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The Southold Town Board met at the office of Supervisor Lester M~- Albertson
16 South Street, Greenport, N.Y. on Tuesday, December 10, 1968. The~meet-
ing was called to order at 3:00 P.M. with the following present:-Supervisor
Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Suter and Clark;
Town Attorney Tasker; Supt. of Highways Dean and Town Clerk Richmond.
Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by JusticeSuter; -- -
RESOLVED: That the next,meeting of the Town Board will be held at'the office
of Supervisor L~ster M. Albertson, 16 South Street, Gre~nport, New York,
on Tuesday, December 24, 1968, at-ll:00 A.M.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and
Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Justice Surer; seconded by Councilman Valentine;
RESOLVED: That the minutes of December 3, 1968, be and they~hereby, are
approved. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen
Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Councilman Demarest;~seconded by JuStice Clark; --~
RESOLVED: That the Sup~. of H.ghways~ of the Town of Southold, be authorized
to advertise, for bids and to ~urchase from the.lowest responsible bidder
One (1) new Hi-way Heavy Duty Ice Control~Spreader Model "E"-OR EQUAL.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and v
Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Clark~
RESOLVED: That the Supt. of Highways of the. Town of Southold beauthorized
to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible.bidder,
ONE (1) New Model 1-2444_International Tractor, OR EQUAL, and to trade in
used 1946 F~rmall tractor as part payment therefor.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor-Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and
Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by CounCilman Valentine;
RESOLVED: That the Supt. of H~ghwayS of the Town of Southold be authorized
to advertise-for bidsaand-to purchase ~rom the-lowest responsible bidder
the following FIRST GRADE TIRES AND TUBES, the purchase of more or less,
as needed, for the year 1969:
4 - 14.00/24 - 10-ply Tires
2 - 12.00/20 - 14-ply Tires & Tubes
2 - 12.00/2~ - 12?plyTires & Tubes
2 -'11.00/24 - 12-Ply Tires & Tubes ·
2 11.00/22 12~pl~ Tires & Tubes
4 .- 10.00/24 - ~-ply Tractor-Type lug Tires & Tubes
15 - 10.00/20 - 12~ply Tires & Tubes.
4 - 8.15/15 4-ply Tires & Tubes
2 8.15/20 - 10-ply Tires & Tubes
4 - 7.50./20 - 10-~1~ Tires & Tubes
8 - 7.50./16 ~ t0-uly Implement Tires & Tubes
2 7.17.5 '- 6-ply Tires & Tubes
6'- 7.10/15 - .6-ply Extra Grip Tires &Tubes
6 7.10/15 - 6-ply Tires & Tubes
4 - 6.70/15 - 4-ply Tires & Tubes
4 - 6.50/16 - 6-ply Tires & Tubes
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest .and
Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter..
Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Suter;
WHEREAS, Southold American Legion Auxiliary G.T.G. Post $803, Southold,
New York, applied to the Town Clerk for a Bingo License, and _
WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application a~d after investigation
duly made findings and determinations~ as required by law,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town Board the find-
ings~.and determinations as required by law, and it is further
RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to issue a
Bingo License to the Southold. American Legion Auxiliary G.T.G. Post ~803
Southold; New York.
Vote of'Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor A~berts0n;~Coun~ilmen Demarest
and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Justice Suterz seconded by Justice Clark;
WHERE~S,.$o~thold Legion G.T.G. Post ~803,..Southold, N.Y. has applied
to the Town'Clerk for a Bingo License, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application and after invest-
igation duly made findings and determinations as required by law,
NOW,"~EREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED: That the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town B~rd the
findings and determinations as required by law, and it is further
RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to issue a
Bingo License to the Southold American Legion G.T.G. Post ~803, SouthOld,
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albettson; Councilmen Demarest and
valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman Demarest;
WHEREAS, Marian Council ~3852, Knights of Columbqs, Cutchogue, New York,
applied to the Town Clerk for a Bingo License, and
W~IEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application and after investig-
ation duly made f~ndings and determinations as rgquired by law,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town Board the find-
ings and determinations as requi~ed by law, and it is further
RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to issue a
Bingo License to the Marian Council ~3852 Knights-of Columbus, Cutchogue,
New York.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and
Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Justice Clark;
~EA~ Section 105 of the Town Law provides that Town Officers and
Employees who receive and disburse monies of the Town shall account
to the Town Board ~or all monies received and disbursed by them on or
abou~ the 2~th day ~f December, but not later than~the 31st day of
December, in each year, and
WHEREAS~ the Town Board deems it necessary to engage a public accountant
to prepare tke aforesaid annual account for all town officers and employees
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town Board engage the services
of Irving Miller, a public accountant, to make the annual audit of the
books, records, receipts and other documents of the Town officers .~d ~ ~e~
employees of the Town of Southold for the fiscal year 1968 at a~~
of $
Vote of ~own Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and
Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman ValentDne;
*~SOLVED: That the Southold Town Board will accept a ~Ond of
as recommended by the Southold Planning Board for the completion of
roads in the sub-division known as ROSEWOOD ESTATES owned by Rose
K~roleski, Mattituck, New York.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demar.est and
Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
RESOLVED: That %he following resolution passed ~by the Board on November
7, 1968 be and hereby is rescinded:
Moved by Justice S~ter; seconded by Councilman Valentine;~
RESOLVED: That the Town Board will accept a Bond of $220DDf~D as recommended
by the Southold Town Planning Board for the completion of roads in ~he
subdivision known as ROSEWOOD ESTATES owned by John and Rose Koroleski,
Mattituck, N.Y. Vote of Town Board: AyesuSupervisor klbertson~
Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Sute~;
RESOLVED: That the Town Board urges that the New York State Legislature
amend the Suffolk County Tax Act to permit the waiver of'penalties for
late payment of Real Property Taxes where tax bills have been prepared
and mailed on or about December 1st, in any year.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and
Valentin~ Justices Clark and Suter.
Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Surer;
RESOLVED: That General Bills in the amount of $28,330.16; Lighting
District Bills in ~he amount~of $3,133.77; Fishers Island ~err~
District Bills in the amount of $13,063.45 and Highway Bills in the
amount of $14,520.47 be and the same are hereby ordered paid, ~
Vote 6f Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and
Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. ~
Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded'by Justice Clark;
RESOLVED: That the following transferred in the folioWing
To: Supervisor, personal services
Superviso r, equipment
Supervis®r., other expenses
Justices of Peace, personal services-
Justices of Peace, o%her expense
Town Clerk, other expense
Receiver of Taxes, personal services
Receiver of Taxes, other expense
Traffic Signals
Traffic Signs '
Dog Warden, personal services
Dog warden, other expense
Public Refuse Disposal-other expense
ParKs & Beaches - personal services
Parks & Beaches - other expense
Debt Redemption - Bond Antic. Notes
Debt Redemption T c~pital'no~es
Conservation - shade trees
Conservation 0 shellfish
Legal & Engineering Fees
Social Security - town's share
Property Taxes
Other Insurance
Burning Permits
County Separation
$ 15.15
From: Contingent Fund
Unexpended Balance
$ 9,944.45
To: Planning Board - other expense
Building Department - personal se~vmces
Police Department - equipment
Police Department - other expense
POlice 'Dep~rtment - Personal servmces
Bay Constable - other expen-se
Bay Constable - equiPment
Social Security - Town's Share
Legal & Engineermng Fees
Insurance, other
Housing Code
From: Contingent
Unexpended Balance-
VOte of Town Board: Ayes.- ALL
-Albert W. -Richmond
Town Clerk
$ 5,000.00