HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUD£r~ BILLS C~AP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD neral Sills To the S~pervisor of the Tow~ of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down ODDO~i~ their respective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ............ 9th ...... day of .............. DeCOr. 19~ on Claims No .................. to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATLrR~OP CLATNI ~.~ 47,7 %'~-~" David S. Walker '~/'~% J?/J ~ J,.~ Wendell B. Tabor ~arle~ ~cker Assessor Mtg. Expanse-Bay Constable Wash Police Cars Professional Services Expense-Senior Citizens Bldg. " Convention- lnsp. Box ~ent-Tax Receiver Expenae-Bupervisor A. R. Grebe Lawrence 1vi.. Tut. hill " Bd. of Apgeals " Planning ~d. Engineering Services Louis Jaeqer & Son ~1~1 Lademann Elec. McMann Price Agency (Ch:rles Greenblatt Flag-Supervisor Electric Service-Town Off. Xnaurance Supplies-Police Lawyer* s Cooperative Pub. Co. -Law Books-ToWn Attorne~ P'k~ltu~k Hlak~.i~al Co¢. Semi-A~ual Allo~ ~nneweta Pond Assoc. ~Dredging ~tth~ ~er ]Supplies-E. Per~ ~rdl Colu~a Rlb~n & 8u~ly ~o.-8upp~ies-~. of Apple $ 5 O0 5 O0 4 O0 94 00 154 O0 50 ~8 18 ~3 }o 10 ~9 24 ~0 26 ~0 193 O0 13 ~8 15 ~0 26 ~8 252 O0 9 O0 79 25 47 40 Oo 475 ~0 12 !0 DATE Ol~ PAY1VLENT P,%GE NO ................. Warrant No To SUPEi%VI$OI% TO PAY AI/Di.r~a3 BILLS C~IAp. f:3~ LAWS O~' 1932, St~. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2) TO the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followi~q~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ~.h. ......... day of ............ DeC~m]:)er. ..... 1~9. on Claims No .................. to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. Pitney-t~w~s Inc. Publishing Co. " " //~Cab~a Centzal $tore Uniform Co., Inc. WilliamPOn r~w ~o~ Co. ~u's Service Station Flag-Town Office Bd. of Appeals-73.43 Pro~ensional Services # Service-Highway 'Maps-ate-Assessors 8upplies-Bd. of Appeals AllellOrS " Bldg. Dept. Expense-Supervisor " Town Clerk " Town Trustees " vblice Supplies-Police I~ube-Police Supplies-Police Service-Police Cars Mobil Oil Corp. Gasoline-A. Martocchia M~b£1 Oil Corp. " Police Produc~s ~ Supplies- " Hart Hardware & Garden center-Supplies-Police Bldg. 68 80 81 92 186 00 ~ 200 00 194 O0 153 00./, 88 20 8 00~ 4 ~6 4 00 9 58 2 89 1 78' 14 74 40 55 181 28 26 [63 6 43 216 95 22 88 351 84 DATE Ol= PAYi~ENT Wan*ant No ......................... To SUP]~i%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'tau3 BITJ.~ CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed tm pay the followiD~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their resDective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~n Board of Southold on the ............ 9t~, ...... day of ............. ]~(:e~:}~'...., 19..~9on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ,ye ~?~-~ ,~ :~ O'Keefe Chev-Olds Inc. ~v, ~?o~ ?&,,~ Southold Lumber Co. NATUI%E OF CLATNI Expanse-Police Cars Bupplias-Bay Constable /'Tx/ ~?,>~' F% ~,, East ~ad Supply Co. Don Hume Leather (k~ds Cutchogua Diner KaelinSs Service Center Supplies-Police Prisoners Meals Tires-Police Caleb V. Smith & Son, Inc. Uniforms-Police ~Humble 0il & Refining Co. ~as-Supervisor . ,, . N " Bay Constable Utility Co. /967 L.I. Lighting Co. WaysideMarkat Village of Greenport Cliff Tylers Garage i~L.I. Traveler Inc. . u . " ,, . ('~e Suffolk ~ekly Times lat. Lts.-l14.36 'Supplies-Town Office Electricity Expense-Bdg. Insp. Car Supplies-Assessors Notice-Sd. of Appea~s " Trailer Park Zoning Rds. on Corey Hill Pk. " Orient-E.Marion [Notice-Town Clerk [" Trailer Park Zoning AMOUNT ALLOWED $ 19 80 95 5 O8 9 00 4 28 35 00 1679 60 5 80 23 O1 13 40 5 O0 224 64 2 12 47 16 33 40 12 50 3O O2 11 78 23 75 22 94 33 82 Dist.i i 30 97 i 10 07 ~ 21 47 DATE Ol· PAYiVfEI~C PAGE 31'0 ................. To S~VlSOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dh'ected to Day the following named persons, the amount~ set down opposite theh- respective n~rne.~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audi/~ of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... .9//;h ........... day of .............. D~ce~o~r ..... 19..6.9on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATURE OF CLA~VI ,'~7-~ j~,~ ~<~ ~toward M. Tarry Postage-Bldg. Inspector Albert w. Richmond Expense-Town Clerk /~7~ .~77~ ?-~ ~orris Cesspool Sarvice Sarvice Mobil Oil Co. Edward Ehrbar Inc. Sovthold Fuel Oil Co. Rolls Bros. Mobil Diesel-Dumm EX,Shem-Highway (P.W.) Fuel-Highway Offices Sales & Service-Expense-Parks & Beaches ~-mo Ed Lade=ann Electric ~g"~ ~attituck Iron Works ~o fThe Suffolk Weekly Times Service-Hiqhwa¥ Bldq. ~pense-Dump Notices-ed. of Appeals " R~s. on Corey Hill Subscription-Supervisor ~ew York Telephone Co. ~-~ Tryac Truck & F~uip. Co. /-~ Goldsmith & Tuthill 2600-Police 0656- " 3660-Ctvil Defense 3783-Town Clerk 2660-Bldg. Inspector 4111-Justice Surer 3020-Assessors 1580-Justica Clark 0550-Supervisor $022-Police ~a~'Police !Expense-Assessor Car i Fuel Oil-Town Office w- ~o iAdirond&ck Chair Co. i Furniture-Sup'r. Office AMOUI~T ALLOWED 3 78 19 05 30 O0 118 44 87 12 77 97 8 80 129 50 27 74 l 21 66 : 5 iO0 55 ~00) 9 27 65 25 15 26 80 43 iO0 48 [70 38 [20 9 165 i 55 83 ~0 e PAOE NO ................. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDIT~ BILLS C~IAP. 634 LetWS OF 1932, APT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF SOUTHOLD BILLS (~) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down olyposlte their respective na~ne~ oat of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~ ............. day of ..... DOC.e~'° ........... , 19~9 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc.. now on file in my office. C~BgCKI BUDGE~ I ,'~?'Y A7£-~ ~; Edna R. Angell ~ ~?~3 /~) Fleet Luatber Inc. ~l~nse-Sul~rvimor's 0~. /~q,? ~Z~¢ /~ J¥ ~old£n Furniture Co., Xnc. " ~ * Academy Printing En~erprises, Inc.-Supplies-Town Cle3 Walter F. P~wland ~pen~e-Pol~e Cars Washington*~lita~m Sons Supplies-W~. Janui~k Cliff Tyler's Garage A. R. Bunas L.I. Fire Equip. CO. ~Dense-Polica Bay Conm~able-$40.00 Police-S69.75 Service-P~lice Prisoners Mm&Is Expenme-Police Expense-Chief of Police Conference Xrving Hardware Co. National Safety Council Kouros Camera Shod Supplies-Police Membermhip Photo Service-Police Fed. Sign & Signal Corp. R~d light Frederick C. Schul~e Expen~e-Police Carm John G. Hansen, M.D. Professional Services Aqueduct Books Books-Police ,,-~;7 R~oo £~,c.. ar, Bas& End Supply Co.,Inc. Supplies-Police Hart Hardware &Garden Center " " IBertha Widirstky Matron Service !Adam Johnson Expense-Dog Warden $ 6 55 116 84 950 O0 'k 43 75 4 60 ~ 5O is po 109 ~5 82 ~0 24 !17 84 18 28 ~5 989 ~5 ~9 ~o 36 ~7 531 ~4 49 ~5 20 ~0 20 ~5 DA~ O~ PAYkM~[~qT Warrant NO ......................... TO S[J~E~VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~D BILLS C~AP. 634 L~WS OF 1932, AP~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervhsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the smount~ set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... 9th ........ day of .............. ]~e.C~.l~...., 1~,9. on Claim~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CcHECK ] BUDGET NO. OR ~ NO. ACCOUNT o~o%7 ¢~_~o ~ulf Oil Co. ,~o.s-~-a~ McCabes Central Store ~J ~ Lou's Service Station NATUi~E OP ~e-~. J~nu ~ck Supplies-POlice Police cars-275.51 Dog ~l~rden-88.98 77 ~3 81 37 15 ~4 364 49 pAY1VIENT J ~ Tappert's Bookshop ?x,~ ~:, A. John Oada ,~.~o Wm. E. Zitek, D.V.~. Ted's Auto Body 8hop Oscar Ooldin Mobil Oil Corp. Southold Hardware Tryac Truck & Equip. Co. North Fork Wrecking Co. /~'~4 ~?//o ,~' S~andard Linen Service Barbara C. Dittmann Orlowski's Store Martin Surer The Suffobk Weekly times ~? 3,, ~"N.Y. TeLephone Co. ~,~-~[ Peconic Air Service Inc. Supplies-Supervisor Expense-Constable-Nov. 11 44 2~ $2 Professional Services-Nov. 194 50 Expense-Po 1 ice File-Justice Suter Diesel-Dump Supervisor Office 7.95 , Expense-Bay Constable 2.38 Towel Serviee S~rvtc~--H~artng8 Supplies-Justice Suter Expense-Justice Notice-Sd. of Appeals [3020-A-sessors [3783-Town Clerk 4111-Justice Suter [2660-H. Terry Crebe & Doyen - ~ishers Island 242 ~4 32 ~0 17 ~1 10 ~3 25 35 19 20 5 ~5 118 20 16 91 18 43 4.~ 7'~ 32 70 33 26 50 60 00 Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'/'~u COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n2mnes ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tov~ Board of Southold on the ....... 9.th ............ day of ...... ~e~l%~e~' .......... , 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. '0~ OTHER. NAME ACOOU1Tr ~ ~,.. Southold Pharmacy Inc. ~ 3o N.Y. Telephone Co. ~.~ ~,- IBM Corp. P~ Jo ~arles Greenblatt Southold Lumber Co. Rev. John Howard Sunrise Coach Lines, Char les Tucker Louis Oemarest /,:~ AP'J.3' ! ~,~ Photocopy ]k~uip. Co. ~.<s -~- 3 ~ ~American Photocopy ~luip, Co. ,Z~' ,~..3,/ Mcl',b, nn Price A~enc¥ NATUPoE OF CLA~ Supplies-POlice $ 2600-Police Supp~ies-Police Plywood-Bay Constable Expense-Narcotics Conference Inc. Service '~olice-$ 46.00 Bay Constable-S3.50 Expenses Justice super stat - Southold office super stat - Greenpozt office ,8,734 AIVIOUNT 5 38 380 85 36 O0 107 65 16 O0 29 70 600 O0 49 150 309 102 §37 637 00 DATE O~ pAYMENT PA~E NO ........ 7.~ ...... NO. Warran~ No ......................... To sUPErVISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~a~ B~LS CHAp. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (1) only To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts ~pe~ified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the T~vn Board ~f Southold on the ...~..~...~. ...... day of ............ '~--- -~-~,~r ..... 19.69on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BLrD~ET ~ AMOUNT Ok OTHER NAM~E NATLq%E OP CLA~Vi NO, ACCOUNT ALf~'ED ~.I. Li tinq ~any H s-w ~reenpOrZ " ' Mattituck %2 .... MattiCuck ~2 87 6o 8~ 60 Filherl Xmlmnd Sic. Corp. Filhess Is. Sept. 173 # " Oct.I 173 St. Lights-Welt Green~rt L42 66 3O DATE PAYi~ENT 1 only NO. Warrant NO ......................... To SO-PE~ViSOR TO PAY AUD£'r~J.~ BILLS SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD District Bills (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nm~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 9.th .......... day of .............. ~C.~ 19~ on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ? i~rsh & Mc~rmon Inc. /# # # # Ray~h~on~t~. Co. Dick's ~rags · leinman & ~nabis B & R ~toro, Xnc. Dart & ~gue N~n~y NATLrRE OF CLA3~V~ Fishers Island Utility Co, Utilities to 10/31/69 Auto Insurancs Fire " Radar Maintenance Work-Fork Lift Accounting Material-MYSTIC ISLE Damage to Panels Bid Notice Main~enanee Duo1 ica tea-Drawings Purser's Supplies Assoc. Capit~l Servicss~R~dio Equl~ent Thames Shipyard & Repair Generator-OLZNl~ County Business Machines Maintenance AMOU-RT DAT~ el~ ALLOWED I PAYMENT 49 O0 600 00 74 00 21 45 300 00 52 ~0 ~0 ~0 84 ~l 58 50 John App~lt Spicer Fuel Co. ~ Walter F. ~riffin Ray~ond F. Doyen Stephan Morel1 Richard V. Foyle ~lly ~ondl ~ence S. ~l~in Alf=~ S. Bi~nel~ ?AGE NO ...... 1, .onLy · a~o~x~mh Services Petty ~lh T~bor & Y-tarial Fuel-Ferries Mail Haulage Commissioners Mtgs. Operation of Mystic Xsle 135 O0 6 00 40 is 565 ~0 115 pO 50.00 60 00 20 !00 $0 ° Warrant No .... 1;~,, ................ To S~VISO~ TO PAY AUDrr~J~ BILLS SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGH~AY DEPAI~ENT BILLS Page ,,,1,, o£ .3. Pages To the s~rvl~or of the Town of South*Id: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the TO~m Board of Southold on the ..... .9.~.h. .............. day of ...... Decemb~x'.s ............ , 19.69 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACCOUNT [ ', ~ 263. Local Steel & Supply NATUR~ OF CLAIM Sign Dos~s C~lvert Pipe AMOU'N~ 12375 102 96 DATE OF '-'%~/~7 # 964, # 265. # 266, # 267. I# 2680 269, 270, # 271o # 272, # 2730 # 274, 2ap{~ol ~tghwny ~ato~qal~ Tnc~ tobtl Oil Corp, Asphalts~ Inco Fishers Island Utility Co. Inco ~ul£ Oil Company US Chemun~ Supply Corpo ~obll Oil Corp~ L, I, Ice & Fuel Corp. lds~th & Tuthill ~oldsr~th ~ Tuthill ~._2T~.....~obtl..Otl_Corpo # 2760 Mobil Oil Corpo 277, Fleet Lumber Co~ 278° ~outhold Lumber Co° lac, 279° Southold Lumber Coo 280. tason Asphalt 281. lason Asphalt Inco 282o Rason Asphalt Inco 283o Rason Asphalt Inc, ---~Lumber H!ghwas~s Gaso3~ne Asphalt~R_oad Materials Antt-f~xeze Gasoline Guard~{! Otj_ & A~ti-~reeze ~m~a ~o~n~ ..... Diesel fuel Gasoline Lumber L~ber L~ber ~ld ~ ~o~ Patch ~ld ~ T~p patch ~ld & Top pat~ ~ld a Top patch 907 297 $66 19 ~4 67 40 043 [PS $0 04 64 /5 51 iO 38 b0 $0_~6 718 ~4 268 I1 2o 59 94 111 ~0 422 [0 217 80 PA~E NO ...... ~Y ......... 12. To SUPEI%VI$OI~ TO PAY AUDIT~.~ To the Supervisor of the Tovrn of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HXGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS Page 2o of 3._~. Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsames out of the accounts specified, being the amoun~ allowed by audit of the To~m Board of Southold on the .......... ,9.~ ......... day of ...... D¢.ce~e~, ............ 19. ~.9, on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, ~CK ~ P, UDGET ! 01~ OTP~R i NA1V~ NO. ACCOU~ ' IM&~ho ~ 228. National Chemsea~ch ~ 230. Suffolk Tt~e Shop ~3W ~[~ 23~lat ~d Sup~l~ ~, t ~ 232. # 233° 234° 235o 236o 2370 2380 2390 240. 243° 244° 2460 2500 East End Supply Co. InCo Mattituck Auto Parts North Shore Brake Service, Inc, Penn Glass o£ Rtverhead, Inco Lo I0 Carburetor Coo Associates Capital ServoCorp~ Hansens Garage Snap-on Tools Corp~ Snap-on Tools Corp. Joseph J. Krelger Inc~ R£verhead Auto Paets~ InCo Rand-MacMurray Inco Rolle Broso Sales & Service In~ Tryac Truck & ~quipment COoi~C ITryac Truck & Equip~ent Cool~: __ Municipal Machinery Co. InCo Municipal Machinery Co, Inco George Malvese & Co° InCo iGeorge Malvese & Co° InCo ivan Dyck & Yousik, Inco PA~B I¢O .... ~.,, .......... ~A~JI%E OP CLA~ Thread-Eze Bombs Supplies, Oxygen & Acetylene Parts Sparkp~_u_gs Parts Repa~ parts Repairs & parts Replace wlndshteld Repair parts Payment radio leases Inspection of vehlcles Small tools Small tools Repair pump & parts Repair parts Seal Repair_Parts Repairs a parts Used 1966 Intl°Cab & (~assis Repair parts Air freight charges Broom refills & parts Broom refills & parts Tires & tubes 83 100 150 45 20 32 124 20 44 00 208 !40 24 i93 80 181 4 07 44 [ 27 6 lO0 77 ! 24 19185 1,476120 216 [33 49101 30184 708 91 2,800100 43110 25]00 1~002!68 397,94 265 12 29 24 DATE OF PAYMENT Warrant No ...... %*~ ............... To S0~FEI~VTSOI~ TO PAY AUDrr~ C~IAP. CI4 LAW~ ~ 19~2, A~T, ~, S~. 120 TO the S~or of the T~ of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN SOUTHOLD HI~IWAY DBPARTMIINT BILLS Page 3, o£ 3, Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being tile amounts allowed by audit of the Team tloard Of Southold on the .... .9,~ ............... day of ........ D.~c~!l~.rs ........... 1~.. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. # 319, NA-~ Mattituck Iro~ Works 320. Gulf Oil ~orp. US 331. West ~bXishing ~. . 3320 !Wxlbur Co ~vall 333e W~h!~ion W~tes Sons 334. Southold Hardware 335. Southold Hardware NATUP~ OF CL~ El ec_t_r~c~co rds Misc. hardware items Welding~ iron work & supplies i Lodgiqg Hart Hardware & Garden Center Bond Unifom Supply Co, Janet Mo Kehl Mrs. ~ary Zeneski Raymoflfl C, Dean ~Ralph Wp Sterling N~w York Telephone New York Telephone Co, Greenoort Yacht & Shivbld_~_ Misc. hardware items Services .Part time clerk Leaae~roperty for drainage Lunch Supplies &bulbs Services 734-5211 Services 765-3140 ~ iro~ # 336~__W.~_l_bur S. Petty # 337° Mutual S~_~el Co, Munlc~al' Machiner~ # 338. .... Coolnc , # 339.[Xerox # 340.1Xerox Corp, Pocket pa£ts ReDt__bu~_dj~ Mts~_hardwa__re items MiSCo hardware items NL{sc, hardware items Suool!es P~ilw~sho_eS~ nose pieces Fr_a~_e_fQr_s~ow plow Basic charze for Nov~ber Basic ch~.~ Deco · Usage 50 15 714 61 124 [92 30 ~8 62 95 40 xso Ioo 5 68 191 27 20 120 3 iso 8 [50 20 i00 360 37 188 49 133 36 [07 8_6_L6_6 DA~ OF 564 !96 750 25!00 /~/ 136 [44 j. ............ ....... NO. Warrant NO ......................... To StrPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDEA'~U C~IAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF SOUTHOLD GZN I AL BZLLS (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts ~l~ecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~n Board of Southold on the ......... 6.~1 .......... day of ... Nov.~ltb~r ............. , 1969 on Clain~ No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ $ ~ 90 Howard M. Terry NA~ OF CLAIM lease of boat-Assessors Expense-Conference 100 00 74 10 ~ -30 Sherrill B. Pe~berton David E. Walker Augustus ~ralle Mrs. Edna A. Brown Wendell B. Tabor A. R. ~rebe Williawaon Law Book Co. Sign Painted-Town Clerk Assessor Meeting Expense-Planning Board Supplies-E. Perry Edwards Supplies-Town Clerk Docket-Justice Clark Cleaves l~ost ~8$=-Rental-Just~k~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ Littlefield-Alger Signal L.I. Liqhting Company Fishers Is. Utility L.Z. Traveler Inc. Co.-Signal Lights Lights- Leased Lines-Sept. Notice-Ed. of Bond P. esolution Notice-Zoning Supplies-Bl~g. Inspector # Justice Surer 65 00 5500 00 5 00 5 00 13 00 12 50 54i 00 200 O0 138 63 7~ 05 16~ 96 5j oo 231 37 l~ 76 33 85 57 15 S 9 Warrflnt No ......................... To SUPF/%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~ BILI~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BXm.,S (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amount~ allowed by audit of the Town Board id Southold on the ......... ~h ......... day of .......... NO.V~!~ ....... 19.6.9 on Clalm.~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CI-~CK BUDGET OR ~ NAM~ NO. ACCOLrlTT ~- 3o Alex Auto Service ~:3o M~o~beA Centr81 Store ABC Business Machines Mobil Oil Co. -Humble Oil & R~fiminq Co. Pitney-Bowes Xnc. Clement W. Booth ~a~ VanDyck & Yousik Inc. /~o I Village of Greenport /-,~o " Standard Linen Service iL.l. Traveler Inc. The Suffolk Weekly Times X~KXXXX~XXXXXX~OKXXXX~XXX, NATI/R~ Ol~ CLAIi~ Expense-Supervisor Insgection of Roads Mildred Chapman Office Expense Albert W. Richmond , '* " Supplied-Supervisor Gasoline-Supervisor Rental-StamD Machine Expense-Advisory Council " Supervisor Car Water Electricity Towels-Office Notice-Cutch-New Surf. Park " Pre. Budget x xxxxxx .x xxxx " Md. of A~peals # Zoninq " Cutch-New Surf. Perk 22 04 18 62 98 2!~ 64 3~ 72 ~ 401 25i69 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUFE~VISOR TO PAY AUD£,r~D CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts ~pecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 6th ........... day of .............. Noventber .... 