HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966Warrant NO ......................... To SUP~VISOt~ TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, AliT. ~, ~-'C. 120 TO the st~ervisor of the Town of SoUthold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts sot down opposite their respective names ou~ of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~0.~ ......... day of ..... :f:~all~ ~l~ .......... , 19.~6 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my ofiic~. ~o. JO'S, ~ NO. ACCOUNTI AMOUNT DATE OP 103 60 /' 47 19 Warrant No .......................... To SUPER'V-ISOR TO PAY AUDYI--~D BILLS CHAP. 634 L&WS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oI~osite their res~cttve names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ ........ daf of ......... 1~11~, ........ 19. ~.. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. ~ECK BUDG~ AMOUNT or other I~AIVI~ NA'i'u~E OF C~AIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OP PAYMEN'r PAGE NO .... ~ .......... NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUI~E~VISOR ~O PAY AUDrr~ CHAP. 6~4 LAWS el· l~J~, AliT. 8, ~EC, 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ammmu, nZz, L8 Il} To the supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts sot down oppe~ite their resgectlve nsrne~ out of the accounts specified, beha~ the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 6~ ............. day of ............. /~[~&e~ & [~..., 19.~on Claints No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. $ 21.50 2"t 70 7 5,0 6OO $0 O0 44 80 DATE PAYMEN~ btiee ~thill-4.00 Toun Clerk - 4.00 PA~E NO ................. Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR '1'O PAY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (amHPJLL BZLLS (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opp~ite th~ir~cel~eetive namse out of the acecunt~ specified, bein~ the amounts allowed by audit of the Tov;n Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ............................... , 19.$.$ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. I ~ NO. NO. I~'~ BU~C~ET AMOUIWI' DATE OF OR ~ NAM~ NA~01~E OF CLA~ ACOOUNT ALLOV~D pAYMEI~P ~"L.Z. 'IY'&vllI~ T~F,_. ~ 33 SO ,~-.o~ ' ' ' ~ppXXE..-Ime. of Taxes 2Si00 i ~-x~ / ' ' " XS80-G~t:Lc)I r.2.irJc 7 25 ~7-~ " " " 3660-~£vil Olf~Zle 9 IS - - 6022-pol:i.~e 59 85 ~' &? · " 6675-1)Ullp 1X 180 · ' 3560-Box llJJOGe ].0 170 " ' 663S-Box Phone ].]. 140 ' X022- ' ' ].~ 170 ' 5440-Po].:Lco 9 PAGE NO ..... ~? ......... · 2600-Pol:L,Jo 30 iO0 ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ nXLaS To the ~upervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amolmts set down ogposite their res~ctivo names ~ut of the accounts specified, beir~ the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 6~ ........... day of .............. ~[~l ~--~*..., 19.~.6 on Claims No ................... to I%1o ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~ BUI3C~E~ AM~ DAT~ OF NO. OR OTHE~ N~'VI~ NA~gl~E OF CLA~ NO. ACOOITN~P [ ALI~w.t~D PAYMENT Bumble Otl it bf:Lning Co. Gnoo:Lino-lup'r. ~u~.ryiJor- 7.80 xek- 31.77 O~bor~ 4X.Sg Xae.-Mp~Lr ou~k Planning ~d.-21.00 Bi. of ]tl~pm,"ll 21_00 PA~E ~0 ..... ~ ......... 45 gO 40 07 104 80 18 80 17 X2 77 23 !25 39 157 36913'5!07 l 20 O0 16 68 42 O0 7 ~40 39 !00 ~ I/.~9.~ 76 95 3 131 / 1.2 I 104 95 7 50 6 52 3683 lO 35 Warrant No ......................... To SUPE~V~OR TO PAY AUD~'I'~.J BILLS CHAp. 634 LAWS O~ 1~32, A~T. 8, S~-~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD emSnaL BZLLS (4) TO the Su~ervL~or of the Town of 8outhold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named l~rsons, the amounts set down Ol~Osi~e their respective name~ ~ut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .~...~. ............ day o~ .............. ~ .... ,~6.6. on ~al~ ~o ................... to ~o ................... ln~., ~w ~ r~ m mr om~. Ot~CK BUDGET NO. OR OTHE~ NAIVE NO. ACCOUNT NATUi~E Ol~ CLA~ /~?/ /~/7~./~-~o Addrmograph.,.0tu'tt. Corp. /$7~/~7~, /-~o Lou,~ Jaeger & ~on 316 38 3 60 144 8 25 1S 26 250 O0 150 12 12 124' 8 116 27 o0 DA~ O~ PAYI~EN~ Warrant No ......... dl~$ ............ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. S, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the mounts set down opposito their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~ ......... day of ......... ~111~, ........ 19..5. on Claims No ................... to 14'o .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET or other NAME NATURE O1· CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT '- .... '- AMOUNT ALLOWED DAnff~ 01· pAVeMeNT PAGE NO....~ .......... Warrant No .... ~$~.....~ ............ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDr~'~a~ BI~LLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. ~]EC, 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOlJ' To the Supervisor of the Town of S~uthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oi~p~site their respective names out of the accotmts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the T~wn Board of Southold on the .... ~ ............. day of . ...... ~m ......... , 19 ..... ~a Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET A~ODNT or other ~'AME NATurE OF C~.AI1Vi NO. ACCO~ DATE OF PAYMENT PAGE NO....~? .......... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DZIIILZCT BZLLI (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named ~ersens, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts epeclfted, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 6~ ......... day of ............... ~W ~--~ .., 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. UT, AX:Lt:Leo to X,~JX/66 Off:Lee kppXLeo OffXee & ffu.roir'm ~tu:L& lUulAge- ope~ti~t~ ~8 13S 58 64 32 6S X3 30 sx ils O0 4e7 DATE O1~ PAYIV~ PAOE ~0 ................. To SU'PE~VISOR TO PAY AUD~.'.t-~eaJ SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD m.].~ (2) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppecite their ~ctive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of .............. ]~g.R ~.~..., 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now On file in my office. DATE PAY~I~ffT /'Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDrx'~ CHAP. 634 LAWS Ol~ 1932, ART. 8, b-'EC. 120 To the Sul~rvisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD w-TGIFA'ZlIG D~C'~ ~1.) You are hereby authorized and dirseted to Day the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n.~n~ out of the accounts specified, bein~ the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of ~outhold on the ......... 6~ ......... day of .................... ]~&~'l~ J~ ~-~9.6.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file hi my office. NO. BUDGET OR OTHER ACCOUNT ~L.X. Lt~htiml NATLr~E OP CLAI~ Village of Gr~enix)rt St. Li~hts-~t 9pt. AMOUNT DA~E AIJ~OWI~) PAYMI~IT 176 86 188 74 740 21 173 33 96 2S . PA~E NO ..... .1. y ......... Wa~ant No ......................... To SUP2EI~VISOR TO PAY AUDX'r~ CtIA~. ~4 LAWS O1· 1932, ART. 8, S~C. 1~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dlrseted to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their re~!~ecttve names out of the accounts spseified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Tow~ Board of Southold on the ........... 9.~ ........ day of .............. JJJ~J'~ilJ~'..., 19~J~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ~ BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF OR OTHER N~E NATUR~ OF C~ lt~7 /.~o'~o-~, Lou&~ ~. Ve~dezeae, ll.D. #~llLa~ ~kelba~h ~lrl. ~maa ~. ~uter lira, Bdith Charko~ A. R. Orebo Hark Lnm, , Bx~mmo-PXinnJ~a Board lupplLes-~Tust/ee~ DelafAeld a~d IIo~-~ro£eooLmml lervLets 80 14 IS 95 ~4 70 133 60 39 00 SI O0 2sJ oo as O0 25 00 SO0 00 41 40 5 O0 20 O0 7O 4O 108 25 aS' O0 2S O0 35 O0 11] 90 130 O0 PA~E 2TO ..... ~'.~ ......... Warrant No ......................... TO SUPI~VISOR TO PAY AUDJ.'I'IRD CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, ~. 120 TO the Supervgsor of th~ Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOID ommm~ BZLLS You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amo~mts set down opposite their r~ctive m~ne~ out of the accounts spe~ifled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the To~n Board of Southold on the ............ .~...~.. ...... day of I~glfllr~g' 19 ~ on Claims No. ~o No. inc., now on file tn my office. NO. OR OTHER N~ NATD~E OF CLA~v~ NO. ACCOUNT DATE O1~ pAYM~N'T SO 75 l 35 0Og 3S 0O 3 ~3 8~ 10 00 3~ 00 ~ 30 ~ Z5 80 ~ 60 30~0-Aomemoor. m¸ · W 3783-Town Clerk " ' " 2660-Bldg. De~rtmont ~Aohorm Zo. Tolephone C~orp.-CLvil Defonoeolept. sept. PAGE xz XX 4O 7 :as 14 60 so 45 4! 4S :13 XO ZX 80/ j °° Warrant No ......................... To S~R ~O PAY ~. ~34 LAWS O1~ 1932, A.~T. 8, S~'C. 1~0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ BZZa,1 ($) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and d/rseted to pay the followin~ named persons, the amount~ set down opposite their respective narne~ out of the accounts ~ecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ... i.., .~. · .~.. ........... day of ....... W~,~ ~----,.., 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc.. now on file in my office. NO. ~ BUDGET AMOUNT DATE O1= O1~ OTHER I~AM~ NATURE OF CLA~i~ ~1 ~. ~l~P~-' ,~ ai~ 30 ~9q ~ % " ~~0.3~,.