HomeMy WebLinkAboutPretreatment PlantThe Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. 1 New York Plaza New York, New York 10081 ..? 4844/S.B. -- September 21, 1988 Ms. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold P.O. Box 728 Southold, N.Y. 11971 SEP28 1888 Dear Ms. Terry: Please be advised that Principal and/or Interest on the Fully Registered issue (s) listed below will be due and payable on Oc~q~9[_3, 1988. I S ~u~e Principal Interest Town of Southold N.Y. Various Purpose Bds Dtd 10/1/84 -0- 86, 677.50 Total Due:S86,677.50 TO ensure schedule, day prior the mailing of Registered Interest Checks on funds must be in our possesion one business to the payment date. Funds should be wired to the address below on, or before September 30, 1988. Chase Manhattan Bank N.A. One New York Plaza 14th Floor New York, N.Y. 10081 Attn: Sharon Butler/Proof 53 A/C 900-9-000317 Should any questions arise, please contact Sharon Butler at (212) 676-2660. Very truly yours, Linda Elliott, Supervisor RECglVED APR I9 1988 lo~n~ Clerk $ou~.lR April 13, 1988 Ms. Judith T. Terry Clerk Town of Southhold Town Hall Main Road Southhold, NY 11971 Dear MS. Terry: A Bond Anticipation Note in the amount of $50,000.00, issued on June 19, 1987 at a rate of 4.27% (358 days) June 17, 1988. which was is due on Interest on the note is $2,123.14. Total amount due is $52,123.14. If you wish to wire the funds to The Bank of New York, the wiring instructions are as follows: The Bank of New York L.I. Region Clearing Account ABA 9021-000018 Account No. 01-0-58116 Attention: Public Finance Department 82 Seventh Street Garden City, NY 11530 If you have any questions, please feel flee to contact m~ at 294-2880. Very truly yours, Anne Mar±e DeBlasio /3/6 Cc: Gertie Bokina Greenport Branch (Br. 831) The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. ] New York Plaza New York, New York 10081 4~4/SB ~arch 23, lqgg RECEIVED MAR 2 1988 Ms. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold P.O. Box 722 SouthoId, N.Y. 11971 Dear MM.merry: Please be advised that Principal and/or Interest on the ~ull Registered issue(s) listed below will be due and payable on April 1, 1QRR, however ir your bank is cIosed due to "Good Friday" these rllnds should be ~n our possession by March ql, iORR. Issue Princlpa] Interest Town or 2outbold Various Purpose Bds Dtd 10/1/Rh q0,772.~0 Total Due:~lR0,77~.50 mo ensure the marling or Peglstered Interest checks on scheduIe, funds must be in our posseslon one business day Drlor to the payment date. Funds should be wired to the address below on, or before March ql, 1~. ~hase Manhattan Bank, M.A. One New York Plaza - lath floor Mew York, New York ]0021 Attn: Sharon Butler/Prooe 52 A/~ 900-q-000917 Should any questions arise, please contact Sharon Butler at ¢212) 676-2660. CIEMICALBAN( ~OUTHOLD TONN BAN DUE 10-25-87 TONN HALL 53095 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 L 507 000 OCT 20 RCT ~0,]987 0 507-56515~ PLEASE EXAMZ#E AT ONCE. OCT 25 .00 R-2 UNITED STATES DF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK ' COUNTY CF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD :$250,000.00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PRE TREATMENT PLANT- 1986 The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this Note, Or if it be registered, to the registered holder, the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 ..................... ............................................. Dollars ($250,000.00 ) on the 23rd day of October , 1~7, together with interest thereon from the date hereof a~t the rate o--f'--l~'r~ncJ 18/100 .................................... per centum .(_/~) per annum, payable at maturity. Both principal of and interest on this Note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at ~b.e~_i~l Bal~k, Southold, New York. ~ At the request of the holder, the Town Clerk shall convert this Note into a registered Note by resgistering in the name of the holder in the books of the Town kept in the office of such Town Clerk and endorsing a certificate of such registration hereon, after which both principal of and interest on this Note shall be payable only to the registered holder, his legal representatives, successors or transferees. This Note shall then be transferable only upon presentation to such Town Clerk with a written transfer of title and such Town Clerk shall thereupon register this Note in the name of the transferee in his books and shall endorse a certificate of such registration hereon. Such transfer shall be dated, and signed by the registered. holder, or his legal representatives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or prove,d, or in the alternative the signature thereto shall be certified as to its genuineness by an officer of a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State. This Note is the only note of an authorized issue, the principal amount of which is $250,000 .00 This note is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond resolution adopted.by the Town'Board o,n April 19, 1983, and amended July 31, 1984, authorizing the issuance of $2,632,204.00 serial bonds for the construction of a pretreatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on October 23, 1984. The faith and credit of such Town of Southold is hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said Note according to its terms. ~ It is hereby certified and recited that all conditic~ns, acts, and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York, to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note, exist, have happened and have been performed, and this note, together with all other indebtedness of such Town of Southold is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of such State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Southold has caused this Note to be signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and this Note to be dated as of the 23rd day of October ,19 ATTE~' Town Clerk sor B/SNI( June 22, 1987 Ms. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Dear Ms. Terry: Enclosed please find paid $100,000.00 Town of Southold Bond Anticipation Note No. R-3 @4.65%, dated June 20, 1986, matured June 19, 1987. Please acknowledge receipt of the above by signing and returning the enclosed copy of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~re~ Oac k-'~s-k 1~ Manager, Finance Division ij Encs. R- 3 $ 100,000.00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY CF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR PRETREATMENT PLANT-1986 The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this Note, or if it be registered, to the registered holder, the sum of One hundred Thousand ............................... ............................................ Dollars ($ 100,000.00 ) on the 19thday of June , 198 6, together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of Four and 65/100 .................................. per centum (4.65%) per annum· payable at maturity. Both principal of and interest on this Note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck, New York At the request of the holder, the Town Clerk Shall convert this Note into a registered Note by resgistering in the name of the holder in the books of the Town kept in the office of such Town Clerk and endorsing a certificate of such registration hereon, after which both principal of and interest on this Note shall be payable only to the registered holder, his legal representatives, successors or transferees. This Note shall then be transferable only upon presentation to such Town Clerk with a written transfer of title and such Town Clerk shall thereupon register this Note in the name of the transferee in his books and shall endorse a certificate of such registration hereon. Such transfer shall be dated, and signed by the registered holder, or his legal representatives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in the alternative the signature thereto shall be certified as to its genuineness by an officer of a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State. This Note is the only note of an authorized issue, the principal amount of which is $100,000.00 This note is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond resolution adopted by the Town' Board on April 19, 1983, authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000 serial bonds for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on June 21, 1983. The faith and credit of such Town of Southold is hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said Note according to its terms. it is hereby certified and recited that all conditiqns, acts, and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York, to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note, exist, have happened and have been performed, and this note, together with all other indebtedness of such Town of Southold is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of such State. li'~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Southold has caused this Note to be signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal,to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and this Note to be dated as of the 20.thday of June · 1986. Town Clerk CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION BY THE SUPERVISOR RELATIVE TO THE AUTHORIZATION, SALE, ISSUANCE, FORM AND CONTENT OF A $100,000.00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTI~ FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PRE-TR£ATMENT PLANT - 1986 OF TFIE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD, NEW YORK I, FRANCIS J0 MURPHY, Supervisor of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York (herein called "Town") HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the powers and duties delegated to me, the chief fiscal officer of the Town by the Town Board pursuant to the resolution duly adopted as set forth below, and subject to the limitations prescribed in said resolution, I have made the following determinations: 1. A Bond Anticipation Note of the Town in the principal amount of $100,000.00 shall be issued to renew, in part, the $250,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note fora pre-treatment plant, dated June 20, 1986, maturing June 19', 1987. and heretofore issued in anticipation of the sale of serial bonds authorized pursuant to the resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York adopted April 19, 1983, appropriating $1,877,000 for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000 serial bonds of said Town to finance said appropriation and authorizing any amounts received from the United S~ates of America and/or State of New York (which is estimated to be $1,540,125) to I~e expended towards the cost of said specific object or purpose, or redemption of any bonds issued therefor or to be budgeted as an offset to the taxes and/or assessments for payment of the principal and interest of said bonds." duly adopted by the Town Board on the date therein referred to, the redemption of said $250,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note having been heretofore provided to the extent of $50,000.00 from a source other than the proceeds of said bonds. 2. The terms, form and details of said renewal Note, shall be as follows: Amount and Title $100,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note 1986 for pre-treatment plant Dated: June 20, 1986 Matures: June 19, 1987 No. R-3 Denomination: Interest Rates: 4.65% $100,000.00 Payment of principal and interest: The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. Mattituck, New York Form of Note: Substantially in accordance with form prescribed by Schedule B,2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. 3. Said Note is a renewal Note. 4. Said Note is issued in anticipation of bonds for nonassessable improvement. 5. The original Note, of which this Note is a renewal, was issued on June 21, 1983. 6. The amount of bond anticipation notes heretofore issued in anticipation of the said $250,000.00 serial bonds, is $250,000.00; $100,000.00 of whichis outstanding. 7. Pursuant to said powers and duties delegated to me, I DO HEREBY AWARD AND SELL said Note to The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck New York, for the purchase of $100,000.00 , plus accrued interest, if any, from the date of said Note to the date of payment of the purchase price, and I FURTHER DETERMINE that said Note so awarded shall bear interest at the rate of Four and 65/100 ......... per centum4.65 % per annum, payable at maturity. 8. Said Note herein authorized shall be executed in the name of the Town by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of the Town shall be affixed thereto and attested by its Town Clerk. I HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that every power delegated to me to issue and sell the Note hereinabove described is in full force and effect and has not been modified, amended, or revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of June, 1986. -2- CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing copy complete copy Town Clerk on of Certificate of the Supervisor of the Certificate filed with said June 20, 1986. and the same is a true and Town Board in my office as I FURTHER CERTIFY that no resolution electing to reassume any of the powers or duties mentioned in said Certificate and delegated to the Supervisor by the resolution cited in said Certificate has been adopted by said Town Board. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town this 20 day of June 1986.' Judith T. Terry (SEAL) ROBERT W, TASKER Town Attorney )RNEY TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 425 MAIN STREET · P.O. BOX 697 GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 June 20, 1986 The Town Board of the Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: $100,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for Pre-treatment plant - 1986 Dear Sirs: I have examined a record of proceedings relating to the issuance of a $100,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for the construction of a pre-treatment plant - 1986, of the Town of Southold; in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York. Said Note is dated June 20, 1986, matures June 19, 1987, is numbered R-3, bears interest at the rate of four and 65/100 (4.65%) per centum per annum, is of the denomination of $100,000.00 payable at maturity, is payable to bearer without coupons and registerable as to both principal and interest, is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the resolution entitled "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York adopted April 19, 1983, appropriating $1,877,000 for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000 serial bonds Of said Town to finance said appropriation and authorizing any amounts received from the United States Of America and/or State of New York (which is estimated to be $1,540,125) to be expended towards the cost of said specific object or purpose, or redemption of any bonds issued therefor or to be budgeted as an offset to the taxes and/or assessments for payment of the principal and interest of said bonds.", duly adopted by the Town Board on the date therein referred to and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on June 21, 1983. Said Bond Anticipation Note is a temporary obligatlon, issued in ant[clpatlon of the issuance of permanent serial bonds. In my opinion, the Note is a valid and legally binding general obligation of the Town for which the Town has validly pledged its faith and credit and, unless paid from other sources, all the taxable real property within the Town is subject to the levy of ad valorem real estate taxes to pay said note and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount. The enforceability of rights or remedies with respect to such Note may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other laws affecting creditors' rights or remedies heretofore or hereafter enacted. Further, in my opinion, the interest on said Note is exempt under existing statutes from Federal income taxes and under existing statutes from New York State and New York City personal income taxes. Other than such record of proceedings, I have not been requested to examine or review and have not examined or reviewed any proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents containing information relative to said Town which have been or may hereafter be furnished or disclosed to purchaser of said Note, and I express no opinion with respect to any such proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents or the accurancy or sufficiency thereof. The form of said Note is prescribed by Schedule B,2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT :aa CLOSING CERTIFICATES Relating to Notes of TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK CERTIFICATES AS TO SIGNATURES, LITIGATION AND DELIVERY AND PAYMENT WE, the undersigned officers of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York and herein referred to as the "Issuer", HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 20th day of June 1986, we officially signed and properly executed by manual signatures principal amount of notes of the Issuer, each payable to bearer and all otherwise described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, and that at the time of such signing and execution and on the date hereof we were and are the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers of the Issuer authorized to execute said notes and holding the respective offices indicated by the official titles set opposite our signatures hereto for terms expiring on the respective dates set opposite such titles. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining the issuance or delivery of said notes or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said issuance of said notes or for the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither the corporate existence or boundaries of the Issuer nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their respective offices is being contested and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said notes has or have been repealed, revoked or rescinded. ' WE FURTHER CERTIFY that seal which is impressed upon this certificate has been affixed by impression upon each of said notes and is the legally adopted proper and only official corporate seal of the Issuer. AND, I, the undersigned Supervisor of the Issuer, HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that on the 20th day of June , 1986, I delivered said notes to the North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck, New York the purchaser hereof, and that at the time of such delivery of said notes, I received from said purchaser the amount hereinbelow stated, in full payment of said notes computed as follows: Price $100,000. O0 Interest of said notes accrued to date of delivery -0- Amount received $100,000.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand and said corporate seal has hereunto been affixed this 20th day of June 1986. · -~-ToWn Clerk December 31, 1989 R BY CERTIF~ that the signatures of the officers of the above named Issuer, which appear above, are true and genuine and that I know said officers know them to hold the respective offices set opposite their several signatures. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS, JUDITH T. TERRY, being duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and says: (1) I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York (herein and in Schedule A called "Issuer"): (2) That with respect to the contract of sale of the following described obligation of the issuer to the The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattitucko N.Y. (in Schedule A called "Purchaser"), I have made a careful inquiry of each officer and employee of the Issuer having the power or duty to (a) negotiate, prepare, authorize or approve the contract or authorize or approve payment thereunder, (b) audit the bills or claims under the contract, or (c) appoint an officer or employee who has any of the powers or duties set forth above, as to whether or not such officer or employee has an interest (as defined pursuant to Article 18 of the General Municipal Law) in such contract: Amount and Title: $100,000 Bond Anticipation Note for construction of Pre-Treatment Plant - 1986 Dated: Matures: No. R- 3 interest Rate: June 20, 1986 June 19, 1987 Denomination: 4.65% $100,000.00 (3) That upon information and belief, as a result of such inquiry, no such officer or employee has any such interest in said contract, unless otherwise noted in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Subscribed and sworn to before me th~/~20th day of June , 1986 / ANN M, ABAlE NOTARY pUBLIC, State of New york S~Ifo~k C,m~m~ No ~74~18~ ~ lerm Exp~es M~ch 30, 19~ / T. Terry, Town Clerl~ SCHEDULE A 1. is a stockholder of the Purchaser owning or controlling, directly or indirectly, less than five per centum (5~) of the outstanding stock thereof but no disclosure of such interest by said officer is required pursuant to said Law; 2. has an interest in the Purchaser # solely by reason of employment as an officer or employee thereof, but the remuneration of such employment will not be directly affected as a result of said contract and the duties of such employment do not directly involve the procurement, preparation or performance of any such part of such contract. · has publicly disclosed the nature and extent of such interest in writing to the governing board of the Town. Such written disclosure has been made a part of and set forth in the official record of proceedings of the Town. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE I, ROBERT W. TASKER, HEREBY CERTIFY that I am a licensed attorney at law of the State of New York having offices at 425 Main Street, Greenport, in said State, and am tile duly chosen, qualified and acting To'tn Attorney of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation, of said State and herein referred to as the "Issuer", that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining {he issuance or delivery of the notes of the Issuer, each payable to bearer and all otherwise described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said notes or for the levy or'.collection of said taxes, or relating to said notes or affecting the validity thereof or the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither corporate existence or l~oundaries of the Issuer nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their respective offices is' being contested, and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said notes has or have been repealed, revoked or rescinded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of June , 198~ SCHEDULE A Town Attorney Amount and Title: Dated: Matures: Number and Denomination: Interest Rate and Payment Dated: $100,000,00 Bond Anticipation Note for construction of pre-treatment plant - 1986 June 20, 1986 June 15, 1987 R-3 - $100,000.00 4.65% per annum until maturity' payable at maturity. FOi:ll, B/~NI( the No,th Fork Bank & Trug[ Co Home Office MattllL!Ck New York 11952 June 8, 1987 ~KCE~IVED Jl.~i 10 1987 S(mthold Town C/erk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Gentlemen: On June 19, 1987 there will be due this office the sum of $104,637.08 in accordance with the following statement: Town of Southold Bond Anticipation Note @4.65% dated 6/20/86 Principal due---$100,O00.O0 Interest due .... 4,637.08 TOTAL DUE ....... $104,637.08 Thank you. Very truly yours, Irene JackojC~ki Manager, Finance Division ij The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. 1 New Yo~k Plaza New Ycrk, New york 10081 4630/JF March 18, 1987 Judith Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold P.O. Box 728 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Terry: RECEIVED !,.,I,,,,: g 1987 .... ~,-.-'- c-.,,~.hold Please be advised that Principal and/or Interest on the Fully ReGistered issue[s) listed below will be due and payable on April 1, 1987 ~ssu~ Principal Interest Town of Southold Various Purpose Series Bds Dtd 10/1/84 $90,000.00 $94,867.50 Total Due: $184,867.50 TO ensure the mailing of Registered Interest checks on schedule, funds must be in our possesion one business day prior to the payment date. ........ Funds should be wired to the address below on, or before, March 31, 1987 Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. ?One New York Plaza - 14th floor New York, New York 10081 Attn: Jane Fine/Proof 53 A/C 900-9-000317 Should any questions arise, please contact Jane at (212) 676-3777. Fine Very truly yours, ~Rosa Squire Supervisor B, NI( August 5, 1986 AUG 6 1986 Hon. Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Murphy: Enclosed please find paid $1,000,000.00 Town of Southold Bond Anticipation Note No. R-1 @4.94%, dated August 2, 1985, matured August l, 1986. Please acknowledge receipt of the above by signing and returning the enclosed copy of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, Manager, Finance Division Encs. R-1 $ 1,000,000.00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR PRE-TREATMENT PLANT The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this Note, or if it be registered, to the registered holder, the sum of One Million .................................................. .............................................. Dollars ($1,000,000.00 ) on the 1st day of August , 1986, together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of Four and 94/100 ................................... per centum (4.94%) per annum, payable at maturity. Both principal of and interest on this Note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck, New York At the request of the holder, the Town Clerk shall convert this Note into a registered Note by resgistering in the name of the holder in the books of the Town kept in the office of such Town Clerk and endorsing a certificate of such registration hereon, after which both principal of and interest on this Note shall be payable only to the registered holder, his legal representatives, successors or transferees. This Note shall then be transferable only upon presentation to such Town Clerk with a written transfer of title and such Town Clerk shall thereupon register this Note in the name of the transferee in his books and shall endorse a certificate of such registration hereon. Such transfer shall be dated, and signed by the registered holder, or his legal representatives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in the alternative the signature thereto shall be certified as to its genuineness by an officer of a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State. This Note is the only note of an authorized issue, the principal amount of which is $1,000,000.00. This note is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond resolution adopted by the Town Board on April 19, 1983, authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000, for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in the Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on August 3, 1984, The faith and credit of such Town of Southold is hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said Note according to its terms. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts, and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York, to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note, exist, have happened and have been performed, and this note, together with all other indebtedness of such Town of Southold is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of such State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Southold has caused this Note to be signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and this Note to be dated as of the 2nd day of August 19~5 Town Clerk CLOSING CERTIFICATES Relating to Notes of TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK CERTIFICATES AS TO SIGNATURES, LITIGATION AND DELIVERY AND PAYMENT WE, the undersigned officers of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York and herein referred to as the "Issuer", HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 2nd day of August 1985, we officially signed and properly executed by manual signatures principal amount of notes of the Issuer, each payable to bearer and all otherwise described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, and that at the time of such signing and execution and on the date hereof we were and are the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers of the Issuer authorized to execute said notes and holding the respective offices indicated by the official titles set opposite our signatures hereto for terms expiring on the respective dates set opposite such titles. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining the issuance or delivery of said notes or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said issuance of said notes or for the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither the corporate existence or boundaries of the Issuer nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their respective offices is being contested and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said notes has or have been repealed, revoked or rescinded. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that seal which is impressed upon this certificate has been affixed by impression upon each of said notes and is the legally adopted proper and only official corporate seal of the Issuer. AND, I, the undersigned Supervisor of the Issuer, HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that on the 2nd day of August , 1985, I delivered said notes to the North Fork Bank & Trust Co. the purchaser hereof, and that at the time of such delivery of said notes, I received from said purchaser the amount hereinbelow stated, in full payment of said notes computed as follows: Price Interest of said notes accrued to date of delivery $1,000,000.00 Amount received $1,000,000.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand and said corporate seal has hereunto been, affixed this 2nd day of August , 1985. /S'/ / ~ ~/~r~ ~ig~at~u re~~, ~-z Official Title Term of Office Expires i Supervisor December 31,1985 ///~~~, ~~~(~'~z~;~-~T°wn clerk~ / December 31, 1985 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the signatures of the officers of the above named Issuer, which appear above, are true and genuine and that I know said officers and know them to ho~ the respective offices set opposite their several signatures. ~--~~~~ ~~ North Fork Bank & Trust The(Title) ~ ~ Co. (Signature) {~ --- CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing copy complete copy Town Clerk on of Certificate of the Supervisor and the same is a true and of the Certificate filed with said Town Board in my office as August 2, 1985 I FURTHER CERTIFY that no resolution electing to reassume any of the powers or duties mentioned in said Certificate and delegated to the Supervisor by the Board. IN resolution cited in said Certificate has been adopted by said Town WITNESS WHEREOF, I corporate seal of said Town this have hereunto set my hand and affixed the 2nd day of Aug~J~t , 1985 Judith T. Terry (SEAL) STATE OF NEW YORK) coUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS. JUDITH T. TERRY, being duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and says: (1) I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk; New York (herein and in Schedule A called "Issuer"): (2) That with respect to the contract of sale.of the following described obligation of the issuer to the North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck, N.Y. (in Schedule A called "Purchaser"), I have made a careful inquiry of each officer and employee of the Issuer having the power or duty to (a) negotiate, prepare, authorize or approve the contract or authorize or approve payment thereunder, (b) audit the bills or claims under the contract, or (c) appoint an officer or employee who has any of the powers or duties set forth above, as to whether or not such officer or employee has an interest (as defined pursuant to Article 18 of the General Municipal Law) in such contract: Amount and Title: $1,000,000.00 Bon Anticipation Note for Pre-Treatment Plant Dated: Matures: No. R- 1 Interest Rate: August 2, 1985 August 1, 1986 Denomination: 4.94% $1,000,000.00 (3) That upon information and belief, as a result of such inquiry, no such officer or employee has any such interest in said contract, unless otherwise noted in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of August , 198~ ~.~lTth T. Terry, Town Cle~' /~Nota ry Public SCII EDUi',E A 1. , i~ a stockholder th= PurJt,'~2'c, ~-owning o~ controlling, d~rec~ly or indizec~ly, ~han five p~:r c~ntum (5~) of ~he ou~standin~ s~ock hereof bu~ St~d LaW; ' , 2. , has such in.retest in said cont,'act, but according to thc r~¢or~-~ o~ the Issuer a~d l[,e[~s ,nadc to me by officer~ Of the I~umr d~ring the curre~ fis~l year, the Purchaser has no~ purchased, ,and by virtue of the of said Bond Anticipation Note above 4umorib~, will ~ot have SL00,000 and the Purchamer, IS ,not nOw~ and by virtue of thm purchame of said Note will not becom~ the holder of .'Notes of the lssuer~ the aggregate principal amount Of which ~XC~md~*/~O0,O00;- , has publicly the nature and extent of ~uch i~t~r~ in wri=lng to the governing board of the Issuer. Su6h written disolosure has bee~ made a of and set forLh in the officia~ record of ~roceedings. :..t 3. , has an interest in the Pu~'Ch~sLr, ~olely by reason of e~ploymen~ as an officer or employee . thereof, but tile remuneration of .such emgloyment will not be directly ~ffuctcd ~s a result of said contract and the duties of such employ- ~,=n~ do not directl'y invovle the [~rocure~aent, preparation or perfo_r- · mance of ,my part of such contract. , has publicly disclosed ti.,: n~t%]~',~ =,nd extent of such interest in writing to the governing b~a~d oi thc issuer. Such written disclosure has been m~du a part of ~,nd act forth in the official record of proceedings. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE I, ROBERT W. TASKER, HEREBY CERTIFY that I am a licensed attorney at law of the State of New York having offices at 425 Main Street, Greenport, in said State, and am the duly chosen, qualified and acting Town Attorney of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of said State and herein referred to as the "Issuer", that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining the issuance or delivery of the notes of the Issuer, each payable to bearer and all otherwise described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said notes or for the levy or collection of said taxes, or relating to said notes or affecting the validity thereof or the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither corporate existence or boundaries of the Issuer nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their respective offices is being contested, and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said notes has or havebeen repealed, revoked or rescinded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I day of August , 1985. Amount and Title: have hereunto set my hand this 2nd SCHEDULE A Town Attorney Dated: Matures: Number and Denomination: Interest Rate and Payment Dated: $1,000,000.00 Bond Anticipal~ion Note Pre-Treatment Plant - 1985 August 2, 1985 August 1, 1986 R-1 - $1,000,000.00 4.94% Payable upon maturity CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION BY THE SUPERVISOR RELATIVE TO THE AUTHORIZATION, SALE, ISSUANCE, FORM AND CONTENT OF A $1,000,000.00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR pRI::-TRF_ATMENT PLANT-1985 OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N~:W YORK. I, FRANCIS J. MURPHY, Supervisor of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York (herein called "Town") HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the powers and duties delegated to me, the chief fiscal officer of the Town by the Town Board pursuant to the resolution duly adopted as set forth below, and subject to the limitations prescribed in said resolution, I have made the following determinations: 1. A Bond Anticipation Note of the Town in the principal amount of shall be issued to renew the Bond Anticipation Note for Pre-Treatment Plant dated August 2, 1985, maturing August 1, 1986. and heretofore issued in anticipation of the sale of serial bonds authorized pursuant to the resolution entitled: · "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York adopted April 19, 1983, appropriating $1,877,000 for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000 serial bonds of said Town to finance said appropriation and authorizing any amounts received from the United States of America and/or the State of New York (which is estimated to be $1,540,125) to be expended towards the cost of said specific object or purpose, or redemption of any bonds issued therefor or to be budgeted as an offset to the taxes and/or assessments for payment of the principal and interest on said bonds." of said to the extent of bonds. duly adopted by the Town Board on the date therein referred to, the redemption Bond Anticipation Note having been heretofore provided from a source other than the proceeds of said 2. The terms, form and details of said renewal Note, shall be as follows: Amount and Title $1,000,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note Pre-Treatment Plant- 1985 Dated: Matures: No. Interest Rates: August 2, 1985 August 1, 1986 Denomination: 4.94% $1,000,000.00 Payment of principal and interest: The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. Form of Note: Mattituck, New York Substantially in accordance with form prescribed by Schedule B,2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Said Note is a renewal Note. Said Note is issued in anticipation of bonds for nonassessable improvement. The original Note, of which this Note is a renewal, was issued on the said 7. The amount of bond anticipation notes heretofore issued in anticipation of Pursuant to said powers and duties delegated to me, I DO HEREBY AWARD AND SELL said Note to The North Fork Bank & Trust Co.. Mattituck New York, for the purchase of , plus accrued interest, if any, from the date of said Note to the date of payment of the purchase price, and I FURTHER DETERMINE that said Note so awarded shall bear interest at the rate of Four and 94/100 .................. ~per centum4.94 % per annum, payable at maturity. 8. Said Note herein authorized shall be executed in the name of the Town by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of the Town shall be affixed thereto and attested by its Town Clerk. I HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that every power delegated to me to issue and sell the Note hereinabove described is in full force and effect and has not been modified, amended, or revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of August, 1985. ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 August 2, 1985 The Town Board of the Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: $1,000,000.00 Bond Anticpation Note Pre-Treatment Plant - 1985 Dear Sirs: I have examined a record of proceedings relating to the issuance of a $1,000,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for Pre-Treatment Plant-1985, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York. Said Note is dated August 2, 1985, matures August 1, 1986, is numbered R-l, bears interest at the rate of four and 94/100 (4.94%) per centum per annum, is of the denomination of $1,000,000.00 payable at maturity, is payable to bearer without coupons and registerable as to both principal and interest, is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the resolution adopted by the Town Board on April 19, 1983, authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000. for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in the Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on AiJ-~tust 3, 1984. Said Bond Anticipation Note is a temporary obligation issued in anticipation of the issuance of permanent serial bonds. In my opinion, the Note is a valid and legally binding general obligation of the Town for which the Town has validly pledged its faith and credit and, unless paid from other sources, all the taxable real property within the Town is subject to the levy of ad valorem real estate taxes to pay said note ~and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount. The enforceability of rights or remedies with respect to such Note may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other laws affecting creditors' rights or remedies heretofore or hereafter enacted. -2- Further, in my opinion, the interest on said Note is exempt under existing statutes from Federal income taxes and under existing statutes from New York State and New York City personal income taxes. Other than such record of proceedings, I have not been requested to examine or review and have not examined or reviewed any proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents containing information relative to said Town which have been or may hereafter be furnished or disclosed to purchaser of said Note, and I express no opinion with respect to any such proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents or the accuracy or sufficiency thereof. The form of said Note is prescribed by Schedule B,2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT :aa ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney OFFIC~i~DORNEY ~~~ TELEPHONE ($16) 477-1400 425 MAIN STREET · P.O. BOX 697 ~ GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 JUN 2 61986 June 25, 1986 Hon. Francis J. Murphy Supervisor of the Town of Southold' Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Sale of $100,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for Pre-Tre,atment Plan - 1986 Dear Mr. Murphy: This is to advise you that the above captione~l Bond Anticipation Note was sold to The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. on June 20, 1986 at an interest rate of q.65%. In addition to The North Fork Bank ~, Trust Co., bids were also received from The Bank of New York at 5.05%; Chemical Bank at 5.28% and Suffolk County National Bank at q.71%. Relative to the sale, I enclose herewith the following: 1. Copy of Bond AntJcipatjon Note. 2. Affidavit of Town Clerk relative to conflict of interest. 