Clerk shall there,l~n r~mter lhis Note in the name of the transferee in his books and shall endorse a certificate of such re&dstration hereon. Such transfer shall be dated, and st~ned by the registered holder, or his legal representative& and it shall be duly ~cknowled~ed or proved, or in the alternative the siimatere thereto shall be certified ~ toits &,enutneness by an officer'of'a bank or trust ~ompany located and authorized to do business in this State. This Note is the only Note of an authorized issue, the principal amount of which is $9,000. .' Thfs Noteh~ pur~mttgt~ovisin~ofthe ~lFinmce ~w,~nstituting ~apterl~a~.t~Con~Hd~ed ~WSofth~'Sta~0fN~0~ the pond resolution adopted by the Town Board :o~..May .24, 1977, authorizing the i~ss:uance of $9,000 serial bonds for the acquisition of certain land situate in said Town, for recreational purposes, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on June 28 , 1977. The faith and ~r~dlt of such Town of Southold are hereby irrevocably pledged' for the punctual payment of the p~ndp~ of md interest on fids Note acco~g to its ~r~. It is be~by ~r~fled lnd recit~ that ~1 conditionst acts ~d t~n~ r~uired by the ~nstituS~ ~d ~atut~ of ~e Sta~ of New Yo~ ~ ~h~ to have ~p~ed and ~ have ~n perfom~ preset ~ and ~ ~e i~annce of t~s No~ ~s~ ~ve happ~ and have be~ pe~o~ ~d that th~ Not~ tog~her with ~1 other ~debtedn~s of such TOWE of Sou~ho ld is wi~ ~e~ debt ~d. o~ l~it p~cribed by the ~sti~ti~ ~d laws of su~ Stat~ IH W~NE~WHEEEOF, the Town of Southold Town Clerk ATTEST: has caused this Note to be ~i~ned by lin Supervisor I~ ~!:)~i~,~, ~t~s ot m, 28th ~ o~ June ~ 7. j./....~ ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD B ' Supervisor Town Clerk (glosim3 (gerlifirale We, the undersigned do hereby ~: ~nat we ere the o~ice~s of th~ Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, i:~ew ~ork, (herein~ter called the 'Obligor') indicated by the o~oial title se~ oppoaite our respective signatures to ~ certtlicateo That we did o~c~a~y execute $ 24,000 ~ond Al%titivation '~ote, 1 ~ 73 of said Obligor, denomination of $ 2 4,0 0 0 ~ dated ~' ~'~ 'e o h ~ ,, 19 7 3 interest ~ l_.~Z8 qb per anm,w% and being numbered and payable as follows: Numfoer~d 1 and maturing 19'14. That no litigation of any nature ia now pending or, to our knowledge, threatened (a) to resh'ain or enjoin the issuance or deliver] of said obligations or the levy and collection of taxes or s~sessmeuts to pay the same, (b) l~ any m.nner questioning or affecting, directly or indirectly, the validity of said obligations or the proceedings o~ authority for the iss-.nce thereof, or (c) contesting the corporate existence or boundaries of the Obligor or the rifle of the undersigned officers to their raspec~ve offices; that no authority ur proceedings for the issuance o~ said obligations has been repealed, revoked or rescinded; that the corporate se~l of the Obligor, or a faesimile thereof, has been impressed or imprinted on all of sa~d obligations; and ~hat on the date of the execution of said obligations and on the date set forth below, we were and ere tho duly chosen, qualified and acting officers dicated therein and on this cer~icate and duly authorized to execute said obligations. That on the date of this certi~cate, said obligations wer~ ac~ually de~fvered to ~he purchaser thereo~ egaln~ receipt of the purchase price as follows: Principal (par wlue): ~emium: Aeorued intere.