HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-1960 FIFD(61 -517) STATE O? NS~ YORK ~)E~..RTM~;NT CF AUDIT ,~ND CONTROL (DIVISION OF MUNICIP~L AFF;,IRS) REPORT OF EXA~IN~VPION OF THE ACCOUNTS ~,ND FISCAL ~FFAIRS OF ~{S FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT TO~M OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY Pursuant to Article 3, General Municipal Law Period Ex.mined: January l, 1958 to December 31, ].960 Frederick W. Sands~ Jr. Ramon P. Sanchez Examiners Approved: Jay R. Neumaun Principal Exm~i~er of Municipal Affairs of Area #7 Fishers Islsmd Fer~r' Distric~ Town of Southold BOA~r ~:F F~,LRF~Z Lee I~erguson, Jr. Law~u~.~.~ So Baldwin Le~.rls %. Lamb Polly Edmonds A. Jokn Gada Grebe (8/13./~9 - 12/'31/60) Manager-Sec retary Supervisor-Treasurer %ril£r~l C. Sinclair Henry U. Tuthill (1/1/60 12/,~3/60) Lester M. Albertson (12/30/60 - 12/31/~O) Fishers Island Ferry District Town of Southcld W~ Created Under What Law November 21, 1~4~ Chapter 699 Laws of 1947, as amended ~,4 Chapter 27, L~w,~ of 19~8, Chapter 82 Laws of 1950, Chapter 620 Laws of 1951 and Chapters 132, 169 and 170 Laws of 1957 Assessed 'valuation, 1959-60 $h,270,291.O0 ~nded Indebtedness At Close of Examination None Oaths of Office The required oaths of offdce were nob fom~d on file in the town clerK's office~ except for Commissioner Lamb. Such oaths should be on file as required by Section ll of the Public Officers Law. Undertakings The undertaking of lhe treasurer covering the period examined was found on file in the town clerk's office. Fishers Island Ferry District Town of Southold General Info ~mat~ on The town of Southold consists of the North Fork of Long Island, some lesser islands and Fishers Island1. There is no regularly scheduled method of transportation between Fisher~ Island and Long Island. The district was created to provide transportation of persons, vehicles and merchandise between Fishers Li~sla~d and points within and without the State across Long Isla~i Sound. At present the district operates a ferry between Fishers Island aud New London~ Connecticut as well as an airfield on the islar~. The district acquired the airfield facility during the period examined (Ohapter 620, Laws Fishers Island Ferry' Oistrict Town of Southold Annual Budget for 1960 P~rpose, Maintence Depreciation ~nd Amortizal~ion Transportation Ciasualties d~neral Insurance Operating Rents ~&rport Expenses Movie Theatre Taxes and Assesmmente - City of New London, Total Appropriations I~ss Estimated Revennes Taxes to be Levied Financial Records $13,500.00 12,000.00 6,6!~5.00 1,1%0. O0 ll,? 50.00 11,2~.35 84,017.00 9 ~513.54 1,325.00 1,4 .o6 $152,639.95 116,184.00 $ 36,455.95 The ferry district accounts are maintained in accordance with a uniform eystem prescribed by' the Interstate Commerce Com~is~ion. These records are ~'~intained by the manager of the district and are audited by private accountants. The Supervisor-Treasurer maintains separate cash records. Fishers Island Ferry District Town of Southold ~ceipts an~ Payments Except as hereinafter state,d, all moneys determined to have been received were properly recorded and accc~.mted for and disbursemez~s were made in accord- ~nce with statutory requirements. Pai~uents were ~mde to Fishers Island Telephone Corporation~ Fishers Island Electric Corpora'bion and Fishers Island Farms, Incor~oorated, for telephone, electric a~i water services. As the .chairman of the ferry district is ~n officer in these core,orations, there, is a conflict of interest even thou~a he at, stained from voting on the approval of such bills for payment. li~ an Opinion of the State Compt.