HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967Warrant No ......................... To S0-PE~VISOI~ TO PAY AUDI'x'~J BIIJ~ C}IAP. 634 LAWS O? 1932, ART. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD O=ERAL aXiLS To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dirse~ed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 12~'1 ......... day of ...... ~e~ ........... , 19.67 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NO. ACCOUNT NAME NATLrlR~ aP CLA~I~ · xpenie-~lice C~ra 1~ ~4 25 93 4 50 DATE aP pAYIvrEN~ ?~..a~ Fireat&tic Supply Co., Xnc. Supplies-ky Conatlble i~,() ~ina, Delafield & ~ l~ofesaionll Services ~ ~:' gatthI~ Bender & Co. ~anuel ~ -~/F~h~rd ~hrbar Xnc. ~xl~nae-I~ \ TapperttI ~ookaho~ · oldami~h & ~u~hill " Public Worka Planning M.-12.50 Superviaor _15.87 l~lice- 1.68 Fuel-Town Office ~-~ Dooley'a Floor Service ) ~o,~ Sherrill B. Pem~rton Wax Floora-Town Offices Outlet, etc-Highw~y Service-Traffic Lights Service-Town Dump Service-L~ttering Police Williamson Law Book Co., <gcCabe! Central Store ~'~ Vail Bros. · Znc.-Suppliei-Juaticea Suppliei-Police " ~d. of Appeals i[xpense-Bly Constable Car Civil Defense Cot 47 00 225 79 35 O0 9 63 326 ~1 1062 ~2 12 ~2 16 05 16 05 3O 05 46 10 96 65 J IrI24 O0 5 46 3 85 738 13 55 15 ~00 Warrant NO ......................... TO SUPE~VIS01~ TO PAY AUDITED BI-~LS CHAP. 624 LAWS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names GU% of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ .~.2.~1 ......... day of ............... ~8~]~l~;~ .., 19.~7on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ICHECK BUDGE~ AMOq31~C NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED Co. Expense-Dump $ 13 20 " " Assessor ' s Cat' 16 40 Donald Tuthlll Elec. Service-Town Hall 21 13 /~v//~ ~-a~ William B. Z~tek, D.V.H. Professional services S~eel & Suppl~ Co., Zne.-Convor~:Lble Lids " " " Highway Sl~na Fishers Is.Telephone Corp. Lensed Lines-Oct. L.X. Lighting Co. Electricity Addre~so~raph-Mult. Carp. Burrough ' s Corp. Pla~es-Rec. of Taxes Suppliea-M. of Mullen Motors ~-L.T. Traveler Inc. Expense-Sup' r. Car Nok4ce-Hd. sE Appeals · Zon£nq Supplies-Tax Receiver " T~ Clerk No~ice-~ ~lerk Supplie~-~. of ~ll Police 53 00 26 00 35 00 29 15 5 00 60 149 31 154 7 50 13700 O0 7 8O 17 30 02 25 50 59 i50 l0 ]64 26 [ 40 32 i60 DATE OF PAYMENT J/ PAGE NO ........ ~., ...... Warrant lqo ......................... To SUI~E~VISOR TO PAY AUD£r]~O CHAP. 634: LAW~ O1~ 19:32, AI%T. 8, S'I~L 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD C BBRAL BTLLS To ~he Supervisor of tile Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Oplx~ite their respective nsmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SoUthold on the ...... 12~h .......... day of ............... ~)~C~}lr. , 19..6~on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHF~K[BUDGET NO. OROTa~R NAME NO, ACCOUNT /~/ f;&. _~o (The Suffolk Weekly Times /~ C~-~/ N.Y. Telephone Cmap~n¥ /'~/ /~-V,~f %~-~' S~,lriie Coach LinoI, Thc. ~aatble Oil & P~fintng Co. ~obil Oil Co. NATLrR;E OF CLAIN~ Notice-M. Of ~lI ~ninq ~. of Ap~ll Su~Cr iption~u~iIOr 3560-~ 6635-~x ~e ~T 0550-Su~iIOr 6022-Police 5050-~liCm 2~O-~lice 5440-~1ice 2600-~lice 6675-~ 3783-~ Clerk 3020~sessors Use ~nme-Sup* F. ~ Supt. Albertson-17,00 Wm. Januick-43.27 IS 17 51 27 37 10 88 4 00 10 45 93 40 49 [80 36 91 9i70 23 55 11 45 19 90 34 459 00 ~ 81 00 3912.00 52 O0 55 00 DATE OF 10 05 60 [~ 27 80 ~1 O0 11.40 Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AI/DYt~u COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ( G a%L BZLLS) (4) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to Day the followlD~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names (mi of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~vn Board of Southold on the ..... ~.th ............ day of ..... ]~l? ............ 19~?. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK B~ET i NO. OR OTHER i NAME NO. ACCOUNT [ Phone cella Aseistant-~ay Constable 2~4 44 54 O0 DATE OF PAYMEi~r Rackett'e Service Station ~xp~n~-Civil I~fen~e Car Southold I~x~b~x Co. Su~pliee-R~y Constable l~dore Mot& iris Prisoners bricen bait~ Control Co.-Se~vice-Dump-kv. " Police Cars H.Y. Telephone Co. Eastern L.Z. electronics Gulf Oil Co. Barker ' 8 Pharmacy Thc. JOSe~ Sivicki Village of Gr~n~t Te~co ~ar~ ~nblatt L.~. Fire ~iD. ~t~ Shell 8~ion A. ohn ~*s Service S~ion hrd ~son S~old ~el Oil Co. Sul~l i ~-~up~rvt sot Dub/~0.67 Capital Highway ~terialsk Inc,-Signs, etc. F.Z. B~tric Coz~. I Rl~c.-To~n B~rn-F.l. 8 3O 15 12 60 20 24 135 1.2 197 20 It64 51 39 28 148 16 O0 6 20 29 90 30 lO0 9O O0 133 [60 130 ', 17 469 100 4 i15 pAinE NO ................. Warrant No ......................... TO S0-1:~f~VISOR TO PAY AUD~vr.~m-~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD emUm L SI .LS (51 TO the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective haines out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold On the ..... 't2~.JI ........... day of .............. D~C~r..., 19~:~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CKECK BUDGEt OR OTHER NO. ACCOLrNT NATURE OF CLA~V/ I~o ~/ 1'4q2 /~y~s-q ri- So Edwin Fickeiesen Charles Gagen, Postmaster Alfred R. Grebe '6illiamon Law Book Co. Sta-~p~-Rec. of Ta~ee SuppLies-Justice Surer Police-7.03 ~rt ~rdware & G~rdA, Center-by ConsV~ble-6.65 le Suffolk Weekly Times Notice-Zoning L.X. Traveler ~n~. VanTu¥1 & Son Gulf Oil Corp. S~ppties-T~x Re~eiver ~L~Surveys-etc. ~asoline-Ba¥ Constable Tappert' · Bookshop Il'~.~nn Price Agency Cliff Tyler's Garaqe Martin Surer SuDDliee-Su~ervieor Insurance Ex~ense-Bldq. Xnsp. Car Justice School at Albany 5!00 5 00 300100 26 00 82 83 13 68 n173 142170 .45J00 11i21 3772 ,00 66i00 25 ;5 167 68 PAYiViENT 'B/:3 %g, o~ 5 PAinE I~O ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To S~50~ TO PAY AUDI'i'I~I~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AliT. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD I)ZSTIZCT BXLLi (X) TO the Supervisor of the To~l of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~ne~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... ~.~.~ ....... day of ........ ][~I~'~ .......... 1~7. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. AMOLrNT DATE OP ALJ..OWED PAYI~XEN~ 248 2'; 1~ S0 ~n. ~Lab~lLty 2~ f & lC: ff£e~, F.X. .a~ IxpEm~I Wittorford IuiJ~iii IBd.l.o Co. DLot:~:L]:mtor8 Xn~. lO jo0 1 [56 54 35 6S 129 20 Warrant No ......................... To ~UPI~VISOR TO PAY AIYDn'~ CHAP. 634 LAW~ OIP 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DT, S',~.ZC~ B%Z,,T,G (:2) To the S~per~l~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts sot down oppo~lto their respective riames ~ut or the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~.~..~.. .......... day of ............... .]~.!~..~. ~,., 19~7. on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NA1VIE NA'rU~E OF CLA~I ].00 00 61 90 .15 17 20 O0 20 O0 505 ~ 42 75 168[ 48 7400 i O0 'LiS O0 157 20 1350i O0 7oi 70 DATE ~AYMENT PA~E NO ..... 2. ......... NO, Warrant No. . .~,~ .................. To sU~Et~VISOB TO PAY AUDITED C~IAP. 634 LAWS Ol~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 To the Suparvtsor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite the~r~l~ective n2~nes out of the accounts epecifled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ...... ~ ........... , 19.6~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NA~v~E NATUP,~ OP CLAII~ S~p poeto MsttAtmgk Mmmomry Supply (~m~.Om~mt · cmuamt Mock fbeXl 0il Ore,my She11 0~1 QMq~my I~. ~ Zmm~dr~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~t~ ~e~lfuel I Prestoee AMOUNT 100 O0 %$8{ 18 13% 78 1,635[ 24 238i 17 DATE Ol~ PAYIvi~N~l· PAGE NO ..... ~. ~ .......... I9'O. 12. Warrant No ......................... To SUPF~VISOI% TO PAY AUDI~J.'~ BILLS CI~IAP. 634 LA'~VS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. 120 TO ~he $~perv~or of the ToWn of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD mY mdmmr B~LLS You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set do~rn ot)posite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ........ ]~1~ ......... , 19..6.~on Claims l~a .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~J~CK ! BUDC~ET NO. ACCOUNT ~ //~ ~,.~ //~ ~ ,/~'~ j ~ Vail Brag. Theodore J. Burke · Tbsodefe Jo Burk8 & ho/nc. Tlmodore J. IlectrLc biter Imatall & mq~ply iBock hit IS 8O 61 O7 3 Ii10 101 j20 11 O0 35 18 DATE OF PAYS~ENT ~-~/~7 $S 373.63 P~GE ~0 ....... ~.q*. ....... NO. 12. Warrant No ......................... TO SUPEr%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'i'au~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective munes ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tc~-n Board of Southold on the ...... ~.~ ............ day of ........... ~ ....... , 19~. on Claims No .................. to No ................... /nc., no~v on file in my office. OI-IF, CK BUDGET O11 OTHER NO. ACCOUNT //~ ~1_~o //~ ~/ ~ I/~/ ~ ~ Imtefmtien81 hit 0~. S12~00 $1a oo 16 14 DATE OF PAY1VIENT PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ......................... To SUPI~VISOR TO PAY AUDiT~U COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LIGHTING DISTRICT SII/~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ],2.~ ........... day of ............. D~C:~II~:~I~...., 19. ~7 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CHECK BUDGET NAME Lighting Company Village o£ Greenport Fishers Is. Elec. Corp. 1. only St. Lights-Sst Greenport " Fishers Island AMOLrNT DATE OF' ALI~OW'ED PAYIVfI~TT s 333 333 20 250 90 250 90 816 [19 203145 8,ol55 870 [55 795 22 795 22 8760 87 60 229 85 235174 130 ;54 173 !33 Warrant NO ......................... To S0'I:~E~IUSOR TO PAY AUDrr~D BILLS C~-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, ~EC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down ol~c~ite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sc~thold on the ........ S~.h ........... day of ...... Nov, t~al~r ........... 18. ~57on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CHECI{ BUDGE~ NO. AC COLrNT NA'I~R~ OF CLA~ Howard M. Terry ~x;~nse-Conference Hubbard's Service St~t£on Humble Oil & ltefining Co. Leeter M. Alberteon Me,abe's Central Store · xpmnle-&slellOr'l Car W~. Januick-27.94 Supurv£sor - 3.5S Petty Cash-Supervisor Suppliee-Sup'r. Office Maintenence-196~ Wager-To~ Clerk Office Professional ~ervice~ ~asolin~. ~nui~k Texaco, Xnc. " Supervisor F~enee-Police Care Mobil Oil Co. Gasoline-Police Mo~ern Pro~otion Courses CorWin C. Grathwohl Caleb Smith & Son Xnc. Supplies- Labor-Storage ~ox-Police ~nifomuI-Police Henry Stepnosk£, Jr. /~ F~-.~, '~VanDyck & Youeik Xnc. /~¢?,,~7-~¢ F.X. TeleDhone CorD. ~ight£ng College Course ~xpense Tires-~olice Leased Linee-SeDt. ElectricitF # AMOUNT DATE OP ALLOW'ED pAYI~ENT ~9 49 9 9O 3 5O 200 00 2 O0 ~ /~,co · 8 00 50 72 18 10 9 25 106 96 31 83 : 90! 60 62i 29 30 oo 2o71 5a ') r~ig,7~' lo: 20 J! oo ~ ' 1~-~,7/ PA~E NO ....... ~.. ...... NO. Warrant No ......................... To SOYEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDiT~I~ CHAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respec/~ive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... S~,h .............. day of .............. NOVg~lt]:~..., 19~ on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATURE OI~ CLA~I ' Day ~,~lishing Co. ¢'~I:: Day ~ubli,hing Co. Curtis 1000 Inc. Dooley~s Floor ~ervice Will~a~on Law ~ok Co. Not£ce-~ning Supplies-Tax Receiver Waxing Floors Supplies-Police Town inc.-Copying ~-chine-Office The Industrial Commissi&n®z-Sioler Inspection Society of Re&l Estate ]~xpense-Constable-F " ~. of Ap~ala ~ervicea-~g~ · oi~l~e~ ~x ~-~, o~ ~aXtl " Bt~e- " " ti ~z 9--3~ lklw~rd F. Pox " " Mildred (2~epm~n F~war~ Thompson ~o. Mobil Oil Corp. 1968 Ca!endar~-Office $ 98O '~ 910~ 60 09 35 00 27i12 687 05 10 00 159!00 95 [ O0 13J O0 13! O0 123[ O0 4 5O ~o01 on 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 '~o! nn 15! oo si 60 771 oo 1967 Mcktnney l~rts-Poliee iOasollne-Dump j 69 21 } DATE O1~ PAY1ViENT PAC~E NO ........ 2. ~ ...... Warrant No ......................... To SUI~VISOR TO PAY AUDi'rr~L~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD om~ BI,-,~ (3) To the Sarervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective namez out of the accounts specified, being the amounts altewed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 8.,&~l ........... day of ........... Novell~r, ..... 