HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968Warrant NO ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUD1T~ CPIAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AP~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL B'rLLS (1) To the SuDerv~sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their resgectlve names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tc~vn Board of Southold on the ............ 1.0th ..... day of ............ ~).eCelll]~ar...., 19..68on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~,¢-,;~ ~a_elin*s Service Center , z- a~, 2d Lademann Electric NA~ aP CLAIN~ [Supplies-Parkz iHighway Bldg. -54.25 Tryac Truck & Equipment C~ S_uppl_ies-Parks & Beaches Helen B. Pospisil iEx~ense-Senior Citizens A. R. Grebe East End Typewriter Co. Caleb B. Smi~ Inc. ~orge L. Penny' Inc. ~. W. ~thill ~t Yard ~l~in Travel Bureau " Planning Board ~uppliea-Police " Supervi~o r " Police ;;alter F. Rowland ~' Cutchogue Auto Sales ~'~lCliff Tyler'e Garage $ 7 [95 170i50 16!oo 22195 16 lOS 6i5o 15150 30~73 21~25 56100 26110 109190 Expense' P° 1 icec~j~ea]~ Ca r..a ld< Plane Expense- L. Demarest IFire Extinguisher-Police _ !Expense-Bey Constable Inc. I " Bldg. Insp. Car lBldg. Inao. Car-6.75 " !Dog Wardeh-8.00 Supplies-Bl~g. Insp. Bldg. Insp. 16.50 iA~nes~ors-6.~O Gasoli~e-SuPerviaor !/~/r,~ /-*'~-' /' ?. Brandi Shoe Store ,Boots- Wm. Januick ~,~ .,~; £.~,- ~, Best Impressions Inc. m-55< /~" 3~- .~t Renewal Parts /,~o'~ /~" 3, A- John Gada /.~,~¢Z / ~' ~ishers Island Elec. !Supplies-Police !Expense-Cons table-F. I. Corp., Elec.-Town Barn DATE O~ 21400 59170 17195 21195 4;95 30!10 4[64 Warrant No ......................... TO SOPEI~1rlsoR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. II, SEC, 120 To the sugervizor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts sgecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of ~outhold on the ..... ].0.th ............ day of ........ ~ce~r ........ , 19~,8 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc. now on file in my office. NATUR~ OF CLAI3Vi Aalela. -12.40 Tappert* · BOOklhop _Bldg~ Dep~_-7~ ~9 Police-. 15 _'iv' · ,w&w_ u w~&~A_/ ~L~. Ta~._. B~_.. Humble Oil & Refining Co. ~aoline-S~il~rViloF Leater #. Al~ertaon Suppliea-Superviaor La~en~e M. T~lthlll Bnqineer Servicea Charles Abraham- (~eorge Mellaa .... so%-Charlea ellen0 Postmaster # Doroaki Road Xnlpe~tion Petty Cash-Tax Bxpel~e- " Stamps-Tax Boceiver Box Rent* # Supplier-Parka /,~,/J ~Y ~' Ralph W. Sterling Seed-Parka Chief of Police /.~:~7 /3. ~, ~r~ ~ldo ~nme- u~tl trip /z'~? ~/~ *~ Bdwurd lehrbar Inc. ilxpenee-l)ump Y(; ~,(-~nl~ck & Youaik Xnc. 7 ~'~' Bdwurd ~ho~pson Co. Nullen Notor Inc. L.X. Lighting Co. # M " Police Carl !Supplies-Assessors Bxpenao-Supervl$or Car !Bleetrieity ! AMOLrRT DATE Ol~ i ALI~w~D PAYMENT 21 43 l0 56 189 O0 50000 i00 O0 27 50 150000 4 50 63 75 24 50 108 88 37 72 29126 14116 60 [ O0 30]00 22156 3} SO 64i05 120i12 35100' 1369170 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SOPEi~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAWS C~ 1932, AliT. 8, ~. 1~0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (3) To the Su~ervisor of the Tm of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followil~ named persons, the amounts set down opp~ite their respective Zl~mes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town BOard of Sm~thold on the ...... ~.0.~ ........... day o~ ............ P~c.~r. ..... ~. ,6.e on ¢~i~ ~o ................... to No ................... inc., ,~ow on ,l~e in ~y o~. #iXXXmmmon Lmv Book Co. Ltnk l~r ~ompmn¥0 Xnc. / '~' (9outhold Fuel Oil CO. Law Book Ftihtri Xilind TtlIphono ~:orp.oLoiiod LhiI-Octo ~uPez'vLIor Fuel-Peeontc Office Raymond Cleavem ~at ~861 Memorial ImF Services Sunrise Coach LXnIi Xnc, TT&nlportation*Sentor Cit. ~olumbim ~tbbon & ~rbon ~o., Xne.- " Burrough8 Corp. & JupplXII-~IX R cetver dm Mot teo-Town Clork SuppltoI-BXdg. Inopoctor ~.X. Prod. Co., ~y Xnc.i Fenco-l)tlnp JOllph J. Krotger Xnc. ]lxponlo-TOVll D~ 35 O0 53 75 Sj O0 36 33 41 63 43 45 791 O0 4161 67 49661 00 3251 O0 7691i oo 29 i oo ~21 so 23 50 2].! s6 9i69 4 O0 24!00 1.3187 12 92 107 411.8 i 94 DATE OF PA~ P~GE NO....3.,, .......... f Warrant No ......................... To SUt~lrlSOI~ TO PAY AUDI. r~ Brr n-q CI-IAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, S~'C. 120 To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD BTZ,Z,S (4) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down oppselte their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amount~ allowed by audit of the T~oard of Southold on the ........ .............. 10th , .day of ............ ~C~r. .... 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc,, now on file in my office. OR OTHER NO. ] NO. ACCOUNT ] NAiV~I NATUR~ OP CLAIM ~elephoae Sarbara C. Ditt ann MOt~ituck Xron MOrkl William E. Zitek D~ Hart Hardware & Garden Center Zoninq-Bd. o£App~als Supplies-Yo~nClork # o£ App~ lo Bldg. Steno-Bd. o£ Appe~l. ~airs-Payload~r-Du~p idog warden expense police supplies 9 69 I , 16 20 23 70 13149 8[ 74 2O SiS 28 3S 32 95 ? 55 195 40 46 41 l 7 74.~ ].~ 78 22 120 O0 164 ~ DATE OF 207 [00 9 175 PAGE NO ........ 4 & ..... Warrant No ......................... To sUPErVISOR TO PAY AUD]:r~3 BILI~ C~AP. ~34 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 9, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~0..t~l.. ........... day of ................ ~f~l~l~ll~., 19.6Son Claims NO ................... to No ................... inc., now on file In my office. CI-IECK BUDGET NO. O1% OI'HER NA~ZE NO. ACCOUNT NATURE OF CLAIM /~'~'& IFFY&/ JLa<. A~erican Termite Control Co.~,-Service-DumD-Nov. Village o£ Greenport E. Kenneth Tabor Electricity Expense-Housinq Appeals Hubbard*s Service Station Expense-Assessor Car Luu's Service Station VanDyck & Yousik Mobil Oil Co. Charles ~reenblatt Eastern L.!. Electronics M~Cabe's Central Store Cutchogue Auto Sales East End Supply Co., Hulls Service Station Cutcho~e Shell Station ~vann ~n ' s Shop, Inc. " Police Cars /z.:3 ,/,~',z~ ~¥,' ~' A. John Gads York Telephone Co. ~a & You0Ak Inc. Tires-Police Cars ~asoline 9 Police Supplies-Police Radio Service-Police Supplies-Police i Expense-Bay Constable Inc. Supplies-Bay Constable Ex~unse-Dog Warden Car " Police Cars .Dog Warden-5.75 Police-20.25 Expense-Constable-F. ]:. phone - J,.stice co,.rt traf'ffic 8Agnalm - Cutchogue e~pense - Assessors fflooro - Town of£Aces supplAe~ - polAce dat£OL'm8 - polAce 2(~ O0 46 60 2 02 391 33 ~8 24 1249 97 26 55 441 50 lO 50 16] 5O 14i 83 14i O0 331 16 13 40 ss1 oo 261 O0 26 ! 85 44 36 17 160~ 14 i 32 DATE OF PAYMENT NO. Warrant No. To S0'PIEI~ZISOR TO PAY AUDi'i'~L~ CItAP, 634 LAWS S~C. 120 To the Supervhsor of th~ Town of ISouthold: OF TOWN OF SOUTHO1.F You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amOUnts allowed by audit of the ToWn Board of Southold on the ................ ~ ........ day IlJof .... B~J$f~,..: ' . ..; t9~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATURE OF CLAIM AMOUNT ALLOWED DATE OP NO. Warrant No ......................... To S0~EI~VISOR TO PAY SEC. 120 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amotmts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~ ............. day of .......... ~ ....... , 19~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ' OR OTI-IEI~ NAME NATU~ OF NO. AC COUN'r i DATE O1~ pAYMENT l~odlot perto 30Y IS PAGE lifO ................. NO. la. Warrant No ......................... To SrJI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'~r:~ cot r¥ OF St i 0LK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ ~ut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Beard of Southold on the ...~ ............... day of ......... ~t ........ , ~9..~.. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. whaCK BUDOET OP~ OTHER NAM~ NO. AC~OUI~r 140 DATE OF' III11el (7II03140) lO0 740 PAGE HO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPE~V-JSOR q~O PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAWS Gl~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounf~ set down opp~slts their respective nmne~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ].C)~ ........... day of .... ,~.~.~1~1~. ............ 1~. on Claims No ................... to ;[,,To ................... inC., now on file in my office. BUDGET OR OTHER ACCOUNT NATLVR~ Ol~ CLA~i~ Or~l~r~ Y~ht & ShApbuLldg.-I~ano$ ~LZiI~ P.Z. UtLlAt¥ ~o. UtAlAtlea ~.o 10/31/68 I~rford ~. RadAo b~ rad~ J. ~X~n Xne. ~ge D. Farley ~A~o & lxpenoe8 Aesop. Pinn. Servieeo ~ Radio ~l~ipaent ~rge*o Au~ & hint Alfred I. ~ 1 PAGE NO ................. A~O~r DATE O~ ALLOYv'~ PAYMENT 22 ~ 2~6 00 ~29 IS 24 ~S 48 00 3 I11 s ]oo ~ O0 363 ]40 38 24 30 (36 ~24 74 ~ 09 32150 scsi20 12100 60 ioo lO0 Warrant No ......................... TO S~V~SOR TO PAY AU~£~'~ CPIAP. 634 LAWS O~' 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD only To the supervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ .10~ ........ day of ....... ~ca~' ......... 1968 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ~ BT,/D~ET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NA~/i%E O~ CLA~[ 'L.I. Lighting Company St. Lights-O~ient " " " " " East ~rion " " " " " E-W Graanport " " " " " $OU,'Chold " # " " " Peconic " " " " " C~tchogue " " " " " Mattituck S2 .Wishers Island Elec. Corp]" Tillage of Graenport " Fishers Island " West GreenDort 333 20 250 90 244 70 810 33 203!45 DATE O1~ pAYMENT 892 30 87 60 173 33 137 96 ,.~ / ~,~', 77 Warrant; No ......................... To SUPEt~VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~ BILLS CttAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 TO the sapervtsor of the Tovrn of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective r~mes out of th8 accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board c~ Southold on the ....... ~th ........... day of ..... ~.~R ........... , 19.6.8 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on tile in my office. NO. CI-~C~ BUDGET Ot~ ~ NO. ACCOUNT NATUR~ OF CLA~ Steve J. Doroeki ~ees=?own ~ach ~ I Ch,a, r les Abrahams Road Inspection " " Electricity g-~ Dennis & Company, Inc. /- c9 Doole¥' · Floor Service Supplies-Assessors Office Bldge(Waxed Floors) ~?-a~' fColumbia Ribbon & Carbon ¢o.-Supp~£es-Asseesors /~/g-~~" " " ' " Bd. of Appeals Fishers Xsland Tele. Corp. Leased Lines-Sept. f~st End Typewriter Co. Taxi John Duell Ail~/Service Williameon Law Book Co. Tappert ' s Bookshop L.X. Prod. Co.,Xnc. A~way Edward Ehrbar, Inc. ~&~ ~" VanDyck & Yousik Xnc. /' ~ IAlbert W. Richmond Supplies-Town Office Town Expense-Copy Machine-Of fic~ Serge Doyen-Bal. of ApDe&ls Supplies-Just*ce Clark Clerk-6.85 Amt'~als-39.40 Bld -11.2lA~ese°rs-8'40 g' Truatess-4.15 Control Bombs-Dump Supplies-Town Dump Expense-Dump Expense-Town Office PAGE ~0 ................. AMOLrNT DATE OP 25 50 75! O0 75 00 111 57 15 24 35 00 l?l 46 49 70, 05 2i 98 36J O0 22i 39 O0 O0 ~0~78 lO O0 ~ O0 /oo. 9O O0 NO. %Varrant NO ......................... TO S[/PE~VISOR TO PAY AIrbl,r~ BILI~ CI~IAp. 634 LAWS OP 1932, AP~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2) To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following: named persons, the amounts set down oppcsits their respective rinses out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of S~uthold on the ...... ~tb, ............ day of ........... ~O~)~;~ ....... 19. ~Son Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NA/VIE NATD'F~ O1· CLAI~i NO. ACCOUNT : ALLOYFED Pocket Part-Bldg. Inspector $ 3 50 " " T~ Clerk 'Edward ~homp on Co. l~'oe~ ~/-~'~ ,, . / " " Bd. of Appeals 7 00 Boat Rental-Grievance Day 80 I00 Assessors-~10.00 , Hubbard's Service Station Supervisor- 2.50 12 50 DATE OF PAYiV~ENT /~,e~ ~ .~a Cities Service Oil Co. Radio for office 46 65 American Termite Control Co.-Service-Dump 2O Pitney-Bowes Inc. Stamp Machine 24 Raymond Cleaves Post %861-Maintenance-1969 200 0~ Malcolm Pirnie Engineers Copies"Investigation Water~ 350 Gulf Oil Company Gasoline-Bay Constables 46 Fishers Is. Utility Co. Expense=Town Barn-F.I. 20 Texaco Inc. ~asoline-Supervisor 4 Academy Printing Enterpri~es, Inc.-Supplies-Pla~ng 15 Mobil Oil Co. ~asoline-Supervisor 30 Irving W. Miller Albert Martocchia Augustus Garelle Mildred Chapman Edwards Discount Center VanDyck & Yousik Inc. " ,, ,, ioo I00 O0 Shirley Skwara DEL Chemical Corp. Re~ Peconic County Meeting-Assessors Memo Calendars-Town Office Supplies-Police Expense-Police Matron Service Supplies-Police 1,106 O0 5 5 !00 5 [50 26 ! 18 io2 171:30 10 I00 50:165 Warrant No ......................... TO S01~E~lrISOR TO PAY AUDrr~I~ BH~ ~. 634 LAWS ~ 1932, ~T. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD G N - AL BXLLS (3) To the su~ervh~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dlrectsd to pay the foUowlD4~ named ~ersons, the amounts set do~n Ol~O~lte thcir respective nmnes ~ut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 7~ ........... day of Nov~.be~ ............. 19.68 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI~CK BUDGET NO. OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NA~E NATLrI%E OZ C][~ Tryac Truck & EcBlip. Co., Inc.-Expense-Dump Washington White'l Sons " Police Goldsmith & Tuthill Fuel-Town Hall Rail Studio & Camera Shop Film-Assessors Fotocraft Shops " Police Motorola Communications & ~xpense-Pollce Electronics Inc. Eastern L.I.Electronics " " Police-28.00 ~nc. Davann Men's Shod Carl Cataldo A. R. Grebe Warden-45100 ~D~y Conltable 11.00 Expense-Chief-Sept. & Oct.I Expense-Planning Sd. North Fork Airways, Inc. Expense-Bld~. Inspector Howard M. Terry Expense-Bldg. Inspector car Rental-F.I. Southold Pharmacy Supplies-Police Richard A. Jensen Expense-Constable-F.I. A. John Gads L.I. Fire Equipment Co. George L. Penny, Inc. SuD~liea-Police Supplies-Police Center Moriches Pap~rCo. Expenle-Police O'Keefe Chev-Olds Inc. " Police Cars Litton Business Systems, Burroughs corp. John E. ~%&ters PA~E NO ....... .3. ~. ....... Inc.