HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-12/26/1967The Southold Town Board met at the'office of Supervisor Lestgr M. Albertson, 16 South'Street, Greenport, New York, with the foliowing present:' Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justi~e-Tuthill; ToWn Attorney Tasker; Superintendent of Highways Dean and Town Clerk Richmond. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilman Demarest; RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Town Board will be held at the office of Supervisor Lester M. Albertson, 16 South Street Greenport New York, on Tuesday, January 2, 1968, at 3:00 P.M. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justice Tuthii1. Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: Th.at the minute~ of the meeting of December 12, 1967, and the special'Meeting of Decembe~ 19, 1967, be and they hereby are approved. Vote of Town Board: AYes-SUpervisor Albe~tson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentin,e; Justice Tuthill; Moved by Justice Tuthill; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That 'Bond No. 73S-1005-BC and~ 1S-119-002~ iss~.by ~he ketna Casual~ty and Surety company in the name of Henry A. Clark, Town Justice, Town oS Sbutho%d, N.Y. in the sum of $1,000.00 be and the same is hereby approved as to its form, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of Town Board~: Ayres- Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justice T~thill. " Moved by Justice Tuthill; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73S-7291-BC, ~ssued by the A~tna Casualty and SuretY comPany in ~he name of Martin Suter, Town Justice, ~0wn of Southold, ~.Y. in the sum of $1000.00-be and the same is hereby ~approv- ed as to its form, manner of executioh ~nd sufficiency 6~ sureties~ therein. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest~ and Valentine; Justice Tuthill. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilman Demarest; RESOLVED: That Bond N0. 73S~1~59-BC, issued by the Aetna Casualty aRd Surety Company in the name of AlbertsW. Richmond, Town Clerk, ~6wn' of Southold, in'the sum of $1000.00 be ahd %he same is hereby.approved as to its form, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine~ Justice Tuthitl. ~- Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Tuthill; RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73S-1119-BC, issued by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company in the name of Lester M. ~lberts0n, SupeJvisor, Tow~ of Southold, in the sum of $200,000.00 be-and the same is hereby approved as'to'its form, manner or-'execution and sufficiency of suret- ies therein. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Alber%son; Councilmen Demarest and'Valentine~ Justices Tuthill.~ ...... Moved by Justice T~thill; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That Bond No2 73S-5527-BC, issued by the ~etna Casualty and Surety Company in the name of Raymond Dean, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold, in the sum of $2000.00 be and the same is hereby approved as to its fo~m, manner of execution and sufficiency of.sureties~therein~ ~ Vote of Town Board:'Ay~s-Supervisor Albertson; ~ounilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justice Tut~ill. Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73S-1118-BC, issued by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company'in the name of Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor, as Custodian of Fina'nces~of the Fishers ~Isiand Ferry District in the sum of $15,000.00 be and ~he same is-"hereby approved as to its form~ manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justice Tuthill. Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice Tuthill; RESOLVED: That Supervisor Lester M. Albertson be and he hereby is authorized to purchase identification shields for the Fire Coo~dinaters. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demares~ and Valentine; Justice Tuthill. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilman Demare~t; WtlE~S, Southold Town Planning Board has prepared an official repor~ ~d recommendation upon the Town Board"s Own Motion for a change of zone from "~" Business District to "A" Residential 'and A§riculural District on certain property situated east side of Kenney's Road, Southold, New York, NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED: That a public heari~g~wi~l ~b~ held by the Southold Town Board at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport,' New York, on Tuesday, January 23, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. on the above mentioned petition and that the Town ~le~k be and he hereby is authorized and directed to cause n~ice of said hearing to be pub- lished in the Suffolk Weekly Times pursuant to the requirements of law. Vote of Town Board: ~yes-Supervieor Albertson; Councilmen De~arest and Valentine;~ Justice Tuthill. Moved by Justice ~Tuthill; seconded .by Councilman Demarest; WHEREkS, John J. Klein, Sr. has applied to the Town Board f~r~a single trailer' permit dated December 11, 1967, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the application of ~b~n.J. Klein, Sr. to locate~ a single trailer on his property on Main Road, Mattituck, N.Y. be and the same iD hereby granted for a s~x month period. Vote of~Town Board: Ayes-SupervisorAlbertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justice Tuthill. Moved by COuncilman Demarest; seconded by Councilman Valentine; WH~REAS~ C~stas Stars has made application~ to the Town B~a~d ~'"~d~' ca~ te a certain~road at East Marion', N.Y. to be known as ~STARS ROAD, more fully d~scribed in said petition together with releases ~xecu~ed b'y the owner thereof, and WHERE~Si the ~ighway' superintendent'has inspected the said highway and has advised the Town Board that said proposed highway co~plies in all respects with the specificaitons for the dedication of highwa~zs in the Town of Sou~hold, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That in acco~danc~ with SectiOn 171 of the~HighWays Law Of the State' of,New York,'consent be and ~ithe same is given to tke Superintendent of ~ighWays ~to make an~ orde~ laying 0ut the"aforesaid highway to consist of lands ~esc~ibed i~ said~'~plic~tion and shown on certain maps attached to s~aid app!ica-tion.,~ and BE IT FURTHER RES0LVEDi ~h~ ~he 'T~n~i~er~ ~ ~and ~'~ is author, ized and directed to forthwith cause the dedication, tel and deed to be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Coungy of Suffolk, I~.Y. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen D~m~r~eSt · and Valentine; Justice Tuthill. Moved by Justice Tuthil'l; seconded by Counciilman Valentine; WHEREAS, the Board deems it in the public interest and in the .promotion of the health, safety, ~morals and general welfare of the town of Southold that certain~premises at ~reenport, In the Town Of S'outhold,~ county of Suffolk and State of New York, hereinafter more fully described be re- zoned from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence District, and WHEREAS~ as the said proposal was referred to the Planning Board for its recommendat%on and report, and WHEREAS, the Town Board pursuant to due notre thereof, held a hearing thereon on the 19th day of December, 1967, at which time all interest- edw~.~S0~s.Were qiven an oDDortunitv't'o be.heard_ NO .~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Ordinance Map~,.be amended from "B'!_Business District 'to "M" Multiple Residence District on the follow- ing described pr~operty: ALL that certain.real p~Dperty situated at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the westerly line of Silver- mere Road ~ith the southerly line of a 20 foot'road known as '~Silver Lane,, from said point of beginning running across said Silvermere Road in the direct extension easterly of said southerly line, S 85° 31' 40" E.-50.92 feet to the easterly line of said Silvermere Road; thence continuing in said direct exten- sion easterly through land of Jurzenia, S 85° .31' 40" E.-600.0 feet;, thence through said land of Jurzenia at right angles to the last described course, S. 4° 28' 20" W.-500 feet more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove; thence westerly.along said high water mark, 860 feet' more or tess, to land of Stein- metz; thence a~ong said land of Steinmetz, N. 13° 45' 00" E.- 695 feet ~more or less, to said southerly line of ,Silver Lane-"; .thence along said southerly line, S. 85° 31' 40" E.