19.67 on Claimz No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. iL. T.Traveler-)d-tr. L.X. Traveler Inc. (N:Y. T.l:phon. Company. Prelim£nar¥ Budget B~pliel-~pervilor Preliminary Budget 3020-Assessors 2660-Bldg. Inspector 3783-Town Clerk 3560-Box Phone 5050-Box Phone 6635-Box Phone 1022-Box Phone '5440-Police 2600-Police 6022-Police 0550-Supervisor 1580-Juetice Clark 4550-Justice Tuthill 6675o~ump 3660-C£v£1 Defense Cutchogue Shell Station Henry J. Smith (CP~ZT) (fRBDIT) 2995-Box Phone 2950-Box Phone iPolice Car ~alh iPlumbing Expenee-Pol£ce Bldg DATE OF PAYA~ENT 10 37 '~ 16 49 14 O0 23 50~' 27 43] 24 15 22 90 11 15 12 35 11] 60 121 25 141 75 31] 95 58i 65 64i 30 7', 2s 35 71 95 441 00 2r, so [/oredit 3.42 credit Warrant No ......................... SEC, 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN oF -SOUTHOLD GEISler. BILL$ (4) To the Supervksor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nacne.q out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... .O.~,h ......... day of ............. Hovem]l)~ .., 19.67on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. AC COIJNT I - IMattituck Iron Works Edward Thompson. Co. Amer. Termite Control Co. NATURE OF CLAIM Blade-Payloader-Dump Rlade-P&rkm Pe~&l Law Service-Dump-Oct. ....... Village of GreenDort Albert W. Richmond IVanTuy1 & 8on Southold Lumber Co. Elec.-Juetice Office ~xpenee-Town Hall 8ervicea-Pla~ming ~oard Supplies-Dump William Unkelbach · xDensa-Pl&nninq Inatitute ..... · ae~ern L.X. ~lectronica ~xDenle-Police ~oliue 22.30 . # " " aay cone~.a,~ke 10.50 Addreaaogaeph-Mult. Corp. Supplies-Tax Receiver Ltpco-Aqway Inc. ~x~enee-Dump Pitney-Bowes Inc. Stamp Machone Rental Fishers Ialand ~irwaye N,Y. Telephone Co. Gulf Oil Corp .... 1968 _~mo-Jan~ick-3.20] lice 2~98~. ~. T~rry 4.~ ~eeseora-].00 Planning 1475G-police Gasoline Lou's Service Station · xpenae-Police Cars Joseph Andrade Dooley'_$_..~}oor Service i Robert W. Taster " Civil Defense i~axing Floors !Albany trip re public employmen~ AMOI/NT DATE OF ALLOWED PAYMENT 10~ 50 3 80 _. 22 50 20 O0 7 84 25 5O 16~ O0 13~.00 10~ 25 5~ 90 3~ 80 4~ 60 245' 81 35 20 ', 2~0 O0 13 j 81 24~00 400 53 16~ 00 351 00 981 60 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~V~SOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP, 694 LAWS ~ 1932, A~T. i, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sc~thold on the ....... 8~h ........... day of .............. NO~a~ .... 19.67 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. al~ou~r 333, 20 ~, 2.~0 90 229 85 760 63 203 45 874 05 795 22 87 60 Village of GreenpomC " West Greenport 173[ 33 128i37 PAGE NO ................. NO. cOUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following lqamed persons, the amounts set down otyposite their respective nmnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tov~ Board of Southold on the ....... ~ ............ day of ........ ~$ ......... , 19.~ on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT //~' # ~ NAME A/~OUNT DATE Ol~ ALLOWED pAYMENT PA~E NO ................. Warrant No .... &&. ................. To SUPEi%VISOR TO PAY AUDrrJ~L) BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ro the ~.~or of the To~ of Southold: l~, --A. ,e .A. ~ You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down op~pesite iheir respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of So~thold on the ................... ~ ..... day of ...... ~ ............ , 19~ on Clain~ NO ................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. t z~ NATUR~ OP CL,~ I ANIOUNT DATE OP P~GE /qO ...... ~'fP ........ Warrant No ......................... To the S~or of the T~ of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BXLr, S (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounte set down opposite their respective names cut of the accounte specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Scuthold on the ...... 8~ ............. day of .............. I~OV~..., 19.67 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. C~CK BUDGET NO. O1~ NO. ~:' ' ?. ~ ,~1~ 20th C~ntury Fox Film Coz~. Metro ~old~n Mayer Xnc. ~m D~ Pmt'l. ~rp. OE~old Auto Par~m S~ppliem Meter ia 1 Xnc. Supplies 3M Bueineme l~oducto Balms Znm. F. Z. Utilit~ ~., Xne. Utilitiem Sept. ~£1grim Aviation & Airlines Xnc?- Air Service Coastal electronic Servicb Service J. ~olomon, XI~. l~Arler'l Burl)lies A~.~Ow~ $ 7q2a co 9 5O 13oj oo 130j 00 130 O0 130 O0 60 O0 oo isa 62 2 50 25 00 39 34 1 60 70 70 63 O0 8~ 12 358 51 o0 6~ 95 8d O0 1~, 83 DATE O~ PAYMENT / ' Warrant No ......................... To SD-P~P~VISOI% TO PAY AUDITED SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the StLper~isor of the To~n of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dorm opposite their respective names out of the accounts zpec~fied, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board o~ Southold on the ..... ~ ............. day of .............. ..!~..~ .... 19.0.~---- on Claims No .................. to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. G~tECK BUDGET OR ~ NO. ACCOUNT J ~picer ~el ~.. ~. ~ns~ & ~XC X~]~ 959 h~n & ~oon ~re ~. " " " " 23 AMOUNT 3~ O0 70 DATE OP PAYM~Tr MobLl Oil Co. Ixpense-M~BTXC XSLB 156 92 61 90 3 74 54 O0 3] 71 19! 15 ll 45 117! 55 20 70 53 82 15 46 10 O0 2 only Warrant No ......................... TO SUPF~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~L~ BILLS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD G~J~ Bzz~s (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nos out of the accounts ~Pecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 10th ......... day of ......... OC*gob~'~ ......... , 1~7. on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. _. P~c. of Postmaster Zip Code DLrectory Taxes BxDense-Bldq. Xns~ctor " Planninq Board Notice-M. of Appeals Suppliea-T-x RSceiver Town Trustees AlbertIon Marine Xnc. ~utuI1 8riel CO. Mullen Motori, Inc. Sou~hold Market Arrow FiIhing Station AMOLrNT ALLOW'E~ lO 77 /,/fi,/, /7 22 15 13 ~0 281 33 19 l0 # Bldg. Inspector 32 00 ~penie-Orebe-Pl&nning ~d. 24 100 " BLUeBell 67 38 STOP A BPBED LYJ4~T ILg~ 692 ~85 " Civil ~fenle ~r 44 J64 Rental ~it a ~Zor 5 ~00 FiIhere Za. Telephone Cor~. Service-Civil Def,-Aug. Blectrici~y Police Cars Town ~each Notice-~d. of ADDI&lS L.Z. Lighting Company Trye~ TFiiCk an~ Eaetern L.I= electronics # # Southold Lumber Co. The ~uffolk Weekly Times 5 29 i46 57 32 ,48 28 {50 81 i90 19 r4o 10 154 DAT~ OF PAYi~,ENT NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEl%VISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, ~. ltl0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD o m tM, BXnnS (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named pertains, the amount~ ~et down oppo~i/:e their respective na~es out of the ~ccount~ specified, b~ir~ the amounts allowed by audit of the To,ua Board of ~o~thold on the ........... 6~ ....... day of ............. 0C.~Obi~r...., 1~. on Clairn~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR OTH-E~ NO. ACCOUNT /~ / NAN/E village of Oreenport Tryac l~uck & ~quip. Southold Lumber Co. Co · NATI/P~E OP CLAI~ Building ~nap.- 1.05 Amwemmorm -20.11 ~lectricity · xpense-Assessor Car Supplies-Bldg. Xnsp. # Town Dump AMOIINT ALLO%VED 1 120 184 ~6 ·ast Bnd Supply Co, Vail Bros., Xnc. Mitchell Marina Gulf Oil Corp. New Suffolk Shipyard, American Termite ~ontrol ~o.-Service-Sept. Xnc. Supplies-~ay Constable " # Supervisor · x~ense-Beach Car ~x~ense-B~-r- Gasoline-Bay Xnc. Hu~le Oil a ~fining ~. Gasoline-Supervisor Van~yl & ~on Surveys Fishers Xsland Utility Co. T~ ~rn-Auqust Middy Stationer~ Supplie~-SuDervisor L.X. C~rcial ~eview Xnc.-Advertis~ent-~ Mobil Oil Corp. Mobil Oil Corp. Mobil Okl Corp. Robert W. Talker, Baq. ~utchogue Shell Station Sou~hold Phsr~=cy Lou's Service Station Su~rvisor-lO.81 Fuel-Dump Police-334.38 Others-17?.96 Town Seala-TownAttorney · xpense-Police Cars Supplies-Poll,ce · x~enme-Police Carl 20 O0 4 54 I 98 16 J86 3 60 26 [51 122 4 '46 370 00 14 ~23 16 173 42 100 20 61 69 512 Joo 37 75 a lOS 81 i30 Warrant NO ......................... To SUPEI~VI~OI~ TO PAY AUDrr~a~ BILt~ C~AP. 634 ~WS OF 1932, ~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF SOUTHOLD G . AL BXLZ,S (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 6.th ........... day of .............. 0ct~]~r ..... 19.67on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. C~CK BUDGET NO. OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NATURE Ol~ CLA]~VI Priaon~re Academy Printing ~nterprisea, Hubbard's Service Station N.Y. Telephone Co~anv Inc.-Supplies-Bldg. Inapec. 3660-Civil Defense 2600-Police 5440-Police 4750-P lice 6022-Police 1580-Justice Clark 0550-SuDervisor 3?83-Town Clerk 3020-Assessors 5050-Police 2660-Bldg. lnsl~ctor 4550-J~atice Tu~hill 2950-Box Phone 6635-Box P~one 2295-Box Phone 30 iO0 30 O0 312 89 56 66 109 20 2 20 20 30 31 56 12 O0 12 35 31 13 40 16]90 446 45 7 50 78 15 33 20 44 i95 1175 ~9 5~ 12 60 11 ,70 11 40 DATE O1~ PAYiV~ ! NO. Warrant No ......................... To S~ TO PAY AuDrrED CI~Ap. 6~4 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 TO the Supervisor of the To~n of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~BI~I~L BXLX,~ (4) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nm-nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~n Board of Southold on the .......... L0-~'l ....... day of .......... 00/~;~r. ........ , 19 .... on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Cil~CK BUDGET NO. ACCOUNT NAME NATU'R~ OP CLA/i~ ~e Suffolk W~ekXy LoX o~r&veler ~i~m~'d Thoml~on Co. AMOUNT liotice--Bd, of Ap~-=ls i~ ld ll # I 18 36 Supplies-Town Clerk i l0 00 Law Book-Supervisor 64 50 ]b~bert W. Tasker. E~. ~xpense-To~n Attorney Oil Corp. Gasoline-Police a~p~nsm-PoX ice Ca~m Inc', -8~ppl t es-Po Supplies-Police Xnc.-Supplies-Police Dept. Xn~ur&nce 80 40 293 61 127 30 ll0100 9140 3402,75 DATE OP PAYMENT pA~E KO ....... ~ v ....... NO. Warrant NO ......................... To SLrPE~V~SOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS 0I~ 1939, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FXIIIIS XILfd~ lIBBY BXLtd (1) To the Superv/sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na/nes out of the accounts spec//led, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... /a~ ........... day of .............. ~;~ ..... , 19~.~ on Clain~ No ................... to ~Io ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~J2 93 I 280 91 I g~s 38 65 Do its los 7 100 15 12 Jo0 2 08 16 56 Allociitol Financial fJe~. Cozp. Bxpense-tiYi'~lC 7Jl, B 61 ,~0 275!00 223 33 ~ & L Ihe.k ~o~al and &x~fing Co.-Bxp~nee-araTXC rile Texaco Znc. Bxpenae-OLl~Da Warrant No ......................... To SU]PEi~VISOR TO PAY BILLS CHAp, 634 LAWS ~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY' OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~0tll*l ............. day of ............... C~t, Ob~l~ .... 19.67on Clain~s No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAM~ NATUI~E 01~ CLAI~I Repairs to P~dar ~e Co~. be~ t h Co. Yithers lsla~ ~k[l[t~ ~., Zuc.-Uh~h~em ~o 8/31/6 CHECK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUN~ ~/~-' ~/~/ ~/q/ ~/~ '.~/f~ ~ ~/~ DK~ OF pAYiV~N~ NO, Warrant No ......................... To S[FPE~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~.m~ C~-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD LZGHTZNG DIBTRZCT BZLL~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~0~1 ............ day of ....... 0~.Ob~ ........... , 191~ on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAI~E Villaqe Ol~ f~reOal~rt F£shers Island Blectr£c Corp. St. LightI-West Greenport $ 128 37 L£ghts-F£~hers XB.-Aug. 173 33 PA~E NO ........ NO. Warrant No ..... ~ ............... To SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDITED CI-IAP. 634 LAWS ~ 1932, .AI%T. 8, SEC. To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the ~cceunts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ ........... day of ............................ , 19.. ~ on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK ~UDGET ] OR OTHEN i~ATUR~ OF CLA~Vi //4~% t la' (~a~'~ ~ea% & Ser~e~ / //L~?~ t Z~p ~a~aZ ~ I1,~' t DATE OP PAYMI~9'T NO. Warrant No ..... ~ ............... To SCrpEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~J~ CHAP. 834 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 TO the -~upervi~or of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~ ............. day of ~e .............. , 19~, on Clain~ No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACCOUNT NATITP~ OP CLA~VI AMOU1N~ ALLOWED DATE OF pAYIV!ENT PAGE NO....l~,.j, .......... TOWN Warrant NO ......................... TO SUPErViSOR TO PAY AUDI'r~D CI-IAp. 634 I.