-Supplies-Police maintsnance-1969 ' I 39 4 65 81 00 142 50 27 97 899 ~00 30 80 84 O0 86 [29 la ioo 88 iO0 12 40 1316o 8 175 23 79 9 !80 7 !50 62 !02 i1346 Work- Warrant No ......................... To S~l{ TO PAY AUDI'A'~u BILLS CI-IAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, AR, T. 8, S~DC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD G-~r~a~r. BX~-LS (4) To the Su~oerv~sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respecVlve nmmse out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of So~thold on the ....... ~th ........... day of .............. NO~Ve~I:)$~' .... 19.1~.8 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI~CK BUDGET NO. OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAME ~bes Central Store Traveler Inc. r ~c, :The Suffolk Weekly Times Telephone Co. Matthew Bender & Co.. N.Y. Telephone Co. Edward Thompson Co. American Termite Control Mobil Oil Co. Southold Hardware ATATUR~ OP CLAT~ own c~erk ].~ Notice-Town Clerk Town Clerk " Planning Supplies-Police Not',ce-Town Clerk " Zoning Bd. of A~peals 8uppl les-Bldg. Inspector 1580 Jus ~ce 0550-Supervisor I 6675-Dump Inc. Supplies-Justice Edwards 6022-Police 5050-Credit Supplies-Supervisor Service-Dump-Oct. Fuel-Town Dump i Parks Z7 19 12 60 12 30 11 02 13.06 4 18 15 [80 13 80 14 40 10 64 21 55 7 25 53 75 11 00 7 150 35 [00 ~o [oo 20100 !42 [ 32 3!25 DATE O1~ PAYI~IENT /[ Cre~l~ 30.78 PkGE ~O ...... ~? ........ Warrant No ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI'rmi; BIL[~ C~AP. ~4 LAWS OF 1932, A/%T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL BXLLS (5) To t/~e Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... 7th .......day of ...............-- -- NPV~D~*.. , 19.~8on claims No ................... to No ................... nc., now on file in my offf, ce. NO. r ,,,-- 7 ! cltgci~ BUDC~ET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAM:E Lou's Service Station NATtJIq~ oP CLAIA~ Expense-Police Cars AMOUNT ALLOWED ~'~,:~',~ tg't0r~, 'S& ~'~-~ Kenneth Lee Dickereon Jessie Shipman (~alley) ~McCabes Central Store Amit~ Auto Sales Inc. Rothman~s Dept. Store ~q~g /~ ~o :~o Kouros Camera Shop Henry J. S~aith East End Supply Co., Inc. Southold Lumber Co., Inc. TaDpert's BookshoD Wm. E. Zitek, D.V.M. Cutchogue Shell Station Village of Greenport Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Willia~ Unkelb~oh Ass'n of Towns of the State Work-Dump Prisoners Meals Supplies-Police Police Car Supplies-Police Film-Pollce Plumbinq Expense-Police Cars Public Works-10.00 Police-46.33 Supplies-Bldg. Dept. Servi=e-Dogs-Oct. Police Cars Washed Blactricity Mfg. Co., Inc.-Supplies Bd. of ~xpen~ea- In~titute annual dues 240 O0 7 65 2272 164 63 O0 18 166 6 [48 56 i33 21 12l I00 72 ]50 1 i8o 3i 68 98 ! 66 250 ] 00 DATE OP PAYiViENT 5r PAGE ~0 ................. NO. V~rarrant No ......................... To SUPEi%VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~D C~IAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LIGHT DISTRICTS To the St~pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 7.th ........... day of .............. ~V~r..., 19.48 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. / - fL.I. HA~JI%E OF CLA~Vi NAN/E Lighting Company St. Lights-Orient " " " " East Marion " " " " E-W Greenpor t " ' ..... Southold " " " " Peconic " " " " Cutchogue " " " " Mattituck 91 " .... " ~attituck 92 Fishers Is. Elec. Corp. " " Fishers Island Village of Green port Street Lights - Greenport $333 20 250 90 244 79 810133 203 145 892 !30 863 12 87 16o 173 ]33 137 96 DATE O1~ PAYIVEgN~ PAGE NO ......... ]. ...... NO. Warrar~t ~No ......................... TO SUP~I~VISO~ TO PAY AUDi'r~ C~AP. ~34 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FLIhOr! b~ind IPor:~ (L) To the Supervh~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ cut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .7~ ........... day of ............... ~O%Y~..., 19.68on Claint5 No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. I ~rl.~3K I BUDGET NO. ACCOUNT A3~OI/NT 688 52 i8325 00 ~ 61 90 24 SO DATE OP kll Do~rot~ D~eoel Zna. The b London DoM " *' Sept,. " " Oat° Bat. on A Wilaon il&rduure Co.- " " Transport. it ion Haulage-Oct. SchOdule8, et~ 4. Iolomon Inc. , luppl/eo · lshero bland Ferr~ DLst~ Petty ~uoh CL~ of ISov London, C~nn.',Agreement i00 60 8O S0 76 70 S4 54 8 386 97 X0 9 8 59 I iox7 136 L6 LiS ,00 160 ISO l~ !00 850100 8 PAGE ~TO ................. TOWI~ ~ NO. Warrant; No ......................... To SU~E~%r~O~ TO PAY C~*AP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, A,P.,T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r/.-hoF8 Xo~.&nd IPeEzy To the St~pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fonowin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nmnes /rat of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f South~ld en the .......... 'i[.~1 ......... day of ............... ~[O~d~...., 19.~$8on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. Wilcox ~til£ty ~o. Xnc. (Jenez&l Moodcz&£t ~nc. Labo~ & Manorial 32 08 80 O0 393 80 24 O0 10 O0 4 40 153 O0 48 ! 75 25 ioo 4~ i 74 DATE OP PAYiV/~',YC NO. Warrant NO ......................... To S0-PEPJVTSO~ TO PAY AUDrr~ CHAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southoht: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followl~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~nse out of the accounts apecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~ ............. day of ..... ~ .......... .., 19~. or, Claims No ................... to NO .................. inc., now on file in my office. CI-IECK NO. · m. ~mlmlal~&l~ I/tlmmmtemm, # ~H. ' ~ 'Iv. ~ ~ lined- t' DATE OF (1 1 .~?) PAC~E 19'0 ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... TO Sr/PEP, ArT~5OR TO PAY Al. rDrrmm S~C. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: - COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down OlYPCalte the~spective n,~mes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the TOWn Boa'd of Southold on the ........................ day of ..... ~.~. ........... , 19 ~ on Claims No. to No. inc., now on file in my office. ~ CH ECf[ NO. /~F?~/ BUDG~ OROTHER ACCOUNT NA1ViE m DATE O1~ PAYMENT PAGE I~0 ................. Warrant N0 ......................... To SUPEI~VI~OR ~O PAY AUDrr~ BIL~ CHAP. 6~ ~WS ~ 1932, ~T. 8. S~. 1~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF SOUTHOLD G~m~M,, a~.T-q (1) To the St~pervl~or of the Tovm of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsane~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~0~.h ......... day of ....... ~O~ .......... , 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Central Store Supplies-Polica $ 7 63 " " " ' 18 58 I'--'pensa-Police Cars & Yousik Inc. 68 52 - - - " " 34 26 Morth Fork AiL~dUyB ~zmnsportation-D~l~er LittXefiald-Alqar Signal Co., Xnc.-Fl&mh lights-ibay Bdvurd Thompson Co. Ncr, inney-Assemsorm ~/7~ / ~ Fishers rs. Telephone Corp.-L~aaed Lines Serge Doyen, Jr. L.Z. Lighting Company Viking Alrvuym, Inc. Bxpense-Planning Board M. of Appalls Rlectr~lty Bxpense-Planniv~l ~d. Augustus Gazelle Havkins, Delafield & ~l~od-P~ofeaaional Services Prisoners 14~u ls Supplies-Police Traffic Znstttute, UorthWatezn ~niv.-Subscription Peconic Paint Products, !nc. Supplies-Police 64 O0 57113 12 O0 9[05 13!00 110'[8 25 00 5~ O0 5 O0 5 O0 155 O0 25 40 9165 41 05 80 3 05 O0 1{ 65 DATE OP pAY!I~NT PAGE 1%1'0 ................. Warrant No ......................... To SUI~I~VISOR ~'O PAY AUDr£'ra~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~mUmAL BXt,LS (2) To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsm~s out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tc~m Board of Southold on the ............ 1,0.~l~ ..... day of .......... 0~,O]~ ......... I~.S. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc.. now on file in my office. CHECKI BUDGET NO. NO. [ AC~0UNT NAME NATD-R~ OF CLAI~I w4unrd TBo~so. Co. Vail Bros. Inc. Cha[lea Abrahams Any ~ar Auto Wrecking VanTuyl & Son ~ept. of Lnbo~ T~&co 1'nc. AMOUNT ALLOw~ Academy Printing ~nterpri~s. Bill if Dr. L. T. ~nitz llobil Oil L.I. C~rcial ~vi~ l~-~vertim~nt :~nn Price Nobil Oil Co. Fishers 18. Utility Co. tuli Oil astice ~rtin Suer A. R. Hub~rd *o Service S~tioE 13 12 45 00 9 50 31 O0 2 50 OOoo 246]00 440100 lO!OO Xnc.-Suppli~-Hletori~n 24 isi 54[ Rxpenoe-To~n Historian Superv/~or-$22.80 B~y Co~-tPble 34.17 391, 13 il DATE OF PAYMENT 85 00 00 97 6O 95 oo 08 50 O0 5O COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (3) To the Supervisor of the To~m of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town ~Board of Southold on the ..... ]-0~h ............ day of .............. .~t~M~ ..... 19.ehOOon Claims No. to No. inc., now on file in my office. NO. #illiau Sou~hold Market L.X. Fire BquLp. Co. Davann Man*s ~op, Inc. bat I~remoio~ Inc. Ulrich · xp~ns~-Polico ~oat Supplieo-Polic~ Gulf Oil Product'~ ~ Mattituck Auto Parts ~,: L.X. T~aveler Xnc. Su~plies-Polic~ ~otices-Police " ~. of App~Xs Police J~p AMOUNT ALLOWED 43 0S 2 40~ 108100 9/33 8 75 75 00 13 98 42 42 131 04 26 05 82 12 5 80 117 50 4~3 71 14 82 24189 21185 7i99 23 56 8!74 26150 12:35 13 87 DATE OF PAY~T (3) Wa~ant No ......................... TO 8OPEPArlSO~ TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 10th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ............... ..Oe..~ ..... ~9..6$0n Claim~ 11o ................... to ~o ................... inc., now on file in mr CHECK BUDGET O!Q OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAME NATURE OF CLAI~ York ',felepbono C~"I~'uy 2&71-i~ol,ic, m Burrough's Corp. ~upplies-Assessors Village o~ Gre~poet Lights ~outhold i~rd~are ~rth~ Widt~'stky ll~p- nm~-Su~ fyi ~r · ast~rn L.X. ~l~:tronics Foll~ 57.10 Doq ~arden-10.50 ~ Su~£olk Shipyard lng. h-l~-Polic~ b~t ~y Come.hie.,.2.85 Southold Lumb~r Co. P~rks & B~ches-2.76 ~st ~nd Supply Co. Xnc. Cutcho~uo Shell Station Fotoara£t 8hops IPolice Cars I~sh~cl {i~'pe~e-Pol zce AMOLrN T DATE OF ALLOVv~ED PAYMENT $ 35 30 ~ · 9 95 195 lO 37 95 47 60 ~2 40 26 90 78i70 7!25: 20i40 12]40~/ 10100 20 40 ' 28 15 27 75 I 80 32 73 8'17 40 00 67 ;60 136 19 5 61 10 j 51 PAGE 110 ...... ~ p ........ Warrant No ......................... To SLrpE~vIsoR TO PAY AUDITED SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Tm of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... 10.th ....... day of .............. 0~l[~];~.~....., 1~.8. on Claims NO ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACCOUNT VanDyck & Youaik L.I. Produce Inc. NATI/I%E Ol~ CLA/NI Constable AMOUNT ALLOV~ED 10]10 137 O0 DATE OP PAyiViENT ~-a~?Hart Hardware & ~arden Center-Supplies-Parke & Beaches 3 23 7 ~-~:'~ " " " " " " " 40 32 ~-'~¢ Bd Lademmnn ~l~tz'i~ ~le~trie&l Wozk 400 62 · xpenee-~Of£ice 31166 tax forms - supervisor's officeI 31150 water bill, town office 8 00 repairs to payloader 3,529 [50 (emergency, see resolution) Albert W. Richmond Midway Stationers Village of Greenport Edward Ehrbar Inc. Warrant No ......................... To ~ TO PAY AUDrr~u~ C~IAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LZG~TI:NG DZSTRZCT (l) on1¥ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followi~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 10~h .......... day of ................ 0~[~1~1~ ..., 19.6~on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NO. ACCOUNT NAME L.Z. Lighting Company St. ~-ights-Oriont East ~rion ~reenpor t-B-# Southold laeconic Cutchogue Mattituck #1 333 20 '" \ 250 90 244 70 810 33 / 203 45 915 70 896 47 Village of Greonport B-W Greenport 137 96 Fishers Island Blec. Corp. Fi.her. Island 173 33 Warrant No ......................... To S~/~FiSOI~ TO PAY AUDrr~:,~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FX~ XSL~D FEllY DX~TRXCT ~XZ~S (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followir~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~0~ .......... day of ........ ~tO~ .......... , 19. ~8on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ACCOUNT H. #ilcox Spicar Z~al Co. · he ~LondonDay ~soc. F~an. Business Prod. Sales Diamond ~at'l. Corp. Roabert Tasker, F~q. Service Cozp.-~adio ~quip~nt Solomon lnc. ~arsh & ~cLennon - - ~aton & N~lson CO. Welles ~azine Servic~ Dr. P-lph Apex Of/ice Supply D~pt. of Z~bor F.I. ~tilitt Company ~ohn P. Fiqall · he G. Il. #illiams F.X. Ferzy Dis~ict ~fen'f Filu Mlive~ Cogiez Paper Ifa fez ia 1-Dock P~tainer ~/15-9/15 Airp~rt-~k R~p~ir Purser ' I Supplies lnau=anc~Fize & ~ ~terial-~ ~fice Supplies I~ction of Utlli~ies, to 8/11 Plu~in~ Services .~t~l-Fork Lift Petty Cash I Expense-Theatre PAOE NO ................. DA~E OF ALLOWED PAYMENT 450 O0 '~ /~/~/~ 1800 00 / 780O O0 lli500a 715 92 4 90 61 90 89 46 102 95 200[00 13 O0 4951 12 50 ~ 229 50 j 4 O0 23 40 lS 50 13 O0 10l oo 252~ 53 244, 18 li 25 12i O0 85] 00 To SUPE~'VISO~ TO PAY AUDrr.~3 S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BXZ, m (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~.0..~.. ......... day of ............. .q~ ..... 19. ~"on Clain~ NO .................. tO NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CHECK BUDGFA1~ OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT l~zlmount Film ~)rp. · . J~*-o ~hoBtro ~niversil Film ~hlP,nge · " Columbia Fietwxem 20th Century ]Pox l,'ilm (k~l~.- ' ~nite4 Artist~ Corp. · uefll Vimf.,~ Film"Co. Film Coz~. A1ViOUNT 26 00 157 55 120 91 ~ 68 47~ 49 9,4} 279 86 126 55 DATE OP PAGE NO, NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUI~%VISOt% TO PAY AUDi'i'aa) CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followi~ named persens, the amounts set down opposite their resI~ctive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ~..0~... ......... day of ..... ~'~ ............. 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, 226. 