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230 MJ~IET~G OF DECEMBER 23, 1969 The Southold Town Board met at the office of Supervisor Albert Martocchia on Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1969, at 3:00 P.M. at 16 South Street, Greenpo~rt,, N.Y. with the following preSent: S~pervisor Martocchia; Councitmen~Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter; Town Attorney Taske~. Supt. of Highways Dean and Town Clerk Richmond. Moved by Justice Surer; seconded by Councilman Valentine; ,~ RESOLVED: That the m~nutes of the meeting of December 9, 1969,~ be~and hereby~are approved. Vote of Town Board: Ayes.Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices ,Clark an~d ~uter. Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman Valentine; ~ -: RESOLVED: That the next meeting ~f the Town Board will be held.at.~the office of.Supervisor Albert Martocchia, 16 South Street, Greenport, ~Y~ on Friday, January 2, 1970, at 3:00 P.M. Vote of Town Beard: Ayes~Supervisor Martocchia;~Councilmen DemareS~- and Valentine; Justices C~ark and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Clark; RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73S-8173 BC, issued by Aetna Casualty and,~Surety Company in the name of Albert Martocchia, Supervisor, as C~stodian of Finances of Fishers Island Ferry District in the sum of $L5~000~00 be and the same is hereby approved as to its form, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of Town Board: Ayes,Supervisor Martocchia; CouncilmenDemarest and Ualentine~ Justices Clark and Suterl ~oved by Justice Valentine; seconded by Justice Surer; RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73S-8769 BC, issued by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company in the name of Louis Demarest, Town Justice, .tQwn.Qf Southold, in the sum of $1000.00 be and the same is hereby approved as to its form, manner of execution and sufficiency of.sureties therein. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; cOUncilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Justice Clark~ RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73S-1059 issued ~y the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company in the name of Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk, Town of Southold, in the sum of $1000.00 be and the same is hereby approved as to i~s.. form, m~nner of execution and sufficiency of suret£es therein. Vote of To~n Board: Ayes-Supervs~ Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Suter; RESOLVED: That Bond ~o. 73-S 8172 BC, issued by the Aetna Casualt~ and Surety Company in the name of Albert Martocchia, Supervisor, Town of Southold, in the sum of $200,000.00 be and the same is hereby approved as to its form, manner of execution and sufficiency of s~ureties therein. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73-S-5527 BC, issued by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company in the name of Raymond Dean, Supt. of Highways, Town of Southold, in the sum of $2,000.00 be and the same is hereby approved as to its form, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein.,~. I Vote of Town Board~ Ayes-supervisor Martocchia; councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Councilman Valentine; W~EREAS, Charles ~ubbard ~as applied to the Town Board for a single trailer permit, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the application of Charles-~ubbard, Peconic, N.Y. to locate a single trailer on his property, North ROad, Peconic, N.Y. be and hereby is denied. Vote of Town Board:' Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demares~ and Valentine; Justices Clark and Surer. Moved by Supervisor Martocchia; seconded by Justice Suter; WHEREAS, ~this Board deems it in the public interest and in the promotion of the health, safety, moral and general welfare of the Town of Southold that~cer~tain~premises in Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereafter more ~f~ti.y described be rezoned from "B" Business District to "A" Resid- e~ti~, and Agricultural District,. and W~RE~S, as the said proposal was referred to the Planning Board for its official recommendation and report, and WHE~S, the Town Board pursuant to due notice thereof, held a hearing thereon~on.the 15th day of July, 1969, at which time all interested per. sons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED: That the-Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance and the Building Zone Maps remain "B" Business on the follow- ing described property: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of the Main Road, 230.97 feet easterly along said southerly line from. a private r~oad known as "Arshamomaque Avenue", said point of beginning being the northeasterly corner of Lot 2, block 2, as shown on Map ~o~ ~eixedon Estates filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's L0ffice as Map ~1472; from said point of beginning running along ~said R~n~herly line of the Main Road, N. 57° 12' 00" E.- 100.0 feet to land of Lang; thence along said land of Lang, S. 44Oll' 49" E.