~WS OP 1932, A3~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUI OLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EUBRAL BXLLs To the Sui~ervl~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts ~pecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board cJ Southold on the ........... 12~h ...... day of ..... ~$~ .......... ~9 ~~ on Claims NO ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office, CI-EilCK BUDGET NO. OR ~ NO. I ACOOUI'~T NAM~ ~-~t~ Leater M. Albertson qq-~ Xobert Muir Richmond Price, Jr. NATURI~ O1· CLA~iVi ,Bxpense-Supervisor # Town Beaches Supplieso~u~ervisoF Office Gasoline-Bay Constable · xlmense-~m Ball ~ Clerk Professional Services · xpense-Planning Board 'IL, °77 Io'/V Robert W. T~sker, Esq. " Attorney Dr. C. H. Robohm Professional Serv.-Police Tap~r~' s ~okshop /~7~ g~, - so Phillips Dept. Store ~-;-,~"(L.X.T.lghting C.ompany ~z-~o ~ ~,3/ / ltainco~t-W~. Electricity # Januick Ioi':> /w~/ ~-~ Willi&mson law Book Co. Fishers Xsland Airvaya Esydon Shores Prop. Ovners Dooley's Floor Service $outhold Market AiViOD-N~ DA~E OP AIJ~OV~D PA~ 22 66 83 71 179 00 5 02 2l $0l 4P 79 350 e0 " Highvay 'jjT:. :ij.22L Pas ' n. -½ IKxpense-dredging Supplies-Town O~f£ce 13 O0 69! 50 10] 00 186[ 50 2891 00 15[ 61 121 86 4, 06 7;i 447 23~ 28 400[ O0 35[ O0 51 33 '/: q . 5 s Warrant NO ......................... To S~PE~lrISOR TO PAY AUDrrED C/L~P. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD oz rsm , sn ,s (2) To the Supervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~ne~s out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~2.~b ........... day of ............. Sept:~-., 19.67on Claims NO ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. Telephone Company fThe Suffolk Weekll/ Time! Robert J. Douglass Fishers Xeland Telephone 6675-Dump 3660-Civ£1 DefenIe 1020-tsitiIOrl 2660-Bldq. lnlpector 3783-?own Clark 5050-Police 6022-Police 2995-~x Phone 2950-~x ~one 3560-~x Phone 6635-~x ~one 1022- ~x Phone ~otice-~ax~ch~ne ~. of Appeals Zonin~ Cutchoque-Chtmbe~ o: XinellO~l Loc&l I,av &ug.18 [$ 73 05 7 25 10 88 11 14 22 40 22 15 ll 40 49, 91 Il! 40 4o 13[ 50 12[ 45 4 76 4 25 l0 54 lZ 75 8 94 . - ,' Sept. 1 ~ 52 I Aerial p£ctures-~t~an Trusteesl6l O0 Le&ee Boat-Grievance Day i 80 O0 co F.X. i ~ Co~p-Leaeed l£nee etc. ~ DATE OF P&GE tl'O ....... 2 ........ Warrant No ......................... To S0~PEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDiT~I~ BILLS CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts ~et down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~n Board ~f Southold on the ......... 12.th ........ day of .............. ~$apt~., 19.6~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NAME NA%~O!~ OF CLA~Vi · Traveler Inc. # ~-~ [~dward ~ho~plon Notice-Planning ~ird " Bidders L~cII r.-¥ Supplieo-Tax Receiver Hotice-Loca Law ~ning " ~XOI Suppl ~eI--~IOIIOrI ~Fd O~ Ap~Ili ~lItiCI ~adma~' Printing ~nterprisei, Xnc-Suppl£ei- Tuthill ~?-$o L.X. ~ailroad Rental Parking Area /-Z~ Southold Fuel Oil Co. Fuel -Office - Peconic Humble 0il & Refining Co. ~eoline-Sup~rvisor M¢Cab~! Central Store !Sup~liei-Superviaor Supervisor-12.30 Mobil 0il Co. Wm. Januick-61.~S New Suffolk Shipyard, Xnc. ~xp~nie-BhVl~J. ~--~ S..~ BuIinesi Product Xnc. SupplleI-Sup~rvl~or a4-~ P~ward ~hrb~r, Xnc. Expense-Dump Mobil 0il Corp. St. Agnes POIt ~ $730 Fuel-Dump AMOUNT DATE 01~ ALLOV~ED PAYMEN~ $ 3 741 13 26 292 50 9 01 (~ J~S. 20 91 6 16/ 6 O0 6 O0 22 85'! 100 : 46i 2o ! 25i 38 91 50 i 73 85 , 55 74 592 30 Expense-Memorial DAy 21 57 43116 soI 45 9Z 07 43~ 52 Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUI~£r~a~ CHAP. 6~4 LAWS aP 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (4) To the Supervisor of the Town o! Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... L2th ........ day of ............... E~pt'.elll]I~:., 19.62 o~(~ns No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file In my office. Locat Steel & Supply Co. ,~ Ir~c. /f/~/ ~/~ ~o [VanDyck & Yousik Inc. /~3>/~~ ~ ~o Tr~ac Truck & Fxluip. Co. Southold ~r~re ~ng Island Association Sou~old Lurer Co. Si~na ~ 8vpplies-Police Photos-Goldsmith Inlet Parks & nter. Inc.-Suppliea-~a~h~e Expense-Dump equipment " Parks & Beaches Ou. mp-.!5 Pol$ce 14.75 Beaches-3.00 Duce Constable-4.49 Bmeehes-~.15 /'"'~I~/~ ~ a~ McMann Price Agency Insurance Hubbard's Service Station Storage-Assessor Car CLiff Tylere ~arage Ina. Expense-BLdg. Ins~. Car Village of Greenport Dooley'a Floor Service L.X. Fire Equipment Co. Electricity Waxibg Floors-Town Offices Supplies-Police Mobil Oil Corp. Gasoline-Police Lou'e Service Station Rxpenle-Police Care Vail Eros. Service-Police Cars Cherry's Service Station , Master Dictating Dietrib. Supplies-Police Cutchogue Auto Sales , Expense-Police Cars i L.X. Traveler Inc. Supplies !Eastern L.I. Electronics i ~xpense-P~lice Cars 76 25 557 i40 9 ]90 342 8O 105 62 100 [00 20 iO0 10 100 35 130 9 35 ]00 29 '90 10 15 45'00 45 00 6 85 16 ]50 292 j85 DATE aP PAYMENT 4 PACrE 1TO ................. Warrant No ......................... TO SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDrA'~O B]3.J~S C/tAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, AI~T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~es su~: of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... ]~,~ ...... day of .............. ~P~$~., 19~.7. on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in mr office. CI~ECK BUDGET ~ O1~ OTHEP~ NO. NO. ] ACCOUNT! NAI~E ~- ~ CN.Y. Telephone Company _~.:.~ ]qKz~-'~/ Van~yl & Son NATLTR~ OF CLA/~Vi 4550-J..~stice Tuthill 544fl-Pol£ce 2600- " 4750- m~4jense-Civil Defense ~Survey Services Services-Dogs !t 7 c _f / ~/t ]/7; L.X. Traveler Xnc, O'Keefe Chev-Olds. E~pen~e-~. of A~tl~als iotice-Dept. ~ublic W~rks m~penae-~l ice Cars East End Supply Co., Inc. Ulrich Marine Texaco Inc. ~srican T~rmite ~ntrol Co.-Service-Dump Notice-~d. of Appeals · nc. 0ammge to car steel file Expens e-Cons table-F. ~. I. Binoculars Supplies-Bay Constable Supplies-Civil Defense Gasol ins-Supervisor AMOUNT ALLO'W3~3 $ 13 35 12 70 17 ~5 llO )0 24 )0 B ~6 1 87 7 )0 ? ,bo 2~ ~0 37 i50 47 i30 8 !15 n r94 ~o [oo 31~ O0 16 26 DATE OF PAYMENT PAGE NO ....... .5. T ....... TO ~UPE~VISO~, TO PAY AUD.LT.~> :BTr,T ~ CHAP. 634 LAW~ OP 19~2, ART. 8, ,5'EC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town o! 8ou~hold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followh~.g named persons, the amounts set down ovp~ite their respective out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 12~ ........... day of .............. ~p~ll~'., 19.67 on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ BLTDG]~rI' OR OTHER NO. ACCOUi~T NAM-~ ,~/~ Sullivan Printing Co., ~/O / ~Y. Solomon, Inc. .~/~ ~ Alan ~plask~ ~r ~/o ~ ~s~X Zlec~onXes lervice*b~O~ ~'~/// ~orlel W. U~ge · ~//~ ~0. Mildzed ~ " " ,3//~- A~c Service Co~. ~~ea~e ~//~se'. Pi~ bl~ve~ S~t~ Xnc.-bns~ea~e 6 48 6O Fishers Xsl&nd Utilit~ Co. Utilities ending 7/30/67 .~//~ Harbor Foods Home App1*ian:e '~//7,__ Paramount Film Dist. Corp, O~ Unitod~rt~tm Cor~. , L~//~' Universal Film Bxehanqe I Air So~vice-(ieyb~ne & , ~/~ ~ Columbia ~ictures Corp. 251, i01 576 00 10 00 l0 JO0 l0 ~100 88 186 50:00 3 68 37 ;50 5 i00 64 69 2 ls0 DA~ OF PAYMENT W~rr~nt Ne ......................... TO SUPE~VISOI% TO PAY AUDI'i'a~3 CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A1%T. 8, S~EC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opp~ite their respective ns~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 12~q~ ........... day of .............. ~I~.4MIIb~Z~., 19.$~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. u~u~K BT3'DGET OR ~ NA_NiE NO. ACCOUNT IqATUP~ OF CLAIi~ AI~OLTNT AI~OVv"ED 81 ~0 8~04 ~0 54~0 S~9 ~0 ~6 ~0 431 [83 ~11~'~i~9~ ~obLle GheuLc&l ~/// ~/~L~KoOler'l I~Lnt It)rko, Znc. .~/I.~ ~/.~ ~ C~#u AutouotLve Se~;.. ]mc. " " 31 J29 " " 173 !95 " " 27 " " 41 i35 31/..:~ ,3/,q7 .w.u. htterso, co. & XoleTM (3rd & 4th qu~r~ur-1966': (lot quarter-196~) __ DATE OF PA<DE NO ..... .~. f' ......... NO. Warrant NO ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ ou'~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ............. ]~2.~h....day of .............. S~pJ:e~r., 19.67 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ ~ BUDGET 01% OTI-IER NO. ACCOUNT NAME NATr/R~ OP CLAI~ rL.Io Lighting Company St. Lights-Orient St. Lights-Baet Marion St. Liqhts-~-W Greenport St. Lights-$outhold St. Lightm-Peconic St. Lights-~utcho~ue St. Lights-Mattituck 91 St. L£ghts-Mattituck %2 Fishero Zsland Ble¢. Corp. St. Lights-Fishers Zs. Village of Greenport St. Lights - ~-W Gceenport 1 only AMOUNT DATE OF ALLOF~ED PAYIVImlNT 25~ 9 231 12 769 18 202 45 873 54 795 22 8~ 60~ 17~ 33 128 37 NO. To SUI~EI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~ To ~e S~or of the T~ of Sou~old: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nos out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .................... ~ day of ..... ~?~...~....0 ............ 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATLTRE OF CLA~ DATE 01~ PAYMENT NO. Warrant No ........ ~.~ .............. To SUPEi%VISOR TO PAY AU'D1'r~ii3 BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 9, SEC. 120 TO t~he Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Olrposlte their respective nsanes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board o~ Southold on the ... ~ .............. day of ...... ~.~ ........... , 19.67. on Claims No ................... to No ................... Inc., now on file in my office. OI-I~CK BUDGET NO. ACCOUNT NATIIP~ OP CLA~ DATE OP PAYMENT PAdrE NO ................. TOWN' CLIilP,~ V~'arrant No ......................... To SU~PE~VISOR TO PAY AUDrl'i~a~ C~HAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 1~0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the ~u~ervisor of the Town of South&Id: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sottthold on the ....... .8.~h ........... day of ......... ~llg~l&~ .......... , 1~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~l~i ~-y~7 ~_~ Columbi& Ribbon & ~rbon Co., Znc.-~uppliea-~ ¥ 36 62 ~rl & Boboi MoCIbtl Centr&l 8~ore UIe of Skiff & Motor Pan~l-k~. ~nuick NIH Plitei*AlIeiiorI 9 25 13 96 46 90 ?a~..~o lergo i~yen J~. Bxper~&o- " " A. R. Grebe " Planning Boa~d Harold Smith Ixpenoe to Albany bgi~ld SIL~, ~rd P~elote~- ret Coun~y and Pierre L~d~rg ~-_~ ~ ~i~able Oil & Kofining Co. Oaf&line*Supervisor Village Pitney-Bowes */-~o ~ T~,Ic TTu. ck & B~iip. Co, Water Maps Stamp Machine # Parks & BeaeheI-$24.08 Dunp-lVS.18. Parks & Beaches Police & others Yuel-Townlkunp 12 ]00 26 O0 51 !73 75 O0 37 38 ~ 10 16 8 !oo DATE OF PAYMENT 10 ~ O0 22 i 93 23[35 467 95 P~GE ~0 ................. Warrant No ......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'r~ B~ri',T ~q C~IAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2) To the S~perv/~or of the To~n of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followlr~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~m Board of Southold on the ....... 8~ ........... day of .............. AUg~_!~: ....... 19.6.7 on Clain~ No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. gri. Am~ Levino Fr&neiI ~hlnov Internat'l. Bql. JMch. NA~YI~E OF CLA~i~ l~nt Jan thml 3~une 1967 Rent Pl&ntingl $ 9O 00 sa 00 125 65 837 6 613 ~1 F. I. Utility John J. Retry Vii1 BroI. Inc. x9 1~ ~0 ~0 ~ 62 2~ 123 ;5 288 ~0 38 O0 55 ge 89 ~9 13 ~5 27 ~1 30 ~'Penle-Pol l(:e Cai'! Ixpense-Du~p /q~ r2~--~ Cli££ ~yler'l Gar&ge Inc. 8uppliel-il&(~hll Robert guir Bxpen·e-Beacho· ?Vg. /~-t~ :~'/--~o F.X. Telephone Co. ~nlo-H. Terry C~r city Center MorichIi Pal~Ir Co. j SupplieloPolic· gobil Oil Co. ](~lolini-SuPirviior DATE OF PAYMENT Warrant No ......................... To S~VISOR TO PAY AU~rr~ C~AP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AP~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (3) To the Su~erviecr of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ ~ut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tm~a Board of Southold on the ......... 8~c,h .......... day of .............. A~g%lIt ....... 196.7 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc.,, now on lile in my office. NA1V/E NATUR~ al~ CL~ William B. Smith ltpzt'! ~o~k Shop /~./,~ / ~ ~0lII III 6022-Poli~e 2600- " 4550-Jultl~a 0$50-Su~viaoz 3020-~oaoaozo 2660-Bldg. 37830~OVn ~ler~ 299S-Box Phone 2950- " " 3560- " " 6635- " " 5050- " 1022- " " 3660- " 6675- " " 4650- " " 5440- " BxpenlO-TownO£fi~a Ticke~ ~oth-To~n Boaeh ~lannLng Bd.