228. 230. 231. 232, 233. 234. NATUR~ OP CLA~ 236. 237. 238. 239. :MO, 300 10 81 436 IF/ 863 {63 5m63~ 113 102S2.$S 3,0gOi ~$ DATE 01· ~ ,,~-~3. ,Fo NO. 10. Warrant No ......................... To S~%rISO~ TO PAY AUDL'r~ BII~ CHAP. ~4 LAWS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO t~e 8u~rvisor 0i the Town of SO~th01d: PB~ ~ ~ 3o ~ You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followh~ named persons, the amount~ ~et d~a o!~po~i~e the~' re~IMctive n~ne~ out of the acco%lnt~ specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of ~o~thold on the ........ .1...0~.. .......... day of ........ ~ .......... , 19..~on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. /e~,o # 186. O'~ld'e Chmv."O~.dm, ~, 188o PA~E NO ................. 950 78 10. Warrant NO ......................... To SUPEI~VISO~ TO PAY AUDI'ra~3 CHAP. ~ ~WS ~ 1~, ~T. 5, S~. 1~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts sot down opposite their respective n-~es ~ut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... .~.0~ ............ day of ....... ~ ............ , 19..~on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CttECK BUDGET OR ~ NO. ACCOLrNT /W¢~¢ # 24%. NA/VIE NA'PLrRE OP CLAI~ ~? oo,) 684 71'9_./ :loj 14 143102 252 40~ 74 88 PAOE NO .... ~? .......... Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI%IrIS011 TO PAY AUIYrr~u~ C~AP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BAlls (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 10~h ........ day of ........... ~p~,~:~l~ ...... 1968 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET /l/d~ /~ ~-'-~ l~ard #. Fo- ' · Albert Edwin Flckeissen ~rry A. Quest Bast End Typewriter Joe's ~arage L.T. Lighting ?~-~Reydon Shores Prop. ~umhle Oil & Refint~ Co. l~rd T~pson CO. Capt. '-~ Fishers Xs.Uttlity Corp. ~-~ ~o~e_s Centrsl Store ?e~ep~one ~o. I" " = , 3785-T~ Clezk " " ~(102~t~-I *ill) . · (3560-Fi~1 Bill) PA~E NO ...... l'; ........ $ s !0, S O0 20 ~0 108 ~8 '46 DATE PAYM/~N'T lie 55 270 O0 125 ~0 20 bO 323 Rtl 1 LO 88 ~7 7 60 1~ 60 15 70 24 05 40 50 i ' 30 75 / To SLr/~EI~VISOR TO PAY A~rr~ SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD mmBRAL ]~U, LS (2) To the Supervisor o! the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ....... 10~ ......... day of .............. ~ep~l~E., 19.~ on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAq~3RE O!m CLAIi3~ N.Y. Telephone Co. Xattitu~k &u~o ~mr~ 2600-~olice 6077- · Inc. -~uppl lei-by Constable SuppXl~-Poltc _~ II~Gal~I cantral Store 8herrill B. Pemberton ~ouil T. Verdere~e. M.D. ~utchogue Shell Station Se~ice-~olicl ~e~t. Carl Wal~e~-~ol ice //.,y /z~-~/ ~- ~(, ~outhold Lu~ber Co. Xnc. Suppl£el-Parko & Beichel 9 O1 59 28 39 ~81 8 120 1.0 !00 75 175 903 iO0 10 ! 80 548 j 04 1 2O 16 41 105 O0 10 O0 57 50 136 90 5O O0 52 58 8 47 103ilsJ 12i99 P&GE lVO. 2. Warrant No ......................... To S{YFEPA~/DR TO PAY AUDrr~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS /FF 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOID ,,.nnm~T, BZLZ.S (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~ne~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sc~thold on the .......... 10~ ....... day o~ ..............- ---~el~r., ~.~.8o~ c~a~ ~o ................... to ~o ................... ~., no~ o~ nts in m7 om~. &lblrt M. PIc.h,qcq,~ SOVm~d N. Te~z'y TLS. ~oet Of£ice, //?..3. Hulaea Sony. Station L.I. T~lvele~ NATLrR~ OP CLAINI $ S4100 474 41 177 27 83 30 22 32 13 j20 134 85 25 O0 50 O0 6 O0 20 [ 33 6 6O 3 O0 ]1 80 4 oo DATE OF PAYM'I~NT Eastern Electronics Hotice-~sae$ooF8 - ad. of Ai~M~IB " Plannit9 ~b~ard Install Radio-Civil Def. Work-Disposal Area Expense-Parks & Beaches Inc.-Supplies-Police Mine Safety Appliances CO.-Supplies-Police PA~E NO ......... 3 ...... 9 95 8!17 ~O1 ~0 52 ~0 7 15 2 48 185 O0 Warrant No ......................... To S~R TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CItAP. 634 L~WS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ BXZ~.~ (4) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~0~h ........... day of ....... ~pt~[~r ........ 19.68 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. '.~a. B_ ~Lt~k, D_V.N. P~ofe~_e~on-1 ~clde~y Printi~J ~erpr Va~D~ck & YouoJ~ l~Lch&rd A. Jon~oon Rxpense-Do9 k~rden Bxpense-Pol4ce Cars Pollce Cars " Constable-y. T. 2~9 85 3 O0 324 41 82 76 19 O0 DATE OF PAYMENT fN!Y. hlel~nn- ~c'~'ny 3qq6-1~oli~e ' " 2671- A. John ~da Cons table-F. X. · appmr~ ' m Bookshop Suppliem-Ammemlor. Somthold M~rket " Police Barb-Fa Dit~m'nn ~onin~ Se~reta~ ~amh~ugton* Nhite*m Sons Supplioo-~rk8 & Beache. fVanTuyl & Son 80 148 4oI1°° t 32 i 95 /~'/~ 4x Ioo 2O 221 O0 L.I. Traveler Inc. 00 95 75 17 " 16!34 Professional Serv.-Planning 296 Bd. " " f~, Of Ap -3RO iOO Supplies-Tax Books 143:20 Warrant No ......................... TO S~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD General ~ill~ (5) To the Supervisor of the Towrl of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 10th ............ day of ............... ~$P~ ...... , 19.6.~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET NO. Olt O'CttEH NAME NATUHE OF CL~ NO. ACCO~ /~,~ /~t7 ~-~ .~"~r--~- -- ~-' ~ ~ Dc~lly Flo~r ~rvico J" =t~ Suffolk itoport~ZOo Xnc. Bopozt honking ~d~y Printin~ ~nt~rpr~. I~.-~uppli~-Bldg. Jumtico Cl~rk-7.25 Telephone Co. SuF-evt go. ~_73.75 Village of Greenport Blec. 35 00 35 O0 18 30 81 00 1 80 26 30 20 O0 20 65 ~obil Oil Co. ~ Busl~oso l~mchir~l ~m Suffolk "--~ly Tt ~ ~hlly a C~ny Carl ~tal~ ~r~ PisMng S~tion 47 99 8 75 2 98 ? $0 DATE OF PA~E NO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To OOF~VISO~ TO PAY AUDITED BIIJ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LX~FI'I'I~ D~RIC~ BXLL~ (1) only To the Su~erv/~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesite their respective names ~ut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~..0...~.. ......... day of ..... ~ep~ ........ 19.~,8 on Claims NO ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. C~ECK! BUI~ET [ NAME NATURE OF CLAI~I ~<'ff / I~ o 'r o L£cJht:incj ~ny Village of Greenport " " Fish ~,r~ Island St. Lights - E-W District 333 20 250 90 244 70 810 33 203 45 1020 01 858 77 87 60 137 96 PA/~E NO ........... t..only NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPE~VISO~ TO PAY AUDIT~J~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD UZLLI (X) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... '].0~.~ ....... day of ............... ~[~:~p'~V' 19.~on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office, DATE OP n 87 75 r! ltv..- F. ~_i¢f4~ J' iX ~gJ~e XXS O0 ' " ],0 O0 ~iliti,u XO O0 L3 70 434 97 IS6 33 42 ~o LS 74 25 &~ ]2tso oo l! 61 90 778 72 24 72 Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~i~ BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD F~ I~LM~ ~ DX~X~T BXZ4,B (2) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their respective names out of the account~ specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southald on the ....... ]~0~ .......... day of ................ IO~[~1~, 1968 on Claim~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, NAME NATURE OF CLA~I 12 00 6 SI 24 80 8 79 DATE OF PAYIViEAFF 22 00 30 4S 26 ~8X lS I O0 25 ] O0 72S O0 143 IlO ~22 SSt //~'*' s 11.7 O0 95 O0 221. 71!52 xx4 ,5o 2oi72 47 79 / NO. '~Warrant No ........ 9 ................ To SUPE~VISOP, TO PAY AUDl'r~l~ CHAP. 624 LAWS OP 1932, A.RT. SEC. 120 oF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the St~t~ervhsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ Out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Beard of Southold on the ... ................ 1~ ..... day of .......... ~'!~..%.,,.. ..... ~#. o~ C~aim~ ~o ................... to ~o ................... l~.. no~ o~ me l- ~y o-~. O'HECKI BIYD~ET ' OR OTHEI~ NAM~ NO. ACCOUN~ /a~;~ # 16T. Bdmlfd Itflmr, IBe. TirOl I filial I1111 & tulll DATE O~m PAYMENT PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ....... Jr ................ To SU~PE~VlSOR TO PAY AUDITED B~LLS C~AP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, Al~f~. 8, SEC. 120 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nz~nes on$ of the accounts epecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~ ............. day of .......... I '~ ~-~..' ..... 19U. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NA~I~rPoE OP CLA~iVi AMOLrN'r ALLOVv~ED DATE OP NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUD£.r2~3 CHAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, ART. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD (Gm~L B~) To the Superv~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oDDosite their reSPective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tm~fl Board of Southold on. the .... ~.'2~1% .day of ........ ~.~ ........... , 19.6Son Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now On fi~e in my office. Tryst 'Amek & Bquip. Co. NATUP~E O1· CLAINI / So ~ L:Z. Light,ns Co. Robert Hutr Atleage-Ll£e ~uard Supt. ilubberd*s Service Station Bxpenae-Aosessor ~&r H~)lann P~lceA~enc~ MoBil 0~ Co. Mm. Januick-27.63 L.Alb-~tmon-27.64 Village of Greonport wa~er Renal-Stamp ~achine Pitney-Bows Inc. Car " VanDyck G Yous~k Znc. '-TOXIO0, Xnc~. Max~ng Floors Doole¥'s Floor Service '~llenMotors, Znc. McCabeCentrsl Store Repair Tire- Sup'r. Car j lt~nme-~up'r. $ 14~ O0 9'2 60 60 O0 44 71 5 192 70147 12 50,'J 74185 '~ 3~2130 69 I00 55 27 ~xkx 8 ioo :24 O0 83112 ~8 22 29 38 -~z ~,~ 35 20 7 Jgo 6 ~00 54 J6o 27 30 PA~E NO. ~' Warrant No ......................... TO SUPIE~VISOP~ TO PAY AUDrrI~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the 8u~ervLsor of the Town of ~outhold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dov~ oppesito their resl~ctive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ......... t~l ........ day of ....... Au~D.iet ............ , 19.6S on Clalm~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CI~ECK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NATLrR~ OF CLAINi Colonial Drugs, Inc. Supplies-Life ~1 H~ Pla~os-~l~ce /t -3/ Oreenport Auto Sales Walter Rowland FAre Bxtinquishera-Police Hulee's S®rv. Station Vail BROS. ~ulf Oil CO. Bxponme-Doq ~aFden Car Polioe-15.O0 PR.i;, Conm*mbl~.lS,O0 G~moline-Ray Constable Mew Suffolk Shtpymrd. INc, ~xpenee-~I~J~BF~L 3#Bueineae Prod. Salem. ~nc.-SupmlAee-Pol£ce Hugh O. Bo~dAsooc. Xnc.-:,~pense-Policm Fed. Sign & Signal Corp. Raatern L.X. Bleot~onioa Richard A. Jensaen A~row lle~t~onics Inc. S~pplies-l~lioe hF Conmtablo*2S.00 PolAoe-348.0~ Conotable-F.X. Hlleage hy Co.~able-67.00 Police 67.00 Lou'a Service Station ~ulf Oil Co. FoAmer&fi Shops l~pmnae-Policm Cars Police-SO~.24 O*'hera 46.18 Film etc. Police Carl Cataldo ]Expense-Chief of Police A~adem~ Printin~ hterBri~el, Xnc.-~upplies-police O"Kme£e Chev.-Olde Znc. !~xpmnee-PolAce carm /7~o$-~/ ~harloa Abrahams, Brig. [Inspection: of Rc~de 22 72 6 48 SO 42 90 61 O0 8~ 301 O0 8SJ 78 20[ O0 Illi lO 151 32 37i os 373 OS 13 10 1341 O0 3631 95 550i 42 20[ 20 61j 30 81 40 25i O0 7si DATE OF PAYM~qT PAGE NO ..... ,~. ? ......... Warrant No ......................... To S~Ei%V-iSOR TO PAY BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS 01~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ~ZLLm (3) To the $Lkvervi~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby author/zed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dov~ olyposite their respective name.2 out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ],3.~h ............. day of ............... AU~,ilt ...... , I~S. on Claims Iqo ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI~ECK BUDQET ! NO. OR OTHER NAME NATUre. O1~ CLAIi~ ~o. ACCOUNT' Southold ~mt ~nd Sul~l¥ Co. ~avelez Xnc. # ?~ ~ ~The Suffolk ~ekly Tlmom Utilitiem-.~,ne Kerooene-W. Mitt uxpense*Pur~, & ba~ea Co~ Pa~r-~ Clerk App. -15.80 Allell. ~. 29 Plan..]. 35 ~ ~l.-q. SO Supplieo-Bldg. Xnm~ctor Supplieo-T~ ~ceiver Life ~ards-1.60 Hlgh~-16.80 Su~lies-~llce ~Ace-~n~ng " Life G~rdo 8upplAes-Bld~. " Tax ~eceiver J 47 58 15 38 16 48 s! O0 20J O0 21 09~ DATE O~ 357 40 18 40 19i 6o 14j 06 li 50 2o! 90 Warrant No ......................... To SUP~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AI~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and direc/;ed to pay the followlv~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .9~;h ........... day of ............... AU~U~ ...... , I§.68on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. " " " 3783.T~m~llrk 32;60 " " " 2660-B. Terry 28 05 f&u~laan ~egion Poet #1045 Renal " " " Homorial ]~Y Se~vAoee Southold Lmaber Co. Village o£ Greenport · x~enee-Parke & ~eaahee John #. DuL~ae Supplies-Beaches Amer. Te~uite Control Co. Tez~L~e Con~rol-~uly ~n Bldg.-30.60 I e-3 0 so old L.X. Traveler Leeter M, Alberteon Notioea-Bd. of Appeals Bxpenee-~ul~rViaOr Bast Rnd Supply Cp., Inc. Suppliee-Polica Carl Vail Bxpenee-Bay Conetable F. X. Telephone Corp. Viking Airwaye. Inc. Dooley'e Floor Service A. R. Grebe I~aeed Lines-July Transportation Bloor W~xing NOtiee--ZOni~g " Bd. of Appeals ~xpenee-Planning Board 200 O0 ~'~ 83 33 160 ~4 20 Oo 4~ bo 31 ~4 24 18 8 16 10 5LO0 132~ 50 35] 00 ::'-I 16! 00 ' Wa~a~ No ......................... To SUP~VISORTOPAY AUDTrED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~rviser of the Tomn of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name.~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ].~,~1 ............ day of ................ AIl~.~J~t ...... 19~[~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Cf~ECK NO, BUDGET OR OTHER NAME ACCOLn~r 'N.Y. # # # Kaelin'e Service 8enter Dlckereon' · Murine Cliff T~ler'· ~raqe A, John ~uda Stanley Droskoaki William Si. Lek, D.Y.M. NA'roi-r~E OF CLAI3/i 6635 " 2671' " 2600- " 6022- " 3996-" 1022- " 5050- " 3660-Civil De£erme ~,~ Con·t&ble-ll.25 Poi&ce-82.50 Bxpe~e-BLU~B~X~ Do~ ~aps ~leage-Conm~bXe ~nme~eh~l 12 10 12 15 45 90 354 78 31 07 39,87 12 20 93 7~ 144 10 DATE OF lO0,i O0 42 142 82 149 00 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~IFISOR TO PAY AUDITED CHAp. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. Ii, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD L XGI~?7.~ DX~TltXCTB 3. onXy To t~e Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opPosite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ............... ~ ............. , 19 .... on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CttF~ K BLrD~ET 'OR OTI-IE~ NO. ACCOUNT NAME NATURE OP CLA~/I I L!X. LX~htXnv Company # F.X. Ile~t~'lc~ Corp. V~llage of Greenpo:t " ! Ftshe~a Xsland 333 20'"", :}44 ?0 810 33 203 ,45 870 iSS 8S8 77 , 87 i60.~ '173 [33 137 i 96 NO. Warrant NO ......................... To SUPI~:~VISOR TO PAY AUDri'.~ B~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, AliT. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I']llllml IIL&I~) Ilml,z' To the St~pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .............. ~'~.~...day of ............... J~!~ ..... , 19~ on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. PAYMtgNT &trow Zfuper & II~pZy ~. ],2 SO 44 ~3~I O0 7o13o 32! O0 ].Oj SO 4~ SO O0 X62 ssi o6 SOi SO 17[ OS txi go LXgI S6 PA~E NO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'I'~a~ SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su4~ervisor of the To~n of $outhold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their res!~ective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audi/: of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~,~,,~ ............ day of ............... ~:; ...... 19..G~n Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. lZXavort, h WLXoem 0petit:Lam of N/X AMO'~ XO O0 1o9 tS ~163,~3 78OO 00 ~X00.00 Ip/~m~z ~u~X ~o, NuLl JiauXage Xl30 40 XXSI00 ~0 O0 NO. Warrant No .... ~ .................. To SUPE/%VISOR TO PAY AUDITaU3 CO%I~'IsY OF StOF~OLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You ~re hereby authorized and directed to Day the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts sDeciftsd, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~ ........... day of ........... ~t ........ , 1~[. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATUP~ OP CLAII~ NO. ACCOUNT I /saw DATE OF PAYiViENT , -M PAGE NO....~ ............ NO. Warrant No .......... II~ ............ To SETpE~VISOI~ TO PAY BILLS C~IAP. 634 LAWS O'P 1932, AP~T. 8, SEC. To the ~u~ervl~or of the Town of Southold: C ?Y OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following namecl persons, the amounts set down opposite their resrpective n~nez ou¢ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. ~ ................ day of ..... ~ ............... 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. C~CK BUr~r I OR ~ NAiV/~ NATUR~ OF CLA~Vi NO. ACCOUNT II AMOUNT DATE OP AIJ. F3W~ PAYMENT PAGE NO. , ..~.. ........... NO. Warrant No, . .~ ................... TO SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'i'ra3 CI-IAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, Aiq, T. 8, SEC. 120 To the Sapervl~or of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN' OF SOUTHOLD J JJl~l~ W You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .. ~ ............... day of ... ~ ................. 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, L P.~GE MO ................. Warrant Mo ......................... To S0~II~VISOR TO PAY AUDL'I'i~D BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down oppesite fhelr resgective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town t~oard of Southold on the .... ~t.b ............ day of ............. ~ly ........... 1968 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. F4~rd ~h~ion Co. h.I. Pro~. Co., A~y /Ch&r lii Gralnblatt # # ~it Rnd ~yp~witir Ce. Chief Carl Ca~aldo C~llb V. ~ith & Ben, Inc. NATIYf~E OP CLA~I Judicial I~w , · ay Co~ t~bll-5.85 Dog ~rden.-l. 20 # # # [~p~niioBfimpi, duIi, itc PolicI Unifo~ liehlrl lIlllg ~ia~Em$c,~or~'.T~Lec~-~ow~arn-May Alb~rt~r~o~chia O'F~fl Chev-Oldi. Pho~ocr&ft ~hop~ RasonAsphalt Inc. Iilnchlon-~lIiiior # · xpenIi-Polici Car " POliCe (Droekoaki)i Suffolk lnternat'l. B~e. ~mch. Co~. ll~inttn&nce to 6/1/69 Rothman'a Dept. 8~re J ~friq.-Sup'r. Office BrusheI Creek Prop. ~or~ loax.-~ ~lt dredqin~ ~tch~t-~w Suffolk His(. Boc.-2nd half alloca~i~ ~ganizations AMOI~'~T { DATE $ 41 ~5 20 O0 9 O5 9o 97 60 78 38 7 l0 10 20 250 75 3 80 691 62 711] 40 6 ~ 5 00' 5 00 7 38 r~ 73 101! 50 192 90 95 255!00 500 00 20 O0 Warrant NO ......................... To Str~E~VISOI~ TO PAY AUDrr~ SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GSN~T~ BILLS(2) To the Su~er~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dirseted to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposit~ their res!~ective na~les out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board o~ Southold on the .... ~'~th ........... day of ......... J~lly .............. , 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. George Steve J. ~rolki ~e ~vey Tree Hu~le 0il & ~finin~ Co. ~ ~e~nn Electric ~arle, ~reenblatt ~/z /?~-i ~/,/~' VanTuyl & Son ~:{'.~:~ /7~'a~ /~-, ~ Patrolman Edward Sidor ~Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. /The Suffolk Weekly Times e P.%~E NO ................. NA~fUI%E Ol~ CLAI~ Expense-~ax Receiver Furniture-Poi ice 18 98 155 75 DAT~E O~ PAYMEN~ Life Preservers 57 12 C~erk to Assessors Landscaping Fuel-Dump Btump Removals Gasoline-Supervisor Traffic Light Police-S90.05 105.60 School Cros~t~ G,l~rds Expense-Poi ice Electricity Survey Tuition Expense-Senior Citizens Supplies- Co., Inc.- Ed. of App. -Assessors Town Clerk Notice-Zoning Tax Book Binders " Bd. of Appeals Notice-Tax ~eceiver " Zoning " Bd. of Appeals 40 00 89~ 35 74 89 1054 50 5 05 61 0o 19~1 65 57j 66 45~ 74 llOi 09 1201 O0 30 j O0 3lI 96 25! 80 21i 30 ; 466125 C 13j 49 ~ 51 32 12' 35 Warrant No ......................... To SUPF~VISOE 'ID PAY AUDI'x'~u~ CtL~P. 834 LAWS OP 1932, AI%T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (3) To file Supervisor of the Town of Soufilold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppo~lte fileir respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... .2~ ............. day of ............ ~O.].y ............ 19.68 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATUiq~ OP CLA]~ 3660-Civil D~[enme 6635-Box Phone $ 23 35 ~ 11 40 DATE OP PAYIV~gN~ 1022- " " 3560- " " 2q~- " ~995-- " 5440- " 5050-" " 2600-Police 6022- " 0550-Supervisor 2660-Bldg. Inspector 3783-Town Clerk 6675-Dump 1580-Justice Clark 3020-Assessors City of.~-'- .......... r__~^_, Conn. Ta~e~ I nc. Expense-Chief of Police Community College Supplies-Police /~?'/ /7o~f W~o ~ Charles Oreenblatt Richard A. Jenseen Expense-Constable-F.I. VanDyck & Yousik Inc. " Police Cars 3 M Business Products Center- Supplies- Police 12 13 9 ~0 7 O0 O0 90 ~Z 90 9O 25 25 85__3 -, 74 97 85 196 Warrant N~ ......................... To S0'P~VISOR TO PAY AuDrrED BILLS CHAP. 634 I~.WS OF 1932, AP,,T. 8, S~C. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~erv/~or of the To~ of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppo~Ite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of So~thold on the ........ -~6th ......... day of .................... ~llly ..... 19~8 on Clairn~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ BUDGET AMOUNT c7,~ /?o~ ;"-~ Oeorge bllaa ~ax ~eceiveF ,I$ 1 23 Window Fen-AllellOrl ~ac ~ruck & equip. Co. Hubbard'a Service S~ation 8torage-,Anaelao= Car ~/,'~' /7o~'t~ / ~' MCI. Anne Levino ~ent-J~atioe Of£ice ;?. / /-~ Village of Oreenport Southold Hiat. ~iet¥ B~rro~qhs Corp. Supplies-Justice Surer Notice-Planning Bc~rd " Bd. Of Appeals ~ allotment Main~nance -~ax machine N.Y.S. Conservation Dept.-Clama NarJorie Nhitecavage 8teno-2oning 2:,: /~ ~ ~o american ?emite Control[Co. Capital H:Lghuuya NaterAaie, - Bxpenae-Dump-~une Xnc.-Signe & Poets, et~ 37 lO 16 00 5B 20 34 95 12 54 22! 35 29146 208 36 10 i O0 90 O0 12 79 8 87 8;50 11102 10164 500 O0 359 O0 2000 O0 76~50 20 O0 3~3i70 DATE OF Warrant i~o ......................... To sUPF~VISOR TO PAY A~TDI'I'~U CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1032. AliT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD O]W~PJ, L ~XLX~ (5) To the supervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nes cut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~n Board of Southold on the ....... ].6th .......... day of ............... ,.~?~].y ........ , 196S on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET J OR OTBE~ NAME NO. ACCOUNT ] NATD-I~E al~ CLA~ SuppliesoM. of Appeals The Suffolk ~kXy times Hotices-Pl&nninq Bd. Ba,t it.r co. Kenneth L. Diekereon Nattituck Xron Wo*~s H.¥. Telephone Co. Bverett J. Warner Sou'hold Lumbo~ Co. C1i££ ~lera ~rage Inc. Work at Dump TAbor on Amph. Tru~k 411l-~ultice Surer Framing Map-Police Bay Constable-3.96 Parks & Beaches-39.26 Rxpenea-Bldg. Tnep. C~r L.X~ Commercial Revimw Inc. - Advertisement NcMamn Price Agency Insurance Clinton I. H~mm-I Inc. Suppliem-Dump Bart Hardware i ~rden Center-~rks i ~aches Howard X. Terry Lo~'a Service Station S~uth~ld VaD~d~ck i Yousik /?~'~r~ /~" '~'~' [ Gerald Kinq Bxpense-Bldq. Xnepector " Police Cars Bxpenee-Dog'. Bart ilard-~re & G~rden C~nter-Suppliea-Polioa 80l~ 17 75 78 122127 240! aa 2612O 42122 lli00 89!48 31 295', 75 29i 70 208] O0 gl 20 189! 40 12i 29 9! 8,5 4[ 25 DATE OF pAYiVIE~T Warrant ITs ......................... To sUPE~VISO]~ TO PAY AUDI'r~I~ CHAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, AP,,T. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (6) To t~he Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 16~h .......... day of ................ J~l].~/~ ......... 19..6~vn Claims No ................... to No ................... /nc., now on file in my office. CHECK BODGET OR OI'H~i~ NAM~ NO. ACCOUNT ~ '" I N.Y. ?elephono ~,/'(. /~ £~ ~ Fotocraft Shops ?~o ap As John (isdn ~o-~ Goorgt Dege & Son NATURE O~ CLAI~ 4750-Box Phone Suppl£es-~oltce Bxpense.-Ba¥ Constable po1 ~oo Cars Ba~ CoaSt&b1 e Supplien-~ol£ce · x~erme-Volice Cars ~ay Coastable-l.29 Rec. o~ ?axes-2.95 Nev Su££olk Shipyard Xnc, Bast lind Supply Co. Ixpiise-BL~IBBLL Bay Constable-2.40 q Oil Co. ~a~ense-~olice ~obAl Oil Corporation gasoline - sapervisor MoMI Oil CorporatAon dA~el ~uel - d~ ~l~a RAb~n & ~r~n ~g. ~. sullies - assessors Boatmen's Harbor lnc, for Town barge The Sufffolk Weekly T/~es Long Island Traveler InC. ad - bldg ~one ordinance ad - bldg ~one ord/nance A~OUNT ].6 l0 15 54 22 97 8 O0 6 O0 15 i 55 oo 31 15 971 60 ].o ! 56 436] 12 96 05 682 O0 528 02 5 171 108 165 7 tO g$ O0 18 81 DATE O~ PAYME/~ PAGE NO ........ ~, ...... NO. Warrant No ......................... To ~UPE~VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LIGHTING DISTRICTS (1) To ~he Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~mes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~vn Board o~ Southold on the ....... ~6.~ .......... day of ............... JU~'. ....... , 1968 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. CEFL'~ BUDGET OR OTHE~ NO. ACCOUNT ~L.I. Lighting Company Fishers lIland Elec. Corp, villaqe of Greenport St. Lights-Orient " r~st Marion " E-W Greenport " Southold " Peconic " Cutchogue " Mattituck ~1 " Fishers Island " West Greenport AIViOLri~T ALLOV~D 333!20~ 250 90 244 70 822 87 870! 55 13f 88 DATE OP pAYME~Vf PAGE NO ......... .]'.. ~Varra~t ',No ......................... To S01~EI~ TO PAY AUDI'~'~J~ C~-IAP, ~ LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, EEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOtD To the Su~ervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Ol~Posite their respective nsane~ ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of So~thold on the ...... ~.~. ............ day of ....... J.M)~/ .................. 19. ~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NA1V/E NATLTRE OF CLAI~[ I.I. IKIIIt¥ Co., inc. City of ~ Shli~erd S ~lr Co. ~111~ ~lnti~ ~ry L. Fi~r~ I~. Ferry Diseric~ ~l~ia Pictures U~i Iltles to Taxes ixlNn. - bstic Isle S,l~llns - Office Insurance . ~gl~ I~e - Fire Fill f~ ~1~ Iot,StJ~l P~II~ bilk - 011~ ~1 f~kl l~t IIq~lrs to r~br,Md ~"~lle Repairs to radar . Olinda Ka4Br /~iet. - Nyetlc Isle Brake lever for fork lift Office Suf~i i es Petty ~ ~1~ pictur~ f~ Tmtre ~0 ~i~ - ~tlc Isle 87 h~irl ns ~ bld~ltlc Isle ~.~7 Electric Sul~ly Ce.,Im:.perts for Ilystlc Isle Oil for Olimb Office Supplies lid llo~ Ice Tickets for theitre J. Sol~.aa lac. I~tlan~l Ticket Ce.qNmy I~S 57 535 oo 97. 50 31. 7 18 16 71 16~ !0 76 05 7½ I& 5O 7O CHECK BI/DGET NO. OR OTHER NO. ACCOUN~ ~..~ ~.~ /~ /eY DATE OF PAYMENT ~ /?.!~ I PAinE ~lO ................. To iSiEE~ViSO~, TO PAY AUDI'J.'~ CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~es out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 16. ~ ........... day of .......... July ............... IgC. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CKECK BUDGET OR OT NO. NO. ACCO~ NAME · I.B. Nartsflel4 ~,lted Artists P~ ~s ~llm hllvery Systm The ~ ~k, ~ ~M & NATUt%E O1~ CLAIN! $ervlclag Th.atre Equip ~t St. ~l¢i~g Thtstre Equl~ ---t Tim ~ating Olinb Pri~ ~ H, vi.~ Pictures f~ Theatre ~s~er S~ice - ~ati~ of ~sric Isle ~ y=-- ~t.! Of ~t~ Pipe 18 5o 18 50 7O2 5O hO O0 ~,~s oo 10 i15 oo DATE OF PAYiViENT ILS Kn PrlceAg.~n~ H vfleld I~rlnt Equlpr at ~,,tlc Isle 715 36 on Ill& O0 NO. Warrant ~No ......................... TO SUP~I~VISOR q~O PAY AUDI'~'~.~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down olyposite t~esl~cMve n~nec out of the accounts specified, being t.h~d~amounts allowed by audit of the To~n Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ......... ~!~? .............. , 19 .... on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~K I BUDGET OR ~ NO. ACCOUNT # 141. · 14~ # 14~. # l.qo. lg l? 4.