- 1600 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark, of Town Harbor; thence southwesterly along s&id high water mark, 950 feet more or less, to the shore of the "inner basin" as shown on said "Map of Beixedon Estates"; thence northwesterly and then norhteasterly and then a~ain northwesterly and then north~erly a~ong said shore about 1600 feet to the easterly corner of lot 8, block 2, as shown on said map; thenceaalong said lot 8 and along lots 7, 6, and 5, N. 7° 36' 40" E.-260 feet, more or less; thence along said lot 5 and along lots 4, 3 and said lot 2, N. 25° 23' 40" 366~21 feet to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be ~he same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the zoning map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. Vote of own Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Justices Suter and Clar~. Noes: Councilmen Demarest and Valentine. This resolution failed a majority required by ~aw to pass. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilman Demarest; RESOLVED: That the southold Town Board approves the action of the F~shers Island Ferry District in leasing a room from Penn Central Transportation Co. at an annual rent of $100.00 commencing Jan.1, 1970 and ending Dec. 31, 1970. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-SUPervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Jus~essCtark and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Suter; 'REsoLVED: That the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby elect to provide the additional pension benefits of Section 75-~ as presently or hereafter amended, and entitled "guaranteed retire- ~_.~ment benefits for~ employees of participating employers"; and ~BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this election shall become effective with the payroll period beqinning on the 29th day of Dec., 1969. Vote of Town Board: Ayes- upervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices ~ark and Suter. ~Mo~ed by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice Suter; _~.RESOLVED: That the Town Board of the Town.of Southold does hereby elect to provide the Career Retirement Plan of Section 75-g of the Retirement and Social Security Law as presently or hereafter amended, for employees of participating employees; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this election shall become effective .with ~he payroll period b~ginn~ng on the 1st day of Jan. ~'970. .~Vo%e of Town Board: Ayes- upervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valehtine; Justices C~ark and Suter. 232 Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That the Town Board of the Town-of Southold does hereby~el~Ct to pay on account of any member ef its police department who has fu~lly elected, or ~hall hereafter duly elect, to contribute the additional amount reqUired for th~'purpose of retiring after twenty years of service as provided by Section 384-d of the Retiremen-t and Social SecUrity Law~or any subsequent ~_~mendments thereto, the entire additional cos~on~ account of the police or fire service rendered by such officer or member 0~f the Police prior to the -date ~f the adoption of this resolution, ~and -f~ther agrees to pay the entire additional cost on account of p~lice service rendered by such officer or member of the Police Department on and after January 1, 1970. - -" .~- Vote of Town Board:- Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demare~t and Valentine; Justices C~ark and Suter. - ~ Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Clark; ..... RESOLVED: That the Town Board of t~e town~ of 'S0u~hold does hereby, elect to pay the additional cost on account o-f any member of its~PoliceDepart- ment who duly elect to receive the additional benefi% after twenty-five years of creditable~service provided for under the provisions 0~Section 384 SUbdivision f of the'Retirement and Social Law or any subsequent amendments thereto. -~ Vote of Tow~ Board: AyeS-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demares~ and 'Valentine; ~usti~es 'Clark and Suter. Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That the Southold Town Board request the Department 6f T~anspor- tation pursuant to Section 1622.2 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law,~ to establish an area speed of 30 MPH within the Founders Landing Area, the boundaries of which are described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly right-of-way line~.of Route 25 with the westerly right-of-way line of Hobart Road; thence Southerly along ehe westerly right-of-way ~ine of Hobart Rd. extended southerlly to its intersection with the northerly shore line of Souiho~d~Bay; thence easterly along the northerly shore line of Southold Bay to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of Town'Harbor Lane; thence n~r'therly along the easterly right-of-way line of Town Harbor Lane to its in~er- section with the southerly right-of-way line of Route 25 to point of beg inn in~." Vote of ~own Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchi~; Councilmen Demarest an~ Valehtine; Justices Clark and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Clark; In the Matter of the EstablishmRnt of the Orient-East Marion Park District, in the Town of southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursuant ~o Article 12A of the T~wn Law. FINAL ORDER ESTABLISHING THE ORIENT~EASTMARION PARK DISTRICTi- The Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, having by Order duly adopted on the 21st day of October, 1969, determined to hold