HomeMy WebLinkAboutFishers Island Ferry DistrictA Regulnr meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk; New York, was held at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, i~ s~id Town on the 1st day of November, 1983. PRESENT: Hon. William R. Pell, III., John J. Nickles, Lawrence Murdock, Jr., Francis J. Murphy, Joseph L. Townsend, Jr., Raymond W. Edwards, Supervisor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Town Justice In the Matter of the Increase and Improvement of Facilities of Fishers Island Ferry District, in the '~-Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law. RESOLUTION AND ORDER AFTER PUBLIC HEARING NOVEglBER !, 1983~ WHEREAS, the Town Board of. the Town of Southold (herein called "Town Board" and "Town", respectively), in the County of Suffolk, New York, upon the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town (herein called "District"), has requested Sparkman & Stephens, New York, New York, licensed naval architects (herein called "Naval Architects"), to prepare a preliminary plan and report for the increase and improvement of facilities of the District consisting of (a) the acquisition of an additional ferryboat at an estimated maximum cost of $1,400,000, to replace the ferryboat "OLINDA", presently owned and operated by the District, and (b) application of the (i) amount of $300,000 expected to be received as trade-in value for the "OLINDA", and (ii) the amount of $590,000 current funds of the District to be made available to the purchase price of said new ferryboat, said new ferryboat to be used on the authorized routes of the District, and WHEREAS, the Naval Architects have completed such plan and estimate of cost and filed same with the Town Board, and said Town Board thereafter adopted an order describing in general terms the proposed increase and improvement of the facilities, specifying the estimated cost thereof, and stating that the Town Board would meet to hear all persons interested in said increase and improvement of facilities on OCTOBER 29, 1983 at 12:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) at Fishers Island Firehouse, at Fishers Island, in the Town; and WHEREAS, copies of such Order, certified by the Town Clerk, were duly published and posted pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 of the Town Law; and WHEREAS, such public hearing was duly held by the Town Board on this 29th day of October, 1983 at 12:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) at Fishers Island Firehouse at Fishers Island, in the Town, and considerable discussion on the matter having been had and all persons desiring to be heard having been heard, including those in favor of and those in opposition to said increase and improvement of the facilities; Now, therefore, on the basis of the information presented at such hearing, it is hereby DETERMINED, that it is in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the District at the estimated maximum cost of $1,400,000, including application of the trade-in value of the existing ferryboat "OLINDA" and said current funds, as hereinabove described and referred to and, it is hereby ORDERED, that the facilities of the District shall be so increased and improved and that the Naval Architects heretofore retained by the Board shall prepare plans and specifications and make a careful estimate of the expense of said increase and improvement of the facilities and with the assistance of Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney, prepare a proposed contract for the execution of the work, which plans and specifications, estimate and proposed contract shall be presented to the Town Board as soon as possible; and it is hereby FURTHER ORDERED, that the expense of said increase and improvement of facilities shall be assessed, levied and collected upon all the taxable real property of the District, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as Town charges are raised by tax therein and, it is hereby FURTHER ORDERED, that the Town Clerk record a certified copy of this Resolution and Order After Public Hearing in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County within ten (10) days after adoption thereof. DATED: NOVEMBER 1, 1983. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Supervisor lman [ SEAL / / Town Justice Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Office of the Clerk of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (SEAL) This is to certify that I, Judith T. Terry, Clerk of the Town of Southold0 in the ;sqid (~ounty of Suffolkj have compared the foregoing copy of resolution aha orger and order , , , with the original resolution/now on file in this office, and wnicn was passea by the Town Board of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on the ..... .l..s..t. ..... day of ........ ..N..o..v...e..m...b..e.r. ......... 19..~.~..., and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ........llt..h..... day of ............ .N...o.y..e._m.b..e.?. .......... 19..8..3.... Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Southold, County~ of Suffolk, N. ¥ Form No 236 COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JULIETTE A. KINSELLA, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record therof,~,,~hereby cer!if.~y that I have annexed with the original /. ),.~,,~;~~ ...... office....'-.~~.~.../.Y.,../?.~..-~, and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my the seal of said County and Court ihis~l~. ... A Regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk~ New York, was held at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, i~ s~id Town on the 1st day of November, 1983. PRESENT: Hon. William R. Pell, III, John J. Nickles, Lawrence Murdock, Jr., Francis J. Murphy, Joseph L. Townsend, Jr., Raymond W. Edwards, Supervisor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Town Justice In the Matter of the Increase and Improvement of Facilities of Fishers Island Ferry District, in the A-Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law. RESOLUTION AND ORDER AFTER PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 1, 1983~ WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold herein called "Town Board" and "Town", respectively), in the County of Suffolk, New York, upon the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town (herein called "District"), has requested Sparkman & Stephens, New York, New York, licensed naval architects (herein called "Naval Architects"), to prepare a preliminary plan