19.6.9 on Clain~ No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACCOUNT NAME NATURI~ OP CLAINi /New York Telephone Com~ny 6675-Town Dump " " " 602~-~ollLce " " " 3660~-,Civil Defense ~ _6o 0550-Supervisor 1580-Justice Clark 3020-Assessors 4111-Justice Suter ,~37 3783-Town Clerk 2660-Bldg, Inspector 2600-Police Road Inspection Rxpe~ee-~hief of Police " Police Dog Warden-;8.00 . Bay Constahle-16.0C Mileage-Constable Professional SErvices P~isone~s l~als Gerald King " " O'Keefe Chev-Olds Inc. Expense-Police Care tAcademy Printing Supplies-Police Partner Industries of America Inc.-Supplies-Police IBM Corp. J Supplies-Police ~ 11 65 48 15 10 10 45 35 7 41 I 24 al DATE el~ PAYMENT 25 90 70 30 50j O0 , 84 ss! 24920000 ~ ,/&,c c 12~60 52]00 27!71 2160 14150 4[50 370i00 491~5 91,63 9; 54 Warrant No ......................... To S0~PE~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. ~o34 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOID To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down OlYpOSlts their respective nm-nas out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 6~h ............. day of ...... Nove~r ........... , 1~9. on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NA'ru~,g OP CLAI~I GuLf Oil Co, Inc. Lifeco ~aCtituck Auto Par~s Vanl~ck & Youa£k Inc. Hen~ Santac~ce Fa~ot, Inc, Inter~ion~l Vail Bros. Inc. ~nbar-~unn Corp. Ho~rd ~. Terry ~bil Oil Co. Lt. ~niel Winters Hen~ 8tepnoski ~sociation of Peconic Air Service Cliff ~ler's ~ra~e ~s Cen~al Gasoline-Police ~e~mot & 8hield-H. ~xpenee-Police # # Supplies- Police # # # Terry Supplies- P~li~ of Chiefe of ~olice- Wash Police Cars Supplies-Police Exp~nse-B~dg, Znspeckor Gas-Dump Expenee-Seminar Exp~nee-$chool ,Dues-1970 Plane-Terry a Grebe Repairs-H. Terry Car Suppliea-Bd. of Apical& Lt~t - J~tice Clar~s office ~e ~ lat. 4*98 44 29 45 6 70 385 72 199 08 4 26 ,00 733 22 O0 55 150 10 O0 h;4 15 28 81 ]90 i si 250[ 00 801 00 76! 42 7 84 DATE PAYM~N~ PAC~E I~0. 4. NO. Warrant NO ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY ALrD~T~ C~-IAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, A~,T. 8, SEC. I20 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD uXLM (~) To the SupervLsor o! the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesite their respective n2me~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f S~uthold on the ........ 2.5.~ ......... day o~ ........ ~.~r .......... i~. o~ c~aim~ ~o ................... to ~o ................... ~.. ,o~ o~ ,l~ ~ ~y omoe. NO. ACCOUNT - . lla~"l. (:aah aeqie~r Co. NATURE OP CLA~ ~*.Z. U'~LXXC¥ 0o., Xn~. 'Am off vuter-'ftmit4r Jog®ph L. PJub Co. 20th Century f~lmo-~heet~e 74 O0 74 T3 SO 12 SO 32 ioo 12 SO , 19 26 SI !SO 36 75 S ~00 1.2 663 j00 205 189 99 103 [40 65 17S lO O0 61 go 133 65 1.41 O0 8 SI [0 1-5[ 0 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SU~PEI~VISOR ~O PAY AUDi'r~;L~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Hapervl~or of the Town of $outhold: You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppcsite their respective names oui of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tc~m Board ~f Southold on the .... 25~ ............ day of ............. ~g~...., 1~9. on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. CT-IECK I BUDGET ~OR OTHER NO. ACCO~ NJkiVIE ~ NATUR~ OF CLA~L~ Jan {% ffl~ll Pl ' '""~' { '"'9--Rl.I~3. S0 ~ueX-~erri# Al~ h~vio~Jolm lervieeo-~uotod~al · tda'e I~el & Iorv. ftatio~ Pmr~s for For~ Mft-F.l. A. John e~dso $ 152 90 9675 O0 7S3 60 24 00 l%S O0 20!00 132 O0 4!95 48 9O DATE 01~ PAYiVIEN~ ,/~1~ Warrant No ..... 11. ................ To SU'PE~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED C~IAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, Ai~,T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the ~u~perv~sor of the Town of South*Id: !~1~ ~ 4~ ~ P~ You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~$ ............... day of .......... ~, ........ , 19~/~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. OP-, CrI'HEt:~ NAMe: NO. ACCOUNT NA~E OF CLAL~ Vms %~g, AdditiVOO~ ere, MO. Pimiento hlaad U~LILty OD. %ms, Otdmlim, mo~ofe/l ~4~, I~d~ll Oil M3. (bLf Oil 0o. Meed Putt aS4, AMOD'NT AL,DOW'ED %Q~, 1S DATE O~ PAYMENT PAGE NO ................. Warrant No. , ~1~ .................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITaUJ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the $~zpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts sPecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board cg Southold on the . ................ ~ ....... day of ........ ~ ......... , 19.~ on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. wilbur So Petty :los. ~ lhffform Supply tepdr peris boy plow M~ 8# 3 ~5 NO. Warrant No ......................... To S~P~V/SON, TO PAY AUD£.rr~ C~AP. ~4 Y~P, WS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD LIGHT DISTRICTS (1) only To the S~pervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named ~ersons, the amounts set down opD~site their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the ToWn Board of Southold on the ..... 6.'C~h .............. day of ................ NO~'~[~.~..., 19~ on Clailn~ No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. OR ~ NAlV~ NO. ACCOUNT / L.Z. Liqhtinq Company AMOUNT NATUR~ OP CL~ ALLOWED St. L£qhts-Orient $ 333 20 # " F~lt ~rion 252 65 DATE O~ PAYMI~YT " " Greenport B-W # " Southold # " Peconic " " Cutchogue " " Mattituck ~1 253 40 841 163 208 165 917 160 929 37 87 60 ( .~ Village of Greenport ¥ill&~ ~f Welt 142 !30 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~ CPIAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. AI%T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Sul~rvh~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their resgective names out of the accounts specified, bein~ the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board uf Southold on the ....... 7.~h ............ day of ....... 0ce~]~R ........... , 1969 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CT~CK I BUDGET OR ~ 1%o. I ACCOUNT Wendell B. Tabor Edna A. Brown NATUR~ OF CLAINI Road Inspection Aoaessor Meeting 50 O0 ) 100 00 25 00 t 100 00 5 O0 5L O0 DATE OF PAYI~ENT Augustus Garelle ' " 5 00 Serge Doyen, Jr. Expense-Ed. of Appeals 13 O0 ! --' -x xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx ' x xxxxxxxx xl ~Li[ /_~ Peeler's Floor Service " Town Offices ~i /-.~ Standard Linen Service Towels- " " z~4 ~ ~ ~Fishere Xs. Utility Cot ~Ti~eased Lines-Sept. Utilities-July & Aug. 95.46 Lights-90.97 Supplies-Tax Receiver Bids-Gasoline Notice-Bd. of Appeals Dredging VanDyck & Youeik Xnc. Bldg. Xnep. Car 2el os 5] 75 5i00 43i 76 186 43 766 54 9 86 11 4?5 Cutcho~ue-New Suffolk Hts~:. Council-2nd half Allotment 500! Bxpenae-Dump I Supplies-Parks a Beaches , " Dump ~- ~' (Edward Ehrbar Xnc. ~ ~ Tryst Truck & E~uip. ~/~ ~' Agway 4O 36i 74 O0 25126 45! 09 351 45 Warrant NO ......................... To SUPF~VISOR TO PAY AUDIT~ BILL~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, AI~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENZ AL Xt. S (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective narne.q out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 7.~h ............ day of ......... 0/~.t~]~l~ .......... , 19.6..9. on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR (YrHER NO. ACCOUNT iNTA'ruR~ OF CLA/N[ ~?~ ~ ~( Barbara C. Dit*mmnn Town Bd. Hearings ~Yg g-&' Martin Surer, Town Justics~Dense-Conference J~77 ~/~-~,~ Wmshinq~n*~its'a Bone Bupplies-Parks & Beaches NY~ Dept. of Labor XnsDection of B&iler-H'way Southold Fuel Oil Co. Mobilhest-H'way & Police AcademY Printing Enternrises, Xnc.-BunDlies-BuD'ro ~M~Cabes Central Store ~eneral Electric Co. Supplies-Supervisor " Police Sup'r. Off. Repair Air Con~itlonsr /L.I. Traveler Inc. · x~enee-Town Clerk Supplies-Police " B~. of Appeals Supplies-Assessors Ex~ense-Police-255.10 Lou~e Service Station " r,.og ~=~.~o Photocrsfts Shops ~ ~" ~reanDort Auto Bales Center Morichee Ps,er Co. ~u~f Oil Co. Hulsee Service Station Mattituck Auto Parts Film-Police Expense-Police Cars " Police ~ars " POlice Gaso~ine-Wm. Januick Bay Conetable-l.15 Dog Warden-4.00 P~pense-Polics $ 50 00 162 80 3 50 10 00 47 10 22 30 4i 45 ?~ 25 14i 30 19] O0 16i 45 14! 45 iii 97 56[ 80 280 45 24 25 Il! ~5 68i 50 15i 50 50] 12 5[ 35 41 48 DATE OP PAYMmlNT PAGE NO.. 2. Warrant No ......................... To S0~PI~I~VISOI~ TO PAY AD-DITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the St~pervi~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named 9arsons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names ou$ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board o~ Southold on the ..... 7.~ .............. day of .............. I~to~r ..... , 1969 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. /~,~o ~V~nDyck & Yousik,, Inc. 7 o~0o ~4 Ex. erisa-Police Partner Xnduatries o£ A~erica Xnc.-Suoglies-Police All. trion ~r~ne Xnc. ~&LL Co~unicationa, · xpense-Bay Constable ~ay Constable-8.00 Dog W~ rd~n-4. O0 PO1 ice $ 62 96 47 22 54 48 12 O0 52 25 DATE OF PAY"AA~INT WilliamRon Law Book Xnc. Supplies-Police Bowl-Hi Pro Shop " Standard Railway Fusee Corp.- Rive~he&d Auto Parts, Xnc. ~nse-Police A. John ~ada Mileage-Constable Kouros Camera Shop (~obil Oil Co. INiY' TelephOne COmpanY.." ,, . . Cliff Tyler ' B ~e~on~c 8ou~ld Lu~ I.D. Cards-Police Caloline-Dump Dog Warden-19.38 Police-709.78 Bay Coutable-18.80 Alaealora-6.! Parkl & Beachea-l.90 Bl~g. ~pt.-9.10 0550-Supervisor 1580-Justice Clark 667S-Dump 0656-Police 5O 35 54 20 59i 28 8[ 27 4j O0 1911 10 0 I 765156 63 70 7 6O 10~ 45 55~ O0 67i 20 91i ~5 160[ O0 781 31 118.68 NO. Warrant NO ......................... TO S~IPE~VISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~z~ BILLS CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, AI%T. 8, S~C. ltl0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppasite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board o/Southold on the ..... 7~h ............. day of ............... 0~tO]D~r ...... 19.6~) on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CH]gCK BUDGET O1~ OTHER biO. ACCOUNT ~..Z~ o , .:)5 Department of Labor A. R. Grebe Charles Abrahams Tryac Tru.k & Equip. Co. St~andard Linen Sewvice Albert W. Richmond Southold Hardware Xnmpection of Boiler · xpcnme-Planning ~omrd Inspection of roads ~pmDne-Parks Towel Service-Sept. Town Clerk-7.08 Of i -20. olice..[! oo Bay Conmtabla-.69 AMOLrNT ALLOWED lo no Colonial Dl~tql, Inc. McMann Price Agency Rob't. Muir-Beach ~ptnmI Insurance-Dump truck Hart Hardware & Garden Center-Supplies-Police Air Conditionar-Poli~.86 Ed. Lademann Electric T~affic Lts-10.00Major ~4otorola Communications & E19q. Inc.-Police-Equip. Po~ce 72.50 Kaelin Service Center Bay Constable-39.25 fL.I. Traveler Inc. Supplies-Town Trustees " " " Assessors Joseph H. Sawicki Supplies-Police 13 00 25 00 61 40 5! 75 27 08 81 64 9i O0 48! O0 34 ] 86 9391 O0 111 75 29 70 273 30 ~3 DATE O1~ PAYA~ENT 'Warrant No ......................... To S~PE/%VISOI% TO PAY ALrbrr~ BILLS CHAP. 634 L~WS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (1) only To the Supervisor of the To~n of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ?.th ............ day of .............. ~tO~C ...... 19,.~9on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NAME ,/ L.I. Llqhting Company # NATLrR~ O1~ CLA31VI St. Lights-Orient ~St ~rion " West Greer~)ort " Bout. hold " Pecon£c Cutchogue " Mattituck 333i20 252 65 253 40 924 75 227166 933 55 929 37 87 160 DATE O~ PAYMENT 1. only To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~J BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD D%ITAX~ BXW (X) To the 8upervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their respective na~es out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... 7~.~ ........ day of ....... 0~]:)~.~ ........... , 1969 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NA/~E NATUI%E O1~ CLAIiVI John G&da Cement Claim 122 $0 Ycbil Oil Corp. Oil & (~relee ~67 56 m n ~ # 49 01 " " ~Jnt~oe 74 ~ Klel~ · ~bil A~o~t~ Servi~ ~ 300 00 ~rt ~lkor, ~. b~lner ~ 9/15 2ooioo e n " ' SS 63 ,~ 37 98 DATE O1~ PAGE HO ........ .~..~. ..... NO. To SLTpE~vT-sOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DZITI2CT lZZ,/di (2) To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nam~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ?~,~ ............. day of .............. O~F~]IMI{I' ...... 19.. 6~n Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI~IgCK BUDOET OR OTHE~ NO. ACCOUNT NATLr/R~ O1· CLA~Vi S 44 43 30 &S 30 &O 4101 34 DATE OP Warrant N~. ..:.....1.0.: ............. To $O~7ISOR TO PAY AD~Jrr~ ~P. ~ ~WS ~ 1932, ~T. 8, ~. 120 To ~e ~or of ~e T~ of 6ou~hold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOI.D HIGHWAY DBPART~ETr BILLS Page .1. o£ 3, Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts eet down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... .7..t.h. ............... day of ........ .O.~.~9.b.e.~, ............. 19~,~. on Claims No ................... %o I%1o ................... inn., now on file in my office. ! i.;~:CK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT # NAM~ [G.R. Agency & Trust Account- 211, Town of Southold 212. lsphalts, Inc, 213. Asphalts, Inc, 214, Capitol Highway Materials Inc. 215. Capitol Highway Materials Inc. 216. Canitol Highway Materials Inc. NATUI~E OF CLAtl~ Social Security-3rd quarter Asphalt Road Materials Asphalt Road Materials Used Guard Rail Beads £or tra££1c paint Highway St~ns AMOUT~T 2,879 125 7,832 25 2,911 65 607 50 38 00 353 00 DATE PAYMI~TT # 217. Fishers Island Utility Co. Inc. Salvosal # 218. A. John Ga~i Cement I 61 10 40 219. Goldsmith ~ Tuthtll Kerosene 47 SO 220, Gotham Sand & Stone Co, 221. Gulf Oil Co.-U,S. 222. Mobil Oil Corn. 223. George L. Penny Inc, 224. Rason Asphalt Inc. 225. Rason Asphalt Inc. 226. ~obil Oil Corp. 227. Mobtl Oil Corp. 228. Suffolk Cement Products # 229. Southold Lumber Co. Inc. # 230. Yorkconn Oil & Chemical Corp. Mach. 19~. Assoc. Caottal services Corn. 197. Clemans Welding Sunoly 198. Hansen's Garage 199. ~aelln's Servi ce Center Blue stone Oil Gasoline Lumber & cement Cold Patch Cold Patch White gas, otl, grease Premium gasoline Ready-mix Lumber . Motor oil PaYment radio leases Oxygen & Acetylene Repairs &repair parts ~ower repairs & parts 4,039 23 10 20 3 95 703 36 101 70 lg6 20 338 75 691 43 140 25 72 $1 361 80 44 27 55 45 258 13 39 05 I L b30,/F PA~E ~0 ................. 10. Warrant No ......................... To B0'PEi~V'ISOR TO PAY AUDrr~ CHAP. ~ ~WS ~ 1932, ~T. 8, ~. 120 To ~e S~or of the T~ of 8~M: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD HIGI'~AY D~PAR~I~r BILLS Page 2. of 3.Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followln~ named persons, the amo~mts set down opposite their respective nmnse out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tvwn Board of Southold on the ...... 7,~..h. ............. day of ....... October., ............. , 196.9. on Clainas No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET OTHER NA-~ NATUI~E OP C~ 200, Mattituck Auto Parts Repair parts ~ Batteries 201. Municipal Machinery ~, Repair parts 202. ~ntcipal ~achinery ~, Repat~ parts 203. H. O. ~enn Machinery ~. Repatr parts 204, H. O, Penn Machinery ~. V Belt 205. Riverhead Auto Parts Inc. Repair parts 206. Tryac Truck & Bquipment Co,INc. Repairs & parts 207. Van Dyck & Yousik Inc. 208, Van Dyck & Youstk Xnc. 209. Van Dyck ~ Yousik Inc. 210. VatXand 01ds Inc. 211. Vatland Olds. Inc. 259. Agway Inc. Tire ~ Tube Tubes Tube & tire repairs Repairs & parts Repairs & parts Fork & spade # 260. Ra?mond C. Dean Expenses & supplies # 261. Bond Un&£orm Supply Co. Services # 262. Capitol Highway Materials Inc. Fence posts # 263. Columbia Ribbon & Caebon Mfg. Co.~arbon paper 264. John W. Duryee 265. East End Supply Co. Inc. Misc. hardware items Hoses / :.:~? # /?:o~ # # # 266. Gulf Oil Co.-U.S. 267. Local Steel ~ Supply Co. Inc. 268. Local Steel ~ Supply Co. Inc. 269. Local Steel & Supply Co. Inc. 270. L. I. Traveler, Inc. Lodging Snow fence Snow fence Ra~es Legal Notice AMOUNT ALLOW'ED 728 32 1 55 54 00 10 20 185 75 308 68 46 34 17 28 17 20 90 56 7 41 8i 02 81 50 63 00 2~018 ~ 15 03 28 96. 75 50 55 29 2,475 00 1,485 00 27 50 14 63 DATE PAYI~E~T PA~E I~O.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGH~AY DL:PARTMENT BILLS Page 3. o£ 3, Pages To the Sul~er~l~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fol!owin~ named persons, the amounts set down Ol~lte their rcepective ~me~ oUt of the a~counts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~n Board of 8outhold on the .................. 7th ...... day of ....... 0.¢t.o.b.el~4 ............ , 19..6.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file In my 'office. ~i-l~ CK BUDGET Ot% OTIi~'R NAME NO. ACCOUNT /?~ # 771. L, I, Traveler loc, /?~.~ # 272. Mattltuck Iron Works /~/ # 273, Municipal Machinery Co, 274. Mutual Steel Co. 275. New London Freight Lines Inc 276, New London Freight Lines Inc, /~$ t # 277. Frederick D, Olmsted # 278, New York Telephm~e Co, # 279, New York Teleohone 280. Xerox Corp. /?~ # t~?1 { # IFF~ / # (# 281. Southold Pharmacy 282. The Suffolk Times 283. The Su££olk Times 284. Southold Hardware 285. Southold Hardware 286. Ralvh W, Sterlinl /W~ # 287. Vail Studio & Camera ~hop le?Lt # # 288. Washington ~hite's Sons 289. Xerox Corp, 290. Xerox Corp, Le~al Notice Blacksmith work Snow plow Plow blades Ferry service Fer~y service Sharpen saws Services (734-5211) Services (765-3140) Supplies Supplies Legal Notice Legal Notice Misc, hardware items Misc, hardware items Grassseed Films Misc. items Rental for September Rental ~or October 8 40 153 50 884 00 952 08 8 $0 8 5O 6 25 28 75 19 50 29 65 11 30 7 22 7 22 15 53 60 82 9 75 17 10 18 41 108156 83 65 DATE PAYMEITI' ~) NO. Warrant NO ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDiTa~3 CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, A-~T. 8, S~C. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nmne~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 9~1 .......... day of ....... ~p~.~l~ ....... 19~9. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BI~D~ET o~ oTH~r~i NO. ACCOUNT NATLrI%E Ol~ CLAI~I AI~OUNT · lbert #. ~artocchie ~pmnsm-~ttpmrvimor Dr. La~rence T. ~aits # ~ Hlmtor ten A. R. Qrebe * Plenninq Board ~ugustus Gmrelle Lun~hmon-A~mesmor · a~etn F. Fickeissen # # Edward W. Fo~ # David S. ~lker Mendell B. Tabor · -'~ov~l of StUmlme ]Xnspmction of romds Gary Fl&nn~ Olsen Boq. Pro£emmionml S~rvices ~m~kins, Dmla£1eld & flood # ~ober t Muir tlr lmmge-i~ sTo~n Beaches The State Znsurance Fund Xnmurance to 3/1/69 Creek Elec.-15.04 Fisherm XS. Utility Co. ~tar-17.~3 Dooley's Floor Service Nixing Floorm L.X. Railroad Co. Rental-Mattituck L.X. Lighting Co. Electricity nn Price ~ency Xnmurance 11 43 8 50 13 00 5 O0 5 O0 5 O0 5 O0 5 O0 10a0 00 225!00 5oioo ~ O0 ~ O0 121 32 32157 ,sioo liOO 169 99 914 O0 PAGE ~0 .... ~ .......... NO. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay t/~e following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ....................... 9th .day of ..... S.a~.:~ot~b~r ......... , 1~. on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAi~v~E &lbert #. Rleh~ond · dn& R. ~cal ~eel · ~u~ly Co. Southold Pa~ol Inc. ~ou~old ~trol Xnc. ~out~ld Hat. re Tap~r t' ~ ~lde Willia~on Law ~ ~. F~lherl Xo. Blec. ~rp. .Fimherg lo. Tel. Co~p. ~. ~oaoie ~vicchia ~btl Oil ~. ~b~l Oil Co. ~e ~uf~olk ~ ~.X. Traveler Xnc. Flee~ ~r ~. · xpenae-Town Hall " fJominlr " Parka & Bol=hea Beach Patrol ~e&eh Patrol r~Lsor-~.A4 Trusteea-4.08 Planning Dd.-lO.$8 3uppllea-Town Hall ~ocket-Juotice Surer Telephone-July & Auguot Sup~liea-Supervisor Food-F.l. Trip Fuel-Supervisor Fuel-To~n Dump Trip to F.X. Hapense Legal Mo~lce-Bd. of App. # # # Bupplieo-Supe~vioor 5egml Notice-Amsewooro # . ~oninq ~otice-~oning :~ ~o~ice-ln£ormation Mt F~penoe-Parka & ~eachef AMOUNT DATE O~ ALLOV~q~D PAYIV!ENT 16 O0 ~? ~..~ 3 90 57 O0 19 87 16 BO 4 32 38 59 19 87'~ ~0 i00 ~ 30 229 ~150 9 192 45 50 315 80 20 / 8 70 22 61 ~ 4[62f ~?'~ 112 PAGE ~0 ........ ~ ...... NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPE~VIS01~ TO PAY ALrD£WED BIL~ C~AP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J BltAL ZLLS (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followi~ named persons, the amounts set d~a opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the TOWn Board of Southold on the ......... .9~h ......... day of ........ IIl~.p~...~.. ~' ........ 19..~9on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET 'OR OT~[~R NO. ACOOUNT Bdvard Bhrbar Znc. C. P. Tuthill Znc. /l~ev York Tel®phone Co. ~xponse-DumD "'\ Bay Colmtable 2660-~. ~e~ry 3020-J~oesBore 3783-Town Clerk ¢lll-Just£ce ¢111- # " &uq. 239 65 2 64 24 65 % 47 25 29 lO 23i20 31 95 DATE OF PAYMENT 9550-8uperv~oo~ 66 35 Bestern L.Z. fL.X. TFaveler lnc. Joeeph SavAck A George L. Penny ln~. /~M.Y. Telephone Co. ~out~old ~a~a~ol Znc. Clark 667 S -Dump P°i£ee'$217.32 Dog u~rden-$7.45 Bxpenae-PolXce " ~. o£ Appeall Supplloa-Police Supplies-Police 3996-Poliee 0656- " 60220 " 12600- " ~660 - Civil Defense iW~chudn 7 25 11 30.~ 224 77 75 00 21 70 18 43 34 10 ~$ O0 597 39 ~ 9 50 ~??~00 Warrant NO ......................... SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD G~m~A~ BZr.v~ (4) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... ~'~ ....... day of ............... ~l~t.~ ........ 19.6.~on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. OR OTHER ~?~ N'ATLrI~E OP CLA~Vi Vard)yck & YoufLk Inc. George Dege & Son, Xnc. ,Jalnel DLnitn W, u, SLtek, D.V.M. Tra£fte Institute Dunbar-~Unn Corp. # # bcpenae-PolAce # Jerv~ees-Police ~ofesalonal Services Jubocrip~ion JupplAes-PolAce Kine Sa~etyAppliancee Co. ~ul£ OA1 Corp, [Chattel ~a~i~uck Auto Patti Che~'e ~ervice B~ation Best UnA£om Co. VAllage of "~h~ ~_:~ ~u ~,S. ~os~ O~c~ .Puel-Police Juppl£el-Pol Ace ~penee-Police &uppliea-Police ~Agh~o-Jus~lee Room ~xpense-F.l. PAGE NO ................. 50 65 19 84 1 77 94 42 303:23 ,33 73.. 157 40 8 i50 125 !00 227 !00 ? !00 42 i85 3 190 26 98 20 65 14 20 2 24 5 ]55 67 Ilo NO. Warrant No ......................... BILLS SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~erviser Of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and Erected to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~ .............. day of .............. Sspt. .... ..., 19~.9. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. !CI~ECK NO. BUDGET OR OTHER ACCOUICC NAME Columbia C~zbon & i~Lbbon NATUI~E OF CLAI3Vi 8uppl ise-Pol ice # 13 63 Charles ~ucker Police 5O O0 O*Xee£e they-Olds Inc. Bxpenae-l~lice 22 50 Jt~hi 1 Oil Bast Znd Supply Co.. T~c Tzuck & ~quip. # # ~B~uy Co.nstable-$19196 Assessors-S2.49 · ublic_V~rks 119.02 Police $436.15 IBC. Bapenae-Bay Constable CO. " Police 321 513 13 9 25 67 ~5 I~ttitu~k Xron ~orke Bxpense-BLUBBBLL 2oloo Berth Widi~tk~ L.l. Aseochtion Mobil Oil Cbrp. ettron service ~h,iee 1oo 89 DA~E OP PAYMENT PAdrE NO ........ ~., ...... NO. To SUPEI~VISOI~ TO PAY AUDi'r~D SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective homes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ............ 91~,h ...... day of .......... ~1~ ...... 19~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Bm)GET 173 33 DATE PA~ Village of Greenport St. Liqhts-West Greenport only Warrant No ......................... ,To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IPZIHBal TGI&iD IPBR]tY DZ,STRZC'L' BZZ,Z4 (L) To the Supervisor of the Tovrn of Southold: . You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their re~pective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 0~.~1 ........... day of ............. ~ep~, 19.6.9 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI{ECK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAIVIE NATUR~ O1~ CL~I~ IP.Z. ~tllity~Co., Znc~. 'f'he i~vl.g Bourd ?,'~. Nmtion~l Screen Se~vl~e ~tilitie~ to 7/31/69 ~ow~orm-Thei~e 201 ~8 30 S6 17 65 DATE Ol~ PAYMENT 192 14 Addle Vmlentini ~nl~d Artist8 Corp. Stanley Al£~od u. GEebe Waterford Business Rid:Lo City of b London lP.%. U~i~lty Co., %ne. fl~'.ophen Morel1 P~Leh&Ed V. F~ffle Polly ldmondo IL argonne a. Baldwin N lO O0 lO O0 10 ioo 1 147 ~7 161 ~6 _ 61 90 15 O0 40 ~0 72 ?o 133 ~3 66 ~ s2 132 10 O0 40 00 50 O0 SO 00 SO 00 PA~E NO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... ,To SUPEi%VISOR ~ PAY AUDI'A'~ BILLS C~IAP. 634 LAWS Ol~ 1932, ART. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BZLLS (2) To the Su~rvizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dise~ted to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Seuthold on the ............ 9.~1 ....... day of .............. ~p~, 1~.9. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET IOR OTHER ACCOUNT NATURE OF CLATI~ 45 49 305 31 50 34 18 65 174 81 900 O0 778 72 DATE O1~ PAYiViENT Al£~ed S. Bi.knell · oun o~$ou~hol& Serv~eo H-il waula~e Opo~a~Aon of Ferr~eo 2078 147 O0 O0 O0 24 PAGE NO .... ~ ~. ......... Warrant No ........ .ge .............. TO ~ TO PAY AUDrr~a~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGIIWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS Page 1, of 3, Pages To the Su~ervhsor of the Town of South,Id: You are hereby authorized and directod to pay the followhug named persons, the amounts set down opposite their resgecMve nl~n~s out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ .9.t..h ............ day of ...S.e.p~e~b~K, .............. 10~9. an Claims No ................... to ~o ................... inc.. now on nle in my ,mca. CHECI~ BUDGET NO. i ACCOUNT 193, /~3 194, /7~ 196, 197, 198, /?~ # 199. IVY7 # 200, /~g ~ # 201o /TJ¢I~ # 202. 1/770 ? 178. !/771 179. 1177z 18o. 181. l/¢73 ~ 182. /77~ ! 183. ~ 184. 186, NAME NATURE OF CLAISVI Fishers I. Utility Co. Inc. Gasoline~ oil Capitol Highway Materials Inc,' Highway signs ~ulf 0tl Company-U.S. Gulf 0il Company-U.S. George L. Penny Inc. George L. Penny Inco Mobil Oil Corpo Mobil Oil Corpo Asphalts, Inc~ Goldsmith & Tuthill Riverhead Cement Block Co. Inc. Southold Lumber Co, Inc. Rason Asphalt Inc, Gasoline Gasoline Cement Cement White gasoline Gasoline. Dieselfuel Asph. t~ Ro.d M~.I~ Kerosene Rin~s~ domes~ covers Lumber & paint Cold Patch Assoc. Capital Services Rtverh~ad A,,~o P.~ts~ Van Dyck & Yousik, Imco Van Dyck & Yousik, InCo Roger Tabor O'Keefe Char-Olds Inc. O'Keefe Char-Olds Inc, Muntctoal Machiner~ Co Inc. Municipal Machiner? Co, Inc. IPayment radio leases Repair parts Tires & tubes Tires & tubes iRent equipment Floor mats Repair parts iRe~at~ n~rts A~OUNT ALLOw~u3 29 91 948 40 49 86 6 13 37 80 15 00 106!53 678] 20 i00 70 290 0O 15 98 204~30 DATE OP PAYMr~h"r 44127 12885 33i90 ~.~/ 38i41 850]00 ,) 9: 73 34108 63 !00 99130 PA/3E I~o ..... ~.~. ........ Warrant No ......................... To SU]~VISO~ TO PAY AUDx'rnu CHAP. ~ ~WS ~ 1~2, ~T. 8, S~. 1~ T0 ~e S~r of ~e T~ of South*Id: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMBNT BILLS Page 2. of 3o Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down ovp~sito their respective na~e~ ou~ of the accounta sgecifled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board id Southold on the ....gth .................. . .day of ........ ~t.~l~. ~ .......... 19.~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, CHECK BUDGET NO. ACCOUNT ,~acho /79~ # 189. /ffF~ ~ 190o NAiVIE NATLrp~ Ol~ CLAIIV/ Municipal Macb~neryCOo Inc Repairs · parts North Shore Brake Semite Inco Eepatr truck brakes Capitol Highway Materials, Inc. Tow- Chains Bastern Spring & Wheel Align. Co. - Repairs & parts Pen~ Glass of Riverhead Inc. Glass for truck 27 15 53 86 135 73 50 00 19! 00 DATE O~ PAYI~I~'N'r 192. Mattituck Auto Parts Batterles &,Repair parts 199 48 193o Bradte ~ower Service Inco Repair parts 194. Tryac Tr~ck & Equipment Co. Inc. Blades for tractor ~ower 195o Tryac Truck & ~qu~pment Co. Inc, Repairs & repair parts 48 O0 175 O0 ~.v<a /x- 171 15 / ~/*o.?, MiSC, 238. 239. 2400 241, 242. 244. Ne~York Telephone Coo New York Telephone Co. Center Morlches Paper CooInco Hart Hardware & Garden Center East ~nd Supply Cb, Inc. Lo Io Traveler ~nCo Del Chemical Corp. The Suffolk Weekly T~me8 246. ~utua~ Steel ~any 247, CapEtol Highway ~ter~als~ Inc 248. A~ay 249. Henry ~. Smith Alum. paint, etc. Services (765-3140) Services (734-5211) Fiat towels MtSCo hardware ~tems Stencils & gloves Legal Notice SuDplles Legal Notice Plow Nip boots Pruning shears Plumbing sugplies 10 62 18170 28 65 ~9120 32168 8! 55 431 05 8 17 730 92 128 21 [ 14 5O 18~16 PA~E NO ................. Warrant No ......................... To S~ TO PAY AU~rr~u~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932. A~T. 8. SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of 6outhold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGI~qAY D/~PARTNIENT BILLS Page 3. of 3. Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppeslt~ their respective names 9th out of the accounts specified, being the amounte allowed by audit of the T,own Board of Southold on the ........................ day of .... ~l?~.~l?.e.r. ~ ............. 19...6.9on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI-tEC K BUDGET O1% OT I~R NO. ACCOUNT ~I~.SC. 17qC~ # 2S0. ITYT # 251 · /Z?~/ # 252, 253. NA-~E Bond Uniform Supply Ralph W. Sterling Wilbur S, Petty The State Insurance Pund NA~ OF CLAI~ services Grass seed Supplies Additional premium 40 00 9 $0 27 61 1~152 48 DATE OF PAYMENT NO. Warrant NO ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDL'L'~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~h .......... day of ........ ~lg~l~.~ ........... , 19~. on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACCOUNT NAM~ AMOUNT DATE O1~ /~¢~ ~ ~<, Robert Neville /?=~- F,~ ~ ~arbara Dittman 1. pA~E ~TO ................. Bt&nd&rd Linen Service Towel Service-July Fishers Xs. ~tility Co. Eleu. & Water-June " " Telephone Corp -Telephone-June North Fork Airways Grebe-Planning Board East End Typewriter Co. Supplies-Town ~ffices Louis Jaeger a Son " Life ~uerd Burrough' s Corp. M~intenance Xsl&nd Power Tools Co. Supplies-Police Mattitu~k Auto Parts, Xnc. " " Caleb V. Smith Xnc. # " Willia~on Law Book CO. " " Charles Greenblatt " " George ~. Penny, Xnc. " Charles C. Thomas " ~ulf 011 ComDan~ Gasoline-Bay Constable New Suffolk Shipyard Xnc. ~pense-Ba¥ Constable Dooley'a Floor Service Service-Town L.l. Light~nq Comp&n~ Lights Hawkins, Del&field & ~ood Professional Services L.l. Fire Equi~ent Co. Coat-Deputy Fire Coordinator f.,~d Lad:~ann Electric. ,I Circuits-Town' [ Circu~ Breake~HallPanel Albert W. Richmond ~;Eapense- " Air Conditioner Sec. Service-B~. 5 75 27 62 5 00 43 O0 2175 10180 359 00 34 75 2i 85 734 O0 61 84 94165 74 i 87 26i89 43 ! 65 1541 92 34! oo 228; 42 52 50 16 00 of Appeals 172i 33 ~ 90, 75 161 O0 2001 O0 50 00 NO. Warrant NO, ........................ To StrPE~V'iSOR TO PAY AUbx. r~m BILLS C~.AP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts sot down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Beard of Southold on the ....... ].2~;h .......... day of ............. A~/g.ua~; ...... , 19~9. on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATI/l%E OF CLAI~ McKinney' a -Supervisor Penn Glass of Riverhead, inc.-Glass-door & vent (Parka & Beaches) Pitney-Bowes Inc. Meter ltentel State if N.Y. Conservation Dept.-Clams /77v f4'~--~9~ McHann Price Agency Coverage-Police car /7'7/ Tryac Truck & Equip. Mobil Oil CO. Sporthaua Robert Muir CO · Parka & Beaches Fuel-Dump Surfboard-Beaches Expense-Town Beaches Colonial Drugs, Inc. /~?Z?~'' :~¥~.. $=~ fRo~man* a Dept.. Store, r??? I~ ~, Kaelin's Service Center Supplies- " lair Conditioners iUmbrellas-Beachea 'Repair Mower (/Village of Greenport \ / v?? /?~/~, ?~?_ ~o A. lt. Grebe Kenneth Lee Dickeraon /~ / a~ MoCabe's Central S~ore /?~V.~ 6~r~-~ ~,c 3° (' L.X. Traveler Xnc. t"~,,e Suffolk Weekly Times Air Conditioner Water-Town Hall Lights-Justice ~ooms !Work a~ Dump iExpenae-Planning Board 'Supplies-Town Offices Notice-Bd. of Appeals " Bldg. Dept. Traffic Ordinances Notice INotice-Bd. of Appall }Supplies-Supervisor 21 i O0 19' O0 43 86 2032 50 97 00 223 70 54160 120i00 450100 23i90 24i25 330 O0 8 O0 ii 80 90 00 13 O0 31so 16!34 9i 88 23i04 14182 37 [ 50 PA~E NO ................. NO. Warrant NO. ........................ TO SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS C~IAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932. AI~T, 8. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GES J, SZnT (3) To the Suloervl~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their respective narnas out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 1.~tth ........... day of ............. ~uguet ........ 196.9. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. O~CK BUIX}ET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAM~ NATUR~ OF CLAir AMOL'-NT DA~E O1~ bil..Oil Corporation Fuel-Dum~ ~a en-$ . Assessors-6.75 Supervisor-23.49 Par~s & Beecbes-~b.29 Police-396.29 !$ 69 34 491.78 /?9¢ /79g /'/?~' fA Communications, Inc. Radio Service-Police Dog Warden-4.00 - " Bey Constable-8.00 H. Terry Car-16.36 cliff Tyler's Garage. Xnc.-Psr~s ~ Pc-abes-30.10 Town Offices-Si5.14 Bouthold ~,m~r Co. Perks & Rca=has-SlaB.04 Southold Hardware Inc. Supplies-Parka & Beaches Washington White's Bona ~abe's Central Store Ltumble 0il a Refining Co. Suppliei-Parks & Beaches Supplies-Police-3.50 · sint~n&nee-Town ~n.-90.O0 ~upplieI-POli=I Gasoline-Wm. Januick ~dwards Discount Center Supplies-Police Vail Studio & Camera Shop Supplies-" 2hillips Dept. Store " Bay Constable International Assoc. of Binders-Police Chiefs of Police Academy Printing Enterprises, Inc.-Supplies-Police Aotorola Cosmunications & ~xpense-Police Electronics Inc. Va-nyck & Yousik, ~n~. " " Cars ich& .r. les Oreenblatt ~upplies-Police ,lattituck Airbase, Inc. Seaboard Communication, Rental of Plane-Police Cokp.-Expenae-Bay Constable 46 O0 12!00 4~ 16 213 18 34 i68 21 [40 4 63 20 1 i75 ll 195 9 12 136 150 171 77 12 170 38 13 50 204 i00 NO. Warrant No.' ........................ To S0'PE~VISOR TO PAX/ AUDrl'au3 CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down oDgosite theh- respective ~.~-es out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the T~"~n Board of Southold on the .... ].2~1 ............ day of ............ ~g~$.t ....... , 19. ~gcn Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BUT)GET OR OTHER ACCOUNT NAME NATLrl%E O1~ CLAI~ Manhassett Motors, Inc. Police Vehicle Budget 3M Business Producta Center Co.-Supplies-Police O'Keefe-Char-Olds Inc. Expense-Police Car Charles Tucker Wash Police Cars Caleb V. Smith & Son, Inc. Supplies-Police Center Moriches Paper Co. " " Be&che~-28.20 Ulrich M~rine Police 21.42 ,.,~,,~ fj,,~t, Cutchogue Auto Salsa /z,/ ~ ~, Federal Lab. Inc. Expense-Police Cars Supplies-Police Capt. Jim Hamilton Richard Janssen A. John Gada ~'s Service Station L.I. Traveler Inc. Expenae-BL~BELL Conetable-F.I.-ExDen~ea Expense-Police Cars Supplies-Police " Town Clerk Town Notic~ /,~,,? ~,~ tJ~ Tappert'a Bookshop /~,~' ~;o~ ~e Suffolk TAmes Supplies-Bldg. Dept. Notices- " " Traffic Ordinance Notice .~,? ~ ,m, l~t~man'8 Dept. Store Telephone Co. Supplies-Police 2600-Bldg. Dept. -~une ]2600- " " July 3783-Town CLerk 2087 [ 16 65 52 13 10 52 00 55 33 22 35 49 62 71 83 182 86 so 9148 34 143 28 ~ 80 198 35 48 O0 50 30 17 65 34163 9i31 21 ]09 3 [19 33 31 105 32i 15 DATE OP PAY!~ENT NO. Warrant No. ". ....................... To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAp. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 9, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GEN~&~AL BILLS (5) To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed tm pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsm~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ !.2..~..h. ......... day of .............. ALI.~Jl/I~. ...... , 19.~9 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. /N. Y. Telephone Company East End. Supply Co Inc. L.I. Traneler Inc. Geo. L. Pen~ Inc. Chief Carl Cataldo Blauer Mfg. Co.,Inc. Mine Safety Appl£anCe~o All Communications IncJ Ail Communications Inc. Hansens Garage W.E.Zltek DVM East End. Typewriter Co NATIIR~ Olin CLKIi~ 3020-AIsessors 3660-Civil Defense 4111-Ju$ rice Su~er 6675-Dump [580-Justice Clark 3550-Supervisor ~671-Police 2600- " 6022- " 0656- " 3020-AiseIsors 2660 .~ olice Supplies Police Boat Clam Noticee Su[oplie, f"~'~l~. CL, ce Police Convenbion Reefer Coat-~ay Constable Helmits Radio Service Superviso~ Do~ " " Bay ~ontraet Servi~e Wrecker Service Dogs Cartridges-Copier 50 40 9 50 26 20 10 75 7 i25 ,\ 72 9O 37 70 2O7 $o 58 40 55 00 DATE OF PAYMENT 239 371~99 ~iO0 $i® 2~o00 NO. Warra~nt No. ~ To SUP~V'ISO~ TO PAY AUDri'ED S~. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Superv2or of the Town of fiouthold: G~NERAL BILLS 96) You are hereby authorized and d~rected to pay the fol]owtog named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names ou$ of the accounts sPecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ....... .