-$18.00 Si~vice-~ont~ict-Volici " " [ 45 ~ 26 65 7 5O 12 75 72 25 46 90 24 35 22 n 11 50 II 40 1~ 65 14 65 1~ 2O ~6 130 689 i58 80 92 [oo 46 lO0 DATE OF PAYMENT P~GE NO. 3 ,, Warrant, No ......................... To 5UPEI%VISOE TO PAY AUDI'I'~.U~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Tovai of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to Day the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective narne~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Smithold on the ......... ~.~ .......... day of ............. &~l~et ...... , 196.7 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now oil file in my office. /~c~lf~,~ ~o Del~iest A-~ulance & Oxygen Service-lten~als-Police /~4-o,,/(~ao-:t', Chmrr¥'m Service Station Wash POlice /'4 6¢ ~, ~ut~ho~ue Auto Salem Fishers Xmland Ai~wuys Servioo-Police Cars Planninq Bd-$44.00 M. of AplMala-$72.00 Conm~able-F.X.-July notice-Sd, of Appeals ~oning ~otiC~-~ax Machine Zoning Notice-M. of Appellm Pork Dlner-Zsido~bs Moraitie -Primonerm Meals hstern L.I. Blm~tronicm · xpense-Poll~e Cars Supplies-Rlice " ~ay Constable Trip to Albany Z,es~mr M. Albortson 129 74 8 l0 13 27 22 7 l0 283 8 7 46 15¸ )0 )0 i7 P~OE NO ........ ~.~ ..... Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'I SEC. 120 COUNTY OF S UFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their res~ective nsmes cut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board Of 8outhold on the ....... ~ ........... day of ............... AI~lSt ...... , 19.6? on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. · outho[d ~ardwu~e $OU~hOld Lumber ~o, /BuBl~rds Iierv£c~t J~at£on Colonial Drugs, lno. Mullen Motors, Inc. Edward Ehrbar Inc. Jill Muir S.T. Preston & Son Inc. Sunrise Coach Lines Inc. Bay Cons%able- 2.20 Supplieo-Li£s 9usrd repairs to dump tractor stenographic services horns - l~fegu~rds travel - Sr. Citizens group 22 99 20 O0 11 ~O 12 O0 8 43 599 50 63 ?5 .5 6O 240 00 DATE OF NO. Warrant No ......................... To 801~E~V~SOR TO PAY AUDX'I'~t~ SEC. 1~) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD M~,T~ (~) To the Su~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named person~, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts speci/ied, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ....... 8~ ........... day of .............. ~ ....... 19.8~ on Clain~ No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACCOUNT ~ ALLOWED 61 DATE O1~ PAYM'E/STT 17 " " 10 ~0 23 &pt Nobi% ~memtam% ~o. · " Imy~h~m Mfg. lii].t4r ~rAffl~, ~rino%d X7 ~9S T--&~dlO.--II.Y..IMBWIIBV~8~ &JB&r~ford I.I.-LOl~gOd~-- 111~0 10 O0 3~6 IlS 361 34' Z4 PA~E 1~0 ..... ~ ~ ......... Warrant NO ......................... To S01~EI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~J~ OHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 1~0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DZI'ZllZ'~ Br,,zd (:~) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nes /mt of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board oI Southold on the ....... 8~!~ ........... day of ............... ~ ....... 1§.$7 on Claims NO ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. 685 SS 2S? 20 10 GO 2S1 &? 2'7 30 DATE O1~ PAYMENT Warrant No .... ~ ................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1/)32, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Opl3osite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ... ~ .............. day of ....... ~ ............ , 19~.. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET Ai~IOUNT DATE O1~ or other bTAiViE NATURE Ol~ CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED pAS//VIENT ll~m~l~--_.~,_ __~__.-- ...... '' ~fil~/~'~7 ~// 1117~ PAGE NO...~ ........... W~rrant ...... ~ TO SUPERV:I$OP~ TO PAT AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD To the Sul~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named ~rsons, the amounts set down o~posite the~res~ctiYe names out of the accounts 3~ecifie~, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .....................~ day of .... ~.~ ................ , 19 ~.. on Claims No ................... to No ................. inc., now cn file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF or other NA~IE NATURE OF CI~AIM NO. ACCOLrNT ~LLO~E~ pAYi~gENT PAGE NO ...... ~$ ........ Warrant No ......................... To SUPIEi~VISOR TO PAY AUD~'i'~ BILLS CHAp. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (~) only To the S~pervi~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opp~ite their respective names wat of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sonthold on the ....... a~h ............ day of ............. ~lgUl~t ...... , 19.67 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. C~'K BUDGET OB. OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAM~ NATURE OF F.Z. Zi~tr'~a~ation Village of G~eenport N " W~st Gr~np~r t 774 ~8 203 ~5 860 tO 814 3 87 173 J33 ss po DATE OF only Warrant No ......................... To 5LrPE~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~ B~LI~ CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD aZLrd To the Supervisor of the Tm of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dlrectsd to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Ol~posite their respective ns~e~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 2S~ .......... day of ......... ~,IL~ ............. , 19.67 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now an file in my office. OR ~ NA!~E NO. ACCOUNT NATUI~E Ol· CLA~ luLliun Prtn~tng (~o., Zn~.orre/gh~ #tnLf#ts-,.I. Bonder·on & z4vl.8 SuppLy ~bX1 Oil CO. I~hneLder Earduuro London NtrLue luppL¥ fJhtpyurd Work Nar, er LaL.-~3'_ v' PAGE ~0 ................. 1,6 1.3 34 {70 2026 80 35 O0 L23 O0 87 75 $8 28 ss 927 94 2SO O· 2oo ~o Z5 75 DATE 14 60 1S6 63 ¥2 50 ~7 64 74 467 O0 27 09 Warrant No ......................... 'To $~VISO1% TO PAY AUDXT~LO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DZSnZCT BZLZ4 (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followi~ named persons, the amounts set dov~ opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ...... ~. ........... day of ............... ~3.~ ........ , 19~7. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now an file in my office. C~-~C KI BUDGET NO. AC Al)eX Office m-~.on & le41m-m ~q~. &~fred Bp:Lt, or B~ot Ind ~upply ~o., F. Z. ~ll/t¥ Co. AMOUNT DATE OF ALLOF~ED PAYlViENT 14 95 3S34 9S 25 :o5° ~ 6],. ~0 6 90 4xi 44 115 00 7871 92 142'{ 00 41.[ ].2 9761 80 Warrant No ......................... To ~UPE~v~SOR TO PAY AI/Dr~'~u BI'LLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 TO the Su~or of the T~ of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective ns~aes out of the accounts sDecified, being the ammmts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... .1.).~ ....... day of ............. J~l]~ .......... , 19.67 un Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. [ ~n~CK NO. NO. BUDGET OR OTHE~ ACCOUN~ ' NAI~E Doyen, Southold M~rket 8chroeder Bros. ~iI T. Verderese. M.D. NAT~Y~ OP CLA/~ on-~x1~nse-offi~* _ ~roeionM~eting N.Y. I~tnii-i%w~ Clerk " Town Office M. of Appeals Grading Town Bo~ches B~ood Tes~-Pol£oe ~pt. Supplies-Su~rv~mor " ~ Clerk Oyster Ponds Hist. 8ociety-2nd half allotment 9 /~ [W~%-~ 6 ~,14cM~nn Price Agency Shack MobiX Oil Co. 3M hsiness Prod,SeXes Xr Humble 0il & Refining Co. Va_il aroI. ~aSoline-Town Dump e. -na~R~eo-Supervisor Expense-Police Cars Mobil Oil Co. Boatmen " Highway Bldg. Dockage 1967 AMOUI~ 21 9l 8 40 21180 2 ~94 825 ~0 )0o 500 4 iO0 :~ O0 1.4 ! O0 1501 O0 100 O0 83 ! 33 1967 s21ss 54 O0 16152 10!91 3!80 DATE OP PAYIVlENT 41138 34 89 2 i00 [ Warrant NO ......................... To S~PE~VISOB TO PAY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~BHnAL RLLS (2) To the Supervisor Of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down o!c~osite their re~bectlve names cut of the account~ specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Scuthold on the ......... ~-.~ ........ day of ............. d~lt~' .......... 196.7 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET NO. ACCOUNT g37 /~,_~-~ ~7-~ P.X. Telephone Corp. ~-~o (Mullen Mot.ore, Rothudn* · Dept.. StOre Col··LaX D~ug·, %ne. Southold ~hn:maoy lne. Sales L,%. Fire Bquipuont ~o. ( " . ~vanDyck & Yous~k, Xnc. Leu'· Service StatLon Mobil OX1 Co. PAGE ~0 ................. NATLrR~ OF CLA~Vi # PoliGe-348.15 Or. hers- 79.69 Supplie·-Bldg. lnnpeetOr AM[OUNT DATE Ol~ ALLOttED PAYU~'~r $ 31 oo 14 O0 161 O0 500 O0 $, O0 24~ O0 6~ 30~ 3 60 3 20 23 65 3 70/ l~ 88 19 36 52 50 28~ 29 2~ 90 1~ 30' lO~ 76 20 2.0. 68 80- 427 · 84 SS 75 1 ~-o. ag Warrant NO ......................... To SirPE~VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~a~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD G~s-~ BZ~ ¢3) To the Sutoervi~or of the Term of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nmnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... h~l ........ day of ............. ~lll~ ......... , 196~ on Clain~s No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATUI~E OF CLAXiVi ~el Oil-~n O££1ce ~in~nance Iouthold Lumb~r~o.,Xnc. 8outhold Hardware Park Diner fl} /~ /-~ Village of Ireenport ~?~ /~ /-~- Dooley'e Floor Service Orient Point Shellfish ~o, 8upr 1.17 True~el-7.68 Tappert'e Bookshop boeSo~.60 Ap~18-14.05 · ,on Lr,.g Ordinances ] 8uppliee-N&tt. Fire Diet. 86 35 359 00 20 O0 lO 99~ 33 70 275 O0 S~ 25 lo147 9 3O Il 68 351 oo ~ej ee ~ 117 ~-( 214 O0 80 28 1500 O0 37] 28 I ll go lZ 17 162 50 46 20,~ P~GE ~0 ..... ~? ......... To SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDrr~n3 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GZl~IZAL BXZ,Z~ To the Su4)ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down olYpeslto their respective names out of the accounts ~peclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ll~:h ........ day of .............. ~%~.~ .......... 19...6~n Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NAM~ Traveler Xnc. Telephone Company C[ _ .50 P.~GE N'O ................. NATUt:~ OP CLAINI · o~ice.,.'%mx Reoe£ve~ # Bldg. Xnl~e(Itor ffl&nning Board iotice-AlleilOrl " Zoning ~oning Hotice-Aequiiition o~ Land " ~oning O$50-Su~rvlgor 6022-Pol£ce 2600-Poll~o l$80-Jumtiee Clark 45SO-~stiee 3660-Civ£1 De£enie 3?83-Town Clerk 12660-Bldg. 3020-Asmessors i iSS0-Box Phone ~2995-Box Phone 21 On 22 80 21:91 1! oo 1~ 45 3~ 35 3~ 40 8 40 1~ 13 2~ 33 3~ 64 l~ 6n 25 13 90 2~ 60 2; 80 3S 60 33 24 DA~E OF PAYNfEN~ Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDITmI~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~IBnAL ~XLZ~ (5) To the Su~erv~ser of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followh~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n~aos out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tcq~n Board of Southold on the ......... ~..~.. ........ day of ............... ~1~ ......... , 19.6.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my NO. ~'~,? ~o,~ 9°? 9/o OR ~ r~o. ACcotr~T ] NATUR~ OP CLA~iV~ # ?elephone ¢~-pmny 3560-1J~ Phone " " 5050- " · " 6675- " · " 4750- " · " 5440- ~nd SuppX¥ Co.. Xn~. l)ex'ke & iliehel *' " " " 8~3~ppl£mm.liol i em tl oo-" 27 R~ XJ 60 9 70. 5 00 i O0 lO( O0 3! 14 80 37~ 90 26.60 7S3 99 lS SO \ 26 1:~, 39 , 7[ 8o ./ ~,, PAGE NO; ...~ ......... Warrant I/o ....... ~e ............... To SBPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'x'~a~ SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .....~..~ .............. day of ....... ~ ................ , 19.~ on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO.IACIACO0UNT; t NATUR~ O1= CLKI~ //v;/ t 1'6 Prod. Fe ~ 6i o ,soNs PAGE NO ..... ~ ......... Warrant No TO S0-PEP~VISOt~ TO PAY AU:Di.i'~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO the Supervisor of the Town Of Southold: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the T~wn Board of ~outhoId on the ..... ~ ............ day ......... ~ ............... 19.~ on Claims No ................... to I'/o ................... inc., now on file in my office. / CHECK BUDGET I ~OROT NO. AC CO~B~ NA~iE NATLTP~E 01~ DATE O1~ P~GE NO ...... ~ ........ Warrant No ......................... To SUFEEVISOI{ TO PAY AUD.er.~3 BILLS CIiAp. 634 LAWS ~ 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. I20 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LI~HTXN(J DISTRICT (1) To the SupervMor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of S~uthold on the ....... ~-.