3. Closing Certificate. Certificate of Determination of Supervis0r., 5. Attorney's Certificate. 6. Letter of Opinion. Yours very truly; RWT :aa enc. ROBERT W. TASKER cc: Hon. Judith T. Terry ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney OFFICE OF TOWN 'ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 425 MAIN STREET · P.O. BOX 697 GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 June 20, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 The Town Board of the Town of Southold ToWn Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: $100,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for Pre-treatment plant - 1986 Dear Sirs: I have examined a record of proceedings relating to the issuance of a $100,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for the construction of a pre-treatment plant - 1986, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk; a municipal corporation of the State of New York. Said Note is dated June 20, 1986, matures June 19, 1987, is numbered R-3, bears interest at the rate of four and 65/100 (4.65%) per centum per annum, is of the denomination of $100,000.00 payable at maturity, is payable to bearer without coupons and registerable as to both principal and interest, is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the resolution entitled "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York adopted April 19, 1983, appropriating $1,877,000 for the construction of a pre-treatment plant Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000 serial bonds Of said Town 1~o finance said appropriation and authorizing any amounts received from the United States of America and/or State of New York (which is estimated to be $1,540,125) to be expended towards the cost of said specific object or purpose, or redemption of any bonds issued therefor or to be budgeted as an offset to the taxes and/or assessments for payment of the principal and interest of said bonds.", duly adopted by the Town Board on the date therein referred to and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on June 21, 1983. Said Bond Anticipation Note is a temporary obligation, issued in anticipation of the issuance of permanent serial bonds. In my opinion, the Note is a valid and legally binding general obligation of the Town for which the Town has validly pledged its faith and credit and, unless paid from other sources, all the taxable real property within the Town is subject to the levy of ad valorem real estate taxes to pay said note and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount. The enforceability of rights or remedies with respect to such Note may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other laws affecting creditors' rights or remedies heretofore or hereafter enacted. Further, in my opinion, the interest on said Note is exempt under existing statutes from Federal income taxes and under existing statutes from New York State and New York City personal income taxes, Other than such record of proceedings, I have not been requested to examine or review and have not examined or reviewed any proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents containing information relative to said Town which have been or may hereafter be furnished or disclosed to purchaser of said Note, and I express no opinion with respect to any such proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents or the accurancy or sufficiency thereof. The form of said Note is prescribed by Schedule B,2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT :aa R- 3 $ 100,000.00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY CF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR PRETREATMENT PLANT- 1986 The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of 'New ,York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this Note, or If it be registered, to the registered holder, the sum of One hundred Thousand -~ ............................. ................................... .- ....... Dollars ($ 100,000,00 ) on the 19th day of June , 1~8 6, togetherlwith interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of Four and 65/100 .................................. per centum (4.65%) per annum, payable at maturity. Both principal of and interest on this Note will be paid'in lawful money'of the United States of America at The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck., New York At the request of the holder; the Town Clerk Shall convert this Note into a regist&red Note by resgistering in'the name of the holder in the books' of the Town kept in the office of such Town Clerk and endorsing a certificate of such registration hereon, after which both principal of and interest on this Note shall be payable only to the registered holder,' his legal representatives, successors or transferees. This Note shall then be transferable only upon presen~tation to such Town Clerk with a written transfer of title 'and such Town Clerk shall thereupon register this Note in the name of the transferee in his books and shall endorse a certificate of such registration hereon. Such'transfer shall be dated, and signed by the registered holder, or his legal representatives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in the alternative the signature thereto shall be certified as to its genuineness by an officer of a bank Or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State.' This Note.is the onlynote of an authorized issue, the principal amount of which ls $100,000.00 This note is 'issued pursuant tothe provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a.of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond resolution adopted by the Town' Board on April 19, 1983, authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000 serial bonds for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in'said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by ~he Supervisor on June 21, 1983. The faith and credit Of:such Town of Southold'ts hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said Note according to its terms. It is hereby ~ertified and recited that all conditiqns, acts, and things required by the ConstitUtion and statutes Of the State of New York, to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note, exist, have happened and have been performed, and this note,: together with all other indebtedness of such Town of Southold is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of suc'h State. ATTEST: Town Clerk IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Southold has caused this Note to be signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its ~Town Clerk~ and this Note to'be dated as of the i 20~th day of June TOW CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION BY THE SUPERVISOR RELATIVE TO THE AUTHORIZATION, SALE, ISSUANCE, FORM AND CONTENT OF A $100,000.00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PRE-TREATMENT PLANT - 1986 OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I, FRANCIS J. MURPHY, Supervisor of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York (herein called "Town") HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the powers and duties delegated to me, the chief fiscal officer of the Town by the Town Board pursuant to the resolution duly adopted as set forth below, and subject to the limitations prescribed in said resolution, I have made the following determinations: 1. A Bond Anticipation Note of the Town in the principal amount of $100,000.00 shall be issued to renew, in part, the $250,000.00 Bond Anticipat!on Note fora pre-treatment plant, dated June 20, 1986, maturing June 19', 1987. and heretofore issued in anticipation of the sale of serial bonds authorized pursu, ant to the resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York adopted April 19, 1983, appropriating $1,877,000 for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000 serial bonds of said Town to finance said appropriation and authorizing any amounts received from the United States of America and/or State of New York (which is estimated to be $1,540,125) to be expended towards the cost of said specific object or purpose, or redemption of any bonds issued therefor or to be budgeted as an offset to the taxes and/or assessments f~or payment of the principal and interest of said bonds." duly adopted by the Town Board on the date therein referred to, the redemption of said $250,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note having been heretofore provided to the extent of $50,000.00 from a source other than the proceeds of said bonds. 2. The terms, form and details of said renewal Note, shall be as follows: Amount and Title $100,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note 1986 for pre-treatment plant Dated: June 20, 1986 Matures: June 19, 1987 No. R-3 Denomination: Interest Rates: 4.65% $100,000.00 Payment of principal and interest: The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. Mattituck, New York Form of Note: Substantially in accordance with form prescribed by Schedule B,2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. 3. Said Note is a renewal Note. 4. Said Note is issued in anticipation of bonds for nonassessable improvement. 5. The original Note, of which this Note is a renewal, was issued on June 21, 1983. ~ 6. The amount of bond anticipation notes heretofore issued in anticipation of the said $250,000.00 serial bonds, is $250,000.00; $100,000.00 of whlchis outstanding. 7. Pursuant to sai~l powers and duties delegated to me, I DO HEREBY AWARD AND SELL said Note to The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck New York, for the purchase of $100,000.00 , plus accrued interest, if any, frQm the date of said Note to th~ date of payment of the purchase price, and I FURTHi~R DETERMINE that said Note so awarded shall bear interest at the rate of Four and 65/100 ......... per centum4.65 % per annum, payable at maturity. 8. Said Note herein authorized shall be executed in the name of the Town by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of the Town shall be affixed thereto and attested by its Town Clerk. I HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that every power delegated to me to issue and sell the Note hereinabove described is in full force and effect and has nQt been modified, amended, or revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of June, 1986. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing copy of Certificate of the Supervisor and the same is a true and complete copy of the Certificate filed Town Clerk on June 20, 1986. with said Town Board in my office as I FURTHER CERTIFY that no resolution electing to reassume any of the powers or duties mentioned in said Certificate and delegated to the Supervisor by the resolution cited in said Certificate has been adopted by said Town Board. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town this 20 day of June , 1986.' Judith T. Terry (SEAL) STATE Of NEW YORK) COUNTY Of SUFFOLK) SS. JUDITH T. TERRY, being duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and says: (1) I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York {herein and in Schedule A called "Issuer"): (2) That with respect to the contract of sale of the following described obligation of the issuer to the The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck. N.Y. (in Schedule A called "Purchaser"), I have made a careful inquiry of each officer and employee of the Issuer having the power or duty to (a) negotiate, prepare, authorize or approve the contract or authorize or approve payment thereunder, (b) audit the bills or claims under the contract, or (c) appoint an officer or employee who has any of the powers or duties set forth above, as to whether ~ or not such officer or employee has an interest (as defined pursuant to Article 18 of the General Municipal Law) in such contract: Amount and Title: $100,000 Bond Anticipation Note for construction of Pre-Treatment Plant - 1986 Dated: June 20, 1986 Matures: June 19, 1987 No. R- 3 Denomination: Interest Rate: 4.65% $100,000.00 (3) That upon information and belief, as a result of such inquiry, no such officer or employee has any such interest in said contract, unless otherwise noted in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Subscribed and sworn to before me 20thday of June , 19B6 Notary Public ANhm M ABATE NOTARY ?l.l~qLIC, Slate of New York Suftc. k Cuu~ty No 47481837~ Term Expm~e$ March 30, 19 ~i~. Terry, Town Cler,,k ~' SCHEDULE A 1. is a stockholder of the Purchaser # owning or controlling, directly or indirectly, less than five per centum (5~) of the outstanding stock thereof but no disclosure of such interest by Said officer is required pursuant to said Law; 2. has an interest in the Purchaser solely by reason of employmen~ as an officer or employee thereof but the remuneration of such employment will not be directly affected as a result of said contract and the duties of such employment do not directly involve the procurement, preparation or performance of any such part of such contract. , has publicly disclosed the nature and extent of such interest in writing to the governing board of the Town. Such written disclosure has been made a part of and set forth in the official record of proceedings of the Town. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE 1, ROBERT W. TASKER, HEREBY CERTIFY that I am a licensed attorney at law of the State of New York having offices at 42.5 Main Street, Greenport, in said State, and am the duly chosen, qualified and acting Tov~n Attorney of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation/of said State and herein referred to as the "Issuer", that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining {he issuance or delivery of the notes of the Issuer, each payable to bearer and all otherwise described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said notes or for the levy or-collection of said taxes, or relating to said notes or affecting the validity thereof or the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither corporate existence or boundaries of the Issuer nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their r~spective offices is; being contested, and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said notes has or havebeen repealed, revoked or rescinded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sc-t my hand this 20th day of June , 1986. Town Attorney Amount and Title~ SCHEDULE A $100,000,00 Bond Anticipation Note for constr~c~;on of pre-treatment plant - 1986 Dated: Matures: Number and Denomination: Interest Rate and Payment Dated: June 20, June 19, ~987 R-3- $100,000.00 4.65% per annum un.tM maturity payable at maturity. CLOSING CERTIFICATES Relating to Notes of TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK CERTIFICATES AS TO SIGNATURES, LITIGATION AND DELIVERY AND PAYMENT WE, the undersigned officers of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York and herein referred to as the "Issuer", HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 20th day of June 1986, we officially signed and properly executed by manual signatures principal amount of notes of the Issuer, each payable to bearer and all otherwise described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, and that at the time of such signing and execution and on the date hereof we were and are the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers of the Issuer authorized to execute said notes and holding the respective offices indicated by the official titles set opposite our signatures hereto for terms expiring on the respective dates set opposite such titles. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining the issuance or delivery of said notes or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said issuance of said notes or for the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither the corporate existence or boundaries of the Issuer nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their respective offices is being contested and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said notes has or have been repe,aled, revoked or rescinded. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that seal which is impressed Upon this certificate ,~ has been affixed by impression upon each of said notes and is the legally adopted proper and only official corporate seal of the Issuer. AND, I, the undersigned Supervisor of the Issuer, HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that on the 20th day of June , 198~ I delivered said notes to the North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck, New York the purchaser hereof, and that at the time of such delivery of said notes, I received from said purchaser the amount hereinbelow stated, in full payment of said notes computed as follows: Price Interest of said notes accrued to date of delivery Amount received $100,000.00 $100,000.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand and said corporate seal has hereunto been affixed this 20th day of June , 1986.  ' Official Title Term of Office Expires ____--,-.--~ __ __ _Supervis°r December 31, 1987 ~/'/~/--/~y,~~~~Town~lerk December 31, 1989 ~/ ~ IH REE BY CERTiF~that thesignatur es of the officers of the above named Issuer, which appear above, are true and genuine and that I know said officers  know them to hold the respective offices set opposite their several signatures. n~4~ure) /~ It(Title,~/)__ The~North Fork Bank & Trust Co. NORTH' June 20, 1986 JUN 2 41986 Ms. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Terry: Enclosed please find paid $150,000.00 Town of Southold Bond Antici- pation Note No. R-2 @4.75%, matured 6/20/86. Please acknowledge receipt of the above by signing and returning the enclosed copy of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, Irene Jacko. w~i<i Manager, F/~flance Division ij Encs. R- 2 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY CF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 50,000.00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PRE-TREATMENT PLANT - 1985 The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this Note, or if it be registered, to the registered holder, the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand ............................. .............................................. Dollars ($150,000.00 ) on the 20thday of June , 198 6, together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of Four and 75/100 ................................. per centum (4.75%) per annum, payable at maturity. Both principal of and interest on this Note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck, New York At the request of the holder; the Town Clerk Shall convert this Note into a registered Note by resgistering in the name of the holder in the books of the Town kept in the office of such Town Clerk and endorsing a certificate of such registration hereon, after which both principal of and interest on this Note shall be payable only to the registered holder, his legal representatives, successors or transferees. This Note shall then be transferable only upon presentation to such Town Clerk with a written transfer of title and such Town Clerk shall thereupon register this Note in the name of the transferee in his books and shall endorse a certificate of such registration hereon. Such transfer shall be dated, and signed by the registered holder, or his legal representatives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in the alternative the signature thereto shall be certified as to its genuineness by an officer of a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State. This Note is the only note of an authorized issue, the principal amount of which is $150,000.00. This note is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond resolution adopted by the Town'Board on April 19, 1983, authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000 serial bonds for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District,, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on June 21, 1983. The faith and credit of such Town of Southold is hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said Note according to its terms. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditiqns, acts, and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York, to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note, exist, have happened and have been performed, and this note, together with all other indebtedness of such Town of Southold is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of such State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town 6f Southold has caused this Note to be signed by its Supervisor.., and its'corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and this Note to be dated as of the 21st day of June ,f~'q Town Clerk ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney OFFIC~ ~~ORNEY 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 June 21, 1985 TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 The Town Board of the Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: $150,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note Pre-Treatment Plant- 1985 Dear Sirs: I have examined a record of proceedings relating to the issuance of a $150,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for the construction of a pre-treatment plant- 1985, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York. Said Note is dated June 21, 1985, matures June 20, 1986, is numbered R-2, bears interest at the rate of four and 75/100 (4.75%) per centum per annum, is of the denomination of $150,000.00 payable at maturity, is payable to bearer without coupons and registerable as to both principal and interest, is issured pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York adopted April 19, 1983, appropriating $1,877,000 for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and authorizing the issuance of $1,877.000 serial bonds of said Town to finance said appropriation and authorizing any amounts received from the United States of America and/or State of New York (which is estimated to be $1,540,125) to be expended towards the cost of said specific object or purpose, or redemption of any bonds issued therefor or to be budgeted as an offset to the taxes and/or assessments for payment of the principal and interest of said bonds", duly adopted by the Town Board on the date therein referred to and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on June 21, 1983. Said Bond Anticipation Note is a temporary obligation, issued in anticipation of the issuance of permanent serial bonds. In my opinion, the Note is a valid and legally binding general obligation of the Town for which the Town has validly pledged its faith and credit and, unless paid from other sources, all the taxable real property within the Town is subject to the levy of ad valorem real estate taxes to pay said note and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount. The enforceability of rights or remedies with respect to such Note may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other laws affecting creditors' rights or remedies heretofore or hereafter enacted. Further, in my opinion, the interest on said Note is exempt under existing statutes from Federal income taxes and under existing statutes from New York State and New York City personal income taxes. Other than such record of proceedings~ I have not been requested to examine or review and have not examined or revieWed any proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents containing information relative to said Town which have been or may hereafter be furnished or disclosed to purchaser of said Note, and I express no opinion with respect to any such proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents or the accuracy or sufficiency thereof. The form of said Note is prescribed by Schedule B,2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKI=R RWT: aa CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION BY THE SUPERVISOR RELATIVE TO THE AUTHORIZATION, SA/E, ISSUANCE, FORM AND CONTENT OF A $150,000.00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR CONSTRUCTION Of: A PRE-TREATMENT PLANT - 1985 OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I, FRANCIS J. MURPHY· Supervisor of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York (herein called "Town") HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the powers and duties delegated to me, the chief fiscal officer of the Town by the Town Board pursuant to the resolution duly adopted as set forth below, and subject to the limitations prescribed in said resolution, ~ have made the following determinations: 1. A Bond Anticipation Note of the Town in the principal amount of shall be issued to renew, in part, the $250,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for the construction of a pre-treatment plant, dated June 21, 19855 maturing June 20, 1986, and heretofore issued in anticipation of the sale of serial bonds authorized pursuant to the resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York adopted April 19, 1983, appropriating $1,877,000 for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and authorizing the issuance of $1,877.000 serial bonds of said Town to finance said appropriation and authorizing any amounts received from the United States of America and/or State of New York (which is estimated to be $1,540,125) to be expended towards the cost of said specific object or purpose, or redemption of any bonds issued therefor or to be budgeted as an offset to the taxes and/or assessments for payment of the principal and interest of said bonds." duly adopted by the Town Board on the date therein referred to, the redemption of said $250,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note having been heretofore provided to the extent of $50,000.00 from a source other than the proceeds of said bonds. 2. The terms, form and details of said renewal Note, shall be as follows: Amount and Title $150,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note 1985 for pre-treatment plant Dated: June 21, 1985 Matures: June 20, 1986 No. R-2 Denomination: Interest Rates: 4.75% $150,000.00 Payment of principal and interest: The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. Form of Note: Mattituck, New York 4. 5. 21, 1983. 6. Substantially in accordance with form prescribed by Schedule B,2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Said Note is a renewal Note. Said Note is issued in anticipation of bonds for nonassessable improvement. The original Note, of which this Note is a renewal, was issued on June The amount of bond anticipation notes heretofore issued in anticipation of the said $250,000.00 serial bonds, is $250,000.00; $150,000.00 of which is outstanding. 7. Pursuant to said powers and duties delegated to me, I DO HEREBY AWARD AND SELL said Note to The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck New York, for the purchase of $150,000.00 , plus accrued interest, if any, from the date of said Note to the date of payment of the purchase price, and I FURTHER DETERMINE that said Note so awarded shall bear interest at the rate of Four and 75/100 per centum4.75 % per annum, payable at maturity. 8. Said Note herein authorized shall be executed in the name of the Town by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of the Town shall be affixed thereto and attested by its Town Clerk. I HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that every power delegated to me to issue and sell the Note hereinabove described is in full force and effect and has not been modified, amended, or revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this21st day of June, 1985. -2- CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing copy complete copy Town Clerk on of Certificate of the Supervisor and the same is a true and of the Certificate filed with said Town Board in my office as June 21, 1985. I FURTHER CERTIFY that no resolution electing to reassume any of the powers or duties mentioned in said Certificate and delegated to the Supervisor by the resolution cited in said Certificate has been adopted by said Town Board. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, corporate seal of said Town this have hereunto set my hand and affixed the 21Stday of June , 1985. Judith T. Terry (SEAL) STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS;. JUDITH T. TERRY, being duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and says: (1) I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York [herein and in Schedule A called "Issuer"): (2) That with respect to the contract of sale of the following described obligation of the issuer to the The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck, N.Y. (in Schedule A called "Purchaser"), I have made a careful inquiry of each officer and employee of the Issuer having the power or duty to (a) negotiate, prepare, authorize or approve the contract or authorize or approve payment thereunder, (b) audit the bills or claims under the contract, or (c) appoint an officer or employee who has any of the powers or duties set forth above, as to whether or not such officer or employee has an interest [as defined pursuant to Article 18 of the General Municipal Law) in such contract; Amount and Title: $150,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for construction of Pre-Treatment Plant-1985 Dated: June 21, 1985 Matures: June 20, 1986 No. R-2 Denomination: interest Rate: 4.75% $150,000.00 (3) That upon information and belief, as a result of such inquiry, no such officer or employee has any such interest in said contract, unless otherwise noted in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of June , 198~; ~Notary Public /~/Jc/dith T. Terry, Town Cler~ ANN ~ ABATE NOTARY PUBUC. $~a'e of New York Suffol~ County No 47-4~183 ~ le~m Expl,res M~ ch 30, $CIIEDULE A thc PurJh',J'c~ ~own~ng o~ controlling, directly or indirectly, less. than tire i~r c~ntum (5%) of the outstanding ~cock hereof but no dlsclos%lru ol such interest by ~aid offic~ is required purmuant ~0 2. , has such in.retest in ' ' said cont~'act, but accord£~ ~0 th~ ~e¢o~ds of the Issuer a~d merits madu to me by officers Of thQ ID~uer during the current year, the Purchaser has not purchased,.and by virtue of the of said Bond Anticipation Note above d~soribed, will not have pur~ha~e~ Notes of th,: Issuer, the aggregate 9rls01p&famoun~ Of which excee4s $100,000 and the Purchaser, is:not now~ and by virtus of thm purchase aggregate principal amount of which ~x~ed~'i~%00,000;- ,,~-.. , has publicly disclosed the natur~ and extent of such int~r$~: in writing to the governing~ board of the Issuer. Such written disclosure has been made a of and set forth in the official record of ~roceedings. 3. , has an inter~st in th~ Pu~-ch~scr, ~oluly by reason of e~ploymen~ as an officer or employue . thereof, but the remuneration of .such employment will ~ot be directly ~ffuctcd ~s a rusult of said contract and the duties ~f such employ- s,clan do not directI~ invovle the procurement, preparation or perfgr- 'mance of a.y part of such contract. , has publicly disclose~ tl,,~ r,~tu~-,~ ,~d extent of such i~ter~sC i~ writin9 to the governing b~a~d oJ uh~: l~suer. Such written disclosure has been m~d~ a part of ~,nd act forth in the official record of proceedings. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE 1, ROBERT W. TASKER, HEREBY CERTIFY that I am a licensed attorney at law of the State of New York having offices at 425 Main Street, Greenport, in said State, and am the duly chosen, qualified and acting Town Attorney of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of said State and herein referred to as the "Issuer", that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining the issuance or delivery of the notes of the Issuer, each payable to bearer and all otherwise described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said notes or for the levy or collection of said taxes, or relating to said notes or affecting the validity thereof or the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither corporate existence or l~oundaries of the Issuer nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their respective offices is being contested, and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said notes has or have been repealed, revoked or rescinded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I day of June , 1985, Amount and Title; have hereunto set my hand this 21st ' Town Attorney SCHEDULE A $150,000.00 Bond Anticipation Note for construction of Pre-Treatment Plant- 1985 Dated: Matures: Number and Denomination: Interest Rate and Payment Dated: June 21, 1985 June 20, 1986 R-2- $150,000.00 4.75% per annum until maturity, payable at maturity. CLOSING CERTIFICATES Relating to Notes of TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK CERTIFICATES AS TO SIGNATURES, LITIGATION AND DELIVERY AND PAYMENT WE, the undersigned officers of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York and herein referred to as the "Issuer", HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 21st day of June , 198 ,Swe officially signed and properly executed by manual signatures principal amount of notes of the Issuer, each payable to bearer and all otherwise described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, and that at the time of such signing and execution and on the date hereof we were and are the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers of the Issuer authorized to execute said notes and holding the respective offices indicated by the official titles set opposite our signatures hereto for terms expiring on the respective dates set opposite such titles. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining the issuance or delivery of said notes or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said issuance of said notes or for the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither the corporate existence or boundaries of the Issuer nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their respective offices is being contested and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said notes has or have been repe.aled, revoked or rescinded. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that seal which is impressed upon this certificate has been affixed by impression upon each of said notes and is the legally adopted proper and only official corporate seal of the Issuer. AND, I, the undersigned Supervisor of the Issuer, HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that on the 21st day of June , 1985, I delivered said notes to the North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck, New York the purchaser hereof, and that at the time of such delivery of said notes, I received from said purchaser the amount hereinbelow stated, in full payment of said notes computed as follows: Price $150,000.00 Interest of said notes accrued to date of delivery 4.75% Amount received $150,000.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand and said corporate seal has hereunto bee~ a/ffixed this 21st day of June , 1985, ~//~/ Official Title Term of Office Expires ~~//~ ~ ~-~//' ~~~'/~ , ~ Supervisor Dec ember 31, 1985 ,~/ ~/~ ~/, ~-~-~'~.~ow n C I e r k December 31, 1985 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the signatures of the officers of the above named Issuer, which appear above, are true and genuine and that I know said officers and know them to hold the respective offices set opposite their several signatures. The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. UNITED STAT~S OF AMERICA STATE :OF NEW YORE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TC~N CF SOUTHOLD S 50,000 BO~D ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR cONSTRUCTION CF PRE-TREAtmENT PLANT-1984 ~ ~le Town of Southold, in the GOunt¥ of Suffolk, a municipal of ~teo! l~ew Tork~ berchy I~mowle~lg~ it, ll indebi~.d and-for value recel~mt pro-- to pay to Note, · ~ if it be registered, to the ceghtered holder, the sum of -- -FI3~i THOUSi~D Dollars ($ 50,000 · , on me 23rd &y of ~ , 19 85, together w~th interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of j, - ~ , per centum ( 7. O0 %) per annum, payable at ~.. ~ Both prlnctpal of and intere~ on this Note will be pal4 tn lawfut money of the United States o, Americ, si ' Chem±cal Bank, Sour_hold, New York. At the l~lue~ of the holder, the TO!~Tt Clerk shall convert this Note into "a ~ts~ered No~e by regis~ R in the name of the holder in ibc books of the TOM1 kept in the of such TOum Clerk an4 endorsing a ,certificate ol su~ registrv~ion he,eon, afte~ wMch both . ~rlnei. pal o~ ancl taterest On ~ l~o_te ~hall be ~ inly to the .reglsterecl hol~cr~ Ms ~ ~l~entativel~ successors or tl~ms~ere~. This Note chalt tt~l be tranai'en~ble 'om¥ wimu presentation to such 'l~wrl ~zler . 4dth a ~rR~u transfe~ of title nad such ~ Clerk shall thereupon ~ister this NOt~ in the hume of the transferee in MS heoks ~ shall end~rse a certificate of such re _gi~rstion hereon. Such transfer shall be dated, and s.~ed by the registered holder, or MS legal reprefamiativer, and it slmll be duly acknowledged or proved, or in : the aitern~tive me signature thereto shall be cert~ed es to its genuineness by an officer of ~ bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State.. ~his Ne%e is one of an ~thorized issue, the principal amount of which is $750,000, the Notes of which are of like tenor except as to ntanber. This Nc~e is hsued ]~.u~uant: to the prov/sions of ~e ~ Finance Law, ~nsfl~ting ~ ~a of the ~oHdat~ ~ws~t~S~ofN~ xo~ ~ ~ ~luti~ ~ by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ril 19, 1983, ~ ~ ~ly 31, 1984, ~rizi~ ~ is~ of $2,632,204 ~ial ~s for ~ ~i~ of a ~~t pl~t ~ ~ld ~s~r Di~l Distil, in ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ifi~ ~ ~~on ~ ~ ~ S~i~r ~ ~ 23, 1984. The faith and credit of such TO,TI of Southold are herohy i~revoe~_.bly l~led~ for .th~. l~un~ma~.~ t~a~nent of ~ p~mcipal 0f ~d ~ter~t on ~ No~ ~ to its te~s. It ~ ne~ ~ ~d ~ ~t ~ ~n~ti~s, ~ ~d ~gs ~ut~ by ~e ~ ~d s~tes of ~e ~ of N~ York ~ ~ ~ ~ve ~p~ ~ te ~ve ~ pe~o~ed p~c~t to ~d ~ ~ i~ of ~ Hot~ ~ have happen~ ~d hive he~ ~r~ ~d ~t~ ~o~ to~t~i~ ~ o~r ~s of suc~ of ~U~ ~ ~ ~ .d ~ t~=~b~ by~'on an~ws of such St,~. ~W~ESSW~ ~ ~ of ~ld ~ csus~a tMs ~to be s%~ed ~s Clerk and this ~ote to be date~l as o! the ~O-~mof ~ ¸!9 UNITED STATES OF AMERIC~ sTATE OF NEW YORK C C~1~ CF SUFFOLE TqY~N CF SC~THOLD ~50~000 NOTE FOR OONSTRUCTION CF PRE-TREATMENT PI2%NT-1984 the Ommty of Suffolk, a r~onlcipal corporation of the md for value received p~omla~ to pay ~o the besa~e~ of ~ Nute, o~ the sum of THOUSAND- Dollars ($50,000) , 19 85, to{~her with in%erest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of pe~ centum ( 7. O0 %) per a~um, payable at m~turity. Note will be paid in lawful money of ti~ United States of America~ at New York. t%e Town Clerk shall convert this Note in~o It la tl~:nsm~ 0f the hokler ia the b0oks of the TOWII keFt in the office aucl: endorsing a .certificate of such reslmtration hereon, afte~ which both' preseutation to such 2k~a Clerk deb~.l~o ~ .ahan endorse a c.ertiflcete o.f sueh ~egistrstion he~eon. Such transfer sh~l , ~__, or...ms.legal re~.~.tives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in saau oe ceruuea as tu its genuineness by an officer of ~ bank or trust company localed t.his State. of an authorized issue, the prLncipal ~a*~unt of which is which are of like tenor e~cept as to ~r. ~visio_u~_ ? the. Local Finance Law, constituting CYaa~ter ~-a of the .Ggusoli~ated the c resoiutzon adopted by the Town Board on Aprzl 19, ~--< ': ," 31, 1984, authorizing the issuance of $2,632,204 serial bonds of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal and the Certifica%e of Determination executed by the 23, 1984. .. Town of Southold are herchy .... on. ~m Note ~ceordiag to i~ te~. ~_~ ......... an.a m~..gs reqmred by the Omstitutiou smd statutes oftbe u~ppm~u aha m rave uer~ perxormea precedent $o and. ia the issuance of this Note, ali other l~tedn, of sue~TOk~ ~eribe~ br ~ConsUtuuon ~.~ i~s o~ ~.h of southoZd :0. 10 ~T~ SUCAT~S OF A~'~XCa ¢Ot~ CF SUF~)L~ TC~N CF $OUTHOLD ~50,000 BO~) ~iqTICIPATION NOTE FOR OONSTRUCTION ~ P~E-TI~A~fI~T PLANT~1984 The Town ~if Southold, in the Co, tv of.Suffolk, a n~ciPal . .cc~pora~i.'on of the $~e of 1~ew York, her/by ~owled~es fl~f/ndch~l and-for vame received pronflses to pay tu the b/are~ ~ this No~e, if it be re~/stered, to the registered hold~, the sum of ~ FIFTY THOUSANE~ DoU~rm ($50,000~ on the 23rd &y of' ~r ,19 85, ~o~e~ ~r~th interest thereon from the date hereof at the r~te -- .Severi per ccotum ( 7.00 %) per annum, palmbte at maturity. t~oth principal of and Interest an ~ I'i'ote will be paid tn lawful money of the United Shotes of America, at Cl~mical Bank, Southold, Now York. At the request of the holder, the 'iIDwn Clerk shall convert this Note into ~ red. red Ii'cie by r~tcrin~ it in the name of the holder ia ~he books of the ~ kept m the ot~lce o~ such : Town ~lerk and e~dorsing a certificate of such registration hereon, afte~ wMch beth ~lt~0,pal!of__~l.d .t~.t.em~.,t o.~n .~his .NOt? ~a.all ~ I~ay~ble ~uly to the re~tered h0kl~ him ~ l~rcsentaflve~ successors or t~a~merees. 'Anm l~o~ suat[ laen ~ transferrable only upoa peeaeatatlon to such '.lJOWt~ uAerK ':with m w~itl~u tmausfe~ of title ~ such 2'~ Clerk ~ ~h~a v~i~ter [~eo~a.in~the n.a~e. ~..l.'~e'..tr~fer.ee in hl~ books a~.mhall eudorse a certificate of sud~ re~istrattan Im~eOn. SUch trausier shall .;_ m,~.ea, a.n,a .~e~. ~,y:me ..