~LIS~; ........... , 19.69 on Claims NO ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in m:~ office. CEECK ] BUDGET NO. [ ACCOUNT N~ S~mv~aa Coach bines Inc. Sam Robinson & Sons L.Z. Travelep Inc. The S,d'£olk Times ooat,Boots-~d. Lad~man Jl ~;otice 5tephenson Beaoh 12.¢4 DATE 01= PAYMENT d PAOE NO ................. NO. War~ant NO. .[ ...................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF SOUTHOLD LIGHTING DI$~RXC~ BILL8 To the Supervisor of the Tow~ of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons,,the amounts set down oppseite their respectiYe names ou/; of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... .~.2.~.h ............ day of ............... ALlgLIs~ ...... 19..690n Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. I L.I. Lighting Company St. Lights-Orient $ 333 20 " " " " " East Marion 252 65 " " " " " E-W Greenport 253 40 DATE OF j " " " " " Southold ~ Peconic Cutchogue i " " " " " Mattt tuck ~1 " " " " " Mattituck ~2 ~Village of Greengort Fishers Is. Elec. Corp. " " Wemt Green~ort " Fishers Island 822 913 929 87 173i 53 45 25 " 37 60 O0 1 only PAOE 1~O ................. ,, TOWN OF SOUTHO TO ~e 8~r of ~e Tm of ~old: You a~ he~ autho~ ~d ~d ~ pay ~e foBo~ n~ed ~r~, ~e am~ ~t d~ ~i~ ~eM r~cUve ~t of the ~co~ ~ffi~, ~ ~e am~ all~ed by audit of the ~ B~d ~ ~old on ~ .... ~- ............. day of ..... ~.~.~ ................ , 19.~ on ~ No ................... ~ ~o ................... ~, ~ ~ file ~ my HI~tWAY DBPARTMENT BILLS Page l. o£ 3. Pages NO. £ GoRo  # 160. Asphalts, Inc. Asphalt Road Materials ls345 20 /~-~¢) # 161. Asphalts~ Inc. Asphalt Road Materials $,310 O0 / k ~ 162. ~phalts, Inc+ A~phalt Road ~tez~als 1~681 30 /~ # 163. ~hell Oil Coravanv Gasoline z 79 /~-a-& # 164, Everett J, Waxier Traffic Zone Paint 4,490 20 ~-ff # 16So Tryac Truck & l~luip, Co. Inc. Rent equipment 20 00 166o Local Steel & Supply Co, Sign posts 290 O0 /~ # 167, Suffolk Cement Products. Inc. Concrete cover & block 222 50 ~ 168. Southold Lumber Co. Inc. Ltu~bers cement, brick 33 74 /o~/ # 169, ~oldsm~th & Tuthill Kerosene 38 O0 3-- /~ # 170. Pishers Island Utility Co. Inco Gasoline 55 171. Chemung Supply Corp. Culvert pipe & bands 4,026 O0 /~-~ # 172. Capitol Ktghway Materials. ]/nc. H/ghway signs 7St 66 ~ /~' # 173. Rason Asphalt Inc. Cold Patch 297 90 /~ # 174. Mobil Oil Corp. Motoroil . 100 $4~.~ # 175. Mobil 0il Co~. Gasoline~ Diesel £uel 733 18~ (' / __ /.~'~? # 176, Mutual Steel CO. Highway signs 488 40 k # 177. Mutual Steel CO. l~ghway Sig~s 411 ~ z78. obit Oiz asoZine ~ ff 179. kbtl Il ~. Gasoline 2 27~ f Macho /~-~? # 152. MattituckAuto Parts # 153. Mattituck Auto Parts /e-~o # 154. R/verb, ad Auto Parts I'AOE l~O ..... .~.? ......... Repair parts Repair parts Repairs & repair parts 33(: 26~ 68 178 09 COUP\', . . ,:FOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOtD HTGI~AY DEPARTI~NT BILLS Page 2, of 3. Pages To the Super~tsor Of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the follow~ named persons, the amounts set down opp~lts their.respective n,~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... 1.,2. ,t.h. ............ day of ........ .~.~ .~1..9.~., ............... 19..~.? on Claints No ................... to No ................... inc. now o~ file in my office. NO. urusCK BUI~ET OR OTHER NAME NO. ACCOUNT /.~// # 155. Clemans Welding Supnly 156. Texas Refinery Corp. /~v~ # 157. Renick &M ah,ney Di¥ision 158, Mutual Steel Co~pany 159o He O. Penn ~achinery Co. 160. H, O. Penn Machinery Co. /~-z~ # 161. Cutchogue Auto Sales /~77 # 162, Echeard 2hrbar, Inc. 163. Fishers Island Utility ~b. Inco /~7~ # 164, Tryac T~uck & Equip, Co, Inc, /~Fo # 165, Hansen's Garage ~-x/ # 166. George Malvese & Co. Inc° 167. Kaelin's Service Center 168. ~unicipal ~h~chinery Co, 169. ~unicipal Machinery Co. Inc. 170. Municipal Machinery Co, Inc. 171. Municipal ~achinery Co. Inc. 172. Municip~l Machinery Coo lnc. 173. Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. 174. Van DFck &Yousik, Inc, 175. Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. 17~. Van Dyck & Youslk, Inc. 177. Ass,c. Capital Service Corp, PA~E lq* 2. NATURE OF AMOUN~ ALLOWED Welding supplies 34 95 Tire seal num. 12 75 PuilDs 154 fill Cuttin~ edges 1~ 3 8~ RepOt rafts 25 ~ ~oduct~v~ m~nten~c~ 54 00 ReD~fs to S~eDef 141 ~0 R~n~rs & r~n4r parts 138 68 TAre rep~z & plugs 13 52 ~er bl~es 9 9S ~pair parts 70 93 ~v~r parts 10 7~ ~oatr parts 53 65 Re~r parts 8S 20 ~patr parts 72 83 SPacer b~d ~ 7S Tire tube, flap & ~ge 21 17 N~ t~re & tube ~ 35 Tire repair - ~ se~ce~ ~ ~ Parent ra~o leases ~ ~7 DAT PAYI 7F,~o ). NO. B,.~-~ HIGH~AY D~ARTMENT BILLS C~AP. ~ ~ws o~ i~. ~T. ~. TOWN OF SOUTH,ID ~. 1~ Page 3, o~ 30 Pages ~ ~e S~r of ~ T~ of South.Id: You ~e he.by au~or~ and ~ ~ pay ~e foBo~ n~ed ~r~, ~e ~ ~t d~ o~i~ ~e~ r~ctive 12ch ~ of the ~un~ ~Hi~, ~g ~e am~ ~ed by audit of ~e ~ B~rd ~ ~d ~ ~ ........................ day of ....... AU~t.s ............ , 19.~9 on Cla~ ~o ................... ~ Ho ................... ~. n~ ~ file in my NAME NA~[~rP.E OF CLAI~ 211. Fishers Island Utility Co. Tnc. 212, Mattituck Iron Works 213. Washington l~hite's Sons 214, Washington I~hite's Sons 215. Raymond Co Dean Blacksmlth~ork Misc. hardware items Nisc, hardware items Expenses AMOLrNT D AY.~I~OW'ED PAY1 35 72 141 08 33 85 ~ 120 30 30 O0 216o Ralph ~, Sterling 217, Capitol Highway Materials Znc 218. A~way~ InCo 219o Agway, Inc. 220. $oho W. Dueyee Grass seed Supplies Saw blades Rope I0 00 343 15 .10 10 10 32 221o Bond Uni£o~m Supply COo Services /'~7~ # 222, Municipal MachinervCoo Inc. Tie wires 153 O0 /~ # 223. New London Freight Lines. linc, Ferry service 17 00 224, Zep Mfgo Co. S upplies 84 32 ~-~ # 225. The Su~£olk Times LegaX Notice 7 03 /goo # 2260 L, Z. Traveler, Inc. Legal Notice /~o/ l# 227. New York Telephone Co, Services 228. New ~ork Telephone Coo Services /~ # 229. McCabes' Central Store, Inc, Supplies 7 6O 39 70 I 18 05 71 26 /~ # 230, X~rox Corpo Usage & meter charges 60 O0 /6:~ # 231o Southold Hardware l~tsc, hardware ite~ 28 82 PAOE 1~....3.? ........... Warrant Nc;,' ........................ To SUPI~k~VISOR TO PAY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FY~i~it~ Y~L~RD FBI~Y DZ~2~Z~r Bzr.,~ (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts ~et down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 12~,~ .......... day of ............... ~g~.~.t ...... 19~.9. on Claims No ................... to Ho ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI~CK NO. NiXiE NATURE OF CLAIM I ALLOWED I ' F.I. Utiliti~s Co., I~. Uttliti~s 6/30/69 465 81 Raytheon Co. ~ ~intenance ~ 74 O0 Gruskin ~rd~re ~al-OLX~ ~ 66 63 ~vidBon Vo~qk ~9~ee~nq ~r~.~rt ~e 519 00 DATE OP pAYM~N~ Visual Arts Znc. Siqns-Dock 'J~e Suffolk ~kly Tiros Legal l~otica 20th C~ntury Fox Film ·heatre Film X~auganoe - Fire ~orkmen's Coap. Buena Vista Fils Co. ASSOC. Capital Se~vices,/~ Radio learner Brot~e~:s~,,,/J._a ~.Film Para~unt Pict,,~e (-~ . 20~ Centu~ Fox Film d : Patzicia C. Sinclair ~a~io~l Ticket ~. Theatre Film BqUllxaent iClerical Services i Tic~ete State of ~.Y.-Dept. of ~boz-Xnal~Ction Fee John P. Flgall !Repairs ~o Furnace Spicer Fuel Co. !Fuel for ferries Box Office iSubscription 25 O0 1 lli?o 204i72 Ii 6[00 74~ O0I 2085i00 ~ 117!72 61]90 64 08 ll$ 20 2,50 5~00 48]00 35!15 llS[O0 10100 10i00 PA~E NO ..... ~.: ......... NO. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDrr~ SEC. 120 To the Sttperv~sor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... 19~.~ ....... day of ............... .~%i~tlS~'. ..... , 19~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ BUDGET OR OTI-IE~ NO. ACCOUNT NATURE OF CLA~I~ AMOUNT ALLOw.~D J. Solomon Inc. Howard Scott Pursers Supplies Subscription $ 19 73 6 00 ADex Office Supplies ~. Office Material Rosen's Film Deliver~o Film Delivery Alfred S. Blcknell Altee Service Corp. R. & M. Machine ~. ReDeir Service Operation of Ml~tic Isle · o~nd ~orvi~o Labor 20th Century Fox Fllm~, Film Dr. Ralph g. Hoch Bnergency treatment 7 70 9O 00 14~ lO0 12 O0 44 ¢$!00 343[65 12 O0 DATE OI~ PA~ TO'~rN CM~K V~arrant NS ........................ To SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDrI'P~D COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD G~a,~ BZZ,LS (~) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of S~utheld on the ........ ],5.1~ ......... day of .......... ,.~ll].y .............. 19..~9on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM Ag~my, Xnc. Filee - Suparvieor 24 Service-Civil ~efenae Car 6 2nd ½ allotment 500 Cabinet - Bldg. Dept. 125 190 ~ane. - Planning Board 40 ~00 60 ~pl~ort'e P~o~mhnp Bait Bnd Typew~lter, Co. Bait P-rion C~m. Allot. Louis Jaeger & Son S~da~d Li~n Service ~v~le Oil & Refi, i~ Co. B~rouqhg ~rp. Bxpenee - T~wn Dump 5 9~ Albert W. Rioh.~nd ~fiee 9uppliae-~c~n 19~9 Tax on lore 101, 1~ Film - Bldg. Dept. Serv£ce-Town OffAce - Geeoline - s-r~vJeor 34 70 50 42 ]75 5 [75 ! 5 Uae of 5O ~me ~0, 196R-~unm 30,1969 780 O0 David E. Walker M-ntlnl - ~. Perry~warda 7 50 ~nee - Town Office ! 31 ]00 Augustus Garelle Wendell B. Tabor Bxpenoa - blallOr Mtg. 5 i00 ~rd Terry ~m? /~/?.~ J A.R. Grebe '~'~' /--~' { Villaua of GreenDort Ravel ~pe~me Bxpense - Board of Appeala ~-e - Planning Board Rl~t~l~ bill - June $ ,00 7 [15 ll 128 13 O0 13 i00 1 DATE OF NO. Warrant No ......................... TO SOPEi%VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~o C~AP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AiZT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~E~ BI~LS (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay t/~e followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of So~thold on the ........ ~.~h. ........ day of ..... *]'l,lly ............... , 19~.9. on Claln~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Suffolk Weekly Times # # F;~/~,,,, L.I. Lighting C~n~ /:.:~,~.qrT' Academy Printing Enter. \ /.~,~o~" £~, :,,-,'~ ,, . . ~o ~, (-'~arles ~reenblatt PAGE NO....~. ........... Rosewoo~ Estates Inspection - Highway l~pt. 50 o0 Deep Hole Creek Eltltll 50 O0 ~egal Notice-Bd. of Appeals 17 67~ " "Planning Board 915o " "Town Board 20 52 , " "Town Clerk 221 80 " " Town Clerk " " tllIIlOrl Monthly Bill To~n Clerk ~e-Martin Surer Superviaor's Office Electricity az ~/ Supplies - Police Service - Police Cars from 7/31/68 to 4/17/69 Lawn Mower Parts - Dept. of Public Works Supplies - Police Supplies - Police # # DATE OF i PAYMENT Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY Av~DI'y~ B~LS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed ~o pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~ne$ o~t of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... ~.~.th ....... day of ......... ~ll~ly ............. , 159. on Claims No ................... to No ................... /nc., now on file in my office. Charles Greenblatt Edward Ehrbar, Inc. Mobil 0il Corp. HAT~JR,E OF CLAI~I Supplies - Police Repair of Payloader - Dap}! of Public Works Machinery Parts - Dept,of Public Works 319 Fuel - Dept.of ~ublic Wor~a Gasoline - Police ?~o ¥~Carl Cataldo,Chief of Police- Expense Petty Cash Hart Hardware&Garden Center- Suppliea - Police (June)Town Standard Linen Service ExDensa-(towela) Office Miac. Hardware Southold Hardware Charles Abrahams W.E. Zitek, D.V.M. Seaboard Communicmtiona Corporation Dept. of ~u~lic Works Inspection Highway Dept.] Yenneaott Park Expense-Dog Warden-June Expense - Police Boat Local Steel & Supply Co, Supplies - Police ~ulf 0il Corporation Lube - Police Harvard Univ. Presa Tappert'a Bookshop SuDDliea - Police Supervisor - .30 Bldg. Dept.-7.45 . , Tax Rec.-5.60,Clerk 4.00I Aaaeaaora-8.10,Police-S.6~ Louis T. Verdareae0M.D. Service - Police McCabea Central Store JeIIieN°rth PorkshipmanShell Suppliei - Police Waihing C~ri - Polici Prlionmr ImlI - Policl 9 74~ 32 85 $5 93 O~ ~f 543 16 30 i O0 6[13 5i75 22 20 501 O0 1071 O0 146 79 26 99 5 85 34 05 10]00 51 24 52 00 12! 75 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the To~n of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down oUposite their respective ns~nse out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Sc~thold on the ......... ]~.~.~h. ........ day of ...... J~tL].y ................ , 1969 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. /9'0. CI-IECK BUDGET -NO. ACCOUNT NATLr/%E OF CLAI~ ~enry J. Smith ~-xpense- -- Police- 94. Walter F. Row]and p~ostme~'S Washer. InC. Sterling Harbor Shipyard 8S Serv~ce&Suppliel ~2.35 ~a~ ~onst.-55,A0~Po]x~ 19B9 summer do~k spl~e- Bay Cc~nst~b] e ~aeoline-Bay Constable 97 26 29 64 10~ 95 77 75 30 00 i 20 14 12 O0 A. John ~da Constable ~xpense-Constable-June Service & Supplies- ~ ~n Tr~c Truck&Rquip. Co.,~c.B~¥ qoPst. O2~f~A..see~o~e I Maintenance uoncracc zor I ~M Bus{ness Prod. Sales Iht. Photocopy Pachine-PolicaI Daffiest Oxygen rental - ~olice Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. Expense(tires) Police Brauner's F,rearms Supplies - Police )~lend Power ~ools, C~, " " ~riswold Terry-~lover Post ~ M,morial Parade M~y ~0,'6~ Burroughs Corp. New York Telephone Co. Ribbons - Rec. of Taxes June M~nthly bill-Judge Clark teletype - police M~V " "-Police734-60~2 June Dump American Termite Control Co. Service - Town Dump Estate of Anna Levine Sherrill B. Pemberton gubbard'e Service Sra. 21 00 8S 76 47 00 53130 28j74 537i84 34! 75 500~00 31 80 7 25 55 ; O0 55{ 45 48~ 15 9o O0 Jan_'69,to June'69 Rental - Justice . rooms 90!00 Traffic Sign 36! 00 71 25 DATE el~ PAYA~hNT PA~E NO.../, ............ TOV~N ~ NO. Warrant No ......................... To SU?EI%VISOR TO PAY Al/Drr~u COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Sul)ervh~or of the To~m of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppcslte their resl~ctlve ns~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~5.th .......... day of ...... ~.%1.].~' ................ , 19.6.9. on Claims No ................... to No ................... hnc., now on file in my office. Charles Abraham~ ~melin'· Service Center In~pection - High. my Dept~ Expense -park· &beaches Capitol Highway Materiels Inc. Street sign· 77K DeDt. of Southold Lumber Co.,Inc. Supplies -Public Works 101 Registration fee for school ~owmrd Terry Noward Terry$25.Geo. Fiaher$25 50 Capitol Highway Material· Inc. Signs . .. _Planning L.I. Traveler Legal ~o:zce R~ar~ Tax Books - Assessors 75 i O0 29 45 50 00 70 50 lO 45 f 1,061! 75 51190 DATE PAX2q~ENT Warrant NO ......................... To SUPEI%VI$Ot% TO PAY Al/Dl'r~u BILLS CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LTGHTI~G D~'STR'rCT~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down olrpo~ite their respective nsmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ]-.~ ......... day of .......... JIl].~ ............ 19.69 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACCOUNT NAME L.I. Lighting Co. \ Fishers Island Blec. Corp. NATURE OF CLAINI St. Lights-Orient-June " " -E. M~rion-June " -E N ~reJn~e " -Peconic-June " -Cut-bogus-Jun* " -~ttituck%l-June # -M-ttitu~k#2-June " - Fishers Island June A~OUNT 333i20 252 65 25~ 40 822 52 203 45 91~125 919 37 87 60 17~ 33 Vill&ge of Greenport " - Wemt Gree~rt ~42 30 NO. Warrant No ...... .¢.~. ................ To S[/PARVL~O~ TO PAY AUDI'~'~ CHAP. 634 LAWS Or~ 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY D~PARTME~ BILLS Page ,~' of ,3o Pages To the Su~ervhsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and cUrected to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesite their respective n~nes lSth out of the accounts ~pectfied, being the amounts allowed by audit of the TO~n Board of Southold on the ........................ day of July 19.~.9. on Claims No. to No. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET O1% OTHER ACCOUNT # 128o · 129. 131. 132. 133o 134. 136. /,~'-~,z~ # 137. "/$"~ l # 138. # 139. ~ ,C-e~',? fi # 140. ~ /~ # 141, 142, 143. 145. ?3, e # 146. i/-9~'- # 147o ] # 148o !/,~, # 149. # 150. /~¢, # 151. NAME Agency & T~ust Accto Mobil Oil Corp. ~obil O11 Co~p. Hampton Battery & Blec. SS Texas Refinery Corpo ,~t~ell Oil Company Fishers Io Perry District New London F~eight Lines Inc. New London Freight Lines Inc. Island Asphalt Co. Inco Rason Asphalt inc Rason Asphalt Inco Asphalts Inc Asphalts Inc. Stone Gotham Sand & ~ct Co Latham Sand & Gravel Southold Lumber COo Inc. Suffolk Cement Products ~lf Oil Co.-U.S, Goldsmith & Tuthill Local Steel & Supply CO.Inc, Local Steel & Supply COo Inc. Local Steel ~ Supply COoinc. ~tual Steel C~o Social Security - 2nd quarter Diesel fuel~ oils antifreeze Prem gasoline STP Oil Lube & oll ALLOWED 2.230 87 16~ 78 8g~ 48 11 56 460 90 PAY Gas~ oil, etCo 14~ 26 Fer~ service C~arter ferry Fer~y service $,70C O0 70 O0 IU. re oil distributor Cold Patch & Top Cold Patch Asphalt Road material Asphalt Road material Blue stone Caane hire Lumber, utc. Block & ready-mix Gasoline & oil ~erosene Grating,Curb Inlet Cor~ug. pipe & bands [~orrugo pipe & bands Safety cones & ~lashers ! NO. To S0-PE~VLSOR TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. 120 To the £u~ervi~or of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN HIG~AY D~PA~T~F~NT BILLS TOWN OF SOUTHO~ Page, 2 of ~, Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names ou~ of the accounts ~pecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...1..~.t.l~ ................ day o~ ............ ~Y .............. 1~..9.. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. [M~ho # 135. /370 # 136o # 138. 139o # 140. /s'/c # 142o 143. 144, 145. 146. 147. 140o 150. 151. NAME Assoc. l~nan. Serve Corpe llast End Supply Co, Into Penn Glass o£ Riverhead Tryac Truck & F_quip° Co° Inc. Payment radio lease Spark plugs Install windshield Repairs & repair parts North Shore Brake Service Inc. Repairs & repair parts F.d's Co~nmnication Serve Into Suf£olk Tire Shop P~verhead Auto Parts Inc° ~rederick De Olmstdd Hansen's Garage Install & service radios Revolving light & plate Repair parts Sharpen saw Repairs & repair parts Malvese Tractor & Implement COo Carburetor Municipal Machinery CO. Inc° Municipal Machinery Op. Inc° Municipal Machinery CO. Into Van Dyck & Youslk~ Inc. Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc° Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. George Malvese & Co, Into Repairs & repair parts Repairs & repair parts Repairs & repi~ir parts Tires, tubes,patches Spacer Tires & tubes Broom refills & parts PA~E ~0 ..... ~.