~ {rOm date o~ said obligations to date o{ delivery: TOTAL: Wrr~mss our official signatures the delivery of said obligations, ss a[oresaid. R~t~day of '~% peh $ $ 24,000.00 , 19 73 being thc (late of the actual oupervzoor Dee 31, 1.973 Town Clerk Dec. 31, 197.~ I hereby certify that the signatures of the officers abOve subscribed are true and genuine. I ]JI']R}'}iSY CF]t~rl-]FY l]~at tl,e s~,,g;,a~tn'[zs of ~he officers of ~]~e abox, e-~a:ed Issuer, which appr:ar above, are true and j;e~:~h~c :md lhat I k:)w said officers and know them to hold the respedive oS/r'es :~: opposite their several s~gnatures. S~gnature Nan:~ of Bank ATTORNEY'S ('EIIT1FICATE I, l~O]glt~T W. TASKI~2R, HEREBY CERTIFY, 1hat I am a ]icensod alto3't~ey at law of the State of New York having offices at 425 Main Street, Greenpor't, New York, in said S~ate and am tl~e duly chosen, qualified and acting Town Attorney of the Toxin of Sot:hold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of safd St:re and herc:n cefe:redlo as the "Issuer", that no litigation of :,ny nature is ~ow 10c,ding oF threat- :,ed restraining or enjoinh~g the issuance or delivery of the notes of lhe Issuer, payable io bearer and all otherwise described as set forth ha Sd~edu]e A annexed her¢o and by this reference made a part hereof or the levy or co]]edSon of any ~axes to pay thc interest on or principal of said notes, or in any manner questioning the autl:odty or proce~.dings for the issuance of said holes or for the leOy or col]ectfon of :::id tares, or relatfn: to said notes or affeding the validity thereof or the or colledion of ~aJd la:es, that neither the corporate existence or boundaries of the Issuer nor ~he title of any of the present officers thereon to their respective offices is being contested, and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said notes has' or l]ave 1)e~zn nq~ealed, re,~oked or rescinded. IN WITNESS \¥'llEREOF, I have heruunto set my }~and this 8th day of August, 1975. A ~ ~ ou nt [~n d T itl e: Date: Numbers and Denominations: [nter~'st l~ate '~t~d Jhyment Dates: SCIIEDULE A $2, 100.00 t3OND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR ]tOAD IMPROVEMENTS - 1975 Augnst 8, 1975 August 6, 1976 11~-4 $2, 100. O0 6.25¢ per ann,ira uutJl m:urity, F~'able at m:t~rity No. 1R-4 UNITED STAT|dS OF A~iENICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOI,K TOWN (3F SOUT;4OLD $2,100.00 *3OND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - 1975 The Tov, n of Southold, 522 the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporalion of the State of Now Y{ork, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this Note, or if it be registered, to the registered hold-r, the sum of TWO THOUSAND ONI< IIUNI)NNI) DOI;LARS ($2, 100.00) on tim 61h dxy of August, 1976 together with inlerest thereon from the date hereof at i'ale of per t~nnum, payable at maturity. Both principal of and intepest on this Note will be paid in lawful money of the Uniled States of America, at the office of the Stq)ervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New Yopk. At {he Fequ,lSt of ~he holder, the Town Clerk shall convert this Note into a regJsicred Nato by registering it in the nanqe of the holder in the books of the Town kept in the o[fice of such Town (NePk and endorsing a certificale of such registration hereon, after wNch both principal of and inter'est on this Note shall be papable nnly lo the registered ho]der, his legal represeni;*iives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in the altem}ative the sig~miure ~hercN} shall be cerlified as lo its gcnuinem?ss by au officer of a bank or U'ust company lncMed snd auihorizod