HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-08/21/1969 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., ChaJrm.~n Robert Bergen Charles Grlgonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, .Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. llg~l Telephone 765-2660 $OUTHOLD ~ BOARD OF APPEALS August 21, 1969 A regular meeting of the ~outhold Town Board of Appeals was held at 7:30 P.M,~, Thursday~. August 21~ 1969~ at 'the Town officer Main Road~ .Southolda New York. There were present: Messrs:Robert Wi Gillispie~ Chairman; Robert Bergen; Fred Hulse~ Jr.; Charles Grigonis~ Jr~ Absent: Mr~ ~Serge Doyens. Jr~ PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No~ 12'76 - 7:30 PfM[ (EjD%~SjT~')~ upon appliCation of PhillipPfeffer{ 142--39 231 8treet~ Rosedale, New'York~ for a variance in accordance with the"Zoning Ordinance~ Article III~i Section 30~ for permission to build addi$ion on existing d~elling withre~uced sideyard area. Locati6n of property: Lot $ 161 ~n map of Cedar Beach Park~'S~t~kold~. New York~ bounded north by AnthonyCassmra east by~unsetWay (private right~of-way)~ sou~h by John Gormley~ west by Canoe Inlet, Fee paid$5.00. ~ The. C~nairman opened ~he hea~ing by reading the 'application for a variance~ legal notice of hearing~ affidavit attesting to its publicatio~ in the Official newspaper~ and notice to-the applicant. THE CHAIR~V~LN: Is there anyone present ~fno wishes to speak for 'this application? $outhold Town BoarF~f Appeals --2- -' August 21~ 1969 MR.' PFEFFER: I think you explained it very well, My problem is that the garage is short,~ it is set back.~i and it is not very wide. THE CHAIRMAn,: Are you Mr~ Pfeffer? I4aybe you better explain this sketch. Where is the private right--of-way or road? MRj PFEFFER: The right-of-way is 10 feet from the existing garage~ next to Cassar my neighbor ~n the north. We want to move the garage out 3½ feet closer to the property line. It is a very narrow garage it is only 9 feetwide. THE CHAIP~N: (inspecting the sketch) This is the right-of- way here? MR. PFEFFER: Well~ no it is n~t a right-off, aye, it is my property$ I am 10 feet off the line, THE CHAIRMAN: -What you propose to do is come 3½ feet closer to your neighbor on the side and bring the garage out even with the house. You would not change the front yard setback,a but you would vary the side yard. MRj PFEFFER: Yes, that is right. I would be closer to my neighbor. THE CHAIRMgLN: Your neighbor is Anthony Cassar? MR. PFEFFER: Yes~ that's right. MR. HULSE~ There is a private right-of-way between you and your neighbor? MR.~ PFEFFER: No~*i it is not a private-right-of~way~ it is just space between me and my neighbor. THE CHAI~I~N: No.~. it is not a private right--of-way. ~ne road coming in here is a private right-of-way. MR~ HULSE: Oh~ yes I see now. THE CHAIN: It is not a Town road. MR~ HULSE: HoW mu~h space is there between your neighbor's house and your house? MR. PFEFFER: With the garage added on there would be 7 'feet. Southold Town BoarF~,~f Appeals -3- ~ August 21~ 1969 MR%'HULSE: No,~ I mean between his house'and your house,? presently 10 loeb, houses. Well he is about 7 feet off the line and I ~m so there is now about 17 feet between our THE CHAIRM3~N: I think the problem is that when you bought the house in 1963 you could see the hardship. It is a self- imposed hardship~ in other words it is one that existed when you bought the house,.you did not have to buy the house~ so this is a self-imposed hardship, In my ~opinion I don~t t~hink we can legally grant this variance,, it is not wi~ain our power because there is no hardship, A self-imposed hardship is not considered a hardship, MR.' PFEF~R: Well~. naturally I did~ot think I would have to get a variance or anything at all. I thought it would be permitted to go 7½ feet from the line, THE CHA~AN: Well that is the same thing as driving through a 25M.'PjHj zone at 30mjp, h~ you thought it was 35m. p..hl and you were going 30 m.p,h,, but that does not help you any, I can sympathize with you, Nine (9) feet is a tight garage, I ~hink the Board could permit you to come out the same line as you have on the other side, but I don't think we can permit you to come 'any 'closer to your neighborl MR-,- PFEFFER= Frankly~ it would not pay me to come out at all if I can't m~e it a little wider. Nines'(9) feet is a pretty narrow garage and when you open your c~ doors it is really tight. ~HE~AI~N~%N: Yesa I understand,~ but unless someone can point out something to me to alleviate this,. I will have to vote against it. MR, PFEFFER: Well Inever'thought I would have this problem. I figured itwould be an improvement~, so-it would be permitted, MR. HULSE: Wella you could build another garage in your rear yard. MR2' PFEFF~LR: That would not be .too practical for me, MR. H~SE: Well~ I was just saying i~ you want a bigger garage~ it would be permitted under the Ordinance.to build it in the back yard, THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone who ~ishes to speak against this application? Are there ~ny more'questions? 'i ~Southold Town Board~f Appeals -4,'-' August 21~ 1969 (There was no responsel) THE ~HAIR/4A~: If not, I will. make a motion to deny this application. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to build addition on existing dwelling with reduced side yard area~ The applicant purchased the lot in 1963 with house on it~ith pre~existing garage attach, ed to the north side of the house leaving the minimum I0 ft. side yard requirement. The applicant has a self-imposed hardship and ~he Board is unable to grant relief. The Board finds that strict 'application of the Ordinance would not produce practical difficulties orunnecessary hardship; the hardship created is not unique and would not 'be .shared by all properties in the immediate vicinity of this property and in ~ne same use district; and the variance does not observe the spirit of the Ordinance and will change the character of the district. Onmotion by bit. Gillispl~ seconded by Mr, Bergen,. it was RESOLVED that Phillip Pfeffer,~ 142--39 231 Street~, Rosedale,. New York~ be DEN/~D permission to build addLttion on existing dwelling with.reduced sideyard area as applied for 'on property located on map of Cedar Beach Park~. lot ~ 161~ Southold~. New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:-Mr. Gillispie~ Mr. Bergen~ ~c~ Hulse~ Mr. Grigonis~ PUBLIC HEA_RING: A_D~eal ~o. 1275 - 7:45 upon application of Ketcham $igns~ Main Street~ Greenport.~i New York a/c Beachcomber 'Motel~ Inc. i Duck "Pond Road~ Cutchogue~. ~ew York~ for a special exception in accordance wi~/~ the Zoning Ordir~nc~; Article III~. Section 300, -S~bsection 101~ for permission to erect an off premises directional sign on the Property now or formerly 'of P.' Matwieczyk. 'Location of property: sou~h side of Middle Road ' (CR27) and west side of Depot Lane~ Cutchogue~ New York,. bounded north by J,~Pi' Krupski,~ east by Depot Lane,a south by J. Zuhoski.~ west by J. Haurus. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the-application for a special exception~ legal notice of hearing~affidavit attesting to its publicati,n in the official newspaper, and notice to the applican~ THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? : Southold Town Board oral,peals --5-I August 21~; 1969 (There was no response.) ~HE CF~IR~wL~q: I will speak for this application to an extent. The Board has discussed this application informally with the owner of the Beachcon~ber Motel. We agreed that he should have a direct- ional sign. THE ~RMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (~nere was no response,:) On motion by,L ri Grigonis~ seconded byMr. Hulse~ it was RESOLVED that KetchamSigns, Main Street~ Greenport~. New York a/c Beachcomber Motel, Inc.~ Duck Pond'Road~j Cutchogue~ New York~ be GRANTED permission to erect an off premises directional si~n on the 'property now or formerly of P, Matwieczyk, located south side of Middle Road (CR27) and west side ofDepo~ Lane~ Cutchogue~ New York~ subject to the following conditions: 1. The .sign shall be no larger than four feet by six feet. 2. The sign shall be subject to the usual regulations govern'ing signs in the'Town of Southoldo 3~ The sign shall be directional for the Beachcomber Motel only. Vote of the Board: Aves:- Mr~ Gillispie~ Mr, Bergen.,Mr. Hulse~ Mr. Grigonis~ PUBL'IC HEARING: Appeal No. 1277 - 8:00 P'.'M~ (Ej'D%~Si'T.') , upon application of Rodney T. Buckham~. 3520 Ole Jule 'Lane, Mattituck,. New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordi~ance~ Article III~. Section 3031, 'and Article X, ~ection 1000A, for permission 'to divide lot and create 2 lots with less than 100 ft. frontage 'on highway, Location of property..- south side of Ole Jute Lane, Mattituck,~ New York~ bounded north by Ole Jule Lane, east .by An~_hony'Anton.,: south by James Creek, west by G. Schaedel. Fee paid $5.00. The Ct=airman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variances, legal notice of hearing,i affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper, and notice to the applicant. '~. Sour-hold Town Board~f Appeals -6- ~" August 21, 1969 Chairman read description of property surveyed in 1955 and inspected sketch of property which showed a pie shaped lot extend- ing from Ole Jule Lane to J~mes' Creek with a road frontage of lB0 feet~ which is t~roposed to be divided to create 2 lots with 80 ft. frontage each. THE CHA//~va%N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? ~.~ BU~C6AM: The lot could not be expanded because of the location of the home on the r~maining portion of the ground. THE tHAI/hYmN: Where does that leave the home in relation to your new side line? Are you far enough off the side line? MR.~ BUCKHAM: Oh, yes. THE CHAIRMAN: Is ~here anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no responses) After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to divide lot and create two .(2) lots with less than 100 ft. frontage on highway. The proposed division oft his property wilt not change the character of the neighborhood. Both lots created ~ill be in excess of the minimum area required. The Board feels that the applicant does have a unique hardship. The Board finds that strict application of the'Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessaryh~rdship; the hardship created is unique and would not beshared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the district and will observe ~he spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Bergen, seconded by Mr~ Grigon~s~ it was RESOLVED that Rodney T. Buckham~ 3520 Ole Jule Lane~Mattituck~ New Yorka be GP~mAUfED permission to divide lot and create ~ lots with less than 100 ft. frontage on highway as applied for on property located on south side Ole Jule Lane~ Mattituck~ New Yo~ subject to the following condition= ~nere shall be no future variances granted to either of the two (2) newly created lots. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mm~ Gillispie~ Mr. Bergen, Mr. Hulse, Mr. Grigonis. '~ Southold Town Boater-of Appeals -7- "~ August 21, 1969 PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 1278-- 8:10 P%'Mj .~;D,~¥T~), upon application of Marion ~mi~_h, private right-of~ay(Laurel Way), Mattituck~,NewYork, for.a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin'ance,. Article III~ Section 300,. Subsection 6~ for permission to locate ac~essorybuilding in front yard area. Location of property: private right--of--way off south side Sound Avenuea Mattituck, New ¥ork~ bounded north by Laurel Way, east by Walter Belz, south by'Laurel Lake, west by lW~J; Wllbert ~ others. Fee paid $5.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance~ legal notice of hearing, affida~it attesting to its publication in the official newspaper~, and notice to the applicant. THE CHAIRMAN: Is.there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? MRSj S~ITH: I think you summed it up nicely. All of the homes face the lake~ so there is a little discretion as to which is 'the front and which is the back, Everyone else has their garage in the front yard area. THE CHAIRHEN: property line? M~B~~ SMITH: about 60 ftj Is it 50 ft. or 5 ft. from the adjOining think it is more than 50 ft, probably MR. HULSE: 'Why is it set on ~hangle? MRSj ~ITH: Because of the terrain and to keep in with the character of the district. I think itwould destroy the whole character of the district to put a garage in the back yard area. THE CHAIRMAN: This is a one car garage? MRS%~ S.~HITH: Yes, we are a one car family~ THECHAI~HAN: You don~t expect to extend this to a two cargarage? MRS. SMITH: No. THE CHAIRMAN: Do the people on the west side of you have a similar garage? MRS.' ~4~TH: Yes, they do. Southotd Town Boarder Appeals -8 '- August 21~. 1969 THE CH~I/~A~,N: How about the people ~on the east~ do they have one also? MRSj SMITH: They don~t have a garage~on the east side~ their garage is on the other 1side. There-are several garages placed in this way on this road. THE ~HAZTRMAN: Is there anyone else who wishes to speak for this application? (There was no response,) THE CHA.IPav~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this appIication? (There was no responses) After ~vestigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to build accessory building in front yard area. Applicant 'has a pie-shaped lot running from the road to the lakewhich is heavily wooded and slopes to the lake. making it impossible to build accessory building in the rear yard area. Other homes in this neighborhood have similar garages placed in their 'front yard area. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this propertyand in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the district and will observe the spirit of the Ordinmnce. On motion by Mr. Bergen& seconded byMr. ~ulse,. it was RESOLVED that Marion ~mith~ private right~of~way .(Laurel way)a Mattituck~ NeW Yorka be GRA~TED permission tolocate accessory building in front yard area as applied for 'on property located on privateright-of-way off south sideSound Avenue~ Mattituck~ New York~ subject to the following condition: The garageshall he,placed no Closer than 40 ft~ to any side Yard and no closer than 25 ft. to the rigtlt-of-way from~hich the property is entered. Vote of the Board: Ayes:-Mr. Gillispie~ Mr. Bergen~ Mr. Hulse~ Mr. Grigonis. PUBLIC ~I~G: Appeal No. 1280 - 8:20 application of John G. Havens,. Mill creek Drive~' ~Southold~ ~ Southold ToWn Boarder Appeals -9- August 21~ 1969 New York~ for a variance in accorda~%ce with the Zoning Ordinances. Article III,. Section 303, and Article X, Section 1000A, for per- mission to set off lot with less than required area. Location of property: south side of Mill Creek Drive,' Southold~ New York~ bounded north by Mill Creek Drive, east by J%A%' Cassidy~ south by Simon-Orlowski~.~ west by P. Orlows~i. Fee paid $5~00~ The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance~ legal notice of hearings., affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers and notice to the 'applicant. The Chairman also read letter ~from Mr. Havens to Mr, Terry and Mr~ Terry's reply to him. THE CPL~IRMAN: Is there anyone present-who wishes to speak for this application. MRi' HULSE: He has i00 f~. frontage on the road but he does not have quite enough depth on the northerly lot. ~lr. & Firs. Gordon Smith, the prospective buyers~ appeared before the Board at the last meeting and discussed this application with them informally. The reasoning of this application is the location of the cesspools and a row of trees and shrubs o'n the northerly side of the existing dwelling. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests pe~-~ission to set off lot with less than requl~red area. There is 100 ft. frontage on road .but not enough depth to meet the minimum area requirement~ Proposed' southerly lot line could not be extended because of the location of the cesspools and a row of trees and shrubs. The Board feels that the. applicant does have a unique hardship. ~ne Board finds ~hat strict application of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties-alike in' the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the district and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. ~On mo~ion by'Mr~ Gillispie~. seconded by Mr~ Bergen~ it was RESOLVED that John G. Havens,~ Mill Creek Drive~ Southold~ New York be GRANTED permission to set off lot-with less thanrequired area as applied for on property located on south side of Mil1 Creek Drive, Southold~ New York. Vote-of the Board: Ayes:-M~. Gillispie$ Mr. Bergen,. Mr, Hulse~ Mr. Grigonis. " Southold Town Boa~.~0f Appeals --lr~'~ August 21a 1969 PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 1279- 8:30 upon application of Charles Becket., Clark Road, Southold~ New York~ for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinancea ArtiCle III~-Section 303~ and Article X~,~-Section I000A, for permission to set off lots with insufficient frontage-and area. Location of property: west side Clark Road~ Southold~ New York, bounded north by other'lands of applicant~ east by Clark Road,. south by Middle Road (CR27)~ west by A.J. Paraskos & others. Fee paid $5~00 The Chairman opened ~ee hearing by reading the-application for a variance~ legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to i~s publicatio~ in the official newspaper~, and notice to the applicant~ THE CHAIRMAN: Is ~_here 'anyone present ~no wishes to speak for this application? MRj BECEER: I am just changing the side lines. If I ever want to sell it gives more room to each house. It ;wouldbe an improv~ment to the whole section~ THE ~A~: You and Mrs. Becket own all of this property as a unit? MR, B~,~ER: Yes,1 we own all of it. THE CHAIrMAN: In effect you have three ~) houses in your front yard. For what purpose were these houses builta rentals? I~Rj BECKER: Yes, THE CHA~: Are they allYg~nd houses? MR BECKER: Yes~. they are all year round houses. Sometimes I rent for the'Whole Yeara sometimes I rent for the summer. At present I am renting to school teachers. THE'C~: What do you mean by present lot line? Is this the way you boughtthe property? were the hQuses already on the proper~f? MR~ BECKER: I bought that parcel before zoning with 110~ frontage on Clark Road. At that time there were no regulations on side lines you just had to keep so far back from the road. I had the two houses built, the yellow one and the gray one~ on this parcel with 110~ frontagea if split up this would give each one 55~ frontage. As time goes on and I am getting older I possibly'will sell them off in the future. My new proposed lot line layout would give each of these two houses 63' frontage instead of 55~ the white house would have 100', and my house .-. Southotd To~;n Bo~rd~of Appeals -~- August 21, 1969 will have 169'. ~nis new division would improve .the entire section. MR£ HULSE: It is the best possible thing that could be done with it, THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to s~esk against this application? (There was no response, ) After investigation and inspection ~he Board finds that the applicant requests permission to set off lots with insufficient frontage and area. ~ne~houses were built prior to zoning. ~ne Board feels ~hat ~his is the best possible present disposition of the situation of several houses which were in e~ce prior to zoning. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardshi~ created is unique and would not be shared by ail properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the varianue will not change the character of the distTictand will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Grigonis~ seconded by~lr. Hulse~ it was RF~OL~ that'Charles Becker~ Clark Road, Southotd~ New be GRAN~ permission to set off lots with insuffiCient frontage and area as applied for on property located on west side of Clark Road~ Southold~ New York~ subject to the following condition: No future side yard variances shall be granted to any of 'these lots~ Vote of the Board: Ayes:-~o Gillispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Hulse~ Mr. Grigonis. On motion by Mr. Gillispie~ seconded by Mr, Bergen~ it was RESOLVED that the action of the Board of Appeals dated F~ay 29~ 1969~ on Appeal No. 1240-Hedvig P~ Terry which has been considered a matter of local determination by the SuffOlk CountyPlanning Commission, be hereby-reapproved by ~this Board as of August 21, 1969. Vote of the Board: Ayes:-Mr. Gillispie~ Mr' Bergen~Mr~ Hulse~ Mr, Grigonis. " Southold Town Boar~-~,f Appeals -12-/'T' August 21,~ 1969 On motion by bLt. Gillispie~ seconded-byMr, Bergen,. it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Appeals set '7:30 P~M~ (E.'D.SjT~)~ Thursday~September 11~ 1969, at the T~wn ~Office~. Main Road, Southold, New York~ as the time and placeof hearinguPOn application of Agnes Do McGunnigle~, Box 52ANort_h Road~ Southolda. New York,. for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance~ Article III~ Section 300~ Subsection 7~ for permission