~-.~. b .......... day Of ............. ~!Y ............ 19~ On Claim~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my Office. NAME Lighting Company Village of Greenport F.Z. Electric Corp. NATUR~ OP CLA~ ~ " E-W Gree~port " " ~outhold " " Peco~ic . . Cutcho ue " " MittituCl #1 " " ~et Greenport " " Fishers island 249 6~ 69 22! 10 71 18 203 45 858 14 78~ 72 ~ O0 17.~ 33 DATE OP PAYMENT PAGE NO ..... 1. ......... Warrant No ......................... To SUP~I~VISOR TO PAY AUD£T~ CHAP. 634 I~AWS OP 1932, ART. SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and dirceted to pay the following named persons, the amounts ~et down opposite their respective nsmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sc~thold on the ........... 9.t~ ........ day of .......... ~.~ .............. , 19 ~.~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, I CHECK BUDGET NO. OR OTHE'P, NAMI~ NO. ACCOUN~ 7-~ Douglu ~. P. ober~on NATUlq~ OF CLA~iVi Con,or Norich~ Paper Co. S~lies-tolic~ Willimoo Law Boo~ Co. Do~ket-luetic~ ~thill IL~v~rh~d ~t,o lJ~rks 29 58 1764 20 , 9 ~40 ~,rrOugh 'I ~rp. Supplies NdrmlIGq~IIph~lt. ~.orp. · Ill--iii (ligtn, Pointer StlipJ-AJl#lOrl F.I. Tele~ ~. ~ L~ril ~t~b Suffolk ~It. C~,~i1-2~ allo' Vet. of Foreign ~l ~205 ~~oe 1967 ~el-~ ~I~iIOr Su~IA~-Su~. O~f~ 24 73 6 [95 9 90 99 !33 lO0 .[00 s ioo 500 O0 200 O0 56 i36 7 i58 29 O4 23 40 42 i7o DATE OP PAYMENT P~GE ~0 ...... bp ........ Warrant No ......................... To SUPF, I~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r.~a~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Gn AL BXLLS (2) To the St~pervl~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their re~pective narnea out of the accounts specified, b~ing the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .................... 9th .... day of ............. ~g ........... , 19.~7 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. OR ~ NO. ACCOUNT AMOII~f ALLOtteD NATLrP~ OF CLAIiVi Capt. $ 50 O0 l~cal Steel & Supply ~o., ~ohn J. ~rgy Villaqe of ~r#npo~t Xnc. -S lgna Service-Police Cars Taxes New Su££olk Shipl~rd Inc. Rxpense-~-~m~-?, Insur&nce # 7/i/66 to 6/30/67 Sezvioe-ltr. Grebe # )LT. Doyen Rxpense-Assessor Car ?o~ ~] ~-~ School District ~7 Pecmaic Rent £or ~ustice Court ~z-az~L.X. Lighting Coupan¥ Blectriulty 15804ustic~ Clark 3020-Assessors 2660-Bldg. lnapector 0550-Superv£sor 3783-To~n Clerk 3560-Box P~one 5050- ? 6675- 32 90 20 95 1 61 32 26 30 !00 67 !00 291 780100 54' ~00 54 O0 14 00 101 i75 70 53 44 19 7 i25 "i8 !4~ 34 !80 2:2 55 72 21 '~85 l0 145 11 95 DATE PAY~IENT 'i PAf}E ~TO. 2 * COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amoun~ set do~m opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ..... 9t~ .............. day of ....... ~un8 ................. 1967 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NA~ LoZ. '~'&veler Z~c. Suffolk ~kly Tis~s Tel. ephone # Mobil Oil Co. Gerald King ~Coronet Rostauzant) P~isoners Meals ~Expense-Police Cur O'b~e Chev.-OldL Inc. ; 11 56l 23 46 6 04 33 49 10 54 5 , 90 15 [ 25 S [00 ./ 22 [96 37 23 11 39 12 75 9 70 15 65 16 5o 3 00 60 i0 5 O0 DATE 01~' PAYMEiXTT PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ......................... TO SUPEI~VlSOR TO PAY AUDI'r~ CHAP. 634 LAWS C~ 1932, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ axrms (4) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their respective nmnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 9.th ........... day of ............... Jt, m~ ........ , 19.67 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NAi~E Cut.hokum Shell Station John Dumll #illiamon ~aw Rook C~. Cut~.hoqum Auto Salins NATURE OF CLAIi~ ~mh Poll9 Cars Air t~ip~ Supplimm-Pol · xp~nm~-~olicm Cars 7 50 180 00 56 94 258 87 10 00 129 76 35 00 DATE O~' PAYM'EN'r 7~T J'07o ~7- ~ · o~thOlt llimtor£cal ~ocimtl~-2nd &llotmt Ralph#. Ite~iing Honz~,A. Clm~k. Jr. Willi~ Jmnuick -~2. of AFpamlm~.O0 Park ~xp~nse ~Ltlmge for ~y ~art br~w~re & ~den C~n~r Inc.-Park~ & ~ea~hel f,7-~o/Phil CorbF Air ~axi %f 1~7~/ ~-~ Av~rett~ Service Station ~? ~/F,? ~q-~,<' T~y&c Truck & ~qu£po Co. ~ /~/~- ~ S~old hel Oil C~ny ~ ///~ m-~ L.I. ~aveler Inc. Air Taxl-~rmbe & Doyen " " Bldg. Dept. " " Plan~ing ~. ~l~h~a~-~ll Crenk-I~tt. ~m-~ches Su~li~-P~ks & ~ch~ Highly shoal00.25 - ~2,79 ~x ~ko Or- .~cel~ar of ~eo 500i00 l~ ! 72 35 om 14{56 102100 21150 16 O0 400i00 73 6 ]56 4O9!O6 543 O0 500 O0 PAGE NO ....... ~ ....... Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDI'z'~D COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (5) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppo~lte their respective names ~ut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... .9...~ ......... day of ........... ~ ............ , 19. ~? on Claims No .................. to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI{ECK BITDGET OR (YrI{EP, NO. ACCOITNT NAME Southold Phaz'w~cy NATUPoE OF CL3:IiVi Suppl lea-Police Bxpenwe-Asaessor I$ 18 40 4O 10 O0 Edwin B. Ficke£maan Bdv~rd W. Fox Augustus Garella Gordon itepa£r8 at Jackea Shack lO O0 145 O0 Soo 5 ~o 10 O0 lo l oo 9 4~ Amer/canTezuLteControl Co. East End Supply Co. Vail ~ros. Xnc. Ebmnntl & ~., Tnt. - Service-gu.~ Supplies-Police Minute Book-To~n Clerk 20 oO 9 91 40[45 DATE NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEi%VISOI% TO PAY AUDrrmu BILLS CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nmnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tawn Board 01 Southold on the ....... 9~1 ........... day of ....................... ~t}~.~.., 19.6,'~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., nov/ on file in my office. NA~IE Electric Corp. l? April Fiahars Island 333 2o 1 250 90 228 lO 720 05 204 50 860 lO 87150 173 33 98[00 DATE OP PAYi~ENT PAGE NO ................. NO. ~V'arrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDrr~ BIIJ~ CHAP. 634 LAWS 01~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD D~S'~ ~ (I,) To t~e Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named ~ersons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of S~uthold on the ............ g~ ....... day of .............. ~ ........... 19.67on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, CHECK HA'iWYP~E OF CLAT~ ]1 .... 1111 ~lff' AMOUNT ALLOWED l&? 61 74 &0 12 60 ,o ,o 22S 17 7OO O0 l~J2 ,os 32 ~7 DATE OP PAYMENT NO. '- · Warrant No ......................... To S~PEI~VISOP, TO PAY AUDI.r~u~ BILLS CHAP, 634 LAWS O~ 1932, Ai%T. 8, SEC. 120 To tho Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD D~SSSZCT BXLM (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followip~ named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective frames out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... .9~ ........ day of ............. ~ ......... , 19..6~bn Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET 01~ OT NAME NA~ O1~ CLA/IVI lis 3.4 90 S'1 4'2' 140 00 140 O0 130 ~ 110 O0 ~S 18 2~ ~S DATE Ol~ PAYIVIEN~ ~Warr ant No ...... ~ ................. To SUPERIrIsoR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sollthold on the .... ~ ............. day of ...... ~ 1~.. on Claims No. to No ................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET NO. ACCOUNT ALLOwEL~ DATE OF PAYMENT / / _ / o~/ G,t.. t ~ LessX ,,~ili~. & owigGr C, o.. 700. ____.~ ~ PAGE NO ..... ~e ........ Warrant No ....... ge ............... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OI~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their re~pective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~ ........... day of ....... ~lllll$ ................. 19 ~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWE~ PAYMENT PAGE NO ......... ~ ..... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDl'rmm BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the . .~1 .............. day of ............. ~y ........... , 19.67.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAi~E NA'L'uf~E OF CLAIi~ ACCOUNT ALLOWE~ DATE OF PAYMENT John Aras£mowics Inop~__c_~or-~loc~on___(_2.)~ $ 40 O0 Bert: Scugliotti ........ ~ ...... ~ __ (2) 25 00 John~P_._?_ickett~ Charles W. Hedge " 15 O0 15 O0 S~la V. Sledjesk£ " ...... .......... 16 00__ ..... Lora£ne S. Terry Brahmas T. Kot~h&m · # _. 15 O0 ................. !q po --- Jane D. Townsend # ........ # ............ 15 O0 Blizabeth l~via .......... ' ' 1S O0 Nary H. Smith · ' ......... IS 00 Margaret D. ~ush ' ' 1~ O0 Arlene F. Hubbard " " 15 O0 MarJorie J. aertolini ___ " _ ? ......... I! O0 Ester T. Sch&fer ' ' IS O0 Mary Jane Dinisio ...... 15_oo Beatrice Watson ~enevieve #. Uts Beul&h B. ~ebhart Loretta Rh inow Robert F. Ketcha~ ' ' 15 O0 · " IS 00 ' ' 15 O0 " # 15 O0 ' ' 15 O0 PAGE NO ........ L .... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHKP. 634 L~WS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ener&l Bills (2) CHECK NO. TO the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Souihold on the ...... 9~ .......... day of ................ {~ly ........ , 19 "67 on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. Alice Armu~uz ............... %nSl~toE-Rl~cti~ ..... $ 15 O0 Maureen l%rneE .......... ~- ~ ...... 15 O0 llinl~th Di~kereon .......... ' .......... ' .............. -~0 ~yt~e M. Paul ' .... J ......... 15 00 Alice Bolden Jean D. Midglmy .......... 15 O0 PAGE NO .... i., ......... IVarrant NO .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. $34 LAWS Ol~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 12/) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ansral ~ill~ (3) To the Sul~ervieer of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followirig named persons, the amounte set down Ol~posite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounte allowed by audit of the Town Board of So~jthold on the ......... 9th ........ day of ................. ~ty ........ 19.6~. on Claims No ................. to No ................. inc., now on file in my office, CHECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other HAME NATURE O1P CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OF PAYMENT /~7.~ Ploy · eor~ In~ector-Blec~i~n .... $ 15 oo · vely~ #. Clark Clem~ut Thomson ........... ~ ......... ~' ....... 4_0 90. // Catherine R. Grattan " " PAGE NO...~ ............ Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. g, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 9~,~ ......... day of ................. kY ........ , 19. ~. on Claims No ................... to No ................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF or other NAME NATURE OF CLAI'M ACCOUNT ALLOV~D PAYMENT ~rt2~ Widiretky .............. ~lt~ ~-~-~ ................ ~0. 00 Xrving Nlller 35o 00 ~Twn Clerk, liur§#d Louis J~eger & Son Fil~.-Bldg. Xn~toz 29 50 PelueE ~he~. & Iquip. Co, Xnc.-Suppliel-log ~rden ....... ~.._9_5 ~lrican Termite Co~t~o~___~o~__.-~_9~_.__~_Z__c~_~._l~__~ .... 20 O0 Aeadouy PF/ntingBnterprisee, X~.~$~_l~!~l~e-~S_u~.~ .... 38 ~ ~old~mith & ~uthill Fuel-To~n Office 82 43 H~rt Hardlmre & ~rdon (~nt~r Xnc.-l~rkl~ & ~eichel 40 50 Supply Co., _X___n?. _~up~l_~e_~-~y _~O~_~&~t~ble _2_2_ 06 Co~.~m ~Suffolk Shipyard Inc. Slip R~nt~l for 1967 175 00 ~L- O¢ Riverhead Auto Pa_rte, Znc._SUL~p_liee-Public ~r~k.e' ........... _1.6 35 3# Business Prod. Sales, I_n_c.:_-~__U~_!~ee~-Sup~rvia0x .... 63 65 Lo. al St~l & Su~)l~..(~__~, :~. _.~._is_n_ _~o~tJ- ..... 66 O0 S. B. Horton Co., Inc. Southold Fuel 0_il Co._ .... l~ael-Perk & ~mp_ __120 Willi~on Law Rook Co. Bingo Suppli~-~ Clerk 58 ~P~c__k_~t _PaCt-Justice ~=do 3 O0 11 PAGE NO ..... 4 ? ......... Warrant NO .......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. $34 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ nxt.t~ (5} To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You ~re hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesite their respectlYe names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Souihold on the ......... 9.t~h ........ day of ............... ..~.~ .......... , 19~. on Claims NO ................ to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE OP CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OF PAYMENT 4/21/67 $ 6 80 Corp. Xaintenance to 3/31/~ 7~ 88 Corp. ~~ to 3/31/68 75 96 _v~er. x.. mee. corp. _ ~_~n~_:t,~b_..._.~aar. _ ......... 