to do business in ibis State. This No,Lc is the only Note of an authorized i~sue, the principal ;~;tmt of which is $2, 100.00. This No'Lo ~nay be caned for redemption on shy dale prior to ~a:uu~'ity afier giving of at least five (5) days notice of the date of rede2aption by mailir~g of wriitcn n~ntice to the original purchaseF, or if this Note be registered io the registered b,ddeP, ~nd 'briefest shall cease to be paid hereon afler such date of redemption. This Nolo is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finanee cc:n~¢iitoling Chapi~p 33--a of the Consolidated l~aws of the SiMe of New York, and {he rcsnh~lion ot~tN]od: 19ond Resolution of the Town of Souihold, New York, adopted .July 6, !971, aprn-op~.h~ting $10, 500.00 for the improvement of Town Roads, Jn ~aid Town, stating thc esiirqated maxin3um cost thereof, $10,500.00 and authorixing the b{suance of $10, 500.00 Serial Nouds of the Town to finance said Approtmialion, duls adopted by the Town Roapd on the date thc~ ein referred to. The faith ahd credit of such Town of Sonthold are hereby il'rcvocM3]e ?edged for the ptmelual payment of the principal of and interest on rids Nc,to :tc~.or,Nng to its terms. It is hereloy certified mhd reeeited that all conditions, ads, t=,~d ~bings required by lhe Cc, nslt~ution and statutes of the State of New Vo~-k, to ~,xL4, to ~,x'~' h:~f,i,,,nod and !o bax e b(:en perfo,'med precedent to and in thc i:3211;P30c {~f this N, do, t.xJst, have hal?cued ai2~{[[ have been perforn'~ed, and that this Nolo, togo~her with ali {':)dcb{cd~af}SS of slleh Fown of Southold is witbba every debt and olher ]imit pres:_ribed by iNe Cc.nsfii~lticm and laws of soch State. IN R lTL P, SS X¥tiERNOD', the Town of Sonthold ]nas caused this Note to be signed l)}; iqs S, p.!'xis,*r, :~ud its corpor:de ..qcal to be hereunto affJxcd and ;*tteMed by its T,o,.,n Clerk ::ud this Note to be daled as of the 8th day of August, 1975. (S \fi !.iS F: Relaling to N,~tes of 'f'O\¥N ON SOUTIIO1.D, N)~]\V (_EI~IIB1C,SI!.S AS TO SiGNAT/ Nb]S, ]AIIGAIION, AND DP. LI\F. RX AND PqYMENT WE, the undersigned officers of the Town of Southold, in the (County of Saffolk, a n-,unicipal c:orporation of the State of New York and herein ~ efc~ r ~ ~uur , [iEi[P]t3Y Ct;]R'PIFY that on the 81:h clay of .August, 1975, we officially signed mad properly executed by manual sfgnahu'es $:2. 100.00 prh~eipul am,,unt of notes of the Issuer, each payable to Bearer and all otherwise de.~mm:d as set forth in Schedule A auoexed hereto and by this reference ~nade a part hereof,aha' ' that at ?he time of such signing and executN, n and on the amc her'eof we were and are the 'uly chosen, qualified a~d acting of'fleers of d~e Issuer authorized to execute said holes :~nd holding dm re._t.t, chve o~f~ces [udicated by the oln :ml Mtles set opposite our signatures w:rc[o for t :r ns e:,pfring on the rcspc<:tive dates set opposite such litles. \~ FUI%TtfIE[% C]:di%TIFY .... n~..t uo lit5g:dion: of any nature is now pending or lhr,:'.nen,.d restraining or enjoJniug the issuance or delivery of said notes c,r the leD~ or c'ol!e,_'lion of any taxes fo pay the interest on or principal of said notes, or h~ any n~anner queslionh2g the authc)rity or proceedings for the issuance of smd notes or for lhe levy or coNection of said taxes, that neflher the corporate exisl~mee or ho[tndar'h-s of ~l~_ Issuer nor the title of any of the present officers ther'cof to '~ ' ' '*'I" i~ ,? o~ncos is htdng conic. ,ed, a~)d tha~ ~o au~f-,o~'ity or i.,'oc,t~,-;h.gs for the isz:,~:~n,-,~ of said