~ ......... ALLOWED 44 27 173 40 120 69 302 38 307 48 3O 5: 551 28 184 292 98 4 154 926 86 70 54 25 49 14 59 20 50 ~s~2, / 7 82 35 NO. Warrant No. . .?,*. ? .................. To SI~PEi°~VISOI~ TO PAY AUD£k'aU~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HZGi~AY D~PA~T~ENT BILLS Page 3, of 3o Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective rma~es out of the accounts zpecifled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tcavn Board of Southold on the .................... lSth .... day of ........ ~l.~ ............... ,1~...~% Clal~ Mo ................... ~ No ................... ~e., no~ on fil~ ~ ~ o~i~. OR OqPIi~i NA/V~ ~C. /A.~z~ # 184o Agency & Trust ~Cto /~ 185, Xerox Corp, ~ 186, Xerox ~rp. Social Securitv-2nd auarte: Rent e~ui~. ~x~ Rent equip. ALLOVf~D PAYM 60 O0 6C 00 J 188, 189o 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 196. 197. 199. 200. 201. g02~ 2030 204. 205. Wilbur So Petty New Yo:kTelephone Co, New York Telephone CO, Southold Pharmacy Hart Hardware &Garden Center Lipco-Agway Inco Bond Unlform~ Co, ~0 Bond Uni£or~r~COo ~o Raymond Co Dean McCabes* Central Store Inc. Mattituck Iron ~orks Bast End Supply Co° Inco Long Island Traveler~ Inc. Long Island Traveler~ IaCo Suffolk Weekly Times Suffolk Weekly Times ~unicipal ~achinery COo Inc, Southold Hardware Wilbur C, Dural1 PAGE NO..~ ............ Iron & steel Services Services Supplies Misc. hardware items La~n roller Services (May) Services (June) Dues~ Transochgs, etc. Supplies BXacksmith work Supplies for men Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal ~otice Legal Notice Fence ties Misc. hardware items Rent btilding 360 00 TOWIq~ NO. Warrant No ......................... TO SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~a~ BTLLS CHAP. 634 I~WS O~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Sul~rvMor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FZSHF, I~q ZST.~2'/D FERRY DZSTRZc SZLLS You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Opposite their respective nsenes oul of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 15.~.h .......... day of ........ . .J~..~' ............... 19.6. ~ on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. N~E F.Z. Utility Co., Inc. Sullivan Printinq Co. Mobil Oil Co. Gruskin Hardware ~. Ragtheon Cc. Gads Fuel & Service~¥~'on Marsh & McLennan Inc. FencPainteR Division F.I. Ferry District Assoc. Fin. Services~' Fairbanks Motion Picture Service AMOUNT HATUP~ OF CLA/iVi [ ALL.OWmD Utilities to 5/3i/69,etc.! 295 55 Schedules, etc. Lubrication Oil Material - Olinda Radar Maintenance Fuel Oil - Bldg. % 50 Audit Work~n's Comp. Line StriDer Petty Cash Radio Equipment Repair Theatre Screen United Electric SUDDiv~ Batteries Theatre J~bbour Electronic SugD1¥ Fuses - Radios Freight Advances Diesel Fuel - Ferrys Lease Rental Tire & Tube - Fork Li~t Betty Wilcox Spicer Fuel ¢o. ~. Penn Central Co. N.L. Tire & Supply ~sen Film Delxvery~' ~%~.Fllm Deliveries-June /69 Construction - Cabino~ Mail Haulage Change Fund - Agent Operation - Ferries Real Estate Ta~ Traffic & Cash Reports A. John Gads Walter Griffin F.X. Ferry District Alfred S. Bicknell City of New London,~ Sullivan Printinq Co.~:, P,~GE i~0 ...... Z ......... 247 70 133 65 1164 74[ O0 791188 199i50 16}40 61~90 25[00 19144 6]90 R161 650161 10 00 57129 2~i00 Inn 115i00 500[00 ~,112~77 DATE OP PAY~E~r NO, Warrant No ......................... To SUPEi~VISOR TO PAY AUDi'K.~_~ BILI~ CHAP. 634 LAWS Of' 1932, A.RT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~zsmms xsz~ ~'zx~Y ~zs~Rzc BZZ,Zd (2) To /~he Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~5.~ .......... day of ........... ~ ............ , 19 .... on Clairn~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ BUDGET OR NO. ACCOUNT 10 67 200 67 DATE O1~ PAYM~N~ NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI%VI$OE TO PAY AUDI.rea3 BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF' 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL BILL8 (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to Day the followlD4~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 1.2~f,h ........ day of ......... ~, ................ , 1969 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ' OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT I NAME NATUR~ OF CLAINi ilerge Doyen, Jr, TapPert' s Bookshop VenTuy1 & ~,ps~e-Bd. of ~pNsele Supplies-Town Office B~. of Mfg, Co.-Sup~lel_-Ap~sals ~p~rvxsor-- i.~ Pitney-Bowes Inc. Standard Linen Service Towels-Town Office Dooley'e Flor Service Service-Town Offices Carlson & ~rsalem In~. u PlumBing Joseph Andrede lne~ection-C.D. Car Police-10.35 Hart Hardware & ~rden Center- Constable-6.57 J. P. Driecoll Xnc. Southold Lum~-r Supplies-Police Constable-2.65 polic~--- 5.66 Charles Greenb[&tt A. Schreter & Sons Walter F. Rowland O'~efe Chev.-Olds Drosses Restaurant Inc. # Supplies-Police Fire ~tinguisherpoliceService ~nse-~oqs-Apr il Ke~=sse Advertising Productions Xnc.-~pense-Police Beverly Bennett ~Police ~tron I~rV J. Smith iEx~ense-Plumbina AMOUNT ALLOWED oo 14 16 24, 11 21 53 246 O0 lq O0 5! 75 28i O0 4q! 09, 1[ 50 16[ 92 18 70 8 31 52 50 9 00 140 O0 12 ~0 12 30 80] ~4 10i O0 si 3o DA~ OF PAYMENT Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED B1LLS CI-LaP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ]~2'~1 ........ day of ............. .]'%%ne ......... , 196.~ on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET O]~ OTHER AC~OLrNT NA~E NATITRE OF CLAI~I · dwmrd W. Fox David # Augustus C. GaFIllo W~ndell ~abor Albert W. Richmond VanDyck & Yousik Zn~. # Taxi Service-Assessors Office Bxpense-$16.00 Town Clsrk-$1l. 00 · xpense-Police Cars Supply f¢oastml Aiz~ys, Xnc. Service-Planning B~. L.X. Lighting North Fork Shell ~ashinq Police Cars ~obil Oil Co. fH~,,be's Central Store # f~.e Su££olk l~kly Time ~soline-Police Supplies-Tax l~eiver . Police Legal Notice-M. IL~,X, Traveler Xnc, # " Notice- N ¥. Telephone C 12600-Police " i2671- " " 13996- Supplies-Pol~ · of Appmal~ AMOUNT AL~V~ED ~ oo fi O0 5 O0 5 oo 90! O0 27 O0 7 50 11 44 351 SO 21i 00 21] 00 2471 39 36 00 620 37 20 65 64 09 32[ 68 35] 72 61 08 l0 ¢0 201 35 4O 8O 28 00 DATE OP PA~E NO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEPoVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down ol~osite Lheir respective names cut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 12~ ............ day of ........ ~ .............. 1969 on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. NA~E NATUR~ O1= CLKIIVI Riehara A. Jmnmamn Southold Pharmacy ~eorge F. Cake Corp. Phillips ~en. SupplM Supplies-Police Inc.-Supplies-Police Joseph H. Sswicki Supplies-Police Charles Greenblett ALT. Communic&t£ons, Xnc. Service-Radio-Police Goldin Furniture Co.. Xnc. Rubber Pad-Police Best XmDressiona, 1'nc. Peconic Food Market Mattituck AutO Farts L2X. Treweler, Inc. k Barbera C. Dittmmnn North Fork Airways Goldsmith & Tuthill ,{? suffolk, w..kl . ,i.. F. X. Telephone ~orp. Su~plies-Police Notice-Park Dist. Supplies-Bldg. " Town Clerk Notice-Planning Board !Secretarial SErvice H. Terry-S40.00 Assess°rs-144,00 Fuel-Town Office Notice-Park Dist. " Planning Board Serfice -April $ :~3 25 241 0a~ 4? 90 ~ 65 85 l 21 65- 280! O0 [ aoi sn 231 65 9i 67 31 49 5[ lO ' 15 39 50 80 31 15 241 13 / lOO! oo lool l 14! 44 291 25 DATE 01= PAYMEN~ /~,/& PAGE /~O ................. Warrant No ......................... TO SLrPE~VISOt% TO PAY AUD£'I'~JJ BILLS SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD aX . S (4) To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of ~uthold on the ... 12th ............. day of ................. J~iKle ...... , 19.69 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. orucCK BIJDGET O1% OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NA1ViE NATL~ OF CLAIIVI Burroughs Corp. Suppli~s-A~s~r~ ~a~es &brahams Ine~ct~on of r~d~ ~ster~nds H~s~or~cal Soc., Inc. 2nd ~ttituck XfeR ~k~ ~n~e-~hen Fishers l~land Blec. ~p, Elee~fofty-Aprfl ~bil Oil Corp. ~bil Fuel-Dump 8ou~old ~r~re Inc. ~nle-Parks & ~aches ~elin'n Service Center ~ta~ ~r- " End Supply Co.. Inc. fT~ye~ Truck# & EqUip.,, CC).,, Supplies " Expense-Dump " Pa~kn & Beaches /=~? ~-~o Hart Hardware & Garden Center-Supplies- IBM Corp. Maintenance to 6-1-70 (American Legion Post 91045 Memorial Day Expense Rent ~lbert M. Martocchia Office Expense-Supervisor '~ril .... $~3.86 ~ ~liff Tyler's Garage ~ay ...... 10.40 H. Terry $ a go 75 O0 500 O0 2 12 I 8O 95 O0 657 20 8 06 13 93 151 O0 250 O0 23 24 14 85 84 95 24 30 16 00 75 44 6 72 192 90 I00 O0 200 O0 10 34 24 26 DATE OF PAYIVfENT NO. }Varrant No ......................... To SUPE~1rlsoR TO PAY AUDI'r~I~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF' 1932, AI%T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD To the Supervhsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppasite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ..... 125:,h ........... day of ....... ~ ................ 19.6.9 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATUR~ OF CLAIM AMOI/NT /~W ~-~{Southold Lumber Co. Inc. /J?? ~_~ Kenneth Lee Dickerson Supplies-Parka & Beaches " Police Cleaning Beaches I7 72 81 00 20 00 24 39 50 ll~$ O0 /=*// /-~ Dooley's Floor Service Waxing Town Floors 34 00 /~g/ ~-~ A. R. Grebe Expense-Planning Bd. 13 00 /~o ~ ~, Hubbard's Service S~at£on ' Supervisor Car 17 81 /~ / F~ F~ Charles Gagen, Pos~aster S~mp~-Assesaors 150 00 /~ ~ua~ Mullen Motors Inc. Expen~e-Supervisor Car I 87 94 Dog Warden-S9.90 /~F ~&-~ fL.l. T~&ve~er Ins. Notice-Bd. Of Appeals 31 73 /~o.~.~~AI,~ Co~auni~&~iona, Inc. ~y ~onstable-~8.00 Fire Coor~ln~tor-~lOg. O0 ! 202 ! 00 .Bay Constable /~ ?~, =~ Boatmen's Harbor Ina. Space Rental ~o~ice Barge , 30 O0 ' DA~ OF Tryac Truck & Bquip. Co. Suffolk Weekly Times William E, Zitek, D.V.~. f~h&rl®a Abrahams # Service-Bay Constable Car Notice-Bd. of Appeals ~nse-Do~a Xrmpeetion-Roads # 10 18 29 64 197 O0 25 O0 ~ 50 ]00 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'i'~23 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD ~I~L BXLLS (6) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite theh' respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ],9.1~h ............ day of ............. ~ .......... 19..6~n Claims No ................... to No ................... ~nc., now on file in my office. NATIYP~ OP CLA/A{ 0550-Superviwor 1580-Justice Clark 3660-Civil Defense-Apr. 2660-Bldq. Dept.-April " " " May 3020-Assessors Apr. 4111-Justice Sutar 6675-Dump 3020-AalellOrl 73 ~0 7 25 ~l! 9 50 9 50 27 32 95 42 10 27 05 10 75 45 45 NO. Warrant NO ......................... TO SUPEI%VISOR T0 PAY AUDrFlam CItAP. 634 LAWS ./OF 1932, Ai%T. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD C)BMBRAX, ~XLL8 (7) You are hereby authorized and directed to Day the following named persons, the amounts set down ol~osite their respective names out of the accounts epecifled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tovm Board of Southold on the ............ ]~2.~h ..... day of ................... ~]~...., 19..6.~on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATUP~ OP CLAIM ~°~°%~NiY. Tolepho~e CO. I,·t Ind Supply Co, Horth Fork Shell ¢, P. Tuthill Inc. o'geefe they-Olds lnc, M # 267X-Police 2600- " 3996- " ~r;anle-B,y Inc. " RIuiI~ll Car ~lhing-Pol£ce SuppXies-B~ Constable Supplies-Police Police Car· # AMOUNT 36 25 199 9~ 29 25 8 39 llq R0 64 00 4 80 17 90 13 35 ~ S0 DATE el~ ~ a~l ~u~t l~u ] .................... To SU~I~rlSOR ~O PAY AUD£'I'~ BIT.T.~ C~IAP. 634 LAWS OI~ 1932. S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Page i of ~ Pages To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oFp~ite their respective nmnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 6outhold on the ..... 1..2.~.h. ............. day of .... ~t~lg~ ...................... 19.~9. on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now On file in my office. NATD'H~ OF CL~XM A~OITN~ DATE ALLOWED PAYMI Gasollne 2 23 101, ~oldsmith I T~thill 102, Goldsmith I Tuthill 103, Rason Asphalt Inc, 104, Rason Asphalt,Inc~ 105, Rason Asphalt Inc 106. ~obil 011 Cor~. 107, ~obil Oil CO,po 108. Gotha~ Sand &Gravel 109, Asphaltss Inc, 110, Asphalts~ Inc, 111o Zep ~fg. GO. Eezosene Cold Patch Cold Patch Top Patch Disel flel, white ~a% P~emium ~asoline Blue stbne~, Asphalt Road Matez~ls Asphalt Road ~atertals Chemicals 50 35 ~ /~.?~ 50 3!; 192 50 96 25 145 25 240 ~4~.3~ 499 3~206 27 1,898133 101 15 # 112. Capltol Highway Materials # 113, Capitol Highway Materia/s # 114, Capitol Highway ~laterials # 115. Capit~l Highway Materilas # 117o North Fork ~zecking Coo # 106. Aseoc. Pinan. Services Co~p. Used Guard ~ail Flared tez~inals Barzicades Lumber Payment lease rental 126 00 990 00 143 11 36 00 237 82 3O 00 44 27 # 107e Ivialvese T~actof & Implement r~,G~ke~ # 108. i~, G. Bgown l~g. GOe InC. # 109. 0'Kee£e Chev-Olds., Inc. # 110. Vatland Olds.. Inc, Belting Socket SOO 24 144 To BIYFJ~V-~.~OR TO PAY C~'~Ap. 634 LAWS O~ 193~, AliT, 8, //~C, 120 To the Superv/sor of the Town of $outhold: CouNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAy DI~I'ARTI~NT BILLS Page 2~ of 3 Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite theh' respective ~,r~,~ 12th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of ............. ~.1~ ............. , 19.6.9. on Cla/n~s No ................... to No ................... inc., now On file in my office. NO. //3~/ OR OT NA~AE ACCO~ # 111o Mutual Steel Co, # 112 Mutual Steel Co~ HA'[WJ'P~E OF CLAI~ Tow ch~ns Dirt shoe runners 135 ~S 100 40 # 113, # 114, # lis Tryac T~uck & ~qUlpo Coo Inc° Municipal l~achinery Co, lnc, # 117, Snap-on Tools Corp. # 118o RiverheadAuto Vaets~ InCo # 119o Eaelin's Service Center # 120o Van Dyck & Yousik Inc, # 121. Van DFC~ & Yousik Inc° # 122, Van Dyck & Yousik Inc. # 123, Van Dyck & Yousik Inc. 124 125o 126. 127o 128o 12~, 130o 131o 132. 133. Van D~c~ & Yo~sik Inc° B~ce ~ Diesel, Inco Bruce G/~lD~esel~ Su££olk Tire Shop H, O, Pe~ MachineryCo~o¢, H. O, Pem~Mach;hlery COolnc. H, O~ P~n ~achinezy George ~lvese & ~, Inc, ~rge ~lvese Repair pagts Repairs & parts Spa~rk plug socket Repa/~ pagts New Trsctor-I~o~er Tl~es & tubes Tire & ~ebe Tire ~ tube Repairs & parts Revair parts iepai~ parts Prod~ctlve maintenance check P~pair parts Repair parts Broom re£ills Repair parts 169 182 100 135 91 ~0 210 56 84 29 171 4 2~ 25 16 $ 24 304 76 397 44 403 00 PA~I TOVt'~CLEP~K NO. TO SUt~ TO PAY ATJDi'rI~J C~LiP. 631 MIVS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF $OUTHOLD HIGHWAY D~PART~ BILI~ Page 3~ o£. ~. Pages To t~he ~ut~rvlsor of the Town of ~outhold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amolmta set down opposit~ their respective na~e~ 12th mit of the a~count~ specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of .......... .JAll4~.s ............... 10~9. on claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file tn my NAM~ John W. Duryee Wash. Whlte's Wash° Whitets Sons # 162o East ~nd Su~iy CO. # 163. Southold Hardware # 164. ~outhold H~edwae~ 165, ZeroICOrp. //~ # 166, L, lo Travelers Inc, # 168, Hart Hardware & Garden Center # 169_~_._RRalph W, Sterlljg //$~ # 170. Msttttuck Iron Works //~t # 171° Brandi's Shoe Store 172o New London Freight Lines 173. New London Freight Mnse _ 174, Wzlderpool 175. Fishers I, Ferr~ District //,,~,~ # 176o New York Telephone CO, //~F # 177, Ra~ond C. Dea~ NATI/R~ OF CLAIM Misc. hardware items Misc° hardware items ~tisc, hardware items ~SCo hardware items ~i~sc° hardware items Services Legal Notice Misc, hardware items Fert~lizer. Peat. moss Blacksmith work Fer~y service Ferry service Room &board for mem Ferry Service Services (765-3140) Pood & stamps 12 00 39 87 130 28 162 61 62 20 53 91 105 00 7 41 7 O3 1~19 70 538 17 46 03 17 00 8 $0 658 O0 7 50 17 ~0 10 70 DA~ PAY] ~17~ , /.~ PA~E 1'~0. ,.. ,~.9 .......... NO. Warrant No ......................... To Sb-PE~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LIGHTING DISTRICTS To the Sup~rvhsor of the Tm of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesits their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tc~n Board of Southold on the ........ 12~-~ ........ day of ............... June ......... 196.9. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. , OR OTHER NAIV~g NO. I ACOOUN~ / L.I. ~-ightinq Company '\ Fishers Island Elec. Corp." Village of Greenport PAGE NO ...... ~ ...... pnly AMOUNT DATE OP NATURE O1~ CLA/i~I Lights-Or£ent-April i$ $33 20 ~ " g. Marion-Apr. ,, . ,, May " E-W April " Southold-Apr. " Peconic-Apr. " Cutchogue-ADr. " M~ttituck ~1 Apr. . ,, May " Mattituck 92 Apr. . ,, ~y Fishers Apr. West GDt. SSS 20 253[40 253 40 822 53 822 53 203 45 2O3 45 965 32 913 25 961 94 929 37 ~ 87 60 ~ 87 60~/ 1731 33 142 30 NO. Warrant No ......................... To,SUPE~V-~OR TO PAY AUDrr~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Tow~ of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite theh' respective namos out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tmvn Board of S~athold on the ....................... 12~1 .day of ............. ~ .......... 19.~.~ on Claims NO ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ CHEC~ BUDGET OR OTI~ NO. ACCODXqT NAIVfE NA'rut~E OF CT~I l~yt~on Company # Mobil Oil Corp. Lub$ Oil Nmtio~l Cash l~gist~r Co. Supplies C~da's Fuel & Service A. J. Cantin Fishers la. Utility CO. Mrs. P. A. DeNoia Alfred R. Grebe Lawrence 8. Baldwin Polly Edmonds ~tehard Foyle New ~omton Day Suffolk Neekly Times J. Solomon Xnc. MaMann Price Agency R~r ~int~r~nce-April Fuel-Freight House Damage to moulding strip Utilities to 4/30/69 Couch-Ml~tic Xsim ~iseionor ~eetings # # Bid Notice # Supplies Xneurance-Theatre Unit~ Electric Supply Co. 3M Business Products Assoc. Financial Services C. R. ~uthrie ~riff Bailey& Staub Thames Shipya~ F. I. Ferry Dist. Inc. Switch for Dolphin Lights Office Supplies Radio Equip~ent ht & Passenger Tsriff~ Tarpaulins ~pair Generators ~MOUNT 74 O0 74 O0 133 65 19 37 34 52 12 20 126 07 ll0 O0 30 O0 30 O0 30 O0 30 O0 10 00 14 00 l0 1826 8 ~2 98 35 61 90 133 12 86 40 501 99 39 00 DATE Ol= NO. Warrant No ......................... To ~UPE~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAW80P 1952, ART. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD D~,~ BZZ,Z,8 (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed ~o pay the followtn~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounte allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~ ........... day of ............. ~ ........... 