~ File 1217, April 2~, 1946~ it was held that an officer of a municipality should not be personally interested, directly or :indirectly, in any contract 'l~lth tim municipality in which he holds office. Cmneral Comments Ferry district ~'~neys were deposited in a c~tstrict account maintained in a New London~ Connecticut bank. These fur~ds were withdrawn by check made payable to the supervisor and signed by the manager o£ the district. Section 6 of Chapter 82, L~ws of 1950 provides that all ~one~-s received fr~m ferriage c,harges shall be deposited in banks designated by the supervisor mhd to the credit of such saper'.~isor. As stated in the previous :report of examination, the ;~aintenance of a disirict acCount subject to witli~drawal by persons other than the supervisor is ~ithout legal authority. Fishers Island Ferry District Town of Southold S CHEDU L~', 1 SUM~ARY OF B~LANCES~ RECEIPTS ~ND Pf~Y~NTS IN CUSTODY 0~ SUPERVISOR-TREASURER FROM JANUARY ~, 1958 to DECEMBER 31, 1960 Balance january 1, 1958 Receipts 1958 Total Balance a~%d Receipts Payments 1958 ~=nce December ~ 1958 Receipts 195~ Tota: Balance and Receipts Payments 1959 Bmlauce December 31, 1959 Receipts 1~60 Total1 Balance and Receipts Payments 1960 Balance December 31, 1960 $ 78,88h.05 156~668.8~ 2:8,527.25 $ :7,o25.6~ :74,~55.48 $191,181.12 ~h6,725.~7 $~,455.75 176,8~.13 $221,299.88 60,958.49* * Does not include $898.7~ December 1960 receipts transmitted by manager December 28, 1960 ~ut recorded ~nd de osited in January, 1961. Fishers Island Ferry District Town of $outhold SC~KEDULE 2 ~DMCiLIATION OF CASH BALANCES Cash Balance(Schednle 1) Accounted for as followaI Cash in Banks OF SU 2ER~SOR-TREASURER WITH CASH IN B~NKS A~, ON HAND AT CLOSE OF B~SIN~ DEC~D3ER 31, 19~ Ba~ce Valley National Rank of L. I. Greenport, N. Y. Germral Social Security Eiorth For~k Bar~ smd Trust Co. Greenpor%, N. Y. Federal Withholding N. Y. State Withholding Total Net Cash in Baraks Cash on Hand (Deposited 1/3/61 $ 8.03 ¥~/~ 50.~ ~/~/~l Total Cash in Banks and on Haud (a) Verified l¥om Certificates of deposi~ries $61,4? O. 24 61.~7 15~.55 10.50 Checks Outstanding $80~.7~ $60.~ Net Balance $6o, 666.49 61.$7 10.50 $60,8~8.11 Fishers Island Ferry District Town of Southold SCHEDULE 3 SUMMARY OF ~At. ANCES, RECEIPTS -~ND P~L~L~TS IN cuSTODY OF i~NAG~ Balance January 1, 1958 Receipts 1958 Total Balance and Receipts Payments to Supervisor 195!3 ~alance December 31, 1958 Receipts 1959 Total ~al~ce and Receipts Payments to Supervisor. 1959 Bal~ ce December 31~ 1759 Receipts 1960 Total Balance and Receipts Payments to Supervisor 19~O Balance December 31, 1960 $ 885.23 120,250.O1 $121,135.24 319,337.57 $ 1,7!~7.67 135,586.98 $137,384.65 134,765.49 $ 2,619.16 137,548.23 $140,176.39 138~953.57 $ 1,213.82 Fishers Island Ferry District To~ of Soutbold RECONCTLL\TI%! Of' CASH !?,~LANCES o~' MANAGER WIT~ CAS~ IN PA~{ AND ~l~ AT OLgSE OF BUSI?~ESS DECEM~!ER 31~ Balance (Schedule 3) AcCompanied for as follows: Cash in Bank P~nk Hartford National Bm]k New London~ Conn. Total Net Cash in Bank Cash on H,.mud (Deposited 1/3/61) P~tty Cash Fund Change ~nd Total Cash in Bank and on Hmgd Balance · (a) Verifiea from certificates of Depositary Checks Outstanding $2,~.~2a.16 $1,213.82 Net Balance ~ 671.06 i~ 671.06 $ 385.03 20.00 137.73 $1,213.82 Certification I, FR~DE]~iCK i',. ~ANDS, JR., ,do h~:,~reby certify that I am an Explainer in the New '~ork State Department of Audit and Control; that pursuant to law I have ma~e an ez~m~n~tion of th~ ,~ocott~ts and Fiscal Affairs of FiS~S ISIAN'D F~REY DISTRICT, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk; that I ha'~e read the Foregoing report of such ex,,~m~ination and t?~at the same is true to the best of ~ knowledge~ irtformation and belief. Examiner of Municipal Affairs