~4/~. e~, h,,ol.der, or ~ legal repre~e~,tive~ and it sbell be duly acknowledged or pr~ved, or in ~his Note is ~ of a authorized issue, the principal amount of %b/ch is $750,000, the Notes of ~hich are of like tenor except as to number. th~ bond resolution adopted by the Town Board on April 19, 1983, and amended July 31, 1984, authorizing the issuance of $2,632,204 serial bonds for the construction of a pr~treatme~t plant in Southold Wastew~ter Disposal District, in ~d Town, and the Certificate of Determination ~ by the Supervisor on October 23, 1984. The leith and c~dlt of such Town of ~thold are be~ehy ~ eve~ ~d ~er l~p~erib~ by ~e ~ ~d laws of , mud its ~ete seal and this Note in be dated a UNITED STATES OF AMEI~ICA NO. 11 STA~. OF ~r~w VOal~ SS0,000 COUNTY iF SUFFOLK TCWN OF SOUTHOLD BC~D ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR CONSTRUCTION iF PRE-TREATMENT PLANT-1984 .. .."J~.e .T.~..of. Sogthq. ld, in...t~...Oqun~.of.Suffqlk., a .lmm~.'cipa. t . .oo~poration of the State o~ mew ~or~ nsreoy n~lmow..l~l~s' ~ iuaentea alia Ior vatue recetyen promises to pay to the ~ o~ this Nole~ or if it be registerefl, to the registered holder, the sum of FIFTY THOUSANI~ ..... Dollars ($50,000-) on the 23rd day of (~ , 19 85, to~ether with interest thereon from the date hereof at the raie of -- ,~ven per centum ( 7.00 ~) per a~num, payable at maturity. Both principal of aud intere~ on this lffote wm be paid In lawful money of the United States of America, at Chemical Bank, Southold, Ne~ York. At the request of the holder, the ~ Clerk shall convert this Note into a re~flstered Hots by ~e~stefln~ it lathe name of the hOMer in ~be books of the TOWrl kept in the office of such ~ Clark aaa endarsing a ~erttfleato of such registration hereon, after which both ~an~e~ 0f and: ~terest: on .this Hots,shall be paYable~ enly to iho registered hold~ his lej~l ripresentativcs, suceess~rs,i or ~ eree~. TMs Nole shall then be transferable o~ly upon presentation to such 'IDWfl ?dih ia wrtttea tvs,~rfer of titlt aha ench Town Clerk shall thereupon register.lids bNeo~e'in the na~,e ~f tho trsusferee in his books and shall endorse a eertifleote of such regist~a'don hereon. Such transfer shall . d~,.thd, a~..d s.~aed by the r.e.~htered holder, or his legal representatives, and it shall be d~ly acimowled/~ed or proved, or in toe. ai~..?nati?e the si~nat, ure thereto shall ho certified as to its genuineness by an officer of a bank or trust company located aaa aumorized ~o do l)usineso in this State. ~his Not2 is c~e of an authorized issue, the principal anount of which is $750,000, the Notes of which are of like tenor except as to number. Th~s Note is issued p~rsuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting C~apter SS-a of the Consolidated LawsoftheSta~eefNewlork, ~.~ bond r~solution adopted by the Town Board on April 19, 1983, and attended July 31, 1984, a~lthorizing the issuance of $2,632,204 serial bonds for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, ih said Town, and the Certificate of Determination execifced by the Supervisor an October 23, 1984. . The faith aud c~edit of such Town Of Sou2hold are hereby trrevoo~tbl? pled~d fo.r. the punctual paymen~ of the principal of and interest on this No~e according to its terms. t ~s ue.r.en~, eertifled aaad recited thst :sl~ conditions, acts and things required by/he Constitution and statutes of the State of New xork to exist, to have happenecl lind to hgve been performid precedent to and in the/ssuanc~.of this No~e? ~ hawe happenn~a~t: have been ~rmned, aa~ th~' Note, to~th a~ other ~ess of sua~ TOWn ~ of 8(2~ ~ ~lth~l e~er~ ~d 0thcr th~preserlqsed by the Consti~dtinn and laws of such S~ato. IN WITi72~ WHEREOF, the Town Of Southold caused this [ to be slsned ~O~mClerke , snd its c~rste seal to and this Note to be dated 19 No, UNITED STATES OF AMEP~ICA ~3U~'""i 000 12 STATE OF BIEW YORK COUNS~ OF SUFFOLK ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR ODNSTRUCTION CF PRE-TREAI!~ENT PIANT-t984 · he Town of SouthQlil, in :the Cotmtv of Suffolk, a municiPal collm0rati.c~n~ of the Stsie of~i~iw ~-o~ ~re~by a~lm~]e~4~ il~etf tn~ and~for value recet,ed promises to pay to tbe b/are~ o~ this No~e, i~ it be ~e~dstered, to ~ re~Iste~d holder, tbe sum of FIFTY THOUSAND -Dollars ($50,000) on the 23rd day of October ,19 85, together ~th infarct t~zon trom the date hereof st the ra~e of Seven .... per c~tum ( 7.00 ~) per ann~m, l~yable at m~turlly. ~oth pfmclpal of ,ad fnters~ on th~ 1~o~e wffi be plgd ~- hwf.l nmney of the U~Ite4 States of Amerce, at C~e~llical Bank, Southold, New York. At the r~qneat of t~ holder, ~e Town Clerk shah ~onvert thru a r~t~er~xl Kote by i~ts~mg tt in %%e ~sme of tbe beC_er in ~he book~' o~ the Town kept in thc oC~ee of e~h ~ Clerk ,~l endorsing a ~er~¢ate of ~ud~ registration hereen, a~ter which both ~em~. This ~oie sholl then be tr'a~ferable omy upon presentauon to auen ~ a Wrl{~l tralisfer of title a~i sntll Town Clerk shall l~ote in the name,of fha transfereo/~ his books and. shall endorse a certificate of sllch re~streiinu hereon. Such transfer sha~l be dated, and st~ned by the rettstered homer, or his lcsal representatives, and it shall be duly a~knowted~ed or p~0ved, or in the alternative ~be si~aature therdo shell be certified as to its ~enuineness by an offiCer of and authorized ~o/lo business in this State. ~his Note ~s c~ne of an authorized ~ssue, the principal amount of %ilia is $750,000, the Notes of ~hich are of like tenor except as to nt~r. 1983, ~ ~ July 31, 1984, au~rizing ~e i~ of $2,632,204 serial ~s f~ ~ ~t~i~ ~ a ~~ pl~t ~ ~u~old ~r Di~l Di~i~, in ~ ~, ~ ~ ~fica~ of ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~r ~ ~r 23, 1984. The faith and ~fedlt of such ToWfl of Southold a~e hereby l~evocably ~led~l fo~__th~ p~ ~a~t of ~e p~pd Of ~d mt~ on ~ Hote ~ to its te~. . of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d ~ l~p~bed by the ~gon and laws of such aa~. IN' WITNE~ W~OF, ~ ~ of ~ld Note to ha doted -> ~'~ .T'~, ~.~y.31, 1~4, ~rlz!~ ~ ls~ ~ $2,632,204 ~1 .,~ ~:_ '~~ ,1984. O~ ~ ~ ~[n ~cr~ and o~er lin~ pn~scrihed by the Constitution and laws of ~tlCJi State, .{ IN' WITNESS WHERI~OF, ~ ~ of ~u~hold \ / '/ \.,-~ / \ ' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK CODTf~ OF SUFFOLK T~ OF 9~UTHOLD 50, 000 ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR (X~NSTRUCTION CF PRE-TREATMENT PIAiT~-1984 if R he ~e~ to me ~ ~]~r, ~ a~ of ~ --F~ ~ Do~ ($50,000 -) on ~e 23~ ~y of ~r ,19 85, to~er ~th ~te~t ~ fr~ ~e date hereof at ~e r~e of ~1 ~, ~ld, ~w York. At the request of the holder, the TOWII Clerk shell convert this Note into ~ ire~t~ered N0ie. bY ieStste~ng R In the:zlame of the hohler in ihe books of the Town kelot 'tn the office ot a~ch Town Clerk ': ' and endo~ a ~ertlflcete o~ such re6istratlon hereon, after Which both tt',,n~fere~s. This ~Ot~ shldl then be tra~ferable omy upon presentation to ~uch TOWfi Clerk TO~ Clerk sh~l th~eupo~ '~ter.this' ~o~e in the nam~.ef the ._transferee:. in his l~oks a~l. shall endorse ~: certificate of such reststre~km hereon. Such transfer shall :: ~a~t, aud: .s~ed by the .r~.red helder, or his legal rcprusel~tatives, ami it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in the, eJt~.~a.tiv~..the.si~mtore thereto shall he ce~lfled as to {is 8enuincmlesS by an officer of a bank or trust company located aua ant~mrized io de business in th{s State. 2his ~Ote is on~ of an authorized issue, the principal amount of ~mich is $750,000, the Notes of vl~i~h are oi like tenor ~ as to numt~r. This l~ote/s issued l~.ur~uant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chaplet 88-a of the Consolidated Lawsoft~Stmofl~ew ~ork, the bond resolution adopted by the Town Bbard on April 19, 19~3, and amended July 31, 1984, allthorizing the issuance of $2,632,204 serial bonds for the cc~struction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Waste~ater Disposal District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination e~cuted by ~he supervisor ~n October 23, 1984. The faith aud c~edit of such Town of Southold are hereby irrevoc~b.. ~. pled~ for ~ ~ ~a~t of ~ p~dp~ Of ~d ~ter~ on ~ No~ ~ t0 its ter~. ~ : It ~ ~F ~a ~a r~ ~t ~_~a~fl~ ~ ~d ~ ~ul~ by the ~ ~d s~tu~ of t ~e mta~ ~ N~ Y~k ~ ~ ~ ~ve hap~ ~ ~ ~ve b~ p~o~id ~ to ~d ~ ~c ~f ~ H~ e d ~ of ~ ~ ~ ~e~ ~d ~her I~ p~ed by ~e ~nsfl~n and laws of such ~. IN W~TNE~ WHE~O~, ~ ~ Of ~ld esased rids l~ote to be stoned b~s b-~paiSCy~ ~ e ~O, 1,5 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK S 50,000 · ' couN~f CF SUFFOLK BOhD ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR ODNSTRUCTION CF PRE-TREATMENT PLANT-1984 ~he ~ o~. So.uth~. d, in the . .Oqunt. y~ of.Suffo, lk., a nunicip~l .corporation of the S~ato ot i~ew x~rk, hereDy e~-on~te~g/s itself indalrted and for vame rece~ve~ promises to pay to the b~u~r of this Note, if it be re~lstored, to the re~/stered holder, the s~a of FIFTY THOUSAND Dollars ($50,000 ..... ) on the 23~d day of C~ber , 19 85~ to~ether with interest thereon from the date heroof a~ the rate of - ,~::~,~-q per cenhun ( 7.00 %) per annum, payable at maturity. Both princip~l of and interest on ibis Note will be paid in Is, wful rconey of the United Sts.tes of America, st Ch~dcal Bank, Southold, Nt~ York. At the ~Xluest of the holder, the Town Clerk sho~ convert tMs Note irdo s reS/J~ered lq/rte by ~ it in the nmne of the holder in/he hooks of the ~ kept in the ofihce ot such TOWn Clerk and codor"~ing a ~eFdflcate of such reg~strotisn hereon, after which both prmc~p~l ni ancl interest o~ this .~Igo.~. ~ be payable only ~o ihe re~istere(t holder, his le~l representatives, successors or Fe/msferees. This Note shall thsu ~)e transferable only upon presentation to such 'IOW~I clerk ~th s written, triter of role sa4 sueh Town Clerk Note in the n~me of the t~,m,~er~ in his hool~s and shall endorse a certificate of such rog/attar/on he~eon. Such transfer shall be dated, and ~.~. by the re~ bolder, or his legal representatives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in the alternative the signature thereto shall be certh~d es to its genu[ueness by sa officer of · hemk or trust company located and authorhed/~/~o business in this ~his Note is one of an authorized issue, the principal amount of %b/ch is $750,000, the No/es of ~hich are of like tenor except as to This No/e is issued ~?~usat to the pn)vislons of the Local Finvmce L~w, constituting Chapter 8~-a of the Consolidated L~ws o~ tho State of New Yo~ the bond resolution adopted by the Town Board cm April 19, 1983, and ~m~ended July 31, 1984, authorizing the issuanoe of $2,632,204 serial bonds far the cc~struction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, hn sa/d Town, and the Certificate of Detenmination e~ecuted by the Supervisor c~ Octaber 23, 1984. The f~ith sad ~ of sud~ Town of Southold are h~by ~ i~ab~y ~ f~.~ p~ p~t of ~e ~al ~f ~d ~t On ~ ~gte ~g ~ i~ terms. ~ S~ofNewYork~.~hsp~dt0~ve~p~fo~p~ce~t~e~.~Note,. ~. ~ of ~ ~ ~ eyelet ~d o~ l~pr~crihed by ~ ~nsfltotion and laws of such S~. '. ~,. IN WIT~SS W~, ~ ~ Of ~u~ld ~ , ~d~s NO~ to~ ~ted 19 ~ ' k~ . .. ,': . -. · .. ,, , ~ ,,~,. I ). 16 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY CF SUFFOLK TO~N CF SOUTHOLD ~50,000 BGSD ANTICIPATION R~0TE I~'~3R OONSTRUCTION CF PRE-TREA~NT PLANT-1984 ~he T~wn of South~ld, in the Gounty of Suffolk, a Pamicipal corporation of the 8tole of New York, hereby acknowledges itself tndebte~l and for value received promises to pay to the beare~ of tl~ Note, o~ if it be re~iste~l, to the ~lstered holder, the sum of Fie'I'll THOUSAND Dolhr~ ($50,000) on the 23rd day of October ,19 85, together with interest thereon from the date hereof et the rate of Sever. per centum ( 7.00 %) per annum, payable at maturity. Both princiFal of and interest on this Note will be paid in lawful money of the Un/ted States of America, at Chemical Bank, Southotd, New York. At the request of the homer, the ~ Clerk shall convert this Note into a registered lqote by ~egiste~n~ ii in the name of the holder ia/abe books of the TO~I~1 kept in the otfleo of ~ Town Clerk omi endorsing a certificate of such regiStration hereon, after wMch both l~rinc~pal of anti interest o~ this Note shell be payable only to %he registered holder~ his le2~l ~resentatives, successors or {xans~ereeo. This Note shall then be transferable o/fly upon presentation to such 'lc)wn ~Jler ~ a written trsnsfu~ of Utle a~t such Town Clerk shall thereupon ~gi~ter this Note in the name of the tra~fereo h bis hooks and shall eaderse a certificate of such re~.stration hereon. Such transfer be dated, ~ sl~ed by the registered holder, or his legal represeotatives, and it ~ be d/fly aclmowiedged or proved, or m ~ alternahve the siEnatul~e thereto shall be certiffed as to its ~enuineoess by an offmer of a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State. ·ais No~ ~s one cf an ~vathorized issue, the principal ai~unt of ~mich is $750,000, the Not~ o[ ~hich are o~ like tenor except as to number. This ICote iS issued pursuant to the prevlslo~s of the. Locol Finance Law, constituting Chapter 8~-a of the C. onsolidate/{ Laws of the State of l~ew ¥ork, ~ ]~on~ resolution adcgted by the Town Board on Atoll 19, 1993, and /~ended July 31, 19_84, author±zin9 the issuance of $2,632,204 serial honda for th~ c0nstruc~ion cf a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Detexmination executed by the Supervisor on October 23, 1984. The leith and credit of such TOW~ of Southold are hereby l/-revoc~_ bl¥ pled~t f~ ~ ~n~ ~a~t of ~ p~pol of ~d ~t on ~ Hote ~g to i~ ter~, It h ~1 ~ ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ti~ ~s ~d ~s ~ui~ ~ the ~n ~d s~tot~ of ~e Of N~ Yo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ve ~ ~d ~ have b~ perfo~ed p~ce~t ~ ~d ~ ~ ~of ~s ~ote, e ~ ' , ~ ~ ~ event ~d oth~ l~lt pmscrib~ by ~e ~nstlt~on ~d laws of su~ S~. ~O. 17 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF: I~EW YORK CO~Ci iX~ SU~'~OLK ~ 03 SCOTItOI~ 50,000 BOSD ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR OONSTRUC~ION CF PRE-TREATMENT PIANT-1984 ,...~e. _To~..:of. ~td, 'in.: b%~_...O~unt, y. 0f.suffqtk., a y~r!i.'cill~.! coz~oration ~a~e ox ~ew xor~ hereby aclm~Wl~t~ ~ Indebted ann mr vame rece~vea pnomises to pay to the bt~u~ ef th~ Note, or FIPi'~' ~IO~S.