~ ~.~ 336 85 ~ ;~ , ~ .. -_1i~ 5 55 PAOE I~0 ................. Warrant NO ......................... To $0'PEPoVT-~OI~, TO PAY AUD£'r~.~ BILLS CKAp. 634 LAWS OP 1992, A~T. 9, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ammpAL ~,LS (4) To the Su~erviser of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective narne~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... 0.~ ......... day or .............. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CH~ECK BUDGET OR ~ NAIVE NO. ACCOUNT ~o .-27 ~'BdMard Thoupaon ~o. AMOUNT NATURE OF CLA~ Whole ~vn-S6:l. 21 P--rt L.~. 1891.00 ~4S3 ~1 ~ ~-~ ~ (~J ?soo ~ot ~rU~m~re 6 O0 DATE OP PAYiV/EN~ S 3S Plu~b~nq-~ ~h 16 O0 Nl~o4leflorl 261 O0 !1 planning Board 188 ,o, o0 BxponmeePolA~e ~a~l 2 80 lupplteo-~olioe lOX 80 Xn~-IupplieooPoltce 20 88 " " 40 70 " " 2 70 lxlmn~eoffoliae ~ourae 35 iO0 Boat & Motor Rental Iorvi~e-Dogo*Oetober 3S O0 13 46 ll 70 65 60 31 O0 e PRE ~i'0 ................. Warrant NO ......................... To sUPErVISOR TO PAY AUDrr~ C~IAP. 634 ~WS ~ 19~, ~T. 8, S~. 1~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts sot down opposite their respective nsmes ou% of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .9.~ ........... day of ............... ~..., 19.~6 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NO. ACOOUN~ 7 · 85 / /~ ~o~ DATE O~1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LZ~I~Z~ DZI2II'G~g ~ZLZ~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foilowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective na~nse out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~h .......... day of ...... ~09J'~l~, ........... 19..~on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. ~.e~*'K BUDG-E'I' OR OTI*L~ NO. ACCOUNT NAME NATUR~ O1~ CLATI~ ft.. Llgh~a~ou~ld A~V~-I!ID PA~I~ 252 63 203 SO 709 58 1~ 50 , ~'~ 863 03 766 54 87 75 ~ Ftlhill ZllIIId Ile~, CorpI lt. LXl~tJ-Fiiheri Zi. Iep~. It. l~LghtJoVelt ~roenport ¸96 33 25 Warrant No ......................... To SU'PE~lrI..c~P~ TO PAY AUDi'i'~ Bn-,'r .~ Cf-lAP. 634 LAWS OP 1~32, A~T. 8, Sn~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD F.X. fflIYDI~IZ~ffBZLSd To the Supervisor of the Town of Sotlthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named Dersens, the amounts set down opposite their reopective nsm~s out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~.~ ............. day of ............... _"~, ~'~..., 19.ooon Clain~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET NO. OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT 77 WItofffe~d ~, V. ~d~t~, ~ m Ik I{ Nmd~tm~ Ommmmmm, l? SO 6OO O0 4687 OI x~ 8o 60o Js oo 37S O0 XXI O0 7~ O0 DATE OP PAY'M~IN~ Warrant Nu ..... ~ ................ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDrlzU COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~"~ '- ,T .... i~-~ cm. ,~ ~ws o~ ~s~, ~T. ~, TOWN OF SOUTHO~ ' To the Su~sor of ~e T~ of ~uthold: You are hereW antho~ed ~d ~rected to ~sy the followi~ n~ ~ons. the amo~ ~t d~ ~si~ the~ r~ti~ ~ ou~ of ~e acc~ ~cifl~. being the amoun~ allowed by audit of the To~ B~rd of Southold on the .... ~ ............. day of .... ~ ............. . 19..~ ~ C~ No ................... ~ No ................... inc.. now on file in ~ office. BUDGET CHEOK or other I~'AME NO. ACCOUI~T NA'ru~E O1= CLAIM AMOI~T .~ ~O W ~ DATE 01= pAYMENT PAOE NO ........ ~ ...... Warrant No ....... ~ ............... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP, 634 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to {)ay the following named 9ersons, the amounts set down op{)osite their respset~ve names BUDGET AMOTYNT DATE O1= CHECK or other gAME NAToi~E O1= CLAIM ALLOV~D pAYMENT NO. ACCO~ pTST, , wt maao PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ..... ~ ................ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD ~ the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts ~t d~w~ Ol~oaite their respective names out ef the accosts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... m ........... daY of ...... ~e ........... 19...~ on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. cklECK BUDGET AMOUNT or other NA}iE NATURE 01~ CLAII~ NO. ACCOUNT DATE OP PAYI~-q~I' PAOE NO ....... ~ ....... Wa~ant No ......................... To SU'PE~VISORTOPAY AUDr&'~ CHA~. ~4 LAWS O1~ 1~2, A~T. B, SEC. I~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ BZLZd (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts ~et down opposite their re/~pective nmnos out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the TC~n Board ~f So~lthold on the ......... ~ ......... day of ........ ~:~b~'. .......... , 19.~on Clain~s No ................... to No ................... inc,, now on file in my office. NO. ~HECK BUDGET AMOUNT OR OTHE~ NAME NATUR~ OP CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOV~ED DATE PAYM~N'r aoaeph:i, ne Hodrd #. Terry Robert W. Tao)tero L*ght~nv MaY Toller*lleetion Bxpeno~Bldg. Xnopeetor 80 SO nS O0 80 O0 Ioo ].5o 14o 82 60 107 65 89 63 100 47S O0 Warrant No ......................... To SUPEI~VlSOR TO PAY AUD£'~'~ BILLS CHAp. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2) To the St~gervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down op!0osits their respective nsme~ oui of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ... ................ 7~ ..... day of .............. ~]11~' ..... , 191~1~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my off~e. NO. CE[ECK BLrlX~ET AMOLrNT DATE Ol~' OR OTHEI~, NA1VIE NATUI~I OF CLAI1Vi NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ' ' ' P:Lei~lirIO-~0wA ~11 100 O0 " Ilot:Lc~l- ' " 27 4S ' '-Y Suppl 1ee-Juperv18o~ B4. Of 7 68 31 65 25 60 185 O0 19 I0 7 OS Warrant No ......................... To S~?~VISOR TO PAY CHAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, ART. 8, BEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD d~ ~x~ C$) To the Supervisor of the To~q of So~thold: You are hereby authorized and directed to I~Y the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ............. 7.~ ..... day of ............... ~...., 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my offke. NO. /of'o 2gSO- XX 40 299S-" " II 40 5440- ' ' 980 47S0- " · 4550-.~ultiOe ~.~hR% 14 7 :35 ,~, 20 10 ~' \ 21 SS 29 95 602:2-" 61 65 11 30 OSSO- hi' ~r vbmr ~660.~lwil ~ ' Ir-- 30{p 77 80 50 U ~o..4,~plbl-Ildq. hlzl~c. 35 OS ~,Illn=iq~{,"r ~'-''ItXgZ'i_Bi{IL ODQ.-~I{{li-- ~ ..... "'uPI 20 78 /~Ltt~ield-JLlg~ ItcpmX CO.. lmm.-IqlIir Ii. tm 133 35 ', W. v. marne ~ for 'movu Da~ 9 90 PA~E ~0 ..... ~.? ......... Warrant No ......................... To SD'PE~VlSOi~ TO PAY AUDl'l'i!ao COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named parsons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... .~ ....... day of ............... ~'~C...., 19.66 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. NAIViE NATLTR~ 01~ CLA21~ 730 ~BJ.1 Bs'OdJ. 11112. AMOUNT DATE O1~ ALLOV~ED PA~ 37 SO 13 47 · · - 29 30 m,-~o ~ r -Vie,m~ 't, 1+- n,--i.,.o't co.-.e- - %i,-.o L_ Ame?,can Term,re Control Co. Serv,ce f~um;- ~e;t,'~ l 28 SO I 50 67 30 131 35 603117 2O lO0 O0 x~ so Warrant, No ...... ~.~ ................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their r~pective name~ out of the accounts specified~ ~eing tho amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of ~outhold on the ......... ~1 ......... day of ............... ~. ..... 19.66 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. v~zCK BUDOET OR CYrHE'~ NO, ACCOUNT NAME NATUt~ OP CLA.q~ DAT~ O1~ PAYMEN~ NO. Warrant No ......................... To E~D-PE~VISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 19~2, AliT. 8, SiilC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town o! Southold: You ara hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective ns~e,s ~ut of the accounts sDecifled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ '~.~ ........... day of ............... ~][~F...., 19.~on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI-IEUK BUIX~ET OR OTHE~ HO. ACCOUNT [ A~OUNT DATE O1~ NAME I~A~IP~E Ol~ CLAIM ALLOw~ PAY~ 328 as '~ 341 9S 200 O0 i X~4, SO, ~'~' '~, 8sg ~ gs 768 OX 87 7S !/ '~, Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUD£1'Ha~ BTT,T .q CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1~2, A~C. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD aL].]~ (].) To the ~th~erv~sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their ~e~,.~lve n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ............ Z~.."A". ...... day of ......... ~ ......... , 19.~on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. OR ~ NA~gE NATUPoE Ol~ CLAIE~ ACCOI)'NT iGC'ed I, ILMmI~! Ji~e4. IJJimiMl AMOUNT ALLOw~v DATE O1~ PAYE~E~ 4%) 30 7 Il PA~E NO ................. Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A~T. 8, S~C. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the SuDervizor of the Term of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name~ cut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit Of the Totem Board ~f Southold on the ........... .A.~...~.. ...... day of ............... ~ ...... 19..~.. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CI-IECK BUDGET AMOUNT OR ~ NA~E NA'x'U~ O1~ CLA~ NO. Hawkins, Delafield DATE O1~ PAY'/vI:EI~IT Warrant bio.. ,..