-198.74 feet to the point of beginning. Containing ll 3/4 acres, more or less. vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justice Tuthill. Moved by_Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Tuthill; : BOND RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK~ ADOPTED DECEMBER 26, 1967, AUTHORIZING (t) (A)~ ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LAND SITUATE ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF MAIN ROAD, AT PECONIC, IN SAID TOWN~ AS THE SITE OF A POLICE HEADQUARTERSDBKr~/]~G, ~T AN ESTIMATED MAXIMUM COST OF $6,000 (B) APPROPRIATION OF SAID AMOI~NT~THEREFOR~ AND (C) ISSUANCE OF $6,000 SERIAL ~ONDS TO FI NANCE SAID APPROPRIATIONS, (2) (A) ACQUISITION. OF ~HE EXISTIN~ BUILDING ON SAID SITE FOR USE AS SUCH POLICE HEADQUARTERS, AT AN ESTIMATED MAXIMUM COST OF $18,000, (B) APPROPRIATION OF SAID AMOUNT THEREFOR~ AND (C) ISSUANCE OF $18,000 SERIAL BONDS TO FINANCE~.SAID APPROPRIATION~ AND (3) (A).RECONSTRUCTION, IN PART . OF SAID BUILDING, AT AN ESTIMATED MAXIMUM COST OF $6,000, (B) A ~ APPROPRIATION OF S~ID AMOUTN THEREFOR, INCLUDING $300 CURRENT FUNDS TO PROVIDE THE DOWN PAYMENT AND (C) ISSUANCE'~ OF $5-,700 SERIAL BONDS ~0 FINANCE THE BALANCE OF ~AID APPROPRIATION,~ AND STATING THE, ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF ACQUIRING SAID LAND Ai~D BUILDING AND RECONSTRUCTI~ SAID BUILDING IS ~30,000,. The T©WN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOL~, IN THE C~u~Ty OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, HE REBY RESOLVED (by favorable ~ote of not less tha~ twoTth.irds of all the .members of said Board) AS FOLLOWS: Section 1..The Town of Southold (herein called "Town"),. in the County of Suffolks, .New York, is .hereby authorized to acquire by purchase the certain pzece or parcel .of land situate on the northerly side of Main Road approx~mgtely 3.66 feet westerly from the intersection of' the north- erly side of said Main Road and the westerly side of Peconic Lane, at -Peconic, in the Town, as. the site of a police headquar'ters building. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including pre- liminary costs of surveys, mapsl, plans and estimates and costs incidental thereto and .the financing thereof, is $6,000 and the said amount is here- by appropriated therefor. Serial bonds of the Town in the principal amount of $6,000 ~are hereby authorized to be zssued pursuant to the Local Fian~nce Law, constitu~ing~Chapter 33-2 of the Consolidated .Laws of the State of New York (herein.caLled "Law"), to finance said appropriation and the plan of financing includes the issuance.of said serial bonds and the tev.y and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property zn the Town to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall be come due and payable. Section 2. The Town is he'r~by authorized to ~cquire by.put- chase the e~isting building and 'origina't-furnish~ngs, equipment,- mach- inery and apparatus required for the purpose ~or'which said b~-ildin~s is to be used, s~tuate on the land hereinabove authOrized t0 be~a~quired in Section~he~eof, for use as such police headquarters and t0 grade and improve the site thereof. The .estimated maximum cost-of ~said spec- ifid ~ob~ect or purpos~e; including preliminary, costs and costs incid- ental thereto and 'the ~financing thereof, is $t81000 and the said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. Serial bonds of the Town in the princ- ipa~ amount of $18,000 ,are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the Lawwto finance'said appropriation and the plan of financing in- cludes-the issuance of said serial bons and the lev~ a~d co~lection of taxes on'all'the taxable real property in'the Town to pay the princ- ipal Of said bonds and the i~terest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. Section 3. The Town is heregy auth~rize~ to reconstruct, in~ part, said building authorized to be purchased for use-aspolice head- quarters pursuant'to S~ction 2 hereof, and to purchase the original furnishings'~-equi~meht,-'machiner~ and~appar~a'tus ~equired ~fot the pur- pose for which said building as sb. reconstructed, i~ part, ~s to be used. The estimated maximum ~ost or'said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing 'thereof, is $6,000 and said amount is hereby~appropriated ther~efor, including the appropriation of $300 current funds'now avail- able therefor to provide the down payment required pprsuant to Section 107~00 of the Law. Serfal bonds in the principal amo~n't of $5,-700'are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the Law ~to finan'ce~ the bal- ance of said appropriation. The plan of financing includes the use of said $300 current funds, the issuance of serial bonds of-the-~own the principa~ ~amount o~ $5,700 and the levy '6f a-tax ~pon all the tax- abte~real~property~in 'the Town to ~pay~the principal of said~bonds and th~-in~erest thereon ~as the same Sha~tl ~ecO~e due and~uayable. ..... Sect~o~ T~e follOwing-additional matters are~'hereby de- temined~and declared: (a) The estimated total cost of acquiring said~land and said'b~i~dingsand'-re~onst~ucti, ng~ ~n~ part, said b~ilding,-including preliminary costs and costs of suryeys, maps; plans, estimates and hearings and costs-inCidental thereto and the financing- ~hereof, is $30,000.