~'D 0o~ (~50,000- ) - ~ pe~ ~ ( 7.00 ~) ~1 ~, ~ld,~ ~ York. At th~ reque~ of the holder, the ~ Cl~xk ~hail conve~t thM Note ~to ~ ~iS Note ~ ~ ~ ~t~ o~ ~ p~ta~ to su~ ~ CI~K , ~his Note is one af an authorized issue, the principal amount of ~hich is :$750,000, the Notes of ~hich are of like tenor except as to number. .T~..s --~ote/s issued t[.ars.uant ~o 'the provido~s of the Local Fh~uce Late, constltuth~ Chafer ~-a of the C/msot/ds/~-~ Laws nf the Stale of New *or~. ~ tX)Fl/ii re~oi~tioI1 adopted by the Tow~ Board c~1 April 19, 1983, and amended July 31, 1984, authorizing the issuance of $2,632,204 serial for the cc~struction of a pre~treat~ment plant in Southold Wastew~ter Disposal District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Dee~mina%ic~ executed by th~ Supervisor on October 23, 1984. The faith and credit of sUch ~ of ~thol8 are hereby l~ of ~ Yo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t to have b~ p~fo~id p~t ~d ~ ~ ~of ~s Not~ ~, of ~U~ ~ ~ ~ e~bt ~d ~ l~lt p~l~ by ~ ~on ~d hws of such S~. IN WIT~SS WHE~N, ~ ~ ~ Note to be s/~ed 19 ATTEST~ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF N~.W ¥Ol~K ~ 50,, 000 ~OF SUFFOt~ ~ CF SOUTHOID ' B05DANTICIPATION t~)TE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PRE-TREAtMENT PLANT-1984 '~le ~TOwn of So~thold, in the County of StiffOl~, a rmlnicipal corlxiratiOn '~'~ ~ o~ K~ YO~ h~e~ ~ t~f ~ ~d for v~ re~v~ p~ ~ p~ ~ ~ ~r ~ t~ N~ or it ~ ~ to ~e ~r~ holder, t~ ~ of F~ ~ -Do~s ($50,000-) the 2~ ~y ~ ~r ,19 85, to~ihe~ ~ ~te~ ~ f~ ~e da~ h~f at ~ rate of p~ ~n~ ( 7.00 ~) p~ ~ payable ~ ~1-~, ~ld, ~ York. Town Clerk At the request of the holder, the shall convert this Note into a ~ercd Note by ~ It fa the name of the hold~ in the ~ of the ~ kapt in the office ~ ~=h Tow~ Cl~rk .ad ehdorsing a gertiflcote of such registration hereor~ after which both ~rhelI~l of a~d f~z~e~t o~ ~ No~e sh~ll be .pay~bl~ ~anly fa the registe~d belde~_.bis_ legal r.~reasntotive~ successors or ~ Tbi~ No~ sh~,ll th~ be transferable ouly UpOn preaentatlon to such ~ a ..li;~ t~ansfer of ~ aha such TO~ Clerk shall th~.'capon register ~ i~ ~ name of tl~ tra~fer~ fa bls books a~l shall endorse a certificate of such r~t~_teation hereon, Such transfer ~hall be d~ted, and signal by the registered hotder, or bis leal represe~stlveS, and it sha ~he ultem~tt,~ tl~ ~atu~ thereto shall be cer~fled as to ifs ~cou~coe~s by an o~i~er of a bank or trust compan~ located ·nd aathorised to do business tu this State. ~iS Note is one Of an authorized issue, the principal at~ount of which is $750,000, tt~ Notes Of which are Of like tenor except as to number. This Note is issued pursuant to the pmvlsinns of thc Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter i~-a ol the Consolidated L~wso~tbeS~ateofl~ewYor~ the kond resolution adopted by the Town Board on April 19, 1983, and amended July 31, 1984, authorizing the issuance of $2,632,204 serial bonds of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater Disposal in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination exeoated by the October 23, 1984. Tbef~h ~naeredlt of such Town of Southold are hereby ~ pledl~d fo~ t~ 'ntg_ctual payment of thc principal of and interest an this Note aceordin~ to its terms. ~..~ he~by~ eer~ ad recited th~' '! conditions, aeC, an~[ thin~s required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New Yo~k to ~ to have beppem nd to have be~ rform/d prec~,~ * to and fa the f~ausaee of this Note, exist, ha~e happened and hnve bech l?erformed, and that this Note, to~,etksr with all o,..,' fadehtedness ich Towri of Southold m wtthfa every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of su~. SLite. IN ' NESS WHEI~ ~, the To' of Southo~ a _" h~ oansed ~..~ Not~ to be slg . by its S~.. ~rvisor , an4 Its corporate seal to be heretmto .~a~4 and stiested b~ ,~s Tcaen C' k and this Note fa be 4ated a~ .~ tho 23rd~¥o~ ~, / 1~ 84. NO. 4 UNITED STATI~,S OF AMERICA STATE OF I~EW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN CF SOUTHOLD 850,000 BOND ~TICIPATION NOTE FOR CONSTRUCTION CF PRE-TREAtMENT PLANT-1984 Ihe Town of Scuthold, an the County of Suffolk, a mun/cipaI corporation of the State of New York, hereby ~3~,Indges itself Indebted and for value received promises to pay to tim ~ e~ this Note, o~ if it be regt~tere~ to the registered holder, the sum of ...... FL~i.~ THOUSAND----- Dolmrs ($50,000) on the 23rd Say of 0C°CC~r , 19 85, together with interest thereon fro~ the date hereof at the rate of Seven , pere~tom( 7.00~)p~ra~tm~.pal, able at n~tnri~. Both principal of and interet~ on this Ii'ore will be paid in lawful money of the United States ot Amerlca, at Chemical Bank, Southold, New York. At the request of the beMe', tlm TOivTI Clerk shall convert this Note into a registered Note by registelt~; it in the name of the holder in the books of the Town kept in the ot~ica of such T-OW~ Clerk and emtoesin~ a certificate of sudt registration hereon, biter which both ~riml'tnelpal of .ad interest on ibis Note shall b~ pay~bl= anly to the reg~ered holdeb his ~ ~.10re~ntalivca, suec~s~oes o~ ;tercel. This Note ~ then be transferable only upon p~ntali0n to such TOwn ~Glerx w~h a w~ tra~fer of titie ar~ ~eh Town Clerk s~ail tbe~pon ~ister tht~ Note tn the name of: the tra~fereo in his books ~nd shall endoese a certificate of sllch r~gt~_ tr~;tinn hereon, Such transfer shall be dated, and s!~ed by ~ ~l~ter~i holder, or his legal repre~calative~ and it shall be d~l¥ acknowledged or proved, or in the alternative me s~,natore thereto shall be cert/fled us to frs g~uineness blt an officer of a be~k or tru~ company located and authorized to do business in this State. ~his Note is one of an authorized issue, the prir~ipal a~oun~ of ~hich is $750,000, the Notes of ~hich are of like tenor except ~gs to number. This Note is issued pursmmt to the prov/sior~ of the Local Finance Law, constitott~ Chapter ~-a of the Coneolidated Lawioftbeita~eof NewYo~k~ ~ ~OI1~ resolution adopted by the Town Board on April 19~ 1983, and amanded July 31, 1984, authortiin9 ~he issuance of $2,632~204 serial l~onds - for the construction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Wastewater DiSposal District, in said Town, and t_he C~rtificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor c~ October 23, 1984. The falthand clmdit of such ~ of ~3uthold irrevocably pted/~l for thc punetual paymcat ,o.t the pltnelpal of and interest on this Note according to its terms. It ~ here~y eefthled and reci~t lbat all condi}tons, acts ~d tMn~s required by the Consttto~,on and statutes of the 8rate of New York to exist, to l~ve happened and to have bees performed p~t to and in the issuanca of this Note, exist, have happeoed s~a have been performed, and that thl. R'ote, to~etber w~h ali otber Indeb~,~lness of sach of ~ttx:,lc, ,,t~n every ~e. .md other limit . IN WITNESS WHEP, t~OP, the Town of Southold has caused Note to be ~tg Town Clerk ~oti, exist, scribed by the .stituti0n and I of such State. of ~ 23~nia~t of OctOber,; I9 °~' and ,-- eor~omto ~at and this NOte to be d~ed ~ of the 5 uNr~~° ~'ATISS O1~ A~E~IOi :STt~ 0~: ~l~v ¥oP~c ~50~ 000 T(Y~ CF SOLr~OLD BO~ ANTICIPATION NOTE'FOR CONSTRUCTION CF PRE-TRFATMENT PIANT-1984 ' ~.~"~ Of'~!~'~i~'~ O~unty Of~SuffOlk,' ~ ~cipat cC~poratiOn of the F~rf THOUSAND Dollars ~50,000 ) on tho 23rd d~y ot October ,19 85, to~her wlth interest thereon from the date hereof nt the rate of · -. ~ven- . per centum ( 7.00 %) prr.annum,.pnyable at .maturity. Both principal o~ and interest on:this l~ote wffi be .imkl in lawful nmney of the Unite~ States of America, at Ch~r~cal B,m,~ Sou~aold, New York. "At the ~e~Ue~t Of the holder, the" ~ Cleark ' ' ~ ~uve~ ~ N~e into ~ ~No~ by~g ~ ~ ~n~ ~ ~e ~l~r ~ ~ b~ ~ ~ ~ k~t ~ the o~ ~ ~ t~, ~ ~g~ ~Id~ ~ ~ ~v~ su~rs or: :~m~e ~e~ m~ ~ ~ ~ ~'to ~ ~umen~ by ~ offer ota ~k or ~st company lo~t~ This Note is ~ne of an authorized issue, the principa.1 a~mut of which is $75.0,000, th~ Notes of which are of like tenor except as to number. Law T'.~. ~ I~ .M~.~ed ~_ursu~u% to ~ pm~ns of t~ ~1 Yiu~ Lmw~ ~nsa~flng ~ter ~a of ~ ~li~ s o~ ~ ~ o~ ~ Y~ ~ ~ m~l~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ril 19, i~3, ~ ~ ~ly 31, 1984, ~rizing ~ i~ of $2,632,204 ~rial ~s , f~ ~ ~i~ ~, a ~~ pl~t ~ ~ld ~~ Di~i ~ :Di~i~, in ~d ~, ~ ~ ~f~ca~ ~ .~~on ~ ~ ~ ;~ s~i~r ~r 23,: 1984~ The £aith and crmltt Of much TOVa~ of S~ld a~e hereby rc~ ClerI ~.e to be gsne~ its ~ ~' 3r( ' of ' ' )te to be: date~ ~f the ~ 5(b 000 PLANT-1984 -'%, 000 ) ~mn~e 4e~h~ther~e o~ of Amer/ca~ at conVert this Note into 1~e~,t m the o~ p~ or h anoint of ~hich is nt%~ber o Of ~e Con~olida~ Board cn April 19, of $2,632,204 serial bonds Waste~terDisposal execute~ ~f the are hereby to its~ ~ ~ of the ~s~tuUon and laws of su~ St~, 7 UNITED STATES OF AMEI{IOA.: STATE OF NEW YORK 'COUNTY Ct= suPFOLK TO~ CF SOUTHOLD ~50,000 BCSD ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR ~0NSTRUCTION CF PRE-TREATMENT PLANT-1984 o! mew xor~, ~eT. eby aeimowJ~es ~ Indebted ~Xo~ ~e ~y~ p~ to ~y to ~ ~ ~ t~ No~ o~ if ~ ~ ~ to ~ ~ bl~ ~e ~ of F~ ~- Do~ ~0,000 ) ~ ~ 23~ ~ of ~r ,1~ 85, to~ ~ m~ ~ f~ ~e ~ he~f at ~e r~e of Bo~ p~ of ~d ~ on ~ H~e ~ be ~d h hwf~ ~ne~ of ~ U~ S~t~ of ~erl~ at ~t ~, ~ld, ~ Y~k. At ~ ~u~ of~ ~, ~ ~ Cl~k m~ ~v~ ~s Note ~to $750,000, ~ s~eora~ xora ~ ~ ~lu~on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d ~ ~ril 19, 1983, ~ ~ July 31, 1984, au~orizing ~ is~ of $2,632,204 ~ial ~s for ~ ~ion ~ a ~~t pl~t ~ ~ld ~~ Di~ Di~i~, ~n ~ ~, ~ ~ ~fica~ ~ ~~on ~ ~ ~ ~i~r, ~ ~r 23, 1984, Th~ faith ami el'ecllt Of sllch ~ of Southold a~e h~hy have ~p~ of ~1 ~ ~ ~ ev~ ~ ~d o~er t~it p~scrt~ by the ~fi~ ~d laws of such ~ate, zswIt ~E~ ~e ~ ' ~ld Town Clex Sut ~isor and ! Vote tO be da~ ' of the 10 8~ 'WUTED STATES O~ AM~CA 1 STATE OF ~w YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND AN,TICIPATION NOTE FOR PRE-TREATMENT PLANT-1984 The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State o1[ New York, hereby aeknowledges itself In.bind ~d f~r ~ue ~v~ p~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ No~ o~ flit be~tot~~,~of Five Hundred Thousand ............... ~--~-R~('500'000-- ..... , ~ 2nd ~of August ,19 8~~~~*~,of Suffolk County National Bank. Rtv~d.,~York ,,~ _ of ~ Town Clerk ~ m~ ~ ~e o~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~f~re~. ~ No~ ~ ~ ~ t~f~b~ o~ ~ ~o~ to ~& To~ Clerk with · ~l~ t~sf~ of ~ ~ ~ Town Clerk ~ ~e~P~ ~ ~ N~ ~ the ~ of ~ t~fez~ ~ ~ ~ ~a ~ ~o~ · ~ o~ su~ ~t~n ~. ~eh ~ ~ ~ ~t~ and ~ by ~ ~d ~l~r, or ~ le~ ~,~ a?d tt ~ he ~y ~W~ O, p~ O, ~ ~ ~ve ~e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W its ~m ny ~ offer us a ~ or I~ ~ ~ ~d a~l~d to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This Note is one of an authorized issue, the principal aount of which is $1,000,000, the Notes of which are of like tenor, except as to number. ~ of ~ S~ of N~ Y~ the ~nd resolution adopted by the Town Board on April 19, 1983, authorizing the issuance of $1,877,000 for the ~onstruction of a pre-treatment plant in Southold Waste.water Disposal. District, in said Town; and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on Aug. 3 , 1984. The faith and credit of such Town of Southold are hereby irrevocably l~led~ed for the punctual 1~_ _y!nent of the principal of and interest on this Note according to its te~ms. It is nereoy eerUfled and recited that all conditions, acts and things' required by the Constitution and ,~t~.t~ of the Stale of New York t~ e~ds~ to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of th~s e, ~ have happened and have been performed, and that th~ N0t~ toEether with all other In~ebtednes~ of such Town of Southold is within every debt and other lhuit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of such Siat~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Southold has caused this Note to he signed by its Town Clerk Supervisor ,anditscor~ocates~ ~ ~ herean~a~ed~da~ted~ ~ an4tMsNote~ be ~fed as of the 3~d ~Y of Au§ust TOWN OF SOUTHOLD B 1984. NO. 2 L~IT~D ,STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ~W YOBK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 500,000 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR PRE-TREATMENT PLANT-1984 The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State o! New Yerk, be/~by aekn0w..~, lt~..f ~ and fQr value received p~ to p~¥ to the ben~ o/~ Net~ er if it be rebdF/ered, to the ~/$~eed he]der, ~be ~ Five Hundred Thousand ........................ Dolhvs ($ 500,000 ....... ) on tbe 2nd c1~o! August , 19 8 5, togethe~ wl~ Integer th.,~j~...~rom the date bereof e.t the rote Of Sev.n and ,7/,00 .......................... The Suffolk County National Bank, Riv,~l~'~w York~j~Ir lttherequ~tofthebelder, the. Tow~ Cie of .uch Town Clerk .aa e~ter ~h prb~e~p-1 of and ~tereBt on thh Note ~ be payBMe o,,1%~ ~olde.r, tmnsferets. This Note shall then be transferaMe only upon to such Town Clerk with a written transfer of t/tie and such Town Clerk the ~lterna~ve the .sl~_ at~. re tliere~o saNl ~e cerUfle(t az ~o its genuineness wy an on,er and authorized to do bu~mess in th~ Stot~ This Note is one o£ an authorized issue, the principal amount o£ which is $1,000,000, the Notes of which are of like tenor, except ~s ~o number. This No~e is issued lrg~s~ant ~o the p~o~hflons of the Local Finance Law, L&~seItbeStoteofNe~Yor~ 2he bond reso[ution adopted by rite Town Board on April 19, 1983, authorizin~ the issuance of $1,877,000 for the construction o£ a p~e-treatment plant in $outhold Wastewater Dispo's~l District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on Au§ust 3, , 1984. The f~tth and credit of such Town of Southold are hereby It ~s bereb~ certified ~ re,ted fha2 all conditions, acts ana enmgs req_mrea oy r~,e..~n, su.u~uu ........ Ste2e of New York to exisL, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to ana m me ~suance ox u~m ao~e, lmve happened and have been performed~ and that this NOt~ together with all other indebtedness of such Town of Southotd is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Const/tation sad laws of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Southold Town Clerk has caused this Note to be si~ed by its Supervisor , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and offered by its and tiffs Note to be da~ed as of the 3rd /lay of TOWN OF SOUTHO~D ~/,~' ./~ Town Cler~ z984,'.