and report for the increase and improvement of facilities of the District consisting of (a) the acquisition of an additional ferryboat at an estimated maximum cost of $1,400,000, to replace the ferryboat "OLINDA", presently owned and operated by the District, and (b) application of the (i) amount of $300,000 expected to be received as trade-in value for the "OLIPIDA", and (ii) the amount of $590,000 current funds of the District to be made available to the purchase price of said new ferryboat, said new ferryboat to be used on the authorized routes of the District, and WHEREAS, the Naval Architects have completed such plan and estimate of cost and filed same with the Town Board, and said Town Board thereafter adopted an order describing in general terms the proposed increase and improvement of the facilities, specifying the estimated cost thereof, and stating that the Town Board would meet to hear all persons interested in said increase and improvement of facilities on OCTOBER 29, 1983 at 12:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) at Fishers Island Firehouse, at Fishers Island, in the Town; and WHEREAS, Copies of such Order, certified by the Town Clerk, were duly published and posted pursuant to the provisions of Article 12'of the Town Law; and WHEREAS,. such public hearing was duly held by the Town Board on this 29th day of October, 1983 at 12:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) at Fishers Island Firehouse at Fishers Island, in the Town, and considerable discussion on the matter having been had and all persons desiring to be heard having been heard, including those in favor of and those in opposition to said increase and improvement of the facilities; Now, therefore, on the basis of the information presented at such hearing, it is hereby DETERMINED, that it is in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the District at the estimated maximum cost of $1,400,000, including application of the trade-in value of the existing ferryboat "OLINDA" and said current funds, as hereinabove described and referred to and, it is hereby ORDERED, that the facilities of the District shall be so increased and improved and that the Naval Architects heretofore retained by the Board shall prepare plans and specifications and make a careful estimate of the expense of said increase and improvement of the facilities and with the assistance of Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney, prepare a proposed contract for the execution of the work, which plans and specifications, estimate and proposed contract shall be presented to the Town Board as soon as possible; and it is hereby FURTHER ORDERED, that the expense of said increase and improvement of facilities shall be assessed, levied and collected upon all the taxable real property of the District, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as Town charges are raised by tax therein and, it is hereby .' < ( FURTHER ORDERED, that the Town Clerk record a certified copy of this Resolution and Order After Public Hearing in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County within ten (10) days after adoption thereof. DATED: NOVESIBER 1, 1983. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Supervisor cou Town Justice Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Office of the Clerk of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD This is to certify that I, Judith T. Terry, Clerk of the Town of Southold, in theano~aid (~ountYorcter of Suffolkan~f, orderh°ve compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution/now on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Board of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on o correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Southold, County of Suffo~, N. ¥ JUDITH T TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Ol VITAL SI,\IISII('S OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 January 24, 1984 Honorable Juliette Kinsella Suffolk County Clerk Suffolk County Center Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Ms. Kinsella: Please certify as to recording, the enclosed three (3} copies of "Resolution and Order after Public Hearing, November 1, 1983", which were recorded by you on November 14, 1983 in Miscellaneous Volume 16. I am also enclosing herewith check in the amount of $9.00 to cover the cost of the three (3) certified copies requested above~ and return envelope. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures (4) JUDITH T. TERRY OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TE LEPHOINFE (516) 765-1801 November 4, 1983 Honorable Arthur J. Felice Suffolk County Clerk Suffolk County Center Riverhead, New York 11901 RECEIVED 2 4 Dear Mr. Felice: Transmitted herewith for Recording in your office is Southold Town Board "Resolution and Order after Public Nearing, November 1, 1983." This is to be recorded pursuant to Section 195, Subdivision 1 of the New York Town Law. Once this Resolution and Order is recorded, please send me three (3} certified copies of same. A check in the amount of $30.00 is enclosed herewith for record- ing and three (3) certified copies. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures PUBLISHER'S CERTIFICATE LEGAL No. Town of Soufhold New York PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on November I, 1983, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, adopted the bond resolution enfl- find: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southeld, New York, adefltnd November 1,198~, appr~orleting St,400,000. for the acquisition of a new ferryboat fo replace the ex- isting ferryboat 'OLINDA". in- cluding $300,(X30. expected trade- in value for said existing ferryboat and $590,000. currerff funds and authorizing the is-t suance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town of Southold tel finance the balance of said ap- an abstract of which resolu- tion, concisely stating fha pur- p~e and effect thee'eof, is as foi- FIRST: RECITING that the Beard of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of 5o~thold ("District" and "Town", respectively) New facilities of the District he In- creased and improved by the ac- qulslflon of an additional ferry- boat at an estlmai~l maximum cost of SI,400,000. to replace the ferryboat "OLINDA', PRES- ENTLY owned and operated by the District and to apply (i) t~O0,0OO, expected fo be received as trade-In on the 'OLINDA", and (ii) $$9~,0~. current funds price of said new torrypeat to be used on the authorlznd routes