~[ ~l ll lO Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY CI-IAP. 634 LAWS 01~ 1932, ART. SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Tovm of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective naxos cu$ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~m Board of Southold on the ...... .~...~.. ........... day of ......... ~ ............. , 1~.. on Claims NO ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. # Try~ ~ & ~ C~o he. /~/~,~ ~ t# f 333 32 4 17 33O DATE O1~ PAYMiENT PA~E NO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDiT~ CHAp. ~34 LAWS OI~ 1992, KRT. 0. S~C. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COtJNT,,Y OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amoun~ set down opposite th~ective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ............................... . 19 ~ on Clain~ No. to No. inc., now on file in my office. C19~1~'K I BUDGET I OR OTHER NO. ACCOUI~T 'me ad*~bXk q.,~y ~ ~ Im, dulN ltell Sm*vlelo (705o~43) PAGE ~0 ................. Warrant No ......................... TO SUPEI%VISOB TO PAY AUDI~'mO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppo~ite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~rn Board o~ Southold on the ......... ].].th ........ day of ................ JI/FAe ......... 19~8 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file In my office. NO. Howard M. Terry ~xpenae-Bldg. Inspector Suffolk Cement Pr~. ~nc. ~pen~e-~aches fSouthold Fuel Oil Co. Texaco Inc. School Dist. %7, ~uys Printing Co. Pro~. Co., Agway Inc. Supplies-Police Fuel Oil-Town Barn " " " Bldgs. ~asoline-Supervi~or Peconic ~ent for School to 6/30/68 Brochures McMann Price Agency Cliff Tyler's Garage Inc. Bldq. InsD. Car Humble Oi~ & Refining Co. ~aoline-Su~ervisor Insurance ,gY~g-7~,v~z Billage of Greenport Taxes /a?¥? f~-$° A. John Gada Mileage-Apr. &May A/~OUNT DATE O~ $ 40 1061677575 t &7~.~-~ 1891 ~ 44 ~ 80 50 4~ 82 810[ 00 16 56 oo Hubbard's Serv. Station Tryac Truck & F~uip~ent W~. E. Zitek, D.V.M. Howard L. Mallowea & 8on ~enae-Asaessor Truck ~.. Inc.- " " " " -~x~ense-Dump Service-Dogs Inc.-Seed Clams /l?~a '~'~""~ ( ~pitel Highway Material~, Inc.-Steel Posts A'-~'~''' " " " i " Posts /~?~-~ ~-%0 Fishers Island Blat. Cor~. -Blectricity-Barn 2371 1050i 50O 4~ 1250 95 00 00 8O ; I&l. ~o 50 00 55 PAGE ~O ................. V; Warrant NO ......................... To S01~EI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'A'.~.~ CI-IAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, KRT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD a LLS (2) To the Superv~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ ouZ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ]~]..th ........... day of ............... Jun~ ......... , 19.t~8 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. t/.?,%_1 ,.~..5~ Ikl Chemical Corp. Mobil Oil Corp. John Dusll //.9'go /L?~I Vikinq Airways, Xnc. ~, ~Mullen ~otors, /nc. NATUI~E OP CLA~Vi /&?~ ~- ~o % A-V Commucicationa, /~o . J~'~. n ,, Bxpense-Dump Diesel Fuel-Dump Air Service-Assessors " " Zoning Inc. PlumBing-Town Office ~xpense-Supe=v£nor Car " _~d. of Appeals 8up~liea-Bay Constable Xnc.-Suppliea-~olice # Expense-Police Car Xnc. ~uppliea-Police 215 142 22 19 200 316 44 98 42 13 13 11 14 " 206 DATE OP PA~ !8o Bd. of Appea~.a 00 75 i80 52 5O 3 Town Office 7 401 90 !10 '~6' ~, ,o 42 124 ! 50 /~ 7, ~, 42 {50 n Warrant No ......................... To SUPF/%VISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~u~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... ]..].~;h ...... day of .............. ~'t. iFA~ .......... 19~8 on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. NO. Wsnde31 E Tabor Taxi-Assessors-r.X. ~ 113 00 Al~rt W ~t~h~nd ~pensnoT~ Bldg. [ 21 68 ~ppmrt' s ~kshop }=mommors-5. O0 C~'~-~. iS.0 42 ~Cabmn Cen+~nl ~to~e lnc ,~uppl~ll-~icl 7 " " " " " 25 · o~-56. O0 ~Vantuy~ & non ~umteel-16.0 72 O0~ ,, " .esmors 50 O0 " " " 3660-C/vLl ~fense 18 55 " " " 2950-PoLice 26 34 " " " 3560- " 12 95 " " " 5050- " " " 6635- " 14 06 " " " 2995- " 22 92 " " " 5440- " 9 70 " " " 2600- " 54 00 " " " 2660-Bl~q. Inspector 26 90 " " " 3783-T~ Clerk 28 90 Suffolk ~ekly Tl~s Notice-~n~ng " " " " " 12 16 . " " " " 37 43 DATE OF PAyIv[IE~T o. l 39 PAC}E ~0 ......... 3/4 ..... NO. '? %2 7 7.~ ;z '/,~ ? 77 Warrant No ......................... TO SUPE~VISO~ TO PAY AI/D£rYAD B~J-q CHAP, 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SI~L 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (4) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down olYposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~i. lt.~ .......... day of .............. June ........ , 19..~8on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAME ] NATUR~ 01~ CLA/M The Suffolk Weekly Tlme· Notice-~ning Mid-I·land Bldg. S~eelaltJe·, Inc.-Ex~enae-~h~y MT·. MarJorie Whitecavage Steno Servleee-~oning 19~ O0 662 O0 Kaelinea Serv£ce Center ¢~-~"( L.X. Traveler Inc. Notices-Sd. ~ Ap~eals 7-a°~ " " " .u,~li.. Tru:~... b--5 ~ Mullan Motor Sale· " SuDarviaor Car 3M ~uaineae Pr~. Center Southold ~umber Co. Xr~c. Maintenance to 6/6/69 Bay Constable Parka-34.40 34.03 Bait End Supply Co., Xnc. 8uppliea-Parka Village of Green~rt Elec~ricity American Termite Control Co.-Service-Dual-May McMann Price Agency Xnsurance Mobil Oil Corp. Claudia' · Restaurant Schroeder Bros. Gasoline-Supervisor ~q~nae-Oceanoqraphy cleaning beaches 42 O0 48 O0 109 00 10164 47 88 28 30 5 O0 Si 50 47 iO0 68 i43 34 ]21 9 i71 8 ils 20 O0 250 O0 5 38 115' 185 1,1~0 O0 DATE PAY!V!~NWf Warrant NO ......................... TO SUPI~I%VISOI~ TO PAY AUD~'i'~a~ BILLS CHAP. 634 I~WS OP 19~, ~T. 8, ~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD omrm~x~, sxLt,s (5) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the T~wn Board of Southold on the .......... l~.~h ....... day of .............. ~TUD, e .......... 19.6[~on Claims No ................... to No ................... Inc., now on file in my office. NO. /~,/y~ £~- ~ (Albertson Marir~ Inc. Dooley's Floor Service ~chogue AU~O Sales Cutchogue S~,~11 Station Gulf Oil Products ·astern L.X. Wm. J. Scholtz & Son. X~ Standard ~ail~y Fusee .-Supplies-Polioe rp.- " ~{x~enme-Police-F.X. " ~olice Carm # # 6022-Police 4750- " 35 17 24 DATE OP PAYMENT 67!50 448!63 79i51 63]15 29!64 12!85 46[65 17 80 a~ 7 - PAGE NO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEr%VISOR TO PAY Al/brr~u CHAP. 634 I.~WS iFF 1932, ART. S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LZG.':~ZNG To the Supervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followinff named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... ].~.t~ ....... day of ........ JLlne ............... , 19..6~n Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Llqht£ng Coa~en¥ S~. . . " " ~outho~d # ~ " # P~conic ~ # # ~ Ctltcho~ue " " " # Mak~£kuck ~ Mattituck %2 F,Z. Blectric Corp, " " Fimhmrl X~land Village of Greenport, Light Dept. St. Lights - GreenDort B-W 2~4 70 799!83 203!45 870 55 814 42 i 87 60 ~ DATE O1~ PAYMENT 173 135 33 79 Warrant No ......................... To SO~EI~VISOR TO PAY ATYDi, r~a~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their resl~ctivo names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... l~.~ ............. day of ..................... ..~..~$..., 19..~,Bon Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. Polly Flsherm %0. Ferry DJ. mt. ~nn Prise A~enc~ Jamee ~ug ~o.. ln~. · ailey& Steam Xnourenoe # United Ilec. Supply Co., !~nc." # III Amao~. I'inan~ial 8~rv. Co~.- " " Ax*ro~ Fal~er & Supply ~o. ,! %nc.-U~pense-~t,xm~ Nev London)Mrine 8upply~o. # " ~emuAu~not£ve 8e~vi~e , " 80 O0 80 00 80 00 60100 70 O0 115 O0 ' 1300~00 1400)00 7800i00 43 /68 628 100 14 !00 17~o ioo 507 !35 12 I00 61 190 s ll [80 S iO0 8 )86 NO. TO SLrPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED SEC. 12/) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO the Supervisor of the Town of SoUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 1].~J. ........ day of ................ ~ ...... , 19..6.8on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Fishers Xsland ~erry District 1 CHECK BUDGET OR OTI-IE'H lq'O. ACCOUNT 375 N~ M~rgh & M~lennon Apex Office Supply Co. I. m. ahlfs & So~s Audit ~ork at Dock Raytheon Company Radar Sullivan I~tnting Inc. Supplies-Ferry Dist. U-~kin~, Dela£iald & ~ Pro£esmion~l Services Pilgrim Aviation & Airlines, Xnc.-Bi~knell & W~lcox[ ~ohnmon & 0uazter o~ding 12/31/67 39 40 I 12 40 1071 50 54i00 77i5o 17100 275~00 DATE OP PAYM~/INT Warrant No .... ~* .................. To 8U~EI~VI$OR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ·P,1 X.r m To the Sllilervisor of the Town of Southold: ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ You are hereby au~hor~ed and ~rected to pay the fo~owl~ named per~, the amoun~ ~t d~ opp~lte their reactive out of the accounM specified, ~ing the amo~M allowed by audit of the T~ Board ~ ~thold on the ............... ~ ......... day of ...... ~ .............. , 19.~ on Clai~ No .................. to No ................... ~c., now on file In my DATE 01~ m43 1o6o - - i- -- ...Fo lhlC. IlO. Vim Dyc~ · pm'to II.peLt plrto mi 4o 43911 PAGE NO ................. NO. Warrant No .... ~ .................. To S~VISOR TO PAY ALrDITED S~C. 120 C. OUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed ~rO pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsmes ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amotlnts allowed by audit of th~ Town Board of Southnld on the .... 1~ .............. day of .......... ~$ ............ , 19..~on Clain~ No ................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NA'~TI~E 01~ CLPffl~ DATE O1o pAYMENT Warrant No ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDl'i'au~ SEC. 120 To the Sttpervl~or of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 6BWSRAL SXLLS (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opgosite their res~ctive n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .]-~ .......... day of ............... ~]~ .......... , 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. i OR OTHE~ NO. ACCOUNT! NJu'~ Asaoc. of Towna Richard A. Janssen Clerk to Justice Surer Albert W. Richmond Expense-Bldg. Xnspector F. X. Town Constable /c~9~ ~-~ Francis L. Thompson Exper, meoTown Bldg. Labor-Town Bldg. ~amoline-Supervisor /&~'?/. S~ ,~ Mobil Oil Corp. /{,¢7~ ~-~' Louis Jaeger & Son New Suffolk Shipyard Xnc. /~?? R~-~o ilanff'a Boat Yard Film--Bldg. Inspector Expense-BLUEBELL /_ jo Village of Groenport Water ~0 Hubbard's Service Station Expense-Assessor Truck Humble Oil & Refining Co. Gasoline-Supervisor Pension Fund Vail Studio & Camera ShoplFilm-A~aeaaore Southold Market ' Supplies-Town Office /~? [~-3~ Fotocraft Shops ~ {/~ ~wo Bdwurd Thompson Co. Delafiald & Wood Professional Services Expense-Police McKinney Book-Police AM OD-NT DA~E aP i ALLOW~aJ ! PAYMENT i sa os 106 O0 17 59 ~ 17 l0 26 42 7:50 25 ~s5 533 196 ~t~, 8 i00 Is0 243 106 ,' 75 98 ,[ 12 ~0 s2 Isa 22 ;50 {' NO. Warrant No ......................... To SrYPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUD£r~ BILLS C~IAp. 634 L~WS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, &'EC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Tov~ of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 1~1 ........ day of ............. ~11~,~' ........... , 19.66 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATURE OP CLAIi~ Etec. -?ovn Barn-Narch Nobil Oil Co. Hulse'S Gao Station P-intenanceMochine-H*~y Insurance Furniture-Jumtice Surer Fuel-Dump ~ns~ ~en Addreeeogr&p~-Muit. Corp. Servi~o to 4-20--69 L.X. Fire F~uil~aent CO, GeOrge Mel law //~-~0' /~o ..~ DeFr£est Ambulance & Oxyg Ra~ncoat-~. Terry Expense-Tax ~eceiver EXl~anse-Bd. officials Supplies-To-n Clerk Police School # # ice an Service-Police J?-do Fiahera Is. Telephone Coz ).-Leased Lines-Civil Def. A~erican Termite Control 'Co.-~ervice-Dump-ADril PA~E NO ......... ~. ..... 3 75 465 O0 297 99 25 15 DATE 0!~ PAYMENT 45 '00 120 O0 21 00 48 i35 Iso < 13 ~00 4l [94 ~ ao ioo 30 { O0 28 i48 15~ 12 {30 6i25 201 O0 Warrant No ......................... To SU~EI~VlSOR TO PAY AUDITED BILI~ CHAP. 634 LAWS Of' 1932. AP~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ BXL~.S (3) To the Su~rvisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....................... 14th .day of ........... .]~..~ .............. 19~ on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. I ol-ir~K BUDGET NO. OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT Irvinq #. Miller ~oldin ~urniture Co., Inc. NATLVP,~ O1~ CLA~ Audit Supplies-~umtice Surer ~rd ~d~, ~r. ~r-Police Bldg. Acade~ Printing ~terprioes-Supplies-Senior Citizem VanDyck & Yousik, Inc. ~shington' I~lte ' s Sons · .¢ /~-..~?~ ~,-~ fllen~y J. Smith '4 /~6~f 2s-sC William B. Zitek, D.V.M. ~ ~- " ~ ....................tatu~bing ~penoo-H4~vuy Goldsmith & Tuthlll Southold Hardware 7 Service-Dogs-Au¥ Rxpense-Planning aoard S~ampo-Rec. of Taxes Sup~lies-Police " ~x ~eiver " Police ~el-~ Office ~. ~nuick~. 45 T~ Bldg. -7.60 Pa~ks, Etc. Ins~tion~seesor ~r ~zkm & ~ches Bl~tricity~ ~q. =¢ i Expense-Supervisor A~O~ DATE OP ALLOWED PAYMENT 350 ~0 40 O0 2 50 13 85 17 ~5 50 ~0 42 2' ~ 22 ~? 159 ~0 500 90 l~.°~ 120 00 7 95 69 90 ' 20 103 81 [00 14 105 143 189 I 150 t 8 i47 145 i43 , 29 5~ PAC~E HO ................. Warrant NO ......................... To S0'PE~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~o COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ENEI~r. ]BILLS (4) To the S~zpervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names cut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of So~thold on the ...... ~t]~. .......... day of ............ ~ ............. 19..