1~.9. on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on tile in my office. OR NO. NA-,~'~ ACCOLrNT John E. il£~sd :.J.Ferr¥ DWst. Inc. NATUR~ OF CLA~ I ALLOWED [i~el-Ferriem ~I S90 32 ~umtodi&l 8®evl~el 10S '~ 115 00 9225 O0 2OO O0 DATE OP pAYM'E~,~P PA~E I~O .... ~.. ......... NO. Warrant No ......................... To SLTPI!II%VISOR TO PAY ATj-D~'r~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and dlrseted to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 6.~h ......... day of ......... ~lly ............... , 19.~9on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. OR OTHER NA~E I NO. ACCOUNT I ~/~Y ~t-z~. ~ Columbia R~bbon & Carbon Co., NAT[TP~ OP CLAIM Inc.-Sd. of Appeals ~$ 20 ~ 24 ll ~.,~;.,~CF. aIt Xnd Typewriter Co., 'rnc.-Suppliee-Town Offices '~--( ' " " " "~pev~iter ~8381-Highva~ L. l. Lighting Co. Ligh~ " " " Electricity-Town Offices Standard Coet,Apr&n a Linen Serv. lnc.-Town Service Addreaeograph-Mult. CorD. Tappert'e Bookshop Momar Industries Main~enance Service Supervisor- 9.95 Planning M.- 5.25 Supplies-Assessors Fishers Is. Telephone Cor$.-Leaeed Lines Edward W. Fox Wendell B. Tabor Edwin Fickeiseen Ed Ladem~nn Electric Edward Bhrbar Znc. North Pork Variety Store Mattituck Iron Works Charles Abrahams Insurance Mater Rental-3-15-69 188 53 45 00 66 08 209 45 11 25 191116 15 20 78 50 5 00 108 88 127 O0 24 00 Hart Hardware a ~ardan Ca Elec. Work-Town Barn Expense-Town Dump 5 O0 5 ;co 5 ,00 178 84 25 [34 394 i96 Expense-Parka & Beaches 10 ' Town Dump 89 10 - _Core¥ C~'eek InspeCtion Highway ~etatee 25 I ~tar-Bxpenee-Parke & Beaches 40 !45 DA~ OF pAYM~Tr NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI.r~O C~IAP. 6~4 LAWS OP 1932, ART. SEC. 1~0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su0ervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed t~ pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~nes ou$ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 6th ............ day of .............. ~y. ......... , 1969 on Clain~ No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CT-~CK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NATURE O1~ CLA~I~ AMOT/NT ALLOW'ED DATE OP PAYMENT West publishing Co. Buys Printing Co. Pitney-Bowes Inc. ~ptnee-Csrs-Tow~ Sump McKlnneya Part-Apr.-Supt. Brochures ~tar Rental 276 ~7 3000 42 q7/ 97~' Albert W. Richmond ~pe_nee-Town Office Washington White's Sons Parks & Beaches American Termite Fishers ~s. Elec. Corp. /-z~ Souehold Fuel Oil Co ~,~m~le Oil & R~tn{ng e Suffolk ~ekly Time, Water Electricity F~lel-Peeonic Town ~asolfne-Nov.-SupE. Supplies-Supervisor " Tax Receiver " Town Clerk Office ~gal Notice-Sd. o~ Appeals " Assessors Notiee-~oning-Ikl. of App. 4111 Justice Suter 05~0-Supervisor 1580-~*U~l Defense 16675-Town Dumo 20 13 8 5 100 26 8 49 87. 11 7 8 13 27 7O ? 11 ~0 ~0 NO. Werrant, NO ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDIU.';~u~ BILLS C'PL4~. 634 ~WS ~ 1932~ ~. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective he,nec GuS of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 6~ ........... day of .............. Msy ............ 1969 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOU~ ?~? Howard M. NAME NATLrR~ OF CLAIM Terry E~penee-Bldg. Inapeutor Chief of Police-Expense-Seminar William~on TJW ]~oOk CO. Central Store ALL Communications Xnc. i£~' '~'" U.S. Geological Survey " " & Petty Cash Supplied-Police Suppliee-Police Police-46.00 Radio Service-Bay Con.-4.0~ i Expenle-Poliue A~tmon ~rine In~. " BLTJ~gRHT,T. Center Mor£chea Paper Co. Service-Police ~ ~ Eastern Camera Exchange ~o-5~ Walter F. Rowland ~°~%°~,,lf Oil Producta ~v,~, Aqueduct Books Co. ~Wo-~ Bout. bold Pharmacy Inc Mattituck Auto Parts, N.Y. Telephone Co. Mapa-Police ~uppl -I es-Po1 ( oe Film-Police Fire ~wtin~uisher-~o] ice Lube-Police Supp~ie.-Police " ~y Conl~b~e ~oto-Police Bulbs-Police 3996-Pol ice 24 65 53 50 3 50 19 b3 6 ~5 50 DO 50 ~00 68 102 lO ioo 3 O0 12 20 10 O0 15 7O 23 !66 53 98 26 25 i45 1 i62 2 ioo 2 ]87 29 118 DATE 01;1 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUP2~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS C~AP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. ~EC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BXLLS (4) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective ngma~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... .6.th ............ day of .............. ~/~y ........... , 19..~9on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. OR OTHERI N~ NO. ACCOUNT 1o~.~ ~.~.~ ~obil 0il Co. NATUP~ OF CLAIiVi Police-173.00 tAseeeso~s-ll.73 (Parks ~ Be&uhes-12.42 ~ape~visor-4.40 (Bldg. Dept.-6.60 (Police-362.17 'Signe, etc. Notice-Tax Receiver Parks & Beaches ,'~7 vv_ ~ 8outhold Lumber Co. " " /~ ~¢' ,¢~ ~- 'Fne Leonard Co~l~ration ,~ ,? %¢~, ~ ~N.Y. Telephone Co. Supplies-Police 0656-Police ;6022-" Mattituck Hietorical Soc. Allowance Lou's Service Station Expense-Polzce Car-- Lieut. Daniel Winters Notary Expense G~orqe ~. Cake, Corp. North Pork Airways. Inc. A.R. Grebe Barbera C. Dittman L,!. Traveler, Inc. L.I. Traveler. Inc. AMOLTNT 85 34 ~6~ ~0 411 04 Test Kit Transportation - F.X. room & meals Secretarial Assistance B.A. & P.B. Hearings 13 75 75 58 95 4 20 36 63 347 76 88 74 440 16 56 S0 500 00 11 O0 27 157 80.!00 00 00 L, gal Notice 20 Notary Stamps CEl'is. Nevlll~) 8 DATE pAYiVIlmW~ oo Cg. 73 40 NO. ~arrant No ......................... To SOYEI%VISOP. TO PAY AUDITED C~IAP. 634 LAWS ~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 TO the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL BILLS, (5) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~.t.h .............. day of ......... ~4~y .............. , 19~ on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file In my office. OR OT7~I NA~IE NO. ACCOUNT Village of Greenport - Lisht ,$outhold Ha~dwar4 .~erican Temite Coatrol Co, Dr. Lawrence T. ~t~ Waitz Porky's ~lltlura~t ~ $~ffolk Shipyard Inc. NATURE OF CLA/'IVI AMOLrNT ALLOV~ED 4 50 19 00 19 95 ~.3 ~ ? ~0 20 O0 $ $0 14 66 978 i 28 NO. .Warrant No ......................... To SUI~RVISOR TO PAY AUD~£~U~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OI~ 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Street Lighting Diatzicta (1) only To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nmne~ ou$ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ............ ~]~ ...... day of ............. ~1¥ ........... , 19..~n Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, NAME Fiehe~s Xsland Blea. Corp. Village of Or~rt - Light St. Lighte-Piahera Xe. Street Lights 173 ]3 14Z 30 DATE PAYiVIENT Warrant NO ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED B/LLS CI-IAp. 634 L~WS OF 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the SuPervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down op~ceite their respective naxnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of ~outhold on the ........................ day of ............................ , 19 .... on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ' 01~ 0TBER NO. ACCOLrNT &l£~ed ~, NAM~ Operation of MYSTIC AMOUNT DATE OF AI~OWED PAYMIENT ~7925 00 Hlltor ~riffin Mail iiaulaqa-April Ra~uond F. Doyan C. oeuimsionars Ntg. Retainer Fuel Co., Xnc. l~uel-Ferrie~ pa~-laa~e~ Blcknall Co.~ ~enae-OLXND~ Hu]~s Engine Co.. lnc. ' " " Raytheon Company Radar' tApm- Supply . Supplies Fishers Zs. Utility ~.~ # # # Hox~h Fo~k Affrays Hew ~ondon Day A. C. ¢on~ruction Co. Utilities Service~ Bonds Tranapor~ation Notices Sarvice-~irport 115 O0 10 O0 200 O0 71& 92 12! 50 611 90 45 14~ 37~ 12 54 32 1~ 57 36 O0 I 2s 00ol PA.OB NO ....... ]"*,, To ~e S~or of the T~ of ~old: You sre hereby ~uthor~ed and ~d ~ ~y ~e foBo~n~ named ~r~, the ~ ~t d~ ~l~ them reactive out of the sccoun~ specified, ~ the amirs allowed by audit of the T~n B~ ~ ~old on t~ ....... ~.: ['. ............ day of ........... rJ,~)rJ ................ 19.~ on Cla~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my effi~. {{IGh'WAY DEPART~4P, NT pyr~,~ Page i. of % PaSes C?oC, K BUDGET ~7 NAME NO. 81. Fishers I. Utility Co. 82, National Chemsearch Corp. 83° Greenport Yacht & Shipbldg. Co. 84,, Shell 0tl 85, Gulf Oil CO, 86. Mobil 0tl Corp. 87. Mutual Steel Co. 88. Rason Asphalt Inc, 89. Southold Lumber Co. 77~ Suffolk Tire Shop 78. Riverhead Auto Parts Inc. 79. O'Keefe Chev,-Olds, Inc, $0~ Edward Ebrbar S1. Rand-~acMurraV Inc. 82. Washln~ton White's Sons 83. Vail Bros, Into 84. Vall Bros. Inc, 25, Van Dyck & Youstk~ Inc. 86, Van Dyck ~ Youslk~ Inc. 87° Van Dyck ~ Youstk, Inc. 88. Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. 89. Tryac Truck & EQuipment Co° 90, Chrom~te Fastener NATUR~ OP CLAINI gasoline, oil, De-zreaser Oak gasoline~ etc, ~asoline ~asoline Guard tall Cold patch Lumber, etc. Spray gun Repair parts Rcpalr parts Repair Darts Repair parts Bench saw~ Motor~ etc. Repair parts Repair parts Tires ~ tub~ Tiren ~ tllb~ Tire t fla, Engine, Tractor-mower~ parts and repairs Machine belts. 71 53 5~ 22 23f~ OJ 2~[ ?? 2~ 62 o ?O !4i ed 5,1.37 14 NO. To aUPf~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ~t%T. 8, ~EC. 120 To ~e au~or 0f ~e T~ of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HI~-IWAY DEPART~!~irr .... ,>:, ,.,,~' Page ~ of ~ Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followln~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective naanes out of the accounts ~pecffied, bein~ the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~. ~..t~ ............... day of ................. J~[ay .......... , 1§9... on Claims No ................... to No ................... Inc., now on file in my office. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 98. 09. 102~ 103. 104. /Misc. Noo 1.37. 138. 140. 141o NAM~ Municipal Machinery Co. Municipal Machinery Co. Municipal Machinery Co. Assoc. Finan. Serv. Corp. Snap-on Tools Corp. Snap-on Tools Snap-on Tools Corp. North Shore Brake Service East Fnd Supply CO, Pells Garage Bruce GM Diesels Inco Hansens Garage Trius~ InCo New York Telephone Co. New York Telephone Co. New York Telephone Co. Bond Uniform CO° Lipco-Agway NATUt%E OF CLAI~ Pan housing assembly Repairs & parts Repair parts Repair parts Payment radio lease Puller set Tools Repair parts Repair parts Cable Repairs & parts Repair parts Repairs ~ parts Repair parts Services (765-3140) Services (765-3140) Services (734-5211) Services Rope AMOUI~£ DATE ALLOW~FJD PAYM 164] O0 245~ 95 59 52 75 85 sq $0 1,74~ ~6 5 4o 2~ 69 2~ 95 40 O0 142. Xerox Corp. Basic use charge !46 81 143° Hart tlardware & Garden Center J. a4. CbC,ties Abr*hams Mtsco hardware items ! Plans for llighwav Soecs. 105 53 125 ~0 P&GE NO....2~ .......... NO. Warrant No ...... ~: ................ To ~VISOB TO PAY AUD&'r~J~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF $OUTHOLD Page 3, of 71, Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opl~site their re.s~ective name~ out of the accounts ~ectfied, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ........ ~.h. ............ day of .......... l~i.~,y. ................ , 19~.9. on Claims No.... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. C~CK ] BUDGET 145. 148. 149. 152. NANIE NATUI%E OF CLAI~ East End Typ~vrlter Co. Inc. North Pork Variety Store Mattltuck Iron Works Kouros Camera Shop Del Chemical Corp. Raymond C. Dean Ralph W. Sterllno~ Ralph W. Sterling Ribbon Misc, hardware items Misc. hardware items Photos SupDlles Expenses to Mishers Island Quick Result Grass 56 trees t4 162 448 40 18~ I07 30 ~0 58 50 995 DATE PAYM P~GE 1'~0. 3, ' NO. To SUPE~%VISOI% TO PAY Al/brr~n~ CI~IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENE/~AL BZLI~ To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: (1) You are hereby authorized and d~rected to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their resl~cUve r~-nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 8t~ ............ day of ........... ~:~£~ ........... 19~ on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., new on file in my office. NAI~E ?~ e.~ Firemen' s Journal y~.~ ~'~.(-s,~ Natthew Bender & Co. ' 7~ ct ?$4 Edward Fox Augustus ~arelle Edwin Fickeisaen Wendell B. Tabor David E. Walker Standard Linen Service fL.I. Lighting Company ~L.I. Travele~ Inc. Mullen Motors, Inc. Green Haven Prison Advertisement Supplie#-Bldg. Luncheon-Aaseaaor Towels-Town Office A~OU~T Inspector Service " Route 25, Cutch. CorD, M~intenance to Suppliea-Tax Receiver " Police Notice-~. of Appeals Suppliea-M~tt. Fire Dap~. Notice-Sd. of Appeals Ex~ense-SuDervisor Car Indus triea-Suppl ies-Pol ice Mrs. Theodore Czarbosiesk~ Supplies-po~ice Hart Hardware & Garden Center- Ail Communications, Inc. lO0 O0 27i 50 5/ O0 51 00 5] O0 5i O0 51 00 3351 91 84[ 60 812i 84 2951 50 6 00 151 96 56[ 65 9! 12 11: si 85 !Radio Service-Dog Warden 4i DATE 01~ 99 42 59 O0 76 i, 24 W~, *o Fotocraft's Shops iService-Police i ~ ~. ao Lawyer's Co-Operative Publishing Co.-Buppliea-Police] 386/ 00 NO. / Warrant NO ......................... To S01~E~VISOR TO PAY AUDr£~ B~LLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GF~ERAL BXL~ To the 8apervisor of the Town of Southold: (2) You are hereby authorized and direc/~ed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 8~h ............. day of ............. ~Pri.! ......... 19.6,~ on Clallra No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file ill my office. CI-[ECK I BUDGET 'OR ~ NO. ACCOUNT NATIIR~ aP CLA~iVI ?~ /~.3~ (auras Camera Shop ~¢~ ~lobil Oil CO. Service-Police DoG Warden -18.34 Assessors -11.55 Bldg. Inap.- !.01 _Bay Co, stable 14.15 ~upezvisoz-5.86 Parka & Beaches-12.69 Alac*s Eeeo Service-Police Cars ~ief iAcademy Printing Enter~ises, lnc.-Supplies-Cataldo " " " " " Police DaFfiest Ambulance & Oxygen Service- Rental Baldwin Travel Bureau IBM Corporation .~amilton Motor Lines, Transportation-Chief Catal~o T~Dewriter-Police Inc. Service-Assessors Charles Gagen, Poat~aeter Stamps for Meter L.I. Commercial Review Inc.-Subscription-Supervisor Hubbard's Service Station Expense-Assessor's Car .~orth Fork Airways, Inc. ~ober t Hawkins Burton Potter Post %185 " Planning Bd.-40.00 " Tob%, Board -20.00 'Disposal of cars-dump Maintenance-1969 Insurance # HuTle Oil. & etining Co. k aaoline-aupervisor } " 11 55 Bay Constable-14. 716 ~ ~ .~,2~, at. Agnes Post %730 ~"/ ?~-a~ Wayside Market Maintenance-1969 Supplies-Police 858 78- '16 05 31 85 36i90 92i00 46Si00 $50iO0 1650 9 40 60~00 4961OO 200]00 19i00 154i00 64,00 4[81 26131 200[00 9:20 DATE OF pAYMENT NO. Warrant No ......................... Ts SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUD~TnU C~IAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, A/%T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized snd directed to pay the followlp~ named persons, the amounts set down oDDosits their respective ns~ne~ ou~; of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ....... 8.t..h ........... day of .............. April ....... , 19.69 on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~CK ! BUDGET OR NO. ACCOUNT NA~iE O'Keefe Chev-Olds In~. ~arks & Beach,~ Riverheed Auto Parts, Inc." " Louis T. Verdereae, MD Service-Police Howard M. Terry ExDenses-~ld~.Insoector Vail Studio & Camers Shop F~lm-As~eseors Albert W. Richmond Expense-Town Office ?&/ ~-%~ Willi&m Zitek, DVM Service-Dogs-~rch 77/ Fishers Is. Utility Co. Suppl~es-~olice Electricity-Fishers ~' ~ Edward Ehrbar Inc. ~xpense-Machinery-Dump ~-~ McCabes Central 8tore Supplies-Supervisor " Police &~c /N.Y. Telephone Co~any 4111-Justice Surer 3660-Civil Defense 0550-Supervisor 1580-Justice Clark U& .~.. " " " 16675-Dump / ' . ~ ~,': " " " 3783-Town Clerk ~'~' Tryac Truck & Equ~. Co. !EX,Shes-Parka & Beaches /c~ m McBee Systems " Police ~?-~ I Fishers Is. Telephone CorP.-Leased Lines AMOIYNT q ~2 33 18 10 O0 16 74 142] 50 16i O0 10800 53 83 1951 ql 4 64 42i 27 4! 43 14 08 24 65 62 70 7~ 25 101 30 47'08 33i15 29[38 94[38 5 8O DA~ O~ PAGE ATO ...... 3, ........ NO. Warrant No ......................... To S0PE~VISOI% TO PAY AUDITEJ~ ClqAP. 634 LAWS O~' 1932, A~T, 8, SEC. I20 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SXr. S (4) To the s~pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nse ou/~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... B~I ......... day of .............. APRT~. ....... , 19.6.9 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI-IECK BUI~ET ~OR OTHER] NO. I ACCOUNT 77Y Mobil Oil Corp. ?~ ~'(Van~ck & Youaik Inc. The Suffolk Weekly Times . . . Serge Doyen, Jr. East End Typewriter Co. Village of Greenport McMann Price Agency Donald J. Bro~rn L,I. Traveler Inc. The Suffolk Weekly Times Cliff Tyler'a Garage Southo~d Luaaber Co. John W. Duryee Mullen Motor Sa]-es N.Y. Telephone CO. HATI/RE OF CLA~Vi Fuel-Dump AMOLrNT 119 03 a6 ~1 10~ 10 23~ 42 Gasoline-L, ~xpenaa-Pollce " Planning Board Supplies-Supervisor Supplies-Tax Reaeiver Sxpense-Bd. of Appeals Maintenance to Rlectricity Insurance Professional Services SuDolies-SuDervisor " Justice Clark H. Terry-a7.00 Psrki & Beaches Snow Shovel-Highway 69 20 21 leo 86 O0 Z4 !25 174 ~0 8 41 ]-3 38 ioo 379103 1000 ,00 10 05 3~ 95 6~ 82 [95 4 150 5O DA~E OF PAYMENT · xpensa-Supervisor Car ].93 3660-Civil Defense 10 45 NO. Warran~ No ......................... To S0PEI%VISOE TO PAY AUD£rmo S~C. 1~0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the ~u~rvizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 8.~1 ........... day of ........... ~P.~!.! ............ 1~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc,, now on file in my office. CI-IECK BUDGET OR ~ NAlVIE NO. ACCOUNT East Rnd SuppLy Co, Souehold Hardware Bldg. lnep~otor-l.50 (Bay Constable-12. lS (Pol£ce-4.40 £~ ~ ~tao¥. ~ele,p, hone Co. North ~ork Shell J~Carl cataldo, Chief 7~/ o-.J~ Albert M. Martocchia ?¢9~' /- 3~ Oooley'a Plier ServLce 77~ ~7- ,.~o MittAtuck Iron Worl~ 6022-Police 2671- " 2600- " Waeh£nq Police Care Mar. Expense-~hief of Police " Police office Ixpens e sappliee - To~ Clerk cloning filers 52 105 42 231 ~60 76 O0 62 145 12 !65 10 !7 28 ioo DATE OI~ pAYI~iEN~ PAOE lifo ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SOPEI~V~qOR TO PAY AUDrr~L~ C~AP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LZGHTZNG DZ$~ZC~ (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tovm Board of Southold on the ...... 8~h ............. day of ......... April ........... , 19.69on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. F.I. Elee~eie Corp. Vlllsge of Gre~nport - Light Street L/ghts - S-W Greenport AMOLrNT ALLOw~D 333 2a 253 40 203 145 822 894 [05 906 67 87 ]60 173 '/2 137 96 DATE OP PAYMENT NO. Warrant No ......................... TO SUYEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~ ~. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FXlm~e~ XSLAND FBRRY DISTRICT BXLL~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ... 8:th ............... day of .............. Apr/.1 ........ , 19.SS on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my off~e. CI-IECK BUDGET OR OTHER /~Io. ACCOUNT Fishers Is. Utility ~o.. Marah & McI~nnen AMOUNT NATI/i%E OP CLA/i~ ALLOWED ,',nc.-Utilities to 2/28/69 $ 105.]00 Fire & I. C. 81dq 50 391 00 ~neral Woodcraft Xnc. M~terial-N.L. Dock 25 O0 County Business Machines. Inc.-Repairs-Calculator C. B. Guthrie Tariff ~ureau, lnc.-Services-A~ent Dal Breach & Machine Co, Ray~heonMfq. Co. McMann Price Agency DeLorge'Auto Thames Valley Steel '~. Wellea Marina Service Assoc. Financial 8ervice~ Alfred R. Grebe Richard V. Foyle Polly Edmonds Lawrence S. B~l~win L.X. Traveler Xnc, Spicer Fuel Co. Gada's Fuel & Service (:~z,,~ Suffolk Weekly Times F.X. Ferry District Walter Griffin Mary B. Pa~iewicz Alf=~ S. Bic~el~ Repair Safe Handle i Radar Maintenance Airport Liability Automobile Damage Steel-Frt. Flats Material MYSTIC ISLE Radio E~ulpment Co~misaionera's Mtga. Fuel-Freight House Bid Notices ~tty ~sh ~il ~ulage [Services I O~aration-MY~TI¢ XSL~ 32 50 25 00 4 50 54 00 169 46 64 131 87 28 3O 61 90 60 00 50 00 50 O0 sol oo! 17 43 565 20 3a 22 12 00 12 O0 115 00 76 O0 :7725 O0 DATE PAYMENT 1 only BILI~ CHAP. 634 I~WS OF 1932, AliT. 8, To the Superv~or of the T~wn of South.Id: COUNTY OF 5UFI. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IITGItWAY Ih I Att., ~IkN I Pa e l, of ,,,.S Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Ol~Osite their respective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~m Board o~ Southold on the ...................... Sth . .day of ........ ~p~i~l.) .............. , 196.9.. on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAME $6.Mobil 0il Cork° S7.Sk)bi! 0il Corp. $8,Mobll 0il Corp. $9.Mobtl Oil Corp, 60.Mobil Oil COrpQ 61,Mobil Oil Corp. 62,Rason Asphalt Inc, 63,Rason Asphalt Inc. Mobi!fluid White gas Gasoline, oll, grease Diesel fuel, gasoline, Prestone Gasoline, Diesel fuel Anti-freeze Cold Patch Cold Patch ~'tk # 64,Hampton Battery &Elec. S.S. Distilled water # # 65.Tryac Truck & Equipment Co. Inc~Stop leak # 66, Capitol Highway Materials Inc. Signs ~ Traffic Paint # 67,Gulf Oil CO- U S Gasoline # 6S~Southold Lumber CO. Inc. ',,um~ae~_ # 69,Southold Lumber Co. To~.m of # 70~Agency & Trust Acct.Southold Mach. # 53.Assoco Finch. Serv. Corp. ~ $4, Ed's Marine Service $5oH. O. Penn Machinery Co° Inc. Lumber Social Security - tst ~uarter Payment radio lease Productive maintenance check 56.H.O. Penn Machinery Coo Inc. [Repair o~rts 57,H. 0o Penn Machinery Co~ IDc~ !Repair parts 58.Brodle Mower Service Co° '~ ~'~ g, ,,,e~z,., _ re,alt parts S9.East End Supply Co. Inc. i ~ ~Rep,_r parts 60oMineola Mack Disto Inco ~Repazr parts AMOUNT 18112 161 72 $30 30 603 137 910!44 69 00 506 63 lO 74 si4s 106139 1~709!60 IS!~86 23140 541o0 6 '18! 64W0 18 90 $166 NO. BILLS VIGHWAY DEPARTMENT B%LLS TOWN OF ..... Page 2 o: 3 P~ges To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the follo~ named persons, the amo~ set do~ o~i~ the~ reactive ~ 8th out of the accoun~ specified, bei~ the amours aHowed by audi~ of the To~ Board ~ S~thold on the ........................ d~y of ..... f~P.~.% · ................... 19..~9 on Clal~ No ................... to No ................... ~c., now om file ~ my offi~. NAME ,Tryac Truck R Equipment Co.lnc Lawson Products~ Inc. Halleck Conveyor Corp. Hansen's Garage 6S;Edward Ehrbar. Inc. 66~Edward Ehrbar, Into 67,George Malvese ~ Co. Inc. 6~,Riverhe~d Auto P~rts: tn,c~ 69,Ma~tituck Auto Part~ TO.Ed's Communication Service ~airs & repair parts Machine bolts, etc. Parts Repz~irs & repair parts Repair parts Broom refills Rep[tit parts New Compressor ~ par~z Radio repairs & maint.check 7] ,North Sea Radiator 73.Ph~lllps General Supply Cn. Inci..R~t+~, 73~Edward Konke! & Sons 7~,C~ldsmith's Moat Shop 7S.Vsn Dyck & Youslkj Inc. 76.Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. Used door for Pickup (GMC) Tire repair New tires & tubes # 109,5lcCabes' Central Store, Inc. ~ ll0.McCabes' Central Store° Inc. ~ ill,Center Moriches Paper Co. # ll3.Lawrence M. Tuthill tf~ !l~,Ne;~ York Telephone Co~ # llS.New York Telephone Coo Supplies Sup~_~s Paper towels Snow plow parts Engineering services 'Services (734-5211) JServlces (734-5211) 1,181! 74 fl 79 605! 24 232136 1,162!40 !58 pO 65 5~ 2oi on 9!25 14 84 144 42J{~',,<~ 5!34 19120 75[70 400 00 pA~E ;KO .......... .2.~ .... Warran; No ......................... TO SUPI~VL%Oi% TO PAY AUD~'x'IaU ,-,U;. r COD..'fY ©? e ~*' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NIC~.':AY DEPAP~TMENT EILLS Page 3. of 3 Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~ane~ out of the accounts ~pecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.... ................... 8th .day of ........... 5~.r.!~ ~ ............. ~9~. on c~am.~ No ................... t~ ~o ................... ~c.. no,,, o= me l~ ~y of:ice. NO. C}IECI~ BUDGET O1% NO. I ACCOUNT NAAr~E 116. L. I. Traveler. Inc~ 117. L. Io Traveler, !nCo !15. The Suffolk Weekly Tines 119. The Suffolk Weekly Times 120o ~ishermens Rest. Malvese & Co. Inco 122o Hart Hardware & Garden Center 123o Henry Jo Smith 124. Cutchogue Diner 125. Southold Hardware 126. C. F. Van Duzcr Gas Service,I~ 127a Bond Uniform Co. 128. Wilbur S. Petty Agcncy& Trust Account- 129. Town of Southo!d 130. Zep Stag. Co. PaV Roll forms Legal Notices Legal ' -' Legal Notice M~zls for men $~ckle stone & wheel Isco Misco hardware items Plumbing supplies Meals for men M!SCo hardware i~ems Co Tank of gas Blacksmith work 8 supplies Seci~l Security - ist quarter Supplies AMOUNT ALLOV~ED 4 1S .45 59 0517~ 12 32 17 O0 50 O0 ~v'74 1,140 28 203 36 NO. Warrant NO ......................... To SUl~I%%rISOR TO PAY ALrDL'r~I) BILLS C~IAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, AR, T. 8, ~C. 120 To the St~pe~visor of the Town of Sou~hold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BIL S You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts ~et down oppesite their respective na~es out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... .1.],~[1 ........... day of ..... March ................ , 19.69on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACCOUNT <f4 /- ao NAi~ Albert M. ~rtocchia Albert W. Richmond Xrvinq W. Miller Dr. Lawrence T. Waitz Carlisle Cochran Stanley Droekoeki ~ John ~ada Howard M. Terry Henry A. Clark George Fisher Howard C. Valentine William Unkelbach _George Mellae ~ A. Brown Wendell Tabor ~S~g~ J. ~'~yen, ~r, Elizabeth A. Neville Edward W. Fox Edwin Fickeiseen David E. Walker Wendell Tabor M~Mann Price Agency Sunrise Coach Lines, Peak Tours, Inc. NATI/R~ OP CLA/iVi ~xPense-Sku.l~7.Trvieor Town Clerk 7.06 Town office-16.00 Audit for Town-1968 Expense-Town Historian Tuition-Course-Police Expenee-Constable-Jan. Bldg. Inspector School Association of Towns Expense-Ed. of Appeals Notary Public Stamp Luncheon-Assessor Insurance AMOUNT 23 06 500 00 22 09 30 ~ O0 30 j O0 12 i O0 16 190 66 135 119145 86 44 90 ! 25 lll ;00 107 ! 90 108 I1 O0 l~6 ~0 ~ 11 uu 5 00 5:00 5100 5 jO0 384 '1 O0 Inc.[ Trip to N.Y.-Assoc. of ToWt~el00100 ' Ski Trips 785 j00 DATE OP pAYMeNT 3/, q PAGE NO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEP~VlSOR TO PAY AUD£'r~u~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. S~. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named ~ersons, the amounts set down opposits their respective ngmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ].l.~'l ........ day of ............. M~%~Ch ........ , 1969 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, CI-IECK BUDGET OR OTHEI% NO. ACCOI/NT NATUI~E OP CLAI~ F~,pense-Tow~ ralmp ~ a, ~Lou's Service Stption P~%, 3~ L" " " ~? ,~-~ C3M Business ~chinem Sales ~% m ~ - ~ ~ttituck Auto Parts 10l 9A Supplies-Supervisor 5 94 " Tax Receiver 23 40 Fuel-Police. Dog Warden, 659 72 Bay ConstAble, etc. ~Wl~enie. Police Csrs-Jan. ~11 57 " " " Feb. 438 33 ALL Communications Inc. Inc.-Supplies-Police Oriffing Hardware Co. ~OTO~A~T Shops Eastern L.I. El~ronics ERSt End Supply Co. lnc. Southold Lumber Co. Inc. ~'? ?~-~ McBee Systems ~-,~ aa - ~o Adam Johnson *"~ /~ J~ CVa~Dyck & Yousik Xnc. Radio Service-Feb. Edward Thompson Co. Supplies-Police Service-Police Repairs-Radio-Police Supplies-Bay Constable Expense-Bay Constable North Fork Shell Tappert's Bookshop Supplies-Police Dog Muzzle-Dog Warden Tires-Police Pocket Part-Police Washing Police Cars (Supervisor-13.70 (Poli~e-4.74 i(Tax Receiver-credi~-2.90 Hoth~n's Department Stor~ Supplies-Bldg. Dept. 10 180 213 21 2 {16 46 4 i90 24 ioo 12 /59 s 185 3 72 4 59 28!78 259137 7 O0 ~giO0 DATE PAYMEN~ NO. Warrant No ......................... To SIIPI!~VISOR TO PAY AUD1T~a~ Byr ~T .~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ENE~AL BILLS (3) To the ~upervi~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Oplx~ite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 1.].41h ........... day of ............... Ma.rob ........ 19.69 on Claims No ................... to i'to ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAIVE William E. Zitek. D.V.M. "N.Y. Telephone Co. NATURE O1~ CLA/iVI Expense-Dogs-Jan. & Feb. 3660-Civil Defense ?6TI-Police 3996- " 2600- " '~ '~ ~Pitney Bowes Inc. 9- ~ Ad~reiiograph-Mult. Corp. 2660-Bldg. Inspector 3020-A~seasora 3783-Town Clerk Stamp Machine-Tax Rec. Supplies~Aaseseors Zoning Bulletin Subicr ~tion-Bldg. Dept. ~I.Assoc. of Commerce & Industry-Membership Dues Southold Historical Society-% Allocation Standard Linen Service Towels-Town Office L.I. Lighting Company Electricity qFishere Xsland Elec. Corp. Electricity-Town Barn " '° Utility Ir~.-Telephone.etvil l~ense Wayside Market (L.I. Traveler Inc. Supplies-Town Office Notice-Hearing Suoervisor's Report Supplies-Supervisor Notice-Hear inq 138 O0 l0 O0 34 20 40 70 196,65 29190 53 !70 32120 14196 174192 17 00 100 O0 500 O0 5175 357 !55 4 !64 7 !65 7 !74 6 108 218 170 218 70 86 00 5 '70 Subscription-Bd. of Appeals 5 00 Supplies-Planning ~d. 21 90 ~' Bd. of Appeals 21.90 TOWN CLER~ NO. Warrant No ......................... To S~VI$OR TO PAY AUDx. r.~3 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL BILI~ 54) To the SuDervt~or of the To~n of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followh~ named 9ersons, the amounts set down opposite them res~ective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~vn Board ~f Southold on the ...... ].1~.~1 .......... day of ......... ~arch ........... , 19. ~9 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. CTI~CK BUDGET 3~.~ Henry J. Smith '~',~' ~ Tryac Truck & Squip. Co. North Fo~k Aiz~ys 9'-~, fL.X. Traveler Inc. ~%~/% Van~yl & Son ~ z-a~, ~oldamith & Tuthill f aob~l 0il Co. Southold Fuel 0il Co. Lipco Agway Inc. ~t .~ ~'Edward Ehrbar Ine, Ecl Lade~ann Electric ~ s~ CN.y, Telephone Co. ,~ m~, (A. R. Grebe /%?-~/A. R. Grebe ,%~ z~, ~Chief Carl Cataldo ¥ East End Supply Co., Inc. McCabes Central Store L.I. Traveler Inc. Southold Lumber Co. Tappert's Bookshop 4. PA~E NO ................. NATURE Ol~ CLA~i~ Work on pump at Dump ~upplies-Dump TranaDort~tion-H. Terry Supplies-Assessors " Town Justice Sute] M~ps-Highway Fuel-Town Clerk Office Mobil Fuel-Dum~ ~uel-Town Offices Sup~lies-Dump Lights 1580-Juatice Clark 4111-Justice Surer 0550-Supervisor Expense-Planning Board ~ssoc. of Town~ Expense-Police Office Batteries-Police Supplies-Police Notary Stamp-(Stepnoski) Police-8.56 Parks & Beaches-61.10 16 85 40 00 DATE OF pAYM/~NT 7 23 66 13 O0 25 10 14 50 138 !00 116 [73 , 100 !lo 145 142 89 5 02 61 351 ~46 25 85 ~0 llq 43 99] 34 33i 18 sl 16 ar-2.13 32 77 Supervis~ _ Po 1 ice- 1.30 Bldg. Dept.-il.89 Warrant No ......................... To SUI~EI~VISOR TO PAY AUDrrr, o BILL~ CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD General Bills To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesi~te their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sc~thold on the ........ l~,.tLh ......... day of ........... I~'.C~ ........... , 19.6.9 on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ [ BIIDGET A1VIOUtTr ~ /-3~ Village of GreeneSt ~lectricitv ~ 34 70 " ' ~-~'~ ~ ~ American Termite Control ~penmo-~mD -Feb. 20 00 N.Y. Telephone Co. New Suffolk Shipyard, William Januick ?az~, ~L.I. Traveler Inc. P~c~ ~The Suffolk Weekly Times ~lareh & HcLsnn~n. Burroughs Corp. 6675-Dump 6022-Police Inc. Expense-Police ~oat Expense-Bay Constable Notice-Zoning File ll%aUr&ll~e .......... Service-Tax Receiver ~7 Academy Printing Enterprises Supplies-Supervisor Standard Linen Service ~N.Y. Telephone Company Albert M. Martocchia Towels-Town Office (3783-Town Clerk (2660-Building Inspector (3020-Assessors expense -Ass'n of Towns il~otdrn L.I., Blsctronics York Telephone C~apsny ~ttituck Historical Society a~rbsrs C. ~tt~ sirens for police phones - police % yearly frint -qtsno fief hesrinp ~-?~ 1-~0 I73 7-30A Dooley'e Ploor Service Lo,is M. Demerit cleaning floors Asa's of Towp- 12 65 42 85 485 ]00 26 95 3~ 52 oo 84 l~ 86 62180 5]75 28i45 30 95 117 ! 00 927 40 277 6~ $00 O0 DA~ OF PA~E ~O ....... .~. ? ....... NO. Warrant No ......................... To BUP~VISOI% TO PAY AUDrr~o BILLS C~IAP. 6~4 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S~REET LIGHTING DISTRICT~ (1) only To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and d~rected to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n.~,~ cml of the accounts sDecifled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board oI Southold on the ...... ],]~1 ........... day of ......... M~rch ........... , 19.~9on Claims No ................... to NO ................... hnc.. now on file in my office. ! Ci~ECK BUDGET OR~ NO. ACCOUN~ · Lighting Cc~Darty St. Lights-Orient " " " " East Marion " " " " E-W Greenpor t " " " " Southold " " " " Peconic AMOUNT ALLOWED 333 20 252 65 265 00 860 ]64 203 !45 DA~ O1~ " " " " " Cutchogue " " " " " Mattituck %1 Mattituck %2 \ Fishers Is. /llec. Corp. St. Lights-Fishers Island 901 53 988 71 / 87 60 173 33 only NO. Warrar~t NO ......................... TO S01~VlSOR TO PAY AUD£'rmt~ BILLS CI~IAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FXSHERS ISLAND FERRY BXLL~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .................. llth ...... day of .................. ~...., 1~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR OTPIER NO. ACCOUNT /~F /~/ /~ NATURE Ol· CLA~i~ Fuel & Service Sta=ion-Fuel-Freight House Bailey & S~ub. ~ail HauLage-Feb. Win~.h Covers G~inold Aut~ Parts, Inc. Parts for plow J. Soloe~n Inc. Purser's Supplies As~oo. Flnanoi&l ~erv. ~-~dio ~i~m~nt Thames Valley 8reel ~rp. ~ate~lals Cash ~egister Co. ~airs-Register Mobil Oil Co. I Material-Mystic Isle Fishers Island Ferry Dist.-Petty Cash · ay~eon Comsmr~ Radar Maintenance-Feb. The Suffolk ~eekly Ti~em Notice-MYBTX¢ X~L~ New london Day Notice-MYSTIC ISLE Tex~co Xno. ~aterial-" " ~ordon Abaton Lost Freight Themes 8hll;~Zard & R~pai~ ~o. -BxpenaeOLXHDA Smton~ilaonlia~dwmre Ce.i Expense- " New Y~ndon N%rin~ Sul~ly ~o.- Li£e Jaokets 8hil~man'm Fire ~quip. Co.] Xnapection ]G~uskin ~-rd~mre Co. iMaterial-OLlNDA Fishers Island Utility Coi Utilities Edward Thompson CO. Pocket pa~t 1 only AM OLrl~f DATE OF ALLOV~E~ PAYmEnT ~7625 O0 828 ~00 35 ~44 1~ ~00 45 ~00 20 11 61 90 94 24 19 180 ~ i00 54 O0 6 65 9 80 18 13o 7 [50 2108 [35 s los 125 125 i00 2 107 ll3 ;42 NO. Warrant No ......... T.* .............. To S0-PE~VICK~ TO PAY AUDrA'~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the ToWn of southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named ~ersons, the amounts ~et down o1~poslte their respective n~ne~ cui of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~.~...~.. ......... day of ...... ~ .................. 1 .~... on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Cl-/~CK I BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAME NATURE O? CLAIiVi ~OUNT [ D~T~ o~ moo Warrant No ......................... To SUF//~VISOI% TO PAY AUDrrau3 TOWN OF $OUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ... ................... ~ . .day of ..... ~ ............... , 19../~.. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CHECK BUDGET OR OTHE~ NAME NATLrI%E OF CLAI1Vi NO. AC COUN~ ( AMOUNT DATE OP NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPE~VISO1% TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, Ai%T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~erv/sor of the Toam of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ so/~ down opposite their respective na~es out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~ ............. day of ............. F~b~.u.a.r¥ ...... 19~9. on cial~ mo ................... to mo ................... inc., now on hie in my om~. O1% OTHER NAME NO. ACOOUNT ~/~7 ! ,~o Albert M. Martocchia NATUl%E OP CLAII~ Rxpense-0f lice Vail Studio & Camera Shop FiLm-Bldg. Inspector The State Insurance Fund Workmen's Compensation Cliff Tyler's ~arage Inc~Expense-Bldg. Insp. Car Village of Greenport The Michie Co. Water-To~n Clerk Office Supplies-Town Attorney Academy Printing Rnterprises~ Inc.-Supplies-Sup'r. " " " # " Police Humble Oil & Refining Co. ~asoline-L. Albertson Williamson Law Book Co. ~riffing Hardware Co. Royal Fishing Tackle Co. McMann Price Agency Supplies-Police " Dog Warden Insurance Henry S. Stepnoski Clothing Allo~rance Joseph H. Sawicki " " Stanley Januskiewicz Work at Dump Howard M. Terry Post Car Rental-F.I. Vet. of Foreign Wars %9205-Haintenance Fishers Ia. Elec. Corp. i Expense-Town Barn-Dec. Albert W. Richmond " Town Clerk North Sea Auto Radiator Repairs-Payloader-Dump wm. Januick- 2.20 Southold Hardware I Assessor Fox- 19.80 U.S. Postmaster, Greenpor~ Stamps-etc.-Supervisor Dog. Warden - Cutchogue Shell Station ;Police -45.00 9 28 5 75 4~22 93 33 50 8 00 7 5O 28 85 67 35 29 10 45 80 4 9O 9 65 15 60 164 96 96 23 62 30 10 60 200 O0 5 44 22[ 08 246I O0 22i 00 i 48[ 00 DATE PA~ PAGE HO ....... ~? ....... NO. War~ant NO ......................... TO SUPE~VISOI% TO PAY AUDITED CI-IAP. 634 LAWS O1= 1932, AI%T. 8, SEC. I2/) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD GE AL EILr.S (2) To the Su!cervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following ~amed persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... 6th' ........ day of ............ ~0]~rY ..... 19..6~on Claims NO ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. t~I/DGET 0~% OTHE~ ACCOUN~ NAME I NATI. FR~ OP CLA/i~ Bay Constable- 4.68 Tryac Truck & Equipment CO.-Assessors - 12.60 Internat'l. Eusiness Mach. CorD.