HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-1952 OF THE ACCOUNTS AND K[SCAL AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ( SUFFOLK Pursuant to Article 3, General Municipal Law Period V~x~ined: January' 1, 1951 to December 31, 1952 Charles J. Shelanskey l~aminer Approved: Jay R. Principal Examiner o:~' ~,icipal Affairs of District Town Southold Supervisor Town Clerk FRINCIPAL OFFICERS WHO o~RV~[, DURING TI{~ FIZRIOD ~XAMLNED Justice of Peace Superintendent of Highwa~.s Welfare Officer Tax Collector (1951) " " (~9~) Norman E. Klipp P~lph P. Booth ~dford C. Shauklin (a) P~lph W. Tmthill I~wster M. Albertson Harry H. Terry H,mry A. Clark Harold D. Price Archie W. ~monds (b) William Y. Terry Edwin F. Salminen (a) Deceased; succeeded by E. Perry Edwards. (b) Resigned March, 1951; succeeded by Supervisor Norman E. Klipp. Town of Southold Fo~tlatio~ U. S. Census 1950 T_own Ii,ti32 Of h%ich in Villages 3,028 Incorporated Village: Wholly within town Greenport Fire Districts (With treasurers other than supervisor) Fishers lsland East Marion Cutchogue Mattituck Southold Orient Other Special Districts Southold Light Orient Light Peconic Light East Marion Light Cutchogue Light Matt~tuck Light fl " " #2 Ktshers Island Light West Greenpert Light Fishers Island Ferry E.-W.-Gresnport Fire Protection Orient Mosquito Southold Park ~ttitu ck Park Govsmin~ La~s Town Law and other general laws of the State of New York Special Acts - Chapter 311, Laws of lg~0 (Suffolk: Tax Act) " 113, " " 1860 (Five Justices) " 615, " " 1893 (Town Trustees) " ~9, " "19~7 (Fishers Island Ferry) To~ of Southold Asseased V~a. tione The valuations placed u~:~n the taxable proper~y of the town as a basis for distributing the taxes for the period e~mained and the certificates attached to the rolls to legally establish such valuations for taxable purposes and to collect the taxes so levied al~e as follows: Real Estate Special Fr~chises Total ~, t~xable all purposes Pension exempt Total tax~ble property Date verified by Assessor.ss Date of Warrant to Collectors County Equalization Rate $25,579,985.00 _ 859.i191.00 $26,;~37~176.00 _ 197,&35.00 $26.63&, 611. O0 Sept~be:r 5, 1950 November 2?, 1950 .953~813~% $26,O98,915.00 ~6,089.0o $26,995,002.00 23&. 82 5. OO September 1, 1951 November 26, 1951 To~,~ of Southold Real Estate Taxes Real estate taxes levied for town and district purposes and the amounts p~able to the supervisor ~nd county tre~,sur~r are as follows: d~ ener~ Fund Highway F~ud Item #1 ~ " " #2 Fire Districts Lighting Districts Park Districts School Districts Mosquito District Ferry District Total Payable to Supervleor Total Payable to County Treasurer Total Taxes Lewied ~ 1952 $ 61,907.70 $ 75,81o.99 '~5,000.00 95,000.00 -0- 1,000.00 38,500.00 38,000.00 23,000.00 22,000.00 63,087.&9 61,291.24 ] 5,8~1.77 16,253.75 11,980.55 12,621.17 &83,983.98 524,595.17 2,007.32 2,008.0& 20.022.83 2~ .J~.03 · 39 $ a~3~l,~, $ 877,983.75 ~51.805. SS 363.5~.8.57 $ $1.2J~l. 532.32 Tax Rates (Per $1000) (ExclUsive of District Taxes) Outside Village $18.56 Inside Village 12.79 $22.88 16.60 Town of 8outhold T~x Le~ie~ Taxes levied were verified to determine whether or not they were in accordance with the sums authorized in the to~l budget and other estimates presented to the board of supervisors. The accounts of the receiver oftaxe~ were not included in this examination as such accounts are audited !'.O the county treasurer after the return of unpaid taxes and settlement statsments furnished by him for 1951 and 1952 taxes indicated proper accounting for all t~x moneys collected and unpaid. Taxes collected for the year 1953 and recorded in the cash book of the receiver inclusive of December 31, 1952 were traced to bank deposits. Properties held by the county on ta~ deed foreclosures were not made subject to special district t~es, nor to general town taxes after three years from date of deed, as required by Section ~(3) of the Tax Law. Taxes for police pur?oses were levied on the town outside of the village whereas Section 150 of the To~m Law provides that village properties may not be exempted therefrom. (6 Opinions of the State Comptroller, 1950, Page It h~s been the practice of the receiver of taxes to make deposits of all tax moneys to a bank acco~mt in the nam~ of the "Town of 8outhold, N. E. Klipp, Supervisor, Receiver of Taxes Account." Distribution of taxes to the various town fun~s and to the county treasurer i~ made by the supervisor. This procedure does not conform to the provisions of' the warrants or the Suffolk County Tax Act. It was also noted that the entries in the cash book mai~tadned by the receiver oft~xes for the months of February, March, April and M~y did not indicate the dates that tax moneys were actually received. For example, tax collections for the month of April, 1952 were combined under the dates of April 3, 9, 15 and 30, 1952. Deposits of these tax collections were made am of April lO, 15 and Ns~ 1,. 