~8on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Chief Carl Cataldo Rental Aircraft to F.I. $ 16 00 DATE OP PAYMENT Gulf Oil Products Gasoline-Police 528 55 / Jessie Shipman (Galley) Prisoners Meals 8 50 ~ Southold Market Supplies-Police l0 89 w' Everett J. Warner Expense-Police 36 00 ~ , .G /~ W3o _ ~=, Cutchogue Auto Sales " Jeep-Bay Constable 10 50 Hart Hardware & Garden Center-Supplies-Police Rothman~s Dept. Store Cutchogue Au4~e ~ Flag-Police Expense-Police Cars Lou~a Service Station " " " Addressograph-Mult. Corp. Supplies-Assessors Viking Airways, Inc. Expense-Planning Board :2. _? The Suffolk Weekly Times " " " " Notice-Parks & Beaches Supplies-Assessors Notice-Assessors " Tax Receiver SuDplies-Bldq. Inspector Notice-Bon~ Resolution " Zoning 7~-~ ~ L.I. Traveler Inc. Supplies-Town Trustees " " Clerk Notice ~ond Resolution " Zoning 3 56 T' 8 50 ~ 50 00 ~ 812 80 30 40/r 185 O0 "'/ 798,,/ 54 50 ~'' 720~ 4 50 ~ 50]73 ~) 15196 v 45 60 ~ 9 O0 ~I~ 31 00 )' 48 07 -' 42 18 ~' P~GE NO ....... .4 ? ....... Warrant No ......................... To S0q~El%VISOI{ TO PAY AUD1'£'~23 CI-IAP. 6~4 LAWS O1~ 1932, A1%T. $, SEC. 120 To the S%~pervi~or of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Bxzms ¢5) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... l~h ........ day of .......... ~y .............. 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. : OR OTHER NAME NO. ACCOUNT ~ l- ~o N.Y. Telephone Company AMOUNT NATLr~ OP CLAIM ALLOWED I'~-FVXSO~-,.70 ~a~ ~otices-~ax ~ceiver L lo . Parka · ~achea 7 22 ~.o~ ).-14.44 Plan. 12.92 27 36 Bd.of Ap . 3660-CAv~ EMfenae 19 0550-Supervisor 81 1580-Justice Clark 7 53 25 DATE Ol~ PAYiVIENT 2600-~olice 36 75 5440- # l0 50 4750- 6022- 5050- 2660-Bldq. Inspector 3020-Assessors 6675-Dump 3560-Box Phone 3783-Town Clerk Suffolk Weekly 4111-Justice Suter Notice-ed. of AD.als Mattituck Historical Society-2nd ~ allotment Ulrich Marine Edna A. Brown Expense-Town Boat Assessor Meeting Edwin Fickeiesen " " 9- 3o Albert Martocchia aT-~o IF.I. Telephone Corp. Leased Lines-April 15 55 42i 90 15[ 00 33! 80 14 18~ 500 690 170 5 [oo 5 'rO0 5 [00 5 t~O0 Warrant No ......................... To SUPI~VISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~ BILL~ CHAP. 6~4 LAWS OF 1932, AI%T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL BILLS (6) To the £~pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective naanes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~L~th .......... day of .............. l~l~y ............ 19~B on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office, QI-i~CK BUDGET NO. OR OTHER NAiV~ r' ? /~-z~ ~- ~ L.I. Lighting Company Dootey's Floor Service N.Y. Telephone Co. Edst End Typewriter Co. Washlngt~ Whltems ions ~--3o E~ard Th~pS~ C~p~ny East End Supply CO , Inr, Nm. yark Telephone CO, NATI/I~E OF CLAIM 38.58 Electricity 75.75 Waxing Floors May 1022-Box Phone Supplies-Town Hall S.r~pl las. Poi Ice Poi Ica &vp.nSn Poi Ic~ e~pense S.ppi I n~,-Pol Ice Sucaryl sor Office Su~pl les-Bey Constable TeleDhone-Su~ervlsor Office Telephone-Just Ica Clark AMOUN~C ALLOWED 114 33 35 00 28 41 65 ~5 16 [26 166 66 30 PAYMENT 161 O0 5 1o3 7 [25 ~' ~ ~'' 7 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPE~V~OR TO PAY AUD£'r~ CHAP. 6~4 ~AWS OP 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD LIG~FING DI~CT BILL~ To the 8Ul~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followl~ named persons, the amounta set down opposite their resgective nsrnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 14th ......... day of ............... ~l~ ............ 19.6S on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my off,ce. Ct{ECK BUDGET OR OTI-IER NO. ACCOUNT ~7 NAME NATUiRI~ OF CLAIIvl /L.I. Lightin~ Con,any Fish.rs Island Zlec. Corp. St. Lights-FIshers Is. Village St. Lights-Nest Gre~rt AMOUNT DATE OF AI~OW~D PAYMENT 829 28 203 45 870 87 ~60 173 33 Warrant NO ......................... To SUPI!~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'I'~t~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, Ai:~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Sttpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named Imrsens, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by sudit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 14~ ........... day of ............. ~,I~P .......... , 19.68on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. XX5 O0 6!50 37 SO 6~7 O0 DATE O~ PAYMENT [5[05 X5{40 2o0152 11 567 ~ NO. Warrant No ...... ~'? ................ To S0'PE~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED C~IAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932~ AP~T. 8, S~/~C. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foilowtng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their~=r~e~ctive names ou~; of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tonsn Board of So~thold on the ........................ day of .......... ~ ............... 19~. on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAME NATIFR~E OI~ CLA~V~ i medis A!~OUNT ! DATE Ol~ ALLOWED ~ PAYMEIW~ ! t PAGE BO ....... ~$ ....... NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUFEP~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS S~C. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppozite th~pective names out of the aecoun~pecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~n Board of SoUthold on the ........................ day of ............... ............... 19..~0n Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. /~?~ 1~?~ /~? ?z ./~?~? NATI/I%E OF CLAINI AMOUNT DATE OI~ ALIg~W~ PAYiViENT PAGE .J Warrant ]No ......................... TO SUPE1%VIS01% TO PAY AUDr£r~D B'rr ,T .g SEC. 1~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... .~ ......... day of ........ A~ZL ........... , 19.68 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET r NO. OR OTB'ER NAME NO. ACCOUNT ~q~ 'C~[~'~-~¢ I~ester M. Albertson lxpense-Supervisor ~t ~h.~n~ " Torn Building Telephone ~or~.-Le~sed Line~-Feb. · xpense-Polies Ca~s ~pen~e-Dump ~isse~- ~pital Hiqhd¥ ~terials, Xnc.-Expense-Dump Hew Suffolk Shipyard Iht.Slip Rental-m-llB~L ~anTuyl & Son~ Te~m c o Inc. Gou~hol& Fuel Oil Co. Surveys ~sol ins-Supervisor Fuel-Hiqhway & Dump P-ttituck ~tumhing & Hea~tng Corp.-Repairs-Hi~hway Duz~ughs C~rp. ~intenanee to 1/1/69 shields ~~t* /~-~ ;7-~o Ra~kett's Service Station ~erox-Civil Def.-car Henry J. smith Expense-Highway Bldg. A~Deal ReDrc~uctions0 Inc. Copies-Strong vs Town t-~o ~Ad~r:ssogreph-Mult. Corp. M~ntenance to 3-31-69 " ' ' tO 3-31~9 /&~7 v.~ H~le Oil & ~fin~q ~.~ Oaaoli~ /~~ St. ~ ~et ~730 [~inte~nce 1968 AMOI/NT ALLOW'ED fi iO0 43 11 !43 27 78 5 58 29 63 468 i7,o 175 100 72 O0 21 [71 177 60 30 189 1346 00 15 80 4120 12 80 46 19 788i8s 79180 200 O0 DATE Ol~ PAylVE~:NT PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ......................... TO SUFBI%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'ran3 BILL~ CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AliT. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~..~.. ........... day of .............. ~.]~}{~"~ ....... , 19.6.8 on Claims NO ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. S9 19 OD DATE OP PAYNIENT Penn Glass of Rlverhead, l~c.-~pe~=e-Sup'r. Car L.I. Coumerciel Review [ yr. Sub.-Su~ervisor Charles Gagen, Postmaster s~amps-Bldq. Inspector Fishers IsLand llec. Corp. Ulec~£ctty-Feb-To~n Barn ~olumhia Uibbon & Carbon difg. ~.-S~mp Pa&-TFum~$ Horth Shore Canvas Produc~s, lnc-Repa£r-BLUBBBLL ABC Business Machines Bxpense-Aseessors ~i 12 50 50 26 05 t 18 25 3 ~50 4 115 9 lO0 7 O0 Acadeu~ Printing Enterprises, Znc.-Suppl£esd~mm=O~klS0 27 Telephone Co. PA(}E NO ...... ~.~ ........ 2660-Bldg. Ymspector 30 45 3783-Town Clerk 31 05 3660-C~v£1 Defense 22 ! 24 0550-Supervisor i 73[64 4111-Justice Surer ] 31 45 1580-Justice CLark 6022-Police 4750-police ; 7 25 10 35 62 20 : 19i75 SOSO-poli e [ n[7o,! 1022 - credit rescinded Warrant No ......................... TO SO-PE~'~xSOR TO PAY AUDI'r~k) BILLS C~IAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (:3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amcqnts allowed by audit of the Town Board af Southold on the ........................ day of ............................. , 19 .... on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BITDGET NO. OPt OTHER NA~E NO. ACCO~ NATURE OP CLAI1VI l)ro£elai~ 1 AMOUN~ ALLOlarED ~6 00 26 00 DATE O1~ PAYMENT Capital H~hmy Haterials, inc.-Signs Bd. of ApiM~Xm- 8.07 Tappert'a Book~hop ~oMn Cles~k-14.10 ¥&~ //~7~ ~;'~ ~ Gulf Oil ProductO Bxponmm-Poli~e ~ara ¥~7 /g~7~ ~-~ L.X. FAre lk~uipment ~o. Suppliee-~olice Vard~/~k & Youeik Xn~. ~pmm~-Volice Jo~0ph bicki, (~.iet Stamps-Police Mattituak Iron Morkm ~outhold Lumber Co. Do~inic T. Auriehio, ~xp~ns~-Dump 8uppliem-~ay Conmtmble B~q. Attorney f~ Touns~on~ American Teruite ~ontxol Co.-Dump-March Cliff Tyl~'e QaLIge, McNann Price Aq~nc~ Village of ~een~rt Blect~tclty Bart ~ar~mre & Garden ~anter-Suppliem-~olice PA~B NO ................. 264 2.5 2~ 17 18G 80 441 35 ~ 48~ 5~ oo! 389 58! 250 O0 20 O0 110 34 15~ 00' l~ O0 ,3~4 ~o 115~ O0 ~0 22 83 ~m33 Warrant NO ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLB C~-IAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, AP~T. S, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GE~iF~AL B~r~ (4) To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective namem ou$ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 9~. ......... day of ............... Al~r~l ..... , 19~S on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAi~IE NATURE O1~ CLAIN~ Pitney-Bowes Inc. Stamp Machine AMOUNT ALLOWED ~5 O0 26 16 DATE OF PAYMENT End ~upply Co., Inc. Supplie~-~v ~table l~l~rd Thompson Co. " Supervisor ConstAble- _ 2.00 Southold Mara re · eceiver 5.95 To~,, Genor&l-96.68 Theodore Bokima Francis L. Thompson Humble--Oil & Refining Police Course labor-Town Office G~-S~q~e~visor 28 62 18 O0 104 63 9 70' 41 23 ·/o~, 7~° 1l 20 46 65 12i 73~ 14 45 ....~ / f&, ~,/ 148 50 20 33/, '14 63 l 9 75 ii 2~ 85~ 162[ 73 450 ~0 '4 //' pAOE NO ......... ,42, .... Warrant No ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDrrmu COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GZ~m~L S~LLS- (5) To the Supervhsor of the Town o! Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsme~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board c~ Southold on the ...... 9t]~ ............ day of ............ Apl~il ......... . 19,68on claims No ................... to No ................... inc.. now on file in my office. CIE~CK BUDGET NO. OR OTIqER NAME NATURE OF CLAINI NO. ACCOUNT Jh~enne-Ba¥ Cons table Service-Police ThC. -Labor-Light, Notice-Zoning # # Mi 1 p~g~--PR~ol--lP~b. ~tice of h~i~s 4 50 24 04 13 54 18 79 17129 l0 r55 ~/ J~7~~ DATE OP PAYMENT NO. Warrant No ......................... TO S~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~u BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LX6a~ nxs~xc~ (1) TO the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsanes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~.~h ............. day of ................... ..~.~!.~ .... 19.6.8 on Claims 51o ................... to No ................... inc.. now on file in my office. NO. AC OOUNT, NAiVi~ NATURE OF CLAI1VI /~L.I. L£qhtinq Comp&ny Fishel8 Is. B1ec. Corp. V£11age of GreenDort Lights-Orient ]hit ~rion # GreenDortE-W Southold " Peconic · Cutchogue # Filh~s Island West Greenmort 333 20 250 90 244 70 788 48 203 45 870 55 804 82 87 60 173 !33 135 7.9 PAOE I~0 ................. Warrant No ......................... To SO-PE~V-iSOR TO PAY AUDI'x'~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby author/zed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsmaes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... g~l~ ........... day of ................ ~,~ ..... , 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. I CHECK NO. NO. BU~ET [ ! A~OUNT DATE O~ OT~r~I ~m~E ~A~r~:~E O~ C~Am I ~CC0UNT i AL~OWE~ P~Y~ ~4~ gO 15 73 870 O0 139 85 5 59 Poq~ot Inn I' - qu Pzi~IC NI . J. ~l, Ipicer hi Co.. Inc. Lift ' -i1 OXX ~0. Oil-I~fltJ~ X~le / PAGE NO ................. 10 O0 1x OS 150 00. I 30 Z} cc, co 48E~ 4O 156 92 38 751 Warrant No ......................... To SD-PE~VISOt% TO PAY AUDcI'~ BILI~ CHAP. ~34 LAWS OF 1932, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Suiservlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their res~ctive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~vn Board of Southold on the ......... 96 ......... day of ................ ~l~li]k ....... 19.6~on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET NO. OR OTHER NO. ACOOUNT /¢ ;, /~X 'J'777 /lc ~77 //~ N~ NATUR~ ol· CLAiqV[ $ :30 00 3O 00 2O 00 78~ O0 Warrant No ...... .?? ................ To SSrPE~VL~qO~ TO PAY BILLS CI-IAP. 634 X~AWS ~ 1932~ AliT. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervtsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fonowirg named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ol Southold on the ..... ~ ............... day of ....... ~e .............. , 19~. on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ~ BUDGET ~ OR OTHER NAME RTATUR~ Ol~ CLA~I~ NO. ACCOUNT ~ ~ . : , !, '-- & t Yl Vls Dyek & IsA. ~ f ="- l-~~ AMOUNT DATE OF ALLOWED PAYI~EN'P PAGE NO ........ .~.e. ...... Warrant NO ......................... TO SUPEi%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~ BILI~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppos~heir respective na~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ...... ~.$ ............... , 19.U on Claims No .................. to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET NO. Ott OTHE~ NO. ?'/ I~ '/¢' NA~ ACCOUITI~ Vm Yuyl & sm 1o6 JMud Steel tOY ~.'~. _ Bimof · lid Af~y & Tr,Aeet.