HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-01/30/1969 MINUTES SOL. HOLD TOW~ BOD/~D OF APPEALS Ja/~uary 30 ~ 1969 A regular meeting of the Southold To~ Board of Appeals was held at 7:30 P.M~$ Thursday~ January 30~ 1969~ at the Town Office~ Main Road~ Southold~ New York~ There were present: Messrs: Robert Wo Gil!ispie. Chairman~ Robert Bergen~ Fred Hulse. Jr.~ Charles Grigonis~ Jr. Absent: .wit. Serge Doyen~ Jr~ ~JBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 1229 = 7:30 P~M. Upon application of Raymond R. Luca~ Box 1176~ M~ttituck, New York.~ for a variance in. accordance writh the Zoning Ordinance: Article III~ Section 306. for permission to reduce front.yard setback ~nd build new one family dwelling~ Location of proper~y: north side of Albo Drive and west side of G.I.Lane~ Laurel~ New York~ bounded north by Horton Creek~ east by G~I~ Lane~ south by Aibo Driue~ west by K. Tuthill= Fee paid $5o00~ The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance~ legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the c~ficial n~spaper~ and notice to the applicant. The Board discussed the ~cation of the property° This same property had been under application before the Board ~f Appeals on April ~ 1968 for a variance~ The ~roposed house and setback is different than what was granted in that application~ ~R. HULSE: There is marsh land in the rear of this property isn't there? l~. LUCA: Yes. THE C~I~N: %gould you consider selling any of the property in the rear? Southcld Town Board o£ Appeals -2- January BO, 1969 ~<~o LUCA: MOo It wouldn% be worth it. THE CF_~IPJ~AN: Have you bought this lot? ~. LUCA: Yes~ we o~m it. THE CHAIR~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this.application? ~There was no response°) TH~. CFJ~IRMAN: ~yone else wish to speak for this application? (There was no response) THE CHAIR~N: ;~e there ~ny questions? (There ~ no response. ) After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant request permission to reduce the front yard setback~ The Board finds that the rear part of the lot is marsh land and it would be a great hardship for the applicant to place part of the house on the marsh land= The Board finds that adjoining houses are not setback the required 35 feet from the highway. Also on a previous application for this s~me property ~ the applicant had requested a reduction to 20 feet setback, A reduction of a 25 foo~ setback seems reasonable tothe Board~ However, the Board finds that the applicant's lot is a deep lot and it is a condition of this variance that the applicant shall not divide this p~operty and sell the rear parcel as a separate building lot, The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or u~necessary hardship~ the hardship created is unique and ~ould not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this pr~ erty and in the same use district~ and the vs~iance does observe the spirit of the Ordinance and will not change the charac%er of the district. On motion by ~ Gillispie, seconded by Y~ Bergen~ it was RESOLVED Raymond Ro Luea, Box 1176, 5~ttituck, New York, be granted permission to reduce the front yard setback and build n~ one family dwelling as applied for on property located on the north side of Aibo Drive, and west side of G.I~ Laneo~ Laurei~ New York~ subject to the condition mentinned above, Vote of the Board: Ayes:- M~ Gi!iispie, 1~ Bergen~ ?.~r~ Hutse~ I'~ Grigonis~ $outhold Town Board of Appeals -3- January 30~ 1969 On motion by Fir° Gil!ispie~ seconded by ~ro Bergen, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Southo!d Town Board of Appeals~ dated January 10~ 1969~ be approved as submit~ed~ Vote of the Board: Ayes~- ~r~ Gillispie~ ~. Grigonis. The meetin9 was adj~ rned at 8:00 Respectfully sub~tte~ ~rbara C. Di~tm~ Secretary Southold To~ Board of Ap~als