HomeMy WebLinkAboutDemarest Property COUNTY NATIONAL BANK SUFFOI K WEST SECOND STREET*PO fJOX269*F~ VERHEAD N.Y. 11001 * (516) 727-2700 ARLYNE MORGENSTERN ASSISTANT COMPTROLLER January 25, 1989 Mr. Francis Murphy Supervisor Town of Southo]_d Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Murphy: Enclosed please find the following cancelled no%e: $18,000. Town of Southold, N.Y. 5.25% due 1/30/89 It was a pleasure to have accomodated the Town of Southold with this borrowing. Very truly yours, : km enc. UNi'IED STATES OF AMENI(i~ Sn!ATE 0F NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFEOLK TO~N OF BCND AN~A~4 2[OTE FOF' PU RCH~SE~~~O~AUN C~ ~ANP cot)oration of ht St~t% ~ ~ew York~ h~rebv acknow]e(lqes itself sum of E29hteen Thoupar, d 00/100 ...... ~_~,- ...... Dollars ($~8,000.00) ............. on the 30th day of Oatm0. ry, 19~9~ together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of five a~-d 25/100the per centum (5.25%) per annum payable at maturity. Eoth principal o~ and interest of this Note w4].l be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at the Suffolk County National Bank, Riverhead, New York, At the request of the holder, the Town Clc. rk shall convert this Note into a registered Note by registering in the hame of the holder in the books of the Town kept in the office of such Town C].6~k and endorsing a certificate of such registration herec~, after which both principal of and interest on this Note shall be payable only to the registered holder, his legal representatives, successors or transferees. This Note shall then be transferable only upon presentation to such Town Clerk with a written transfer of title and such Town Clerk ~hall thereupon register this Note in the name of the transferee in her books an~ shall endorse a certificate ~u~egfst'~atien hereon. Such transfer shall be date~;~i~n4;~~e'reqistered~ ~ 'hclder, or his legal repre.s%ntati~.p a~ ~F~i~}) d~iy acknowledged or proved, o~ in th~: alte~tive the sign~ ~e thereto shfll be certified as to its ge~ine~s'3~!~ %~cer of a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State. This Note is the .onl~l~b~W~R~uthorized issue, the principa], amount of which is $18,000.00. This Note is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond resolution adopted by the Town Boar(] of the Town of Southold on July 19, 1983 authorizing the issuance of $90,000.00 serial bonds for the purchase o~ certain land containing 1.4 acres more or less situate on the south side of Narrow River Road, Orient, as the site of a boat launching ramp and for other town purposes in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on February 3, 1984. This Note has been designated by tile Town as ,~ qualified tax-exempt obligation pursuant to the provisions of Section 265 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The faith and credit of such Town of Southold is tlereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual pa~ent of the principal of and interest on said Note accor~g to its terms. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts, and. things required by the Constitution and statutes of thc State of New York, to exist, to have has. ned and to have been performed precedent to and ~hq~ssuanc~ of this Note, exist, have happened and hav~eF~~nd this note, together with all other indebt~s~T"~u'ST~T~of Southold is within every debt and other ~it prescribed~the Constitution and Laws of such State.&~ JAN 3 01989 IN WITNESS WHERE~S~~a~a~thold has caused this Note to be signed by its~~R~nd its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its ~D, Clerk and this Note to be dated as of the 29th day of Jan~a~9~8. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~OND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR ACQUISITION OF BOAT LAUNCHING RAMP SITE-1984 'c0~ooratior~ of,,~he Ninety Thousand ................................ Do~ ($90,000 ........ ) on t~e 1 st d~y of Feb r ua r y ,1085, t0~et~ ~ ~{e~t ~ ~m ~e ~e ~{ at ~ ~ d Five. a~ 69/] O~ .............................. ~er ~ ( 5, 69 ~) P~ ~ psy~Me at ~F. T~e ~a~k m~ New York, G~eeu~or~, New York ~ of ~ ~d~, ~e Town Clerk ~ ~ ~ N~ ~to ,,~:~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ~: ~ ~ of ~ Town k~t ~ the o~ ~:~ : ~ Town Clerk ~d ~ ~ ~fl~ ~ ~ ~ h~ ~fler w~,~' ::~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~ u~p~ ~ ~ Town Clerk ~~_~ m~~~i~~o~or~or~tc~y~ This Note is 2he only Note of an authorized'i2sue, the principal amount of which is $90,000. L~, -~k~..~-~m--~J?~-m~at~em~°f~L~ll~n~w,~m~m~~°f~co~Hd~ ~e~a~ewx0~, the bond resolution adopted by the Town Board on July 19, 1983, authorizinq the issuance of $90,000 serial bonds for the purchase of certain land, containing 1.4 acres, more or less, situate on the South side of Narrow River Road, in Orient, in said Town, as the site of a town boat launchin~ ramp and for other Town purposes, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on February 3, , 1984. T'ee~thmmdere~ltmf~h Town of Southold arehereby have hp~,~a cad ha~e [~e~ Pertom~d. aud that ~fl~ No~ together ~k ~~' Town of Town Clerk . ~No~,sof~ ~rd.,~?ebruary ~84