~., ................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite t~.respsetive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......................~ day of ...... ......... :.., 19~. ~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NA'i'o~E OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE PAINT _@~f-ql Umk,~ L~. Bmdseoa. ~6ku, bo. PAGE NO .... ~ ......... Warrant Na....~ ................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the To~n of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followln/ named persons, the amounts set do~ opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~. ............ day of ....... ~f ........... , 19~.. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. ~n~CK NO. BUDOET AMO~Ci~ or other NAME NATUI~E OP CLAI~ ACCOUNT ALLOV~E~ DATE O~ pA~/'MENT PAGE NO .... ~ .......... , qidJdo tm* Oeifl ,*st . Warrant No ..... ~ ................ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHA1~. 634 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named ~ersons, the amounts set dorm op!oostte their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amount~ allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on %he ......F~... ............. day of ........... ~l~ ..... , 19..~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BT3'DGET CHECK or other frAME NO. ACCOUNT AMOUNT NA'z'u~E 01~ CLAIM AL~OwEI~ DATE O1= PAYMENT PAGE NO...~? ........... NO. Warrant NO ......................... TO SU'PEI~VI~OR TO PAY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD To $.he Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followin~ named persons, the amounts set down oppc~ite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 6t~ ............ day of ..... kpt41Ob4~ ........... 1966 on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. DATE OF PAYMEN~ f~--~,'7 ~;o.~o v,' tef. V~r~eweet. M.D. BIQod her (poXLoB) ~,~- ?~o-5, ~ ~. kr~, ~C-~5~'-- ,1 lO O0 20 7K ,~;~ .;7-~o F.Z. Telephone e. orp. Leaaed Linea-,Tuly ~, ~. ~o <L.Z. ermveler Xnc. IotXce-Bd. o£ J~pealJ 24 QO 119 9S lA ,,,4 30O ;3 81 74 80 ~Z 35 9 O2 5 O0 '!7 13 75 I- 30 'LB 'rS 15 30 17 SO 46 ~ 30 '78 2 89 9,k4 PA/3E NO .... .~..~. ......... NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPE~VIBOR TO PAY BILLS CIL~P. 6~4 LAWS O~ 1932, AR~r. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD (2) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followi~ named persons, the amounts set down oppeci~e their respective n~n~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board c~ Southold on the ............. ?..~. ...... day of .............. gl~ ~,, 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUNT NAME NATUR~ OF CLA~/I ~, ~o ~o LoZ. Produc~ Co. Aguuy Ine. t . trft B&~ Commtmble 49 02 8X 77 20 O0 202 ~ 17 18 DATE OF PA~ L.lo C~mozel~l It view Zn~. AdvertJ~mmm~ W ~ht~ ht. erprtmm, xu~.-muppztef-mupr. Oymtmt~ W~orieml So~.=~md hmlf allocmtion Utility ~o., Xn~. Water & Ltm-Tovn Barn-JUly 67 62 293 ~ 14 02 33 SI SO O0 ~7- so FI.y. Telephono ~o. 3660-Civil De£enme 05S0-~upezvlJor 9 3S 57 65 7 25 / 6675-BozlPhone 6022-Police 3783-TOlmClezl~ 295~!~ ~ 13 25 73 00 30 80 IX 40 2660-Mdg. Znopeetoz 3020 ~lmlmorm IX 40 SO XS PA~E HO ................. NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI'£~O C~IAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, AJ~T. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2) To the Supervisor of the Tow~n of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named per~ons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... 6~1~ ........ day of .............. ~ ~1~'.., 19..~on C~atm~ No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR OTHER NO. ACCOUi~T NAi~E AMOUNT 3S60 " ' 12 O0 5050' !' " 11 70 5440- " ' 10 05 2600,-~'o1:[gm 31 20 4750-I,~ ,-'* ~ 1] SO ' ' 22 50 iI~XXcMI-24"/ ~ff ~e i 21.19 269 01 DATE Ol~' 81 O0 AnguIpum '"'- ~el le Mc~tlmey 32 & 52B J, . -~rm 'I'Mlu Office ~43 34 5 O0 5.00 5 O0 5OO 9 87 40 36 23 85 · Warrant No ......................... To S0'PE~VISOR TO PAY CKAP. 634 LAWS O1= 19~2, A~T. 8, S~C. 1~0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD ~ Bzz, z,s (4) To the ~t~pervi~r of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opp~ite their respective n~ne~ o~lt of the accounts ~pecifted, being ~he amomlte allowed by audit of the Town Board ~f Southold on the ......... .~.: ....... day of ............... k~.~2~., 19.~6on Claims No ...... ~ ............ to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET OR OTH~I~ NAME NATUP,~ O1~ CLAIM NO. ACCO~ /~ ~-~ kb ~. ~. ~2 ~Of. lial h~~q.$ 202 /~ ?-~ The Suffolk ~ly /aaT/~ R~i~ld blth. Pl~ro L~d~r9 /a~7~ /-~ VilI~ ~ Gr~t - Light el~trlcJty - j~tice rm 8 /a~. ~ L~'~ioI-~' Tr~el~ J~. ~lor sh~ts re TM ~11 ~r~. 1,250 O0 O0 3O 5o 75 15 77 187 I0 DATE OF PAYi~EN'F NO. Warrant No ......................... To SUI~E~VL%OR TO PAY AUD~'A'nU COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opDseite their respective num~ out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....~..t.h.. ............... day of .... .$~.~.P.~'? .................. 19.6.~. on Cla,ms No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file ,n my office. N.MvlE ~lm PA~E NO../. ............. Warrant No ......................... TO 80Ei~VISOR TO PAY AUD£A'F~D BT~,T .q C~AP. 634 LA~VS OF 1932, ~T. 8, TO ~e ~r of the ~ of ~outhold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOI.D You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppaslte their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ~ ...., 19 .... on Claln~ No ................... to No ................... /nc., now on file in my office. CHF~K BUI)GET OR OTHE~ NO. ACOOT3NT NAME AIATIIR~ O1~ CLAIM AMOUi~r AL~OW~ DATE PA~E lqO .......... ...~.. ,. Warrant No ...... ~.~ ................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHO!-r~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ .......... day of ... ~ ~ ~ ........... 19. ~. on Claims N'o ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET CHECK or other NAME NO. ACCOUNT IMl~t AMO~ ALLOwi~,v PAGE NO ....... ~ ....... DATE OP PAYMENT Warrant No ......................... To sUPI~VISOR TO PAY AUD~'~'~ BIIJ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOtD LI:eHT]]8 DZSTILTC'F BI'LLS (x) To the SUl~ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective namas out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 6~,~ ............. day of ..... ~~ ........... 19.~ on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. NO. CHECK BUDGET O1~ OTHI~ NO. ACCOUN'r NAM~E NATURE Ol~ CI~I~Vi AMOUNT St. Ll~te~i~--m Is..1,ely ].73 33 DATE PAYiVI~NT 8,./'~L.I. Ll~tl~ Ck2apany St.. LightJ-Ozient 328 85 ' =-tt r--l~ 241 9s " ~-~ ~--~t 207 30 ' I~,mm~tc 194 S0 · Cutc:hoque 838 45 ' Mnt. t. lt=uf,.k 4l,z 739 07 '* I~tt~Lt~ ~2 87 75 ,) PAGE NO ..... ~b. ......... Warrant No .......................... To STYPE~V~OR TO PAY AUDi'i'ED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OI~ 1932, ART. g, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out ef the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... 9t~ .......... day of ....... ~t ........... , 19 .. ~1~ on Clahns No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file tn my office. CHECK NO. BUDQET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE OP CLAIM ACCOT3'/~ ALLOWED DATE OF PAYMENT 9O SO $0 50 SO O0 O0 O0 PAGE NO ..... ~.~. ........ Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down cgposite their respective ns~es out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Smlthold on the ...... 19.~-~ .......... day of ................ ~., 19. ~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET or other NO. ACCOUNT /o ~ PIb':~o AMOUNT ALLOWED " ' " ' ~ ~ 72 ~ ~* ~ ~ 6 76 L.Z. ~. ~y ~. Co. Ill/' · h~t. 30 O0 42 40 44 ~b:Ll 011 Co. Y "-il iPuml-. ................ ~T Itl~liI~ Ill.thor Ih:Lp,/ird In~.-!. qI -""''-% 360 DA~E OP PAYMENT PAGE NO ....... ~. ...... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO 1:AY AUDx'£i~U BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD em~na~ ezra (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named Dersons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 9~ ........ day of ................ ..~1~.., 19...~on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CH~CK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other 51A~E NATURE O1~ CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWRD ~-~o ~ ' ' ' 3010 ~mtvlGrB ....... 39 70 PAGE NO ...... ~ ~. ........ DATE O~ PAYMENT Warrant NO .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. $~4 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. $, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (4) '~o the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... g~ ........... day of ............... .J~l~..., 19..~ on Clahns NO ................... to NO .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET or other I~AME ACCOUNT CLAIM ~ luffoLk Ihlplm~d Inc. Vl]&gge o£ 3~,u ~ L · nA'~VJd Lusdmr Co. AMOUI~ ALLOw ~ 648 47 41 30 SO 4O O0 DATE OP PAYMENT B&y Cam~t, ible 75 Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY ALrDi,r~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (5) To %he SuDervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their reSl)~ctlve names out of the account~ specified, betng the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ............ 