re>los bis or }faro been :epealed, r'e',oke I O1' i' ~Scd,,d ~d. I~ C]~]RTIP'Y tlnat the seal which is impressed upon" '' cePiificate ~, u ,~x L.ed by ir-tpression ~ipon each of said notes at~d is the legally adopted, iNI) l. the under'sighted Super'visor uf the Issuer, i{I~]REBY V/FRTIIisl~ lhat ~,n the 8th day of August, 1~75, I delivered said notes to VM2ey Rank ~J,:,,,~ Y,.rk , the purchaser thereof, ;,hd ~lnat :~t the time of such delivery of said notes, I received from 3;rid pureha,Ter [he ;,::o, mt h,.t'etnhelow stated, in full payment for said ndes ,-om?led ;~s follows: (S A L) Price .................................. $?, 100.00 Interest on said notes accrued to ~he A~r, ount received ........................ $2, 100.00 IN \V[['Rb]SS WNi~P, lqOF, we have h~;remfl:o set o[~r hands and ::~id corporate. t~:. .) h,..,.n ;dt~×cd this 8th day of August, 1975. Ofl'icial Title Supervisor Term of Office · ' · December 31, 1975 h ~ ~ub~_~ 1975 OF 7'H~] TO~N OF SOUTHOJA), NEW YOIKK, RF]UATIV]~ TO AUTiJORt/.AT!ON, SAI,E, ]SSUANCt~, FOt<M AND CONTblNFS OF AN $2, 100.00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOT~i FOR ROAD IMPI~OVES¥]I<NTS- 1975 1, AI,13J<t{I' M. MAI~TOCClJIA, SupervSsor of the Toxsn of Southn]d, in the Cousin' of Suffolk, New York, iIEI~t~]13Y CP]]CPlFY that pursuant to ~he l,~n,,~:rs dulies delegated to me, the chief fiscal officer of the Town by the Town !~o?rd pursuant lo resolution duly adopted as set forth below 0nd st~bjecl to the U prescribed fn said resolution, I have made the following determimdions: I. A bond at~ti~qpv, thm note of Ibc Town, 5n the principal an~ount of 82, 100.00 :<hall L,e issued to reue'w, in part, the Sl0, 500.00 Bond An~icip:dJon Note for tqoad [r, qorove~,~ents - 1971 daled August 9, 1971, maturing August 9, 1972, numbered 1, and }u. rcl,sfore is:q~md 5n antieipalJ,m of lhe sale of serial bonds authorived pursuant to the uesolulion entitled: .-,o ~l-t~15 lulJc~n of the Tox~.n of ,$oulu,~}d, New York, adopled .tuly G, 1971, app)-oi~cJ:i{.~ng $10,500.00 for the Improvement of Town [Roads in s~:hl Toy, u, stating the ]<sti:na%od Maximum Cost thereof is $10, 500.00 and authorizing the 5 $10, ~;;J0. U0 Serial ~%mds o~ the Toxsn to [Snance smd appropria(ion." duly u,h~i,h~d l;y the T~<vn lSoard c,n ~he dale ther~ein rc[err~,d to aud ~he CertSficate of Dv~u',,:f~mtSot: execub:d by Ibe Supervisor on August 8, 1975, the re~emption of $10, 500. O0 bond attticipa~ion note having been herc,(ofore provided (o the e:,1<nt of ~6, :hn). O0 from a ,s~)urf:e ollter LDaII lhe p~ocei~us of :4'dd 2. Tlte l:erms, form and details of said Note M~all be as ~,oount and Title: SP, 100. 00 [~ond Anlic:Jp~,iSc,u N,,io ]qoTd [mprovemenls - 1975 ibded: %ugust 8, 1975 l'Ialures: August 6, 1976 No. 1t~-4 [~teve~t Rale: 6.25~ per annum, ptD. able at maluriiy (?,~,~e~?<,r~, New Tork lrorp~ of _Note: Subsi:{nlially h7 aceordr~nce with form prescrfoed by Schedule B, ~ of Jhe Local bHn-~.ce l, tw of the St~te of New York 8. Pursuant fo smd powers and duties de]e~a~ed to me, I DO t~ER]~]BY AW.~RD for ~he pur'chase price of SP, 100.00, plus acorn:ed iuN::ost, if eny, from the d;~ie of sa'id Note to lhe date of paytnent of ~be pur~:hase p~']r~e, npd I F{ I)~YtZI]~'~INE tl~at smd Note so awarded sh:i,l] hear in~:~'est at the rate of ~.;'~,~ payable at maturity. ,t. The N~te h~:.'c.]n ~o~]ho~'i:<ed shall be exr.,..uted in the narne of ihe To~.n by Su?.zr~ib~,r a~d ~he seal of sa~d ~l'o',~'n shall be i~npressed ~lnereon ~,nd adlested by its I ~l<r~J~1~Y I>[;I{T]~t<]~ (j!~J<']'lb~Y (I~t every po~ver deleguted (o me to ]s:~e sell ~he Note hereinabove desct-'J~3ed is in full force and effect and has not ]N NVITN}~]~S Xi;IJC]t]:](')b'. I have hero,unto set ~ay I~.ud this ~]th day of ~uf~ust. 1975. SFAi'~.2 ()1~' N}SW YORK) COUNTY OF SS.: ,lLit)lTlt F. NOKI~N, being, duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and ,,}o.~a -- 1.1) Iatn the duly appointed, quaNfi,ed and ac{iug Town Clerk of ~he Town of So'nt]oo]d, Jn ihe County of Suffolk. Ncw York (herein and in Schedule A cal~ed N~=vrr ) (2) TN:tt ~Sth respect to the contract of sale of the folln~vir:g ck's,: vih:>d nf i!:e lS~r~r lo each ~d'Cicer and umployee of the Issuer having die p~wer or duty {o (a) l~i CIi}[tF6'~ L{H{}I(M'iZC or approve ilhe cc,nh'act or authorize or approve pa}].L~'nl iN,Pre- u~,der. (h) xudit hills or claims under the c,~.ntract, or (c) appoint ~n officer or enli'Jo}*'c ~vJ-to has any of the po,,vcrs or duiies set f~,tqh ;xho~e. a:3 {o whol]-:r fir buch ~,fricer or ernp]oyee has an interest (as defined pursuant to Ariiclc 18 of Go~: ~r'al Mun'icipal Law) in such conlract: Arno,mt ;,nd Title: $2, 100.00 BOND ANT]CII'A,T[()N NOTE FOIL RO,SD IM[°ROVP;\I 5NT - 1975 ha{ .d: .,%ugust 8, 1975 ~t,gqst 6, ]976 No. 11%--4 13euon~iuation: $2. 100.00 !nierest tale: flU1 he'cote and by this reference made a part - Skll,sc:vil e t ~: ,id sw M'n lo before me this 9jh day of %u,gust, 1975. r', , ,~ ,? :;')i'1"* xr':,',%',lq " :;lock '-,<'~ <nf but rio Ji::clo:~uro of said 2, , hag such Ji]lol'c'.qt in :~aid ct,~llra¢'l, l'~ut ~,f thc ...... ~': ' ' ' ' , . , ' ' ,.lc aggregate primpipo_l a~nou~t of ,u', ' ~ 100, ('30; , has put01ic'ly disclosed thc nature and ol ':<ich ,i):orc.:st in v,~iting to the governing board of thc Issuer. Such wrilimq ..... = a pa~'t of and set forth in thc official record of 3. . ........................... , }nas a;q inlcrcs;t in Iht Pnrchasu,r, solely , has p~hlicly db;closcd thc malut'e ami t.xicnt 425 MAIN ST. BREENPDRT, L. I., N.Y. 11944 June 3, 1975 Hon. Judith T. Boken Southold Town Clerk Re: Bond Anticipation Note for ~C~gn ~f Police Headquarters Dear Judy: I enclose herewith letter of approval of Hawkins, Delafield and Wood with respect to the renewal of the above note in the amount of $24,700 on May 2, 1975. This is for filing in your office. Also enclosed is a statement of charges and disbursements for services rendered by the bonding attorneys relative to such bond. For your information, this renewal note will not be further renewed and will be paid off in full at the time of maturity on April 30, 1976. Yours very truly, RWT :MY Enclosures May 2, 1975 The Town Board of the ~Iowu of Southotd, in the County of Suffolk, New York Dear Sirs: We have examined a record of proceedings relating to the issuance of a $24, 700 Bond Anticipation Note For Con- struction of Po[ice Headquarters Building-1975 of the Town of Southoid, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York. Said Bond Anticipation Note is dated May 2, 1975, matures ~pril 30, 1976, bears interest at the rate of five and one-half per centum (5 1/2%) per annum, payable at maturity, la numbered 4R-l, is of the denomination of $24, ?00, is payable to bearer without coupons and rei/lsterable as to both principal and interest, and is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 35~a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond and capital note resolution adopted by the Town Board on September 8, 1970, authorizing the issuance of $123, 500 serial bonds for construction of a police headquarters building in the Hamlet of Peconic0 in sa/d Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on May 2, 1975. Said Bond Anticipation Note is a temporary obligation, issued in anticipation of the issuance of permanent serial bonds. In our opinion, said Note is a valid and legally binding general obligation of said Town of Soutbold and, tmless paid from other sources, is payable from ad valorem taxes levied upon all the taxable real property within the Town to pay said Note and interest thereon, without limitation as to rate or amount. The form of said Note is prescribed by Schedule B, 2 of said Local Finance Law, but we have not examined the executed Note. Very tru[F.~yours, . ~ ~ *JNiT~.O STAT~S O1, AM~.alCA S 24, 700 STATE O~* N~W YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POLICE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING- 1975 Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, .hereby acknowled8~ }tself indebted and .for value received promises to pay totbe bearer of this N~te, or if it be registered, to the registered holder, the sum of ..... Twenty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred .......... Dollars (8 24, 700 ) on the 30th day of April , lfl~ , to~ber with interest thereon from the date bereof at the rote of per centum (~,.5~ %) per a,mum, payable at maturity. Bath principal of and interest on this Note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America, at the Supervisor's Office, Greenport, New York. At the request of the holder, the TowB Clerk shall convert this Note.into ~ registered Note by registering it in the name of the haltel, in the boohs of the Town kept in lhe office of such Town Clerk and endorsing a .certificate of sueb registration hercon~ after wlflch both principal of and interest on this Note shall be payable only to the registered holder; his legal representatives, suoeessevs or transferees. This Note ~bell thco be transferable only upon: presentation to such' Town Clerk with a written trensfer of title m~d such Town Clerk shau thereupon register ibis Note in the nat}m of tho transferee in his books and shall endorse a certificate of such registration hereon. Such transfer shall be dated, and mgned by the registerell hokler, or his legal representatives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in the alternative the signature thereto shall be certified a~ to its genuineness by an officer of ~ bank or trast company located and authorised to do business in this State. This Note is the only Note o[ an authorized issue, the p~incipal amount of which is $24, 700. This Note i~ issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Fimmce Law, constituting Chapter 88-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond and capital note resolution adopted by the Town Board on September 8, 1970. authorizing the issuance or $123,500 serial bonds for construction of a police headquarters building in the Hamlet of Peconic, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on May 2, 1975. ~ The faith and credit of such Town of Southotd ar~ hereby irrevocebly pledged' for the punctual payment of theprincipal of and interest on this Note according to its terms. ,: It is bere~y Certified tiao recited that all conditions, acts and thin~ recluired by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York to exist to have happel~ed and to ha~e been performed pree&lcot to and in the issuance of thls Note, exist, 'have happened and have been performed, and that this Note, together With all other indebtedness of such Town O ~ Soulhold is within every debt and. other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of such 8tut~ IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the Town of Southold has cau~d this N~te to be ~lgned by its Supervisor ,anrt its corporate seal to b~ hereunto affixed and attested by Its Town Clerk ona this Note to be dated as of the 2nd a~y of May , ~075 · ATTEST: Town/-ZCle rk 1~0. R-1 UNITED STATES O1~ AMERICA STATE OF NEW 'leEK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S 40,00(~ BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION STREET LIGHTS-1977 )F The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a mu]~icipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and foe value received promises to pay to the bearer , ~ this Note, or if it be registered, to the registered holder, the sum of .............. Forty Thousand .............. D01lars($ 40,000 ) on the 22nd da)' o! March ,1978 , together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the Fate of three and fifty-nine hundreths per. c~ntum (3.59%) per annnm, yay~blc at maturity, Both principal of and interest on thi~ Note ~ be pMd in lawf~ money of the United States of Ameers, ~% the offioc of thc Supcrv~ _~_~rccnpor~, N~ York. ~t the request of the holder, ti~e Town Clerk shall eon;err this Note into a ~gistered Note by ragisterlng it in the nalne of the bolder ~ the ~oks of the ~own kep~ in %he office of sud~ Town Clerk ~a en~r~g ~ .certificate of such registration here~, after which both principal of an~ tnter~t on th~ Note shall be payable only to the r~istere~ holder, his legal ~presenta~ives, successors or transferee& This Note sh~ffi then be transferable only upon p~esentation to such TO~ with a wri[lcn transfer of title and sud~ Town Clerk shall thet'eupon register lhis Note in the name of fl~ transferee in his hooks ~d shall endor~ g certiSc~te o[ such registration hereon. Such ~r~sfer shall be dated, and signed by ~e re~ster~ hol~l; or his legal r~entati~es, and k shall be duly acknowle&led or proved, or in the altemMiw the si~atnre thereto sh~l b~ certifi~ ~ to its g~ninm~ss by an officer of ~ hank or tr'll~ company located a~d authoris~ to Re business in ~h~ Stat~ , . This Note ~S the only Note of an author~z~.~ssue, the principal aount of which is $40,000, ThisNote~i~uedpnrsusntto~eprovisionsoftheLec~Fin~ceLaw, coostttut~g ~apterg3-ao/tbe ~n~lidated ~wsoftheSta~o{NcwYor~ the bond resolution adopted by the Town Board on February 10, 1976, authorizing the issuance of $100,000 serial bonds for the p~rchase and installation of street lights in and for the Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Deputy Supervisor on March 22, 1977. The £aith and credit of such Town of Southold are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this Note according to its terms. It is hereby certified ~nd recited that ~1 conditions, ac~ and things r~u~ed by the ~nsftu~on and s~tu~s of the State of New York to exist, to have h~Dpcned and to h~ve been performe~ precedent to and in tbe issnan~ of t~s Note~ ~ist, have hap~nea and have been rerfo~ ~d lhat ~Is Note, togahei with ~ ~ber indebtedness of such Town of So~tho ld is within eve~ debt ~d. oth~ limit rreseri~a by the ~s~tntion and laws of such State. IN WITNESSWIIEREOF, the To~ of Southold has em- a this Note. to be signed by its Town Clerk ATTEST: ~./ ~' Town Clerk~ -'eputy Sue rvisor , d its corporate .... ,to b~ hereunto ~Jxed and nt~est~ 0y its and this Note to bu dated ns of the 22nd day et March To~ OF SeU~ C~, ~gpu{y Superq~sor