1952. Attention is called to Section 37(1) of the Town Law requiring the receiver to make daily entries of moneys received and deposits of the same within twenty-four hours thereafter. Town of Southold ~ndehtedne~ Bonds: HfLghw~y ~dget Notes Capital Notes Totals Outlier anding Issued Padd Outstanding :~eginning During During End of Period Period P_~ of Period $1o~.ooo.oo $ -o- $1o,ooo.oo $ .-o- llj. O00.O0 10,000.00 ll,O00.O0 10,000.00 Special District Bonds $~11..,000.00 $ -.0-. Oaths of Office F~vnm~ation of the oaths of office on file in the county clerk's office disclosed that all town officials filed oaths of office in statutory form and for the period examined. Unde~q~akqngs ~11 of the required ~mde~'~akings were found on file for the period examined. To~ of Southold ReceiPtS and Disbursements Except as hereinaiter stated, all moneys determined to have been received were properly recorded and ac~ounted for and all disbursements were made in accordance wi.th statutory req~xirements. Receiots Penalties and interest on taxes ~ere verified with the camh records maintained by the receiver of taxes. Penalties and interest were paid to the ~:pervi$or after settlement had been made with the supervisor and county tream~rer for taxes due them. Section 27(1) of the To~ Law requires payment to be made to the supervisor by all town officers of moneys received by them belonging to the town not later than the fiite~mth day of the month following receipt thereof. The receiver, however, claims that the warrant directs payment of interest an~ penalties miter completion of payments, a,~ directed by the warrant. Although the examiner was informed that a nl~aber of summonses were issued bY the Justices for violation:l~ of Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, ae fees were collected there-for and the dockets did not include these actions. A town is entitled to a fifty cent fee for the services of a Justice of the peace in issuing a summon~, regardless of whether the su~nons is served or not. When a defendant obtains a license and pays the fees and mileage for the issuing and service of th~ summons before the return day, the town is entitled to a Justice's fee of fifty cents. ~ere a defendant fails to appear and Judgment is entered againl~t him by default, the town is entitled to Justice's fees of $2.50; where the defendant appears and contests and Judgment is entered against ham after trial, the town is entitled to Justice's fees amounting to $~.50; where def~mdant appears and contests and Judgment is entered against the p!a~mtiff after tria&, the town is entitled to a Justice's fee of $~.50. (Section 113, &i~riculture and Markets Law; 1~5, Opinion Attorney Genera~ 109) As to inclusion of the ~:~regoing actions in the dockets and monthly reports to the comptroller, a Justice of the peace must report fees ea~ed by him in dog cases, whether or not such fees are collected. (2 Opinions, State ~,mptroller, 175, 1~6) Town of Southold A comparison of the dockets with copies on hand of' monthly reports filed ~dbh the State Comptroller indicated that some indictable cases had not been included on said reports. Section 102(9) of the Town Law provides that the fees allowable to towns for th~ services of magistrates in criminal proceedings, for or on account of an offense which a court of special sessions has not Jurisdiction to try, shall be ~ county charge, if the ~agistrate had Jurisdiction of the proceedings in which ths services were rendered. The statute further provides that the co~mty shall pay any amount ~e to a town for the services of a Justice of the peace which are a county charge upon the presentation to it of a claim by the State Comptroller for such charges each quarter. To insure billing to the county and subsequent reimbursement to the tow~., the Justices should reoort such services rendered and the extent thereof. (A Opinions State Comptroller, 509, 19&8) The Justices sho,zld also :retain and preserve copies of monthly Comptrollerts reports for reference purposes. Analysis of the distribution of moneys received from the federal government, public housing administration, under the provisions of Section S06 of the Lanh~ Act, as amended, indicated t~mt s~mms due Items II, III and IV of the Highway ~mds in the amounts of $128.15 and 123.75, respectively, for the years 195]. end 