9~ .... day of .................~.~..., 19 ~. on Clahns No ................... to NO .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other 57A~E NATI3RE OP CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED io-3o ~ The Suffolk Weekly Times tax sheets .......... 3~5 O0 DATE Ol~ pAVemENT PAGE NO ................. To ~U~.R~-L~O~ TO PAY A~Dr~E~ SEC. 129 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFO,LK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and dtre6tsd to pay the following named l~ersons, the amoUnts set down opposite thetr respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Sm~thald on the .. ~l ............... day of ...~J~. 9 ................. ~ 19.ifil.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc, now on file in my office. CHECK i~TO. BUDGET AMOUNT or o~her IXTA~I~ NATURE OF CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWF~ DATE O1· I~A-i'MENT PAGE NO. .~ ............ Warrant No ........ .~ .............. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY BILLS CHAP. 634 L&v~rs OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts speclffed, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .,. ~ .............. day o! .... ..~8~S.. ............... 19..~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET Cl-l~CK or other NAME NO. ACCOUNT NATURE O1= CLAIM AMOUNT ALLOWED DATE O1= PAYMENT PAGE NO ..... I. ......... CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi,i'~ CHA~. 634 LAWS Ol= 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ g~l ......... day of .......... ~l~lll~[~ ........ , 19 ~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other I~AME NA'i'u~E O1~ CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED II Gl S~ 7O O0 DATE O1~ pA'r~ENT , ~ efffdm SuppLy ~o. PAGE NO ......... ~l..u .... C-IECK NO. Warrant NO .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDri'~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS Ol= 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BXXXo You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount~ set do~m opposit~ their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~ .......... day of ................ ~.., 19. ~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NA'x'u~E OP CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OP PAYMENT 76 74 ?S O0 7~ 407_3S 6X ~ PAGE NO ................. cHuCK NO. ~Varr~nt No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS ON 1932, A~T. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ DIJ~IXL~ BXLLS (x) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ... 9~ ............. day of ........ J~la~ .......... , 19 ~1~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDC~E~ AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE OP CLA15~ ACCOUNT A~LOWE~ DATE ON pAYMENT · · Or-- itr-"t · _v, 19~ lO · " ' · · Chst~hO~e ____04~ 67 · " · · " ;gmtt/,tmek ~! 747 SO Village of Greenport St. Light~s_- E-W Greenport .... 87 50 PAGE NO .......... ~... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO I~AY AUDIT~.~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BILLS (X) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... '[~ ........ day of ............. ~ ........... 19...66 on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. //77 BUDGET or other ACCOUNT NATURE O1· CLAI'~ J~d~th T. Boken ~hmzXem emglm, i~' Ihmtli B. llaber~on ,artou A. aageat Caleb V. ImLth & Son, OlrtOh Nlrtne AMOUNT DATE OF ALLO~ID PAYMENT y X1 ?S 100 O0 hppl tel-lAbor*ltr~l 1(4 X0 u~ipa~am-Bd, of ~)pm&lm 12 O0 6tamve-'t'ovn 't'rulteel 5 O0 16.00 " ' l~ 9g J Sozvtoe-foxt.~ ............. 5~0~ so " " C~Zl lO~ 9S ~ppltei-iq,lt~e ......... 3~ 76 Boat~Ltfe 0uard ].35 O0 lart ilard~ure & 0arden can~er zfJ,-Bay__pa__~j~-_o _Xm~n~_ ....... s 49 LOUTS Leslit~d 6ervXoe-.itad:Lo-l*olXoe 39 9S PAGE NO .... ~ ~ .......... CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To ST. rPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILT~ CHAI~. 634 LAWS OP 19~2, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD emma., ~L~ (~) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts s~t down ogposite their resi~ctive names out o! the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... l'~ .... day of ................. ~ly. ..... , 19.1~6. on Claims No ................... to No ................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDOET or other ACCOUNT NA'i'uF~E OP CLAIM AMOUN*~ DATE OF ALI~OWED PAYMENT IIV luffoll~ Ihl~yit~d, Tna. V~xlage of ~reeapor~ l:so .lo 43 G0 - Fi~hora Zoland Bloc. ~orp. Bumble o41 & IofinAng ~o. O:Ll ~o. ~-~ivil Def. Blea .-Tova ~n O~bora--- 6I.AI 14S 00 ,,, 7S 24 9O8 16 ~0 ~/,~/ 74 48 ,' Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED CHAP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, ART. g, SEC. 12D COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD mmmmmax, mzLzm (m! To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to p~y the following named ~ersons, the amounts eet down o~osi~e their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts ~llowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ].2~ ........ day of ................. ~[~,4~ ..... ~ 19. ~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc. now on file in my office. CHECK Bro. BUDGET AMOUNT or other lVAl%ZE NATURE O1· CLAIM ACCOUNT ~LLOWED DATE O~ PAYMENT / ' ' · " Ptmtogr&ld~Soatng 66 00 PLXgrtm AvL&tLon & A&rXlnmm, Xrm.-~ru.-JUm#Mr8 S4 00 " ....... )4, 20 ~ lupm, l:L4m-I~m, XLae 6 00 '~ ' BX _d~.. _De~t_? ........ Sg OS 9 45 176 XO $ 7~. ~f Bdt. O£~XI 8 IS PAGE NO .......... ~.T .... NO. Warrant NO .......................... To SUPER~iSOI~ TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 I~.WS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (4) 'I~o the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set do~m opposite their respective names out of the aecount~ specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... 1~ ..... day of ................ ~y ....... , 19..~G on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDOET or o/her ACCOUNT ~Tho 8~ffolX WNk~y Thus NA"i'u~E OP CLAIM AMOUNT DAT~ O1· ALLOWED PAYMENT BXdg. M. of XO 80 D 30 ............ _3~ os # -Tr&ffl~ Ord. .... l?~ 10 L.t~ft ~lvil bf, 66 SS / ~-.~o /m.Y. ~ele~one em.pony PAOE NO ....... Warrant No .......................... To STJ-PERVT_SOR TO PAY AUDITED Bi"LLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You arc hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down OPl~site their res~ctive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Soulhold on the ......... ~.2~ ...... day of ................. ~l]~y. ...... 19. ~1~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other I~AME NATURE O1· CLAIM ACCOUNT DATE PAY1VIENT 47SO-Bo~ i~-'- _ .... 1. 3S6(k' ' " ! SSOql~Ledl Cla~k X0 SS 4$SOqTustLoe 'ff~Jd. ll _ X:Z IS j · he Ikmr Londen I)ay ilotLao*ld, of AI~Xm ¸U 6O W. li. lahifer lumineom Iliah.31n~.oTyplvrit~-lLdg. Xnop. lOS SO LLwm$.BXdg. Zn8~ ....... So0 A. I. ~robo mx~x,~ io~ _x~_oo Dr. L. T. --t~m x_s_oo //~/~ ~,-~o km~.hoXd Ititortetl So4tetF ii allocation soo oo IlotLao & AffLdlvt~l lO 6S Board of Appoilm 30 ?S ~ 9~ lrlmh ' i (~*ee~ .j/._~,~ biz't. OXX le,r~Lae. PAGE NO ...... ~. ....... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O~' 1932, ART. 8, SEC, 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (6) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to ]pay the following named persons, the amounts set dorm op]posito their rea,pective n~nes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~ ......... day of ................. ..~...~. ..... , 19..~. on Clairas No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. um~CK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAi~E NATURE 01~ CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OP PAYMENT IM~ Isrdvtre & ~rden ~Ce~ ~er Z3m.-_i~ & Moo 1.47 XO 00~__ 600 A~t~ ~ellm SOO &mmrtomn ~t*armttm ~ont~oX S2 41 3 # Business Products bios :inc. ~ paper fo_r.~du~l_lc~_t_o~ ........... _&_l S½ ¸6. PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ..... 7.e. .................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDiu'~D BrLLS CHAP. 6~4 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specifie~l, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~ ........... day of ... ~ .................... , 19. ~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. NO. BUDGET or uther NAME ACCOUNT ii. I.. ~r,- j "r~ '" f'~ _ NATURE OP CLAIM AMOUNT ALLOWED PAGE NO ...... ~ ........ Warrant No ...... ,F& ................ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY BILLS CHAP. 634 ~WS O1~ 1932, ART. SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Su~oervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named l~rsons, the amounts ret down ol~osite their resp~ctive names out of the accounts sDecified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~ ............ day of ............ ~ ............ , 19.~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BLrDOET AMOUNT or other NAIVE NATUt~E OP CLAZM ACCOLrITr DATE OF PA~]~NT PAGE NO ..... ~S~ ......... W~rr ant No .......................... TO ~LrPERVISO~ TO PAY AU~rI.'