- SuDDlies-Police Mattituck Auto Parts, Inc. '~heeler'a Garage Oil-Police Capital Highwayl~tsriats. Ina--supplies-Police ~ou~hold Pharmacy Ina. " " Saxon Paper Corp. Il " Charles Gree~hlatt " " Plahning 1~1~-4~o00 $orth Fork Airways, Inc.-~d-_°f Appeals 20.00 ~. Terrf-36.00 Coastal Airways. Inc. ~.I. Liqhtinq ComPany GlOrge L. Penny Inc. Aullen Motorl, Inc. ]k~. of Appeals Electricity' Arterial Highways Supplias-Ta~ Receiver Service-Supervisor Car Auto Service " '| |l R~'-~o Chaa. Gagen, Postmaster Stamps-etc.-Bldg. ~;~ ~ Griswold-Terry-Glover Post ~803-Maintenance Gulf OXl Co. Fishers Inspector Fuel-Dump L. Albertaon-ll. O? W. Januiek- ~ 1.00 ~aaoline-Wm. Januick Fire District ltental of Justice Room 33 [84 17 14 1 55 ~89 00 18 10 67 11 95 ~0 ~0 104 99 19 O0 265 35 89 l0 5 50 4 00 5 00 19 [50 200 !00 s 53 ]10 88 ]50 500 0o DA~ OF pAXrM~INT e PAGE i~O ................. NO. ,? J Warrant No ......................... To S0-PEI%VISOI~ TO PAY AUDrr~u COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SILLS (3) To the Superv~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~nes Gui of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audg; of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ......... ~h ......... day of ................ ]~e]~r.~y., 19.~.9 on Clain~ No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. McCabee Central Store Supplies-Polioe $ 20 I1 ~ Rothman's Dept. Store Fl~g-Police q 65 William E. Zitek, D.V.M. Services-Dogs Hart Hardware & Garden Ce~ter-Supplies-Police 133 O0 13 40 DATE OP pAYMENT Village of Gresnport Southold Fuel Oil Cp. Dooley'a Flo~r Service A. ~. Grebe Tryac Truck & Equip. Edward Ehrbar Inc. If~o ~' f L.I. Traveler Inc. Co. Suffolk Weekly Times Te&ephone Corp. ~lectricity-Jan. Fuel-Town Offices Waxing Floors Expense-Planning Sd. Parks & Beaches Expense-Payloader-Dump Supplies-Police Tax Notice- Rec. of Taxes &upplies- # " " Bldq. Inipector Notice-Planning Sd. " Sd. of Appeals Supplies-Town Clerk Notice-Tax Receiver " Sd. of Appeals ~eased Lines-Dec. 114 ll 28 00 13 O0 22 28 46 i50 9 25 2 io9 s j40 ,7.8 ~5 23 j80 18 !45 15 !Ol 6 223 J97 14 [25 6 Io8 5 iO0 PAGE ~0 ................. NO. Warranl~ NO ......................... To s0-PEI%VISOR TO PAY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BILLS (4) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin4~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names ou~; of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~wn Board of Southold on the ....... (~,~ ........... day of ................ ~e]i)lg~/l[r.~., 1969 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc.. now on file in my office. ,Jnn~K BIIDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT Sm %z ~--~. Albert NANiE N.Y. Telephone C~ny Martocchia East End Typewriter Co., American Termite Control Co. 6022-Police 0550-Supervisor 1580-Justice Clark 6675-Dump 2660-Bldg. Insp. ~otary Fee and Filing Inc.-Supplies-$uDervisor exterminatin§ service 39 35 83 40 ? 25 14 20 21 50 11[0o 55:80 20 00 DATE O1~ PAYMmlN~ PAGE NO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPF~VISOR TO PAY AUD~'~ CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~'xm Ti~,~ ~ DTI'mXCT To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followhug named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nmnos out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 25~.~ ........... day of ..... ~n~ff ............ 1939 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ~CCOUNT N~ AlfrEd AMOLrNT NATLrl~E OP CLATI~ ALLOV~ED O~eratXon of ~o~Xe Xole ~ 7575 O0 ibmpmL:m, Iquip. o~, i 452 87 Petty ~amh Pureor * · I~pplXoe !15 O0 71~ 93 X'j 60 DATE OI~ PAYI~ENT LandrXg&n ~orporetXon LXfe nafto-oLxm~ 7oL oo 852 00 16 O0 118t'l.~tlb, log. CO. itepiXrw-legLm~er A#oc. FLnin. lervLoeo C:orp.-Ma~Lo Iq~Llmont ./' 'J~co Zn~. Fll~ero . . · NYBTZC TILl Apex OffLao flupply ~o. Thameo Valley Btam1 Corp~ Materiel-Freight Flare ]linroh & MeLonn~ MarLuo Xnouranoe 61 90 11~ 32 49 SOl 61~ 70 19, 21.1.3! Iler ~ Day llOtiaO tO BJJMorm 14 O0 · ' # ' Of IY IXWIdJ~ttLOnl 4 20) ~hnmoe ShXpyurd & itopaLr Co.-Hull PXeto-IHBTXC Till 300 00~ r.x. u~ilit7 ~o. only 4 4O NO. Warrant No ......................... To S0'PE~VISOR ~O PAY AUDITI~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AI~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STREET LIGHTXNG DXSTRXCTS TO the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: (l) You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective namos out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 6. th ............. day of ..... F~rul~ry ............ 19.69on Claims Ho ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. /L.I. Liqhtinq St. Lights-Orient " " EastMarion " " E-W Greenport " " Southold " " Peco~ic " " Cutchog~e " " Mattituck ~1 . . " #2 Villa~a of Greenport " - wesb Greenport Fishers Isband Electric Corp.-St. Lights-Fishers f'Vlll&gs of (tr~mlmrt Village o~ Orll~ort PXIt~ ~ROX~-'~'XO~ DXSTRX* ,T ~lst-West t~lre Pt~lmctio~ ~st W~t Pire Protection ltl 20 ~h 252 65 249 05 810 33 203145 892 30 889 22 S7160 137196 173!33 DATE OF PAYM~VT PAGE NO ........ .~. ? ...... NO. Warrant NO ....... ~. ............... To Sb~L_~O~ TO PAY AUDI'A'~t~ COUNTY OF SEqY4VOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOtJ') i m~mmllg nlu~ TO the Su~ervisor of the TOW~ of South01d: ~B~ .~ ~ ~ ~ YOU are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nmne~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~ .............. day of ...... ~ ........... , 19.~1~ on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. fly / m-) $ ?$ PA~E ~0 ................. TOWN~[~a~K ~ NO. Warrant NO ..... ~ ................. To S01~E~VY~SOR TO PAY AUDi'i'~u~ BILLS ~P. ~4 ~WS ~ 1~2, ~T. ~, ~. 120 TOWN OF $OUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective rmmos out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tov~ Board of Southold on the ......... ~ .......... day of ...... ~ ............ , 19~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... lnc., now au file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR OCHER NO. AC COLr?~T NAME NATUIZE Ol= CLAi~/ AMOUNT DATE OP ALLOWI!iD PAYNfENT /~/,/.<- ? Warrant No .... ~ .................. To ~0'PE~VISOI~ TO PAY AUDI'A'~ CHAP. 634 LAW8 ~ 1939, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 courior TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followtn~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... m ............ day of .... ~i~W ............ , 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. DATE OP PAYMENT : lee,,, '~ ' - _ it& PAGE NO ....... .~.~ ....... NO. Warrant NO ......................... To SOPF~VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~a3 SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SXn S (1) To the S~pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~nes ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~-n Board of Southold on the ........ l~-Jk ........ day o! .............. ~,xanu~ry..., 19..6~on Claims No ................... to NO ................... /nc., now on file in my office. i~ATLrI{~ OF CLAI~ Albert W. Richmond ~rion A. Regent Expense-Town Hall Notary Fee 35 32 11 00 Mildeed Chap~n " " 11 O0 W~. E. Zit*k, DVM Charles Ahraham~ Tester M, Albertso~ Albert ~rto¢chia Edwin Fickaiasan Edna A. Brown Wendell B. Tabor Mrs. Annie Levine Services-Dogs la71 O0 Road Inspection 75i 00 mx~e~se-Supervtsor O~fl~e 1~ $1 ~esesaor Htg. 5] o0 O0 O0 Rent-July thru Dec. 90! O0 International Business l~ch. Corp-Typewriter Maintan- 192] 90 ! ante ~ Robert C. Mallgraf Expense-His~orian Williamson Law Rook Co. Supplies-Town Clerk Littlefield Alger Signal Co., Inc.-Traffic Signal Serge Doyen, Jr. N.Y. Planning Federation ~oldsmith & Tuthill Edwin H King Expense Ed. of Appeals Annual Membership Dues Fuel Oil-Town Hall Storage-Civil Def. Car FiRbers Ia. Telephone Carp-Leased Lines-Oct.& Nov. " " Utility Corp. Elec.-Town Barn -Nov. Dooley Bloat Service Mv~i~uek Iron Weeks St~mnley Januskiewicz 81i 69 341 93 203 [ 70 551 00 sgl lo Wax Floors ~4i O0 Labor-Town Dump , 48i 80 DATE OP PAYM~N~ Warrant No ......................... TO SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~ C~AP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD BX S (2) To the Superv~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opp~lte their respective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts aUowed by audit of the T~wn Board cfi Smlthold on the .... 14th ............ day of ............. ~a.~l~ry...., 19.~9on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~? ?~ NAM~ f~ynd Cleaves Post ~61 Veteran Room Allo~nce 1969 200 " " " Rental office ~ustice 720 Hart Hard. re & Garden Centar-~nss-Parks Cliff ~lers Garage Inc.-~nse-Bldg. lnsp. Car fTiyac Truck & Equip. Co. " " " " " Assessor Car ~VaTck&Yous~Inc. Rxpanse-Parks&~aches " " ~chiner¥-~mD tAcademy ~inting an:erprises Supplies-Town C " " " Senior Citizen~ Hubbard's Service Station] Storage-Assessor Car "~neodora S. ~oroski Mobil 0il Corp. MoMann Price Aqency T~wn of Southold Van's ltardware AMOLrNT NATUP~ O1~ CLAI3I ALLOWED Fuel-L. Albertson Insurance Taxes 9R. Boyd Property) Su~plies-Supervisor Off&&* American Termite Control Co.~Servica-Dump-Dec. F~ward Thompson Co. Supplies-E. Perry A. R. Gre~ ~ 6 15 4 50 301 95 42 03 33 54 193 24 40 65 42 75 10 O0 ~1 !77 5 ~5 50 iO0 129 '86 2 39 20 00 3 150 13 O0 V,a,n 1~t~/1 & Son r-oI. Lighting Co, ,Survey map-Ouean St. 40 Surveyor Services-AssessorS 101! ~lanning Board-S100.00 i50 !~own ~xponse-14.00 ; 114 D0 l~leo. 133 il9 O0 DATE OF PAYMENT NO. Warrant No ......................... To S0-PF./%VISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~ BILL.5 CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ~, 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to Day the following named persons, the ameunt~ set down opposite their respective nmnes ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Beard of Southold on the ......... 14,~ ....... day of .............. January ..... , 19.69 on Clain~ No .................. to No ................... inc., now en file in my office. CH~CK BUDGET OR OTHER NO, ACCOUNT NATURE 01~ CLA/~ /Addressograph-Mult. Corp Supplies-Assessors Maintenance-Machines 1969 DATE O~ ALLOV~/~) PAYMENT 26 70 ~C,~7,~~ 191 '16 0ysterDonda Hist. Soc. 'Villaqe of GreenDort Traveler Xnc. The Suffolk Weekly /N.Y. Telephone Co. L.I. Traveler Inc. Inc.-Town Grant Supervisor'a Office-1968 Jail Uae-1968 Supplies-Tax Rec. Notices-Town Clerk " Bd. of Appeals # Supplies-Bldg. Insp. Notice-Bd. of App~ls 8uppl~en-~ 3783-To~ 3020-A~lellor 2660-Bldq. Xnsp. 3660-Civil ~fense 6675-~ 0550-Su~rvisor 1580~ustice Clark Supplies-Bldg. Inspector 500.,00 I 1250 O0 } /~<~' ~'? ~ 67 185 [10 5 i13 22 i23 20 i90 22 {50 36 !00 32 75 51 ,~00 10 i05 47 55 7 25 24 ¢5 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SU~EI~VISOR TO PAY' AUDITED CHAp. 634 LAWS OF 1~32, A~T. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BILLS (4) To the Supervh~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names cut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ]..4~h ............ day of .... qa~a~ ............. m .6.9on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. DATE OF PA~ ~7 Beverly Bennett Joseph H. Sawicki Henry Stepnoski, Jr. Henry G. Stepnoski, Jr. Edward Sidor Community College Mileage & Expense Sxpenae-Constable Ma t~on Service Clo~inq All~nce ~unity ~llege Beat Uniform Co. Supplies-Police Assessors-14.80Hec.-24.23 Tappert's Bookshop Supt.-6.48 Planning 3.51 Cles£k-5.54 l~lic= .i7 Center Moriches Paper Co., Inc.-Supplies-Police Police-12.50 Eastern L.X. Elec. Constable-40.00 Southold Pharmacy Albertson Marine Inc. Supplies-Police Bay Expense-Constable Boat ~ ~. Cutchogue Shell Station Cam Washed-Police 10~00 200 O0 200 O0 3500 30 O0 51! 40 54 173 10i 00 52t50 4179 32i 69 37', so Vail Studio & Camera Shop McCabes Central Store Hulses Service Station Davann's Man's Shop Hulses Service Station Southold Lumber Co. Cliff Tyler's ~arage Inc~ New Suffolk Shipyard lnc~ Supplies-Police Supplies-Police Expense-Police cars ua~constab~e-20.70 Police-S28.00 Expense-Dog Warden Truck Supplies-Bay Constable Repair-Dog Warden Truck Expense-~ay Constable 15 05 15 08 18 15 48! 70 17 i 15 391 86 15:O0 315] 63 NO. Warrant N0 ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDIT~.~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. I20 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective namse out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 1.~th ........ day of ............... J~nuar~,...., 1969. on Claims No ................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. IOR OTHER NO. I ACCOUNT NA'rUltE OF CLA_llVI Fotocraft Shops I~ Va~D~ck & Yousik Xnc. Lou's Service Station Edward Thompson Co. Practising Law Institute lNew York Telephone Co. Southold Fuel Oil Co. (/Burroughs Corp, Edward Thompson Co. //? N.Y. Telephone Co. Burroughs Corp. Expense-Police McKinney - Police Supplies-Police 2671-Po lice 2600-Police 3996-Police 6022-Police 3660-Civil Defense 3020-Tax Receiver Fuel-Offices Maintenanceo1969 Supp~Aos ~ocket Par tsoSupervisor 3660-¢£v£1 Defense 667 S-Dump 37~3-?own Clerk 2660-Police 2671- " .1, Cle k 3.0 t°u W ic Ir .oo Ma intenance !$ 26 33 146 50 16 78 199 62 7 O0 10 5O 36 95 194 80 461 80 13[ 50 45! 50 194[ 40 35~ oo 865] O0 os s? °°i 32 lO 30 i20 188 O0 24 40 28 60 31 O0 DATE OP PAYMenT NO. Warrant No ......................... TO SD-PE~VISOR TO PAY BILLS C/-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AR~T. S]~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL BTLLS ~ To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ~4.~% ........ day of ..... ~aY¥ ............. ~9.6.9 on claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. IOR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAME Ted D£achun ~McMann Price Agency Window Washing-1968 Bonds-John Gada & E. AMOUI~r AI~OV~ID 72 O0 Edwards 20 00' Bonds-Town Clerk Supt. of Highways Justice Clark BondI-SuPervisor CuItodian FXF D Blanket Bond N.Y. Telephone Co. Firemen°i Fund 4111-Justice Surer Earbara Dittm~nn Sec. Service-Justice Surer Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council - 1st half 196~ 35 O0 600 O0 150 I 00 308 00 22 70 30 O0 500 00 DATE OP PAYMENT PA~E NO ...... J~,~ ..... Warrant ~To To S~/PEI%VISOR TO PAY AIJDrr~l~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (l) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to p~y the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~es out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit cf the Town Board af Southold on the ...... 1.4~A ........... day of ...... ~'arlu~ry ............. 19.6.9 on Claims No ................... to Nc ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI{ECK NO. ?~ ~ /r,? BUDGET OR OTHER ACCOUNT NA1Vi~ AYATUP~ O1~ CLAINi Alfred S. Btcknell ~A~hard V. Fo¥le ltay~ond F. ~en S~icer Fuel Co. Operation-M~atic Xsim ~ail ~aulaqe-~ov.& I~c. Comm. Meetings # j Servicom-Charter # Fuel-red, imm Schultz Bleotric Co. ,~ R~l~lra ~o Generator Shipm~n'a Fire NClUipment' Material-Extinguishers Sullivan Printing Co. ~'~ ~nvelo~a ~loc. Financial Service Radio Equipment National Plumbing Supply Material-Olinda ~da Fuel & Service Raytheon Company Grinold Auto Parta ~ Marsh & ~ennan Xnc. Columbia Pictures ~, ~', John ~. ~ev~ Alvlh Bushnell ~o. · uel-Freiqh~ Houle Rada~ Maintenance Material-Olinda Cargo Mail Inauran~ F. & E.C. " Work~en~s Com~en~&tion Theatr~ Film8 Office Supplie~ 8000 O0 30 20 !00 32 !50 745 35 32 iO0 90 6l 35 64 54 iO0~ 2 i48 600 00'" 1681 i00 240 JO0 1224 J50/ 43 180 44 162 19 ]63 DATE OF PAYMENT V~rarrant NO TO S0-PE~VYSOi~ TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932~ ~T. 8~ SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD FXSHBIt~ X~IAMD FERRY DX~TRXC'. To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down op~asi~e their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... 14.th ............. day of ............. ~nlJli~r~ ..... , 19.6.9 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BUI~rET OR ACCOUNT Fishers Xs. Utility Co. Motorola C & E Xnco Mobil Otl Co. Alt~ Service Corp. Utilities to 11/30/68 R~air Radio ltepairs Base Radio Mobil Gzease ~ube O~1 Sound Se~vice-~hea~e AMOTYNT 144 27 36 48 17 50 \ 7 45t 133 65/ 88 86 DATE OF PAYMENT Warrant No ......................... To SUPI!~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED oF TOWN OF $OUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their reapective nsme.s out of the accounts sPecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~ .......... day of .......... ~$ ......... , ~.. on Clairna No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATUR~ OF CLAI1VI DATE OF' PAYMENT PAGE ~0 ................. I';0. Warrant No ......................... TO SD~I~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED C~IAP. 624 LAWS ~ 1~2, ~T. 8, oF mJ u( TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the To~n o! Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~ne~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ .......... day of ....... ~/~ ........... , ~... on Clainm NO ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR OT H~E'R NO. ACCOUNT NATURE OP CLAI~I /~/ /'Fl / AiVXO~N~r DATE OF ALLOY¢'ED PAYlg~N'T PA~E 1~O ................. Warrant No ......................... To SUI~EI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'rakO BIIJ~ C~IAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, SEC. 120 C(~I~Y OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervl~0r of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite t~e_~e~pective ns~nez ou$ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ........ ~ ........... 19~. on Clain~ No .................. to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CHECK BUT)GET OR OTHER NA~E NATURE OP CLAINI DATE OF Warrant No ......................... To SUPF~VISOR TO PAY AUI)A'A'~J BTr,T .q CItAP. 634 ~WS ~ 1932, ~T. 8, ~. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby author~ed and directed to Day the following named persons, the amounts set dov~ opposite their respective n2~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ].4th ............ day of ................. jan%l~-~r.., 19.6.9on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI-I:ECK i BUDGET / I ~ L.I. L~ht£ng Company NATLrP~ OF CLATI~ 256 39 271. 82 892 30 810 33 203145 DATE OF Villaoe of Greenport "#l ~'ttituc~ . #1 . - #2 . " W-Gr®e~por~ (Nov.) 863 17 1025 81 Fishers Island Zloo. Corp. 1731 33 PAOE NO ..... .~,~ .........