a public hearing in the matter of thD establishment of the-0ri~nt- East Marion Park~District in the Town of outhold, Suffolk county, New · S York, to embrace the territory hereinafter described; and a publiC hearing pursuant to due notice thereof, having been held on the 6th day of November, 1969, at the Orient Schoolhouse, Main Road, at Or-lent, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NewYork, at which time and Piece said Town Board considered said matter and heard all persons interested there- in; and said Town B~ard having by resolution duly adopted on-the-6th day of November, 1969, following the said hearing and upon the evidence given thereat, duly determined that all of the property and property owners within the proposed District were benefitted thereby~ that all~ the prop- erty and property owners benefitted were included within the limits of said proposed district, and that it was in the public interest to establish said district and duly resolved to the establishment of such Park District to embrace the territory hereinafter described, which said resolution was sub3ect to a permissive referendum as provided by Section 209-e of the Town Law, and no petition requesting that the matter of the establishment of said district be submitted to a referendum of the property owners of the proposed district~having been filed with the Town Clerk, and the time within which s~ch petition may be so filed~having expired; NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT ~RDF~ED: that the said Park District to be known as the orien't~East Marion Park District be and it hereby is established to embrace the territory described in an~ containing the following boundaries, to wit:' ALL tha~'~certain tract, piece Or. parcel of land, situate in the hamlets of Orient and East Marion, in the Town -of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINI~ING at a point On the southerly line of the Main Road, 860.56 feet Westerly ~long said southerly line from Shipyard Lane; from said peint of' beginning running the following nine courses: (1) Acrbss ~said'Main Road, North 27° 40' 00" West 75.72 feet; thence (2)-~N~rt~h 33° 45'40" West 193.16 feet; thence (3) North 36° 03' 40" West 911.59 feet; thence (4) North 51° 37' 20" East 493.45 feet; thence (5) North 28° 15' 40" West 539.66 feet; thence (6)' N~th 30° 59' '~20" West 269.10 feet; thence (7~ N~th'34° 15' 10" West 859.26 feet; thence (8) South 53° 59' 00" -West 604.90 feet; thence (9) North 35° 51' 54"' , 1320 feet, more or less,-to ordinary highwater mark of Long Island Sound; thence northeasterly and then easterly along sai~d'high Water mark about 43,000 feet to Orient Pointr ~hence southwest- erly along ordinary high water mark of Gardiners Bay-about 26,600 ~feet; thence northeasterly along ordinary highwater mark of Orient Harbor about 6,000'fe~'t~;' then'ce hor~hwesterly aIOn~ ordinary high water' mark of 'ori~n~H~rbo~ about 9,000 fe~t; thence southwesterly along ordinary high water ma'rk of Orient'Harbor and Gardiner's Bay about 15,300 feet, thence running the following five courses: (1) North 18° 50' 30" West 470 feet, more or less, thence ~2~~ North 33o'30' 50" West 427.54 feet; thence (3)" Sou~h~58° 49' 10" Wes~ 8~.89 feet; thence (~)' N0~th'%33° 22' 50" West 812~15 feet; thence (5)' North 34° 34' 40" West t067.74 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America and any lands owned by the State of New York, and it is further ORDERED,' tha{ the Town'Clerk~f the Town-o~ Southotd be an~ he hereby · is authorized and directed within ten days after the adoption of this order to cause a certified copy thereof to be duly recorded in the office of the ~ci~rk of ~he County of SUffolk, New ¥~rk, and it is further ORDERED~ that the Town Clerk of th~ Town of outhold be and he hereby is authorized and directed within ten days a~ter the adoption of this order, to cause a certified copy thereof to be filed in the office of the Stat~ Departm~ent of Audit and Control at Albany, New York. Vote of Town Board: Ayes- Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. MOVed by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman~Valentine; WHEREAS~ John J. Klein has applied to the Town Board for a single trailer renewa~ p~rmit dated December 9, 1969, NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That~ the application of John J. Klein to locate~a single ~r~iler on his property, 'Main Road, Mattituck, -N.Y. be and hereby is granted for a period of sl~ mont~s~ Vote 6f'T6wn B6ard: Ayes-SupervisOr Martocchia; cOUncilmen ©emarest and Valentine; Justices Clark'and Suter~ Moved'bY.~Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Suter;. RESOLVED: That the Supt. of Highways of the Town Of Southold be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible bidder, 500,000 gallo~s bf Asphalt Road Material, more Dr less, as may be needed, for the ~pairs of town highwaYs, to be delivered when so ordered ~y the Supt. of~HighWays. Vote'~f .own Board: Ayes-SuPervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Clark; RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to reques~ ~he Long Island Lighting Company to install_the following light~:; One 250 cpoh street light on LILCO pole ~17-, corner of Fleetwood~ and E~st Road, Fleets Neck, Cutchogue, N.Y., and One 175 MVOH Street light on Pole 45, LILCO, Airway Drive, Mattituck, N.Y. Vote of Town Board: Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest Valentine; Justices Clark ~nd Suter. Mo~ed by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman Demarest; RESOLVED: That the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible biddCr-~ new tires and tubes~- in the amount~ of $.1500.00 more or less, ~s maya,.be needed~ Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocc~ia; Councilmen Dem~r~s'~and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That the Supt. of Highways of the Town _of South old be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible ~idder the following items, more or less, as may be needed: 15 Code ~31894 Grating, Frame and Curb~Inlet Casting-6" ht. with ~" opening - 22" x 35" overall of grating. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demare~t a~ Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded.~by Conncilman Demarest; WHEREAS~ Stanley Droskoski, a sergeant in the.Southold Town Polic~ Dep=a~- ment, was involved in an automobile accident while operating a Southold town police vehicle on the 18th day of No~embe~, 1969, causing damage, to said vehicle, and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police caused an-investigation to be made. with~ res,- pect to said occurrence and has made a report thereof to ~this Board- gether with his recommendation wh~.rein the Chief of Police determined tha~t said accident was not caused by any ~neglect or dereliction of duty .?~ the part of Sergeant Droskoski and accordingly recommended that no action be ' taken with respect thereto, NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEb: That this Board does hereby accept t~ . recommendation of the Chief of Police concerning the aforesaid inQ~dent involving Sergeant Droskoski. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by councilman Valentine; WHEREAS~ Henry 'Santacro~e, a sergeant in the Southold Town Police Depart- ment, was involved in an automobile accident while operating a Southold Town Police vehicle on the 13th day of December, 1969, causing damage said vehicle, and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police caused an investigation to be made with res- pect to said occurrence and has made a ~eport thereof to this gether with his recommendation wherein the Chief of Police determ '~ said acciden~ was not caused by any neglec~t or dereliction Of 'd~ty on the part of~ S~erg?ant Santacr0ce and '' .... ~ ~ ' ~ ' accordingly recommended that no action, be taken with respect thereto, NOW, THEREFORE, BE ~T RESOLVED: That this board does hereby accept ~the recommendation of the Chi~ef of Police concerning the a~foresaid incident involving Sergeant Santacroee. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; ~Councilmen Dema~est~ and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter-. ~3 Moved by Councilman Demarest; seqonded by Councilman Valsntine~; WHEREAS, Joseph A. Conway, a patrolman in the Southold Town_~ lice Department, was involved in an automobile accident while oper~t~ing~ ~ a Southo!d Town Police vehicle 'on the 17th day of December, 1969, dausi~g~. damage to said vehicle, and WHEREAS~ the Chief of Police caused an investigation to be made with respect to said occurrence and has made a report thereof to this board together with his recommendation, and 235 WHEREAS~ the Chief of Police has advised this Board that at the conclusion of said~investigation he informed Patrolman Conway that he would recommend to this BOard that Patrolman Conway forfeit one day's compensation by reason of such incident, and further advised this Board that Patrolman Conway has executed a paper in writing wherein he has waived any and all rights with respect to a hearing before the Town Board concerning such incident, and consented to accept the forfeiture of one day's compen- sation if the recommendation of the Chief of Police is accepted by this Boa.rd, NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That this board does hereby accept the recommendation of the Chief of Police concerning the aforesaid incident involving Patr.olman Conway, and it is further RESOLVED: That Patrolman Conway forfeit one day's compensation in the amount of $24.96. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-~upervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Cuter. Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Councilman ValentinE; WHEREAS~ Barney P. 'Harris, a sergeant in the Southold Town Police Depart- ment .was involved in an automobile accident while operating a Southold Town Police .vehicle on the 10th day of November, 19'69, causing damage to said mehicle, and WHEREAS~ ~he Chief of Police cau'sed an investigation to be made with respect: to said occurrence and has made a report thereof to this board together with his recommendation, and WHEREAS, THE Chief of P~lice has advised this board that at the conclusion of said investigation he informed Sergeant Harris that he would recommend to this board that Sergeant Harris forfeit two days compensat~ion by reason of such incident, and further advised this board that Sergeant Harris has executed a paper in writing wherein he has waived any and all rights with respect to a hearing before the Town Board concerning such incident, and consented to accept the forfeiture 6f two days compensation if the rec- ommendation of the Chief of Police is accepted by the Board, NOW~}3~EREF_ORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That this board does hereby accept the recommendation o.f the ~Chief of Police concerning the aforesaid incident inv~iv~ng~ergeant Harris, and it is further RES0~VE~:"~ha~ sergeant Harris forfeit two day's compensation in the amount of $76,64. ~ote of Town Board:-Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentis~:; Justice Clark. Noe:Justice Suter. MOved by Justi6e Clark; seconded by Justice Cuter; RESOLVED: That Supervisor Albert Martocchia ~b~ and he hereby is authorized to sign a wage contract between CSEA and the Town of SoUthoTd as amended by the Town Attorney and agreed upon by the CSEA and the Town of Southold. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and V~lentine; Justices Clark and Cuter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Cuter;. WHEREAS, by deed dated November 17, 1964, and recorded in the SUffolk County Clerk's Office, on November 20, 1964, in Liber 5656 of deeds at page 125, the Town of Southold acquired from E. Kenneth Tabor a parcel of land on the west side of Tabor Road at Orient in the' Town of Southold for h~ghway purposes, and WHEREAS, this Board now desires to correct the description of the premises conveyed by the aforesaid deed and E. Kenneth Tabor has agreed to execute, acknowledge and deliver to the Town a correction deed for this purpose correcting the description of the premises conveyed to the description hereand after set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That a correction deed be accepted ~rom E. Kenneth Tabor correcting the description of the premises conveyed by E. Kenneth-Tabor to the Town of ~outh01d by the aforesaid deed said des~ cription~of the correction deed to read as follows: t~ wit:- ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land lying and being at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the westerly line Of Tabor Road 463]82 feet northerly alQng Said weSterly line'from Orchard Street; fr~6m said point of beginning running along said westerly line ~f Tab0r Road, South 8° 06' 30" East 100.O feet; thence along said land of the party of the first part three courses as follows: (1) South 82° 32' 20" West, 100.00 feet; thence (2) North 8° 06' 30" West, 100.00 feet; thence ~ ~ ' ~ (3) North 82° 32' 20" East, 100.0 feet to the point of be~inn-ing. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clar~ and Suter. ~ ..... ~.. Moved by-Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilman Demar'est; WHERF3~i~y A. Clark for the past twenty-two years has been~a~ de~ated public servant as a member of the Southold Town Board, having been a- Justice of the Peace from 1948 to 1970, and - WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to' take this opportunity to~ evid~hce the gratitude of the community for the years of excellent and intelligent service Henry A. Clark has rendered the Town of Southold during his incumbency, and WHEREAS, Henry A. Clark chose 'not to run for office in the 1970~'elec~n, NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town Board regrets the'~S~ of Mr. Clark as a member of the Town Board but wishes him many yea~ bf hea!thyand happy retirement. ' vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Dema~'esb and Valentine; Justice Suter. Adjournment. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ORGANIZATION MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1970 The Southold Town Board met at the office of Supervisor Albert Mar'~06chia, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on January 2, ~1970 a~t-3:O0~ ~M.~ w~[th the following present: Supe~visor'Martocchia; Councilmen'Valenti~e,~ and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter; Town Attorney Tasker~ Supt~bf Highways Dean and Town Clerk Richmond. - Moved by Justice Suter; sec0nded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Tow~ Board ~willb~ he~d office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, N.Y. on Tuesday, January 13, 1970 at 3:00 PiM. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-SuperVisor Martocchia; CoUncilmen Va~-entine and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by'Justice Demarest; P~ESOLVED: That the minutes of December 23, 1969,-be and they hereby are duly approved. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervzsor Martocchia; Councilmen Valen~tine and Rich; Justices Demarest and~Suter.~ Moved by Justice Demarest; seconded'by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73-S~690 BC, issued by the~Aetna Casualty a~d Surety Company in the name of E. Perry Edwards, Town Justice, .Town,of Southold, in the amount of $4,000100 be and"the same is hereby!approved as to its form, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia;'Councilmen valen~tih~; and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. Moved by ~Councilman Valentine; secondedb~ Justic~ Suter;~ - RESOLED: That Bond~No. 73-S-692 BC, isSued by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company in the name of A. John Gada, Town Constable, Fish~rs Island, Town of Southold, in the amount of $4000.00 be and the!'same hereby approved as to its form, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justices Dema~est and Surer.