- ~ -'('b)- The~'perio~ of probable ~s'efu~ess of acquiring-said land, ~the~specific -o~ject or purpose~for which said $6,000 serial bonds authorized pursu-a~t-to S~ctionl, hereOf arc-to-be issu-ed~ ~is¥~within the limitations O£-Sect~ion't~,00 ~a. 21 of th-e Law, ~thir~y (30~ years, but 'the~maturity~of~ said bonds shat-l-~o't exceed ten (t05 yea-rs. ........ (c) The~pe~iod '~f ~r°ba~e u~s~futness of acquirin~ said building, being of Class "C" ~6nS~u-~n~as ~efined~ by'~the"'provisions of Section 11.O0 a. 11 ~c) of the. Law, the specific object or purpose fo~ which ~aid~$18, UO0 serial bonds a~uthorized pursuant ~o Section 2. hereof'are to be 'issued, is, Withi~ the l~imita~ions~of Section 11 .00 a. tl.~ (c)~'of~ the Law, fifteen (15) years~ but the maturi~%y ~f the bonds herein authorized to be issued shall not exceed seven (7) years. (d) The period of probable usefulness of recons~ructing~ in part, said building, the specific object or purpose, for which t'he $5,700 seria~b~nds ~thorized pursuant ~o Se¢~on 3~ hereof are ~o b~ issued, ~is, within 'the limitations of-Section ll.00'a, t2. of the Law, ~en (t0)"year~ (e) CUrren~'funds are not required to be provided~prior to the'issuance of said $6,000 and-$18,000 se~iat bonds au'tho~ized - pursuant to Sections 1. and 2., respectively, Of ~his res~lutio~-~Or any ~ond~an~icipation notes issued' in anticipation~thereof, pursuan~~0 the provisions of Section ~07.00 d.'~4, of the Law. fl) Cu'rrentfunds~are required byth-e Law to be provided prior to the issuance ~f said $5',7~0 serial bonds ~u.thorized pursuant~to Section ~3~ of this resolution or any bond antic~pationsno~es issued in anticipatio~ ~hereof-and su~ch current f~-nds~in the 'amou~t"~f~$30~ are now ~vaiIable to said-purpose from ~su~rplus mo~eys of t~e ToWn'~nd the chief' ffsca~l~ ~ffi-~er is'hereby au~horizedand di,rected t® ~et aside said current funds and apply them solely to the specific object-or purpose hereinabove described &n said Sec~tion 3. (~) The proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this res01uti~'Wi~l exce'ed~five (5) year. Section 5. Each of 'the bonds auth~'ized~by this resolution and 'ahy. b0nd'anticipa~io~ nOtes~issued in~ anticipation Of said-bo~ds, shall"d~6n't-afn the r~cital of~alidity p'rescrib~d by Sec~ion~52.00 of the~'ahd~said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation-therof, sh&ll' be g~n~rai obligations ~of the Town, payabl'e as to both principal and interest by'a geheral tax upon all the taxabl~ real pr0~erty within the~Town-wi'th'O~t limitation ~f rate or amount. The f'~ith and~credit of the T~¥~e hereby 'irrevocably' pledged 'to the punctual payment of the principal and interest on said bonds and any nOtes~issued i~ anticipation of said bonds and provision shall be made annually in the budget of the Town by appropriati0~ for (a-) %he amor~tizatfon and redemption of the bonds and notes to mature ~in-s'uch ~ear ~and.(b) the payment of interest to be due and payable in such year. -- SeCt'ion'~6. Subject to the provisions'of this resolution and of the Law, and pursuant ~ the provisons of Section 30.00 relative to the authorization of the issuance of bohd anticipation-notes and of SectioR 50.00 'and SeCtions 56.00 to 60.00 of %he Law, the powers and duties of the To~n Board~relative to~p~escribing the terms, form and contents and as to th~ sale and issuan~Ce of th~ bonds herein authorized and of any ~O~es'~isSued in a~ticipation~of said b0nds, and the renewals there- of, are h~reby 'delegated to the chief"fiscal officer of the Town. S~cti~n 7. The val'idity of the bonds authorized~by this resolution,~and of any notes issued i~ anticipation of said~bonds, may be cont~Sted~only if: ~ ~ ~ ~ "· (a)'~u~h obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which' the~Town-is ~not'~a~thorized to~ 'exp~nd~money/ or (b) the p~ovisions of law which should'be ~omplied wi~h at the ~ate''0f the ~ublication of such resolution, are not substantially complied Wi~h,~and an action, B~it or proceeding contes'ting such valid- ity, is commenced within twen~ty days after the date of such p~bliCation, or · (cS'such ~obl~igatiOns are' authorized in Violation of the pro- visions of the constitution. ~ ' ~ Secti~h 8. Th~fs res61ution shal'l 'take effect thirty (30)' days 'afte~ it~'a~ption, unless'within thirty (30) ~'days after its ~doption the~e shalTb~ ~filed~wf~h the Town Clerk, in accordance with Article 7 of'the'Town Law,.a p~titiOn sig~ed and 'a~kno~edged bY ~elec~ors bf the ToWn-O~--th~ ~umb~'r required by law, qual~ified ~o'vote upon-a proposition to raise and' expend money, protesting against this resolution and re- questing that it be submitted to 'the'eleCtors of~the~T0w~ 'for ~their appr0val~br d~ap~oval~ in which' case thais res'oTu-tio~ shall take effect when app~ov~d~by the affirmative vote of a majority of~ the~qualified elect0rs'bf the Town, v~oting upon' a Proposition for .its approval at a referendu~ 'heTd in ac~ordahc~ with'the Town-Law2 VOte ~f TOTM Boa'rd: ....... Ayes-Supervisor Albe~tson; COunCilmen Demarest 'and Valentine; Justice Tuthill. Counci'lma'~va~Ie~tin~-o~fered the'following res01u~ion~and'moved~its adop~io~: RESOLVED~Y~THE TOWN ~OARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ IN THE COUI~TY OF SUFFOLK~ NEW YORK~ AS FOLLOWS: ~ ' ..... se~ti~nl~ The T0~n C~erk of 'th'e 'Town of~ S~uthold, in the' County Of ~Su'ffol~, N~w York/- shall~ within ten (10) days/after the adoptio~ ~Of the bond resoltuion referre~"to in theform of NO~ice ~here- inafte~ "~et forth in Section 3 hereof, cause to he-published at least Once ~n TPIE S~FFOLK WEEKSY TIMES", a newspaper published in Greenport, New Yor~, 'having a general circulation within said Town and hereby designated as the official newspaper of said Town, and to be posted on the~signb0ard~'maih~ta~ned purSu~nt~'to s~bdivisiOn-'6 of 'Section 30 of the Town ~'~aw, a~Noti~e which Bhall~"set~forth the date of adoption ~of said f~regoin~'~resolution~and eontain.~an abStrac~'~%hereof concisely Stating~i~s purpose ~nd effect~ ~ Section 2. After said bond ~resolution shall take effect, the Town Clerk is hereby directed to caise said bond resolution to be published, in full, in the newspaper hereinabove referred to 'in Section 1 hereof, and hereby designated the official newspaper for said publication, together with a n~tice in substantially~the ~rm as provided by Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of-the Conso%idated Laws of the State of New York, unless a valid petition shall h~ve been filed in accordance With Article 7 of the Town Law p.rote~ting against said bond .resolution~ and requesting it be submitted t0 the electors for their approval or disappro'v~._ Section 3. The Notice referred to in Section 1~ hereof- shall be in substantially the. foil.owing form: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~ NEW YORK PLEASE TAKE N~ICE that On December 26, 1967, the 'Townl Board of the Town of Southold, in. the County of Suffolk, New York., adopted the bond resDlution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town'of Southold, New York~ adopted Dscember 26, 1967, authorizing (1) (A) acquisition of certain land situate, on ~the northerly side of Main Road, at Peconic, in said T~wn, as the site of a police headquarters building, at an estimated maximum cost of $6,000 (b) appropriation of said amount therefor, and (C) issu- ance of $6,000 serial bonds to finance amid appropriation, (2) (A) acquisition of the existing building on said site for use as such police headquarters,, at an estimated maximum cost of $18,000 (B) appropriation of s~id amount therefor, and (C) issuance of $18,000 serial bonds to 'finance said appropriation, and (3) (A) reconstruction, in pa~, of said building, mt an estimated maximum, cost of $6,000, (B).approp~iation of said amount therefor, including $300 current f~nds to provide the down payment and (C) issuance of $5,700 serial bonds to finance th~ balance of said appropriation, and stating the estimated to~al colst of acquiring said land and buildings, and reconstructing.said buiidi~g is~$30,000," an abstract of which resolution concisely stating the purpose mnd'effect thereof, is as follows: FIRST: AUTHORIZING the Town of Southold ("town"). to acquire by purchase the land situate on the northerly side of Main Road mpprox- imakeLy. 366 fee~ westerly from the intersection of'the northerly side of said Main Road and the westerly side of Peconic Lane, at R~conic, in the Town, as the site of a police headquarters building; STATING . the estimated maximum cost thereof, including surveys, maps, plans and estimates and costs incidental thereto and the financ&ng thereof, is $6,000; APPROPRIATING said amount therefor; AUTHORIZING the i~suance of ~6,000 serial bonds pursuant to the~Local Finance Law (~'Law"),I to finance said appropriation; and STATING the plan of financing, includes the issuance of said serial bonds and. the levy a~d colleetion~ ~f tax~s on all the taxable real property in the Town to pay~ the principal of said~bonds and the interest~ thereon as the same. shall become due~ ~and payable; ~ECOND: AUTHORIZING the Town to acquire by purchas~ the existing building and orzginal furnishings, equipment, mach~e.ry and appartatus required for the purpose for which said building is to be used, situate on said land for use, as such police headquarters, and to grade and improve the site; STATING the estimated maximum cost thereof is $18,000~ APPROPRIATING said amount therefor; AUTHOkIZiNG the~ issuance of. $18,000 serial bonds pursuant to. the Law to finance said appropriation; and STATING the plan of financing includes the issuance .of said serial bonds and the levy and collect, ionof taxes on all the taxable real property in the Town to pay the principal 6f said bonds and the interest thereon as the Same shall be come du~ and payable; THIRD: AUTHORIZING the To~n to reconstruct, in part, said building, including purchase ~f the original furnishings,' equipment, machinery and apparatus requried for the purpose for which said build- ing as so reconstructed, in part is to be used; STATING the estimated maximum cost th'ereof, is $6,000' APPROPRIATING said amount therefor, ~' including the appropriation, of $300 current funds available therefor to provide the down payment required; AUTHORIZING the issuance of $5,700 serial bonds pursuant to'the La~ to finance the balance of said approp- riation; and STATING the~plan~ Of financing includes the use of said current 'funds, the issuance of said serial bonds'and the levy of a tax upon all 'the taxable real property in the Town to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the Bame shall become due and payable; ~ ~8~H;DETERMINING.AND DECLARING that the estimated total cost of acquiring said land and the said building and recon~ructihg, in part, said~bUi~ding, is $30,000; that the period of probable usefulness of acquiring said°land~ is thiryt (30) years, but the matUrity of the bonds hrerin authorized to be issued therefor will not e~ceed ten (10) years; that the period of probable uSefulness of acquiring said building, being a Class "C" building as defined pursuant to the providions of Section 11.00 a. !1 (c) of the Law is fifteen (15) years, but the maturity of the~bonds'herein authorized to be issued therefor shall not e~ceed seven (7) years; that~the period of probable usefulness-of reconstruct- ing, in part~ said building, is ten (10) years; that current funds are n~t required to be provided prior to the ~ssuance of said $6,000 and $18,000 bonds or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation thereof; that current funds are required to be'provided prior to the issuance of siid $5,700 bonds or any bond anticipatio~ notes issued in anticipation thereof and such current funds-in the amoynt of $300 are now available to said purpose and AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING the chief fiscal officer to set aside said current funds and apply them sotely to the ppecificiobject or purpose hereinabove described in paragraph THIRD: and DETERMINING AND DECLARING that the proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution will exceed five (5) years; FIFTH: DETERMINING that said bonds and-any notes issued in anti~ipation of said bonds, shall be general obligations of the Town~ and PLEDGING to their payment the faith and credit of the Town; ~IXTH: DELEGATING to the Chief fiscal officer the powers and duties as to the issuance of said bonds and any notes issued in antic- ipation of said bonds and the renewals thereof; and SEVENTH: PROVIDING that thzs resolution shall take effect thirty-days after its ad&ption, ~unless~within thirty days petition for its submission to the'electors shall be filed in accordance wi~h law, protesting against the resolution and requesting it to be submitted to the elec%ors for their approval~or'disapproval. ~ BY ORDER OFf'THE TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND DECEMBER ~6, 1967. TOWN CLERK Section 4. This resolution sh&ll take effect immediately. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Justice Tuthill and duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: Ayes: Supervisor Albertson; Councilman Demarest; Councilman Valentine; Jus~ice~Utkill. Noes: None. The resolution was declared unanimously adopted. Adjournment. ' '- Albert W. Richmond Town clerk