7__9o .... lle _t~__~t_t¥ .... fi_X_ ].3 /~.l. Traveler Xne. m " Suppl~eI-Blclg. Znspe~tor 38 70 " " Police 14 60 _____n~t~__t_n~q 18 02 " M. Of Ap~].m 12 71 Suppliem- · ,, 51 75 ~mm~£ngl- · 1S 81 Suffolk Tlmem l[otic~-To~n 8 O6 \ Bd. of Appoal8 15 64 · ~oni.n9 18 36 1240 30 Caleb V. Smith _ _ Suppli_el-po!!ce _ Vlnl~ck & Youl£k Inc. · " 82 56 PAGE NO ......... ~.t .... NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~o CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ ax~.s $6) To the Sul)ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 9~h ........... day of ............... ~y .......... , 1~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET , NO. ACCOUNT NATURE OF CLAI~ u,,Fonee Su~orvi.or - n~y Conotable I$ 18 14 84 ~ DATE OP PAYMENT A. R. Grebe Telephone Serviceo-Dcgs-April ~660-~ 4750- 6675 5050 3560- 54~0- 158045ti~ 4550- 2660-~i~ 6022- " '~ ~ '~' ' ' " 2660-Bldg. I)~spu~tor .~-- 3 o \ - 0550-~u~rvisor Southold Pharmacy Alton ~nterlarioes, Inc. 95 O0 ~q O0 10 [ 85 12115 10 [ 45 ,[ TO 7] 25 19i 11 45 69 42[ 05 75 30 5'~a4 29! 90 2i 53 I 75 I 00 157 50 NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'rP~D CI-T~p. 634 LAWS ~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 6BUBRAL SXnLS (7) To the Supervhsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their re~pective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 9.~ ........... day of ............... ~Y ............ 19..6.7 on Clailzm No .................. to NO ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATUP~ OF CLAT~ DATE OF PAYiVIEN~ Supplies-Police Maintenance Hiltorian- .49 brme-HiqMy Supt. S~Ol~Peconic Mid-Island overhead Door Co., lnc.-Repair-S'tmy VanTuyl & Son Cliff Tyler's Garage Humble Oil & Refining Co. Service-Planning Bd. XepaLrs-H. Terry Car Gasoline-Supervisor B1G~)d T~t-Police 10 2~ 21!40 601!65 16{50 17 25 7 04 34 87 36 lO 52 85 223 O0 33 21 197 Dr. Nathaniel Sperling SoutholdLumber Co. $outholdHardware New Suffolk Shipyard, /~w/ e,. ~-~ [Dept. of ~dit & Control $; . Jaitui~-28.94 39 Znc. ~xl~zme-BLurm~-v- Plumbinq-PoliceLept. Rent-Assessor Car Senior Cit. Group Po~i~ P~t 6 36 O0 31 $ 8~ 22 13 27 55 lO O0 28 81 145 Is 393 ~1 i';O. Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDrr~n3 BII/~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~ervh~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the T~wn Board of Southold on the ........ 9.'ch ........... day of ............... Na~ ........... 19.67 on Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CB~ BI/DGET ~ OR OTI~ NO. ACCOUNT NA~E NA%~/I%E OF CLAI~I D~ley',, F1DDr ~m~vi~.m -~mrvi~.m-T~vn Flc~re-M~ Wllliamion Law ~ Co. $upplieo-'km, n Clerk W. S. Darley Supplies-Police o ce- ax, lver Fire Equip. Co. Cherry's Service Station VanDyc~ & Yousik Inc. So~thold~.~rket Service-Police Cars Supplies-Police Cars · To~n /~,~..c-,~-/(°z-,~ ~ Cut~hogue &ufo Sales A~nerican Temite Control Co. - work at pit - April Ha~t Hardware & Garden Center - supplies beachas Lon~ Island Traveler Inc. notice of vote Do.init T. Aurichio ~attituck Iron Works Willi~ B. Smith legal services bay constable repairs at H~rtons Pt. 21 63 ~4 68 420 29 75 17 25 245 .00 28 120 82 [56 4,68 2!14 169 33 20 O0 la! 92 2s so 250!00 ao! 195177 DATE OP PAGE NO ....... ~,~ ...... Warrant NO ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY CI-IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dlotzict ~ills To the Sapervtsor of the Tc~n of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts ~et down opposite their respective na~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audi~ of the Town Board ~f Southold on the .......... 9~h ........ day of .............. ~i~' ........... , 19~7. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in ray office. NATLrl~E OF CLA~I~ Nuteri&l & Labor Fire lnour~anc, e O~fi~e Muteri&l _ Lat~enco & MemOriml Bompiv. ml Xn~ury- m. G~c~ton 1~. Ma~d J. Ile~arlnnd ~udm ~l & Servi~e 'the ,'~,,quot y.n · aytheon I~q. Co. {~l~er F. ~ifftn, d'~. AlViOIYNT AllOWED 114 43 12 O0 15200 O0 200 ~O 471 ~0 a po ~8 IlO 18 ~!2 · to 800 DO 6x ~o 27 O0 27 O0 '7400 bO 27 B5 : 115 DO DATE OP PAYMENT 1 only Warrant No ....... ~! ................ To SUPERVISOI~ TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to Day the following named I~ersons, the amounts set down opDosite their respective names out of the~.acc°unts specified, being the.~amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..................... ~ day of ........ ~ ................ , 19, .~. on Claims NO ................... to No ................ inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET CHECK or other NAME NATURE O1~ CLAI1V/ AMOUNT DATE OF NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 60, PilUd~ %mlbeml' Go, PAGE HO ................ Warrant NO To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to p~y the following named persons, the amounts set down o~posite their respective namea out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~ ........... day of ..... ~ .................... , 1§6.. on Claims NO .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET Ai~OUNT DATE or other NAi~I~ NATURE O1~ CLATi~ NO. ACCOUNT AL~OV~E~ pA~iVIENT /~"7/ d /~?/I PAGE NO .... ~ .......... NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Street L~ghting DimtF£ct (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down c~ppesite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southotd on the ... ~-~ ............. day of ............. ..l~:.y ........... , 19. ~. on Claims No ................... to No ................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET or other ACCOUNT AMOUNT DATE OP NAME NATURE OP CLAII~ ALLOWED pAYMENT · " " last Nar/on 250 90 Pecon~c_ .......... 19s Cu~choc~ue ........86~0 :tO Ilmtt. ituek 4~1 '/87 05 Mnttit. uek ~2 87 60_~] Bleu. Co=p. · " F~he=e :~s_~ ...... 346 66 /¢ Village of Green~ort " " West Greenp't 98 O0 PAGE NO...~.? ........... Warrant NO .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZLLS (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of thc Town Board of Southold on the ........ .4.th ........ day of ............. ~.~ ........ 19~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other I~IAME NATURE OP CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OP PAYMENT Dennis & Co .... _x_n~c.? · dwrd Thospson Co. Pocket parts ..... '* E.P. F~wards 18 15 _~upgli#- ;~/~ -J~'? 6C-5~ Columbis Ribbon & Carbon ~g. Co.,Xnc. Bd,of J?pmall /~ L w ~- ~ ~ -~ Zoning Bulletin Sterling ~a~ine CO. · aul's Servicenter ~. F. lowland 3 O0 Fishers Island Utility CO. Blc.-~_.Barn-Feb.~r. 8 30 F. X. Telephone Co~]~.___ Leased__Llnes-Feb.& Mar. 10 00 American T~rmite Control Co. Termite Control-Feb. 20 00 State Insurance Fg_nd_ ........ _~.__neral Fun~ ..... 3251 98 Reginald Smith, Pierre G. Professional Services 135 00 Lundberg & ~rd N. Finkels~ein ..... -~- ....... ,n.m, ~ ....... ~ 23 " · " " 11 ~2 · hrbar Inc. __ .... " Tow~._._Du~ 16 28 " " " " 190 78 ' " " ' 48 95 ~mble Oil & R~fining Co. ~solin~-$up~rvisor 15 93 PAGE NO ............... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 I~.WS aP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFO,LK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD anZm~L ~ZLLS (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 4~ ......... day of ................. ~L..., 19..6~[. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET CHECK or other NO. ACCOUNT NAIVIE NATURE aP CLAI~! V£11sge 0£ Gl;OOnpO~_t___ I~te=-Town .Meh ..... $ 177 29 Suppl£es 2500 O0 L.Z. ?ravele= Xnc. ~otiee-~d. of ~ppeals_ _ 9 O1 " " " Supplies-Bldg..Dept. 32 00 ...... M. of Appeals 7 14 · " " " " · 22 27 The Suf£olk/T£mes " # " 10 03 · # · " # M 8 33 · · · · ' " 24 99_ · · " · _. _ zom~ ....... 2_~_ 5 o · · " · · Res ~ Plropor~L .... 30 26 Vail B~om. Xnc. Mash Police Car. 2 O0 DATE 01~ PAYI~ENT ?~-3o Ik)bil Oil Co .......... ~asoline-~ol~c_e .......... 401 10 Monmdnock PlastLc Research Corp.-Supplien-Pol£c~_ 2~ 65 ~eorge L. Penny Inc. ~xpens~-l~__~Fe- _ 2 70 ~ ~ A. John Gads ....................... '_ _M£1.oggO_-_Co~s~ab!o_ ~6 70 Serge Doyen. Jr ..................... · B~. of Al~P~l~_ls 12.00 Charles Gages, Postmaster S~amps -Bldq Dept. 30.00 PAGE NO ......... 2.~ Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'i'~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ BXLLS ('0 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 4f~h ........ day of ................ .AP..r.~! ...... ~9 67.. on c~s No .................. to .o .................. inc., bow on me in my orate. ~CK NO. BTJ-DGET or other ACCOUNT NATURE OF CLAIM /m.y. S'el. epho~ne__~_. .......... .6_6~-_~mp ......... $ 1.2 75 ~ " " " 3020-As8oOIO~s 43 70 _,_ 2660_~_R_ldg~_ _ Xnsi~_. __t _o~ ..... 18~7_ _0 ___" ........... 6022-Poli_c_e_ 4_9_ 25 ~ ........... " 3783-To~n Clerk 22 45 · 5050-Rox l~on~ 11 40 " 3560-" " 10 45 _"___ _ ~6~- - _ - .... ~._ 9_0_ / " 5440-" " 9 70 m 4750- " " 12 · 2600-Po1£c~ 28 " 4650-Box ~e - 4550-Jaltict ~utht&l 55 20 O5 /~7~ /SL?F ~7~ ~rd _~_. ~ox_ ............. ~xpe~se-AS_ s_~s_or _. 5 ~e~ell B. ~abor " " August. us Gazelle " " 14 O0 43 20 O0 50 50 50 PAGE NO... 3~. ......... NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY ~'0F SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ¢ ~ n~ (4) ~o the Supervisor,~ the Town of Southold: '\ You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dov~ opposite theh' respective names / the access s~cified, being the amounts allo~ed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 4.~ ............ day/' or' ..\ ,c..,~..~.~'r., ., ~-9 67 on ACCOUnt ~77 ~o~.~ #illiim Januick llllage-B~_y. Cgn. stalble 122 90 la~q I-a~.. Village of ~r~r~ ml~~it~r~h ........... i~¢ ea~ ~z, ~r~ Serg~s_~r~-- ~l~ _ 17 35 /a~ ~_~ ~c ~k & ~ip. ~. ~ir ~ ~ev. 2 28 ' 13 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ A~rt~tne, Xnc. ~~-~T. 251 70 ~ley Fizz S~ice S~vic~ Offices 66 O0 J~&~ ~ ~-~_ .................... ~ ~ ~? ~ J - 3~ ~on & ~cci ........ ~r-~ Offices 270 00 ~ ..... I~~ Rao.a~ ~h~e Ag~ S~l~l_ _ S_e~-~lice ~rs 294 66 /~77 ~-~,, f~c:~rt'n ~ksh~ ......... Sullies 26 54 ~ ~9~ aa-s~ Littlefield-Alger S~.~l Co~:__~c.~ie~ir light 6~_80 ~-,3~ Dr, L. T. ~itz ~ofelli~aX Serv-Feb. IX0 00 /%~ ~-~ t ~r. 97 O0 PAGE NO ................. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1992, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~A~ ........ day of ................ ~]~],..., 19~7.. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BLrDGET or other NAME NO. ACCOUNT ,~7~¢~ ~-~ 8ou~o~d ~_ C~ Warrant No ...... To SLrPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Super~sor of the Town of Southold: You ~re hereby authorized and directed to pay the following name~l persons, the amounts set down ol~posite their respective mmmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Scuthold on the ...................... ~ day of ...~ ................ , 19. ~. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET AiVIOUNT DATE OF or other NAiVIE NATURE O1· CLA~iVX ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT Warrant NO ......................... TO SUPERVI$O]2 TO PAY AUDITED CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the follow/rig named persons, the amounts set down opposite~ respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...................... day CI-I~CK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other IffAlvl'E NATURE O1· CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OF pAYMENT CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, AI~T. 8, SEC. 12/) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Ol~Osite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~ ........ day of ............... .&~.. ~ ....... l~.~. un c~s No ................... to No .................. i.~., ~ow on file in m~ orate. BUDGET AMOUNT or other HAME NATURE OF CLAIM ACCOUNT ALI.OWED DATE O1= PAYMENT 7400 O0 Sheruin Ul31lm_ ...... ~rino3d J~to ~a~ Too3s-G~,Zlml 37 .... 579 36 103 82 Tex~cO In~. Spl~sr Fuel ~o. Irponoeo 5 35 Lube O 3 Bt~.-OLImD~ 330 33 IPus 3~ 176 40 Raytheon Couptny A. O. Sl~lding Bros. Inc. &. John ~adB r.Z. ~ti31ty 4}0. ~l-[rei~bt ~r ~lnt~ 54 O0 Ins. I.L. Dock Souse 557 O0 ~el~t C~lm ~o 114 O0 _~rt~r~~ 100 41 Di~ol ~el G 63 38 Utilities ~ 2/28/67 111 5o ~afflc ~ 43 20 ~rial~otie Is3e 235 45 46 73 I ~ly ~AGE NO ................. CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... Tu SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LX~H'X'Xla3 DX~'ff, ZC~ BXLL~ (1) DATE OF PAYMENT TO the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down ~es~i Ol~posite their r ye names out of the accounts specifiec~ being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .............. .