-'~of Sld. NATURE OF CLA/iNi DATE Ol~ NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPI~W, SOR TO PAY AUDI~r~ BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CKECK BUDGET NO. ACCOUNT ~m,~tA,~ m%%,LS (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following naraed persons, the amounts set do~n opp~sito their r~es~ctive n~mes out of the accounts specified, being the amount~ allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ....... I.~ ....... day o, .... ~'~'~t~ ........... ,,.~.~n c~i-- ~o ................... to.o ................... ~c., no. on.,c,n m, o~,co. --'- NAME NATLr~E OF CLA~ ALLOV~/~D ~7~ ~o~3 ~-~e Donald ~. Tut. hill Id~ln Fickeismen Albert NIrt~cchia Idna Brown Hubbizd's ~erv. ~tation %nmtallinq Llqht~-To~n Plans-Police R~p~ir door ~xp~rms-Convsntion ~IIIIIO% # ~IlIIlO~ Termite Control Co.-Ssrv£cs-Dump ABC B~lIlneII NichineI Tox~o Inc. 8outhold ~u~l~r Co. Nobil Oil Co. V.F.W. ~oIt ~9205 .$ 22 06 174 50 11 70 76130 5 00 5 00 5 00 l0 00 20 O0 7 i50 22 i39 4 !10 15 ~0~ 59 26 200 9 81 19 {00 134 85 15 O0 ~t.31 55 21 83 DATE OF ~lioline-Buplrviior ~lliI-hlldingI Fuel-Dump 1968 )la£ntsnancs Humble Oil & Refining Co. gasoline-Supervisor ld~mrd Thompson Co. Mcl~Lnni¥ Book-Sul~IrvlIor U.~. PoIt~aItIr, Gretnpor2 ~ta~pI-~U~IZ~eiIor %~11 ~cI., Zn~. Bsrvi::-Clvll D~£®-e® Ci~ Academy Printing ~nterpr£IeI, Xnc.-SupplieI-Bldg. De ~ul£ Oil Corp. ~aioline-Ray Conitable Center ~ori~heI ~pe~ Co. iSuppliei-Police 9 80 74 I33 /7F,~7 lO~ ~ pAinE NO ................. Warrant BI0 ......................... To S~PEI~VISOR TO PAY AUD£~'~u~ SEC. 12~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD aBNBRAT. SZL S (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nse out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~m Board of Smtthold on the .......... 12~h ....... day of ............... ~rCh ........ 19 6Son Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. i~ATUR~ OF CLA~iVi Fishers Zsl~nd Telei~hone Cor~.-l~esed Lines Hacking. Delafield & ~oo~ Ou£nlan Publish£nq Co. Bast ~nd ~p~iter Co. John Duell &£r ~ax~ P-t~hev Bender & Co. V~n~uyl G Son Bldg. Zontnq Bulletin-Inspector Copyinq ~oh£ne- Police SupDliel-M. Of Apl~all Se~v£ce0- Assessors Supplies-Town # ~st£ces kilo, ~' ~ /~ McCabes Tappertts Bookshop Cane~al Store Albert ~. Richmond Pleg-To~n o£ Appc&£S 5.68 " Police Supplies-Highway " hlellOrl Bxponse-Town Hall Southold Historical Society ~ amount allotted ~'l'he Suffolk ~eekly Times Notice-Planning tie, rd " M. of Appeals Sup~rvisor's ~eport AMOUNT $ 5 O0 ~ 77 50~/ 15 O0 / 711155 v 26 50 ~ 22 50 a540i00 2i94 DATE PA~E NO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SOPE~VISOR TO PAY AUDIT~.~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD o~ BX~ (3) To the Superv~or of the Tov~ of Southold: You are hereby au~horized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board a~ SoUthold on the .... ~.2~1 ............ day of ...,..~X~Ch ................ 19.6Son Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO, I~/ I - ~ Hmr~-y ~. Smith ~-~ Bub~zd'g Sorv. i~ATUi~E OF CLAIIVI Pu~l-~o~m Officm PXu~fl~lng l~l~izm-~igh~y I$ $5 05 48 40 9 9O DATE OI~ PAYM'E/~~ Dominic Aurichio. Boq. " . . . Varify1 & Son . . . " . " Rxpenne-I(Uchine~y-Dump Fuel-Town Offices Xn~. -S i~ns Fimherm XsZmnd Ble~. Corp.-Utllitiem-Town ~rn-J&n. 6 69 603 44 279!80 47 00 4 95 500 00 25126 34i00 ~ ' I /~ ~ ~ 1491 O0 322 i O0 651 30 26145 10! 07 ~/~T ~ 223i 29 2901 85 53! 25 12 90 88 71 7~ 65 9! 05 11! 60 Warrant No ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDIT~O BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD aBHRRAL BXLLS ¢4) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~.~-th .......... day et ............... Mer4~h ....... li$S. on claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. I OR OTHER NAME NO. ACCOUNT NATUR~ OP CLAI~ ~7 York Telephone Co. 4550-Juetice ~uthill 3782-To~n Clerk 5440-Police 2600- " 4750- Stanley D%'oakoski Jr 3020-Assessors 3560-Box Phone 2660-Bldq. Xnspo~tor base-Police Course Fotoczaft Shops VanDyck & YOUlik, Znc. iothu~n'l Dtpt. Store l)llvarm'l Men's Shop, InC. I Supplies-Police Ixp~ne~-Police Clrl Supplies-l~lice Unifo~-Police John Vail ~,~Serge Doyen, Jr. J,Lserqe Doyen, Jr. McMann Price A~ency bLX. T~aveler Inc. Lou'a Service Station Supplies-Justice Surer ~xpenee-Police Cars lattituck Historical Society 10c. ~ amt. budgeted Sunrise Coach Lines Inc. Trip to NYC = Ass'n of Towns 19 95 19 65 so; 40 oo 30[ 00 1 05 155 00 142, 50 23 O0 23 OO 303 88 15[ 00 500[ O0 05l O0 Warran~ NO ......................... To SIIPE~VISOR TO PAY AI/DITED BT~ ,T .q COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD O~l~'taL ~XT.T~ (5) To the SuDervlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persens, the amount~ set down oDposito their re~pective namas out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board aY Southold on the .......... .l~ ...... day of ........... ~E~Ch ............ 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... /nc., now on file in my office. I-I~C~ OR OTI-IE~ BUDGET NO. ! ACCOUNT NATLrREOF CLA/~ Cutchogue She].l Station ~ceiver of Taxes L,~, Trav~] er The Suffolk Weekly ~L~t~ lt. T. Preston Xnc. ~ - -~o Photocraft Shop~ ~1. Ladeu~nn ~ Doole¥'s Floor Service TIxes (.qr -1 property) ~ ~6 oo ~' I 4a O0 '~ Hot£ce ~. of &pFsala 9 # # # # Rxponae-Pl&nn&ng Rnard 39 Suppliea-J~atica 50 Lane,Orient 1300 24 ~epair light fixtures, et:c.570 Waxing Floors 31 oo J 25 W~ 00 ~ DATE Ol~ PAYNIHNT m PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~ BILLS C~AP. 634 L~WS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LIC, ll~II~ DISTRTC'I~ (~.) To the Supervisor of the Tov~ of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nscnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 1.2.t~1 ........ day of ............ ~Z*~ ....... , 19~8 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET O-~ OTHEI% NO. ACCOUNT F£shems Island Xlec. Coz*p, / I L.I. Liqhtinq Company St. L~ghts-Weot Green~rt St. L£~hts-F£shers Xsland St. Liqhts-Orient " " East M~ri~n " " E-W GreenDort " " Southold " " Cut~hogue " " M~ttituck ~1 AMOI/NT DA~'E OF ALLOVFEI) i PAYA~NT 1.73 33 333 20 ~50 244 788 14.8 870 PAGE NO ................. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: 0XL~[a~ (1.) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Te~vn Board of Scqthold on the ...... 12~ .......... day of ............ ~h ........ , 19.60on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. :OR OTEg~l NAM~ NO. ACCOUNT I NATURE OP CLAIM i t-~r-lldg, ~23g OftA~e luppliel afiffJn, Co. Fuel-Ferries 6~ O0 61 90 q2~ O0 8S os 50 oo sO on 50 oo 50 O0 707~ Sa oo 115 O0 7000 O0 680 96 DATE O1~ PA~ PAGE NO ......... l..~ly Warrant No ......... ~? ............. To SUPEI~VlSOR TO PAY AUDITED B~-J~S CiCIAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, Ai%T. 8. S~C. 120 TO the Sugervizor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective namez out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~ ............. day of ........ M~.~,~t ............. , 1~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CIBECKI B]YD~ET ATATLrR~ Ol· CLAIS~ PAGE A~O ................. Warrant NO ....... "~? ............... To SUPEi~VISOR TO PAY AUD~:J.'~J~ BILLS SEC. 120 To the ~pervi~or of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~ne~ cat of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board id Southold on the .. ~ ............... day of .... ~l~s .............. , 19.U on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ? ~ p.,//~_,J # 97o b lld~.falk Vsdr~y Tiding. ?~ L I Y8, b SiftS& umldy TImm ~ Bottle (&impair) ' IIL..IMI A~OUNT DATE O!~ A~J~OV~ED pAYMENT P-~OE 1PO ................. Warrant No .... ~ To SUPEr%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~3 BII,I .q CHAp. 634 J~.WS O~ 19~2, .4~T. 8, SEC, 120 To the Su!cervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~J~ ............. day of ......... ~ ............ 19 .... on Claims No .................. to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATLr~E Ol~ CLAII~ AMOUNT ALLOWED DATE O~ pAyIv~I~2 Warrant No ......................... To SUI~I~0VISOR TO PAY AUDITED CHA~. 624 LAW~ O1= 193~. A~T. 8, SEC. i~0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You 'are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts ~et down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sout'~old on the ........ 1~ ......... day of ............... ~eb~g~ia~.., 19~ 68on Claims No ................... to No ................... h, lc., now on file in my off~ce. NATURE OF CLAI1Vi ~nme-S~rvimo~ Town Clerk ~o/ S~lith%, Finklentetn & Lun~bmrq lProfeweLonml Services Se=vice-Dogs-Nov. & Dec. # ' JAn. /~ ~',~ ~ '~-%~ ilmrt Hmrdwmre & Garden Center Xnc:Suppli# ~/ ii%gMy ~;4, ~08.50 The S~mte %nmurmnce Fund ~enoEI1- 3,469.78 Clinton m,. -1 Inc. ~14~':. &.,~k Town Clerk-40.65 Academy l~lnt~nq ~nterprise, Xnc.- So~thold Lumber Co. ~. ' ..... '-~-10.59 Fl~t ~r ~. ~e-SuD'z. Office 25 07 33 31 812 68 113 00 34 O0 118 92 30 ~0 189 41 16 16 4 !40 20 J oo 65 j 95 147 j 81 16 15 DATE O1~ pAYMENT Village of Gree~port Blectricity Os/lt~kt"l:M:)ndl Hilt. So~£ety 2nd qr~t ~rg&ret A. Young (Mc#ann PriceAgency / ~.~( - . . Steno. Service-Bd. Xnmurmnce 12 00 22 68 500 O0 ' 30[ O0 Cqt.o~ 6ool oo, PAOE i~0 ...... 1 ........ Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDIT~_~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, At~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2) To the Supervisor of the Tov~ of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesite their respective ns~nes ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Smtthold on the ..... ~3.~1 ............ day of .............. ~Pl~l~ler.~t~. ., 196S on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ! CI-IECK BLrDG ET OR ~ NO. ACCOUNT ~-~,~ w~&,~ NUnne~eta Pond Assoc. Inc.-~ cos~ dz'edqLnq /q~ /~& ~v' ~" Sunrise Coach Lines, Inc. *v '~ Peek Ski Tours, Xnc. /-$~ Vlllaqe of Greenport Howard #. F~nklestein Supp lies-Dump ~[n~.-Sup~lies-Supr. AMOLrNT 2 98 ~aeoline-Jm~m~k ~% C~ ~ Water-Town Office Gaas 1 lne-Supervi sar Services-M. of Appeals Gulf Oil Corp. ~aaoline-a~vulek~.! ~/~. Pitney-Bow~s Xnc. ~ntal o~ ~ ~ch~ne F.X. Telephone Co~. Service ~ Of~i~e-9-80 s ~ldsmi~ & ~ill '~el -T~ Offices bat. rice A. B~nes Fobocra£t Shops ~ulf Oil Corp. · Aw~rd ~ho~pson Co. Matron Service Buppliea-~olice Oasoline-~olice Supplies-Police 52 79 59 25 247 50 777i O0 eI aa 22 53 1500j O0 42 O0 15 30 25 86 35 12 O0 403! 39 $i O0 DATE aP PAYiVIEN~ Vard)yck & Youeik Xnc. · x~ense-~olice Cars 160 86 l 15 00 10 70 Warrant No ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDrr~u CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... ~3th ...... day of ............... ~0b~u~'y.., 19~8 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CPIECK BUDGET NO. OR OTITER NO. ACCOLrNT P~o ~, Joe. Sawicki, C~ief ?~ - so Will ia~on ~w Book Co · *Oo--~o Cut~ogue Auto Sales ~7~ /7~' G.T.G.Poet 41,803 /77 /~ ~, Vail Studio & Camera Shop /g~ /~g~ ~?- m~ F.X, Telephone CorD. Burroughs Corp. # # # # ~har les Oreenblatt Donald ~. ~ill Suppliea-~y Co.e~ble Stamps-Police Doliae-15.85 Say Constsble-~.56 Prts~nera Arterial Lights ~lect~icity Supplies-Police " Town Trustees " Town Clerk Maintenance 1968 Film-Assessors Leased Lines-Dec. ~penea-Tax Receiver ,, ~ O0 66 11 49! 41 51 10 891 10 57! 77 901 54 9~ 80 93i 2~ 18i 81 291 39 2! 69 200! O0 142i 50 5 00 498i 50 211 60 30] O0 30;~ O0 91 02 DATE O~ PAYiViENT PAGE NO ....... 3.~ ....... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down o~osite their respective nsmes out of the accounts ~pecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~3.~ ......... day of .............. ~e]~r%la~..., 19.68on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NO.!ACCOUNT! NAM~E NATLrI~E OP CLAIi~ Walter P. Howland Albertson Marina Inc. 8upplie~-Bay Com~ab~e Southold Lumber Co. " Town Office Mutual Steel Co. 8igne Zoning " ~d of App. .o~lca Zoninq-Bd. of ApDeals Supplfen-Tax Rec. Notice-Police Boat Taxes Zoning N.Y. Telephone Bon~ ~esolution 0550-Bu~ervisor 3660-Civil Defense 0550-Supervisor 6675-Du~ 6022-Police AiV/OU'NT DATE O1= KT~T.~OV~D PAYMENT 4 50 1.~ 03 106 39 490 53 112 80 10,37 11156 5 i44 52180 5 32 9175 24j00 l0 83 78 99- 19~95 12135 19176 32187 63175 9i65 17!85 17!35 50115 Warrant No ......................... To SO~'EI%¥ISOR TO PAY AUDrr.~m BILLS CI-IA~. 634 LAWS O~' 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed tm pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names cut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Smlthold on tho ...... ]~'~ ........... day of .... F~U~ ............ 19.6~ O11 CIaiUtS NO ................... tO NO ................... inc., now Oil file 111 my office. NO, BUDGET O1~ ~ NAi~E ACCOUNT ~ 3~ 41)I. y. Telephone Co, Bouthold Pharmacy Oil Corp. ~a~ /~7~ ~,-~ Baetern L.I. Blectron£ce ~, /~-~77 ~c-~ Lou'B Service Station R~/ ~-~?~ ,o-~ L.I. Traveler Xnc. T~ppert's ~ookehop N.Y. Telephone ~f~ny Burton Potter Poet 9185 AMOUNT $ 7 25 1580-Justice Clark 3020-~--e.~=~ T~x Rec. 51 05 3783-Town Clerk 22 75 2660-Bldg. Ine~ctor 27 00 3560-~ox P~one r~ 10 45 4550-Juatice Tuthill 12 ilO 4550- # # : 12 00 4750-Police 14 70 5440- " I 13130 2660- " 32 130 4750- # 13[15 5050- # 11175 4111-Juetice Surer 69 96 Supplies-Police (~ooline- ExDenae-Pol£ce Cars Supplies-Tax REceiver taxR~.-412I Ameeem.- , own CLerk 3-98 5.53r ldg. X~ Bp.-8.00 Maintenance 3 42 11 40 16 ~48 2 [14 551 i93 31 i50 174 a0 291 ~5 21 $2 20 2¢ 200 00 DATE OF PAYME~Fr Credit CPunXT o PA~E ATO ................. Warrant No ......................... To SUP~R~VISOI~ TO PAY AUDIri~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the SupervLsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ .~.3.