~D COUNTY OF SUFFOLK c~. ~ ~ws o~ ~, ~. ~ TOWN OF SOUTHO~ ~ ~ ~ ~l To the Superior of the To~ of ~uthold: You are hereby authored ~d directed to pay the foHo~ng n~ ~ons, the ~o~ts ~t d~ ~oslte ~e~ r~ti~ ~es out of the accosts s~ctfl~, being the amoun~ allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ .~ ...... d~ of ................. ~. .... , 19. ~. on Cl~s No .................. ~ No .................. ~c., n~ on file in my office. BUDGET CHECI~ AMOUNT DATE Olv or other i~'AME NA'~'ut~E O1~ CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT AL~OWE~ PAYMENT 1lbo 'wffrlff & IdUdJ ea. OL~ Vaake OS 40 PAGE NO ................. . .W~rrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'i~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O'~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Ol~Oslto their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ ....... day of ................. ~ ..... , 19..~. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NATIY~E O1~ CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OF pAYMEN~ PAGE NO ................. CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI,£~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 'Fo the Supervisor of the Town of Southold; You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ],2~ ..... day of ................ ..~..~..~. ........ 19~.. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE O1~ CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWI~ VXXX&go of er--~p~t · " ~lmthold 704 SO · " P~N:m~o 194, SO · " IIIttXtU~l; 4~1 7~0 07 DATE OF PAYMENT PAGE NO ................. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dorm opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 7~ .......... day of ............ ~ ......... , 1946.. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO, BUDGET AMOUNT or other /qAI~E NATURE OIP CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OP PAYI~ENT f,,~._ 'l-'l tO heat.,e[.,41*Ml~r 27 S9 _~t' i z,'ql--'l' · 146 46 'T4Ul~l lu~plleo-ffirlm & Ma ._! 46 ;-~ IcloolBijUJ. at O7.#eau~ · - to;n~yX~66 810 O0 /~ 7 //~-~ ~/ "//4 //~/~ PAGE NO ..... ~.. ........ Warrant No .......................... To SUPER~rISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOI.r) aamm&L BZLL. (~) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Ol~osite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~ ........... day of ................ ~ ...... , 19~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CH~OK NO. BUDOE~ AMOUNT or other NAME NATUie. E O1~ CLAIM ACCOUNT ALI~OWEI:) I ~_:~, C~, ~_~{I *w C~rp. ~]lJ~t----=m to 5/18/67 /-a~ (. F.-.~,:'4'I'I CaEpo ' to S/17/67 ~v-~~w Z0.~.11, ~' - c~rp. Lemmd L~--We ~IW-JA DATE OP PAYMENT c1_3oL " · · PAGE NO ..... ,~4 ........ CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Super~lser of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Ol~pesito their resp~ive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~.~.. ......... day of ................ ~ ....... , 19~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE Ol· CLAIM ACCOUNT ALI~OWED DATE Ol~ PAYMENT ~-~ ' ' ' O$SO-IqMarv3Llec iX O0 ~ ~ e & I Alto Ilrviae ) ~o7 PAGE NO ....... 3,~ ....... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 ~V¢S O1~ 1932, .ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (4) To the SuperVisor of the Town of. Southold: YOu are hereby aUthorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dov, m oi~oaite their respecttve names out of the accounts speclfie~l, being the amounts allowed by audtt of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ .7.~ ........ day of ........... '..~ .... ~-~11~...., 19.~. on Olaims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDOET AMOUNT or uther II'AM~ NA'rut~E OP CLAIM ACCOUNT ALI,OWED Chmr%dll ~,s~* ~X~t 8~ 35 36 74 ~Xee. r~-a~me 19~ 9O 2 8S 3S O0 X~ 4oJ /,9. ~o PAGE NO ................. NO. I I /~ ~ ,~~ Warrant NO .......................... To SD'PERVISOR TO PAY AUDIrI'ED BILLS CHAP. 634 1~.V¢S OF 1932, ART. & SEC. 120 ~ the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ../~ ........ day of ........... ~ ........... , 19...'6 on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET or other. ACCOUNT NA'i'U~ OP CLAIM 9-_5o Bdy,,-'d ],c~ " " .............. S O0 - 31 2S - 2'/ 6'7 tel D~" d~rw~'- 1~4 403~ ~m /-3¢ ¥lllqe of er.~pmrt lights - Justice's r.; .......... 9 61 DATE O~ pAYMENT PAGE NO ........ S.e ...... Warrant No ....... ~ ................ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHKP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to I~ay the following named l~ersons, the amounts set down Ol~Osite their r~tive ~nes out of the accounts s~0ecifled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...................... day of .............................. , 19 ...... on Claims No ................... to No .................. thc., now on file in my office. BUDGET or other i~AIs~E NO. ACCOUNT PAGE NO ...... ~ ........ Warrant No ....... ~1~ ................ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFO,LK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southald on the ...................... day of .............................. , 19 ..... on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET Crt~CK AMOUNT or other I~'AME NATURE O~F CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOwEL~ DATE 01= pAI~MENT PAGE NO ..... ~ ......... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHA1~. 634 I~WS O1~ 1932. ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD B%Lrd (%) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ .......... day of ................ ~ ...... 19.~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc.. now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET or other ACCOUNT NA'Z'ut~E O1= CLAIM AMOT_TNT ALLOwi~u-~ DATE 01= PAYM~ENT mi,, .....V. la{rio Il %M .'V{Y ~ mime. ii ak" y-mr lmm, 6S PLI~Im &viM, Lei & AirLines, IBe,..~rausoB&%d~t~ .~]:,,. CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named per~ons, the amounts set down c~posite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Eoard of Southold on the ......... .7~ ....... day of ................ ~ ....... , 19.. ~ on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET or other ACCOUNT &, NA~E l,&mhezl zm~,,,-" m3.em, c~mm.p. A~OUNT ~LLOWED ~ ~ _ ~ SO IL'y ' · Zm._._~3 31 DATE OF PAYMENT ~- Vllllge of Ir~nl~Ort PAGE NO ..... ~? ......... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOI%~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts s~t down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specifl~l, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~ .......... day of .............. ~ ......... , 19.. ~ on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CI-IECK BUDGET AMOUNT or other ~'AME NATURE O1= CLA~i~X NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWEI) · Il.take..tan 33 OS t-ao W:tl3J,nn ~. In'tth ~$o ~iLi3[aert W. uJt,~ - 4 · l,o]J, oo (~lrl 23 OS L.X. Lig~f~$,~g (:Emlilien~ 3 31 S O0 ' ' .1.3 16 mm:tttueht Chmdmr of (~nnKee- 'franocrlpto of m IS. oo VlL'*tar C~ i)lkl Lam' Corp. 2 l~,~t-qlll _'~ ltl,~'~l XXX5 10 NOb~ OLl, CO. .~o,- Othmr - 71.30 364 33 PAGE NO ..... .~. ? ......... DATE 0~' PAYMENT CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY Aural'FArO BILLS CHAP. 694 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD emamu, azzaa (:) To the Sul~lsor of the To'~l <rf Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts ~et down ol~ostte their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .~...~... ........ day of ................. ~ ........ , 19 ..~?.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BT. TDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NA'I'U~'~E OlV CLAIM ACCOUNT ALT~OWED DATE O1~ PAYMENT 60~3.- - 63. S440-Baa~ i, lMmo 3S60- " '* 475G- - - 14 60 4SSO-d-ueti. c~ Tuthl~ 18 25 LSIO-Juo~c~ Clark 7 AS 34 7S OSSO-.lupervloer MTS-Bqmp Botl~ul ,~--bago LiSt.. · Souin, g-LP. Z. · :SouJ,.ug PAOE NO ................. $1 SO 11 8S IS 30 ( 30 - BLdg. Zuspeetor 18 7o/ NO. I/aT? H~7~' I,a7¢ 1/351 Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS Ol= 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (3) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respse/~tve names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audlt of the Town Bcard of Southold on the .... ~ ........... day of ................. ~ ....... , 19 .~J~ on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDOET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE O1~ CLAIM AOCOUNT ALLOWED marL~lm/.eg~m ~ X04S Bdmwd :A ~-,-,~ Bait. of adU~t & Ccmtrol ,t.cBrp. oervl~e to s/__X/'e7 .........x4~, o2 ~. vi .. Dump 63 81 DATE OP PAYMENT PAGE NO ......... ~?' ..... Warrant NO .......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (4) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oploosite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~& ...... day of ................ ~ ........ , 19.~, on Claims No .................. to No ................. inc.. now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other lVAME NATURE OF CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED X~ O0 734 DATE OP 42 79 PAGE NO ....... :d~. $. ...... SO 6s 78 4S 4S Warrant No ............... ........... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O~' 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ammnAL BZLLS ($) TO the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followLng named per~ons, the amounts set down oDposite their respective names out of the account~ sDecified, being the amounts ~llowed by ~udit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...~ ............ day of ........... ~ ............ , 15.~. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDOET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE OF CLAIi~ ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAGEN? !1. 4irobl &-I I ilns: l-3,0.00 if _-.---3~ -.~.J~=4.,~ .... SO~__ O0 VJ3.3~ge of ~--~it~t ........... ' .... ~ ........... I O0 ............ LocII Steel & S,~ly Co ..... s4tg~ ......... 313 I0 Koke Bros Inc, expenses - Supervlsor's car Is 20 Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI~£1~I~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF' 1932. ART. $, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following nam~l persons, the amounts set dorm Opl~osl~ their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~ ......... day of ............... ~ ........ , 19..~l~ on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET or other ACCOUNT NATURE OF' CLAIM AMOUNT ALLO'WEI~ -,! DATE OF' PAYMENT NO. Warrant No .......................... To s~wsoR TO PAY A~D COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BII~LS CHAi~. 634 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ~ ~ '~ To the Supe~ of the To~ of ~uthold: You are hereby au~ortzed and directed to pay the following n~ persons, the amo~ se~ d~ ~o~te me~ r~tive ~es out of the accoun~ specifiC, being ~e amounts allowed by audit of the Town B~rd of ~outhold on the ....... ~ ....... day of .............. ~ ......... , 19~ .~ on Cl~ms No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file ~ ~ office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other i~AME NATO-RE O1= CLAr~ ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE O1= PAYMENT PAGE NO ................. Warrant No .......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AD'Dri'~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of South01d: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts aet down Ol~posite their respective nsanes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ............ ]~e~... day of .................. ~- ...... , 19.8~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. ]BUDGET AMOUN~ or other I~AI~E NA'YUHE O1· CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWF~ . . · It. T, tghtl-B.ff~rt.- qll~. l~& 9S ' It. Z.t~ta- - .~-, 696 33 It, u~t-- ' Ap-. lO!. 6Z St. ~4g~tm-~u*~-3~- --~, 796 37 lit. Lt~bt8- " Apr. 833 00 ~ It. IAeA~o- ' &;~. 7~LS 07 o " " ' St. L*g~tff ~1 '~ttu-~ 4~2 8~ 2S/ / DATE OP PAYMENT fLihirl iliJil I~eo. Carp. It. L:Li~tI-F/IIdrl Ti. X73 33 VJAXage of ereenport It. ~tghta-Weot ereonport 84 O0 PAGE NO ....... ~.~ ...... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY ATJ'DrrED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1= 1032, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pa3' the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .. ~ ............. day of .. ~ ...................... , 19.~1~.. on Claims No .................. to No ................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET CHECK or other i~A1VIE NATURE O1= CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT AMOITNT ALLO w.,~o, DATE OP ,.e, ,,,7,/o ms~ ,t ~ ~ .... _~?.__.W SS i, Oo Penn -p.'-'-._,v b. PAGE NO ..... ~* ......... Warrant No .... ~s ................... To SLrPERVISOt~ TO PAY AUDI'I'~u BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town o! Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named 9ersons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ...~ ........ day of ..:.~]~ ..................... , 19:.~..,. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK or other NO. ACCOUNT ~/r ~, _. ~ HAM~ NATURE O1~ CLAr~ AMOUNT ALr..,OWED DATE OP PAGE NO...~ ........... Warrant I~o .......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi,i'ED BILLS CHAP. $34 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. 8~ SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOI.D Onn&L BZLL8 (~) TO the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fonowlng named persons, the amounts sot down opposite their respective names out of the occount~ specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... ~ ...... day of .......... .~..~.~. ............ 19. ~. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. NO. ///~? /f/7o 1/17/ BUDGET or other ACCOUNT / -~ NATurE O~ CLAIM AMOUNT DATE ALLO~v~J PA'/'MEET / / / '7 ..2-. //I 7,3 Iobert W. TulJr~, .Boq. rd~w~8 ASSOC. Of TO~B8 _ XX$ O0 " r. MIreeXX 8 00 ///77 Ill 'iff ///~ 350 00 / - ~ o ~ go~dLu ~oXephono ~tlbXo-H:Lgbvmy ~o,.?_ ~,~ AXfred I. (Bribe " PX ~mmblg Board ¢~5o Cha8. e&gene ]Pon~mm~er II~q~-B~dg. Dept. ~-~ Dr. L. T. Wilts ITofosoteu&L ler~tc~s £ ~ ? 216 00 X3 O0 2S00 18 00 68 00 X7 07 30 O0 a~-so (-~ s'rtn~tng nnterprt.., suppx~__..-n_t~t~u ..... 3_~ 02 ( " " ' " " - s?o PAGE NO .... ~? .......... NO. IIi P~ Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi,i'~u CHAP. 634 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their re~pective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... SD. .......... day of .................'- ----~...~.~...., 19..~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. mc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NA'i'Ut~E O1= OLA]~IV/ ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE O1= PAYMENT IVEmd~EB to 3/X/XS4? 7S4 33.7 S oS 13. 40 lO 60 Trl~a 'A*uek & -. ~. -~ ~o.,:rJ~. II d~-V. fl Tome Deep /-'IoY.~01epheue emlpany SOS0-Box Btono s ., . 3S60-, · " " " ' 47S0.. · 3.31 7O 9 70 __ 1660.*Bldg. Znalt~er 3783-Toun ~Lerk 3020-&aeoogor o 39 XS XSB~tLae ~l. Wrk 6&7S,-'l'm,mDuup S7 SO 3.3 7S PAGE NO. ,..~e .......... ~mCK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPER~ISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 63~ LAWS OP 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD aaulma, BZZ, LI (3) To the SuDerviser of the Tov~ of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set do~m opposite their respsetive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... m~ ........... day o~ ................. ..J)~....t.X. ..... ~.,6... an c],,,~ ~o ................... to ~o .................. ~c.. no,, on ,~le tn ,~, omce. BTYDGET AMOLrI~TT or other ~TAI~I"E NA~'u~E 01~ CLAIM ACCOUNT DATE OP PAYMENT ........ % ........................ 4$ OX~' /~,~7 ' " ' S 40" Ivi, pltem- ~w~ L- 3X _SO l~l. mm-il~rmmlmmm; ~ m XO Ordinan~e-imL'nee XS SO ~ wo~taol,-Tovn /",mX OJ.3.-OffJ.~em I~lppl. Leo.*Poltct 4 OS s7s / 3,4 PS,/ mt]mr ~ & ~o. Zne, I~pPXJ. os, M.of &ppMd,m 2Q l,.:EoProduee IIo.,&gva,y Zna. Bog Rit~J. ou .............. 6 ~4 71 12 mo PAGE NO ..... ~ 4 ........ Warrant NO ......................... · To SUPERV-~SOR TO PAY AUDIT~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1= 1932~ .~RT. 8, SEC, 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ ......... day of ........ ~J~.~ ............. , 19..66. on Claims No ................... Go No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET or other NAM~ NATURE O1= CLAIIVi I/~o ~ ~ :30 I/~ // //~/~ //~/~ /~/~ //~ / ~ //~/ //~ //~ //~ //~ ~ lerr~"l ~J. om Bt~.%o~ _ ~_.u,-e i, oll.~m cmrl AMOUNT DATE OP ALLOWED PAYMENT 7SX ~2 h 72 36 I ~'~3, C~' 7 10 300 00 13 4S 13 00 30 SS 28 10 George Doge & tone Char%em ereenbl&tt Vi:L1 BZOII. Buppll~.-poll~ 12 30 9 20 10 SO 3S00 9 30 36 70 166 36 ~ W. V. Dur~oe ~660-Po11~o 9 30 Amerlaan T&~rm~e ~ou~rol Ce.-lerv:LL'e-Tovn D, PAGE NO ...... 4'. ....... Be&uhoo- o6S 31 4S Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CH~P. 634 LA~vVS O1= 1§32, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ SD ........ day of ................ ~1~-..., 19.~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. B~YD GET AMOUNT DATE O1= or other I~'AM~E NATURE O1= C~ NO. ACCOST ~w~ PA~ G, & I. almt. o W:LzZLIm Z,. Biz'lull, · ~1~ i*oXJ, am Cm~m SI* O0 x4o \ 30 O0 PAGE NO ........ ~? ...... ~J.~CK NO. Warrant NO .......................... To SD~PERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'i'~D BILLS CH~. 994 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named ~ersons, the amounts s~t dov~ oPPosite their respective frames out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~ .......... day of .................. ~..., 19...~ on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUD(lET or other ACCOUNT NAM~ NA'I'u~E OF CLAIi~ tilt! :!Lll I- ,A AMOUNT DATE OF ALLO~VE~ PA~T - -- %3 43 PAGE NO ................. CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1· 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD z,zeme'zm ~zwemze,~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dovat oppeslt, e their respective names out of the accounts specifie~l, being the amounts sllowed by audlt of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ 3t,~lL ........ day of .................. J~r.~..., lg.~., on Claims No .................. to No ................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE O1= CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWE~ DATE OF PAYMENT VLJ. Aege of ereenpart PAGE NO ................. Warrant No ..... .