to use existing building for business office. · Location of property: north side of Middle Road~(CR27), Cutchogue~ New York', bounded .nort~h by J, Simcik-Cumisky, east by Antone'Pawluczyk~. south by Middle Road~ westby Simc/~-Shalvey. Vote of the Board: Ayes:-- Mrl Gillispie~ Mr. Bergen~ Mr. Hulse,. Mr. Grigonis. On motion by Mr, Grigonis, seconded by Mro Gillispie~ it was RESOLVED thatthe Sou~hold Town Board of Appeals set 7:45 (E~D~S%Ta')~ ~nursday,.September lla 1969~ at the Town'Office~ Main 'Road~ Southold~ New York,. as the time and place of hearing UPon application of Rossa W. & Agnes M. Cole~ Haywaters Road-Nassau Pointa Cutchoguea New York~ for a variance in accordance with the Zoning'Ordinance~Article III~ Section 300a-Subsection 6~ for permission to build accessory building in front yard areR. Location of property: corner of Haywaters and Old Menahaden Roads~ Map of Nassau Point Club Properties No. 806~ SectionD, Lot No. 374,. Cutchogue~ New York~ bounded north by Old Menhaden Road~ east by .PjJj George~ south by Geo. HoStarkie~ west by Haywaters Road. Vote of the Board: Ayes:--Mr. Gillispie~ Mr. Bergen~Mr, Hulse, Mre Grigonis. On motion by Mr. Hutse~ seconded byMr~ Grigonis~ it was RESOLVED ~hat the Southold Town Board of Appeals set8:00 P~M. ~TD~S~T&~)a ~ursday~-'September 11~ 1969~3 at the TownOffice~ Main Road~ Sout_hold~,~New York~ as the time and place of he,ring UPon application oftharles Rivolta, Ole Jule Lane~, Mattituck~.New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinan~e,. Article III~, Section 300~ 'Subsection 6~ for permission to locate accessory building in front yard area, Location of property: west side of Ole J~le Lane, Mattituck~ New Yorka bounded northby J. Zebroskia east by Ole Jule Lane~ south by'Salvina Zahra~. west byCanalo Vote ~f the 'Board: Ayes:-Mr. Gillispie~ Mr. Bergen~ ME~. Hulse, Mr. Grigonis. ~ ~ e ~ Southold Town Boar~ ]df Appeals -13-_ August 21, 1969 On motion by Fzr, Bergen, seconded by Mr. Hulse~, it was RESOLVED that the"Southold Town Board 'of Appeals set 8:15 P~.~%' (E&'DjSjT%~)~, Thursday,/' September 11, 1969~. at the Town Office-~ Main 'Rcad~ Southold,' New York, as ~he t'ime and place of hearing ~on application of R-,'Vl' Foyle a/c George deF Lord~ Jr., Fishers Island~ New York,, for a variance in accordance with the zoning-Or~tnanoea -Article III~ Section '300.,. Subsection 6.~.. ~nd Article VII,.-Section 703, for permission to locate accessory building in fro~t yard area. .Location of property: Fishers Island Estates~.~ FiShers Island~. New York,.. bounded north by F.~I,"Development ~orp.~ east by private' road~ 'south by private road~, west by Agnes Noyes% others. Vote of the Board: Ayes:-- Fir. GilIispie~. Mr. Bergen~ Mr, Hulse~. Mr. Grigonis. On motion by'Mr. Gillispie~ seconded by Mr..Grigonis~ it was RESOLVED that ~he'Southold Town Board of Appeals set 8:30 P.F~ ~(E~D~-$~T~)~ Thursday,,-September ll, lo69,~ at the Town Office~ Main Road~. Southold,~ ~ew York~ as the t~me ~udPlace of hearing ~Pon application of~Mattituck Lions Cluba Mattitue~ New York~ for a special exception in accoraancewith theZoning Or'dinance~Article IVy. Section 408~ for permission to erect an off permises information sign on the property of J. Duryee Estate. Location of property: east side of'~Love. Lane~ Mattituck~ New York~ bounded north by Pike Street,, east byLutz &~Long.~ south byW. H2 Drum'Estate~. west by Love Lane. Voteof the Board:Ayes:-Mr. Gillispie~ Mr& Bergen~ Mr. Hulse,~ Mr. Grigoniso The Board inspected a copy of the judgement in the reaL-Let of Baxter et al v. Gillispie et al received from Tasker~ On motion by the Chairman, seconded by Mrs. Berg_en~, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the~Southold Town Board of Appeals dated July 3i~ 1969, be approved as submittedl Vote of ~ee Board: Ayes: Mri Gillispie~ Mr% B'ergen~ Mr. Hulse~ Grigonis. 'Southold Town Boar~T-'~f A_~rpeals -14- ,,Y"",, August 21,: 1969 '"-4~J ~-:' The next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals will be held at '7':30 P~Mj, Thursday~i SePtember iI~ i9695 at the Town Office~' Main RO~ad~' .SOUthold~ New York~ The meeting Was adjourned at 9:30 Respectfully submitted, Sou~old ~wn Board of Appeals