of the District, and after a public hearing duly called and held, the ,mined that it is in the public in- the facilities of the District, and ordernd that such facllUles be so Increased and Improvnd; SECOND~ APPROPRIATING boat presently owned by the Dis- trict; Including the amount of $3~0,~0. expectnd to be received as trndeqn for said existing fer- ryboat and 1590,000. current ized to be oppllnd towards the ,.. payment of said cost; STATING the estimated maximum cost thereof, Is $1,400,000., and STAT- ING the plan of financing includ- of the amounts necessary to pay the prlncipa~ of and Interest on said bends, upon all the taxable real property of the District, at nar and by the same officers as by tax therein; THIRD: AUTHORIZING Town to he issued pursuant to the provisions of the Loca~ FOURTH: DETERMINING AND STATING that the perlnd of probable usefulness of said specific oblect or purpose is thir- funds are not requlrnd by the issuance of the bonds authorized of the sale of such bonds and that the pr~ maturity of the bonds authoriznd by this resolu- tion may exceed five ($) years; FIFTH: DETERMINING that said bends and any notes lesund in anticipation thereof shall be general obligations of the Town and PLEDGING to their pay- menf the faith and credit of the Town: SIXTH: DELEGATING to the Supervisor the powers and du- ties as to the Issuance of said bonds and any notes in anticlpe- lion 'thereof, or the renewai thereof; SEVENTH: PROVIDING that the resolution is sublecf fo per- Judith T. Terry Town Clerk State of Connecticut County of New London, ) ) ss. New London On this 1 6th day of November A.D. 1983, personally appeared before the undersigned, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, E.J. Maryeski, Business Office gqr. of THE DAY, a daily evening published at New London, County of New of Connecticut, who being duly sworn, that the Order of Notice in the case of advertisement # 510 a true copy of which is hereunto annexed, was published in said newspaper in ne ws pa per London, State sta~s on oath, Legal its issues of the days of November day of 10th A.D. 1983. Subscribed and sworn to before me this November A.D. 193 Notary Public. 16th L lal Noti m TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on November 1, 19~3, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, adopted the bond resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted November 1, 1953, appropriating $1,400,000. for the acquisition of a new ferryboat to replace the existing ferryboat "OLINDA", including $$00,000. expected trade-in value for said existing ferry- boat and $590,000. current funds and authorizing the issuance of $510,000. serial bends of the Town of Southold to finance the balance of said appropriation," and abstract of which resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as follows: FIRST: RECITING that the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of South- old ("District" and "Town", respectively) New York, has recommended that , the facilities of the District be in- creased and improved by the acquisition of an additional ferryboat at an estimated ma,va'mum cost of $1,t00,000. to replace the ferryboat "OLINDA", PRESENTLY owned and operated by the District and to apply (i) $300,000. expected to be received as trade-in on the "OLINDA", and (ii) $590,000. current funds of the District, to the purchase price of said new ferryboat to be used on the authorized routes of the District, and after a public hearing duly called and held, the Town Board of the Town determined that it is in the IDublie interest to increase and ~mprove the facilities of the District, and ordered that such facilities be so increased and improved; SECOND: APPROPRIAT- ING $1,400,000. for the increase and improvement of facilities of the District by the purchase of a new ferryboat to replace said ferryboat presently owned by the Dis- trict; including the amount of $300,000. expected to be re- ceived as trade-in for said ex- isting ferryboat and $590,000. current funds available therefor authorized to be applied towards the payment of said cost. ST_A.T.I~N.G__th_e~ . STATE OF NEW YORK estimated maximum cost thereof, is $1,400,000., and STATING the plan of financing including the is- suance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town, and the assessment, levy and collec- tion of the amounts necessary to pay the principal of and~ interest on said bonds, upon all the taxable rea] property of the District, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as other Town charges are raised by tax therein; THIRD: AUTHORIZING $510,000. serial bonds of the Town to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law ("Law"), to finance the balance of said ap- propriation; FOURTH: DETERMINING AND STATING that the period of probable usefulness of said ~ecific object or purpose is irty-five (35) years; tha't current funds are not required by the Law to be provided ~rior to the issuance of the onds authorized by this resolution or any bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the sale of such bonds and that the proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution may exceed five (5) years; FIFTH: DETERMINING that said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation thereof shall be general obligations of the Town apd PLEDGING to their payment the faith and credit of the Town; SIXTH: DELEGATING to the Supervisor the powers and duties as to the issuance of said bonds and any notes in anticipation thereof, or the renewal thereof; SEVENTH: PROVIDING that the resolution is subject to ~eArmiesive referendum. TED: NOVEMBER 1, 1~3 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk 1TN10-4392 Principal Clerk lOth STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss: ROBERT P. KNAUFF, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is and all times hereinafter mentioned he was the duly appointed, qualified and acting Manager-Secretary of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York; That: on November _.i~, 1983, he caused to be conspicuously posted and ' fastened up a Notice of adoption of bond resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution~ of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted November 1, 1983, appropriating $1,400,000.00 for the acquisition of a new ferryboat to replace the existing ferryboat "OLINDA", including $300,000.00 expected trade-in value for said existing ferryboat and $590,000.00 current funds and authorizing the issuance of $510,000,00 serial bonds of the Town of Southold to finance the balance of said appropriation," a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, in the following places, and said places constitute at least five (5) of the most conspicuous public places in said Fishers Island Ferry District: 1. F~'.t~N~.':_~ ~s!