~.e .................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY ALFDi,A~v BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of So~thold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down cgposite thztr respective names out of the accounts sI~cified, beihg the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~ ............. day of ~ ................ ' 19 ..~.. on Claim~ No .......... : ....... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET HO., ACCOUNT AMOUNT NATURE O1· CLAI~ A~LOWED DATE Ol~ PAYMENT cabinet,~ ~:c 174 33 PAGE NO ..... ]~ ......... Warrant No ..... .~.e .................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI'r~I~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposit~ their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~ ............. day of ...... ~ ............... , 19..~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. NO. ? BIYDGET AMOUNT or other ~AME NATURE OP CLAIM ACCOUNT AL1LOW~L~ DATE Gl~ PAYI~ENT PAGE NO .... ~a ......... Warrant NO .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDA,i~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHO! emmm~L lZLLI (~) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dorm opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ~ ........ day o! ................ ~[~ ..... 19.~. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other HAME NATURE OF CLAIM ACCOUNT ALT~OWEI) Io~8z'd C, Valen~Ane = ' 148 3S Wendell I. M " " 124 S0 5Alber~ W. 1AM _. -. ~18 Town Off/m 20 90 Nar~ llXdm ChailmU lergl ~. Do21n0 Alfred I, Grebe Zr& J. IPrJ.ediUlo TIp~tlBOOklhop " AllO~. o£Tovn llg 9S · ' " 114 40 SO $8 OS 46 SO 177 O0 24? O0 FLre zxt Lug~t abet-Poi J.c~___!. lerv%~e-AlOOloe!_ _l u ~gu ,IJ~LBg BOaurd Wit, l* Jaeger louthold BlrdWlre ~l ~ ~e DATE Gl~ PAYMENT PAGE NO ................. BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD amlmULL To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foilowlng named persons, the amounts set down ~pDesite their respective names out of the aecount~ specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Scuthold on the ..... 8~,~ ....... ~ .... day of ................ W~ ,..., i9,~, on Clail~ No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. B~D GET AMOUNT DATE OP CHECK or other I~A~IE NATIFR~ OP C~ ~ PA~ NO. ACCO~ $ XO O0'~ 18 &O i,m,er. PAGE NO .... ~.~ ......... CHECK NO. Z/PO/ //0~ Warrant No .......................... To SUPER1rISOR TO PAY BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1= 1982, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOI-F) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppesite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... S~ .......... day of ................ ...~....~.. ..... , 19.~.. on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AI~IOUNT or other I~AI~E NATURE O1= CLAIM ACCOU1N-T ALLOWED .... ~ ...... ~ W~,d~u ~mff __ X% &S " " " " 2S2 82 ~ee-~ ~ ........ j~_ ~e ~rl~dtogu-IlV luffoXJ~ ILl, If,, L'~i~iJ~LJkXt~JLXZ.O~JtLf'- SOO O0 Vin'o Ilrdm~re IES~XJ. oo.-tuIKa Offl.oo S ~0 ,~ ¢. ~o Mold budmr ?~ ~ ~ ~w, YmIBT~ & Youalk, lupp3.J~l-lfmrJc X~ 4o1~X O,tX co, mwoxXn~-ffoXJ, ae / ere, 428 X4 AmorL~n TormLte Oont~oA Go. I~vl~o-Tovn Pi~-i~b. 20 O0 /loY. Te3~d~ne C~gpm~ 47S0-Be~ Phone X3 9S " ' " S440- ' " 9 70 ' '" " ~S6G.. '" · XO_ 45 ' " " SGSO--" " 11 40 ' " " 4SS0~Tu~ao T~thJ.l.1 ._ _ ~,_3 70 ' ' ' XSlOqTul~l.E~e 4~Xl~k 7 2S SeTS-Oeq~ ....................... ~3 SS 37S3,.,'~nm ~3,~k 19 SS DATE O1= PAYMENT PAGE NO....3 ............ C~ECK NO. It o Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDIw~I~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP' 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the TOwn of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to Day the following named persons, the amounts set down oI~oslte their re~settve names out of the account~ sDecified, being the amount~ allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ,l~ ....... day of ............... ~ .... , I9~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on:tile in my office. or other NA~E NATURE O1· CLA/Ni .~Mob~rr ACCOIINT ALIaOWED DATE Il~ PAYMENT ' ' ' ~-,1~1.1.~ :IT IS ~ /~:~, go ' ' " IPLlbl['t ]ti. ~%lidlall. C~. SOO VLL~ago o£ areenport nattltu~k ~,lmd~,ta~ & lent:Lng ~x~p.-lepllrs-fhop IR 1 llmtff lOIit ~ Lester M, Albertson Offi. trip to New York 22 8O 318S 714 8& ~l O0 ¸0 PA(}E NO ................. CHECK NO. ~b~O Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI'I'~n~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. $, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~k ........... day of ................ ~...., 10...Uon Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET Ai~OUNT or other NAME NATURE O1· CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOwA~ DATE PAINT Ill' : Iii. %imm ~ %,&%md ltiJ.tIi, &dmmm & Im&'tm~ Im..tnoJdIl~itoI,iIT, I PAGE NO ................. CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDIT~D BllI~ CHA~. 634 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: ~ OZ~lLl~q~ ~1 (%) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audlt of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... ~ ...... day of ............. ~.~ ....... , 19.~on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE O1= CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE O1~ PAYMENT ' ' Wea~ n~e~qlL~ 75 7S PAGE NO....~ ............ Warrant NO .... ~& .................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AU~r1'~l~ CHAP. 634 ~WS O~ 1932, ~T. 8, SEC, 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the To~rn of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Ol~ostte their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts ~llowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ~, .~ ............... day of .... .................. , 19.~.. on Claims NO ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. C~tECIK BUDGET or other I~AME NATUI~E O1· CLAIM ACCOUNT LNG I~SN~ 6 lupld~ GO,. bl, AMOUNT DATE OF PAYMENT PACE NO ...... ~e ........ Warrant No ...... ~m ................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDX,i'~ C~.AP. 634 LAWS O~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the ~3upervizor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down o!~lte their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... .~ ............. day of ........ .~1~ ............. , 19 ~1~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET C~CK AMOUNT or o~er NAIVfE NATurE OP CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLO~VED DATE 01~ PAYi~ENT PAOE NO .... ~ .......... CHECK NO. I,<, ~11 Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BIIJ.~ CHAP. 6~4 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts s~g down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~ ........ day of ................ ~ 19..U on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file In my office. BUDGET or other ACCOUNT 9 NATURE O1~ CLAI~ AMOUNT ALLOWED ~_ S3 SO J~Ylltl I,- 10 O0 400 &. Bogen~ mine SAgA far DUlO · 'lqavn 40 O0 30 O0 a~-so ~lr. b. T. WRits 2 70 book ~e, ~m~&em-%~mm ~Ae~X ~ SO oil & mofin.tng oo. (Jaoo].J~ne-lq~ _!.~or 8 Xllili ),4.37 ~Jy~a ~ & I~. to. v t Co., Zn~.- 1~ _ ,I.09.10 S4 ST 80 DATE O'P PAYMENT PAGE NO ...... ~. ........ TO'WN' ~ Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY BILLS CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down ~lte their respective names out of the account~ specified, being the amount~ allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~,~ ........ day of ................ ~ 19.~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other lVAI~E NATUI~E O1~ CLAIM NO, ACCO~ ~ ~ · " " ~e~m~. ~. DATE Ol~ PAYI~ENT . -___ - ..... %_z ss · 3.0 80 ?/,/o PAGE NO ........ 2~ ..... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi,X'~u CHAP. 634 LAWS O1· 19~, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHO! ~1'o the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts sst down ola~osite their respective nsmes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board o! Southold on the ........ ~ ......... day of ................ ~.[.]..'~..~-.. ~, 19..~.-,, on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO, BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE OP CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE OP PAYMENT PAGE NO ...... 3 .......... CHECK NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi,i'~D BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to Bay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts~ng the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... ~. ........... daY 19~ on Claims No of ...................................................... to No .................. lnc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NA'I'Ui~E O1· CLAIM ACCOUNT ALT.~O w .,~J /-ao INmtlse~ I~ ~ Ildg, IIiIp,l,%II , 3 41. DATE OP PAYMEIqT ,803,..ff,;~tute-,I*Bi 3,966 ~,. lq,~, - ? O? lO0 O0 2OO O0 Ial'thO3,d ~% 0tl CM. {qIirtl IlI~t 44 ;IT ~1 40 6o ._oo 170 O0 ~L.-'o IIpIJJ'-fflkI I SO Ipirv~ibr-8o IS 1o ~o 17 08 ~IIlld,.:lS.30 ~3 SO Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILL8 CHAP, 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audt of the Town Board of Soathold on the ...................... day of ................ ~/~'~s~ 19~.. on Claims NO ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET CHECK or other NO. ACCOUNT HAME oeear eoMln /~,-a~ fJ;A~L~' A~Lf7 Bleeffr. reuLe m. ~.--~eftl~ ~li~ 4 XO IlO XO PAGE NO ........ ~ ....... X9 X7 CHECK NO. ~ ~ / Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY BIIJ-~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1992, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ommnAL mZLLO To the Supervisor of the Toval of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the account~ specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of ~he Town Board of Southold on the ........ ~t ....... day of ................ ~ 19...~ on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET or other ACCOUNT NAME NA'i'ut4E O3P CLAIM ]1 ~-'- imleu Of SiM/Bm .6l.t.-'~hmni Co, L.'r. Prod. ~o. f~ml/~l' ]'ciTy -' -k~ Il '~IJ)~ t'llWilh AMOUNT ALLOWED :L4,O ?S DATE O1~ PAYMENT 60 It8 %0 # AMI ~0 PAGE NO .... ~ ........... NO. // Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AuDrrED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1982, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down Ol~l~oslte their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... ~ .... day of ................ J'~J,]L.~i.~' 19.~.. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. or other ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT NATURE O1· CLAIM DATE OP PAYMENT liJlOlO I/llltlV- JO, ~o eeblBlB ZJh m&~ ~tJJ4H~IilBi,' kr'l JO* "i~llir ' 1.1,4 PAGE NO ................. NO. Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOI:I') . _ DZIS'ILTff B%LLIB (!) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the follov~Lug named persons, the amounts set down opl~osite their r~ti~e names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~-~ ........ day of ... ~ ............. 19 ~.. on Claims No .................. to I~o .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT or other I~'AME NA'~'Ur~E O1~ CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED DATE O1~ PAYMENT ' I,.W ~m'eelql4rt 171 ]J " Ii A~eld 6J3 08 lo. hold 70~ 77 \ /7 / /f ~ ¥%11im~e of 4m,x I'%mlmm lin%md ib~. C~mp. -t. Lighto-fMm %~ _.~?~ 33 DO~o PAGE NO ................. Warrant No .... aa ................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'i'~ ErLLS CHAP. 634 I~WS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite ~heir respesti~e names out of the account~ epecified~ being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ ......... day of ...... ~ ............ , i9..~, on Claims No .................. to No ................... inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOIYI~r or other NAME NATURE OP CLAi'i~ ACCOUNt' AL~Ownu.~ O. I. 't' iY. lld~ OLt ~qm~ IluLtblid ~ IL. u~ vd Auto 6oo DATE O1~ PAYMENT L O. Palm ir j~,, _~ GO.. hO. Viii. RIO., liltS. PAGE NO. ~o Warrant No .... Ze ................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDl,~'l!a~ BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. $, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specifimi, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ ......... day of .. ~ ............... , 19.~... on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT or other NAME NATURE OF OLArlVI NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWEI~ r ~-- t p. T- -- ,-- %t. au~nt; xsm._ DATE OF PAYMIgNT PAGE NO ..... ~.. ........ TOWlq CLEP,~ Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. $~4 LAWS O1= 1932, ART. g, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followtng named !~'sons, the amounts sot down o~pesite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... ll~l~ .... day of ............... .~...~.....~...., 19..~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. i~lc., now on file in my office. CHECK NO. B~DGET AMOUNT other I~AME NATURE O1· CLA~I~ ACCOLrNT ALLOWE~ DATE O1~ PAYMENT b~. IMmlt. o-mmtmil~-- lO:' ' t m 3.191 Il , o ~ oo /~ ?.~ _~ Wm, JimiLaboBm~. C~mlmtihi. e IIL~oago & luppXLew %'~1 SO /o ~,/ ,~ ~'-so iq, aemd. o Bay B%eatrem,Lam %na.-~pe le~&, 'Dopt. S% %S PAGE NO ................. Warrant NO .......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOI To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set do~n opposite their re~pective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......... ~ ..... day of ................. ~ill~, 19~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECI~ BUDGET or other NAME NO. ACCOUlqT NATLtRE Olo CLAI'~K AMOUNT ALLOWED Il IS 2~ %O % $0 lS ~0 42 3S X20 59 IX 4S X& 3.S XS O0 3B 3,8 30 BX 73 ~0 ,-s~ lPilbero %a%md ~e]~jboue C~rp. lerfL~o.,llOV. S Carp. DATE Ol~ PAYMENT PAOE NO ......... ~.? ..... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVII/OR TO PAY AUDI~ED BILLS CHAP. 6~4 I~WS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ammaM. BXZ, Z,8 ()) ,Fo the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down ol~x~slte their~tive names out of the accounts ~g g~ amounts anowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...................... day of ............................... 19 ...... on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET or other NO. ACCOUNT /~. ~ ~-/ ~ NA'I'u~E O~ CLAIM DATE O~ pAYMENT ~. ~ VLLXug~ of ereenlmrt ~ Tgreuto D~LLy Stet muldd40,LX & It~fIJtlng ~o. lev luffo3,x flLtiq, lrd X~u. ,Two Ioeon~ Doc~k C. r. V=4,nDwmr Gas It.a. Ina. lUppXl, eo-Dog pound PAGE NO ................. Warrant No .......................... TO SLrPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 6~4 LAWS O1~ lg32, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (4) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........... ~... day of ~1~1~ lg~ on Claims No. to No. inc., now on file in my office. BUI3OET AMOUNT DATE OF CHECK or other i~AIVIE NA'i'o~E O1~ CLAI%f NO. ACCO~ ~ PA~ ' ' ' SOS~ ' ' ~ 40 - ' - OSS~~ 4B ~0 ', - . 4750-Box rhone 12 4 PAOE NO ..... 4.,, ......... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDI'i'ED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS O1~ 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHO!.D ammaAL BZL CS) CHECK NO. TO the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dorm opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... %2.~ ........ day of ..... ~ ............. 19.1.~.e on Claims No .................. to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF or other I~AM~ NA'z'o~E O1~ CLAi~ ACCOUNT ALLOWE~ PA~'~ENT 40 O0 407 O0 Dog Story%ama- ~ ~, 47SO-Brae ~houe ~ Bxpenoo..IPo%l. ae .. %4% O0 87 2.434 7 IS 741 tS O0 %3 70 PAGE NO. S / Warrant No .......................... Ta SUPERVISOR TO PAY BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the SuI~erviser of the Town of Southold: CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ a~ (~) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down o~!0eslte their resl~cttve names out of the accounts s!0ecified, being the amount~ allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... .~[~ .......... day of ................ .~.~., 19.~.. on Claims No ................... to No ................... inc. now on file in my office. CHECK NO. /~ 77 BUDGET or other ACCOUNT T~AME Edward Thompson Co. NATURE Ol~ CLAIM Business Corp. law AMOUN~ ALLOWED $ ss lo 36 70 4~ ~ 24 O0 DATE OP PAYMENT '/, PAGE NO .... ~ ~. ......... Warrant No .......................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... ~ ......... day of ................ ~, 19 GO. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. ~li.lsOK NO. BUDGET AMOUNT or other ~TAi~ NA'ruHE Olu' CLAIM ACCOErNT ALLOV~KD &,lfred 8. -l.'_l ~1~ ~pr ntlu of ~ r,&,~tooO # DATE Ol~ PA~/'M~NT Bead.~,,L 40, ~S PAGE NO .... ~ ~ ......... ~CK NO. Warrant No .......................... TO SUPERVISOR TO PAY BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. SEC. 120 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ;,,x~ DXI'fltXCT ~.XIZ,I (l) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followlng named persons, the amounts set down Ol~to their resp~tive names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... ~1~ .... day of .................. ...... 19...'~ On Clelms No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. DATE OF PAGE NO ................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDIT~.~ BILLS CHAP. 63/ LAWS O1= 1932, ART. SEC. 120 CO'UNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following 1lamed persons, the amounts set down o~osite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...~ ............ day of ..... ~ .............. , 19. ~.. on Claims No ................... to No .................. inc., now on file in my office. cHECK or other NAME NO. ACCOUi~I· Mst j. vefu, but. Bro. PAGE NO ......... ; ....... AMOUNT ALLOI~ED emUm (l'ldbmm l.) DATE 01= PAYMENT To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDi'i~D BILLS CHA~. 634 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD You are hereby authorized and directed to Day the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the acceunts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... ~ ........ day of .... ~ ............... , 19.~.. on Claims No ................... to NO .................. inc., now on file in my office. Uii~CK BUDGET or other NAMI~ NO. ACCOUNT NATURE OF' CLAIM AMOUNT DATE OP PAYMENT PAOE NO ..... aS ........