1952 were erroneously credited to the General Fund. Town Trustees Chapter 615 of the laws of 1893, as amended by Chapter ~OA of the laws of 1952, created the board of' trustees of the town of Southold and empowered such board to manage and dispose of the common lands and lands under water belonging to said town. Section 2 of the Act requires all conveyances, leases, permits, agreements and other writings to be recorded in the town clerk's office in a book separate from all other records. S~ch book, when examined, contained no entries from 1937 to July 1, 1952 and it is again reco~ended that this book be brought up to date to include all missing data. Thc records of the Board .of Trustee~ did not lend themselves to satisfactorF determination of ~ash accountability. The minute book indicated but three meetings of the board during the audit period whereas fees were paid the trustees for eight meetings during said period. Neither a cash book nor an adequate accounts receivable record was maintained; duplicate copies of perw~.ts were not complete as to dates, amount of fee, etc., in all cases; discrepancies existed between authorized permit fees according to the minutes end actual fees set forth in the lease; there was no record of billing arrears items mentioned in the prior report. From data at hand, it appears as though the s,mm of $150.O0 was due and uncollected as of Decemaber 31, 1952. These accounts were not circularized for verification thereof. Town of Southold Disb~Arsements A number of payments we~ made to a constable and matron as compensation for tr&nspol~in~ mental/~7 ill pe~eone ~o Stats M~ltal Hospitals, There is no provision of law which requir<~,s a ~own constable to perform such ss~'v~lce. The proper procedure is for the local health officer or certifying physician to inform the State Hospital and request that trained State personnel be sent to transpo:.t the me,tally ill per.son to the hospital. (Section 81, Mental Hygiene Law; and ~ Opinions of the State 0crop,oiler, 1~, 19&8) Annual appropriationm of $500.00 were paid to the Oysterponds Historical Society~ Inc. No contract was~; found ca file to support these p~yment~as required ~/ Section 148 of the, Education Law. As comzented upon in the prior report, several disbursements of one year have been paid in the foliowin~ year, resulting in a charge to the appropriation of such year. Sgecifically, December payrolls are charged in the following January. They should be paid at the end of December to keep wi%hin the year of apprcpriatien. The minutes did not ~fle~ct authori~ati~ by the town beard of purchases of highw~~ equipment such as a, used trailer and. tractor, a spreader, harrow, mower, pump and concrete mixer,. In a n~mber of instances, signed receipts of employees actually receiving highway materials were not found on fil~ as required by Section 28& of the Highway Law. An amount in excess of $~O.OO was expended from the general fund for publishing by the town superintendent of itemized highwa~ fund receipts and disbursements for the period ~¥om Janua~.r 1, 19&9 to December ~1, 1950. Sin~e the supervisor properly ~cluded the highway funds in his annual reports as published in accordance with ~etion 29(10) of the Town Law, additional disbursements for this propose were with,mat statutory authority. ~i see'! ] a~eoue The annual inventories of highway equipment for 1951 and 1952, were filed by the toga superintendent in January, 1952 and July, 1953, respectively. Section l&2 of the Highway Law provides ~hat these should be filed no later than September 3Otb in each year. SCHEDUL~ 1 SU~RY OF BALANCES, R~C Li T AND PA~NTS From January 1, 1951 to December 31, 19%1 10. Town of Southold Total Receipts Balances P~mente Balance During and During Balance Fu~.d ..~/1/51 Year ~eceipts Year 12/31/51 General* $77,717.O3 $ 129,868.51 $ 20?,585.54 $ 155,241.11 $ 52,324,43 Highway 9,52&.72 183,722.37 193,247.09 167,788.68 25,458,&1 Town Trustees 1,202.09 160.00 1,362.O9 15.00 1,347.09 Welfare 7,240.?6 26,891.&2 3j,132.18 25,734.?5 ~,397.43 School i,376.94 538,983.98 5&0,~60.92 5~2,973.7~ 7,387.14 Special Districts 1,760.33 93,115.68 94,876.O1 8~,803.90 5,O72.11 Tax ~d (For Distri~ation) 68,604.05 1,160,911.31 1,229,515.36 $1,10~,274.36 122,241.00 Ferry District 20.679.00 137.821.&1 158.5OO.21 150.910.65 7.589.76 Totals $18S.10&.92 $2,271.A7&.68 ~2.&59,579.60 ~2.229.7A2.23 $229.8~7.~7 From January 1, 1952 to December 31, 1952 Total Heceipta Balances Payments Balance During and During Balance Fun~. 1/1/52 Yea~ R~cei~ts Year 12/31/52 General* $ 52,344.43 $ 155,458.06 $ 207,802.