~n..! ,~.,'~.r~ i' :~ ~'"Lr'L~::~' ?~u2.~ ~:~ ~ ~'~,~'~ ? Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~- day of November, 1983. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on November 1, 1983, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, adopted the bond resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted November 1, 1983, appropriating $1,400,000. for the acquisition of a new ferryboat to replace the existing ferryboat "OLINDA", including $300,000. expected trade-in value for said existing ferryboat and $590,000. current funds and authorizing the issuance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town of Southold to finance the balance of said appropriation," an abstract of which resolution, concisely stating stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as follows: FIRST: RECITING that the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold ("District" and "Town", respectively) New York, has recommended that the facilities of the District be increased and improved by the acquisition of an additional ferryboat at an estimated maximum cost of $1,400,000. to replace the ferryboat "OLINDA", PRESENTLY owned and operated by the District and to apply (i) $300,000. expected to be received as trade-in on the "OLINDA", and (ii) $590,000. current funds of the District, to the purchase price of said new ferryboat to be used on the authorized routes of the District, and after a public hearing duly called and held, the Town Board of the Town determined that it is in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the District, and ordered that such facilities be so increased and improved; SECOND: APPROPRIATING $1,400,000. for the increase and improvement of facilities of the District by the purchase of a new ferryboat to replace siad ferryboat presently owned by the District; including the amount of $300,000. expected to be received as trade-in for said existing ferryboat and $590,000. current funds available therefor authorized to be applied towards the payment of said cost; STATING the estimated maximum cost thereof, is $1,400,000., and STATING the plan of financing including the issuance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town, and the assessment, levy and collection of the amounts necessary to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds, upon all the taxable real property of the District, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as other Town charges are raised by tax therein; THIRD: AUTHORIZING $510,000. serial bonds of the Town to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law ("Law"), to finance the balance of said appropriation; FOURTH: DETERMINING AND STATING that the period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose is thirty-five (35) years; that current funds are not required by the Law to be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by this resolution or any bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the sale of such bonds and that the proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution may exceed five (5) years; FIFTH: DETERMINING that said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation thereof shall be general obligations of the Town and PLEDGING to their payment the faith and credit of the Town: SIXTH: DELEGATING to the Supervisor the powers and duties as to the issuance of said bonds and any notes in anticipation thereof, or the renewal thereof; SEVENTH: PROVIDING that the resolution is subject to permissive referendum. DATED: NOVEMBER 1, 1983 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on November 1, 1983, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Now York, adopted the bond resolu- tion entitled: "Bond Re~olution of the Town of Southold, New Yo~k,: adopted November 1. 1983, appropriating $1,400,000. for the acquisition of a new ferryboat to replace the exist- ing ferryboat "OLINDA,' in- cluding $300,000. expected trade.in value for said existing ferryboat and $590,000. cur- rent funds and authorizing the issuance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town of Southold to finance the balance of said appropriation,'! an abstract of which resolu- tion, concisely stating' the pur- pose and effect thereof, is as follows: FIRST: RECITING that the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Sonthold ("District" and "Town," re. spectively) New York, has teeommouded that the fucili- ties of the District be increased and improved by the acquisi- tion of an additional fottyboat at an estimated cost of $1,400, 000. to replace the furryboat "OLINDA," PRESENTLY owned and operated by the District a~d to apply fi) $300, 000. ezpeoted to be roeeived as trade-in on the "OLINDA,' and (ii) f~90,000, current funds of the District, to the purchase price of said new ferryboat to be used on the authorized routes of the Dis- trict, and after a public hearing duly called and held, the Town Board of the Town determined that it is in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the District, and ordered that such facilities be so increased and improved; SECOND: APPROPRIAT- ING $1,400,000. for the in- crease and improvement of facilities of the District by the purchase of a new ferryboat to replace said fe~rybout present- ly owned by the District; inciuding the amount of ~00, 000. expected to be received as trade-infer said existing foray- boat and $590,000. current fonds available therefor auth- orized to be applied towards the payment of said cost; STATING the estimated max- imum cost thereof, is $1,400, 000., and STATING the plan of financing including the issu- ance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town, and the assess- ment, levy and coilection of the onmunta n~ces~ty to pay said b0nda~ upen ad the tax- able ~ property of the Dis- t~ict, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as other Town charges are raised by tax therein; THIRD: AUTHORIZING $510,000. serial bonds of the Town to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law ("Law"), to finance the balance of said appropriation; FOURTH: DETERMINING AND STATING that the period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose is thirty.five. (35) years; that current funds are not required by the Law to be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by this reso- lution or any bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the sale of such bonds and that the proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this reso- lution may exceed five (5) years; FIFTH: DETERMINING COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in, Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for .......................... ../. ........... weeks successively, commencing on the ................... /..