~;.h ......... day of ..................... FB~ .... ~9. ~on Ci,i~ Jo ................... to Jo ................... ~c., Dow oD file ~ my om~. ~K BUDGET NO. I OR ~ NAMIg NO. ACCOUNWF i~/ ~:~o ~'~ter M. A~rtson /~6~A ~-~a Peak Ski Tour ~7 ~-FF~ ~aJ-~. Ho~rd M. Terry Association of Towns %tamps-Supervisor Bxpense Association of Towns # # 136 50 4 22 23~ O0 15' 22 90 ~5 90 95 92 85 DATE OP PAY~II~!T Wendell B. Tabor George Dege & Son, inc. Charles Greenblatt Chas. ~agen, Postmaster Augustus Gar'ell® Dooley's Floor Service Oreenport ~acht & Shi~bui Raymond Cleaves Post #861 AL Louis M. Demarest Robert W. Tasker PAGE JO ................. # Expense-Police Supplies- " Stamps-Tax Receiver Assoolation of Towns Notioo Appeals Board · Planning Board · Bid Street Lights Assoolatlon of Towns Liqhts-Town Barn Service-[slice Dept. " Waxing rent - Justice Surer 39 [40 10 [35 500 O0 1o8 05 88 12 92 ~8 O0 720 00 t expense - Ass'n of Towns 64 50 ",' expense - Ass'n of Towns 140.82 ' TO'W~, ~ !, ri NO. Warrant No ......................... TO SUPEI~VI~3~ TO PAY AIYDrI'~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SF~CXAL DIS~itIC~S (Z) To the Su.uerv~sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their reactive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... l.~.h ....... day of .... FebKllsl~ ............ , 19. ~8on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, NATD'P~ OF CLAI~ St. n~gk~$-0~lent Ai'4IOUN~ DATE OF ALI,OWED PAYIVI'HNT 3,13 20 250 90 I CI~CK BLrDGET OR orr H~-'R NAME NO. ACOOUN~ # ' Soueaold · # Cu~hogue " ' ~att£tuck ~ 285 44 788 48 ' 203 45 ~ ~ 870 55 828 99 ~7 so / Fishers Xsland ~1~. fVil:age of Greenport Corp. ' ' Fishers island ~re Prot~mtio~-1968 173 33 6630 8885 46 / COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To U~e s~p~or of the To~ of Southold: l~p 1..!__ or' ~ ~ You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their regpectlve name~ oui of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~.~.~ .......... day of ......... ~'~s ....... , 19 ~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CI-IECK BUI)GET OR OTm~ NO. NAlV~ AC OOUIxW~ 22. I~oee Aap&dt :IBc. 23. ,blf' ~. ~1~ ~l ~. 30. ~k 33. ~ 33. b ~8. ~. NATUR~ OP CLATNi Gold Pitch blia, by-nix ~ Tide fates hymnt ptudm Paymnt radio letoo H. D. Air Om nsptirs · reptir patio nopdr parts ~r ~ ~r m 9 .2 DATE OF PAYMI~T NO. Warrant NO ......................... TO SOPF~%VIS01{ TO PAY AUD1T~U BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the ~upervksor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authoriZed and directed ix) Day the followlv4: named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their respective n~nes out of the accounts apecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board af Southold on the .................... ][3~ .... day of ....... ~ ............ , 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. 65~-EC K BUI)(}ET OR OT I-tEl% NO. ACCOUNT I~1 NATURIg OF CLA~Yi ~o ?3) 161 83 34 42 !O ~ 35 PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEEVISOR TO PAY AUDIT~ C~AP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, A~,T. 8, SEC. I20 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the St~perv~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nocnes lSth oui of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ..... ~ ............ , 19.~ on Clairms No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. O~ OTHER NAM~ NO. ACCOUNT 43.OoJ(md~& ~ & ChLlqsml Cb. 47.#. V. Imryee 48.1M1 CbgmlcLT Ca~p. 49.L.I. Ttl~der. l:~. 50.Tbe Suffolk KY b 5loNCCube8e Omltr&i Steree bec. M.1tilhir S. Petty SW,ltsttttuck Zfett Morlm 6l.Omute~ No, idms Psper (:es. 6LLqpce Ab -y 63.Bdmurd M 14 ~4 ,.,1 6 63 41 Q8 30 71 6S~ 93 14 30/ 70(3 50048.86 Warrant No ......................... To S0-PE~VIIK)It TO PAY AUDI'I'~ BIIJ.~ CHAp. 634 LAWS OP 1932, Ai%T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ Zll~nd ~erry D~e~rLo~. To the Supervisor of the Tovm of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n/maes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 13~ ........ day of ..... ~[I~MiL'~ ............. 196~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CH~CK NO. BUI)GET ACCOUNT NATUP~ O1= CLAX1V/ Joooph P~ela BLe~. Corp. ~pt. I.L. Hempo~eid BXr~nt NirLne Corp. t.Z. Ut:LXLZy Co., Xne: Inyuond Doyen Cool~ ALrve~ , cr#u Au~uo~Lve lervL~e Co. ix~#o-rorry LundrLgun Corp. Apex Id£Loe lupply Co. liy~heou Itfg. Co. ZrvLng W. NLXXer lupp~L#-Ferry luppX~oo Bxponao-~erry 'Tho NLner & &~exinder Luulmr Co.-8up~XL#-]rorry !8 XX 7O SO O0 4509 OX 2SX 65 50 O0 5 O0 IS ~31 6l 734i O0 26! 4S 54! 00 ].OO O0 6Xi 90 47 50 IX 03 DATE OF PAYMEN~ b~on A tl~Xoon linr4vure ~Eulter F. Gr/ffLn, Jr. IpXeer Fuel. OLX ,7. IoloEson Zn~. F~el luppll# 4O 02 XX5 00 626i24 6 49 Warrant No ......................... To SUPEi%VI$OR TO PAY AUDITED C~-IAP, 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 To the £upervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Gn~RAL aXLLS (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppo~i~e their respective xm~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... 9~.h ....... day of .............. ~l~l~ ..... 19.S8on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~7 NAME NATUI%E OF CLAIiVI Suppliel-Bl¥ ¢ovat~le Suppli~-Polic~ " Parks AMOUNT DATE OF ALLOI~ED i PAYMENT 76t'12I 4 75 ¢ ~'a~' Hart Hard. ute & Garden Center, ~nc.-Suppliea-Parka ~ ~-~Hubbard*a hrv. It~tion /' '~" Robert #. T~eker. hq. ~-3~, ~obil 011 Co. d ~ Williamoon L~w Book Co. Supplies-Justice Clark ....... Bldg. l~pt.-~5.15 Raat ~nd 3~23)owzzcer ~o. uuppAz~-T~... Clerk 4~.1~ Colu~bi~ Ribbon & (~rbon Co. · Bd. of App~lf i PA~E II'O ...... 1.* ........ 16 22 / 198150 / 1~ O0 ;( 17 65 900 00 76 ~ 90 10~ 0O ~ 13 95 ( 500 O0 ~ 2oi ~2 ~ 901 30 36', 67 / 16i 6~ ¢' 21! 93 ~ Warrant NO ......................... TO SOI~EV~EOE TO PAY AUD~ID COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounte set down opposite their respective nmne~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ........... 9.~1 ........ day of .......... J~lll~l~ ........ 19. {~n Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. G'/-I~C~] BUDGET NO. Ot~ OTI-IE~ NO. ACCOUNT AMOUNT 49 94 a'/ 3,, ('-l"'£ah.e~m Is. " Civil D~£. Car ~le~oae Cor).-I~ms~ /M;nee-llov. Corp. Ilo~tricfty-To~n Rama-D~c. Rotlmn's Dept. Store Supplies-Town Of£ice Humble O:L1 & Re£fnt.nq Co. ~as,.-Supervtsor De¥ l~blishfng Co. Rotic~-~onigq ~x qy Suffolk ~ook ly 85 95 180 24 3 50 1 50 3 O0 34 55 17 43 5 O0 DATE OF 4 11 ?5 18 120 15 O0 41 20 40 O0 13,700 O0 75 O0 IOL30 5 95 19 21 14 79 46 SS 6108 PAGE ~0 ................. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDiTi~iIJ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, AI~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ammm]~ ~ZLLS (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their re~0ective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 9~k ......... day ~f .............. ~'[~ ..... , 19~ an Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BD-DGET NO. O1~ ~ NO. ACUOUNT NAM~ /-~o :He:L'y J. Smith. I PAGE NO ..... 3.~ ......... 3783-Town Clerk 5440-Police 4750-Police , /600-Police i 6022- " 3660-Civ£1 De£ona~ AMOUNT DATE OF AI~OV~-ED pAYiV~IN~ 'l 15 O0 25 76 ~3 O0 ll0 26 31 50 3O O5 $5 43 75 30 O0 45 O0 51 4~ 55 [88 7 iO0 6 52 25 ll 150 24 190 11 i- ~l!40 5x~'~ 13 ]80 14 {45 i 33 [55 12 70 // Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI'£~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. A~T, 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ORb~AL BXLLS (4) To the Su~erv~or of the Town of South·Id: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~ne,~ ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board aY Southold on the ....... 9...~.. ........... day of ............ 4~'all~l&~ ...... , 1968 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc.. now on file in my office. NO. ~ !OR OTI~F', NAME ', NO. ,ACCOUNT 29 R2 ~ 9 27 ~, 7~ 563 { 5 97 Pl~ nn i ~g Board Notice-Zoning Bond ~lolutio~-Pol~ ~7 ?/ ~'_ ~,: Tapp~rt's Bookshop vv ~,, ~orge T.. Penny Supp%i~umttemm R~/:ezv~-10.13 Bldg. Xnsp.-13.30 s~-u Clo~-i.80 ~ent-6 Moo.-to 1-1-68 Town Of£ice l~uppl i ~n-Pol t ~ I Blanket ~ond PA~E NO. 15 O0 139100 9!35 10103 31 28 35100 40 90 25,23 61 O0 27 80 29 35 20 O0 199 38 105 90 O0 15 24 23 21, ~5oi oO Warrant No ......................... To SD-PE~VISOR TO PAY AUDi'x'nU~ CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Sapervlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nmnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ............ 9.th ....... day of .................. ~$]1~]{19..6~]on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CI-IECK BUDGET OR ~ NO. ACCOI/NT A~OUNT NAN~E NATUI~E Ol~ CLATkVi ALLOWED OAtchogue Auto 8ale~ ~pen. e-~M ~n$~ble Jeep S 27 48 Tryac Truck ~ ~i~n~ Co.-Supplies-Parks 7 43 DATE Ol~ PAYNIENT NO. Warrant No. 1 · TO S0-PEi~VISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~ CHAp. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 9, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS Page,, 1 of 3 Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down ovpo~ite their respective n~vn~ out of /~he accounts specified, being the amoun/m allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 9th ............. day of ....... ,~I~V~ ............ , 19... ~5~n Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CI~IECK BUDGET O1~ OTI-IE~ NAME ACCOUNT I G.R.#~.Riv~rhead Au~o Parts, Inc. #~.Gul~ Oil Corp. #5. Suffolk Cement Products # 6.George Dege & Son # 7. Capitol Highway Materials # 8. Capitol Highway Msterlals # 9. Burt's Oil Co. #10, Southold Lumber CD. #11 , ~outhold ll~mb~r Co. Town of Southold- #12. A~enc¥ & Trust Acct. Mach. # 1.Assoc. Finan Serv. CorD. #2 A~nC, ~inan. R~rv. Cnrp. # 3.Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc # 4.Eastern L. I. Electron£cs # 5.Eastern L. I. Electronics # 6,Th~odorm ,l. Rtlrk~ # 7,Thoodor~ ,I. Burke # 8,Municipal Machinery Co.. Inc. # 9,Rand-MacMurray, Inc. #10,Ed's Marine Service #11~Clemans Welding SuPPly #12.Trvac Truck & E~uiDment Co., NATU/~E OF CLA~SVI Gasoline & oil Ready-mix concrete Furnish & install gas tank Signs & Delinators School Zone sitn$ totoroil & Lift oil Social Securitv-4th ~uarter Pavment radio lease pmymene rmdi~ Wheel~ tires & tubes Radio installations Radio installation R~pa{r parts R~pulr parts Reoalr Darts Re~air Darts Hose ~ clamps Oxygen & Acetylene ~ew 1968 Int'L. truck 29 28 84 64 399 00 578 50 198160 105i 1,589 158 18 23 68 12[ 38 : 59 60 ~,9951 O0 DATE OP PAYAg~T O0 ~ ~*-× 6o 10 82 ~ PAGE NO ....... ~? ....... To SUPEi%VISOR TO PAY AUDITED S~C. 120 To /,he Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPAET~ENT BILLS Page 2 of 3 Pages You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n/~nos out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 9.~i~ ............... day of ....... January, ........... , 19..68 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CIIECK I BUDGET NO. O1{ OTHER NAM~ NO. ACCOUNT Macfl, /Z /ao~, # 13, Riverhead Auto Parts, Inc. /? /~o~ff # l~.Suffolk Tire Shop Misc. 5 ,Cutcho~ue Diner 6. New York Telephone Co. 7.New York Telephone Co. 8.New York Telep~nn~ CD. 9,New York T~lephone 10.Albertsons Store 11. Hart Hardware 12, Hart Hardware 13,East End Supply Co. 14.$n,,~hnld Hardware 15.Raymond C. Dean 16,Municipal Mach£nery Co., Inc. 17,Munlci~al Machinery Co., Inc. 18,Mu ~ci~al Machinery Co., Inc. 19,L. I. Traveler, Inc. 20,The Suffolk Weekly Times NATLq%EOF CLA~Vi Repair parts Machine bolts Machine bolts N.w P.mp, r~pnlr pnrts Tire Jack & parts Meals for men Services Services Services Supplies Misc. hardware items Misc. hardware items~ = Misc. items & rain gear Misc. hardware items Lunches Cutting edges for plow Rotary cutter Snow plow shoes Legal Notice l.e~al Notice AMOUNT 62 20 135 88 99 58 37q 75 19 38 18125 16i95 16135 25i RO 30 70 49 70 28 63 12 22 61 25 ~' 650 54! 10 ' 151~ 25 ~C 89i 40 }., 5~ 89 w* ~ ~2 ¢ P~GE NO .... ~? .......... Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDrI'au~ BILLS CITAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1992, ART. SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the T~wn Board of Southold on the ................... 9~ ..... day of ....... ~, ........... , 19. $$ on Claims NO ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. A1 . 38OO 6:90 63O 36 5754 13 O0 340O 15O0O DATE OP PAYMENT PAGE ~0 ..... ~9 ......... NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPE~VI~OR TO PAY AUDi'YEp SEC. ].~0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LI'GBTZIIG D Z ~'t~t. ZC~ IrrLT.,~ (1) only To the StlpervL~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and d/rected to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~ ........... day of .... ~T&n~ ............. , 19.68on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now an file in my office. NAME L~h~ln~ C~m~riy NATUi~E OP CLAI1V/ V:LXl&qe of G~eenport Yishers Xstand Blec. Corp. ' ~emt ~een~oFt · ~0 90 ?R~ 48 . ~.~/. ~ ~ ?gsJ 22 ~ 130154 ~ NO. Warrant NO ......................... TO S[TPE~VISOR TO PAY AUD£KrJL} CHAP. 634 I~W$ OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DZXmXCT mm3,Ls To the Su~ervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names ou:t of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... ~.~ ......... day of ............. J~.~ ...... , 19.Uon Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CH~Ct~ BUDG-ET ~ Ok OTHE~ NO. NAIVIE NATLTR~ O1~ CLA]~ 289 81 220 50 25~ 20 820 O0 58 40 54 27S 20 25 oo 15 40 i 77i 22 47! 50 PAGE ~0 ................. DATE O? PAYIVIENT 802 55 40 O0 NO. Warrant No ......................... TO SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDrA'~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DZff~ZC'f ~ZZJ.~ (~) To the ~apervi~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ oui; of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sottthold on the ...... ~ ............ day of ............. ~1~ ..... , 19..~on Claims 1'1o ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CI-IECK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT 14 80 30 O0 30t O0 DATE pAXrMENT