~9 $ 163,343.91 $ ~4,458.58 Highway 25,458.41 169,17&.84 194,633.25 175,057.62 19,575.63 Town Trustees 1,347.09 25.00 1,372.09 85.00 1,287.09 Welfare 8,397.43 30,320.86 38,718.~9 26,002.92 12,715.37 School 7,387.14 62/,,595.17 6~1,982.31 620,807.82 11,174.49 Special Districts 5,072.11 92,3~2.05 97,404.16 94,856.63 2,547.53 Tax Fund (For Distribution) 122,~;~1.00 1,315,092.02 1,437,333.02 1,320,354.85 116,978.17 Ferry District 7.589.76 t~6.566.96 154.156.72 12A.862.A9 29.294.23 Totals $2~.837.37 ~2.533.56A.96 $2.763.&02.~3 $2.525.~TI.24 $238.O31.09 * Includes General, Surplus, Incinerator, Library, Bond Deduction, Withholding Tax and B~ildlng Deposit Account. 11. Town of Southold ~CONCILIATICN OF CASH BALANC[~S WITH CASH IN B,%NKS AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS December 31, 1952 Total cash balances to be accounted for .~Sched~le 1) $238.031.09 Bank(a) North Fork Bank & Trust Co. H~ghway $ 6,198.6~ Peoples National Bank " 113,805o4.8 Bank of Southold General Peoples Nati~lal Bank Building Deposits 55 · OO First National Bank General 313,607.1.2 " " " War Bond 48.03 " " " W~thholding North Fork Bank & Trust ~. General Peoples Mational Bank First National Bank Checks Net 0utstandin~ Balance $ 428.49 $ 5,770.15 -O- 13,805.~8 -O- 6,113.54 Total Net Cash in Banks -0- ~5.00 761.95 32,845.17 -0- &8.03 893.6O -0- 893.60 7,062.77 12.00 7,050.77 Trustees 1,287.09 -0- 1,287.09 Ferry Dist. 2),315. ~;8 P_l.15 29,294.23 Welfare 12,962.02 2&6.65 12,715.37 Sci:tool 20~,39&.&7 197,219.98 11,174.49 for Dist r~ bution 116,978.'1.7 -0- (a) Verified from Certifi,:atez of Depositaries. Note~ 116.978.17 $238.O31.09 Balances of December 31, 1952 do not include petty cash fund at P~shers Island Ferry District or deposits in transit from Fishers Island Ferry D~.strict. 12,. Town of Southo[ld SUMMARY OF t'~COMME~DATIOMS ['roperties held by the county on t~c de*~d foreclosures should be taxed for special district purposes, and for general town purposes after three years from date of deed. Preperties within the village should be t~xed for town police appropriations. Daily entries should be made by the collector of taxes received; deposits should be ~ade within twenty-four hours thereafter; and pa~ents should be made to the supervisor and the county t~,asurer in accordance with the provisions of the warrant. Remittances of' penalties and interest on t;~xes should be made to the supervisor not later than the fifteenth ~v of the month following receipt thereof. Statutory fees should be collected ~ the J~tices in dog penalty actions; and all such actions should be reflected in the dockets and included on the monthly reports to the Comptro[Ller, whether or not such fees are collected. The Justices should re~rt:; all indictable cases. The Jmstices should retain and preserve copies of their monthly reports to the State Compare, lief. AdJaatment should be made by the general ftmd for pmblic housing revenues due the highway funds. An adequate accounts ~ceivab!e record should be established and laainta~ed by the town trustees for permit fees. The minute book maintained by the secretary' should be complete as to all proceedings of the board of tr~stees. Proper action should he taken in co]JLecting delinquent fees for permits :Lssued by the board of tr~steee~. The board of trustees should provide the to~a~ clerk with the data required t;o bring .his ~cord of leases~ permits, etc., up to date. Pa~lnente should not be made to constables as com~ensatio~ for transporting ment~!ly ill persons to State Mental Hospitals. The local health officer or certifying physician should inform the State Hospital and request that trained state personnel be sent to transport the ~entally ill person to the hospital. Payments to the Oysterpond~s :Historical1 Socisty, I~c. should be supported contract. ?a~roll disbursements should be made within the appropriation year. Ail highway equipment purc]!msss should be approved by resolution of the Town Board. i3. Town of Sou%hold SUbEntRY OF RECO~*~DATIONS (Oont'd.) Sighted ~eoe~ts of employees actually receiving highway materials should support orders directing p,a~me:l~t therefor. Annual inventories of' higlaway equipment should be filed by the town superintendent not later than i~eptember ."lOth in each year. Certification I, CHARLES J. SHELA~SK~Y, do h.~reby certify that I am an F~am~ner in the New York State Depal~ment of ~udit and Control~ that pursuant to law I have made an examination of the Accounts and Fiscal Affairs of the TOWN OF ~DUTHOLD, County of Suffolk; that I have read the foregoing repo~% of such examination and that the same is true to the best of m~ knowledge, information and belief. F~v~mtner of Munt cin~ Affatrs