(.'..~ ....... Sworn to before me this ................. ../.~ .......... day of ......... ............. , ~:; .52-S~J2172§ tmum cost thereof, is $1,400, GO0., and STATING the pinn of financing including the issu. ance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town, and the nSeSs. me~t, levy and collec~ of trier, at'the same time, in the same manner andby the same officers as other Town charges are raised by taxlthereln; THIRD: AUTHORIZING $510,000. serial bonds of the Town to he issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Fmance Law ("Law"), to finance the balance of said approprintionr ~ FOURTH: DETERMINING AND STATING that the period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose is thifly.five. (35) years; that current funds are not required by the Law to be provided prior to the issuance of the boflds authorized by this reso- intion or any bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the sale of such bonds and that the proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this reso- intion may exceed five (5) FIFFH: DETERMINING that said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation thereof shall be general obligations of the Town and PLEDGING to their payment the faith and credit of the Town: SIXTH: DELEGATING ~o the Supervisor the powers and dt~ies as to the isanance of said bonds and ~ny. notes in anticipation the1~of, or the renewal thereof; SEVENTH: PROVIDING that the resolution is subject to permissive referendum. DATED: NOVEMBER l, 1983 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk 1T-11/10/83(4) STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JUDITH T. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is and at all times hereinafter mentioned she was the duly appointed, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York; That on November 8, 1983 she caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a Notice that on November' 1, ~.983, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, adopted the bond resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted November 1, 1983, appropriating $1,400,000.00 for the acquisition of a new ferryboat to replace the existing ferryboat "OLINDA", including $300,000.00 expected trade-in value for said existing ferryboat and $590,000.00 current funds and authorizing the issuance of $510,000.00 serial bonds of the Town of Southold, to finance the balance of said appropriation," a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, in the following places, and said places constitute at least five (5) of the most conspicuous public places in said Tow n: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mattituck Post Office, Love Lane, Mattituck, New York Cutchogue Post Office, Griffing Street, Cutchogue, New York Southold Post Office, Main Road, Southold, New York Greenport Post Office, Front Street, Greenport, New York Orient Post Office, Village Lane, Orient, New York ~''~ Town Clerk / Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8thday of November, 1983. , r~ozary ~ul~lic, State of New York TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Now~mber 1, 1983, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, adopted the bond resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted November 1, 1983, appropriating $1,400,000. for the acquisition of a new ferryboat to replace the existing ferryboat "OLINDA", including $300,000. expected trade-in value for said existing ferryboat and $590,000. current funds and authorizing the issuance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town of Southold to finance the balance of said appropriation," an abstract of which resolution, concisely stating stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as follows: FIRST: RECITING that the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold ("District" and "Town", respectively) New York, has recommended that the facilities of the District be increased and improved by the acquisition of an additional ferryboat at an estimated maximum cost of $1,400,000. to replace the ferryboat "OLINDA", PRESENTLY owned and operated by the District and to apply (i) $300,000. expected to be received as trade-in on the "OLINDA", and (ii) $590~000. current funds of the District, to the purchase price of said new ferryboat to be used on the authorized routes of the District, and after a public hearing duly called and held, the Town Board of the Town determined that it is in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the District, and ordered that such facilities be so increased and improved; SECOND: APPROPRIATING $1,400,000. for the increase and improvement of facilities of the District by the purchase of a new ferryboat to replace siad ferryboat presently owned by the District; including the amount of $300,000. expected to be received as trade-in for said existing ferryboat and $590,000. current funds available therefor authorized to be applied towards the payment of said cost; STATING the estimated maximum cost thereof, is $1,400,000., and STATING the plan of financing including the issuance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town, and the assessment, levy and collection of the amounts necessary to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds, upon all the taxable real property of the District, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as other Town charges are raised by tax therein; THIRD: AUTHORIZING $510,000. serial bonds of the Town to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law ("Law"), to finance the balance of said appropriation; FOURTH: DETERMINING AND STATING that the period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose is thirty-five (35) years; that current funds are not required by the Law to be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by this resolution or any bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the sale of such bonds and that the proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution may exceed five (5) years; FIFTH: DETERMINING that said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation thereof shall be general obligations of the Town and PLEDGING to their payment the faith and credit of the Town: SIXTH: DELEGATING to the Supervisor the powers and duties as to the issuance of said bonds and any notes in anticipation thereof, or the renewal thereof; SEVENTH: PROVIDING that the resolution is subject to permissive referendum. DATED: NOVEMBER 1, 1983 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk EXTRACT OF MINUTES Public Hearing of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York OCTOBER 29, 1983 A Public Hearing of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, was held at the Fishers Island Firehouse, at Fishers Island, New York, in said Town, on OCTOBER 29, 1983, at 12:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) There were present: Honorable William R. Pell, III Supervisor, and Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy Justice Raymond W. Edwards There were absent: Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Also present: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney At 12:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) the Town Clerk stated that a public hearing had been called for this meeting at the Fishers Island Firehouse, at Fishers Island, in said Town at 12:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) to consider an increase and improvement of facilities of Fishers Island Ferry District in the Town of Southold, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same and for such other action on the part of the Town Board with relation thereto as may be required by law. The Town Clerk read, in full, the notice calling said public hearing and presented affidavits showing that certified copies of said notice had been duly published and posted pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 of the Town Law. The Supervisor stated that the hearing in the said matter was now open and asked if there were any interested persons present who desired to be heard. The following persons appeared in favor of the increase and improvement of facilities of said Fishers Island Ferry District: Stephen E. O'Neil, Frank W. Burr, Lawrence Bogert, Edwin H. Horning, John Clavin, Richard Edwards, Mary Alice Haase, Bob Patterson, Ronald R. Zanghetti, Margaret Hedge, Peggy Clavin, Jack Rivers, Rowland Oswald, Harry Ferguson, Gordon S. Murphy, Connie White, Robert Sturgess, Basil K.-Vasiliou, Paul D. Vartanian, Porter Goss, Ellen Harvey, John W. Mettler, Robert Wall, Mark Easter. The following persons appeared in opposition to said increase and improvement of facilities: No one appeared in opposition. One letter from Katharine duP. Sanger was read at the public hearing, stating her opposition. The Town clerk reported that the following pertinent communications had been received: Letter of opposition from Katharine duP. Sanger. Letter from the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District explaining the purpose of the public hearing, operational considerations, financial considerations, proposed new ferryboat, the recommendation of the Commissioners, and a review of the Ferry District budget as it pertains to the proposed new ferryboat. The Town clerk then read such communications to the meeting. The Supervisor inquired as to whether there were any other persons present who wished to be heard. No one appeared, whereupon the Supervisor declared the public hearing closed. On motion of Justice Mdw~ , duly seconded by Counci/manMurphy , the following Resolution and Order After Public Hearing was duly declared adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. NOES: None. A Regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolkl New York, was held at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, i~ s~id Town on the 1st day of November, 1983. PRESENT: Hon. William R. Pell, III, John J. Nickles, Lawrence Murdock, Jr., Francis J. Murphy, Joseph L. Townsend, Jr., Raymond W. Edwards, Supervisor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Town Justice In the Matter of the Increase and Improvement of Facilities of Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southotd, in the County of Suffolk, New York, pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law. RESOLUTION AND ORDER AFTER PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 1~ 1983 WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold (herein called "Town Board" and "Town", respectively), in the County of Suffolk, New York, upon the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town (herein called "District"), has requested Sparkman & Stephens, New York, New York, licensed naval architects (herein called "Naval Architects"), to prepare a preliminary plan and report for the increase and improvement of facilities of the District consisting of (a) the acquisition of an additional ferryboat at an estimated maximum cost of $1,400,000, to replace the ferryboat "OLINDA", presently owned and operated by the District, and (b) application of the (i) amount of $300,000 expected to be received as trade-in value for the "OLINDA", and (ii) the amount of $590,000 current funds of the District to be made available to the purchase price of said new ferryboat, said new ferryboat to be used on the authorized routes of the District, and WHEREAS, the Naval Architects have completed such plan and estimate of cost and filed same with the Town Board, and said Town Board thereafter adopted an order describing in general terms the proposed increase and improvement of the facilities, specifying the estimated cost thereof, and stating that the Town Board would meet to hear all persons interested in said increase and improvement of facilities on OCTOBER 29, 1983 at 12:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) at Fishers Island Firehouse, at Fishers Island, in the Town; and WHEREAS, copies of such Order, certified by the Town Clerk, were duly published and posted pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 of the Town Law; and WHEREAS, such public hearing was duly held by the Town Board on this 29th day of October, 1983 at 12:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) at Fishers Island Firehouse at Fishers Island, in the Town, and considerable discussion on the matter having been had and all persons desiring to be heard having been heard, including those in favor of and those in opposition to said increase and improvement of the facilities; Now, therefore, on the basis of the information presented at such hearing, it is hereby DETERMINED, that it is in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the District at the estimated maximum cost of $1,400,000, including application of the trade-in value of the existing ferryboat "OLINDA" and said current funds, as hereinabove described and referred to and, it is hereby ORDERED, that the facilities of the District shall be so increased and improved and that the Naval Architects heretofore retained by the Board shall prepare plans and specifications and make a careful estimate of the expense of said increase and improvement of the facilities and with the assistance of Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney, prepare a proposed contract for the execution of the work, which plans and specifications, estimate and proposed contract shall be presented to the Town Board as soon as possible; and it is hereby FURTHER ORDERED, that the expense of said increase and improvement of facilities shall be assessed, levied and collected upon all the taxable real property of the District, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as Town charges are raised by tax therein and, it is hereby FURTHER ORDERED, that the Town Clerk record a certified copy of this Resolution and Order After Public Hearing in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County within ten (10) days after adoption thereof. DATED: NOVEMBER 1, 1983. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD lman [SEAL] Town Justice Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York Councilman Nickles offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BOND RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ADOPTED NOVEMBER 1~ 1983, APPROPRIATING $1,400,000 'FOR THE ACQUISITION OF A NEW .FERRYBOAT TO REPLACE THE EXISTING FERRYBOAT "OLINDA", INCLUDING $300,000 EXPECTED TRADE-IN VALUE FOR SAID EXISTING FERRYBOAT AND $590,000 CURRENT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $510,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN TO FINANCE THE BALANCE OF SAID APPROPRIATION Recital WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District (herein called "District"), in the Town of Southold (herein called "Town"), in the County of Suffolk, New York, has recommended an increase and improvement of the facilities of the District, consisting of (a) the acquisition of an additional ferryboat to replace the existing ferryboat "OLINDA", presently owned and operated by the District, and (b) ~ application of the (i) amount of $300,000 expected to be received as trade-in value for the "OLINDA", and (ii) the amount of $590,000 current funds of the District to be made available to the purchase price of said new ferryboat, said new ferryboat to be used on the authorized routes of the District, and, after a public hearing duly called and held, the Town Board of the Town determined that it is in the public interest to so increase and improve the facilities of the District, and ordered that such facilities be so increased and improved; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and desirable to provide for financing that portion of the cost of such new ferryboat not provided by such trade-in value and current funds; now, therefor be it RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK (by the favorable vote of not less than two-thirds of all the members of said Board) AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town hereby appropriates the amount of $1,400,000 for the increase and improvement of facilities of the District, by the acquisition of a new ferryboat to replace the existing ferryboat "OLINDA", including the amount of $300,000 expected to be received as trade-in value for said existing ferryboat and $590,000 current funds available therefor, all in accordance with the plan and report prepared by Sparkman & Stephens, New York, New York, licensed naval architects, on file in the office of the Town Clerk and hereby approved. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $1,400,000 and the plan of financing includes the application of said $300,000 trade-in value on the ferryboat "OLINDA," and said $590,000 current funds, the issuance of $510,000 serial bonds of the Town and the assessment, levy and collection of the amounts necessary to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds, upon all the taxable real property of the District, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as Town charges are raised by tax therein. Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town are hereby authorized to be issued in the principal amount of $510,000, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (herein called "Law"), to finance the balance of said appropriation not provided by said trade-in value and said current funds. Section 3. The following additional matters are hereby determined and stated: (a) The period of probable usefulness of the specific object or purpose for which the bonds authorized by this resolution are to be issued within the limitations of Section ll.00.a. 26 of the Law, is thirty-five (35) years. (b) Current funds are not required by the Law to be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by this resolution or any bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the sale of such bonds. (c) The proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution may exceed five (5) years. Section 4. Each of the bonds authorized by this resolution and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, shall contain the recital of validity prescribed by Section 52.00 of the Law and said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation said bonds, shall be general obligations of the Town payable as to both principal and interest by a general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town without limitation as to rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds and provision shall be made annually in the budget of the Town by appropriation for (a) the amortization and redemption of the bonds to mature in such year and (b) the payment of interest to be due and payable in such year. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and of the Law, and pursuant to the provisions of Section 30.00 relative to the authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes, or, the renewals of said Notes and of Section 50.00 and Sections 56.00 to 60.00 of the Law, the powers and duties of the Town Board relative to authorizing bond anticipation notes and prescribing the terms, form and contents and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, and the renewals of said Notes, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of the Town. Section 6. The validity of the bonds authorized by this resolution and of any notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, may be contested only if: (a) such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town is not authorized to expend money, or (b) the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of the publication of such resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity, is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or (c) such obligations are authorized in violation of the 'provisions of the constitution. Section 7. This resolution shall be subject to permissive referendum. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilman Murphy and duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: AYES: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. NOES: None. The resolution was declared adopted. Councilman Murdock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. within ten (10) to be published, The Town Clerk of said Town of Southold, shall days after the adoption of this resolution cause in full, in "THE LONG ISLAND MATTITUCK WATCHMAN," a newspaper published in Southold, New York, "THE NEW LONDON DAY," a newspaper published in New London, Connecticut, and the "SUFFOLK TIMES," a newspaper published in Greenport, New York, each having a general circulation within said Town and hereby designated the official newspapers of the Town for such publication and posted in at least five (5) public places in the Town, a Notice in substantially the following form: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on November 1, 1983, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, adopted the bond resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted November 1, 1983, appropriating $1,400,000. for the acquisition of a new ferryboat to replace the existing ferryboat "OLINDA", including $300,000. expected trade-in value for said existing ferryboat and $590,000. current funds and authorizing the issuance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town of Southold to finance the balance of said appropriation," an abstract of which resolution, concisely stating stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as follows: FIRST: RECITING that the Board of Coramissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold ("District" and "Town", respectively) New York, has recommended that the facilities of the District be increased and improved by the acquisition of an additional ferryboat at an estimated maximum cost of $1,400,000. to replace the ferryboat "OLINDA", PRESENTLY owned and operated by the District and to apply (i) $300,000. expected to be received as trade-in on the "OLINDA", and (ii) $590,000. current funds of the District, to the purchase price of said new ferryboat to be used on the authorized routes of the District, and after a public hearing duly called and held, the Town Board of the Town determined that it is in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the District, and ordered that such facilities be so increased and improved; SECOND: APPROPRIATING $1,400,000. for the increase and improvement of facilities of the District by the purchase of a uew ferryboat to replace siad ferryboat presently owned by the District; including the amount of $300,000. expected to be received as trade-in for said existing ferryboat and $590,000. current funds available therefor authorized to be applied towards the payment of said cost; STATING the estimated maximum cost thereof, is $1,400,000., and STATING the plan of financing including the issuance of $510,000. serial bonds of the Town, and the assessment, levy and collection of the amounts necessary to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds, upon all the taxable real property of the District, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as other Town charges are raised by tax therein; THIRD: AUTHORIZING $510,000. serial bonds of the Town to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law ("Law"), to finance the balance of said appropriation; FOURTH: DETERMINING AND STATING that the period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose is thirty-five (35) years; that current funds are not required by the Law to be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by this resolution or any bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the sale of such bonds and that the proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution may exceed five (5) years; FIFTH: DETERMINING that said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation thereof shall be general obligations of the Town and PLEDGING to their payment the faith and credit of the Town: SIXTH: DELEGATING to the Supervisor the powers and duties as to the issuance of said bonds and any notes in anticipation thereof, or the renewal thereof; SEVENTH: PROVIDING that the resolution is subject to permissive referendum. DATED: NOVEMBER 1, 1983 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Section 3. After said bond resolution shall take effect, the Town clerk is hereby directed to cause said bond resolution to be published, in full, in the newspapers, hereinabove referred to in Section l'hereof, and hereby designated the official newspapers of the Town for said publication, together with a Notice is substantially the form as provided by Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilman Murphy and duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: AYES: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Nurphy, Councilman Nurdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. NOES: None The resolution was declared unanimously adopted. CERTIFICATE ~, JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing annexed extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Town Board of said Town, duly called and held on November 1983 has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of said Town Board and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof andof the whole of said original minutes so far as the same relate to the subject matters referred to in said extract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town this 2nd day of Nov~nbe~ Town Clerk (Seal)