HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-04/21/1970 279 MEETING OF APRIL 21, 1970. The Southold Town Board met at the office of the Supervisor, Albert M. Martocchia, Greenport, New York, on Tuesday, April 21, 1970 with the following present: Supervisor M~rtocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justices Suter and Demarest; Town Attorney~Taskeri Superintendent of Highways Dean and-Town Clerk Richmond. Moved by Councilman Val-entine; seconded by Councilman Rich; RESOLVED: That the minutes of April 7, 1970 be and they hereby are approved. Vote':.of-Town Board: Ayes-Supervl~r Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justices Demarest and Rich. Moved by Justice Demarest; seconded by Councilman Valentine; P(ESOLVED:~"That the next meeting of the Town Board will be held at the ~0ff~ce'of Supervisor Albert Martocchia, 16 South Street, Greenport, N.Y. On T~sday, May 5, 1970, at 3:00 P.M. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich;"Justices Demarest and Suter. ~ ;M~ved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Surer; R~SOLVE~: That the Town Board .approves the actionof tke ~ommissioner~s of the Fishers Island Ferry District in accepting a bid in the amount. of $4~4,3~0.(Proposal B) for the ramp and dock relocation in New.London, Connecticut. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justice's Demarest and Suter. Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman Rich; RESOLVED: That this Town Board approves the action of the Commissioners of %h~Fish'ers Island Ferry District in.the following reso~lution adopted t~ the~ionApril 8, 19~0, in relation to financial help for improve- ments necessary to the safe and efficient operation of its vessels, NOW, ~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1.~That the District file a formal applic- ation wi~h~%he' Saa~e Commissioner of Transportation requesting financial assistance for these needed improvemt~nts under the Transportation Capital FacilitiesDevelopment Act of t96~; 2. The Board of Commissioners are and hereby are empowered to prepare and transmit such an application and to provide the Commissioners with such information as may be required. 3. The Board of Commissioners of the~District.be and hereby are empowered~to enter into a grant s~reement with the State of New York on behalf of the District to execute and carry ou%.th~.needed improvements.according to State and District.requirements; 4. The%BOard of Commissi&ners be and hereby are empowered to .do anything else necessary to the accomplishment of these needed improvements; 5. Tbe.Distr~t make available at such times as may be needed the amounts of money necessary to execute and complete the needed improvements, such amounts not to exceed $52,500.00. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and R~ch~'Justices Demarest and Suter. · Supervisor.M~rtocchia advised the Board.that he appointed ~erald Wel~s, John Lad~mann and Anthony Blados, Chie~ and Assistant Chiefs Of the Cutchogue Fire Department to act as Fire Wardens for Robins Island, said appointment being made pursuant to Secti0n'.29, Subdivision 12 of the Town Law and Section 52 Subdivision 3 of the Conservation Law. Councilman James H. Rich, Jr., a member of the Board, is hereby designated as Superintendent of-Fires of the Town of Southold for the ensuing year to ~a~£i~? c~se of the absence of.the Supervisor. ~ Mov, ed bY"Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilman Rick; RESOL%~D: That the report of the Police Department be accepted bY the Town Board and placed on ~ile .... Vote of ~Own Board: Ayes-~upervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. 280 Supervisor Albert Martocchia appointed the following as a negotiating team to work with the CSEA and the PBA under the Taylor Act. CSEA- Justice Suter. and Justice Demarest PBA-Councilman Rich and Councilman Valentine Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded.by CouncilmanRich; RESOLVED: That Supervisor Albert Martocchia proclaim the month of May as Senior Citizen Month~; the following Procla~m~nm.~ WHEREAS,There are many citizens of the Town of Southo!d who by age or:re- tirement have joined the Senior Citizens,, and WHEREAS, These Senior Citizens have a great deal to contribUte to the community from their experience and wisdon, and. WHEREAS, They prove to all of us that growing older is not a prQcess~hi~h me~el~ adds years to our lives, but a process through w~ich we gain.~now- ledge and experience which enrich us and all those with whom contact, and '_. ~ ~: WHEREAS, It is in this sense, that we refer to our older citizends Senior Citizens, namely as those who habe had more years to learn, to teach, and to give; and so, in respect for their continuing contributions, NOW, .THEREFORE, ~, Albert Martocchia, Supervisor of the Town of do hereb~ proclaim the month of May as Senior Citizens Month. -- Vote ,of Town. Board[ Ayes- upervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentin~ and Rich~ Justices Suter ~nd Demarest. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice D~marest; WHEREAS, a request for speed limit in Budds Pond, Southold, N.Y. has been received, and the Board deems it necesaary to regulate the speed in Budds Pond, NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT 'RESOLVED: That no per~on shall operate a boa~n · the above,mentioned Budds Pond at~a speed greate~ than five (5) miles per hour, and be it fur~ther RESOLVED: That the~Supervisor be and he hereby is~authori~ed and d~e, cted 'to cause notice of-such speed limit to be posted in appropriate~p!~aces in said Budds Pond. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Ualent~i~e. and ~ich; Justices Demarest and'~Suter. Moved_by Justice Suter; seconded by Councilman Valentine; WHEREAS, Minnie Wilson applied.to the Town Clerk for a single trai~e~ renewal permit dated,April 7, 1970 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the application of Minnie Wilson~ Middle Road, Cutchogue, N.Y. be and it hereby is ~granted for a periQ~ of six,months. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocehia; Councilmen~Vaie~tine?. and Rich;.Justices Demarest and Surer. Moved by Justice Suter;~seconded by Justice Demarest; ~ WHEREAS~ John Tuthill applied to the Town Clerk for a single trailer renewal permit dated May 6, 1970, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the application of John Tuthil~ E/S Etijah's Lane, Mattituck, N.Y. be and hereby is granted fora period of six (6) months. Vote of Town'Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilman Rich; WHEREAS, Edith Jurgens has applied to ~the' Tow~ Board for a si~r~gle~ permit, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the application of Edith Jurgens,, Greenport, N.Y. to locate a single trailer.on her property W/S ~ar.p'~n:~ Drive, Greenport, N.Y. be and hereby is DENIED. Vo~e of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. 28i Rec_es2S was' called at 3:45 P.M~ add resumed at 4:15 P.M.' Mov~d~by-Ju~tice Suter; seconded by Councilman Demarest; ' RESOLED. That the Department of Public Works build a back stop at the Laurel Par~'for the Little League BaSeball Teams of the Town'of Southold, the cost not to exceed $400.00. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justices Demarest and Rich. Justice ~ar'tin Suter verbally resigned from office o'f Deputy Civil Defense Co-Ordinator for the Town of Southold, Justice Suter has faithfully served in the capacity Of Deputy Civil Defense Co-Ordinator fo~.%many years Without compensation and now feels that another member of the~ Tow~ Board should accept this position. Justice Surer s~tated he would serve until another member is appointed. Mrs. Tiedke and Paul Trautman discussed wi:th ~he Board the subject of Open Housing &n the Town of Southold and requested that a resolution be passed by the Board. After discussion on the subject the Board concluded that the State Law was sufficient w~thout'~ the passing of another res- olu~ion by the Board. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-SupervisOr Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and,~ ~i~h;'~ : Justices Demarest and Suter Moved by Justice Suter; seconded by Justice Demarest; WHEREAS¢ the Constitution of the United States of America guarantees to each and every American Citizen the inalienable riqhts of life, li~%~and the sUrsuit of happiness, and - '~ 'W~REAS~ ~he citizens of the Town of Southold are particularly fortun- ate in li~ing in a communit~ so blessed ~ith abundant natural beauties, and W~ERE~S~ these rights and beauties can only be fully enjoyed when pro- tected by the fair, honest, and just enforcement of the law, and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that we recognize the dedication of the police officers of our community who daily labor to preserve peace, to protect property, and to protect the rights of all our citizens, and WHEREAS, it is also well to remember those pplice officers throughout the nation who have given their lives in the line ®f duty, NOW~.~THEREFORE, I, Albert Martocchia, Supervisor of the Town bf Southold, do h~reby proclaim the period of May 10 through May 16, 1970 a~ Law E~forcSment Week, and May 13, 1970 as Police Memoriai Day, and I do solemnly urge the citizens of the Town of Southold to honor their dedic~ti0n to the service of our people. vote~0f-~To~n Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and ~ich~ Justices Demarest and SUter. ' Ad~0~r~ment. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk