HomeMy WebLinkAboutComp Master Plan Study The resolution published herewith has been adopted on the 3rd day of Au~st, 1982, and the validity of the obliga- tions authorized by such reso- lution may be heres/ret con- tested only if such obligations were authorized lar en object or purpose for which the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New york is not suthorizedto eq~ad mo~ey or if the pwvisionu of inw which should hsve been complied with ns of the date of publica- tion of this' ~ were not substantially complied with, and an a~t/on, suitor proceed- lng contesting such validity is commenced within 20 days after the publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitu- tion. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of ~outhold in the County of Suffolk, New York August 3, 1982 A regular meeting of the Town Board of'the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, was held at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town, on August 3, 1982 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing time). There were present: Honor- able William R. Pell, III, Supervisor, and Coencilpersons: John J. Niokles, Lawrence Murdock, Jr., Prancis J. Murphy, Jo- seph L. Townsend, Jr., Town Justice: Raymond W. Edwards, Jr. Also present: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk; Robert W. Tssker, Town Attorney. Councilperson John J. Nick- les offered the following reso. lution and moved its adoption: BOND RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ADOPTED AU- GUST 3, 1982, AUTHORI- ZING THE PREPARATION OF A COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN STUDY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTIRE AREA OF SAID TOWN, STATING THE ES- TIMATED MAXIMUM' COS{ THEREOF IS $80,000, AP- PROPRIATING SAID A- MOUNT THEREFOR, IN- CLUDING $10,000 CURRENT FUNDS, AND AUTHORI- ZING THE ISSUANCE OF $70,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN TO FINANCE THE BALANCE OF SAID APPROPRIATION. RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUN- TY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK (by favorable vote of not less than two-thirds of eht entire membership of said Board), AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town of Sonthold, in the County of Suffolk, New York {the "Town"), is hereby autho- rized to have a comprehensive master plan study prepared for the development of the entire area of the Town, pursuant to applicable provisions of the Town Law. The estimated maxilnum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof is $80,000 and the said amount is hereby appropriated therefor, includ- ing $10,000 current funds now available in the current budget of the Town. The plan of financing includes the use of said $10,000 current funds, the issuance of $70,000 serial bonds of the Town to finance the balance of said appropria- tion and the levy and collection of tax upon all the taxable real property in the Town outside of the incorporated Village of Groenport, to pay the principal of said bonds and interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town in the principal amount of $70,000 are hereby authorized to be issued pursu- ant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constitut- ing Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (the "Law"), to finance the balance of said appropriation not provided by said current funds. Section 3. The following additional matters are hereby determined and declared: (a) The period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose hereinabove described, for which said $70,000 serial bonds herein authorized are to be issued, within the limitations of Sec- tion 11.00a.64 of the Law, is five (5) years. (b) Current funds are not required to be provided prior to the issuance of the serial bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, however, current funds in the amount of $10,000 are now available in the budget of the Town for the 1982 fiscal year under the heading "Con- tingent Account -- Code B1990.4" and the Supervisor such funds and to apply the same solely to the said specific object or purpose authorized pursuant to this resolution. (c) The maturity of any bonds authorized by this reso- lution shall not exceed five (5) years. Section 4. Each of the bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution and any bond anti- cipation notes issued in antici- pation of said bonds, shall contain the recital of validity prescribed by Section 52.00 of the Law and said bonds and any notes issued in anticipa- tion of said bonds, shall be general obligations of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by a general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the prin- cipal of and interest on said bonds and provisions shall be made annually in the budget of the Town by appropriation for (a} the amortization and re- demption of the bonds to mature in each year and (b) the payment of interest to be due and payable in each year. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and the Law, pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 rela- tive to the authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes, or, the renewals of said notes and of Section 50.00 and Section 56.00 to 60.00 of the Law, the powers and duties of the Town Board t~lative to authorizing bond anticipation notes and prescribing the terms, form and contents and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, and the renewals of said notes, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of the Town. Section 6. The validity of the bonds authorized by this reso- lution and of any bond antici- pation notes issued in antici- pation of said bonds, may be contested only if: (a) such obligations are authorized for an object or with a notice attached in substantially the form as pre- scribed by Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The adoption of the fore- going resolution was seconded by Councilperson Lawrence Murdock, .Ir. and duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: AYES: Supervisor William R. Pell, IIL Councilman John J. Nickles, Councilman Law- rence Murdock, Jr., Council- man Francis J. Murphy, Councilman Joseph L. Town- send, Jr., Town Justice Ray- mond W. Edwards. NOES: None. The resolution was declared adopted. CERTIFICATE I, Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk of the Town of Sout~old, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CER- TIFY that the foregoing an- hexed extract from the mi- nutes~ of a meeting of the Southold Town Board of said Town duly called and held on August 3, 1982, has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of said Town Board and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of said original winutes so far as the same related to the subject matters referred to in said extract. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and gffixed the corporate seal of said Town this 3rd day of August, 1982. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk IT-8/12/82 (33) says that she is the ELER-WATCHMAN, J. in Suffolk CounW; ~ed is a printed copy, ~nd Traveler-Watch- ......... /.~.. ......... week_~ /~. purpose for which the Town is ................................. not authorized to spend lg.f..~ (b) the provisions of law which should be complied with ~ ...... - ........ ' ....... : .......... at the date of the publication of such resolution, are not sub- stantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceed- ing contesting such validity is v4~ commenced withint 20 days /~) day of after the date of such publics- · ..................... tion, or (c) such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The adoption of the fore- going resolution was seconded by Councilperson Lawrenc% Murdock, Jr. and duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: AYES: Supervisor William R. Pell, 111, Councilman John J. Nicldes, Councilman Law- rence Murdock, Jr., Council- man Francis J. Murphy, Councilman Joseph L. Town- send, Jr., Town Justice Ray- mond W. Edwards. NOES: None. This resolution was declared adopted. Councilperson John J. Nick- les offered the following reso- lution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUN- TY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and direct- ed to publish, in full, the foregoing bond resolution in The resolution published herewith has been adopted on the Srd day of August, 19~2, sad the validity of t.he obliga~ tions authorized by such reso- lution may be hereafter con- tested only if such obligations were sathori~d for sa object or purpose for which the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New york is not authored to ~ m~y or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publtca- ~ of this notic~ were n~t substantially complied with, and sa action, suit or procend- lng contesting such validity is c~mmenced with'm 20 days attar the publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitu- rion, Judith T. Terry Southuld Town Clerk EXTRACT OF bliNUTES Me~ of ibc Town Board of the Town of'~outhold ia the County of Suffolk, Hew York Au~st 3, 19~2 A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the ,County of Suffolk, New York, was held ~t the Tows Hall, Main Road, Sontho~d, New York, in said Town, on August 3, 1982 ut 7:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing time). There were Present: Honor- able William R. Pall, III, Supervisor. and Councilpersons: John Nickles, Lawreuce Murdock, Jr., Francis J. Murphy, Jo- seph L. Townsend, Jr., Town Justice: Raymond W. Edwards, Jr. There were absent: None. Also present: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk; Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney. Councilperson John J, Nick- les offered the following reso- lution and moved its adoption: BOND RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ADOPTED AU- GUST 3, 1982, AUTHORI- ZING THE PREPARATION OF A COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN STUDY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTIRE AREA OF SAID TOWN, STALING THE ES; TIMATED MAXIMUM' COST THEREOF IS $80,000, AP- PROPRIATING SAID A- MOUNT THEREFOR, IN- CLUDING $10,000 CURRENT FUNDS, AND AUTHORI- ZING THE ISSUANCE OF $70,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN TO FINANCE THE BALANCE OF SAID APPROPRIATION. RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUN- TY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK (by favorable vote of not less than two-thirds of eht entire membership of said Board), AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York (the "Town"), is hereby autho- rized to have a comprehensive master plan study prepared for the development of the entire area of the Town, pursuant to applicable provisions of the Town Law. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof is $80,000 and the said amount is hereby appropriated therefor, includ- ing $10,000 current funds now available in the current budget of the Town. The plan of financing includes the use of said $10,000 current funds, the issuance of $70,000 serial bonds of the Town to finance the balance of said appropria- tion and the levy and collection of tax upon all the taxable real property in the Town outside of the incorporated Village of Greenport, to pay the principal of said bonds and interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town in the principal amount of $70,000 are hereby authorized to be issued pursu- ant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constitut- ing Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (the "Law"), to finance the balance of said appropriation not provided by said current funds. Section 3. The following additional matters are hereby determined and declared: (a) The period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose hereinabove described, for which said $70,000 serial bonds herein authorized are to be issued, within the limitations of Sec- tion 11.00a.64 of the Law, is five (S) years. (b) Current funds are not required to be provided prior to the issuance of the serial bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, however, current funds in the amount of $10,000 are now available in the budget of the Town for the 1982 fiscal year under the heading "Con- tingent Account -- Code B1990.4" and the Supervisor is hereby directed to set aside such funds and to apply the same solely to the said specific object or purpose authorized pursuant to this resolution. (c) The maturity of any bonds authorized by this reso- lution shall not exceed five (5) years. Section 4. Each of the bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution and any bond anti- cipation notes issued in antici- pation of said bonds, shall contain the recital of validity prescribed by Section 52.00 of the Law and said bonds and any notes issued in anticipa- tion of said bonds, shall be general obligations of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by a general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the prin- cipal of and interest on said bonds and provisions shall be made annually in the budget of the Town by appropriation for (a) the amortization and re- demption of the bonds to mature in each year and (b) the payment of interest to be due and payable in each year. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and the Law, pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 rela- tive to the authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes, or, the renewals of said notes and of Section 50.00 and Section 56.00 to 60,00 of the Law, the powers and duties of the Town Board i~intive to authorizing bond anticipation notes and prescribing the terms, form and contents and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, and the renewals of said notes, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of the Town. Section 6. The validity of the bonds authorized by this reso- lution and of any bond antici- pation notes issued in antici- pation of said bonds, may be contested only if: with a notice attached in substantially the form as pre- scribed by Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The adoption of the fore- going resolution was seconded by Councilperson Lawrence Murdock, Jr. and duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: AYES: Supervisor William R. Peil, ill, Councilman John J. Nickles, Councilman Law- rence Murdock, Jr., Council- man Francis J. Murphy, Councilman Joseph L. Town* send, Jr., Town Justice Ray- mond W. Edwards. NOES: None. The resolution was declared adopted. CERTIFICATE I, Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk of the Town of Soutfiold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CER- TIFY that the foregoing an- nexed extract from the mi- nutes, of a meeting of the Southold Town Board of said Town duly called and held on August 3, 1982, has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of said Town Board and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of said original minutes so far as the same related to the subject matters referred to in said extract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town this 3rd day of August, 1982. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk 1T-8/12/82 (33) soys thor she is the :LER-WA¥CHMAN, I. in Suffolk County; ed is a printed copy, ind Zroveler-W(:tch (a) such obligations are ....................... week~ authorized for an object or /) -~ purpose for which the Town is ............ .~ .................... not authorized to spend money, or (b) the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of the publication of such resolution, are not sub- stantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceed- lng contesting such validity is commenced withint 20 days after the date of such publica- tiou, or (c) such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The adoption of the fore- going resolution was seconded by Councilperson Lawrenc% Murdoek, Jr. and duly put to a vote on roil call which resulted as follows: AYES: Supervisor William R. Peil, III, Councilman John J. Nickles, Councilman Law- rence Murdock, Jr., Council- man Francis J. Murphy, Councilman Joseph L. Town- send, Jr., Town Justice Ray- mond W. Edwards. NOES: None. This resolution was declared adopted. ..../..~ ............ day of Councilperson John J. Nick- les offered the following reso. lution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUN- TY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and direct- ed to publish, in full, the Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE The resolution published herewith has been adopted on the 3rd day of August, 1982, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town of Southold, in thc County of Suffolk, New York is not authorized to expend money or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this funds no~w available in the current budget of the Town. The plan of financing includes the use of said $10,000 current funds, the issuance of $70,000 serial bonds of the Town lo finance the balance of said appropriation and the levy and colleclion of tax upon all the taxable real property in the Town outside of the incorporated Village of Greenport, to pay the principal of said bonds and interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town in the principal amount of $70,000 are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (the "Lawl, to finance the balance of said appropriation not provided by said current funds. Section 3. The following additional matters are hereby determined and declared: ~al The period of probably usefulness of said specific , object or purpose bereinabove described, for which said $70,000 serial bonds herein authorized are to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11.00a.64 of the Law, is five 151 years. th} Current funds are not required to be provided prior to the issuance of the serial bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, however, current funds in the amount of $10,000 are now available in the budget of the Town for the 1992 fiscal year under the heading "Contingent Account - Code BLS00.4" and the Supervisor is hereby directed to set aside such funds and to apply the same solely to the said specific object or purpose notice were r 'ubstantially complied with, .id an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK EXTRACT OF MINUTES Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, New York August 3, 1982 A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, was held shall contain the recital of validity prescribed by Section 52.00 of the Law and said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, shall be general obligations of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by a general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds and provisions shall be made annually in the budget of the Town by appropriation for Ia) the amortization and redemption of the bonds to mature in each year and {b) the payment of interest to be due and payable in each year. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and the Law, pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 relative to the authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes, or, the renewals of said notes and of Section 50.00 and Section 56.00 to 60.00 of the Law, the powers and duties of the Town Board relative to authorizing bond anticipation notes ann prescribing the terms, form and contents and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in antieipatiori of said bonds, and the renewals of said notes, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of the Town. Section 6. The validity of the bonds authorized by this resolution and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, may be contested only if: (al such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town is not authorized to spend money, or at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town, on August 3, 1982, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. tPrevailing Time). There were present: Honorable William R. Pell, III, Supervisor, and ' · Councilpersons: John J. WI Nickles, Lawrence Murdock, ~ ~~.__~.__. Jr. Francis J. Murphy, Jeseph WI L. Townsend, Jr. Town Justice: Raymond W. St Edwards, Jr. There were absent: None Also present: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney Nickles offered the following resolution and moved its provisions of the constitution. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect im- mediately. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilperson Lawrence Murdock, Jr. and duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: AYES: Supervisor William R. Peil, III, Councilman John J. Nickles, Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr., Murphy, Councilman Joseph Justice Raymond Edwards. NOES: None· This resolution was delcared adopted. Councilperson John J. Nickles offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in full, the foregoing bond resolution in "The Suffolk Times" and "The Long Island Mattitack published in Southuld, New York, and having a general circulation therein, and hereby designated as the official newspapers of said Town, together with a notice attached in substantially the form as preseribsd by Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Section 2. This resolution .shall take ef fec, t immediately~, The adoption ~f the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilpersun Lawrence Murdock, Jr. and duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted aa follows: General - No Veto 9/1/75 (2m) CERTIFICATE 1, JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Soulhold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing annexed extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Soulhold Town Board of said Town, duly called and held on August 9, 1982, has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of said Town Board and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of said original minutes so far as the same relate to the subject matters referred to in said extract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town this 3rd day of August, 19~2. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk 4031 1T Al2 LEGAL NOTICE The resolution published herewith bas been adopted on the 3rd day of August, 19~2, and the validity of the . obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if' such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town of Sonthold, in the County of Suffolk, New York is not authorized to expend money or if the ~ovisinns of law which should ve been complied with as of the date of publication of this the ~se of said~urrent funds, the issuance of $70,000 serial bonds of the Town to finance the balance of said appropriation and the levy and collection of tax upon all the taxable real property in the Town outside of the incorporated Village of Greenport, to pay the principal of said bonds and interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town in the principal amount of $70,000 are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (the "Law), to finance the balance of said appropriation not provided by said current funds. Section 3. The following additional matters are hereby determined and declared: (a) The period of probably usefulness of said specific · object or purpose hereinabeve described, for which said $70,0OO serial bonds herein authorized are to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11.00a.64 of the Law, is five (5) years. (b) Current funds are not required to be provided prior to the issuance of the serial bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, however, current funds in the amount of $10,5O0 are now available in the budget of the Town for the 1952 fiscal year under the heading "Contingent Account - Code B1990.4" and the Supervisor is hereby directed to set aside such funds and to apply the same solely to the said soecific object or purpose notice were- not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. JUDITH T. TERRY SOuTHOLD TOWN CLERK EXTRACT OF MINUTES Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, New York August 3,1982 A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, was held bonds ~d~y'~es~i~su~ '~ anticipation of said bonds, shall bo general obligations of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by a general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds and provisions shall bo made annually in the budget of the Town by appropriation for (a) the amortization and redemption of the bonds to mature in each year and (b) the payment of interest to bo due andpayable in each year· Section 5. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and the Law, pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 relative to the authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes, or, the renewals of said notes and of Section 5O.00 and Section 56.00 to 60.5O of the Law, the powers and duties of the Town Beard relative to authorizing bond anticipation notes and prescribing the terms, form and contents and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipatiofi of said bonds; and the renewals of said notes, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of the Town. Section 6. The validity of the bonds authorized by this resolution and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, may be contested only if: (a) such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town is not authorized to spend money, or at the Town Rail, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town, on August 3, 1982, at 7: 30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time). There were present: Honorable William R. Pell, III, Supervisor, and · Councilpersons: John J. Nickles, Lawrence Murdeck, Jr. Francis J· Murphy, Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Town Justice: Raymond W. Edwards, Jr. There were absent .~ None Also present: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney Councilperson John J. Nickles offered the following resolution and moved its ~hall take effect im- mediately. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilperson Lawrence Murdeck, Jr. and duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: AYES: Supervisor William R. Pell, III, Councilman John J. Ninkles, Councilman Lawrence Murdeck, Jr., Councilman Francis J. Murphy, Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr., Town Justice Raymond W. Edwards. NOES: None. This resolution was delcared adopted. Councilpureon John J. Nickles offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in full, the foregoing bond resolution in "The Suffolk Times" and "The Long Island Mattituck Watchman", newspapers published in Southold, New York, and having a general circulation therein, and hereby designated as the official newspapers of said Town, together with a notice attached in substantially the form as prescribed by Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Low of the State of New York. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilperson Lawrence Murdeck, Jr. and duly put to a vote on roll cull which resulted as follows: adootion: BOND RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ADOPTED AUGUST 3, 1982, AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF A COMPREHENSIVE MAST- ER PLAN STUDY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTIRE AREA OF SAID TOWN, STATING THE ESTIMATED MAXIMUM COST THEREOF IS $80,000, APPROPRIATING SAID AMOUNT THEREFOR, INCLUDING $10,000 CURRENT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $70,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE 9/1/75 (2m~ CERTIFICATE I, JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing annexed extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Southold Town Hoard of said Town, duly called and held on August 3, 1982, has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of said Town Board and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of said original minutes so far as the same relate to the subject matters referred to in said extract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town this 3rd day of August, 1982. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk 4031 IT A19 TOWN TO FINANCE THE BALANCE OF SAID APPROPfflATION. RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, 1N THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK (by favorable vote of not less than two-thirds of the entire membership of said Board), AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York (the "Town"), is hereby authorized to have a comprehensive master plan study prepared for the development of the entirf area of the Town,pursuant ( continued on po STATE OF NEW YOPK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ,JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, bein~ duly sworn, says that she is over the a~e of twenty-one years; that on the 4th day of August 1982 she affixed a notice of which the, annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office, Main Road, Sontbold, New York 11971 Bond Resolution - $70,000.00 - Comprehensive Master Plan Study for the Town of Southold. ~ Judith T. Terry ~outhold Town Clerk Sworn to be before me this 4th day of August , 19 82 Notary]°ubl ic ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE NOTARY PUBLIC, St;~te of New Yolk NO. 52 8125850, SL~fo!k term Exp res Ma c 31) 19 ~7 THE FOLLOWING NOTICE WITH THE ATTACHED EXTRACT OF ~IINUTES AND BOND RESOLUTION IS TO BE PUBLISHED IN ITS ENTIREV ON AUGUST 12, 1982, AND PLEASE FORWARD TV?O AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TO~,?N CLERK, TO~VN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORE 11971. To: L. I. Traveler. Suffolk Times Town Clerk's Bulletin Bd. on 814/82 ******************************************************************* ' The resolution published herewith has been adopted on the 3rd day of August, 1982, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or Rurpose for which the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York is not authorized to expend money or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or l~roceeding contesting such val~idity is commenced within twenty days after the publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized Jn violation of the provisfons of the constitution. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK EXTRACT OF MINUTES Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, New York August 3~ 1982 A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, was held at the Town Hall, said Town, onAugust 3, 1982, at 7:30 o'clock P There were present: Main Road, Southold, New York, in · Mo (Prevailing Time). Honorable William R. Pell, Supervisor, and Councilpersons: Town Justice: There were absent: NOB e John J. Nickles Lm~rence Murdock, Jr. Francis J. Hurphy Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Raymond !?. Edwards, Jr. Also present: Judith T~ Terry, Town Clerk Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney Councilperson John J. resolution and moved its adoption: Nickles offered the following BONI) RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHO[JD, NEW YORK ADOPTED AUGUST 3, 1982, AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION 0? A COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PI,AN STUDY FOR THE DEVF~I,()PMENT OF THE ENTIRE AI~EA OF SAID TOWN, STATING THE ESTIMATED MAXIMUM COST THEREOF IS $80,000. AP]~RO- I~RIBTING SAID AMOUNT i"ttEREFOR, INCLUDING $10,000 CURi'~ENT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $70,000 S]~;RIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN TO I~'INANCE THE BALANCE OF SAID APPROPRIATION. RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THI~2 TOWN O[~' SOUTtIOLD, IN THE COUNTY Ot? SUFFOLK, NEW YORK (by favorable ~ote of not less than two- thirds of the entire membership of said Board), AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York (the "Town"), is hereby authorized tohave a comprehensive master plan study pre- pared for the development of the entire area of the Town, pursuant to applicable provisions of the Town Law. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and cos:ts incidental thereto and the financin~ thereof is $80,000 and the said amount is hereby appropriated therefor, including $10, ti00 em'rent funds now available in: the current budget of the Town. The plan of ~inancing iueludes the use of said $10,000 current funds, the issuance of $70, 000 serial bonds of the Tc~wn to finance the balance of said appropriation and the levy and collection of tax upon all the taxable real property in the T,~wn outside of the incorporated Village of Greenport, to pay the principal of said bonds and interest thereon as the same shall become duc, and payable. Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town in the pri~cipal amount c,f $70,000 are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the [,c, ca] Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated I,aws of the State of New York (the "I~aw), to finance the balance of said appropriation not provided by said cnrrent funds. Section 3,, '['he following additional matters are hereby determined and deulared: (a) The period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose hereinabove described, for which said $70,000 serial bonds herein authorized are to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11.00a.64 of the Law, is five (5) years. (b) Current funds are not required to be provided prior to [be issuance of the serial bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, however, current funds in the amount of $10, 000 are now available in the budge~ of the Town for the 1982 fiscal year under the heading "Contingent Aceount- Code B1990.4" and the Supervisor is h~reby directed to set aside such funds and to apply the same solely to the said specific object or purpose authorized pursuant to this resolution. (c) The maturity of any bonds authorized by this resolution shall not exceed five (5) years~, Section 4. t~ach of the bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said boads, shall contain the recital of validity presc~ [bed by Section 52.00 of ~he Eaw and said bonds and any notes issued in a~ticipation of said bonds, shall be general obligations of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by a general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds and provisions shall be made annually i[n the budget of th~ Town by appropriation for (a) ~he amortization and redemption of the bonds ~o mature i~ each year and (L) the payment of interest to be due aud payable h~ each year. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and the Law, pursuant to the provisions of S~'ction 30 relative to the authorization of the issuauee of bond anticipation no'~es, or, the renewals of said notes and of Section 50. O0 and Section 56. O0 to 60.00 of the Law~ the powers and duties of the Town Board relative to authorizing bond anticipation notes and prescribing the terms, form and contents and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, aad the renewals cA' said notes, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of Ihe Town. Section 6,, The validity of the bonds authorized by this resolutiou and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, may be contested only if: (a)such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town is uot authorized to spend money, or (b) the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of the publication of such resolution, are not substantially eomplied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or (c) such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately~, The adoption of the foregoing re solution was seconded by Council[,erson Lawrence Murdock, Jr. ;~nd duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: AYES: Supervisor William R. Pell, Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Murphy, Councilman Joseph L. Raymond W. Edwards. None. This resolution was declared adopted. Councilperson Councilman John J. III, Councilman John J. Nickles, Jr., Councilman Francis J. Townsend, Jr., Town Justice Nicklesoffered the following solut~ n and moved its'. adoption: RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TIJE TOWN OF SOUTHOI,D, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK AS FOLLOWS: Section 1o The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in full, thc foregoing bond resolution in "The Suffolk Times" and "The Long Island Mattituck Watchman", newspapers published in Southold, New York, and having a general circulation therein, and hereby designated as the official newspapers of said Town, together with a notice attached in substantially the form as prescribed by Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law of the, State of New York. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The adoption of the foreg[oing resolution was seconded by Councilperson Lawrence Murdock, Jr. and duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: AYES: Supervisor William R. Pell, Councilman Lawrence 5~urdock, Murphy, Councilman Joseph L. Raymond W. Edwards. NOES: None III, Councilman John J. Nickles, Jr., Councilman Francis J. Townsend, Jr., Town Justice The resolution was declared ad,,pted. General - No Veto 9/1/75 (2m) CERTIFICATE I, JUDITH T. TERRY. Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York annexed extract from Town Board duly called and , ~EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing the minutes of a meeting of the Southold of said Town , held on AugD~t ~ , 19 82, has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the }~inute Book of said Town Board and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole said original minutes so far as the same relate to the subject matters referred to in said extract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto the corporate seal this 3rd day of set my hand and affixed of said Town August , 1982 . of (Seal) Town Clerk PUANNING- BOARD TO .W.~'N OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY Southohl. N.Y. I 1971 TF! EPHONE 765-1938 TO: William R. Pell III, Supervisor FROM: Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman,-~ DATE: July 8, 1982 SUBJECT: Master Plan and Zoning Update The only capital expenditure for 1982 for Phase I of the Master Plan and Zoning Update is anticipated not to exceed the sum of $27,500. The remaining sums to be paid out 1983, possibly 1984.