~-:'~. day of ................. ~.., 19 ..... on Claims No ................. to No ................. inc., now on file in my office. Fishers Island ~lectric ~orp. St. Liqhts-F.~$. 173 33 / L.l. Lighiinq Co~_~_nX ...... S_~._.__Liqhte-Orient ......... ' ' ~ ~ ' ~aa~ ~rion 255 16 ' " " ' iou~old 714 83 " " " Pectic 198 20 " ' " M~ttituck ~1 782 03 " " " " " #2 87 60 1 only PAGE NO ................ Warrant No ......................... To S0-PE~VlSOR TO PAY AUDITED CI-IAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, AliT. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board o! Southold on the ......... 7.~h .......... day of ......... ~lrg~h ........... , 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CH~CK [ BUDGET ~ OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAM~ Telephone e~e~me-To~n Offiae " To~n Clerk Service-Police Dept. Professional S~rvices 21 50 22 09 lO ~0 DATE O~ Hat Hack-Hiqhway Dept. Bxpense-Constable " ~SOC. Of Towns 3020-Assessors 2660-Bldg. %nspector 3560-Box phone 5440- 5050- " " 6675- " " 3360-Police 6022- " 2600- 0$50-Supervisor 1580-Justice Clark [Notice-Bd. of Appeals Adoption of Ordinance-Town !Supplies-Assessors " Planning Board iNotice- Fence-Dump 22 505 107 47 29 10 9 11 75 9 15 56 O0 26 10 65 30 23 ~9 l0 ~0 ~0 ~ 7/. se Warrant No ......................... TO SUPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUD£'r~ CI-IAP. ~34 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the S~pervi~or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sonthold on the ......... ~ ~h ......... day of ............. ~rch ........ , 19 6.7 on Claims No ................... to NO ................... inc., now on file In my office. NATIff/%E Ol~ CLA/~ Legal Notice-Zoning Subecription-H. Terry Notice-Bd. of App~all Notice-Taxes " Fence-Town 4 27 11 10 8outhold lhael oXx ~o. auppllel-auperviaor Fuel-Town ~og t~q~ ~-~ Hullen ~otor 8alee ~oq ~t3 Rotc Rule Vail Studio & C~mera rhop Zoning Bulletin · xpmnlm-Supmrvilor Car SuPPliem-Julticel Air Service-H. Terry ad. o~ &ppeals-21.oO Apex Office Supply~o. IFiehere Il. Telephone Corp.-Leaee~ LLnai-Jen. " " Ilectric Corp.-llc.-~r~-J&n. Southold Hilt. 8ociety % allocltion Planning ed.-54.00 Service-Payloader-Dump Suppl iee-Pol ice Bxpenae-Dump Supp1 iee-~lellorl 8ubmcrfption-H. ~rry j Oyl terpondl" " i ~utchogue-New Surf. Heat. allocation DA~ OP PAY1ViENT 00 2o > CZ, */ 2O 6 25 221 01 49 95 l0 i46 27 !oo 75i00 118 i58 41 J20 35 02 18 30 137 50 15 O0 $1 25 5 O0 S00i00 S00[00 , PAinE NO ................. Warrant No ......................... To SU~PE~bVISO~ TO PAY ATJ'DI~q~ID ~. ~4 ~W~ ~ 1932, ~T. 8, S~. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~'-,~.~ ~z~.t.~ (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their re~pective names 7th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of .............. ~a]g~h ....... , 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... Inc., now on file in my office. NO. ~CK BUDGk~r I NO. AC UOUIqW I~ 3~-%o CMattituck Hist. 8ociet¥ ~ allocation (lst) t~,~j~o ~Southold Luml~r Co. ~uel-Dump Wm. Januick_-18.69 Supervisor 18.69 Gasoline-Police Public Works 500 O0 1 125 5 95 19 jO0 24 71 37 138 196 [94 42 ~21 ~7,~1 ~oo [~o 2 [50 loo ~oo 600 ~00 6 112 13 ~00 25 [66 6~0~ 28 ~39 29 · eorge L. Peruly Znc. " " " 121 Sunrise Coach L~nes, Znc. Expense-Assoc. sE ~s 190 ~,alt ~d ~iter Co., Znc.-~it*r-Supr. offic~ 381 [ G. & S. Auto Service Hubbard * s Service s~ation Peak Ski Tours. Znc. Mutual Steel Co. Tapper t' s Ser~e ~oMen, mr. bnry J. Smi~ ~arlee Greenblatt Bxpenee-Police Cars " Alseseor Car Tour-reb. 2S & 26, 1967 Stop Signs Supplies-Assessors Bx~ense-M.o~ Appeals Labor-Town Bldgs. Supplies Assessors-17.90 Supplies- 10.49 Badges-Supt. & Councilmen P,~GE NO ................. Warrant NO ......................... TO S0~P~I~V~SOR TO PAY AUDiT~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS Ol~ 1932, A~T. S, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~rvisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respect/ye out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board o~ Southold on the ......... 7.~ ......... day of .............. March ....... , 19.6.7 on Claims i~o ................... to No ................... Inc., now on file in my office. ~ CH~CK BLrDGET { NO. OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT J~? NATUP~E OF CLAIM ~9~{ ¢~c~5o ~I~rt ~rdware % Garden ~nter Znc.-Supplien-Police ~-~o ~%~snTuyl & Bon I-~ Villaqe of Greenport L.Z. Llqhtinq Comvany AMOUNT 9 12~ PUbliC Work85 38 -- Pocket Pazt-Jumtice ~r&t ~, 9 ~10 \ ~, 128~00 ~ '\96 Supplies 64 il5 Blec~:lc Sweeper- 78 345 I0 12 ~2 44 48 Fuel 0il-Town Office Supplies-Assessors P. lectricity DATE Warrant No .......... ~ ~ ............. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS Ol~ 1932, ART. g, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following name<l persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specifie~l, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...~ ............... day of .~e ................... , 194.. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET CHECK or other NO. ACCOUNT /~ ,~ ~. a. f ~9 / ~¥ ~. R. t ~0 HAME NATURE O1~ CLAIM AMOUNT ALLOV~TEI) VAS.]. lts"e~., ~. ~ ~ & (d2, # G0 622 DATE OF' PA'YM[ENT /DOf~ hoh. t ~9 PAGE NO ................. W~rrant No ...... ~.~. ................ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 L~WS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts s~t down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the . .................... ~ day of ........ ~ .............. , 19..~. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other HAI~E NATURE OP CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OP pAYMENT PAOE NO .... ~ ......... NO. Warrant No ......................... To 8[IPEI%VISOR TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. ~34 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD L~ght~ng B£11s (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... 7..~ ........ day of .............. ~[~[=glh ....... , 19~.7. on Claims No ................... to No ................... Inc., now on file in my office. NO. [ ACCOUNTI AMOLrNT ALLOWED L~ht~ng ~ompan¥ 8~. Light~-O~ie~t ~ ]]~ 120 " " " " ~as~ Marion 248 30 7 Village of Greenport 8outhold PecOn£e 724 ~6 201 10 West Greenport Lighting Dist. Cutchogue 855 ~attituck %1 781 . 92 87 97 75 60 13 DATE OP PA~ CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SLTPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'i'~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. g, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 7.~.~ .......... day of ............... ~ ...... , 19.6~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET ANIOUNT or other NAIVI:E NATURE O:P CLAIM ~LLOWED ACCO~rr DATE 01~ PAYMENT WLlfrEd c. lilM=lllr AXfr~d I. BXeOm~Xl John AplmXt ~ltor eriffJJ~j, Jr. Op~r&tiem of By. tie bXe 7414 80 AvX~tXou LtAbiZXty ___ 174 O0 Mail ilmXa~, lis oo PAGE NO ....... ]...4~l~y Warrant No ......................... To SUP~%VISOI{ TO PAY AUDrrau3 BILL~ C~IAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. I20 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO'WN OF SOUTHOLD GBII~RAL BXLZ,~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Sou[hold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followl~ named persons, the amounts set dova~ opposite [heir respective nssnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ......... 3~d .......... day of ......... ~.~ ........... . 19..6?on Claims NO ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NO. ~-~' The Bu~£olk ~e~kly ~5~ ~ L.Z. ~riveler Znc. ~,.-Sz'~ L,Z. Traveler Inc. AMOUNT ALLOWED ~34 90 261 20 DATE OP Warrant No ......................... To SUPEi~VISO~ TO PAY AUDITED BIL~ C~AP. 634 I~.WS O1~ 1932, ART. $, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Gm~mm~ sxr~s To the ~uperv~sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down oppesite ~heh- respective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allmved by audit of the ToWn Board ~f Southold on the ......... ~.4~h ....... day of ............. ,~,~..~..,~J~ ..... 19.~7 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. .~? t~a~J £~,~o Willies J~nuick j3ff I~/~ f~ ~o (Albert W. Richmond Alfred R. Grebe A. JOhn Dominic ?. Aurichio ,, Supplies-Bldg. Dept. Aileage-~an. -Constable Suppliee-t~n Clerk pens~-To~n Bldg. Planning Board Cons t~ble-F, l. i*rofemeionml Services /¥4 ~,s9 ~ Southold Pherudcy Supplies-Police I' /¥~ ~':~ Pa~,.-a~ George liege & Son, Znc. Service- ,;~"-~ /J~=~?~o .ao Cutchogue Auto Sales ~ense- # ' /~'~ ~3~ /-~o Southold T~ber Co., Xnc. Supplies-Supervisor Office American Termite Cont~ol ICo.-Service-Dump-Jan. ~eorge L. Penny iSuppli~m-~up~rvilor ' Serwices- ~ouis T. Verderese S-4..it.--Police //7 /JaL& ?~o ,~o B~rds Discount Cen~r Supplies-Police /"~/~a4~ ~:o o,,I C~,ter Aoriches piper Uo., SUpplies 1~4 20 25 26 90 150 500' ~oo 5l 55 DATE OP PAYiVI'gN~ 11 50 315 So 29 18 36i 60 80 16 56I;82 126 58 20 ! O0 22[07 loi oo 101 O0 Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~V'iSOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS C2-IAp. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, AliT. 8, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD mum~ sr~s (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and direc~ed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... l~,.~h ........... day of ............. Peb~t~2'..., l&7.. on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. OR OTHER NAM:E :NATURE O1~ CLAZI~ NO. ACCOUN~ ri8herl inland ~ele~hone Corp.-X~an~! ~.:g,,.~m-Dn~. 5022-Pol 2600-· 3660- Civil l)e£enBe 0550-Sup~v£oor 3783-TOrn Cl~k 1580-~ustice Clark 4550-Juatie~ ~uthill 2660-Bldg. Inspector 3020-Amseaeore /?~' I~;./,,? l- 3 o { F£eher8 Zs. Elec. Corp. 3560-Box Phorue 5050- · · PAOE NO ................. $ 5 00 64, O0 ,9 50 ~0 80 56 30 24 i55 7 25 12 {05 5440- " " 4750- " · Electricity · HigMy ~.tl. -Torn B~rn-Dec. hmmir Blind-Town Oft£ce 15o 10"55 llli40 9j70 oo lO ~9 ~3 50' ~uppl~ee-Police DATE O~ pAyMENT ,50 Warrant No ......................... To SOPEi~VISOR TO PAY AUDiT~I~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the S~pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby author/zed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts eet down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tesvn Board of Southold on the ...... 1.4.~ ........... day of .............. ~e~)~'~y..., 19 ~7 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI~CK I BUDGC NO. ' OR ~ ACCOUNT NAM~ ig'q lql lq~ I Carleon & ~azsalem, /L.X. ~raveler Xnc. l~bor & ~aterial-Office ~otice-Bido-Voliee Cars " ~ax ReceAver ~oning t s~ 7~ ~ ~he Suffolk Meekly Ti~ee HorAce Tax Receiver · - - " " Police " Subocrip~£on-Bd. of Appealm " " " " Notice-Town " " " " Zoniflg " Hotice-Hoar£ng-Signa " " " " Suppliea-Bldg. Xn/pe~tor Peak ~ki 'I*O~FI, Inc. Ski Trip AMOUNT DATE O1~ ALLOWED PAYiViENT 35 !00 12 !50 22 50 ~ 86 53 10 i54 51 60 30 09 43 29 23 36 19 i60 12 124 32 ]64 46 i75 51 168 lO !75 220 } O0 '~ [ O0 S7 )45 Warrant No ......................... To SUPErViSOR TO PAY AUDITED BI~LS C~AP. 634 LAWS OI~ 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ SXLLS (4) To the Supervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 14.th ........... day of ............... ~eb~l~l~.., 19.~7on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., nov/ on file in my office. ~7 NO. ! ACCOLrNT ~7 ~' ~-,~ HA~U'P~ OP CLA~Vi DATE OF Greenport Windo~Cleantn~ Se~vicea-Supr. Office-1966$ 60 00 Oas-Dump 65 53 Albe~taon-10.00 ( · anuick- 32.69 42 69 Police - 365.50 Others- 177.99 5a3 49 Maintenance 1967 Mater To~n Office llect~lcit¥-~uatice Clark holine-Supervisor lnc.-Expenoa-Bluebell Catholic Mar Vet.#730 Village of Greanport Fuel-'l~qm Offices Re~ordinq Tapo-Bldg. Dept. 200 O0 t 8 00 t 12i37 35 31 172 O0 80 72 Humble Oil & Refining ~o. S~erling Marbor Shipyard, Cliff ~ler'a Oaraqe, Xnc. Bxpense-Bldq. Insp. Car Southold Fuel Oil Rothmun'm Dept. Store ilart Mard~ra & Oarden Centex-Supplies-Beaches hat Bnd Supply Co. ~xpense-BayConatabla Hubb~rd*m So~v. Station Ex~onse--Asaesmor Car nxp Burrouqh ' s Carp. m .. ' · ; -- _. Addresangnph-Malt. Corp. Suppliea-Asmaor8 L. T. Malts, Vet. Professional Serv.-Dec. Supp iea-To~n O~fice t . ~mlice -Supplies ISouthold Market ~ Tapperts Bookahop //, 3.93i 91 171 88 7[ 38 20126 ; 359! O0 i 4s, so ) / ?~ O0 23 ~ PA~}E NO ...... 4.~ ........ Warrant No ......................... To SUPE/%VISOR TO PAY AUDfr~u CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervhsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounks set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of ~outhold on the ............. ~..~1.....day of ............... F~L'ti&r. lr..., 19.~? on Claims No ................... to lifo ................... Inc., now on file in my office. NO. ~-~ I ~ryac ~dck & ~tuip~nt Co., NATLrP~ OP CLAIi~ %nc. -Exp~nae-Du~p Fed.of Official Plan~inq O~q.-ll~ab~rship $ 53 27 35 O0 35 O0 ~P~CO Supplies-Police Cars 82 56 Rxpemse-Assoc. of Towns 22 150 149 70 97 5O 74 i49 95 O0 85190 11440 M~terial & r~bor-~'~ay Bldg. 529 15 Traveler, Inc. Supplies-Bd. of Appamla Notice-~d. of Appeals Ed~a I. B~own Expense-Assoc. of To~ns Augustus Garelle Henry A. Clark "' " ' Academy Printing Bnterprise., lnc.-Suppliel S[lugit, Lester M. Albertson iOffice Supplies Louis ~emarest i Expense - Ass'n of Towns ½ 5O 75 00 35 19 95[ oo 951 00 189] 70 70 i 00 DAT~ Ol~ PAYMENT Ralph W. Tuthill ~- 30 Lester M. Albertson PAGE NO ..... ,.. ~ ..... Expense - Ass'n of Towns 75.50 Expense- Ass'n of Towns~~l~~~ NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDiT.q;D COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD x.xmi?x~ OXSTaXCTS (1~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following: named persons, the amounts set dorm opposite their respective nsrnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ]...4.~'~ ......... day of ...... ~'~.b.r~!a~ .......... x9..6.? on Claims No ................... to 11o ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAIVIE L.X. Liqhtinq Co~any Flmhorm Xs. EXt. Corp. r~IVillage~cs .# of ~reenpmrt. PAGE NO ................. NATIYI~ OF CLAI3Vi Fishes-, 97 $ '336 i/! 248 30 "it 231 71 773:58 ,~ 87 !6o Fire Frot~ction 1967 ~ater for Hydrants 1966 St. Li~hts-~st ar~en~ort 6301 O0 DATE OP PAYMENT NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUI~I~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'i'~ BILLS CHAP. ~34 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DXfTRX~TBXLLS To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sc~thold on the ........ ],4.~ ......... day of .............. ~X'I~'~.., 19.~7on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ACC~U~ -7ql AI~F~ S. Bi~kn~ll 0~1 !$ 138 26 · A'beat~e-4~leanJ~ea 132,00 x-qpeet CO2 SMa*- Skid P~opeller Mate~lal-~tic Xmle ~te~ial-~ti~ Xmle ~ilities ~ 12/31/67 Life B~d ~. ~e ~el Otl-~e~ ~il~e 82 20 25 10 135!52 200 O0 32 94 361 74 364180 21 00 88! 86 421 oo 5L 50 489; 57 , 81 25 ' IISi oo 7414 ~0 754 O0 : is! oo 541 oo 61 90 P~GE 1~0 ...... 10...(Qnly) /0 Warrant No .... ~. .................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 ~WS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of So~lthold on the ...................... ~ day of ....... ~ ......... , 19.~.. on Claims No ................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET CB~CK AMOUNT DATE OF or other NAi~E NA'i'u~E OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT AL~O~VEI~ pAWffMENT PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ....... .--.~ ............... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ~ day of ...... ~ ........... , ,, ~.. 0. o,~me No .................. ,o No .................. inc.,'~;;';~' ~i~ ~ '~'~iee. NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAI~E NA'I'~E OF CLAIi~ ACCOUNT ALLO~VE~ DATE OF PAYMENT PAGE NO ................ Warrant No ......................... TO SUI~E~VISO1% TO PAY AUT~rrhD SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD qZ~ BXLL~ (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ].~ ............ day of ............. ,a~]~l~'~ ..... , 19..~?on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. OR OT I-IE~ NO. ACCOUNT $ 15 19 lO 05 ~37,~ 27 O0 O0 ll ~00 10 O0 lO O0 5 '00 10 I00 5 O0 ~tt leaq~-~a¥ Cono~able Reco2~d:Lng IU, nutes-TL-u~ ~eeo L Suppliel-baeral Fund z7 i'~o~ P~o%~ Sherrard'o S~ore Ladder-Janu~c~ 21 O0 75 [20 lS ~1 10 196 :oo 13 ]00 13 [00 73 56 200 O0 10 O0 DATE OF PAYiVIEiNT Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A,P~. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GmmnAL BZLr.,s (2) To the Supervisor of the To~rn of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay t~e following named persons, the amounts set down oppasite their respective name~ out of the accounts ~peclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the .......... ,10t~ ...... day of ............. ~1~1~$~ ..... , 19~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI~ECI~ BUDGET A~OUNT DATE NO. [ Ot~ ~ NAI~E [ NATUR~E OP CL/~I~Vi NO. AC COUN'P ALLOWED [ pAY1VIENT 25 74 21 30 9 40 ~--~Bart l~rdw~z~ & Ga.rd~ Ce~Tr Znc.-~uppl~es-l~rkl ~ c-~o Amer. Terud.te Control cc). Serviee-Dum~-llov. 10 20 10 15 227 76 67 62 a? ~/-~ ~/ · · " Suppliel-~ Clerk 40 ~-~ /~/..~ I-~ Southold ~el Ol.l Co. ~/ao~$ -~-~o~ 'l~e lmvey 't'~'mm ~q~ex't Co. Oil-Highway BXdgs. Trmo Stump R~novml Sigrm Gas- Civil De~e~se Car ~ln~s-~4. o~ P~peall 65 95 O0 208 41 PAGE NO ..... ~ ........ 533 O0 465 ]00 30 oigs ? 43 Supplimm-lb~.~ o£ 'hms 136 85 / Warrant No ......................... To SU'PEI~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'z'~ C~IAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (:3) To the $~pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 18~.~ .......... day of ............. ~Tan~ ...... ~o07. on C~air~ No ................... to No ................... inc., ,,ow o. file i- mr om~, NO. CI-~CK BLrl)C~ET OR OTHEI~ NO. ACCOUN~ NAME NATUP~E OF CLAllVi :~- ~c. Id~ard ~hrbar Xnc. ~¢~3o Ibbil Oil Corp. ~abor & ~at~rial-~ m'~-~'~lic~-~9. ?0 · Othmrm 12.84 Fire Diet. Bile. Cor~l. T~X. Corp. /_ ~?- S~ Vail · oldaa~th & Tat~ill ?m~ 7X ?~ 7~ '7? lent-Jumtice Bolll-196& UtilitM-Te~m Leased Ltnml-yov. Se~vio0-~.D. ~ar Blletric Bill R~nt-(JUly thru De~.-1966) Suppliea-Police Oeorge A. Hubbard's Service S~ation Sou~hold Doole~' · Floor Service ~el-~rA Clerk BI~. Care o~ dog Town Floor·-Jan. Vail Studio & Camera ~hopiFl~ ~wlemoorm /aog~ C~o-~ ° ~Southold P~.rmacy !auppliem-Poliee m PAGE ~TO ................. ~453 '95 27 69 342 54 ~ 89 lO 18 64 289 20 500 O0 4 1S ¢, 5 80 25 45 I :1250 Do ,o ~o 78 50 lO O0 12 O0 31 i' 35 ~0 t ~32 50 BIL~8 c~^,,. ~ ,~ws ~ ,~ ~ ,. -'!T~ OF SOUTHOm.t'~ o~m:m~a~.~,.r,s (4) Yo~ ~r~ lte~eb,y~ auth~:e~'d and dh~ct~ ~ ~y ~ f~ ~m~ pe,f~,on~, the .~mc,~tm set d~wu o~.~f%e thon' re'~ecfd~a I~ rl'~tagg, inc. .,~Ser.~ice-Police Cars 62 ~5 ~' : .,, , :: ~ ~c.- ~" I0, ales. . , ~pense-Pol~ce ~rs 1 [ '40--, -" 3560- " ., 24'150 Warrant No ......................... To 8UP~VISOR TO PAY AUDITED C~AP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their respective nmnes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~m Board of Southold on the ..... !.0.~ ............ day of ............. ~ll~uar.~ ...... 19..~7on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NATUIZ~ OF CLAI!Vi " " Zoning AMOUI'rr U.S. llolt Office. ~t~ ~tter P~t $1aS-~r. ~ion-~int~ i967 200 ~0 ~rican T ~ite Control Co.-Servic~~c. i 20 J~-e~ ~wt~k t S~am~-~l ice ~rS, ~len Pospisil Supplies~enior L.I. ~od. Co,, ~y I~, Su~lies-~lice 3 i37 Supt.-10.25 Electricity i Try~.~ruck & Equipment Co. repairs to dump : I NcNann Price Aqency ~ liability insurance {Southold Lu~b~r Com~ny I~.¥. Telephor~ Company ! to Wm. Januick 1022-Box Phone 6635- " " 176 ~00 1 4~- 144 1oo 95 8~ 31 {50 35 ~8 60 04 28 !17 9 79 ~ O0 DAT~ OF PAYSC~qT 5.47 cz 31.59 9.12 1_14 1.14 Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CPIAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AliT. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LZGHTZNG DISTRICT BZLL~ (1) To the Supervisor of the Tc~ra of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~m Board of Southold on the ....... 1.0.~h .......... day of ........... O'~!~Un~'~ ...... 19~? on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. iVlllaqe of Greenpor~ NATUR, E OP CLAIM St. Lights-West AMOUNT ALLOWED 96 i25 'Fishers L.X. L£gh~ing Company # # St. Liqhts-0rient " " $outhold Nov. " " " Dec. " " Peconic ,, . Cu~,,hOg~le. NOv. # " # D~C. " # Nattituck #1 328185 Bast Nation 248 30 ~198 50 East-West Graenport 690 138 706 193i85 831156 851!40 769 87 ;60 DATE 01~ PAYMENT PAGE ~O ................. Warrant No ...... ~-.'~ ................ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF' SOUTHOLD ~].,=~-/.!AY D=_-,*RTI.~.T BILLS ?age,,,,,1 of 2 Pages To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to Day the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... !oth .............. day of .... ~[~1~[ ............... 19.~.. on Claims No ................ to No ............... inc., now on file in my office. CI-IECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED G. R. ~ 1. J. ~ioisa DATE O~ pAXZ~IENT ',,'..' 1':-'7 Gasoline, Prestone LqcaA_.g;~e_e% ~, .~ppiy ¢0 ..... Grates ............ 82+ O0 l'~s. l,~ary ~e_n_esk& ....... ~rp ~r~ert~ for drainage . .~00_ 00 .... George 1.~v~ ~ .... c't ~ O~ p~[ ~pa~ed Agency & T~ust &cco~t - 3outhold ......... S al Sec ity 1,433 82 Southold Lu[aber Co, L~ber cement, cement block 20[ ~ _ George L. Pe~y, Inc. L~ber sheetrock ~ ~ 1:2 P~6.22 ;.~._.'~_( __Mach. ~ 1. assoc. Fmna~ Serv. CorD. _ __ E&~c~n~x~cdi~leaae ~ec~) z ~' '' / ?:.ach. ,~ 2. S~fo],~ ~i~e 6hop ..... Rep~%.r~B~ .... ~ 18~ 6~ ........ ,,'?__p,~_ 1,~C~% ~j~ M~mici~al_I~chiner~..,. ~ Repair parts 279 68 ) ;, 6_~_ !_ Math. ~? 4. Vail Bros._~.. Re.ir parts ~ ' [': :' Mac[~ ~ ~ Edward ~rbar, Thc. Repair par~_ 206 ~ ~' ~ ~m~h. f_~ Q~ ~tagg, The Radio repairs // i~ch.~ 8LTheo~o~e J. Burke ~m,_..~c. kepai~ part~ , ~ ' ~'~ch. ~ 9. TriusL~C. Belt ~ started cords 421j~ ?tach. i?10. ~_steE~__Szoring .~ ~¢neel Ali. gn~en~ RepaiE~ ~ a%i_gcme_ntq~ . Repairs & re~)air parts _Bolts. washers, nuts, etc. Wrenches & repair parts E~ tiros & tubes Tool box & tools 287 J0 19o .... 214 26 275 / 65~55 $2,678.47 PAGE NO ..... ~. ...... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HI,~r~,~._ DEPAJtTHENT BILLS Page 2,,,, of 2 Pages To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Soulhold on the ..................... 't0th day of .... ~I~i ............... , 19..~. on Claims No ................. to No ................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET CHECK Ai%IOUNT DATE OP or other NAIVlE NATI/RE O~ CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYIViENT ~ ,i L~ Piisc. ~ 5. ~tituck Iron Works Blacksmith work 509 25 :.- : -~ .J'4isc~ F_ 6~!nternational Sal~t_Co. Rock Salt . _ ~ 09 8. B.qn_d O~n'Xf_pr~m Supoly Co. ~er¥¢ce_s __ 2! 60 _ i~so. ~ 9._I'Lxttituck Plru~btng & Ueating Corp. Repair shop f~aces _ 30 50 Misc. ~ 10. (~ra'tt~n. & Bully i~sc. ~r ~l.~pl~tho%.~ Hardwgr~ ~_ ~,D. sc. hardware~tems 4! 68 ~.~sc, 7 12. N~ York %~~. ~sc. [~ 1). Hart H=rd~are & (,arden Center ~sq~ ~r~k[$re itgm~_ 99 26 ',','"".'~ i~isc. ~ 14, Brandi's Shoe Store _ :. ~ _l=sc.._ ~t 1~, The Little Corner Store ....... Bgots & Artics~ ~ 19 35 ..... oandwmches & coffee 4 i outdoor sign and .... , ~sc. p 1~, ~.e__t_ch~, S~g*s . le~ge, r.tr~ck~ ~ 27) qO $6,817.65 PAGE NO .... ~. ........ t I ' // {' ') Warrant No ......................... To 8[rPEr~VISOrt TO PAY AUDITED BIIJ~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, AliT. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. TOWN OF $OUTHOLD To ghe Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the ~ollowi~g named persons, the amount~ ~e~ down opposite their respe¢~lvo ~a~es out of the accounts specified, being the ~mounts allowed by audit of the T~wn ~oard of ~outhold on the ........ 1{~ ........ day of ........... J~A~ ........ 19 ~ on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. NO. J. God.mom, Z e. {4 ' 16 187 52 {65 ~rtford ~t~tmic Ll~h_t ~ P~pair_ove~ light i.L., 1_9_,!~__.._ ......... ; 2 [80 { ....... 200 oo 497 125 PAGE NO ................. .// NO. WarraNt No ......................... To SUPEI{VISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A-~T. 9, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective naanes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the T~wn Board of Southold on the ....... ~-0~.~ .......... day of ........... ~a]l~ .... , 196.7 on Claims No ................ to No ................... inc., now on file in my office, 1~aliv~g ~it¥ D~x~k & D~ed~e NATLrp~ OF CLA/NI Life ~f~ ~tza~t r--~vm pili,~J Mail Maulm~e- lh~. Office Sup~lies-~opier 4053i60 5925~00 13C [ O0 701 O0 ~20!00 120 ll§i00 56!91 ~400.00 A~IOUNT ~)ATE OF PAGE 1~O ....... ~ ~ .......